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Back Pain Overview in El Paso, TX

Back Pain Overview in El Paso, TX

Approximately 8 out of 10 people living in the United States will experience back pain at least once throughout their lifetime. Fortunately, many healthcare professionals, including chiropractors and physical therapists, are qualified and experienced in the treatment of back pain. Because symptoms of back pain may occur due to a variety of health issues, however, properly diagnosing the source of an individual’s back pain in order to treat them accordingly may often be difficult.


Chiropractic care is a well-known, alternative treatment option commonly utilized to diagnose, treat and prevent a variety of injuries and/or conditions associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous system. A chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic, will carefully use spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, among other treatment methods, to safely and effectively correct any spinal misalignment, or subluxation, found along the length of the spine which may be causing symptoms of back pain. By restoring the original alignment of the spine, a chiropractor can improve the function of the spine, allowing the human body to naturally heal itself without the need for invasive procedures and/or the use of drugs and/or medications.


Chiropractic care can improve a patient’s ability to better manage their back pain symptoms because it can help reduce pain and discomfort, decreases inflammation, and improves strength, mobility, and flexibility. Furthermore, a chiropractor may recommend lifestyle modifications, including nutritional changes and fitness advice, to speed up the patient’s recovery process. However, before seeking any type of treatment for your specific symptoms of back pain, it’s essential to understand the different types of back pain, its symptoms and its causes as well as what you can expect from a doctor visit for back pain.


Upper, Mid Back, Low and Lower Back


Back pain is one of the most common complaints frequently reported in doctor office visits on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, back pain has been identified to affect approximately three in four adults at least once through their lifetime. When referring to “back pain” healthcare professionals utilize the term loosely to medically define it as pain which originates anywhere between the upper back, or the cervical spine, and the lower back, or the lumbar spine, regardless of the cause of the symptoms.


Other Symptoms Associated with Back Pain


Back pain can also be characterized by different types of pain. Acute back pain is identified as short-term but severe in nature. Chronic back pain is long-term and may vary in intensity. It can often be severe, but it may also be identified as mild, deep, achy, burning, or electric-like in nature. Back pain which radiates into another part of the body, including the upper and/or lower extremities, is identified as radicular pain, particularly when it radiates below the knee, into the feet. This type of back pain is commonly known as lumbar radiculopathy. Fortunately, not all types of back pain include radiating pain symptoms.


  • It is not uncommon for back pain to cause other symptoms, such as numbness and tingling sensations, stiffness, achiness, and weakness. Furthermore, specific activities are known to aggravate existing back pain symptoms. Everyday activities like sitting, walking, standing, bending over, and twisting at the waist are several movements which can make back pain worse. However, not every patient will experience every symptoms associated with their specific type of back pain. Symptoms of back pain generally depend on the diagnosis, level of the injury and/or condition affecting the spine, or cause of back pain.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

Back pain is a common symptom which affects about 80 percent of the population at least once throughout their lifetime. Because a variety of injuries and/or conditions may be the cause of back pain symptoms, many healthcare professionals consider the diagnosis of back pain to be difficult, however, back pain specialists, including chiropractors and physical therapists, can safely and effectively diagnose the source of an individual’s back pain symptoms. As a chiropractor, the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations can help naturally restore the original structure and function of the spine, without the need for drugs and/or medications or surgical interventions.


Understanding Back Pain Doctor Terms


When you visit a doctor regarding your symptoms, they may often use terms such as thoracic, lumbar, lumbosacral, or sacrum to describe your type of back pain. Back pain can originate anywhere along the spine, therefore, a healthcare professional will use the following terms to describe the source of the patient’s symptoms. The different regions of the spine are explained below.


  • The cervical spine refers to your neck.
  • The thoracic spine is found along the upper and middle regions of the back and where your ribs attach to the spinal column.
  • The lumbar spine refers to your low back.
  • The lumbosacral is found along the low back, sacrum, and the tailbone, also referred to as the coccyx.
  • The sacrum�refers to the part of the spine that is at the back of your pelvis.


Back pain can be challenging to properly diagnose because the spine consists of 17 vertebral bones, from the upper back to the tailbone, many joints, the sacrum and tailbone. In addition, the spine is made up of other fibrous and muscular supporting structures, intervertebral discs, the spinal cord and nerve roots, as well as blood vessels. Trauma from an injury, such as a back sprain/strain from lifting and twisting simultaneously, can cause immediate and severe back pain which may often become debilitating if left untreated.


Not all cases of back pain are due to trauma from an injury. Many other spinal health issues are congenital, meaning they developed since birth, degenerative or associated with age, due to disease, and they may even be connected to poor posture, obesity or the result of an unhealthy lifestyle habit, such as smoking. In other cases, the back pain may be worse than the severity of the injury and/or conditions causing it, which raises the question, �When should I seek medical attention for back pain?� If you are experiencing symptoms of back pain, among others commonly associated with spine health issues, you should seek immediate medical attentions if:


  • You cannot stand upright;
  • Fever accompanies pain;
  • Loss of bladder or bowel function or control occurs;
  • Leg pain and/or weakness progressively worsens; or if
  • Pain is relentless or worsens.


It’s normal for patients with back pain to feel afraid and anxious about seeking medical attention for their symptoms. Most individuals who experience severe and debilitating back pain will intuitively known when it’s time to receive the proper health care they need for their spinal health issues. Many healthcare professionals, such as chiropractors and physical therapists, are qualified and experienced back pain specialists who will help safely and effectively treat your specific back pain.


What to Expect from a Back Pain Specialist


Whether your doctor office visit is due to the urgent symptoms above or if you’re simply seeking immediate medical attention to prevent worsening back pain, below is a list of what you can expect in a back pain specialist visit. In order to properly diagnose the source of the patient’s back pain symptoms, a healthcare professional will first:


  • Review your medical history, including that of immediate family members who also have spinal health issues. Some instances of back pain, like scoliosis and osteoporosis, have a genetic potential.
  • Discuss when back pain started, what you were doing when the symptoms started, current severity and characteristics of your back pain as well as how these may have changed since they began, among other questions. Your doctor wants to learn as much about your pain and discomfort before they evaluate you accordingly�while the exam may be uncomfortable at first, your doctor doesn�t want to make the process intolerable.
  • Physical examination�to evaluate your vital signs, including heart rate. Blood pressure levels may become elevated as a result of pain. The doctor will examine your spine, feeling for abnormalities and areas of tenderness.
  • Neurological examination involves assessing sensation and function. The doctor may employ the pin prick test to determine if feeling is the same on both sides of particular parts of the body. Function, strength, mobility and flexibility are assessed while you walk, bend forward and backward (if able to), and during other movements. The doctor may also test your reflexes.


After a thorough examination, a healthcare professional should then be able to come up with a proper diagnosis for the patient’s back pain. To obtain more information and to help confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may order an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI. Sometimes lab tests may be ordered as well. It’s essential to keep in mind that an accurate diagnosis is essential towards a well-developed treatment plan. Once a proper diagnosis has been established, a healthcare professional will begin treatment accordingly, utilizing the recommended treatment methods for the patient’s specific cause of their back pain. Furthermore, a doctor may also be able to advice the patient regarding the best treatment methods to prevent further back pain.


In conclusion, back pain is acommonsymptoms which affects a majority of the population in the United States on a regular basis. Understanding the different types of back pain, its symptoms and its causes is essential towards receiving the right treatment from a qualified and experienced healthcare professional. Several procedures can be expected in a doctor office visit for back pain. Chiropractic care is a popular, alternative treatment option commonly utilized to help treat back pain and other injuries and/or conditions associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous system. A chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic, will utilize spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to carefully restore the natural integrity of the spine, reducing symptoms of back pain. The overview above can help patient’s understand the process they must undergo in order to find relief from their back pain.�The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Back Pain


According to statistics, approximately 80% of people will experience symptoms of back pain at least once throughout their lifetimes. Back pain is a common complaint which can result due to a variety of injuries and/or conditions. Often times, the natural degeneration of the spine with age can cause back pain. Herniated discs occur when the soft, gel-like center of an intervertebral disc pushes through a tear in its surrounding, outer ring of cartilage, compressing and irritating the nerve roots. Disc herniations most commonly occur along the lower back, or lumbar spine, but they may also occur along the cervical spine, or neck. The impingement of the nerves found in the low back due to injury and/or an aggravated condition can lead to symptoms of sciatica.


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MORE TOPICS: EXTRA EXTRA: El Paso, Tx | Athletes

Sports Performance, Chiropractic Helps!�In El Paso, TX.

Sports Performance, Chiropractic Helps!�In El Paso, TX.

Sports Performance is everything! Regardless of whether you�re a pro football player or a weekend warrior, your level of performance in your chosen athletic activity is what takes you to competitive heights.

There are certain things that every athlete knows will make them stronger, faster, more flexible, and have more stamina. Chiropractic care is becoming increasingly popular as a way for the sportsman in all of us to have that competitive edge.

You may know that chiropractic is great for people with back pain or even headaches, but you may be wondering how it can help an athlete. Solid research, along with a proven track record show that chiropractic helps sports performance in several key areas.

Sports Performance & Chiropractic

Increased Flexibility

sports performance el paso tx.

Flexibility is important for nearly every sport and chiropractic care helps to increase flexibility throughout the body. As the spine is aligned, the body is better able to perform as it should and flexibility is a big part of that.

Better Mobility

When a person has better flexibility they are able to move around better. Chiropractic loosens the joints and spine, releasing energy to flow through the body. Blood flow is increased which means that nutrients and oxygen are carries much more efficiently to the vital organs and brain. This whole body wellness encourages better mobility.

More Resistant To Injury

Because chiropractic keeps the body flexible, there is a much lower risk of injury. Tight muscles can lead to injuries, sometimes serious injury. When the body well aligned and flexible the chances of a pulled or torn muscle or torn ligament are greatly decreased.

Helps Relieve Sports Hernias

Groin pain is a component of around 20 percent of all sports injuries. The thing is, it is often not due to sudden movements that result in injury like a torn muscle. Most of the time is it due to a condition called athletic pubalgia, or sports hernia.

One study found that chiropractic helped relieve sports hernia discomfort in soccer players. They underwent eight weeks of a therapy that incorporated rehabilitation exercises and chiropractic care.

Relieves Pain

Sports like hockey and football are full contact sports and injuries are not uncommon. However, even milder sports like horseback riding or cycling can also result in injuries or pain from over exertion. One study showed how chiropractic helped relieve the pain of shoulder instability in hockey players.

Chiropractic aligns the spine and body while increasing blood flow, but endorphins are also released through the treatment. This helps the body combat pain in a natural, less invasive way without the use of medications.

Increases Strength

While chiropractic care is typically regarded as a method for relieving pain and alleviating skeletal and muscular issues, it has also been found to improve physical strength. A study on judo athletes who received just three chiropractic care sessions showed that their grip strength improved by 16 percent.

Helps Sports Related Injuries Heal Faster

Chiropractic care has long been a standard practice for aiding in the healing of many sports related injuries including tennis elbow, hamstring pulls, rotator cuff injuries, back strains, and neck pain. While it does help prevent these injuries, in the event that they do occur, chiropractic care helps the athlete recover faster and get back in the game quicker.

So whether you enjoy the occasional game of touch football with the guys or you are a college basketball star, chances are you too can benefit from chiropractic care. Each of these benefits are exceptional in their own right and athletes rely on their chiropractor to keep them in the game, but all these little benefits add up to one significant plus: it improves sports performance. If you want to be stronger, faster, and more agile, the research shows that chiropractic care can certainly help.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Athlete Recovery & Rehabilitation

Massage Therapy Chiropractic Care In El Paso, TX. | Video

Massage Therapy Chiropractic Care In El Paso, TX. | Video

Massage Therapy: Damaris Formeman is a massage therapist at Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chiropractic care clinic. As an employee, Damaris has witnessed the recovery process and the tremendous improvement of many patients receiving chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez. Damaris Formeman understands how chiropractic treatment methods, like massage therapy, can help patients with a variety of health issues, including sciatica, low back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain, among others. Damaris describes how each patient is carefully cared for by Dr. Alex Jimenez and she adds that building a strong bond with the patient during treatment is an important part of the patient’s healing journey.

Massage Therapy Chiropractic Care

Massage therapy is medically defined as the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of restoring the health of those tissues. Massage therapy consists of manual techniques that include applying fixed or movable pressure and holding, and/or causing movement of or to the body. Massage is commonly believed to affect the circulation of blood and the flow of blood and lymph, reduce muscular tension or flaccidity, affect the nervous system through stimulation or sedation, and enhance tissue healing. These effects can provide a variety of health benefits for individuals affected by musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, including those affecting the nervous system, among others.

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Thank You & God Bless.
Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Stress Management Treatment

Whole Body Wellness And Chiropractic In El Paso, TX. | Video

Whole Body Wellness And Chiropractic In El Paso, TX. | Video

Whole Body Wellness: Annually, chiropractors care for more than 30 million Americans, adults and children alike. Doctors of chiropractic are licensed to practice in all 50 states and in many nations around the world.

An increasing list of research studies and reviews has established that the treatment methods and techniques provided by chiropractic physicians are both safe and effective. The evidence strongly supports the natural, whole body wellness and cost-effective approach of chiropractic care for a variety of conditions.

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Chiropractic treatment is included in most health insurance plans, including: major medical plans, worker�s compensation, Medicare, some Medicaid plans, and Blue Cross Blue Shield plans for federal employees, and many others.

Chiropractic is used widely by young and professional athletes to help prevent and treat injuries and/or aggravated conditions as well as to aid them achieve optimal health and whole body wellness. Also commonly utilized by the general population, chiropractic care can help restore an individual�s original well being, increasing their strength, flexibility and mobility as well as decreasing symptoms such as pain, inflammation and discomfort caused by spinal complications. Following up with the chiropractor�s treatment recommendations can also help speed up the individual�s recovery process, helping them return to their everyday lifestyles.

Whole Body Wellness & Chiropractic


Many new patients are unsure about what to expect during their first appointment with a chiropractor. Foremost, a doctor of chiropractic will begin the consultation by taking a patient�s history and then performing a physical examination in order to develop a working diagnosis. Imaging or lab tests, including MRI, CT scans and/or X-rays, may be used to confirm a diagnosis.

The combination of the history, exam, and diagnostic study results will ultimately allow the chiropractor to determine a proper diagnosis for the individual�s injury or condition, which will then allow the healthcare professional to follow up with the best treatment procedures according to their overall health and wellness. If your chiropractor determines you would be more appropriately managed or co-managed by another healthcare professional, he or she will make the proper referral.

Through a process of shared decision-making, you and your chiropractic physician can establish which treatment methods and techniques will be right for you. As part of this process, the chiropractor will explain your injury and/or condition, recommend an appropriate treatment plan and finally, they will review the risks and benefits of all procedures with you.

As with all forms of treatment, time and patience is required to heal an injury or condition and visiting your chiropractor regularly can ensure the process is smooth and effective. Following the healthcare professional�s treatment plan accordingly is the best, most recommended decision you can take as an individual to achieve overall health and wellness.

whole body wellness el paso tx.Choosing A Whole Body Wellness Chiropractor

Ask Family/Friends For A Recommendation

A friend or family member who knows both you and the chiropractor may be able to judge whether your health philosophies and personalities are compatible.

Meet The Doctor

Many chiropractors will agree to a no-cost consultation to determine whether you are a good match. To make this visit as productive as possible, here are a few things to consider:

Does The Practice Focus On Vertebral Subluxation & Wellness?

Physical, biochemical, and psychological stress may result in spinal subluxations that disrupt nerve function and compromise your health. If you�re looking for a wellness chiropractor, it�s essential that this be the focus.

Some chiropractors confine their practice to the mechanical treatment of back and neck pain, and this is something you need to be aware of beforehand.

Does The Doctor Walk The Talk?

If he or she is overweight, looks unhealthy, or does not live a healthy lifestyle, this speaks volumes regarding their commitment to wellness.

Do The Two Of You Click?

Do you like each other? Do you communicate well? Avoid a doctor who seems rushed, talks down to you, or seems disinterested in listening to your concerns.

Does The Doctor Use Objective Assessments Of Nerve Function?

Since your care is not based just on addressing pain, your chiropractor should be using some form of objective assessment of your nerve function, as spinal subluxations can sometimes be asymptomatic.

Non-invasive instruments that measure the electrical activity in your muscles, and/or a thermal scanner that evaluates the function of your autonomic nervous system can be used, for example.

What Treatment Techniques Are Used?

Chiropractic techniques include low-force adjustments by hand, and more forceful adjustments using instruments. Ask which technique would be used on you, and if you have a preference, make sure the doctor is willing to use it.

As mentioned earlier, many chiropractors are also trained in other complementary techniques, so ask what else your doctor may have in their tool bag.

Dr. Alex Jimenez is an El Paso Chiropractor who has been helping people recover from their specific injuries or conditions through the use of chiropractic adjustments and manipulations. With over 27 years of experience, Dr. Jimenez can provide safe and effective care to those in need.

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Chronic Pain Treatment With Chiropractic In El Paso, TX. | Video

Chronic Pain Treatment With Chiropractic In El Paso, TX. | Video

Chronic Pain Treatment: Sandra Rubio has worked with Dr. Alex Jimenez for about 6 years, providing health care services to patients at Dr. Jimenez’s clinic. As a result, Sandra has learned and witnessed how many health benefits chiropractic care can provide for patients who begin treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez. Although chiropractic care may sometimes require more than a single treatment session as well as regular maintenance to completely improve the patient’s symptoms, Dr. Alex Jimenez offers positive, trustworthy, safe and effective non-invasive alternative treatment options without the use of drugs and/or medications and he also makes sure to educate patients thoroughly regarding their specific health issue. Sandra Rubio discusses how essential it is for people with chronic pain to first seek chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for their injuries and/or conditions in order for them to achieve overall health and wellness.

Chronic Pain Treatment

Chronic pain is medically defined as pain which lasts for an extended amount of time. The distinction between acute and chronic pain is sometimes determined by an arbitrary interval of time since onset; the two most commonly used markers being 3 months and 6 months since onset, although many healthcare professionals have established the transition from acute to chronic pain at 12 months. Other healthcare specialists and researchers apply the definition of acute pain symptoms to pain that lasts less than 30 days, while the definition of chronic pain symptoms to pain that lasts more than six months. Subacute pain is medically defined as pain that lasts from one to six months. Chronic pain may originate anywhere in the body, such as in the case of chronic back pain, or it may originate in the brain or spinal cord, such as in the case of fibromyalgia. While chronic pain is considered difficult to treat, many healthcare professionals, including chiropractors, can effectively improve chronic pain.

chronic pain treatment el paso tx.If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.
Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Chronic Pain & Treatments

Chiropractic Treatment Results In El Paso, TX. | Video

Chiropractic Treatment Results In El Paso, TX. | Video

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Feeling back pain, being unable to perform daily tasks, workout and play sports can be frustrating for anyone. The debilitating symptoms can drive individuals to seek fast relief. But, while a person�s only concern maybe only to fix the day�s pain, fixing the root/cause of the problem is far better in the long run and�can be easily achieved from chiropractic treatment. After receiving a single adjustment, many people especially athletes can expect an increase in their range of motion and less pain. Regardless of the reasons for seeking chiropractic treatment, one question always crosses people�s minds, how often should one see a chiropractor?

The answer to that question depends on the individual�s goals. Generally, spinal complications are not the result of a single day�s activities but tend to occur gradually over a period of time. Many spine conditions and injuries result in symptoms that may intermittently increase and decrease over several years, causing constant, nagging pain or sharp, extreme pain due to wear and tear type of injuries that the body is no longer able to heal on its own.

Chiropractic Treatment Sports Injury


Healing requires time and patience, a person also needs to be aware of what caused the complications in the first place. Suddenly stopping strict exercise routines or gaining weight in a certain amount of time can create an accelerated aging process on the joints.

If an individual�s goals are solely focused on alleviating the pain resulting from one time, then it won�t take much time to heal. Generally, receiving adjustments 2-3 times per week for several weeks can ease pain and decrease other symptoms. But, if a person is seeking to relieve the symptoms associated with an underlying condition or injury, or if a person is seeking to correct an improper posture or a mechanical dysfunction, the process could be much longer. This healing process often may require about 2-3 months of regular adjustments.

chiropractic treatment el paso tx.

Despite completing treatment and successfully alleviating any symptoms, it is recommended to continue chiropractic adjustments on a regular basis. What is considered a regular basis for adjustments? Getting adjusted at least once a week by a chiropractor can help maintain a person�s overall health and can prevent small problems from becoming greater issues. For a greater majority of individuals, especially those who sit most of the day, it�s recommended to maintain an adjustment schedule every week or two. A chiropractor will explain what is the right schedule.

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Sport Injury Treatments

Chiropractic Vs. Surgery For Sciatica Pain In El Paso, TX. | Video

Chiropractic Vs. Surgery For Sciatica Pain In El Paso, TX. | Video

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Sciatica Pain: The sciatic nerve is the largest single nerve found within the human body, running from each side of the lumbar spine, through the area of the lumbar plexus, and trailing down into the buttocks, the back of the thigh and into the foot.

sciatica pain el paso tx.

Sciatica is a medical term used to define a group of symptoms rather than a single injury or condition. The most common symptom for sciatica is pain in the lower back and, although low back pain can be the result of numerous lumbar spine injuries or conditions, various other common symptoms associated with sciatica can closely suggest its presence. Often a result of damage or impingement of the sciatic nerve, many people affected with sciatica experience burning and tingling sensations along the back of the thigh, followed by numbness or cramping. People suffering from sciatica may have difficulty going through their regular activities but chiropractic care can help relieve the symptoms and treat many other underlying conditions causing the pain and discomfort.

Sciatica Pain: Surgery Vs. Chiropractic


Chiropractic treatment for mild to severe cases of sciatica most frequently involves chiropractic adjustments and manual manipulations, followed by a specialized series of stretches and exercises accommodated to each individual�s level of injury or condition and its symptoms. Both of these treatments together may speed up the rehabilitation process as well as improve the health of the spine and ultimately reduce the symptoms of sciatica.

Sciatica is used to identify a set of symptoms on the region of the lumbar spine, generally as a result of a previous injury or underlying condition. Regular symptoms of low back pain, stiffness, and burning or tingling sensations could indicate the presence of sciatica. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Sciatica Treatment