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Spinal Decompression Treatments

Dr. Alex Jmenez, Chiropractor Discusses: Spinal Decompression Therapies, Protocols, Rehabilitation and Advance Treatments Care Plans

At our offices, we offer conservative care for degenerative spinal conditions, including several treatment modalities. Thus, the traction distinguishes as it can elicit the body’s protective proprioceptive response to distraction, reducing intradiscal pressure and minimizing symptoms secondary to disc herniation and axial pain.
Our integrative treatments aim to determine the clinical effects of a short treatment course of motorized axial spinal decompression for patients with pain and physical impairment caused by either lumbar or cervical degenerative disc pathology with no immediate surgical indication.

Conservative care for mid to long-term degenerative spinal conditions with axial and irradiated pain generally includes pharmacological treatment, physical rehabilitation, or injections. Mechanical traction is an old treatment modality, which has been decreased in use facing other modern technologies or utilized in combination with other treatment modalities, such as manual therapy, exercises, heat, or electrotherapy. We, too, offer advanced spinal treatment workshops and boot camps to help educate patients on the dynamics of spinal hygiene.

Our patients get treated for chronic radicular axial spinal pain. This is a referred pain in the spinal axial skeleton and is considered a syndrome with both nociceptive and neuropathic pain components. Patients report improvement in symptoms with a reduction of the axial load in the spine.
Previous studies have shown a decrease of pressure in the intervertebral disc after traction, unloading of the spinal structure, and alleviating the inflammatory reaction of the nerve roots. Here, we present our patients’ literature and scientific background information to make educated decisions about the advanced spinal decompression protocols.

If you’re looking for a non-surgical solution for your persistent back or leg pain, you may want to try spinal decompression therapy. Unlike invasive or laparoscopic surgeries, spinal decompression does not require the patient to go under the knife. Instead, the patient’s spine is stretched to relieve back and leg pain. The goal of spinal decompression is to create an ideal healing environment for the affected areas.

This treatment is typically used for:
Bulging discs
Degenerating discs
Herniated discs

Call us today to schedule your first appointment! Our team in El Paso is happy to help.

The Impact Of Chiari Malformation

The Impact Of Chiari Malformation


The brain and the spinal cord have a casual relationship in the nervous system as they help transport neuron signals to the rest of the body. These neuron signals travel through the various nerve pathways that provide motor-sensory functions to the arms, legs, neck, and back that help keep the body upright and function properly. When natural causes or traumatic issues affect the spinal cord, it can cause pain symptoms associated with nerve compression that overlaps with different chronic problems. When there is spinal nerve compression in the back, it may potentially involve low back or neck pain. Today’s article looks at a condition known as Chiari malformation, its associated symptoms with the spine, and how decompression and chiropractic care manage Chiari malformation. We refer patients to certified providers specializing in neurological treatments to help many individuals with Chiari malformation. We also guide our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is the solution to asking our providers insightful questions. Dr. Alex Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer


What Is Chiari Malformation?


Have you been experiencing chronic headaches that are triggering neck stiffness? What about uncontrollable bladder issues? Are you feeling tingling sensations down your fingers and toes? Some of these symptoms are signs that you might risk developing Chiari malformation. Chiari malformation is uncommon when parts of the brain tissue extend into the spinal canal. This condition is a cluster of abnormalities that involves parts of the brain and cervical cord. The brain consists of 6 pieces that have different functions; they are:

  • Frontal lobe (Problem-solving, emotions, attention & concentration, etc.)
  • Parietal lobe (Sense of touch, visual perception, differentiation, etc.)
  • Temporal lobe (Memory, understanding languages)
  • Occipital lobe (Vision)
  • Cerebellum (Balance, motor activity, coordination)
  • The brain stem (spinal cord, breathing, sleep and wake cycles, etc.)

These different brain sections have a casual relationship with their correlated organs and muscles to keep the body moving. When there are deformities affecting the brain from Chiari malformation, studies reveal that the cerebellum is leaking out of the skull and pressing against the surrounding spinal canal, triggering symptoms along the spine.


The Symptoms Associated With Chiari Malformation & The Spine

The symptoms associated with Chiari malformation do affect the spine in the body. The symptoms vary from each individual, ranging from none to severe. The most common sign that is associated with Chiari malformation is a headache. Studies reveal that symptomatic cluster-like headaches are related to various diseases, including Chiari malformation. When dealing with a headache that radiates pain along the neck and shoulders, this is known as somato-visceral pain, where the affected muscle affects the organ, causing pain associated with a chronic issue. Let’s look at another symptom related to the presence of Chiari malformation. Scoliosis is when there is a sideways curvature in the thoracic or lumbar regions of the spine. So how is scoliosis associated with Chiari malformation? When skeletal maturity and age are affected by scoliosis, studies show that neural axis abnormalities correlate with curve progression, causing the risk of Chiari malformation to develop. Other symptoms that are associated with Chiari malformation include:

  • Muscle weakness (coordination issues, loss of balance)
  • Hearing problems (tinnitus)
  • Vision problems (double vision, light sensitivity)
  • Issues swallowing
  • Troubles sleeping (chronic fatigue, insomnia, sleep apnea)
  • Bowel issues


The Diagnosis Of Chiari Malformation-Video

Have you been experiencing bladder issues out of nowhere? Do you feel tingling, burning sensations along your arms and legs? Has your neck and upper back been feeling stiff? These are some of the symptoms associated with Chiari malformation in the cervical region. The video above gives an overview of Chiari malformation, its diagnosis, and how it’s treated. Chiari malformation has multiple causes, but the most common cause is when the cerebellum develops downward and compresses the spinal canal. This causes painful issues on the neck and affects the visceral organs and muscles, causing painful symptoms that potentially involve other parts of the body. Fortunately, treatments are available to manage Chiari malformation and its associated symptoms.

Decompression & Chiropractic Care For Chiari Malformation


Chiari malformation is treatable through decompression and chiropractic care by managing the associated symptoms. Studies show that decompression may improve the symptoms associated with Chiari malformation and regain motor functions in the neck and range of motion in the arms. Decompression for the cervical region allows gentle traction on the neck to elongate the compressed spinal disc to release the pressure off the nerve root. For chiropractic care, spinal manipulation on the upper back may help alleviate headaches due to subluxation or spinal misalignment. Utilizing these two treatments allows many individuals to find the relief they are looking for and help manage the symptoms associated with their chronic issues.



Overall, the brain and spinal cord have a casual relationship in the nervous system as they help transport the neuron signals to each body part to be functional. Traumatic issues or injuries to the spine can cause pain in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions while potentially being involved with chronic issues. Chiari malformation is a chronic condition where the cerebellum develops downwards and compresses the spinal canal. This causes associated symptoms in the cervical region that can drastically affect the upper half of the body. Treatments like decompression and chiropractic care help manage the associated symptoms that are caused by Chiari malformation through non-invasive ways. Incorporating these treatments allow the individual to be pain-free.



Goldschagg, Nicolina, et al. “Decompression in Chiari Malformation: Clinical, Ocular Motor, Cerebellar, and Vestibular Outcome.” Frontiers in Neurology, Frontiers Media S.A., 22 June 2017,

Hidalgo, Joaquin A, et al. “Arnold Chiari Malformation – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 1 May 2022,

Kaplan, Yüksel, and Özden Kamişli. “Cluster-like Headache Associated with Symptomatic Chiari Type 1 Malformation.” Noro Psikiyatri Arsivi, Turkish Neuropsychiatric Society, Mar. 2014,

Kelly, Michael P, et al. “Spinal Deformity Associated with Chiari Malformation.” Neurosurgery Clinics of North America, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2015,

Staff, Mayo Clinic. “Chiari Malformation.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 24 Sept. 2021,


Function Restoration Chiropractor To The Sciatic Nerve

Function Restoration Chiropractor To The Sciatic Nerve

The sciatic nerve is the longest in the body and is the central nerve in the leg. A critical nerve that comes off the spine runs through the pelvis, into the buttocks, down the back of each thigh, and finally into the feet. It is a mixed nerve meaning it is made up of both motor/movement) and sensory/sensation fibers. The nerves merge with the spinal nerve roots before they enter the spinal cord, where the sensory information travels to and from the brain. If the nerve is inflamed, compressed, twisted, damaged, or injured, this can negatively affect the muscles’ function, leading to chronic pain conditions. Injury Medical  Function Restoration Chiropractors will do precisely that for the sciatic nerve and the rest of the body. 

Function Restoration Chiropractor: Sciatic Nerve

Nerve Roots and Branches

Different nerve roots make up the sciatic nerve, with two starting in the lower back and three at the bottom of the spine or sacrum. At the  knees, the nerve splits into two branches:

  • The peroneal nerve runs from the knee’s outer part to the foot’s outer part and splits into two main branches below the knee.
  • The tibial nerve goes down the back of the calf, extending to the heel and sole.

There are smaller branches at the:

  • Hips
  • Inner thighs
  • Calves
  • Feet

Sciatic Nerve Function

The sciatic nerve’s purpose serves motor functions by assisting the muscles in the legs and feet to move, walk, run, and stand. And for the sensory function of feeling sensations in the legs and feet includes pain, numbness, burning, and electrical sensations.

Motor Functions

The nerve provides motor functions that power movement to the muscles that move the thighs, legs, and feet. Essential motor functions:

Hip adduction

  • Bringing the thighs together inward toward the body

Knee flexion

  • Bending the knee.

Inversion of the foot

  • Movement of the foot inward to the body.

Eversion of the foot

  • Movement of the foot away/outward from the body

Dorsiflexion of the foot

  • Pointing the foot up.


  • Pointing the foot down.

Flexion of toes

  • Pointing the toes down.

Extension of toes

  • Pointing the toes up.

Motor function signs of sciatic nerve problems include difficulty or inability to walk, bend the leg, and/or stand on tiptoe or the heel.

Sensory Functions

The nerve provides sensation to the different areas; when the nerve is injured, the corresponding area may feel unique/abnormal sensations with differing degrees of numbness, pins-and-needles, and pain. Commonly affected areas include:

  • Front, back, and outside the thigh.
  • Front, back, and outside the lower leg.
  • The top and outer side of the foot.
  • Bottom of the foot.
  • Between the toes.

Like motor function disruption, sensory impairment is determined by where the problems are occurring.

Function Restoration Chiropractor

Affected, reduced, and inhibited motor and sensory functions can lead to muscle weakness, chronic pain, and permanent nerve damage. Function restoration chiropractor and physical therapeutic massage can help manage nerve compression and irritation. Spinal manipulations restore misaligned vertebral discs taking the pressure off the nerve relieving the pain, and regaining nerve signal flow and mobility. Chiropractic will induce deep muscle relaxation to stop muscle spasms, release tension, soothe the nerve, release endorphins, and restore sciatic nerve function.

Spinal Decompression


Bouche, P. “Compression and entrapment neuropathies.” Handbook of clinical neurology vol. 115 (2013): 311-66. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-52902-2.00019-9

Cook, Chad E et al. “Risk factors for first-time incidence sciatica: a systematic review.” Physiotherapy research international: the journal for researchers and clinicians in physical therapy vol. 19,2 (2014): 65-78. doi:10.1002/pri.1572

Giuffre BA, Jeanmonod R. Anatomy, Sciatic Nerve. [Updated 2021 Jul 29]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:

Muscle Memory: Lower Back Pain and Sciatica

Muscle Memory: Lower Back Pain and Sciatica

The lower back core muscles initiate and control movement and posture. Total body movements start at the pelvis and are carried out by the low back and abdominal muscles. These core muscles provide control and stability when moving. When the body is not moving, standing and sitting posture habits (healthy and unhealthy) develop based on how an individual controls/holds their pelvis posture. The lower back muscles are in constant demand for performing repetitive motions or forceful actions. The muscles become chronically tight and sore,  joints and nerves get compressed, and bones and connective tissue stay in a stressed state, causing intense pain and damage to the body’s structure. These problems can result from muscle memory, the nervous system’s operating procedure to make movements automatic.

Muscle Memory, Back Pain and Sciatica

Muscle Memory

The nervous system controls the movement and contraction in the muscles and constantly reinforces and learns new movement patterns to become more efficient through muscle memory. However, this learning process allows for the development of healthy muscle habits and unhealthy muscular habits. An example is sitting using a slouching posture. The nervous system will store that posture data and subconsciously contract the abdominal and pectoral muscles, so the slouched posture takes over. Because of the continual usage and compromised postures, various muscles start to tighten up. Individuals are typically not aware of the gradual tightening until stiffness, soreness, and pain sets in. Tight muscles pull the skeleton in awkward ways that cause body misalignments, causing:

Individuals develop unique muscle patterns and tension levels throughout the body due to repetitive daily activities, stress responses, injuries sustained, and physical activities. Muscle memory issues can contribute to chronic back pain and sciatica. Unhealthy muscle memory causes the muscles not to return to their natural state but to the awkward position and makes that the natural state. Healthy muscle memory leads to instant reflexes that make movements smooth and effortless.

Chiropractic will relieve back and sciatica pain by inducing deep muscle relaxation that releases endorphins. The soreness and tension will be massaged, and mechanical decompression if necessary. Massage and stretching will help retrain muscle and movement memory, along with exercises to reinforce the retraining.

Spinal Decompression Therapy


Campbell, James N, and Richard A Meyer. “Mechanisms of neuropathic pain.” Neuron vol. 52,1 (2006): 77-92. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2006.09.021

Wilder, David G et al. “Effect of spinal manipulation on sensorimotor functions in back pain patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.” Trials vol. 12 161. 28 Jun. 2011, doi:10.1186/1745-6215-12-161

Poor Breathing Quality Chiropractic Care

Poor Breathing Quality Chiropractic Care

The body is a set of complex systems, including bones, organs, nerves, muscles, and tissue. Breathing disorders are increasing, including chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, and other conditions. Viscerosomatic reflexes include poor breathing quality brought on by allergies, breathing disorders like COPD that can cause intense coughing, sneezing, hunching, arching of the back, and heaving that causes back pain and referred pain.

The brain sends electronic impulses to the different areas of the body through the spine/nervous system. If the nerves get shifted, stretched, compressed, or knocked out of position, the brain could start sending messages of pain and discomfort, which can also cause other body systems to malfunction. If the body is constantly transmitting pain signals, it can disrupt sleep, dietary habits, and overall well-being. Misalignment can disrupt the information delivered by the nervous system, leading to inflammation, irritation, and imbalances in the body.

Regular chiropractic maintains the nervous system to operate the way it was designed. Proper alignment of the spine and body will improve the nervous system’s health and function, encouraging the brain to release endorphins achieving pain relief, and leading to optimal health. When the nervous system performs optimally, the other systems will follow, including better breathing quality.

Poor Breathing Quality and Chiropractic Improvement

Poor Breathing

Breathing difficulties are widespread with various causes that include:

  • Allergies
  • Environmental pollutants
  • Viral and bacterial infections that cause inflammation
  • Physical health
  • Anxiety
  • Digestive problems
  • Untreated illness or condition
  • An overactive immune response can all contribute to poor breathing quality.

Individuals might not notice that their breathing quality is poor but instead notice they are:

  • Frequent exhaustion
  • Having to stop constantly in the middle of activities.
  • Experience brain fog.
  • Memory issues/forgetfulness.
  • Physical performance – endurance, flexibility, and muscle is deteriorating.

The breathing quality impacts how well the body’s systems can carry out their essential functions and be prepared for unexpected events. The body adjusts oxygen intake capacity in line with the energy required to perform physical activity. All bodily systems, including the cardiovascular, immune, and muscular systems, depend on the respiratory system to generate energy.

Better Breathing Benefits

Achieving improved lung function can help with:

  • Digestion
  • Sleep
  • Cognitive activities
  • Heart health
  • Waste elimination
  • Immune protection against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other diseases.


A crucial part of the respiratory system’s function is transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Chiropractic treatment releases tension by moving muscle fascia and the spine that may have become stuck, compressed, or shifted out of position, causing poor posture and injury. Chiropractic eliminates toxins and cellular waste from tight, knotted areas by breaking up stagnant tissues.

Circulation Improvement

Chiropractic increases circulation, allowing fresh blood, lymphatic fluid, nutrients, and oxygen to enter the deprived tissues. These regions include:

  • Muscles in the shoulder, neck, back
  • Bones and joints across the spine
  • Body tissues
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons

Chiropractic treatment can be manual/mechanical traction/decompression, combined with therapeutic tissue massage, exercise, and diet recommendations.

Decompression De La Espalda


McCarty, Justin C, and Berrylin J Ferguson. “Identifying asthma triggers.” Otolaryngologic clinics of North America vol. 47,1 (2014): 109-18. doi:10.1016/j.otc.2013.08.012

Purnomo, Ariana Tulus, et al. “Non-Contact Monitoring and Classification of Breathing Pattern for the Supervision of People Infected by COVID-19.” Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 21,9 3172. 3 May. 2021, doi:10.3390/s21093172

Schend, Jason, et al. “An Osteopathic Modular Approach to Asthma: A Narrative Review.” The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association vol. 120,11 (2020): 774-782. doi:10.7556/jaoa.2020.121

Alleviating Back Pain From Auto Accident Injuries

Alleviating Back Pain From Auto Accident Injuries


Everybody is always moving in their vehicles as they go from one place to another in less time. Sometimes accidents happen as vehicles collide with each other and cause excruciating pain to the body as it lunges forward, causing back and neck pain to the individual. These are physical effects on the body, but the emotional impact also takes a toll on the individual. It can cause a person to become miserable and affect their quality of life. Today’s article discusses the effects of an auto accident are cause the back and body, as well as how non-surgical decompression therapy can help alleviate the pain in the back from an auto accident. Patients are referred to qualified, skilled providers specializing in spinal decompression and non-surgical treatments. We go hand in hand with our patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is valuable for asking critical questions to our providers. Dr. Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer


Can my insurance cover it? Yes, it may. If you are uncertain, here is the link to all the insurance providers we cover. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900.

The Effects Of Auto Accidents On The Back


Have you suffered from back pain after a vehicle collision? What about experiencing whiplash or neck pain? Or has your lower back been feeling stiff and aches more? Many of these symptoms are signs that the spine, back, and neck all have suffered from the effects of an auto accident. Research has shown that the impact of a person in an auto accident causes the body to rapidly lunge forward and back after a complete stop, causing damage to the body, especially on the spine. After the auto accident has occurred, many individuals don’t feel the effects of the injuries that are caused by auto accidents sometimes until the day after the accident. This is due to the adrenaline in the body, which is both a neurotransmitter and a hormone and is fully turned on to the max. Additional information has stated that many individuals suffer from low back pain after a motor vehicle collision. Even if the accident was non-lethal, the impact can cause strain on the lower back muscles and compress the spinal nerves, making them irritated. 


How The Body Is Affected

Research studies have shown that the impact of an auto accident may cause the body to have non-fatal physical injuries but also cause psychological trauma that can affect a person’s psyche. Many people that have experienced an auto accident will have various emotions that leave them in shock. During that process, emotions like distress, helplessness, anger, shock, and frustration are presented as the individual who was in the accident experience these negative emotions. Additional research also found that many individuals can experience low back pain episodes reoccurring along with the emotional presence that they are feeling. Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate low back pain caused by auto accidents and can help restore the spine to its functionality.

Spinal Decompression Therapy Alleviates Auto Accident Injuries- Video

Have you experienced low back pain after a car accident? How about feeling the effects of muscle stiffness on the neck and low back the day after? Do emotions like stress, frustration, and shock affect your quality of life? These are signs and symptoms of what a person is going through after being involved in an auto accident and dealing with neck and back pain. There are ways to treat neck and back pain through decompression, and the video above explains the impressive effects of what decompression does to the individual. Decompression is a non-surgical treatment that allows gentle traction to alleviate the flattened spinal disc and take the pressure off the aggravated nerves surrounding the spine. The gentle traction also pumps the nutrients back to the dehydrated discs while increasing their heights. This link will explain what decompression offers and the impressive results for many individuals who suffer from back or neck pain due to an auto accident.

How Spinal Decompression Helps Relieve The Spine After Auto Accidents


After a person suffers from an auto accident, they experience pain in their spine and back the day before or after. Many individuals who suffer from low back pain, neck pain, and whiplash from auto accidents tend to find ways to alleviate the pain in their spine. One of these treatments is spinal decompression. Spinal decompression allows the individual to sit on a traction table in a supine position and be strapped in. Research studies have mentioned that spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment for many individuals suffering from low back pain. In contrast, the traction machine slowly but gently pulls the spine to relieve the pain caused by a spinal injury due to an accident. This will provide effective recovery for many individuals suffering from low back pain. Additional information also mentioned that the effectiveness of decompression could reduce the inflammatory markers induced by the aggravated nerve roots through negative pressure, thus causing relief to the back.



Overall, suffering low back pain or neck pain after an auto accident is nerve-wracking for many individuals. The emotional and physical trauma caused by a motor vehicle collision can dampen a person’s mood, and the residual pain afterward can affect their quality of life. Utilizing decompression for non-surgical treatments can provide beneficial results in restoring functionality back in the spine and alleviating the pain the person is in. When people use decompression, they can get back to their activities and become pain-free from their lower back.



Daniel, Dwain M. “Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy: Does the Scientific Literature Support Efficacy Claims Made in the Advertising Media?” Chiropractic & Osteopathy, BioMed Central, 18 May 2007,

Kang, Jeong-Il, et al. “Effect of Spinal Decompression on the Lumbar Muscle Activity and Disk Height in Patients with Herniated Intervertebral Disk.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, The Society of Physical Therapy Science, Nov. 2016,

Nolet, Paul S, et al. “Exposure to a Motor Vehicle Collision and the Risk of Future Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Accident; Analysis and Prevention, U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2020,

Nolet, Paul S, et al. “The Association between a Lifetime History of Low Back Injury in a Motor Vehicle Collision and Future Low Back Pain: A Population-Based Cohort Study.” European Spine Journal: Official Publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Jan. 2018,

Salam, Mahmoud M. “Motor Vehicle Accidents: The Physical versus the Psychological Trauma.” Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, 2017,

Toney-Butler, Tammy J, and Matthew Varacallo. “Motor Vehicle Collisions – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 5 Sept. 2021,


Traction Therapy Provides Relief From Lumbar Stenosis

Traction Therapy Provides Relief From Lumbar Stenosis


The lower half of the body consists of the low back, hips, legs, and feet to stabilize the upper body. The motor-sensory function helps the lower portion of the body move the leg muscles and sense when the lower back muscles are in pain. The lower back muscles help twist and turn the upper body without feeling discomfort or pain when it is in motion. Many ordinary factors put the lower back muscles to the test, which can become a nuisance later on if not treated right away. Factors like lifting and carrying heavy objects, being hunched over, and injuries can affect the lower back while causing immense pain to the lumbar spine. When injuries occur in the lower back, unwanted symptoms start to take effect, causing the individual to suffer and find some relief to alleviate the pain. Today’s article will focus on what causes lumbar stenosis, how it is associated with low back pain, and how traction therapy can help alleviate lumbar stenosis for many people. Patients are referred to qualified, skilled providers who specialize in spinal decompression and traction therapy. We go hand in hand with our patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is valuable for asking critical questions to our providers. Dr. Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer


Can my insurance cover it? Yes, it may. If you are uncertain, here is the link to all the insurance providers we cover. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900.

What Causes Lumbar Stenosis?


Experiencing mild to chronic pain in your lower back? Do you feel unstable when walking or running to your destination? Or have you experienced symptoms of muscle weakness or tenderness around your lower back? Many of these symptoms are caused by lumbar spinal stenosis. Research studies have defined lumbar stenosis as intervertebral spinal discs in the lumbar regions starting to degenerate naturally, causing the lower extremities to become hypermobile around the facet joints. When this happens to the spinal joint over time, it causes a reduction in the spinal canal, making the nerve roots that surround the spine irritated. Lumbar stenosis will gradually worsen as the pain symptoms range from mild to severe. Other research studies have shown that lumbar stenosis is caused due to natural aging in the spine that causes the degeneration process, thus leading to pain symptoms associated with stenosis.


How Low Back Pain Is Associated With Stenosis?

Research studies have found that lumbar stenosis is associated with leg and back pain when a person has lumbar stenosis, a common source in the lower back. Other back issues and symptoms are also playing an effect on the development of lumbar stenosis. Degenerative spondylosis causes an increased load on the posterior portions of the spine where the hips are located at. Additional research studies have shown that many suffering individuals will exhibit various symptoms associated with lumbar stenosis. Some of the signs that lumbar spinal stenosis does include:

  • Neurogenic claudication
  • Radiating pain in the lower limbs (buttock, legs, and feet)
  • Decrease sensory functions 
  • Severe pain in posture stance
  • Increase chances of falling down

An Overview On Lumbar Traction-Video

Feeling radiating pain in your lower limbs? Do you feel muscle stiffness or tenderness in certain parts of your lower back? Have you experienced severe pain from standing or sitting for too long? Having lumbar spinal stenosis is no laughing matter for your lower back. The pain can become excruciating if it isn’t being taken care of, and that is where lumbar traction can help. The video above explains why lumbar traction is terrific when dealing with low back pain and lumbar stenosis. Lumbar traction helps loosen the tense muscles and resets the spinal discs that aggravate the nerve roots. Lumbar traction also provides relief to individuals suffering from sciatic nerve pain and can help rehydrate the dry intervertebral discs in the body. This link will explain what lumbar traction therapy offers and the impressive results for many individuals who suffer from lumbar spinal stenosis or other low back pain issues

How Traction Therapy Helps Alleviate Lumbar Stenosis


Many individuals looking for treatments that can help alleviate lumbar stenosis and low back can try lumbar traction therapy. Research studies have shown that traction therapy can help many suffering patients dealing with low back pain or lumbar stenosis will have a decrease in radicular pain in their lower back and legs. Lumbar traction helps relieve the surrounding nerves’ aggravated pressure, and radiculopathy symptoms are decreased in the lower back. Other research studies have mentioned that lumbar traction can help widen the spinal disc space in the spine while reducing low back pain and causing the sensory-motor functions to return to the legs. Lumbar traction therapy has many beneficial results for lower back pain relief for individuals.



Living with low back pain or lumbar stenosis is not a laughing matter for a person’s health. Overall, experiencing low back pain is no joke when associated with other symptoms like lumbar spinal stenosis. Lumbar stenosis causes the spinal canal to become narrow, and it can press on the surrounding nerve roots in the lumbar region. Many individuals who suffer from lumbar stenosis will have a wide range of pain in their lower extremities while feeling unstable when they are moving. When this happens, therapies like lumbar traction can help decompress the affected nerve roots and help widen the spinal canal and discs back to their original state. Incorporating traction and decompression therapy to alleviate low back pain can do many wonders for the individual.



Bjerke, Benjamin. “Lumbar Spinal Stenosis.” Spine, Spine-Health, 8 June 2020,

Harte, Annette A, et al. “The Effectiveness of Motorised Lumbar Traction in the Management of LBP with Lumbo Sacral Nerve Root Involvement: A Feasibility Study.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, BioMed Central, 29 Nov. 2007,

Lee, Byung Ho, et al. “Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Pathophysiology and Treatment Principle: A Narrative Review.” Asian Spine Journal, Korean Society of Spine Surgery, Oct. 2020,

Lee, Seung Yeop, et al. “Lumbar Stenosis: A Recent Update by Review of Literature.” Asian Spine Journal, Korean Society of Spine Surgery, Oct. 2015,

Vanti, Carla, et al. “Vertical Traction for Lumbar Radiculopathy: A Systematic Review.” Archives of Physiotherapy, BioMed Central, 15 Mar. 2021,

Wu, Lite, and Ricardo Cruz. “Lumbar Spinal Stenosis – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 25 Aug. 2021,


Cervical Spinal Stenosis Relief With Decompression

Cervical Spinal Stenosis Relief With Decompression


The neck can make sure that the head doesn’t flop around by letting the muscles, ligaments, and the spine hold the head upright. The neck is responsible for twisting and turning the head in all directions without the feeling of discomfort. However, the neck also has soft tissues, and nerve roots spread out from the cervical area of the spine that helps control the shoulders, arms, and hands. When a person suffers from a neck injury, it can cause unwanted pain and discomfort to the neck muscles and disrupt the motor functions in the upper body. Luckily, some treatments help alleviate the pain and restore motor function to the neck. Today’s article post will examine how cervical stenosis affects the neck and the cervical spine and how traction therapy can help alleviate cervical stenosis for many suffering individuals. Patients are referred to qualified, skilled providers who specialize in spinal decompression therapy. We go hand in hand with our patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is valuable for asking crucial questions to our providers. Dr. Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer


Can my insurance cover it? Yes, it may. If you are uncertain, here is the link to all the insurance providers we cover. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900.

How Does Cervical Stenosis Affect The Neck?


Has your neck been feeling stiff lately? Do you suffer from any pain in your neck after stretching from side to side? How about feeling discomfort after being hunched over for an extended period? All these issues are due to neck pain, and if a traumatic event or injury affects the neck even more, it can lead to the development of cervical stenosis. Like the lower back, the neck can also be injured as the soft tissues, and nerve roots spread out from the cervical area are compressed and aggravated. Research studies have found that cervical stenosis develops when the spinal column in the cervical spine becomes narrow due to either degenerative spinal changes or traumatic incidents. When the spinal canal becomes more limited, it can cause unwanted neck issues like cervical herniation and neck pain. If the nerve roots are aggravated due to being compressed, it can disrupt the sensory-motor function of the shoulders and arms, and hands. Additional information has shown that the symptoms of cervical stenosis symptoms develop gradually over time as there is no pain in the early stages. However, as cervical stenosis begins to progress in compressing the spinal canal and provoking the nerve roots, motor functions in the hands will start to lose their function in writing or grasping items. This can become a problem for many individuals if cervical stenosis is not treated immediately.


What Other Causes Does It Do To The Cervical Spine?

Since cervical stenosis progresses gradually without any pain symptoms in the early stages and becomes worse in the advanced settings, other causes can start affecting the neck and cervical spine. One of them is cervical myelopathy. Research studies have shown that it is a condition where the spinal cord becomes compressed and causes a disturbance in the upper extremity portions. When the upper part of the body begins to feel sharp electric sensations radiating from the neck down to the hands, it can cause muscle weakness and numbness in each section of the upper body. Other causes like natural degenerative issues can also result from cervical stenosis occurring in the cervical spine. Other research studies have shown that degenerative causes associated with cervical stenosis can activate pro-inflammatory factors in the spinal joints and cause excruciating swelling and pain-like symptoms along the spine. However, there are treatments to help reduce the pro-inflammatory markers and alleviate spinal cord compression along the cervical spine.

Traction Therapy For Cervical Stenosis-Video

Do you have neck pain? Do your shoulders feel tight and tense? Have you lost the sensation in your hands? Traction therapy alleviates spinal stenosis in the cervical area and has given many beneficial factors for people who need neck pain relief. Experiencing cervical stenosis can dampen a person’s day and progressively worsen if it is not treated right away; traction therapy can help alleviate cervical stenosis. The video above shows how traction therapy works using the cervical mechanics from the Chatanooga decompression table. Cervical traction helps loosen up the tight muscle tissues and resets the cervical spine by setting it back in its proper alignment. This allows the spinal cord and nerve roots to feel relief from the pressure they’ve been under. Cervical traction also helps rehydrate the dry spinal discs with the nutrients beneficial to the body. This link will explain what traction has to offer and the impressive results for many individuals who suffer from cervical spinal stenosis or other issues that occur in the neck.

Traction Therapy To Alleviate Cervical Stenosis


Many treatments associated with neck pain do have beneficial results when people are trying to relieve the pain. Some people use ice/hot packs to ease tense neck muscles, while others take over-the-counter medicine to stop the pain for the remainder of the day. Traction therapy is one treatment that seems to alleviate the pain and help restore the cervical spine. Research studies have mentioned that cervical traction is a non-surgical procedure that uses a tension pull on the cervical spine to increase the height of the spinal disc and take the pressure off the spinal cord and surrounding nerve roots. Traction on the cervical spine helps relax the neck muscles while also providing much-needed relief to the cervical spine. Additional research mentioned the beneficial properties that cervical traction offers to help separate the vertebral bodies while providing movement on the facet joints and gently stretching the soft tissues. 



The neck makes sure that the head stays upright and can make everyday motions without feeling pain or discomfort. When traumatic events or injuries affect the sensory-motor functions of the neck, it can narrow the spinal canal in the cervical spine and cause many unwanted symptoms like cervical stenosis. Cervical stenosis can develop over time and can progressively become worse if it is not treated right away. Some of the symptoms can induce muscle weakness, numbness, and pain along the neck, shoulders, arms, and hands in the body’s upper portion. Traction therapy for the cervical spine can help ease the painful symptoms by taking the pressure off the spinal canal and help reset the spine back in alignment. Incorporating cervical traction for neck pain can help many suffering individuals become pain-free on their health and wellness journey.



Abi-Aad, Karl R, and Armen Derian. “Cervical Traction – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 1 May 2022,

Bjerke, Benjamin. “Cervical Stenosis with Myelopathy.” Spine, Spine-Health, 10 July 2017,

Burns, Stephen P, et al. “Cervical Stenosis in Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders.” The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, Taylor & Francis, July 2016,

Donnally III, Chester J, et al. “Cervical Myelopathy.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 6 Mar. 2022,

Meyer, Frerk, et al. “Degenerative Cervical Spinal Stenosis: Current Strategies in Diagnosis and Treatment.” Deutsches Arzteblatt International, Deutscher Arzte Verlag, May 2008,

Rulleau, Thomas, et al. “Effect of an Intensive Cervical Traction Protocol on Mid-Term Disability and Pain in Patients with Cervical Radiculopathy: An Exploratory, Prospective, Observational Pilot Study.” PloS One, Public Library of Science, 11 Aug. 2021,
