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Spinal Decompression Treatments

Dr. Alex Jmenez, Chiropractor Discusses: Spinal Decompression Therapies, Protocols, Rehabilitation and Advance Treatments Care Plans

At our offices, we offer conservative care for degenerative spinal conditions, including several treatment modalities. Thus, the traction distinguishes as it can elicit the body’s protective proprioceptive response to distraction, reducing intradiscal pressure and minimizing symptoms secondary to disc herniation and axial pain.
Our integrative treatments aim to determine the clinical effects of a short treatment course of motorized axial spinal decompression for patients with pain and physical impairment caused by either lumbar or cervical degenerative disc pathology with no immediate surgical indication.

Conservative care for mid to long-term degenerative spinal conditions with axial and irradiated pain generally includes pharmacological treatment, physical rehabilitation, or injections. Mechanical traction is an old treatment modality, which has been decreased in use facing other modern technologies or utilized in combination with other treatment modalities, such as manual therapy, exercises, heat, or electrotherapy. We, too, offer advanced spinal treatment workshops and boot camps to help educate patients on the dynamics of spinal hygiene.

Our patients get treated for chronic radicular axial spinal pain. This is a referred pain in the spinal axial skeleton and is considered a syndrome with both nociceptive and neuropathic pain components. Patients report improvement in symptoms with a reduction of the axial load in the spine.
Previous studies have shown a decrease of pressure in the intervertebral disc after traction, unloading of the spinal structure, and alleviating the inflammatory reaction of the nerve roots. Here, we present our patients’ literature and scientific background information to make educated decisions about the advanced spinal decompression protocols.

If you’re looking for a non-surgical solution for your persistent back or leg pain, you may want to try spinal decompression therapy. Unlike invasive or laparoscopic surgeries, spinal decompression does not require the patient to go under the knife. Instead, the patient’s spine is stretched to relieve back and leg pain. The goal of spinal decompression is to create an ideal healing environment for the affected areas.

This treatment is typically used for:
Bulging discs
Degenerating discs
Herniated discs

Call us today to schedule your first appointment! Our team in El Paso is happy to help.

Herniated/Slipped and Bulging Discs El Paso, Texas

Herniated/Slipped and Bulging Discs El Paso, Texas

Individuals can develop a herniated, slipped or bulging disc in the neck or back.�Too much stress on the disc/s whether from poor posture, being overweight, injury, aging, and an unhealthy lifestyle can increase the risk for disc problems. Herniation can be caused by a combination of factors or physical injury. Several common questions about disc problems are answered.


Can Discs Slip

A slipped disc can mean a ruptured or herniated disc. We use the term slipped disc, however, the discs do not slip. Each disc is sandwiched between two vertebrae that are supported by a system of ligaments that hold the spine together. A bulging or herniated disc is the proper term.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Herniated/Slipped/ and Bulging Discs El Paso, Texas


Difference Between a Bulging and Herniated Disc

Disc disorders are categorized as contained or non-contained. Bulging disc is an example of a contained disc disorder.



A bulging disc has not broken open meaning the nucleus is still contained inside the annulus fibrosus. The disc could protrude into the spinal canal without breaking open. The gel, the jelly interior does not leak out. The disc stays intact except a small bubble pops out.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Herniated/Slipped/ and Bulging Discs El Paso, Texas


A non-contained disc has either partially or completely broken open, and that is a herniated/ruptured disc. Imagine a closed tube�being squeezed placed under pressure, which causes the contents to move wherever they can. If a portion of the tube is weak or there is too much pressure, the contents could leak or burst out. When a disc herniates the gel-like contents could spread out to the spinal cord and nerves.

Herniation Can Cause Pain

The disc’s gel-like nucleus has a chemical that irritates the nerves and causes them to become inflamed and swell. The chemical stays and continues to press on the irritated nerves. Sometimes fragments from the disc wall or the tube break off from the disc and drift into the spinal canal causing other nerves to inflame and swell. Based on the type of injury and condition of the discs, more than one disc could herniate, rupture, or bulge. Sometimes injury causes a combination of disc disorders.



Symptoms of a herniated disc can include:

  • Dull
  • Shooting pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Cramping
  • Weakness
  • Tingling
  • Referred or radiating/traveling pain


Sometimes, however, a herniated disc does not cause any symptoms at all. When this happens it is called an asymptomatic herniated disc. Disc/s could be bulging or herniated, but if it or they are not applying pressure on the spinal nerve/s or the cord, symptoms like pain may not present. This makes a point about herniated disc symptoms that they are dependent on where you have a herniated disc.



Cervical Herniation Symptoms

With a herniated or bulging disc in the neck, then you could experience:

  • Neck soreness/pain
  • Muscle tightness
  • Cramping in the neck
  • Pain that travels down the arm/s
  • Tingling in the arm/s or hand/s
  • Weakness in the arm/s or hand/s


Lumbar Herniation Symptoms

With a herniated disc in the low back the following symptoms could happen:

  • Low back pain
  • Muscle tightness
  • Cramping in and around the low back
  • Radiating pain that travels down the leg/s
  • Tingling in your leg/s or foot/feet
  • Weakness in the leg/s or foot/feet


Referred Pain

Referred pain means that you have pain in another part of the body from the disc problem. An individual could have a bulging or herniated slipped disc in the low back and have pain in the leg. This is lumbar radiculopathy or sciatica. Usually, just one leg is affected. If you have a herniated disc in the neck, there could be referred pain going down the arm and into the hand.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Back Pain and Chiropractic El Paso, TX.


Chiropractic Cares

A chiropractor can help relieve back pain and other herniated disc symptoms. A chiropractor will go through your medical history, do a physical exam, and perform orthopedic and neurological tests. They are looking at several things. Orthopedic and neurological exams can help the chiropractor figure out what’s going on.

  • Are reflexes functioning properly?�Meaning are your nerves sending messages correctly. An example is a reflex test is when a doctor taps the knee with a hammer and the leg kicks.
  • Is there a loss of muscle strength?
  • Signs of muscle/s wasting away?
  • Is there a loss of sensation, tingling or numbness along the nerve/s path?

They will carefully look at posture, and will probably order an X-ray or MRI to help with the diagnosis.

Chiropractors evaluate the entire spine. Even if you only have lower back pain, your chiropractor will examine your neck, too. They want to see how well your spine is functioning overall. Remember what happens to one area of your spine can influence another part of the spine and/or body.

Pain from a herniated disc can make it difficult to enjoy daily life. Walking, sitting, and sleeping normally/comfortably can become a nightmare. You should make an appointment with a doctor or chiropractor if your herniated slipped disc symptoms last for more than two weeks.


Herniated Disc Treatment



NCBI Resources

In the United States alone, acute cases of lower back pain are the fifth most frequent reason for doctor visits and cause 40% of missed days off work. What�s more, it is the leading cause of disability worldwide.


Nervous About Chiropractic Treatment for Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.

Nervous About Chiropractic Treatment for Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.

Q: My primary healthcare provider recently diagnosed me with a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. They referred me to get chiropractic treatment, but I�m nervous because it’s new to me and I’m afraid of being adjusted wrong, paralyzed, etc. Can I trust chiropractic treatment to work?

A: It�s normal to be nervous about going to a chiropractic clinic.

If you’re not sure whether chiropractic is for you, there is scientific evidence that shows how chiropractic techniques like spinal manipulation/spinal adjustment and forms of manual/mechanical therapy are safe and effective for relieving pain and other musculoskeletal pain, conditions, and symptoms.

I encourage everyone to try chiropractic treatment as a non-surgical treatment option for a herniated disc.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Nervous About Chiropractic Treatment for Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.


It Is Your Decision

At the first appointment, a chiropractor will take a medical history and perform a thorough exam to determine the nature of the symptoms and their possible causes, which include a herniated disc.

Sometimes with a herniated disc, there may be no symptoms at all.

But usually a herniated disc causes:

  • Back pain
  • Referred pain or pain that is felt in other parts of the body like the legs, feet, etc.
  • An irritated spinal nerve can cause symptoms in the legs

This can lead to neurological symptoms like:

  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Weakness in the legs

Once the chiropractor determines your symptoms, they may use one or several techniques to relieve the back pain and other symptoms.

Techniques used by chiropractors for disc-related problems include:

  • Specific self-treatment exercises to improve motion & decrease back pain
  • McKenzie method for relieving leg symptoms
  • Cox technique like spinal traction using special tables
  • Spinal manipulation
  • Hands-on techniques that relieve pain and restore movement to the spine and body

These techniques have been proven to be very safe. There are other techniques a chiropractor can recommend for various conditions, as each has their own style and method.

A chiropractic treatment plan will also include:

  1. Education
  2. Self-management instructions

This is to teach you how to control/eliminate pain with proper posture and proper body mechanics.

Whichever treatment the chiropractor recommends, he or she will discuss it with you, including the benefits and risks.

Although the treatments listed above will most likely be a part of your treatment plan, your chiropractor will answer your questions and work with you to select a treatment that meets your specific goals and preferences.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Nervous About Chiropractic Treatment for Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.


Don’t Be Nervous A Chiropractor Monitors Treatment Progress

If symptoms do not improve within a reasonable time frame, then a chiropractor may refer the patient to other treatments to manage disc-related pain, including:

  • Physical therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Spinal injections
  • Surgery

Fortunately, self-management and time can be the best treatment. Allowing the body to heal itself is the way to go. But if rest is not enough then chiropractic treatment may be just what is needed to kick in the body’s self-healing function.

If you decide to give chiropractic treatment a try, don’t be nervous, as a chiropractor will monitor progress throughout the treatment.

In any case, chiropractors are qualified to discuss the benefits and risks of other treatments, depending on the condition.

Hopefully, this article has given you the basics of chiropractic medicine and how it works so you can make the best choice for your herniated disc/s.


Low Back Pain Management El Paso, TX Chiropractor



Denise suffered an auto accident injury which resulted in back pain. When she realized she could not sit, walk or sleep for lengthy periods of time without having painful symptoms, Denise found chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez at El Paso, TX. Once she received therapy for her automobile accident injuries, Denise experienced relief from her symptoms and she was able to execute her regular tasks once again. Thanks to the education and maintenance Dr. Alex Jimenez supplied, Denise regained her initial health and health.

Back pain is more most common, with roughly nine out of ten adults undergoing it at some time in their lifetime, and five functioning adults developing it annually. Some quote around 95 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some time in their lifetime. It is undoubtedly the typical cause of chronic pain since it’s also a substantial contributor to missed work and handicap. In the United States alone, acute cases of lower back pain are the fifth most frequent reason for doctor visits and cause 40% of missed days off work. What’s more, it is the leading cause of disability worldwide.


NCBI Resources

A herniated disc is a common spinal condition that typically affects the cervical spine (neck region) or the lumbar spine (lower back), although it can occur in any part of the spine. Most often, a herniated disc happens at the L4 � L5 and the L5 � S1.� This is because this portion of the spine, the lumbar region, bears the bulk of the body�s weight.


Spinal Decompression Eliminates Herniated Discs El Paso, TX.

Spinal Decompression Eliminates Herniated Discs El Paso, TX.

FDA recognizes and approves spinal decompression and its ability to eliminate herniated discs.

On the verge of back surgery, a mason discovered the non-surgical solution to work-related chronic back pain.

A new male patient who works in construction came to see me as a last resort to lessen his back pain brought on from damaged/herniated discs.

  • His primary caregiver recommended back surgery, but that would have put him on disability for months.
  • Fortunately, before saying yes to the surgery, a co-worker recommended chiropractic care.
  • Bricklayers/masons have the highest rate of back injuries with non-paid sick leave.

Constant bending over, even with a back brace, takes its toll on the spine, which in this case resulted in two herniated discs.

Pain medications helped in the beginning but with constant use, put him in a constant brain fog state, along with the expense, which took its toll on the family budget.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Spinal Decompression Eliminates Herniated Discs El Paso, TX.


Disc Injury & Back Surgery

The doctor did not discuss spinal decompression therapy

  • �A non-surgical back treatment that slowly and gently stretches the spine.
  • This stretching lessens the pressure on the compressed nerve root (herniated disc) and results in less and even complete alleviation.

The patient came twice a week with myself and the team working on him over the course of a month, however, every case is different so treatments vary depending on the condition.

With each treatment, the two herniated discs were slowly reverted back to their natural position. This is able to be achieved with less pressure between the discs.

Towards the end of treatment, the patient’s pain was gone by about 90%.

With two weeks of rest, the patient was able to return to work.

The best part was that there was no surgery, pain medications, disability, and hospital bills.


Spine treatment alternative

Chiropractic/Decompression therapy is way less expensive than medication and surgery. It is:

  • Non-surgical
  • Recovery time is faster
  • Completely drug-free

People suffering every day with herniated/injured discs should consider the chiropractic decompression option. You do not have to learn to live with chronic back pain.

If you suffer from:

  1. Herniated discs
  2. Bulging discs
  3. Degenerative disc disease

I encourage you to discuss the condition with an experienced chiropractor. There are many proven alternatives to back surgery and pain meds. People need to be aware of these alternatives for chronic back pain. The right-back pain treatment can definitely improve the quality of life.


Herniated Disc El Paso, TX



Sandra Rubio developed two herniated discs and a bulging disc after suffering from an accident at a young age, which caused her intense pain throughout her youth.

When she became a mother, her symptoms became severe.

After visiting doctors without results, Sandra found chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez and found relief from her sciatica and migraines.

The herniated disc treatment she received from Dr. Alex Jimenez was non-surgical.

A herniated disc, also known as a slipped disc, is a medical condition in which:

  • A tear from the outer intervertebral disc allows the soft, central area to bulge out beyond the outer rings.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Spinal Decompression Eliminates Herniated Discs El Paso, TX.


Disc herniation is usually a result of:

  • Degeneration (wear/tear)
  • Trauma (auto accident/sports injury)
  • Lifting injuries
  • Straining movement

The tear can release the compounds, which cause inflammation and can cause severe pain even if the nerve root not compressed.

A physical examination is usually the first step in diagnosing a herniated disc. The chiropractor will examine the spine while the patient is standing, and while they’re lying down. Depending on the severity and location of the herniation, they may note a decrease in spine curvature.

Radicular pain will be assessed, when the spine is:

  • Unmoving
  • In motion
  • With pressure applied

Other tests may be administered.

X-rays may also be taken, but an MRI is usually more accurate and shows more detail.

Chiropractic has been very effective in helping patients manage their pain and regain their mobility so they can return to their normal life. Therefore, it should be your first option for treatment before you go down the road with drugs or surgery.


NCBI Resources

It is often referred to as a ruptured disc or slipped disc and occurs when the disc moves or slips out of place. It can also be the result of a disc that has a small tear and is leaking the jelly-like substance that is inside. This can put pressure on the surrounding nerves, causing pain and discomfort.


Exercises for Sciatica from Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.

Exercises for Sciatica from Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.

The discs that cushion the vertebrae are made up of a tough outer layer and a softer inner layer. When the outer layer is damaged and the inner layer comes out into the spine, it is referred to as�disc herniation.

Often the symptoms of a herniated disc include back pain, as the inner layer of the disc puts pressure on nerves in the spine. A herniated disc can impact the sciatic nerve, leading to sciatica.

If you know that your sciatica was caused by a herniated disc then try these exercises and stretches to help reduce back and leg pain.


11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 Exercises for Sciatica from Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.


Exercises that help relieve sciatica from a herniated disc

If your spine specialist or chiropractor informed you that a herniated disc is what caused the pain also known as lumbar radiculopathy they may recommend� three sciatica exercises:

  • Prone on elbows into Press-up
  • Upper back extension
  • Opposite arm and leg extension

These stretches can help provide relief when the root cause of sciatica from herniated or bulging disc.


Prone Elbows/Press-Up

This exercise is to ease sciatica from herniated disc pain and pressure in the lumbar spine/low back.

How to:

  • Lay on stomach
  • Slowly push up until rested on forearms
  • Beginners hold for 30 seconds
  • Once strength is gained and you feel comfortable then hold for 3 to 5 minutes
  • Gently lower to the floor
  • Repeat 10 times
  • Once comfortable holding for 5 minutes then perform an extended arms version, which is like push-ups raising your arms to the point where your elbows lock


11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 Exercises for Sciatica from Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.

Upper Back Extension

This exercise is to strengthen and stabilize the low back muscles.

How to:

  • Lay on your stomach with a small pillow or rolled towel under your hips
  • Rest your arms at your sides
  • Slowly lift your upper body up off the floor, contracting your low back muscles as you rise
  • Hold the lifted position for 3 seconds
  • Slowly lower your body to the ground
  • Repeat 10 times

Throughout this exercise, keep movements fluid and controlled.


Opposite Arm and Leg Extension

This exercise is to stabilize your spine and strengthen your low back, hamstring and gluteus muscles.

How to:

  • Lay on your stomach with a small pillow or rolled towel under your abdomen
  • Extend both arms in front of you
  • Contract your abdominal muscles as you slowly lift both your right arm and left leg
  • Hold for 3 seconds. Lower your leg and arm down
  • Repeat with your left arm and right leg
  • Hold for 3 seconds
  • Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times on each side

As you alternate the lifts, make sure to keep abdominal muscles contracted to get the full benefit.


How do these exercises relieve sciatica from herniated disc

These exercises and stretches are designed to move the pain from the leg and into the low back.

This is centralization/localization.

This is a good thing, as the goal is to get the pain centralized and back at the source.

When the leg pain goes away, it means the pressure on the sciatic nerve and related nerves has been removed.

If sciatic pain stretches down to the foot, you will feel these exercises, meaning that the pain and electrical sensations will move through the ankle and knee. Which means you’re doing it correctly.

This does not mean that the pain is immediately going to centralize to the low back, it does take time because you are trying to stretch and straighten out this long nerve.

But you will notice sciatica pain does not go as far down the leg.

Therefore�these exercises need to be done consistently and be made a part of your routine.

What to know before exercising

Before starting these stretches, consider three recommendations:

Get a doctor�s approval

A spine specialist should clear you to perform these stretches and exercises before you start.

While these exercises are safe, get a doctor�s permission before starting physical activity.

Know the cause so your exercise program helps and not makes the condition worse

Sciatica from herniated disc means a different type of exercise than sciatica caused by piriformis syndrome.

Knowing this information will help you choose an exercise plan that provides maximum relief.

Don�t push too hard

Don’t aggravate sciatica, listen to your body and go slow.

Experience any pain or symptoms:

  • Weakness
  • Tingling
  • Numbness

Contact a spine specialist immediately!

Sciatic nerve pain caused by a herniated or bulging disc is a common problem.

But incorporating these exercises and stretches can provide sustained relief.

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that travels from the lower back down both of the legs and into the feet. When pressure is placed on the nerve, such as from a herniated disc, it can lead to the symptoms commonly referred to as sciatica.

The sciatic nerve can be impacted by a number of different things, including injury and degenerative diseases.


Difference Foot Orthotics Make to *REDUCE FOOT PAIN* & Correct Posture | El Paso, TX (2019)



Custom made foot orthotics can help control foot motion and posture. Healthcare professionals prescribe custom foot orthotics to help patients focus on their foot posture and mobility control. Research studies have ascertained that using custom foot orthotics for posture and mobility control can help fix excessive foot pronation and supination to prevent a variety of foot health problems. The subsequent video describes how custom foot orthotics will help control foot posture and mobility to improve health and wellness.


NCBI Resources

Sciatica is a common back ailment that affects approximately 1 in 10 adults in the United States. It is most prevalent in people between the ages of 25 and 45. Sciatica is characterized by a shooting pain that originates in the lower back and travels down through the hip, buttock, and back of the leg.

The pain can be so severe that it inhibits mobility and can prevent people from working, taking care of their homes, or just enjoying their life. Traditionally, doctors have treated the condition with medications and some invasive therapies, but chiropractic treatments have been found to be extremely effective in alleviating the pain and curing the condition.


Herniated Discs – What We Want To Know |El Paso, Tx.

Herniated Discs – What We Want To Know |El Paso, Tx.

A herniated disc is a common spinal disc issue. The spine is a very intricate structure, and when one component fails to function correctly, it can affect the entire body, causing pain and loss of mobility.

Tiny bones, called vertebrae, are stacked on each other to form the spine. They are joined in such a way to facilitate movement, flexibility, and a wide range of motion. There are small, fluid-filled discs that rest between each vertebra, providing a cushion between the bones. When one of these discs becomes damaged, it can affect the surrounding nerves, causing pain and making movement difficult.

What is It?

A herniated disc is a common spinal condition that typically affects the cervical spine (neck region) or the lumbar spine (lower back), although it can occur in any part of the spine. Most often, a herniated disc happens at the L4 � L5 and the L5 � S1.  This is because this portion of the spine, the lumbar region, bears the bulk of the body�s weight.

It is often referred to as a ruptured disc or slipped disc and occurs when the disc moves or slips out of place. It can also be the result of a disc that has a small tear and is leaking the jelly-like substance that is inside. This can put pressure on the surrounding nerves, causing pain and discomfort.

a herniated disc chiropractic help el paso tx.

What are the Progression and Symptoms?

There are four stages of a disc herniation:

  1. Disc protrusion
  2. Prolapsed disc
  3. Disc extrusion
  4. Sequestered disc

The first two stages are called incomplete herniations while the last two stages are called complete herniations.

Symptoms of a herniated disc may increase or worsen as the condition progresses although some patients do not experience any at all Typical symptoms include:

  • Pain in the affected area
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Leg or arm pain
  • Loss of reflex
  • Loss of mobility
  • Loss of flexibility
  • Decreased range of motion

What Causes It?

There are several causes. The most common are aging and degeneration, overuse, and normal wear and tear on the body.

A herniated disc resulting from an injury or trauma, such as a blow to the back, is less common, but it does happen. Because the back does bear most of the body�s weight, it can put a significant amount of pressure on the spine and discs. Over time, the discs may begin to weaken and a herniation can occur.

Injury or trauma that results in a herniation may include a car accident that involves sudden jerking, or incorrectly lifting heaving objects can put excessive pressure on the spine, causing it to herniate.

How is it Diagnosed?

A physical examination is usually the first step in diagnosing a herniated disc. The physician or chiropractor will examine the spine while the patient is standing, then while they are lying down. Depending on the severity and location of the herniation, they may note a decrease in spinal curvature.

Radicular pain will also be assessed, when the spine is unmoving, while in motion, and when pressure is applied. Other tests may also be administered. X-rays may also be taken, but an MRI is usually more accurate and provides greater detail.

What are the Treatments?

Medications may be recommended or prescribed, including NSAIDs, narcotics, muscle relaxers, and anticonvulsants. Some doctors may advise cortisone injections to reduce inflammation. Physical therapy may be recommended as a stand-alone treatment or in conjunctions with other treatments. Surgery for herniated discs is rare and usually reserved as a last resort option.

Chiropractic has been very effective in helping patients manage their pain and regain their mobility so they can return to their normal life. Therefore, it should be your first option for treatment before you go down the road with drugs or surgery.

a herniated disc chiropractic help el paso tx.

El Paso Back Clinic

Herniated Disc Pain | Video | El Paso, TX.

Herniated Disc Pain | Video | El Paso, TX.

Aracely Pisana saw Dr. Alex Jimenez, doctor of chiropractic in El Paso, Tx, for the very first time after many other treatment efforts were not able to supply her with the back pain relief she’d needed. Aracely Pisana describes how well Dr. Alex Jimenez and his staff have taken care of her and she adds that their services are what keeps her coming back to chiropractic care. Aracely Pisana has recovered her quality of life and she highly recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical selection for back pain.

Chiropractic Treatment

herniated disc chiropractic relief el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice includeWellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Treatment, Sports Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused on treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

We want you to live a life that is fulfilled with more energy, positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight and educated on how to maintain this way of life. I have made a life of taking care of every one of my patients.

I assure you, I will only accept the best for you�

If you have enjoyed this video and we have helped you in any way, please feel free to subscribe and recommend�us.

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Herniated Disc Pain Treatment In El Paso, TX. | Video

Herniated Disc Pain Treatment In El Paso, TX. | Video

Herniated Disc Pain: Araceli Pizana started chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez due to chronic back pain symptoms associated with a herniated disc. Before finding the right alternative treatment option with Dr. Jimenez, Mrs. Pizana struggled to perform her everyday activities. Araceli Pizana describes how Dr. Alex Jimenez’s exceptional care for his patients ultimately reflects on his ability to improve her overall well-being. Mrs. Pizana recommends chiropractic care for health and wellness.

Herniated Disc Pain & Chiropractic Treatment

Most healthcare professionals agree that degeneration of the intervertebral discs is the main cause of spinal disc herniation, where trauma and/or injury is considered to be the least probable cause. Disc degeneration occurs both with degenerative disc disease and aging. When the degeneration of the intervertebral discs occurs, the soft gel-like center of the disc, known as the nucleus pulposus, pushes through the outer ring of the disc, known as the annulus fibrosus. A tear in the intervertebral disc is what’s known as a disc herniation. Furthermore, the chemical material released can irritate the surrounding structures of the spine causing herniated disc pain.

herniated disc pain in el paso tx.

Dr. Jimenez has teamed with the top surgeons, clinical specialist, medical researchers and�premiere rehabilitation�providers to bring El Paso the top clinical treatments to our community.��Providing the top non-invasive protocols is our priority.��The clinical insight is what our patients demand in order to give them the appropriate care required.

Our team has takes great�pride in bringing our families and injured patients only�clinically proven treatments protocols. �By teaching complete holistic wellness as a lifestyle,�we also change not only our patients lives but their families as well.� We do this so that we may reach as many El Pasoans who need us, no matter the affordability issues.

There is no reason we cannot help you.

Please Recommend Us: If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to recommend us. Thank You & God Bless.

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Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Herniated Disc Treatment