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Back Clinic was founded in 2007 as Goojet, a widget platform for mobile phones, by Guillaume Decugis and Marc Rougier. Following the rapid rise of the Apple App Store which made its widget technology redundant, the company changed its strategy to focus on content marketing and rebranded as The company launched its current content curation service in private beta at the end of 2010. Before opening to all users as a free service in November 2011.

The website enables its users to discover content on their topics of interest that they can curate and publish to their own web page and share to their social networks. received attention from influential bloggers who had identified a need for web content curation. The website rapidly grew in popularity, being ranked by Alexa among the top 1,000 websites globally in 2012, and as of July 2013, it had been visited by more than 75 million people according to VentureBeat. also ranked among the top 50 marketing technology companies in the world. Dr. Jimenez utilizes this platform to further his mission to help those in pain. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Vintage Car Safety Film: Anatomy of an Accident (1960s) Presented By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Vintage Car Safety Film: Anatomy of an Accident (1960s) Presented By Dr. Alex Jimenez

The Anatomy of A Car Accident

Automobile safety is the study and practice of vehicle design, construction, and equipment to minimize the occurrence and consequences of automobile accidents. (Road traffic safety more broadly includes roadway design. One of the first formal academic studies into improving car safety was by Cornell Aeronautical Labs of Buffalo, New York. The main conclusion of their extensive report is the crucial importance of seat belts and padded dashboards. The anatomy of a car accident is a cool video to share with all ages.

The More Things Change: The More They Remain the Same

Improvements in roadway and automobile designs have steadily reduced injury and death rates in all first world countries. Nevertheless, auto collisions are the leading cause of injury-related deaths, an estimated total of 1.2 million in 2004, or 25% of the total from all causes. Risk compensation limits the improvement that can be made, often leading to reduced safety where one might expect the opposite.

When pregnant, women should continue to use seatbelts and airbags properly. A University of Michigan study found that “unrestrained or improperly restrained pregnant women are 5.7 times more likely to have an adverse fetal outcome than properly restrained pregnant women”. If seatbelts are not long enough, extensions are available from the car manufacturer or an aftermarket supplier.

Children present significant challenges in engineering and producing safe vehicles, because most children are significantly smaller and lighter than most adults. Safety devices and systems designed and optimised to protect adults � particularly calibration-sensitive devices like airbags and active seat belts � can be ineffective or hazardous to children. In recognition of this, many medical professionals and jurisdictions recommend or require that children under a particular age, height, and/or weight ride in a child seat and/or in the back seat, as applicable. In Sweden, for instance, a child or an adult shorter than 140 cm is legally forbidden to ride in a place with an active airbag in front of it.

Child safety locks and driver-controlled power window lockout controls prevent children from opening doors and windows from inside the vehicle.

Infants left in cars

Very young children can perish from heat or cold if left unattended in a parked car, whether deliberately or through absentmindedness. In 2004 the U.S. NHTSA estimated 25 fatalities per year among children left in hot cars.

In the UK, a full driving licence can be had at age 17, and most areas in the United States will issue a full driver’s license at the age of 16, and all within a range between 14 and 18. In addition to being relatively inexperienced, teen drivers are also cognitively immature, compared to other drivers. This combination leads to a relatively high crash rate among this demographic.

In some areas, new drivers’ vehicles must bear a warning sign to alert other drivers that the vehicle is being driven by an inexperienced and learning driver, giving them opportunity to be more cautious and to encourage other drivers to give novices more leeway. In the US New Jersey has Kyleigh’s Law citing that teen drivers must have a decal on their vehicle. Commercial services also exist to that provide a notification phone number to report unsafe driving such as and

Some countries, such as Australia, the United States, Canada and New Zealand, have graduated levels of driver’s licence, with special rules. By 2010, all US states required a graduated driver’s licence for drivers under age 18. In Italy, the maximum speed and power of vehicles driven by new drivers is restricted. In Romania, the maximum speed of vehicles driven by new drivers (less than one year in experience) is 20 km/h lower than the national standard (except villages, towns and cities).

Insurance statistics in the United States indicate a 30% increase in the number of elderly killed, comparing 1975 to 2000. Several states require additional testing for elderly drivers. On a per-driver basis, the number of fatal and overall crashes decreases with age, with some exceptions for drivers over 75. The overall trend may be due to greater experience and avoiding driving in adverse conditions. However, on a per-miles-travelled basis, drivers younger than 25-30 and older than 65-70 have significantly higher accident rates. Survivability of crashes decreases monotonically with the age of the victim.

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This vintage short flick holds theories that today can serve us all well. �Concentration, Control & Courtesy are so important here in our very own El Paso. �Today, as our town grows so fast we must be vigilant about driving and teaching our children the hazards of driving in such a growing city. �This was a fresh of breath air short flick. �Teach it to your kids… Regards Dr. Alex Jimenez

Understanding Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia

Understanding Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia

Some patients fear that chiropractic care for fibromyalgia may aggravate pain. But it is both safe and proven to reduce pain from fibromyalgia.

Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia: Does It Work?

Many fibromyalgia patients seek natural treatment for fibromyalgia, and chiropractic care is one of the most frequently considered, especially for pain management and to improve the range of motion of joints.

This form of medicine is based on the principle that the body has the ability to self-heal and recover from a disease. The nervous system runs between the spine and carries messages from the brain to every cell of the body.

When the vertebrae are restricted, locked or misaligned there will be pressure on the nerves and symptoms will occur. For this reason, a chiropractor will perform �adjustments� using gentle pressure, stretching or certain high velocity thrusts to bring the vertebrae to optimal position and restore health.

Research Studies on Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia

A study conducted in a chiropractic clinic in Canada revealed that 30�chiropractic treatments can improve pain by up to 77 percent, the quality of sleep by 63 percent and decrease fatigue by almost 75 percent. Positive findings had been recorded in a small, preliminary study (also performed in Canada) with documented improvements in joint mobility pain intensity while using various chiropractic techniques such as spinal manipulation, stretching and soft tissue therapy.

A review of several research studies, including eight systematic reviews and three meta-analyses that assessed the benefits of alternative medicine for fibromyalgia was published in 2009 in the Journal of Manipulative Physiology and Therapeutics. According to this systematic review, there is some evidence that spinal manipulation, diet and vitamins can help manage fibromyalgia, although more scientific evidence supported the use of exercise, psychotherapy massage, acupuncture and spa therapy (hydro therapy) for this condition.

Special Considerations

Some people may fear fibromyalgia chiropractic adjustments may trigger�the pain. Overall, this form of therapy has a good safety profile and patients receiving adjustments are satisfied with the results.

In some cases, adjustments may cause aggravation of the symptoms (including pain) for a brief period of time.

If you experience pain or any other symptoms after chiropractic adjustments, talk to the doctor to possibly change the therapy (these adjustments can be performed in several ways, some being gentler than others).

If you don�t achieve symptom improvement following the recommended set of treatments, you may need to change or add other modalities (some chiropractors are also trained in acupuncture, naturopathy or homeopathy).

You should not seek spinal manipulation if you suffer from osteoporosis, spinal cord compression, inflammatory arthritis (i.e. lupus, rheumatoid arthritis). If you have cancer, you should also talk to your MD first before using chiropractic care.

Otherwise, if you are looking to better control fibromyalgia symptoms, it�s worth considering this form of therapy. In addition, try to improve your lifestyle; eat a healthy, balanced diet, exercise regularly and practice stress management techniques.

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Chiropractic care is alternative, treatment option for various types of injuries or conditions. It’s been long used to help individuals find relief from their symptoms and recent studies have concluded, chiropractic treatment can be beneficial towards treating people with fibromyalgia, a widespread chronic pain condition.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900�.

Fibromyalgia: How Chiropractic Can Help

Fibromyalgia: How Chiropractic Can Help

Fibromyalgia is a widespread condi�tion. Some investigators estimate as many as 2% of the general population in the United States suffers from FM, with women affected 10 times more than men.1 With the combination of symptoms faced by the FM patient, finding the solution to this problem is a tough task.

Medical science is yet to discover the cause for this condition. Because there are so many different symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, there are just as many theories for what causes it. Since those with FM often experience an altered mood � such as depression � many experts focus on the psychologi�cal aspect of the disease. Others feel that FM is more a physiological entity, and has its origins in physical trauma or chronic postural alterations. Some suggest that FM is a central nervous system disorder, with imbalances in neurochemicals � since those with FM are hypersensitive to even the slightest stimuli. They often have a pain response to normally non-painful pressure or activity. It�s not out of the question that a combination of psycho�logical and physical triggers can result in the onset of many of FM symptoms.

Chiropractors often offer their skills to FM patients, hoping to relieve some of their symptoms. In fact, evidence suggests that those with FM consult with chiropractors quite regularly. According to a study conducted at a tertiary Mayo Clinic, 37% of the 300+ FM patients surveyed had visited a chiropractor in the previous 6 months.

But does chiropractic work for them? Some recent studies indicate it does. In one example, chiropractors surveyed FM patients before, during and after a series of treatments to see if they responded favorably to chiroprac�tic adjustments combined with a specific soft tissue technique known as ischemic compression. In this prelimi�nary study, 60% of the subjects who were treated with this protocol experi�enced a significant improvement � with respect to pain reduction, improved sleep and decreased fatigue. What was especially encouraging was the improvements were reported to be maintained in a 1-month follow up.3 Although pure scientific research on the chiropractic treatment of fibromyal�gia is lacking, some early studies are showing that chiropractors could help improve these patients� quality of life.4 Chiropractors are trained as neuromus�culoskeletal specialists, and one of the main focuses of chiropractic care is the positive effects it can have on a person�s nervous system. Since all information from the outside world is collected and analyzed by the nervous system, it�s logical to assume that if a person with FM is sensitive to a stimulus that others are not, there may be something wrong with this system.

Vertebral subluxations are focal areas of spinal restriction and/or malposition. When present, these lesions can not only irritate the nerves that exit the spine (peripheral nervous system), but the irritation caused by subluxations will also feed back into the brain (central nervous system). Information from the joints of the spine is passed on to an important structure in the brain called the cerebellum. This part of the brain has been known traditionally to be important for body awareness, balance and coordination. However, more recent studies have shown the cerebellum to be intimately involved with maintaining proper cognitive function and playing a significant role in emotional stability. Therefore, irritation of the joints in the spine caused by vertebral subluxation may be linked to any of the symptoms associ�ated with fibromyalgia.

More studies are needed to show the positive effects that chiropractors can have with FM patients. However, having chiropractic care alongside other traditional treatment methods (including exercise, massage techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy5) is likely to give these patients a better chance for recovery.

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Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder involving widespread pain and sensitivity in the entire musculoskeletal system. In addition to pain, patients also report long-term fatigue, and/or disturbed sleep and mood. Other disorders commonly associated with FM may include: irritable bowel syndrome, TMJ pain and dysfunction, psychological condi�tions and some autoimmune diseases.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Study Finds Chiropractic Benefits Fibromyalgia�

Study Finds Chiropractic Benefits Fibromyalgia�

A new study from Egypt reports that chiropractic care can be an effective treatment strategy for fibromyalgia treatment with chiropractic care.

The study involved 120 people between the ages of 40 and 65 who had suffered with severe fibromyalgia for four years or more. Each person rated their pain as a 4 or higher on a pain scale and also had limited movement in their cervical (neck area) spine, specifically in their C1-C2 area.

Treatment Study

All of the individuals participating in this study engaged in 12 weeks of therapy which included:

  • An education program (one two-hour session per week) designed to provide the participant with more information about fibromyalgia and available treatment options;
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (one two-hour session per week) which involved discussion regarding pain management via relaxation exercises, challenging treatment-prohibitive beliefs about fibromyalgia, and positive reinforcement about what types of actions can be taken to ease fibromyalgia symptoms; and
  • An exercise program (three one-hour sessions per week plus 20-minute session twice daily at home) which included relaxation techniques, as well as active and passive stretches.

One-half of the individuals were also randomly assigned to a treatment group, which meant that they also engaged in upper cervical chiropractic adjustments. This involved a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust to the C1-2 motion segment three times per week for the first month. This was then reduced to once a week sessions for the remaining eight weeks.

Conclusion of Study

At the beginning of the study, the conclusion of the study, and at one year post-study, each participant was asked to complete various questionnaires to help the researchers determine what effect, if any, the chiropractic had on easing fibromyalgia symptoms and reducing its impact on their lifestyle. Specifically, questions were asked regarding physical function abilities, work days missed due to fibromyalgia symptoms, sleep disturbances, level of pain, fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

The individuals who participated in the cervical chiropractic care group showed more improvement and better results than the control group who had no chiropractic intervention. This was validated by questionnaire scores that improved by 15 or more percent. The researchers concluded that adding chiropractic to your current fibromyalgia treatment regimen may offer even more benefits when it comes to getting to the root off the problem.

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Fibromyalgia is a painful condition which affects the primary nerves of the body, present in a wide number of the population. There are several available treatment options for the condition but recent studies have concluded, chiropractic treatment can benefit fibromyalgia sufferers. From spinal adjustments to manual manipulations, chiropractic care can provide relief from the painful symptoms of the condition.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Whiplash & Neck Sprains from Auto Collisions

Whiplash is the common result of a traffic collision. While the symptoms for this type of injury usually ease on their own without the need of specific treatment, it is suggested to manage the natural mobility of the neck and seek medical attention immediately. In many instances, people will turn to the use of painkillers to ease the pain but these only disguise the problem temporarily as they don�t directly treat the issue.

Whiplash-associated injuries are the result of a sudden, back-and-forth motion of the head as a result of an extreme force acting against the body. Because of the force from the impact of a car crash, the muscles, ligaments and other complex tissues found within the neck can stretch, or sprain, beyond the normal range, occasionally causing tears.

Symptoms of Whiplash

Since the symptoms of whiplash often manifest immediately after the auto accident, for some individuals, these can take up to several days, weeks, even months to develop. The common symptoms for whiplash include: pain and discomfort along with stiffness in the neck, usually worsening with each day, pain and stiffness may also be felt in the shoulders, down the arms, and in the upper and/or lower area of the back; turning or bending the neck may be difficult and painful; headaches; dizziness, blurred vision, pain in the jaw or pain when swallowing and abnormal sensations along the skin of the face; and finally, some individuals may experience fatigue and can have irritability and difficulty concentrating.

The appearance of any of these symptoms could indicate the presence of a whiplash-associated injury. It�s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to receive a proper diagnosis and determine the true cause of the symptoms. If any of the above mentioned symptoms persist, be sure to tell a doctor immediately.

Who Can Get Whiplash?

Neck sprains, or whiplash, are actually significantly common. Many individuals who experience an undesired and unexpected automobile accident develop symptoms of neck pain with or without other injuries. It�s been previously concluded that women tend to be more prone than men to suffer from whiplash-associated injuries as the structures of their body can be relatively different.

After being involved in a minor auto collision where the vehicle only experienced minimal damage, many people are often surprised to still have developed symptoms of whiplash. Including slow vehicle bumps may cause a sufficient enough jerking motion of the neck to cause symptoms.

Although more uncommon, a whiplash-associated injury can also occur as a result of a sports injury or from strenuous physical activity. Some people have also reported injury from an everyday activity where the neck is suddenly jerked after a trip or fall.

Diagnosing Whiplash

A healthcare specialist who focuses and emphasizes in auto accident injuries is most qualified to diagnosing the presence of whiplash from the description of the incident, the symptoms the individual may be experiencing and through a careful evaluation. Because whiplash is a soft-tissue injury, many doctors may be unable to make a clear diagnosis, however, some healthcare specialists are specifically trained to identify whiplash. A careful examination of the structures of the neck, back, shoulders and arms can help determine if there�s been damage or injury to the spine or to the spinal cord or spinal nerves. Further tests may be recommended.

Treatments for Neck Sprains

First of all, the individual must continue to stay active and appropriately stretch and/or exercise their neck. The goal is to keep moving the neck as normally as possible. Initially, the symptoms may be painful and the individual may require some time to rest their neck. Nonetheless, gently exercising the neck as soon as the individual is able to can help. It�s important to now allow the structures of the neck to stiffen up and become tight.

The individual can also gradually increase the range of motion in their neck. Every few hours, gentle movements of the neck in each direction, several times a day can help avoid stiffness in the muscles and other tissues of the neck. Continuing with normal activities is crucial at this point, natural movements of the neck will not cause further damage.

Practicing healthy postural habits can also be beneficial to ease the symptoms of whiplash. While at work or during any other situation of prolonged sitting, the individual should check the posture they are sitting in. Make sure you are sitting upright, not with your head flexed forward along with a stooped back. Several stretches and exercises, such as yoga and pilates, have been used to improve neck posture, however, there is not enough evidence to support the benefits of these techniques when improving posture. In addition, a firm supporting pillow can also help ease the symptoms when sleeping. The individual should avoid using more than one pillow at this time, to avoid further injury.

Chiropractic treatment is a common form of alternative treatment that is frequently used to treat whiplash and many other types of injuries and conditions. Chiropractic care focuses on musculoskeletal injuries and condition, particularly soft-tissue injuries like whiplash, including nervous system dysfunctions. A chiropractor often utilizes gentle spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to carefully restore the natural alignment of the spine and its surrounding structures in the case a subluxation is present. By doing so, these gentle treatments can relieve the stress and pressure being placed against the tissues around the spine, ultimately reducing the painful symptoms. Additionally, the chiropractic adjustments a chiropractor performs can help strengthen the muscles and other tissues of the affected area, helping to restore the original flexibility and mobility of the structures of the body.

A chiropractor may additionally recommend a series of stretches and/or exercises to help speed up the rehabilitation process and improve the individual�s condition through muscle strength, flexibility and mobility. As with any other type of treatment for an injury or condition, time and patience are required to ensure a proper recovery. Depending on the severity of the individual�s whiplash, the recovery process can differ for each person.

Preventing Whiplash with Head Restraints

Vehicles today are being built to minimize the impact from the force of a collision against the body, particularly in the region of the neck and back. All vehicles include head restraints on the vehicle seats which can further help avoid whiplash and other types of neck injuries or conditions. �The head restraint should be placed as high as the top of the head. A properly adjusted head restraint can help reduce the chance of experiencing a serious whiplash injury or other type of neck damage as this can help stop or reduce the head from jolting backwards in an automobile accident. Safety is important and although an auto collision can be an unwanted incident, preventing harm through a few simple methods can make a tremendous difference.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

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By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Treatments For Fybromyalgia: Chiropractic Care

Treatments For Fybromyalgia: Chiropractic Care

Is the pain of fibromyalgia getting you down? Are you having trouble dealing with persistent backaches, leg cramps, and foot pain? If so, then chiropractic care may be just the thing for you.

Chiropractic care is becoming increasingly popular among fibromyalgia sufferers because of the pain and stress relief that it offers. It can often provide relief in short periods of time and help you to get back to enjoying life fast. This article will outline the basics of chiropractic care and help you to decide if it could be an effective treatment for you.

What is Chiropractic Care?

Though often termed an alternative treatment, chiropractic care is now becoming more accepted by the mainstream medical community. Almost 20% of American men and women have used the services of a chiropractor at some point in their lives. 80% of those who use chiropractors report significant pain relief, better functioning, and an increased sense of wellbeing. But what theories are chiropractic care based on and what exactly does a chiropractor do?

Chiropractic care is based on the theory that illness and pain are caused by misalignments in your skeletal structure. It sees the body as a connected system, which relies on your bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons to keep it functioning efficiently. When your skeletal structure is sound, your body should feel healthy and happy. But if parts of your skeleton are slightly off balance, it could cause serious problems, like chronic pain.

Chiropractors aim to solve pain and related symptoms by correcting the imbalances in your skeletal structure. Through a series of techniques, including stretches, adjustments, and manipulations, your chiropractor will restore your skeletal balance, thereby eliminating any pain symptoms.

Chiropractic Care and Fibromyalgia

Recently, fibromyalgia patients have been seeking chiropractic care increasingly often. Because fibromyalgia causes numerous tender points all over the body, many fibromyalgia patients suffer from back pain, neck pain, and leg cramps. In an attempt to solve these problems, many sufferers have looked to chiropractors. Because simple adjustments to the neck and spine can restore the carriage of the whole body, a lot of fibromyalgia sufferers find that alignments of the spine can significantly reduce pain all over their bodies.

Upper Cervical Spinal Stenosis

Many fibromyalgia patients suffer from a condition called upper cervical spinal stenosis. This causes the coverings of the upper spine, known as meninges, to become compressed. This can cause severe, debilitating pain all over the body. Chiropractors can adjust the head and neck so the spine is no longer compressed, helping to relieve the widespread pain symptoms of fibromyalgia.

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Chiropractic care is becoming increasingly popular among fibromyalgia sufferers because of the pain and stress relief that it can provide for those with the condition. It can often offer relief in short periods of time and help you to get back to enjoying life fast. Understanding the basics of�chiropractic care can help you to decide if it could be an effective treatment for you and your symptoms of fibromyalgia.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Is Fibromyalgia to Blame for Your Sleep Problems?

Is Fibromyalgia to Blame for Your Sleep Problems?

Sleep disturbances are among the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia, a chronic condition affecting the spinal cord and brain that causes people to feel pain and fatigue, and affects concentration. In fact, along with the tiredness, pain, and psychosocial distress, sleep disturbances are a core feature. In the last few years, it has become increasingly clear that treating the associated sleep disturbance improves the daytime symptoms of the condition.

Here are eight things you need to know about fibromyalgia and sleep.

1. It is estimated that 2 percent to 10 percent of the population suffers from this painful condition.

2. Three quarters of those with fibromyalgia have sleep complaints. The most common is a feeling of non-refreshing or non-restorative sleep.

3. Insomnia, characterized by an inability to either fall asleep or stay asleep, is very common. Treating the insomnia with cognitive behavioral therapy and good sleep hygiene has been shown to improve symptoms of the condition.

4. People with fibromyalgia show less deep sleep, increased lighter stages of sleep, and more frequent arousals during the night than do others. Many of the newer medications approved for use in these patients, such as pregabalin (Lyrica), work in part by increasing deep sleep.

5. In several studies of normal sleepers, disrupting deep sleep nightly for 7 to 14 days with either noise or awakenings resulted in symptoms indistinguishable from patients with fibromyalgia.

6. The incidence of restless legs syndrome has been found to be in excess of 50 percent of people with fibromyalgia, as opposed to 7% of the general population. Patients experience improvement in their symptoms of fatigue and sleepiness when restless leg syndrome is treated.

7. �The incidence of sleep apnea in fibromyalgia was found to be 61 percent in men and 32 percent in women, according to�a 2013 study published in Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. A particular variant of sleep apnea called upper airway resistance syndrome is very common in women. Treating sleep-disordered breathing improves both pain and fatigue.

8.� Sodium oxybate (Xyrem) is a drug used in narcolepsy that works in part by increasing deep sleep. In 2010 the FDA rejected its use for fibromyalgia as being too risky. It is chemically very similar to the date rape drug GHB and they felt that the risks of wide dissemination outweighed the benefits.

In practice, many patients visit doctors for their associated sleep disturbance. Whether it is insomnia, restless legs syndrome, or sleep apnea, I can say that treating the associated sleep disturbance has a very positive effect on their fibromyalgia. Many doctors see an improvement in fatigue, cognitive function, and pain when the sleep disorder is addressed.

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Fibromyalgia is a painful, chronic condition which affects the overall function of the nerves. Along with pain and fatigue, two of the most common symptoms, the condition can also cause sleep disturbances. Among the various known statistics of the condition, treating the symptoms of fibromyalgia can help a person gain back their sleep.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .