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Chiropractic News

Back Clinic Chiropractic News. El Paso, TX. Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez brings various chiropractic news articles dealing with the latest in adjustment techniques, technology, and medical discoveries. It is the third-largest area of medicine today. The word chiropractic comes from Greek meaning treatment by hand, which is exactly what chiropractors do they use their hands to manipulate the body and promote healing and wellness. A doctor of chiropractic (DC), chiropractor or chiropractic physician, is a health professional who is trained to diagnose and treat disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Chiropractors treat patients of all ages, infants, children, and adults. They believe in a traditional (non-surgical) hands-on method of treating these disorders.

The chiropractic philosophy is dependent on the following belief statements: All bodily functions are connected as well as the healing process requires the entire body. A healthy nervous system, especially the spine, is an important factor in a healthy body. The spinal cord carries advice throughout the body and is accountable for many bodily functions including voluntary movements (such as walking) and involuntary functions (like respiration). When the systems of the body are in equilibrium, it is called homeostasis. Disorders of the bones, muscles, and nerves increase the risk of disorder along with other health problems and can disrupt homeostasis. When body systems are in harmony, the human anatomy gets the extraordinary ability to keep well-being and heal itself. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Alexander Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Osteoporosis vs. Osteopenia: What’s The Difference?

Osteoporosis vs. Osteopenia: What’s The Difference?

Osteoporosis is a significant health problem in the United States and worldwide. An estimated 10 million individuals have osteoporosis in the U.S. alone and an additional 18 million individuals are at risk of developing the disease, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). Females make up 80 percent of individuals who suffer from osteoporosis, but it also occurs in males although it is often underdiagnosed and thus underreported.

What is equally disturbing is that another 34 million individuals in the U.S. are at risk of developing osteopenia, a common precursor to osteoporosis. Many experts blame the typical American diet and lifestyle, although genetics can also contribute to a person�s likelihood of developing either of the diseases. The prevalence of both osteoporosis and osteopenia are serious health issues so it is important to understand them.

What Is Osteopenia?

Osteopenia is often a warning sign of impending osteoporosis. Nearly half of all Americans who are more than 50 years old have the disease.

Osteopenia is a bone disease, marked by a decrease in bone mineral density � or bone loss. While it is not as devastating as osteoporosis, it is a strong indicator that the patient will eventually develop the disease.

Nutrition and exercise are common treatments for osteopenia. Occasionally doctors will prescribe medication, but that is usually not the preferred treatment. Exercise, specifically weight bearing exercise, is a very effective treatment and preventative measure against these diseases.

Incorporating calcium and vitamin D are also common treatments. These can be in the form of supplements, but patients are also encouraged to eat calcium rich foods such as yogurt, leafy greens like spinach, and sardines.

osteoporosis el paso tx.What Is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a serious condition that causes bones to become extremely brittle and weak. The word �Osteoporosis� literally means �porous bone� which is indicative of the primary characteristic of the disease.

When the bone is viewed under a microscope, it has tiny holes in its surface. While healthy bone has a honeycomb appearance under a microscope, bone with osteoporosis has much larger spaces and holes. The mass and density of osteoporotic bone is severely compromised. This can result in frequent broken bones as well as chronic pain and a patient can even lose several inches in height.

Patients with osteoporosis can also experience limited mobility due to the disease or broken bones that may occur as a result. This can lead to other health problems including depression and obesity. These conditions can exacerbate the disease itself and increase the patient�s pain. Often patients with osteoporosis, particularly at advanced stages, require long term care in a facility such as a nursing home.

The real danger is not how devastating it is to bones, it is the way it can go undetected for so long. Often it is not discovered until a bone is actually broken or the patient�s upper back begins curving forward. Sometimes the patient may become shorter. At that stage it is usually very advanced. With the right treatment, though, it can be slowed or stopped. Sometimes bone density can be improved and the disorder can be reversed at least to some degree.

What To Do If You Have Osteoporosis Or Osteopenia

If you suspect that you may have osteoporosis or osteopenia, or may be at risk for developing it, the first thing you need to do is talk to your doctor to confirm that you do have it. From there you can decide on a course of action which is usually exercise, diet, lifestyle changes, and chiropractic treatments. The sooner you take steps to protect and improve your health, the less likely you are to develop long term conditions.

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Health Benefits From Chiropractic Care

Health Benefits From Chiropractic Care

Health: At its core, chiropractic is about allowing the body to naturally seek its natural balance, allowing all systems to work together. When it is unencumbered it can actually begin to heal itself. However, it can only attain proper function when it is at its proper structure.

When the structure becomes impaired through disease, stress, or injury, function becomes impaired. The degree of impairment often depends on a variety of factors including the nature of the root cause, the length of time it is left unchecked, and the patient�s support system.

Chiropractic is an exceptional part of a patient�s wellness team, addressing existing conditions as well as preventing many health issues. While most people relate the physical aspect of chiropractic to the practice, it is really a whole body approach to wellness. Chiropractic address body, mind, and spirit.



Chiropractic for physical health helps manage pain and heal injuries. Patients who receive regular chiropractic care enjoy a greater range of motion and improved mobility as well as decreased or even the elimination of pain in the body. Spinal misalignments can cause misalignments I other parts of the body which can cause a variety of symptoms from pain to impeded organ function.

When a part of the body is injured, such as the ankle, the body attempts to compensate. It may cause the pelvis to tilt or the spine to curve. The patient may experience pain in the hips, knees, and lower back.

Chiropractic addresses these issues, seeking out the root of the problem and then working to bring the body back into perfect balance. It is a viable and effective treatment for back pain, joint pain, sprains, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, and tendonitis. However, it can also be used to treat digestive disorders, asthma, and allergies.

health benefits chiropractic el paso tx.


Imbalances of the mind, such as depression and anxiety are not only destructive and debilitating on their own, they can also exacerbate pain and immobility in the body. These conditions often occur when there is an imbalance of some kind, usually within the brain.

When the body itself is out of alignment, it can inhibit the transmission of messages between the brain and vital nerves. Misalignment that blocks the central nervous system can cause imbalances in the brain, leading to conditions like depression.

Spinal misalignments and pain put a great deal of stress on the body which can affect the mental state. Physical stress that comes from injury or illness can bring about anxiety and panic disorders. When left unchecked, it can lead to mental health issues that can affect family, work, and social activities.

Chiropractic for mental health addresses several mental health issues by aligning the physical body and promoting whole body wellness through lifestyle changes, diet, exercise, and other therapies like massage. When the whole body is in alignment, mind, body and spirit are healthier.


You don�t hear a lot about chiropractic for spiritual healing, but many practitioners are discovering the spiritual benefits of the treatment. Doctors have long known that a person�s thoughts contribute to their physical health. A person�s spirituality, their connection to whatever that means to them, plays a very significant part in their overall wellness both mentally and physically.

Chiropractic for spiritual healing may incorporate meditation, yoga, massage, and breathing exercises into treatment. When the physical body is out of balance, the spirit can become imbalanced as well. Bring the body into alignment, and the spirit will follow.

The nervous system is what controls the entire body; when there is interference, the energy cannot flow as it should, causing discomfort and disease mentally, physically, and spiritually. When the flow of energy is without interference, the body can begin to heal itself.

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Muscle Relaxants? Why Chiropractic Adjustments Are Better!

Muscle Relaxants? Why Chiropractic Adjustments Are Better!

Muscle Relaxants? Nearly everyone, more than 80 percent of the world�s population, will experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. Just ask the 31 million Americans suffering from low back pain at any given time.

In fact, globally it is the leading cause of disability. It is the most common reason that people miss work and the second more common reason for doctor�s office visits. In the United States alone more than $50 billion is spent each year trying to relieve back pain, but even that figure is not complete, but only based on trackable, identifiable costs.

There have been studies published over the years that unequivocally show chiropractic as a viable and extremely effective treatment for back pain. Several of these studies plainly show that chiropractic is better than muscle relaxants.

Muscle Relaxants & Chiropractic Study

One study that is one of the most notable was conducted at Life University in Georgia. It has been cited in several journals and used as a catalyst for proving the efficacy of chiropractic treatment for back pain and its superiority to muscle relaxants.

Study Parameters

The study involved 192 subjects who had been experiencing lower back pain for a period of time ranging from two to six weeks. The subjects were separated into three groups:

  • Group One – Chiropractic adjustments combined with placebo medication
  • Group Two � Muscle relaxants combined with sham chiropractic adjustments
  • Group Three � Control Group � received both placebo medication and sham chiropractic adjustments

All groups were given the same length of care, four weeks, with an evaluation of progress at the two-week mark and the four-week mark. The pain was assessed using the Zung Self-Rating for Depression scale, the Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire, and the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Upon admission into the study during the initial visit as well as at the two-week evaluation, Shober�s Test for Lumbar Flexibility was also administered.

The subjects in all three groups were also allowed to take acetaminophen for pain. This was an additional evaluative measure to assess the need for additional self-medication.

During the course of the study there was a two-week treatment period where the subjects in the chiropractic adjustment group received a total of seven adjustments. These adjustments were tailored to each patient�s specific needs and included pelvic adjustments, sacral (lower back), or lumbar and upper cervical (neck and back).

The sham treatments mimicked all aspects of an actual chiropractic adjustment including dialog, normal visit length, and procedures. However, no actual adjustments were performed.

Study Results

At the conclusion of the study, the subjects who received chiropractic treatment reported a significant decrease in pain and an increase in flexibility. Of the groups that did not receive chiropractic treatment there were no significant differences noted. There was a decrease in disability and depression across all three groups, indicating that muscle relaxants are effective in treating back pain, but overall chiropractic care is the more effective option for treating back pain and disability.

What Does This Mean For Patients With Back Pain?

Patients suffering from back pain can receive greater relief without the undesirable side effects of muscle relaxants by seeking chiropractic care. Patients who are using muscle relaxants to treat their back pain should talk to their chiropractor and doctor about incorporating chiropractic treatment into their patient care regimen. Patients experiencing back pain should pursue chiropractic care before resorting to more aggressive methods including muscle relaxants.

Chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive treatment for back pain. It also facilitates healing, increases flexibility, and improves mobility. Patients who are looking for a healthy treatment option that focuses on overall wellness, Chiropractic could be the answer.

Injury Medical Clinic: Non-Surgical Options

Chiropractic: A Brief History Of Its Origin

Chiropractic: A Brief History Of Its Origin

The history of chiropractic dates all the way back to 1895 when Daniel David (DD) Palmer, founder of chiropractic, did his first spinal adjustment on a janitor � restoring his hearing in the process. Palmer moved from what is now Ontario, Canada to the United States in 1865 and started practicing magnetic healing and other natural health practices in Davenport, Iowa in 1880. His interest in a more organic, less invasive approach to healing opened the door for the natural, whole body wellness that chiropractic provides.


In 1895, Palmer encountered a janitor who claimed that he had lost his hearing when he moved and heard a �pop� in his back. Upon inspection, Palmer noted that the janitor had a vertebra out of place. He had the man lie on the floor, face down, while he manipulated the man�s spine, gently coaxing it into alignment. The next day the janitor claimed that he could hear again.

Two years later, after extensive research and development of the practice of what he called �chiropractic,� he opened the Palmer School of Cure where he began teaching others his techniques. After that first adjustment, word spread and this new, mysterious practice piqued the interest of the public, many who became students, including Palmer�s own son, Bartlett Joshua. Quite a few early students were practitioners of the healing arts of osteopathy and medicine. The school is still operational today as the Palmer School of Chiropractic.

The term was first coined by DD Palmer and is derived from two Greek words, the first cheir which means �hand� and praktos which means �done.� A literal translation is �done by hand� which is an apt moniker for this very hands on practice.

The first state to create laws licensing chiropractors was Kansas in 1913. By 1931, 39 states were on board, giving legal recognition to chiropractors. The last state was Louisiana in 1974.

chiropractic history el paso tx.

There are more than 60,000 active licenses in the U.S. alone. Several U.S. territories, including the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico officially recognize the practice as a legitimate health care profession. Switzerland, Japan, Australia, Great Britain, Mexico, and Canada, as well as other countries, also recognize chiropractic and have created laws to regulate it.

Over the years, chiropractic has evolved and grown beyond the sole use of spinal adjustments as treatment. Other treatments and philosophies have been developed and introduced. Research was initiated in 1975 at a conference hosted by the National Institutes of Health.

Over the years, chiropractic was not met with much acceptance by many medical associations – initially anyway. Eventually, many have come on board once that have seen chiropractic�s benefits. In 1987, the American Medical Association filed and lost an antitrust case against chiropractic. Until that time, the AMA had been boycotting the practice. That ended when they lost their case.

Chiropractic successfully changed the landscape of health care and health care practitioners. By providing a whole body approach, it has been used to treat a variety of conditions from back pain to knee injuries to colic in infants. Research backing it as a legitimate medical practice is steadily mounting. Chiropractic is proving to be beneficial for a wide variety of health ailments that extend far beyond a painful back.

As chiropractic continues to develop and grow, even more doors are opened, allowing the practice to grow and evolve. Every year researchers are finding more uses for chiropractic treatment and discovering just how beneficial it can be for a myriad of health conditions. As fast as it has grown since its discovery, it is easy to envision continued, rapid advancement in the years to come.

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Facet Syndrome | Chiropractic Helps Relieve The Pain | El Paso, TX.

Facet Syndrome | Chiropractic Helps Relieve The Pain | El Paso, TX.

Facet syndrome, also called facet joint sprain or facet joint syndrome is a common cause of back pain. There are many treatments that are used, but most mainstream medical treatments involve pain medication which can have undesirable side effects and may even lead to addiction.

Chiropractic is a proven, reliable treatment for relieving the pain and discomfort of facet syndrome. It helps restore mobility and flexibility while providing pain relief. Some patient notice significant relief from the pain and inflammation of this condition with chiropractic treatment and it is often recommended to facet syndrome patients.

What Is Facet Syndrome?

Facet syndrome is the result of an injury to the facet joints. Zygapophyseal joints, or facet joints reside at the posterior of the spine. At each level there are two joints, one on each side of the spine.

The facet joints are enclosed in a joint capsule. They are synovial joints so the capsule contains synovial fluid. The surface of the joints is covered with hyaline cartilage.

Other joints, such as the ankle, contain this type of cartilage covering. These joints are constructed in this way due to their role in the body � to control excessive or extensive movement. This would include hyper extension and rotation. By doing so they help to stabilize the spine.

Facet syndrome occurs when there is an injury to the facet joints. There are numerous causes, but basically, it is a sprain that is brought about by excessive movement.

This damages the joint capsule and the result is inflammation, swelling, and pain. The pain triggers a protective mechanism in the spine called a reactive muscle spasm which causes great difficulty in moving comfortable and severe, sudden pain.

It is difficult to rest the back because of its integral function in supporting the entire body. A severe sprain can take weeks to heal, typically 2 to 6 weeks. This means that the pain and lack of mobility is impacting you on a daily basis. It can be very difficult to pursue day to day activities and enjoy your typical lifestyle.

Chiropractic For Facet Syndrome

Chiropractic care is a proven, effective treatment for facet syndrome. When you visit your chiropractor, he or she will conduct a physical exam, discuss your medical history, and may send you for diagnostic tests like x-rays and MRIs. Once they have a clear picture of your condition and a facet syndrome diagnosis has been confirmed, they will discuss with you a recommended course of treatment that may include:

  • Exercise � they will recommend specific exercises to help relieve the pain and strengthen the muscles in the back so that they can better support the spine.
  • Posture � posture is extremely important in spinal health and overall wellness. Your chiropractor will help you achieve good, healthy posture and give you exercises to do at home to help you maintain good posture and retrain your body to have better posture.
  • Heat or cold therapy � heat wraps and hot showers or ice packs and cold pad applications may be recommended to help control pain.
  • Changes in activities � you may be advised to take frequent breaks if you sit at a desk all day or to shorten your commute. There may be some activities that you won�t be able to do for a while � or won�t be able to do for long periods of time until your back heals.
  • Chiropractic treatment � spinal manipulation is the most common chiropractic treatment for facet syndrome. Your chiropractor may include other types of treatments though, depending on your specific condition and lifestyle.

Chiropractic is a safe, effective, non-invasive, and drug free way to treat facet syndrome, relieve back pain, and help you regain your mobility. Talk to your chiropractor about your treatment options for facet syndrome.

Injury Medical Clinic: Back Pain Care & Treatments

Infantile Colic And Chiropractic Treatment | El Paso, TX.

Infantile Colic And Chiropractic Treatment | El Paso, TX.

Infantile Colic: If you have ever cared for an infant with colic, you know how frustrating and helpless it can make you feel. It is so hard to see a little one in such obvious discomfort and you can�t help them no matter what you do. When you have a baby who experiences frequent colic it can be heartbreaking. An infant is so small and they can�t tell you where it hurts or what is wrong; all they can do is cry.

Chiropractic has been proven to help with infantile colic. It can soothe fussy babies and ease the nerves of frazzled parents. Some moms and dads may be a little ambivalent about the idea of having a chiropractor �work� on their baby, but the benefits are incredible � and baby�s comfort is definitely worth it.

What Is Colic?

Colic is a condition that has frustrated parents since the beginning of time. The most prevalent symptom is the severe distress that occurs over predictable periods of time. It is labeled colic when there is no obvious underlying condition that could cause the distress, and occurs in babies that are newborn to 3 months (sometimes up to 6 months), healthy and well fed.

The bouts of crying and distress can last hours, days, or even weeks. Often it seems that there is no way to comfort the baby or provide relief. Symptoms of colic include:

  • Crying that does not seem to have a reason
  • Crying that is intense and indicates obvious distress
  • Crying that occurs at predictable times
  • Changes in posture that include tense abdominal muscles, clenched fists, and curled legs.

What To Expect When You Take Your Infant To A Chiropractor

Some parents may balk at taking their infant to a chiropractor, their minds filled with images of the stereotypical snap, crackle, and pop that is so often associated with the practice. However, infant chiropractic is different and much milder. Chiropractic adjustments for infants are very gentle.

The chiropractor will use his fingers to gently apply pressure to areas on the back and neck. Most babies completely relax as the doctor corrects the misalignments � some even fall peacefully asleep. When you are choosing a chiropractor for your baby, ask if he or she is experienced in working with babies.

infantile colic el paso tx.

How Chiropractic To Treat Colic Works

Childbirth is not a gentle experience. As the baby�s tiny body is compressed and stretched as it is emerging into the world, it can cause the vertebrae of the neck and back to become misaligned. If the delivery included vacuum extraction, forceps, or prolonged pushing, or other things that doctors or midwives must do to assist in delivery, the chances that the baby will experience misalignment are very good.

When these misalignments, called vertebral subluxations, are significant enough, it can impede on how well other major systems in the body are able to function. Digestion is one area that can be greatly impacted and when digestion of formula or breastmilk is compromised it can be the cause of major distress and discomfort for the baby. This can lead to episodes of colic.

Studies That Support How Chiropractic Helps Infantile Colic

There have been several studies that explores the efficacy of chiropractic for colic. The majority of this research has shown that it is a very effective treatment.

A 1999 study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported that spinal manipulation for colic is a very effective treatment for the condition. Babies treated using chiropractic experienced a decrease in crying by 67 percent. Babies who received medication experienced a decrease in crying by 38 percent. Another study showed similar results. Chiropractic improved crying behavior in babies that had colic.

Chiropractic is an effective, gentle, and drug free way to treat colic. Babies can thrive and be free of distress and discomfort while mom and dad can get some much needed sleep � and peace of mind.

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Cyclists Benefit With Chiropractic | El Paso, TX.�

Cyclists Benefit With Chiropractic | El Paso, TX.�

Cyclists: Now that summer is upon us and the chilly winds of winter are gone for at least a few months, more people are taking their fitness and recreational activities outside. Cycling is popular activity that fits both bills. It is a great way to unwind and enjoy the great outdoors, but it is also an excellent form of exercise.


Chiropractic provides excellent benefits for the cycler, whether you hit the trails on the weekend, incorporate cycling as part of your fitness regimen, or commute to work on your bike every day.

  • Relief from Pain
  • Faster Healing from Injuries
  • Better Muscle Tone and Balance
  • Improved Range of Motion
  • Enriched Cycling Biomechanics

In short, chiropractic can help make you a better cyclist and help you get the most out of your cycling. It will help keep your body aligned and balanced physically, but it also treats the whole body.

That means that your chiropractor will also make nutritional recommendations and even recommend various supplements if necessary. This will give your energy a boost and improve your performance, while helping you stay healthy and fit. This is how chiropractic helps you have more stamina and endurance.

cyclists el paso tx.Chiropractic For Cycling Injuries

As with any type of physical activity, there is always a chance that injuries will occur. Chiropractic helps keep your body balanced and improves your flexibility. This, in turn, decreases your chance for injury.

However, if you are injured, chiropractic can help you recover and heal much faster. You start with a healthy, balanced body through regular chiropractic care, and that helps you bounce back faster if you sustain an injury.

Chiropractic care can also be used to treat injuries. Cycling can cause pain and injury in the ligaments, muscles, knees, ankles, hips, hands, wrists, feet, neck, back, and shoulders.

Regular adjustments can help decrease the likelihood of pain in these areas, but sometimes the soreness can creep in anyway. When that happens, chiropractic treatments have been shown to be very effective in treating pain without pain medication and associated harmful side effects.

Spinal alignment is one of the most common chiropractic techniques, but it goes much farther than that. Adjustments to the legs and feet can help with ankle, knee, hip, and foot pain. Adjustments to the arms and shoulders can help relieve pain in those areas. Special attention to the joints help keep them flexible and functioning as they should.

Chiropractic Allows The Body�s Natural Ability To Heal

Chiropractic is completely natural and does not rely on invasive treatments or surgeries. It does not use medications of any kind. It uses nutrition and supplements that rely on the body�s natural ability to heal. It simply realigns the body so that the neural pathways are unobstructed. This allows blood flow to be more efficient and reach the organs much easier.

Chiropractic involves gentle spinal manipulations that realign the body and restore movement in the joints as well as muscle trigger points and soft tissue. It may include electrical muscular current therapies, massage, cold laser therapy, ultrasonic waves, and other therapies in addition to the spinal manipulations.

A chiropractic patient may be advised to rest, ice an area, elevate it, or be given specific exercises to work that area. Chiropractic is not a rote therapy as many traditional medical practices tend to be. It adjusts to each patient, taking into account their unique lifestyle, activity level, nutritional needs, and other elements that influence that particular patient�s healing process.

Chiropractic sees each patient as individual and treat them as such. This is what makes it such an effective treatment for cyclists. The benefits it offers them can not only keep them pain free and participating in their activity; it can also make them better at it.

Injury Medical Clinic: Back Pain Care & Treatments