Sports Spine Specialist Chiropractic Team: Athletes strive to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and ensuring they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements. Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions. Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles for athletes displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve overall well-being.
Obesity is not only an epidemic for the human race. One third of dogs and cats also suffer from it, according to a new American study. A lack of exercise, overfeeding and genetics are all contributory factors.
According to this American study published recently by Banfield Pet Hospital, the number of overweight and obese cats rose by 169% in the US over the past 10 years. For dogs, the increase was 158%. And the numbers are still trending upwards.
The survey analyzed data gathered on 2,521,832 dogs and 505,389 cats based on visits and checks made at veterinary clinics across the country. Almost 30% of the dogs and 33% of the cats seen during these visits were overweight or obese.
The main causes are a lack of exercise and too much food. A genetic predisposition can also be a factor, as some breeds of dogs and cats are more likely to become obese. Pets that have been sterilized also have an increased risk of gaining weight, as hormonal changes can boost their appetite and make them less inclined to play and take a walk.
Obesity has consequences for animal health. It raises the risk of type 2 diabetes, arthritis and heart disease.
Banfield Pet Hospital says that up to the age of 4 months, a kitten should be fed 4 times a day, and then 3 times daily when it is aged between 4 and 6 months. After that, feeding should be no more than twice a day. For dogs, it varies according to the animal’s size, age, physical condition and how active it is.
The study warns against the common attitude of giving treats to a dog or filling its bowl out of love or guilt for leaving it home alone. Portion size is also a problem, as it is often too generous.
Banfield Pet Hospital advises that the ideal weight for a dog or cat is when you can feel the animal’s ribs without being able to see them. If the animal is 10% above its correct weight, its ribs are no longer visible and cannot be felt, and if it is 20% above, no waist can be seen. Anywhere above the 20% mark is considered to be obese.
Only sport and a diet should be used to lower a pet’s weight.
Obesity also affects other types of pets. A British study in 2014 undertaken by the Pet Food Manufacturing Association revealed that 28% of pet rodents were obese and 15% of indoor birds.
And awareness can be an issue. In France, a 2010 survey by BVA/Gamm Vert revealed that only 13% of pet owners thought that their dog had a weight problem.
Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at lumbar spine disc herniation. What are the Likely signs and symptoms associated with disc herniation, and what would be the selection criteria for micro-discectomy operation in athletes? Complaint in the young college age athlete and professional athlete, and it’s been estimated that over 30% of athletes complain of back pain at least once in the profession(1).
Lumbar spinal disc herniation is one kind Of lumbar injury that can’t just cause painful low back pain, but can also compress nerve roots and create radicular referral of pain into the lower leg with related sensation changes and muscle contraction. This injury will not only influence the short-term opponent ability of the athlete, but might also reoccur and eventually become persistent possibly causing a career ending injury.
Managing disc herniation from the athlete Usually begins with conservative therapy and if this fails, surgical solutions are considered. But often elite athletes will request a quicker resolution to their symptoms to minimize time away from competitors. Therefore, providing the criteria for lumbar spine surgery are suggested, the conservative period will often be compressed, and surgery will be sought earlier. The favored surgical process for the athlete with a disc herniation is that the lumbar disc micro-discectomy.
Anatomy & Biomechanics
A significant biomechanical role in the spine, allowing for motion between the spinal segments while spreading compressive, shear, and torsional forces(2). These discs include a thick outer ring of fibrous cartilage termed the annulus fibrosis (akin to the onion rings enclosing the center of the onion), which encompasses a more gelatinous core called the nucleus pulposus, which is included within the cartilage end plates inferiorly and superiorly.
The intervertebral disc consists of Cells and substances such as collagen, proteoglycans, and thin fibrochondrocytic tissues, which enable transmission and absorption of forces arising from body weight and muscle activity. To do so, the disc depends mainly on the structural condition of the nucleus pulposus, annulus fibrosis and the vertebra lend plate. If the disc is normal and is functioning optimally, then forces are spread across the disc evenly(3).
But disc degeneration (mobile Degradation, lack of hydration( disc failure) may decrease the capacity of the disc to withstand extrinsic forces, as forces are no longer distributed and spread evenly. Tears and fissures from the annulus can lead, and with adequate external forces, the disc material may herniate. Alternatively, a sizable biomechanical force set on a healthy, ordinary disc may cause extrusion of disc material as a result of crushing failure of this annular fibers — illustrations include a hefty compression type mechanism because of a fall on the tailbone, or strong muscle contraction such as heavy weight lifting(4).
Herniations represent protrusions of Disc material beyond the confines of this annular lining and in the spinal canal (see Figure 1)(5). If the protrusion does not invade the canal or undermine nerve roots then back pain may be the only symptom.
Endoscopic Discectomy 3D Simulation
The pain associated with lumbar Radiculopathy happens due to a mix of nerve root ischemia (due to compression) and inflammation (because of neurochemical inflammatory mediators released from the disc). Throughout a herniation, the nucleus pulposus puts pressure on weakened regions of the annulus, and proceeds through the diminished websites in the annulus in which it ultimately forms a herniation(6 ft). It follows from this that some kind of disc degeneration may exist prior to the disc may really herniated(7).
In contrast to other respiratory Tissues, discs have a inclination to degenerate earlier in life, with some studies demonstrating adolescents presenting signs of degeneration between the ages of 11 to 16(8). With increasing age, there’s further degeneration of the intervertebral discs.
While the disc might be in danger of harm in All fundamental planes of motion, it’s particularly susceptible during repetitive flexion, or hyper-flexion, combined with lateral bending or rotation(10). Traumatic events such as excessive axial compression may also damage the inner structure of the disc. This can occur as a result of a fall or powerful muscular forces developed during tasks such as heavy lifting.
Athletes are generally exposed to high loading conditions. Examples of this include:
1. World-class power lifters, in which the calculated compressive loads on the backbone are involving 18800 Newtons (N) and also 36400N acting in the L3-4 motion segment(11).
2. Elite level football linesmen who have Been proven to present time-related hypertrophy of this disc and changes in vertebrae endplate in response to this repetitive high loading and axial pressure(12).
3. Long distance runners have been Shown to undergo significant strain into the intervertebral disc, indicated by a reduction in disc height(13).
Herniations could be classified depending on Ultimately, herniations are also identified based on level, with most herniations happening at the L4/5 and L5/S1 intervertebral disc level; these can then in turn affect the L5 and S1 nerve roots resulting in clinical sciatica(15). Upper level herniations are less common, and when they do occur with radiculopathy, they will affect the femoral nerve. Finally, the prevalence of disc injury rises increasingly caudally, with the best numbers at the L5/S1 degrees(16).
Herniation In Athletes
The offending movements implicated in The 20-35 age group are the most common group to herniate a disc, most likely because of the fluid nature of the nucleus pulposis and due to behavior(18). This age group are more likely to participate in sports which need high lots of flexion and spinning or are reckless with their positions and positions during loading.
The sports most at risk of disc herniation are:
Throwing events
These are the sports that involve either significant Furthermore, those who take part in more and more severe training regimes seem to be at higher risk of spinal pathologies, as do people involved in sports.
Signs & Symptoms Indicating Discectomy
The efficacy of management programs for lumbar spine disc herniation — in terms of the decision to operate or treat conservatively — will be discussed in greater depth in part 2 of this series. However, the decision to operate within an athlete is generally driven by the motivation and approaching goals the athlete has put themselves. They may in fact favor a comparatively simple micro-discectomy instead of waiting for symptoms to abate through an extended period of rehabilitation.
This conservative period of Management may involve medicine therapy, epidural injections, relative back and back muscle recovery, acupuncture, osteo/chiropractic interventions. On the other hand, the normal presenting symptoms and signs that suggest a substantial disc herniation that will require surgical intervention in the athlete comprise:
Low back pain with pain radiating down one or both legs
Positive straight leg raise test
Radicular pain and neurological signs consistent with the nerve root level affected
Mild weakness of distal muscles such as extensor hallucis longus, peroneals, tibialis anterior and soleus. These would fit with the myotome relevant for the disc level
MRI confirming a disc herniation
Possible bladder and bowel symptoms
Failed conservative rehabilitation
Time span in which to enable conservative rehabilitation to be effective. In the overall population, medical practitioners will most likely prescribe a minimal 6-week traditional period of treatment with an overview at 6 weeks as to whether to expand the rehabilitation a further 6 weeks or to seek a specialist opinion. The expert may then attempt more medically orientated interventions such as epidural injections.
The athlete nevertheless will have these They might be more inclined to experience an epidural very early in the conservative period to assess the effectiveness of this procedure. If no signs of progress are evident in a couple of weeks then they may choose to get an immediate lumbar spine micro- discectomy.
Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy
Local Doctor performs lumbar discectomy using minimally invasive techniques. From the El Paso, TX. Spine Center.
MRI remains the favored system of Identifying lumbar spine disc herniation, since it’s also very sensitive to detecting nerve root impingements(23). However, abnormal MRI scans can occur in otherwise asymptomatic patients(25); hence, clinical correlation is always essential before any surgical thought. What’s more, patients can present with clinical signs and symptoms which suggest the diagnosis of acute herniated disc, and yet lack evidence of sufficient pathology on MRI to warrant operation.
Therefore it has been proposed that a Volumetric analysis of a herniated disc on MRI may be potentially beneficial in checking the suitability for operation. Several writers have previously mentioned the possible value of volumetric evaluation of herniated disc on MRI as part of their selection criteria for lumbar surgery(26).
In a survey conducted in Michigan State University, it was found that the size and positioning of the herniated disc determined that the likelihood for operation with what researchers called ‘types 2-B’ and ‘types 2-AB’ being the most likely candidates for surgery(27).
The MRI protocol to your lumbar spine consists of (see Figure 2)
1.Sagittal plane echo T1- weighted sequence
2. Sagittal fast spin echo proton density sequence
3. Sagittal fast spin echo inversion recovery sequence
4.Axial spin echo T1- weighted sequence
Disc herniations are not a common Complaint in athletes, but they do happen in sports which involve high loads or repetitive flexion and rotation movements. Sufferers of a disc herniation will normally feel focused low-back pain, maybe with referral in the lower limb with associated neurological symptoms if the nerve root was compressed.
Managing a disc herniation within an General population as frequently the risk of a Protracted failed rehabilitation period is Bypassed for the protected and low risk Micro-discectomy procedure. In the Discuss the exact surgical alternatives involved Observing a lumbar spine micro-discectomy.
1. Sports Med. 1996;21(4):313�20
2. Radiology. Oct 2007;245(1):62-77
3. Arthritis Research & Therapy. 2003;5(3):120-30
4. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American volume. Feb 2004;86-A(2):382 � 96
5. Radiology. Oct 2007;245(1):43-61
6. Spine. Sep 15 1996;21(18):2149-55
7. Spine. May-Jun 1982;7(3):184-91
8. Spine. Dec 1 2002;27(23):2631-44
9. Lancet 1986;2:1366�7
10. Disease-A-Month:DM. Dec 2004;50(12):636-69
11. Spine. Mar 1987;12(2):146-9
12. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. Sep 2004;32(6):1434-9
13. The Journal of International Medical Research. 2011;39(2):569-79
14. Spine. 2001;26:E93-113
15. Spine. 1990;15:679-82
16. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Jun 2003;37(3):263-6
17. Prim Care. 2005;32(1):201�29
18. McGill, S.M. Low back disorders: Evidence based prevention and rehabilitation, Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign, IL, U.S.A., 2002. Second Edition, 2007
19. Spine. Apr 1991;16(4):437-43
20. Skeletal radiology. Jul 2006;35(7):503-9
21. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Nov 2007;41(11):836-41
22. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. Jun 2009;37(6):1208-13
23. Spine. Mar 15 1995;20(6):699-709
24. Phys Sportsmed. 2005;33(4):21�7
25. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1990 . 2:403�408
26. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong) 2001. 9:1�7
27. Eur Spine J (2010) 19:1087�1093
When it comes to stomach discomfort during exercise, forget that old adage “no pain, no gain.” New research suggests that excessive strenuous exercise may lead to gut damage.
“The stress response of prolonged vigorous exercise shuts down gut function,” said lead author Ricardo Costa.
“The redistribution of blood flow away from the gut and towards working muscles creates gut cell injury that may lead to cell death, leaky gut, and systemic immune responses due to intestinal bacteria entering general circulation,” Costa added. He’s a senior researcher with the department of nutrition, dietetics and food at Monash University in Australia.
Researchers observed that the risk of gut injury and impaired function seems to increase along with the intensity and duration of exercise.
The problem is dubbed “exercise-induced gastrointestinal syndrome.” The researchers reviewed eight previously done studies that looked at this issue.
Two hours appears to be the threshold, the researchers said. After two hours of continuous endurance exercise when 60 percent of an individual’s maximum intensity level is reached, gut damage may occur. Costa said that examples of such exercise are running and cycling.
He said heat stress appears to be an exacerbating factor. People with a predisposition to gut diseases or disorders may be more susceptible to such exercise-related health problems, he added.
Dr. Elena Ivanina is a senior gastroenterology fellow at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. She wasn’t involved with this research but reviewed the study. She said that normal blood flow to the gut keeps cells oxygenated and healthy to ensure appropriate metabolism and function.
If the gut loses a significant supply of blood during exercise, it can lead to inflammation that damages the protective gut lining. With a weakened gastrointestinal (GI) immune system, toxins in the gut can leak out into the systemic circulation — the so-called “leaky gut” phenomenon, Ivanina said.
But, she underscored that exercise in moderation has been shown to have many protective benefits to the gut.
“Specifically, through exercise, patients can maintain a healthy weight and avoid the consequences of obesity,” she said. Obesity has been associated with many GI diseases, such as gallbladder disease; fatty liver disease; gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD); and cancer of the esophagus, stomach, liver and colon. Regular moderate physical activity also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and depression.
To prevent exercise-related gut problems, Costa advised maintaining hydration throughout physical activity, and possibly consuming small amounts of carbohydrates and protein before and during exercise.
Ivanina said preventive measures might help keep abdominal troubles in check. These include resting and drinking enough water. She also suggested discussing any symptoms with a doctor to ensure there is no underlying gastrointestinal disorder.
Costa recommended that people exercise within their comfort zone. If you have stomach or abdominal pain, “this is a sign that something is not right,” he said.
Individuals with symptoms of gut disturbances during exercise should see their doctor.
The study authors advised against taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs — including ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen sodium (Aleve) — before working out.
Costa said there’s emerging evidence that a special diet — called a low FODMAP diet — leading up to heavy training and competition may reduce gut symptoms. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. FODMAPs are specific types of carbohydrates (sugars) that pull water into the intestinal tract.
The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders suggests consulting a dietitian familiar with FODMAP diets. Such diets can be difficult to initiate properly on your own, the foundation says.
Costa also said there’s no clear evidence that dietary supplements — such as antioxidants, glutamine, bovine colostrum and/or probiotics — prevent or reduce exercise-associated gut disturbances.
The study results were published online recently in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
Chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez examines the role of biomechanics in medial tibial stress syndrome…
Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS � commonly known as shin splints) is not medically serious, yet can suddenly side- line an otherwise healthy athlete. Roughly five percent of all athletic injuries are diagnosed as MTSS(1).
The incidence increases in specific populations, accounting for 13-20% of injuries in runners and up to 35% in military recruits(1,2). MTSS is defined as pain along the posterior-medial border of the lower half of the tibia, which is present during exercise and (usually) diminishes during rest. Athletes identify the lower front half of the leg or shin as the location of discomfort. Palpation along the medial tibia usually reproduces the pain.
Causes Of MTSS
There are two main hypothesized causes for MTSS. The first is that contracting leg�muscles place a repeated strain upon the medial portion of the tibia, inducing periostitis � inflammation of the periosteal outer layer of bone. While the pain of a shin splint is felt along the anterior leg, the muscles that arise from this area are the posterior calf muscles (see figure 1). The tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, and the soleus all arise from the posterior- medial aspect of the proximal half of the tibia. Therefore, the traction force from these muscles on the tibia is unlikely to be the cause of the pain typically felt on the distal portion of the leg.
A variation of this tension theory is that the deep crural fascia (DCF) � the though- connective tissue that surrounds the deep posterior compartment muscles of the leg � pulls excessively on the tibia, again causing trauma to the bone. Researchers at�the University of Honolulu examined a single leg from five male and 11 female adult cadavers. They confirmed that in these specimens, the muscles of the posterior compartment originated above the portion of the leg that is typically painful in MTSS, and the DCF indeed attached along the entire length of the medial tibia(3).
Doctors at the Swedish Medical Centre in Seattle, Washington wondered if, given the anatomy, could the tension from the posterior calf muscles produce a related strain on the tibia at the insertion of the DCF, and thus be the mechanism of injury(4)?
In a descriptive laboratory pilot study of three fresh cadaver specimens, they found that strain at the insertion site of the DCF along the medial tibia progressed linearly as tension increased in the posterior leg muscles. This confirmed that a mechanism for a tension-induced injury at the medial tibia is plausible. However, studies of bone periosteum in MTSS patients have yet to find inflammatory markers consistently enough to confirm the periostitis theory(5).
Tibial Bowing
The second causation theory for MTSS is that repetitive or excessive loading causes a bone-stress reaction in the tibia. The tibia, unable to adequately bear the load, bends during weight bearing. The overload results in micro damage within the bone, and not just along the outer layer. When the repetitive loading outpaces the bone�s ability to repair, localized osteopenia can result. Thus, some consider a tibial stress fracture to be the result of a continuum of bone stress reactions that include MTSS(1).
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the symptomatic leg often shows bone�marrow edema, periosteal lifting, and areas of increased bony resorption in patients with MTSS(1,5). This supports the bone- stress reaction theory. Magnetic resonance imaging of an athlete with a clinical presentation of MTSS can also help rule out other causes of lower leg pain such as tibial stress fracture, deep posterior compartment syndrome, and popliteal artery entrapment syndrome.
Risk Factors For MTSS
While the aetiology of MTSS is still theoretical, the risk factors for athletes developing it are well determined. A large navicular drop, as determined by the navicular drop test (NDT), significantly correlates with a diagnosis of MTSS(2,5). The NDT measures the difference in height position of the navicular bone, from a neutral subtalar joint position in supported non-weight bearing, to full weight bearing (see figures 2 and 3). The NDT is an indication of the degree of arch collapse during weight bearing. An excursion of more than 10 mm is considered excessive and a significant risk factor for the development of MTSS(5).
Research suggests that athletes with MTSS are found more likely to be female, have a higher BMI, less running experience, and a previous history of MTSS(2,5). Running kinematics for females can differ from males and fit a pattern that is known to leave them vulnerable to anterior cruciate ligament tears and patellofemoral pain syndrome(5). This same biomechanical pattern may also predispose females to MTSS. Hormonal considerations and low bone density are possibly contributing factors in increasing the risk of MTSS in the female athlete as well.
A higher BMI in an athlete likely indicates they have more muscle mass rather than they are overweight. The end result, however, is the same in that the legs bear a significantly heavy load. It is thought that in these instances, the bone growth�stimulated by the tibial bowing may not progress rapidly enough, and injury to the bone occurs. Therefore, those with a higher BMI may need to progress their training programs more slowly, to allow for adaptation.
Those with less running experience are more likely to make training errors (often identified by the athlete) as the catalyst for MTSS. These include increasing distance�too rapidly, changing terrain, overtraining, poor equipment (shoes), etc. Inexperience may also lead the athlete to return to activity too soon, thus accounting for the higher prevalence of MTSS in those who had suffered MTSS previously. Full recovery from MTSS can take anywhere from six to ten months, and if the cause of injury was not rectified or the athlete returns to training too soon, the chances are good the pain will return(5).
Biomechanical Considerations
The NDT is used as a measurable indication of foot pronation. Pronation is a tri-planar movement comprised of eversion at the hind foot, abduction of the forefoot, and dorsiflexion of the ankle. Pronation is a normal movement, and essential in walking and running. When the foot strikes the ground at the initial contact phase of running, the foot begins to pronate and the joints of the foot assume a loose-packed position. This flexibility helps the foot absorb ground reaction forces (see figure 4).
During the loading response phase, the foot further pronates, reaching peak pronation by around 40% of stance phase(6). In mid stance, the foot moves out of pronation and back to a neutral position. During terminal stance, the foot supinates, moving the joints into a closed packed position and creating a rigid lever arm from which to generate the forces for toe off.
Beginning with the loading response phase and throughout the remainder of the single leg stance phase of running, the hip is stabilized, extended, abducted and externally rotated by the concentric contraction of the hip muscles of the stance�leg (the gluteals, piriformis, obturator internus, superior gemellus and inferior gemellus). Weakness or fatigue in any of these muscles can result in internal rotation of the femur, adduction of the knee, internal rotation of the tibia, and over-pronation (see figure 5). Overpronation therefore, can be a result of muscle weakness or fatigue. If this is the case, the athlete may have a quite normal NDT, and yet when the hip muscles don�t function as needed, can overpronate.
In a runner who has significant over pronation, the foot may continue to pronate into mid stance, resulting in a�delayed supination response, and thus less power generation at toe off. The athlete may attempt two biomechanical fixes here that could contribute to the development of MTSS. Firstly, the tibialis posterior will strain to prevent the over pronation. This can add tension to the DCF and strain the medial tibia. Secondly, the gastroc-soleus complex will contract more forcefully at toe off to improve the power generation. Again, the increased force within these muscle groups can theoretically add tension to the medial tibia through the DCF and possibly irritate the periosteum.
Evaluating The Injured Athlete
Knowing that over pronation is one of the leading risk factors for MTSS, start your evaluation at the ground and work your way up. First, perform the NDT, noting if the difference is more than 10mm. Analyze the athlete�s running gait on a treadmill, preferably when the muscles are fatigued, as at the end of a training run. Even with a normal NDT, you may see evidence of over pronation in running (see figure 6).
Next evaluate the knee. Is it adducted? Notice if the hip is level or if either hip is more than 5 degrees from level. These are indications that there is likely weakness at the hip. Traditional muscle testing may not reveal the weakness; therefore, functional muscle testing is required.
Observe the athlete perform a one-legged squat with arms in and arms overhead. Does the hip drop, the knee adduct and the foot pronate? Test the strength of hip abductors in side lying, with hip in neutral, extended, and flexed, keeping the knee straight (see figure 7). Test all three positions with hip rotated in neutral, and at end ranges of external and internal rotation. Test hip extension in prone with the knee straight and bent, in all three positions of hip rotation: external, neutral and internal. The position where you find the weakness is where you should begin strengthening activities.
Treat The kinetic Chain
If there is weakness in the hip, begin by having the athlete perform isometric exercises in the position of weakness. For instance, if you find weakness in hip abduction with extension, then begin isolated isometrics in this position. Not until the muscles consistently fire isometrically in this position for three to five sets of 10 to 20 seconds should you add movement. Once the athlete achieves this level, begin concentric contractions, in that same position, against gravity. Some examples are unilateral bridging and side lying abduction. Eccentric contractions should follow, and then sport specific drills.
Keep in mind if there are other biomechanical compensations, they must also be addressed. If the tibialis posterior is also weak, begin strengthening there. If the calf muscles are tight, initiate a stretching program. Utilise whatever modalities might be helpful. Lastly, consider a stabilising shoe if the ligaments in the foot are over stretched. Using a stabilising shoe for a short time during rehabilitation can�be helpful in cuing the athlete to adopt new movement patterns.
The best way to prevent shin pain from MTSS is to decrease the athlete�s risk factors. Ideally, each athlete should have a basic running gait analysis and proper shoe fitting. Include hip strengthening in functional positions such as unilateral stance as part of the strengthening program. Pair inexperienced athletes with a more experienced mentor to ensure proper training, use of equipment, and investigation of pain at onset. They may be more likely to tell a teammate they are feeling pain than a coach or trainer. Progress the running schedule of heavier athletes more slowly to allow adaptation of the bone. Ensure that athletes fully rehabilitate before returning to play because the chances of recurrence of MTSS are high.
1. Am J Sports Med. 2015 Jun;43(6):1538-47
2. Br J Sports Med. 2015 Mar;49(6):362-9
3. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009;41(11):1991-1996
4. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2007 Jan;97(1):31-6
5. J Sports Med. 2013;4:229-41
6. Gait and Posture. 1998;7:77�95
It’s no surprise — overweight children who don’t properly learn self-regulating habits likely become obese adults. What is surprising is that one of the most common ways to help — restricting children’s diets — actually compounds the problem.
That’s the thrust of a new study by University of Illinois researchers who point to a disturbing pattern: Parents shame by withholding food due to weight gain, then children cope with the negative emotions by overeating.
Further exasperating the trend, overweight children are often rewarded with food by parents, and as they grow older, the children reward themselves with food.
Researchers who studied the pattern added a genetic component as well to better understand obesity. They reported that a child’s genetics, relating to cognition and emotion, likely play a key role. They found that when biological conditions were just right, a nudge by the social aspect sets kids on a path to obesity.
Kelly Bost, co-author of the study (published in Pediatric Obesity), and professor of child development at the University of Illinois, said: “When parents offer food to children whenever they are upset, children may learn to cope with their negative emotions by overeating, and they start to develop this relationship with food early in life; eating — especially comfort food — brings a temporary soothing. People intuitively understand that.”
The findings support the team’s hypothesis that a correlation exists between all factors: parenting approaches, combined with a child’s genetic make-up and restrictive feeding, and the child’s weight and the child’s propensity to be obese.
Bost said that children can effectively learn control for themselves: “Some of the things parents do, they may not think are related to how children are developing their eating habits. The ways parents respond or get stressed when children get upset are related in an indirect way. The way we respond to that emotion can help children to develop skills for themselves, to self-regulate, so that everyday challenges don’t become overwhelming things that they have to manage with respect to food.”
Bost and her team used data from the “Strong Kids” program, outreach developed by The Oregon Resiliency Project, an organization that is based on “research, training, and outreach effort aimed at social and emotional learning, mental health promotion, and social-emotional assessment intervention” of children, according to the organization’s website.
The team examined information about parents’ feeding styles, and how they typically reacted to their children’s (ages 2.5 to 3 years) negative emotions. The researchers examined these factors in combination with genetic data.
For the genetic factor, they looked at the COMT gene, a gene known for regulating cognition and emotion. This gene is the gatekeeper for dopamine, which controls the brain’s reward and pleasure centers.
Bost and her team studied minute variances in the gene pool to determine which children might be more susceptible to negative emotions or stress. They based their genetic research on the breakdown of amino acids in proteins that could lead to personality differences. One of them is the change produced by genetics in the form of a single part of our DNA: the nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). There are many types of SNPs; some affect the composition of protein and, depending on the change, affect the amount of dopamine in the brain, as presented by Psychology Today. Dopamine controls the brain’s reward and pleasure centers.
One type of SNP can change an amino acid from valine (Val) to methionine (Met). While largely academic, these two types of proteins influence emotion. Bost explained it best in the study: “We all carry two copies of genetic information — one from Mom, and one from Dad. In a person with Val/Val, the COMT system works three to four times faster than those with other combinations do, and therefore accumulates less dopamine in the front of the brain. Children who have at least one copy of Val tend to be more resilient emotionally. Those who are Met carriers have the propensity to be more reactive to negative emotion or stress.”
This genetic component was combined with the researchers’ studies. “We know that how parents respond to their children’s negative emotions influences the development of children’s response patterns over time,” Bost said in the study. “There is a whole body of literature linking emotion dysregulation to emotional overeating, dysregulation of metabolism, and risk for obesity, even starting at early ages. We wanted to begin to integrate information from these various fields to get a more holistic view of gene-environment interactions at this critical time in life for developing self-regulation.”
They began their research with a group of 126 children who were studied for the social aspect. For the genetic component, saliva samples were taken. Parents filled out questionnaires, rating how they typically respond to their common situations, including emotional outbursts.
Bost and colleagues found that parents most likely to use restrictive feeding were those who reported more frequent use of unresponsive stress-regulating strategies with their children — punishing or dismissive —and had children who were higher weight status and tested positive for the Met amino acid. But the same was not necessarily true for children who were Val carriers.
Bost and her team determined that breaking the cycle did not begin with blaming parents but instead by encouraging them to develop positive reinforcement and other techniques that could help their kids respond better and also help develop positive eating habits that likely would carry into adulthood.
While there exist myriad programs that focus on providing good nutrition or how to plan less stressful mealtimes, Bost explains that parents should also learn emotion regulation strategies in response to children who display emotional breakdowns and are eating to soothe — especially if the parents are restricting foods.
She added, “Sometimes the way parents respond is based on their own stress, belief systems, or the way they were raised. Educating parents from a developmental perspective can help them to respond to their children’s emotions in ways that will help their children learn to self-regulate their emotions and their food intake . . . responsive parenting involves an understanding of what stress-reducing approaches are most effective for a particular child.”
A new diet plan that dictates that you eat only one food for several weeks to lose weight fast is drawing warnings from many experts who say it is dangerous and only successful in the short term.
The Mono Diet (sometimes called the Banana Island or Monotrophic Diet) was popularized by a YouTube star nicknamed “Freelee the Banana Girl” (real name: Leanne Ratcliffe) who claimed it helped her lose weight, the New York Post reports.
Ratcliffe claimed to have lost 40 pounds eating close to 30 bananas a day.
A new version, the Sweet Potato Diet, promises the spud can help you lose 12 pounds in just two weeks. The hashtag #monomeal on Instagram, which highlights pictures of people’s meals containing a single food, has more than 38,000 posts, and the diet was one of the most searched in 2016, according to Google.
Frances Largeman-Roth, a registered dietitian and author of “Eating in Color,” tells the Post you can lose weight by eating only one food, but it’s likely to result from eating less.
“Yes, this diet can produce weight loss,” she says “But, the weight loss is a result of caloric restriction — not because any particular food is magically producing weight loss. It’s an incredibly restrictive and unbalanced diet and I do not recommend that anyone follow it.”
Experts warn such diets can also cause symptoms like dizziness and lead to some serious health problems, including dangerous metabolic changes and muscle loss.
UTEP claimed two superlative Conference USA track and field honors as Emmanuel Korir and Tobi Amusan were named C-USA Male and Female Track Athletes of the Year, announced by the league office on Friday afternoon.
�Both athletes are very special and talented. He [Korir] was the best candidate for our league and would most likely do very well other top conferences as well,� head coach Mika Laaksonen stated. �A lot of work goes into these things and Tobi worked incredibly hard over these past two years and she absolutely deserves this award, they both do.�
Korir ran a world best 1:14.97 in the 600m earlier this year at the New Mexico Cherry & Silver meet, which was his first race on an indoor 200m banked track. The freshman followed that up by capturing the NCAA title in the 800m (1:47.48) at the same track in Albuquerque, N.M., with a time of 1:47.48. The freshman is one of three athletes in the world to run an outdoor sub-45 400m and a sub-1:44 in the 800m.
The Kenyan native won the NCAA outdoor title in the 800m (1:45.03) and is the first Miner to win both titles in the same year.
Amusan was the leading scorer for the Miners with 25 points at the C-USA Indoor Championships and notched a meet record in the 60m hurdles with a time of 8.01. The sophomore helped her team win its third consecutive conference title. Amusan qualified to the NCAA Indoor Championships in the 60m hurdles where she notched a sixth-place showing.
The outdoor season started with a bang, as she set a school record (12.63) in the 100m hurdles at the UTEP Springtime meet. She followed that with a first-place finish at the 2017 Clyde Little Field Texas Relays in the 100m hurdles, setting a meet record time of 12.72. The Nigerian native scored 24.5 points at the C-USA Outdoor Championships leading the women�s team to its first ever outdoor conference title.
Both athletes were named semifinalists for college track and field�s high individual honor, The Bowerman Award. The women�s three finalists will be announced on Wednesday, June 21 and the men�s finalists will be announced Thursday, June 22.
For more information on UTEP track and field, follow the Miners on Twitter (@UTEPTrack) and on Instagram (uteptrack).
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