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Chiropractic Care for Kids With Sensory Processing Disorder | El Paso, Tx.

Chiropractic Care for Kids With Sensory Processing Disorder | El Paso, Tx.

Imagine a world where clothing feels like sandpaper, light is excruciating, or sounds make you feel like your ears are going to bleed. That is what it�s like for someone with sensory processing disorder�or SPD.

Approximately 1 in 6 children have SPD (some reports say 1 in 20, but this appears to be based on earlier research). It is unclear how many adults are affected; it is typically seen in children with autism and ADHD. There is very little research on adults with these issues at this time.

There are not many treatments for SPD or ways for people with it to get relief. Cutting tags out of clothing and laundering it multiple times before wearing (so it is soft) can help with tactile issues. Precision tinted lenses can help with photophobia, and earplugs can help with auditory issues. However, chiropractic has been found to help.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

SPD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that occurs because the brain is unable to process and integrate common sensory information that is received from one or several of the five senses (taste, touch, smell, vision, sound) as well as two other senses, the proprioceptive system,�and vestibular systems. The proprioceptive system extends throughout the spine and joints. When there is a problem with this system, it can cause problems with motor skills, learning, behavior, and emotional and social development.

The vestibular system is located in the cerebellum (base of the brain), the cervical spine, and inner ear. It regulates all sensory information that the body takes in and of the sensory systems in the body, is the most important.

The result is an inability to tolerate certain types of stimulation including being touched, eating certain foods, and hearing certain noises. It can also affect other seemingly unrelated issues like sleep problems, uncoordinated or clumsy, balance issues, and difficulty writing or reading in cursive. This can make life very difficult because the individual essentially lives in a world that they were not built to tolerate. They may feel depressed, anxious, frustrated, or afraid as a result. Parents may feel helpless because they don�t know how to help their child cope in a world that often feels scary and painful.

sensory processing disorder chiropractic care, el paso tx.

How is SPD treated?

There are several ways that treatment for SPD is approached. One very effective treatment is chiropractic for SPD.

Another popular treatment for SPD is therapy. Children work with a specially trained, licensed therapist in a sensory gym. The goal is to help them better adapt to their environment.

Diet is an important aspect of SPD treatment, particularly gut health. A clean diet (no processed foods, all natural and organic) is a very good start. Some doctors recommend a gluten-free diet.

Whatever the case, it must be well balanced and provide the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for good health. Magnesium and Omega 3 fatty acid supplements may also be advised. This works very well with chiropractic as it also addresses the root of the problem.

How does Chiropractic Help Sensory Processing Disorder?

It is the primary role of the spine to protect and contain the fragile nervous system. The nervous system is what controls how we process our environment. Its function is to respond and adapt to internal and external environments.

Structural shifts caused by injury, habits, even a forceps birth can affect the alignment of the spine. This creates neurological stress that hinders the processing and flow of information. By bringing the spine into alignment, chiropractic can help ease the neural stress, improve neural processing, and facilitate better flow of information and neural firing. This, in turn, helps to alleviate the symptoms of sensory processing disorder.

Rehabilitation for Cerebral Palsy

The ProLon� “Fasting Mimicking Diet�”?  | El Paso, TX.

The ProLon� “Fasting Mimicking Diet�”? | El Paso, TX.

El Paso, Tx. Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez presents the “Fasting Mimicking Diet�” (FMD�) by ProLon�. He introduces how the plan works, what it includes, and the benefits.

This 5-day meal program provides nutrients in precise quantities and combinations that nourish the body, but the body does not recognize�it as food and mimics a fast. This diet is the secret to fasting!

Research has shown certain types of diets that can mimic fasting, which enables the body to experience the health effects of a fast safely.

Fast Mimicking diet, what does it mean?

A Fasting Mimicking and Enhancing� Diet (FMED�) is a high nutrition, low protein, low carbohydrate meal plan, that benefits aging, poor health, inflammation and maintaining optimal health.

fast mimicking diet el paso tx

What does plan consist of?

  • The ProLon� plan is followed 5-days each month.
  • Suggested you follow a healthy diet for remaining 25 days.
  • Provides natural, healthy ingredients to nourish body while body believes it’s fasting.
  • Meal is low in carbohydrates & proteins
  • Contains healthy fatty acids
  • Plant-based soups
  • Bars
  • Crackers
  • Olives
  • Drinks
  • Supplements

How Diet Is Taken?

  • The diet should be taken for 5 consecutive days
  • Patient transitions one day then resumes normal diet gradually.
  • Specific combination of food provided for each day: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks.
  • Missed meal can be made up any time same day.
  • Diet should be taken as recommended by healthcare professional.

After Completing the Diet?

  • 6th-day diet ends, patient should avoid binge eating and resume normal diet gradually.
  • Should start with liquid foods:
  • Soups and fruit juices
  • Followed by light meals:
  • Rice, pasta and small portions of meat, fish
fast mimicking diet el paso tx

Body Performance Enhancement:

  • Allows body to trigger set of protection measures
  • Greater focus
  • Clarity
  • Energy
  • Leaner body
  • Decrease excess body fat
  • Preserve lean muscle mass
  • Fastest way to lose fat (belly fat)
  • Enhances cellular function
  • Promote stem cell-based renewal (cleans up aging & damaged cells)
  • Metabolic health
  • Maintain healthy levels:
  • Blood glucose
  • Cholesterol
  • Blood pressure
  • Results in 5 days
fast mimicking diet el paso tx

Valter Longo, Ph.D.

fast mimicking diet el paso tx

Inventor: Fasting Mimicking Diet

Director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California and The Program on Longevity and Cancer at IFOM in Milan designed the FMD.

  • He is considered the global leader in nutrition and aging.
  • His research team took on the journey to uncover an intervention that slows/reverses biological aging and delays the onset of age-related diseases.
  • Because it is risky nowadays to fast on water only, doctor Longo developed a natural plant-based meal program that imitates fasting while still feeding the body.

The ProLon Fasting Mimicking Formulation is only healthcare technology to be granted a patent for promoting tissue/organ regeneration, Longevity, and Healthspan by the USPTO.

Measurements And Calculations In BIA | El Paso, TX.

Measurements And Calculations In BIA | El Paso, TX.

You’ve seen body-weight scales at stores, online, in gyms and at the doctor’s office that utilize bioimpedance analysis. These scales can be expensive and wondered what is bioimpedance analysis and is it worth the price?

Bioelectrical impedance analysis may sound complicated, however, BIA devices use today’s technology. It measures the rate at which low-level electrical current is run through the body. Based on the rate that it travels, algorithms are used to measure fat-free mass, along with other data, such as height, gender, and weight measurements to determine your body fat percentage.

  • There are different types of devices, but each device requires two points of contact.
  • Handheld devices use two points, which are the hands (called hand-hand BIA).
  • Typical BIA scale uses the feet (called foot-foot BIA).
  • You place each foot on a pad and the current travels through your body between the feet.
  • There are also hand-to-foot BIA devices.
measurements in bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.
  • There are many brands that make different types of BIA scales (also called bioimpedance scales)
  • Newer models link with a smartphone app so you can track your progress.
  • Prices of a BIA scale depend on the sophistication of the equipment.
  • Some scales use multiple frequencies and more advanced algorithms, as well.
  • Some provide segmental fat analysis, which means, you can get body fat measurements for each arm, leg, and belly.
  • There are reports that segmental fat analysis (utilizing hand-foot BIA) are more accurate because hand-hand devices focus on measuring the upper body.
  • Foot-foot scales primarily measure the lower body.
  • These devices are considered safe for most people. Except:
  • Bioelectrical impedance analysis should not be used by anyone with an electronic medical implant, (e.g. heart pacemaker).
  • Not e used by pregnant women.
  • Studies have shown that bioelectrical impedance analysis is an accurate method for measuring body fat.
  • But these studies generally do not test the scales from the store.
  • Experts agree the accuracy of the measurement depends on the quality of the equipment.


measurements in bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.

(R) Resistance

  • Resistance and reactance are terms from physics, which are part of the field of materials and the effects on electricity. In reality, resistance and reactance are easy to understand.
  • Resistance is the ratio of electrical potential (voltage) to the current in a material. Put simply, a material with high resistance needs a high potential to generate a given amount of current in the material. A material with low resistance requires a low potential to produce the same amount of current in the material.
  • The easiest way to remember is:
  • Material with low resistance conducts well.
  • Material with high resistance conducts poorly.
  • When material conducts, it releases energy in the form of heat.
  • The resistance of a material is related to the material�s ability to dissipate energy.
  • Units of resistance are called ohms.
  • In the human body
  • Low resistance is associated with large amounts of fat-free mass.
  • High resistance is associated with smaller amounts of fat-free mass.
measurements in bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.

The Case

  • Primary conductor in the human body is ionized water.
  • As the percentage of body weight that is water increases, the conductivity of the body increases.
  • Body water is contained solely in fat-free mass
  • Conductivity of body is proportional to amount of fat-free mass.

Resistance is Measured by

  • A small current is applied through the body.
  • The potential required to generate the current is measured.
  • The ratio of potential and current along with a process called correlation and integration are used to determine the resistance and reactance. NOTE: This alternating current resistance is not the same resistance that can be measured by a standard store ohmmeter.

(X) Reactance

  • Reactance: the effect on an electrical current caused by a material’s ability to store energy.
  • A time delay between applied electrical potential and current.
  • Material that stores energy easily causes high reactance, and causes a large delay in the current.
  • Material that stores energy poorly has low reactance and causes a small delay in the current.
  • Example: Water poured onto top of a sponge will flow out of the bottom after a delay.
  • Large sponge will cause a large delay in the flow of water out the bottom
  • Small sponge would cause a small delay.
  • Current flows in material the same way.
  • The delay flow of current from storage is the reactance.
  • Units of reactance are ohms.
  • In the human body:
  • High reactance: large amounts of body cell mass (intracellular mass).
  • Low reactance: small amounts of body cell mass.
measurements in bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.

The Case

  • Cell membranes consist of a layer of nonconductive lipophilic material interposed between two layers of conductive molecules.
  • Behave like tiny capacitors and store energy.
  • Reactance in the body reflects the strength of capacitance.
  • Intact cellular membranes contained primarily within body cell mass
  • Reactance of the body is proportional to the amount of body cell mass

Reactance is Measured�by

  • Small current is applied through the body.
  • The potential required to generate the current is measured.
  • Ratio�of potential and current along with process correlation and integration used to determine the reactance.

(Z) Impedance

  • Total impedance (Z): The vector sum of effects of resistance and reactance on a current in the human body.
  • Technically, impedance is the ratio of potential (V) to current (I) and is used in bioimpedance analysis.
measurements in bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.

How R, X, & Z Relate

Mathematical relationship between Resistance (R), Reactance (X), and Impedance (Z) are: Z = sqrt (X2+R2) X = Z * sin (?) R = Z * cos (?) phase angle = arcsin (X/Z) phase angle = arctan (X/R)


measurements in bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.

(?) Phase Angle

  • Phase angle is indicator of cellular health and integrity.
  • Research has shown the relationship between phase angle and cellular health is increasing and nearly linear.
  • Low phase angle: Consistent with inability of cells to store energy and
  • Indication of a breakdown in cellular membranes.
  • High phase angle: Consistent with large quantities of intact cell membranes and body cell mass.
measurements in bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.
  • Phase angle reflects the ratio of body cell mass to fat-free mass.
  • Phase angle is proportional to the ratio of reactance and resistance (proportional body cell mass to fat-free mass.)
measurements in bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.

Phase Angle Increase

  • Increase in body cell mass relative to fat-free mass.
  • Increase in fat-free mass relative to body weight.
  • Improved hydration of fat-free mass

Phase Angle: Useful For Comparing

  • Reactance along with the patient’s weight indicates an absolute amount of body cell mass (BCM).
  • Reactance is best applied when comparing test results in a single patient at different times.
  • Two patients with exact reactance (X) can have different amounts of BCM, depends on patient’s weight.
  • Any patient with a higher phase angle will always have a higher proportion of BCM than patient with low phase angle.
  • Phase angle indicates number of intact cell membranes.
  • Phase angle does not include statistical regression analysis effect.
  • Phase angle is direct measurement of relative amounts of intact cellular membranes.

Phase Angle Works How?

  • A bioimpedance analyzer applies 50-kilohertz alternating current to the body.
  • Phase angle is delay in time between the electric potential and current.
  • Oscilloscope connected to the body appears as delay between the voltage waveform and current waveform.
  • The period of each wave at 50 kilohertz is 20 microseconds. If, for example, the time delay is ten percent of the
  • period, then the time delay is 2 microseconds.
  • When expressed in units of time, it is said that the phase delay is 2 microseconds.
  • Time delay can be seen as percentage of entire wave period in degrees.
  • Complete wave period consists of 360 degrees. If time delay is one-tenth the total period of the wave, it is equivalent to 36 degrees.
  • When time delay is expressed this way (in degrees of total wave period),
  • This is the phase angle.
measurements in bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.
  • When electrical potential and current are depicted sweeping around a circle
  • Instead of moving over time
  • The relationship between reactance, resistance, and phase angle is easier to see.
  • Shown below
measurements in bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.
  • Range of phase angle in the human body is 1 to 20 degrees.
  • Phase angle is the arctangent of (X/R)


  • Kyle UG, et al. Fat-Free and Fat Mass Percentiles in 5225 Healthy Subjects Aged 15 to 98 Years. Nutrition, 17:534-541, 2000.
  • Mattar J, et al. Application of total body bioimpedance to the critically ill patient. New Horizons 1995, Volume 4, No, 4: 493-503.
  • Ott M, et al. Bioelectrical impedance analysis as a predictor of survival in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Human Retrovirology 1995: 9:20-25.
With Chiropractic You Can Really Live Pain-Free | El Paso, Tx.

With Chiropractic You Can Really Live Pain-Free | El Paso, Tx.

There are plenty of people who say that chiropractic made a significant difference in their lives, relieving pain and increasing mobility. Still, some skeptics want scientific proof that it helps with managing pain and, in many cases, eliminating it altogether. While chiropractic patient testimonies are great, included here is a collection of cold, hard, facts � scientific studies on chiropractic care and its effectiveness in treating pain.

A Systematic review of evaluations of chiropractic care for pain management.

This review, published in August 2016, examined six randomized controlled trials and three full economic evaluations to determine the effectiveness of chiropractic care as compared to exercise therapy, physical therapy, and medical care. Chiropractic care was found to be comparable to or better than all three of these, particularly when managing pain.

They found �moderate evidence� that showed chiropractic care helps just as much as, physical therapy. The evidence in the other areas was limited, but still gave chiropractic high marks.

Spinal manipulation for treating low back pain is as effective as more traditional treatments.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health studied several clinical trials and reviews regarding chiropractic care. Time and again, chiropractic was found to be at least as effective as other pain-reducing interventions.

Chiropractic patients can have more days of being pain-free while avoiding surgery, invasive medical procedures, and medications that have harmful side effects. In one study, they found that chiropractic care is as effective as or better than more conventional medical care for as many as 18 months.

chiropractic care can help you live pain free el paso tx.

Chiropractic patients are less likely to use prescription pain-killers like opioids.

James �Jim� Whedon, DC, MS, is a researcher at the Southern California University of Health Sciences�and is co-chair of the Research Working Group of the Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health. He examined the records of 33,000 adults in the New Hampshire All-Payer Claims Database who registered as experiencing lower back pain. A little more than a third of those received chiropractic care. Of that group, only 38 percent had one or more prescriptions for an opioid, but that number jumped to 61 percent in the group who did not receive chiropractic care.

Upon examination of the related circumstances, Whedon concluded that the chiropractic patients were 57 percent less likely to fill an opioid prescription. This is a testament to the effectiveness of using chiropractic for pain relief.

Overwhelming research shows that chiropractic care is usually the best option when treating pain.

The American Chiropractic Association summarizes a number of studies and research findings that support the use of chiropractic care for pain. These studies recommended chiropractic as a safer, effective alternative to pharmaceuticals.

Others advocate incorporating chiropractic care with physical therapy and exercise for optimal results. One study (Goertz et al. (2013), Spine) asserts that using chiropractic manipulative therapy along with standard medical care provides a �significant advantage for decreasing pain and improving physical function…� Others show that it reduced the chances of the patient having to undergo surgery and could manage their pain without drugs.

The evidence is overwhelming. Yes, regular chiropractic care can really help a person to live pain-free. It also helps to follow the chiropractor�s recommendations regarding lifestyle changes and diet as well as taking any supplements that he or she advises.

While spinal manipulation is a big part of chiropractic care, it isn�t the only part. The chiropractor may recommend special stretches to do in between sessions or special supplements that can help the body to heal. That is what makes chiropractic so effective; it treats the entire body, not just the symptoms.

Effective Chiropractic Therapy | El Paso, Tx

Senior Citizens Benefit Significantly With Chiropractic Care

Senior Citizens Benefit Significantly With Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a safe, natural treatment for people of all ages, and senior citizens can benefit from it. It is far more preferable than many other options, including pharmaceuticals with unpleasant and even harmful side effects and surgery. Several studies have also shown that regular chiropractic treatment benefits geriatric patients and can help keep them out of long-term care facilities and nursing homes. In short, seniors who get chiropractic regularly are healthier and enjoy these great benefits.

Reduced Risk of Degeneration of the Joints (Including the Spine)

When the spine is not aligned, it can cause wear and friction on the joints, resulting in damage. Regular spinal alignment keeps the spine in the correct position so that the body is balanced. It reduces the risk of spinal degeneration and certain types of arthritis by decreasing the amount of stress on the spine and bringing it into a more normal, natural alignment.

Improved Range of Motion

As a person gets older, their range of motion decreases. This is especially true of sedentary people or those who have sustained an injury that kept them confined to a bed or wheelchair for a long time.

Helping improve a person’s range of motion is one of the best benefits of chiropractic. While there are certain levels and each person has a goal for how much range of motion they want, a chiropractor can help them get as close to those goals as possible.

Better Coordination and Balance

Most of the coordination and balance problems seniors experience come from degenerative changes or injuries that affect the cervical spine. The backside of the cervical spine joints houses mechanoreceptors responsible for providing the brain with vital information that regulates coordination and balance. When that area is compromised, their function is hindered. By stimulating the mechanoreceptors, a chiropractor can help restore or improve the condition.

senior citizen and chiropractic care el paso, tx.

Decreased Risk of Falls

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the United States, some older adult falls every second of every day. Among Americans aged 65 and older, there are 850,000 bone fractures each year, and falls are the cause of 90% of them. A chiropractor can stimulate the mechanoreceptors which reside in the cervical spine, normalizing them and helping to restore the patient’s balance and coordination.

Stronger Immune System and Better Health

When the spine is properly aligned, the body is better able to function as it should. This includes the digestive system, respiratory system, and even the heart. Neural impulses can be transmitted and received more efficiently and effectively.

This strengthens the immune system making the patient less susceptible to illness and disease. Regular care can provide better health and wellness while improving the patient’s quality of life.

More Effective Pain Management

Chiropractic has been proven time and again to be one of the safest, most effective methods for treating pain, particularly those that involve the spine. Chiropractic helps correct the problem that is causing the pain and helps heal the soft tissue structures around the area. Where pain medicine, muscle relaxants, and anti-inflammatory medication are little more than band-aids that treat the symptoms while ignoring the cause, chiropractic gets to the root of the problem and begins treatment there.

In addition to spinal adjustments, the chiropractor will typically recommend stretching and special exercises, lifestyle changes, and diet modifications. Elderly patients benefit from the whole body, holistic approach to health care at the heart of chiropractic. The result is better health and a better quality of life.

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Functional Medicine Part 4: Men’s Hormones

Functional Medicine Part 4: Men’s Hormones

Functional Medicine Doctor Explains Men’s Hormones

Hello there, it�s Dr. Alex Jimenez again and welcome to part four of �Taking Control of your Healthcare�. Today, we�re going to discuss hormones. Hormones regulate most of the human body�s systems as they are recognized as the messenger molecules of the endocrine system. Hormone imbalances can cause subtle changes, however, their effects can tremendously impact an individual�s overall health and wellness. And what�s worse, most healthcare professionals don�t treat hormonal imbalances unless they�ve already been considered extreme.

The sex hormones, the thyroid hormones, and the adrenal hormones are the most important hormones we have to keep in balance. There�s a variety of other hormones, of course, but health issues associated with those are often more rare. Many doctors generally won�t test a person for hormone imbalances unless they�ve been trying to conceive a baby or they have sexual dysfunction or any other health issue of this type. And frequently, many doctors miss other problems by performing a screening test rather than a complete test.

What are Hormones?

Hormones are essential towards mental health, gut health, and reproductive health. In functional medicine, we even believe that hormones are vital towards maintaining a healthy immune system. Even if you�re not trying to conceive a baby or if you don�t have sexual dysfunction, it�s important for both men and women to known what their hormone levels look like.

Now, let�s discuss hormonal imbalances in sex hormones. First of all, How does a hormone imbalance manifest itself? Do you experience mood swings and fluctuations in your energy levels? Or if you�re a female, do you experience symptoms of PMS? Or perhaps you need coffee to wake up in the morning and wine to sleep at night? Has your sex drive, or libido, decreased? Do you have brain fog? Or is it difficult for you to focus on tasks?

If you�ve experienced any of these symptoms, you might have a hormonal imbalance in your sex hormones. Hormones are small molecules in charge of transmitting signals from one body system to another. But, if these molecules aren�t functioning accordingly, our energy levels and our mood can be tremendously affected. If you feel that something is off within your own body, talk to your doctor and seek proper testing. Don�t simply guess.

Let�s begin by discussing how you test your hormones. In functional medicine, we can test through saliva, blood, urine, and even stool. But, which is best for testing hormones? The truth is, knowing how and when to test your hormones is important because testing can depend on the marker that you want to look at. By way of instance, blood testing is one of the best and most affordable if you�re simply looking for a preliminary screening. A functional medicine doctor can also determine when a urine test will be more helpful than a blood test or a saliva test.

Taking Control of Men’s Hormones

So, now that you know how to test your hormones, we�ll discuss the different health issues caused by hormonal imbalances in the sex hormones of both men and women. First, let�s talk about men. As for the women, this is still an essential topic for you to learn about because the men in your lives are much less likely to schedule a doctor�s appointment for themselves.

Approximately 39 percent of men over the age of 45 have low levels of testosterone, or what�s known as low T. Elevated insulin levels associated with diabetes and obesity can lower your testosterone levels, which in turn, can increase estrogen levels. When testosterone goes down, your sex drive, or libido, and other functions can be tremendously affected. Excess consumption of sugar and starch can have different impacts for both men and women. Additionally, the utilization of certain drugs and/or medications, lack of exercise and physical activity, as well as inflammation, can also contribute to lower testosterone levels. While the majority of doctors won�t test testosterone levels in a man unless they have sexual dysfunction, I always want to make sure to test the sex hormones if a man has belly fat.

I would also like to discuss the serious side effects of a drug/medication which is commonly prescribed for sexual dysfunction. Statins can help lower cholesterol, however, did you know that your testosterone is made from cholesterol? That�s right. And when you start taking a drug/medication which was designed to decrease your cholesterol, you may also potentially be decreasing your sex hormones. It�s well-known that statins can decrease testosterone, leading to sexual dysfunction and even sometimes causing men to grow breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia. Side effects like these occur when we don�t treat the source of a health issue.

What you eat, including mainly sugar and starch, can be associated with your low testosterone levels and your abnormal cholesterol levels. Treatments like these where you take a drug for one thing but then end up taking another medication for the side effects of the fist medicine is unfortunately something that happens a lot in the medical field, and it can be a real nightmare.

Male testosterone levels are decreasing so much with each generation that normal reference ranges for testosterone levels in males are changing. But, that�s not something we want to happen. We don�t want these abnormal changes to become normal. Therefore, shouldn�t we be trying to find out why the overall health and wellness of our population is decreasing at such an alarming rate rather than lowering our normal standards of well-being?

Before we do that, however, we first have to understand why this problem is happening. From our increased exposure to toxins and our elevated levels of stress to our higher consumption of processed foods, these are only several of the more obvious reasons why our hormones are being affected.

In conventional medicine, the reference ranges for testosterone are between 264 and 916.

When you think about it, however, this is a tremendous range. Does a man with a testosterone level of 265 have the same sexual function as a man with a testosterone level of 916? Most definitely not. Yet these two people are classified under the same category. And with that in mind, what are the optimal reference ranges for testosterone? Men under the age of 30 should have a testosterone level of over 700, and men over the age of 30 should have a testosterone level of at least 500.

Evaluating men�s total testosterone levels is essential but we also need to evaluate their active hormone levels, or their free testosterone levels. Testosterone is carried around on what is known as a sex hormone binding globulin, which then releases it as the human body needs it. This carrier protein is found in the blood and when there�s too much of it, it becomes difficult for the human body to release testosterone when it�s needed.

In men, free testosterone levels should be of at least 10 but, they should optimally be closer to 15 or 20. Additionally, your doctor should check the sex hormone binding globulin or SHBG. As we discussed before, this carrier protein for testosterone and other hormones, can decrease your free testosterone levels. If you don�t check your SHBG, your total testosterone levels might be normal but your free testosterone levels might be too low.

By way of instance, SHBG is similar to a bus filled with many workers. In this case, the workers are testosterone. When we have too many buses, the majority of the workers will stay on the bus while only a few will be out doing their job. A man can have a total testosterone level of 700, however, if they have a free testosterone level of only 5, they�re bound to still feel like they have a total testosterone level of 300.

In summary, we want to make sure that our total testosterone level is over 500 or better, over 600 and we also want to make sure that our free testosterone level is between 15 and 20.

Another hormone you might want to make sure you get tested for is known as dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA. DHEA is a precursor hormone for testosterone. It�s also an adrenal hormone, however, we will discuss this later in another article. If an individual�s DHEA is too low, it can indicate that the adrenal glands, which are in charge of the human body�s stress response, may not be functioning appropriately. DHEA levels should be between two to 400.

DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone, can be supplemented directly. Many doctors and functional medicine practitioners may also implement stress-relieving methods and techniques into your life, such as mindfulness meditation and yoga, to treat the source of the health issue. Herbal supplements can also help regulate DHEA as well as testosterone levels.

Now, we will discuss a fundamental hormone that is generally only considered to be important in female health, however, this hormone also plays an essential role in men; estrogen. Estrogen helps maintain a healthy sex function as it promotes your libido. It is also protective for the brain. In men�s health, estrogen is often demonized because it can cause health issues like breast development if estrogen levels are too high in men. But, normal estrogen levels are fundamental towards maintaining hormone balance as well as mental health.

Estrogen can increase in men with diabetes and obesity. Elevated insulin exchanges more testosterone into estrogen which may cause additional symptoms like fatigue. This can also create more problems alongside sexual dysfunction, including hair loss. So, if you have less than optimal testosterone levels, you should seek help from a doctor or functional medicine practitioner to find out why. And looking at your estrogen levels is a great place to start.

There are two types of estrogen tests which can help demonstrate your estradiol and estrone levels. These are important markers to look at because one can be elevated while the other can be in the normal range. The brain is the other place you can look at to determine your estrogen levels. Your brain produces hormones which can stimulate sex hormones, such as the follicle stimulating hormone, or FSH, and the luteinizing hormone, or LH, which helps produce testosterone and sperm within the testicles. If your LH is low, then your low testosterone levels may be caused by a brain health issue. However, it�s much more likely that sugar and starch consumption may be causing hormonal imbalances in your sex hormones.

Approximately 70 percent of the testosterone deficiencies in the United States are associated with insulin resistance due to diabetes and obesity. So, if your diet is filled with sugar and starch or if you have belly fat, you may already have decreased testosterone levels.

Dr Jimenez White Coat

Hormones are secreted directly into the blood stream in order to control a variety of bodily functions. These can affect growth and development, mood, sexual function, reproduction, and metabolism. As a fundamental part of the endocrine system, hormone imbalances can have a tremendous effect on our overall health and wellness. Men’s hormones, by way of instance, can significantly impact a man’s quality of life. Research studies have demonstrated that decreased testosterone in men can cause a variety of health issues. Evaluating sex hormones in both men and women is essential towards overall health and wellness. Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight

Understanding Men’s Hormones

While we keep discussing the importance of lab tests, we also need to keep asking ourselves why these health issues are happening in the first place. The answers trace back to the basics of health and wellness. What are you eating? Do you participate in exercise or physical activities? Do you sleep properly? Do you have stress? What are your nutrient levels? Of course, several of these answers require more evaluations. That�s why I highly recommend you find a functional medicine doctor who can help get you on the right path towards optimal health and wellness. Most of the time, basic lifestyle modifications including diet, exercise, stress management, sleep and supplements can help. Other times you may need hormone replacement therapy.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal health issues as well as functional medicine topics and discussions. To further discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Additional Topic Discussion:�Acute Back Pain

Back pain�is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as�herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.

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Bioimpedance Analysis And Its Principles | El Paso, Tx.

Bioimpedance Analysis And Its Principles | El Paso, Tx.

Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA) is defined as the analysis of resistance and reactance in the human body.

  • Energy dissipation is called resistance (R).
  • Energy storage is called reactance (X).
  • Units of resistance and reactance are called ohms.
  • Resistance and reactance taken together create impedance (Z).
  • Fat-free mass in the human body is proportional to its resistance.
  • Body cell mass is proportional to its reactance.
  • A bioimpedance analyzer is a device that contains a highly precise frequency meter, a processor, and a printer. The meter is called an impedance meter. It measures resistance and reactance.
  • The microprocessor computes the size of the fat-free mass and body cell mass along with all subsequent calculations.
  • A bioimpedance analyzer measures resistance and reactance, computes fat-free mass, body cell mass, total body water, and intracellular water.
  • To measure resistance and reactance, the bioimpedance analyzer generates a small electrical current to the body.


  • Bioimpedance analysis is an assessment of change in electrical tissue conductivity, which indicates altered body composition.
  • The following electrical characteristics are measured and used to evaluate body composition.
  • Impedance (Z)
  • Impedance is a measurement of a medium to conduct current. It is a ratio of voltage injected current in a conductive medium and has two components: resistance and reactance.
  • Resistance (R)
  • Resistance is the component of impedance related to the dissipation of energy.
  • Reactance (X)
  • Reactance is the component of impedance related to the storage of energy.
  • Phase Angle (?)
  • Phase angle is a time delay between stimulating current and the voltage generated by an alternating current. The phase angle is expressed in degrees.
  • Electrical characteristics and their relation to each other?
  • The time relationship of voltage, current, and phase is shown below.
bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.

The Circuit

  • Water is the body’s conductor and determines the resistance.
  • Electrolytic fluid in fat-free mass consists of water and charged ions that conduct electrical current.
  • Extracellular fluid (water and ionized sodium Na+) provides a low-resistance pathway.
  • Intracellular fluid (water and ionized potassium K+) provides a low-resistance pathway.
  • Fat mass is non-conductive because there is no water.
  • Cell membranes within intracellular mass determine reactance.
  • The cell membranes consist of a layer of nonconductive, lipophilic material interposed between two layers of conductive molecules. They are tiny capacitors that store electrical charge.
bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.
  • Extracellular pathway (which is sodium ionized water) is represented by single resistance.
  • Intracellular pathway (potassium ionized water and cell membranes) is represented by resistance and reactance.
  • Total resistance is proportional to the amount of fat-free mass.
  • Reactance is proportional to body cell mass (intracellular mass).
  • The meter reports total resistance and total reactance to the microprocessor.
bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.

Equation for Regression

  • Bioimpedance analyzers use algorithms to compute amounts of fat-free mass, body cell mass, body water, and intracellular water.
  • What is the regression equation?
  • This equation is a mathematical formula that predicts the relationship between two or more variables based on the analysis of data.
  • For example, total body water�regression�equation
  • (TBW) = form:
  • TBW = a * Ht2 / R + b * Weight + c * Age + d
  • The terms are Ht2 / R, Weight, and Age.
  • The weighting constants are a, b, c, and d.
  • Resistance, height, weight, gender, and age are supplied for each subject. A computer then generates an algorithm which best describes the relationship between TBW, resistance, height, weight, gender, and age.
  • This is called Regression Analysis.
bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.

How do you use regression equations?

  • Once the bioimpedance analyzer measures the resistance and reactance, the results are sent to the microprocessor to perform the calculations. All the equations, (FFM, BCM, TBW, and ICW) are encoded into the analyzer’s software.
bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.


bioimpedance analysis el paso tx.
  • Fat-Free Mass
  • Fat-free mass is derived by applying a small alternating current to the body.
  • The resistance of the body is measured using the measured resistance (R), the analyzer estimates the fat-free mass.
  • Body Cell Mass
  • Body cell mass is derived by measuring both the resistance (R) and reactance (X) of the body. With this measurement, the analyzer estimates body cell mass.
  • Total Body Water
  • Using the measured resistance, the analyzer estimates total body water.
  • Intracellular Water
  • Using the measured resistance and reactance, the analyzer estimates intracellular water.