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Suffer From Arthritis: Chiropractic Can Help

Suffer From Arthritis: Chiropractic Can Help

Even though chiropractic excels in wellness care, it is becoming more common for people to visit chiropractors to treat a variety of different kinds of pain. Because of this, chiropractic adjustments provide many benefits to people and patients who suffer from a wide variety of conditions like arthritis. In today�s article, we�ll explore how chiropractic can help patients who suffer from arthritis and give you additional suggestions on how to alleviate the pain that�s associated with it.

Arthritis: What a Chiropractor Does

A Doctor of Chiropractic, also known as a chiropractor, is a health professional that focuses primarily on wellness care instead of sickness care. Their specialty focuses on adjusting the spine to correct misalignments that may be impinging on nerves.

Regular visits to a chiropractor can not only restore health throughout the body but also help alleviate back pain and other symptoms associated with an improperly aligned spinal column. They can also work with their patients to plan exercise routines and alterations in diet to assist management of inflammation and pain. Most insurance carriers cover visits to a chiropractor on at least some level.

What Is Arthritis?

Put simply, arthritis is inflammation in the joints which result in joint pain, stiffness and limited range of movement. There are over 200 different varieties of the ailment. While it is generally associated with age, it can also affect young people. It can strike almost any area of the body, with each region having a different cause and name. In some cases, can cause damage to soft tissues and muscles, like the heart and lungs.

Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis. It results from repeated trauma to the joint and becomes more common in the elderly.

Other common forms of include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, the second most common form in which the body�s immune system attacks the joint.
  • Psoriatic arthritis, another autoimmune form.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis, also a type where the body attacks itself.
  • Septic arthritis, which is caused by a viral or bacterial infection of the joint.


Diagnosing arthritis involves a complete and thorough examination. If a chiropractor feels the need to co-manage the case, a medical work-up by a rheumatologist may be recommended. This can include radiology (x-ray) or an MRI, urine and blood analysis and physical examinations.

It is important to have your condition properly diagnosed so you can more effectively treat the symptoms of the disease.

Chiropractors and Arthritis

The most common treatment for arthritis is medication, which can take down the inflammation and swelling and reduce pain. However, chiropractors can be of great help in managing arthritis. While medications work, it has long-term health risks such as impairing healing, damage to the stomach lining and internal bleeding.

By visiting a chiropractor you may be able to reduce your reliance upon these medications while managing your pain and symptoms naturally. A chiropractor can:

  • Improve your range of motion by keeping your spine in line
  • Improve endurance and flexibility
  • Increase your strength and muscle tone
  • Help you develop a dietary and nutritional plan to reduce inflammation naturally

In addition, chiropractors can recommend an exercise regimen that�s conducive to arthritis. According to the American Chiropractic Association, this is a vital component in managing your arthritis symptoms.

Treating the Symptoms

Please understand that chiropractors cannot cure arthritis. At this time, there is no cure for this ailment. They can, however, help to alleviate the symptoms and slow the progression of the illness. They may use spinal adjustments in conjunction with other treatments to address the disease. These options can include:

  • Hot and cold therapy
  • Ultrasound treatments
  • Massage
  • Electronic muscle stimulation
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Magnet therapy

The Best Results

With an inflammatory disease like arthritis, the best results are achieved from attacking it at all angles. This means working with your chiropractor and rheumatologist to combine treatments, if necessary. In addition to their care, a healthy diet and active exercise regime will help move you in the right direction toward a healthier outcome.

If you or a loved one are suffering with, don�t hesitate to give us a call today.�We�re here to help in any way we can!

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.

Can Flavonoids Reduce Cardiovascular Disease? | Wellness Clinic

Can Flavonoids Reduce Cardiovascular Disease? | Wellness Clinic

Diets high in flavonoids have been associated with a way of life, as it’s often a part of many nutritional recommendations from healthcare professionals associated with the prevention of chronic diseases. However, the identification of beneficial effects from flavonoids and flavonoid-rich foods has become a difficult area to discuss due to a conditional or non-essential role of flavonoids in human nourishment, according to some research.


Do flavonoids help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease?


Nonetheless, recent attempts to otherwise prove this in the medical field surrounding cardiovascular disease as well as efforts in the area of high flavonoid containing foods, have started supplying the demonstrations of effects and mechanisms of action in well-controlled research studies. Further studies are essential for confirmation of the effects and for the proper identification of bioactive flavonoids in relation to cardiovascular diseases.


Flavonoids and Cardiovascular Disease


Epidemiological studies, clinical trials and basic science has found an inverse correlation between flavonoid intake and a decreased mortality from the prevalence of stroke and coronary heart disease, including the improvement of hypertension and cardiovascular disease risks.


More than 4000 naturally occurring flavonoids have been identified, including fruits, vegetables, red wine, tea, soy and licorice. Flavonoids (flavonols, flavones and isoflavones) are potent free radical scavengers that inhibit lipid peroxidation, prevent atherosclerosis, promote vascular relaxation and also have anti-hypertensive properties. Along with reducing stroke and providing effects which reduce mortality and CHD morbidity, as mentioned.


Many mechanisms have been suggested to explain the protective effects of flavonoids in relation to cardiovascular diseases:


Antiatherogenic effects. Flavonoids along with other antioxidants, comprise two lines of defense in protecting cells from harm because of oxidation of LDL cholesterol; First, in the LDL blood cholesterol level, by inhibiting LDL oxidation because of their free radical scavenger activity, and second, in the cellular level, by shielding the cells accordingly, i.e., by raising their resistance against the cytotoxic effect of oxidised LDL. Recent research studies suggest that flavonoids may additionally help stop the expression of adhesion and chemoattractant molecules.


Antiaggregant effects. Flavonoids avoid platelet aggregation triggered by numerous pro-aggregant stimuli although high doses are required. Inhibition of platelet phosphodiesterases, inhibition of arachidonic acid metabolism and antioxidant effects have been suggested as potential mechanisms of action.


Direct effects on vascular smooth muscle. The vasodilator effects of flavonoids in vitro is endothelium-independent. The most important mechanism appears to be related to their inhibitory effects on protein kinases. Some flavonoids, though, can produce endothelium-dependent contractile reactions due to increased TXA2, or thromboxane A2, production.


Anti-hypertensive results.�Only small amounts of information concerning the effects of flavonoids on blood pressure have been obtained. However, recently, the oral administration of quercetin has been shown to exert potent anti-hypertensive effects


Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant and anti-hypertensive, found from red wine and in the skin of grapes. Administration to individuals enhances compliance, reduces enhancement indicator and enhances blood pressure when administered as 250 mL of either�regular or de-alcoholized red wine. There was a substantial reduction in the aortic augmentation index of 6.1 percent together with all the de-alcoholized red wine and 10.5 percent with regular red wine. The central blood pressure was significantly reduced by de-alcoholized red wine in 7.4 mmHg and 5.4 mmHg by routine red wine. Resveratrol improves ED circulation mediated vasodilation at a dose related manner, prevents uncoupling of eNOS, increases adiponec-tin, lowers HS-CRP and blocks the effects of angiotensin II. The suggested dose is 250 mg/d of transresveratrol.


Research on CVD and Flavonoids


Basic science, clinical monitoring, and a variety of research studies, have all led to an emerging body of evidence on the role of flavonoids, at the prevention of cardiovascular disease. However, the existing studies on flavonoids or its food resources have provided contradictory results,�generally on the primary prevention of coronary heart disease mortality. The study used the grant mechanism to analyze data that was previously collected.


The researchers examined whether flavonoid intake was associated with the risk of incident cardiovascular disease and whether specific food sources of flavonoids, including onions, tea, apples, red wine, along with other foods, have been related to the risk of CVD and hypertension. The researchers processed and examined previously collected statistics of 39,876 middle-aged and elderly girls free of CVD; the Women’s Antioxidant Cardiovascular Study (WACS), a prospective study of 8,171 middle-aged and older women with preexisting CVD or over three coronary risk factors; the Normative Aging Study (NAS), a prospective study of 2,280 middle-aged and elderly men; along with the Boston Area Health Study (BAHS), a case-control study of first nonfatal myocardial infarction in women and men aged less than 76 decades. Utilizing data from semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires administered in every study, the investigators determined individual intake of flavonoids and its food sources.


Unlike previous studies, researchers have examined flavonoids in relation to both primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, comprising verified cases of nonfatal myocardial infarction (Ml), nonfatal stroke, revascularization procedures, and death. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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Text Neck: 5 Things Chiropractic Patients Should Know

Text Neck: 5 Things Chiropractic Patients Should Know

Remember how your mom always said, “Nothing in life is free”? Well, she was right. High-tech gadgets and smart phones advancing at the speed of light are a modern convenience unlike little else, but the advantages of communication at our fingertips come with a price: text neck.

Here are 5 things chiropractic patients ought to know about text neck, the epidemic that is taking the world by storm:

1. Text neck is caused by poor posture.

Specifically, habitually looking down at a phone or laptop puts extra pounds of unwanted pressure on the cervical spine, causing wear and tear and even degeneration over time. Additionally, in the space between the neck and shoulder is a cluster of nerves. If these nerves are compressed, misaligned, or damaged, the pain is excruciating and difficult to treat.

In short: Text neck puts the head, neck, and spine at risk.

2. Text neck is increasingly common among young people.

Spending as little as two to four hours a day hunched over a smart phone is enough to make a serious impact on the body over time. And though two to four hours may not seem like a long time, it isn’t hard to arrive at two hours by adding several 15-minute or half-hour segments together.

For teenagers, specifically, two to four hours on a smart phone is not unfathomable. Some teens likely spend twice that much time in a given afternoon or the space between classes or over lunch. Consider the impact of 1500+ hours of bad posture in a year. It is no surprise that teenagers are at risk.

The lasting impact of text neck on today’s young people could be costly.

3. Text neck in combination with a sedentary lifestyle is a recipe for disaster.

With hours of looking down at a smart phone often come hours of relaxing on the couch or sitting still. Generally speaking, we aren’t prone to be active when we are engaged in surfing the Internet or texting our friends.

Though the list of ailments for poor posture is long and discouraging, it is made worse by sluggishness or inactivity. The best thing to do is to put the phone down on occasion, stretch, exercise, and return to the technology only once in a while.

The benefits of technology do not outweigh the consequences of inactivity.

4. Text neck can be corrected.

Practicing good posture is the easiest place to start. Making an appointment with a chiropractor is a good move for anyone who is facing the painful side effects of hours spent looking down.

Taking small steps toward better posture can save money and pain in the long run. Choosing to engage in technology as a treat instead of around the clock is a good practice for anyone who wants to live a long and healthy life.

5. Text neck can be avoided.

To be clear: No one is asking anyone to stop using cell phones. Text neck can be avoided without going 1980 on cell phone usage. But avoiding extra pressure on the neck and spine does require forethought and follow-through.

In today’s ever-increasing technological age, choosing to dodge smart phone usage doesn’t happen accidentally. One good strategy is to look with the eyes instead of moving the neck. Another strategy is to ask friends and family to say something when they notice prolonged periods of poor posture.

In short, text neck is nothing to LOL about. Take it seriously and make any necessary changes before text neck gets the best of you. Let us know how we can help by giving us a call today.

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.

How Chiropractic Relieves Neck Pain

How Chiropractic Relieves Neck Pain

If you have pain in any part of your body, it can range from uncomfortable to downright debilitating. In the case of your neck, any degree of irritation can impede your ability to function. Because of this, it is important that you learn about how chiropractic relieves neck pain so that you can find the assistance you need.

When you first visit a chiropractor, you should take along medical records that relate to your neck pain. This includes any medical history that outlines the description and symptoms of your condition by another physician. For instance, whether the pains are sharp or dull, throbbing or steady can provide valuable information to your chiropractor.

You should also make sure to get a copy of your latest x-rays. If you do not have any, that is okay because most chiropractors will either perform them on-site or refer you to a radiology clinic off-site.

Depending on the chiropractor�s approach, a typical first visit includes an initial consultation, examination and x-rays. If the chiropractor has time, he or she may go over the results of the aforementioned the same day.

However, many chiropractors prefer to study and review your case before determining if they can or cannot help you. So, even though you�re in pain, be patient for the chiropractor�s full recommendations which may not be available until the following day.

With that said, most chiropractors won�t leave you hanging. They�re compassionate to your pain. In other words, they�ll administer some form of pain relief the same day as your initial visit until a complete diagnosis is available.

During this initial waiting period, your local chiropractor may administer the following pain relief methods for neck pain:

    • Ice
    • Light soft tissue work using a topical analgesic like BioFreeze�
    • Interferential therapy, electrical stimulation and/or other physical therapy modalities
    • Heat (if the condition isn�t acute)

Additionally, your local chiropractor may make pain relief recommendations that you can use back home to help reduce your neck pain until your next visit. These typically include the proper use of ice as well as the administration of a topical analgesic like BioFreeze�.

During your subsequent visit, a detailed treatment plan will be presented to you if your chiropractor believes he or she can help correct the problem. If so, be consistent with the treatment plan your diagnosis warrants so that your neck pain is not only relieved but potentially corrected.

Remember, your local chiropractor is not only concerned about relieving your neck pain but even more concerned about finding and fixing the cause of the problem. Misalignments of the spine (aka vertebral subluxations) don�t just happen over night (unless there is some form of blunt force that caused it). So correcting these subluxations through multiple chiropractic adjustments may take time, even when the pain disappears.

Regardless, when people are experiencing neck pain, it can diminish their quality of life. It becomes difficult to perform regular tasks such as driving. Visiting a chiropractor and allowing them to treat the area is a smart choice. These professionals have undergone extensive training in their field and are capable of treating neck pain effectively. So if you or a loved one are experiencing neck pain, give us a call. We�re here to help!

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.

The Role of Fiber in Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

The Role of Fiber in Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

The increased risk of cardiovascular disease has been frequently attributed to an improper diet and nutrition. Foods high in saturated and trans fats, for example, can substantially raise the levels of “bad cholesterol” in the body, which may then lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. While vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well as the improper intake of other important compounds, like amino acids, have been linked to CVD, several research studies have found that fiber can have a tremendous influence in the risk of cardiovascular disease.


How does fiber help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease?


Abnormal levels of cholesterol, medically recognized as LDL and HDL cholesterol, can develop into fatty deposits within the blood vessels. Over time, these deposits can make it difficult for enough blood to circulate through the arteries. The�heart may not get as much oxygen-rich blood as it needs, which then increases the risk of cardiovascular. But, can fiber prevent cardiovascular disease? Before covering how fiber can improve the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, we must first understand what fiber is and what role it plays in the human body.


Many different definitions of fiber have been created to-date. In an attempt to create a single definition of fiber that everyone can utilize, the Nutrition and Food Board constructed a panel that came up with the following definitions:


  • Dietary fiber consists of non-digestible carbohydrates and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in plants. This includes plant non-starch polysaccharides (by way of example, cellulose, pectin, gums, hemicellulose, and fibers inside oat and wheat bran), oligosaccharides, lignin, and several forms of resistant starch.
  • Functional fiber consists of isolated, non-digestible carbohydrates which are beneficial in humans. These include non-digestible plant (for instance, resistant starch, pectin, and gums), chitin, chitosan, or commercially generated (by way of example, resistant starch, polydextrose, inulin, and indigestible dextrins) carbohydrates.
  • Total fiber is the sum of dietary fiber and functional fiber. It’s not important to differentiate between which types of the fibers you are getting in your daily dietary and nutritional program. Your total fiber intake is what matters.


Whichever definition is the most suitable to each individual, remember that fiber is an essential part of everyone’s diet. While fiber does fall under the category of carbohydrates, in comparison, it does not provide the same number of calories, nor is it processed the way that other sources of carbohydrates are. Fiber, however, can be further classified as soluble or insoluble.


Soluble Fiber


  • Soluble fibers have the ability to swell and hold water.
  • When eaten as part of a diet low in saturated and trans fats, soluble fiber has been associated with an increased diet quality as well as the reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
  • Soluble fiber modestly reduces LDL (“bad”) cholesterol past levels attained by a diet low in saturated fats and trans fats alone.
  • Oats have a larger proportion of soluble fiber compared to any other grain.


Insoluble Fiber


  • Insoluble fiber has been associated with decreased and slower progression of cardiovascular disease in high-risk individuals.
  • Most other grains, rye, rice, and wheat are composed of insoluble fiber.


Legumes, beans, and peas can also be excellent sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Certain fruits and vegetables are better sources of both insoluble and soluble fiber compared to others. Many processed oat bran and wheat bran products (for instance, muffins, chips, waffles) could be made out of refined grains, perhaps not the entire grain. They can be high in sodium, added sugars and saturated fat. Make sure to read labels carefully.


Fiber for Preventing Cardiovascular Disease


In order to help decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, many health care professionals recommend adhering to a high-fiber diet to improve your overall heart health. Studies have produced evidence to support this. At a Harvard study of over 40,000 health professionals, it was found that a high total dietary fiber intake was linked to a 40 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease, or CHD, compared to a low-fiber intake. Another study of over 31,000 California Seventh-day Adventists found a 44 percent reduced risk of nonfatal coronary heart disease and an 11 percent reduced risk of fatal coronary heart disease for those who ate whole-wheat bread compared with those who ate white bread.


Another predictor of cardiovascular disease is blood sugar, along with LDL and HDL cholesterol levels. It seems that soluble fiber reduces the absorption of cholesterol into the intestines by binding with bile (which includes cholesterol) and dietary cholesterol so that the body excretes it. Bran fiber intervention trials in which fiber supplementation was combined with a low-fat diet and the oat bean shows that reductions in cholesterol levels ranged from 8 to 26 percent. Other studies have revealed that 5 to 10 grams of fiber per day decreases LDL cholesterol by about 5 percent. Each of these advantages will happen no matter of the fluctuations in dietary fat consumption. In a trial with low fat and low fat plus high fiber groups, the group consuming high fiber exhibited a greater average reduction (13%) in total cholesterol concentration than the low fat (9%) and the usual diet (7%) groups.


The clinical trials with many sorts of fiber are inconsistent, however, when it comes to decreasing high blood pressure. Soluble fiber, guar gum guava, psyllium and oat bran can decrease blood pressure and lower the need for medication in hypertensive subjects locations and subjects. The typical reduction in BP is about 7.5/5.5 mmHg on 40 to 50 g/d of a mixed fiber. There is development in sodium loss, improvement in insulin sensitivity, endothelial function and decrease in the sympathetic nervous system activity.


Finding the Right Fiber Intake


The daily consumption of fiber from the typical American is about 5 to 14 grams every day. The American Heart Association, or the AHA, recommends that to an adequate intake of fiber should be based on the individual’s gender and age. The daily value for fiber is 25 grams of fiber each day for a 2,000 calorie diet. The AHA recommends getting fiber from foods rather than from fiber supplements.


Serving Size


In accordance with the American Heart Association, the next count as 1 ounce-equivalent (or 1 serving) of whole grains:


  • 1 slice whole-grain bread (such as 100% whole-wheat bread)
  • 1 cup ready-to-eat, whole-grain cereal
  • 1?2 cup cooked whole-grain cereal, brown rice, or whole-wheat pasta
  • 5 whole-grain crackers
  • 3 cups unsalted, air-popped popcorn
  • 1 6-inch whole-wheat tortilla


Fiber should be a part of a balanced diet and nutrition. Following the best dietary and nutritional plans can help improve overall heart health, substantially helping to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Fiber can help reduce the levels of “bad cholesterol” in the body, balancing overall blood cholesterol to improve blood circulation and prevent CVD complications. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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Essential Vitamin Intake for Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

Essential Vitamin Intake for Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

The American Heart Association, or the AHA, has had a consistent, long-standing focus towards providing the public with the necessary information regarding the role of nutrition reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Periodic AHA Dietary Guidelines�support a dietary pattern that promotes the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, fish, legumes, poultry, and lean meats. An improper nutrition consisting of foods rich in saturated and trans fats, can raise the human body’s “bad” cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.


How can vitamins improve the risk of cardiovascular disease?


The American Heart Association’s Dietary Guidelines can help with weight control as well as provide a high nutrient density to meet all nutritional needs.�As reviewed in the first AHA Science Advisory, epidemiological and population studies reported that some vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), may beneficially affect cardiovascular disease. Reducing the overall risk of cardiovascular disease�can be achieved by the long-term consumption of dietary patterns consistent with the AHA Dietary Guidelines. Vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), each perform a specific function in the prevention and improvement of CVD. The following are described in detail, below.


Vitamin C


Vitamin C is a powerful water-soluble electron-donor. At physiologic levels, it is an antioxidant, although at supra-physiologic doses such as those achieved with intravenous vitamin C, it donates electrons to different enzymes in a pro-oxidative effect. At physiologic doses, vitamin C recycles vitamin E, improves ED and produces a diuresis. Intake of vitamin C and plasma ascorbate concentration in humans is related to heart rate, DBP and SBP.


A review of clinical trials suggest that vitamin C dosing in 250 mg twice daily will lower SBP 5-7 mmHg and diastolic BP 2-4 mmHg in more than 8 weeks. Vitamin C may give rise to a sodium water diuresis, enhance nitric oxide, improve endothelial function, increase nitric oxide and PGI2, decrease adrenal hormone production, improve sympathovagal balance, boost RBC Na/K ATPase, boost SOD, improve aortic elasticity and elasticity, enhance circulation conducive vaso-dilation, reduce pulse wave speed and augmentation index, raise cyclic GMP, trigger potassium channels, reduce cytosolic calcium and reduce serum aldehydes. Vitamin C prevents ED, decreasing the binding affinity of the AT 1 receptor for angiotensin II by disrupting the disulfide bridges, it enriches the antihypertensive effects of drugs and medications in the elderly with hypertension. In patients with hypertension already on maximum pharmacologic therapy, 600 mg of vitamin C lowered the BP in 20/16 mmHg. The lower the first ascorbate serum amount, the greater the blood pressure response. A serum level of 100 ?mol/L is recommended. The SBP and 24 ABM reveal the most important reductions with chronic oral administration of Vitamin C. Block et al within an elegant depletion-repletion study of vitamin C revealed an inverse correlation of plasma ascorbate levels, SBP and DBP. At a meta-analysis of thirteen clinical trials jointly with 284 patients, vitamin C in 500 mg/d in more than 6 weeks decreased SBP 3.9 mmHg and DBP 2.1 mmHg. Hypertensive individuals were found to have significantly lower plasma ascorbate levels in comparison with normotensive subjects (40 ?mol/L vs 57 ?mol/L respectively), and plasma ascorbate is inversely correlated with BP even in healthy, normotensive individuals.


Vitamin E


Most studies have not shown reductions in BP with most forms of tocopherols or tocotrienols.. Patients with T2DM and controlled hypertension (130/76 mmHg) on prescription drugs and medications with an average blood pressure of 136/76 mmHg were administered mixed tocopherols containing 60 percent gamma, 25 per cent delta and 15 percent alpha tocopherols. The BP really increased by 6.8/3.6 mmHg in the research patients (de < 0.0001) but was significantly less compared to this growth with alpha tocopherol of 7/5.3 mmHg (p< 0.0001). This might be a reflection of drug interactions with tocopherols via cytochrome P 450 (3A4 and 4F2) and reduction in the serum levels of the pharmacologic therapy treatments that were concurrently being granted to the patients. Gamma tocopherol could have natriuretic effects by inhibition of this potassium channel in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle and reduced BP. Insulin sensitivity improves and enhances adiponectin expression through gamma dependent procedures, which have the potential to serum glucose and lower BP. When vitamin E has an effect, it is most likely small and might be restricted to those with cardiovascular disease or untreated hypertensive patients or psychiatric problems, such as hyperlipidemia or diabetes.


Vitamin D


Vitamin D3 may have an independent and immediate role in the regulation of insulin metabolism and BP. Blood pressure, with its consequences, affects the RAA system, control of adrenal glands, immune system, calcium-phosphate metabolism and ED. The circulating PRA amounts are higher which increases angiotensin II if the vitamin D degree is below 30 ng/mL, increases BP and blunts plasma renal blood flow. The lower the degree of vitamin D, the greater the chance of hypertension, with the lowest quartile of serum Vitamin D with an incidence of hypertension in addition to the maximum quartile. Vitamin D3 markedly suppresses renin transcription. Its function in quantity, electrolytes and BP homeostasis indicates that Vitamin D3 is important in amelioration of hypertension. Vitamin D lowers ADMA, suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokines for example TNF-?, raises nitric oxide, improves endothelial function and arterial elasticity, decreases vascular smooth muscle hypertrophy, modulates electrolytes and blood glucose, increases insulin sensitivity, reduces free fatty acid concentration, regulates the expression of the natriuretic peptide receptor additionally reduces HS-CRP.


The hypotensive effect of vitamin D has been inversely related to the pretreatment serum levels of 1,25(OH)2D3and additive to antihypertensive drugs and medications. Pfeifer et al revealed that supplementation with vitamin D3 and calcium is more effective in reducing SBP. In a study, 148 women with low 25(OH)2D3 levels, the management of 1200 mg calcium and 800 IU of vitamin D3 decreased SBP 9.3 percent more (p< 0.02) in comparison to 1200 mg of calcium alone. The HR fell 5.4 percent (p = 0.02), but DBP wasn’t changed. The scope in BP reduction was 3.6/3.1 to 13.1/7.2 mmHg. The reduction in BP is about serum level of vitamin D3, the dose of vitamin D3 and the level of vitamin D3, but BP is reduced only in patients. Although vitamin D deficiency is associated with hypertension in observational studies, their meta-analysis and randomized clinical trials have yielded inconclusive results. Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms may effect the risk of hypertension. A 25 hydroxyvitamin D level of 60 ng/mL is suggested.


Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)


Low serum vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) levels are linked to hypertension in several individuals. One research study conducted by Aybak et al demonstrated that blood pressure was significantly reduced by high dose vitamin B6 at 5 mg/kg daily for 4 wk by 14/10 mmHg. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is a cofactor in neurotransmitter and hormone synthesis in the central nervous system(norepinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin, GABA and kynurenine), raises cysteine synthesis to neutralize aldehydes, improves the production of glutathione, blocks calcium channels, enhances insulin resistance, reduces central sympathetic tone and reduces end organ responsiveness to glucocorticoids and mineralo-corticoids. Vitamin B6 is decreased using pyrollactams and chronic therapy. Vitamin B6 has actions to diuretics alpha agonists and CCB’s. The proposed dose is 200 mg/d orally.


In conclusion, individuals with cardiovascular disease can benefit from the proper diet and nutrition. Essential vitamins found in the dietary patterns provided by the American Heart Association’s Dietary Guidelines can ultimately help reduce and prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as help improve overall heart health. An improper nutrition consisting of foods rich in saturated and trans fats can increase the prevalence of cardiovascular disease. While diagnosis and drugs/medications can be prescribed to treat cardiovascular disease, a balanced nutrition can have similar effects.� The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez



Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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How Losing Weight Can Help Reduce Back Pain

How Losing Weight Can Help Reduce Back Pain

Losing Weight: Back pain is one of the most common and most troublesome problems that people experience. Eight out of 10 individuals will struggle with back pain during some point in their life, the US National Library of Medicine reports. Low and chronic back pain can be aggravated by many triggers. Mechanical stress, excessive strain, muscle weakness, poor sleeping position, lack of exercise and excessive weight could all contribute to making the situation worse.

The good news is that chiropractic ranks among the most popular and effective treatment options available today for back pain. Through the chiropractic adjustment, chiropractors not only help ease the pain but also work toward correcting the problem. According to chiropractors, spinal adjustments can deliver even better results when combined with weight loss.

In today�s article, we�ll exam the following:

    1. How Obesity and Back Pain are Related
    2. How Weight Loss Helps Reduce Back Pain
    3. Improving Back Health through Chiropractic

How Obesity and Back Pain are Related

Individuals that are classified as overweight or obese are much more likely to experience back pain than people that aren�t according to the American Obesity Association.

Obesity prevents individuals from engaging in everyday physical activities, as well as healthy exercises. These are essential for strengthening the core muscles. A stronger core can take some of the burden away from the back, thus making back pain less likely.

In addition, the spinal cord becomes excessively burdened in the case of obese individuals. This is because it�s trying to compensate for the additional weight, which can cause tilting and uneven stress. Both of these can contribute to serious and chronic back pain. Thus the reason obesity is one of the most prominent aggravating factors in the case of lower back pain.

Losing Weight Helps Reduce Back Pain

According to weight loss experts and chiropractors, weight loss can contribute to partial or complete reduction in the back pain symptoms. The research on the connection between weight loss and back pain is still insufficient but numerous practitioners report that they�ve seen cases of patients experiencing serious reduction in pain after losing weight.

Obviously, this occurs because the extra weight is taken off the spine. As a result, the spine doesn�t experience further stress. Especially when a chiropractor realigns the vertebral column through multiple sessions of chiropractic adjustments.

According to the American Spine Society, individuals that stay within 10 pounds of their ideal weight are the ones least likely to experience spinal problems, particularly chronic lower back pain.

Improving Back Health through Chiropractic Care and Physical Activity

The combination of exercise and chiropractic care can produce noticeable, long-term improvements in spinal health.

Besides aiding in weight loss, exercise is also great for strengthening the core muscles and guaranteeing a proper distribution of the body�s weight throughout the spine. Stronger muscles, less weight and better posture will provide amazing long-term benefits for chiropractic patients that suffer from back pain.

If you need more pointers on how to incorporate weight loss and exercise in your daily routine, speak to your local chiropractor. He or she is more than competent to guide you along the way. If you aren�t currently seeing a chiropractor, give us a call. We�re here to help!

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.

3 Nutritional Tips To Boost The Immune System

3 Nutritional Tips To Boost The Immune System

In today�s fast-paced society, we�re bombarded with various forms of stress that can wreck havoc on our immune systems. Chiropractors are particularly interested in helping their chiropractic patients overcome these stressors in order to maintain a healthy and balanced life. Outside of the chiropractic adjustment, let�s take a look at three nutritional tips that will help chiropractic patients boost their immune system.

Chiropractic patients� immune systems run their best when subluxations, also know as vertebral misalignments, are corrected. However, a proper diet can�t be ignored. By combining both forces, your immune system is better equipped to ward off many contaminants that try to invade the body through normal day-to-day activity.

Immune System: Nutritional Tip #1 � Get Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known for strengthening bones and teeth by helping the body absorb calcium. People who get too little vitamin D may develop soft, thin, and brittle bones, a condition known as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

But did you know that it is also known to offer sufficient protection against a wide range of illnesses and chronic diseases like cancer? In addition, it improve’s the body’s natural response to bacterial infections like tuberculosis and helps to increase the production of antimicrobial peptides which are very important in boosting the immunity.

Since each patient�s health situation is different, ask your chiropractor how much vitamin D you need for optimal health.

Nutritional Tip #2 � Get Your Veggies

In culinary terms, vegetables are edible plants or their parts, intended for cooking or eating raw. You can quickly find what foods are in the vegetable group by visiting

Vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and Brussels (all from the brassica family) produce chemicals that are know to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and boost the body’s immune system. One great way to make sure you�re getting all of your vegetables for the day is through juicing. If you�re new to juicing, check out this great resource on juicing vegetables.

Nutritional Tip #3 � Avoid Alcohol

Most chiropractic patients are health-conscious. However, new chiropractic patients may be oblivious to the entire concept since our society is geared more toward sickness care instead of true healthcare. Regardless, maintaining a healthy diet is absolutely essential to maintaining a strong immune system. One way to do this is by avoiding or reducing alcohol consumption.

Why? Because research has proven that alcohol can cause immunodeficiencies that, in return, can make you more susceptible to tuberculosis, bacterial pneumonia and many other communicable diseases.

In addition, the use of alcohol is linked to cancer. Although many people in our society consume it for recreational purposes, it is important to note that alcohol is a drug that can poison your body and deplete you of essentials vitamins and minerals. Therefore, zero alcohol consumption translates into a super strong immune system.

If you need even more convincing, simply visit the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism�s website to learn more about alcohol facts and statistics.

To discover more nutritional tips that will help you build a stronger immune system, make sure you talk to your chiropractor. If you�ve never been to one, give us a call. We�d love to help guide you toward a more healthy lifestyle through safe and effective chiropractic care!

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.

Low Back Pain: What Chiropractic Patients Need To Know

Low Back Pain: What Chiropractic Patients Need To Know

Although chiropractic is dedicated to finding and correcting vertebral subluxations (also known as spinal misalignments), many patients seek chiropractic care to alleviate pain and other health-related symptoms. One condition that chiropractic patients seek relief from is consistent low back pain.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any give time. Even though low back pain plagues many people, finding the exact cause can be a challenge. However, chiropractors are spinal specialists that are trained extremely well to not only help alleviate your pain but also find the cause of the problem.

As you seek help from your local chiropractor, you�ll want to keep the following things in mind:

Low Back Pain: Prevention Is Key

Prevention is often the best cure for low back pain. When a patient sees a chiropractor, they�ll not only find relief for the low back pain they�re experiencing, but they�ll also learn ways to prevent such pain in the future. By using proper exercise and ergonomic techniques, they can ease their pain before it even starts. Amazing results are easily obtained simply by patients listening to the instructions given by their chiropractic doctor.

Treatment Options Are Available

Fortunately, there are many treatment options for low back pain. Based off of the diagnosis provided by your Doctor of Chiropractic, he or she will be able to suggest the ones that will benefit you the most. These treatments may include one or more of the following:

  • Spinal adjustments delivered either by hand or instrument like an Activator
  • Hot or cold compresses
  • Physical therapy modalities like Interferential Therapy or TENS
  • Massage Therapy or some other form of soft tissue work
  • Spinal decompression therapy

Getting Relief From Your Pain

If you were prescribed pain medication by a medial doctor before seeing your chiropractor, it may still be required to help reduce your pain levels. However, the good news is that you may be able to decrease your pain medication quicker than usual as spinal misalignments are corrected, nerve compression is alleviated and inflammation is reduced. That alone is well worth the investment of time and money to see your local chiropractor.

Rehab Through Exercise

As your care progresses from pain relief to rehabilitation of the spine, your chiropractor will recommend certain exercises to help strengthen your core muscles which, in return, will help stabilize and protect your lower back. Typically, these exercises are performed at the chiropractic office to make sure you understand how to do them without re-aggravating your original complaint. Once you�ve been educated on their purpose and know how to perform them correctly without supervision, you�ll be able to continue them at home in conjunction with the spinal adjustments you receive at the office during maintenance care.

Surgery May Be Avoided

Depending on your condition, you may be able to avoid surgery if you choose to see a chiropractor before your injuries or pain become worse. In some instances, a chiropractor can help you to avoid surgery entirely by helping correct the problem instead of just masking it through pain relief.

The key is to make sure you follow the recommendations of your chiropractor after a thorough consultation and examination are performed. Part of the examination procedures may require X-rays or MRIs. These not only benefit the chiropractor when he or she is developing your treatment plan but will also give you the peace of mind that the problem will be found.

The bottom line is that a chiropractor is the ideal professional to consult with for any unexplained pain in the musculoskeletal system. They�re not only well-qualified to treat conditions like low back pain but also achieve great results in a very affordable and effective manner. If you or a loved one are suffering from low back pain, gives us a call. We�re here to help!

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.

Omega-3-6-9 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

Omega-3-6-9 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

Since the original American Heart Association, or the AHA, Science Advisory was published in 1996, several fundamental new findings have been reported about the benefits of omega fatty acids on cardiovascular disease, CVD, particularly that of omega-3 fatty acids.�The evidence supporting the clinical benefits of omega fatty acids and CVD comes from a variety of research studies as well as randomized, controlled trials.


How are omega fatty acids beneficial for cardiovascular disease?


Large-scale epidemiologic studies suggest that people at risk for coronary heart disease, or CHD, benefit from consuming omega-3 fatty acids from plants and marine sources. Further research studies suggest that both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are most essential towards improving heart health, although omega-9 fatty acids also provide beneficial properties for individuals with CVD, CHD and hypertension.

Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids

The omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water fish, fish oils, flax, flax seed, flaxseed oil and nuts demonstrated they could lower blood pressure, or BP, obser-vational, epidemiologic and in prospective clinical trials The findings improved in response to hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.


Studies indicate that DHA at 2 g/d reduces BP and heart rate. The reduction in BP is 8/5 mmHg and roughly 6 beats/min drops generally. Fish oil in 4-9 g/d or mix of DHA and EPA in 3-5 g/d may also lessen BP. However, the production of EPA and eventually DHA from ALA decreases in the presence of large LA (the crucial omega-6 fatty acid), saturated fats, trans fatty acids, alcohol, and several nutrient deficiencies (magnesium, vitamin B6) as well as aging, all of which inhibit the desaturase enzymes.) For reducing BP in hypertensive patients, eating cold water fish each week may be as effective as high dose fish oil, and the protein in the fish might provide additional beneficial effects. In patients with chronic kidney disease, for example, 4 g of omega-3 fatty acids decreased BP measured with 24 hours ABM over 8 weeks from 3.3/2.9 mmHg, compared to placebo (p < 0.0001).


The perfect ratio of omega-6 FA into omega-3 FA is between 1:1 to 1:4 with a polyunsaturated to saturated fat ratio greater than 1.5 to 2:0. ENOS while nitric oxide increases, improving function, enhancing insulin sensitivity to suppress ACE activity, reduce calcium spike and improve parasympathetic tone. The FA family includes GLA, LA, dihomo-GLA and AA, which generally do not considerably lower blood pressure, however, it might stop increases in BP. GLA can obstruct hypertension by reducing levels raising PGE1 and PGI2, reducing affinity and AT1R density.


The omega-3 FA possess a large number of additional effects that modulates reduction of ACE activity, growth in ED, reduction in plasma nor-epinephrine and boost in parasympathetic tone. Blood pressure, for instance, increases in nitric oxide and eNOS for the improvement of insulin resistance. The recommended daily dose is 3000 to 5000 mg/d of combined DHA and EPA in a ratio of 3 parts EPA to two parts DHA and roughly 50 percent of the dose as GLA along with gamma/delta tocopherol at 100 mg per gram of DHA and EPA to find the omega-3 index to 8 percent or higher to decrease BP and provide optimum cardioprotection. DHA is more effective than EPA and must be awarded at two g/d if administered independently.


Omega-9 Fatty Acids


Olive oil is abundant in the omega-9 monounsaturated fat (MUFA) lactic acid, that has been associated with BP and lipid decrease in Mediterranean diets and in other types of diets. MUFAs and olive oil show reductions in BP. In a single study, the SBP fell 8 mmHg (p? 0.05) and the DBP fell 6 mmHg (p? 0.01) at the practice and 24 hour ambulatory BP monitoring in the MUFA treated subjects compared to this PUFA handled issues. Additionally, the requirement for antihypertensive drugs was reduced by 48 percent in the MUFA group vs 4 per cent at the omega-6 PUFA group (de < 0.005).


Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) was more powerful than sunflower oil in lowering SBP at a group of 31 elderly hypertensive patients in a double blind randomized cross-over study. The SBP has been 136 mmHg from the EVOO treated subjects vs 150 mmHg in the sunflower treated group (p < 0.01). Olive oil also reduces BP in diabetic subjects. It is the high oleic acid content in oil which reduces BP. In stageIhypertensive sufferers, oleuropein-olive leaf (Olea Eurpoaea) extract 500 mg bid for 8 wk decreased BP 11.5/4.8 mmHg which was similar to captopril 25 mg bid. Olea Eupopea L aqueous infusion administered to 12 patients using hypertension in 400 mg qid for 3 mo significantly reduced BP (p < 0.001). Oil ingestion in the EPIC study of 20343 subjects was associated with both systolic and diastolic BP. In sunlight analysis of 6863 areas, BP was inversely associated with olive oil consumption, but just in males. At doses of 500 to 1000 in comparison to placebo leaf extract demonstrated a dose response reduction in a study of 40 hypertensive twins.


The very low dose groups diminished BP 3/1 mmHg and the dose 11/4 mmHg. A double blind, randomized, crossover dietary intervention study over 4 mo using polyphenol rich olive oil 30 mg/d decreased BP in the study group by 7.91/6.65 mmHg and improved endothelial function. OxLDL, the ADMA levels and HS-CRP were decreased in the olive oil group. Plasma nitrites and nitrates improved and region after ischemia improved in the treated group. Jojoba oil exerts calcium channel antagonist impacts inhibits the receptor that is AT1R and enhances wave reflections and augmentation index. EVOO is also contains lipid-soluble phytonutrients such as polyphenols. Approximately 5 mg of phenols are found in 10 g of EVOO. About 4 tablespoons of EVOO is equivalent to 40 gram of EVOO that’s the overall necessary to get substantial reductions.


In conclusion, research studies and randomized, controlled trials,�have convincingly documented that omega fatty acids can significantly reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, CHD and hypertension. Additional clinical studies are needed to confirm the� benefits of omega fatty acids. A food-based approach to increasing omega-3-6-9 fatty acids is preferable, although supplements are a suitable alternative. Additional clinical and mechanistic studies are needed to confirm and further define the health benefits of omega fatty acids for both primary and secondary prevention.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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