Clinic Wellness Team. A key factor to spine or back pain conditions is staying healthy. Overall wellness involves a balanced diet, appropriate exercise, physical activity, restful sleep, and a healthy lifestyle. The term has been applied in many ways. But overall, the definition is as follows.
It is a conscious, self-directed, and evolving process of achieving full potential. It is multidimensional, bringing together lifestyles both mental/spiritual and the environment in which one lives. It is positive and affirms that what we do is, in fact, correct.
It is an active process where people become aware and make choices towards a more successful lifestyle. This includes how a person contributes to their environment/community. They aim to build healthier living spaces and social networks. It helps in creating a person’s belief systems, values, and a positive world perspective.
Along with this comes the benefits of regular exercise, a healthy diet, personal self-care, and knowing when to seek medical attention. Dr. Jimenez’s message is to work towards being fit, being healthy, and staying aware of our collection of articles, blogs, and videos.
Lying down on the couch or bed when the lower leg seizes with intense sensations and pain that doesn’t stop, and the muscle could be hard to the touch. When trying to move the leg, it feels paralyzed. Nocturnal leg cramps, called muscle spasms or Charley horses, occur when one or more leg muscles tighten involuntarily. Individuals can be awake or asleep when a leg cramp strikes. Chiropractic treatment, decompression, and massage therapies can help relieve symptoms, stretch and relax the muscles, and restore function and health.
Nocturnal Leg Cramps
Nocturnal leg cramps most often affect the gastrocnemius/calf muscle. However, they can also affect the muscles in the front of the thigh/quadriceps and the back of the thigh/hamstrings.
Often, the tight muscle relaxes in less than 10 minutes.
The leg and area can feel sore and tender afterward.
Frequent calf cramps at night can cause sleep problems.
Nocturnal leg cramps are more common among women and older adults.
There are no known exact cause/s, making most cases idiopathic. However, there are known factors that can increase the risk. These can include:
Prolonged Sitting and Position
Sitting with the legs crossed or the toes pointed for long periods shortens/pulls the calf muscles, which can cause cramping.
Prolonged Standing and Posture
Individuals standing for long periods are likelier to experience nocturnal cramps from the stressed muscles.
Muscle Overexertion
Too much exercise can create an overworked muscle and can contribute to cramps.
Muscles need to be stretched regularly to function correctly.
Lack of physical activity for long periods weakens the muscles, making them more susceptible to injury.
Shortening The Tendons
The tendons, which connect muscles and bones, shorten naturally over time.
Without stretching, this could lead to cramping.
Cramps may be related to foot position when sleeping, with the feet and toes extending away from the body, known as plantar flexion.
This shortens the calf muscles, making them more susceptible to cramping.
Leg cramps at night are unlikely a sign of a more serious medical condition, but they are associated with the following conditions:
Musculoskeletal disorders.
Structural issues – flat feet or spinal stenosis.
Metabolic disorders like diabetes.
Medications – statins and diuretics.
Neurological disorders, like motor neuron disease or peripheral neuropathy.
Neurodegenerative disorders.
Liver, kidney, and thyroid conditions.
Cardiovascular conditions.
Chiropractic and Physical Therapy
Rehabilitation with chiropractic, massage, and physical therapy depends on the severity of the injury and condition. A chiropractic treatment plan can include the following:
Calf muscle stretching.
Targeted Stretch Exercises.
Progressive calf stretching exercises – a regular stretching and flexibility program will increase the range of motion and prevent future calf injuries.
Foam rolling – gentle self-massage with a foam roller can help reduce spasms and improve blood circulation.
Percussive massage.
Muscle strengthening exercises will build muscle strength and coordination to prevent future strain injuries.
At-home therapy can include:
Maintain Hydration
Fluids allow for normal muscle function.
Individuals may need to adjust how much fluid is drunk based on weather, age, activity level, and medications.
Change Sleeping Position
Individuals should avoid sleeping in positions in which the feet are pointing downward.
Try sleeping on the back with a pillow behind the knees.
Self Massage
Massaging the affected muscles will help them relax.
Use one or both hands or a massage gun to knead and loosen the muscles gently.
Various stretches will maintain the treatment, help keep the muscles relaxed and retrain the muscles.
Stationary Cycle
A few minutes of easy pedaling can help loosen the leg muscles before bed.
Walking on the Heels
This will activate the muscles on the other side of the calf, allowing the calves to relax.
Supportive Footwear
Poor footwear can aggravate issues with the nerves and muscles in the feet and legs.
Orthotics may help.
Heat Application
Heat can soothe tight muscles and increases blood flow to the area.
Apply a hot towel, water bottle, heating pad, or muscle topical cream to the affected area.
A warm bath or shower (if available, shower massage setting) can also help.
Sciatica Secrets Revealed
Allen, Richard E, and Karl A Kirby. “Nocturnal leg cramps.” American family physician vol. 86,4 (2012): 350-5.
Butler, J V et al. “Nocturnal leg cramps in older people.” Postgraduate medical journal vol. 78,924 (2002): 596-8. doi:10.1136/pmj.78.924.596
Garrison, Scott R et al. “Magnesium for skeletal muscle cramps.” The Cochrane Database of systematic reviews vol. 2012,9 CD009402. Sep 12, 2012, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009402.pub2
Giuffre BA, Black AC, Jeanmonod R. Anatomy, Sciatic Nerve. [Updated 2023 May 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:
Handa, Junichi, et al. “Nocturnal Leg Cramps and Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Cross-Sectional Study in the Community.” International Journal of general medicine vol. 15 7985-7993. Nov 1 2022, doi:10.2147/IJGM.S383425
Hsu D, Chang KV. Gastrocnemius Strain. [Updated 2022 Aug 22]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019). Night leg cramps.
Monderer, Renee S et al. “Nocturnal leg cramps.” Current Neurology and Neuroscience report vol. 10,1 (2010): 53-9. doi:10.1007/s11910-009-0079-5
Watermelon, one of the summer’s main fruits, is low in calories and rich in water. It provides an excellent source of vitamins A and C and lycopene and is less acidic than citrus fruits and tomatoes. The whole fruit is edible. The watermelon can be used as frozen chunks for water or seltzer drinks, smoothies, salsas, and salads; the rind can be stir-fried, stewed, or pickled, and the subtle sweetness pairs well with cheese, nuts, and other protein sources.
Watermelon poses few risks, with research deeming the fruit nontoxic. Side effects from eating too much watermelon can include abdominal discomfort, bloating, and gas.
The fruit does contain sugar, recommending individuals with diabetes should be careful to avoid sugar spikes.
Vitamins and Minerals
A fully ripe red watermelon contains higher nutrients than a less ripe watermelon.
A single serving is a healthy source of vitamins C and A, providing a significant percentage of the daily requirement.
Vitamin C aids in wound healing and can help increase anti-aging properties and immune system function.
Vitamin A is important for eye health.
One cup of diced or balled watermelon contains about 46 calories.
Wedges around one-sixteenth of the melon, or 286 g, contain approximately 86 calories.
These antioxidants can help cell repair and lower the risk of infections and certain cancers.
Contributes to Weight Loss
A group of overweight adults participated in a study that found the group that ate watermelon instead of low-fat cookies felt fuller.
The watermelon group also showed reductions in body weight, body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and blood pressure.
Reduce Muscle Fatigue
The fruit contains a significant amount of the amino acid citrulline.
Capsules of concentrated citrulline are sold as nutritional supplements.
The benefits are not conclusive, but some studies show that supplements could reduce the feeling of fatigue.
Nutrition Fundamentals
Bailey, Stephen J et al. “Two weeks of watermelon juice supplementation improves nitric oxide bioavailability but not endurance exercise performance in humans.” Nitric oxide: biology and chemistry vol. 59 (2016): 10-20. doi:10.1016/j.niox.2016.06.008
Burton-Freeman, Britt, et al. “Watermelon and L-Citrulline in Cardio-Metabolic Health: Review of the Evidence 2000-2020.” Current atherosclerosis reports vol. 23,12 81. 11 Dec. 2021, doi:10.1007/s11883-021-00978-5
Figueroa, Arturo, et al. “Watermelon extract supplementation reduces ankle blood pressure and carotid augmentation index in obese adults with prehypertension or hypertension.” American Journal of Hypertension vol. 25,6 (2012): 640-3. doi:10.1038/ajh.2012.20
Glenn, J.M., Gray, M., Wethington, L.N. et al. Acute citrulline malate supplementation improves upper- and lower-body submaximal weightlifting exercise performance in resistance-trained females. Eur J Nutr 56, 775–784 (2017).
Martínez-Sánchez A., Ramos-Campo D. J., Fernández-Lobato B., Rubio-Arias J. A., Alacid F., & Aguayo E. (2017). Biochemical, physiological, and performance response of a functional watermelon juice enriched in L-citrulline during a half-marathon race. Food & Nutrition Research, 61. Retrieved from
Naz, Ambreen, et al. “Watermelon lycopene and allied health claims.” EXCLI journal vol. 13 650-60. 3 Jun. 2014
Panche, A N et al. “Flavonoids: an overview.” Journal of nutritional science vol. 5 e47. 29 Dec. 2016, doi:10.1017/jns.2016.41
Volino-Souza, Mônica et al. “Current Evidence of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Ingestion on Vascular Health: A Food Science and Technology Perspective.” Nutrients vol. 14,14 2913. 15 Jul. 2022, doi:10.3390/nu14142913
Olympic athletes are so fit they make everything look easy. It is one of the most amazing examples of athletic prowess to behold. Attempting these feats of athleticism could lead to injury without proper training and conditioning. However, you can draw inspiration from these incredible skills and commitment to reach your fitness goals. Individuals can emulate the Olympic athlete’s discipline to get the most out of physical activity and workouts.
Olympic Athlete Discipline
This is not about the literal workout routines these athletes engage in but the mental state and discipline that keeps them motivated, especially when things get tough. This can help individuals get the most out of every workout. When momentum or motivation starts to dwindle, look to Olympic athletes and then apply that discipline to recharge motivation and achieve the goal.
Learn to Train Daily
Many can succumb to weekend warrior syndrome. After sitting on the couch after a long day of work all week, individuals try to make up for the inactivity by overexerting themselves with hours of exercise on the weekend. This is a perfect setup for injury.
Instead, train, work out, exercise, and move around daily. Professional athletes know they won’t get the top results in one shot.
They approach it in incremental steps for a solid foundation and understanding of the final and optimal result.
Daily physical activity and exercise maintain body conditioning, strength, and overall fitness.
And makes the body more efficient at burning fat.
Maintain Goal Focus
Olympic athletes have specific goals in their training. There has to be when competing against the best athletes in the world and winning.
Individual health and fitness goals may be smaller, but they are just as important and should be treated as such for motivation to exercise each day.
Keep goals simple, specific, and reachable/doable when setting them.
SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based.
Use daily reminders of what the goal is and strategies to achieve it.
Utilize Specific Training
Olympic athletes must have incredible endurance, strength, and skill sets to complete their event.
They must incorporate specific training drills, exercises, stretches, nutrition, etc., to improve and advance.
Whatever the goal, make sure the training is appropriate.
If trying to build muscle, focus on heavy strength training and consuming quality calories.
If the goal is to lose weight, break down the goal into achievable steps to get there, like.
What type of workouts are needed?
Consulting a nutritionist for recommendations.
Fuel the Body for Top Performance
Individuals can be concerned about food and whether it contains too much fat or calories.
Olympic athletes worry about getting the right nutrients and calories to fuel their bodies for competition.
Use a similar approach and ask what is the best thing I should eat right now for the workout and…
What foods will maintain optimal body health?
Listen to The Body and Rest
Olympic athletes have to learn to maintain the balance of maintaining top performance and not getting burnt out.
This is when they know to listen to their bodies, extend recovery days, or take a mini-vacation.
Overtraining can lead to injury, frustration, discouragement, and loss of motivation.
Whatever the activity, make sure proper form is followed.
For example, distance runners hold their heads high, have relaxed faces and upper bodies, have a natural arm swing, and do not overstride.
Apply the same form principles to stretches and exercises.
Stronger Body = Better Life
Casa, Douglas J et al. “Fluid Needs for Training, Competition, and Recovery in Track-and-Field Athletes.” International Journal of sports nutrition and exercise metabolism vol. 29,2 (2019): 175-180. doi:10.1123/ijsnem.2018-0374
Bailey RR. Goal Setting and Action Planning for Health Behavior Change. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2019;13(6):615-618. doi:10.1177/1559827617729634
Hackett, Daniel, et al. “Olympic weightlifting training improves vertical jump height in sportspeople: a systematic review with meta-analysis.” British Journal of sports medicine vol. 50,14 (2016): 865-72. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2015-094951
Huebner, Marianne, et al. “The Masters’ athlete in Olympic weightlifting: Training, lifestyle, health challenges, and gender differences.” PloS one vol. 15,12 e0243652. 4 Dec. 2020, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0243652
Swift DL, Johannsen NM, Lavie CJ, Earnest CP, Church TS. The Role of Exercise and Physical Activity in Weight Loss and Maintenance. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2014;56(4):441-447. doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2013.09.012
Regular exercise and physical activity help with cardiovascular health, improved mood, better management of chronic conditions, and can help digestion. For individuals with any GI distress or inflammatory bowel disease that has caused digestive enzyme deficiencies, exercise, and physical movement have been found to provide digestive aid. Here we look at activities to help digestion.
Exercises To Help Digestion
When exercising the body, the cardiac output/volume of blood the heart pumps every minute increases as the demand for oxygenated blood throughout the body increases, particularly in the working muscles. During exercise, the same increase in blood circulation happens within the digestive system’s muscle groups. The blood flow to digestive organs causes peristalsis, which is involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles in the digestive tract. This process helps move food efficiently through the gastrointestinal tract. Exercise supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria to maintain a healthy digestive system.
Exercise helps relieves stress which means lower amounts of cortisol.
Research has found that elevated cortisol levels are associated with compromised digestive function.
Tai chi has been shown to improve immune function and inflammation of the gut and is a helpful tool for maintaining homeostasis/gut balance.
This is a form of moderate-intensity exercise and meditative practice.
The emphasis is on slow controlled movements and deep breathing.
This makes it recommended for individuals looking to improve digestion and those with gastrointestinal conditions.
Pilates is the practice that targets abdominal muscles and utilizes diaphragmatic breathing to help individuals perform a series of movements to strengthen and elongate the body’s muscles.
Individuals who perform this exercise often report relief from bloating and gas.
Whether new to exercise or returning, a plan can help you get there. Meeting with a fitness trainer or sports chiropractor is a great place to begin if you have limited knowledge about what works best for your body and schedule.
A certified trainer can help guide you toward an achievable program that focuses on gut health.
Individuals with a GI disorder should talk with their doctors before starting a new exercise plan.
This does not mean you can’t do intense exercises like running; you’ll want to work with a doctor to set up a program that doesn’t cause flare-ups.
Aim for roughly three hours of moderate-intensity weekly exercise to support a healthy digestive system.
Sit less and move more.
Do at least two or more muscle-strengthening activities of moderate intensity every week.
Cherpak, Christine E. “Mindful Eating: A Review Of How The Stress-Digestion-Mindfulness Triad May Modulate And Improve Gastrointestinal And Digestive Function.” Integrative medicine (Encinitas, Calif.) vol. 18,4 (2019): 48-53.
Drouin, Jacqueline S et al. “Comparisons between Manual Lymph Drainage, Abdominal Massage, and Electrical Stimulation on Functional Constipation Outcomes: A Randomized, Controlled Trial.” International Journal of environmental research and public health vol. 17,11 3924. June 1. 2020, doi:10.3390/ijerph17113924
Hamasaki, Hidetaka. “Exercise and gut microbiota: clinical implications for the feasibility of Tai Chi.” Journal of integrative medicine vol. 15,4 (2017): 270-281. doi:10.1016/S2095-4964(17)60342-X
Joyner, Michael J, and Darren P Casey. “Regulation of increased blood flow (hyperemia) to muscles during exercise: a hierarchy of competing physiological needs.” Physiological Reviews vol. 95,2 (2015): 549-601. doi:10.1152/physrev.00035.2013
LeBouef T, Yaker Z, Whited L. Physiology, Autonomic Nervous System. [Updated 2023 May 1]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:
Singhal, Rashi, and Yatrik M Shah. “Oxygen battle in the gut: Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factors in metabolic and inflammatory responses in the intestine.” The Journal of biological chemistry vol. 295,30 (2020): 10493-10505. doi:10.1074/jbc.REV120.011188
van Wijck, Kim, et al. “Physiology and pathophysiology of splanchnic hypoperfusion and intestinal injury during exercise: strategies for evaluation and prevention.” American Journal of Physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology vol. 303,2 (2012): G155-68. doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00066.2012
A typical sandwich from home includes bread – one thick slice of whole wheat, one or two favorite condiments, lunch meat, lettuce, tomato, and pickles. Packing a homemade lunch to work or school is one of the easiest ways to lose and maintain weight. Making a sandwich means the ingredients, calories, and nutrition can be controlled. However, a healthy sandwich can easily exceed calories if not careful. Bread choices and condiments like mayonnaise, dressings, and cheese can change a sandwich’s nutrition and increase calories, fat, and sodium. Calories can be cut with smart nutrition information and a few recommendations.
Sandwich Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
Sandwich Calories and Nutrition
USDA nutrition information for one sandwich with ham, cheese, and mayonnaise equals 155 grams.
Total Calories 361
Fat 16.7 grams
Sodium 1320 milligrams
Carbohydrates 32.5 grams
Fiber 2.3 grams
Sugars 5.1 grams
Protein 19.3 grams
The calories can vary based on the bread, fillings, and spread used to make it and whether vegetables are added.
Peanut Butter
Calories 200 – 300.
Peanut butter on white bread.
A single serving of peanut butter is two tablespoons.
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Calories 350 – 500.
Depending on how much peanut butter is used and the type of jelly or jam.
Calories 300 – 500.
A 2-tablespoon serving is 200 calories.
Turkey Sandwich
Calories 160 – 500.
Depending on the amount of meat added and condiment choices.
Calories less than 200.
This is without the cheese.
With butter on French bread, it can be 400 calories or more.
Chicken Salad
Calories 400 – 600 or more.
Egg Salad
Calories 350 for the mayonnaise filling, plus around 150 for the bread.
Egg and Cheese
Calories 250 -400 or more.
If made on a biscuit or croissant.
230 to nearly 1000 calories.
Cut Calories
With a few adjustments and healthy swaps, a nutritious and healthy sandwich that is lower in calories but full of flavor can be made.
Low-Calorie Bread
Thick, crusty bread, bagels, baguettes, croissants, and hearty rolls can contain fat and calories.
Instead, choose a whole grain or bread alternative with additional nutrient benefits like healthy fats or fiber.
Consider an open-faced sandwich for heartier bread and keeping the portion to one slice.
Once a healthy bread is chosen, build the sandwich around a meat or meat-free filling. Get creative and try different choices to find new flavors. Read labels of meat or fish spreads that sound healthy. Many brands may contain protein and beneficial nutrients, but the filling is often combined with other ingredients high in calories. Try for:
Pack the sandwich with natural toppings like vegetables. Make a goal to have at least two vegetable servings per sandwich. Nutrient-rich vegetables add flavor and crunch to the sandwich.
Iceberg lettuce, spinach, romaine lettuce, or greens.
Shredded cabbage.
Sun-dried tomatoes.
Jalapeno peppers.
Banana peppers.
Green peppers.
Plain or grilled onions.
Basil leaves.
Bean sprouts.
Low-Calorie Condiments
The spread takes up the least space on a sandwich but can contain the most fat. Condiments should be used moderately.
When first starting, cutting sandwich calories might seem complicated and unfamiliar. Fill the refrigerator with as many healthy choices as possible, get creative, and see what you come up with, as crafting a delicious meal is fun once you get the hang of it.
Body In Balance, Fitness, and Nutrition
An, R et al.” Sandwich consumption concerning daily dietary intake and diet quality among U.S. adults, 2003-2012″ Public Health vol. 140 (2016): 206-212. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2016.06.008
Sebastian, Rhonda S., et al.” Sandwich Consumption by Adults in the U.S. What We Eat In America, NHANES 2009-2012″ FSRG Dietary Data Briefs, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), December 2015.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central. [Historical Record]: Ham and Cheese.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central [Historical Record]. Whole Wheat Bread.
Zhao Z, Feng Q, Yin Z, et al. Red and processed meat consumption and colorectal cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncotarget. 2017;8(47):83306-83314. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.20667
The human body is about 60% to 75% water. Adequate hydration is necessary to flush toxins from the body, is essential for cognition, prevents dehydration, and provides energy. It can reduce headache onset and aid in weight management. With the summer heat kicking in, it is imperative to replenish the body’s systems from lost sources with water, other rehydrating beverages, and fruits and vegetables. It can be difficult for individuals to drink enough water, making it feel like a chore. Drinking lime water by adding a slice of lime or lime juice can add flavor with beneficial properties for everyday health, nutritional properties, and only a trace amount of sugar.
Lime Water
Citrus fruits offer anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects and can help protect the cardiovascular system. Limes can provide a sour boost and a refreshing twist to a cold glass of water.
Lime Nutrition
Limes provide an excellent source of antioxidants that protect the body by preventing or stopping cell damage caused by free radicals or chemicals. Limes contain:
Vitamins A, B, C, and D
Digestion and Gut Health
Drinking lime water improves digestion.
The acidic nature of limes causes salivation, which is good for breaking down food for better digestion.
Flavonoids in limes stimulate the secretion of digestive juices to regulate different gut physiology in the gastrointestinal tract. They also stimulate the secretion of:
Gut hormones
Digestive juices
Gut microbiota
These play an important role in immune function to fight the growth of certain harmful bacteria that can lead to infection.
The acidity of limes can clear the excretory system and stimulate bowel activity for individuals experiencing constipation.
For individuals with frequent heartburn or acid reflux, drinking a glass of warm water with two teaspoons of lime juice 30 minutes before meals can help prevent reflux symptoms.
Fight Infections
The body’s risk of infection is higher during cold and flu season.
Vitamin C and antioxidants can strengthen the immune system to help the body fight off infections like the cold and flu virus.
Individuals who take vitamin C regularly may see milder symptoms and shorten the duration of a cold.
Improve Cardiovascular Health
Limes are a good source of magnesium and potassium for heart health.
Potassium can naturally lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation, which reduces the risk of a heart attack and stroke.
Research is ongoing on lime compounds called limonins that could help reduce cholesterol levels.
Lower Blood Sugar
Limes can be helpful for individuals with diabetes.
Limes have a low glycemic index.
They help regulate how the body absorbs sugar into the blood.
As a result, individuals may experience fewer spikes.
Reduce Inflammation
Arthritis, gout, and other joint problems are caused by inflammation.
Vitamin C can reduce inflammation to help relieve symptoms of arthritis and similar conditions that cause joint pain and stiffness.
To start the day and increase metabolism, drink a glass of lime water in the morning or have the juice of a lime wedge before meals.
Nutrition Fundamentals
Bucher A, White N. Vitamin C in the prevention and treatment of the common cold. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2016;10(3):181-183. doi:10.1177/1559827616629092
Fan, Shunming et al. “Limonin: A Review of Its Pharmacology, Toxicity, and Pharmacokinetics.” Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 24,20 3679. 12 Oct. 2019, doi:10.3390/molecules24203679
Iorgulescu, Gabriela. “Saliva between normal and pathological. Important factors in determining systemic and oral health.” Journal of Medicine and Life vol. 2,3 (2009): 303-7.
Oteiza PI, Fraga CG, Mills DA, Taft DH. Flavonoids and the gastrointestinal tract: Local and systemic effects. Mol Aspects Med. 2018;61:41-49. doi:10.1016/j.mam.2018.01.001
Panche, A N et al. “Flavonoids: an overview.” Journal of nutritional science vol. 5 e47. 29 Dec. 2016, doi:10.1017/jns.2016.41
Pattison, D J et al. “Vitamin C and the risk of developing inflammatory polyarthritis: a prospective nested case-control study.” Annals of the rheumatic diseases vol. 63,7 (2004): 843-7. doi:10.1136/ard.2003.016097
Peyrot des Gachons, Catherine, and Paul A S Breslin. “Salivary Amylase: Digestion and Metabolic Syndrome.” Current diabetes reports vol. 16,10 (2016): 102. doi:10.1007/s11892-016-0794-7
Protein deficiency, or hypoproteinemia, is when the body has lower-than-normal protein levels. Protein is an essential nutrient in bones, muscles, skin, hair, and nails, and maintains bone and muscle strength. The body does not store protein, so it is needed daily. It helps make hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body, and chemical enzymes, which cause reactions that maintain organ function. A lack of enough protein can cause problems like muscle loss, fatigue, a weakened immune system, and chronic pain. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can provide nutritional guidance and develop a personalized nutrition plan to restore musculoskeletal health and function.
Protein Deficiency
When digested, protein breaks down into amino acids that help the body’s tissues function and grow. Individuals can become deficient if their bodies can’t effectively digest and absorb the proteins within the foods they eat.
When the body doesn’t meet the required protein amounts or can’t absorb protein efficiently, it can lead to symptoms, including:
Chronic fatigue.
Increased infections and illnesses.
Reduced muscle mass.
Loss of muscle mass.
Slower injury healing times.
Sarcopenia in older individuals.
Swelling in the legs, face, and other areas from fluid buildup.
Dry, brittle hair that falls out.
Cracked, pitted nails.
High blood pressure during the second trimester of pregnancy/preeclampsia.
Protein deficiency can have various causes, depending on the individual case. Certain medical conditions include:
Malnutrition or undereating – an individual does not eat enough calories or avoids certain food groups.
Adequate protein intake is essential to maintain healthy amino acid levels to support cell structure and function. The requirement differs for everybody based on age, sex, and physical activity levels. Protein is available in a wide variety of animal and plant foods. Recommended nutritious protein sources for optimal health and fitness include foods such as:
Beans and legumes
Lean beef, chicken, turkey, and pork
Various kinds of nut butter
Greek yogurt
Protein is essential for all cells and body tissue and can impair body function in short supply. Although diet-related protein deficiency is rare in the United States, certain medical conditions can increase the risk. Adding protein to a diet is simple and can be achieved by incorporating various foods from either plant or animal sources.
Clinical Implementation of Functional Nutrition
Bauer, Juergen M, and Rebecca Diekmann. “Protein and Older Persons.” Clinics in geriatric medicine vol. 31,3 (2015): 327-38. doi:10.1016/j.cger.2015.04.002
Brock, J F. “Protein deficiency in adults.” Progress in food & nutrition science vol. 1,6 (1975): 359-70.
Deutz, Nicolaas E P, et al. “Protein intake and exercise for optimal muscle function with aging: recommendations from the ESPEN Expert Group.” Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland) vol. 33,6 (2014): 929-36. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2014.04.007
Paddon-Jones, Douglas, and Blake B Rasmussen. “Dietary protein recommendations and the prevention of sarcopenia.” Current Opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care vol. 12,1 (2009): 86-90. doi:10.1097/MCO.0b013e32831cef8b
Pappova, E et al. “Acute hypoproteinemic fluid overload: its determinants, distribution, and treatment with concentrated albumin and diuretics.” Vox sanguinis vol. 33,5 (1977): 307-17. doi:10.1111/j.1423-0410.1977.tb04481.x
IFM's Find A Practitioner tool is the largest referral network in Functional Medicine, created to help patients locate Functional Medicine practitioners anywhere in the world. IFM Certified Practitioners are listed first in the search results, given their extensive education in Functional Medicine