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Dried Fruit: A Healthy and Delicious Source of Fiber and Nutrients

Dried Fruit: A Healthy and Delicious Source of Fiber and Nutrients

Can knowing the serving size help lower sugar and calories for individuals who enjoy eating dried fruits?

Dried Fruit: A Healthy and Delicious Source of Fiber and Nutrients

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits, like cranberries, dates, raisins, and prunes, are great because they last a long time and are healthy sources of fiber, minerals, and vitamins. However, dried fruits contain more sugar and calories per serving because they lose volume when dehydrated, allowing more to be consumed. This is why the serving size matters to ensure one does not overeat.

Serving Size

Fruits are dried in dehydrators or left in the sun to dehydrate naturally. They are ready once most of the water has disappeared. The loss of water decreases their physical size, which allows individuals to eat more, increasing sugar and calorie intake. For example, around 30 grapes fit in a single measuring cup, but 250 raisins can fill one cup once dehydrated. Nutritional information for fresh and dried fruit.


  • Ten grapes have 34 calories and about 7.5 grams of sugar. (FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2018)
  • Thirty raisins have 47 calories and under 10 grams of sugar.
  • Grapes’ natural sugar content varies, so different types can be subject to nutritional value assessments.
  • Some fruits, like cranberries, can be very tart, so sugar or fruit juices are added during drying.

Ways to Use

Fresh fruit may be higher in certain vitamins, but mineral and fiber content are retained during drying. Dried fruits are versatile and can be made part of a healthy, balanced diet that can include:

Trail Mix

  • Mix dried fruits, nuts, and seeds.
  • Monitor portion size.


  • Lightly sweeten oatmeal with a small serving of dried fruits for a hearty and healthy breakfast.


  • Toss dark, leafy greens, fresh apple slices, dried cranberries or raisins, and cheeses.

Main Course

  • Use dried fruit as an ingredient in savory entrees.

Protein Bar Substitutes

  • Raisins, dried blueberries, apple chips, and dried apricots are convenient and last longer than fresh fruit, making them perfect when protein bars are unavailable.

At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, our areas of practice include Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain, Personal Injury, Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sports Injuries, Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Complex Injuries, Stress Management, Functional Medicine Treatments, and in-scope care protocols. We focus on what works for you to achieve improvement goals and create an improved body through research methods and total wellness programs.

Functional Medicine’s Influence Beyond Joints


FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2017). Raisins. Retrieved from

FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2018). Grapes, American type (slip skin), raw. Retrieved from

FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2018). Grapes, red or green (European type, such as Thompson seedles), raw. Retrieved from

How a Health Coach Can Help You Reach Your Goals

How a Health Coach Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Individuals striving to be healthy may not know where or how to start. Can hiring a health coach help individuals start their wellness journey and reach their goals?

How a Health Coach Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Hiring A Health Coach

It’s easy to get caught up in the desire to make changes, but it is another thing to actually set a consistent plan in motion. Hiring a health coach can help individuals understand the information, develop an effective wellness routine that suits their lifestyle, and achieve health and wellness goals. A primary healthcare provider could be a resource and have referrals to reputable health coaches in the area.

What Do They Do?

Health coaches are experts in helping individuals reach health and wellness goals. This can be:

  • Reducing stress
  • Improving self-care
  • Focusing on nutrition
  • Starting exercise
  • Improving quality of life

A health coach helps create a plan and makes it happen.

  • Health and wellness coaches use motivational interviewing and evidence-based approaches to empower individuals in their wellness journey. (Adam I Perlman, Abd Moain Abu Dabrh. 2020)
  • They help identify areas that need improvement, develop a plan, and encourage the individual all the way like a personal fitness trainer.
  • Health coaches work with physicians and/or other health professionals in a clinical setting or as individual providers.
  • Their role is to provide a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Services Provided

Health coaches can provide and assist with: (Shivaun Conn, Sharon Curtain 2019)

  • Diet and nutrition
  • Exercise, movement
  • Sleep
  • Mental and emotional health
  • Occupational wellness
  • Relationship building
  • Social skills building

A health coach is someone who helps organize and balance various aspects of an individual’s life so they can learn to maintain optimal health.

  • They will help overcome barriers when struggling.
  • A health coach listens and provides support for whatever an individual’s goals may be.
  • A health coach is there until the goal is reached.


It is important to ensure the providers being considered have the necessary qualifications. Because some certification programs offer a focus on specific areas like nutrition, it’s recommended to identify what is needed before choosing a health coach. Health coaches do not need a university degree, however, many certifications are affiliated with colleges and have educational partnerships that qualify coursework and award college credits. Training to become a health coach consists of: (Shivaun Conn, Sharon Curtain 2019)

  • Health
  • Fitness
  • Goal setting
  • Coaching concepts
  • Nutritional concepts
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Stress management
  • Changing behaviors

Health Goal Examples

Health coaching is not a one-size-fits-all approach. A primary healthcare provider or physician provides a diagnosis and medical plan, and a health coach helps guide and support the individual through the plan. However, hiring a health coach does not require a medical condition to employ services. A few examples of health goals that health coaches address include:

  • Improving quality of life
  • Reducing stress and management
  • Lifestyle habits
  • Weight loss
  • Exercise
  • Physical activity
  • Emotional and psychological health
  • Quitting smoking

Finding a Health Coach

A few things to consider.

Health Goals

  • Determine goals and expectations.
  • There are many types of health coaches and some may specialize, therefore try to determine the expertise needed to achieve the goals.


  • Determine how much money will be invested, as many insurance providers do not cover the cost of a health coach.
  • Health coaches may charge between $50 to $300 per session.
  • Some will offer packages, memberships, and/or discounts.


  • Look into their certification.
  • Is it accredited?
  • This will ensure choosing a coach who has received the training and expertise needed to provide quality care.


  • Consult with potential coaches.
  • Ask questions and see if they are compatible with specific health goals.
  • Interview as many as needed.


  • Virtual sessions, in-person meetings, and/or a combination?
  • How long are the sessions?
  • Frequency of meetings?
  • Finding a coach that is flexible and convenient will help maintain a healthy coach/client relationship.

Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Treatment


Perlman, A. I., & Abu Dabrh, A. M. (2020). Health and Wellness Coaching in Serving the Needs of Today’s Patients: A Primer for Healthcare Professionals. Global advances in health and medicine, 9, 2164956120959274.

Conn, S., & Curtain, S. (2019). Health coaching as a lifestyle medicine process in primary care. Australian journal of general practice, 48(10), 677–680.

Losing Weight To Alleviate Back Pain

Losing Weight To Alleviate Back Pain

Losing weight can be one of the hardest things to do. It is also one of the best things anyone can do to get rid of back pain and optimize overall health. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight impacts the whole body, especially the spine. It is prevalent for individuals who are overweight to experience back pain. This comes from the added weight that the feet, legs, pelvis, and spine have to support. For many, once the weight comes off, the back pain reduces significantly and/or disappears completely. For those embarking on a weight loss journey,  our:

  • Chiropractic team
  • Physical therapists
  • Health coach
  • Nutritionist
  • Can provide resources to plan, encourage, and assist in reaching health goals.

Losing Weight To Alleviate Back Pain

Overweight, Obesity and Back Pain

Spine pain is one of the top reasons individuals see a doctor. The need to lose weight is based on body mass index/BMI. BMI can be an indicator that an individual’s weight might not be in a healthy range. BMI ranges:

  • Normal weight – Body Mass Index of less than 25
  • Overweight – Body Mass Index of 25 to 30
  • Obese – Body Mass Index of 31 to 35
  • Extremely obese – Body Mass Index of 36 or higher

If unsure about how to get an accurate BMI measurement, talk to our team about InBody Testing.

Added Weight Places Pressure On the Spine

Added bodyweight places added strain on the low back. Studies have linked obesity with degenerative disc problems. Combined with the physical impact the added weight has on the spine and overall health, it can also affect spine surgery outcomes. Studies have shown that some overweight/obese individuals have an increased risk for surgery-related complications like:

  • Infection
  • Issues recovering from anesthesia
  • Overall recovery struggles

The good news is that individuals do not have to lose a significant amount of weight to see and feel the benefits. Losing 15% of excess weight will improve chronic back pain.


Successful weight loss is the ability to maintain the loss. It needs to be something that can be committed to and brought into an individual’s lifestyle. Trying to go hard with an extreme diet or intense exercise program is not recommended. This is like not having any long-distance running knowledge along with training but entering a 12345K race. An individual will collapse after a few blocks. And sustained weight loss is just that, a long-distance journey that requires:

  • Getting educated about what is going on with the body
  • Understanding how foods affect/impact the body
  • Understanding the body’s unique needs to lose weight
  • Developing a personal health goal plan
  • Following through

Lifestyle factors contribute to healthy body weight. Being able to embed healthy habits into one’s life is the objective. Although it can sound easy to do, it can be a challenging process. With professional help, individuals can:

  • Maintain a nutritious and balanced diet
  • Have an active lifestyle
  • Maintain healthy sleep habits
  • Keep stress under control

Discussing a weight loss plan is very important. A professional health coach, nutritionist, and chiropractor will develop the right program that considers an individual’s specific health status.

Overall Health

Achieving a healthy weight will reduce to relieve back pain completely and significantly improve quality of life. Weight management is challenging, but once the benefits are seen and felt, it becomes second nature.

Body Composition

Healthy Kidneys

The kidneys pump more than 400 gallons of recycled blood through the body every day. These organs work nonstop to filter blood and remove waste. If the kidneys become impaired, the body can become overloaded with waste. Unhealthy lifestyle choices can harm/damage the kidneys. Kidney disease progresses slowly over the years. Individuals can lose 90 percent of kidney function before symptoms become serious. Chronic kidney disease is not reversible. However, with lifestyle adjustments, an individual can lower their risk of developing kidney-related diseases.

Proper Hydration

Drink plenty of water to clear sodium, urea, and toxins from the body and prevents kidney stones. Try to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Every individual’s body water levels are different. A body composition test can determine what is normal for the individual.

Maintain healthy diet

Poor diet contributes to visceral fat gain. This has been linked to chronic kidney disease. Reduce visceral fat by eating a healthy diet of vegetables, fruit, and lean protein. Cut down on salty, processed foods. Body composition testing can help form an individualized diet plan to reduce visceral fat.

 Supplements, antibiotics, and OTC medications

Overuse of common over-the-counter medications and supplements can cause kidney damage and disease. Consult with a doctor before taking medications and supplements if there is kidney function impairment.

Maintain fitness and physical activity

Cardio and strength training exercises are recommended. High blood sugar levels stress the kidneys. Building adequate muscle mass will help control blood sugar. A body composition test can make sure there are adequate amounts of muscle mass.


Liuke M, Solovieva S, Lamminen A, Luoma K, et al. Disc degeneration of the lumbar spine in relation to overweight. Int J Obes (Lond). 2005;29(8):903-908.

Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Fryar CD, Flegal KM. Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults and Youth: the United States, 2011–2014. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National Center for Health Page last updated: October 28, 2015. Accessed July 10, 2017

Samartzis D, Karppinen J, Chan D, Luk KD, et al. The association of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration on magnetic resonance imaging with body mass index in overweight and obese adults: A population-based study. Arthritis & Rheumatology. 2012;64(5):1488-1496.

What Every Chiropractic Patient Ought To Know About Losing Weight

What Every Chiropractic Patient Ought To Know About Losing Weight

A large portion of the patients that seek out chiropractic care are suffering from some form of back pain. While chiropractic adjustments and associated therapies can do a lot to ease back pain symptoms and aid in healing, lifestyle changes are also quite important �, particularly weight loss. Excess weight puts increased pressure on the spine, especially the lower back. The more chiropractic patients can near their ideal weight, the easier it becomes to treat and often eliminate the back pain.

The Importance Of Weight Loss

Research shows that obesity makes back pain highly probable.

Research has shown that excess weight and obesity do increase the risk of suffering from low back pain. A meta-analysis of the research on obesity and low back pain found that overweight and obese individuals were most likely to seek care for low back pain, including chronic back pain.

The components of the spine can wear down.

The spine is strong, but it is also delicate. The vertebrae are linked and supported by soft tissues, like discs, ligaments, and tendons.

These soft tissues make it possible to move, flex, twist and turn in a variety of ways, allowing your body to be quite mobile. But these soft tissues are prone to wear and tear.

Even a healthy body will experience wear and tear as it ages. When you add extra weight, though, you increase the wear and tear � and become more susceptible to injuries.

Extra body weight increases damage.

If you have ever carried an object for an extended period of time, like a bag of groceries up and down stairs or a jug of liquid across a parking lot, you know how it can wear you down. While you may feel fine at first, the longer you go, the more tired you become.

Extra body weight is something you carry around with you everywhere you go.

  • Across the parking lot.
  • Up the stairs.
  • Even sitting in a chair.

The structural components of your body, including your joints and the muscles that support them, are constantly forced to handle the extra pressure.

All the extra pressure transfers force through your joints, including your spine. Over time, the force will do damage. Discs will wear out faster, which can lead to degenerative disc disease and back pain.

Injuries become more severe.

The extra weight makes every accident and injury more damaging. Slipping and catching yourself, which may have been okay before, could now pull or tear muscles and tendons. Every time you are in an accident, your body will have a harder time maintaining safe alignment.

11860 Vista Del Sol, What Every Chiropractic Patient Ought To Know About Losing Weight El Paso, TX.

Common Injuries Caused by Excess Weight

1. Herniation

A herniated disc occurs when the tough outer layer of the disc is torn, allowing the soft inner layer to protrude. The protrusion can put pressure on nerves in the spine.

2. Pulled tissues.

Excess weight makes it more likely that you will pull or tear muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

3. Back pain

The lower back, or lumbar spine, is the part of the spine where most of the pressure is placed from excess weight. That is why low back pain is the most common form of injury we treat in overweight patients.

Losing Weight Helps

Every pound you lose is one less pound your body must carry. The closer you get to your optimal weight, the easier it will be for your body to support your spine. When you get chiropractic adjustments, they will be more likely to remain in place. A healthy weight makes chiropractic care more effective.

If you are suffering from back pain and excess weight, please contact us. Our chiropractic team can help you in your weight loss journey, and we can treat your pain in a way that is both effective and non-invasive.

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