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Back and Spinal Fitness at PUSH as Rx leads the field with a laser focus on supporting our youth sports programs. The PUSH-as-Rx System is a sport-specific athletic program designed by a strength-agility coach and physiology doctor with a combined 40 years of experience working with extreme athletes.

The program is the multidisciplinary study of reactive agility, body mechanics, and extreme motion dynamics at its core. A clear quantitative picture of body dynamics emerges through continuous and detailed assessments of the athletes in motion and under directly supervised stress loads.

Exposure to the biomechanical vulnerabilities is presented to our team. Immediately, we adjust our methods for our athletes to optimize performance. This highly adaptive system with continual dynamic adjustments has helped many of our athletes return faster, stronger, and ready post injury while safely minimizing recovery times.

Results demonstrate clear improved agility, speed, decreased reaction time with greatly improved postural-torque mechanics. PUSH-as-Rx offers specialized extreme performance enhancements to our athletes no matter the age.

PUSH Fitness Podcast: What Is It & Why Are We Here?

PUSH Fitness Podcast: What Is It & Why Are We Here?


[00:00:10] You know what keeps them moving and growing and living? Tell me. It’s other catfish or that predator. So, if we never had predators in our lives. We’d stay stuck and we progress nothing. So every time we ask, “God, take away the stress, God, take away this issue,” we’re asking God to make us weaker, not stronger.

[00:00:33] Because instead of asking like, “Hey, God, make me more creative, make me more passionate, make me more patient”. We ask, “Hey, take away this”.

[00:00:45] But then we still want everything else that comes along with it. How does that work?

[00:00:49] It’s easy. I don’t know. I mean, if you think about it, you know, from the first time we’re born, Danny. It’s not easy. Right. You’ve got to be one in a trillion sperm, really, and only to God, it’s very, very clear that, if you don’t get to that egg first? Done. Right. You’re done. So from the moment we’re given a chance, we’re on the point of destruction from the beginning. Exactly. So, in essence, why did that sperm get to that egg? Right. So you asked. It fought through. Fought through, right.

[00:01:27] So, when you think of everything else as far as people complain, how people say, “oh, you know, I want more money, I want this”. But they don’t look at everybody’s backstory, the back end. And then behind the curtains, they think, “oh, man, Dr. Jimenez, you’re a doctor”. Sure, you don’t know how many times you’ve lost and rebuilt your practice or you’re a gym owner and you have it made. You don’t know how many times you have to go in at 4:00 in the morning to get a work out because you have to train people all day long to ensure that this business stays afloat. You know? Right. People don’t see that back end. Right. You know, they’re quick to say, “oh, it must be easy”. No, it’s not easy until you step into the person’s shoes because you’re the one that has to sign the checks. You’re the one that has to stay up at night and figure out payroll. You’re the one who has to be creative and figure out how you’re going to make ends meet. You’re the one that constantly has to be on it. You know, as much as you want to kick back and say whatever and do this. Well, I would love to work out four to five hours a day. That my passion. Is it your passion? It’s my passion. And do we? No, no. Right. What do we have to do? We have to be meticulous. We have to be disciplined. And we have to keep, I’m sure, we have to keep a proper order to ensure that we stay on top of schedule. Yes or no? Absolutely. Exactly. You know, so I’m saying at the end of the day is, if you don’t have something chasing you, you become fat and dormant and you become lazy.

[00:02:54] I think nature is designed to eliminate you. Alex would say, you know, it’s survival of the fittest limiting the species or whatever he’d call it when he’s in biochemistry. You know, I got to tell you, it’s not easy to be a business owner. It’s not. It’s not easy when you have no sleep.

[00:03:15] Ever since I’ve known you, you’ve put time in from early hours and you’re here from 430 in the morning and here. What time is it now? You’re here. You’re here. And we’re here sharing some stories. You know, it’s one of those things where it’s going to be nonstop all our lives.

[00:03:29] But here’s the thing. If you don’t do it, it doesn’t stimulate you to become good at what you do. Right. You become lethargic and everything goes bad. Literally, you slowly begin the process of ceasing to exist. Right.

[00:03:45] So, we all need rest. Right? Right. To rejuvenate. Get creative. It’s scientifically proven. You need that to reset. You have to. Otherwise, you burn out. Right? Right. But after how many days of rest? One. Two. Where you just get, disconnected, spastic. You know, you’re kind of like, “All right, cool. I rested enough. I’m good”. You don’t stay stuck there.

[00:04:12] No, no, no, no. And I pray for vacation. Right. And when I get it, after about three days, I’m like, OK. Right. All right. I’m done. Let’s go. Yeah, OK. What am I going to break? What am I going to do? That’s how we are. Exactly. But that’s what makes you so successful, right? Yeah, well, it drives us. And it drives us in creating who we are. And it also gives us a vision as to what we’re going to do. You know, Danny, when we start these podcasts, we want to get a little bit or tell the people a little bit about the story of what you do. And tell them about, you know, where you’ve been and what’s been happening with you. OK. So for me, it’s very important to share with the people what is actually happening.

[00:04:59] I’ve always been one to say, you know, I see how hard you work. And I see how much effort you put into things. But I’d like to know a little bit about you as to what actually made you and what kind of makes you click a little bit. When I actually discuss these things, I want to ask you what made you begin PUSH, what made you start this massive, massive organization.

[00:05:25] I want to reach the masses of people and help people.

[00:05:33] So, in all reality.

[00:05:39] My sister, my brother-in-law, my brother. We’ve all come from platforms, as far as, speaking, preaching, singing. Whatever it is. I was always, kind of the black sheep, so to speak, and I mean that like in a good way because I wasn’t treated differently. I just was very much a rebel. If that makes any sense.

[00:06:00] I wanted to create my own. So if my family went right, I’d go left. The people go right. I’d go left. I was always trying to find a different way. And I was just stubborn like that. But I think that’s what allowed me to become the most successful. But that’s what allowed me to create this place so I can reach the masses of people and have my own platform of changing people’s lives.

[00:06:23] Let me ask you. When you first started PUSH. What was the reason you started it out? You know? Did you? You were always in the fitness. Ever since I’ve known you, you’ve always been into a deep understanding. You know, I love sharing that story with people about when I first met you. You were driven. I mean, you were this kid, it’s just like you were hunting for knowledge. You were trying to figure out what it was that made people tick. And you wanted to teach people. A little cocky. I’d say. But being 18 years old, I mean, who isn’t? Right. At that age? You haven’t even thumped in the head a couple of times, but you did and you shared it with people and you did that. But what made you, what drove you? Because I got to tell you, I’m a big believer, Danny. About like, when you evaluate families, I see how hard your dad works. I see how your mom is incredible in terms of what she does. She just, she wins these crossfit competitions just on mere, literally, you have to turn off the lights to get her off the wall because she just keeps on going. Right? I mean, what is it that you feel drove you and what started the whole philosophy of trying to help people out?

[00:07:32] I mean, like you put it, in my my parents work ethic. They just never stop. They still don’t stop. They still try to move forward despite what life throws at them and they’re successful in their own way. They never stop working towards their marriage, towards their love, towards serving each other. The biggest thing they showed me is that, well, we always have to serve people and they serve each other. They serve at the church, they serve wherever they go. My dad, it doesn’t matter where it is. He’s always trying to, if it’s not your house. It doesn’t matter. Try to take out your trash, clean your table, whatever it is. You’ve got to tell him, “Hey day, just chill. But that’s where I learned it from. You don’t just go anywhere and just be. Wherever you go, you always serve. And that’s my sense of faith mentality. You know, it’s biblical. You know? Wherever you are, we are supposed to serve people. As husbands and wives, we’re supposed to serve each other. That’s what makes us so successful. You know, you look at Jesus in the Bible and he’s, “What do you do? You serve people.

[00:08:44] He helped people.

[00:08:47] Not the norm. The most unorthodox non-religious people, you know, other people that needed the most help, not the most religious. And I think that’s what I love to do. I love helping the people that need the most help. The unconventional. Not the people that are already athletic. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I do love helping them, but I guess I like helping the unorthodox, so to speak.

[00:09:17] Yeah. You know what? When you mentioned that about your dad, one of things I noticed is that I came here to work out around 6:00 in the morning and it was freezing outside, literally freezing.

[00:09:29] You had a flat tire. Your dad was lifting the car by himself to get that tire up. Yeah. It was crazy. I go, you know, by the time I got there, I was like, there’s this guy working on that. There was no jack. He’s actually picking up the car himself. He’s pushing that thing up and lifting the car to fit the tire on. I was like, you gotta be kidding me. You didn’t even know. I told you and you go, man, my dad never asked or, you know, he just does it. That’s one of the things you said. And that’s who we are. We are our parents. We eventually become our parents to some extent. And that’s very much how you are. Your philosophies that have guided the PUSH fitness, you know, entourage and the people that come here have been like extreme athletes. Tell me a little bit about that. In terms of what actually drove you to pick athleticism as your way of serving.

[00:10:20] I think seeing the potential of.

[00:10:24] Well, what people can be pushed to if you believe in them. A lot of times people, you know, do believe in themselves but it’s amazing what you see people become or individuals or athletes when you say, hey, I believe you. Someone that, not your mom not your dad, because it’s kind of like, it’s expected, sister, relatives, you know. And you know, not that they have to tell you that but, you know, it’s kind of sometimes expected. Yes, exactly. But then you have this stranger saying, I believe in you genuinely, wholeheartedly. And it brings out that much more of you. I know. That’s how I was. I still remember various times where you tapped me on the shoulder and said, you know.

[00:11:15] What are you doing? You can, and I’m very different.

[00:11:20] I don’t need someone to preach to me. To tell me how to run the place it’s kind of like a little, just a little hug. A kick, a get going. And that gets you going to move on to the next level of the mountain. And that’s what allowed, that’s what I love seeing as a potential that you could bring out in all individuals. When you see that pretty much you’ve been able to see everyone crack.

[00:11:45] What is it you look for when you see them kind of hit that wall? When you start working with an individual with a specific set, whatever sport they’re in or whatever their dreams are, a weight loss or whatever it is. What is it you look for?

[00:11:59] To see the reason why they’re quitting. They’re genuinely tired or have they’ve been?

[00:12:07] Babied so much by society that they don’t know how to push themselves anymore, and it’s really a sensitive society nowadays you can’t, you know, push kids because they get their feelings hurt or they feel this way or that way, and sometimes it’s like.

[00:12:25] Dude, you got to wake your ass up.

[00:12:28] If not, you’re not making it in this life. Nothing comes easy. And then we’re all expecting for things to become easy because we’re, you know, a microwave generation, everything we do we want to do so quick. So I look for the reason as to why they’re quitting. This genuinely like, the why, they’re tired and they’re gonna throw up. Oh, alright. But you remember firsthand when I worked out with you, I went to go to the restroom, threw up. I came right back. Why? Because it’s what you build with that person, that respect. You know, why would you want someone to quit on you when it gets hard, you know? Yeah. That’s exanctly right. How are you gonna count on them. I know you depend on them. No, when it gets tough. You know, they’re just gonna jump the wagon. That’s it. You’re left alone.

[00:13:18] You know, you’re given a responsibility, a huge one, with a lot of the El Paso kids in whatever sports they do, in whatever the sport, whether it be agility sport based or just some sort of sport based system where where they’re just kind of, you know, let’s say hockey or even things like tennis or golf.

[00:13:37] But they all have a moment of trying to reach within. I love the way you do that in terms of, you can go ahead and see the depths of what is wrong with them and you can actually connect with them like no other. I’ve seen that every single time, my own kids too when you train them. You asked why? So really like that boats to the point? No one cares what you know. They care that you care. And that caring really allows them to open up, huh?

[00:14:04] Right. Yeah, definitely it does. You know, it makes them see like I do have it in me. I, you know, need to quit babying myself. Right. And I need to get up and get after this because no one’s gonna give it to me. I gotta get up after it and work for it, period.

[00:14:20] When I would tell my daughter, when they would come in, I’d say, you know what? You know, I’m not coming and, you know, I’m not going today. Right. I’d say, all right let me call, Danny. No, no. They’d feel like they have a, well.

[00:14:34] They sense the obligation that and the trust that you have put into their hearts like no other. Because that’s what they want. They want someone to believe in them. Exactly. You know, push them. That’s why the push. Push. You know, there’s the added edge of the push. You know, these are very important points. What got you into, do you have to deal with, like the mind-stuff and like work? How do you work on developing a child or working them through their own mental impediments or their own mental kind of dynamics to make them better of who they are? If that makes sense.

[00:15:13] You have to build a foundation with them first. You have to build trust with them. You can’t just go in and yell at them. Hey, let’s go, let’s go. Like, move your ass. Don’t be a little, bitch. You know, you can’t just do that. You have to build a relationship first, have them trust you and have them understand why you’re pushing them. And then when they’re at the brink of giving up, you yell at their ass and they know why you’re yelling at them. A good parent, after they discipline their kid or ground them, they’ll tell them the reason why they did that. But they don’t stop loving them. They appreciate because they know they’re wrong.

[00:15:48] Same concept here. Obviously I don’t hit them. But I do yell at them after they know like hey. Yeah, I was sucking and I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and get after it. Right?

[00:16:01] You know, in my own experience with what you did. You know, you have a lot of moms watching you train their kids. Moms are really sharp. There’s nothing smarter than a mother in this world. Right.

[00:16:14] And they intuitively understand and they feel the depths of the change in the child. Right. So when they see the depths of the change in the child, they trust you. And this is in mass because I have like a whole wall of families of moms, dads. They bring their kids no matter what. Tired, cold, sleet, rain, snow. They bring their kids here to train with you and the entire crew with the philosophies of pushing to those limits. You know, how does that feel when you see those kids, you know, kind of, excel?

[00:16:54] Proud.

[00:16:57] Completely, pretty much over the moon because you see the hard work that you took to instill that time into them and make sure their full potential came out. So it’s well, it’s rewarding. It’s inexplicable.

[00:17:11] Let me ask you this. You’ve been now, you know, you’re not young, like 16 years more. You’re in your 30s, which is a very young age. However, you’ve lived long enough to see some of these kids go on and do their their thing.

[00:17:27] Tell me how that feels in terms of you watching them develop, in terms of who they are and what they are, what they develop because of the foundation or at least influenced by the foundation of just don’t give up and keep on pushing through it. How does it feel? What do you think?

[00:17:45] It feels very, in a lot of sense, a lot of pride, because you can see what they could have been and what they couldn’t have been. A lot of times some kids do come from poor or poor extremities. And so to see them excel, believe in themselves, to go to college, to get a successful job, to be something of a higher profession, that other wise they thought they couldn’t build or settling for less and not letting them settle for less is really amazing. It’s of most, that’s why I keep doing what I’m doing.

[00:18:26] These kids keep on calling you? They talk to you personally?

[00:18:30] Yeah, they do. They still kind of keep up with me as far as like what they’re doing, how they’re doing, the’ll come in work out. Still, you know, to chat with me, everything. It’s fun. You build that long lasting relationship.

[00:18:43] If you could come up with a couple of words vindicating what makes PUSH unique and you can look deep inside your heart and figure out what it would be. Say you were to had an obituary being read about you. What would they say about PUSH and you? What would you want them to say?

[00:19:04] Honestly.

[00:19:06] That they have somebody other than their parents believe in them.

[00:19:11] That’s amazing. That’s really a huge component to everything that’s going on. When do you think someone should actually be coming out to this place and enjoying the kind of lifestyle that this place, you know, helps enhance their lives with? When is that time?

[00:19:29] Whenever. Whenever you want to be a better version of yourself.

[00:19:33] Ok. Ok.

[00:19:34] What do you think people sometimes think about, you know, why shouldn’t they come in? What should not be an impediment? Of them coming in here?

[00:19:43] Their image, that they can’t do it. That they’re not athletic enough. That they’re obese. That they have any problems, low back problems. That they look foolish. You know, the whole thing is that at the day, we all look foolish to one extent or another.

[00:19:56] But the point is that if I always assume what others thought and paid attention to how I felt, as far as being embarrased and not being good enough, then I wouldn’t be where I’m at.

[00:20:11] I tell you, I’ve learned a lot from you, and if anything, my kids have learned a lot from you by just your persistence. You know, I can honestly tell you that my son is better as an athlete because of his relationship with you.

[00:20:29] But let me ask you, in terms of what kind of physical changes as well as emotional changes have happened with you in terms of watching your clients attain their goals?

[00:20:43] Hearing people say you saved me from.

[00:20:48] From diabetes, medications, diabetic medications, I mean you hear people say like.

[00:20:55] I would have died being in this obese state. You saved my life. Man. How do you not get emotional with things like that?

[00:21:04] How do you not get emotional? People saying like, you know, I thought I couldn’t walk or had this muscle imbalance or muscle type of. How do you say?

[00:21:18] I have this one client that couldn’t build muscle. I can’t remember terminology, but the fact that she can build muscle now where the doctor told her she wouldn’t be able to squat a bar and now she’s squatting over one hundred and thirty five pounds, that’s phenomenal.

[00:21:31] How does that not keep you motivated and getting up every single day when you don’t feel like getting up, you know, and I’ll say it again. I am in the King David. You know, when you had to encourage yourself, because somebody is not always going to be there to encourage you. You do have to encourage yourself so you can be the best or somebody else that needs it more than you. Ultimately, at the end of the day, someone has it harder than you and you can always help somebody under you.

[00:22:01] Oh, Danny, you’ve basically said it in very short and very important keywords. You know, we appreciate you. We’re here at the PUSH Fitness Center. You know, we’ve got some information there that you can use to find Mr. Alvarado, the PUSH Fitness Center is a monster center with a lot of people that care and make changes in people’s lives.

[00:22:25] If you guys have any questions, any comments, any ideas in terms of what we do for people, let us know. And we’re here to serve as Danny is. Danny, thank you very much, brother. And I appreciate everything you’ve done.

[00:22:38] And God bless, brother. God bless. Thank you.



Additional Topic Discussion: Chronic Pain

Sudden pain is a natural response of the nervous system which helps to demonstrate possible injury. By way of instance, pain signals travel from an injured region through the nerves and spinal cord to the brain. Pain is generally less severe as the injury heals, however, chronic pain is different than the average type of pain. With chronic pain, the human body will continue sending pain signals to the brain, regardless if the injury has healed. Chronic pain can last for several weeks to even several years. Chronic pain can tremendously affect a patient’s mobility and it can reduce flexibility, strength, and endurance.




Neural Zoomer Plus for Neurological Disease

Neural Zoomer Plus | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes a series of tests to help evaluate neurological diseases. The Neural ZoomerTM Plus is an array of neurological autoantibodies which offers specific antibody-to-antigen recognition. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus is designed to assess an individual�s reactivity to 48 neurological antigens with connections to a variety of neurologically related diseases. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus aims to reduce neurological conditions by empowering patients and physicians with a vital resource for early risk detection and an enhanced focus on personalized primary prevention.


Food Sensitivity for the IgG & IgA Immune Response

Food Sensitivity Zoomer | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes a series of tests to help evaluate health issues associated with a variety of food sensitivities and intolerances. The Food Sensitivity ZoomerTM is an array of 180 commonly consumed food antigens that offers very specific antibody-to-antigen recognition. This panel measures an individual�s IgG and IgA sensitivity to food antigens. Being able to test IgA antibodies provides additional information to foods that may be causing mucosal damage. Additionally, this test is ideal for patients who might be suffering from delayed reactions to certain foods. Utilizing an antibody-based food sensitivity test can help prioritize the necessary foods to eliminate and create a customized diet plan around the patient�s specific needs.


Gut Zoomer for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Gut Zoomer | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes a series of tests to help evaluate gut health associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). The Vibrant Gut ZoomerTM offers a report that includes dietary recommendations and other natural supplementation like prebiotics, probiotics, and polyphenols. The gut microbiome is mainly found in the large intestine and it has more than 1000 species of bacteria that play a fundamental role in the human body, from shaping the immune system and affecting the metabolism of nutrients to strengthening the intestinal mucosal barrier (gut-barrier). It is essential to understand how the number of bacteria that symbiotically live in the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract influences gut health because imbalances in the gut microbiome may ultimately lead to gastrointestinal (GI) tract symptoms, skin conditions, autoimmune disorders, immune system imbalances, and multiple inflammatory disorders.


Dunwoody Labs: Comprehensive Stool with Parasitology | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

GI-MAP: GI Microbial Assay Plus | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Formulas for Methylation Support

Xymogen Formulas - El Paso, TX


XYMOGEN�s Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The internet sale and discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited.


Proudly,�Dr. Alexander Jimenez makes XYMOGEN formulas available only to patients under our care.


Please call our office in order for us to assign a doctor consultation for immediate access.


If you are a patient of Injury Medical & Chiropractic�Clinic, you may inquire about XYMOGEN by calling 915-850-0900.

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For your convenience and review of the XYMOGEN products please review the following link. *XYMOGEN-Catalog-Download


* All of the above XYMOGEN policies remain strictly in force.





Modern Integrated Medicine

The National University of Health Sciences is an institution that offers a variety of rewarding professions to attendees. Students can practice their passion for helping other people achieve overall health and wellness through the institution’s mission. The National University of Health Sciences prepares students to become leaders in the forefront of modern integrated medicine, including chiropractic care. Students have an opportunity to gain unparalleled experience at the National University of Health Sciences to help restore the natural integrity of the patient and define the future of modern integrated medicine.



Staying Active and Healthy At Any Age El Paso, Texas

Staying Active and Healthy At Any Age El Paso, Texas

As we age, staying active keeps us healthy,� our lives are lengthened and we feel great! Older individuals are discovering that exercise, sports and being physically fit does not mean having to do hardcore workouts and hard-to-maintain exercise/s and schedules.

Many of these individuals get their exercise from active pastimes like biking, Crossfit, and tennis. Others participate in less active recreational activities like walking, gardening or golf. Regardless of which activity they get into, they are all getting relaxation and fun while securing a healthy future.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Can Aerobic Exercise Help With Low Back Pain El Paso, TX?


Exercise helps us feel better because it improves our health.

Spending just a little time each day doing some type of physical activity, will bring these benefits:

  • Longer
  • Healthier life
  • Stronger bones
  • Reduced joint
  • Reduced muscle pain
  • Improved mobility
  • Improved balance
  • Lower risk of falls
  • Lower risk of serious injuries e.g. hip fractures
  • Slower loss of muscle mass

Fortunately, individuals are living longer but their quality of life means staying healthy and active to remain independent.

Staying active will lower the risk of many common diseases, relieve arthritispain and help you recover faster when illness hits.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Staying Active and Healthy At Any Age El Paso, Texas

Activity and Safety

Keeping active means that it’s also important to be safe during these activities/exercises. With more older individuals participating in physical activities, there is an equal increase in sports-related injuries. This is true for bicyclists, skiers, weight lifters and those that use exercise machines.

A recent study by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC),� showed an estimated 53,000 people ages 65 and up were treated in U.S. emergency rooms for sports, physical activity-related injuries. Additional injuries were treated in doctor’s clinics/offices.


The increase comes from more older individuals engaging in active sports. However, most of these injuries were not severe but more importantly, they could’ve been prevented. An example was cyclists treated in emergency rooms for head injuries were not wearing helmets. Wearing a helmet reduces the risk of serious head injury up to 85 percent. Regular exercise along with doing it safely means you can enjoy yourself a lot more.

Activity log

Medium physical activity for 30 minutes a day is beneficial for everyone but especially those with chronic bone/joint conditions.

The 30 minutes of activity can be broken up into shorter periods of different activities, like 15 minutes of gardening and 15 minutes of stretching exercises. This can help not getting bored with a routine by mixing it up.

Activity log to keep track of the time you spend on each.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Staying Active and Healthy At Any Age El Paso, Texas

Injury Prevention Tips

When exercise/participating in an activity, doctors recommend following these tips:

  • Wear the proper safety gear for whichever activity/sport you choose.
  • Wear the right shoes for each sport/activity.
  • Warm-up before engaging in physical activity. This could be moderate walking at your normal pace with an emphasis on arm movements.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Break the activities into shorter periods of 10 or 15 minutes throughout the day.
  • Follow the 10 percent rule, which means never increasing the program like walking/running distance or weight-lifting more than 10 percent a week.
  • Try not to do the same routine two days in a row.
  • Mix it up so as not to sprain/strain the same muscles and allow the other muscles to get a workout. So walk, swim, tennis or lift weights, as this keeps the exercise more interesting.
  • Read instructions carefully when working with exercise equipment, and if needed, ask a qualified professional to help you.
  • Check exercise equipment making sure it’s in proper working order.
  • If weight training interests you but you have never done it, make sure to get professional consultation before starting.
  • Stop exercising if there is severe pain or swelling and get checked by your doctor.

There are plenty of ways to enhance our lives as we age, and staying fit and active along with the proper diet are a few of the most important.

Our clinical focus and personal goals are to help your body heal itself naturally quickly and effectively.� At times, it may seem like a long path; nevertheless, with our commitment to you, it�s sure to be an�exciting journey. The�commitment to you in health is to, never lose�our deep connection to each one of our patients on this journey.

When your body is truly healthy, you will arrive at your optimal fitness level proper physiological fitness state. �We want to help you live a new and improved lifestyle. Over the last two decades, while researching and testing methods with thousands of patients, we have learned what works effectively at decreasing pain while increasing human vitality.


Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment El Paso, TX



NCBI Resources

Aerobic exercise increases the blood flow to the body�s tissues, and people with high levels of cardiovascular fitness generally do better dealing with spinal problems. However, before anyone with a�spine condition or any medical condition�for that matter, starts a�wellness and fitness program, they should check with their primary caregiver, to clear the individual as�fit to exercise.


Macronutrients and Health

Macronutrients and Health

As 2020 is off to a bustling start, New Year resolutions are in full swing! Most individuals want to make healthier choices throughout their year in 2020, whether that be exercising more, eating better, or just feeling energized. After the holidays hit, most people are left feeling fatigued,� suffering headaches, and overall discomfort.

A great way to stay on track with your goals is to keep track of them! The human body requires micronutrients and macronutrients to function. Micronutrients consist of essential vitamins and minerals. Macronutrients refer to protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Macronutrients all provide the body with energy. This energy is essential to properly repair cells as well as maintain metabolism, immunity, and growth.

Carbohydrates are the main energy system in the human body. These carbohydrates provide over 50% of the daily diet. However, not all carbohydrates are created equal. There are simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are those found in glucose and fructose (examples: fruit, sugar, and milk). Complex carbohydrates are those that require the body to work a little harder to break down and contain glycogen. Glycogen is important to eat as it is a valuable source of fiber.

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The main function of protein is to maintain and grow the body tissue. Proteins are made up of amino acids.� Amino acids are the stepping stones used for neurotransmitters, cell membranes, nucleic acids, and hormones. Protein is widely stored in the human body due to the large amount of muscle tissue the body is comprised of. Overall, there are amino acids that must be obtained through the diet to maintain optimal health. Some of these amino acids include lysine, threonine, and tryptophan.

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Out of all the macronutrients, dietary fats require the least amount of grams per day. Similar to carbohydrates, there are two types of fat. Saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats can be found in butter, where unsaturated fats mainly consist of nuts and avocados. A great supplement to take for healthy fats is Omega-3 and Omega-6, also known as fish oils. Fish oils also help improve cardiovascular health and help the Body generate specialized lipid mediators.

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Although each individual requires protein, fat, and carbohydrates, the optimal amount of each depends on each person as well as their body composition. Tracking macronutrients has been shown to improve weight loss and reduce inflammation.

�Tracking macros or macronutrients coupled with exercise is a great way to see results. The macronutrients each person needs depends on their body type, their goals, and their lifestyle. Health coaches such as myself can help determine what an individual’s macronutrient intake should be for weight loss results. Personally, I use the Dr. J Today app, wrist band, and scale. This app allows patients to track their food, steps, water intake, and exercise as well as provides an informative digital library. The scale directly syncs to the app, allowing me to get instant access to the weight and body composition of the patient. This scale not only measures individuals but it also measures their lean body mass, water mass, BMI, and body fat. These resources allow us to gain optimal insight and make corrections that will actually make a difference. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.�

PCRM Nutrition Guide for Clinicians. �Macronutrients in Health and Disease: Nutrition Guide for Clinicians.� Macronutrients in Health and Disease | Nutrition Guide for Clinicians, 2020,

Physical Activity and Exercise For a Healthy Spine El Paso, TX.

Physical Activity and Exercise For a Healthy Spine El Paso, TX.

Physical Activity to Prevent Back Pain and Weight Gain


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Physical Activity and Exercise For a Healthy Spine El Paso, TX.


Regular physical activity will improve the body’s:

  • Balance
  • Reflexes
  • Coordination

This significantly reduces potential falls and injuries. Injuries from falling can be devastating for someone with osteoporosis.

Consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.



To help reverse bone loss, physical activity must fit the individual’s type and intensity. This will determine the appropriate exercises for your level of fitness as well as the risk of fracture.

As a way to begin walking is a great way to start a regular exercise therapy.

Walking improves bone strength because it distributes the body’s weight in a balanced manner over and over again. Bone responds best to the intensity of the walk and not the duration. Bones need to be consistently challenged as they respond by making more osteoblasts or the cellular material that fills the bone cavities. Adding these higher levels of resistance causes healthy stress to bones. This is what increases bone density.

Adding a variety of weight-bearing activities:

  • Dancing
  • Skating
  • Aerobics
  • Strength/weight training aka resistance training


OA-Osteoarthritis� & RA-Rheumatoid Arthritis

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are conditions that affect the flexibility of the spinal or facet joints. Flexibility, in this case, means the ability of joints to move through their normal range of motion. The amount of an individual’s range of motion is determined by how tight the muscles, tendons, and ligaments are. When muscles can stretch freely, this means the joint has better flexibility.


facetogenic neuropathic, osteoarthritis and headaches pain el paso tx.

Low Back Pain & Possible Sciatica

To prevent low back and leg pain, the back, and hip muscles need to be flexible and strong. Individuals with poor flexibility and weak muscles in the back, pelvis, and thighs have a higher risk of increasing the curve of the lower back which can make the pelvis tilt too far forward.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Physical Activity and Exercise For a Healthy Spine El Paso, TX.


Proper posture combined with flexible and strong muscles can help prevent nerve compression and pain.


Overall Health

Having healthy body composition means there needs to be more lean body mass i.e. muscle mass and less body fat. Strength training/CrossFit helps by raising the metabolic rate while lowering body fat. The increased muscle strength helps maintain correct posture and body mechanics in whatever you do.

Physical activity reduces the chance of injury while increasing physical performance like being able to climb stairs or carry groceries with much-added ease and confidence.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Physical Activity and Exercise For a Healthy Spine El Paso, TX.

Exercise Suggestions

The benefits a regular exercise program offers are one of the keys to a healthier lifestyle. But take it in steps, see a health coach, physical therapist or chiropractor to help educate and guide you through an exercise treatment plan. Helpful tips:

  • It can take 6 to 8 weeks to see results so focus on short-term goals.
  • Work regular exercise into your schedule but keep important activities as a priority.
  • Friends and relatives can help give you support and join in the exercise.
  • You don’t have to do an entire workout. Instead, exercise for 10 minutes.
  • Consistency in physical activity is the goal. It’s not how long or hard the exercise is.
  • Keep a journal of your workouts and progress.

With the healthy changes made today, including diet choices and regular physical activity/exercise, your life will be one-hundred times better. This does not mean that you have to become an intense workout aficionado. Remember all that is needed is a reduction in weight of only 10%. This is what is needed to reduce the detrimental effects of being overweight.

Our clinical focus and personal goals are to help your body heal itself naturally quickly and effectively.� At times, it may seem like a long path; nevertheless, with our commitment to you, it�s sure to be an�exciting journey. The�commitment to you in health is to, never lose�our deep connection to each one of our patients on this journey.

When your body is truly healthy, you will arrive at your optimal fitness level proper physiological fitness state. �We want to help you live a new and improved lifestyle. Over the last two decades, while researching and testing methods with thousands of patients, we have learned what works effectively at decreasing pain while increasing human vitality.


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NCBI Resources

It can be tempting to not exercise with a spinal condition. But remember that if there is no movement at all, you could make the pain worse.�Knowing what your body can handle and sticking to a workable schedule, these healthy steps will relieve you and help with your low back pain.


Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 4

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 4

Health coaches are becoming more and more crucial as modern and naturopathic medicine continues to improve. More than ever, the healthcare field is progressing at high speeds and professionals do not always have the time available that some patients desire. Here is where health coaches get involved. Basically, the position of a health coach was produced to fulfill the emptiness in several doctor offices. Many physicians contribute but don’t have the time or tools to help each individual and assist in constructing healthy habits on a day to day basis. But, health coaches are available to be a supportive mentor who guides and assists patients in making healthy lifestyle changes. Many patients who seek assistance to change their lifestyle are those afflicted by some kind of chronic pain, headaches, or joint swelling.

In the previous weeks, we have defined and explained what a health coach is and what they really do, as well as the first four steps a health coach might take with a patient. Throughout this article, the fifth and sixth steps will be broken down and analyzed.


Need a refresher? No problem!

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 1 can be found by clicking�here

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 2 can be found by clicking�here

Health coaching in El Paso: Part 3 can be found by clicking�here


Step 5: Visualizing Your Best Self



This step is extremely crucial. The reason being, without a vision of where an individual wants to be, they can easily get lost on their way to achieving a goal. A vision statement is not intended to be a specific sentence, but rather a loose description of what / who the patient is trying to become.

In order to create this statement, a health coach will work with the patient to clearly identify their skills, interests, and strengths. These are oftentimes similar to the items listed on the values sheet the patient filled out while the health coach was working with them back in�step 1. Other times, the health coach will assist the patient with their vision statement by asking things like:


What are you naturally good at?

What have you always wanted to see, do, or create?

What would help you feel more fulfilled?


In addition to these questions,� the health coach might encourage the individual by steering the conversation in a way that is related to their best self. With the help from a health coach, the patient can reflect and describe their best self as well as the emotions connected to their best self (thinking, feeling, and doing). A coach will also provide critical thinking questions related to a patient’s best self such as:


How do you know you’re there?

How do you know you’re not there?

How can you remember to be your best self and not slip back into the old ways of being?


Step 6: Creating A Plan For Resiliency



developing a plan

It is simply human nature that all people react to stressful situations differently.� However, one thing that is guaranteed is people will need a plan to get back on track. Undergoing life changes is not a simple task, but having a plan is.�An approach for building resilience must be tailored to the specific individual. A health coach will ensure the individuals that falling off track is natural, but how you get back on track is what counts. It starts with reflecting, seeking support, and making a plan to move forward.

When a patient is placed in a stressful situation, it is key they take a moment to recognize the situation and think about how they are feeling. During the moment, it may be difficult but with practice, reflection, and help from a health coach, the process becomes easier.

The best tips when it comes to addressing resiliency are to develop connections, set daily intentions, reflect on experiences, practice self-care, and be proactive.

A health coach may encourage a journal to help patients celebrate small victories and take responsibility for their own happiness. In addition to this, there are other resources available the patients may utilize such as books, self-help support groups, and asking themselves, “What do I typically find helpful in a stressful situation?”.

By utilizing a health coach and implementing these 6 steps into one’s life, the benefits are unbelievable. Identifying values, determining goals, building a plan for action, tracking progress and results, visualizing the best self, and creating a plan for resiliency will help individuals reach their health goals better than before.


By working with a health coach and remembering these exercises, individuals are extremely likely to be successful. Not only do they have someone for accountability, but they are learning ways to become more independent and thoughtful when it comes to their health. A positive community offers support that many individuals need to thrive. Naturopathic medicine and functional approaches are becoming more recognized for their ability to work on a variety of individuals. Take advantage of all the resources around that are there to help you.�– Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach�

All information and resources for this post came from an Integrative Practioner article titled, “A Six-Step Approach To Health And Wellness Coaching: A Toolkit for Practice Implementation” and can be found by clicking�here; as well as listed below in the proper bibliography.

*The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900.

American Psychological Association (2019). The Road to Resilience. Retrieved from:�
Jonas, W. (2019). Empowering patients with chronic diseases to live healthier through health coaching: Integrative primary care case study. Samueli Integrative Health Programs.Retrieved from:�
Miller, W. and Rose, G. (1991). Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People to Change Addictive Behavior. Guilford Publications.
Pecoraro, Wendy. �A Six-Step Approach to Health and Wellness Coaching: A Toolkit for Practice Implementation.��Official Media Integrative Practitioner, 17 Oct. 2019,
Trzeciak, S. and Mazzarelli, A. (2019). Compassionomics. Studer Group.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The Stages of Change.Retrieved from:�
Your Coach (2009). SMART goals.Retrieved from:��


The Benefits of HIIT

The Benefits of HIIT

Do you feel:

  • Weight gain?
  • Difficulty losing weight?
  • Does eating relieve fatigue?
  • A sense of fullness during and after meals?
  • Agitated, easily upset, or nervous?

If you are experiencing any of these situations, why not try a HIIT workout to relieve these symptoms.

Everyone can agree that they do not have enough time to exercise. When asked why people will not work out, one of the reasons is that due to their hectic lifestyle, the lack of time comes out on top of it all. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults should get between 150 and 300 minutes per of moderate-intensity. There is a way to cut that time commitment in half by opting for high-intensity workouts instead. With high-intensity interval training or HIIT, it is one of the proven ways to reap all the benefits of exercise in less time. Research shows that spending less time doing HIIT may even be better than spending more time doing less intense exercises for individuals.

What is HIIT?

High-intensity interval training or HIIT alternates explosive bursts of full-throttle efforts with periods of recovery. It can either be rest or a lower-intensity exercise. In many fitness centers and gyms, HIIT workouts often include both cardio and resistance training; however, HIIT workouts can be done as a strictly cardio routine.


During intense burst in a HIIT workout, a person is working out at around 80 percent of their max heart rate for 15 seconds to a few minutes. Between each of those periods, a person is either slowing down or resting completely to let their heart rate come back down to around 50 percent.

A person can calculate different target heart rates by using an online calculator. During a workout, a person can wear a heart rate monitor to keep track on much they are exerting themselves. For a lower-tech option, Denver-based certified personal trainer Lindsay Kelly recommends the “talk test.” The way the “talk test” is when a person is doing their target intensity heart rate like sprinting; for example, it should be hard to speak more than two words without taking a breath. Then when they are in the recovery period, the reverse factor is real.

Why HIIT Works

people working out

HIIT is so effective because it allows a person to exercise at a higher intensity for such a short period. The exertion gets the heart working and the blood pumping better than any moderate-intensity exercise can bring with their prolonged periods of rest.

The Importance of Rest

While a person might not realize it, the rest periods are built into the HIIT workout and are a critical part of the routine. They force the body to adjust to a very different state of activity, which is excellent for cardiovascular conditioning.

Feel The Afterburn

Another benefit of a HIIT workout is that even after a person is finished with their HIIT workout, it keeps on working for them. Research shows that when individuals keep on burning calories after their HIIT workout at a higher than they would after a continuous exertion workout. It is commonly known as the “afterburn effect,” and it helps people extend the benefits of their efforts.


The Benefits of HIIT

Researchers have been studying HIIT extensively, and the results are precise: HIIT workouts are better than continuous exercise when it comes to improving health in a variety of ways. One of the health benefits of a HIIT workout is that it improves cardiorespiratory fitness, which is the health of the heart and breathing. This matters to a person who is trying to get in as much exercise as possible with little time because cardiorespiratory fitness is a primary factor in the risk of diseases and death. Studies have shown that HIIT workouts can increase cardiorespiratory fitness at twice the rate of continuous exercises.

The health benefits of HIIT does not stop there, as other research studies have shown that HIIT can help with the following areas of the body.



By improving cardiorespiratory fitness, HIIT can improve a person’s stamina. What it does is that it enhances the body’s ability to consume and use oxygen. One study has compared a regular endurance training to HIIT by looking at how they affect maximal oxygen consumption known as VO2max. The research found out that HIIT was superior to endurance training by improving VO2max in healthy young to middle-aged adults. Once a person starts to build their endurance, they can increase the length or the intensity of the HIIT working periods and enjoy the significant health benefits it provides.

Heart Health

One of the significant contributors to cardiovascular disease and death is high blood pressure, and one of the best ways to keep it in check is through regular exercise. The traditional recommendation for blood pressure modulating has been to exercise at moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes on most or all day so that way high blood pressure will not transform into hypertension. Several studies have suggested that HIIT may be an even better option, and one study shows that while both continuous exercise and HIIT helps with blood pressure control, HIIT is the only workout to help reduce arterial stiffness. Arterial stiffness is a predictor of cardiovascular disease in people with high blood pressure.

Brain Function

When a person feels that that mental clarity after a good workout, it is not their imagination. The brain and mental health benefits of exercise are well documented. Research shows that HIIT helps explicitly improve the cognitive function, including short-term memory, verbal memory, attention, and processing speed in the brain. HIIT also increases the amount of oxygen that the brain gets from the blood.

Diabetes Management

Since exercise is an essential part of diabetes management, research shows that HIIT may be a wise exercise choice for anyone who has type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that HIIT workouts can improve endothelial function, insulin sensitivity, glucose control, and other health effects of diabetes that are better than continuous exercise.


HIIT workouts are perfect for anyone who does not have enough time out of their busy schedule. With the alternating burst of exercises and periods of recovery, HIIT workouts are beneficial to anyone with a short amount of time to complete them. HIIT includes both cardio and resistance training and works with the entire body. Some products are excellent in countering the metabolic effects of temporary stress and supporting the body�s system.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.


Chobanian, Aram V., et al. �Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure.� AHA Journals, 1 Dec. 2003,

Council on Sports, HHS Office. �Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.�, US Department of Health and Human Services, 1 Feb. 2019,

Dupuy, Oliver, et al. �Effect of Interval Training on Cognitive Functioning and Cerebral Oxygenation in Obese Patients: A Pilot Study.� Latest TOC RSS, Medical Journals Limited, 1 Nov. 2014,

Francois, Monique E, and Jonathan P Little. �Effectiveness and Safety of High-Intensity Interval Training in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.� Diabetes Spectrum: a Publication of the American Diabetes Association, American Diabetes Association, Jan. 2015,

Gillen, Jenna B., and Martin J. Gibala. �Is High-Intensity Interval Training a Time-Efficient Exercise Strategy to Improve Health and Fitness?� Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 27 Sept. 2013,

Guimar�es, Guilherme Veiga, et al. �Effects of Continuous vs. Interval Exercise Training on Blood Pressure and Arterial Stiffness in Treated Hypertension.� Hypertension Research: Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension, U.S. National Library of Medicine, June 2010,

Milanovi?, Zoran, et al. �Effectiveness of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIT) and Continuous Endurance Training for VO2max Improvements: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Trials.� SpringerLink, Springer International Publishing, 5 Aug. 2015,

Pescatello, Linda S, et al. �American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Exercise and Hypertension.� Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Mar. 2004,

Unknown, Unknown. “Is High-Intensity Interval Training Right for You?” Fullscript, 12 Nov. 2019,

Weston, Kassia S, et al. �High-Intensity Interval Training in Patients with Lifestyle-Induced Cardiometabolic Disease: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.� British Journal of Sports Medicine, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine, 1 Aug. 2014,

Noninvasive Hormone Testing

Noninvasive Hormone Testing

The percentage of individuals that are affected by fatigue, headaches, and overall pain is continuously growing. For the most part, these symptoms can all be linked back to a hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalances are more common than individuals realize and can affect people of all ages. Originally, hormone testing was completed through a blood draw (serum testing). However, as science is improving, there are now better, more functional ways of testing.��

As more and more studies are done, it is becoming more clear that salivary testing is superior to serum (blood) testing for hormones. There are two forms in which hormones exist in the human body, free (5%) and protein-bound (95%). Due to the protein-bound hormones being bound, they become too large to pass through into the salivary glands. This meaning that they are not bio-available and can not be delivered to the receptors in the tissues of the body.� The unbound hormones, or free hormones, are the relevant hormones that are found in the saliva. Considering the fact that free hormones are not as abundant, the hormone levels found in saliva are significantly less than those found in serum. However, many patients who are treated with serum hormone results are often overdosed because of the lack of correlation between bio-availability.


Labrix by Doctor’s Data

Similar to the D.U.T.C.H�hormone testing previously discussed, this company Labrix offers a variety of hormone testing as well.







  • NeuroBasic: ideal for monitoring therapeutic interventions of neurotransmitter imbalances previously tested or when symptoms are indicating an imbalance. This test measures Serotonin, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, and Phenethylamine
  • Comprehensive Neurotransmitter: best when a comprehensive look at neurotransmitter secretion and metabolism of markers is needed. This test measures Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, and Phenethylamineand DOPAC, 3-MT, Normetanephrine, Metanephrine, 5-HIAA, Tryptamine, Tyrosine, Tyramine, and Taurine.


  • NeuroHormone Complete Plus:� provides insight on how the HPA axis function may be contributing to patients’ symptoms, such as mood swings, fatigue, and pain. In addition, this test is ideal for those who are at risk for breast cancer, PCOS, or a strong family history of autoimmune disease.�This test is recommended for women only.� This test measures�Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol x 4, Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, Phenethylamine
  • NeuroHormone Complete: useful for patients (men or women) who are experiencing any type of mood disorder, addiction, fatigue, chronic illness, confusion, weight issues, low libido, PMS, or chronic pain. This test measures Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol x 4, Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, Phenethylamine.�
  • NeuroAdrenal: Included in this test is a full diurnal cortisol pattern, DHEA, and 6 primary neurotransmitters to help those with symptoms such as depression, anxiety, addiction, chronic illness, and low libido. This test measures DHEA, Cortisol x 4, Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, Phenethylamine

Salivary Hormone:�

  • Comprehensive Plus: provides an assessment of breast cancer risk. This test is a consideration for women only who have an increased risk for developing breast cancer, other hormonally sensitive cancers, PCOS or a family history of autoimmune disease. This test measures estrone, estriol, and Estrogen Quotient.
  • Women’s Helth and breast Profile: includes two risk assessment ratios, the Estrogen Quotient and the Pg/E2 ratio
  • Comprehensive Hormone: �assessment of hormonal status and endocrine function and includes estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and four cortisols. This profile is useful with male and female patients because it looks at the full diurnal cortisol pattern; it is especially important in patients who are experiencing the full diurnal pattern ( weight gain, high blood sugar, elevated lipids, chronic fatigue)
  • Short Comprehensive: useful in men and women whose primary symptoms are related to sex hormone imbalances (elevated or depressed E2, P or T)
  • Basic Hormone: a basic evaluation of the sex hormones and a brief glimpse at the adrenal function with the AM cortisol level. Best for men who are experiencing decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, loss os stamina, decreased mental sharpness and metabolic syndrome. Best for women who are experiencing hot flashes, anxiety, night sweats, breast tenderness, irritability, forgetfulness, and acne.�
  • Comprehensive Adrenal Function: provides insight into the body�s stress response. This test measures sIgA
  • Adrenal Function: comprehensive view of adrenal function, DHEA, and cortisol levels. This is best for people who are fatigued, nervous, weak, crave sugar, have headaches, irritability, and depression
  • Diurnal Cortisol: Similar to the test above but for patients who do not need DHEA testing
  • Melatonin: Provides a snapshot of the sleep/wake cycle during a one day period

Salivary Hormone + CAR :

  • CAR: has the capability to test all the same markers as above but adds Cortisol Awakening Response “CAR” to all of them.�


For more information regarding testing and hormones tested, please visit��



Upon opening every box (no matter the labrix test) the patient will see a requisition form, a billable stamp, and a FedEx envelope. Under these two items, a styrofoam box (insulated cooler) with the imprint “” will be present. Once the patient lifts the lid off of the styrofoam box, they will see two more pieces of paper.� The first being a list of symptoms (patient survey) on a white sheet of paper that the patient is to fill out and place back in the styrofoam box and the second a small instruction manual.


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Neurotransmitter Tests Breakdown

For the Neurotransmitter Tests, the patient is provided with the basic kit described above. The only sample type required for the neurotransmitter tests is urine.

The contents of the styrofoam box include a small plastic cup, a clear plastic bag consisting of a white tube, a dropper, an absorbent pad, and a Lab-Brix ice pack. The first step is to freeze the ice-pack and keep it frozen until ready to ship.�

In order for this test to have proper results, the patient should collect their sample with their first or second-morning urine upon waking. Then, select on the requisition form which urine ( first or second ) the sample was collected from. It is also important to note on the requisition form what time the patient woke and what time the sample was collected. The urine sample should be collected midstream. Patients will collect their sample in the plastic cup provided, not directly in the tube. Next, the patients will use the dropper provided to transfer 10 ml of the sample from the cup into the tube. Ensure the lid is screwed on tightly and gently rock the tube back and forth for 3-5 seconds to mix the urine with the preservative. The patients will then wrap the absorbent pad around the tube (not inside the tube), and place the sample tube back in the plastic bag. The bag is then to be placed in the freezer for 4-6 hours, and is to be kept frozen until ready to ship!�


Neurotransmitter + Hormone Tests Breakdown

The Neurotransmitter + Hormone analysis tests consist of urine and saliva samples. This basic test kit includes everything above. However, upon opening this styrofoam box the patient will find two plastic bags. The first being a plain plastic clear bag with a dropper, white test tube, and absorbent pad. The second plastic bag is a biohazard bag that has multiple colors on the outside and consists of 4 clear small straws, an absorbent pad, and 4 small saliva collection tubes of various colors.�

The urine sample is instructed to be taken the same way as the neurotransmitter test.

The patient should collect their sample with their first or second-morning urine upon waking. Then, select on the requisition form which urine ( first or second ) the sample was collected from. (Remember, the individual is� to note on the requisition form time they woke and what time the sample was collected). Patients will collect their sample mid-stream in the plastic cup provided, not directly in the tube. Next, use the dropper provided to transfer 10 ml of the sample from the cup into the tube. Be sure to check that the lid is screwed on tightly and gently rock the tube back and forth for 3-5 seconds to mix the urine with the preservative. The patients will then wrap the absorbent pad around the tube (not inside the tube), and place the sample tube back in the plastic bag. The bag is then to be placed in the freezer for 4-6 hours, and is to be kept frozen until ready to ship!��

The salivary collection has a few more steps considering it is 4 samples rather than one. The timing for the salivary testing is critical, so timers are encouraged. As the patient wakes up, a timer should be set for 30 minutes later. This is when the first salivary sample (the pink tube) is to be collected. Before this test, the patient should not eat, drink, brush or floss. The second collection (green tube) is to be taken right before lunch, around noon. The third (orange tube), is to be collected in the evening before dinner, and the final collection (blue tube) before bed at night.�

For all salivary collections, each tube needs to be 3/4 of the way full. The straws provided are the patient’s choice to be used. As soon as the tube is 3/4 of the way full, snap the saliva lid tightly, put into the bag in which it came, and freeze for 4-6 hours, until ready to ship. Patients are to record the date and times of the saliva collections on the bag and requisition form.�


Salivary Hormone

Considering the salivary hormone testing is done using 4 saliva samples, the instructions are the same as the saliva collection in the test mentioned above. However, to review them again,�the timing for the salivary testing is critical, so timers are highly encouraged.

As the patient wakes up, a timer should be set for 30 minutes later. This is when the first salivary sample (the pink tube) is to be collected. Before this test, the patient is not to eat, drink, brush or floss. For the second collection (green tube), it should be collected right before lunch, around noon. The third (orange tube), is to be obtained in the evening before dinner, and the final sample (blue tube) before bed at night.�

For all salivary collections, each tube needs to be 3/4 of the way full. The straws provided are to be used at the patient’s discretion. As soon as the tube is 3/4 of the way full, snap the saliva lid tightly, put into the bag in which it came, and freeze for 4-6 hours, until ready to ship. Patients are to record the date and times of the saliva collections on the bag and requisition form.�


Salivary Hormone + CAR Breakdown

Aside from the basic components, the styrofoam box includes 6 colored salvia collection tubes, 6 straws, and an absorbent pad. The tests that fall under this category require 6 samples throughout the day. It is important to remember to write down the time the samples were collected as well as the time when the patient first woke up. The first sample (yellow tube) is to be taken as soon as the patient is awake but has not gotten out of bed. In order to accomplish this properly, it is best the patient sets the tube next to their bed the night before. This makes it easy to collect first thing in the morning. It is very important that the patient sets an alarm for 30 minutes after they wake up ( second test, pink tube)and for 1 hour after they wake up (third test, lavender tube). These tests are all to be done prior to eating breakfast, brushing and flossing teeth. The fourth collection (green tube) is to be taken before lunch and the fifth (orange tube) before dinner. The sixth and final sample (blue tube) is to be collected at least one hour after dinner. Just as the other saliva samples mentioned above, these tubes are to be filled 3/4 of the way, tightly closed, placed back in the bag they came in and frozen for 4-6 hours, or until they are ready to ship.




Shipping should be done Monday-Friday as this will ensure the sample will be delivered to the lab on time. Make sure all paperwork is filled out properly and place contents back in the styrofoam box in the following order:�

  • sealed plastic bag with frozen specimen tubes
  • frozen ice pack�
  • requisition form, symptom sheet, and payment (if applicable)�

Next, place the lid back on the box and place the entire styrofoam box in the cardboard collection kit. Close the cardboard box and place it inside the FedEx shipping envelope provided. The patient will then write their name and address on the Billable Stamp and tear off the customer receipt for their records. Then, place on the FedEx envelope. The final step is to schedule a pick-up. In order to do this, the patient will call the FedEx toll-Free number at 1-800-463-3339 and select “schedule a pickup”. This MUST be a scheduled pick up from an address and NOT a dropbox.�

* It is important to note that patients should avoid eating avocados, eggplant, tomatoes, bananas, melons, pineapples, plums, nuts, nut butter, wine, cheese and chocolate 48 hours before and during the testing period as these could impact the results.

* Patients should keep in mind that strenuous exercise, alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco or any other product containing nicotine is to be avoided 24 hours before and during the collection period.


Labrix is a great company that allows patients a noninvasive way to have their hormone levels checked. Almost every patient who walks in the door can benefit from this test. I highly recommend this test because hormone levels can change based on age, PMS symptoms, fatigue, blood sugar issues, or stress! These results are accurate and have a decently quick turn around time. Gaining insight and taking control of your body is now easier than ever. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.

*All information and photos/video content for this article are directly sourced from labrix. Please see labrix for more information and credit.