Sports Spine Specialist Chiropractic Team: Athletes strive to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and ensuring they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements. Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions. Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles for athletes displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve overall well-being.
Long-distance running, also known as endurance running, is a great way to improve fitness and relieve stress. Health experts say long-distance runners’ benefits include strong cardiovascular health, low cholesterol, healthy blood pressure levels, and improved metabolism. However, it is not easy and requires specific training, but it is not impossible even for beginners. Here is a beginner long-distance running training guide that goes over the fundamental areas needed to develop.
Long Distance Running Training
Running is a great form of cardio that offers several health benefits that, includes:
Weight loss
Stronger muscles
Stronger bones
Improved cardiovascular functionality
One of the main prerequisites is building up the body’s ability to handle the exercise. To reach the full potential as a distance runner, key areas that need developing include:
Running technique is essential for gaining the most speed and endurance. Using the correct form, the body is not expending unnecessary energy. The proper running form includes:
Maintaining an upright spine with the head, shoulders, and hips aligned.
Focus on maintaining a steady breathing rhythm.
Follow through on strides.
Do not cut the movements short.
Find your natural stride, which could be leading with the heel or running toe to heel.
Consult an experienced running coach or exercise physiologist for assistance in finding your running form.
Long-Term Goal
The body adapts to the stress of training slowly and over time.
Physiological adaptations cannot be rushed; however, the training program can be optimized to individual needs.
The minimum time before seeing an improvement from training is around six weeks.
Gradual Increase
Training load is a combination of distance, intensity, and the number of runs each week.
The body can only develop with moderate increases over a short time.
Increasing the load too much and too fast leads to injury, illness, and exhaustion.
Limiting distance, intensity, or frequency changes is recommended no more than once a week.
Training provides the stimulus to improved fitness, but the body needs recovery time to grow and adapt.
Often beginners want to train hard every day, trying to cover all the elements at once.
This common mistake slows progress and can cause various injuries, fatigue, and loss of motivation.
Rest days are essential to allow the body to recover, develop, adapt, and continue to progress healthily.
The classic training program alternates a hard training day with an easy day or a rest day.
Two consecutive hard training days can be done as long as they are followed by two full recovery days.
Beginner Tips
Berryman, Nicolas, et al. “Strength Training for Middle- and Long-Distance Performance: A Meta-Analysis.” International journal of sports physiology and performance vol. 13,1 (2018): 57-63. doi:10.1123/ijspp.2017-0032
Blagrove, Richard C et al. “Effects of Strength Training on the Physiological Determinants of Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A Systematic Review.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 48,5 (2018): 1117-1149. doi:10.1007/s40279-017-0835-7
Kenneally, Mark, et al. “The Effect of Periodization and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A Systematic Review.” International journal of sports physiology and performance vol. 13,9 (2018): 1114-1121. doi:10.1123/ijspp.2017-0327
Tschopp, M, and F Brunner. “Erkrankungen und Überlastungsschäden an der unteren Extremität bei Langstreckenläufern” [Diseases and overuse injuries of the lower extremities in long distance runners]. Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie vol. 76,5 (2017): 443-450. doi:10.1007/s00393-017-0276-6
van Poppel, Dennis, et al. “Risk factors for overuse injuries in short- and long-distance running: A systematic review.” Journal of sport and health science vol. 10,1 (2021): 14-28. doi:10.1016/j.jshs.2020.06.006
Sciatica is one of the most common injuries, with as many as 40% of individuals experiencing the condition, and it becomes more frequent as the body ages. The pain originates with the sciatic nerves and can go on for several weeks, months, or years. Staying active is a major recommendation to relieve the pain and prevent future flare-ups. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can decompress and release the nerve and educate individuals on an anti-inflammatory diet and staying active to expedite healing.
Staying Active
Sciatica is most commonly caused by a slipped disc, which puts pressure or irritates the sciatic nerve, and causes discomfort and painful sensations. The most common factors for developing sciatica include the following:
As the body ages, the spinal discs wear out and break down, leading to the spine shifting out of alignment.
Job occupations that place added strain on the back, like sitting or standing for extended periods, repetitive heavy lifting, or bending, reaching, and twisting movements.
Doctors and chiropractors have found that only resting with sciatica can worsen the injury.
This is because if it is a slipped/bulging/herniated disc, the disc remains in this state, the nerve stays compressed or irritated, and the muscles that control the low back become weak and unable to provide support.
Don’t Sit For Too Long
Prolonged periods of sitting place added pressure on the discs and ligaments in the low back.
Even when sitting doesn’t make it worse, the muscles can develop unhealthy muscle memory that causes partial contracting when there shouldn’t be any that tightens the gluteal muscles causing added strain.
Individuals with a job requiring a lot of sitting or standing are recommended to take frequent breaks to stretch out their muscles or use a standing desk to change positions.
Posture Adjustments
Slouching, hunching, and continuing to practice unhealthy postures will exacerbate sciatica.
Pay attention to the body’s position when standing or sitting.
To prevent slouching, pull the shoulders down and back.
Imagine the shoulder blades touching.
Individuals working at a desk or workstation should take frequent breaks.
Position the screen to see it without tilting the head down.
Increase Physical Activity and Exercise
Exercise is highly recommended to keep the muscles and nerves moving and circulation flowing.
Walking, light jogging, swimming, cycling, and dancing, increase heart rate without causing added strain or pain.
Strength Training
Exercises using free weights, weight machines, or isometric exercises strengthen the muscles and can help restore their position.
Stretching and Flexibility Training
Yoga, tai chi, and Pilates increase flexibility and strength.
The stretching will keep the nerves and muscles from spasms that can worsen the injury.
Strengthen The Core
A stronger core will improve spinal health. Actively engaging the abdominal muscles protects sciatic nerve roots by minimizing spinal pressure.
The back muscles can become increasingly stressed and tired when they have to do all the work without core muscle support.
A weak core can cause additional back pain and worsen sciatica symptoms.
Stand Up Straight
Keep the head and shoulders straight.
Focus On Breathing
Rhythmic breathing helps keep the mind focused and alert while engaged in an activity.
Core Muscles
The back, side, pelvis, and buttock muscles are also part of the core.
Strengthening all of these muscles helps to support the spine.
Exercises for core strengthening include yoga and Pilates, planks, and bridges.
Nerve Recovery
As the nerve recovers, the area the nerve supplies could experience tingling discomfort.
This could be accompanied by an electric sensation at the level of the healing nerve fibers.
The location of this sensation should move as the nerve heals.
With time the sensations should subside, and the area should begin to feel more normal.
Spinal Decompression Demonstration
Jensen, Rikke K et al. “Diagnosis and treatment of sciatica.” BMJ (Clinical research ed.) vol. 367 l6273. 19 Nov. 2019, doi:10.1136/bmj.l6273
Kuai, Shengzheng, et al. “Influences of lumbar disc herniation on the kinematics in multi-segmental spine, pelvis, and lower extremities during five activities of daily living.” BMC musculoskeletal disorders vol. 18,1 216. 25 May. 2017, doi:10.1186/s12891-017-1572-7
Ma, Xiao, et al. “The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults.” Frontiers in psychology vol. 8 874. 6 Jun. 2017, doi:10.3389/fps.2017.00874
Ramaswami, Ramya, et al. “Management of Sciatica.” The New England journal of medicine vol. 376,12 (2017): 1175-1177. doi:10.1056/NEJMclde1701008
The low back is a common source of discomfort and soreness among volleyball players because of repetitive jumping, bending, and rotating of the trunk. Adolescents have an increased risk of this injury because their vertebral bones are still developing, which increases the risk for stress fractures. Chiropractic care, massage therapy, decompression, rest, and athletic training can help expedite pain relief and heal the injury.
Volley Back Pain
Muscle or ligament strains are the most common injury from repetitive jumping, bending, rotating movements, and hyperextension during serving, hitting and setting. This can lead to excessive compression forces on the discs and joints, causing reduced blood circulation, increasing the risk of overload injuries. One study reported that low back pain is experienced in 63% of players. However, if low-back pain is accompanied by pain that runs down the leg along with numbness or weakness in the foot or ankle, the issue could be a herniated disc.
One common reason is endurance imbalances in the muscles that stabilize the low back. The core muscles provide stability to the low back and spine for all movements. If imbalances are present, a player may spike or serve the ball with intense turning and arching. The added actions cause increased pressure in the joints and hip, gluteal, and leg muscles, affecting the spine’s stability.
The gluteals run from the back of the pelvis/hip bones down to the outside of the thigh.
The gluteal muscles prevent the trunk and hips from overbending forward when landing.
If the gluteal muscles do not have the strength and endurance to perform this motion, the upper body will bend too far forward, causing poor landing posture and decreased spine stability.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Studies have shown that players with low back pain tend to stand and land with an anterior pelvic tilt. This is an unhealthy posture when the front of the pelvis tilts forward, and the back of the pelvis raises. Landing hard with an anterior pelvic tilt causes increased arching and increases the pressure in the joints.
Chronic back pain
Warning signs of a more serious back problem include:
Pain that has lasted for more than 1 week and is not improving or getting worse.
Pain that prevents sleep or causes the individual to constantly wake up.
Difficulty sitting.
Back soreness when performing basic tasks and chores.
Significant pain on the court when jumping, landing, or rotating.
Chronic pain ranges from aches to shooting or throbbing pain that can run down the buttocks and legs.
Chiropractic Care
A chiropractor can alleviate volleyball back pain, rule out a more severe injury, such as a stress fracture or herniated disc, and provide a healthier and faster recovery. According to a study, athletes who received chiropractic care showed better speed and mobility. Quick reflexes and hand-eye coordination depend on an optimal functioning nervous system. 90% of the central nervous system travels through the spine. When one or more spinal segments are misaligned, the effect on the nervous system can seriously impact and disrupt nerve circulation, affecting speed, mobility, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination. Chiropractic adjustments will:
Relax and reset the back muscles.
Realign and decompress the spine.
Remove the pressure around the nerve roots.
Strengthen the core.
Improve and increase range of motion, strength, and overall endurance.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Haddas R, Sawyer SF, Sizer PS, Brooks T, Chyu MC, James CR. “Effects of Volitional Spine Stabilization and Lower-Extremity Fatigue on the Knee and Ankle During Landing Performance in a Population With Recurrent Low Back Pain.” J Sport Rehabil. 2017 Sep;26(5):329-338. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2015-0171.
Hangai M. et al., Relationship Between Low Back Pain and Competitive Sports Activities During Youth, Am J Sports Med 2010; 38: 791-796; published online before print January 5, 2010, doi:10.1177/0363546509350297.
Jadhav, K.G., Deshmukh, P.N., Tuppekar, R.P., Sinku, S.K.. A Survey of Injuries Prevalence in Varsity Volleyball Players. Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 2: 102-105, 2010 102
Mizoguchi, Yasuaki, et al. “Factors associated with low back pain in elite high school volleyball players.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 31,8 (2019): 675-681. doi:10.1589/jpts.31.675
Movahed,Marziehet al. (2019). “Single leg landing kinematics in volleyball athletes: A comparison between athletes with and without active extension low back pain.”
Sheikhhoseiniet al. (2018). “Altered Lower Limb Kinematics during Jumping among Athletes with Persistent Low Back Pain”
Training means engaging in activity for fitness purposes or improving performance skills. Sports training is a process of preparation aimed at strengthening and maintaining high performance in sports activities. It is used by scientists and experts in sports science, biomechanics, exercise physiology, sports psychology, and fields like yoga and kinesiology. Regardless of fitness level, physical training, or exercise program, general sports training principles include:
Designed to improve fitness and performance, it includes strength training, conditioning, cardiovascular training, corrective and restorative exercises, mental and psychological training, and nutritional/health coaching.
Sports Training Principles
To improve fitness levels, an individual needs to increase the intensity and duration of their training routine gradually. Gradual and systematic increases in training stress maintain tissue overload and continue the body’s training adaptation. Training variables must be increased to induce further transformation. These include:
The rate of progression is important as progressing too fast can result in injury, while going too slow can delay improvement goals.
Periodization and Regularity
Maintaining a consistent exercise regimen is important, with training occurring at regular intervals.
Training three-five times each week is recommended.
Ensure adequate sleep to train at optimal levels.
A proper nutrition plan to operate at high capacity during training.
Varying training variables like activity, rest, frequency, intensity, and duration help maintain optimal stimulus and address goal adjustments to avoid overtraining, injury, and burnout.
Overloading occurs when the training exercise is more than an individual’s body can take. Challenging an individual’s current fitness and performance levels generates improvements. For example, soccer players alternate between sprinting, jogging, and backpedaling during games. They do 40-50-minute jogging sessions daily to maintain stamina and endurance.
This means pushing the body, so the heart works at a high percentage of its maximum capacity.
Determining the proper intensity level depends on various factors, including age, weight, and overall fitness level.
Excessive overload and/or inadequate rest can result in overtraining, injury, and decreased performance levels.
Becoming bored with physical training can happen very easily when performing the same routine.
Mixing things up by breaking up the routine and doing other activities is important.
This prevents boredom and can increase motivation to help achieve maximum results.
Rest periods between physical training are essential for repairing muscle damage and removing metabolic waste.
The recommended recovery time is between 24 and 48 hours after training.
Alternating more difficult training exercises with easier exercises or alternating muscle groups so as not to work out the same muscles can also achieve recovery.
Not allowing the body to recover properly can lead to muscle fatigue, increasing the risk of injuries.
When developing a physical training program, it’s important to ensure the whole body is being worked out equally to achieve a balanced fitness level.
Balance routines for the upper and lower body.
Components of a balanced exercise plan include Strength, Cardio, and Flexibility training.
For example:
One day of aerobic exercises for cardio.
One day of rest.
One day of resistance training for strength.
Stretching at the beginning and the end of workouts to relax muscles and maintain flexibility.
The principle of specificity recommends that individuals gear their training toward specific goals.
Specific training consists of exercises to develop specific strength, specific muscle groups, and specific motor abilities required for a sport.
Incorporating specific motions and sports tasks generates neuromuscular and metabolic adaptations and muscle memory.
Chiropractic Therapy
Sports chiropractors work closely with massage therapists, performance coaches, athletic trainers, and medical doctors with a diverse treatment approach that is applied based on the needs of the individual. Chiropractic will:
Improve performance.
Reduce the risk of injury.
Alleviate muscle stress.
Expedite injury healing.
Maintain body alignment.
Sports Chiropractor Rehabilitation
Kasper, Korey. “Sports Training Principles.” Current sports medicine reports vol. 18,4 (2019): 95-96. doi:10.1249/JSR.0000000000000576
Maestroni, Luca, et al. “Strength and Power Training in Rehabilitation: Underpinning Principles and Practical Strategies to Return Athletes to High Performance.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 50,2 (2020): 239-252. doi:10.1007/s40279-019-01195-6
Ralston, Grant W et al. “Weekly Training Frequency Effects on Strength Gain: A Meta-Analysis.” Sports medicine – open vol. 4,1 36. 3 Aug. 2018, doi:10.1186/s40798-018-0149-9
Schleip, Robert, and Divo Gitta Müller. “Training principles for fascial connective tissues: scientific foundation and suggested practical applications.” Journal of bodywork and movement therapies vol. 17,1 (2013): 103-15. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2012.06.007
Van Proeyen, Karen, et al. “Beneficial metabolic adaptations due to endurance exercise training in the fasted state.” Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md.: 1985) vol. 110,1 (2011): 236-45. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00907.2010
Chiropractic care focuses on whole-body health, restoring optimal body function, helping injuries heal/rehabilitate, and maintaining musculoskeletal health. Yoga is one of the most popular forms of fitness because it is not overly physically demanding but still increases flexibility and muscle tone, helps with weight loss, improves cardiovascular and circulatory health, and enhances breathing and energy levels. Yoga provides benefits that directly relate to chiropractic, making the treatment more effective.
Yoga and Chiropractic
Yoga is an exercise focusing on mindfulness combined with deep stretches and focused breathing. Yoga focuses on balance, flexibility, and strength.
It helps to lower blood pressure and stress levels by releasing built-up tension.
Helps to activate the body’s natural healing process.
It stretches the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, keeping them loose and flexible, enhancing chiropractic adjustments.
Chiropractic is multi-faceted,restoring the wellness of the neuromusculoskeletal system that involves the nerves, muscles, and bones. It works holistically with the body’s natural processes to restore balance and overall health.
Realigns the spine.
Returns the natural shape of the body’s structure.
Clears interference from the nervous system.
Rejuvenates the body.
Customized chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, and traction treatment plans help shift spinal deformities back toward proper balance.
Strengthen Soft Tissues
Yoga and chiropractic work and strengthen all the:
Connective tissues
Increasing the strength of the joints throughout the body reduces stress and the risk of injury.
Promote Healing
Yoga and chiropractic:
Prepare the body for healing.
Stretch and elongate the body.
Release built-up tension and stress.
Activate the body for healing.
Prevent Injury
Yoga and chiropractic:
Maintain body alignment.
Increase balance.
Stretch and relieve tense muscles.
Ensure proper joint operation.
Make the body less susceptible to injury.
Educate Individuals About The Body
Chiropractors and yoga teachers can educate individuals on how the body works, maintaining muscle strength, teaching posture awareness, and nervous system function for a healthier life.
Yoga Body Flow
Biman, Saranga, et al. “Effects of yoga on stress, fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, and the quality of life among employees of the diamond industry: A new approach in employee wellness.” Work (Reading, Mass.) vol. 70,2 (2021): 521-529. doi:10.3233/WOR-213589
da Costa, Fernanda Mazzoni, et al.”“Effects of an intervention program with health education and hatha yoga on the health of professionals with musculoskeletal symptoms”” Revista brasileira de medicina do trabalho : publicacao oficial da Associacao Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho-ANAMT vol. 18,2 114-124. 11 Dec. 2020, doi:10.47626/1679-4435-2020-492
Hawk, Cheryl, et al.” Best Practices for Chiropractic Management of Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline” Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.) vol. 26,10 (2020): 884-901. doi:10.1089/acm.2020.0181
Kolasinski, Sharon L et al.” 2019 American College of Rheumatology/Arthritis Foundation Guideline for the Management of Osteoarthritis of the Hand, Hip, and Knee” Arthritis care & research vol. 72,2 (2020): 149-162. doi:10.1002/acr.24131
Urits, Ivan et al.” A Comprehensive Review of Alternative Therapies for the Management of Chronic Pain Patients: Acupuncture, Tai Chi, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, and Chiropractic Care” Advances in therapy vol. 38,1 (2021): 76-89. doi:10.1007/s12325-020-01554-0
Football season is here, and the sport demands healthy, strong bodies. It is explosive, with high-intensity plays lasting between 2-15 seconds. Strength and power are put out in a few moments then the player rests up and does it again. A football training chiropractor can take players to another level with therapeutic massage, body strengthening, and rehabilitation so that players can enjoy a healthy injury-free season.
Football Training
Stretching and Warm-Up
Stretching and a dynamic warm-up are essential to strengthening the body and preventing injury. Stretching is necessary to increase the range of motion in the muscles, especially when the body is in an awkward position; it can adapt. A dynamic warm-up increases the core temperature of the muscles and prepares the muscles, joints, and nervous system for the physical event. The critical muscles are the hip flexors, hamstrings, and calves. The warm-up consists of a series of progressive movement drills that include:
Proper stretching, followed by a dynamic warm-up, will maximize performance.
Cardio, Aerobic, and Anaerobic Fitness
Cardio training increases oxygen and blood circulation to play for a long time without getting tired.
Aerobic fitness increases oxygen and provides endurance to break through or enhance tackles, sustained effort, and strength.
Anaerobic fitness utilizes high-intensity exercises to challenge the body without using a lot of oxygen like cardio and aerobics do.
All are important, especially for players playing the whole or most of the game.
Core Strength
The core is where power and strength come from. It refers to the muscles around the trunk and pelvis, including the diaphragm, abdominal wall, low back, and hips. Reinforcing the core will enhance balance, stability, and efficiency and reduce the risk of injury. The core muscles under the washboard abs link upper-body power with lower-body torque. In-season strength training provides a progressive buildup to optimal fitness and performance. The focus is on the following:
Speed maintenance.
Aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
Strength and power.
Emphasis on injury prevention training stabilizer muscles for balance and agility.
It is recommended to allow at least two days between training sessions and games. Avoid strength training on the same day as working out on the field.
Rest entirely from strength training for one week in five.
Light workouts are fine.
Football players have unique hydration needs due to the exposure to extreme heat or cold while wearing heavy equipment. Top-rated athletic trainers monitor weather conditions, length and time of day at practice and games, and the hydration levels of each player. Hydration recommendations include:
Hydrate before, during, and after practices and games.
Two to three hours before the game, drink 17 to 20 fluid ounces of water or a sports drink.
Ten to 20 minutes before the game, drink seven to 10 fluid ounces of water or a sports drink.
During practices, drink seven to 10 fluid ounces of water or sports drink every 10 to 20 minutes with the helmet off.
Post-practice/game, correct any fluid loss, ideally within two hours.
The hydration should contain water to restore hydration, carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores, and electrolytes to speed the recovery process.
Football Training Chiropractic
Chiropractic care has become integral to NFL players’ health and training programs. All 32 teams have a chiropractor, and according to the Professional Football Chiropractic Society, the average NFL team chiropractor gives 30-50 treatments a week. Chiropractic treats conditions like neuromusculoskeletal strain injuries, neck pain, back pain, strains to the hamstring and quadriceps, and injuries caused by whiplash-like movements. Benefits include:
Iaia, F Marcello, et al. “High-intensity training in football.” International journal of sports physiology and performance vol. 4,3 (2009): 291-306. doi:10.1123/ijspp.4.3.291
Lorenz, Daniel, and Scot Morrison. “CURRENT CONCEPTS IN PERIODIZATION OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING FOR THE SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPIST.” International journal of sports physical therapy vol. 10,6 (2015): 734-47.
Robbins, Daniel W. The Normalization of Explosive Functional Movements in a Diverse Population of Elite American Football Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: April 2012 – Volume 26 – Issue 4 – p 995-1000
doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31822d53b7
Stump, John L, and Daniel Redwood. “The use and role of sports chiropractors in the national football league: a short report.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 25,3 (2002): E2. doi:10.1067/mmt.2002.122326
Zein MI, Saryono S, Laily I, Garcia-Jimenez JV. The effect of high-intensity circuit training-modified FIFA 11+ program on physical fitness among young football players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2020;60:11-6. DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.19.09813-X
Functional fitness conditioning exercises train the muscles for everyday activities safely and efficiently. It refers to exercises that simulate daily movements like standing, bending, reaching, jumping, twisting, pushing, pulling, squatting, lunging, turning, walking, and running. These exercises improve functional body strength to train the muscles to work together and prepare for daily tasks and chores that individuals do at home, at work, or in sports activities. Strengthening the muscles the same way they are needed for everyday tasks reduces the risk of injury, allowing individuals to go through the day without worrying about straining or pulling something.
Functional Fitness Conditioning
Functional fitness conditioning exercises can be done at home, park, or gym and is an excellent way to combat restlessness and keep the body moving. Training the muscles to work the way they do daily prepares the body to move optimally and efficiently in various situations. Functional fitness exercises simultaneously utilize upper and lower body muscles to increase core stability and train the whole body. Examples include:
Combining strength training with exercises that mirror the movements of daily life increase overall strength and improves:
Various gyms or fitness centers may offer functional fitness conditioning classes or incorporate functional fitness into their exercise courses. Exercise equipment can include:
Primarily using body weight makes this strength training simple and safe for almost anybody. Functional fitness conditioning is laidback, requiring less equipment and intensity. The objective is to develop and strengthen the entire body to handle daily life while minimizing the risk of injury, making it suitable for individuals of all ages and fitness levels.
These include benefits for overall health and physical performance.
Everyday life
Quality of life improves because of the stress relief factor.
This type of training has been reported to be more enjoyable because the training is for everyday life.
Increased muscle memory
Builds muscle and core strength and exercises the brain to increase memory.
Increased mobility
Improves balance
Muscle strength
Improves balance and posture
Training and strengthening the muscles to manage/balance weight correctly reduces stress on the body.
Faster injury recovery
A strengthened body operates at optimal levels that improve repairing and healing capabilities.
It is recommended to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program, and pregnant women should check with their doctors. A personal trainer, functional medicine, or sports chiropractor can discuss available conditioning options specific to the individual.
Functional Fitness
Fahlman, Mariane M et al. “Effects of resistance training on functional ability in elderly individuals.” American Journal of health promotion: AJHP vol. 25,4 (2011): 237-43. doi:10.4278/ajhp.081125-QUAN-292
Gerards, Marissa H G, et al. “Perturbation-based balance training to improve balance control and reduce falls in older adults – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.” BMC geriatrics vol. 21,1 9. 6 Jan. 2021, doi:10.1186/s12877-020-01944-7
Pacheco, Matheus Maia, et al. “Functional vs. Strength training in adults: specific needs define the best intervention.” International Journal of sports physical therapy vol. 8,1 (2013): 34-43.
Pullyblank, Kristin, et al. “Effects of the Strong Hearts, Healthy Communities Intervention on Functional Fitness of Rural Women.” The Journal of rural health: official Journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association vol. 36,1 (2020): 104-110. doi:10.1111/jrh.12361
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