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Spinal Hygiene

Back Clinic Spinal Hygiene. The spine is the protective housing for the nervous system, a system so powerful that it controls every function in the human body. The nervous system tells your body to breath, tells your heart to beat, tells your arms and legs to move, tells your body when and how to produce new cells and it even has the power to control healing. A damaged or misaligned spine can dramatically interfere with the signals constantly being sent through the nervous system, eventually resulting in bodily pain, internal deterioration and loss of many of the everyday functions we take for granted.

Spinal hygiene is extremely important, yet 89 percent of the world’s population does not realize the importance of maintaining proper alignment of the vertebrae through chiropractic adjustment, as well as protecting the spine from injury through healthy living practices. Instead we neglect our spines. As children we start our lives with tumbles and trips that jar our spines, we grow into adults with poor posture, we lift things that are too heavy, carry overloaded back packs, and we suffer injury through car accidents, sports impacts and stress.

Get in on the health trend of the future-today. Join the growing percentage of the population that enjoys greater health and wellness through regular care of their spines. Talk to your chiropractor today about ways you can improve your spinal hygiene.

Chiropractic Care for General Back Pain

Chiropractic Care for General Back Pain

Back pain is a common symptom which affects a majority of the population, although for most individuals, the prevalent discomfort is often mild and temporary. Unfortunately, back pain can become a constant issue for some people. In several instances, these symptoms may even need immediate medical attention.

If you�ve experienced back pain sometime throughout your lifetime, especially if it�s new, recurring discomfort, causing the individual to lose control of their bowel or bladder, seeking a proper diagnosis as soon as possible is fundamental to determine the source of the symptoms and begin treatment. Listen to your body.

Seeking Help from a Healthcare Professional

Back pain, soreness and stiffness are generally frequent and can resolve on their own without the need of a medical evaluation. But, other symptoms could signal the development of a much more serious complication. The following symptoms may need further diagnosis as these could an indication of a spinal condition: pain which lasts for longer than six weeks; pain, weakness or numbness in the legs; difficulty sleeping due to back or neck pain; and/or a sudden onset of back pain without an obvious cause. If you�ve experienced any of the above mentioned symptoms, it�s essential to seek a proper diagnosis from a qualified healthcare professional.

Chiropractic care is a common alternative treatment option that is utilized to correct numerous spinal complications. Chiropractic primarily focuses on the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. When visiting a doctor of chiropractic, or chiropractor, the healthcare professional will first conduct an evaluation of the spine to diagnose whether a spinal misalignment, also referred to as a subluxation, or any other type of injury or condition is the cause of the symptoms.

Together with a review of the individual�s medical history, including any previous test results from prior appointments with other physicians, if any. To complete the spinal assessment, aside from a physical exam, the chiropractor may also need additional studies, such as an X-ray or MRI scan. This will help pinpoint the source of the symptoms. Whether the individual is diagnosed with a common injury or condition, such as sciatica, or a more complex and severe complication, the doctor of chiropractic will follow up with an up to date description of the individual�s cause of their symptoms before developing an appropriate treatment plan.

The healthcare professional should provide an overview of treatment options, including a detailed discussion of the benefits and possible risks of each. The most common chiropractic care techniques and therapy procedures include spinal adjustments and manual manipulations. Through the use of chiropractic adjustments and manipulations, a chiropractor will carefully realign the spine, helping to reduce the stress and pressure being placed against the structures surrounding the spine in order to improve function. By restoring the individual�s natural spinal alignment, any pain, inflammation and numbness, as well as other symptoms of back pain and discomfort, will be decreased, providing the individual with their original strength, mobility and flexibility, promoting their overall health and wellness.

Furthermore, a chiropractor may also recommend a series of stretches and exercises, as well as several lifestyle changes, to further improve an individual�s injury or condition and promote a faster recovery time. Physical therapy and spinal surgery are also possible treatment options for various types of back complications, However, spinal surgery is only recommended if conservative treatment options have failed before. Although back pain is a common complication among the population, seeking diagnosis and following through with treatment is important to ensure the individual lives with the proper health and wellness.

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Back pain symptoms can affect a wide number of individuals and, while a majority of cases resolve on their own, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to determine the cause of the symptoms, especially with chronic pain. Chiropractic treatment can help restore the original health of the spine.

Trending Topic: Vaccines Revealed Episode 6

Dr. Gentempo and others are bringing great awareness to our community regarding vaccinations and their dangers.

Vaccines Revealed and Exposed on Episode #6

As a healthcare provider, Dr. Patrick Gentempo has been searching for the truth behind the effects of vaccines on the general population. When making critical decisions about you and your children�s health, it�s essential to have the correct knowledge of all medical procedures you�re being involved in, including the administration of mandatory vaccines, among others.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Top provider

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Sciatica: Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatica: Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatica is best characterized as the common symptoms of pain and discomfort in the backs of the legs. This painful condition generally develops due to complications affecting the region of the lumbar spine, or lower back, affecting these areas of the body as well as an individual�s legs and feet. The pain which travels down the person�s legs through the sciatic nerves which are the nerves found surrounding the lumbar spine, characteristic of sciatica.
The lumbar region of the spine is made up of five vertebrae which are labeled from top to bottom, L1 to L5, between the ribcage and the pelvis. Below these is the sacrum, which is labeled as S1. A spinal nerve can be found above each of these vertebra with its root in the spinal cord. These nerves form the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerves, found in each leg, are the longest and broadest nerves found in the human body. When the root of one of the sciatic nerves becomes irritated or inflamed, leading to the compression of the nerve, it can cause the common symptoms of pain and numbness in the buttocks, legs, and/or feet.

Causes of Sciatica

From lumbar disc herniation, spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disorders, among other conditions and injuries, there are numerous factors and reasons which may cause sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, to occur. If symptoms of pain and discomfort manifest, especially around the area of the buttocks, legs and feet, it�s fundamental to seek immediate medical attention to receive a proper diagnosis and determine the cause of the symptoms.

Symptoms of Sciatica

The most common symptoms of sciatic nerve pain include lower back pain and/or numbness. Additionally, the individual may also experience these same symptoms in a single leg or buttock or on both limbs, although the probability of both sciatic nerves becoming compressed and irritated or inflamed at once are rare. Other common symptoms associated with sciatica include:

  • Sharp pain in the lower back, leg or buttock
  • Numbness or tingling in one leg or foot
  • Weakness in one leg or foot
  • Inability to control bowel movements or bladder, indicating a serious condition that requires immediate medical care

Diagnosing Sciatica

If you�ve experienced any of the symptoms mentioned above, you may be suffering from sciatica which could have been caused by an injury or condition. Because sciatica is defined as a group of symptoms rather than a single disorder, the presence of these symptoms may not necessarily indicate it as sciatica. Seeking immediate medical attention after experiencing this collection of symptoms, especially after suffering an injury or aggravating a previous condition, is important to avoid further complications and begin treating the issue as soon as possible. If the symptoms are intense or if they�ve been constant for several weeks, a proper diagnosis can help determine the source of the pain and discomfort to help reduce and improve sciatica.
Chiropractic care is a popular, alternative treatment option that focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous system, utilizing spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to carefully correct issues and complications relating to the spine and its surrounding structures. When visiting a chiropractor for symptoms of sciatica, the healthcare professional will thoroughly examine the individual�s medical history and conduct a physical evaluation to determine the root cause of the pain and discomfort. The use of X-rays or MRI scans may additionally be used to learn the diagnosis and determine if sciatica or any other type of injury or condition is the cause of the symptoms. A qualified and experienced chiropractor will follow through with the best treatment plan for each individual.

Treating Sciatica

Utilizing chiropractic adjustments, a chiropractor can restore the original health of the spine, helping to reduce the pressure of the vertebrae which is frequently caused by a misalignment of the spine or subluxation. Furthermore, the irritation and inflammation around the spine can be reduced with these treatment procedures, relieving the painful symptoms of sciatica and regaining the individual�s strength, flexibility and mobility. A chiropractor may also follow chiropractic adjustments with an appropriate set of stretches and exercises to speed up the treatment process and ensure the individual finds quicker relief from their sciatica symptoms to continue with their original, everyday lifestyle.

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Sciatica is medically defined as a collection of symptoms rather than a single disorder. Commonly identified by pain and numbness which travels down the lower back, buttocks and legs, sciatic nerve pain can cause discomfort if left untreated. Chiropractic care focuses on restoring the function of the spine, relieving the symptoms of sciatica by targeting them at the source.

Trending Topic: Vaccines Revealed Episode 2

Dr. Gentempo and others are bringing great awareness to our community regarding vaccinations and their dangers.

Vaccines Revealed and Exposed on Episode #2

As a healthcare provider, Dr. Patrick Gentempo has been searching for the truth behind the effects of vaccines on the general population. When making critical decisions about you and your children�s health, it�s essential to have the correct knowledge of all medical procedures you�re being involved in, including the administration of mandatory vaccines, among others.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Top provider

Guide to Naturally Defeat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Guide to Naturally Defeat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease in which the body�s own immune system attacks itself. RA is characterized by chronic inflammation that destroys joints, tissues and organs over a period of time. You can beat rheumatoid arthritis by de-inflaming the body through natural lifestyle principles.

Auto-immune conditions, like RA, are associated with hyper-responsive immunity. This means that whenever the body feels even slightly threatened it creates a wild and reckless inflammatory reaction. Often times this inflammatory reaction is systemic in that it affects the entire body. Other times it affects only specific regions such as the hands and fingers.

Overcoming auto-immune conditions like RA are primarily dependent upon rebuilding the intestinal wall, de-inflaming the body, and optimizing vitamin D3 levels.

The Connection Between Leaky Gut Syndrome and Auto-Immunity

Individuals with auto-immune conditions very commonly have leaky gut syndrome and an overpopulation of parasitic organisms in the gut. These organisms have damaged the intestinal wall and food particles are now able to pass into the bloodstream before they are digested. The immune system recognizes these particles as foreign invaders and unleashes an assault of inflammation in the body.

The most common food allergens that must be avoided for these individuals to get well include gluten containing grains and pasteurized dairy. Soy products, different nuts, eggs and heavy proteins are often not tolerated well while the gut is damaged. Other common inflammatory triggers include those of the nightshade family such as eggplant, tomatoes and potatoes.

How to Rebuild the Intestinal Wall

The best way to rebuild the intestinal wall is to incorporate a daily lifestyle of intermittent fasting. This should be a 16-20 hour liquid diet each day in which only cleansing beverages such as fermented drinks and lemon water are consumed. No more than one solid food meal a day should be consumed for at least a 3 month period of time to ensure proper healing. One could also incorporate a six week liquid diet to speed this process up.

Vegetable juices can and should be consumed throughout the fasting period. Some of the best vegetable juices include wheatgrass and cabbage juice among others. Wheatgrass is known for its incredible chlorophyll content and ability to purify the bloodstream. Cabbage is loaded with the amino acid L-glutamine � which is the primary amino acid in the gut wall.

Digestive enzymes and fermented foods should be used before or during the solid food meal to enhance digestion. Heavy duty probiotic supplementation should be used after the solid food meal to reduce inflammation that would be caused by the solid food of the meal.

Why Live an Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Lifestyle?

An anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle are essential for full recovery from RA. Anti-inflammatory foods help to reduce stress on the immune system and allow it to have better coordination. The diet should focus on healthy fats, anti-oxidants and clean protein sources.

Great anti-inflammatory foods include healthy fats such as coconut products, avocados and extra-virgin olive oil. Healthy protein sources such as organic poultry, wild-caught fish, grass-fed beef and grass-fed raw, fermented dairy products.

These proteins and fats are rich in medium chain saturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids which are necessary for healthy cell membranes and good hormone and immune function. These healthy meat should be consumed in small amounts only once per day to minimize digestion stress while the body is able to extract the key fatty acids and amino acids that the meat provides.

Eat Lots of Antioxidants and Fermented Foods

Antioxidant rich foods like organic berries, green leafy veggies, onions, garlic and bell peppers should be used throughout the day. Nutrient rich herbs such as turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, rosemary, oregano, thyme, basil and many others should be used as much as possible.

Fermented foods and beverages benefit the RA sufferer immensely and must be the cornerstone of the anti-inflammatory plan. This includes homemade sauerkraut, kombucha, coconut water kefir. Red cabbage sauerkraut is preferable due to its abundance of anthocyanin anti-oxidants compared to green cabbage. Fermented raw dairy from 100% grass-fed cows and goats provides some of the best superfoods with kefir, amasai and various cheeses.

Don�t Forget About the Importance of Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a critical role in a balanced immune response. Vitamin D3, among many other functions, helps the body recognize between foreign and self-proteins. This process reduces auto-immune reactions and quiets chronic inflammation. Optimal vitamin D3 levels also allows for normalized stimulation of natural killer cells and macrophages that destroy antagnostic microbes and other pathogens in the body.

Over 90 percent of our modern society is deficient in Vitamin D. An ideal range for vitamin D3 (25-hydroxy cholcalciferol) is between 60-100 ng/ml � which is significantly higher than the medically acceptable 32 ng/ml. Be sure to know your levels and get them up around 80-90 ng/ml for optimal immune responses. Either get regular sun exposure on about 50 percent of your body, at peak periods between 10am-2pm, or supplement with 10,000 IU of high quality emulsified vitamin D3 to get to and stay at the desired levels.

It is advisable to monitor these levels with your healthcare provider.

The Dangers of Subluxation and Neurological Distortion

Chronic inflammatory disease processes are influenced by the nervous system which controls the coordination of the immune system. Nerve stimulation is essential for the growth, function and control of inflammatory cells. Researchers have found that abnormal neurological control results in the development of auto-immune based inflammatory conditions such as RA.

Subluxation is the term for misalignments of the spine that cause compression and irritation of nerve pathways affecting organ systems of the body. Subluxations are an example of physical nerve stress that affects neuronal control. According to researchers, such stressful conditions lead to altered measures of immune function and increased susceptibility to a variety of diseases.

The upper cervical spine is the most important region for immune coordination. Various wellness chiropractors specialize in stabilizing the upper cervical spine which allows the nervous system to control and coordinate the body with greater efficiency.

Many individuals with auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis have ligament laxity at the upper cervical spine. It is essential to see a well-trained wellness based chiropractor that specializes in upper cervical care and corrective care and has much experience working with individuals with advanced conditions such as RA. These chiropractors will use a regiment of specific adjustments and corrective exercises to minimize subluxation, restore proper neurological tone and maximize the bodies healing potential.

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Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to major complications, mainly due to the inflammation it causes on the structures of the body. While there’s several beliefs behind the result of such disorder, gut health has been recognized as a probable reason why people may develop autoimmune diseases. Leaky gut syndrome, among other disorders, should often be addressed beforehand to avoid further complications.

Trending Topic:�Deadly Side Effects Of Vaccines Revealed



Vaccines are highly recommended to be utilized by the public, however, increasing sources and numerous accounts have revealed that vaccines can cause dangerous even deadly side effects. The measles vaccine is one of the most used vaccines in the United States and it’s effects, including causing the disease itself, have been recorded all across the nation.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Seniors

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Seniors

As our bodies age, it becomes more and more important to stay healthy and active. While bones and muscles may weaken, it is still possible to be out and about and doing the things we love. Many senior citizens face chronic pain or other issues related to the body deteriorating over time. Luckily, chiropractic care has been to shown to have multiple benefits for the elderly, from increased mobility to decreased risk of falls and other injuries.

Some seniors may be concerned about receiving spinal manipulation due to the delicate nature of their bodies. However, chiropractic doctors have been specially trained to treat the sensitive needs of the elderly in a safe and effective way. The first step is to examine the spine in order to find any vertebrae that are out of place. These subluxations can lead to many problems, from pain due to the misalignment to immune systems because of nerve blockage.

For seniors who are struggling with decreased mobility, chiropractic care has been show to help restore this deficit. Results will vary due to the nature of the patient�s individual needs. Some seniors may find themselves able to bend over again and play with grand-kids or garden. Others who enjoy golf may find an increase in their drive distance. These small improvements can lead to a large increase in overall quality of life for all patients. People with more severe mobility issues may be able to regain strength through a mix of chiropractic and physical therapy.

Many seniors also suffer from balance and coordination issues. These problems are often caused by previous injuries or degenerative changes in the cervical spine (the neck area). Studies have shown that chiropractic care can help to restore decreased coordination by stimulating joint receptors in the neck. This stimulation helps normalize joint receptor functioning, which controls balance and coordination.

In addition to the above issues, seniors also see chiropractors to find relief from chronic pain, decreased energy, and to avoid the need for additional cares. A recent study found that seniors who received chiropractic care were far more likely to remain in their homes versus seniors that did not receive care. Chiropractic can be a safe and effective way for seniors to stay healthy, active, and independent. Speak to your primary care doctor about how chiropractic can help you today!

Chiropractic Care for Seniors

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When a proper nutrition and physical activity has ensured a healthy aging process, the development of degeneration complications may still occur, however, chiropractic care can help. Chiropractic is an alternative, treatment option which can be utilized by seniors to maintain a healthy body and overall wellness.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

How Chiropractic Benefits Senior Citizens

How Chiropractic Benefits Senior Citizens

The aging process can cause a variety of conditions and health issues that mostly occur to the elderly. From chronic pain, arthritis, loss of mobility, and other issues, as a person get older, many health complications can affect individuals, however, senior citizens have found that chiropractic provides some great benefits for the older demographic.

Improved Range of Motion

Regular chiropractic care has been shown to increase spinal range of motion as well as in the extremities. Limited range of motion can occur due to age or inactivity, sometimes a combination of the two.

An improved range of motion can allow elderly patients to actively engage with their environment. Increased range of motion is one of the most common and necessary benefits of chiropractic treatment.

Preventing Joint Degeneration

When there’s a spinal subluxation, or misalingment, it can cause other areas of the body to also become misaligned and compensation of movement can create further issues for these individuals. Additionally, this can result in an abnormal wearing down of the joints. Over time, the joints can degenerate, becoming painful, causing difficulty in mobility and flexibility.

Chiropractic care is a very effective treatment for decreasing the degeneration of the spine and even other joints. When the body is in proper alignment it no longer has to adapt through postural compensation. This reduces stress on the spine and joints while relieving pain and restoring mobility.

Symptoms Relief

Chiropractic has long been recognized for its effectiveness in providing drug-free pain relief for back pain to headaches and arthritis. While pain medication and anti-inflammatory drugs only temporarily relieve the symptoms, chiropractic can treat the complication at the source and relieve the pain for good.

Spinal alignments and other chiropractic techniques help to relieve pain for a variety of issues, not just back and neck pain. What�s more, chiropractic does not have the undesirable, sometimes dangerous side effects that drugs can.

Increased Balance and Coordination

The aging process can have a significant impact on a person�s balance and coordination. This can have a variety of causes including degenerative changes to the spine, typically in the neck area. Injury to this area is another culprit.

There are special receptors that reside along the cervical spine in the rear of the joints. These receptors work to send vital messages to the brain regarding coordination and balance. When the spine and especially the neck are out of alignment, it can hinder how these receptors send and receive messages to the brain. The result is a condition called loss of proprioception, or sense of body awareness.

Elderly patients affected by this can be prone to falling, and such, can cause further issues for the individual.

Injuries from falling are one of the most common reasons elderly people visit emergency departments each year. Chiropractic can help realign the neck and spine, allowing the messages to move much easier, thus restoring balance and coordination.

Overall Health and Wellness

Proper spinal alignment can greatly benefit a person�s health, wellbeing, and even their mood. It allows them to become more active so they get exercise. They sleep better and have more energy.

An aligned spine also lets them more fully engage with their family, friends, and the world. They can get out and do things they were once unable to do and when they are active and happier the entire body benefits.

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With age come a variety of natural, wear-and-tear conditions and unfortunately sometimes injuries which can cause difficulties for older adults. However, chiropractic has been demonstrated to benefit elderly patients, helping to increase their range of motion, decreasing the degeneration of joints and relieving painful symptoms. among other benefits.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .