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Pope Francis & Sciatica Pain

Pope Francis & Sciatica Pain

Chiropractic, Massages & Spinal Injections Are Your Papal Prescription For Low Back & Leg Pain.

Should you suffer from the low back and leg symptoms of sciatica, the pope feels your pain. Reports reveal that Pope Francis has spent part of his 2017 summer undergoing spinal shots and massage therapy to help manage his sciatica.

Sciatica is intense low back and leg pain which runs along the course of the sciatic nerve, that is the longest and largest nerve in the human system. The sciatic nerve extends from your low back all the way down to a foot. Several spinal ailments can irritate the sciatic nerve and cause sciatica, including a herniated disc, lumbar spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, and trauma (you can read more in common sciatica causes). The root reason for Pope Francis’ sciatica is unclear.

The 80-year-old pope has suffered from sciatica for many years, having first remarked on his struggle with it in a 2013 through a media conference when he said, “Sciatica is very painful, very painful! I don’t wish it on anyone!”

More recently, the pope has received epidural steroid shots and massages twice a week to handle his back pain pain, according to the Italian news magazine Famiglia Cristiana.

Sciatica PSA

How Spinal Injections & Massage Can Help Relieve Sciatica

Pope Francis’ routine of epidural steroid injections and massages underscores the fact that while the pain of sciatica can be extreme–almost indescribable–spine operation isn’t always the answer. The pope’s non-surgical approach to sciatica pain management is one that many individuals suffering from the illness adopt.

With epidural steroid shots, strong anti-inflammatory drugs known as corticosteroids are injected near the spinal nerve roots. The therapy works with varying success, but some people experience decreased pain for months following an injection.

With massage, a therapist can target the muscle tension that may be compressing the sciatic nerve or associated nerve roots. Deep tissue massage treatment may be type of massage used, since it utilizes direct pressure and friction to release the pressure in the soft tissues (ligaments, tendons, muscles) surrounding the sciatic nerve.

The Fundamental Principles of Biocentrism | Central Chiropractor

The Fundamental Principles of Biocentrism | Central Chiropractor

The impulse to view human life as fundamental to the existence of the universe has been triggered in the traditions of all cultures. It is so fundamental to the way people observed facts that it might be, to a certain extent, ingrained in the way the human psyche has evolved.


That humanity is out of balance with the character of nature is a subject of controversy. There is little question that people are fouling the world to the purpose of extinction for all other life, including our own. To claim otherwise is foolish. In a variety of ways, people have attempted to grasp the problem, define it, and search for answers.


Of the many new and more faddish results, few have been as popular as deep ecology, also known as Biocentrism, the opinion that individuals are acting out of excessive human centered beliefs, known as anthropocentrism, and consequently ruining the planet and the remaining species which have equally as much inherent right to endure their biological fate as we do. Accordingly, Biocentrism (life/earth/nature centered) calls for a new way of acting. Specifically, it requires earth-centered action and thinking, instead of putting ourselves first, as a means from the world dilemma.


Understanding Biocentrism Beliefs


Should deforestation be stopped? Why should greenhouse gas emissions be reduced? One could point to the health of future generations and the survival of the individual species to reply queries like these. One could appeal to the preservation of biodiversity and the natural world’s intrinsic value. Both of these attitudes are really distinct, and several scholars have thus discerned between anthropocentric (also known as “homocentric” or “altruistic”) and biocentric (also known as “ecocentric” or “biospheric”) issues for the environment. While biocentric worries are oriented toward protecting organisms and nature concerns for the environment, anthropocentric concerns are narrowly aimed at maintaining the welfare of humans. Biocentrism is more reliably and related to environmentalism, both for behaviors and also for values while anthropocentrism can lead to pro-environmental actions and attitudes.


In order to promote environmentalism, it’s essential to understand how moral intuitions can be made to resonate with values associated with maintaining the natural world. Examining the psychological foundations of biocentrism claims to illuminate a path toward a more sustainable future. For this goal to be achieved, the concept of biocentrism has to be deconstructed and operationalized in terms that are significant, psychologically to humans.


Specifically, biocentrism is unlikely to be a singular stance, it plausibly is made up of at least two distinct attitudes. To begin with, biocentrism can stem from a desire to avoid hurting sentient beings (e.g., harboring concerns about killing creatures). Secondly, biocentrism can stem from a desire to uphold innocence in nature (e.g., harboring concerns about violating the sanctity or telos of natural kinds). Avoiding injury and maintaining purity have been identified as 2 distinct kinds of issues that rely on different systems of cognitive and emotional processing. As a result, the concept of biocentrism can potentially obscure an important distinction in environmentalist attitudes among society.


Applying Biocentrism to Improve the Environment


Subdividing biocentrism to two different moral concerns is a meaningful starting point for investigating its psychological underpinnings. Recognizing biocentrism concerning avoiding harm emphasizes the value of extending mental states and rights to non invasive entities. In particular, the inclination toward anthropomorphization can improve environmentalism because non-humans are conceptualized as owning human-like minds, thus having a heightened capacity to become harmed.


Studies have demonstrated that anthropomorphizing different species or characters raises behaviors and biocentric beliefs. Taking the perspective leads to higher concerns for the environment. Concerns about character rest on capacities for person perception and subjective ascriptions of others’ suffering, such that justice’s reach is enlarged to include non-human beings. This way, biocentrism can appear in the same psychological processes that produce anthropocentrism; the only difference is that they’re applied to a wider circle. This may explain why anthropocentrism and biocentrism are sometimes found to be similar. Ultimately, biocentric beliefs can help individuals take care of the ecosystem, ensuring our safety and survival the same as other species in the environment.


Biocentrism is sometimes rooted in concerns about sanctity or purity. Nature could be conceptualized that people have a sacred responsibility and also this sanctification of this world was demonstrated to boost behaviours and beliefs. As an instance, framing messages that are ecological in terms of sustaining the purity of the surroundings raises the pro-environmental attitudes of conservatives. Furthermore, although this form of biocentrism is predominant in spiritual and religious people, it is probably found in secular people. Really, sanctification often happens outside of theistic settings, as well as also the treatment of certain facets of nature as sacred may stem from a more general deontological inclination to harbor “protected values”. Biocentrism is occasionally orthogonal to considerations about harm, arising from different psychological processes and moral beliefs.


In sum, at least two distinct concerns can drive biocentrism. It’s largely geared toward protecting humanized and sentient entities, when biocentrism is focused on avoiding harm, and it is likely moderated by individual differences in the propensity to anthropomorphize character. When biocentrism is focused on upholding the purity of the environment, it functions at a more systemic level rather than focusing on the protection of, entities that are individuated.


Furthermore, a purity-based biocentrism is moderated by individual differences in spirituality and in trends to take care of certain objects. Though they might, the psychological profiles underlying environmentalist attitudes because of injury concerns and due to purity concerns are consequently different. Recognizing this distinction carries substantial implications. An adequate account of environmentalist attitudes requires that the construct of biocentrism is ultimately replaced by more well-known distinctions. Knowing this aspect of human psychology will serve as a step in putting an end to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and other dangers which affect human well-being.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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Understanding Chronic Pain | Chiropractic Care Clinic

Understanding Chronic Pain | Chiropractic Care Clinic

A range of factors can play an essential part in the experience of chronic pain. Pain is the body’s normal reaction to an injury or illness, But for many people, pain can be a constant.


When pain lasts for 3 to 6 months or more, it�s called chronic pain. If you hurt day after day, it can take a toll on your emotional and physical health. And, if your emotional and physical health are affected, a variety of fundamental microorganisms can be affected as well. In order to maintain overall health and wellness, following a biocentric approach can often help best understand the impact of maintaining the health of every part which makes the human body. It may be beneficial to view this model to conceptualize the complex nature of this frequent condition.



Tissue Damage


This is damage or injury to the tissue which often generally can be the start of pain. The tissue damage causes input to the nervous system, commonly identified as the pain signal. This is also termed as “nociceptive input.” Each cell in the body comes together to form a variety of complex tissues, which independently come together to form organs and other important structures, each in charge of performing essential functions for the body.


Biocentrism,�the view or belief that the rights and needs of humans alone are not more important than those of other living things, explains how taking care of every single structure in the body, such as the cells which form tissues, even including microorganisms, can ensure the well-being of the body as a whole. Damaged tissues can often be a sign of a deeper issue within the human body. Tissue damage can be additionally caused by a variety of other issues.


Pain Sensation


In the simplest terms of this model, pain sensation is the actual perception that occurs in the brain following the nerve signals, due to nociception, which travel from the periphery into the central nervous system. Whilst nociception occurs at the site of injury, pain sensation is experienced in the brain. The human body is not simply a single organism, it is comprised of a wide variety of microorganisms, many of which help maintain the well-being of the nervous system.




Cognitions or ideas occur and are an assessment of the pain sensation signal coming into the nervous system as well as events surrounding it. These thoughts can be unconscious or conscious and will influence the way pain signals are perceived. For example, general body aches and stiffness are traditionally considered to be “good pain” when those happen after a vigorous exercise session, whereas they’re perceived as bad pain when related to a health illness, such as fibromyalgia,�a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness.




The psychological component of pain is a person’s response to thoughts about the pain. If you believe (thoughts) that the pain is a serious danger (e.g. a tumor), subsequently emotional responses will incorporate fear, depression, and anxiety, amongst others. If you believe the pain isn’t a threat, then the psychological response will probably be negligible. Chronic pain has been a misunderstood condition and it’s effects have been reported to cause an array of emotional as well as mental disorders, due to the difficult ability to assess such conditions.




The term “suffering” is often employed as a synonym for “pain” even though they’re theoretically and conceptually distinct. For example, a broken bone might cause pain without discomfort (since the individual knows the pain isn’t deadly and the bone will heal). By comparison, bone pain due to a tumor might cause the identical pain for a break but the distress will be much greater because of the “meaning” behind the pain (that tumor could be life-threatening). Suffering is connected to the psychological component of pain. For certain conditions which cause chronic pain, often seen in patients with fibromyalgia, a condition believed to have no cure, the fact alone that the individual’s symptoms of discomfort will never “go away” can implement a great deal of suffering.


Pain Behaviors


Pain behaviors are defined as things people do if they are in pain or suffer. These are behaviors that others observe as indicating pain, like limping, grimacing, talking about the pain, moving and taking pain medication. Pain behaviors are in reaction to all the other facets in the pain system model (tissue damage, pain feeling, thoughts, emotions, and distress). Life experiences, expectations, and ethnic influences also affect pain behaviors of the way the pain is expressed in terms. Interestingly, pain behaviors are also influenced by the environment, like how others react.


According to biocentrism, taking care of the environment, including taking care of all forms of life, such as its plants and animals, among others, is ultimately important towards the health and wellness of every organism. For example, if the food we eat is being properly taken care of, its full benefits can be properly absorbed. Nutrition is an important contributing factor for people with chronic pain. A balanced nutrition, consisting of healthy products, can help.


Additionally,�the�psychosocial environment includes each of the environments where an individual resides, works, and plays. Studies have consistently proven that these surroundings influence how an individual will reveal pain behaviors.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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Biocentrism as a Part of Integrative Medicine | Chiropractic Care Clinic

Biocentrism as a Part of Integrative Medicine | Chiropractic Care Clinic

The expression biocentrism encompasses all environmental integrity that extend the status of things from human beings to all living organisms. Biocentric ethics involves a rethinking of the relationship between nature and humans.


Biocentrism beliefs state that nature doesn’t exist simply to be used or consumed by people, but instead, that people are simply one species amongst many, and that since we are a part of an ecosystem, those activities that can negatively affect the living systems of which we’re a portion of can negatively influence us as well.


Much of the history regarding biocentric ethics can be understood concerning an expanding array of values. As environmental issues, such as human population growth, waste disposal, and resource depletion have begun to become a growing issue for society, several ethicists argued that value ought to be extended to include future generations of human beings. It’s been argued under biocentrism that individuals should expand moral standing to animals and plants and then to wilderness areas as well as ecosystems, species, and populations. Roots of biocentric ethics originated in several customs as well as in several historic figures.


The first of the five basic precepts of Buddhist ethics is to avoid harming or killing any living thing. The Christian saint Francis of Assisi preached to animals and proclaimed a theology that included plants and animals. Some Native American traditions hold that all things are sacred. The Romantic movement of the 18th and 19th centuries lacked the inherent value of the natural world against the propensity of the technological age to treat all nature as having value.


Biocentrism in the Medical World


While early biocentric beliefs and ideals have expanded through various aspects of society, biocentrism has also become the basis of ethics regarding its relation to human biomedical and behavioral research in the practice of human medicine, including natural, alternative care options, such as integrative medicine.


Integrative medicine is an approach to care that places the patient at the center and addresses the full array of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental influences that affect a person�s health. Implementing a personalized plan that considers the individual’s unique conditions, needs and circumstances, integrative medicine utilizes the most suitable interventions from an array of scientific disciplines to cure disease and illness as well as help people regain and maintain their overall health and wellness.


Integrative medicine is grounded from the definition of well-being. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, psychological and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.”


As mentioned above, integrative medicine attempts to restore and maintain health across a person’s lifespan by understanding the patient’s unique set of conditions affecting them and addressing the full selection of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental influences which can ultimately affect their wellness. During personalizing care, integrative medicine goes beyond the treatment of symptoms to address the causes of an illness. The patient’s immediate health needs in addition to the impacts of the complex and long-term interplay between influences are often taken into account before proceeding with the proper treatment.


Integrative medicine combines conventional medical treatments with remedies that are carefully selected and shown to be safe and effective. The goal is to combine the best that traditional medicine has to offer with therapeutic systems and therapies derived from ideas and cultures both new and old.


Integrative medicine is not the same as alternative medicine, which refers to an approach to healing that’s utilized in place of conventional treatments, or complementary medicine, which describes therapeutic modalities that are used to match allopathic approaches. Maintenance may be integrative irrespective of which modalities are used if the defining principles are implemented.


Many individuals erroneously use the term integrative medicine interchangeably with the conditions complementary medicine and other drugs, also known collectively as complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM. While medicine is not synonymous with CAM, CAM therapies do constitute an significant part the integrative medicine model.


The defining principles of integrative medicine are:


  • The individual and professional are partners in the healing process.
  • All aspects that influence health are taken into consideration, including body, mind, soul and community.
  • Providers utilize all healing sciences to facilitate the body’s innate healing response.
  • Powerful interventions which are organic and less invasive are utilized whenever possible.
  • Good medicine is based in good science. It is inquiry driven and open to new paradigms.
  • Together with the idea of treatment, the concepts of health promotion and the prevention of illness are paramount.
  • The maintenance is personalized to best address the individual’s unique conditions, needs and circumstances.
  • Practitioners of integrative medicine devote themselves into self-development and self-exploration and exemplify its fundamentals.


In addition to treating and managing the immediate health problems as well as the deeper causes of the disease or illness, integrative medicine strategies also focus on prevention and foster the growth of healthy behaviours and skills for successful treatment that patients can use throughout their lives. Much like the biocentrism ideals, professionals who practice integrative medicine ensure that the patient is surrounded by healthy, external factors, including environmental exposure as well as the proper nutrition, aside from the person’s unique human experience.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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Biocentrism, Chiropractic and Nutrition | Recommended Chiropractor

Biocentrism, Chiropractic and Nutrition | Recommended Chiropractor

Biocentrism is the ethical perspective with the moral standing or holding that all life deserves equal, ethical consideration and value. Although components of biocentrism can be discovered in spiritual traditions, it was not until the late decades of the 20th century�that the topic was dealt with by philosophical ethics in the Western tradition in a systematic method.


As a normative theory, biocentrism has practical implications for human behaviour. The good of all living beings generates responsibilities on the part of human beings.


Biocentrism may best be viewed as a means with which to follow and not as a set of rules to approach life. Approaching any and every living being with awe and humility can help to make life more purposeful, and it is in this manner that with which humans interact with other beings. Biocentric ethics can help to develop a group of attitudes and habits.


Biocentrism and Chiropractic Perspective


Following a biocentric ideal, in order for humans to achieve overall health and wellness, healthcare professionals and specialists have discussed the importance of maintaining and caring for the well-being of all living organisms which can be found within the human body, including microorganisms like bacteria. One natural medicine option is available to help safely and effective treat the body, much like the biocentrism belief: chiropractic care.


Chiropractic care, involving manual manipulations and spinal adjustments, can naturally provide relief from bodily pain and symptoms of bigger problems at hand, however, it’s crucial to understand that chiropractic doesn’t aim to become a cure for any one illness, disease, or health condition. Rather, chiropractic helps ease these by bringing the body back into balance, alignment, and stability. Chiropractic allows the body to naturally heal itself.


Chiropractors believe that when your system is aligned from adjustment methods, it has a greater prospect of recovering and repairing itself from the inside out. This may indirectly treat issues impacting a patient, while also preventing potential health concerns from taking hold too. Studies have shown that a manipulation of the spinal column can help to reduce inflammation and stress as well as help boost a person’s disposition, regulate sleep cycles, and also stabilize blood pressure levels. These effects often add up to bring relief from more serious health conditions, such as diabetes. In this way, chiropractic does not treat the issue, but it helps the body combat it naturally.


In order to comprehend how the body is really helped by this kind of care, it’s important to understand the parts of the body it benefits, such as the brain and spine. When you think about it, the spine is the base of our bodies, as it’s in charge of carrying out many of the body’s important functions. Primarily, it keeps us vertical and gives us both equilibrium and stability. It is also a part of the nervous system, which is the human body’s communication center. The central nervous system as a whole, sends and receives messages all over the body, and its wellness determines body functions. Though you might immediately understand its importance, much like biocentrism, the ethical perspective that all life deserves equal moral consideration or has equal moral standing, the health and wellness of the spine is linked to the entire body, which is exactly what makes its general well-being so crucial to a lot of structures and functions.


Involving Biocentrism with Nutrition


Chiropractic is based on the premise that the body is able to achieve and maintain health through its own natural recuperative powers, provided it has a properly functioning nervous system which also receives the essential health care elements. These components include sufficient nourishment, water, rest, exercise and a clean atmosphere. Through a biocentric ideal, the human body can continue maintaining a healthy system by taking care of the microorganisms, such as the bacteria found in our gut, as well as the plants and animals which we consume. Biocentrism also involves taking care of the environment. A healthy environment can ensure humans are consuming healthy organisms as well.


The body consists of two synergistic elements that have to function at optimal for health. Issues in the biomechanical component, comprising joints, tendons, ligaments and bones controlled by the nervous system, can be handled by the chiropractic care, therapy and rehabilitation. Problems in the biochemical component, consisting of the organs with all of their functions and also controlled by the nervous system, are best addressed by nutrition, which includes food, water and supplements. As you can’t function without impacting the other, it is important to address both elements. With knowledge of nutrition and the ability to help individuals, individuals can begin to follow more biocentric ideals in order to make better decisions and to support the health of their own bodies.


Many chiropractors believe that their patients must accept responsibility for their wellness and well-being. Consequently, DCs, or doctors of chiropractic, provide exercise recommendations, dietary guidance, health-risk avoidance advice and wellness counseling. Chiropractors are often active in public health efforts to improve the well-being of individuals.


“All good health starts with the gut. A lack of gut health leads to more musculoskeletal issues. Sixty to 70 percent of our immune cells are in our gut,” stated Dr. Silverman, DC. His therapy revolves around changing patients’ lifestyles, making them more active and putting them on a suitable dietary plan. “It is important to indicate a healthy diet plan to keep a healthy nutrient supply to help the body with natural purpose and recovery procedures,” concluded Dr. Silverman.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Back Pain


Back pain is one of the most common symptoms reported among the general population. While back pain can occur due to a variety of injuries and/or underlying conditions, a work accident has often been associated as a frequent origin of back pain issues. Back pain can affect an individual at least once throughout their lifetime. Fortunately, federal employees who experience back pain, such as symptoms of sciatica, can benefit from programs like FECA.

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Common Causes of Federal Employee Injuries | Central Chiropractor

Common Causes of Federal Employee Injuries | Central Chiropractor

Federal employees face the same injury risks as those in the private industry and different areas of the public sector. Those risks can be serious. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that approximately 124 federal employees suffered fatal accidents in 2013.


Based on the BLS, the top causes of fatal injuries among workers are:



A federal worker who suffers a job-related private injury or illness (or even families of these employees who have been lost) can seek benefits through the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA). These benefits include coverage of wages that are lost because of permanent or temporary disability. They also have death benefits for eligible survivors.


The following is a closer look at the most common leading causes of accidents among federal employees:


Transportation Incidents


Many federal jobs require travel between offices or even as a main function of the job. Postal work is the apparent example. Truck and car accidents, which are usually as a result of driver error, can be fatal or result in serious injury. In cases where another driver is at a motor vehicle’s error caused an accident or fault, a worker may consider filing an injury claim in addition to seeking workers’ compensation benefits.




Unfortunately, federal employees may also be hurt by violence. Incidents of violence include attacks by other creatures and dogs as a cause of harm. In acts of violence, the perpetrator or an animal’s owner may also be held responsible for the employee’s injury, which adds to compensation for the employee’s losses.


Struck by Object or Equipment


There are many ways from being struck by an object or equipment, a worker can suffer a head injury, eye injury, fracture, internal organ injury, cut, bruise or alternative injury. By way of instance, materials and tools can drop from above in a storeroom or roll off a truck. Material stacked can collapse. Debris could be ejected by means of a power tool. By, or a man who excursions can fall and hit at them, make them fall and be hurt.


Falls, Trips or Slips


Slipping or tripping onto a floor or falling off a ladder, scaffolding is a common source of injury in all walks of life. Falls can lead to broken bones, brain injuries, back and spine injuries and much more. In the workplace, using scaling ladders, step stools or other gear puts a worker in danger of falling. Meanwhile, as workers leave equipment or leave slippery and moist floors, this can result in falling accidents.


Harmful Substance Exposure


From being exposed to certain harmful substances such as chemicals, A worker can suffer catastrophic injuries such as burns. A worker may also create health issues from repeated exposure to asbestos, smoke, diesel exhaust or other dangerous substances.


Fire and Explosions


Compressed gases, flammable liquids, open-flames and chemicals are fire and explosion risks. At car depots with petrol or gasoline pumps for automobiles, trucks or equipment, fuel can be ignited. Some metals and synthetic substances that are organic in addition to many natural can form. Third-and-fourth-degree burns, if survived, typically require treatment that includes several surgeries and rehab and leave the sufferer disabled.


Caught-in / Caught-between Accidents


Employees involved in “captured” accidents can endure fractures and tearing accidents if their body parts or clothes become caught in machinery, or even when the worker is crushed between objects or torn from moving components. Caught-in accidents consist of trench, excavation or construction collapses, which may cause devastating injuries in addition to injuries.




Pressure and the stress from overexertion can harm nerves muscles and tendons in the neck, upper extremities and back. Work activities which can result in such musculoskeletal injuries include lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying and holding materials, tools and other objects. They can also be caused by bending, reaching working in awkward body positions and doing similar jobs repetitively or the exact same. Employees can suffer harms that cause numbness, swelling and debilitating pain and sprains, strains, tears, pinched nerves, herniated discs, hernia, carpal or tarsal tunnel syndrome.


Electrocution / Shock


Workers who come into contact may suffer electrocution, which can be death, or jolt, which encircles burns and other accidents caused . Electrical currents can also cause explosions, fires, arc flash and arc blast — each of which might cause burn injuries. Shock and electrocution may be caused by contact with bare wires , damaged fixtures, overhead power lines or faulty equipment or gear.


Seek Federal Benefits


It can be difficult for people people who have never before applied to document a federal workers’ compensation or disability benefits claim. The principles regulating benefits available to employees are lengthy and complicated. Workers who are eligible for numerous advantages may realize that they offset each other, so your total benefit might be less than what you deserve if your claim is organised improperly.


Various experts will allow you to sort through the confusion and work to pursue the advantages or reimbursement you deserve. They can work throughout the country with federal employees.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


By Dr. Alex Jimenez

References: Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation (DFEC)


Additional Topics: Back Pain


Back pain is one of the most common symptoms reported among the general population. While back pain can occur due to a variety of injuries and/or underlying conditions, a work accident has often been associated as a frequent origin of back pain issues. Back pain can affect an individual at least once throughout their lifetime. Fortunately, federal employees who experience back pain, such as symptoms of sciatica, can benefit from programs like FECA.


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Biocentrism and How it Applies to Health Care | Biocentric Chiropractic

Biocentrism and How it Applies to Health Care | Biocentric Chiropractic

In the last few decades, important puzzles of mainstream science have generated a re-evaluation of the nature of the world which goes far beyond anything we could have imagined. A more precise comprehension of the planet requires that we believe it is biologically centered.


It’s a very simple but wonderful notion that Biocentrism tries to clarify. Knowing this fully yields answers. This new version, blending physics and biology rather than keeping them separate, and placing observers to the equation, is called biocentrism. Its requirement is driven in part by the attempts to make a theory of everything, an overarching view.


What’s Biocentrism?


Biocentrism, in an ecological and political sense, as well as literally, is a moral standpoint that extends value that is inherent to all things. It’s an understanding of how the earth works as it relates to biodiversity. It stands in contrast to anthropocentrism, which centers only on humans value. The biocentrism extends value to the whole of nature.


The term biocentrism encompasses all environmental ethics that expand the standing of moral object from human beings to all living things in character. Ethics calls for a rethinking of the relationship between people and nature. It states that character does not exist only to be consumed or used by people, but that people are only one species among many, and that because we are a part of an ecosystem, any activities which negatively influence the living systems of which we’re a part adversely affect us as well, whether or not we maintain that a biocentric worldview.


Biocentrism and Human Health


Biocentrists endorse species’ equality. But is endorsing the equality of species compatible with maintaining the health of individuals, or should at least sometimes the health of humans be forfeited for the sake of other species? In the following guide, the compatibility of individual and biocentrism health is discussed in detail. It is asserted that maintaining the prestige of species is in no way in conflict. In fact, It can be additionally argued that there’s a relationship between the prerequisites for human well-being and the requirements of biocentrism.


Biocentrists are well known for their devotion to the equality of species. Yet if this dedication is to be defensible, it may be argued that it has to be understood by analogy with humans’ equality. Accordingly, just as we claim that people are equivalent, yet justifiably treat them otherwise, we ought to also have the ability to claim that all species are equal, yet justifiably treat them as such. In human ethics, there are interpretations which we give. Everybody is equally at liberty to pursue her or his own interests, but this allows us to always prefer ourselves to others, who are understood to be like competitions in a competitive match.


In fact, this belief �and how it could relate to human health and wellness can be closely correlated with the study of microbiology and it’s institution. Microbiology is a modern discipline intended to objectively study microorganisms, including pathogens and nonpathogens. Also, it can be argued that an exclusively biocentric microbiology is crucial for enhancing our understanding not only of the microbial world outside, but also that of our own guts, and our own species.


Since its birth, microbiology associated with biocentrism has been associated with human health and individual pursuits (e.g., cheese, yogurt, beer, wine, pickles, and recently fuel). Biology is largely microscopic; large plants, other animals that are macroscopic, and individuals are the exception. The simple fact that human eyes have a limited range shouldn’t stop individuals from embracing a realistic view of nature. Nevertheless, research institutions and funding agencies give priority to the analysis of microbes which interact with human health, the ones that make energy, or the ones that improve the taste and yield of individual foods, largely ignoring the vast majority of projected bacterial and archaeal cells on Earth.


The area of metagenomics has crossed the medical barrier, and it is becoming common to see that the gut and mouth microbiomes, by way of example, are being examined and explained similarly to those in other environments.


Biocentric microbiology helps us better understand pathogenesis. Classifying microbes into friends and foes, often preventing us from recognizing the main goal of each microbe, which will be not any different from the most important objective of every organism: survival. Biocentric microbiology will especially benefit genomics, phylogenomics evolutionary biology.


It may be argued that microbiology will progress fields associated with human health, including diagnostics, immunoprophylaxis, and therapeutics. The classical illustration of how diagnostics have profited from environmental microbiology is that the development of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based microbial analysis tools. PCR is essential in identifying and quantifying human pathogens, and is the only reliable method.


As with a variety of treatments and alternative care methods, biocentrism in the medical field can ultimately help health care professionals improve the well-being of humans simply from the understanding that the biology around us, by keeping it safe, can substantially help improve the overall health and wellness of human beings.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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FECA: Injury Compensation for State & Federal Employees | Chiropractic Care

FECA: Injury Compensation for State & Federal Employees | Chiropractic Care

Federal employees that are injured at work do not get benefits through workers’ comp insurance or their nation’s workers’ comp program.


Instead, federal employees receive workers’ compensation benefits through the Federal Employees Compensation Act, abbreviated as FECA, except for railroad workers, longshoremen, black lung coal miners, and refuge workers (that are insured under their own national laws for workers’ compensation). Members of the USA armed forces are also not considered federal employees for purposes of FECA.


FECA provides benefits and injury compensation for workers injured on the job, or even if their injury happened during the course and scope of their employment offsite. FECA covers both injuries and occupational diseases that arise over time work conditions. The United States Department of Labor, through the Office of Worker Compensation Programs, administers the workers’ comp benefits provided by the Federal Employees Compensation Act.




Coverage under FECA, or the Federal Employees Compensation Act, is supplied to all national government employees regardless of the number of years of service, nature of the position, or kind of job they perform. In order to be covered by FECA, you must be employed by the federal government, not a private government contractor. If you are currently working for a private business, the workers’ compensation laws in the state will cover you.


For the injury or illness to qualify under FECA, then you must have become injured while performing duties of your job or you developed a disease because of the conditions and hazards inherent in your job. This may consist of accidents occurring while working or traveling offsite as well.


FECA does not cover injuries and diseases that arise because of activities beyond the “course and scope of your employment.” Activities beyond the course and scope of employment include commuting to and from work, recreational excursions, and activities for private reasons. Injuries sustained while intoxicated or under the influence of non-prescription drugs will not be covered by the Federal Employees Compensation Act. FECA also provides benefits to surviving family members for employees that die on the job while performing work-related pursuits.


Back Pain in Federal Employees


As with anyone experiencing symptoms of back pain after being involved in a work accident, due to aggravated conditions or illness, or simply from wear-and-tear injuries, it’s essential for federal employees to seek the proper care and benefits for their symptoms to receive immediate medical attention. Spine issues resulting in sciatica can be debilitating and may affect an employee’s capability to work. Programs for federal employees like FECA may help substantially improve an individual’s overall health and wellness, allowing them to return to work as soon as possible.


FECA Workers’ Compensation Benefits


If your FECA workers’ compensation claim is permitted, you will start to receive workers’ compensation benefits to compensate you for your injury or illness and help you with the recovery. First, FECA will cover all necessary and appropriate claim-related medical therapy. This includes prescriptions, surgery and rehabilitation.


The Federal Employees Compensation Act provides compensation if a worker is disabled and unable to work as a result of industrial injury or occupational disease. You will be compensated by your service directly for your lost wages and more. Should your inability to work exceed 45 days, FECA will cover your wages that are lost.


If your workers’ compensation claim is based on an occupational disease, you’re entitled to compensation for lost salary from FECA after an initial three-day waiting period.


If your injury or illness results in permanent partial disability or permanent total disability, FECA will provide advantages and additional benefits. The total amount of the compensation is based on the severity of your permanent disability and the effect it has on your earning capacity. And if you have dependents, you will probably receive increased permanent disability compensation to account for your own requirement to supply for those dependents.


In the event that you need job retraining to return to the workforce after your injury or illness FECA provides compensation. Dependents are eligible to receive survivor’s benefits. For further details regarding the benefits of the Federal Employees Compansation Act, visit the�Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation (DFEC).


Speak to an Attorney


If your FECA employees’ compensation claim is refused, your claim may be more complicated, or your injury may have been considered more severe. You should carefully consider speaking to a lawyer in your area experienced in FECA employees’ compensation law. Although an attorney isn’t necessary to obtain workers’ compensation benefits, an attorney can help in ensuring you get all of the benefits you’re entitled to get, guiding you through the procedure.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

References: Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation (DFEC)


Additional Topics: Back Pain


Back pain is one of the most common symptoms reported among the general population. While back pain can occur due to a variety of injuries and/or underlying conditions, a work accident has often been associated as a frequent origin of back pain issues. Back pain can affect an individual at least once throughout their lifetime. Fortunately, federal employees who experience back pain, such as symptoms of sciatica, can benefit from programs like FECA.

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Keto Diet: Ketones vs Glucose for Brain Function | Advanced Nutrition

Keto Diet: Ketones vs Glucose for Brain Function | Advanced Nutrition

Ketosis is a metabolic state where the liver takes proteins and fat and produces molecules to use for energy. Ketosis allows a starving person to survive for days (or even months). Some athletes see improvements while others feel miserable whenever they are in a condition that is ketogenic. Is a ketogenic diet right for you?


Ketogenic Diet and the Brain


Your brain is about 2 percent of your body mass, even though it requires approximately 20 percent of your basal metabolic rate, more if you are a thinker. Various parts of your brain use different amounts of glucose, and almost twice as much in the morning. You will need to fuel your mind more if you are using your mind working hard through the day and solving problems. If you’re working more on engine control, (state a skill involving precision or equilibrium), then you will use less glucose. Many people can attest to how much energy is used by the brain when challenged.


Although sugar is run off by our brains rather than fat, they are also able to run off of ketones as an alternate fuel source. People who market diets tend to be aware the simple fact that an increase in ketones improves repair and the healing of neurons and increases the neurotransmitter GABA. (GABA makes it possible to sleep. It’s also the main neurotransmitter that sleep drugs and antipsychotic drugs influence.) Due to the impact of ketones on the brain, a ketogenic diet can really help those with seizures. Of course, ketosis means you’re burning far more fat, (in the form of ketones), for energy compared to glucose, and also, for the most part, that’s usually great thing.


You won’t venture to some harmful diabetic ketosis amount as long as you are generating even only a tiny amount of insulin. So as long as you are not Type 2 or a Type 1, there is nothing to immediately worry about. However, to stay in a state of ketosis, you typically need to eat less than 50g of carbs per day if not less than that. In this state, the body’s functions are based on fat rather than glycogen, and the brain is based on ketones instead of glucose.


People wishing to achieve ketosis can not consume an excessive amount of protein. This means no more than 150g per day. Protein could be converted into glycogen and as it may have been mentioned before by professionals, this protein can also be used to make glucose and you would throw the body out of ketosis.


Ketones vs Glucose


So, should you attempt to achieve this ketogenic state? For many people, they need to do it at least to change their body from insulin resistance. Again, like most things, it is very individualized. If you’re severely resistant this might be your way out of it and about the road to health again.


Overall, most people could do much better, (significance become more fit and more healthy), eating less carbs. But when they don’t need to, some people have a tendency to go to the stress and extreme carbs. Many people also fear insulin because everything we read about obesity, cancer, and pretty much any disorder talks about insulin and inflammation. But remember it is all about making just the right amount. Insulin is not a bad guy, just too much of it is. If you don’t make insulin when you ought to be you’re really in a more dire situation than becoming insulin resistant.


It typically takes two to three weeks to really shift your body over to fat from using glucose as a main fuel source, which is with an extremely low carb, high fat diet plan. Merely tweaking your diet a little bit won’t do the job. You have to go to the more extreme for a few weeks, and after that you can add in some carbohydrates and determine how you react to them, mentally and physically. The nice thing about changing your body from sugar burning is that you also won’t convert back to being a sugar-burner if you consume too many carbs for a brief period of time.


Whether your want to be in ketosis or not is your choice, but you should be able to go days with no carbs (other than veggies) in your diet plan. Carbohydrates should generally only be consumed when you only want to eat them, like pizza, or anything you are into, or once you are training hard or extended.


Remember, even if you’re only eating about 2,000 calories per day then 100g of carbohydrates is only 20 percent of your diet plan. You’re getting the identical amount of protein and the fat is left by that around 60 percent, which is grams of fat. (Fat is 9 calories per gram; protein and carbohydrates are every 4 cals.) You are going to want some more carbs, if you are training hard. You’ll need some carbohydrates. If you’re trying to select a diet , training difficult or in any medium to high intensity for a period. Therefore, if you are going to try a diet do it in the off season when you are building a strong base or when you’re in a recovery interval in racing or training hard.


On a clinical note, many individuals perform well staying in ketosis for more than a month or two months, max. Health disorders and pain have been a result of being in a ketogenic condition for such a long time. The diet helps people progress mentally and physically, but it can turn on them, without proper understanding. Therefore, if you’re going to go keto, have a rest every few months or so, and see how you operate and feel in and out of ketosis.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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10 Common Ketogenic Diet Mistakes for Athletes | Advanced Fitness

10 Common Ketogenic Diet Mistakes for Athletes | Advanced Fitness

Since ketones are a preferred fuel for the heart and the diaphragm, and because a state of ketosis may provide extreme focus and cognitive performance during difficult mental activities, a ketogenic diet can be extremely useful for endurance athletes such as triathletes, distance swimmers, cyclists, marathoners, ultra-runners, etc..


Problem is, there are not a ton of tools out there about how highly active people can really get into a state of ketosis.


In this guide, author, triathlete, and ketogenic expert extraordinaire Patricia Daly explains how to do things the ideal way. Patricia just finished writing an amazing publication called “Practical Keto Meal Plans For Endurance Athletes: Tips, Tricks And How To’s For Optimizing Performance Using A High Fat, Low Carb Meal Plan”, and she has a wealth of information on this topic.�So in this article, you’re going to get the top 10 mistakes low-carb athletes make.


Mistake #1: Being Scared of Fat


The ketogenic diet is quite different from other typical diets. The objective of your lifestyle is to teach the body to utilize ketone bodies rather than glucose as the primary source of energy. That is why the quantity is about 75 to 85+ percent of daily caloric consumption.


Quite simply, if you operate out quite a bit you probably eat about 2,900 calories a day, of which about 2,300 will come from fat should you follow a ketogenic diet. Fat contains 9 calories per gram, and you will eat 256g of fat daily, based on how much you train of course. To simplify this further: all your intake will be approximately 18 tablespoons, one tablespoon of olive oil, for example, weighs approximately 14g.


Mistake #2: Eating Too Much Protein


Another mistake novices make is to substitute most of the carbs they used to consume with protein instead of fat. This happen all of the time. The problem is that excess protein intake can result in gluconeogenesis, which is the conversion of amino acids to glucose. This is not what we need on a ketogenic diet, to the contrary, promote the creation of ketone bodies from fatty acids to keep glucose levels low.


A lot of men and women are amazed when they start weighing their food according to the proper meal plans and realize how small protein they actually must consume on a ketogenic dietplan. But fat is protein sparing, meaning that a high fat consumption is decreased with by your need for protein.


Mistake #3: Carbs Creeping In


Carbohydrates can quickly add up if you’re eager to get your veggies, herbs and spices in. They can in fact be found in products that you’d never think contained carbs.


Good examples are any processed foods, shop bought salad dressings, milk replacements (many almond and coconut milks have added sugar), tomato sauce, a few meats, such as duck confit, starchy vegetables and even herbal tea, to name only a few. Eating out can be challenging because most restaurants prefer to use dressings, sauces and dips that have added alternative or honey sources of sugar. It tastes nice but is not keto-friendly. Having strong, reliable information is key to carb restriction, especially in the first stages when metabolic alterations occur.


Mistake #4: Giving Up Too Early


The faster you enter nutritional ketosis, the more side effects you could suffer from initially. The metabolic changes may be striking because every single cell in the body wants to do the change from glucose. Insulin is influenced: Amounts return because of reduced consumption. Insulin allows the kidneys to hold on to sodium. If insulin is at a lower level, the body starts getting rid of excess sodium and also water.


This is why it’s so important to guarantee you add sufficient sodium to your diet and keep well hydrated, especially in the first few days of beginning to reduce carbohydrates. This will make certain that you don’t suffer from some of the symptoms of the dreaded “keto flu”: shivers, foggy mind, headaches or nausea are some of the possible symptoms. It is probably more appropriate to call them “carbohydrate withdrawal symptoms” because of the effects on hormonal and electrolyte balance.


Things that help to get over these initial obstacles are strong bone broth with good quality salt, a great deal of rest, no extreme exercise and plenty of mineral-rich water, e.g. San Pellegrino. However, the best advice I could give is to take things slowly and not to give up when you are feeling a bit off in the initial phases, provided you’ve done all of the suggested blood tests to exclude any underlying health issues before starting a ketogenic diet.


Mistake #5: Scared of the New; Eating the Same


Many people feel overwhelmed from the first phases of executing a low carb and ketogenic diet. And because they have very little experience with certain new foods, they still keep eating the same “safe” low-carb stuff. For instance bacon and eggs for breakfast and nuts for snacks.


Of course this means that you’re eating low carbohydrate but its often a first priority to always improve their wellness. And this is only possible using a healthy diet. Eating the same things over and over again is dull, it may set you up for having deficiencies and growing food intolerances. This happens quite frequently especially if you’re somewhat worried, your gut function is not optimal or if you’re using medications.


Food intolerances may have an effect not only on your stomach health by causing nausea, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or other symptoms, but also in your immune system. The best advice is to continue experimenting with new foods, even if they seem completely strange to you, such as (for example) chicken liver, that is way easier to find and prepare than you’d think. There is a wonderful recipe for each and every food.


Mistake #6: Eating Processed Foods


This is particularly common for people who have read about the Atkins diet and noticed the products that are sold online and in stores. Yes, they keep you inside the limits that you select and may make life easier but they are also full of artificial flavors, polydextrose, odor, sucralose and other artificial sweeteners that can mess with your psychological and physical health.


A rule of thumb: if you wouldn’t have the ability to bake or cook a meal depending on the components list (because you don’t recognize half of them or wouldn’t know where to buy them), then you should stay away from it. Hopefully, with a growing amount of research to verify the advantages of low carb and ketogenic diets there will be plenty of incentives for companies to create snacks based on real foods.


Mistake #7: Deficiency Of Planning (And Obsessing)


Both absence of preparation and obsessing too much could be stumbling stone. If you don’t plan you’re much more likely to “fail” and give up in your lifestyle modifications. You see, the challenge is that if you realize you haven’t got all you might not find them.


Some of the goods that are staples on a low carb or ketogenic diet like olive oil, olives, fatty fish or ghee can only be bought in health stores or on the internet. More and more supermarkets start to inventory them but this depends where you live. Planning makes it more easy to cook in bulk and save cash and time.


Evidently, it’s a different story for somebody who follows a ketogenic diet for medical reasons, for instance in the case of epilepsy, no mistakes could be made without a consequence and where the diet has to be nicely calculated. But occasionally people become stressed out about dietary modifications that they wake in the middle of the night and can not go back to sleep. They fear what their next meal could look like ketones could be further increased by them or what to eat on a vacation In cases like this, it’s time to choose a (big) step back, relax, try some recipes without weighing and counting and possibly give it another go after a couple of weeks with a great deal of preparation and support. Stressing about meals can cancel the positive effects of good nutrition out.


Mistake #8: Ignoring the Body’s Warning Signs


Trainers who obsess over dietary modifications can get caught up in measuring blood sugar and ketones, weighing their meals all the time, producing exact meal programs and they are able to get really scared of eating out where items are out of their hands. In experience, they are also likely candidates to ignore the warning signs of their body.


Please remember that you just know your body best and that no meal or instruction program can conquer your innate wisdom and intuition. Take warning signs since you have it in your head to adhere to a specific regime, and do not override them. Low carb and ketogenic diets are not for everybody and if you are feeling worse than before, even after getting over the first symptoms talked about before, then it is probably time to stop and reconsider.


Mistake #9: Social Pressure


Even years into following a ketogenic diet, many people get opinions from close friends and family regarding this specific nutritional plan and it can sometimes be difficult for individuals to follow their keto diet close when social pressure pushes them to eat a variety of foods outside of their meal plan.


Ketogenic diets are still very poorly known even by the medical profession. People don’t understand where a few treats are allowed in moderate quantities, that you can not follow the famous 80/20 rule. You are either in ketosis or you’re not.


Mistake #10: Bad Timing


And lastly, lets discuss when to start lowering your carbs or attempting to go into ketosis. Please don’t do it a week before your competition of the season or during a period when you’re super busy at the office.


The best period of the year to make key adjustments to lifestyle and diet is when you are “off season”. Another fantastic time is before a few preparatory competitions to build towards the most important race. That’s when you see how your body responds to intensity and if the diet doesn’t suit you, you have loads of time to make changes.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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