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The Purpose of the Schroth Method for Scoliosis

The Purpose of the Schroth Method for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is defined as the abnormal, lateral deviation of the spine with a minimal Cobb angle of 10� in the coronal plane. It may be characterized as either non structural or structural scoliosis.

Non-structural scoliosis is identified as a non-progressive curve resulting from a leg length discrepancy, herniated disc or improper bearing which can be corrected by removing the causing factor. Structural scoliosis is identified by not only its vertebral distorted shape, but by a vertebral rotation towards the convex side, where the spinal processes also rotate toward the concave side, additionally, including rib deformity along with the convex sided ribs shifting posterior and superior while the concave sided ribs changing anterior and inferior.

After diagnosis, a person with scoliosis may present a pelvis that is not leveled in the transverse plane with unequal shoulder height, a thoracic or lumbar hump, and an asymmetrical lumbar triangle, loss of lumbar lordosis or loss of balance in the sagittal and coronal planes.

Scoliosis in the Modern World

Scoliosis approximately affects up to 2 to 3 percent of the population and it may be classified as congenital, neuromuscular, degenerative or idiopathic. Furthermore, scoliosis diagnosed after skeletal maturity, between the ages of 20 to 50, known as adult scoliosis, amounts up to 6 to 10 percent of the population. Adult scoliosis is divided into four types: Primary degenerative scoliosis resulting from the asymmetrical erosion of the disc, endplates and/or facet joints; progressive idiopathic scoliosis not previously treated or post-surgical; secondary adult curvature due to a pelvic obliquity; and secondary adult curvature due to metabolic bone disease.

According to research studies, the clinical presentation associated with adult scoliosis requiring immediate medical attention from a healthcare professional includes: back pain which manifests as muscle soreness, muscular exhaustion or mechanical instability; symptoms of radicular pain present during standing or walking; neurological deficits; and curve progression resulting in from axial overload or vertebral bodies with osteoporosis.

Literature has described a  variety of treatments for scoliosis predicated on surgical and non-surgical classification, dependent on the severity and the character of the curvature as well as the danger of progression. Surgical intervention is an alternative treatment option for individuals that have completed the growth cycle and whose curve is greater than 50� and or whose curve is above 45� and are still in the growth cycle. Bracing and projecting is utilized for people in the growth interval and whose curve is between 20� and 40�. An individual with a curve of less than 25� and has completed growing might be observed throughout their life for curvature progression of 5� in one year, which can be determined to need surgical intervention.

Many healthcare professionals recommend surgery for scoliosis rather than an alternative, non-surgical treatment for scoliosis. In a study by Brigham and Mooney, a progressive exercise plan focusing on exercises combined with torso turning exercises were utilized to raise the strength in patients with scoliosis measuring 15�to 41�. The results showed a 20% � 23% improvement in the curvature without any type of bracing or casting.

Prevalence of the Schroth Method for Scoliosis

In comparison to America, conservative measures are more vigorously executed worldwide. Along with plans, such as for example SEAS (Scientific Exercise Method Of Scoliosis), FITS (Functional Individual Therapy of Scoliosis), Dobosiewicz method, ASCO (Anti-Scoliosis Shaking-Decompression) procedure, Lyonaise method, and physiologic�, the Schroth method is a scoliosis treatment approach which attempts to conservatively treat the spinal condition by emphasizing patient specific postural analysis and corrections in a multidimensional plane. In line with the method first created by Katharina Schroth, the torso is divided into three and sometimes four vertically stacked anatomical blocks. As an outcome of scoliosis, these blocks deviate in the vertical line and laterally shift and rotate against each other creating areas of convexities and concavities.

Depending on sensorimotor and kinesthetic principles, patients utilize proprioceptive and exteroceptive stimulus (visual, tactile, verbal) to achieve the proper spinal alignment through corrective breathing patterns and postures. This is a big element of the Schroth method for scoliosis. Three dimensional postural corrections and remedial exercises are used to achieve spinal de-rotation, de-flexion and elongation in order to re-gain postural symmetry and muscular equilibrium as well as for the stabilization of the corrected bearing through isotonic and isometric tension and reflex holding of muscles. Simultaneous performance of rotational angular respiration (RAB) helps correct the placement of the ribs by directing air into the thoracic concavities. Through the specific exercises of the Schroth method for scoliosis, patients learn to lift themselves out of passive alignments and endure a position that is corrected throughout their day-to-day activities.

The Schroth Method for Scoliosis

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Lower Back Pain After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, neck injuries and aggravated conditions, such as whiplash, are some of the most commonly reported types of injuries, due to the force of the impact. A study discovered, however, that the seat of a vehicle can often lead to injuries as well, causing lower back pain and other symptoms. Lower back pain is also among one of the most common types of automobile accident injuries in the U.S. alone.


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Human Identical Hormones Can Restore Your Health

Human Identical Hormones Can Restore Your Health

Mother Nature plays a dirty trick on women. Just as they begin planning to enjoy their lives as empty-nesters, their lives often change overnight as they cope with night sweats, ballooning weight, aching joints, and fuzzy thinking associated with menopause.

“What’s going on?” asks Dr. Erika Schwartz, author of The New Hormone Solution. “It’s simple,” she says. “Hormone levels are plummeting and wreaking havoc in our bodies.

“It’s a dirty joke Mother Nature has just played on us,” says Schwartz, nationally recognized expert on hormone supplementation. “We’ve had and raised our families and made sure the species will survive. We are no longer needed, so Mother Nature will just get rid of us. We have now become road kill.”

While not as obviously disruptive as menopause, men’s sex hormones are also declining at mid-life. And it’s not just sex hormones. Both sexes may suffer from an imbalance of other hormones, such as thyroid and adrenal. Lower hormone levels accelerate aging, bringing on heart problems, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and other chronic diseases.  

But you don’t have to suffer and resign yourself to the infirmities of advancing age. “It doesn’t have to apply to any of us if we don’t want it to,” says Schwartz. The answer, she says, is replacing lost hormones with human identical hormones, which are available to both men and women to replace hormones lost in aging.

“Human identical hormones have the same molecular structure as those produced by the body,” says Schwartz. “The key is treatment that is individualized to each patient’s particular needs.”

Schwartz explains the confusion over the term “synthetic” as it applies to hormones. “All hormones are synthetic because they are made in a lab, but human identical hormones are synthetically manufactured hormone drugs that look identical to the human hormone molecules our bodies make,” she says.

“They are made from soy and yam oils by pharmaceutical processes of concentration and purification that produce hormone powders,” she says. “These powders are then placed in different preparations, such as pills, patches, and creams, for us to take.

“These hormones look identical to our own hormones — estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, growth hormone, and insulin.

“Synthetic doesn’t mean bad,” she says. “It just refers to creating specific molecules in the laboratory — in this case hormones.”

Replenishing hormone levels can eliminate hot flashes, mood swings, depression, bone loss, weight gain, digestive problems, and many other signs of middle-age, and restore vigor and energy.

But relatively few people are getting replacement hormones. Why? One reason is that many doctors don’t understand human identical hormones and know how to use them, says Schwartz. “There’s no one to teach them. Information isn’t even passed from doctor to doctor, it’s passed from patient to patient who then takes it to the doctor.”

Pharmaceutical companies apparently neither seriously study nor promote human identical hormones. “Since they have the same molecular structure as those produced by our bodies, human identical hormones can’t be patented by drug companies, so they have no financial incentive to conduct studies,” Schwartz says.

The second reason is fear. Until 2002, conventional doctors prescribed synthetic hormones to women undergoing menopause: Premarin and Prempro (conjugated estrogens derived from the urine of pregnant horses), and Provera (a man-made type of progesterone). Not only did doctors believe they safely reduced the symptoms of menopause, but that they also protected women from heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.

However, a 10-year study conducted by the National Institutes of Health called the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), turned the medical world upside down by proving that the hormone replacement therapy doctors prescribed increased the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and breast cancer.

Almost immediately, doctors refused to prescribe hormones to millions of women, and their symptoms quickly returned. As a result, many physicians prescribed antidepressants, which only treated a symptom and not the cause, which was an imbalance of hormones.

A year later, new guidelines released by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology indicated it was safe to prescribe the same drugs in lower doses for shorter periods of time, although their safety has never been proven.

At the same time, American pharmaceutical companies conducted no studies on the safety of human identical hormones, while most doctors ignored — and continue to ignore — earlier studies conducted in both the United States and Europe prior to 2002 which found that bioidentical hormones were safe and effective.

In fact, a 2013 Danish study found that women taking human identical hormones had a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and thromboembolism than those not taking hormones.

The FDA has approved some human identical hormones, and in her practice, Schwartz prescribes them as well as compounded customized formulas, depending on the blood levels of each patient.

How do you find a doctor that’s competent to prescribe human identical hormones? “Ask friends,” says Schwartz. “Some doctors realize there’s a big market for natural hormones, and some who don’t know much about them have hung out their shingle. The best way to find a good doctor in your area is by word of mouth.

“You want a doctor who knows what they are doing and cares about you, and isn’t just jumping on the bandwagon and is trying to make money off of you.”

Human identical hormones can change your life, says Schwartz. “Look around,” she says. “You see people who look and feel great well into their golden years. That can be you.”

To Lose Weight, Start With Dairy Swaps

To Lose Weight, Start With Dairy Swaps

Losing weight comes down to simple arithmetic: Eat fewer calories than you burn off.

Here’s a good way you can accomplish this without going hungry.

Switch out high-calorie foods for low-calorie options to cut calories without cutting portion sizes. Dairy food is a good place to start, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

If you’re still using whole milk and cream, make gradual changes to lower-fat versions. Start by switching from whole milk to 2 percent milk for your coffee, on your cereal and in recipes. Then take the next step down to 1 percent milk and, eventually, to fat-free or skim milk. You can make similar switches with other dairy products, like yogurt and cottage cheese.

Mix in your own fresh fruit or a few drops of vanilla extract to a serving of no-fat plain Greek yogurt to make you forget about higher-calorie choices. You’ll get twice the protein of regular yogurts without the added sugar (and calories) of flavored varieties.

Are you craving cheese? Choose types that are naturally lower in fat, like feta, string, goat and ricotta cheese. Also try reduced-fat versions of your favorites, like cheddar.

Milk is a great source of protein and other nutrients — like calcium — needed for bone health. And it’s usually fortified with vitamin D, essential to maximizing that calcium.

The bottom line? Keep the dairy, but ditch the fat.

Benefits of Eating Cinnamon, Turmeric and Ginger Daily

Benefits of Eating Cinnamon, Turmeric and Ginger Daily

It is very well known that spices and herbs have a great many positive healthy qualities. But often we get confused as to how many, how much and which of the ingredients we must use as a supplement to boost our body.

We have zeroed in on three basic but power house spices from your kitchen that can help you stay healthy. It goes without saying that in today�s times of excessive pesticide use, using organic varieties of these spices is the best and only way to go.


Ginger root, which is a staple in every Indian Kitchen can work many wonders.

Ginger has been known for over two thousand years as a medicinal herb effective in treating digestive problems, nausea, hangover and gases. Modern studies have found that it is effective in the treatment of vomiting, protects the gastric mucosa and improves inflammatory conditions.


Turmeric has anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin is the magical substance, which gives turmeric its golden color and its many health benefits. Pure extracts of Curcumin are also available in the market these days.

Many studies have revealed that turmeric has low absorption and rapid metabolism. This helps in cleansing your system of toxins and also to help in absorption of nutrients. it is a front runner for fighting infections.


Cinnamon is one of the most versatile spices of all. With its sweet and spicy notes, it is a favourite that can be easily used for a wide variety of preparations. This spice is also very high on antioxidants and can help with heart health, fights diabetes and protects brain function.

It is great as a mouth freshener.

A simple drink can be made using a teaspoon full of each of these ingredients mixed with a cup of hot water. Adding a drop of honey and a squeeze of lime makes it even better. You can use ether the powdered version of the spices or them fresh and grate them as per your requirements.

Other than consuming it as a drink, you can incorporate a pinch of each spice in almost everything you cook. Get creative and think about using more of these ingredients in your salads and even smoothies.

Once a day, right at the start of the day, having a cup of this booster will make your body thankful to you.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

Additional Topics: Lower Back Pain After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, neck injuries and aggravated conditions, such as whiplash, are some of the most commonly reported types of injuries, due to the force of the impact. A study discovered, however, that the seat of a vehicle can often lead to injuries as well, causing lower back pain and other symptoms. Lower back pain is also among one of the most common types of automobile accident injuries in the U.S. alone.


blog picture of cartoon paperboy big news





Tracy Anderson’s Top Arm-Sculpting Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Tracy Anderson’s Top Arm-Sculpting Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

When the weather starts getting warmer, most of us immediately ramp up our ab and glute exercises. But what about your arms? Here, Health’s contributing fitness editor Tracy Anderson demonstrates a challenging arm workout you can do anywhere—no equipment necessary. 

WATCH THE VIDEO: 5-Minute Hotel Room Workout for Arms, Shoulders, and Back

Tracy notes that the key to strong arms is all about working different parts, not just isolated areas. These bodyweight exercises offer incredibly challenging resistance to get your shoulders, biceps, and triceps in shape for summer. Watch this video to see six of Tracy’s favorite arm-sculpting moves.

No time to watch? Here’s a breakdown of the workout:  

Move 1: Start by lying on the ground. Push up into a plank position, then twist your body, creating an award pushup position. Press back up into a full plank and extend your top leg. Lower your body down and extend your leg up again. Do this 30 times. You’re going to start to feel your back arm really working, because you’re twisting your body weight to the back arm, while the front one is just stabilizing. Be sure to do both sides.

Move 2: Get into a full plank position, then straighten one leg to the back. Lift one leg and dangle your knee. Tuck it in towards your chest, then cross it over your other leg, and extend  your leg into the air behind you.

Move 3: Get into a plank position. Alternate bringing your knees underneath your body, crossing diagonally, and tapping your knee with the opposite hand. Use your arms to stabilize yourself during this move.

Move 4: Get into a tabletop position. Reach one arm into the sky while pushing your hips up. Twist your body down into a high plank, then press your outside leg up into the air.

Move 5: Get into a plank position. Bend your knee and rest your outer leg on the ground in a twisted position. From here, lift your knee up and extend it out behind you. Keep twisting, lowering, and lifting for 30 reps.

Move 6: Get into a wide leg plank. Lower down to one forearm, then switch to the other. Next, energetically push your body back up using just one arm.

6 Moves You Can Do At Your Desk for Better Mobility

6 Moves You Can Do At Your Desk for Better Mobility

It’s no secret that sitting at a desk all day isn’t good for you. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to weight gain, which may then lead to a host of other issues. Research has shown that sitting too much throughout the day can lead to a number of different health problems, including obesity, heart problems, and diabetes.

However, there are things you can do to offset the health risks of sitting at your desk, such as getting up to take frequent walks. But even if you can’t leave your chair, there are even plenty of movement exercises you can do right from your desk, such as chair yoga. You could also take advantage of the time to work on some mobility training—a form of exercise that focuses on improving your stability, range of motion, and loosening your muscles so you can perform better during any workout. 

Frank Baptise, founder of Frankly Fitness, is a big fan of mobility training as an effective way to help promote healthy joints, balance, and flexibility in your body. Here, he demonstrates six simple yet effective moves to try at your desk. All you need is a stress ball and a desk chair!

Don’t have time to watch? Here’s a quick rundown of Baptiste’s go-to mobility moves:

Glute and piriformis: self-myofascial release

Roll and apply pressure. Hold for 5-10 deep breaths.

Peck roll

Roll and apply pressure. Hold 5-10 deep breaths.

Plantar fascia roll

Roll and apply pressure. Hold for 5-10 deep breaths.

Modified chair downdog

Hold for 3 breaths. 3-5 reps.

Modified lunge with rotation

Hold for 3 breaths. 3-5 reps each side.

Figure four squat

Hold for 3 breaths. 3-5 reps each side

A 10-Minute Calming Yoga Flow to Help Banish Your Stress

A 10-Minute Calming Yoga Flow to Help Banish Your Stress

Feeling stressed? On any given day, you’re likely bombarded with many different stress-inducing situations. Perhaps it’s a challenging project at work, a fight with your partner, or just someone who unapologetically bumped into you on the street.

Life is filled with challenges and frustrations like these. But the good news is there are plenty of smart strategies that can help you refocus your energy so you feel calm and peaceful instead of frazzled. Take meditation and mindfulness, for example—both practices are all about checking in with yourself and filtering stress out of the mind. And if meditation isn’t your thing, exercise is also a great way to help release your daily frustrations and send a healthy dose of feel-good endorphins to your brain. 

WATCH THE VIDEO: A 5-Minute Meditation to Help You Find Your Calm Now

Better yet, combine two of these mindful practices: meditation and exercise. Yoga is perfect for this, especially if it’s a calming flow that can quiet your mind while simultaneously strengthening your muscles. By forcing you to pay close attention to your breath, yoga helps stop your racing thoughts. 

Watch this video for a calming 10-minute yoga flow from Kirby Koo of Yoga With Kirby. It focuses on the importance of your breath, so you can calm your mind and banish stress.

This 20-Minute Yoga Flow Can Help Relieve Back Pain

This 20-Minute Yoga Flow Can Help Relieve Back Pain

Anyone who struggles with back pain knows how distressing it can be. Whether it�s soreness that impedes your sleep or aches that hurt your productivity while you sit at your desk at work, back pain is hard to ignore no matter what position you�re in.

The good news? Yoga can be a surprisingly helpful remedy. In this video, yoga expert and Retox author Lauren Imparato takes you through a 20-minute yoga flow designed to soothe and prevent back pain. Yes, please!

�How you sit, how you sleep, something you ate, how you moved,� can all contribute to upper or lower back issues, Imparato explains. And while treatment options do exist�such as massage and acupuncture�studies have shown that yoga may actually be more effective than these and other alternatives. Research from the Annals of Internal Medicine found that people with chronic lower back pain saw more improvement of their symptoms after a 12-week yoga class compared to those who only received medicine or physical therapy to treat their pain.

RELATED: 4 Surprising Cures for Back Pain

Want to experience the same relief? In this video, Imparato will first help you release tightness and tension in your back by guiding you through classic stretches like cat and cow. Next, she�ll show you how to do a quick, equipment-free flow that works to stabilize the spine and strengthen the muscles in your core that support it. (Hi, toned abs!) Watch the clip above for a yoga routine that not only reduces back pain but crafts long, lean muscle at the same time.

Also check out our sister company: Best Yoga Routines for Sleep. �This is a great article that helps you doze off…. WAY Better…

6 Slam Ball Exercises for Stronger Legs and Glutes

6 Slam Ball Exercises for Stronger Legs and Glutes

Photo: Twenty20

This is a partial workout. You can find the rest of the moves at Life by Daily Burn.

When you look at a slam ball, leg and glute exercises may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But incorporating this soft weighted ball into your booty routine will work your lower half hard. Weak hamstrings, glutes and hips can lead to knee and back pain. So if you’re looking for a way to strengthen these muscles, while building power, the slam ball can kill two birds with one big, squishy ball.

Gerren LilesPROJECT by Equinox master trainer and Reebok ONE Elite ambassador likes to use it for a quick leg workout. “The slam ball is a simple tool that allows you to move in multiple dimensions and directions, and can serve as a load to develop strength and power,” Liles says.

In addition to tightening and toning, the slam ball creates an unstable environment that forces your body to work harder to balance weight. (Stability challenge, anyone?) And because you’ll move in different planes of motion, you’ll work your core, legs and arms, too.

“The ball can be used as a prop to challenge your stability, as you’ll see in the Bulgarian squat and soccer tap drill. It can also be used as a form of resistance in the squat with front push and hamstring curls,” Liles explains. Check out just how versatile this space-efficient piece of equipment can be in the six exercises below.

RELATED: The 30-Minute Slam Ball Workout

6 Slam Ball Exercises That Build Lower-Body Strength

These moves will not only blast your lower half, they’ll help improve your ankle mobility, agility and reflexes. Add some intensity, and they’ll get your heart rate up, too, Liles says. Do 8 to 10 reps of each exercise for two sets.

GIFs: Tiffany Ayuda / Life by Daily Burn

1. Bulgarian Squat

This variation of the squat challenges your balance. To keep your foot from rolling off the ball, engage your core so you can move with more control, Liles says.

How to: Stand with your feet together in front of a slam ball. Step your right foot back and place your toes on top of the ball (a). Keeping your weight in your left heel, slowly lower your body into a lunge, bending your right knee towards the floor. Your left knee should form a 90-degree angle to the floor. Be sure your left knee is stacked above your ankle (b). Straighten both legs and return to standing (c).

RELATED: 6 Squat Variations for Total-Body Strength

 Hip Bridge With Hamstring Curl Exercise

2. Lying Hip Bridge With Hamstring Curl

Take your glute bridges to the next level with this variation that also strengthens your hamstrings. The lack of surface area on the ball is an added challenge to making the movement slower.

RELATED: 5 Exercise Machines That Aren’t Worth Your Time 

How to: Lay on your back with your hips lifted off the floor and your calves and heels on top of the ball. Plant your hands on the floor at your sides (a). Draw your heels in toward your butt with control, bending your legs. Your hips should elevate even higher as you squeeze your glutes to bring your heels in (b). Slowly extend your legs back out to the starting position (c).

 Lying Quad Extension Exercise

3. Lying Quad Extension

Your quads, hamstrings and glutes are some of the biggest muscles groups in your body. This simple move fires up all three, helping you torch more calories per workout.

How to: Lie flat on your back and place the ball between your calves with your knees bent. For an added core challenge, you can lift your head off the floor and bring your chin towards your chest (a). Without moving your hips, bring your legs straight up towards the ceiling (b). Then, bend your knees until the ball touches the back of your legs. Remember to press your low-back into the floor throughout the entire movement (c).

7 Easy Ways to Kick Your Sluggish Metabolism Up a Notch

7 Easy Ways to Kick Your Sluggish Metabolism Up a Notch

When your metabolism is running like a well-oiled machine, your body is working for you. Not only can it make maintaining (or losing) weight a little easier, but maximizing your system’s calorie-burning engine will also help you feel more energetic, active, and alive. To figure out how to get it to that happy place, incorporate these everyday eating and exercise habits into your regular routine.

Do more heavy lifting

It’s so easy to glance at the “calories burned” figure on the cardio machine and then add more time to your workout to make the number higher. But if you want your metabolic furnace to burn hotter during the day, you’re going to need to add muscle. “Muscle burns more calories than fat,” says Alissa Rumsey, RD, CSCS, author of Three Steps to a Healthier You. She advises fitting in a total-body strength workout two to three times per week, using a weight that’s heavy enough to make the 10th rep very difficult.

RELATED: 23 Snacks That Burn Fat

Eat protein in the morning and afternoon 

You already know that cranking your metabolism means filling your dinner plate with quality protein (in the form of lean meats, eggs, fish, legumes, and yogurt). Thing is, it’s easy to get that chicken breast or piece of salmon in at dinner. What’s harder is remembering to eat a high-protein meal at breakfast and lunch, says Rumsey, when you’re typically on the go and too rushed to do much more than grab a piece of fruit or carb-heavy sandwich.

Getting good protein in the a.m. and p.m. “will also help you maintain and build muscle as long as you consume it before and after regular weight training workouts,” she says. Plus, research suggests that your body works harder to break down and process calories from protein than from fat or carbs, resulting in a slight bump in metabolism. And don’t forget, protein promotes satiety. You’ll feel fuller and burn more calories breaking it down. Double win.

Dial back your work stress

No one has to tell you that chronic stress is unhealthy. But stress at work is especially detrimental. One study of women with a history of mood disorders in the journal Biological Psychiatry found that those who experienced extra stress during the workday burned 104 fewer calories in response to a higher-fat meal compared to women who were not stressed. As the researchers discovered in a later study, stress can change the way your body metabolizes fats, even reducing the benefits of eating a healthy meal.

Snack before bedtime

You heard that right—it’s time to consider disregarding all those warnings about not eating after 8 p.m. “Conventional wisdom says that food you eat right before bed will sit in your stomach all night long, which will result in packing on the pounds,” says Cassie Bjork, RD, author of Why Am I Still Fat?. Instead, the right bedtime snack “will actually boost your metabolism by keeping your blood-sugar levels stable, which allows your pancreas to secrete the fat-burning hormone glucagon,” she says.

RELATED: Ultimate Metabolism-Boosting Workout

Hit the sheets early 

Sleep may be the last thing on your to-do list, yet it deserves priority status, and here’s one out of a million reasons why. Not getting enough rest has a disastrous effect on your metabolism, prompting you to misread your system’s hunger cues and revving your appetite. As one study suggests, this appetite boost happens when your body calls for extra calories to fuel the additional time you’re awake—and that leads you to overeat. The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults snag seven to nine hours of shuteye per night. Give it a try tonight.

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Get up and move—right now

Maybe you put in your 45 minutes of daily heart-pumping exercise on the regular. But if you spend the rest of the day with your butt planted firmly in a chair, you’re keeping your metabolism in stall, says Rumsey. “It’s important to move as much as possible,” she says, not just because movement burns calories but because it keeps your metabolism on high.

So make an effort to get up and stand at your desk, head outside to eat lunch and then taking a stroll, or walk or down the stairs when possible. Moving more during the day, even if you’re just heading down the halls of your office or taking the long route to the parking lot where you left your car, will keep your metabolism running, she says.

Stop counting calories

“People often think that restricting calories boosts metabolism, but this does the complete opposite,” says Bjork. Here’s why: calories are the energy that fuels your body and helps your metabolism run efficiently. Take in too few, and you’ll start to feel fatigued and hangry. Ensuring that you’re filling up your plate with lean protein (like fish or meat), healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, almond butter), and lots of fruits and veggies will deliver high-quality, nutritionally dense calories to your body. That helps your metabolism run optimally, in turn burning calories rather than conserving them.