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Functional Medicine

Back Clinic Functional Medicine Team. Functional medicine is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms.

Practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way, functional medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.

By changing the disease-centered focus of medical practice to this patient-centered approach, our physicians are able to support the healing process by viewing health and illness as part of a cycle in which all components of the human biological system interact dynamically with the environment. This process helps to seek and identify genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors that may shift a person’s health from illness to well-being.

Healthy Gut & Healthy Nutrients

Healthy Gut & Healthy Nutrients


When it comes to the gut system, its main priority is to ensure that the body is supplied with nutrients and digests the consumed food that a person is eating. The beneficial nutrients help the body stay in motion, while the gut system constantly communicates with the immune and the central nervous system. The gut microbiota also harbors beneficial bacteria that helps keeps the gut staying functional and turns the consumed food into nutrients and vitamins to be distributed to the rest of the body. When disruptive factors start to affect the gut microbiota, it can cause unwanted symptoms, causing the body to become dysfunctional. Today’s article post will discuss how the gut microbiota helps the body and how healthy nutrients like probiotics and fermented foods help support the gut system. Referring patients to qualified, skilled providers who specialize in gastroenterology treatments. We provide guidance to our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is critical for asking insightful questions to our providers. Dr. Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer


Can my insurance cover it? Yes, it may. If you are uncertain, here is the link to all the insurance providers we cover. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900.


How Does The Gut Microbiota Help The Body?


Have you felt discomfort in your gut? In your gut microbiota, do you experience inflammatory discomforts like IBSSIBO, or GERD? Do you feel low energy or feeling sluggish throughout the entire day? Many of these symptoms that a person has encountered are associated with the gut system and can become chronic over time when it is not treated right away. Research studies have defined the gut microbiota as a complex organ system with a dynamic population of microorganisms that influences the body during homeostasis and diseases it encounters. The body needs the gut system since it plays a vital role in maintaining the body’s immunity and metabolic stasis while protecting it from infections. Additional studies have shown that when the body is going through different changes like dietary habits, lifestyle changes, or physical activities can influence the gut microbiota. Any of these changes can affect the gut system by changing the composition and density of the gut. When the changes are harmful to the gut, they can cause unwanted symptoms that cause dysfunction in the gut; however, when the changes are good, they can help the gut system in so many ways that help the body.

Tips For Keeping A Healthy Microbiota-Video

Feeling tired throughout the entire day? Have you become sensitive to the food you eat? Have you experienced inflammatory gut systems like GERD, IBS, or SIBO that affect your life? Many individuals with some gut issues try to find ways to alleviate them and change their dietary habits. Sometimes incorporating gut-healthy foods and supplements is beneficial in regrowing the gut flora in the intestines while also dampening the inflammatory effects caused by gut-related issues. Healthy nutrition and nutraceuticals that help the gut microbiota can also repair the intestinal wall lining from inflammatory factors attacking the gut. The video above gives an excellent presentation on five tips for keeping a healthy gut microbiota. When many individuals start changing their dietary habits to improve their gut system, they will experience more energy and a happy gut.

Healthy Nutrients For The Gut

When it comes to the gut system and trying to keep it healthy, the best way that a person can do that is by figuring out which healthy foods are beneficial to the gut and provide energy to the body. Since many people want to change their dietary habits from eating processed foods to nutritional whole foods, research studies have found that since the gut microbiota is a changing ecosystem, dietary strategies that a person goes under can help prevent diseases and maintain a healthy gut. One of the best ways that a person can do to ensure a healthy gut is by consuming prebiotic-rich foods, fermented, and cultured food to balance out the gut microbes. These two nutrients help stabilize the gut when the harmful bacteria start to overpopulate inside the intestines and diminish the beneficial bacteria in the gut system.


Probiotics & Fermented Foods

Probiotics are defined as a substrate that is selectively utilized by host microorganisms that are conferring a health benefit to the gut system. Research studies have also defined probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that help dampen the inflammatory effects in the intestinal walls and help replenish the gut flora in the gut system. Additional research has also shown that pro and prebiotics help stimulate the beneficial growth of microorganisms in the gut. Probiotics can also alleviate many disorders affecting the immune, cardiovascular, and gut issues that a person is experiencing.


Just like probiotics, fermented foods can also promote a healthy gut microbiome. Fermented foods are more digestible while producing bioactive peptides such as CLA and bacteriocins in the gut. Fermented foods also allow polyphenols into an active state that incorporates vitamins, enzyme activity, and amino acid production while enhancing mineral absorption. Research studies have shown that fermented foods help balance gut microbial and brain functionality. Fermented foods also improve the balance with the intestinal permeability functions while filling with antioxidant, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory factors. Additional information has shown that when people incorporate fermented foods into their diets, it can enhance a person’s health by changing the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut system. This will help restore the gut flora functionality and help reduce the gut inflammation that a person is experiencing.



The gut system helps keep the body functional by releasing nutrients and minerals to the vital organs, tissues, and muscles that help keep the body moving. The gut system also communicates with the immune and brain system in transmitting the information that the food is being transformed into nutrients. When a person is suffering from gut issues and inflammatory effects, the best way to alleviate these symptoms is to slowly change dietary habits by incorporating probiotics and fermented foods into a healthy diet to repair the gut system and the intestinal walls. When people make these small changes to their diets, their gut system will replenish the gut flora and have a happy gut.



Bell, Victoria, et al. “One Health, Fermented Foods, and Gut Microbiota.” Foods (Basel, Switzerland), MDPI, 3 Dec. 2018,

Ferraris, Cinzia, et al. “Gut Microbiota for Health: How Can Diet Maintain a Healthy Gut Microbiota?” Nutrients, MDPI, 23 Nov. 2020,

Rinninella, Emanuele, et al. “Food Components and Dietary Habits: Keys for a Healthy Gut Microbiota Composition.” Nutrients, MDPI, 7 Oct. 2019,

Stiemsma, Leah T, et al. “Does Consumption of Fermented Foods Modify the Human Gut Microbiota?” The Journal of Nutrition, Oxford University Press, 1 July 2020,

Thursby, Elizabeth, and Nathalie Juge. “Introduction to the Human Gut Microbiota.” The Biochemical Journal, Portland Press Ltd., 16 May 2017,

Wieërs, Grégoire, et al. “How Probiotics Affect the Microbiota.” Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Frontiers Media S.A., 15 Jan. 2020,


Different Diets Altering The Human Microbiome

Different Diets Altering The Human Microbiome


The human body requires nutritional healthy foods to provide energy for each component, like the muscles and tissues to move around. The gut system takes the nutrients and transports them to the different organs, systems, and body parts that need these nutrients to function correctly. The gut system is also in communication with the brain and the immune system, where they send information to each other back and forth and help the body stay healthy. When chronic issues start attacking the gut system, they can throw the body off course by causing inflammation, an overflow of gut bacteria, and other gut issues that can affect the gut and the body. Today’s article looks at how finding the proper diet can help the gut microbiome and the body and how different dietary components affect the gut microbiome. Referring patients to qualified, skilled providers who specialize in gastroenterology treatments. We guide our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is critical for asking insightful questions to our providers. Dr. Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer


Can my insurance cover it? Yes, it may. If you are uncertain, here is the link to all the insurance providers we cover. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900.

How Does A Diet Help The Gut?

Have you been feeling low on energy throughout the entire day? Have you felt inflammatory symptoms like acid reflux or IBS occurring in your gut? Or have you felt that you could be sensitive to your favorite type of food? When experiencing these symptoms constantly, it happens to affect your gut microbiome. Numerous factors can influence the gut microbiome; some are good while others are bad. One of the good influences for a healthy gut microbiome is a nutritional diet. A diet plays a massive role in the gut microbiota as it helps determine the gut’s composition and changes. Since diets have the most powerful influence on gut microbial communities in healthy human bodies, research studies have found gut microbiota is considered a dynamic system. Incorporating the proper diet can have a significant influence. 


Since about 75% of the food in a typical Western diet is limited or has no beneficial nutrients to the microbiota in the lower gut, most of it is explicitly comprised of refined carbohydrates that are already absorbed in the upper GI tract. After the food has been consumed, it will eventually reach the large intestines containing only small amounts of the necessary minerals and vitamins to maintain the gut microbiota. Additional research studies have found that since various dietary patterns do correspond with gut microbiota composition, it is up to the person’s habits to see what works for them and what doesn’t when it comes to eating healthy. 


How Does It Impact The Body?

Research studies have mentioned that with the many microorganisms in the GI tract, having a proper diet with the right amount of nutritional food group can help modulate and influence the microbial body profile. Let’s say, for example, that two different groups ate meat, eggs, and cheese for one day and switched to whole grains, vegetables, and legumes the next day. What happens is that within about 1-2 days, there were significant alterations in the gut microbiome that were measured by 16S rRNA sequence in both groups. The microbial activity mirrors the differences between herbivorous and carnivorous diets, and it reflects the trade-offs between carbohydrate and protein fermentation in the body. Other research studies have also mentioned that long-term nutritional habits are fundamental for a person’s health status and how it shapes their gut microbiota.

What Role Does The Gut Play In A Healthy Diet-Video

Have you been trying to eat healthier? Do you feel sluggish and lose energy quickly? Have you experienced food sensitivity from your favorite type of food? The video above explains how the gut microbiome play’s its role when a person eats healthier. Since various nutritional diets do go together with the gut microbiota, it is essential to know that incorporating healthy foods into the gut can provide the necessary vitamins and nutrients for the rest of the body. When bad choices influence lifestyle habits, it becomes challenging to get the motivation to reset the body and incorporate the beneficial nutrients the body needs. Unhealthy habits can also affect the gut by causing inflammation and other gut issues that can cause a person to be under constant stress and pain. By figuring out what causes these issues and eating the necessary foods filled with nutrients like vitamins and minerals, the body and the gut can begin to heal themselves properly.

The Dietary Components That Affect The Gut


Since the gut microbiota is responsible for influencing the body, it is essential to know which components are being digested in the gut that can directly affect a person. Since research studies have found that a healthy diet is one of the critical modulators that directly influences the gut microbial composition by thoroughly changing the biological process of fermenting the nutrients and impacting the intestinal barrier functions. Increased fruits, vegetables, and higher fiber consumption are associated with high gut bacteria richness. Additional research has provided that the diverse population in the gut microbial can even mediate the beneficial effect of fermenting the dietary fibers to produce SCFAs (short-chain fatty acids) to reduce inflammatory effects in the gut. Other nutritional components that can affect the gut include:

  • Plant Foods
  • Protein
  • Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and CLA (proposed)
  • Carbohydrates
    • Soluble Fiber/Resistant Starch (Microbiotaaccessible carbohydrate =MACS)
  • Sugars
  • Prebiotics
  • Polyphenols
  • Cultured and Fermented Foods



Incorporating a healthy diet can provide a beneficial influence on the gut microbial system. When unwanted factors like a poor, unhealthy diet, stress, and gut issues begin to affect the body, it can cause the person to be in pain and affect their overall health. Making small changes can have a massive impact on the individual when trying to become healthier and take back their life. When incorporating whole foods, the body will begin to heal itself properly, and the individual will have more energy in their health and wellness journey.



Conlon, Michael A, and Anthony R Bird. “The Impact of Diet and Lifestyle on Gut Microbiota and Human Health.” Nutrients, MDPI, 24 Dec. 2014,

Ferraris, Cinzia, et al. “Gut Microbiota for Health: How Can Diet Maintain a Healthy Gut Microbiota?” Nutrients, MDPI, 23 Nov. 2020,

Hills, Ronald D, et al. “Gut Microbiome: Profound Implications for Diet and Disease.” Nutrients, MDPI, 16 July 2019,

Leeming, Emily R, et al. “Effect of Diet on the Gut Microbiota: Rethinking Intervention Duration.” Nutrients, MDPI, 22 Nov. 2019,

Moszak, Małgorzata, et al. “You Are What You Eat-the Relationship between Diet, Microbiota, and Metabolic Disorders-A Review.” Nutrients, MDPI, 15 Apr. 2020,

Rinninella, Emanuele, et al. “Food Components and Dietary Habits: Keys for a Healthy Gut Microbiota Composition.” Nutrients, MDPI, 7 Oct. 2019,


A Diverse Gut Is A Healthy Microbiome

A Diverse Gut Is A Healthy Microbiome


The gut system is home to many beneficial bacteria that ensure that everything is working correctly. The organs that make up the gut system help transport the nutrients and oxygenated blood to the muscles, tissues, vessels, and nerve roots that allow the body to function. The gut also communicates with the brain and the immune system to provide the necessary energy to make the body move from one place to another. When disruptive factors start to mess with the gut microbiota, it can cause inflammatory factors and other gut-related issues to wreck the intestinal walls of the gut and affect the overall health of a person. Today’s article post will focus on the gut microbiome’s role in the body, the metabolic functioning of gut bacteria, and how different factors can affect the gut from functioning correctly. Referring patients to qualified and skilled providers who specialize in gastroenterology treatments. We guide our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is essential for asking insightful questions to our providers. Dr. Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer


Can my insurance cover it? Yes, it may. If you are uncertain, here is the link to all the insurance providers we cover. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900.

The Gut Microbiome’s Role In The Body


Have you been feeling sick to your stomach? Do you feel bloated around the mid-section of your body? Have you been feeling sensitive to the food you have been consuming? Many of these symptoms are gut-related issues that affect the gut microbiome. The gut microbiota plays a critical metabolic role in many systems that help keep the body functional by maintaining delicate balance and cross-talking with the immune system. Research studies have shown that the gut microbiome is homed to a very complex and dynamic population of gut flora that influences the body. Since the gut microbial ecosystem is considered the largest endocrine organ in the body, it can produce various biologically active compounds that are the same as hormones. These compounds are carried in circulation and distributed to distant sections within the host, influencing different essential biological processes. Other research studies have mentioned that the intestinal tract in the body has an integrated resilient ecosystem that can be influenced by the many factors that affect the gut microbiome in its composition and changes. Some of these changes benefit good bacterial growth in the gut microbiota.


The Metabolic Function Of Gut Bacteria

When a person consumes nutritional foods, it travels into the gut to be biotransformed into nutrients. It makes its way into the intestines, where it is stored and ready to be distributed to the rest of the body. When digestive food is sitting in the intestines, that is where the beneficial gut bacteria comes in and helps shape the gut microbiota. Research studies have shown that the beneficial bacteria in the intestines play a critical role in the gut microbiome as it helps maintain immune and metabolic homeostasis. The gut bacteria’s metabolic function to the body helps break down dietary fibers that then get turned into SCFAs (short-chained fatty acids). Other tasks that gut bacteria do for the gut microbiome include:

  • Production of Phenols
  • Breakdown of oligosaccharides
  • Helps regulate Fats, TG, and Cholesterol
  • Vitamin absorption
  • Mucous production
  • Detoxification


An Overview Of a Diverse Gut-Video

Have you been feeling sluggish throughout the entire day? Do you feel constipated or bloated? Have you become sensitive to your favorite foods? If you have been experiencing these issues throughout your whole life, it could be due to your gut microbiome talking to you. The video above explains how the gut microbiome is one of the essential organs in the body since it helps with biodiversity in the gut system. The importance of greater microbial diversity is associated with the body’s ability to deal with stressors, such as opportunistic pathogens or dietary perturbations affecting the digestive system. When individuals have gut-related diseases, they are more likely to alter their gut microbiome than healthy individuals. Multiple associations between reduced microbial diversity and illness are recorded in the literature for people to find out what is going on in their gut system. Keeping a healthy gut can prevent risk factors like metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), SIBO, and other gut risk factors from affecting the gut.

Factors That Can Affect The Gut


When there is a state of imbalanced microbial ecology that contributes to affecting the gut bacteria ratio, it can cause many chronic diseases that cause the body to be dysfunctional. The overgrowth of micro-organisms in low intrinsic virulence induces disease by altering:

  • The nutritional status
  • The immune response
  • The elimination capacity of the host

Research studies have found that factors affecting the gut microbiome can trigger the inflammatory pathways attacking the gut intestinal walls and letting the bacteria leak out. Other factors like stress or emotional outburst can cause the growth of harmful bacteria to overpopulate the good bacteria. This causes the gut microbiome to become dysfunctional and progress to chronic gut issues. Other research studies have shown that environmental factors also play a role in altering the gut microbiome. These factors cause unwanted changes that can harm a person without even knowing. Figuring out which factors affect the gut can be prevented when a person puts in the work to better their health. 



As stated earlier in today’s article, the gut microbiome is considered the largest endocrine organ that helps metabolize the immune system and homeostasis in the body. Therefore, replenishing the gut microbiome with beneficial bacteria can help solve the majority of chronic issues affecting the body. When environmental factors cause havoc to the gut system, it can affect the entire body if it is not treated right away. Eliminating the harmful environmental elements from a person’s daily lifestyle can provide the much-needed relief they have been searching for.



Al Bander, Zahraa, et al. “The Gut Microbiota and Inflammation: An Overview.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, MDPI, 19 Oct. 2020,

Durack, Juliana, and Susan V Lynch. “The Gut Microbiome: Relationships with Disease and Opportunities for Therapy.” The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Rockefeller University Press, 7 Jan. 2019,

Ferraris, Cinzia, et al. “Gut Microbiota for Health: How Can Diet Maintain a Healthy Gut Microbiota?” Nutrients, MDPI, 23 Nov. 2020,

Lobionda, Stefani, et al. “The Role of Gut Microbiota in Intestinal Inflammation with Respect to Diet and Extrinsic Stressors.” Microorganisms, MDPI, 19 Aug. 2019,

Thursby, Elizabeth, and Nathalie Juge. “Introduction to the Human Gut Microbiota.” The Biochemical Journal, Portland Press Ltd., 16 May 2017,


Stomach Issues: Herniated Discs

Stomach Issues: Herniated Discs

The central nervous system – CNS controls body and mind functions, voluntary movements, including walking, and involuntary movements, specifically the breakdown of foods and waste removal. Studies have found associations between spinal problems and gastrointestinal-GI tract/stomach issues that include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty controlling bowel movements
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Treating the underlying cause through chiropractic, non-surgical spinal decompression, and health coaching can bring pain relief, realign/heal the spine and alleviate stomach issues.

Herniated Disc Stomach Issues

Spinal Problems and Stomach Issues

The spinal cord sends nerve signals throughout the body, including to and from the digestive system. Two types of nerves control the digestive system, extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic nerves

  • Connect the digestive organs with the brain and spinal cord.
  • Release chemicals that contract or relax the digestive system muscles.

Intrinsic nerves

  • Are a sub-nervous system of the intestinal tract.
  • The nerves activate when the walls of the intestines become filled with food.
  • They control the production of digestive juices.
  • The nerves relay signals to speed up or slow down the food’s movement through the gut.

The intrinsic system can function independently and work without communication from the extrinsic nerves. However, the stomach and esophagus/food pipe depends on information from the extrinsic nerves. If there is injury, damage, or interference with the extrinsic nerve supply to the stomach, it can lead to stomach issues. Spinal cord injuries and compressed or herniated discs interrupt the communication between nerves/systems, which can lead to digestive and bowel problems, including:

  • Feeling full quickly after eating.
  • Stomach pain
  • Constipation
  • Decreased appetite
  • Difficulty moving waste through the colon or large intestine
  • Hard stools
  • Tenesmus – the sensation/feeling of having to have a bowel movement even though there is none.

Herniated Discs

Herniated disc/s usually occurs in the neck or low back spinal area. Symptoms include:

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Pain spreads from the lower back through the buttocks, legs, and feet.
  • Pain spreads from the neck through the shoulders, arms, and hands.
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle spasms
  • Tingling or burning sensations
  • Numbness

Chiropractic Spinal Decompression

Chiropractic decompression therapy stretches the spine and manipulates its position to take pressure off the nerves and spinal discs. The decompression process creates negative pressure in the discs that retract herniated or bulging discs, allowing oxygen, water, and other healing nutrients to enter the disc and throughout the spine. The spinal decompression will help alleviate the stomach issues. Consultation from a health coach/nutritionist will recommend a diet that will aid in the disc/s healing, which is anti-inflammatory and easily digestible until the stomach problems are fully resolved.

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Browning, Kirsteen N, and R Alberto Travagli. “Central nervous system control of gastrointestinal motility and secretion and modulation of gastrointestinal functions.” Comprehensive Physiology vol. 4,4 (2014): 1339-68. doi:10.1002/cphy.c130055

Holmes, Gregory M, and Emily N Blanke. “Gastrointestinal dysfunction after spinal cord injury.” Experimental neurology vol. 320 (2019): 113009. doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2019.113009

Lara, F J Pérez, et al. “Thoracic disk herniation, a not infrequent cause of chronic abdominal pain.” International surgery vol. 97,1 (2012): 27-33. doi:10.9738/CC98.1

Papadakos, Nikolaos, et al. “Thoracic disc prolapse presenting with abdominal pain: case report and review of the literature.” Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England vol. 91,5 (2009): W4-6. doi:10.1308/147870809X401038

Glutamine Beneficial Effects For Gut Issues

Glutamine Beneficial Effects For Gut Issues


Inside the body lies the internal organs that provide the nutrients and energy for the body to stay in motion. The gut system helps the body energy by digesting the consumed food that gets turned into energy and nutrients beneficial for the vital organs, muscles, tissues, and growth that the body needs. The gut system also helps regulate the other body systems like the musculoskeletal system, the immune systemcentral nervous system, and the endocrine system. The gut system operates by transporting these nutrients to make the body operational, to name a few needs. When unwanted issues start to enter the gut system and cause havoc, it can lead to many chronic problems that will cause the body to be in constant pain while causing other issues that affect the entire body. Today’s article will look at how different gut issues start to affect the body and how an amino acid named glutamine can provide beneficial relief to various gut issues. Referring patients to qualified and skilled providers who specialize in gastroenterology treatments. We guide our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is essential for asking insightful questions to our providers. Dr. Alex Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer


Can my insurance cover it? Yes, it may. If you are uncertain, here is the link to all the insurance providers we cover. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900.


How Gut Issues Affect The Body

Have you been experiencing pain located in your gut? Does your gut seem to be extra sensitive after consuming food? Have you been anxious or stressed that it has been affecting your body? Experiencing these symptoms are signs that you might have some gut issues that are affecting your body. Research studies have found that gut issues or disorders usually develop when the gut has either underproduced or overproduced the beneficial gut bacteria that can influence harmful bacteria to attack the gut’s intestinal walls. Gut issues can also be influenced due to lifestyle choices or autoimmune disorders that affect the gut and the rest of the body and its systems. Additional information has found that when the microbiome is being challenged with factors that change the physiology of the gut microbiome. These changes will cause an increase in the intestinal permeability, which allows the harmful bacteria to leak out, causing the immune system to attack the exposed bacteria at the intestinal walls leading to inflammatory issues. 


Other research studies have found that gut bacteria provides an essential role in the body as it helps supply the vital nutrients beneficial for the body’s health. When abnormal changes affect gut bacteria, the gut ecosystem accelerates dysbiosis, causing many chronic issues. Many individuals will begin to lose their quality of life due to pain. Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate the chronic issues affecting the gut and even help lower the harmful bacteria by replenishing the beneficial bacteria while reducing inflammatory markers. 

An Overview About Glutamine-Video

Have you been experiencing issues that are affecting your gut? Has your torso area been feeling tender to the touch? How about random pain spots that are in your abdomen? You could be experiencing gut issues affecting your overall health and wellness. Why not incorporate glutamine into your daily supplementation. Research studies mentioned that glutamine is an amino acid with beneficial properties in replenishing the immune system and metabolizing in the gut and other vital organs that need glutamine to nourish the cellular structure for the body to feel better and provide energy for many individuals. The video above includes information about the benefits of glutamine and how it can help the body.

How Glutamine Helps The Gut


As stated earlier, glutamine is an amino acid with beneficial properties that are utilized to provide energy for the entire body. Research studies have shown that glutamine in the gut system can maintain the intestinal structure and function as the body ages while regulating the tight junction proteins. Glutamine has also helped modulate the gut intestinal permeability effects of HPA-axis stress that affects the gut and protects the cells from apoptosis and cellular stress. Additional research studies have provided that when individuals take glutamine as part of their daily regime, they will have a better inflammatory response and redox balance in the gut with the combination of physical activities. Utilizing glutamine for gut health can help improve the gut function and gastrointestinal permeability function for many athletic individuals.



Overall, the gut system utilizes glutamine for optimal gut health in dampening the effects of gut issues and disorders that will affect the body. The gut provides the transportation of the essential nutrients for the rest of the body systems that need them to function correctly. When unwanted factors or unhealthy lifestyles affect the gut system, it can increase the harmful bacteria in the gut and diminish the beneficial bacteria. This will cause the inflammatory cytokines to attack the intestinal permeability walls and cause more issues that will affect the body. Beneficial supplements and nutrients that help alleviate inflammatory factors or alleviate gut issues are there to provide relief by dampening these harmful effects and repairing the body. Incorporating glutamine into your gut will help the body recover over time and become pain-free.



Almeida, Ewin B, et al. “L-Glutamine Supplementation Improves the Benefits of Combined-Exercise Training on Oral Redox Balance and Inflammatory Status in Elderly Individuals.” Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Hindawi, 22 Jan. 2020,

Clapp, Megan, et al. “Gut Microbiota’s Effect on Mental Health: The Gut-Brain Axis.” Clinics and Practice, PAGEPress Scientific Publications, Pavia, Italy, 15 Sept. 2017,

Cruzat, Vinicius, et al. “Glutamine: Metabolism and Immune Function, Supplementation and Clinical Translation.” Nutrients, MDPI, 23 Oct. 2018,

Kim, Min-Hyun, and Hyeyoung Kim. “The Roles of Glutamine in the Intestine and Its Implication in Intestinal Diseases.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences, MDPI, 12 May 2017,

Nouvenne, Antonio, et al. “Digestive Disorders and Intestinal Microbiota.” Acta Bio-Medica : Atenei Parmensis, Mattioli 1885, 17 Dec. 2018,

Zhang, Yu-Jie, et al. “Impacts of Gut Bacteria on Human Health and Diseases.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences, MDPI, 2 Apr. 2015,


Spinal Decompression and Digestion

Spinal Decompression and Digestion

Spinal decompression and Digestion. No one wants to worry about stomach issues. A rich and unhealthy diet can cause digestive issues, stomach pain, and back pain. This can turn into a severe chronic condition; studies have found links between spinal problems and gastrointestinal tract symptoms, which include:

  • Abdominal pain that radiates.
  • Constipation.
  • Difficulty controlling bowel movements.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.

Spinal Decompression and Digestion

Chiropractic treats the spine that is essential to the function of the central nervous system, which is responsible for digestion. When the nervous system is not functioning correctly, the other systems begin to malfunction. Chiropractic manual and motorized spinal decompression can help with digestion by releasing trapped gas from joints while improving blood circulation that is natural and non-invasive.

Spinal Decompression and Digestion

Spinal alignment and digestion are closely connected. The nerves in the thoracic and lumbar regions affect digestion. When the spine is out of alignment, it stresses the nerves. Nerves that are pinched or constricted are inhibited/disrupted from sending the proper signals to the digestive system. This can lead to new or worsening digestive problems. Spinal conditions that can cause digestive issues:

  • Herniated discs
  • Ankylosing spondylosis
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Tumors

Studies have found that digestive issues, including discomfort, heartburn, and bloating, have decreased with regular chiropractic and spinal decompression and decreased constipation and irregular bowel movements. This comes from chiropractic reactivating the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Increased Circulation

  • When the spine gets decompressed, it opens up the spine to circulate fluids throughout the body.
  • This flushes the lymphatic system, increasing the immune system’s function.
  • Increasing the circulation also provides additional oxygen and nutrients to the brain, improving signaling, memory, and concentration.

Improved Digestion

  • Poor posture compresses the abdomen and cramps the space the gastrointestinal tract needs to process food properly.
  • Decompressing the spine and correcting posture allows room for the muscles to contract, expand, and properly circulate waste.

Bowel Program

Treatment focuses on preventing further injuries and helping improve the individual’s quality of life. A doctor, chiropractor, health coach, or nutritionist can recommend a bowel program to help retrain the body to maintain regular bowel movements. These programs are personalized to the individual’s specific condition that takes into account:

  • Level of the spine injury or condition
  • Food and drink intake
  • Bowel movement pattern
  • Digestive problems
  • General health
  • Individual preferences

A bowel program sets up the timing of food intake, fluid intake, medications, and techniques to help bowel movements. The objective is to prevent spontaneous bowel movements, help pass stools regularly, and empty the rectum daily.

 Spinal Decompression Reduced Disc Herniation UP To 90%

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Browning, Kirsteen N, and R Alberto Travagli. “Central nervous system control of gastrointestinal motility and secretion and modulation of gastrointestinal functions.” Comprehensive Physiology vol. 4,4 (2014): 1339-68. doi:10.1002/cphy.c130055

Holmes, Gregory M, and Emily N Blanke. “Gastrointestinal dysfunction after spinal cord injury.” Experimental neurology vol. 320 (2019): 113009. doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2019.113009

Kehl, Amy S et al. “Relationship between the gut and the spine: a pilot study of first-degree relatives of patients with ankylosing spondylitis.” RMD open vol. 3,2 e000437. 16 Aug. 2017, doi:10.1136/rmdopen-2017-000437

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Disc Bulge & Herniation Chiropractic Care Overview

Disc Bulge & Herniation Chiropractic Care Overview

Disc bulge and disc herniation are some of the most common conditions affecting the spine of both young and middle-aged patients. It is estimated that approximately 2.6% of the US population annually visits a clinician to treat spinal disorders. Roughly $ 7.1 billion alone is lost due to the time away from work.

Disc herniation is when the whole or part of the nucleus pulposus is protruded through the torn or weakened outer annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc. This is also known as the slipped disc and frequently occurs in the lower back, sometimes also affecting the cervical region. Herniation of the intervertebral disc is defined as a localized displacement of disc material with 25% or less of the disc circumference on an MRI scan, according to the North American Spine Society 2014. The herniation may consist of nucleus pulposus, annulus fibrosus, apophyseal bone or osteophytes, and the vertebral endplate cartilage in contrast to disc bulge.

There are also mainly two types of disc herniation. Disc protrusion is when a focal or symmetrical extension of the disc comes out of its confines in the intervertebral space. It is situated at the intervertebral disc level, and its outer annular fibers are intact. A disc extrusion is when the intervertebral disc extends above or below the adjacent vertebrae or endplates with a complete annular tear. In this type of disc extrusion, a neck or base is narrower than the dome or the herniation.

A disc bulge is when the outer fibers of the annulus fibrosus are displaced from the margins of the adjacent vertebral bodies. Here, the displacement is more than 25% of the circumference of the intervertebral disc. It also does not extend below or above the margins of the disc because the annulus fibrosus attachment limits it. It differs from disc herniation because it involves less than 25% of the disc’s circumference. Usually, the disc bulge is a gradual process and is broad. The disc bulge can be divided into two types. In a circumferential bulge, the whole disc circumference is involved. More than 90 degrees of the rim is involved asymmetrically in asymmetrical bulging.

Normal Intervertebral Disc Anatomy

Before going into detail about the definition of disc herniation and disc bulge, we need to look at the standard intervertebral disc. According to spine guidelines in 2014, a standard disc is something that has a classic shape without any evidence of degenerative disc changes. Intervertebral discs are responsible for one-third to one-fourth of the height of the spinal column.

One intervertebral disc is about 7 -10 mm thick and measures 4 cm in anterior-posterior diameter in the lumbar region of the spine. These spinal discs are located between two adjacent vertebral bodies. However, no discs can be found between the atlas and axis and the coccyx. About 23 discs are found in the spine, with six in the cervical spine, 12 in the thoracic spine, and only five in the lumbar spine.

Intervertebral discs are made of fibro cartilages, forming a fibrocartilaginous joint. The outer ring of the intervertebral disc is known as the annulus fibrosus, while the inner gel-like structure in the center is known as the nucleus pulposus. The cartilage endplates sandwich the nucleus pulposus superiorly and inferiorly. The annulus fibrosus comprises concentric collagen fiber sheets arranged in a radial tire-like structure into lamellae. The fibers are attached to the vertebral endplates and oriented at different angles. With their cartilaginous part, the endplates anchor the discs in their proper place.

The nucleus pulposus is composed of water, collagen, and proteoglycans. Proteoglycans attract and retain moisture, giving the nucleus pulposus a hydrated gel-like consistency. Interestingly, throughout the day, the amount of water found in the nucleus pulposus varies according to the person’s level of activity. This feature in the intervertebral disc serves as a cushion or a spinal shock-absorbing system to protect the adjacent vertebra, spinal nerves, spinal cord, brain, and other structures against various forces. Although the individual movement of the intervertebral discs is limited, some form of vertebral motion like flexion and extension is still possible due to the features of the intervertebral disc.

Effect of Intervertebral Disc Morphology on Structure and Function

The type of components present in the intervertebral disc and how it is arranged determine the morphology of the intervertebral disc. This is important in how effectively the disc does its function. As the disc is the most important element which bears the load and allows movement in the otherwise rigid spine, the constituents it is made up of have a significant bearing.

The complexity of the lamellae increases with advancing age as a result of the synthetic response of the intervertebral disc cells to the variations in the mechanical load. These changes in lamellae with more bifurcations, interdigitation and irregular size and number of lamellar bands will lead to the altered bearing of weight. This in turn establishes a self-perpetuated disruption cycle leading to the destruction of the intervertebral discs. Once this process is started it is irreversible. As there is an increased number of cells, the amount of nutrition the disc requires is also increasingly changing the normal concentration gradient of both metabolites and nutrients. Due to this increased demand, the cells may also die increasingly by necrosis or apoptosis.

Human intervertebral discs are avascular and hence the nutrients are diffused from the nearby blood vessels in the margin of the disc. The main nutrients; oxygen and glucose reach the cells in the disc through diffusion according to the gradient determined by the rate of transport to the cells through the tissues and the rate of demand. Cells also increasingly produce lactic acid as a metabolic end product. This is also removed via the capillaries and venules back to the circulation.

Since diffusion depends on the distance, the cells lying far from the blood capillaries can have a reduced concentration of nutrients because of the reduced supply. With disease processes, the normally avascular intervertebral disc can become vascular and innervated in degeneration and in disease processes. Although this may increase the oxygen and nutrient supply to the cells in the disc, this can also give rise to many other types of cells that are normally not found in the disc with the introduction of cytokines and growth factors.

The morphology of the intervertebral disc in different parts of the spine also varies although many clinicians base the clinical theories based on the assumption that both cervical and lumbar intervertebral discs have the same structure. The height of the disc was the minimum in the T4-5 level of the thoracic column probably due to the fact that thoracic intervertebral discs are less wedge-shaped than those of cervical and lumbar spinal regions.

From the cranial to caudal direction, the cross-sectional area of the spine increased. Therefore, by the L5-S1 level, the nucleus pulposus was occupying a higher proportion of the intervertebral disc area. The cervical discs have an elliptical shape on cross-section while the thoracic discs had a more circular shape. The lumbar discs also have an elliptical shape though it is more flattened or re-entrant posteriorly.

What is a Disc Bulge?

The bulging disc is when the disc simply bulges outside the intervertebral disc space it normally occupies without the rupture of the outer annulus fibrosus. The bulging area is quite large when compared to a herniated disc. Moreover, in a herniated disc, the annulus fibrosus ruptures or cracks. Although disc bulging is more common than disc herniation, it causes little or no pain to the patient. In contrast, the herniated disc causes a lot of pain.

Causes for Disc Bulging

A bulging disc can be due to several causes. It can occur due to normal age-related changes such as those seen in degenerative disc disease. The aging process can lead to structural and biochemical changes in the intervertebral discs and lead to reduced water content in the nucleus pulposus. These changes can make the patient vulnerable to disc bulges with only minor trauma. Some unhealthy lifestyle habits such as a sedentary lifestyle and smoking can potentiate this process and give rise to more severe changes with the weakening of the disc.

General wear and tear due to repeated microtrauma can also weaken the disc and give rise to disc bulging. This is because when the discs are strained, the normal distribution of weight loading changes. Accumulated micro-trauma over a long period of time can occur in bad posture. Bad posture when sitting, standing, sleeping, and working can increase the pressure in the intervertebral discs.

When a person maintains a forward bending posture, it can lead to overstretching and eventually weakness of the posterior part of the annulus fibrosus. Over time, the intervertebral disc can bulge posteriorly. In occupations that require frequent and repetitive lifting, standing, driving, or bending, the bulging disc may be an occupational hazard. Improper lifting up of items, and improper carrying of heavy objects can also increase the pressure on the spine and lead to disc bulges eventually.

The bulging intervertebral discs usually occur over a long period of time. However, the discs can bulge due to acute trauma too. The unexpected sudden mechanical load can damage the disc resulting in micro-tears. After an accident, the disc can become weakened causing long-term microdamage ultimately leading to bulging of the disc. There may also be a genetic component to the disc bulging. The individual may have a reduced density of elastin in the annulus fibrosus with increased susceptibility to disc diseases. Other environmental facts may also play a part in this disease process.

Symptoms of Disc Bulging

As mentioned previously, bulging discs do not cause pain and even if they do the severity is mild. In the cervical region, the disease will cause pain running down the neck, deep pain in the shoulder region, pain radiating along the upper arm, and forearm up to the fingers.

This may give rise to a diagnostic dilemma as to whether the patient is suffering from a myocardial infarction as the site of referred pain and the radiation is similar. Tingling feeling on the neck may also occur due to the bulging disc.

In the thoracic region, there may be pain in the upper back that radiates to the chest or the upper abdominal region. This may also suggest upper gastrointestinal, lung, or cardiac pathology and hence need to be careful when analyzing these symptoms.

The bulging discs of the lumbar region may present as lower back pain and tingling feeling in the lower back region of the spine. This is the most common site for disc bulges since this area holds the weight of the upper body. The pain or the discomfort can spread through the gluteal area, thighs, and to the feet. There may also be muscle weakness, numbness or tingling sensation. When the disc presses on the spinal cord, the reflexes of both legs can increase leading to spasticity.

Some patients may even have paralysis from the waist down. When the bulging disc compresses on the cauda equine, the bladder and bowel functions can also change. The bulging disc can press on the sciatic nerve leading to sciatica where the pain radiates in one leg from the back down to the feet.

The pain from the bulging disc can get worse during some activities as the bulge can then compress on some of the nerves. Depending on what nerve is affected, the clinical features can also vary.

Diagnosis of Disc Bulging

The diagnosis may not be apparent from clinical history due to similar presentations in more serious problems. But the chronic nature of the disease may give some clues. Complete history and a physical examination need to be done to rule out myocardial infarction, gastritis, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, and chronic lung pathology.

MRI of Disc Bulge

Investigations are necessary for the diagnosis. X-ray spine is performed to look for gross pathology although it may not show the bulging disc directly. There may be indirect findings of disk degeneration such as osteophytes in the endplates, gas in the disc due to the vacuum phenomenon, and the loss of height of the intervertebral disc. In the case of moderate bulges, it may sometimes appear as non-focal intervertebral disc material that is protruded beyond the borders of the vertebra which is broad-based, circumferential, and symmetrical.

Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI can exquisitely define the anatomy of the intervertebral discs especially the nucleus pulposus and its relationships. The early findings seen on MRI in disc bulging include the loss of normal concavity of the posterior disc. The bulges can be seen as broad-based, circumferential, and symmetrical areas. In moderate bulging, the disc material will protrude beyond the borders of the vertebrae in a non-focal manner. Ct myelogram may also give detailed disc anatomy and may be useful in the diagnosis.

Treatment of Disc Bulging

The treatment for the bulging disc can be conservative, but sometimes surgery is required.

Conservative Treatment

When the disc bulging is asymptomatic, the patient does not need any treatment since it does not pose an increased risk. However, if the patient is symptomatic, the management can be directed at relieving the symptoms. The pain is usually resolved with time. Till then, potent pain killers such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen should be prescribed. In unresolved pain, steroid injections can also be given to the affected area and if it still does not work, the lumbar sympathetic block can be tried in most severe cases.

The patient can also be given the option of choosing alternative therapies such as professional massage, physical therapy, ice packs, and heating pads which may alleviate symptoms. Maintaining correct posture, tapes, or braces to support the spine are used with the aid of a physiotherapist. This may fasten the recovery process by avoiding further damage and keeping the damaged or torn fibers in the intervertebral disc without leakage of the fluid portion of the disc. This helps maintain the normal structure of the annulus and may increase the recovery rate. Usually, the painful symptoms which present initially get resolved over time and lead to no pain. However, if the symptoms get worse steadily, the patient may need surgery

If the symptoms are resolved, physiotherapy can be used to strengthen the muscles of the back with the use of exercises. Gradual exercises can be used for the return of function and for preventing recurrences.

Surgical Treatment

When conservative therapy does not work with a few months of treatment, surgical treatment can be considered. Most would prefer minimally invasive surgery which uses advanced technology to correct the intervertebral disc without having to grossly dissect the back. These procedures such as microdiscectomy have a lower recovery period and reduced risk of scar formation, major blood loss, and trauma to adjacent structures when compared to open surgery.

Previously, laminectomy and discectomy have been a mainstay of treatment. However, due to the invasiveness of the procedure and due to increased damage to the nerves these procedures are currently abandoned by many clinicians for disc bulging.

Disc bulging in the thoracic spine is being treated surgically with costotransversectomy where a section of the transverse process is resected to allow access to the intervertebral disc. The spinal cord and spinal nerves are decompressed by using thoracic decompression by removing a part of the vertebral body and making a small opening. The patient may also need a spinal fusion later on if the removed spinal body was significant.

Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery can also be used where only a small incision is made and the surgeon can perform the surgery with the assistance of the camera. If the surgical procedure involved removing a large portion of the spinal bone and disc material, it may lead to spinal instability. This may need bone grafting to replace the lost portion with plates and screws to hold them in place.

What is a Disc Herniation?

As mentioned in the first section of this article, disc herniation occurs when there is disc material displaces beyond the limits of the intervertebral disc focally. The disc space consists of endplates of the vertebral bodies superiorly and inferiorly while the outer edges of the vertebral apophyses consist of the peripheral margin. The osteophytes are not considered a disc margin. There may be irritation or compression of the nerve roots and dural sac due to the volume of the herniated material leading to pain. When this occurs in the lumbar region, this is classically known as sciatica. This condition has been mentioned since ancient times although a connection between disc herniation and sciatica was made only in the 20th century. Disc herniation is one of the commonest diagnoses seen in the spine due to degenerative changes and is the commonest cause of spinal surgery.

Classifications of Disc Herniation

There are many classifications regarding intervertebral disc herniation. In focal disc herniation, there is a localized displacement of the disc material in the horizontal or axial plane. In this type, only less than 25% of the circumference of the disc is involved. In broad-based disc herniation, about 25 – 50 % of the disc circumference is herniated. The disc bulge is when 50 – 100 % of the disc material is extended beyond the normal confines of the intervertebral space. This is not considered a form of disc herniation. Furthermore, the intervertebral disc deformities associated with severe cases of scoliosis and spondylolisthesis are not classified as a herniation but rather adaptive changes of the contour of the disc due to the adjacent deformity.

Depending on the contour of the displaced material, the herniated discs can be further classified as protrusions and extrusions. In disc protrusion, the distance measured in any plane involving the edges of the disc material beyond intervertebral disc space (the highest measure is taken) is lower than the distance measured in the same plane between the edges of the base.

Imaging can show the disc displacement as a protrusion on the horizontal section and as an extrusion on the sagittal section due to the fact that the posterior longitudinal ligament contains the disc material that is displaced posteriorly. Then the herniation should be considered an extrusion. Sometimes the intervertebral disc herniation can occur in the craniocaudal or vertical direction through a defect in the vertebral body endplates. This type of herniation is known as intravertebral herniation.

The disc protrusion can also be divided into two focal protrusion and broad-based protrusion. In focal protrusion, the herniation is less than 25% of the circumference of the disc whereas, in broad-based protrusion, the herniated disc consists of 25 – 50 % of the circumference of the disc.

In disc extrusion, it is diagnosed if any of the two following criteria are satisfied. The first one is; that the distance measured between the edges of the disc material that is beyond the intervertebral disc space is greater than the distance measured in the same plane between the edges of the base. The second one is; that the material in the intervertebral disc space and material beyond the intervertebral disc space is having a lack continuity.

This can be further characterized as sequestrated which is a subtype of the extruded disc. It is called disc migration when disk material is pushed away from the site of extrusion without considering whether there is continuity of disc or not. This term is useful in interpreting imaging modalities as it is often difficult to show continuity in imaging.

The intervertebral disc herniation can be further classified as contained discs and discs that are unconfined. The term contained disc is used to refer to the integrity of the peripheral annulus fibrosus which is covering the intervertebral disc herniation. When fluid is injected into the intervertebral disc, the fluid does not leak into the vertebral canal in herniations that are contained.

Sometimes there are displaced disc fragments that are characterized as free. However, there should be no continuity between disc material and the fragment and the original intervertebral disc for it to be called a free fragment or a sequestered one. In a migrated disc and in a migrated fragment, there is an extrusion of disc material through the opening in the annulus fibrosus with a displacement of the disc material away from the annulus.

Even though some fragments that are migrated can be sequestered the term migrated means just to the position and it is not referred to the continuity of the disc. The displaced intervertebral disc material can be further described with regard to the posterior longitudinal ligament as submembranous, subcapsular, subligamentous, extra ligamentous, transligamentous, subcapsular, and perforated.

The spinal canal can also get affected by an intervertebral disc herniation. This compromise of the canal can also be classified as mild, moderate, and severe depending on the area that is compromised. If the canal at that section is compromised only less than one third, it is called mild whereas if it is only compromised less than two-thirds and more than one third it is considered moderate. In a severe compromise, more than two-thirds of the spinal canal is affected. For the foraminal involvement, this same grading system can be applied.

The displaced material can be named according to the position that they are in the axial plane from the center to the right lateral region. They are termed as central, right central, right subarticular, right foraminal, and right extraforaminal. The displaced intervertebral disc material’s composition can be further classified as gaseous, liquefied, desiccated, scarred, calcified, ossified, bony, nuclear, and cartilaginous.

Before going into detail on how to diagnose and treat intervertebral disc herniation, let us differentiate how cervical disc herniation differs from lumbar herniation since they are the most common regions to undergo herniation.

Cervical Disc Herniation vs. Thoracic Disc Herniation vs Lumbar Disc Herniation

Lumbar disc herniation is the most commonest type of herniation found in the spine which is approximately 90% of the total. However, cervical disc herniation can also occur in about one-tenth of patients. This difference is mainly due to the fact that the lumbar spine has more pressure due to the increased load. Moreover, it has comparatively large intervertebral disc material. The most common sites of intervertebral disc herniation in the lumbar region are L 5 – 6, in the Cervical region between C7, and in the thoracic region T12.

Cervical disc herniation can occur relatively commonly because the cervical spine acts as a pivoting point for the head and it is a vulnerable area for trauma and therefore prone to damage in the disc. Thoracic disc herniation occurs more infrequently than any of the two. This is due to the fact that thoracic vertebrae are attached to the ribs and the thoracic cage which limits the range of movement in the thoracic spine when compared to the cervical and lumbar spinal discs. However, thoracic intervertebral disc herniation can still occur.

Cervical disc herniation gives rise to neck pain, shoulder pain, pain radiating from the neck to the arm, tingling, etc. Lumbar disc herniation can similarly cause lower back pain as well as pain, tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness seen in the lower limbs. Thoracic disc herniation can give rise to pain in the upper back radiating to the torso.


Although disc herniation can occur in all age groups, it predominantly occurs between the fourth and fifth decade of life with the mean age of 37 years. There have been reports that estimate the prevalence of intervertebral disc herniation to be 2 – 3 % of the general population. It is more commonly seen in men over 35 years with a prevalence of 4.8% and while in women this figure is around 2.5%. Due to its high prevalence, it is considered a worldwide problem as it is also associated with significant disability.

Risk Factors

In most instances, a herniated disc occurs due to the natural aging process in the intervertebral disc. Due to the disc degeneration, the amount of water that was previously seen in the intervertebral disc gets dried out leading to the shrinking of the disc with the narrowing of the intervertebral space. These changes are markedly seen in degenerative disc disease. In addition to these gradual changes due to normal wear and tear, other factors may also contribute to increasing the risk of intervertebral disc herniation.

Being overweight can increase the load on the spine and increase the risk of herniation. A sedentary life can also increase the risk and therefore an active lifestyle is recommended in preventing this condition. Improper posture with prolonged standing, sitting, and especially driving can put a strain on the intervertebral discs due to the additional vibration from the vehicle engine leading to microtrauma and cracks in the disc. The occupations which require constant bending, twisting, pulling and lifting can put a strain on the back. Improper weight lifting techniques are one of the major reasons.

When back muscles are used in lifting heavy objects instead of lifting with the legs and twisting while lifting can make the lumbar discs more vulnerable to herniation. Therefore patients should always be advised to lift weights with their legs and not the back. Smoking has been thought to increase disc herniation by reducing the blood supply to the intervertebral disc leading to degenerative changes of the disc.

Although the above factors are frequently assumed to be the causes for disc herniation, some studies have shown that the difference in risk is very small when this particular population was compared with the control groups of the normal population.

There have been several types of research done on genetic predisposition and intervertebral disc herniation. Some of the genes that are implicated in this disease include vitamin D receptor (VDR) which is a gene that codes for the polypeptides of important collagen called collagen IX (COL9A2).

Another gene called the human aggrecan gene (AGC) is also implicated as it codes for proteoglycans which is the most important structural protein found in the cartilage. It supports the biochemical and mechanical function of the cartilage tissue and hence when this gene is defective, it can predispose an individual to intervertebral disc herniation.

Apart from these, there are many other genes that are being researched due to the association between disc herniation such as matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) cartilage intermediate layer protein, thrombospondin (THBS2), collagen 11A1, carbohydrate sulfotransferase, and asporin (ASPN). They may also be regarded as potential gene markers for lumbar disc disease.

Pathogenesis of Sciatica and Disc Herniation

The sciatic pain originated from the extruded nucleus pulposus inducing various phenomena. It can directly compress the nerve roots leading to ischemia or without it, mechanically stimulate the nerve endings of the outer portion of the fibrous ring and release inflammatory substances suggesting its multifactorial origin. When the disc herniation causes mechanical compression of the nerve roots, the nerve membrane is sensitized to pain and other stimuli due to ischemia. It has been shown that in sensitized and compromised nerve roots, the threshold for neuronal sensitization is around half of that of a normal and non-compromised nerve root.

The inflammatory cell infiltration is different in extruded discs and non-extruded discs. Usually, in non-extruded discs, the inflammation is less. The extruded disc herniation causes the posterior longitudinal ligament to rupture which exposes the herniated part to the vascular bed of the epidural space. It is believed that inflammatory cells are originating from these blood vessels situated in the outermost part of the intervertebral disc.

These cells may help secrete substances that cause inflammation and irritation of the nerve roots causing sciatic pain. Therefore, extruded herniations are more likely to cause pain and clinical impairment than those that are contained. In contained herniations, the mechanical effect is predominant while in the unconfined or the extruded discs the inflammatory effect is predominant.

Clinical Disc Herniation and What to Look for in the History

The symptoms of the disc herniation can vary a great deal depending on the location of the pain, the type of herniation, and the individual. Therefore, history should focus on the analysis of the main complaint among the many other symptoms.

The chief complaint can be neck pain in cervical disc herniation and there can be referred pain in the arms, shoulders, neck, head, face, and even the lower back region. However, it is most commonly referred to as the interscapular region. The radiation of pain can occur according to the level at the herniation is taking place. When the nerve roots of the cervical region are affected and compressed, there can be sensory, and motor changes with changes in the reflexes.

The pain that occurs due to nerve root compression is called radicular pain and it can be described as deep, aching, burning, dull, achy, and electric depending on whether there is mainly motor dysfunction or sensory dysfunction. In the upper limb, the radicular pain can follow a dermatomal or myotomal pattern. Radiculopathy usually does not accompany neck pain. There can be unilateral as well as bilateral symptoms. These symptoms can be aggravated by activities that increase the pressure inside the intervertebral discs such as the Valsalva maneuver and lifting.

Driving can also exacerbate pain due to disc herniation due to stress because of vibration. Some studies have shown that shock loading and stress from vibration can cause a mechanical force to exacerbate small herniations but flexed posture had no influence. Similarly, activities that decrease intradiscal pressure can reduce the symptoms such as lying down.

The main complaint in lumbar disc herniation is lower back pain. Other associated symptoms can be a pain in the thigh, buttocks, and anogenital region which can radiate to the foot and toe. The main nerve affected in this region is the sciatic nerve causing sciatica and its associated symptoms such as intense pain in the buttocks, leg pain, muscle weakness, numbness, impairment of sensation, hot and burning or tingling sensation in the legs, dysfunction of gait, impairment of reflexes, edema, dysesthesia or paresthesia in the lower limbs. However, sciatica can be caused by causes other than herniation such as tumors, infection, or instability which need to be ruled out before arriving at a diagnosis.

The herniated disc can also compress on the femoral nerve and can give rise to symptoms such as numbness, tingling sensation in one or both legs, and a burning sensation in the legs and hips. Usually, the nerve roots that are affected in herniation in the lumbar region are the ones exiting below the intervertebral disc. It is thought that the level of the nerve root irritation determines the distribution of leg pain. In herniations at the third and fourth lumbar vertebral levels, the pain may radiate to the anterior thigh or the groin. In radiculopathy at the level of the fifth lumbar vertebra, the pain may occur in the lateral and anterior thigh region. In herniations at the level of the first sacrum, the pain may occur in the bottom of the foot and the calf. There can also be numbness and tingling sensation occurring in the same area of distribution. The weakness in the muscles may not be able to be recognized if the pain is very severe.

When changing positions the patient is often relieved from pain. Maintaining a supine position with the legs raised can improve the pain. Short pain relief can be brought by having short walks while long walks, standing for prolonged periods, and sitting for extended periods of time such as in driving can worsen the pain.

The lateral disc herniation is seen in foraminal and extraforaminal herniations and they have different clinical features to that of medial disc herniation seen in subarticular and central herniations. The lateral intervertebral disc herniations can when compared to medial herniations more directly irritate and mechanically compress the nerve roots that are exiting and the dorsal root ganglions situated inside the narrowed spinal canal.

Therefore, lateral herniation is seen more frequently in older age with more radicular pain and neurological deficits. There is also more radiating leg pain and intervertebral disc herniations in multiple levels in the lateral groups when compared to medial disc herniations.

The herniated disc in the thoracic region may not present with back pain at all. Instead, there are predominant symptoms due to referred pain in the thorax due to irritation of nerves. There can also be predominant pain in the body that travels to the legs, tingling sensation and numbness in one or both legs, muscle weakness, and spasticity of one or both legs due to exaggerated reflexes.

The clinician should look out for atypical presentations as there could be other differential diagnoses. The onset of symptoms should be inquired about to determine whether the disease is acute, sub-acute, or chronic in onset. Past medical history has to be inquired about in detail to exclude red flag symptoms such as pain that occurs at night without activity which can be seen in pelvic vein compression, and non-mechanical pain which may be seen in tumors or infections.

If there is a progressive neurological deficit, with bowel and bladder involvement is there, it is considered a neurological emergency and urgently investigated because cauda equine syndrome may occur which if untreated, can lead to permanent neurological deficit.

Getting a detailed history is important including the occupation of the patient as some activities in the job may be exacerbating the patient’s symptoms. The patient should be assessed regarding which activities he can and cannot do.

Differential Diagnosis

  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Mechanical pain
  • Myofascial pain leading to sensory disturbances and local or referred pain
  • Hematoma
  • Cyst leading to occasional motor deficits and sensory disturbances
  • Spondylosis or spondylolisthesis
  • Discitis or osteomyelitis
  • Malignancy, neurinoma or mass lesion causing atrophy of thigh muscles, glutei
  • Spinal stenosis is seen mainly in the lumbar region with mild low back pain, motor deficits, and pain in one or both legs.
  • An epidural  abscess can cause symptoms similar to radicular pain involving spinal disc herniation
  • Aortic aneurysm which can cause low back pain and leg pain due to compression can also rupture and lead to hemorrhagic shock.
  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma in advanced stages can lead to space-occupying lesions in the spinal column leading to symptoms like that of intervertebral disc herniation
  • Tumors
  • Pelvic endometriosis
  • Facet hypertrophy
  • Lumbar nerve root schwannoma
  • Herpes zoster infection results in inflammation along with the sciatic or lumbosacral nerve roots

Examination in Disc Herniation

Complete physical examination is necessary to diagnose intervertebral disc herniation and exclude other important differential diagnoses. The range of motion has to be tested but may have a poor correlation with disc herniation as it is mainly reduced in elderly patients with a degenerative disease and due to disease of the joints.

A complete neurological examination is often necessary. This should test muscle weakness and sensory weakness. In order to detect muscle weakness in small toe muscles, the patient can be asked to walk on tiptoe. The strength of muscle can also be tested by comparing the strength to that of the clinician. There may be dermatomal sensory loss suggesting the respective nerve root involvement. The reflexes may be exaggerated or sometimes maybe even absent.

There are many neurologic examination maneuvers described in relation to intervertebral disc herniation such as the Braggart sign, flip the sign, Lasegue rebound sign, Lasegue differential sign, Mendel Bechterew sign, Deyerle sign both legs or Milgram test, and well leg or Fajersztajin test. However, all these are based on testing the sciatic nerve root tension by using the same principles in the straight leg raising test. These tests are used for specific situations to detect subtle differences.

Nearly almost all of them depend on the pain radiating down the leg and if it occurs above the knee it is assumed to be due to a neuronal compressive lesion and if the pain goes below the knee, it is considered to be due to the compression of the sciatic nerve root. For lumbar disc herniation detection, the most sensitive test is considered to be radiating pain occurring down the leg due to provocation.

In the straight leg raising test also called the Lasegue’s sign, the patient stays on his or her back and keeps the legs straight. The clinician then lifts the legs by flexing the hip while keeping the knee straight. The angle at which the patient feels pain going down the leg below the knee is noted. In a normal healthy individual, the patient can flex the hip to 80- 90? without having any pain or difficulty.

However, if the angle is just 30 -70? degrees, it is suggestive of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation at the L4 to S1 nerve root levels. If the angle of hip flexion without pain is less than 30 degrees, it usually indicates some other causes such as tumor of the gluteal region, gluteal abscess, spondylolisthesis, disc extrusion, and protrusion, malingering patient, and acute inflammation of the dura mater. If pain with hip flexion occurs at more than 70 degrees, it may be due to tightness of the muscles such as gluteus maximus and hamstrings, tightness of the capsule of the hip joint, or pathology of sacroiliac or hip joints.

The reverse straight leg raising test or hip extension test can be used to test higher lumbar lesions by stretching the nerve roots of the femoral nerve which is similar to the straight leg raising test. In the cervical spine, in order to detect stenosis of the foramina, the Spurling test is done and is not specific to cervical intervertebral disc herniation or tension of the nerve roots. The Kemp test is the analogous test in the lumbar region to detect foraminal stenosis. Complications due to the disc herniation include careful examination of the hip region, digital rectal examination, and urogenital examination is needed.

Investigation of Disc Herniation

For the diagnosis of intervertebral disc herniation, diagnostic tests such as Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Computed tomography (CT), myelography, and plain radiography can be used either alone or in combination with other imaging modalities. Objective detection of disc herniation is important because only after such a finding the surgical intervention is even considered. Serum biochemical tests such as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, Alkaline phosphatize value, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), urine analysis for Bence Jones protein, serum glucose level, and serum protein electrophoresis may also be needed in specific circumstances guided by history.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI is considered the best imaging modality in patients with history and physical examination findings suggestive of lumbar disc herniation associated with radiculopathy according to North American Spinal Society guidelines in 2014. The anatomy of the herniated nucleus pulposus and its associated relationships with soft tissue in the adjacent areas can be delineated exquisitely by MRI in cervical, thoracic, and lumbosacral areas. Beyond the confines of the annulus, the herniated nucleus can be seen as a focal, asymmetric disc material protrusion on MRI.

On sagittal T2 weighted images, the posterior annulus is usually seen as a high signal intensity area due to radial annular tear associated with the herniation of the disc although the herniated nucleus is itself hypointense. The relationship between the herniated nucleus and degenerated facets with the nerve roots which are exiting through the neural foramina are well-demarcated on sagittal images of MRI. Free fragments of the intervertebral disc can also be distinguished from MRI images.

There may be associated signs of intervertebral disc herniation on MRI such as radial tears on the annulus fibrosus which is also a sign of degenerative disc disease. There may be other telling signs such as loss of disc height, bulging annulus, and changes in the endplates. Atypical signs may also be seen with MRI such as abnormal disc locations, and lesions located completely outside the intervertebral disc space.

MRI can detect abnormalities in the intervertebral discs superiorly to other modalities although its bone imaging is a little less inferior. However, there are limitations with MRI in patients with metal implant devices such as pacemakers because the electromagnetic field can lead to abnormal functioning of the pacemakers. In patients with claustrophobia, it may become a problem to go to the narrow canal to be scanned by the MRI machine. Although some units contain open MRI, it has less magnetic power and hence delineates less superior quality imaging.

This is also a problem in children and anxious patients undergoing MRI because good image quality depends on the patient staying still. They may require sedation. The contrast used in MRI which is gadolinium can induce nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in patients who had pre-existing renal disease. MRI is also generally avoided in pregnancy especially during the first 12 weeks although it has not been clinically proven to be hazardous to the fetus. MRI is not very useful when a tumor contains calcium and in distinguishing edema fluid from tumor tissue.

Computed Tomography (CT)

CT scanning is also considered another good method to assess spinal disc herniation when MRI is not available. It is also recommended as a first-line investigation in unstable patients with severe bleeding. CT scanning is superior to myelography although when the two are combined, it is superior both of them. CT scans can show calcification more clearly and sometimes even gas in images. In order to achieve a superior imaging quality, the imaging should be focused on the site of pathology and thin sections taken to better determine the extent of the herniation.

However, a CT scan is difficult to be used in patients who have already undergone laminectomy surgical procedures because the presence of scar tissue and fibrosis causes the identification of the structures difficult although bony changes and deformity in nerve sheath are helpful in making a diagnosis.

The herniated intervertebral discs in the cervical disc can be identified by studying the uncinate process. It is usually projected posteriorly and laterally to the intervertebral discs and superiorly to the vertebral bodies. The uncinate process undergoes sclerosis, and hypertrophy when there is an abnormal relationship between the uncinate process and adjacent structures as seen in degenerative disc disease, intervertebral disc space narrowing, and general wear and tear.

Myelopathy can occur when the spinal canal is affected due to disc disease. Similarly, when neural foramina are involved, radiculopathy occurs. Even small herniated discs and protrusions can cause impingement of the dural sac because the cervical epidural space is narrowed naturally. The intervertebral discs have attenuation a little bit greater than the sac characterized in the CT scan.

In the thoracic region, a CT scan can diagnose an intervertebral disc herniation with ease due to the fact that there is an increased amount of calcium found in the thoracic discs. Lateral to the dural sac, the herniated disc material can be seen on CT as a clearly defined mass that is surrounded by epidural fat. When there is a lack of epidural fat, the disc appears as a higher attenuated mass compared to the surrounding.


Plain radiography is not needed in diagnosing herniation of the intervertebral discs, because plain radiographs cannot detect the disc and therefore are used to exclude other conditions such as tumors, infections, and fractures.

In myelography, there may be deformity or displacement of the extradural contrast-filled thecal sac seen in herniation of the disc. There may also be features in the affected nerve such as edema, elevation, deviation, and amputation of the nerve root seen in the myelography image.


In this imaging modality, the contrast medium is injected into the disc in order to assess the disc morphology. If pain occurs following injection that is similar to the discogenic pain, it suggests that that disc is the source of the pain. When a CT scan is also performed immediately after discography, it is helpful to differentiate the anatomy and pathological changes. However, since it is an invasive procedure, it is indicated only in special circumstances when MRI and CT have failed to reveal the etiology of back pain. It has several side effects such as headache, meningitis, damage to the disc, discitis, intrathecal hemorrhage, and increased pain.

Treatment of Herniated Disc

The treatment should be individualized according to the patient-guided through history, physical examination, and diagnostic investigation findings. In most cases, the patient gradually improves without needing further intervention in about 3 – 4 months. Therefore, the patient only needs conservative therapy during this time period. Because of this reason, there are many ineffective therapies that have emerged by attributing the natural resolution of symptoms to that therapy. Therefore, conservative therapy needs to be evidence-based.

Conservative Therapy

Since the herniation of the disc has a benign course, the aim of treatment is to stimulate the recovery of neurological function, reduce pain, and facilitate early return to work and activities of daily living. The most benefits of the conservative treatment are for younger patients with hernias that are sequestered and in patients with mild neurological deficits due to small disc hernias.

Bed rest has long been considered a treatment option in herniation of the disc. However, it has been shown that bed rest has no effect beyond the first 1 or 2 days. The bed rest is regarded as counterproductive after this period of time.

In order to reduce the pain, oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen can be used. This can relieve the pain by reducing inflammation associated with the inflamed nerve. Analgesics such as acetaminophen can also be used although they lack the anti-inflammatory effect seen in NSAIDs. The doses and the drugs should be appropriate for the age and severity of the pain in the patient. If pain is not controlled by the current medication, the clinician has to go one step up on the WHO analgesics ladder. However, the long-term use of NSAIDs and analgesics can lead to gastric ulcers, liver, and kidney problems.

In order to reduce the inflammation, other alternative methods such as applying ice in the initial period and then switching to using heat, gels, and rubs may help with the pain as well as muscle spasms. Oral muscle relaxants can also be used in relieving muscle spasms. Some of the drugs include methocarbamol, carisoprodol, and cyclobenzaprine.

However, they act centrally and cause drowsiness and sedation in patients and it does not act directly to reduce muscle spasm. A short course of oral steroids such as prednisolone for a period of 5 days in a tapering regime can be given to reduce the swelling and inflammation in the nerves. It can provide immediate pain relief within a period of 24 hours.

When the pain is not resolved adequately with maximum effective doses, the patient can be considered for giving steroid injections into the epidural space. The major indication for the steroid injection into periradicular space is discal compression causing radicular pain that is resistant to conventional medical treatment. A careful evaluation with CT or MRI scanning is required to carefully exclude extra discal causes for pain. The contraindications for this therapy include patients with diabetes, pregnancy, and gastric ulcers. Epidural puncture is contraindicated in patients with coagulation disorders and therefore the foraminal approach is used carefully if needed.

This procedure is performed under the guidance of fluoroscopy and involves injecting steroids and an analgesic into the epidural space adjacent to the affected intervertebral disc to reduce the swelling and inflammation of the nerves directly in an outpatient setting. As much as 50% of the patients experience relief after the injection although it is temporary and they might need repeat injections at 2 weekly intervals to achieve the best results. If this treatment modality becomes successful, up to 3 epidural steroidal injections can be given per year.

Physical therapy can help the patient return to his previous life easily although it does not improve the herniated disc. The physical therapist can instruct the patient on how to maintain the correct posture, walking, and lifting techniques depending on the patient’s ability to work, mobility, and flexibility.

Stretching exercises can improve the flexibility of the spine while strengthening exercises can increase the strength of the back muscles. The activities which can aggravate the condition of the herniated disc are instructed to be avoided. Physical therapy makes the transition from intervertebral disc herniation to an active lifestyle smooth. The exercise regimes can be maintained for life to improve general well-being.

The most effective conservative treatment option that is evidence-based is observation and epidural steroid injection for the relief of pain in the short-term duration. However, if the patients so desire they can use holistic therapies of their choice with acupuncture, acupressure, nutritional supplements, and biofeedback although they are not evidence-based. There is also no evidence to justify the use of trans electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as a pain relief method.

If there is no improvement in the pain after a few months, surgery can be contemplated and the patient must be selected carefully for the best possible outcome.

Surgical Therapy

The aim of surgical therapy is to decompress the nerve roots and relieve the tension. There are several indications for surgical treatment which are as follows.

Absolute indications include cauda equina syndrome or significant paresis. Other relative indications include motor deficits that are greater than grade 3, sciatica that is not responding to at least six months of conservative treatment, sciatica for more than six weeks, or nerve root pain due to foraminal bone stenosis.

There have been many discussions over the past few years regarding whether to treat herniation of intervertebral disc disease with prolonged conservative treatment or early surgical treatment. Much research has been conducted in this regard and most of them show that the final clinical outcome after 2 years is the same although the recovery is faster with early surgery. Therefore, it is suggested that early surgery may be appropriate as it enables the patient to return to work early and thereby is economically feasible.

Some surgeons may still use traditional discectomy although many are using minimally invasive surgical techniques over recent years. Microdiscectomy is considered to be the halfway between the two ends. There are two surgical approaches that are being used. Minimally invasive surgery and percutaneous procedures are the ones that are being used due to their relative advantage. There is no place for the traditional surgical procedure known as a laminectomy.

However, there are some studies suggesting microdiscectomy is more favorable because of its both short-term and long-term advantages. In the short term, there is a reduced length of operation, reduced bleeding, relief of symptoms, and reduced complication rate. This technique has been effective even after 10 years of follow-up and therefore is the most preferred technique even now. The studies that have been performed to compare the minimally invasive technique and microdiscectomy have resulted in different results. Some have failed to establish a significant difference while one randomized control study was able to determine that microdiscectomy was more favorable.

In microdiscectomy, only a small incision is made aided by an operating microscope and the part of the herniated intervertebral disc fragment which is impinging on the nerve is removed by hemilaminectomy. Some part of the bone is also removed to facilitate access to the nerve root and the intervertebral disc. The duration of the hospital stay is minimal with only an overnight stay and observation because the patient can be discharged with minimal soreness and complete relief of the symptoms.

However, some unstable patients may need more prolonged admission and sometimes they may need fusion and arthroplasty. It is estimated that about 80 – 85 % of the patients who undergo microdiscectomy recover successfully and many of them are able to return to their normal occupation in about 6 weeks.

There is a discussion on whether to remove a large portion of the disc fragment and curetting the disc space or to remove only the herniated fragment with minimal invasion of the intervertebral disc space. Many studies have suggested that the aggressive removal of large chunks of the disc could lead to more pain than when conservative therapy is used with 28% versus 11.5 %. It may lead to degenerative disc disease in the long term. However, with conservative therapy, there is a greater risk of recurrence of around 7 % in herniation of the disc. This may require additional surgery such as arthrodesis and arthroplasty to be performed in the future leading to significant distress and economic burden.

In the minimally invasive surgery, the surgeon usually makes a tiny incision in the back to put the dilators with increasing diameter to enlarge the tunnel until it reaches the vertebra. This technique causes lesser trauma to the muscles than when seen in traditional microdiscectomy. Only a small portion of the disc is removed in order to expose the nerve root and the intervertebral disc. Then the surgeon can remove the herniated disc by the use of an endoscope or a microscope.

These minimally invasive surgical techniques have a higher advantage of lower surgical site infections and shorter hospital stays. The disc is centrally decompressed either chemically or enzymatically with the use of chymopapain, laser, or plasma (ionized gas) ablation and vaporization. It can also be decompressed mechanically by using percutaneous lateral decompression or by aspirating and sucking with a shaver such as a nucleosome. Chemopapin was shown to have adverse effects and was eventually withdrawn. Most of the above techniques have shown to be less effective than a placebo. Directed segmentectomy is the one that has shown some promise in being effective similar to microdiscectomy.

In the cervical spine, the herniated intervertebral discs are treated anteriorly. This is because the herniation occurs anteriorly and the manipulation of the cervical cord is not tolerated by the patient. The disc herniation that is due to foraminal stenosis and that is confined to the foramen are the only instances where a posterior approach is contemplated.

The minimal disc excision is an alternative to the anterior cervical spine approach. However, the intervertebral disc stability after the procedure is dependent on the residual disc. The neck pain can be significantly reduced following the procedure due to the removal of neuronal compression although significant impairment can occur with residual axial neck pain. Another intervention for cervical disc herniation includes anterior cervical interbody fusion. It is more suitable for patients with severe myelopathy with degenerative disc disease.

Complications of the Surgery

Although the risk of surgery is very low, complications can still occur. Post-operative infection is one of the commonest complications and therefore needs more vigorous infection control procedures in the theatre and in the ward. During the surgery, due to poor surgical technique, nerve damage can occur. A dural leak may occur when an opening in the lining of the nerve root causes leakage of cerebrospinal fluid which is bathing the nerve roots. The lining can be repaired during the surgery. However, headache can occur due to loss of cerebrospinal fluid but it usually improves with time without any residual damage. If blood around the nerve roots clots after the surgery, that blood clot may lead to compression of the nerve root leading to radicular pain which was experienced by the patient previously. Recurrent herniation of the intervertebral disc due to herniation of disc material at the same site is a devastating complication that can occur long term. This can be managed conservatively but surgery may be necessary ultimately.

Outcomes of the Surgery

There has been extensive research done regarding the outcome of lumbar disc herniation surgery. Generally, the results from the microdiscectomy surgery are good. There is more improvement of leg pain than back pain and therefore this surgery is not recommended for those who have only back pain. Many patients improve clinically over the first week but they may improve over the following several months. Typically, the pain disappears in the initial recovery period and it is followed by an improvement in the strength of the leg. Finally, the improvement of the sensation occurs. However, patients may complain of feeling numbness although there is no pain. The normal activities and work can be resumed over a few weeks after the surgery.

Novel Therapies

Although conservative therapy is the most appropriate therapy in treating patients, the current standard of care does not address the underlying pathology of herniation of the intervertebral discs. There are various pathways that are involved in the pathogenesis such as inflammatory, immune-mediated, and proteolytic pathways.

The role of inflammatory mediators is currently under research and it has led to the development of new therapies that are directed at these inflammatory mediators causing damage to the nerve roots. The cytokines such as TNF ? are mainly involved in regulating these processes. The pain sensitivity is mediated by serotonin receptor antagonists and ?2 adrenergic receptor antagonists.

Therefore, pharmacological therapies that target these receptors and mediators may influence the disease process and lead to a reduction in symptoms. Currently, cytokine antagonists against TNF ? and IL 1? have been tested. Neuronal receptor blockers such as sarpogrelate hydrochloride etc have been tested in both animal models and in clinical studies for the treatment of sciatica. Cell cycle modifiers that target the microglia that are thought to initiate the inflammatory cascade have been tested with the neuroprotective antibiotic minocycline.

There is also research on inhibiting the NF- kB or protein kinase pathway recently. In the future, the treatment of herniation of the intervertebral disc will be much more improved thanks to the ongoing research. (Haro, Hirotaka)


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Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, RN, CCST


A disc bulge and/or a herniated disc is a health issue that affects the intervertebral discs found in between each vertebra of the spine. Although these can occur as a natural part of degeneration with age, trauma or injury as well as repetitive overuse can also cause a disc bulge or a herniated disc. According to healthcare professionals, a disc bulge and/or a herniated disc is one of the most common health issues affecting the spine. A disc bulge is when the outer fibers of the annulus fibrosus are displaced from the margins of the adjacent vertebral bodies. A herniated disc is when a part of or the whole nucleus pulposus is protruded through the torn or weakened outer annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc. Treatment of these health issues focuses on reducing symptoms. Alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care and/or physical therapy, can help relieve symptoms. Surgery may be utilized in cases of severe symptoms. – Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T.



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