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Headaches & Treatments

Back Clinic Headaches & Treatment Team. The most common cause of headaches can relate to neck complications. From spending excessive time looking down at a laptop, desktop, iPad, and even from constant texting, an incorrect posture for extended periods of time can begin to place pressure on the neck and upper back, leading to problems that could cause headaches. The majority of these types of headaches occur due to tightness between the shoulder blades, which in turn causes the muscles on the top of the shoulders to tighten and radiating pain into the head.

If the source of the headaches is related to a complication of the cervical spine or other regions of the spine and muscles, chiropractic care, such as chiropractic adjustments, manual manipulation, and physical therapy, can be a good treatment option. Also, a chiropractor may often follow up chiropractic treatment with a series of exercises to improve posture and offer advice for future lifestyle improvements to avoid further complications.

Chiropractic Care for Cervical Disc Herniation

Chiropractic Care for Cervical Disc Herniation

Symptoms of neck pain that radiate to the shoulders and down the arms can be caused due to a variety of injuries and conditions, most occurring as the result of complications to the cervical spine and its surrounding structures. A subluxation, or spinal misalignment is one of the most common results of neck and back pain, however, the gradual degeneration of the spine can also create issues over time if not treated accordingly.

A cervical disc herniation is a frequent complication caused by the wear and tear of the tissues around the cervical spine, primarily a degeneration of the discs found cushioning each vertebra of the spine. This condition originates in the upper spine and can generally be referred to as a pinched nerve, ruptured disc or a herniated disc.

Anatomy of the Cervical Spine

The upper region of the spine is commonly described and identified by healthcare professionals as the cervical spine, which primarily functions to support the weight and movement of the head. The cervical spine is made up of seven vertebrae, from top to bottom, C1 through C7. Each vertebrae in the neck is separated by intervertebral discs which consist of a fibrous tissue, known as the annulus, with a soft nucleus at the center. The annulus and the nucleus that make up each disc function simultaneously to provide each vertebra of the spine to absorb the shock of every movement of the spine as well as help the pressure of these be distributed evenly, separating each vertebrae individually to allow smooth movements.

However, when the annulus of one of these intervertebral discs ruptures, the nucleus can occasionally separate from the center of the disc. If this occurs, the disc is no longer able to properly separate the vertebrae as this process alters the natural shape of the discs, which could often lead to the compression and irritation of the spinal nerves. The symptoms of pain, discomfort and numbness experienced in the neck, shoulders and arms can be closely associated with the compression and irritation of the nerves surrounding the cervical herniated disc.

Causes of Cervical Disc Herniation

The gradual degeneration of the different structures of the body which occurs naturally over time is one of the most common causes of cervical disc herniations, although, these can generally develop until a person is in his 40�s. Other causes for cervical disc herniation includes trauma from improperly lifting heavy objects, equipment or machinery or from other physical activities such as an abrupt, intense twist. Additionally, cervical spine complications may be caused due to damage or injury resulting from an automobile accident or other personal injury accident.

Whiplash is a common injury caused due to the sudden force of an impact, which results in the jolting, back-and-forth motion of the head and neck in any direction, most commonly due to an auto collision. During a whiplash-associated injury, the structures that surround the cervical spine, primarily the tendons, ligaments and nerves, are stretched beyond their natural limit, partially or completely tearing the tissues around the cervical spine. Furthermore, the normal alignment of the spine may be affected, causing a subluxation in the vertebrae of the neck.

As a result, the intervertebral discs found between each vertebrae can become ruptured, leading to the compression or irritation of the spinal nerves, causing symptoms of pain and discomfort, among others, associated with a cervical disc herniation.

Symptoms of Cervical Disc Herniation

Cervical disc herniation could be the cause of an individual�s painful symptoms in their neck, shoulders, and/or arms. The following symptoms could suggest the presence of a cervical disc herniation, however, it�s essential to visit a healthcare professional to receive a proper diagnosis and similar symptoms could suggest the presence of another injury or condition.

  • Pain, discomfort, or burning sensations originating from the neck and traveling down one or both arms;
  • Pain with movements of the head or neck;
  • Pain in the shoulder region;
  • Tingling or numbness in one or both arms;
  • Weakness in one or both arms;
  • Limited mobility or difficulty properly moving the neck, arms or hands;
  • Difficulty sleeping due to neck, shoulder and/or arm pain.

Diagnosing Cervical Disc Herniation

Your healthcare provider should be able to properly refer you to the best doctors and specialists in the region to properly diagnose your injuries and/or conditions before following through with treatment. Chiropractic care is a common, alternative treatment options that is preferred by many individuals with spine complications. Chiropractic specialized on the diagnosis and treatment of injuries and conditions associated to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

Foremost, when visiting a chiropractic office, the chiropractor will perform a thorough physical evaluation to determine the exact cause of the symptoms. In addition, the spine specialist may also take a closer look at the individual�s medical history, including previous test results and prior doctor visits. If necessary, the doctor of chiropractic may issue additional tests if necessary, including X-rays and MRI scans. Once the healthcare professional has concluded the diagnosis and has resolved the source of the symptoms, they will provide the patient with information regarding their injury or condition as well as cover the risks and benefits of each treatment option which may be available to the individual. The chiropractor will determine the individual�s best treatment options according to their specific type of injury or condition and depending on their severity.

Chiropractic Care for Cervical Disc Herniation

Chiropractic treatment utilizes spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to carefully restore the natural alignment of the spine, gradually re-aligning the vertebrae to reduce the pressure being applied against each structure. Chiropractic adjustments and manipulations can ultimately help decrease the compression and irritation of the spinal nerves, relieving the symptoms associated with cervical disc herniation. Subsequently, by reducing the individual�s pain and discomfort, their original strength, flexibility and mobility may also be gradually restores, helping them return to their normal lifestyles in no time.

Additionally, a chiropractor may recommend a series of stretches and exercises to speed up the rehabilitation process. Also, certain lifestyle changes may be implemented to ensure the recovery process proceeds smoothly without further issues. Physical therapy can also be an excellent treatment option to provide the patient with the necessary strength, flexibility and mobility to regain their original way of life.

In conclusion, in the instance that the individual is in need of further treatment through the use of other medical procedures, a chiropractor may refer the individual to other spine specialists that can provide other beneficial treatments and curative methods. In severe cases of cervical disc herniation, a patient may be referred to a spinal surgeon for treatment.

Chiropractic Care and Headaches

Complications affecting the cervical spine, such as a cervical disc herniation, can develop a variety of other symptoms, including headaches. Constant head pain can source from many types of issues along the upper region of the spine, commonly manifesting after an automobile accident or other form or personal injury accident. Fortunately, chiropractic treatment can help restore the original function of the structures surrounding the cervical spine, decreasing the symptoms, including headaches, improving the individual’s lifestyle.



For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Neck Pain and Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the tremendous force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. Whiplash is a common result of an auto collision, affecting the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues around it, causing symptoms such as neck pain. Neck pain is a common symptom after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow up with the appropriate treatment.

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Tension Headaches Caused By Improper Postures

Tension Headaches Caused By Improper Postures

There are a wide variety of factors which can cause headaches. The most common reason for headaches, especially tension headaches, is muscle tension and tightness. The frequent tightness which occurs during a headache can be experienced all over the head and neck, feeling almost as though there is a rubber band around the head, according to reports of many individuals. The tension and tightening of the muscles is largely due to poor posture where the muscles are trying to adapt to the constraints which are being placed on them. Poor posture over time leads to shortening of the muscles and irritation of the structures surrounding the spine, particularly the spinal discs. It�s this specific shortening of the tissues that causes the rubber band feeling on the head, or tension headaches. Most often, this form of pain and discomfort is felt at the base of the skull. The longer the individual sits in an improper position, the longer the tension and tightness of the muscles will last and worsen, causing longer lasting and worse headaches.

woman headache office el paso tx


The difficulty with improper postures is that they are mostly involuntary in their movements. If you are an individual who stresses frequently, it�s not uncommon for the shoulders to rise up to their ears. The person may not even realize they�re practicing this posture until they take a deep breath and relax, an action many take longer to realize. The shoulders may have been up for a majority of the day, meaning the muscles were being overworked in an inappropriate position, and chances are the individual won�t correct their posture until the headache has started.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C.,C.C.S.T�s insight:

After a long day of work, returning home with head pain�is an undesirable situation for many. People believe�that the reason behind their headaches at the end of the day is due to circumstances which are out of their control; work, bills, etc. But, as a matter of fact, from the way people sit at work and the way they hold their phone to the way people type on their computer, improper posture can greatly contributes to headaches. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900.

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Causes: Headaches And Chiropractic Care

Causes: Headaches And Chiropractic Care

Causes for Headaches & Chiropractic�Care

woman at home pounding headache


With chiropractic adjustments, a chiropractor will work to gradually correct any spinal misalignments that could be causing the headaches. While many people might already have the knowledge to seek chiropractic treatment for these type of symptoms, many of these same people often don�t know the source of their headaches.

Spending extended periods of time in front of the computer is a common�

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Headache Prevention With Chiropractic Care

Headache Prevention With Chiropractic Care

Headache Prevention with Chiropractic�Care


As an individual suffering from headaches and migraines, you are not alone. A large percentage of people often describe feeling symptoms associated with some form of head pain. While some might be occasional and dull and others may be more frequent and throbbing, headaches or migraine pain can be debilitating, especially depending on the type of injury or condition causing the symptoms. There�

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