Back Clinic Posture Team. Posture is the position in which an individual holds their body upright against gravity while standing, sitting, or lying down. A proper posture visually reflects an individual’s health, ensuring the joints and muscles, as well as other structures of the body, are working properly. Throughout a collection of articles, Dr. Alex Jimenez identifies the most common effects of improper posture as he specifies the recommended actions an individual should take to improve their stance as well as enhance their overall health and wellness. Sitting or standing incorrectly can happen unconsciously, but recognizing the issue and correcting it can ultimately help many individuals develop healthier lifestyles. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 850-0900.
Body balance is essential for walking, tying shoelaces, picking up objects, etc. Balance is an acquired skill that the body develops in response to different activities and surroundings. Everyone can benefit from improving and maintaining their balance muscles regardless of age. Balance exercises condition and strengthen the core muscles. Balance training helps improve posture and stability; athletes find it provides increased agility and added power; seniors utilize it to prevent injuries and maintain mobility, and fitness enthusiasts use it to improve workouts. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic provide whole-body realignment, rehabilitation, postural and balance training, and nutritional advice.
Balance Exercises
Being able to move around efficiently requires healthy postural alignment and balance. The systems responsible for balance can be affected by the following:
Gradual changes brought on by aging.
Back problems.
Foot problems.
Side effects from medications.
Parkinson’s disease.
Multiple sclerosis.
However, it was found that all responded well to exercises designed to improve balance.
Balance is the ability to control the body in space and distribute weight evenly to maintain uprightness. There are two types.
Dynamic Balance
The ability to remain stable while performing movements or actions that require displacing or moving the body.
Individuals use this type of balance each time the body takes a step in any direction.
Dynamic balance is required when the body is in motion, like walking.
A healthy dynamic balance is essential for the body’s ability to react to sudden changes.
Static Balance
The ability to maintain a stationary position during movements like bending, twisting, reaching, and swaying around the axis of the body.
Both types are essential and can be improved with targeted exercises.
Everyone can benefit from balance exercises and can help at different stages of life and fitness levels.
General Public
Balance training:
Teaches the body to use the core for stabilization.
Creates muscular balance.
Improves neuromuscular coordination and communication between the brain and muscles.
Individuals can start incorporating balance exercises into everyday routines. A few ways to do this include:
When picking up an object, reach over to pick them up on one leg, with the other lifting straight into the air behind to engage the abs.
Sit on a stability ball at work, school, or when watching TV.
Stand on one foot while engaged in static balance activities like washing dishes, brushing teeth, etc., and alternate the feet.
Proprioceptive training is used with athletes for rehabilitation and prevention of injuries. Proprioception is the sense of body position.
Practicing balance exercises increases the sense of control and awareness of the muscles and joints and how they function when in motion.
Balance training increases power because the individual learns to use their center of gravity more efficiently.
A stronger and more active core helps to increase jump height, throwing, swinging, shifting, and running.
Seniors can use balance exercise programs to improve stability for falling prevention and injuries.
Below are basic instructions for the following balance exercises:
Tree Pose
Tree pose can be done on the floor, a mat, or Bosu. It strengthens the ankles, improves balance, and engages the core.
Stand with feet together, spine tall and straight, and arms outstretched.
If using a BOSU, use either the ball or the flat side.
Gradually lift the left foot to the side of the calf and balance on the right foot.
Gradually lift arms overhead to make the branches.
Hold for 30 seconds, then switch to the other leg.
Single Leg Deadlift
This exercise strengthens the hamstrings and glutes, works on balance, and activates the abdominal wall. It can be done with or without weights like dumbells.
Stand on the floor with feet together.
Place most of the weight onto the right foot.
Stare at a focal point in front and on the floor
Slowly lower the torso to the ground while lifting the left leg behind.
Keep the spine neutral and reach the hands toward the floor.
Stop when the back is parallel to the floor.
Don’t tighten or stiffen the right knee but keep it moveable.
Squeeze the hamstrings, glutes, and abs while slowly returning to an upright position.
Lie on your back and extend your arms and legs toward the ceiling.
Pull the abdominals in toward the midline.
Lower the right leg and extend the left arm back.
Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm and leg.
Keep switching sides until the set is complete.
The Chiropractic Approach
Bruijn, Sjoerd M, and Jaap H van Dieën. “Control of human gait stability through foot placement.” Journal of the Royal Society, Interface vol. 15,143 (2018): 20170816. doi:10.1098/rsif.2017.0816
Dunsky, Ayelet, et al. “Balance Performance Is Task Specific in Older Adults.” BioMed research international vol. 2017 (2017): 6987017. doi:10.1155/2017/6987017
Feldman, Anatol G. “The Relationship Between Postural and Movement Stability.” Advances in experimental medicine and biology vol. 957 (2016): 105-120. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47313-0_6
Hlaing, Su Su et al. “Effects of core stabilization exercise and strengthening exercise on proprioception, balance, muscle thickness and pain-related outcomes in patients with subacute nonspecific low back pain: a randomized controlled trial.” BMC musculoskeletal disorders vol. 22,1 998. 30 Nov. 2021, doi:10.1186/s12891-021-04858-6
Kim, Beomryong, and Jongeun Yim. “Core Stability and Hip Exercises Improve Physical Function and Activity in Patients with Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” The Tohoku Journal of experimental medicine vol. 251,3 (2020): 193-206. doi:10.1620/tjem.251.193
Prado, Erick Tadeu et al. “Hatha yoga on body balance.” International Journal of Yoga vol. 7,2 (2014): 133-7. doi:10.4103/0973-6131.133893
Thomas, Ewan, et al. “Physical activity programs for balance and fall prevention in elderly: A systematic review.” Medicine vol. 98,27 (2019): e16218. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000016218
Many of us are moving around from one location to another. When we are on our feet all the time, it can cause the muscles of the lower extremity to become tight and ache that we need to sit down and rest. When the body is resting, our posture tends to be hunched over, and it causes the postural muscles to over-stretch and cause pain when we get up from our rested position. Whether sitting on the couch or a chair, our posture tends to be reclined where it may seem comfortable, but it causes pain to our musculoskeletal system in our neck, shoulders, and back. To that point, when we get out of the reclined position, it can also affect the legs, calves, and feet. Today’s article focuses on the postural muscles, how postural pain affects the gastrocnemius-soleus muscles, and how MET treatment can help the postural muscles. We utilize valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers using MET treatment to mitigate postural effects on the musculoskeletal system. We encourage and refer patients to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis while supporting that education is a remarkable and fantastic way to ask our providers the essential questions at the patient’s acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., comprises this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
What Are The Postural Muscles?
Have you been dealing with low back pain? What about feeling a tingling or numbing sensation down your calves or feet? Or do your back muscles constantly ache from sitting down for long periods? Many of these are signs and symptoms that you are experiencing pain in your postural muscles. Studies reveal that the postural muscles interact between the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system’s afferent and efferent pathways. In the human body, three curves maintain mobility, stability, and balance to resist longitudinal pressures: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar. The postural muscles work with the lower body extremities to support the weight of the upper body extremities. Additional research shows that postural stability and balance control are interlinked with a dynamic process and allow the muscles in the lower portions of the body, like the legs and calf, to help stabilize the upper body’s weight. We will look at the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles as they help maintain good posture, balance, and stability.
Postural Pain Affects The Gastrocnemius-Soleus Muscles
Repetitive motions associated with environmental factors can cause the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles to shorten and cause symptoms of muscle weakness, cramping, and instability in calves and legs. The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles have a beautiful relationship as they help form the calf muscles that allow movement and stability to the entire body. Now how would postural pain affect these muscles? According to research studies, when numerous factors start to affect the body’s posture, whether it is prolonged standing, sitting, bending, twisting, or awkward positions, it causes muscle strain to the body, and it can cause negative effects on the surrounding muscles. For example, say you are in an awkward position and start to feel a numbing sensation down to your legs and low back pain. When you release your body from the uncomfortable position, the blood flow and neuron signals will go haywire as the blood tries to get the muscles working again, and the signals are trying to reach back to the brain.
The Root Cause Of Pain- Video
Do your legs feel heavy constantly? Are you experiencing balancing issues when walking? Or have you been experiencing pain in your lower back, and it’s traveling down to your legs? If you are dealing with these issues, it could result from postural pain associated with your calves’ gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Poor posture causes numerous pain-like symptoms, leading to muscle weakness or numbness in the legs and calves. When this happens, it can lead to instability and mobility issues that can turn into chronic conditions if not treated immediately. The video above explains how numerous factors can cause pain, leading to underlying musculoskeletal conditions that can cause the body to be misaligned. Luckily all is not lost, as there are multiple treatments to reduce pain and realign the body out of subluxation. Treatments like MET therapy, chiropractic care, and physical and nutritional therapy can help many individuals with pain-like symptoms. They can help stretch, lengthen, and reduce the effects of postural pain.
MET Treatment On The Postural Muscles
When it comes to reducing pain in the postural muscles, many individuals will find ways to treat the pain. In “Clinical Applications of Neuromuscular Techniques,” authors Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., and Judith Walker Delany, L.M.T., state that when it comes to reducing pain in both the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, many pain specialists use muscle energy techniques or MET to help treat the soft tissues that surround the calves by using stretching techniques and isometric contractions to lengthen the shortened muscles that are causing the calves to cramp. Utilizing MET treatment on the postural muscles allows the affected muscles to be stretched gently and, combined with other therapies, can prevent future injuries from reoccurring. Additionally, it will enable the individual to be more mindful of their posture to avoid these issues from escalating.
Overall, it is important to ensure that having a good posture can prevent issues from affecting the lower portions of the body and causing pain in the calf muscles. When the calf muscles begin to deal with pain, it can cause the individual to be unstable and lose their balance. Incorporating soft tissue therapies like MET allow the muscles to be stretched and relaxed while restoring blood flow to the legs and help many individuals walk without feeling pain.
Carini, Francesco, et al. “Posture and Posturology, Anatomical and Physiological Profiles: Overview and Current State of Art.” Acta Bio-Medica : Atenei Parmensis, 28 Apr. 2017,
Chaitow, Leon, and Judith Walker DeLany. Clinical Applications of Neuromuscular Techniques. Churchill Livingstone, 2003.
Ludwig, Oliver, et al. “Neuromuscular Performance of Balance and Posture Control in Childhood and Adolescence.” Heliyon, 31 July 2020,
Swain, Christopher T V, et al. “No Consensus on Causality of Spine Postures or Physical Exposure and Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews.” Journal of Biomechanics, 26 Mar. 2020,
Breathing nourishes the whole body and regulates important functions like heart rate and blood pressure. It also reinforces proper body mechanics to lessen the stress on the body when moving. Busy lives combined with sedentary work and lifestyle can condition the body to take only quick, shallow breaths, which can weaken lung muscles and cause tension to build, worsening posture and leading to other adverse symptoms and conditions. Learning deep breathing can positively affect heart rate, mental alertness, and blood pressure and improve posture. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can create personalized postural treatment and training plans.
Breathing and Posture
Inhalation causes the lungs to get filled with air, and exhalation releases and empties the lungs. For the lungs to work optimally, the rib cage needs to expand constantly in a gentle, rhythmic way. The respiratory muscle/diaphragm muscle needs to go up and down with each breath cycle. This can only happen when the muscle is not contracted or tense. Tension in the upper body can increase unhealthy postures and undermine health. Continued unhealthy postures at school, work, and home will compress the ribs, intercostal muscles, diaphragm, and base of the neck. This prevents the ribcage from expanding fully, which impairs optimal breathing. Over time, the strength of the respiratory muscles weakens.
Healthy Posture
Proper body alignment reduces strain on supportive structures like ligaments, muscles, joints, and discs. A healthy posture allows individuals to breathe more easily, move more efficiently, relax, and sleep better.
Symptoms Of Unhealthy Posture
Research shows that prolonged practice of unhealthy posture can lead to health problems, including:
Aching and chronic pain in the back, neck, and shoulders.
Tight, sore muscle knots/trigger points.
Tension headaches, limited sleep, and digestive problems.
Brain fog.
Shifting moods.
Digestive problems.
Breathing from the chest relies on secondary muscles around the neck and collarbone instead of the diaphragm. Shallow breathing patterns accompanied by unhealthy postures cause muscles in the upper body to function improperly. The longer the body sits, the less the body can resist the force of gravity and maintain a stable core. Tight muscles around the chest cause rounded shoulders and forward head posture, further weakening the muscles that help maintain an upright posture. Chest and rib discomfort symptoms can result from the tight intercostal muscles and inadequate expansion of the ribs.
Chiropractic Treatment
Shallow breathing can be reversed by regular physical activity, and sessions of respiratory muscle training will help to improve posture and quality of life. Deep or belly breathing involves learning to use the abdominal muscles. Inhaling slowly and deeply through the nose fills the lungs with air and expands the stomach. Learning to breathe deep regularly provides benefits like stress reduction, improved cardiovascular health, stronger lungs, and improved cognitive performance.
Posture correction techniques relieve back and neck pain, improve muscle and joint function, maintain brain health, increase mood stability, and improve spinal health.
Learning how to breathe deeply takes practice.
One beginning technique is to breathe deeply and count to 4 before slowly releasing the breath with another count to 4.
Individuals will notice their abdomen, ribs, and chest push forward as they breathe.
The shoulders, neck, and spine properly align during this action.
Place a hand on the abdomen to check for correct breathing.
It should move outwards slightly as air fills the lungs.
Real Patients, Real Results
Albarrati, Ali, et al. “Effect of Upright and Slouched Sitting Postures on the Respiratory Muscle Strength in Healthy Young Males.” BioMed research international vol. 2018 3058970. 25 Feb. 2018, doi:10.1155/2018/3058970
Aliverti, Andrea. “The respiratory muscles during exercise.” Breathe (Sheffield, England) vol. 12,2 (2016): 165-8. doi:10.1183/20734735.008116
Pickering, Mark, and James F X Jones. “The diaphragm: two physiological muscles in one.” Journal of Anatomy vol. 201,4 (2002): 305-12. doi:10.1046/j.1469-7580.2002.00095.x
Sheel, A William. “Respiratory muscle training in healthy individuals: physiological rationale and implications for exercise performance.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 32,9 (2002): 567-81. doi:10.2165/00007256-200232090-00003
When it comes to the body, the lower portion has three compartments of muscles that work together to provide stability and mobility to the host when they are in motion. The anterior, posterior, and lateral compartments have numerous muscles, tissues, and ligaments that support the spine and allow the musculoskeletal system to do various movements without pain. When normal factors affect the body, it can cause symptoms of overlapping risk profiles that can lead to musculoskeletal pain disorders associated with pain-like symptoms in the joints and muscles. Today we will look at one of the muscle compartments known as the postural muscles, how postural pain affects the body, and how manual therapy combined with the MET technique can improve the postural muscles. We mention valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers who use methods like the MET combined with manual therapy to reduce pain-like symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders. We encourage patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their findings. We support that education is a marvelous way to ask our providers the most interesting questions at the patient’s acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., incorporates this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
What Are The Postural Muscles?
Are you experiencing muscle stiffness in your lower back? What about aches and pain in your shoulders and neck? Or have you noticed your legs feel heavy after sitting down for a long time? Many of these issues are associated with the postural muscles that are causing pain to the musculoskeletal system. So what are the postural muscles in the musculoskeletal system? Well, they are the core muscles that are deep within the abdomen, pelvis, and back. Research studies reveal that the curvature of the spine (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions) communicates and works with the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system to provide balance, support, and resistance against pressure on the body. The postural muscles are important in the body as they ensure the host has perfect posture when walking, sitting, or standing. Additional studies mentioned that good postural and stability control are the fundamentals for motor skills. When a person has good postural control, it can help give them a stable gait when walking. However, as the body ages, the postural muscles can become weak and lead to muscle strain while affecting the joints and tendon structures.
The Effects Of Postural Pain In The Body
So what happens to the body when dealing with pain in the postural muscles, and how does it affect one’s posture? Research studies reveal that reducing back muscle endurance from prolonged sitting, slouching, or constantly looking down can cause muscle strain symptoms in the postural muscles. To that point, it can lead to increased development of low back pain and lumbar discomfort in the joints. As stated earlier, other factors like slouching, prolonged sitting, and constantly looking down can affect the lower back, shoulders, and neck. The various muscles that make up the shoulders and neck would become strained and tensed, leading to shoulder and neck pain that can cause discomfort. When these overlapping symptoms affect the body, it can cause many overlapping symptoms that can overlap and cause the individual to be miserable.
How Neck Injuries Affect The Body- Video
Have you been experiencing any muscle strain in your neck, shoulders, or lower back? Does stretching bring temporary relief? Or have you been dealing with heaviness in your legs? Many of these factors are associated with weak postural muscles that can contribute to poor posture, low back and neck pain, and other musculoskeletal issues. The video above explores the common causes and symptoms of neck injuries and how treatments like chiropractic care can help alleviate the symptoms. Treatments like chiropractic care utilize manual manipulation and various techniques to help realign the body and reduce any musculoskeletal disorders associated with pain. Chiropractic care is non-invasive and works with other medical professionals to restore the body naturally.
Manual Therapy & MET On Postural Muscles
So what can one do when dealing with postural pain and trying to find relief? Many individuals go to treatments like chiropractic care, which can allow the body to be realigned and restored naturally. Treatments like chiropractic care can help restore good posture in the spine while relieving and reducing excess pain and strain on the various muscles, tendons, and joints. Additionally, chiropractors use techniques like the MET technique to reduce stress on the soft tissues and restore the joint’s range of motion. According to the book, “Clinical Applications of Neuromuscular Techniques,” Leon Chaitow N.D., D.O., and Judith Walker DeLany L.M.T., stated that muscle restoration is accompanied by biomechanical solutions and strategies that are introduced to the body and become a key focus on the muscles that required strengthening, enhancing, and improve breathing and posture function. When therapists like chiropractors and massage therapists use the MET technique, the affected muscles can be stretched and strengthened while restoring the structural and functional imbalances the body has endured. This can help improve postural muscles while allowing the body to heal naturally. This allows the individual to be mindful of how they present themselves with good posture.
Overall, the body requires the postural muscles to help stabilize and keep the body mobile. When musculoskeletal disorders associated with pain started to affect the muscles through bad posture or other normal factors, it can cause these muscles to be weak and develop musculoskeletal conditions that can lead many individuals to constant pain. Luckily therapies like chiropractic care combined with the MET technique allow the affected muscles to be stretched and strengthened. This allows the body to be realigned and restored naturally. Incorporating stretching combined with chiropractic care can help many individuals be mindful of their posture and enable them to continue their health and wellness journey without pain.
Carini, Francesco, et al. “Posture and Posturology, Anatomical and Physiological Profiles: Overview and Current State of Art.” Acta Bio-Medica : Atenei Parmensis, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 28 Apr. 2017,
Chaitow, Leon, and Judith Walker DeLany. Clinical Applications of Neuromuscular Techniques. Churchill Livingstone, 2003.
Jung, Kyoung-Sim, et al. “Effects of Prolonged Sitting with Slumped Posture on Trunk Muscular Fatigue in Adolescents with and without Chronic Lower Back Pain.” Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), U.S. National Library of Medicine, 23 Dec. 2020,
Ludwig, Oliver, et al. “Neuromuscular Performance of Balance and Posture Control in Childhood and Adolescence.” Heliyon, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 31 July 2020,
Healthy posture and movement are essential for everyone, but especially for mothers-to-be. Practicing healthy posture is one of the most important contributions to a healthy pregnancy. Proper body alignment decreases low back and neck discomfort symptoms and muscle fatigue. A chiropractic therapy team can educate on maintaining a healthy posture when standing, sitting, and lying down throughout pregnancy, alleviate any subluxations, maintain optimal alignment, and keep the muscles relaxed through massage techniques.
Pregnancy Posture
Many changes occur in the musculoskeletal system during pregnancy for the growing fetus. This impacts posture, balance, and gait. Pregnancy posture can significantly influence the comfort and/or pain levels in the pregnant and postnatal body. This includes:
Sleeping in the best position while pregnant.
Sitting in the best position during pregnancy.
These little changes and adjustments impact the health of the mother and baby.
Postural Changes During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, several factors work against maintaining correct and healthy alignment. For one, the baby’s weight causes the lower back to sway as the center of gravity shifts forward.
Increased Lumbar Lordosis
The concave curvature in the spine can become more pronounced because of the forward pull of the growing fetus.
The normal slight forward curvature of the spine in the neck or cervical area is called cervical lordosis.
The growing fetus aggravates the forward pull on the neck.
During pregnancy, the breasts grow, adding more weight to the thoracic or mid back, causing the neck curvature to get pulled forward and down.
Both shoulders also move forward and inward.
These changes can lead to back problem symptoms/pain, sciatica, and other musculoskeletal disorders and conditions if left untreated.
Unhealthy Posture Happens Naturally
The abdominal muscles become stretched as the baby grows.
Hormone levels increase and cause joints and ligaments to loosen.
The muscles cannot contract fully and keep the lower back in alignment.
Healthy Posture Requires Practice
Proper posture when standing. From top to bottom:
Maintain a neutral gaze that looks straight ahead.
Don’t bend the head too much forward or backward.
Avoid twisting/bending movements whenever possible, or keep them to a minimum.
The chest should be up, the core braced, and the shoulders back.
The body weight is distributed evenly along the lower extremities.
Contract abdominal and pelvic floor muscles during movements, as they support the stability of the pelvis and the trunk.
When standing and having to hold the position for an extended period, use a box or stool to prop up one foot.
For example, when washing dishes, the cabinet under the sink can rest the foot on the ledge.
Switch position every 20 to 30 minutes.
Whether in the planning stages or the second or third trimester, it’s essential to keep postural health in mind. A chiropractor trained in the needs of pregnant women will use tables that adjust for a pregnant woman’s body, and they will use techniques that avoid unneeded pressure on the abdomen and provide safe exercises and stretches. Benefits of chiropractic include:
Helps maintain a healthier pregnancy.
Helps regulate symptoms of nausea.
Relieves back, neck, discomfort symptoms, and pain.
Relieves and reduces excess strain on muscles, ligaments, and joints.
Spinal curvature exaggeration is corrected.
The normal spine curvatures are restored and maintained.
As more women seek the benefits of chiropractic for pregnancy, more healthcare providers seek trained doctors of chiropractic to refer their pregnant patients. Discuss these options with your healthcare provider, and schedule a visit to Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic to check posture and biomechanics.
Chiropractic Pregnancy Treatment
Fitzhugh, M L, and M NEWTON. “Posture in pregnancy.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology vol. 85 (1963): 1091-5. doi:10.1016/s0002-9378(16)35644-7
Gutke A, Ostgaard HC, Oberg B Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2006 Mar 1; 31(5):E149-55. Pelvic girdle pain and lumbar pain in pregnancy: a cohort study of the consequences in terms of health and functioning.
Schröder, Guido et al. “Impact of pregnancy on back pain and body posture in women.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 28,4 (2016): 1199-207. doi:10.1589/jpts.28.1199
Yoo, Hyunju, et al. “Changes in the spinal curvature, degree of pain, balance ability, and gait ability according to pregnancy period in pregnant and nonpregnant women.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 27,1 (2015): 279-84. doi:10.1589/jpts.27.279
From a young age, parents will always tell their kids to sit up straight or else they will have bad posture. As kids, we would tend to recline on the couch or chair, which would not affect our backs in the long run. However, as we age, move around more, and have jobs that require prolonged sitting or constantly looking down at our phones, our bodies are hunched or slouched for long periods. When the upper extremities, like the neck, shoulders, and thoracic region of the back, are hunched over, it can develop into future issues that cause musculoskeletal symptoms over time. When this happens, the muscle tissues begin to be overstretched. They could lead to overlapping problems that can cause many individuals to be dealing with upper back pain and areas of complaint. Today we are looking at the effects of poor posture, how prolonged sitting causes numerous symptoms, and how the MET technique relieves poor posture. We provide valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers offering available therapy treatments like the MET technique for individuals with poor posture and neck and back pain due to prolonged sitting. We encourage each patient appropriately by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their diagnosis results. We accept that education is a spectacular way when asking our providers the most crucial questions at the patient’s acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., assesses this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
The Effects Of Poor Posture
Have you been dealing with muscle strains in your upper back, neck, and shoulders? Are you constantly hunched over at your desk or looking down at your phone? Or are you experience sciatic nerve pain from sitting down always? Many of these issues from prolonged sitting can rapidly develop into poor posture and affect the musculoskeletal system and the spine. Studies reveal that when many individuals spend a significant amount of time sitting, especially in an awkward position, which can cause an increased risk of spinal pain and other effects on the various muscle groups in the shoulders, neck, and thoracic region. Not only that but according to the book written by Leon Chaitow, N.D, D.O., and Judith Walker DeLany, L.M.T, “Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques,” mentioned the muscles in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar region of the body are among the first to be showing signs of changes in response to postural defects. To that point, when a person is slumped in a sitting position will cause strain to each muscle group in the back and affect both the upper and lower extremities of the body.
Prolonged Sitting & Symptoms
When many individuals are sitting down constantly, whether at a desk job or driving in a vehicle, it can take a toll on the entire body. When the body hasn’t been moving for a long time, it cause the individual to feel muscle strain and tightness in their upper body and a nagging sensation in their lower body. Studies reveal that prolonged sitting can cause discomfort in the lower back and causes reduced muscle endurance in the lower back, and could cause an increased risk of musculoskeletal disorders like sciatic nerve pain, where the gluteal muscles irritate the sciatic nerve causing radiating pain to travel down the legs. Another research study also reveals that being in a forced position for an extended period can cause an impact on the seating position of the upper body and can be associated with upper musculoskeletal disorders causing an area of complaints in the chin, back, neck, shoulders, arms, and hands. When a person has been sitting for an extended amount of time without taking a stretch break, the muscles begin to be in a constant state of contraction and become short and tense.
The Benefits Of Good Posture-Video
Have you noticed that you have been leaning forward when walking from one location to another? Do you feel muscle tightness or irritating pain in your shoulders or legs? Or have you been experiencing unwanted pain in your neck and lower back? Many of these issues are due to having a slouched or hunched-over posture that can develop neck and back pain. Poor posture can lead to unwanted symptoms affecting the muscles and joints. Poor posture is due to everyday factors like being hunched over, looking down at the phone, or leaning forward to the computer. These little actions may not initially cause muscle pain but will cause issues over time. Luckily, there are various treatments to reduce the effects of poor posture and help restore the body. The video above explains the benefits of having good posture and trying to prevent future injuries and muscle strain from returning.
The MET Technique For Poor Posture
There are numerous ways to reduce the effects of poor posture from further affecting the body and reducing pain in the various muscles and joints. A good way to relieve stiffness in the neck and back is to do multiple stretches to restore blood flow back to the muscles. Another way to prevent neck and back pain is to incorporate MET (muscle energy treatment) techniques. Studies reveal that when individuals utilize MET treatments combined with posture correction exercises and stretches, it can significantly decrease pain in the neck and back while improving the range of motion to the muscles and soft tissues. Doing light stretches can help relieve tense muscles and promote good posture, as many individuals are becoming more aware of how they present themselves when they are not hunched over.
When it comes to our bodies, it is important to know that being hunched over can lead to poor posture, and sitting down for an extended period can develop neck and back pain associated with overlapping symptoms. Poor posture can cause the muscles to become tense, short, and stiff, and when a person stretches from being hunched over will experience pain. Luckily, incorporating various stretches and using the MET technique allows the muscles to be stretched and prevent future injuries from reoccurring while allowing the individual to be more aware of their posture.
Chaitow, Leon, and Judith Walker DeLany. Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques. Churchill Livingstone, 2002.
Joshi, Reema, and Nishita Poojary. “The Effect of Muscle Energy Technique and Posture Correction Exercises on Pain and Function in Patients with Non-Specific Chronic Neck Pain Having Forward Head Posture-a Randomized Controlled Trail.” International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 June 2022,
Jung, Kyoung-Sim, et al. “Effects of Prolonged Sitting with Slumped Posture on Trunk Muscular Fatigue in Adolescents with and without Chronic Lower Back Pain.” Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), U.S. National Library of Medicine, 23 Dec. 2020,
Kuo, Yi-Liang, et al. “Sitting Posture during Prolonged Computer Typing with and without a Wearable Biofeedback Sensor.” Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19 May 2021,
Ohlendorf, Daniela, et al. “Influence of Ergonomic Layout of Musician Chairs on Posture and Seat Pressure in Musicians of Different Playing Levels.” PloS One, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 11 Dec. 2018,
Every day, the body is in constant rest or active motion when needed, from working to exercising and getting adequate rest to repeat the cycle. However, as the body is in this dynamic/rest motion, unintentionally, many individuals will be hunched forward, causing their posture to be slouched for long periods. To that point, it can cause the surrounding neck, shoulder, and back muscles to be pulled and overly stretched, causing pain when the individual gets out of the reclined position. When a person is constantly being hunched over, the action alone could lead to poor posture, which can cause misalignment to the spine and be associated with many chronic conditions that affect their way of life. Fortunately, various treatments can help alleviate poor posture and its associated symptoms. Today’s article examines what defines good posture, the influences that can affect body posture, and how treatment techniques like MET (muscle energy technique) can help improve posture. We mention our patients to certified medical providers that provide available therapy treatments like MET (muscle energy techniques) for individuals suffering from chronic conditions associated with poor posture that can correlate with overlapping risk profiles. We encourage each patient when it is appropriate by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis or needs. We understand and accept that education is a marvelous way when asking our providers crucial questions at the patient’s request and acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., uses this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
What Defines Good Posture?
Have you been experiencing referred pain in your neck, shoulders, or lower back? Do you feel pain when stretching after being hunched over throughout the day? Or have you noticed that your neck is slanted, which causes your head to poke in front of your shoulders? Many of these issues are correlated with poor posture. Many of us have heard the saying from our parents, “Stand up straight!” And this is a reminder that having good posture correlates with good spinal health. The book, “Clinical Applications of Neuromuscular Techniques,” written by Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O, and Judith Walker DeLany, L.M.T, mentions that posture is used to describe the static state of the spine. There are two different types of posture: static and dynamic. Static posture is when the body is in motion, while dynamic posture is when the body is resting. So good posture allows the spine to naturally curve with minimal pain affecting the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions.
Influences That Affect Body Posture
As stated early, many of us unintentionally hunch our bodies over time. This is one of the issues as we constantly look down on our phones, and as we get older, it can affect our ability to balance ourselves. Research studies reveal that improper posture can affect static and dynamic balance as we age. This means that when we are constantly hunched over as older adults, we are more prone to the risk of falling and causing long-term disability to our bodies. Additional research studies also mentioned that chronic conditions like forward head posture (which correlates to constantly looking down at the phone) could cause a persistent and abnormal contraction of the neck and shoulder muscles to become dysfunctional. To that point, it can cause pressure on the muscles, fascia, and nerves in the cervical-thoracic regions of the body. When bad posture affects the body over time, it can develop into musculoskeletal disorders if not treated immediately.
5 Way To Improve Posture- Video
Have you felt muscle strain on your neck, shoulders, and back? Have you felt relief when you stretch after being hunched over? Do you feel unstable when walking? These issues could be correlated with your posture if you have been experiencing these issues. When it comes to the body, it is important to make sure that maintaining good posture is not just to please your parents but to have a healthy spine. When we are constantly hunched over, it can cause the muscles and connective tissues to have gravitational strain and shorten the length of the muscles. However, realizing that you have poor posture early on can be treated. The video above shows the five best ways to improve your posture and how to strengthen the back, neck, and shoulder muscles from developing chronic conditions. Exercise alone can not be the only solution; combining it with chiropractic therapy allows the body to be fully restored with various techniques to reduce pain-like symptoms.
How The Met Technique Helps Improve Posture
So how would chiropractic care help with improving posture? Many chiropractors use techniques like MET (muscle energy technique) and spinal manipulation to help restore the body to realignment. Studies reveal that the combinations of MET and stretching can help lengthen the short muscles and restore range of motion to the body. Chiropractors use their hands and various tools to help realign the spine from subluxation and return the body to normal while freeing the tense muscles. Chiropractic care decreases the body’s risk of back injuries while reducing wear and tear on the muscles and joints, contributing to poor posture.
Overall, it is important to maintain good posture to prevent unwanted chronic issues from causing pain-like symptoms to the body. Recognizing the problems contributing to poor posture, treatment, and exercise can help stretch and strengthen the back muscles from hunching over. Maintaining good posture allows the body to be pain-free and prevents many unwanted symptoms from developing.
Chaitow, Leon, and Judith Walker DeLany. Clinical Applications of Neuromuscular Techniques. Churchill Livingstone, 2003.
Cohen, Rajal G, et al. “Lighten up! Postural Instructions Affect Static and Dynamic Balance in Healthy Older Adults.” Innovation in Aging, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 24 Mar. 2020,
Lee, Joon-Hee. “Effects of Forward Head Posture on Static and Dynamic Balance Control.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Jan. 2016,
Phadke, Apoorva, et al. “Effect of Muscle Energy Technique and Static Stretching on Pain and Functional Disability in Patients with Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal : Official Publication of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association Limited = Wu Li Chih Liao, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 14 Apr. 2016,
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