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Back Clinic Chiropractic. This is a form of alternative treatment that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how spinal adjustments and manual manipulations regularly can greatly help both improve and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual. Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease are the vertebrae’s misalignment in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation).

Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors can alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis. From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individual’s natural state of being. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts on chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body.

Neck Aches Caused by Tight Thoracic Mid-Back Muscles

Neck Aches Caused by Tight Thoracic Mid-Back Muscles

Neck aches, soreness, and pain symptoms are not always neck-related. Tight thoracic or mid-back muscles can pull on the neck muscles causing various symptoms. Upper back tightness occurs anywhere from the neck’s base to the bottom of the rib cage. The bones in the upper area don’t move or flex as much as the neck and low back. This can lead individuals to believe there is nothing wrong with the mid-back, as there are no pain symptoms or signs of discomfort. However, individuals don’t realize how tight the muscles are, which can go on for years, causing neck issues. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can relieve symptoms, release, and relax tight muscles, increase circulation, and restore optimal function.

Neck Aches Caused by Tight Thoracic Mid-Back Muscles

Mid-Back Muscle Tightness

The upper and middle back is the thoracic spine. The thoracic spine has twelve small bones called vertebrae. Each vertebra on the thoracic spine is connected to a pair of ribs. The ribs wrap around the body and attach to a long, flat sternum bone. This forms the rib cage. The bones in the upper back work with the ribs to stabilize the back and protect vital organs, including the heart and lungs. The tightening and pulling eventually cause neck aches that can come out of nowhere; even when not moving and looking straight ahead, there can be persistent dull achiness or stinging sensations.


Unhealthy posture, disc problems, injuries, fractures, or other issues or conditions can cause mid-back muscle tightness.


  • Constant sitting or standing combined with unhealthy posture and being hunched over can cause the muscles to tighten, limiting mobility.

Holding Onto Stress

  • Chronic stress can cause muscle tightening, whether it is in the low back, mid-back, neck, or elsewhere.


  • Individual genetic makeup may make the body more susceptible to muscle tightness.
  • For example, individuals with a lot of muscle tone vs. individuals with less muscle tone may experience muscle tightness more often.

Adequate Hydration

  • Being properly hydrated is important for muscle and joint lubrication.
  • Water provides nutrients to contracting muscles.
  • This keeps the body loose and ready for movement.

Muscle Imbalance and Underlying Weakness

  • Individuals that tend to work one side of the body more than the other or have repeatedly been moving in a certain way for years can cause muscle imbalances and trigger points to develop.
  • If muscle tightness continues, even after stretching, it could be an underlying weakness.
  • The muscles can sometimes seize up and guard, so they feel tight when they have become chronically weak and not strong enough to meet the physical demands.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care involves various therapies to address the root cause fully and relieve neck aches. These include:

  • Massage therapies to break up compacted muscle tissue.
  • Remove trigger points.
  • Relax the muscles to a pliable state.
  • Perform chiropractic adjustments to realign the spine.
  • Stretching and strengthening.
  • Posture training that includes stretches/exercises.
  • Nutritional plans to help strengthen muscles.

Thoracic Tension Release


Gatt, Adrianna, et al. “Anatomy, Fascia Layers.” StatPearls, StatPearls Publishing, Jul 25, 2022.

Liebsch, Christian, and Hans-Joachim Wilke. “How Does the Rib Cage Affect the Biomechanical Properties of the Thoracic Spine? A Systematic Literature Review.” Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology vol. 10 904539. Jun 15, 2022, doi:10.3389/fbioe.2022.904539

Maciejewska-Skrendo, Agnieszka et al. “Genetics of Muscle Stiffness, Muscle Elasticity and Explosive Strength.” Journal of human kinetics vol. 74 143-159. 31 Aug. 2020, doi:10.2478/hukin-2020-0027

Modes RJ, Lafci Fahrioglu S. Anatomy, Back. [Updated 2022 Feb 5]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:

Page, Phil. “Current concepts in muscle stretching for exercise and rehabilitation.” International journal of sports physical therapy vol. 7,1 (2012): 109-19.

Petrofsky, Jerrold et al. “The Efficacy of Sustained Heat Treatment on Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness.” Clinical journal of sports medicine: official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine vol. 27,4 (2017): 329-337. doi:10.1097/JSM.0000000000000375

An Overview Of Parkinson’s Disease Affecting The Body

An Overview Of Parkinson’s Disease Affecting The Body


The brain is one of the most powerful organs providing somatic and peripheral signals throughout the body. The brain ensures that the body stays functional and sends the right amount of neurons and other necessary substances to the various muscles, vital organs, tendons, and ligaments so that the host can continue to move, whether in an active or resting state. However, as the body ages naturally, so does the brain, as numerous factors can affect the body in multiple ways. Chronic conditions like neurodegenerative disorders can affect how the brain functions in the body and can cause a cascading effect on the body that affects not only the motor skills but the muscles, ligaments, and vital organs. Today’s article looks at one of the neurodegenerative disorders known as Parkinson’s disease, how it affects the body, and how to manage Parkinson’s early on to prevent it from affecting the brain. We refer our patients to certified providers that incorporate techniques and various therapies for many individuals from Parkinson’s disease and its correlating symptoms that can affect the musculoskeletal system. We encourage and appreciate each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a fantastic way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer

What Is Parkinson’s Disease?


Do you often find yourself slurring your words? Have you been noticing you’ve constantly been slouching over, and it is affecting your posture? Or have you been dealing with stiffness in different muscle areas? If you have been experiencing any of these symptoms, it could correlate to the early signs of Parkinson’s disease. Studies reveal that Parkinson’s disease is a slow, progressive neurodegenerative disorder affecting about 1% of the world population over 60. This neurological disorder is common, and while it commonly affects men more than women, it causes the basal ganglia to deteriorate over time and causes numerous symptoms to affect the body’s motor function. Additional studies reveal that environmental influences like smoking and endocrine factors could potentially cause overlapping risk profiles that cause early development of Parkinson’s disease. Some of the symptoms that are most common with Parkinson’s disease include:

  • Loss of motor function in the hands and feet
  • Body Tremors when resting
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Unstable posture
  • Unable to write, speak or swallow
  • Sleep issues
  • Cognitive dysfunction
  • Urinary disturbances

These various symptoms cause body dysfunction in the multiple muscles and vital organs and can lead to overlapping risk issues that can mask Parkinson’s disease.


How Does Parkinson’s Affect The Body?


When Parkinson’s disease affects how the brain sends neuron signals to allow the body’s motor skills to function in each muscle group, the signs and symptoms can vary for each individual. Early symptoms are mild and go unnoticed. However, since Parkinson’s disease affects the body’s motor skills, muscle weakness fits in the symptoms associated with Parkinson’s. Studies reveal that Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disorder often characterized by different motor symptoms; a muscular deficiency could cause joint and muscle instability and torque. Muscular deficiency in the body could cause the brain to signal the immune system to send out inflammatory cytokines to the various muscles and vital organs and cause abnormality in the body, which then affects the gut-brain connection and leads to gut dysbiosis associated with muscle stiffness.


Understanding Parkinson’s Disease- Video

Have you been experiencing muscle weakness in different areas of your body? Do you feel constipated constantly? Or have you been dealing with cognitive issues affecting your quality of life? Many of these signs and symptoms are associated with a neurodegenerative disorder known as Parkinson’s disease. The video above explains what Parkinson’s disease is and how it affects the brain. Studies reveal that the association between the brain’s structure and Parkinson’s disease correlates to muscle deficiency in the body. Since Parkinson’s is a slow, progressive neurodegenerative disorder, one of the symptoms is muscle weakness. Muscle weakness does occur in the body when Parkinson’s disease starts to progress further and causes a deficit in the central activation of each muscle group. When this happens, numerous issues will begin to develop over time alongside Parkinson’s. On the bright side, there are various ways to slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease and restore the body’s functionality.

How To Manage Parkinson’s Disease Early


There are numerous ways that many individuals can slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease early on to prevent more issues from affecting the body’s motor skills. Getting enough exercise can help improve a person’s well-being and motor skills. Incorporating healthy foods and supplements that can improve brain function and reduce other symptoms like inflammation can help improve muscle and organ functionality. And finally, finding hobbies and setting boundaries can lower cortisol levels and decrease stress can be a positive impact on the brain; managing the progression of Parkinson’s can ensure a person’s well-being while making the brain from rewiring those neuron signals from going haywire.



Parkinson’s disease is a slow, progressive disorder that causes the brain’s basal ganglia to deteriorate and cause dysfunction in the body’s motor skills. When the brain’s neuron signals become haywire due to Parkinson’s, it can lead to muscle weakness in the body, and that can cause overlapping risk profiles in the body, causing more symptoms to mask Parkinson’s disease. Fortunately, there are numerous ways to slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease early on can reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s:

  • Eating nutritious food for the brain
  • Exercising
  • Being mindful

When people incorporate these techniques into their lifestyle, they can regain their quality of life.



Frazzitta, Giuseppe, et al. “Differences in Muscle Strength in Parkinsonian Patients Affected on the Right and Left Side.” PloS One, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 25 Mar. 2015,

Kouli, Antonina, et al. “Chapter 1:Parkinson’s Disease: Etiology, Neuropathology, and Pathogenesis.” In: Stoker TB, Greenland JC, Editors. Parkinson’s Disease: Pathogenesis and Clinical Aspects [Internet]. Brisbane (AU), Codon Publications, 21 Dec. 2018,

Zafar, Saman, and Sridhara S Yaddanapudi. “Parkinson Disease – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 8 Aug. 2022,


Sciatica From Working Out: El Paso Back Clinic

Sciatica From Working Out: El Paso Back Clinic

Sciatica From Working Out: There are benefits from strenuous exercise and a level of acceptance of the discomfort that goes with exertion. While this is true to a certain degree, when individuals feel the pump and are in the workout zone, it can be very easy to take off and overdo it. This is when the body and the back become susceptible to injuries. Sciatica from working out occurs when added pressure on the sciatic nerve results in a compressed/pinched nerve. Left untreated can lead to further back problems and other health issues. The Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Team can relieve the compression, release the nerve, relax the muscles, and restore function.

Sciatica From Working Out: EP's Chiropractic Team

Sciatica From Working Out


Building muscle and increasing strength require a certain amount of physical damage to the muscles for successful progress. Intense and heavy exercise tear the muscle tissues causing microtrauma that triggers a healing response that creates muscle mass. These micro-injuries can cause the back muscles to tighten up, shifting the spine out of alignment, causing the discs to slip and compress nerves, or by tight leg muscles like the piriformis swelling and squeezing the sciatic nerve.


Rest and Recovery

  • It’s important to understand that proper recovery is essential to an exercise program.
  • It can take up to 72 hours to recover from the microtears.
  • Individuals that go right back for a similar workout can aggravate existing micro tears while creating more, resulting in a downward cycle of symptoms that can lead to other problems or become a chronic condition.
  • Rotating to exercises that go easy on the back and leg muscles assists in the normal healing and development of muscle tissue.

Not Warming up Before Workout

  • Not warming up before exercising can cause injuries.
  • When muscles are cold and not warmed up properly, they can become stiff and inflexible, causing them to strain and tear when exposed to sudden, intense exertion.
  • Before performing any exercise, always start with a low-impact, gentle warm-up.

Not Stretching Properly or at All

  • Full-body stretching is necessary as the torn, tight muscles need to be relaxed and kept loose.
  • Make sure to stretch the hamstrings and hips thoroughly.
  • After each workout, take 10 minutes and stretch.

Not Stretching After

  • Always do some stretching after a workout.
  • Stretching after can help prevent muscle fatigue and soreness from a lactic acid buildup.

Starting With Heavy Weights

  • Many injuries happen because individuals start too heavy.
  • Challenging the body’s performance is part of the process but should be done in small steps.
  • Start with lighter weights and add more gradually.

Improper Posture and Form

  • A leading cause of back problems is poor posture and form.
  • Curving the back while lifting weights is the most error.
  • Overarching can also cause injury.
  • When performing push-ups or planks, avoid sinking the hips.

Hard Surfaces

  • For runners, hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt force the body and back to absorb most of the impact.
  • This compresses the vertebrae, which can irritate the sciatic nerve.
  • Rotate by using running trails or a treadmill.
  • Work on running with a shorter stride to reduce bounce and impact.
  • Incorporate cross-training.
  • Rotate upper body strength training to give the legs, gluteals, and back muscles a rest.

Chiropractic Rehabilitation

Chiropractic care, massage, and decompression therapy can relieve sciatica pain. Using spinal manipulation techniques and other therapies, chiropractors can alleviate the pressure on the nerve. Treatment involves:

  • X-rays are taken so that the chiropractor can understand the cause.
  • Massaging the muscles to relax and release them and increase circulation.
  • Stretching and applying controlled pressure to the joints.
  • Specific exercises and stretches will be recommended to do at home.
  • Health coaching and nutrition and wellness recommendations.

Personalized Sciatica Treatment


Bonasia DE, Rosso F, Cottino U, Rossi R. Exercise-induced leg pain. Asia Pac J Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Technol. 2015;2(3):73-84. doi:10.1016/j.asmart.2015.03.003

Cook CE, Taylor J, Wright A, Milosavljevic S, Goode A, Whitford M. Risk factors for first-time incidence sciatica: a systematic review. Physiother Res Int. 2014 Jun;18:65-78. doi:doi:10.1002/pri.1572

Koes BW, van Tulder MW, Peul WC. Diagnosis and treatment of sciatica. BMJ. 2007;334(7607):1313‐1317. doi:10.1136/bmj.39223.428495.BE

Lewis RA, Williams NH, Sutton AJ, et al. Comparative clinical effectiveness of management strategies for sciatica: a systematic review and network meta-analyses. (PDF). Spine J. 2015;15(6):1461-77. doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2013.08.049

Ropper AH, Zafonte RD. Sciatica. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(13):1240–8. doi:10.1056/NEJMra1410151

Salehi, Alireza, et al. “Chiropractic: Is it Efficient in Treatment of Diseases? Review of Systematic Reviews.” International Journal of community-based nursing and midwifery vol. 3,4 (2015): 244-54.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome Associated With Fibromyalgia

Myofascial Pain Syndrome Associated With Fibromyalgia


When issues like autoimmune disorders start to affect the body for no reason, it can lead to chronic problems and conditions that can affect the various muscles and vital organs that cause overlapping risk profiles to the host. The body is a complex machine that allows the immune system to release inflammatory cytokines to the affected area when a person has acute or chronic pain. So when a person has an autoimmune disorder like fibromyalgia, it can affect their quality of life while amplifying painful sensations in their musculoskeletal system. Today’s article focuses on fibromyalgia and its systems, how this autoimmune disorder correlates with myofascial pain syndrome, and how chiropractic care can help reduce fibromyalgia symptoms. We refer our patients to certified providers that incorporate techniques and various therapies for many individuals with fibromyalgia and its correlating symptoms, like myofascial pain syndrome. We encourage and appreciate each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a fantastic way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer

What Is Fibromyalgia?


Have you been dealing with unquestionable pain that is affecting your daily life? Do you feel fatigued when you are barely getting out of bed? Or have you been dealing with brain fog and aches all over your body? Many of these symptoms overlap with an autoimmune disorder known as fibromyalgia. Studies reveal that fibromyalgia is an autoimmune condition characterized by widespread chronic musculoskeletal pain that can correlate with neurosensory disorders that affect the nervous system. Fibromyalgia can affect about 4 million adults in America and roughly 2% of the general adult population. When people with fibromyalgia go through a physical examination, the test results would appear to be normal. That is because fibromyalgia can include multiple tender points in specific body areas and manifest as a primary or secondary condition while extending far beyond the defining criteria. Additional studies reveal that the pathogenesis of fibromyalgia could potently be linked with other chronic factors that affect the following systems:

  • Inflammatory
  • Immune
  • Endocrine
  • Neurological
  • Intestinal


The Symptoms

Many individuals, especially women, have fibromyalgia, which causes symptoms of multiple somato-visceral issues. To that point, it can often overlap and accompany fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, fibromyalgia is challenging to diagnose since the pain can last for several months to years. Studies have shown that even though fibromyalgia is challenging to diagnose when many other factors like genetics, immunological, and hormonal factors potentially play a part in this autoimmune disorder. Also, additional symptoms and specific diseases like diabetes, lupus, rheumatic diseases, and musculoskeletal disorder can be associated with fibromyalgia. Some of the following symptoms that many fibromyalgia individuals deal with include:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle Stiffness
  • Chronic Sleep Issues
  • Trigger Points
  • Numbness and Tingling sensation
  • Abnormal menstrual cramps
  • Urinary issues
  • Cognitive issues (Brain Fog, Memory loss, Concentration issues)


An Overview Of Fibromyalgia-Video

Have you been having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Do you feel pain in different areas of your body? Or have you been dealing with cognitive issues like brain fog? Many of these symptoms correlate with an autoimmune disorder known as fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disorder that is challenging to diagnose and can cause immense pain to the body. The video above explains how to notice the signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia and what associated conditions correlate with this autoimmune disorder. Since fibromyalgia causes widespread musculoskeletal pain, it can even affect the peripheral and central nervous systems. This causes the brain to send out neuron signals to cause an increase in sensitivity to the brain and spinal cord, which then overlaps with the musculoskeletal system. Since fibromyalgia causes pain to the body, it can present unrecognized symptoms that can be difficult to recognize and can be arthritis-related.

How Fibromyalgia Is Correlated With Myofascial Pain Syndrome


Since fibromyalgia can correlate with different chronic conditions, one of the most chronic disorders can mask the effects of fibromyalgia in the body: myofascial pain syndrome. Myofascial pain syndrome, according to Dr. Travell, M.D.’s book, “Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Dysfunction,” mentions that when a person has fibromyalgia causes musculoskeletal pain, overtime if not treated, can develop trigger points in the affected muscles. This causes muscle stiffness and tenderness in the taut muscle band. Additional studies mentioned that since myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia have common muscular pain symptoms, they can cause tenderness and refer pain to different body locations. Fortunately, available treatments can help reduce the muscular pain symptoms caused by fibromyalgia associated with myofascial pain syndrome.


Chiropractic Care & Fibromyalgia Associated With Myofascial Pain


One of the available treatments that can help relieve the muscular pain from fibromyalgia associated with myofascial pain syndrome is chiropractic therapy. Chiropractic therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment option that can help alleviate symptoms of body pain and swelling from a spinal subluxation. Chiropractic care uses manual and mechanical manipulation to re-align the spine and improve nerve circulation while increasing blood flow back to the joints and muscles. Once the body has been re-balanced from chiropractic therapy, the body can manage symptoms better and reduce the effects of fibromyalgia. Chiropractic therapy also provides a customized treatment plan and works with associated medical professionals to achieve maximum results and ensure the highest quality of life for the individual.



Fibromyalgia is one of the most common autoimmune disorders that affect most of the population and can be challenging to diagnose. Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread chronic musculoskeletal pain that can correlate with neurosensory disorders and cause pain symptoms in the body. People with fibromyalgia also deal with myofascial pain syndrome, as both disorders cause muscle and joint pain. Luckily, treatments like chiropractic therapy allow spinal manipulation of the body to be re-aligned and restore functionality to the host. This reduces the symptoms caused by fibromyalgia and causes the individual to be pain-free and function normally.



Bellato, Enrico, et al. “Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Etiology, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment.” Pain Research and Treatment, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2012,

Bhargava, Juhi, and John A Hurley. “Fibromyalgia – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 10 Oct. 2022,

Gerwin, R D. “Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia: Diagnosis and Treatment.” Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 Jan. 1998,

Simons, D. G., and L. S. Simons. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Vol. 2:the Lower Extremities. Williams & Wilkins, 1999.

Siracusa, Rosalba, et al. “Fibromyalgia: Pathogenesis, Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Treatment Options Update.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 9 Apr. 2021,


IBD Back Symptoms: El Paso Back Clinic

IBD Back Symptoms: El Paso Back Clinic

Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, causes inflammation of the digestive tract lining, which often involves the deeper layers. Gastrointestinal or GI problems of the stomach and intestines often include diarrhea, weight loss, rectal bleeding, fatigue, and back pain. The inflammation can reach the spine’s joints, causing stiffness, discomfort, and pain symptoms. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can help manage symptoms and guide individuals on treatment options.

IBD Back Symptoms: EP's Chiropractic Functional Medicine TeamIBD Back Pain

IBD is a set of conditions associated with chronic or intermittent inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It includes Crohn’s disease – CD and ulcerative colitisUC. Although there are genetic components that predispose individuals to IBD, environmental factors appear to contribute the most. Research shows that IBD is likely related to disturbances in the gut’s flora, which include:

  • Bacteria
  • Fungi
  • Viruses

These set up a systemic inflammatory response.


Other environmental factors associated with IBD include the long-term use of birth control pills and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs/NSAIDs. Research theorizes that as the gut becomes inflamed, its normal integrity and structure become compromised and begin to leak out, causing an immune system overreaction response. This can cause non-gastrointestinal symptoms that include:

  • Fever
  • Anemia
  • Joint swelling
  • Varying pain sensations
  • Inflammation of blood vessels
  • Breathing problems
  • Vision issues

Other symptoms can include:

  • Anorexia
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chest pain
  • Heartburn
  • Liver issues – For example, gallstones


IBD can cause low back pain as the IBD can inflame the spine’s joints, especially the sacrum, as well as cause abdominal cramps and rectal sensations that radiate to the low back area. However, irritation, inflammation, or infection of any central, abdominal, or pelvic organs can cause low back pain.


  • Diagnosis requires a physical examination of the colon – a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy is used.
  • Both procedures take a biopsy of the intestinal tissues, which is studied to determine the extent and degree of inflammation.
  • Depending on the circumstances, an X-ray could be used to show the depth or extent of the condition.

Chiropractic Management

A chiropractor can help individuals decrease or completely alleviate musculoskeletal symptoms by realigning the spine and pelvis and massaging, releasing, and relaxing the muscles, which increases circulation and soothes inflammation. The reason why chiropractic care can effectively treat IBD is its ability to stabilize the internal systems. When the central nervous system and immune system communicate and function properly, this prevents the immune system from attacking the body’s tissue cells, preventing inflammation. The chiropractic whole-body approach can also help with recommendations regarding lifestyle changes and nutritional anti-inflammatory modifications.

Ulcerative Colitis


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “What Is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)?” 2022,

Danese S, Fiocchi C. Etiopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases. World J Gastroenterol. 2006;12(30):4807-4812. doi:10.3748/wjg.v12.i30.4807

Limsrivilai, Julajak et al. “Systemic Inflammatory Responses in Ulcerative Colitis Patients and Clostridium difficile Infection.” Digestive diseases and sciences vol. 63,7 (2018): 1801-1810. doi:10.1007/s10620-018-5044-1

van Erp, S J et al. “classifying Back Pain and Peripheral Joint Complaints in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients: A Prospective Longitudinal Follow-up Study.” Journal of Crohn’s & colitis vol. 10,2 (2016): 166-75. doi:10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjv195

Zeitz, Jonas, et al. “Pain in IBD Patients: Very Frequent and Frequently Insufficiently Taken into Account.” PloS one vol. 11,6 e0156666. 22 Jun. 2016, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156666

Posture Adjustments Affects On The Muscles: El Paso Back Clinic

Posture Adjustments Affects On The Muscles: El Paso Back Clinic

Making healthy posture adjustments is a process, especially for individuals that have been practicing unhealthy postures for years. Not only does the body have to relearn how to position itself correctly, but the muscles, especially those that haven’t been working, also have to adjust. This takes time and is usually at the beginning of postural training that individuals want to give up. This is because of the discomfort and soreness that goes with reactivating the core muscles. This is why it is recommended to go through the process with chiropractic care. A chiropractic therapy team can relieve sore muscles, strengthen the body, and help individuals gradually develop and maintain a healthy posture.

Posture Adjustments Affects On The Muscles: Injury Medical TeamPosture Adjustments

Unhealthy postures shift the body out of balance, straining and stressing the muscles, especially those that have to work overtime every day. This causes the muscles to stiffen and tighten up to the point that they begin to pull the skeletal system in different directions, causing various symptoms that can lead to chronic conditions. Muscles can stay tight for years, with individuals getting used to the feeling. Individuals stretch out, thinking the muscles are loose but don’t realize that they return to their tight position because of the unhealthy muscle memory that developed.

Muscle Imbalance

  • Muscle imbalances usually progress over time and are typically caused by daily habitual physical routines.
  • This causes premature and advanced wear and tear on the body.

Postural Dysfunction

  • Individuals all have positions they spend a lot of time in.
  • Postural dysfunction begins with unhealthy positioning that shifts the spine and other joints out of balance and alignment.
  • The muscles become compromised, which leads to various neuromusculoskeletal symptoms.


  • The head either leans forward or backward.
  • The knees are bent when standing or walking.
  • The shoulders become rounded.
  • A potbelly can begin to present.
  • Back discomfort symptoms.
  • Body aches, soreness, tightness, stiffness.
  • Muscle fatigue and weakness occur from being overworked.
  • Headaches can present throughout the day.

Chiropractic Realignment

The muscles have become like tough meat, and the underlying imbalances are straining the neuromusculoskeletal system. The muscle tissues need to be broken up/tenderized and loosened up. Then they can be thoroughly stretched and strengthened to optimal health. Chiropractic care will identify and correct the underlying imbalance, and massage therapy will break up and release the compacted muscle tissue. A personalized treatment plan will consist of the following:

  • Mobilizing the joints and stretching/releasing shortened tight muscles and soft tissues.
  • Strengthening the elongated, weaker muscles to correct the body’s alignment and movement control.
  • Health coaching to identify and recommend lifestyle and nutritional adjustments.
  • This will restore the bio-mechanical systems, ensuring that equal muscle length and strength on both sides of the system joint or motion segment are maintained.

Posture Adjustments and Foot Orthotics


Aino, Masaki, et al. “Comparison of spinal column alignment and autonomic nervous activity using the intersegmental tenderness test in the segment above.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 33,8 (2021): 570-575. doi:10.1589/jpts.33.570

Creze, Maud, et al. “Posture-related stiffness mapping of paraspinal muscles.” Journal of anatomy vol. 234,6 (2019): 787-799. doi:10.1111/joa.12978

Joshi, Reema, and Nishita Poojary. “The Effect of Muscle Energy Technique and Posture Correction Exercises on Pain and Function in Patients with Non-specific Chronic Neck Pain Having Forward Head Posture-a Randomized Controlled Trail.” International journal of therapeutic massage & bodywork vol. 15,2 14-21. 1 Jun. 2022, doi:10.3822/ijtmb.v15i2.673

Langford, M L. “Poor posture subjects a worker’s body to muscle imbalance, nerve compression.” Occupational health & safety (Waco, Tex.) vol. 63,9 (1994): 38-40, 42.

McLean, Linda. “The effect of postural correction on muscle activation amplitudes recorded from the cervicobrachial region.” Journal of electromyography and kinesiology: official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology vol. 15,6 (2005): 527-35. doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2005.06.003

Szczygieł, Elżbieta et al. “The Impact of Deep Muscle Training on the Quality of Posture and Breathing.” Journal of motor behavior vol. 50,2 (2018): 219-227. doi:10.1080/00222895.2017.1327413

Different Diagnosis For Myofascial Pain Syndrome In The Body

Different Diagnosis For Myofascial Pain Syndrome In The Body


The body is a complex machine with various muscles, tendons, ligaments, and vital organs that each play a specific role in maintaining functionality and stability to the host. The body allows movement and mobility from the neck down to the feet. When the body suffers from pain or has been affected by various issues that correlate with pain, two things can occur, one, where acute pain can affect the body and cause the individual to be sore for a few days or two, where the body suffers from chronic pain that leads to the development of myofascial pain syndrome that can lead to referred pain in different muscle groups and cause the body to dysfunction. Today’s article examines how to diagnose myofascial pain syndrome, how the body reacts to this condition, and how various treatments can reduce myofascial pain syndrome in the body. We refer patients to certified providers incorporating techniques and therapies for individuals dealing with myofascial pain syndrome affecting different body areas and causing functionality. By locating where the trigger points are coming from, many pain specialists utilize a treatment plan to reduce the effects that trigger points are causing on the body while coming up with a diagnosis to minimize the referred pain impacting the body. We encourage and appreciate each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a terrific way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer

How To Diagnose Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Have you been experiencing pain in different locations in your body? Do you have any areas of complaint that affect your daily lifestyle? Or do you have issues of stability and mobility when you are out and about? More often than not, approximately 25% of Americans are in some pain that can impact their lives and, if not treated right away, can cause the body to be dysfunctional. When there is constant pain in the body, it can cause overlapping risk profiles, known as myofascial pain syndrome. Myofascial pain syndrome is often defined as pain that originates along the musculoskeletal muscle groups and causes hyperirritable spots within the muscle fibers’ taut band, causing trigger points to develop. This means repetitive motions cause muscle strain and tightness along the muscle fibers when the body goes through repetitive movements daily.



When many people are dealing with myofascial pain syndrome, they would go to their primary doctor and explain that they are dealing with pain in different areas of their bodies, including their head, neck, shoulders, back, hips, etc. Afterward, their doctors conduct an examination to see where the issue is occurring. Many doctors often ask numerous questions to their patients about their daily activities before coming up with a diagnosis that myofascial pain syndrome is affecting their bodies. Studies reveal that the etiology of myofascial pain syndrome is not fully understood. Still, when the muscles, ligaments, and tissues are inflamed or undergo repetitive trauma, it can be accompanied by correlating conditions and disorders. To that point, doctors will work with their associated medical providers to develop a personalized treatment plan to diagnose and reduce myofascial pain syndrome associated with chronic conditions affecting the body.


How Does The Body React To Myofascial Pain Syndrome


Now when the body is dealing with myofascial pain syndrome, studies reveal that it can be a major health problem when it is not treated right away; it can cause the following:

  • Impaired mobility
  • Pain
  • Muscle hypersensitivity
  • Sleep issues
  • Neurological issues

According to “Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual,” by Dr. Janet G. Travell, M.D., the book mentioned that when myofascial pain syndrome becomes aberrant, it can lead to a disorder known as myofascial pain modulation disorder. This means that when a person is dealing with trigger points in their bodies, it can distort their referred pain patterns when being diagnosed. Active trigger points normally project pain in different body locations, known as referred pain. However, with myofascial pain modulation disorder, the pain is not localized but aberrant, which causes distortion to the central nervous system and sends pain signals to cause structural damage to the affected muscles in the body.


An Overview Of Referred Pain- Video

Have you been experiencing pain in different locations in your body? Do you have mobility issues when turning your neck or hips? Do you feel like you are losing your quality of life? If you have been dealing with pain-like problems in your body, it could be due to myofascial pain syndrome causing these issues. Myofascial pain syndrome is when the body goes through repetitive motions or trauma that causes symptoms of muscle strain and stiffness that are correlated with referred pain. The video above explains what referred pain does to the body and how it can affect the muscles and the corresponding organs. This is known as somato-visceral dysfunction, where the muscles and the related vital organs are affected, causing pain. An example would be chest pain associated with cardiovascular issues that mimic a heart attack. Various treatments can now treat myofascial pain syndrome associated with trigger points that can reduce the localized pain affecting the body.

Various Treatments To Reduce Myofascial Pain Syndrome


Several available treatments can help the body and bring back a person’s quality of life when it comes to reducing pain-like symptoms associated with myofascial pain syndrome. As stated earlier, when a person is diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome by their primary doctors, their doctors will work with other pain specialists, like physical therapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors, that can locate where the referred pain is in the body and alleviate the symptoms. This allows the treatment plan to be personalized and catered to the individual. When myofascial pain syndrome causes the muscles to become tight and stiff due to repetitive factors, the pain specialists work with the body to restore functionality and help loosen the muscles. Not only that, but many individuals would take up meditative practices to allow their bodies to relax and reduce future trigger points from developing. This will enable them to have a clear mind and be pain-free.



Myofascial pain syndrome is when the body has pain-like symptoms affecting different muscle groups. It can cause numerous symptoms associated with pain that can cause mobility and dysfunction in the individual. Since the body is a complex machine that incorporates various muscles, tendons, ligaments, and vital organs to maintain functionality, myofascial pain can cause referred pain to a different location of the body and can be a major health problem. However, available treatments can reduce the pain-like symptoms caused by myofascial pain syndrome. When doctors work with associated medical providers specializing in myofascial pain syndrome, they can develop a personalized treatment plan to reduce future pain-like symptoms associated with myofascial pain syndrome from causing more issues to the body and even reduce correlating conditions that overlap that trigger myofascial pain.



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