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Sports Injuries

Back Clinic Sports Injuries Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Team. Athletes from all sports can benefit from chiropractic treatment. Adjustments can help treat injuries from high-impact sports i.e. wrestling, football, and hockey. Athletes that get routine adjustments may notice improved athletic performance, improved range of motion along with flexibility, and increased blood flow. Because spinal adjustments will reduce the irritation of the nerve roots between the vertebrae, the healing time from minor injuries can be shortened, which improves performance. Both high-impact and low-impact athletes can benefit from routine spinal adjustments.

For high-impact athletes, it increases performance and flexibility and lowers the risk for injury for low-impact athletes i.e. tennis players, bowlers, and golfers. Chiropractic is a natural way to treat and prevent different injuries and conditions that impact athletes. According to Dr. Jimenez, excessive training or improper gear, among other factors, are common causes of injury. Dr. Jimenez summarizes the various causes and effects of sports injuries on the athlete as well as explaining the types of treatments and rehabilitation methods that can help improve an athlete’s condition. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Q/Quadriceps Angle Knee Injuries In Women Athletes

Q/Quadriceps Angle Knee Injuries In Women Athletes

The Q or quadriceps angle is a measurement of pelvic width that is believed to contribute to the risk of sports injuries in women athletes. Can non-surgical therapies and exercises help rehabilitate injuries?

Q/Quadriceps Angle Knee Injuries In Women Athletes

Quadriceps Q – Angle Injuries

The Q angle is the angle where the femur/upper leg bone meets the tibia/lower leg bone. It is measured by two intersecting lines:

  • One from the center of the patella/kneecap to the anterior superior iliac spine of the pelvis.
  • The other is from the patella to the tibial tubercle.
  • On average the angle is three degrees higher in women than men.
  • Average 17 degrees for women and 14 degrees for men. (Ramada R Khasawneh, et al., 2019)
  • Sports medicine experts have linked a wider pelvis to a larger Q-angle. (Ramada R Khasawneh, et al., 2019)

Women have biomechanical differences that include a wider pelvis, making it easier to give birth. However, this difference can contribute to knee injuries when playing sports, as an increased Q angle generates more stress on the knee joint, as well as leading to increased foot pronation.


Various factors can increase the risk of injury, but a wider Q angle has been linked to the following conditions.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

  • An increased Q angle can cause the quadriceps to pull on the kneecap, shifting it out of place and causing dysfunctional patellar tracking.
  • With time, this can cause knee pain (under and around the kneecap), and muscle imbalance.
  • Foot orthotics and arch supports could be recommended.
  • Some researchers have found a link, while others have not found the same association. (Wolf Petersen, et al., 2014)

Chondromalacia of the Knee

  • This is the wearing down of the cartilage on the underside of the kneecap.
  • This leads to degeneration of the articular surfaces of the knee. (Enrico Vaienti, et al., 2017)
  • The common symptom is pain under and around the kneecap.

ACL Injuries

  • Women have higher rates of ACL injuries than men. (Yasuhiro Mitani. 2017)
  • An increased Q angle can be a factor that increases stress and causes the knee to lose its stability.
  • However, this remains controversial, as some studies have found no association between the Q angle and knee injuries.

Chiropractic Treatment

Strengthening Exercises

  • ACL injury prevention programs designed for women have resulted in reduced injuries. (Trent Nessler, et al., 2017)
  • The vastus medialis obliquus or VMO is a teardrop-shaped muscle that helps move the knee joint and stabilize the kneecap.
  • Strengthening the muscle can increase the stability of the knee joint.
  • Strengthening may require a specific focus on muscle contraction timing.
  • Closed-chain exercises like wall squats are recommended.
  • Glute strengthening will improve stability.

Stretching Exercises

  • Stretching tight muscles will help relax the injured area, increase circulation, and restore range of motion and function.
  • Muscles commonly found to be tight include the quadriceps, hamstrings, iliotibial band, and gastrocnemius.

Foot Orthotics

  • Custom-made, flexible orthotics decrease the Q angle and reduce pronation, relieving the added stress on the knee.
  • A custom orthotic ensures that the foot and leg dynamics are accounted for and corrected.
  • Motion-control shoes can also help correct overpronation.

Knee Rehabilitation


Khasawneh, R. R., Allouh, M. Z., & Abu-El-Rub, E. (2019). Measurement of the quadriceps (Q) angle with respect to various body parameters in young Arab population. PloS one, 14(6), e0218387.

Petersen, W., Ellermann, A., Gösele-Koppenburg, A., Best, R., Rembitzki, I. V., Brüggemann, G. P., & Liebau, C. (2014). Patellofemoral pain syndrome. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy: Official journal of the ESSKA, 22(10), 2264–2274.

Vaienti, E., Scita, G., Ceccarelli, F., & Pogliacomi, F. (2017). Understanding the human knee and its relationship to total knee replacement. Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis, 88(2S), 6–16.

Mitani Y. (2017). Gender-related differences in lower limb alignment, range of joint motion, and the incidence of sports injuries in Japanese university athletes. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 29(1), 12–15.

Nessler, T., Denney, L., & Sampley, J. (2017). ACL Injury Prevention: What Does Research Tell Us? Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine, 10(3), 281–288.

Finding A Sports Injury Specialist: El Paso Back Clinic

Finding A Sports Injury Specialist: El Paso Back Clinic

Sports activities will result in aches, pains, and injuries that need to be examined by a doctor or specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Finding the right sports injury specialist can be one of the most difficult parts of dealing with an injury. The following may help when deciding if a sports chiropractic specialist can help.

Finding A Sports Injury Specialist: EP Chiropractic Team

Sports Injury Specialist

Sports medicine is the study and practice of medical principles related to the science of sports:

  • Injury prevention
  • Injury diagnosis and treatment
  • Nutrition
  • Psychology

Sports medicine focuses on the medical and therapeutic aspects of sports physical activity. These individuals can be physicians, surgeons, chiropractors, physical therapists, or providers who regularly work with athletes. Athletes often prefer providers with athletic treatment experience.

Doctor To See First for a Sports Injury

  • Individuals that belong to an HMO or PPO may find that their primary care physician is the first doctor to see for injury.
  • A family doctor may not be a sports medicine specialist but may have the expertise to deal with the injury.
  • Minor musculoskeletal injuries like acute sprains and strains respond well to immediate standard treatments like rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
  • Individuals with complicated overuse or training injuries, chronic conditions such as tendonitis, or who require surgery will be referred to a specialist.

Family Doctor Treatment

  • Nearly all family practice physicians can diagnose and treat various sports-related injuries.
  • They will refer the individual to a doctor with additional training in sports medicine or an orthopedic sports surgeon if necessary.

When to See a Surgeon

  • If the injury will likely require surgery and the insurance allows self-referral, individuals may choose to see an orthopedic surgeon first.
  • Primary care or sports medicine physicians can treat most sports injuries and fractures.
  • A  primary care doctor can recommend an orthopedic surgeon if surgery is required.

Specialists to Consider

After diagnosis, other providers may be involved in caring for sports-related injuries.

Athletic Trainers

  • Certified athletic trainers are trained professionals that work exclusively with athletes.
  • Many work with high school and college sports teams, but also work in health clubs and medical clinics.
  • A certified trainer can help decide which injuries require a specialist and can make the referral.

Physical Therapists

  • Physical therapists treat injuries based on a doctor’s clinical diagnosis.
  • Physical therapy integrates training and rehabilitation principles into recovery.
  • Therapists often subspecialize in sports medicine and orthopedic injuries.


  • Chiropractors perform treatments that relieve pressure on various areas of the body.
  • Many athletes prefer chiropractic care first because the treatment is done without prescription medications or surgery.
  • Chiropractors often work in conjunction with massage therapists to treat various musculoskeletal conditions.


  • A podiatrist is recommended for problems with the foot.
  • These clinicians have several years of residency, exclusively studying foot and ankle musculoskeletal problems.
  • Podiatrists who focus on sports medicine injuries often work with runners and athletes prone to foot and ankle injuries.
  • They also perform biomechanical analysis, assess gait, and make customized foot orthotics.

Holistic Practitioners

Holistic healthcare practitioners use non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical techniques and therapies that include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Medical herbalism
  • Homeopathy
  • Other non-traditional methods to treat conditions and illnesses.
  • Some may have specific experience in treating sports-related injuries.

Finding the Right Specialist

It is important to find a doctor who can design a treatment plan to heal and rehabilitate the injury properly and get the athlete back to their sport quickly and safely. Medicine is science and art, and injury treatment should be personalized to specific goals of healing and performance. When selecting a healthcare provider to treat injuries or provide advice, personal recommendations from trusted sources are recommended to screen providers. As well as asking other athletes, local teams, gyms, athletic clubs, and healthcare organizations can direct individuals in the right direction. If you can’t find a confident recommendation, look for a certified sports medicine physician online or call the clinic. When calling the office, questions to think about include:

  • What is your treatment specialty?
  • What experience do you have treating athletes?
  • What special training do you have in sports injury care?
  • What degrees and certifications do you have?

How I Tore My ACL


Bowyer, B L et al. “Sports medicine. 2. Upper extremity injuries.” Archives of physical medicine and Rehabilitation vol. 74,5-S (1993): S433-7.

Chang, Thomas J. “Sports Medicine.” Clinics in podiatric medicine and surgery vol. 40,1 (2023): xiii-xiv. doi:10.1016/j.cpm.2022.10.001

Ellen, M I, and J Smith. “Musculoskeletal rehabilitation and sports medicine. 2. Shoulder and upper extremity injuries.” Archives of physical medicine and Rehabilitation vol. 80,5 Suppl 1 (1999): S50-8. doi:10.1016/s0003-9993(99)90103-x

Haskell, William L et al. “Physical activity and public health: updated recommendation for adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise vol. 39,8 (2007): 1423-34. doi:10.1249/mss.0b013e3180616b27

Sherman, A L, and J L Young. “Musculoskeletal rehabilitation and sports medicine. 1. Head and spine injuries.” Archives of physical medicine and Rehabilitation vol. 80,5 Suppl 1 (1999): S40-9. doi:10.1016/s0003-9993(99)90102-8

Zwolski, Christin, et al. “Resistance Training in Youth: Laying the Foundation for Injury Prevention and Physical Literacy.” Sports Health vol. 9,5 (2017): 436-443. doi:10.1177/1941738117704153

Gymnastics Injuries: El Paso Back Clinic

Gymnastics Injuries: El Paso Back Clinic

Gymnastics is a demanding and challenging sport. Gymnasts train to be powerful and graceful. Today’s moves have become increasingly technical acrobatic moves with a much higher degree of risk and difficulty. All the stretching, bending, twisting, jumping, flipping, etc., increases the risk of neuromusculoskeletal injuries. Gymnastics injuries are inevitable. Bruises, cuts, and scrapes are common, as are overuse strains and sprains, but severe and traumatic injuries can occur. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Team can treat and rehabilitate injuries and help to strengthen and prevent injuries. The therapy team will thoroughly evaluate the individual to determine the injury/s severity, identify any weaknesses or limitations, and develop a personalized plan for optimal recovery, stability, and strength.

Gymnastics Injuries: EP's Chiropractic Specialists

Gymnastic Injuries

One of the main reasons injuries are more prevalent is because today’s athletes start earlier, spend more time practicing, perform more complex skill sets, and have higher levels of competition. Gymnasts learn to perfect a skill and then train to make their bodies look elegant while executing the routine. These moves require precision, timing, and hours of practice.

Injury Types

Sports injuries are classified as:

  • Chronic Overuse injuries: These cumulative aches and pains occur over time.
  • They can be treated with chiropractic and physical therapy and prevented with targeted training and recovery.
  • Acute Traumatic injuries: These are typically accidents that happen suddenly without warning.
  • These require immediate first aid.

Most Common Injuries

Gymnasts are taught how to fall and land to lessen the impact on the spine, head, neck, knees, ankles, and wrists. 


Bruises and Contusions

  • Tumbling, twisting, and flipping can result in various bruises and contusions.

Muscle Soreness

  • This is the sort of muscle soreness experienced 12 to 48 hours after a workout or competition.
  • Proper rest is necessary for the body to recover fully.

Overtraining Syndrome

Sprains and Strains

  • Sprains and strains.
  • The R.I.C.E. method is recommended.

Ankle Sprains

  • Ankle sprains are the most common.
  • When there is a stretching and tearing of ligaments surrounding the ankle joint.

Wrist Sprains

  • A sprained wrist happens when stretching or tearing the ligaments of the wrist.
  • Falling or landing hard on the hands during handsprings is a common cause.

Stress Fractures

  • Leg stress fractures result from overuse and repeated impact from tumbling and landings.

The most common include:

  • Shoulder instability.
  • Ankle sprains.
  • Achilles tendon strains or tears.
  • Gymnasts wrist.
  • Colles’ fracture.
  • Hand and Finger injuries.
  • Cartilage damage.
  • Knee discomfort and pain symptoms.
  • A.C.L. tears – anterior cruciate ligament.
  • Burners and stingers.
  • Low back discomfort and pain symptoms.
  • Herniated discs.
  • Spinal fractures.


  • Insufficient flexibility.
  • Decreased strength in the arms, legs, and core.
  • Balance issues.
  • Strength and/or flexibility imbalances – one side is stronger.

Chiropractic Care

Our therapists will start with an evaluation and a biomechanical assessment to identify all the factors contributing to the injury. This will consist of a thorough medical history to understand overall health status, training schedule, and the physical demands on the body. The chiropractor will develop a comprehensive program that includes manual and tool-assisted pain relief techniques, mobilization work, MET, core strengthening, targeted exercises, and injury prevention strategies.

Facet Syndrome Chiropractic Treatment


Armstrong, Ross, and Nicola Relph. “Screening Tools as a Predictor of Injury in Gymnastics: Systematic Literature Review.” Sports medicine – open vol. 7,1 73. 11 Oct. 2021, doi:10.1186/s40798-021-00361-3

Farì, Giacomo, et al. “Musculoskeletal Pain in Gymnasts: A Retrospective Analysis on a Cohort of Professional Athletes.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 18,10 5460. 20 May. 2021, doi:10.3390/ijerph18105460

Kreher, Jeffrey B, and Jennifer B Schwartz. “Overtraining syndrome: a practical guide.” Sports Health vol. 4,2 (2012): 128-38. doi:10.1177/1941738111434406

Meeusen, R, and J Borms. “Gymnastic injuries.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 13,5 (1992): 337-56. doi:10.2165/00007256-199213050-00004

Sweeney, Emily A et al. “Returning to Sport After Gymnastics Injuries.” Current sports medicine reports vol. 17,11 (2018): 376-390. doi:10.1249/JSR.0000000000000533

Westermann, Robert W et al. “Evaluation of Men’s and Women’s Gymnastics Injuries: A 10-Year Observational Study.” Sports Health vol. 7,2 (2015): 161-5. doi:10.1177/1941738114559705

Prehabilitation Sports Injury Prevention: El Paso Back Clinic

Prehabilitation Sports Injury Prevention: El Paso Back Clinic

A big part of sports is avoiding and preventing injuries, as injury prevention is far better than rehabilitation and recovery. This is where prehabilitation comes in. Prehabilitation is a personalized, constantly evolving, and developing strengthening exercise program. The program aims to provide sports-specific targeted exercises and activities to maintain athletes’ physical abilities and mental preparedness for their sport. The first step is for an athletic trainer, sports chiropractor, and physical therapist to examine the individual.

Prehabilitation Sports Injury Prevention: EP's Chiropractic Team


Everybody is different when it comes to developing an effective prehabilitation program. Every individual’s program should be progressive and re-evaluated to adapt and adjust to the athlete’s needs. The first step is learning to prevent injuries and following basic injury prevention protocols. Knowing what to do when the body sustains an injury, like home treatment and when it’s time to see a doctor.


Athletes of all levels are recommended to incorporate a prehabilitation program into their training. As athletes engage in their sport, their bodies adjust to the physical demands of practicing, playing, and training. Imbalances can happen naturally with normal activity but become more pronounced with each practice, game, and training session and often are the cause of injury. The repetitive movements and regular stresses can cause neuromusculoskeletal symptoms to present. This includes:

  • Tightness of muscle groups.
  • Pain and discomfort symptoms.
  • Stabilization issues.
  • Strength imbalances.


A chiropractic therapist will measure the individual’s range of motion and strength, biomechanics, evaluate medical history, and present health status. Individuals with an injury or a condition can also benefit from prehabilitation.

  • Each program is personalized and will address total body balance, sports-specific needs, and weaknesses.
  • The exercises will balance strength, coordination, range of motion, and stabilization.
  • The premise is looking at and comparing movements from left to right, front to back, and upper to lower body.
  • Activities can be subtle, focused exercises or a complex movement sequence to stabilize or improve a specific skill.
  • Programs focus on strengthening and stabilizing the core, abdominals, hips, and back.
  • Instability is common and often presents from a lack of core training, as athletes tend to focus on what parts of the body their specific sport utilizes, leaving the core without a regular training routine.
  • A prehabilitation program has to be constantly updated to adjust to the individual’s progress.
  • Tools like foam rollers, balance boards, weights, and exercise balls are used.


Prehabilitation should start before any acute or chronic injury occurs, but often it takes a few injuries for individuals to decide to get into a prehabilitation program. Depending on an athlete’s training cycle, prehabilitation can be incorporated into practice or as an independent workout and become part of an athlete’s training routine. A session can include the following:

  • Warm-up and cool-down exercises.
  • Exercises to perform while resting or waiting during practice.
  • A targeted workout on specific weaknesses.
  • A complete workout for days off or active rest days.
  • Mini workouts for when traveling and recovery days.

For athletes, feeling challenged and motivated can be the difference between success and failure. Working with a trainer, sports chiropractor, and therapists who know sports, understand athletic needs, and communicate well, will contribute to a successful prehabilitation program.

Improving Athletic Performance


Durrand, James et al. “Prehabilitation.” Clinical medicine (London, England) vol. 19,6 (2019): 458-464. doi:10.7861/clinmed.2019-0257

Giesche, Florian, et al. “Evidence for the effects of prehabilitation before ACL-reconstruction on return to sport-related and self-reported knee function: A systematic review.” PloS one vol. 15,10 e0240192. 28 Oct. 2020, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0240192

Halloway S, Buchholz SW, Wilbur J, Schoeny ME. Prehabilitation Interventions for Older Adults: An Integrative Review. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2015;37(1):103-123. doi:10.1177/0193945914551006

Smith-Ryan, Abbie E et al. “Nutritional Considerations and Strategies to Facilitate Injury Recovery and Rehabilitation.” Journal of athletic training vol. 55,9 (2020): 918-930. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-550-19

Vincent, Heather K, and Kevin R Vincent. “Rehabilitation and Prehabilitation for Upper Extremity in Throwing Sports: Emphasis on Lacrosse.” Current sports medicine reports vol. 18,6 (2019): 229-238. doi:10.1249/JSR.0000000000000606

Vincent, Heather K et al. “Injury Prevention, Safe Training Techniques, Rehabilitation, and Return to Sport in Trail Runners.” Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation vol. 4,1 e151-e162. 28 Jan. 2022, doi:10.1016/j.asmr.2021.09.032

Softball – Baseball Injuries: El Paso Back Clinic

Softball – Baseball Injuries: El Paso Back Clinic

Softball and baseball require running, jumping, throwing, and swinging movements. Even for the fittest athletes and weekend warriors, the body and the neuromusculoskeletal system will go through overuse injuries, throwing-related injuries, sliding injuries, falls, collisions, and getting hit by the ball. Chiropractic and physical therapy can assist athletes by integrating strength training, body realignment, and rehabilitation injury recovery.

Softball - Baseball Injuries: EP's Chiropractic Team

Softball and Baseball Injuries

Baseball and softball injuries are generally defined as either acute/traumatic or cumulative/overuse injuries. Both types can occur in various body areas, for example, a knee injury caused by a fall or quick repositioning shift.


  • Injuries occur from traumatic force or impact.


  • These occur over time from repeated stress on the muscles, joints, and soft tissues.
  • Often athletes return too soon to play, not giving the injury enough time to heal fully.
  • They begin as small aches and pains that can progress into chronic conditions if not treated.


Shoulder overuse injuries are very common. Constantly performing the throwing movements and high-speed throwing strains the joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

  • In softball, bicep injuries are more common than shoulder injuries.
  • In baseball, the overhead throwing position leads to shoulder problems.

Frozen Shoulder

  • Characterized by a restricted range of motion and pain.
  • Athletes with frequent shoulder injuries have an increased risk.

Shoulder Instability

  • Softball and baseball players are more susceptible to injury from overhead throwing, which stretches the shoulder capsule and ligaments.
  • Shoulder instability can lead to loose joints and dislocation.

Shoulder Separation

  • This is the tearing of the ligaments that connect the shoulder blade to the collarbone.
  • This is often a traumatic injury that occurs during a collision or fall with outstretched hands.

Shoulder Tendinitis, Bursitis, and Impingement Syndrome

  • These are overuse injuries in which the shoulder joint becomes inflamed, restricting movement.

Torn Rotator Cuff


Elbow injuries are very common, especially damage to the ulnar collateral ligament, which stabilizes the elbow when pitching and throwing.

  • Pitchers can also develop elbow sprains.
  • Damage or tear to the ulnar collateral ligament
  • Damage often is caused by pitchers throwing too much.


Little League Elbow

  • This is an injury to the growth plate on the inside of the elbow.
  • It can be caused by the wrist flexors pulling on the inside.
  • It is typically attributed to overuse and improper mechanics when throwing.

Tennis Elbow

  • This overuse injury on the outside of the elbow makes it difficult to lift or grasp objects.

Hand and Wrist

Softball and baseball can cause hand and wrist injuries from catching, colliding, falling, and overuse. Damage to a hand or wrist is typically caused by repetitive stress and/or a sudden impact.

Finger Fractures

  • These can be caused by impact on the ball or falls.
  • This can happen during contact with another player or diving for a ball and hitting the ground hard or at an awkward angle.


  • A fall or impact from the ball or another player can cause these.


  • This is an overuse injury, often from pitching and/or throwing.


  • Catchers are especially prone to back injury because of the crouched position and overhead throwing.
  • Softball pitchers also experience back strain from the windmill pitching action.
  • Common conditions include chronic muscle strains, herniated discs, low back issues, sciatica symptoms, and pain.


Softball and baseball players quickly twist or rotate their knees, making them more susceptible to injuries. Sprains, meniscus tears, ACL tears, and hamstring strains are common.

  • Aggressive twisting and pivoting can cause swelling, stiffness, and pain.
  • Running and sudden changes in direction can result in acute knee injuries and overuse injuries.
  • Knee issues require examination for proper diagnosis.
  • Other common injuries include ankle sprains, stress fractures, and tendonitis in the foot and ankle.


Chiropractors work with a massage therapy team to treat various musculoskeletal conditions. Chiropractic specializes in spinal adjustments and other treatments, including joint manipulation, myofascial release, MET techniques, trigger point therapy, and electrical stimulation. It encourages expedited recovery for sports-related injuries because instead of focusing on just the injuries, chiropractic assesses the mechanics of the whole body through proper alignment and release of constricted tissues. Adjustments of the spine and extremities allow the body to realign for better overall functionality, reduce pressure, improve blood circulation, and reduce inflammation to promote increased and thorough healing.

Improving Athletic Performance Through Chiropractic


Greiner, Justin J et al. “Pitching Behaviors in Youth Fast-Pitched Softball: High Pitching Volumes With Unequal Pitch Counts Among Pitchers are Common.” Journal of pediatric orthopedics vol. 42,7 (2022): e747-e752. doi:10.1097/BPO.0000000000002182

Janda, David H. “The prevention of baseball and softball injuries.” Clinical orthopedics and related research,409 (2003): 20-8. doi:10.1097/01.blo.0000057789.10364.e3

Shanley, Ellen, and Chuck Thigpen. “Throwing injuries in the adolescent athlete.” International Journal of sports physical therapy vol. 8,5 (2013): 630-40.

Shanley, Ellen, et al. “Incidence of injuries in high school softball and baseball players.” Journal of athletic training vol. 46,6 (2011): 648-54. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-46.6.648

Trehan, Samir K, and Andrew J Weiland. “Baseball and softball injuries: elbow, wrist, and hand.” The Journal of hand surgery vol. 40,4 (2015): 826-30. doi:10.1016/j.jhsa.2014.11.024

Wang, Quincy. “Baseball and softball injuries.” Current sports medicine reports vol. 5,3 (2006): 115-9. doi:10.1097/

Zaremski, Jason L et al. “Sport Specialization and Overuse Injuries in Adolescent Throwing Athletes: A Narrative Review.” Journal of athletic training vol. 54,10 (2019): 1030-1039. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-333-18

Sports Exercise Headaches Back Clinic Chiropractor

Sports Exercise Headaches Back Clinic Chiropractor

Sports exercise headaches are exertion headaches that involve pain during or immediately after sports, exercise, or some physical activity. They come on quickly but can last a few minutes, hours, or days. Activities associated with exercise headaches include running, weightlifting, tennis, swimming, and rowing. Chiropractic, massage, decompression, and traction therapies can realign the body and relax the muscles allowing for optimal circulation and certain strategies to help prevent future episodes. Usually, there is no underlying disease or disorder, but it is recommended to talk to a healthcare provider to make sure.

Sports, Exercise, Physical Activity Headaches Chiropractor

Sports Exercise Headaches

When individuals exert their bodies intensely, they need added blood and oxygen, particularly with activities that involve tightening/tensing the abdominal muscles or increasing chest pressure. Doctors and scientists believe an exertional headache occurs when intense physical activity causes the veins and arteries to expand to circulate more blood. The expansion and increased blood circulation generate pressure in the skull that can cause pain.

Alternate Triggers

Exercising is not the only cause; other physical activities that can trigger an exertion headache include:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Straining to use the bathroom
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Lifting  or moving a heavy object


Symptoms of a sports exercise headache include:

  • Neck stiffness or pain
  • Pain on one or both sides of the head
  • Pulsating pain discomfort
  • Throbbing pain discomfort
  • Shoulder tightness, discomfort, and/or pain

Sometimes individuals report the headache can feel like a migraine that could include:

  • Vision problems like blind spots
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Light sensitivity

Most exercise headaches last five to 48 hours and can continue for three to six months.


An underlying disease or disorder does not cause most exertional headaches. However, individuals experiencing severe or frequent headaches should consult their doctor or a healthcare provider. Tests will be ordered to rule out possible causes that include:

If there is no underlying cause found, the medical provider can diagnose exertion headaches if there have been at least two headaches that:

  • Were caused by exercise or physical activity.
  • Started during or after the physical activity.
  • Lasted less than 48 hours.

Chiropractic Treatment

According to the American Chiropractic Association, spinal adjustments are an effective headache treatment option. This includes migraines, tension headaches, or sports exercise headaches. Using the targeted approaches, chiropractic restores the body’s natural alignment to improve function and alleviate stress on the nervous system. This allows the body to operate at optimal levels reducing muscle stress and muscle tension.

DOC Decompression Table


American Migraine Foundation. Secondary Headaches. ( Accessed 11/17/2021.

Evans, Randolph W. “Sports and Headaches.” Headache vol. 58,3 (2018): 426-437. doi:10.1111/head.13263

International Headache Society. HIS Classification ICHD-3. ( Accessed 11/17/2021.

McCrory, P. “Headaches and exercise.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 30,3 (2000): 221-9. doi:10.2165/00007256-200030030-00006

National Headache Foundation. Exertional Headaches. ( Accessed 11/17/2021.

Ramadan, Nabih M. “Sports-related headache.” Current pain and headache reports vol. 8,4 (2004): 301-5. doi:10.1007/s11916-004-0012-1

Trotta K, Hyde J. Exercise-induced headaches: prevention, management, and treatment. ( U.S. Pharm. 2017;42(1):33-36. Accessed 11/17/2021.

Baseball Injuries Chiropractor Back Clinic

Baseball Injuries Chiropractor Back Clinic

The game of baseball takes a toll on the body, especially when players advance from little league to high school, college, minor league, and the pros. The most common baseball injuries can range from mild to severe, from normal wear and tear on the joints and muscles to repetitive stress injuries, collisions with other players, getting hit with the ball, or bodily trauma. A chiropractor can provide ideal treatment for players of all ages and levels with decreased downtime and expedited healing and recovery.

Baseball Injuries Chiropractor

Baseball Injuries

Although there have been a lot of advances in player safety and health, from helmets with face guards to shin and arm padding, the equipment lessens the impact and risks of injury. The game still involves running, sliding, twisting, and jumping, causing the body to maneuver awkwardly. Players often report sliding into first, feeling a pop or twisting to catch a fly ball, and feeling something snap. The most common injuries include:

Torn Labrum

  • Cartilage surrounding the shoulder joint socket, known as the labrum, often gets torn.
  • The soft tissue keeps the bones in place and provides stability.
  • Pitching and throwing motions stress the labrum.
  • With time, the cartilage begins to overstretch and tear, leading to swelling, shoulder pain, weakness, and overall instability.

Rotator Cuff Tears

  • The rotator cuff structure involves a complex set of tendons and muscles that stabilize the shoulder.
  • Pitchers are the most vulnerable, but all players are susceptible.
  • Cases are caused by not warming up and stretching correctly and repetitive/overuse movements.
  • Swelling and pain are the most common symptoms.
  • With a severe tear, a player will lose the ability to rotate the shoulder correctly.

Shoulder Instability or Dead Arm

  • This is when the shoulder muscles become overly fatigued, and the joint becomes unstable, losing the ability to throw precisely.
  • The condition is called dead arm by players and trainers.
  • This type of injury is caused by overuse and repeated stress.
  • Healing involves letting the shoulder rest for an extended period, but treatment, like chiropractic or physical therapy, could be recommended depending on the severity.

Pitchers Elbow

  • A pitcher’s elbow injury is caused by overuse and sustained/repeated damage to the tendons that rotate the wrist.
  • Pain and swelling occur along the inside of the elbow and forearm.

Wrist Tendonitis and Trauma

  • Wrist Tendonitis or tenosynovitis happens when the ligaments and tendons become tender, swollen, ruptured, or torn.
  • This causes inflammation, pain, and weakness.
  • Trauma injuries can result from collisions with another player, the ground, or a ball.

Knee Tears and Trauma

  • Knee injuries can be caused by normal wear and tear, overuse, or traumatic impact.
  • The fibrous bands are what stabilize and cushion the knee.
  • Overuse and any awkward movement can cause the tearing of the various ligaments.
  • The bands can develop micro-tears or complete ruptures, causing inflammation, pain, and instability.

Chiropractic Care and Rehabilitation

Chiropractic treatment and physical therapy have been found to help athletes maintain flexibility and range of motion, rehabilitate the body after an injury, and prevent new injuries or worsening of current injuries.

  • Chiropractic helps stretch and flex the muscles to stay limber and less prone to injury.
  • Chiropractic is a natural pain reliever for sore muscles and joint pain.
  • Physical therapy can strengthen an injured area during recovery and educate on proper form and techniques.
  • Taping and strapping can help support the elbows, wrists, ankles, and knees, reducing stress.
  • A combination of treatment approaches can help decrease recovery time so players can get back on the field.

Shoulder Adjustment Baseball Injuries


Bullock, Garrett S et al. “Shoulder Range of Motion and Baseball Arm Injuries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Journal of athletic training vol. 53,12 (2018): 1190-1199. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-439-17

Lyman, Stephen, and Glenn S Fleisig. “Baseball injuries.” Medicine and sport science vol. 49 (2005): 9-30. doi:10.1159/000085340

Matsel, Kyle A et al. “Current Concepts in Arm Care Exercise Programs and Injury Risk Reduction in Adolescent Baseball Players: A Clinical Review.” Sports health vol. 13,3 (2021): 245-250. doi:10.1177/1941738120976384

Shitara, Hitoshi, et al. “Shoulder Stretching Intervention Reduces the Incidence of Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in High School Baseball Players: a Time-to-Event Analysis.” Scientific reports vol. 7 45304. 27 Mar. 2017, doi:10.1038/srep45304

Wilk, Kevin E, and Christopher A Arrigo. “Rehabilitation of Elbow Injuries: Nonoperative and Operative.” Clinics in sports medicine vol. 39,3 (2020): 687-715. doi:10.1016/j.csm.2020.02.010