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Mobility & Flexibility

Back Clinic Mobility & Flexibility: The human body retains a natural level to ensure all its structures are functioning properly. The bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other tissues work together to allow a range of movement and maintaining proper fitness and balanced nutrition can help keep the body functioning properly. Great mobility means executing functional movements with no restrictions in the range of motion (ROM).

Remember that flexibility is a mobility component, but extreme flexibility really is not required to perform functional movements. A flexible person can have core strength, balance, or coordination but cannot perform the same functional movements as a person with great mobility. According to Dr. Alex Jimenez’s compilation of articles on mobility and flexibility, individuals who don’t stretch their body often can experience shortened or stiffened muscles, decreasing their ability to move effectively.

Chiropractic Podcasting: Why Chiropractic Works | El Paso, Tx (2020)

In the following podcast video article, Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, and Dr. Mario Ruja, another chiropractor in El Paso, TX, discuss chiropractic care and why it works. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective, alternative treatment option that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, of injuries and underlying conditions associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous system. Chiropractic care is a healthcare profession that has existed for many years throughout many civilizations and it focuses on the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to carefully restore the original alignment of the spine and the human body as a whole. Dr. Alex Jimenez and Dr. Mario Ruja describe how they were first interested in becoming chiropractors, or doctors of chiropractic, as they also describe how they feel when they are able to provide pain relief to their patients. Dr. Jimenez and Dr. Ruja will focus on discussing why chiropractic care works and how it is different from other healthcare professions in the way it helps treat a variety of health issues associated with the spine, from neck pain to low back pain and sciatica. Chiropractic care can help promote overall health and wellness. � Podcast Insight

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Thank You & God Bless.
Dr. Alex Jimenez RN, DC, MSACP, CCST


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Yoga That Is Safe for My Spine El Paso, Texas

Yoga That Is Safe for My Spine El Paso, Texas

Yoga has gained popularity because of its ability to reduce back pain, relax tight muscles, relieve stress and exercise in a safe calm environment. Developed thousands of years ago, the practice of breathing, posing and stretching offers a variety of important health benefits. As a chiropractor, I�m often asked about the practice of yoga. Those with back pain or have undergone spine surgery want to know if yoga can help them improve their physical and psychological health.

  • Reduced stress
  • Improved blood pressure
  • Increased flexibility
  • Increased stamina
  • Greater balance
  • Improved breathing techniques

In addition to the normal exercise benefits yoga offers, the practice serves as therapy for a variety of injuries and health conditions. Yoga embodies the physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness, and touches upon other forms of traditional exercise. The concept that yoga heals the body in its entirety mirrors chiropractic care. These foundations offer enormous benefits to those dealing with a variety of injuries and conditions. By incorporating yoga, individuals are able to reap amazing rewards.

A regular exercise plan needs to include a little cardio as there are huge benefits from pumping the heart rate up. Minimal loading exercises, like biking, and swimming are great. Pain can be managed by participating in cardiovascular exercises, however, yoga�s gentleness can complement the healing process.

Here are a few reasons:


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Yoga That Is Safe for My Spine El Paso, Texas

Prepares the body for healing

Practicing yoga stretches and elongates the body’s muscles, releasing tension and stress. It can serve to warm up the body and clear the mind, so a chiropractor can get to the root problem. Yoga complements chiropractic treatment by preparing the body to heal itself.

Strengthens joints and ligaments

Dealing with a health condition or injury is frustrating and can seem like it takes forever to heal. Implementing yoga into a recovery plan helps strengthen joints and ligaments, which aids in promoting healing and cutting down the time it takes to get better. Yoga works on the body as a whole and promotes greater well-being from head to toe. A stronger body offers more productivity than one that is stiff, sore, and unhealthy.

Increases range of motion

Depending on the individual’s specific condition, individuals may need a few visits to prepare their bodies before the main issue can be addressed. Yoga sessions increase a body’s flexibility and help with the range of motion in the neck, back, hips, and other joints.

Prevents injury/s

Yoga provides a continual way for individuals dealing with chronic conditions to manage and reduce pain, inflammation, and other symptoms. Yoga combined with chiropractic keeps the body aligned, balanced, muscles stretched, de-stressed, and the joints working properly.

Both also serve to keep posture correct, and ligaments strong. All of this creates a body that is less susceptible to future injury, illness, and stress. Individuals enjoy increased mobility for a lot longer without changing lifestyle.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Yoga That Is Safe for My Spine El Paso, Texas

The Best Way to Start

There are many different types of yoga. Most sessions usually last an hour and include breathing exercises, meditation and holding poses/postures that stretch and tone muscle groups.

To help visualize how yoga can help the spine, here’s an analogy:

Think of the spine like a cookie ice cream sandwich with the ice cream in-between and a gummy band wrapped around. The cookies represent the vertebrae, the ice cream is the disc cushion in between and the gummy band represents the ligament and muscles surrounding the area.

The tighter the gummy band is, the more it compresses the cookies and applies pressure to the ice cream. When stretching the gummy band, it loosens the pressure on the cookies and reduces the load/compression of the ice cream.

Exercise is crucial for recovery and rehabilitation. Yoga is a gentle way to get you back on your feet. It promotes circulation, relaxation, strength, and flexibility. Pure plane movements meaning moving forward then backward in basic movements are essential until the body becomes more flexible. Move carefully forward, sideways and cautiously backward.


  • At the beginning no movements combining bending and twisting.
  • The muscles need to adapt and become comfortable with these movements at first. Therefore, hold poses for at least 30 seconds without bouncing minimizing potential injury.

Certified instructor

Ask your doctor or chiropractor if they can recommend a certified yoga instructor; preferably with 500 hours of instruction. Search for small class sizes and a teacher that closely monitors movements and poses closely. It is important that the instructor be aware and make gentle adjustments or offer modifications to participants as needed.


Restorative Flow

Start off with a type known as Restorative Flow. It restores the flow from one part of the body to another with slow controlled movements/poses that emphasize stretching and correct breathing.

Listen to Your Body

When healing from injury/s, take it slow. Listen to your body and let it guide your movements so that it feels safe and comfortable. Do not push beyond. For most, a beginner or restorative Yoga class is best. Ask about modifying the poses so that the bending and twisting combinations/advanced postures are taken out so as not to overload the joints.

If you are on a budget consider purchasing an instructional DVD. DVD’s offer program variations of 20 to 60 minutes and are highly educational and easy to follow. Stretching pain/soreness is okay, but sharp pain is not.

Yoga could be an answer to many of the body’s issues, whether dealing with current conditions or just want to stay healthy in a new way check out the basics of yoga. Chiropractic coupled with yoga offers great benefits to those dealing with medical conditions or injury. Ask your chiropractor for an evaluation, and if adding yoga to your health program will help.


Chiropractic Massage Therapy


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The Muscles That Move and Support The Spine El Paso, TX.

The Muscles That Move and Support The Spine El Paso, TX.

Two types of muscles exist in the body, and they are voluntary or the ones that we can move and involuntary or those that move on their own like the digestive and heart muscles. Both can be made stronger and more resilient through exercise and physical activity. We’re shall focus on the voluntary muscles that move and support the spine.

When there is a lack of muscle strength and flexibility it can create an environment for back pain. The muscles connect to the bones through the tendons. When contracted the signal concentrates through the tendon, and moves the bone/s. The tendons are attached to the bones. When the tendons get inflamed, tendonitis can occur even in the spine.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 The Muscles That Move and Support The Spine El Paso, TX.

Muscle layers

Some go deeper while others are more superficial and at the surface. The deeper muscles are the ones that stabilize and secure the bones. The abdominal muscles along with the hips and legs can play a part in back pain/problems.

A doctor might have told you that to have a healthy spine. That is great news, however, we all need to build a strong core, which includes the abdominal muscles, to help stabilize the entire torso. There are four types of abdominal muscles.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 The Muscles That Move and Support The Spine El Paso, TX.

The Corset

The deepest is the transversus abdominis, which wraps around your body just like a corset. These muscles contract if you place your hands on your waist and cough. On the sides of your body, there are two sets of oblique muscles. The internal obliques go deeper, while the external obliques are closer to the surface. The obliques enable us to twist and bend from side to side.

The Six-Pack

And of course, there is the rectus abdominis which we all know as the six-pack. These can be sculpted into the washboard abs but they do not help in stabilizing the spine/back. The job of the abs is to pull you forward like when doing sit-ups and crunches.

They do help compress the deeper ab muscles, but to stabilize the spine, you want to strengthen the deepest ab muscles. The corset, internal obliques, and back muscles are the ones you want to work. One of the most effective ab and back workouts is Pilates. It targets all abdominal and spine muscles in a gentle way.



Within the body are two muscles on either side of the body, called the iliopsoas muscles, or the psoas (so-as). These are the hip and thigh flexors which lift the thighs like when�walking, going upstairs.


hip positioning



When in a stationary position, the psoas enables you to bend forward or flex the hips. When sitting, the psoas stabilizes the spine into an upright position. It is one of the largest and thickest muscles, and it extends from your lumbar vertebrae, crosses in front of each hip, and attaches on the inside top of the thigh bone. When we sit for long periods it constricts or shortens the psoas, which causes soreness/pain when you stand.



Spinal muscles are made up of layers. The deepest are small and are attached one vertebra to another. The deepest level are the interspinalis muscles, which connect the spinous processes; thank them for helping you stretch backward.

The transversospinalis group forms a chevron pattern along the back and helps with side bending, twisting, and assists in back bending. The next layer up is the erector spinae. The main job of this group is bending, but also assist with�bending to the side . When muscle spasms occur, it’s often the erector spinae muscles.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 The Muscles That Move and Support The Spine El Paso, TX.


The next level consists of the rhomboids. These are situated between the shoulder blades. Exercise or physical therapy can realign the vertebrae if there is upper back, shoulder and neck pain. The wings on either side of the back are called latissmius dorsi. These stabilize the back and help in doing all kinds of activities, like pull-ups.

Next are the trapezius (traps) muscles that extend from your neck and midback to the shoulders. These muscles help move your neck and lift the shoulder blades. When there is tension, there is a tendency to lift our shoulders, which is what makes these muscles tight and sore. It�s never too late to increase strength and flexibility. Look at activities that you and your friends/family can enjoy and turn them into a regular thing.


Athletes and Custom Foot Orthotics


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A�chiropractor�is the ideal�medical professional to consult with for any unexplained pain in the musculoskeletal system. They are highly qualified professionals that their specialty is treating conditions like lower back pain and they are very affordable. If you or a loved one have pain give us a call. We�re here to help!


Physical Activity and Exercise For a Healthy Spine El Paso, TX.

Physical Activity and Exercise For a Healthy Spine El Paso, TX.

Physical Activity to Prevent Back Pain and Weight Gain


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Physical Activity and Exercise For a Healthy Spine El Paso, TX.


Regular physical activity will improve the body’s:

  • Balance
  • Reflexes
  • Coordination

This significantly reduces potential falls and injuries. Injuries from falling can be devastating for someone with osteoporosis.

Consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.



To help reverse bone loss, physical activity must fit the individual’s type and intensity. This will determine the appropriate exercises for your level of fitness as well as the risk of fracture.

As a way to begin walking is a great way to start a regular exercise therapy.

Walking improves bone strength because it distributes the body’s weight in a balanced manner over and over again. Bone responds best to the intensity of the walk and not the duration. Bones need to be consistently challenged as they respond by making more osteoblasts or the cellular material that fills the bone cavities. Adding these higher levels of resistance causes healthy stress to bones. This is what increases bone density.

Adding a variety of weight-bearing activities:

  • Dancing
  • Skating
  • Aerobics
  • Strength/weight training aka resistance training


OA-Osteoarthritis� & RA-Rheumatoid Arthritis

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are conditions that affect the flexibility of the spinal or facet joints. Flexibility, in this case, means the ability of joints to move through their normal range of motion. The amount of an individual’s range of motion is determined by how tight the muscles, tendons, and ligaments are. When muscles can stretch freely, this means the joint has better flexibility.


facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

Low Back Pain & Possible Sciatica

To prevent low back and leg pain, the back, and hip muscles need to be flexible and strong. Individuals with poor flexibility and weak muscles in the back, pelvis, and thighs have a higher risk of increasing the curve of the lower back which can make the pelvis tilt too far forward.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Physical Activity and Exercise For a Healthy Spine El Paso, TX.


Proper posture combined with flexible and strong muscles can help prevent nerve compression and pain.


Overall Health

Having healthy body composition means there needs to be more lean body mass i.e. muscle mass and less body fat. Strength training/CrossFit helps by raising the metabolic rate while lowering body fat. The increased muscle strength helps maintain correct posture and body mechanics in whatever you do.

Physical activity reduces the chance of injury while increasing physical performance like being able to climb stairs or carry groceries with much-added ease and confidence.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Physical Activity and Exercise For a Healthy Spine El Paso, TX.

Exercise Suggestions

The benefits a regular exercise program offers are one of the keys to a healthier lifestyle. But take it in steps, see a health coach, physical therapist or chiropractor to help educate and guide you through an exercise treatment plan. Helpful tips:

  • It can take 6 to 8 weeks to see results so focus on short-term goals.
  • Work regular exercise into your schedule but keep important activities as a priority.
  • Friends and relatives can help give you support and join in the exercise.
  • You don’t have to do an entire workout. Instead, exercise for 10 minutes.
  • Consistency in physical activity is the goal. It’s not how long or hard the exercise is.
  • Keep a journal of your workouts and progress.

With the healthy changes made today, including diet choices and regular physical activity/exercise, your life will be one-hundred times better. This does not mean that you have to become an intense workout aficionado. Remember all that is needed is a reduction in weight of only 10%. This is what is needed to reduce the detrimental effects of being overweight.

Our clinical focus and personal goals are to help your body heal itself naturally quickly and effectively.� At times, it may seem like a long path; nevertheless, with our commitment to you, it�s sure to be an�exciting journey. The�commitment to you in health is to, never lose�our deep connection to each one of our patients on this journey.

When your body is truly healthy, you will arrive at your optimal fitness level proper physiological fitness state. �We want to help you live a new and improved lifestyle. Over the last two decades, while researching and testing methods with thousands of patients, we have learned what works effectively at decreasing pain while increasing human vitality.


*AMAZING* Custom Orthotics for Athletes | El Paso, Tx



NCBI Resources

It can be tempting to not exercise with a spinal condition. But remember that if there is no movement at all, you could make the pain worse.�Knowing what your body can handle and sticking to a workable schedule, these healthy steps will relieve you and help with your low back pain.


Exercises for Sciatica from Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.

Exercises for Sciatica from Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.

The discs that cushion the vertebrae are made up of a tough outer layer and a softer inner layer. When the outer layer is damaged and the inner layer comes out into the spine, it is referred to as�disc herniation.

Often the symptoms of a herniated disc include back pain, as the inner layer of the disc puts pressure on nerves in the spine. A herniated disc can impact the sciatic nerve, leading to sciatica.

If you know that your sciatica was caused by a herniated disc then try these exercises and stretches to help reduce back and leg pain.


11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 Exercises for Sciatica from Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.


Exercises that help relieve sciatica from a herniated disc

If your spine specialist or chiropractor informed you that a herniated disc is what caused the pain also known as lumbar radiculopathy they may recommend� three sciatica exercises:

  • Prone on elbows into Press-up
  • Upper back extension
  • Opposite arm and leg extension

These stretches can help provide relief when the root cause of sciatica from herniated or bulging disc.


Prone Elbows/Press-Up

This exercise is to ease sciatica from herniated disc pain and pressure in the lumbar spine/low back.

How to:

  • Lay on stomach
  • Slowly push up until rested on forearms
  • Beginners hold for 30 seconds
  • Once strength is gained and you feel comfortable then hold for 3 to 5 minutes
  • Gently lower to the floor
  • Repeat 10 times
  • Once comfortable holding for 5 minutes then perform an extended arms version, which is like push-ups raising your arms to the point where your elbows lock


11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 Exercises for Sciatica from Herniated Disc El Paso, TX.

Upper Back Extension

This exercise is to strengthen and stabilize the low back muscles.

How to:

  • Lay on your stomach with a small pillow or rolled towel under your hips
  • Rest your arms at your sides
  • Slowly lift your upper body up off the floor, contracting your low back muscles as you rise
  • Hold the lifted position for 3 seconds
  • Slowly lower your body to the ground
  • Repeat 10 times

Throughout this exercise, keep movements fluid and controlled.


Opposite Arm and Leg Extension

This exercise is to stabilize your spine and strengthen your low back, hamstring and gluteus muscles.

How to:

  • Lay on your stomach with a small pillow or rolled towel under your abdomen
  • Extend both arms in front of you
  • Contract your abdominal muscles as you slowly lift both your right arm and left leg
  • Hold for 3 seconds. Lower your leg and arm down
  • Repeat with your left arm and right leg
  • Hold for 3 seconds
  • Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times on each side

As you alternate the lifts, make sure to keep abdominal muscles contracted to get the full benefit.


How do these exercises relieve sciatica from herniated disc

These exercises and stretches are designed to move the pain from the leg and into the low back.

This is centralization/localization.

This is a good thing, as the goal is to get the pain centralized and back at the source.

When the leg pain goes away, it means the pressure on the sciatic nerve and related nerves has been removed.

If sciatic pain stretches down to the foot, you will feel these exercises, meaning that the pain and electrical sensations will move through the ankle and knee. Which means you’re doing it correctly.

This does not mean that the pain is immediately going to centralize to the low back, it does take time because you are trying to stretch and straighten out this long nerve.

But you will notice sciatica pain does not go as far down the leg.

Therefore�these exercises need to be done consistently and be made a part of your routine.

What to know before exercising

Before starting these stretches, consider three recommendations:

Get a doctor�s approval

A spine specialist should clear you to perform these stretches and exercises before you start.

While these exercises are safe, get a doctor�s permission before starting physical activity.

Know the cause so your exercise program helps and not makes the condition worse

Sciatica from herniated disc means a different type of exercise than sciatica caused by piriformis syndrome.

Knowing this information will help you choose an exercise plan that provides maximum relief.

Don�t push too hard

Don’t aggravate sciatica, listen to your body and go slow.

Experience any pain or symptoms:

  • Weakness
  • Tingling
  • Numbness

Contact a spine specialist immediately!

Sciatic nerve pain caused by a herniated or bulging disc is a common problem.

But incorporating these exercises and stretches can provide sustained relief.

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that travels from the lower back down both of the legs and into the feet. When pressure is placed on the nerve, such as from a herniated disc, it can lead to the symptoms commonly referred to as sciatica.

The sciatic nerve can be impacted by a number of different things, including injury and degenerative diseases.


Difference Foot Orthotics Make to *REDUCE FOOT PAIN* & Correct Posture | El Paso, TX (2019)



Custom made foot orthotics can help control foot motion and posture. Healthcare professionals prescribe custom foot orthotics to help patients focus on their foot posture and mobility control. Research studies have ascertained that using custom foot orthotics for posture and mobility control can help fix excessive foot pronation and supination to prevent a variety of foot health problems. The subsequent video describes how custom foot orthotics will help control foot posture and mobility to improve health and wellness.


NCBI Resources

Sciatica is a common back ailment that affects approximately 1 in 10 adults in the United States. It is most prevalent in people between the ages of 25 and 45. Sciatica is characterized by a shooting pain that originates in the lower back and travels down through the hip, buttock, and back of the leg.

The pain can be so severe that it inhibits mobility and can prevent people from working, taking care of their homes, or just enjoying their life. Traditionally, doctors have treated the condition with medications and some invasive therapies, but chiropractic treatments have been found to be extremely effective in alleviating the pain and curing the condition.


Chiropractic Adjustments Increase Flexibility El Paso, TX.

Chiropractic Adjustments Increase Flexibility El Paso, TX.

As people grow into adults, maintaining normal flexibility gets to be much more challenging and losing flexibility can result in a lot of pain to the musculoskeletal system.

Unfortunately, many of us do not retain flexibility throughout the day, even when attempting to be active. Many jobs are largely sedentary, and even leisure activities keep us stuck in one place. In order to remain functional, joints and muscles need to be used, which means they need to be properly stretched without being overworked. The balance is often very delicate, fortunately, chiropractic adjustments increase flexibility.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 How Chiropractic Increases Flexibility El Paso, Texas


Chiropractic’s Role in Flexibility

Most adults are not concerned with being able to twist like a pretzel, however, they do want to be able to maneuver through daily life without a lot of pain. One of the main things accomplished in most chiropractic visits is that the chiropractor will look for misalignments in the spine and seek to correct them with a combination of chiropractic adjustments and exercises.


When the spine is misaligned it can affect many different areas of the body including flexibility. Someone who is not flexible will have a limited range of motion (ROM) and treatments are designed to improve this and restore natural posture.

But being flexible is about more than moving better. When the body is stiff, even simple movement results in pain because it is blocked by the misalignment. When this is adjusted/corrected, blood flow improves and the process of improving flexibility becomes less taxing.


There is more to a chiropractor’s day than correcting misalignments in the spine. Chiropractic is holistic in nature and in order to be truly successful, it relies on the patient to be a cooperative participant in treatment. Giving nutritional advice is a big part of this.

While advice can vary from patient to patient, generally, when a person struggling with flexibility adds protein and fatty acids into their diet it can help joints and muscles to be properly nourished. People should also monitor their intake of processed and pre-packaged foods as these can contribute to inflammation.

Training Exercises

Because of many factors in our lives, as well as the effects of aging, people’s range of motion inevitably decreases as time goes by, especially if nothing is purposefully done to maintain it. Flexibility exercises are commonly strongly suggested by chiropractors as they strive to help their patients with range of motion (ROM) and flexibility issues.

In many cases, such as those where someone is suffering from tendinitis or bursitis, the truly therapeutic exercises are resistive exercises. These, however, are limited, unless a higher level of flexibility is achieved.

Flexibility programs are implemented in order to make a given joint have a wider level of extensibility, which may be achieved by either traditional static stretching or Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) techniques, which incorporates a slow reversal hold.

Working with a chiropractor on a regular basis for help in gaining flexibility can help assure that a patient moves forward at an appropriate pace that is in line with their age and fitness level. This will help them achieve a higher level of success in their chosen sport or similar activity, and/or become more productive in their daily lives while experiencing less pain.

*FIX BAD POSTURE* with Custom Orthotics | El Paso, TX (2019)



Proper Posture

Your spine does more than keep your body upright: it�s the brain that communicates to the rest of the body. Posture even affects your emotional well-being, including self-confidence!


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Chiropractic Adjustments Increase Flexibility El Paso, TX.


Poor posture takes a serious toll on health. Here are a few of the negative results:

  • Muscle soreness
  • Subluxations
  • Blood vessel constriction
  • Nerve constriction

As the years go by the problems worsen, which results

  • In pain
  • Restricted motion
  • Makes the body more susceptible to injury/disease


Chiropractic care can help you maintain a healthy posture by keeping the body balanced. Additionally, custom-made orthotics are designed to help the benefits of that care last longer and better.

Maintaining proper posture involves sitting, standing, and lying down properly. Here is an excerpt from the American Chiropractic Association website on how to:

Sit the right way

  • Keep your feet on the floor or on a footrest, if they can’t reach the floor
  • Don’t cross your legs. Your ankles should be in front of your knees
  • Keep a small gap between the back of your knees and the front of your seat.
  • Your knees should be at or below the level of your hips.
  • Read more on the ACA website.

Stand the right way

  • Bear your weight primarily on the balls of your feet.
  • Keep your knees slightly bent.
  • Keep your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  • Let your arms hang naturally down the sides of the body.

Lie down the right way

  • Find the mattress that is right for you. While a firm mattress is generally recommended, some people find that softer mattresses reduce their back pain. Go with your comfort
  • Sleep with a pillow. Special pillows can help with postural problems resulting from a poor sleeping position
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach

Healthy Feet Equals A Healthy Spine

The feet are complex structures which function�to provide protection and support to the body in relation to the spine and head posture. The feet are essential towards balancing the body�s entire weight, allowing it to walk, run, stand, and, jump. Consequently, foot complications may cause severe issues throughout the spine, hips, knees, and ankles if left untreated.


Gait & Chronic Postural Pain

Chiropractic care can be effective for treating injuries or conditions such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, and ankle sprains, among others. Foot health is essential towards establishing the body�s proper support and balance, together with a proper spinal posture. In the presence of foot complications, chiropractic treatment can be used to achieve long-lasting health.


NCBI Resources

Flexibility is a critical component of keeping your body fit and healthy. Research shows that people who are more flexible are better able to reach their�optimum fitness level. It can also help to prevent injury and reduce your risk of conditions like arthritis and other�chronic diseases.�They also have a better range of motion and mobility as they age.


Three Stretches To Ease Your Back Pain El Paso, TX.

Three Stretches To Ease Your Back Pain El Paso, TX.

According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), approximately 31 million Americans deal with some form of low back pain. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to lessen the pain you are experiencing. Taking care of yourself � including maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercise � can help prevent back pain. And when you do experience back pain, chiropractic treatment and stretching can often ease your symptoms.

Prepare for Stretching

Before we get to the stretching, we recommend preparing for your stretching session so you can stretch comfortably and safely. Tips for stretching include:

  • Ease into it. Stretching should be done gently and smoothly, traveling from stationary to a position slowly and carefully. Avoid bouncing, which can tear muscles.
  • Stretching should not hurt. You should not feel significant pain when you stretch. As you move into your stretch, listen to your body and stop before you start to feel pain. Stretching should feel good, not painful.
  • Wear comfortable clothing. Wear loose clothing that will allow you the full range of motion.
  • Choose an area to stretch that is flat and clean. Choose an area that will be comfortable and well-suited for your activity.
  • Use padding when necessary. If you are going to be stretching on a hard surface, a little padding can make things much more comfortable.
  • Hold each stretch 15-30 seconds, and repeat at least 2 times. Holding a stretch lets the muscles elongate, and repeating the stretch improves your results. Repeat the stretch four times for maximum benefit.
  • Modify to fit your needs. Everyone must work within their limitations. When you try a stretch and you find it is not working for you, try to modify it to suit your needs. You can find modifications to most popular stretches online.

3 stretches that ease back pain el paso tx.

Three Stretches that Are Great For Back Pain

1. Children’s Pose

The name Child�s Pose comes from yoga, where this stretch is often used to begin each session of stretching. Child�s Pose is so popular because it is gentle and effective, and just about anyone can do it.

To do Child�s Pose, get down on your hands and knees. To begin with, place your knees slightly wider than hip-width. Flatten the tops of your feet to the floor, toes pointing behind you. Slowly move your hips back over your feet. Once you have rested your buttocks on your ankles, stretch your arms out in front of you. Feel your lower back stretch out as you hold the pose.

2. Knees/Chest

Lying on your back, use your hands to pull your knees up to your chest, rounding out your back in the process. You can interlace your fingers to hold your knees in position. If you like, hug your knees more tightly to your chest and rock left to right. To enhance the stretch, slowly bring your chin towards your chest.

3. Spine Twist

Lying on your back, stick each hand out to the side of your body to create a T shape. Bring the right knee up to your chest while keeping the left leg straight on the floor. Use your left hand to gently pull your knee higher, then pull the knee across your body to the left. Try to keep your right shoulder on the floor. Repeat on the left side.

Contact For Customized Stretches

If you are suffering from back pain, please schedule an appointment to meet with our chiropractic team. We can help design a custom stretching plan to help you ease your back pain.

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