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4 Case Studies That Support Going Upright in the Workplace

4 Case Studies That Support Going Upright in the Workplace

upright work el paso tx.

Working Upright

If you are considering going upright in your workplace or workspace, you are not alone. Companies large and small are recognizing the benefits of this healthy, spine-friendly way of working and they are incorporating it into their employees� workstations. It places the body in an optimal position, between standing and sitting to provide an ergonomic solution to working at a desk that saves space too. Even home offices are getting in on the movement. These case studies tell the stories of four companies that incorporated upright workspace technology for their organizations.

Shape Up

Rhode Island-based start-up company, ShapeUp, is a health and technology-centered small business with just employees. It manages the design and implementation of socially activated wellness programs in the workplace. They were looking for furniture that was high quality and sturdy enough to withstand a workforce that was very active. At the same time, it needed to promote good health to remain consistent with the company�s health-oriented ideals.

Their first step moving in that direction was to purchase several community upright workstations. This would allow employees to get upright at various points during the day. The feedback from employees was so great that upright workstations were placed in each employee�s work area.� They reported reduced back pain and increased energy, attributing it to the simple act of going upright.


FLUX, based in San Francisco, is a small tech company with fewer than 50 employees. The venture-backed start-up created software that �reimagines sustainable building design.�

In 2012, Nicholas Chim, the company�s founder, began searching for body-friendly workstations that would help keep his energy level up and help him maintain his focus. He purchased an upright station for himself to�use in his work area. Many of the employees expressed great interest in this new workstation. Once, Chim came home from a business trip and found that one of the employees had taken over his upright station.

It was then that Chim realized he needed to purchase upright stations for all of his employees if he was going to keep them happy and healthy. He now offers upright workstations to all of his employees; all they have to do is request it.

upright work el paso tx.


Katie Rowe Mitchell

Katie Rowe Mitchell has a home office where she runs her start-up, Unfold Yoga + Wellness with her friend and partner Nicole Elipas Doherty. The company brings meditation practices and accessible yoga to organizations as a wellness measure for the companies� employees. She left a�longtime corporate job that left her feeling physically uncomfortable, overstressed, and overworked due, in part, to her sedentary work style.

She recognized the link between yoga and having more energy and better focus so she left her corporate job to start her own company that would bring yoga to be stressed out workers. In her own home office, Katie wanted a more active work style, and an upright workstation was the answer. It keeps her engaged in mind, body, and spirit. She has a newfound sense of freedom that sitting behind a desk for hours every day did not provide. Going upright opened a whole new world for Katie.

Wikimedia Foundation

Tech non-profit Wikimedia Foundation is based in San Francisco and has 200 employees. It powers several collaboratively edited projects including Wikimedia. When the company decided to redesign their office space, they decided that they wanted to create a work environment that empowered and encouraged employees to work together. They chose a dynamic environment with an open floor plan � and they included several upright stations. These workstations were grouped so that all of the employees would have an opportunity to use the stations at different times. The standing desks also proved to be space saving and took up less room in the work area than traditional desks and chairs.

Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment

Spinal Neoplasms Diagnostic Imaging Approach Part II

Spinal Neoplasms Diagnostic Imaging Approach Part II


  • Neoplasms
  • The vast majority of clinically suspected bone Mets are found in the axial skeleton and proximal femurs/humeri
  • Radiography is the most cost-effective and readily available initial imaging tool to investigate bone Mets but often fails early metastatic detection
  • Tc99 bone scintigraphy is the most sensitive and cost-effective imaging modality to demonstrate metastatic foci
  • MR imaging may help� regional identification of bone Mets especially if x-radiography is unrewarding
  • Significant limitations of MRI: inability to perform a whole-body MRI scan
  • Cost and other contraindications such as cardiac pacemakers and cochlear implants may be another limiting factor

Marrow Based Neoplasms

  • Malignancy originating from the marrow cells are often referred to as “round-cell tumors.”
  • Multiple Myeloma (MM)
  • Lymphoma
  • Ewing’s sarcoma
  • The last two are less frequent than MM
neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Red marrow in adults is in the axial skeleton and proximal femurs/humeri d/t gradual marrow “retraction” following the childhood


neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Note bone marrow biopsy histopathology specimen of MM with abnormal plasma cells replacing regular marrow residents (above image)
  • Multiple Myeloma (MM) is the most common primary bone neoplasm in adults>40s. Etiology is unknown, but many theories exist (e.g., genetic, environmental, radiation, chronic inflammation, MGUS)
  • MM: malignant proliferation of plasma cells >10% of red marrow, with subsequent replacement of normal marrow cells by myeloma cells and overproduction of monoclonal antibodies paraproteins (M protein) with heavy chains IgG (52%), IgA (21%), IgM (12%) and light chains kappa or lambda aka Bence-Jones proteins

Clinical Presentation of MM

  • MM is occasionally detected as unexplained anemia on routine blood studies for unrelated complaints
  • Common MSK symptoms: Bone pain/Pathologic fractures
  • Constitutional: Weakness/malaise
  • Systemic: bleeding, anemia, Infection (especially pneumococcal) d/t marrow replacement and pancytopenia
  • Hypercalcemia d/t bone resorption
  • Renal failure aka myeloma kidney
  • Neuropathies
  • Amyloidosis
  • Gout


  • Diagnostic imaging plays an essential role during the Dx of MM
  • Bone marrow aspiration biopsy, blood tests, and serum protein electrophoresis may be used
  • Imaging approach: bone pain is investigated with initial x-radiographs if radiographs are unrewarding MR imaging may help to reveal bone marrow abnormality. MRI is recommended as myeloma survey
  • Currently, MRI protocol known as “whole body myeloma scan” consisting of T1, T2-fat suppressed, and T1+C coronal sequences can detect MM in the skull, spine, pelvis, ribs and femurs/humeri. This technique is much more superior to radiographic “skeletal myeloma survey.”
  • Tc99 bone scintigraphy is not typically used for MM because over 30% of MM lesions are “cold” or photopenic on radionuclide bone scan d/t highly lytic nature of MM with osteoclasts outpacing osteoblasts.
  • A radiographic skeletal survey is considered more sensitive than bone scintigraphy in MM
  • PET-CT scanning of MM is gaining popularity due to the high level of detection of multiple sites of MM


neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Radiographic Dx of MM: consists of identification of characteristically localized focal osteolytic “punched out” or “moth-eaten” lesions of variable sizes following the distribution of adults red marrow
  • Note rad abnormality is known as “raindrop skull” is characteristic of MM


neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Radiographic appearance of MM may vary from “punched out” round radiolucencies to “moth-eaten” or permeating osteolytic lesion producing endosteal scalloping (yellow arrow)


neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Pelvis and femurs are commonly affected by MM and present radiographically as round lytic punched out or moth-eaten lesions
  • N.B. Occasionally MM may pose radiographic dilemma by presenting as generalized osteopenia in the spine that can be difficult to differentiate from age-related osteoporosis


neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • MR imaging of MM reveals� marrow changes with low signal on T1, a high signal on fluid-sensitive sequences and bright contrast enhancement on T1+C gad d/t increased vasculature and high activity of� MM cells


neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Example of full-body MRI of “whole body myeloma scan” with T2-fat suppressed (A), T1 (B) and T1+C (C) pulse sequences produced in coronal slices
  • Note multiple foci of bone marrow changes in the spine pelvis and femurs


Miscellaneous Neoplasms of the Spinal Column


neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Chordoma: is relatively uncommon but considered the m/c primary malignant neoplasm that only affects the spine. D/t slow growth is often misdiagnosed for a considerable length of time as LBP
  • Pathology: derives from malignant transformation of notochordal cells presented as mucoid, gelatinous mass containing physaliphorous cells
  • Demo:�M: F 3:1 (30-70S). 50%-sacrococcygeal, 35% spheno-occipital 15%-spine
  • Clinically: asymptomatic for a long time until non-specific LBP, changes in bladder & bowel, neurological signs are less common d/t midline “outward” growth & inferior to S1. Local invasion worsens prognosis. 60%-survive 5-years, 40%-10-years, Mets are delayed, poor prognosis d/t local invasion. >50% can be id. on DRE.
  • Imaging:�x-rays often tricky d/t overlying gas/feces. CT is >sensitive to id the bone mass and internal calcifications. MRI: T2 bight signal, T1 heterogeneously low and high d/t mucus/blood decomposition, MRI best detects local invasion and essential for care planning. Rx:� complete excision is often impossible d/t local vascular invasion.


neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Giant cell tumor (GCT):�2nd most common primary sacral tumor. It is a histolgically benign neoplasm containing multinucleated Giant cells of Monocyte-Osteoclast origin
  • Imaging Dx:�x-radiography is the 1st step usually in response to complaints of LBP. Often challenging to id on x-rays d/t bowel gas/feces
  • Key rad feature: osteolytic expansile lesion noted by destruction of sacral arcuate lines. CT may id the lesion better. MRI is the modality of choice following x-rays. MRI: T1 low to intermediate signal. Heterogeneously high d/t edema with areas of low signal on T2 d/t blood degradation and fibrosis. Characteristic fluid-fluid levels may be noted especially if ABC develops within a GCT. Rx: operative. Prognosis is less favorable than GCT in long bones d/t lung Mets (deposits) in 13.7%


neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Aneurysmal Bone Cysts (ABC) are benign expansile tumor-like bone lesions (not a true neoplasm) composed and filled with numerous blood-filled channels. Thus the term “blood sponge.” ABC is m/c id in children and adolescents
  • Unknown etiology: trauma and pre-existing bone neoplasm (e.g., GCT) often reported. Clinically: pain that may be progressive d/t rapid nature of ABC expansion. In the spine, ABC m/c affects posterior elements and presented as expansile, soap-bubbly or lytic lesion.
  • DDx: can be broad, but Osteoblastoma and GCT are the top DDxs.
  • Imaging: x-rays demo expansile mass in posterior elements, CT is more sensitive than x-rays, MRI will demo characteristic fluid-fluid levels and mixed high and low signal d/t edema and blood decomposition/aging with some septations.
  • N.B. MRI fluid-fluid levels are not exclusive to ABC, and DDx includes GCT, osteoblastoma, telangiectatic osteosarcoma.
  • Rx: operative curettage and bone grafting, fibrosing agents. Recurrence 10-30%.

Spinal Neoplasms

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Lower Back Pain When Sleeping: Which Position is Best?

Lower Back Pain When Sleeping: Which Position is Best?

Sleeping. New parents chase it, Type A personalities fight it, but everyone needs it. The thing is, most people don�t get enough of it. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 45 percent of adults in the United States report that in a seven day period lack of sleep affected their daily activities.

Sleep quantity is not as much of a problem as sleep quality. Around 35 percent of people who said they slept for 7 or 8 hours a night still reported that their sleep quality was �only fair� or �poor� and 20 percent said that they did not feel refreshed upon waking. When a person is dealing with pain, such as lower back pain, it can make it even more difficult to get a good night�s sleep.

The Importance of Sleeping

Sleep is vital for good health. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) cites insufficient sleep as a contributing factor to a variety of conditions including obesity, diabetes, depression, and cardiovascular disease. It is also a significant contributing factor in many machine related crashed, worksite accidents, and automobile accidents, leading to injury, disability, and even death.

Sleep allows your body to heal and the spine to rejuvenate. It helps you handle stress better and manage pain more effectively. It is an essential part of good health so making sure that you get good quality sleep should be a priority � and it is possible. These are the best sleep positions to get your best sleep when you have lower back pain.

Stomach Position

Sleeping on your stomach is usually the least back friendly sleep position, but some people can�t sleep any other way. Take the strain off of your back by supporting it with a pillow under your lower abdomen and pelvis. Using a pillow may put too much stress on your back, so you might need to try to sleep without one. Another alternative is to use a flatter, less fluffy pillow. Try different positions, such as drawing one leg up or splaying your legs more until you find on that is right for you.

Back Position

If you sleep on your back, you likely won�t be comfortable just lying flat. Try different positions such as placing a rolled towel under your knees or the small of your back to provide added support. Use a good pillow to support your neck. Some pillows are made specifically for people who sleep on their backs; you may want to give it a try.

Side Position

Many people with lower back pain find sleeping on their side to be the most comfortable sleep position. If you sleep on your side, pull your knees up slightly so that they are almost perpendicular from your body. You may have to make some adjustments to how bent your legs are before you find a position that takes the pressure off of your back. Place a pillow between your thighs and knees. You may want to use a body pillow to provide even more support all along your legs.

sleeping position lower back pain el paso tx.


A Word about Your Pillow and Your Bed

The position that you sleep in can help relieve your back pain, but getting good quality sleep will help you manage your pain much better so it should be your goal to get a�good, restful sleep every night. You should change out your pillow on a regular basis.

Pillows can get worn and no longer deliver the support they once did. If you are waking up with neck or back pain or headaches, it could be your pillow. Additionally, studies show that making your bed every day improves your quality of sleep. Make sure that the temperature is comfortable and avoid electronic devices for about an hour before bedtime. Be kind to your body; make sleep a priority.

Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Care

Spinal Neoplasms Diagnostic Imaging Approach Part I

Spinal Neoplasms Diagnostic Imaging Approach Part I

Metastatic Bone Disease (aka Mets) or “Secondaries.” Are the most common malignant bone neoplasms affecting the spine, aka spinal neoplasms (>70%) and the rest of the skeleton in adults.

  • 5-Primaries are m/c involved:
  • Breast (16-37%)
  • Lung (12-15%)
  • Thyroid (4%)
  • Renal (3-6%)
  • Prostate (9-15%)
  • Spine, pelvis, proximal femurs & proximal humeri are m/c affected in that particular order of frequency
  • Thoracic & upper Lumbar spine considered the m/c site of spinal Mets

Pathophysiology & Etiology of Metastasis

  • Malignant cells a very good at evading immune detection and elimination
  • They gain�access to circulation expressing Vascular Endothelial Adhesion Molecules (e.g., integrines & selectins)
  • Once reaching their target organs, malignant cells stimulate the production of various vasogenic growth factors and by exiting blood vessels invade their target tissues
  • Lung, Liver, and Bone are particularly at risk due to the character of their blood supply
  • Baston venous plexus-is a network of valveless freely communicating� veins connecting axial skeleton/meninges and proximal femurs/humeri with abdomino-pelvic and thoracic cavities
  • The risk of Mets is increased during daily variations in the intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic pressure


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • In adults, the axial skeleton is involved in hematopoiesis, and it is particularly vulnerable to metastatic deposits via an abundant network of sinusoids within a spongy bone
  • The vast majority of bone Mets will be detected in the axial skeleton

Clinical Presentation

  • Back pain often mimicking “mechanical back pain” is the m/c and often misleading symptom
  • Chiropractors and other manipulators should be particularly aware of this dangerous pitfall.
  • Nocturnal pain or pain unresponsive to NSAID may be reported in more advanced cases
  • Advanced cases may also present with a neurological deficit due to pathologic vertebral fractures and spinal cord/nerves compression
  • Metastatic hypercalcemia may occasionally develop in severe cases and considered a medical emergency that potentially presents with confusion, muscle weakness, and renal signs
  • Imaging plays a significant role in the Dx and management of bone metastasis
  • Lab tests are of limited value, but hypercalcemia and alkaline phosphatase (Alk Phos) may be elevated
  • In some cases, a bone biopsy may be used to confirm bone Mets

When Bone Mets are Detected, Patients Prognosis is Significantly Worsened

  • Median survival:
  • Thyroid – 48 – months
  • Prostate – 40 – months
  • Breast – 24 – months
  • Renal Cell – may vary, can be as low as 6 – months
  • Lung – 6 – months

Imaging Diagnosis

  • Begins with radiography investigating a clinical complaint of back/bone pain
  • If radiographs are unrewarding or equivocal, unique imaging modalities are required
  • MRI may help to show marrow replacement by Mets foci but limited to specific regions
  • Tc99 radionuclide bone scan (scintigraphy) is considered one of the most sensitive and reliable imaging steps in evaluating bone Mets
  • Bone scintigraphy is good at detecting both lytic and blastic Mets
  • However, very aggressive/vascular osteolytic Mets and Multiple Myeloma often appear “cold” or photopenic on bone scan due to greater stimulation/activation of osteoclasts which “outpace” osteoblasts ability to uptake the radiopharmaceutical
  • CT scanning is an excellent modality to show bone destruction, but it is not widely used during bone Mets Dx especially if radiography, bone scintigraphy, and MRI provide adequate information about the process
  • CT scanning may be particularly helpful with delineation of pathological fractures

General Radiographic Features of Bone Mets

  • Osteolytic (lytic), osteoblastic (blastic) aka sclerotic Mets or misec Mets can be identified radiographically
  • However, it takes between 30-50% of lamella (cortical) bone and 50-75% of trabecular (cancellous) or spongy bone to be destroyed before it can be detected on plain film radiographs
  • This can make early radiographic detection of bone Mets very difficult, requiring particular imaging modalities (e.g., MRI)
  • Also, bowel gas/fecal matter and numerous soft tissue densities in the abdomino-pelvic and thoracic cavities may pose challenges of bone Mets detection
  • Different tumors often manifest with different metastatic appearance, depending on tumor activity and release of cytokines (IL6, IL11), endothelin 1 or other growth factors that will be responsible for either osteolytic, osteoblastic or mixed Mets
  • For example: purely lytic bone Mets are noted in Lung, Thyroid, and Renal cell CA (very vascular)
  • Breast CA may present with 60% of blastic Mets
  • Prostate CA presents with 90% of blastic Mets
  • Other blastic Mets may derive from urinary bladder, melanoma and GI adenocarcinomas
  • Sclerotic foci may also represent as previously treated primaries
  • Very vascular� Mets like Renal cell and Thyroid may present with markedly� lytic and expansile foci often called “blow out Mets.”
  • Mets found distal to elbows and knees (acro-metastasis) are commonly associated with Lung CA


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • PA chest view of a routinely screened patient with a known Hx of Prostatic adenocarcinoma
  • Note sclerotic lesion identified in the left posterior Rib 5
  • What imaging modality is required next?
  • Radionuclide bone scan should be suggested


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Multiple foci of high uptake of the Tc99 radiopharmaceutical
  • This is due to Mets and increased osteoblastic activity in the thoracic and lumbar spine, ribs and other sites of the skeleton


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Comparison of purely lytic (a and b) versus blastic (d) and mixed (c) Mets
  • What primaries to consider?


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Frog leg view of the hip
  • Clinical Dx: Prostatic adenocarcinoma
  • Note diffuse blastic Mets in the proximal femur
  • Hx: severe shoulder and arm pain unrelieved by rest
  • Rad DDx: Mets, Myeloma or less frequently Lymphoma
  • This classic DDx is used by the majority of Radiologists when aggressive osteolytic bone lesions are noted
  • The patient had a known Hx of Breast CA


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • A 51-year-old female with Breast CA
  • Large lytic destructive lesion in the distal femoral metaphysis characteristic of aggressive osteolytic Mets


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Sudden onset of severe leg pain and inability to stand in a 53-year-old female with Breast CA
  • Dx: Pathological fracture through the distal femoral shaft
  • Pathological Mets fractures in the spine and extremities are dreaded by most Oncologists due to higher association with severe complications and poor clinical prognosis


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Radiographic Dx of vertebral Mets should be suspected if a “missing pedicle sign” aka “winking owl sign” is noted
  • DDx: pedicle agenesis (above left) shows hypertrophy and sclerosis of a contralateral pedicle d/t increased mechanical stress
  • Pedicle Mets are often thought of as the m/c initial site of spinal Mets


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


Vertebral Body Pathologic Fracture (VERTEBRA PLANA)

  • Isolated compression fracture at the T8 segment noted (above arrow)
  • The loss of the posterior and anterior height suggest an underlying pathologic condition for which the differential diagnosis includes:
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Metastatic Carcinoma
  • Other malignancy
  • Osteoporosis
  • Differentiating Pathological Fx of the vertebral body from an osteoporotic insufficiency Fx can be a significant challenge
  • Close inspection of the posterior body height is helpful but often not reliable
  • In metastasis, the posterior body is collapsed
  • In OSP, the posterior body may be maintained appearing more as anteriorly wedge fracture
  • MR imaging and/or radionuclide bone scan need to be performed


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • A skeletal radiographic survey may be used occasionally for the evaluation of bone Mets especially in well-established cases
  • It includes bilateral AP & lateral Thoracic and Lumbar views, AP pelvis, humeri, femurs, and the skull
  • Availability of special imaging has supplanted the use of skeletal radiographic survey
  • However, in a clinical practice skeletal radiographic study of Multiple Myeloma may still be used primarily if the diagnosis was previously established


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


Technetium-99 (99mTc) bone scintigraphy is very sensitive and cost-effective study:

  • For the detection/localization of Mets and often an assessment of their biologic activity and response to treatment
  • This modality is a well-established part of the workup for known as well as unknown primaries
  • It may also help with determination of lesions that will be most accessible and easy to biopsy


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • When the burden of Mets is significantly high as shown in the case above
  • The radiotracer uptake is being almost entirely taken in by metastatic lesions
  • No material is left for the kidneys to excrete
  • This is known as a “super scan”


spinal neoplasms diagnostic imaging el paso tx.


  • Sagittal Lumbar and Lower Thoracic MRI. Multiple metastasis are noted on T1 (above right) and T2 (above left)� WI as hypointense foci of marrow replacement of the vertebral bodies in a patient with Hx of Prostate CA
  • MR imaging protocol with T1, T2, and T1+C gad can be used in many cases if x-radiography is unrewarding or questionable
  • �MRI can reveal bone marrow changes due to bone marrow replacement by Mets and surrounding edema
  • Typically blastic Mets appear as abnormally decreased signal intensity (hypointense) lesions on T1 and T2 pulse sequences
  • Purely lytic Mets often appear as hypo-intense on T1 and hype-intense on T2
  • Increased gadolinium uptake may also be evident on T1+C fat suppressed sequence d/t increased vascularity of malignant foci especially in very aggressive vascular neoplasms

Spinal Neoplasms

3 Reasons Why Sitting On A Stability Ball Is Good For Your Spine

3 Reasons Why Sitting On A Stability Ball Is Good For Your Spine

The workstation is one of the most damaging places you can spend your day when it comes to your spine. Office chairs are not designed to promote good posture or spinal health while desks and computer monitors are notorious for being too low or too high. The result can cause pain in your neck and back, headaches, and a variety of other conditions.� A stability ball could be the answer.

However, if you have a job that requires you to sit at a desk for an extended period, what can you do? Are you stuck with an achy, stiff neck and back because your workstation doesn�t promote a healthy posture? You don�t have to suffer; you can work healthier and smarter. Using an exercise ball as your chair is a great way to combat the painful and even detrimental effects of the traditional desk and chair.

Stability Ball as an Office Chair

A stability ball, also known as a Swiss ball, exercise ball, or physioball, is a large, inflatable ball used for training. A stability ball helps to increase pillar strength, improve stability and have better balance. It is large, making it high enough that it can easily be used as a desk chair.

At least one company has combined the fitness benefits of a stability ball with some of the convenient features of an office chair (wheels, lumbar support, etc.). Gaiam Balance Ball Chairs are stability balls that are intended to be used as chairs. The ball needs to be inflated before use and may need to be reinflated from time to time. It also has a 300-pound weight capacity. It is a somewhat pricier alternative to the plain stability ball.

stability ball good for spine el paso tx.

How Sitting on a Stability Ball Benefits your Spine

There are at least three outstanding benefits you can enjoy by using a stability ball as your chair. Try it for just 30 days and see the difference for yourself. In that time you will see:

Your core muscles are toned. As you balance on the stability ball, it forces you to engage your core muscles including those in your low back, abdominal, and pelvic floor. It will keep your muscles engaged for extended periods of time but also encourage you to move for little extra core work. This, in turn, will help to keep your spine correctly aligned and stabilized.

Your back pain is relieved. Sitting on your stability ball improves your circulation, encouraging blood flow throughout your body. An office chair, on the other hand, does just the opposite. This is helpful in relieving pain. It keeps your spine aligned which also helps with any back pain you may experience. This is in part to the core strength you develop, but also because you are less likely to slouch or sit in a position that puts a strain on your back.

You have better posture.�A better-aligned spine naturally leads to better posture. Sitting on the ball works your core, strengthening those muscles so that your spine is supported, resulting in better posture. You will find that you sit up straighter and over time you will walk taller. Better posture is perfect for your spine, making it more flexible and stronger.

It should be noted that it isn�t healthy to sit in any position for too long. Stand up and move about every hour or so. While the stability ball causes you to change positions throughout the day, you also need full body movement, which includes standing, stretching and walking.

Chiropractic Care�Herniated Disc

How Chiropractic Treats Colic In Fussy Babies

How Chiropractic Treats Colic In Fussy Babies

Every new parent has experienced a fussy baby with colic � some more often than others. It is always the same, though, an inconsolable baby and frustrated, frazzled parents who only want to comfort their child but can�t. It hurts to know that your baby is uncomfortable, or worse, in pain, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Colic can leave parents feeling helpless. There is a treatment, though, that has given many parents hope and brought relief to their little ones. Chiropractic is an effective treatment for colic that is drug-free and gentle. Both infants and their parents reap the benefits because when a baby is happy, mom and dad are happy.

What is Colic?

Colic is a condition that occurs in healthy, well-fed infants, beginning when the baby is a few weeks old. By the time the baby is three months old, the condition usually improves, and by five months it is often no longer occurring. It is marked by inconsolable crying that meets three criteria regarding length:

  • More than three hours a day
  • Three days a week or more
  • For three weeks or longer

During these episodes, it seems as if there is nothing that can be done for the baby. The good news is, it is relatively short-lived, but while it is happening it can cause a great deal of distress to the baby and the parents.

Symptoms of Colic

All babies cry and even get fussy from time to time. That is just normal baby behavior; it does not necessarily point to colic as the culprit. When a baby that is well fed and otherwise healthy, symptoms of colic may include:

  • Episodes of crying that are often predictable. Colic usually occurs in the latter part of the day � late afternoon or evening � and at around the same time each day. So a baby with colic will usually get fussy at the same time and the period of distress can last a few minutes to several hours.
  • Baby is inconsolable with intense crying. The baby with colic will seem very distressed. The cry is very high pitched and no response to attempts to comfort. The baby�s face may become flushed, and near the end of the episode they may pass gas or have a bowel movement.
  • The crying does not seem to have a source or reason. Babies cry, all babies � but they are usually crying because they need something. They may cry because they are hungry, need a diaper change, or want to be held by mom or dad. A colicky baby will cry for no apparent reason.
  • There are Changes in posture. Several posture changes are relatively consistent with colic. The baby will often clench their fists, curl their legs, and tense the abdominal muscles.

Chiropractic for Colic

Childbirth is not easy, and it isn�t gentle. As the baby passes through the birth canal and emerges, it�s little body is stretched and compressed which can cause misalignment of the back and neck. If the labor was extensive, there was prolonged pushing, or if a device like forceps or vacuum extraction is used, the chances of misalignment are very likely. These misalignments can lead to difficulty nursing and even impede normal organ function. This can lead to digestive issues which may lead to colic.

Some parents may be uncomfortable at first when they consider getting chiropractic care for their infant, but it is safe and gentle. The popping and cracking that is associated with chiropractic is not a part of infant and child chiropractic. The doctor applies gentle pressure to areas on the neck and back, using his fingers. Many times the baby will completely relax during these adjustments.

Chiropractic for colic is very useful. Parents considering this type of treatment for their baby should look for a chiropractor who has experience providing treatment for babies. It can make a world of difference for a colicky, distressed baby.

colic baby chiropractic care el paso tx.

Pregnancy�Lower Back Pain Treatment

Why Water Is So Important to Obtaining a Healthy Spine

Why Water Is So Important to Obtaining a Healthy Spine

There is no denying that water is an integral part of good health. Dehydration can cause problems with skin, digestion, and organ function. It can cause leg and foot cramps and impair cognitive processes. Staying well hydrated is vital to overall wellness. Because water is part of every cell in the body, and when we don�t drink enough water, the body suffers.

Good spinal health begins with proper hydration. The spine is constructed in such a way that dehydration can cause limited mobility, decreased flexibility, and pain. It can make the backbone to age faster than it should which impacts the entire body. As the natural functions begin to break down the body suffers, and it isn�t long and depression and anxiety often set in. The spine depends heavily on hydration.

Overview of the Spine

The spine of made up of vertebrae, a row of bones that sit on top of each other, connected by small joints. A disc sits between each vertebra, cushioning it and acting as a shock absorber. It allows the spine to flex, bend, and move about without the bones rubbing together.

Each disc has a fluid center (nucleus pulposis) that is surrounded by a flexible, sturdy ring. The ring contains a gel-like substance while the center of the disc is comprised of water. The outer ring protects the center, and the center protects the vertebrae, acting as a cushion for the bones.

If the fluid center does not have adequate water, it cannot do its job, and the spine begins to experience problems. Aging makes it more difficult for the discs to rehydrate and a sedentary lifestyle also complicates the process. It just cannot work without proper hydration. A healthy spine starts with adequate hydration.


water healthy spine el paso tx.


The Benefits of Water for the Spine

From the time you get up in the morning, you are putting pressure on your spine and subsequently, the discs that lie between each vertebra. As you move the discs are compressed by the spine, and the water that is inside is squeezed out.

Even upright activities like standing, sitting, or walking can cause pressure on the discs as gravity causes compression in the spine. When the discs do not have enough water, it results in limited mobility, pain, and an increased risk of back injury.

If you don�t drink enough water, your body becomes dehydrated and is unable to replenish the water that the discs so desperately need. You may not even notice the typical signs of dehydration such as a headache and lethargy, but also lower levels of dehydration can cause severe problems in the body, especially if it is prolonged. Soda and similar beverages do not provide adequate water to the body.

How to Properly Hydrate the Body

Water is the best way to hydrate the body, but it isn�t the only way. Foods like watermelon, lettuce, spinach, and soups are excellent sources of hydration. H2O, of course, is the best way, but herbal teas are also good.

Drinks with caffeine are not as effective since the caffeine can have a diuretic effect. Traditionally, people have been told to drink eight glasses of water a day, and that is good advice. However, studies indicate that proper hydration can occur with an intake of just 30 to 50 ounces of water a day.

If you have constant or frequent back pain, the answer could be as close as your kitchen faucet. Dehydration could be the source of your back pain and immobility.

Water also affects the way the cerebrospinal fluid works and moves in the body. When the body is dehydrated, it doesn�t move as it should, and brain function, reflexes, and cognitive processing could be impacted. Don�t chance it. If your problems are caused by something as simple as not drinking enough water, that is something you can change today. Drink up! Your body will thank you.

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