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Neck Pain

Back Clinic Neck Treatment Team. Dr. Alex Jimenezs collection of neck pain articles contain a selection of medical conditions and/or injuries regarding symptoms surrounding the cervical spine. The neck is made up of various complex structures; bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and other types of tissues. When these structures are damaged or injured as a result of improper posture, osteoarthritis, or even whiplash, among other complications, the pain and discomfort an individual experiences can be impairing. Through chiropractic care, Dr. Jimenez explains how the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations focuses on the cervical spine can greatly help relieve the painful symptoms associated with neck issues. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Cervical Steroid Injections For Neck Pain

Cervical Steroid Injections For Neck Pain

Steroid injections into the cervical spine can help with�radiatingneck pain. Neck pain affects people all over the world. Although it is not as common as back pain, neck pain can really take a toll on a person�s quality of life and ability to work.� This comes in the form of:

  • Sleep problems
  • Radiating/Spreading pain
  • Mental health issues and more

Much like back pain neck pain can be hard to treat effectively without identifying the root cause known as the pain generator. If natural treatments like chiropractic aren’t working then injections could be the next phase.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Cervical Steroid Injections for Neck Pain El Paso, Texas

Injections can help with:

  • Identifying the source/root cause of the pain as a diagnostic
  • Treats the pain as a therapeutic

The most commonly used are cervical epidural steroid injections, medial branch blocks (MBBs), and facet joint injections. Learn about what they are, what they treat, and the scientific research behind their risks and benefits.

Cervical Epidural Steroid

The phrase cervical epidural steroid injection:

  • Injection means that medicine is delivered through a needle.
  • Cervical means the cervical spine, which is the neck.
  • Epidural means the dura or outer layer of the soft tissue that encases the spinal cord, nerve roots, and cerebrospinal fluid. Epidural means the medicine goes into the space around the dura.

Spine specialists use image guidance with a contrast dye called fluoroscopy ensuring the medicine gets delivered to the proper area.


2 Types

The needle enters the space through a transforaminal approach or interlaminar approach. Words like epidural just refer to where the needle goes. These injections also called nerve root blocks, are performed by entering the epidural space through the opening where the nerve roots branch out. This space is known as the intervertebral foramen.

When it is called a selective nerve root block, this is for cases where multiple nerve roots are being compressed and the injection is being used in a diagnostic purpose to identify which nerve is the pain generator. The needle in an interlaminar epidural injection goes through the opening that exists between two adjacent vertebrae.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Cervical Steroid Injections for Neck Pain El Paso, Texas


Cervical epidural steroid injections may be appropriate for someone who has severe neck pain with:

  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Altered sensation in the arm, shoulder, or between the shoulder blades

Cervical epidural steroid injections are reserved as a second-line treatment for individuals that have neck pain that does not stop for more than 4 weeks despite conservative treatment like physical therapy, chiropractic, or medical pain management using NSAIDs or acetaminophen.

The source of the pain is usually what determines if injections are appropriate.

With a patient�s:

  • Past medical and surgical history
  • Pain history
  • Physical exam findings
  • Imaging Results like CT computed tomography scan, MRI magnetic resonance imaging or a nerve test like an EMG�electromyography test all can help in finding the source of the pain.

If a spine specialist thinks the nerve compression was brought on by a disc herniation, spondylolisthesis or the shifting of vertebral levels, scarring, or arthritic conditions is causing the pain, then an injection may be appropriate. If the pain comes from an infection or cancer, then this treatment is unlikely to be recommended.


Potential Benefits

The effects of injections are different for everyone, because of the variables:

  • The Duration of symptoms
  • The Cause of symptoms
  • Any Additional treatment

More than 50% will have at least 50% improvement in their pain for around 4 weeks. Then there are individuals that experience relief, up to 6 months. There are no significant differences in outcomes between the transforaminal and interlaminar approaches.

Overall alleviation from the pain is enhanced/improved when the injections are combined with a full-on treatment plan that includes physical therapy/chiropractic and pain medications.


11860 Vista Del Sol Dr #128, What To Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) El Paso, Texas

Possible Risks

Common complications associated with injections are usually minor and temporary. These are:

  • Headache/s
  • Facial flushes
  • Light Headedness
  • Rash
  • Pain increase
  • Extended Numbness

Major complications are rare, but they can happen. These include�infection, paralysis, stroke, and death. However, this happens in less than 1% of individuals undergoing this treatment. These complications are thought to happen from direct spinal cord penetration of the needle, bleeding into the spinal canal, or the medicine inadvertently getting injected into the blood vessels. Surgical groups and facilities have strict guidelines to limit these complications.

This treatment is commonly used, and when done correctly can be a powerful tool in the treatment of persistent, severe neck pain. Everyone is different so if you are considering a cervical epidural spinal injection find a qualified spine specialist or consult with a chiropractor to find out if injections are necessary.


Neck Pain Treatment


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Reduce Stress and Reduce Neck and Back Pain El Paso, TX.

Reduce Stress and Reduce Neck and Back Pain El Paso, TX.

Reduce stress, reduce pain. Life creates stress, and while some stress can be good, too much causes health problems. Everyone experiences stress. However, now it is becoming a new normal in today�s hectic, fast-paced, high-pressure society. Most individuals equate stress with high blood pressure, heart attacks, or stroke. However, neck and back pain, insomnia, and weight gain can be stress-related, as well. And a lot of stress can make already-existing back/neck pain worse.

73% of individuals report experiencing stress-related psychological symptoms including anxiety and depression. These are not accurate numbers because most do not seek help for their stress issues. Stress symptoms should not be taken lightly. It is important to address the symptoms and find ways to reduce stress. Chiropractic is an effective stress reliever.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) El Paso, TX.


Financial pressures, kids, long work weeks, and medical problems are common anxieties. Prolonged stress can become chronic, which results in muscle tension that can feel stiff, achy and uncomfortable. Stress can develop into neck or back pain.

Stress is the state of:

  • Emotional
  • Mental
  • Pressure
  • Tension

That results from difficulties, adverse situations, or extremely demanding circumstances. The very nature of stress by definition makes it very subjective. A “stressful” situation for one person might not phase another. This makes it difficult to pin down a precise definition.

More often, the term stress is more often used to describe the set of symptoms that are caused by stress and those symptoms can be as varied as the people who experience them.


Stress symptoms can affect the entire body physically and mentally. Common symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Chest pain
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Irritability
  • Lower back pain
  • Muscle tension
  • Overeating
  • Headache
  • Restlessness
  • Sleep problems
  • Unable to focus
  • Undereating


Technically, stress itself does not have a negative impact on health. Some individuals deal with situations that others would consider to be stressful, yet they never exhibit symptoms. This speaks to the subjective nature of stress. Different people experience different symptoms and are a combination of stress symptoms, how the person handles those symptoms that adversely affect health.

Ultimately, stress symptoms can lead to some very serious conditions including:

  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cancer/s

Psychologically, it can lead to social withdrawal and social phobias and is directly linked to alcohol and drug abuse.


These can help you reduce stress, and reduce pain.

Vital Signs

  • Get a medical checkup if possible through Telemedicine and talk to a doctor/therapist about your stress, along with medical history. Side effects from medications (prescription or over-the-counter), herbal products, or other supplements can cause restlessness, insomnia, and anxiety.
  • Physical therapy combines pain-relieving non-invasive treatments with therapeutic exercise, posture correction, and preventive body mechanics.
  • Consider conversational therapy with a stress counselor, psychologist, or support group online.


Get Moving

  • Yoga and relaxation movements help reduce stress and stretch muscles. Viniyoga blends breathing and movement together to quiet body and mind. These movements are less precise and adapted to a person’s physical condition. Talk to a doctor about trying yoga or other stretches.
  • Swimming combined with a sauna or steam bathing can relieve stress-induced pain.
  • Take frequent stretch breaks to loosen up tight neck or back muscles.
  • Go for short walks at break or lunchtime to get the circulation going.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Reduce Stress and Reduce Neck and Back Pain El Paso, TX.


Learn to Relax

  • Kick back, put your feet up, and empty your mind of everything.
  • Wrap an ice pack and hot pack (or hot water bottle) individually in towels. Apply the ice pack for 10 minutes and then the hot pack for 5 minutes. Alternate several times.
  • Massage, aromatherapy and spa treatments you can do at home.
  • Aromatic massage oils containing eucalyptus can help ease muscle pain.
  • Meditation or visualization therapy combines meditation practices that focus on breathing and calming the mind.
  • Visualization techniques combine imagery with breathing exercises.


Take Control of the Little Things

  • Break up problems into smaller manageable pieces and work on resolving the easier parts first.
  • Learn your limits, how to delegate responsibility and not take the entire load on your shoulders so as not to get overwhelmed.
  • Allow yourself to fail, we all have to fail in order to learn in order to apply what was learned.


Eat and Drink for Life

  • Make mealtime less stressful. Pick nourishing foods, eat slowly, and savor each other’s company.
  • Caffeinated coffee, soda, and other drinks do not help reduce stress or promote restful sleep.
  • Avoid drinking at night because it can make falling and staying asleep a challenge.
  • Proper sleep or naps can help relieve stress.

Dealing with Stress Is Good for Your Back

We may not be able to control life’s stressors, but don’t let everyday demands interfere with your health. Incorporate exercise, relaxation techniques, and healthy foods to reduce stress and pain and promote stress prevention.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Reduce Stress and Reduce Neck and Back Pain El Paso, TX.

Reduce stress reduce pain with chiropractic

Chiropractic cannot get rid of stress, but it can help relieve stress symptoms. The more stress the body endures, the more sensitive it becomes to pain and physical imbalances. Chiropractic helps by bringing the body back into balance, aligning the spine, and relieving pain.

The simple act of aligning the spine helps relieve stress in the body that you may not even be aware of. The physical stress of a misaligned spine can exacerbate symptoms and make a person more susceptible to stressful stimuli in their environment. Chiropractic helps to improve circulation which is essential in relieving muscle tension and helps shuts down the fight or flight response allowing the body to rest and heal.


Migraine Pain Chiropractic



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Neck Stiffness, Crick in the Neck and Chiropractic

Neck Stiffness, Crick in the Neck and Chiropractic

We are familiar with neck stiffness or a crick. This can prevent us from comfortably moving the head all around. A crick can cause the spine, and shoulders to feel rigid and stressed from not being able to turn around and could cause an upper or low-back strain from having to turn the whole body to look back or even just to the side. Chiropractic treatment is available and will help, along with some self-care therapies that can be done at home.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Neck Stiffness, A Crick in the Neck and Chiropractic Relief El Paso, Texas

Crick in the Neck vs. Neck Stiffness

A crick in the neck is the same as a stiff neck. It develops when the neck muscles, tendons, and ligaments become strained/sprained. Most strains and sprains are minor but do cause inflammation/swelling of the neck�s soft tissues, which results in stiffness and, at times muscle spasms.


The symptoms

Cricks in the neck are uncomfortable, but not necessarily painful. If there is a pre-existing neck condition or injuries like whiplash the crick and stiffness could increase the uncomfortableness and generate pain.

The most common symptoms include:

  • Neck stiffness
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Reduced mobility affecting the neck�s range of motion
  • A popping sensation when trying to turn or tilt the head


Neck Pain Herniated Discs

Causes of a stiff neck or crick

There are different causes of neck stiffness. It can be a combination of things you can control and some you can�t.

Possible causes that you can control:

  • Poor posture working either sitting or standing for several hours without breaks or stretching.
  • Sleeping in a position that puts the neck in an awkward position or using a pillow that does not support the neck when sleeping.
  • Constantly looking down at a cell phone or tablet.
  • Stress and emotional tension can cause involuntarily tightening of the neck muscles and shoulders.
  • Heavy labor along with incorrect lifting techniques.
  • Reaching or having to look up/overhead for several hours like when painting a ceiling.

Possible causes that are out of your control:

  • Whiplash injury
  • Sports-injuries like a football stinger
  • Aging muscles and bones

Around 13% of cases the stiffness, and pain are caused by separate cervical spinal conditions, like:

  • Cervical herniated disc
  • Cervical spinal stenosis
  • Spinal fracture
  • Spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis)

At-home therapy

Usually, a crick in the neck will go away within a few days without the need to visit a doctor or chiropractor. There are home remedies that can help alleviate neck stiffness.


Why Chiropractic Works In Relieving Joint Pain El Paso, Texas

Cold and heat therapy

Cold therapy reduces the swelling of soft tissues, like muscles and ligaments, while heat soothes the tightness by boosting blood circulation to the affected area. There are different products available that can deliver cold or heat to the neck and upper back.

  • Apply ice for 15 minutes each hour.
  • Apply heat therapy like a heating pad for 15 minutes every 2 or 3 hours.


Over-the-counter anti-inflammation medicines

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and naproxen can help relieve inflammation and pain.

Gentle neck stretches and exercises

Cervical stretches and exercises can:

  • Ease muscular tension
  • Muscle spasms
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Improve neck flexibility
  • Improve range of motion


Because neck stiffness can be linked to lifestyle choices, individuals may find that they occur repeatedly. Simple neck stretches, chiropractic treatment, using a supportive pillow, and taking frequent breaks at your job can help prevent neck stiffness and keep you moving. These professionals have undergone extensive training in their field and are capable of treating neck pain effectively. So if you or a loved one are experiencing neck pain, give us a call. We�re ready to help!


Neck Pain Chiropractic



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Neck Pain Prevention Tips El Paso, Texas

Neck Pain Prevention Tips El Paso, Texas

Neck pain prevention can go a long way as long as you take proper care of your body, exercise, and practice healthy habits. Here are a few tips to help prevent neck pain before it begins. Neck mobility is a marvelous thing. The neck can move the head in various directions:

  • 90� of flexion forward motion
  • 90� of extension backward motion
  • 180� of rotation side to side
  • Almost 120� of tilt to each shoulder


chiropractor works on woman's neck


A lot of us are very familiar with a stiff neck or a crick in the neck. This stiffness prevents us from moving comfortably. A crick in the neck can cause the neck part of the spine to feel stiff, rigid and immobile. Fortunately, prevention and various treatments can help.


  • Standing and sitting properly maintains proper posture and keeps muscles working/healthy. If you begin to hunch over, correct it immediately as it can quickly lead to pain in the neck. Pay attention to how you stand and sit and the more you do this it will become a healthy habit.
  • Do neck and body exercises regularly and try for a 30-minute cardio workout 3-5 times week.
  • Staying within a healthy weight-range will keep your spine in top form as it carries the weight of your body, and not overstrain it, which can lead to all kinds of pain.
  • With healthy weight comes a healthy meal plan, not just for proper weight but to strengthen muscles, bones, enriching the blood and getting to optimal health.
  • Smoking can affect the bones and muscles in your cervical/neck area of the spine, as well as all the other areas of the body. Therefore it is time to quit.
  • Sleep with correct head and neck posture. Sleeping with your head in an awkward position is an easy set-up for a strain and pain.
  • Stress and tension reduction.Tense muscles in the neck and shoulder often lead to pain in the neck. A few effective ways to reduce stress can be writing, talking to friends, exercising, walking, listening/playing music, art/crafts, cooking, reading,� and turn to these when the stress begins to build.
  • Driving safely and wearing seat belts can help prevent whiplash.
  • Using the proper equipment to protect your neck while participating in sports that can lead to neck injuries like football, skateboarding, wrestling, soccer is a must.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Neck Pain Prevention Tips El Paso, Texas


Taking care of your body is a complex process. Lifestyle changes pave the way to wellness and making these changes will benefit more than just the neck.

Don’t worry about the list and try to check everything off. Look at the things that apply to you and try to implement a few of these tips one at a time. Keep the bigger changes like quitting smoking/losing weight in the foreseeable future. It takes time, patience and commitment. With a little hard work, it will pay off, and you should have a healthier life with less neck pain episodes and remember prevention is key.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Neck Pain Prevention Tips El Paso, Texas


This is a popular therapy that relieves:

  • Aches
  • Fluid retention
  • Inflammation
  • Muscle tension
  • Pain
  • Spasms
  • Stiffness

Other benefits include improved blood and lymph circulation, flexibility, range of motion, and increased tissue elasticity. While increasing circulation the muscles are warmed along with other soft tissues like tendons and ligaments.



It is one of the most popular massage types in the US. Usually, therapeutic muscle lotion or oil is used to reduce friction and relax the area/muscles as the therapist performs light stroking in one direction with deep pressure in another to relax and loosen the muscles and surrounding ligaments/tissues.

This takes the blood flow and flushes lactic acid, uric acid, and other waste products from the muscles. The ligaments and tendons get stretched, which increases their soft but firm/strong feel. The nerves are stimulated and relaxed, with any stress in the muscles taken away. Relaxing the muscles is the overall goal.


Deep Tissue

This technique aims at chronic muscle tension. The strokes are slower, using more intense direct pressure to release the built-up stress, knots, and tightness. Depending on how deep the muscle and tissue stress maybe, the therapist will adjust their hand positions, strokes, and intensity periodically to work the tissues releasing tension.


Relaxing the Muscles

The therapist using their hands or tools to rhythmically knead, rub, and stroke muscles, circulation begins muscle stimulation. This blood flow brings needed oxygen and nutrients and helps the muscles eliminate waste products, like lactic acid, that can collect in the muscles brought on by spasms, which cause pain.


El Paso, TX Neck Pain Chiropractic Treatment


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Individuals with chronic neck pain that don�t seem to have a cause, could be trigger points. A doctor will refer you to a�physical therapist, chiropractor or another spine specialist�to conduct an examination for trigger points.


How Topical Medications Alleviate Back/Neck Pain El Paso, TX.

How Topical Medications Alleviate Back/Neck Pain El Paso, TX.

There are different types of topical medications, different ways of delivery and are available for patients with back and neck pain. A physician may combine one or more types of medication for maximum relief or as a way of�limiting the side effects of larger doses of only one medication. Strong dose compounds and controlled drugs are�onlyavailable with a doctor’s prescription.

Medicines that help control/reduce pain include:

  • Narcotics
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-anxiety medications
  • Topical anesthetics


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 How Topical Medications Alleviate Back/Neck Pain El Paso, TX.


Medicines with a low potency and low risk of side effects are available at stores and local pharmacies over-the-counter. But remember medications sold over the counter without a prescription doesn’t mean they are safe to use as much as possible. Please read the label and follow the instructions. Taking higher doses, even acetaminophen e.g. Tylenol can cause liver damage. Discussing these medications with a doctor or pharmacist before purchase would be wise. Your physician should know if you plan to continue using over-the-counter medications.

Medicines with a low potency and low risk of side effects are available at stores and local pharmacies over-the-counter. But remember medications sold over the counter without a prescription doesn’t mean they are safe to use as much as possible. Please read the label and follow the instructions. Taking higher doses, even acetaminophen e.g. Tylenol can cause liver damage. Discussing these medications with a doctor or pharmacist before purchase would be wise. Your physician should know if you plan to continue using over-the-counter medications.

Inform your physician about all the products you take including herbal remedies to decrease the risk of side effects or potential severe drug interactions. When acute pain is present, injections either intravenous or intramuscular injected into the muscles are used. For chronic pain, medications are used and are typically in pill form. Both methods have limitations and different�deliveryapproaches may be considered. This includes inhalation or topical on top of the skin applications.

Topical Pain Alleviators

These type of medications come prepared and are applied to the skin via:

Topical medications aim to reduce inflammation and soothe nerve and muscle pain. Some are available with a doctor’s prescription and others are over-the-counter. Medication administered�through the skin is becoming more popular.

Skin Cells

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It serves as�water barrier protection, it regulates body temperature, controls fluid loss, and is important to homeostasis/healthy internal balance.

It is made up of many layers and is supported by a complex blood supply. The blood vessels are in a framework of connective tissue including fat and fascia that holds the tissues together. Below that layer is the bone and muscle. There are also nerve endings that relay touch, temperature, and pain signals from the skin to the spinal cord, to the brain.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 How Topical Medications Alleviate Back/Neck Pain El Paso, TX.


Compoundshave been developed to safely carry the various medicines through the skin into the blood. These compound enhancers are able to penetrate the skin by opening normally closed channels for a quick time to help the skin absorb the medication/s and then close back up.

Spine Pain

Spine physicians and pain specialists often first recommend topical pain-relievers to help relieve the symptoms of back and neck pain/conditions.

Topical medicines may be used to treat the pain associated with:

  • Neck strain
  • Low back strain
  • Whiplash
  • Muscle inflammation
  • Spasms
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Certain types of nerve pain

Topical Advantages

  • Bases like creams, ointments, gels, and sprays make application easy.
  • Symptom relief is faster than oral medicines.
  • Symptoms reduce at a steady rate.
  • Relief can last longer.
  • Not as much medicine is needed when applied in topical form.

As the medication is diffused through the skin and enters the bloodstream, it bypasses the digestive system reducing any unwanted�side effects, like an irritated stomach.


Topical Disadvantages

  • Blood flows in different ways to different parts of the body. Education about the product is essential to know where to apply the product like the arm or abdomen and how often.
  • Blood flow to certain parts of the body can change over time. For example, when it’s cold the blood vessels in the skin contract which decreases the absorption of the medicine, while sweating can open the pores too much and allow too much medication to be absorbed too quickly or wash it away completely.
  • The skin could present a negative reaction. Therefore patients need to know what to do if an allergic or other reaction takes place.
  • The skin nerves are different from the spinal nerves, so certain types of neck/back pain may not respond well to topical treatment.
  • Spinal conditions/disorders deep in the body will not respond well to topical therapy.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Sciatica in Cold Weather Can Worsen Symptoms El Paso, TX.

Is it right

Are topical pain-alleviating medications the right for you? The best person to ask is your doctor or healthcare provider. Upon a final diagnosis and medical history, your doctor should offer various treatments/therapies for pain management.



Patches and creams can be used to deliver a wide variety of medications. These topicals are becoming popular because of their convenience and, reduction of negative side-effects.

  • For individuals with muscle or tendon inflammation, applying a topical to the affected area limits the amount of medication going to other areas of the body that do not need it.
  • For those that have stomach problems and find it difficult to digest anti-inflammatories, these topicals could be all they need to stay active.
  • Individuals with chronic neck or back pain should discuss these medications with their pain specialist, physician or chiropractor to see if one of these topicals might work for them.


El Paso, TX Neck Pain Chiropractic Treatment



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Everyone needs to take care of their back/spine because it is what holds us up as long as we keep it straight and strong.�Strengthening the core�can help prevent�a weak and misaligned spine from getting worse�and helps to eliminate pain.

Back safety should be priority one, as it affects all aspects of your life. Not only are you protecting your back, but are preventing future injury. We all need to pay attention to proper body positioning and�body mechanics, as it will pay off in the long run.


Complementary/Alternative/Integrative Medicine for Back/Neck Pain

Complementary/Alternative/Integrative Medicine for Back/Neck Pain

More and more individuals are looking to add or try out complementary, alternative or integrative treatments for their back and neck pain. To help understand the differences as well as the similarities between the terms, try to remember:

  1. If an alternative clinic which means not mainstream is combined with a conventional clinic this is mainstream medicine, then it is known as complementary or integrative health care.
  2. If it is used instead of or replaces conventional medical care, it is known as alternative health care.
  3. These terms complementary, alternative and integrative tend to get used interchangeably.
  4. The acronym C.A.M is sometimes used, which means Complementary Alternative Medicine.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Complementary/Alternative/Integrative Medicine for Back/Neck Pain


Choosing the right practitioner for your spine problem whether osteoarthritis, chronic back pain, or whiplash is just as important as choosing a medical physician or chiropractor.

You want to find an alternative or complementary/ integrative professional who is

  • Highly trained
  • Licensed
  • Experienced in treating your particular condition
  • Makes you feel comfortable
  • Takes time to answer all your questions


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 First Time Patients Want to Know About Chiropractic Benefits

Finding a Complementary Alternative Specialist

A good place to start is to ask your primary care physician, chiropractor for a referral. Others include:

Credentialing, licensing and certifying are terms you will find when learning about a particular complementary alternative medicine clinic or practitioner. Credentials can include the practitioner�s education, where and what they are allowed to practice. Certification in a particular field of practice like acupuncture, for example, is typically needed before the state issues a license and allows the professional to begin treating patients.

You can check your state�s mandatory licensure process for the type of complementary, alternative or integrative practitioner or clinic you are looking into. Most states require the practitioner to register their education, graduation, training, and continuing education credits. Your state agency can provide this information explaining what services the practitioner is allowed to provide such as the ability to provide dietary supplements.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Complementary/Alternative/Integrative Medicine for Back/Neck Pain

Review the education and qualifications of all potential practitioners

Questions to think about when doing your research.

  • Practitioner’s education?
  • Did they graduate from a certified program/school?
  • Did they complete advanced training?
  • Are they a member of professional societies or organizations?
  • Do they regularly continue their training with up to date and advanced education?
  • How long have they been practicing?
  • Are the treatments covered by insurance?
  • Are they ready to work with your insurance provider?
  • What’s the cost of treatment if not covered by insurance?

Your Appointment Plan

Treatment or therapy that the complementary, alternative or integrative practitioner/clinic provides is considered non-medical.

These practitioners need your medical history, that includes over-the-counter and prescription medications, allergies, prior treatment like surgery/spinal injections along with vitamins/supplements you take. Additional information that could be needed is the contact information of your primary care physician or the doctor who referred you. Keep your primary physician/chiropractor informed about all treatments or therapies you will be receiving.


El Paso, TX Neck Pain Chiropractic Treatment

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The spine is the primary support for the body. When it breaks down, the body suffers.�Regular chiropractic treatment ensures that the spinal column remains in proper alignment which, in turn, keeps the body in proper alignment. It helps with joint health as well as the health of the related muscles and ligaments.


Phone Related Neck and Head Injuries El Paso, Texas

Phone Related Neck and Head Injuries El Paso, Texas

Head and neck injuries related to phone use are on the rise. Since the first iPhone was released, according to a study in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery.

Doctors are warning cell phone users to be especially careful when:

  • Walking around and texting

It is a distraction and one of the leading causes of head and neck injuries.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Phone-Related Neck and Head Injuries El Paso, TX.


2,501 reported cases of phone-related head and neck injuries that lead to emergency room visits between January 1998 and December 2017 found in a nationwide database. Injuries in teens and young adults aged 13 to 29 years old were about 40%, in women (55%) and men (45%).


Common Phone Injuries

Common injuries include:

  • Cuts
  • Bruises
  • Abrasions
  • Internal injuries usually happen around the eyes and nose
  • Possible trauma to the brain

Over 41% of these injuries happened at home and were minor with little or no treatment needed. Around 50% of injuries were a result of distracted driving and 30% from distracted walking.



Any type of phone distraction in and out of the home puts you and others at risk for:

  • Falls
  • Slips
  • Trips

All of which can lead to injuries and other possible consequences (e.g. a busted phone).

More individuals are getting injured because of phone use while moving around and not paying attention to what’s around them.



11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Phone-Related Neck and Head Injuries El Paso, TX.


Children under the age of 13 were at higher risk to suffer a mechanical injury like parents accidentally dropping the phone on their child or children hitting themselves in the face. For example, ninety cases of injuries occurred while playing Pokemon Go.

Spending as little as two to four hours a day hunched over a smartphone is enough to make a serious impact on the body over time. And though two to four hours may not seem like a long time, it isn�t hard to arrive at two hours by adding several 15-minute or half-hour segments together.

For teenagers, specifically, two to four hours on a smartphone has changed as of now teenagers spend around seven to eight hours on their phones. Spending twice as much time on afternoons or the space between classes or lunch. Think about the impact of 1500 plus hours of bad posture throughout the year. There is no surprise that teenagers are at risk.

The lasting impact of text neck and distracted phone use on today�s young people will be costly. Therefore, the public needs to be educated about the risks of distracted phone use and reducing this distracted behavior.


*Neck* Pain Chiropractic Care El Paso, Texas



NCBI Resources

If you begin noticing pain, spasms, or irritation around the neck, shoulders, or back make an appointment with a professional chiropractor. Explain when the pain occurred, the severity, and the activity that started it. A simple adjustment may be all that is needed to get re-aligned and gain relief from pain caused by overuse. A chiropractor can also help decrease the chances of the injury worsening over time.