Back Clinic Headaches & Treatment Team. The most common cause of headaches can relate to neck complications. From spending excessive time looking down at a laptop, desktop, iPad, and even from constant texting, an incorrect posture for extended periods of time can begin to place pressure on the neck and upper back, leading to problems that could cause headaches. The majority of these types of headaches occur due to tightness between the shoulder blades, which in turn causes the muscles on the top of the shoulders to tighten and radiating pain into the head.
If the source of the headaches is related to a complication of the cervical spine or other regions of the spine and muscles, chiropractic care, such as chiropractic adjustments, manual manipulation, and physical therapy, can be a good treatment option. Also, a chiropractor may often follow up chiropractic treatment with a series of exercises to improve posture and offer advice for future lifestyle improvements to avoid further complications.
The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic therapy is a specialization within the field of chiropractic. It’s widely recognized as a safe and effective form of treatment which helps restore the natural integrity of the body. This technique aids to re-activate the body’s natural healing abilities.
The atlas is the top, upper vertebrae of the spine in which the head sits on, connecting the skull and the spine. Orthogonal means at right angles, or square. The atlas must be leveled, or square, on the cervical spine, or neck, and the head must be square, or leveled on the atlas.
If the atlas becomes misaligned, or subluxated, it can cause the head to tilt. As a result of the altered posture, the body will instinctively try to straighten the head up by compensating the posture of the spine while also trying to maintain the proper center of gravity on the body. This however, can create on the spine, adding stress throughout the shoulders, the pelvis, the hips, the knees, and the ankles.
Subluxations, or misalignments, can ultimately be deceiving. People often report experiencing symptoms of pain and discomfort along their back, shoulders, arms and legs while the source of their symptoms often originates along the cervical spine or neck.
The Atlas Vertebral Segment
Specialty of the Atlas Orthogonal
The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic therapy involves gentler adjustment techniques than traditional chiropractic adjustments, where no intense manipulations are required. The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic technique utilizes an adjusting instrument developed by Dr. Roy W. Sweat with the aid of engineers at Georgia Tech University. The precision of the Atlas Orthogonal Instrument allows for an adjustment with specifically gentle pressure, one which differs from general chiropractic manipulations.
Atlas Orthogonal recognizes the whole influence that the health of the upper cervical spine has on overall structure and function. It is now believed that input into the brain from the spinal buildings is the primary impact on health which chiropractic helps.
This input is what seems to balance specific manual pressure input, through high velocity. This impact is perhaps greatest at the occipito-atlanto-axial joint complex. That’s, the occiput, or base of the skull, on the atlas, which comes in contact with the second vertebra in the cervical spine, or the axis. When the atlas is subluxated, misaligned or shifted, adversely affecting the nerves, further complications may develop.
How the Atlas Orthogonal Instrument Works
Dr Sweat used traditional chiropractic adjustments and manual manipulations to treat patients for over 20 years. He then began using Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic techniques, specializing on correcting spinal issues with a precision adjustment instrument. Utilizing such an instrument eliminated many of the existing variables associated with hand contacts and thrust variation in treatment.
Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic therapy efficiently corrects issues which affect the normal range of motion of the vertebrae by producing a voluntary muscular contraction in comparison to manual manipulations which, by definition, take the joint, or several joints, beyond its present range of motion.
After several prototypes created throughout the years, the instrument nowadays is made from a metallic density, activated with a solenoid, or a magnetically influenced stylus which transfers to the conclusion in contact with all the skin’s surface. The pressure produced on the skin is as little as 3 pounds. The movement of the atlas bone has been verified through radiographic studies or X-rays.
Assorted Benefits of the Atlas Orthogonal
Recent studies demonstrate this phenomenon of leg duration inequality (LLI) might be engaged in spinal discomfort syndromes. The patient lies on their straight back, the healthcare professional’s contact with all the legs and feet is reserved to a minimum, while the variation in leg-length is measured. When the patient rests after each adjustment, this can be measured again, and also the chiropractor evaluates exactly what the change means.
The Atlas Orthogonal specialist contacts the soft-tissue overlying the factors of exit of the correct and left C 1 and C2 nerves and tissue compliance, irritation and tenderness. The four points are then rated from 0 to 3, with 3 being the most severe. There should be some instant improvement in the palpation after adjustment.
If more objectivity is needed, the more accepted method of algometry, or use of an epidermis pressure instrument, over the neck can elicit the same result. Instruments are being developed in the USA to supply goal measurement-based on tissue compliance.
Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic techniques ultimately can help relieve asthma, headaches, migraines, dizziness, arthritis, fibromyalgia, poor posture, trigeminal neuralgia, arm/leg pain, autism, allergies, neck/ back pain, carpel-tunnel, herniated disc, and stress, among others.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Cervicogenic Headache and Chiropractic
Neck pain associated with whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident are reportedly the most prevalent cause for discomfort along the cervical spine. The sheer force of an impact from a rear-end car crash or other traffic incident can cause injuries or aggravate a previously existing condition. While neck pain is commonly the result of damage to the complex structures of the neck, cervicogenic headaches may also result due to neck issues. Chiropractic care can help carefully restore the alignment of the cervical spine to relieve headaches and neck pain.
Should you have occasional headaches which can be mild in nature, you probably have tension headaches. On the other extreme, in the event that you’ve intense headaches with pounding pain you are incapacitated by that, it is probably a migraine diagnosis.
It’s hard to be sure what kind of headache it’s if your headache is moderate, as well as your headache diagnosis may be more complex. You as well as your doctor may need some time to know in case your headache that is moderate is a symptom of another health condition, a strong tension headache, or a mild migraine.
Symptoms of Head Pain
Headaches are caused by another illness, plus they disappear when that illness goes away. They often accompany colds, the flu, and injuries. By producing a headache, in case you start or stop a medication, your body may complain.
In certain situations, your headache is a sign of a serious illness. In case your headache is accompanied by you should call your doctor, or visit an emergency room or urgent care clinic:
Any combination of nausea, sluggishness, confusion, or a head injury
A fever with pain when you bend your head
blurry vision
severe pain in one eye
Pain and sensitivity around your cheeks and eyes
Diagnosis: Types of Head Pain
You and your doctor can distinguish between a light migraine along with a strong tension headache. Your visit will start using a physical exam that includes capturing or updating your health history.
Together, your doctor and you will explore the symptoms that separate migraines from other headaches with questions such as:
Can you experience a pre-headache period where you are abnormally fatigued or feel strange?
What would you experience when you feel the headache coming on?
What makes your headaches worse?
Would you vomit or get nauseated with your headaches?
How often have you been experiencing headaches?
How long do your headaches typically last?
How do your headaches affect your vision? What do you really see?
Do your headaches make you sweat or give you the chills?
What would you experience or feel throughout your headache, especially in the rest of your body?
If these questions lead you to describe migraine symptoms, your doctor will probably treat you for migraines with self-help strategies and a triptan medication. If the treatments reduce your migraine pain and discomfort, you’re able to be confident of a migraine diagnosis. If your answers don’t fit the migraine headache profile, your doctor may conclude that you suffer from strong tension headaches.
She or he might refer you to a neurologist for additional exams and tests, to be sure your headaches aren’t related to a different health condition.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Cervicogenic Headache and Chiropractic
Neck pain associated with whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident are reportedly the most prevalent cause for discomfort along the cervical spine. The sheer force of an impact from a rear-end car crash or other traffic incident can cause injuries or aggravate a previously existing condition. While neck pain is commonly the result of damage to the complex structures of the neck, cervicogenic headaches may also result due to neck issues. Chiropractic care can help carefully restore the alignment of the cervical spine to relieve headaches and neck pain.
No one can pinpoint exactly what causes migraines and headaches or why some people are more prone to experiencing them than others, but what we do know is that there are many factors which could potentially trigger them.
Causes of Cluster Headaches
Abnormalities in the region of the brain, known as the hypothalamus, are the cause of cluster headaches. What makes these headaches different than other types of headache is that they manifest like clockwork. Episodes generally occur in the same time of day and they typically follow the seasons of the year, making these very predictable. These headaches are mostly attributed to changes in the brain rather than changes in the environment or from how people handle stress.
Causes of Tension Headaches
Tension headaches are some of the most common types of headaches and they can affect anyone. �These types of headaches frequently occur when the neck and scalp muscles become tense or tight. Additionally, people who have migraines are more likely to experience moderate or severe tension headaches. The�increased sensitivity to pain resulting from the tension headaches, which might be caused by miscommunication between nerve pathways to the brain. A tension headache is usually triggered by something.
Tension Headache Triggers
A head injury
An illness, such as for example a sinus infection
Drinking alcohol
Eating foods with withdrawal symptoms or too much caffeine from a lack of caffeine
Excessive smoking
Clenching your jaw
Grinding your teeth
Overexertion (caused by intense physical activity, etc.)
Poor posture
Sitting or standing within an uncomfortable position for too long (eg, working at a desk, sewing)
Sleeping with your neck in a abnormal position
Straining your eyes (working at a computer, reading something with very small text, etc.)
Causes of Migraines
Both genetics along with the environment may be the most common cause of migraines. For example, if your mother experiences cases of chronic migraines, you may experience them as well. But in the case you don’t have a family history of migraines, then they may be caused by means of a variety of factors from changes in the weather to too much stress and not handling stress effectively. It’s possible that migraines may also be caused by imbalances in chemicals in the brain. The hormone serotonin helps nerves communicate with each other as well as helps regulate pain in the body. A lack of serotonin may causes a migraine, according to research studies.
Migraine Triggers
Certain foods, for example aged cheese and foods with aspartame (an artificial sweetener)
Changes in your sleeping habits
Eating foods that have caffeine (eg, coffee, chocolate)
Extreme fatigue
Grinding your teeth
Hormonal changes and menstruation (in women)
Poor sleeping habits, lack of sleep, or too much sleep
Skipping meals
Some medications, including oral contraceptives
In spite of the fact that the exact cause of migraines and headaches is unknown, avoiding the triggers mentioned above is certainly one of the best ways to try to prevent headaches and migraines. By avoiding the above mentioned triggers and understanding the causes, you are in a position to help reduce the amount of headaches or migraines you experience in the future.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Cervicogenic Headache and Chiropractic
Neck pain associated with whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident are reportedly the most prevalent cause for discomfort along the cervical spine. The sheer force of an impact from a rear-end car crash or other traffic incident can cause injuries or aggravate a previously existing condition. While neck pain is commonly the result of damage to the complex structures of the neck, cervicogenic headaches may also result due to neck issues. Chiropractic care can help carefully restore the alignment of the cervical spine to relieve headaches and neck pain.
There are many types of headaches. Is yours the dull pain that comes from a tension headache, or is it the forceful pounding, throbbing, and nausea from a migraine? Getting good headache treatment starts with identifying which type of headache you have.
Types Of Headaches
There are three main types of tension headaches -type, cluster, and migraine.
Many structures changes, and sense pain, particularly tension in muscles. However, the brain itself has no pain and also you have a headache as the surrounding tissues report their discomfort.
Tension headaches result from straining muscles that cover your skull, or your face or neck muscles. They might also occur when the blood vessels that circulates in your mind, face, and open. Exercise stress, and medication are a few things that could make your blood vessels open and provide you with a short-term tension headache.
Headache pain from tension headaches comes on gradually, and after that clears up in a number of hours. Just in case your tension headaches are severe or occur, you should see your doctor. Most headaches are just a part of life and no cause for concern.
Should you experience a cluster headache, the pain certainly will occur, and that’s sharp concentrate behind one eye. Headache experts attribute these headaches that are sudden and problems using a part of your brain called the hypothalamus.
Migraine Headaches And Their Symptoms
More than 60 million American adults report experiencing a migraine, and they affect women in a rate 3 times higher than men.1 Most people with migraines experience their first migraine as an adult, but children and teenagers can fall victim to them, too.
A pounding, deeply or pulsating throbbing aching headache, nausea, and pain which is immobilizing are the main symptoms of migraine headaches. Other common symptoms may include:
One-sided blind spots and blurred vision
Sensitivity to light, noise, or odors
Fatigue and confusion
Feeling sweaty or cold
A stiff or tender neck
About 20% of people with migraines experience an aura lasting 15 to 20 minutes in front of the onset of the actual migraine.1,2 The most common aura is visual where people experience blind spots, flashing lights, and glowing zigzagging forms. Auras involve other senses, such as for example a tingling feeling or numbness. They confuse the migraine victim and may affect speech.
Causes Of Migraines
Medical experts aren’t sure what causes migraines. Shifting levels of serotonin together with other chemicals in the brain may provoke migraines, but brain scientists and neurologists admit that people have a great deal to learn before we understand the cause completely.
The list below covers a selection of migraine causes; learn more about what causes migraines in our detailed migraine and headache causes article.
You will discover a number of migraine triggers. And meaning you should consider avoiding food can often triggers migraines:
alcoholic beverages
legumes, pea pods, lentils, beans, nuts, and peanut butter
pickled and fermented foods such as pickles, soy sauce, sauerkraut, and olives
bologna, ham, herring, hot dogs, pepperoni, sausage, and aged or cured meat
meat tenderizer, seasoned salt, bouillon cubes, and monosodium glutamate (MSG)
buttermilk, sour cream, and other cultured dairy
aged cheese
the artificial sweetener aspartame
passion fruit and papaya
coffee cake, donuts, sourdough bread, and other items containing brewer’s yeast or fresh
chocolate, cocoa, and carob
figs, plumbs that are red, and raisins
Other common migraine triggers include:
fumes and strong odors
bright lights
loud noises
weather changes
poor sleep
interruptions for example missing a meal, in your diet
certain medications
hormonal changes
exercise, sex, and other activities that are intense
In the event you live with migraine headaches, avoiding triggers may help you reduce the number of episodes you will need to endure.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Cervicogenic Headache and Chiropractic
Neck pain associated with whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident are reportedly the most prevalent cause for discomfort along the cervical spine. The sheer force of an impact from a rear-end car crash or other traffic incident can cause injuries or aggravate a previously existing condition. While neck pain is commonly the result of damage to the complex structures of the neck, cervicogenic headaches may also result due to neck issues. Chiropractic care can help carefully restore the alignment of the cervical spine to relieve headaches and neck pain.
Chiropractic treatment is based on the principle which allows the body to heal itself naturally through the use of basic techniques. This natural healing controlled by the nervous system. Nerve impulses flow down from the brain to the spinal cord and out through spinal nerves, known as the peripheral nervous system, which then flow into the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and vital organs.
A misalignment in the spine can potentially result in the compression or impingement of the central nervous system. Interference in the nervous system due to spinal complications may often lead to disease and other conditions. These can affect the optimal structure and function of the body.
What is the Atlas Orthogonal?
Atlas Orthogonal is a healthcare program for the spine, initially developed by Dr. Roy Sweat in the late 1960’s based on scientific and biomechanical procedures. Dr. Sweat is considered by many to be one of the world’s foremost authorities regarding injuries and conditions associated with the cervical spine. After years of extensive research and studies, Dr. Roy Sweat developed a non-invasive, precision instrument to restore the original structure of the vertebrae along the cervical spine. The percussion instrument achieves postural restoration without the use of manipulation or the practice of surgery. This precision treatment helps reduce symptoms caused by misalingments along the cervical spine.
The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic technique has been described by many patients as a gentle, effective and proven treatment, many reporting a decrease in their discomfort and improved function after an adjustment has taken place. The Atlas supports the head and is the top vertebrae of the spine. Orthogonal means at right angle. When the Atlas is not square to the head and spine, or it’s subluxated or misaligned, subsequently, the alignment of the head and spine in relation to the Atlas may be improper. Essentially, the spine cannot be straight in the event the head isn’t on straight. The resulting stress from the misalignment, or subluxation, may cause discomfort to the back, shoulders, pelvis, hips, knees and ankles.
A normal Atlas is aligned with both the skull and the spine. A subluxated or misaligned Atlas is not square. The adjusting instrument is a safe, gentle, and precise method of correcting a misaligned (subluxated) Atlas vertebrae, without the need for physical manipulation. The instrument utilized for the Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic technique delivers a precise impulse to the exact area needed as determined by the patient’s X-rays.
As with chiropractic adjustments utilized to help ease neck pain, back pain and muscle aches, the Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic technique can help relieve many of the similar symptoms. The Atlas Orthogonal Spinal Correction can help the body naturally heal a variety of health problems. This misalignment can block the communication between your brain and body, causing pain, stress and tension. The tension, stress and pain associated with complications along the cervical spine can affect all, even mental and physical activity of the body. Correction of the Atlas may relieve many painful symptoms.
What is the Activator Method Technique?
The Activator Method technique utilizes specific procedures to detect body mechanics problems, analyze leg length inequality, detect spinal joint dysfunction and test neurological reflexes. With one of the unique analytical tools, healthcare professionals can restore your overall spinal balance. An instrument called the Activator is used by many chiropractors to address spinal joint dysfunction. This unique hand-held instrument was scientifically designed to give you a very specific, “low force” adjustment. The Activator instrument delivers a thrust that is fast, light and controlled, without causing undue strain. Activator adjustments are controlled and quick, allowing to get an exact and precise adjustment.
About the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Cervicogenic Headache and Chiropractic
Neck pain associated with whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident are reportedly the most prevalent cause for discomfort along the cervical spine. The sheer force of an impact from a rear-end car crash or other traffic incident can cause injuries or aggravate a previously existing condition. While neck pain is commonly the result of damage to the complex structures of the neck, cervicogenic headaches may also result due to neck issues. Chiropractic care can help carefully restore the alignment of the cervical spine to relieve headaches and neck pain.
Chiropractic is a treatment method that has moved from more of an alternative treatment to widespread mainstream acceptance over the past few decades. There will always be pockets of naysayers that question its validity, but the millions of satisfied patients around the world speak volumes about the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment on the human body. There are literally dozens of health issues that benefit from chiropractic adjustments, but here are 3 common conditions that El Paso chiropractors help:
1) Headaches
We all get headaches from time to time. Some are mild, some are more severe, but all of them have the potential to disrupt your day. Whether it is a tension headache caused by hours of sitting at a desk or a migraine brought on by a specific health condition, when the pain starts it is difficult to focus on anything else.
El Paso chiropractors help relieve headache pain on a regular basis. A lot of the time the pain you feel in your head is actually being caused by misalignment of the vertebrae in your spine. After a gentle adjustment and proper maintenance, many patients report no more pain and no more need for pain medication.
2) Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is a problem that far too many people deal with.� Pain in the shoulder can be referred pain from the spinal misalignments, or it can be caused by a misalignment in the shoulder.
No matter what specific type of shoulder pain you have, El Paso chiropractors help relieve both the pain and any range of motion issues that are present. Our team will help to access your condition and give you the best advice we can on what you can do to remedy the situation.
3) Lower Back Pain
If headaches and shoulder pain are among the most common conditions for the general public then lower back pain is probably at the head of the pack. One of the most common reasons for lumbar pain is from misaligned spinal segments.
Chiropractors can help the pain and reduced mobility associated with lumbar strains and sprains and help patients get back to their normal routines. Even if you�ve had lower back pain for years and have been told there is nothing that will help, it�s always worth the time explore your possibilities.
Please don’t hesitate to call our team with any questions you might have.� Today is a great day to get started on a new path to health.
Skipping Across Time Zones More Than Just Tiring For Pro Baseball Players:
The resulting jet lag may actually harm their performance on the field, a new study suggests.
Researchers analyzed data from more than 40,000 Major League Baseball games played over 20 years. The conclusion: jet lag may have a significant impact on players.
The Northwestern University researchers said they found that jet lag slowed the base running of home teams but not away teams. And both home and away pitchers gave up more home runs when jet-lagged.
“Jet lag does impair the performance of Major League Baseball players. The negative effects of jet lag we found are subtle, but they are detectable and significant. And they happen on both offense and defense and for both home and away teams, often in surprising ways,” study leader Ravi Allada, a circadian rhythms expert, said in a university news release.
The researchers also found that the negative effects of jet lag were generally stronger when teams traveled eastward rather than westward.
“This is a strong argument that the effect is due to the circadian clock, not the travel itself,” Allada said.
What that means is that players’ internal 24-hour body clock falls out of sync with the cycle of sunlight, the study authors explained.
The findings suggest — but don’t prove — that team managers should pay close attention to their players’ body clocks. And even consider sending pitchers ahead of the rest of the team for upcoming games, the researchers added.
“If I were a baseball manager and my team was traveling across time zones — either to home or away — I would send my first starting pitcher a day or two ahead, so he could adjust his clock to the local environment,” Allada said.
The study was published Jan. 23 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
News stories are written and provided by HealthDay and do not reflect federal policy, the views of MedlinePlus, the National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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