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Chronic Back Pain

Back Clinic Chronic Back Pain Team. Chronic back pain has a far-reaching effect on many physiological processes. Dr. Jimenez reveals topics and issues affecting his patients. Understanding the pain is critical to its treatment. So here we begin the process for our patients in the journey of recovery.

Just about everyone feels pain from time to time. When you cut your finger or pull a muscle, pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Once the injury heals, you stop hurting.

Chronic pain is different. Your body keeps hurting weeks, months, or even years after the injury. Doctors often define chronic pain as any pain that lasts for 3 to 6 months or more.

Chronic back pain can have real effects on your day-to-day life and your mental health. But you and your doctor can work together to treat it.

Do call upon us to help you. We do understand the problem that should never be taken lightly.

Metabolic Syndrome Explained | El Paso, Tx (2020)

In the following podcast, Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, and Dr. Mario Ruja, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, discusses what metabolic syndrome is in more depth. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions that can ultimately increase the risk of developing a variety of other health issues, including diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), a person may be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome if they have at least three of the following five risk factors, including abdominal obesity of more than 40 inches in men and more than 35 inches in women, fasting blood glucose levels of 100 mg/dL or above, blood pressure of 130/85 mm/Hg or above, blood triglycerides levels of 150 mg/dL or higher, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels of 40 mg/dL or less for men and 50 mg/dL or less for women. Having three or more of these risk factors can ultimately increase the risk of developing a variety of health issues, including diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Dr. Alex Jimenez and Dr. Mario Ruja discuss in more detail how eating a lot of carbohydrates and sugar are ultimately associated with the risk factors of metabolic syndrome. � Podcast Insight

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Thank You & God Bless.
Dr. Alex Jimenez RN, DC, MSACP, CCST


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Basal Metabolic Rate BMI & BIA By Dr. Alex Jimenez Chiropractor | El Paso, Tx (2020)

Dr. Alex Jimenez, chiropractor in El Paso, TX, discusses BIA, BMI and basal metabolic rate with staff. Dr. Alex Jimenez, health coach Kenna Vaughn, Astrid Ornelas, Truide Torres, and biochemist Alexander Isaiah Jimenez all take part in a round table podcast discussion of the importance of measuring BMI, BIA, and basal metabolic rate. BMI or body mass index is frequently utilized to determine an individual’s relative weight according to their height. Healthcare professionals commonly utilize BMI, however, BMI may not be accurate for athletes because their body mass according to their height may demonstrate that they have excess weight or obesity utilizing BMI. BIA is the preferred analysis tool used to determine an athlete’s relative weight according to their height. Excess weight and obesity is a well-known risk factor that can ultimately increase the risk of metabolic syndrome, among other health issues, including diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Dr. Alex Jimenez, health coach Kenna Vaughn, Astrid Ornelas, Truide Torres, and biochemist Alexander Isaiah Jimenez ultimately discuss in further detail how determining an individual’s BIA, BMI, and basal metabolic rate can help promote overall health and wellness as well as support weight loss for the general population and athletes alike. – Podcast Insight

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Thank You & God Bless.
Dr. Alex Jimenez RN, DC, MSACP, CCST


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Auto Accident Doctors & Chiropractor Treatments | El Paso, Tx (2020)

Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, and Dr. Mario Ruja, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, discuss how chiropractic care can help with personal injuries, especially automobile accidents. Personal injuries can also include work injuries and slip-and-fall injuries. Auto accidents can cause a variety of injuries and underlying conditions, including neck pain, whiplash, back pain, low back pain, and sciatica. Sports injuries can also cause a variety of health issues. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective alternative treatment option that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of health issues associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous system. Dr. Alex Jimenez and Dr. Mario Ruja discuss how spinal adjustments and manual manipulations are commonly utilized to treat neck pain and back pain associated with personal injuries. Whiplash-associated-disorders are the most common types of health issues resulting after an automobile accident. Chiropractic care can carefully restore the original alignment of the spine, treating neck pain and whiplash caused by personal injuries, especially an auto accident. Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, and Dr. Mario Ruja, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX further discuss how it’s fundamental for people who’ve been involved in a car crash to seek chiropractic care to treat soft tissue injuries that can cause neck pain and back pain. – Podcast Insight

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Thank You & God Bless.
Dr. Alex Jimenez RN, DC, MSACP, CCST


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Three Points of Weight Loss @ PUSH Fitness Center | El Paso, Tx (2020)

In the following podcast video article, Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, and Daniel (Danny) Alvarado, owner of PUSH Fitness Center in El Paso, TX, discuss the three points of weight loss. Excess weight and obesity are associated with metabolic syndrome and a variety of other health issues. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that can ultimately increase the risk of developing diabetes, stroke, and diabetes, among other complications. Dr. Alex Jimenez and Daniel Alvarado discuss how weight loss can be a safe and effective way to improve metabolic syndrome as well as overall health and wellness. Decreasing or eliminating sugar and carbohydrate consumption, increasing the consumption of proteins, �good� fats, and vegetables, as well as engaging and participating in exercise and physical activity can ultimately help promote weight loss to improve metabolic syndrome and a variety of other health issues. Furthermore, Dr. Alex Jimenez and Daniel Alvarado discuss how they can help people with excess weight and obesity achieve their weight loss goals by encouraging and motivating them through every step of the way. Weight loss is essential for people with metabolic syndrome to achieve overall health and wellness. � Podcast Insight

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Daniel Alvarado & Dr. Alex Jimenez


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Metabolic Syndrome | El Paso, Tx (2020)

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that can ultimately increase the risk of developing a variety of health issues, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, among other problems. Central obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high triglycerides, and low HDL or good cholesterol levels are the 5 risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome. Having at least three of the five risk factors may suggest the presence of metabolic syndrome. Dr. Alex Jimenez, Alexander Jimenez, Truide Torres, Kenna Vaughn, and Astrid Ornelas explain the 5 risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome, in further detail, as they recommend diet and lifestyle modification advice and guidelines, such as the ketogenic diet or the keto diet, as well as demonstrate the biochemical and chemical pathways that the body goes through during ketosis to help people with metabolic syndrome improve their overall health and wellness. From eating good fats and staying hydrated to exercise and better sleep, Dr. Alex Jimenez, Alexander Jimenez, Truide Torres, Kenna Vaughn, and Astrid Ornelas discuss how diet and lifestyle modifications, such as the ketogenic diet or keto diet, can help improve the 5 risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome to prevent the risk of developing a variety of other health issues, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. � Podcast Insight

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Thank You & God Bless.
Dr. Alex Jimenez RN, DC, MSACP, CCST


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Anatomy of Chronic Pain and Chiropractic Alleviation El Paso, Texas

Anatomy of Chronic Pain and Chiropractic Alleviation El Paso, Texas

Understanding chronic pain and its alleviation requires an understanding of the anatomy of the nervous system. The nerves of the body are the carriers for the nervous system, as it sends messages to and from the brain. It is quite a complex system. The central nervous system consists of the spinal cord and the brain. The peripheral nervous system branches off the spinal cord.� Both the central and peripheral nervous systems can be affected by neuropathic pain, a type of chronic pain caused by nerve malfunction.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Anatomy of Chronic Pain and Chiropractic Alleviation El Paso, Texas


The peripheral nervous system contains 31 pairs of nerve roots that extend from the spinal cord to the rest of the body. There are the feeling nerves/sensory nerves and moving nerves/motor nerves. The chart shows how many pairs of spinal nerves are at each level of the spine.



Peripheral nervous system

The somatic nervous system is comprised of nerves that connect to the musculoskeletal system’s:

  • Bones
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons
  • Muscles
  • Skin

It’s what helps generate feeling and what generates the feeling of pain.




The autonomic nervous system controls the involuntary functions of the body.

It makes sure the heart keeps pumping and the digestive system breaks down food correctly without thinking. Damage to any nerves can lead to the development of chronic pain. The nerves are responsible for sending pain messages, and if they get damaged, they can continually send a steady stream of pain messages.

Nociceptors are another important part of the nerve body. Nociceptors are receptors at the nerve endings, which are activated when something happens and triggers a pain message.


receptors el paso tx.


Example: Nociceptors�in the finger turn on and send a pain message through the peripheral nerve to the spinal cord, on to the brain when a finger gets smashed in the car door. Before the finger was smashed, the nociceptors were not on because there was nothing to make them respond.

One possible cause of chronic pain could be malfunctioning nociceptors. Even if there is not a direct or root cause, they could be continually sending pain messages. Using the same example of the finger smashed in the car door. The finger heals after the smashing but pain signals are still being sent. The�finger’snociceptor’s nerves could be malfunctioning, which is why they are still sending pain messages. The result is chronic pain.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Anatomy of Chronic Pain and Chiropractic Alleviation El Paso, Texas


Chronic pain symptoms

Chronic pain is pain that does not stop for more than 6 months. Pain is a subjective experience, it is different for everyone and takes on many forms. The pain could be:

  • Aching
  • Burning
  • Constant Soreness
  • Constant Stiffness
  • Electric
  • Sharp
  • Shooting
  • Throbbing
  • Tight

Chronic pain can lead to other problems, specifically social, psychological and emotional. It can:

  • Cause sleeplessness
  • Drain the body’s energy
  • Cause depression
  • Withdraw from activities/friends/family
  • Weaken the immune system because so much energy is spent dealing with the pain

These added conditions feed off each other. Example: Sleeping is impossible when the pain is active, the next day nothing gets done because of the tiredness. As a result of the inactiveness, a loss of self-esteem begins to set in causing withdrawal from family and social life.


To get the best treatment possible, take note of activities, diet, accidents, injuries, etc before the pain began. Depending on the diagnosis, chiropractic care could help. Research studies have shown that two weeks of regular adjustments/manipulation can bring significant improvement.

Physical therapy combined with stretching and strengthening exercises is part of the treatment for chronic pain. Physical therapy could consist of ice, heat, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, ultrasound, and myofascial release. A chiropractor and other pain professionals can help bring alleviation, so you can fully live your life.


Chronic Pain Chiropractic Relief


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Herniated/Slipped and Bulging Discs El Paso, Texas

Herniated/Slipped and Bulging Discs El Paso, Texas

Individuals can develop a herniated, slipped or bulging disc in the neck or back.�Too much stress on the disc/s whether from poor posture, being overweight, injury, aging, and an unhealthy lifestyle can increase the risk for disc problems. Herniation can be caused by a combination of factors or physical injury. Several common questions about disc problems are answered.


Can Discs Slip

A slipped disc can mean a ruptured or herniated disc. We use the term slipped disc, however, the discs do not slip. Each disc is sandwiched between two vertebrae that are supported by a system of ligaments that hold the spine together. A bulging or herniated disc is the proper term.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Herniated/Slipped/ and Bulging Discs El Paso, Texas


Difference Between a Bulging and Herniated Disc

Disc disorders are categorized as contained or non-contained. Bulging disc is an example of a contained disc disorder.



A bulging disc has not broken open meaning the nucleus is still contained inside the annulus fibrosus. The disc could protrude into the spinal canal without breaking open. The gel, the jelly interior does not leak out. The disc stays intact except a small bubble pops out.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Herniated/Slipped/ and Bulging Discs El Paso, Texas


A non-contained disc has either partially or completely broken open, and that is a herniated/ruptured disc. Imagine a closed tube�being squeezed placed under pressure, which causes the contents to move wherever they can. If a portion of the tube is weak or there is too much pressure, the contents could leak or burst out. When a disc herniates the gel-like contents could spread out to the spinal cord and nerves.

Herniation Can Cause Pain

The disc’s gel-like nucleus has a chemical that irritates the nerves and causes them to become inflamed and swell. The chemical stays and continues to press on the irritated nerves. Sometimes fragments from the disc wall or the tube break off from the disc and drift into the spinal canal causing other nerves to inflame and swell. Based on the type of injury and condition of the discs, more than one disc could herniate, rupture, or bulge. Sometimes injury causes a combination of disc disorders.



Symptoms of a herniated disc can include:

  • Dull
  • Shooting pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Cramping
  • Weakness
  • Tingling
  • Referred or radiating/traveling pain


Sometimes, however, a herniated disc does not cause any symptoms at all. When this happens it is called an asymptomatic herniated disc. Disc/s could be bulging or herniated, but if it or they are not applying pressure on the spinal nerve/s or the cord, symptoms like pain may not present. This makes a point about herniated disc symptoms that they are dependent on where you have a herniated disc.



Cervical Herniation Symptoms

With a herniated or bulging disc in the neck, then you could experience:

  • Neck soreness/pain
  • Muscle tightness
  • Cramping in the neck
  • Pain that travels down the arm/s
  • Tingling in the arm/s or hand/s
  • Weakness in the arm/s or hand/s


Lumbar Herniation Symptoms

With a herniated disc in the low back the following symptoms could happen:

  • Low back pain
  • Muscle tightness
  • Cramping in and around the low back
  • Radiating pain that travels down the leg/s
  • Tingling in your leg/s or foot/feet
  • Weakness in the leg/s or foot/feet


Referred Pain

Referred pain means that you have pain in another part of the body from the disc problem. An individual could have a bulging or herniated slipped disc in the low back and have pain in the leg. This is lumbar radiculopathy or sciatica. Usually, just one leg is affected. If you have a herniated disc in the neck, there could be referred pain going down the arm and into the hand.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Back Pain and Chiropractic El Paso, TX.


Chiropractic Cares

A chiropractor can help relieve back pain and other herniated disc symptoms. A chiropractor will go through your medical history, do a physical exam, and perform orthopedic and neurological tests. They are looking at several things. Orthopedic and neurological exams can help the chiropractor figure out what’s going on.

  • Are reflexes functioning properly?�Meaning are your nerves sending messages correctly. An example is a reflex test is when a doctor taps the knee with a hammer and the leg kicks.
  • Is there a loss of muscle strength?
  • Signs of muscle/s wasting away?
  • Is there a loss of sensation, tingling or numbness along the nerve/s path?

They will carefully look at posture, and will probably order an X-ray or MRI to help with the diagnosis.

Chiropractors evaluate the entire spine. Even if you only have lower back pain, your chiropractor will examine your neck, too. They want to see how well your spine is functioning overall. Remember what happens to one area of your spine can influence another part of the spine and/or body.

Pain from a herniated disc can make it difficult to enjoy daily life. Walking, sitting, and sleeping normally/comfortably can become a nightmare. You should make an appointment with a doctor or chiropractor if your herniated slipped disc symptoms last for more than two weeks.


Herniated Disc Treatment



NCBI Resources

In the United States alone, acute cases of lower back pain are the fifth most frequent reason for doctor visits and cause 40% of missed days off work. What�s more, it is the leading cause of disability worldwide.