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Hip Pain & Disorders

Back Clinic Hip Pain & Disorders Team. These types of disorders are common complaints that can be caused by a variety of problems. The precise location of your hip pain can give more information about the underlying cause. The hip joint on its own tends to result in pain on the inside of your hip or groin area. Pain on the outside, upper thigh, or outer buttock is usually caused by ailments/problems with the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and soft tissues surrounding the hip joint. Hip pain can also be caused by diseases and conditions in other areas of your body, i.e. the lower back. The first thing is to identify where the pain is coming from.

The most important distinguishing factor is to find out if the hip is the cause of the pain. When hip pain comes from muscles, tendons, or ligament injuries, it typically comes from overuse or Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). This comes from overusing the hip muscles in the body i.e. iliopsoas tendinitis. This can come from tendon and ligament irritations, which typically are involved in snapping hip syndrome. It can come from inside the joint that is more characteristic of hip osteoarthritis. Each of these types of pain presents itself in slightly different ways, which is then the most important part in diagnosing what the cause is.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction And Chiropractic Care

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction And Chiropractic Care

You try to stand up from a seated position and feel a stab of pain in your lower back. It may even shoot through your hip, buttock, or down the back of your thigh. The pain may even get worse then you walk uphill or sit for a long period of time. While these symptoms could mean a pinched nerve, lumbar disc herniation, hip bursitis, or degenerative hip disease, it could also be sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

What Is Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction?

The sacroiliac (SI) joint is located in the pelvis. It is very strong as it is a weight bearing joint connecting the pelvis to the sacrum. It is surrounded by tough ligaments that reinforce it, providing added support.

There is an SI joint located on each side of the sacrum and they work together, moving as a single unit to act as a shock absorber for the spine and for transmitting force of the upper body. Just like any other joint in the body, the SI joint can be injured or diseased, causing it to become unstable and inflamed, causing pain and limited mobility.

sacroiliac joint dysfunction el paso tx.

What Causes SI Joint Inflammation?

While doctors have not established how the pain is generated, it is believed that it is due to a change in the normal motion of the joint. This could occur due to:

  • Hypermobility (Instability or Too Much Movement) � This can cause the pain to reside in the lower back. It can also be felt in the hip or both the hip and lower back and may even radiate into the groin.
  • Hypomobility (Fixation or Too Little Movement) � This can cause the pain to reside in the lower back or buttocks and may radiate down one leg, usually in the back of the thigh. It usually doesn�t reach the knee, but sometimes can even reach the ankle and foot. In this way, the condition mimics sciatica.

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction typically affects women who are young or middle aged. Older women and men are rarely affected although it does happen.

What Are Treatment Options For Sacroiliac Joint Pain?

When SI joint pain is initially diagnosed the treatment is usually fairly conservative. Medication, physical therapy, and injections are used by doctors for pain management.

NSAIDs and other similar medications decrease inflammation and reduce pain, while physical therapy can readjust the SI joint in cases where it is dislocated or immobilized. It also includes exercises that stabilize the joint for pain management over the long term.

Steroid injections directly into the sacroiliac joint can help with the reduction of inflammation and pain while making physical therapy more effective. When steroid injections are effective but the effects are temporary there is another non-surgical treatment that is sometimes used called RFA, or radiofrequency ablation.

In cases where the conservative methods do not achieve the desired results there are surgical options that provide pain reduction and stabilization on a more permanent scale. SI fusion involves fusing the joint, providing relief.

However, there is a treatment option that is non-invasive, doesn�t involve steroids or medications that could have harmful side effects � chiropractic.

Chiropractic For Sacroiliac Joint Pain

There are two chiropractic treatments that are typically used to treat SI joint pain:

  • Spinal manipulation � This is the traditional chiropractic adjustment that is also known as high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) thrust.
  • Spinal mobilization � This is a less forceful, gentle chiropractic adjustment also known as low-velocity, low-amplitude thrust.

Chiropractic is proven to be an effective, non-invasive, gentle method for relieving the pain and inflammation of SI joint dysfunction. No medication, no surgery, just relief.

So if you�ve been suffering from sacroiliac joint dysfunction, give us a call! Our Doctor of Chiropractic is here to help!

Injury Medical Clinic: Sciatica Treatments & Recoveries

Shoulder Pain Chiropractic Rehab | Video

Shoulder Pain Chiropractic Rehab | Video

Bobby Gomez describes how each visit with Dr. Alex Jimenez and to PUSH Fitness with Daniel Alvarado has resulted in great improvements in the stability of his shoulders as well as in the placement of his hips. Although Bobby Gomez’s recovery has been progressing gradually, he discusses the tremendous changes he has experienced mentally, emotionally and physically. Bobby Gomez highly recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for neck and back pain, as well as shoulder and hip pain.

Shoulder Pain Treatment


Cerebral palsy (commonly known as CP) affects ordinary motion in various areas of the human body and has many degrees of severity. CP causes problems with posture, gait, muscle tone and coordination of movement. Some children with CP have coexisting conditions, such as eyesight and hearing impairment. These disorders are brought on by brain damage and aren’t a direct result of cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy does not affect life expectancy. Based on the way in which the condition is handled, motor abilities can improve or decrease over time. While severity and symptoms vary, most individuals with this condition go on to direct a rich, fulfilling life.

shoulder pain rehab el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

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Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Hip Labral Tear Treatment | El Paso, TX. | Video

Hip Labral Tear Treatment | El Paso, TX. | Video

Hip Labral Tear: Andrew Hutchinson turned to chiropractic care and crossfit rehabilitation after suffering a high ankle sprain and a hip labrum tear for which he went through with surgery to repair it. After being bedridden for months in order to properly recover, Andrew Hutchinson transitioned to chiropractic care and crossfit rehabilitation to regain his strength, mobility and flexibility before returning to play. Although he has suffered other sports injuries, Andrew Hutchinson continues to trust in chiropractic care and crossfit rehabilitation to keep his spine properly aligned and maintain overall health and wellness.

Hip Labral Tear Treatment

Labrum tears in athletes can occur from a single event or recurring trauma. Running may cause labrum tears due to the labrum being utilized more for weight bearing and taking excess forces while at the end-range motion of the leg. Sporting activities are probable causes, specifically those that require frequent hip rotation or pivoting to a loaded femur as in ballet or hockey. Constant hip rotation places increased strain on the capsular tissue and harm to the iliofemoral ligament. This subsequently causes hip instability putting increased stress on the labrum and causing a hip labrum tear.

hip labral tear el paso tx.

We focus on what works for you. We also strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total wellness programs. These programs are natural, and use the body�s own ability to achieve goals of improvement, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs.

We want you to live a life that is fulfilled with more energy, positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight and educated on how to maintain this way of life. I have made a life of taking care of each and every one of my patients.

I assure you, I will only accept the best for you�

God Bless You & Your Health�?

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Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic: Stress Management Care & Treatments

Chiropractic Relieves Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Chiropractic Relieves Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Chiropractic Relieves: How can a body part you have probably never heard of hurt so BAD? This is a common question we hear from individuals suffering from sacroiliac joint pain.

The sacroiliac�joint is formed by the sacrum and the ilium where they meet on either side of the lower back, with the purpose of connecting the spine to the pelvis. This small joint is one of the most durable parts of the human body, and it is responsible for a big job.

chiropractic relieves

The unassuming little sacroiliac joint withstands the pressure of the upper body’s weight pushing down on it, as well as pressure from the pelvis. It’s basically the cushion between the torso and the legs. As such, it handles force from pretty much every angle.

While immensely strong and durable, this joint is not indestructible. Sacroiliac joint pain usually crops up as lower back pain, or pain in the legs or buttocks.

Weakness in these areas may also be present. The typical culprits in causing the sacroiliac joint to exhibit pain are traumatic injuries to the lower back, but more frequently develops over a longer period of time.

Sacroiliac joint pain is often misdiagnosed as soft tissue issues instead of the joint itself. Doctors may rule out other medical conditions before settling on a diagnosis that includes a sacroiliac joint problem.

If you have suffered an injury, a degenerative disease, or otherwise damaged the sacroiliac joint, there are treatments available to help manage pain, promote healing, and lessen the chances of recurrence. Here are a four helpful guidelines to assist in effectively handling sacroiliac joint pain.

chiropractic relieves

Chiropractic Relieves:

First, rest and ice the area. Avoid exaggerated movements of your lower back in order to relieve some of the body’s pressure on the sacroiliac joint. Also apply ice wrapped in a towel periodically to soothe the area and minimize the pain.

A second way to handle sacroiliac pain is with therapeutic massage. Tightness around the joint is a common cause of discomfort and pain. Professional massage serves to loosen and relax the lower back, buttocks, and leg areas, offering relief from pain.

Third, consider chiropractic and seeing a chiropractor. Chiropractic relieves pain, treatment known as adjustments, not only provides great options for pain relief but also helps promote the healing process of this joint.

A chiropractor is specifically trained to guide you through several phases of care. They don�t focus just on pain relief but are primarily interested in helping you fix the problem.

They�re also very well trained in rehabilitation of the spine. This approach will help loosen the muscles surrounding the joint as well as strengthen them. This will decrease the risk of pain returning down the road.

Finally, in very rare cases, doctors will choose to apply an injection to the area to alleviate pain and inflamed tissue. Obviously, the injection won�t fix the problem but may give the patient relief temporarily. Surgery is rarely a viable option.

If you show symptoms of sacroiliac pain, it’s important to see a Doctor of Chiropractic so he or she can perform tests to correctly diagnose your condition. It could very well be another type of lower back problem. Remember chiropractic relieves, so quit suffering and give us a call!

Pregnancy & Chiropractic Care

Hips Positioning And MRI Anatomy

Hips Positioning And MRI Anatomy

Hips Positioning & MRI Anatomy

hipsMRI may be requested for:

  • Bone tumor
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Aseptic or avascular necrosis
  • Bursitis
  • Pain

Bones & Cartilage Of The Hips

The hips joints join the legs to the trunk of the body, and are formed by the femurs and pelvic bones. The hips are ball-and-socket type joints, where the femoral head (ball) fits into the cup-shaped acetabulum (socket) of the pelvis (Figure 1). When compared to the shoulder, which is also a ball-and-socket joint, the acetabulum is a deeper socket, and encompasses a greater area of the ball, or femoral head. This accommodation is necessary to provide stability for the hip, as it is a major weight-bearing joint, and one of the largest joints in the body. When not weight-bearing, the ball and socket of the hip joint are not perfectly fitted. However, as the hip joint bears more weight, the surface area contact increases, and the joint becomes more stable. When in a standing position, the body�s center of gravity passes through the center of the acetabula. While walking, weight-bearing stresses on the hips can be five times a person�s body weight. Healthy hips can support your weight and allow for pain-free movement. Hip injuries or disease can cause changes that affect your gait, as well as changes that affect the ability of the hips to distribute weight bearing. Abnormal stress is then placed on the joints that are above and below the hips.


The three fused hips or innominate bones that form the acetabulum include the ilium, pubis, and ischium. The ilium forms the superior aspect, the pubis forms the inferior and anterior aspect, and the ischium forms the inferior and posterior aspect. The depth of the acetabulum socket is further increased by the attached fibrocartilaginous labrum (Figure 2). In addition to providing stability to the hip joint, the labrum allows flexibility and motion. Hip joint stability can be hampered by injuries resulting from playing sports, running, overuse, or falling, as well as by disease or tumor. MRI of the hips may be ordered to assess the joint(s) for internal derangement, fracture, or degenerative joint disease. A blow to the hip joint or a fall can result in dislocation of the hip, or a hip fracture. Osteoporosis or low bone density can also lead to hip fractures. Successful prevention and/or treatment of osteoporosis may be achieved through nutrition (adequate amounts of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus), exercise, safety measures, and medications.



Articular cartilage covers the femoral head and the acetabulum (Figure 3). This cartilage is thin but tough, flexible, smooth and slippery, with a rubbery consistency. It absorbs shock, and allows the bones to move against each other easily and without pain. It is kept lubricated by synovial fluid, which is made in the synovial membrane (joint lining). Synovial fluid is both viscous and sticky. This fluid is what allows us to flex our joints under great pressure without wear. The articular cartilage of the hip is typically about � inch thick, except in the posterior aspect of the hip socket (Figure 4). Here, the cartilage is thicker, as this area absorbs most of the force during walking, running, and jumping. MRI of the hip joint can detect problems involving both the articular cartilage and the fibrocartilaginous ring, or labrum. Cartilage has minimal blood vessels, so it is not good at repairing itself. Fraying, fissuring, and other abnormalities or defects of the cartilage can lead to arthritis in the hip joint. Contrast can be directly injected in the hip joint for a detailed look at the cartilage and labrum.


The femurs are the longest bones in the body, with large round heads that rotate and glide within the acetabula of the pelvis. The femoral head is particularly subject to pathologic changes if there is any significant alteration of blood supply (avascular necrosis). The femoral neck connects the head of the femur to the shaft. The neck ends at the greater and lesser trochanters, which are sites of muscle and tendon attachments. A disease characterized by an inadequate blood supply to the femoral head is Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, also known as LCP or simply Perthes disease. This is a degenerative disease of the hip joint that affects children, most commonly seen in boys ages two through twelve. One of the growth plates of the femoral head, the capital femoral epiphysis, is inside the joint capsule of the hip. Blood vessels that feed this epiphysis run along the side of the femoral neck, and are in danger of being torn or �pinched off� if the growth plate is damaged. This can result in a loss of blood supply to the epiphysis, leading to a deformity of the femoral head (Figure 5). The femoral head may become unstable and break easily, which can lead to incorrect healing and deformities of the entire hip joint (Figure 6). Treatment of Perthes disease is centered on the goal of returning the femoral head to a normal shape. Surgical and non-surgical treatments are used, based on the idea of �containment�- holding the femoral head in the acetabulum as much as possible, while still allowing motion of the hip joint for cartilage nutrition and healthy growth of the joint.



High level athletes and active individuals may be susceptible to a hip condition known as Femoro-Acetabular Impingement, or FAI. FAI is characterized by excessive friction in the hip joint. The femoral head and acetabulum rub abnormally, and can create damage to the articular or labral cartilage. FAI is also associated with labral tears, early hip arthritis, hyperlaxity and low back pain. FAI generally occurs in two forms: Cam and Pincer. The Cam form results in abnormal contact between the femoral head and the socket of the hip because the femoral head and neck relationship is aspherical (Figure 7). Males and those involved in significant contact sports typically display Cam impingement. Pincer impingement occurs when the acetabulum covers too much of the femoral head, resulting in the labral cartilage being pinched between the rim of the socket and the anterior femoral head-neck junction (Figure 8). Pincer impingement may be more common in women. Typically, these two forms exist together, and are labeled as �mixed impingement� (Figure 9).



Ewing�s sarcoma is a malignant bone tumor that may affect the pelvis and/or femur, thereby also affecting the stability of the hips. Like Perthes disease, Ewing�s sarcoma is more common in males, typically presenting in childhood or early adulthood. MRI is routinely used in the work-up of these malignant tumors to show bony and soft tissue extent of the tumor, and its relation to nearby anatomic structures (Figure 10). Contrast may be used to help determine the amount of necrosis within the tumor, which aids in determining the response to treatment before surgery.



Figure 10. MRI demonstrating Ewing�s sarcoma.

Ligaments Of The Hips

Hip stability is further increased by three strong ligaments that encompass the hip joint and form the joint capsule. These ligaments connect the femoral head to the acetabulum, with names suggestive of the bones they connect. They include the pubofemoral and iliofemoral ligaments anteriorly, and the ischiofemoral ligament posteriorly (Figure 11). The iliofemoral ligament is the strongest ligament in the body. However, sports and overuse can still result in sprains of these sturdy ligaments of the joint capsules of the hips. A smaller ligament, the ligamentum teres, is an intracapsular ligament that connects the tip of the femoral head to the acetabulum (Figure 12). A small artery within this ligament brings some of the blood supply to the femoral head. Damage to the ligamentum teres, and its enclosed artery, can result in avascular necrosis.



Muscles & Tendons Of The Hips

The muscles of the thigh and lower back work together to keep the hip stable, in alignment, and able to move. The hip gains stability because the hip muscles do not attach right at the joint. Hip muscles allow the movements of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and medial and lateral rotation. To better understand the functions of the muscles surrounding the hip, they can be divided into groups based on their locations- anterior, posterior, and medial.

The anterior thigh muscles are the main hip flexors, and are located anterior to the hip joint. Seventy percent of the thigh�s muscle mass is made up of the quadriceps femoris muscle, so named because it arises from four muscle heads- the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and vastus lateralis (Figures 13, 14). The rectus femoris is the only one of the �quad� muscles to cross the hip joint. The sartorius muscle is found anterior to the quadriceps, and also serves as an abductor and lateral rotator of the hip. The most powerful of the anterior thigh hip flexors is the iliopsoas, which originates in the low back and pelvis and attaches at the lesser trochanter.



Posterior hip muscles include those of both the thigh and gluteal regions. The posterior thigh muscles are also known as the hamstrings- semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris (Figure 15). These muscles originate at the inferior pelvis, and are the extensors for the hip. They are active in normal walking motions. When the hamstrings are �tight�, they limit hip flexion when the knee joint is extended (bending forward from the waist with knees straight), and can limit lumbar movement, leading to back pain. The gluteal muscles include the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, six deep muscles that serve as lateral rotators, and the tensor fasciae latae. The three gluteals and the anterior sartorius muscle are all involved in abduction. The gluteus maximus is the main hip extensor, and is the most superficial of the gluteal muscles. It is involved in running and walking uphill, and assists with normal tone of the iliotibial band, which lies lateral to it. The gluteus medius and minimus both insert at the greater trochanter of the femur. The minimus is the deepest of the three gluteal muscles. Anterior to the gluteus minimus is the tensor fasciae latae muscle. It is a flexor and medial rotator of the hip, originating from the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and inserting on the iliotibial band. The term �tensor fasciae latae� defines this muscle�s job- �muscle that stretches the band on the side�. This muscle helps the iliopsoas, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus muscles during flexion, abduction and medial rotation of the thigh by making the iliotibial band taut, thereby steadying the trunk and stabilizing the hip (Figure 16). The iliotibial band or tract is not a muscle, but a thickened, fibrous band of deep fascia, or connective tissue. It is found at the lateral aspect of the thigh, and runs from the ilium to the tibia. It encloses the muscles and helps with lateral stabilization of the knee joint, as well as helping to maintain both hip and knee extension. Tightening of the iliotibial (IT) band typically causes more problems at the knee as opposed to the hip, but hip pain can result from the IT band rubbing as it passes over the greater trochanter.


The medial thigh (groin) muscles include five muscles of adduction, and one lateral rotator (Figures 17, 18). The lone lateral rotator is the obturator externus, which covers the external surface of the obturator foramen in the deep upper medial thigh. The adductors include the gracilis, the pectineus, and the adductor brevis, longus and magnus. The gracilis is the longest adductor, extending from the medial inferior aspect of the pubic bone, to the medial aspect of the tibia. The adductor magnus is the most massive of the medial muscles of the thigh.



The tendons and muscles of the hips are very powerful and create great forces, making them prone to inflammation and irritation. Tendonitis of the hip can result from repetitive movements involving the soft tissues surrounding the hip joint. Overuse of the hip joint in fitness workouts can lead to tendonitis. Tendons lose their elasticity as we age, resulting in swelling and irritation when the tendons are no longer �gliding� on their normal paths. Iliopsoas tendonitis plays a major role in snapping hip syndrome, or dancer�s hip. A snapping sensation when the hip is flexed and extended may be accompanied by an audible snapping or popping noise, as well as pain. This can be both an extra-articular and an intra-articular occurrence. Extra-articular snapping is often found in those patients with a leg length difference (the longer leg is symptomatic), those with tightness of the iliotibial band on the involved side, and those with weak hip abductors and external rotators. Lateral extra-articular snapping can be caused by the iliotibial band, tensor fascia latae or gluteus medius tendon as they slide back and forth across the greater trochanter (Figure 19). If any of these connective tissue bands thickens, they can �catch� on the greater trochanter during the motion of hip extension, thereby creating the �snapping� sensation and sound. Medial extra-articular snapping, which is less common, can occur when the iliopsoas tendon catches on the anterior inferior iliac spine, lesser trochanter, or iliopectineal ridge during hip extension. Intra-articular snapping hip syndrome is similar in many ways to the extra-articular type, but often involves an underlying mechanical problem in the lower extremity, and more intense pain. Intra-articular snapping may be indicative of a torn acetabular labrum, recurrent hip subluxation, a tear of the ligamentum teres, loose bodies, articular cartilage damage, or synovial chondromatosis (cartilage formations in the synovial membrane of the joint). Snapping hip syndrome is usually found in those ages 15-40, often in those in training for the military. It can also affect athletes, especially those involved in dance, gymnastics, soccer, and track and field. These athletes will all be performing repeated hip flexions, which can lead to tendonitis in the hip area. The repetitive motions of those involved in weightlifting and running generally lead to a thickening of the tendons in the hip region, rather than snapping hip syndrome. Prevention, or at least a lessening, of this syndrome may be found with increased stretching of the iliopsosas muscle or the iliotibial band. Surgery is usually not required, unless intra-articular pathology is present.



Figure 19. Hip muscles.

Tendon or muscle strains can occur suddenly, as in sports injuries, or they can develop over time, with symptoms including pain, swelling, muscle spasms, and difficulty moving certain muscles. MRI can be used to detect tendon and muscle tears and strains, as well as bone tumors and infection. MRI has shown good accuracy for the diagnosis of tears of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus tendons, which are both abductor tendons of the hip. An association was found between these tears and areas of high signal intensity superior or lateral to the greater trochanter on T2-weighted images, tendon elongation in the gluteus medius, and tendon discontinuity (Figure 20). STIR and fat-suppressed T2-weighted coronal images are very sensitive for detection of areas of high signal intensity superior to the greater trochanter. Coronal T1-weighted images demonstrate tendon elongation in the gluteus medius (Figure 21). Axial images may prove superior for localizing involvement to individual abductor tendons and confirming tendon discontinuity (Figure 22). Tears of the abductor tendons may be the leading cause of greater trochanteric pain syndrome.


Figure 20. Sag. T2 shows high signal intensity superior to greater trochanter (gt) corresponding to swollen bursa (*).


Figure 21. Coronal STIR shows high signal intensity superior to greater trochanter in bursa (*) between gluteus medius (me) and gluteus minimus (mi) tendons.


Figure 22. Axial T2 shows high signal intensity corresponding to fluid replacing distal rt. gluteus medius tendon (black arrow); normal left tendon (white arrow).

Nerves Of The Hips

The nerves of the hip supply the various muscles in the hip area. The major nerves include the femoral, obturator, and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves anteriorly, and the large sciatic nerve posteriorly (Figure 23). The femoral nerve innervates the quadriceps femoris and sartorius, and is the sensory nerve to the anterior thigh. Trauma to this nerve usually occurs in the pelvis, as it passes through or near the psoas muscle. The obturator nerve passes along the lateral pelvic wall and through the obturator foramen, then splits into branches that supply the adductor muscle group. This nerve can also be subject to trauma in the pelvis due to its passage through the obturator foramen. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is a sensory nerve that travels along the anterolateral aspect of the thigh. It supplies sensation to the skin surface of the thigh. This is the single nerve involved in a painful condition called meralgia paresthetica, which is characterized by tingling, numbness, and burning pain in the outer part of the thigh. Meralgia paresthetica results from focal entrapment of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve as it passes through the tunnel formed by the lateral attachment of the inguinal ligament and the ASIS. The posterior sciatic nerve passes deep to the gluteus maximus into the posterior thigh, where it innervates the hamstring muscles, on its way down to the lower leg and foot. The sciatic nerve is approximately as big around as the thumb, and is the largest single nerve in the human body. It can be injured in cases of posterior hip dislocation. Pressure on this nerve can cause nerve pain, numbness, tingling and weakness (sciatica symptoms) in the buttocks, leg, or foot, depending on the site of origin of the sciatic nerve compression.


Figure 23. Anterior and posterior views of the nerves of the hip.

Arteries & Veins Of The Hips

The arterial blood vessels that supply the hips are branches of the internal and external iliacs. The internal iliac artery gives off the superior and inferior gluteals, and the obturator artery. The inferior gluteal flows to the posterior aspect of the hip joint and proximal femur, where it joins a branch of the femoral artery. The obturator artery runs through the obturator foramen, and sends its acetabular branch to the ligamentum teres as part of the blood supply to the femoral head. The external iliac becomes the femoral artery, which has numerous branches that supply the hip and proximal femur. The largest femoral branch is the profunda femoris, which branches superiorly into the medial and lateral circumflex femorals (Figure 24). The circumflex femorals and the inferior gluteal artery contribute to the anastomoses to supply the femoral head, femoral neck, and the hip joint. The medial circumflex also has an acetabular branch to the ligamentum teres. Congenital anomalies in the hip anastomoses, degenerative processes, and trauma can all compromise the blood supply to the hip joint area.


Figure 24. Anterior and posterior views of the arteries of the hip.

Venous flow in the hip and proximal femur typically follows the arterial flow, including the same names for the vessels. The deep veins of the hip and thigh can be the origination of a deep vein thrombosis, which can result in a pulmonary embolus. This can be caused by immobility after hip surgery, sitting in cars or airplanes for extended trips, being overweight, or slow or low blood flow. These blood clots can break off, travel through the larger veins of the thigh and hip, continue through the heart, and become lodged in the smaller vessels of the lung. MRI is being used more frequently to diagnose this very serious condition.

Bursae Of The Hips

The hip joint is surrounded by bursae, similar to the shoulder. These fluid-filled sacs are lined with a synovial membrane, which produces synovial fluid. Their function is to lessen the friction between tendon and bone, ligament and bone, tendons and ligaments, and between muscles. There may be as many as 20 bursae around the hip. If they become infected or inflamed, the result is a painful condition called bursitis. Common hip bursae that may become inflamed include the greater trochanteric bursa, the iliopsoas bursa, and the ischial bursa (Figure 25). The greater trochanteric bursa is sandwiched between the greater trochanter of the femur, and the muscles and tendons that cross over it. If this bursal sac becomes inflamed, patients experience pain with every step they take, as each step requires the tendon to move over the femur at the hip joint. A tight iliotibial band can also cause irritation of the greater trochanteric bursa. Iliopsoas bursitis can result from irritation of the bursa found between the hip joint and the iliopsoas muscle that passes in front of it. Another common site for bursitis is the ischial bursa, which acts as a lubricating pad between tendons and the ischial tuberosity, which is the bony prominence of the pelvis that you sit on. The ischial bursa acts to prevent destruction of the tendons as they move over the ischial tuberosity. Prolonged sitting can cause ischial bursitis. Inflammation around the ischial tuberosity can irritate the sciatic nerve, and trigger symptoms similar to sciatica. Hip bursitis is seen in runners and athletes in sports that involve excessive running (soccer, football, etc.). It can also be caused by an injury (traumatic bursitis), and is seen in post-op hip replacement and hip surgery patients. Treatment for hip bursitis typically includes rest, anti-inflammatory medications, and ice. It may become necessary to aspirate the bursa, which can be combined with a cortisone injection. MRI may be needed if the diagnosis is unclear, or if the problem does not resolve with normal treatments.


Figure 25. Bursae of the hip.


Axial Scans

When positioning unilateral axial slices for the hip, a coronal image can be used to ensure inclusion of all pertinent anatomy. The slices should extend superiorly to include the entire femoral head and acetabulum, and inferiorly to include anatomy below the lesser trochanter. The slices should be aligned perpendicular to the shaft of the femur, as seen in the coronal image in Figure 39.


Figure 39. Axial slice setup using sagittal and coronal images.

For bilateral axial hip slice setup, parameters may have to be altered to maintain adequate resolution with the larger FOV that is required (Figure 40). The slice group may require angulation to maintain alignment of the femoral heads on the resultant images.


Figure 40. Bilateral axial slice setup using a coronal image.

Coronal Scans

Coronal slices of the hip should cover the area from the posterior margin to the anterior margin of the femoral head. The area from the proximal margin of the femoral shaft to the greater sciatic notch should be included in the image (Figure 41). Slices may be angled so that they are parallel to the femoral neck. Thinner slices may be requested for coronal scanning.


Figure 41. Coronal slice setup using axial and sagittal images.

Sagittal Scans

Sagittal slices of the hip should extend past the greater trochanter laterally, and through the acetabulum medially. The slices should be aligned along the long axis of the femur, and perpendicular to the coronal slices, as seen in the coronal image in Figure 42. Two different slice groups will be necessary when performing bilateral sagittal scans.


Figure 42. Sagittal slice setup using coronal and axial images.

Hips Arthrography

MR hip arthrography is often times referred to as the gold standard for assessment of the labrum of the hip. The most clinically significant abnormal findings that result from hip arthrography are labral detachments and tears. Detachment of the labrum, which is more common than a labral tear, can be diagnosed from the appearance of the injected contrast at the acetabular-labral interface (Figure 43). A labral tear can result in injected contrast appearing within the substance of the labrum (Figure 44). Contrast injection is necessary to differentiate torn or detached labra from other pathologic conditions, which may have separate signal intensities. The sensitivity and accuracy for the diagnosis of labral tears and detachment with MR arthrography vs. nonarthrographic MR is 90%. Hip arthrography with MR can also depict intrarticular loose bodies, osteochondral abnormalities, and abnormalities of soft-tissue structures.

Hip arthrography can be performed under fluoro in the x-ray dept., with the patient being moved to the MRI dept. for further imaging, or the entire procedure can be performed in the MRI suite, if MR compatible supplies are available for interventional techniques. The patient should be securely positioned with the hips in internal rotation.

T1-weighted imaging is performed post-contrast to visualize the high signal of the intraarticular contrast. T1 gradient echo sequences offer the benefits of thin sections, elimination of partial volume averaging, and increased detection of small tears. Fatsat sequences are helpful in increasing the contrast between the injected contrast and the adjacent soft tissue. STIR or fatsat T2 sequences performed in the coronal plane may help to detect unsuspected pathologic conditions in the soft tissue and adjacent osseous structures.

Post-contrast axial oblique images have been shown to optimize the detection of the most common sports-related acetabular labral tears, which are anterior or anterosuperior in location. Using a mid-coronal localizer, the axial oblique slices should be prescribed parallel to the long axis of the femoral neck.


Figure 43. Labral detachment as seen in a fat-suppressed T1-wtd. sag. image; arrowheads indicate involvement of anterior and anterosuperior labrum.


Figure 44. Labral tear as seen in a T1-wtd. image; arrowheads indicate enlarged labrum; short arrow indicates linear intralabral collection of contrast material; long arrow indicates communication between the joint and the iliopsoas bursa.


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References Anatomy Pics:

Figures 1, 5, 6, 24-

Figures 2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 23, 25-

Figure 4-

Figures 7, 8, 9-

Figure 10-

Figure 13-

Figure 17-

Figure 19-

Figures 20-22-

Figure 43, 44-

Figure 45-

Figures 46-48-

Figure 49-

Figure 50-

Figures 51, 52-

Figures 53, 54-

Figure 55-

Figure 56-

Figure 57-

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Figure 59-

Figure 60-

Figure 61-

Figure 62-

Figure 63-

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Figure 82-

Figure 83-

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Figure 86-

Figure 87-

Figure 88-

Figure 89-

Figure 90-

Figure 91-

Figure 92-

Figure 93-

Figure 94-

Figure 95-

Figures 96, 97-

Figures 98-101-–Ligaments.aspx

Figure 102-

Figure 103-

Figures 104, 105-

Figure 106-

Figure 107-

Figure 108-

Figure 109-

Figure 110-

Figure 111-

Figure 112-

Figures 113, 115, 157-159-

Figure 114-

Figure 116-

Figure 117-

Figures 118-120-

Figure 121-

Figure 122-

Figure 143-

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Figure 146-

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Figure 148-

Figures 149, 152-

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Figure 153-

Figure 154-

Figure 155-

Figure 156-

Figure 181-

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Figure 183-

Figures 184, 186-

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Figures 187, 227-

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Figure 192-

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Figure 221-

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Figure 228-

Figure 229-

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Figure 231-

Figure 232-

Figures 233, 234-

Figure 235-

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Figure 237-

Figure 238-

Figure 239-

Figure 240-

Figure 241-

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Get A Deep Piriformis Stretch For Sciatica, Hip & Lower Back Pain

Get A Deep Piriformis Stretch For Sciatica, Hip & Lower Back Pain

Many people suffer from lower back pain that spreads downward to the limbs and feet. This can often be alleviated by doing a deep piriformis stretch � a stretch that releases tight piriformis muscles, and relaxes the sciatic nerve.

Constriction of the piriformis muscle can irritate the sciatic nerve because they lay in close proximity to each other. By irritating the sciatic nerve, the result is pain (either in the lower back or thigh), numbness and tingling along the back of the leg and into the foot.

What Is The Piriformis?

The piriformis muscle is a small muscle located deep in the buttock, behind the gluteus maximus. It connects the spine to the top of the femur and allows incredible flexibility in the hip region (it�s the main muscle that allows for outward movement of the hip, upper leg and foot from the body).

The sciatic nerve passes underneath this muscle on its route to the posterior thigh. However, in some individuals, the sciatic nerve can actually pass right through the muscle, leading to sciatica symptoms caused by a condition known as piriformis syndrome.

Unfortunately, for a lot of individuals, their sciatic nerve passes through the piriformis muscle, leaving them with pain that just won�t go away (as well as poor mobility and balance).

Causes Of Piriformis Syndrome

The exact causes of piriformis syndrome are unknown. The truth is, is that many medical professionals can�t determine a cause, so they cannot really diagnose it. Even with modern imaging techniques, the piriformis is difficult to identify.

Lower back pain caused by an impinged piriformis muscle accounts for 6-8% of those experiencing back pain (1).

Suspected causes of piriformis syndrome include (2):

� Tightening of the muscle, in response to injury or spasm � Swelling of the piriformis muscle, due to injury or spasm � Irritation in the piriformis muscle itself � Irritation of a nearby structure such as the sacroiliac joint or hip � Bleeding in the area of the piriformis muscle

Any one of the above can affect the piriformis muscle, as well as the adjacent sciatic nerve.

Also, a misaligned or inflamed piriformis can cause difficult and pain while sitting and when changing positions (from sitting to standing). I actually stretched too far in a yoga pose once, and irritated my piriformis muscle � this took about 1-2 years to fully heal. I had major pain while sitting, and when changing positions from sitting to standing. I remember it being a huge pain in the butt (pardon the bun), but I just stuck with stretching and trigger point release and eventually it went away.

10 Deep Piriformis Stretches

These piriformis stretches are great for alleviating pain and a triggered sciatic nerve.

It is important to note, too, that over-stretching can actually make the condition worse. Light, gentle stretching is best. �No pain, no gain� does NOT apply here. I over-stretched my piriformis and that�s what made it inflamed for 1-2 years (because I was still doing yoga daily, and over-doing it in stretches).

Make sure you warm up your muscles before you stretch, because you can create a different injury. To warm up, simply walk or march in place or climb up and down a flight of stairs slowly for a few minutes before stretching.

Exercising and stretching the piriformis is well worth it � try it now with these 10 stretches:

1. Supine Piriformis Stretch

1. Lie on your back with your legs flat.
2. Pull the affected leg toward the chest, holding the knee with the hand on the same side of the body and grabbing the ankle with the other hand.
3. Pull the knee towards the opposite shoulder�until stretch is felt.
4. Hold for 30 seconds, then slowly return to starting position.

There are many variations of this stretch, but here is a good video to demonstrate:


2. Standing Piriformis Stretch

1. If you have trouble balancing, stand with your back against a wall, and walk your feet forward 24 inches. Position your knees over your ankles, then lower your hips 45 degrees toward the floor.
2. Lift your right foot off the ground and place the outside of your right ankle on your left knee.
3. Lean forward and lower your chest toward your knees while keeping your back straight. 4. Stop when you feel the glute stretch. 5. Hold for 30-60 seconds, then switch legs and do the same.


3. Outer Hip Piriformis Stretch

1. Lie on your back and bend the right knee.
2. Use the left hand to pull the knee over to the left side. Keep your back on the ground, and as you do so, you should feel the stretch in the hip and buttocks.
3. Hold for 20-30 seconds, and repeat on the other side.

4. Long Adductor (Groin) Stretch

1. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs straight out, as far apart as you can.
2. Tilt your upper body slightly forward at the hips and place your hands next to each other on the floor.
3. Lean forward and drop your elbows to the floor if you can. You will feel the pelvis stretching.
4. Hold for 10-20 seconds, and release.


5. Short Adductor (Inner Thigh) Stretch

1. For this exercise, sit on the floor and put the soles of your feet together.
2. Use your elbows to apply downward pressure to your knees to increase the stretch.
3. You should feel the stretch on the inner thighs. For a deeper stretch, bend your upper torso forward with a straight back.
4. Hold for 30 seconds, release, and flutter your legs in the same position for 30 seconds.


6. Side Lying Clam Exercise

1. Lay on your side with the hip that needs help on top.
2. Bend your knees and position them forward so that your feet are in line with your spine. 3. Make sure your top hip is directly on top of the other and your back is straight.
4. Keeping your ankles together, raise the top knee away from the bottom one. Do not move your back or tilt your pelvis while doing so, otherwise the movement is not coming from your hip.
5. Slowly return the knee to the starting position. Repeat 15 times.


7. Hip Extension Exercise

1. Position yourself on all fours with your shoulders directly over your hands. Shift your weight a little off the leg to be worked.
2. Keeping the knee bent, raise the knee off the floor so that the sole of the foot moves towards the ceiling.
3. Slowly lower the leg, almost back to the starting position and repeat 15 times.


8. Supine Piriformis Side Stretch

1. Lie on the floor with the legs flat, and raise the affected leg by placing that foot on the floor outside the opposite knee.
2. Pull the knee of the bent leg directly across the midline of the body using the opposite hand or towel until a stretch is felt. Do not force anything and be gentle.
3. Hold the piriformis stretch for 30 seconds, then return to starting position and switch legs.
4. Aim for a total of 3 repetitions.


9. Buttocks Stretch for the Piriformis Muscle

1. Laying with your stomach on the ground, place the affected foot across and underneath the trunk of the body so that the affected knee is on the outside.
2. Extend the non-affected leg straight back behind the body and keep the pelvis straight. 3. Keeping the affected leg in place, move your hips back toward the floor and lean forward on the forearms until a deep stretch it felt.
4. Hold for 30 seconds, and then slowly return to starting position. Aim for a total of 3 stretches.


10. Seated Stretch

1. In seated position, cross your right leg over your left knee.
2. Bend slightly forward, making sure to keep your back straight.
3. Hold for 3-60 seconds and repeat on the other side.


Trigger Points &�The Piriformis Muscle

There are many other natural and highly effective remedies for sciatic nerve pain. Trigger point therapy is one of them, and truly one of the best.

According to Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual, written by doctors Janet Travell and David Simons, myofascial trigger points (tiny knot contractions) in overworked gluteus minimus and piriformis muscles in the buttocks are the main cause of sciatica and all the symptoms that come with it.

Picking up a copy of the book, or even following instruction in the video below can help release these knot contractions.


Recovering at Home After Knee or Hip Replacement Surgery

Recovering at Home After Knee or Hip Replacement Surgery

Patients who go straight home from the hospital following hip or knee replacement surgery recover as well as, or better than, those who first go to a rehabilitation center, new research indicates.

And that includes those who live alone without family or friends, one of three studies shows.

“We can say with confidence that recovering independently at home does not put patients at increased risk for complications or hardship, and the vast majority of patients were satisfied,” said that study’s co-author, Dr. William Hozack. He is an orthopaedic surgery professor with the Rothman Institute at the Thomas Jefferson University Medical School in Philadelphia.

Hozack noted that while in the past it was “not uncommon for patients to enter a rehabilitation facility in order to receive additional physical therapy,” most patients today do not end up going to a secondary facility. In fact, roughly 90 percent of Hozack’s joint replacement patients are discharged directly home following surgery, he said. “Considerable evidence has now shown that most patients do just as well at home,” he noted.

Hozack and his colleagues are scheduled to present their findings in San Diego at a meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).

Home Recovery Following Surgery

Two other studies being presented at the meeting also found that recovering at home may be the better option.

One study found that patients who are discharged directly home following a total knee replacement face a lower risk for complications and hospital readmission than those who first go to an inpatient rehab facility. The study was led by Dr. Alexander McLawhorn, an orthopaedic hip and knee surgeon at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City.

McLawhorn was also part of a second Hospital for Special Surgery study, led by Michael Fu. That study found that hip replacement patients admitted to an inpatient facility rather than being sent home faced a higher risk for respiratory, wound and urinary complications, and a higher risk for hospital readmission and death.

Dr. Claudette Lajam is chief orthopaedic safety officer with NYU Langone Orthopaedics in New York City. She was not involved with the studies, but agrees that home recovery is the best option for most patients.

“The home setting is the single best way to get people back into their routines as quickly as possible after surgery,” she said. “In some cases, this cannot be done,” Lajam acknowledged. “Some patients live in settings that are inaccessible, [such as] a 5th-floor walk-up apartment where the patient would need to go downstairs to let the visiting nurse and therapist in the door.” For some patients, anxiety about the recovery process could also pose a challenge, she added. But “being in an institutional setting after surgery only reinforces the idea that the patient is ‘sick,’ ” Lajam added. “We have learned that this type of thinking slows down recovery. We want our total joint patients to start using their new joints as quickly as possible, and staying in bed at a nursing facility is not the way to do this.”

Hozack and his colleagues set out to see whether patients who live alone fare as well as those who live with others. All 769 patients enrolled in the study by Hozack’s team went home following either a total hip replacement or a total knee replacement. Of those, 138 lived alone (about 18 percent). Once home, all were assessed on multiple levels, including functionality (ability to move); pain levels; hospital readmissions; emergency department visits; unscheduled doctor visits; dependency on assisted-walking devices; and time before returning to work or being able to drive again.

Hozack’s team observed no differences by any measure. And while those who lived with others indicated relatively higher satisfaction levels at the two-week mark, by the three-month point there was no appreciable difference between the two groups.

“We feel that giving patients back their independence early on is the best way to promote a safe and effective recovery,” said Hozack. His team concluded that single-household patients who go straight home can expect to fare as well as those who have live-in support.

A recent Mayo Clinic study calculated that between 2000 and 2010, the number of Americans who underwent hip replacement surgery more than doubled, rising from just under 140,000 to more than 310,000 per year.

Meanwhile, AAOS figures indicate that in 2010 more than 650,000 knee replacement procedures were performed, with about 90 percent involving total knee replacement. AAOS estimates from 2014 show that 4.7 million Americans now live with an artificial knee and 2.5 million have an artificial hip.

Findings presented at meetings should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.

SOURCES: William J. Hozack, M.D., professor of orthopaedic surgery, Rothman Institute, Thomas Jefferson University Medical School, Philadelphia; Claudette Lajam, M.D. assistant professor and chief orthopedic safety officer, NYU Langone Orthopedics, New York City; March 14-18, 2017 presentations, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons meeting, San Diego

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900

Additional Topics: What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective, alternative treatment option utilized to diagnose, treat and prevent a variety of injuries and conditions associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous system. A chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic, commonly uses spinal adjustments or manual manipulations to help correct the spine and it’s surrounding structures, improving and maintaining the patient’s strength, mobility and flexibility.


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