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Back Clinic Conditions Treated. Chronic Pain, Auto Accident Care, Back Pain, Low Back Pain, Back Injuries, Sciatica, Neck Pain, Work Injuries, Personal Injuries, Sports Injuries, Migraine Headaches, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Wellness & Nutrition, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

At El Paso’s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center, we are focused on treating patients after debilitating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

If Dr. Alex Jimenez feels you need other treatment, then you will be referred to a clinic or Physician that is best suited for you. Dr. Jimenez has teamed with the top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and premiere rehabilitation providers to bring El Paso the top clinical treatments to our community. Providing the top non-invasive protocols is our priority. Clinical insight is what our patients demand in order to give them the appropriate care required. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

How Arthritis Can Affect the Knee

How Arthritis Can Affect the Knee

Arthritis is characterized as the inflammation of one or multiple joints. The most common symptoms of arthritis include pain and discomfort, swelling, inflammation, and stiffness, among others. Arthritis may affect�any joint in the human body, however, it commonly develops in the knee. � Knee arthritis can make everyday�physical activities difficult. The most prevalent types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, although there are well over 100 distinct forms of arthritis, affecting children and adults alike. While there is no cure for arthritis, many treatment approaches can help treat the symptoms of knee arthritis.


Anatomy of the Knee

� The knee is the largest and strongest joint in the human body. It is made up of the lower end of the thigh bone,�or femur, the top end of the shin bone, or tibia, and the kneecap, or patella. The ends of the three bones are covered with articular cartilage, a smooth, slippery structure which protects and cushions the bones when bending and straightening the knee.

� Two wedge-shaped parts of cartilage, known as the meniscus, function as shock absorbers between the bones of the knee to help cushion the joint and provide stability. The knee joint is also surrounded by a thin lining known as the synovial membrane. This membrane releases a fluid which lubricates the cartilage and also helps reduce friction in the knee. The significant kinds of arthritis that affect the knee�include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and post-traumatic arthritis.



� Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis which affects the knee joint. This form of arthritis is a degenerative, wear-and-tear health issue which occurs most commonly in people 50 years of age and older, however, it may also develop in younger people.

� In osteoarthritis, the cartilage in the knee joint gradually wears away. As the cartilage wears away, the distance between the bones decreases. This can result in bone rubbing and it can�create painful bone spurs. Osteoarthritis generally develops slowly but the pain may worsen over time.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

� Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic health issue which affects multiple joints throughout the body, especially the knee joint. RA is also symmetrical, meaning it often affects the same joint on each side of the human body.

� In rheumatoid arthritis, the synovial membrane that covers the knee joint becomes inflamed and swollen, causing knee pain, discomfort, and stiffness. RA is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system attacks its own soft tissues. The immune system attacks healthy tissue,�including tendons, ligaments and cartilage, as well as softens the bone.


Post-traumatic Arthritis

� Posttraumatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that develops after damage or injury to the knee. By way of instance, the knee joint may be harmed by a broken bone, or fracture, and result in post-traumatic arthritis years after the initial injury. Meniscal tears and ligament injuries can cause additional wear-and-tear on the knee joint, which over time can lead to arthritis and other problems.


Symptoms of Knee Arthritis

� The most common symptoms of knee arthritis include pain and discomfort, inflammation, swelling, and stiffness. Although sudden onset is probable, the painful symptoms generally�develop gradually over time. Additional symptoms of knee arthritis can be recognized as follows:


  • The joint may become stiff and swollen, making it difficult to bend and straighten the knee.
  • Swelling and inflammation may be worse in the morning, or when sitting or resting.
  • Vigorous activity might cause the pain to flare up.
  • Loose fragments of cartilage and other soft tissue may interfere with the smooth motion of the joints, causing the knee to lock or stick through motion. It could also creak, click, snap or make a grinding sound, known as crepitus.
  • Pain can cause a sense of fatigue or buckling from the knee.
  • Many individuals with arthritis may also describe increased joint pain with rainy weather and climate changes.



Diagnosis for Knee Arthritis

� During the patient’s appointment for diagnosis of knee arthritis, the healthcare professional will talk about the symptoms and medical history, as well as conduct a physical examination. The doctor may also order imaging diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, MRI or blood tests for further diagnosis. During the physical examination, the doctor will search for:


  • Joint inflammation, swelling, warmth, or redness
  • Tenderness around the knee joint
  • Assortment of passive and active movement
  • Instability of the knee joint
  • Crepitus, the grating sensation inside the joint, with motion
  • Pain when weight is placed on the knee
  • Issues with gait, or manner of walking
  • Any signs of damage or injury to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the knee joint
  • Involvement of additional joints (an indicator of rheumatoid arthritis)


Imaging Diagnostic Tests


  • X-rays. These imaging diagnostic tests produce images of compact structures, such as bones. They can help distinguish among various forms of arthritis. X-rays for knee arthritis may demonstrate a portion of the joint distance, changes in the bone as well as the formation of bone spurs, known as osteophytes.
  • Additional tests. Sometimes, magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, scans, computed tomography, or CT,�scans, or bone scans are required to ascertain the condition of the bone and soft tissues of the knee.


Blood Tests

� Your doctor may also recommend blood tests to determine which type of arthritis you have. With some kinds of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, blood tests can help with the proper identification of the disease.


Dr Jimenez White Coat
Although the knee joint is one of the strongest and largest joints in the human body, it is often prone to suffering damage or injury, resulting in a variety of conditions. In addition, however, other health issues, such as arthritis, can affect the knee joint. In network for most insurances of El Paso, TX, chiropractic care can help ease painful symptoms associated with knee arthritis, among other health issues. Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight

Treatment for Knee Arthritis


Non-surgical Treatment

� Non-surgical treatment approaches are often recommended before considering surgical treatment for knee arthritis. Healthcare professionals may recommend a variety of treatment options, including chiropractic care, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications, among others.

Lifestyle modifications. Some lifestyle modifications can help protect the knee joint and impede the progress of arthritis. Minimizing physical activities which aggravate the condition, will put less strain on the knee. Losing weight may also help lessen stress and pressure on the knee joint, resulting in less painful symptoms and increased function.

Chiropractic care and physical therapy.�Chiropractic care utilizes full body chiropractic adjustments to carefully restore any spinal misalignments, or subluxations, which may�be causing symptoms, including arthritis. The doctor may also recommend physical therapy to create an individualized exercise and physical activity program for each patient’s needs.�Specific exercises will help increase range of motion and endurance, as well as help strengthen the muscles in the lower extremities.

Assistive devices. Using assistive devices, such as a cane, shock-absorbing shoes or inserts, or a brace or knee sleeve, can decrease painful symptoms. A brace helps with function and stability, and may be particularly useful if the arthritis is based on one side of the knee. There are two types of braces that are often used for knee arthritis: A “unloader” brace shifts weight from the affected section of the knee, while a “support” brace helps support the entire knee load.

Drugs and/or medications. Several types of medications are useful in treating arthritis of the knee. Since individuals respond differently to medications, your doctor will work closely with you to determine the medications and dosages which are safe and effective for you.


Surgical Treatment

� The healthcare professional may recommend surgical treatment if the patient’s knee arthritis causes severe disability and only if the problem isn’t relieved with non-surgical treatment. Like all surgeries, there are a few risks and complications with surgical treatment for knee arthritis. The�doctor will discuss the possible problems with the patient.

Arthroscopy. During arthroscopy, physicians use instruments and small incisions to diagnose and treat knee joint problems. Arthroscopic surgery isn’t frequently used in the treatment of arthritis of the knee. In cases where osteoarthritis is accompanied with a degenerative meniscal tear, arthroscopic surgery may be wise to treat the torn meniscus.

Cartilage grafting. Normal cartilage tissue may be taken from a tissue bank or through a different part of the knee to fill out a hole in the articular cartilage. This process is typically considered only for younger patients.

Synovectomy. The lining damaged by rheumatoid arthritis is eliminated to reduce swelling and pain.

Osteotomy. In a knee osteotomy, either the tibia (shinbone) or femur (thighbone) is cut then reshaped to relieve stress and pressure on the knee joint. Knee�osteotomy is utilized when early-stage osteoarthritis has damaged one facet of the knee joint. By changing the weight distribution, this can relieve and enhance the function of the knee.

Total or partial knee replacement (arthroplasty).�The�doctor will remove the damaged bone and cartilage, then place new plastic or metal surfaces to restore the function of the knee�and its surrounding structures.

� Following any type of surgery for knee�arthritis will involve a period of recovery. Recovery time and rehabilitation will depend on the type of surgery performed. It’s essential to talk with your healthcare professional to determine the best treatment option for your�knee arthritis. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal health issues. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.

� Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez �


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Additional Topic Discussion: Relieving Knee Pain without Surgery

� Knee pain is a well-known symptom which can occur due to a variety of knee injuries and/or conditions, including�sports injuries. The knee is one of the most complex joints in the human body as it is made-up of the intersection of four bones, four ligaments, various tendons, two menisci, and cartilage. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, the most common causes of knee pain include patellar subluxation, patellar tendinitis or jumper’s knee, and Osgood-Schlatter disease. Although knee pain is most likely to occur in people over 60 years old, knee pain can also occur in children and adolescents. Knee pain can be treated at home following the RICE methods, however, severe knee injuries may require immediate medical attention, including chiropractic care.


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Why Gait Analysis Is Important With Chiropractic Care | El Paso, TX.

Why Gait Analysis Is Important With Chiropractic Care | El Paso, TX.

The way a person walks, their gait, can be very telling. It can reveal problems in the feet, ankles, knees, and hips � even in spinal alignment. A problem with gait can indicate pain in a patient as well as serious conditions like diabetes and arthritis. It, is a diagnostic tool for many conditions, injuries, and syndromes including autism. When it comes to chiropractic care, a patient�s gait can offer critical clues regarding the root of their complaints, allowing for a more well-rounded, whole body approach to treatment. If you think that the way you walk or moves doesn�t matter, think again. It most certainly does matter.

What is Gait Analysis?

Gait analysis is a set of tests that are designed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of a person�s gait. It is a systematic study of human motion that involves observation as well as the use of instruments that measure body movements, muscle activity, and body mechanics.

It is intended to be used as an assessment tool and provide insight into devising a treatment plan for people who have conditions or injuries that affect their ability to walk. It is often used in sports biomechanics to aid athletes in more efficient movement and to identify problems with movement or posture, particularly those with injuries.

During the analysis, the patient may walk in a prescribed pattern or on a treadmill, that is often connected to a computer, while the chiropractor observes them from various angles. Often cameras are used, places at multiple points to capture different views including the anterior, posterior, and sides.

The patient may have markers applied to specific points on the body such as the knee, ankle, pelvis, and other areas. As they move, the computer captures specific data of the movement, providing a three-dimensional calculation of each marker. It then applies a model to assess the movement of the skeletal structure, resulting in a detailed analysis of each joint�s movement.

gait analysis chiropractic care el paso tx.

Factors that Affect Gait Analysis

Certain factors affect a person�s gait, and that information must be included for the gait analysis to be accurate. The gender, age, height, and weight of the person is vital because men and women move differently and as a person ages their structure changes.

Excess weight or they physique can affect a person�s posture and their gait. The individual�s shoes (or lack of shoes) is essential, as is their clothing, the terrain they are walking on, and anything they may usually carry, such as a purse. Other factors include:

  • Physiological factors such as body proportion
  • Psychological factors such as their state of mind, emotions, stress level, and personality type
  • Pathological factors such as neurological diseases, psychiatric disorders, trauma, and musculoskeletal anomalies

It will also measure and factor into the analysis data that includes the patients:

  • Length of stride
  • Cadence
  • Hip angle
  • Foot angle
  • Step length
  • Walking or movement speed
  • Other areas as needed

Advantages of a Gait Analysis

Getting a gait analysis can be very advantageous because it can provide invaluable insight into how your body is aligned and how it moves. It is an excellent diagnostic tool for identifying health issues related to the gait, spine, and feet and can also help provide early detection of health issues before the onset of symptoms.

If your chiropractor recommends that you get a gait analysis, it could be that he or she suspects that something is going on, or it could simply mean that they want to examine you to provide optimal care more thoroughly. If you have any concerns, you should sit down with your chiropractor and ask them any questions that you have before undergoing the analysis. Stress and anxiety can put tension on the muscles and body, affecting the results.

Sports Injury Chiropractic Treatment

What Is Cervicalgia & Can Chiropractic Help? | El Paso, TX.

What Is Cervicalgia & Can Chiropractic Help? | El Paso, TX.

Have you ever had a pain in the neck? And your kids or significant other don’t count. If you’ve ever had a stiff, sore neck, then you’ve more than likely experienced cervicalgia. You’re not alone. The American Osteopathic Association estimates that more than 25% of Americans have experienced or chronically experience neck pain. Neck pain is one of the primary causes of chronic pain, ranking number three behind knee pain (number two) and back pain (number one). Chronic pain affects around 65% of people in the United States, ranging in age 18 to 34. They either have experienced it firsthand or care for someone who has recently experienced it. That number increases as the population ages.

It is also worth noting that most doctors prescribe pain medications, but more than 33% of patients with chronic pain won’t take them because they are afraid of becoming addicted.

What is Cervicalgia?

Cervicalgia is a blanket term used to describe neck pain. It can range from a simple crick in the neck to severe pain that prevents you from turning your head.

Knowing the term for the pain, though, does not help when it comes to treatment because treatment lies in the cause of the pain. It can become quite complex because there are so many causes for the pain. Sometimes the cause itself must be eliminated before the treatments for the pain can be effective.

What are the Causes of Cervicalgia?

The causes of cervicalgia are vast and varied. A patient who sits at their desk for too long or sleeps in a poor position can develop neck pain.

Injuries such as sports injuries and whiplash fall at the more severe end of the spectrum. Even simple gravity can be a culprit.

The human head can weigh as much as 10 pounds, sometimes even more, and the neck is tasked with keeping it upright. Just the action of fighting gravity and keeping the head erect for long periods of time (like all day) can cause the neck muscles to become strained and fatigued. This can also cause neck injuries to heal slower because the neck is almost always in use and under consistent stress.

cervicalgia neck pain chiropractic treatment el paso tx.


How is Cervicalgia Treated?

Treatment for cervicalgia depends on both the symptoms and the cause. If you have been injured, you should immediately seek medical attention to assess the injury’s severity.

You can apply ice to help reduce inflammation and swelling, but do not delay a medical evaluation. Some neck injuries can be severe, causing severe conditions, including paralysis.

After an assessment, your doctor may prescribe medication such as anti-inflammatories and stronger painkillers. A cervical collar may also be recommended since it allows the neck to rest, which will promote healing.

If the pain is caused by other reasons such as stress, poor posture, or sleeping on the wrong pillow (in other words, you have a crick in your neck), you can use an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, and using a heating pad will help. Massage is also effective.

However, prevention is the best cure. When you know what is causing your cervicalgia, you can take steps to prevent it. Chiropractic can help both in prevent cervicalgia and in treating it.

Chiropractic for Cervicalgia

Chiropractic treatment can help relieve cervicalgia pain for many of the causes, including injury, stress, and misalignment. Depending on the cause, the chiropractor will use specific techniques to treat the root of the problem.

They will bring the body back into alignment, which also helps to prevent the pain of cervicalgia. The most attractive aspect is that it allows for pain management without the use of any medications.

When you get regular chiropractic care, you can reduce your chances of experiencing pain in your neck and back. That is why so many people are choosing chiropractic care for their neck and back pain instead of turning to traditional medicine because it works.

Neck Pain Chiropractic Treatment

Cerebral Palsy & Chiropractic Care in El Paso, TX.

Cerebral Palsy & Chiropractic Care in El Paso, TX.

Robert “Bobby” Gomez first visited Dr. Alex Jimenez, doctor of chiropractic, after experiencing back pain due to a pelvic tilt on his hips. Born with cerebral palsy, Bobby always felt underestimated by his peers due to his condition. Thanks to chiropractic care, Robert Gomez received the support he needed to strengthen his body as well as to improve his flexibility and mobility. Bobby describes how he received more help than he expected with Dr. Alex Jimenez.

Rehabilitation For Cerebral Palsy


Cerebral palsy is a disorder of motion, muscular tone or posture that’s brought on by brain damage that happens before birth. The impact on functional abilities with cerebral palsy varies. Generally, cerebral palsy causes movement problems with reflexes or rigidity of the limbs and back posture, and unsteady walking. People with cerebral palsy may suffer a reduced range of movement in different areas of their body. The disability associated with cerebral palsy may be limited primarily to one limb or one side of the body, or it may affect the whole body.


cerbral palsy and chiropractic care el paso tx.


We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice includeWellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Treatment, Sports Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused on treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

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Hypermobility Syndrome

Hypermobility Syndrome

Hypermobility Syndrome is a condition of the joints. Characterized by the ability of the joint to move beyond its normal range of motion and is sometimes called �loose joints� or �double jointed.� It is typically a genetic disorder and often identified in children. The gene passes from parent to child, so the condition tends to run in families. Estimated that 10 to 15 percent of children who are otherwise considered to be normal have joints that are hypermobile. However, it can be found in all ages and does not seem to be confined to a particular age group, ethnic group, or population although there are more cases of girls being hypermobile than boys.

Hypermobility Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of hypermobility can vary widely from person to person. Some people may not experience any symptoms while others have muscle and joint pain along with mild swelling. Usually noted in the evening or later afternoon as well as after moderate physical activity or exercise. The most common areas for pain and achiness are the elbows, knees, thigh muscle, and calf muscle. Often rest will provide relief.

A person who is hypermobile is usually more prone to soft tissue injuries and sprains. Additionally, the affected joints may be more inclined to become dislocated. It can also cause back pain, impaired joint position sense, and even flat feet, osteoarthritis, and nerve compression disorders. Other symptoms include increased bruising, chronic pain, loose skin, and thin scars. Children and young people who are hypermobile often experience growing pains more often than other children.

Most children will grow out of hypermobility; their joints will lose some of their flexibility as they get older along with the symptoms of rarely persist beyond childhood although some adults do find that they get dislocations and sprains much easier.

hypermobility syndrome el paso tx

Causes of Hypermobility

The exact cause of hypermobility is not known, although it does seem to run in families. Genes play a large part in the process, particularly those involved in collagen production which is a vital protein for tendon, joint, and ligament development and function. There are also several�associated�conditions. Genetic disorders like Ehlers-Danlos and Marfan have hypermobility as a component as does Down Syndrome.

Hypermobility Treatment

Treatment for hypermobility depends on the patient. It depends on the symptoms that they are experiencing as well as the severity and how much of an impact the condition has on their quality of life. Mild symptoms may not require any treatment while more moderate to severe symptoms may warrant medication like naproxen, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen for pain. All of which,�can be bought over the counter.

Patients can ward off many of the symptoms or eliminate them by engaging in regular exercise, protecting the joints, practicing good posture, muscle strengthening exercises, and balancing techniques. Orthotics to correct flat feet can also be beneficial.

Chiropractic for Hypermobility

Many people use chiropractic for hypermobility pain and discomfort. The doctor will use adjustments to bring the joints into the appropriate movement pattern and the body into proper alignment, allowing the body to function as it should and relieves stress from joints that were compensating due to misalignment.

The patient may also be advised to do specific exercises at home, and get counseling on improving their posture. Because chiropractic treats the entire body, the patient will find that they learn how to best live with the condition without medication and manage pain naturally. Patients report dramatic improvement in their distress and mobility after regular, consistent chiropractic visits.

Chiropractic Care Crossfit Rehabilitation

Trigger Finger Strain/Injury! Chiropractic Care Can Help!

Trigger Finger Strain/Injury! Chiropractic Care Can Help!

Stenosing tenosynovitis, also known as �trigger finger,� is a repetitive strain injury that is one of the most common injuries in the workplace. It is marked by one finger or thumb that is stuck in a bent position and pops or snaps when straightened. The�cause is an inflamed or irritated flexor tendon.

As it slides through the sheath tunnel, the back and forth motion creates irritation which can lead to thickening of the tendon and even the formation of nodules. This can impede its movement through the sheath which can also thicken so that the opening that the tendon slides through becomes smaller.

What are the symptoms of trigger finger?

A person that has�trigger finger may experience several symptoms in one or more fingers or thumb including:

  • Pain when straightening or bending the finger
  • Swelling
  • A lump in the palm that is tender
  • The finger or thumb joints have a popping or catching sensation
  • Stiffness
  • The impaired tendon may suddenly break free causing the finger to snap straight or feel like it is dislocating

Some symptoms, like the stiffness, popping, and catching, may be more pronounced after periods of inactivity. The patient may find that upon waking they have difficulty, but as they move their fingers they loosen, and the symptoms aren�t as cause. In severe cases, the patient is unable to straighten their finger, even with help.

trigger finger injury chiropractic care el paso tx.

What causes trigger finger?

Many times the cause of trigger finger is not known. They may notice a gradual decline or they may wake up one day and experience symptoms. There are certain health conditions and circumstances that put some patients at a higher risk of developing trigger finger:

  • Men tend to get trigger finger more than women do
  • The most common age group for trigger finger is between 40 and 60 years old
  • It is prevalent in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and other medical conditions
  • Repetitive hand motions such as typing, gripping power tools, or playing video games
  • Activities where the hands are in constant repetitive�action.

What are the treatments for trigger finger?

There are surgical and nonsurgical treatments for trigger finger, depending on the severity of the condition. When the symptoms are mild, the patient may be advised to, rest the finger and take over the counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or cause to help reduce inflammation and minimize pain. The patient may also wear a splint to facilitate the resting position of the finger better.

In some cases, the doctor may advise steroid injections administered directly into the tendon sheath to correct the problem. Sometimes this procedure only provides temporary relief and requires a�second injection. If the condition shows no improvement after the second injection, the patient may be advised to undergo surgery. If the patient has had trigger finger for a long time or if they have a medical condition such as diabetes, injections are not likely to be as, or a permanent solution.

Some patients undergo surgery to correct trigger finger. The is purely elective since the condition is not considered dangerous. The operation opens the tendon sheath, the tunnel that the tendon slides through, to move easier. It is usually done on an outpatient basis.

Chiropractic for trigger finger

  • Two chiropractic treatments for trigger finger:
  • Active Release Technique (ART)
  • Graston technique
  • Studies have found these chiropractic techniques to be very useful in treating trigger finger.

An instrument based soft tissue therapy may also be used to help reduce tension in the muscles around the area. Chiropractors typically use a whole-body approach to help the patient achieve relief and healing. They recognize that most conditions are not limited to only what appears to be the affected area so they will employ techniques that treat the associated regions of the body as well, which, provides the patient with more reliable relief without the use of invasive procedures. Chiropractic is a practical, natural way to treat trigger finger.

Chronic Hand Pain Treatment

Small Muscle Causes BIG Pain: Relieve Piriformis Syndrome

Small Muscle Causes BIG Pain: Relieve Piriformis Syndrome

There is a small muscle deep in the buttocks, known, as the,�piriformis muscle.� This small muscle performs an essential function of rotating the leg outwards. Piriformis Syndrome is a condition that occurs when the muscle becomes tight and intrudes on the sciatic nerve. This causes pain, tenderness and sometimes numbness in the buttocks, which can also radiate down the leg and into the calf.

Potential causes for piriformis syndrome�are sitting for prolonged periods, which can tighten the muscle and an injury to the buttocks. This can come from a fall, accident, or sports injury. Trauma causes the small muscle to swell and irritate the sciatic nerve.

Muscle spasms can also cause piriformis syndrome, however, the cause of the spasms is still unknown.

Once an individual has piriformis syndrome, the condition can comeback periodically.

Piriformis Syndrome Small Muscle Treatment

small muscle piriformis syndrome el paso tx.

Treatment options frequently used:


Over-the-counter or prescribed pain medicines, anti-inflammatory drugs, or muscle relaxers frequently serve to reduce the pain from piriformis syndrome. A doctor may also inject medicine directly into the piriformis muscle to improve the condition.


A common way to relax tight muscles is to apply heat. Piriformis syndrome sufferers may find relief from painful symptoms by periodically applying heat directly to the tender area.

Heat therapy�can relieve tightness of the muscle and promote healing of the area. Avoid treating the muscle with heat if the muscle may be torn.


A proper exercise schedule will loosen the muscle and alleviate the symptoms. A chiropractor can prescribe the correct exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscle.


Combined with other treatments or on their own. Massage is used for piriformis syndrome. This helps increase blood flow to the area. The massage therapist can manipulate the area to relieve tightness.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors view the entire body. They may treat other parts of the body, such as a foot or leg, in order to improve the condition of the piriformis muscle. They may also utilize pelvic and spinal adjustments, along with joint manipulation to stretch and loosen up the muscle.

It’s vital to take precautions to avoid re-aggravating the muscle. Proper stretching before exercise, periodic breaks when sitting. Spinal and pelvic maintenance will increase an individual’s chances of living pain free.

If you have any question about chiropractic care for piriformis syndrome symptoms, or other health conditions, contact us today!

Piriformis Syndrome Chiropractic Treatment