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Constipation And Sciatica Treatment In El Paso, TX.

Constipation And Sciatica Treatment In El Paso, TX.

Constipation & Sciatica:

Constipation is an uncomfortable and common side effect of lower back and leg pain conditions. Sciatic nerve pain can occur at the same time as constipation does, but can also alternate where constipation ensues followed by sciatica.

Finding lasting relief is crucial, but understanding the exact reasons why the symptoms occur is just as important. These two conditions can be related or they may be completely coincidental. But the more they occur together, or in succession, there is greater chance that some structural or body connection is happening between the two.

The Facts: Sciatica & Constipation

constipationInvestigate why the source process may be the same for both conditions in some.

Constipation,�known as a recurrent and chronic health concern which plagues some people their entire lives. It can be caused by a variety of anatomical reasons, but many of these are fairly easy to diagnose, despite being difficult to cure using traditional medical therapy.

Sciatica is very much the same in that it can be chronic, recurrent and sometimes treatment-resistant.

What these disorders have in common is that they are often linked by nerve compression conditions within the spine. The source can be central or foraminal stenosis, which leads to compression of one or more of the lumbar nerve roots.

It is also possible for cervical central spinal stenosis to cause sciatica and may contribute to constipation, as well.

Both conditions are associated with the mind and body processes, that is physical illness caused or aggravated by mental factors, i.e. stress or some type of conflict. Constipation can be linked to conscious and subconscious emotional issues, while sciatica is just starting to receive the same recognition as a possible mind and body disorder.

Constipation/Sciatica: Solutions

constipationSciatica cases where constipation is also present involves the nerve roots in the lower spinal regions. These types of symptomatic expressions will be blamed on a variety of structural abnormalities in the lumbosacral region, which include degenerative disc disease, herniated discs and spinal osteoarthritis.

An alternative explanation for many cases of constipation accompanied by sciatica is regional oxygen deprivation. The solution to this condition is the treatment option invented by Dr. John Sarno. This simple treatment can usually solve even the most harmful of sciatica concerns. But the therapy remains controversial as it helps some and not others.

Sciatica/Constipation: Analysis

Once the symptoms have been diagnosed, if symptoms are structural, then treatments should resolve them or at least help in controlling the pain. If various treatments have been utilized with no relief, then it could be misdiagnosis.

Another anatomical condition that could be responsible for the symptoms or the cause could be a combination of the aforementioned mind and body issues working together. An epidemic problem that the healthcare system and one of the underlying reasons why so many with back, neck and sciatica pain never find a lasting cure. Don’t be surprised if to find out the pain was inaccurately diagnosed. This happens to millions every day.

Constipation can also be a result of serious internal diseases or organ malfunctions. Request a complete workup, which includes appropriate diagnostic testing for any significant or chronic constipation case.

Sometimes, this combination of symptoms may indicate the first signs of cauda equina syndrome.�This is a medical emergency and must be treated immediately.

Many will disregard any notion that sciatica is caused by constipation. Constipation can cause sciatica check other websites. Doctors do agree that constipation is one of a many of causes of sciatica.

But the bowels and the lower back are different parts of the body. It is important to understand that all parts of the body are connected in some way or other.


If there is pain in the lower back near the buttocks and that pain travels down one or both legs, then chances are sciatica is present. Sciatica has become a common lower back pain that doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists and physical therapists treat frequently. The pain is characterized with a combination of dull and sharp aches that create a feeling of pins and needles. With nerve conditions pins and needles are the most common type of pain.

Sciatica is the result of sciatic nerve compression. Constipation is a non-spinal condition that can cause sciatica. Just trying to use the bathroom can cause pain by irritating the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica happens when the sciatic nerve, which is the largest in the body, is compressed by an external pressure. Women in child birth and men who carry their wallets in the back pocket can experience sciatica.

Sciatica is treatable; if experiencing constipation and lower back pain at the same time, ask a doctor to test for sciatica. Doctors will order a CT scan, MRI, X-Ray or nerve conduction test.

Solving The Problem:


Experiencing sciatica related to constipation, then the first course of action is diet change. A fiber-infused diet that combines fruits and vegetables can relieve constipation. Or consider a fiber supplement.

Pain Reduction:

While waiting for constipation relief, there are various ways to reduce pain.

  • Take aspirin or ibuprofen, Anti-inflammatory medications reduce nerve and muscle inflammation, which alleviate nerve irritation.
  • Alternate hot and cold compresses, which reduce inflammation and sooth the pain. Can also be applied to the legs if the pain travels down the body.
  • Consider a firm mattress to support the back and alleviate any sciatica that may be the result from back strain.
  • A doctor may recommend several days of rest in order to allow the nerve damage time to heal.

Rules To Remember:

  • Do not bend or sit in a soft chair. Back support is critical.
  • Do not ignore the pain. Nerve pain heals within a week or gets worse.
  • Move slowly when standing or getting in and out of bed.
  • No heavy lifting & sometimes no lifting at all.

Good Nutrition & Chiropractic Treatment Contribute To Overall Well-Being

Vertebrogenic Autonomic Dysfunction Subjective Symptoms: A Prospective Study

Vertebrogenic Autonomic Dysfunction Subjective Symptoms: A Prospective Study

The autonomic concomitants of cervical pathomechanics?(the posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome) have been?widely reported. The literature documenting the autonomic? manifestations of thoracic and lumbar articular dysfunctions? has not been as extensive. The present study? attempts to determine the incidence and nosography of ?vertebrogenic autonomic dysfunction (V.A.D.) in a sample?of 250 consecutive back pain subjects. Thirty-nine per cent?of all back pain subjects exhibited probable evidence of ?V.A.D. The incidence of V.A.D. was distributed as follows:?cervicogenic cephalalgia – 60%76 (i.e., disturbed?vision, dysequilibrium, gastrointestinal upset); thoracalgia?- 54% (ie., nausea, flatus); and lumbalgia – 31% (i e.,?constipation, urinary frequency, menstrual disturbances).

It is a well known clinical fact that diseases of the internal? organs may produce functional changes and symptoms ?or signs in the musculoskeletal system of the body. These ?somatic manifestations of visceral disease are fairly commonplace ?and are considered to be of importance in the?diagnosis and localization of internal disease. All clinicians ?have observed the conspicuous costovertebral angle muscle?spasm resulting from acute renal disorders (1). Abdominal?wall tension and tenderness are characteristic of certain?intra-abdominal and intrapelvic diseases (2-7). Coronary? disease is frequently accompanied by painful trigger areas?in the muscles of the chest and shoulder (8-9).?The premise that disorders of the musculoskeletal?system may reflexly cause autonomic dysfunction and?symptoms attributable to visceral malfunction is common?to both the chiropractic (10) and osteopathic schools (11),?but is not widely accepted by the medical profession. Physiologic ?research, based primarily on animal experimentation,?has demonstrated that somatovisceral reflex activity?is indeed a physiologic fact (12-19); however, much remains?to be done to understand the importance of these?reflexes in normal and abnormal human physiology. The ?literature of the osteopathic and chiropractic disciplines?has historically contained an abundance of anecdotal and?conceptual data in support of the somatovisceral reflex?hypothesis as a mechanism for symptom production in?man. Very little controlled clinical data has been presented?to support this hypothesis.

Palmer in 1895 (20) was probably one of the first to?report a simple cause and effect relationship regarding? somatovisceral symptom production in a patient. His subject?had apparently been working in a cramped position?and felt something “give in his back.” He claimed that he?simultaneously became deaf. Palmer examined the?patient’s spine and found a “displaced fourth dorsal vertebra”?(sympathetic vasomotor nerves to the cranium) and?corrected it with a manipulation. The patient’s hearing?was restored. Palmer thus deduced that the hearing loss?had been vertebrogenic in origin.

Three decades later, the allopathic observers, Barre in?1925 and Lieou in 1928, reported similar series of cases in?which disorders of the cervical spine were accompanied by?dysfunction of the organs of the head (21,22). In addition?to hearing loss, the following cervicogenic symptoms have?been observed: vertigo, dysequilibrium, tinnitus, scotomata,?decreased vision, dysphagia, dysphonia, cough, anxiety?and asthenia. (23)

The Barr6-Lieou syndrome (posterior cervical sympathetic ?syndrome) has been repeatedly recorded in the literature?since 1928. This syndrome represents a generally?accepted classic example of somatovisceral reflex?pathology and is to be found in much of the authoritative?orthopaedic literature of today (24).

Reports of somatically-induced visceral dysfunction have? not been confined to the cervical region, nor have they?been restricted to the literature of the chiropractic and?osteopathic schools. This is noteworthy, insofar as allopathic?training does not usually emphasize (or even include)?studies of somatovisceral reflex physiology. One?would therefore expect that allopathic observers would?approach their clinical observations with an absence of?bias and a low index of suspicion for somatovisceral?pathology. Nevertheless, such disorders have been obvious?enough to be noted and reported. Table 1 summarizes allopathic?observations in this regard as reported by Wills?(25), Ussher (26), Travell (27,28,29), Jackson (24), Cooper?(30), Lewit (31), Ushio et al (32), Love (33) and Ver Brugghen?(34).

The literature cited here would tend to indicate that ?somatically induced visceral dysfunction and symptom?production is indeed a clinical problem. The prevalence of?the problem is not known. The investigators reviewed in ?Table 1 have for the most part, not attempted to discover?the percentile incidence of autonomic symptoms in musculoskeletal?disease, nor have they made it clear whether?their data was based on consecutive groups of first-contact?patients or on treatment-resistant subjects who were referred?to their departments for special care.

vertebrogenic El Paso, TX

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the frequency of symptoms attributable to vertebrogenic autonomic dysfunction in a consecutive group of first-contact chiropractic patients.


A pilot study, of the prospective-descriptive format, was designed. The focus of the study was on the anamnesis, with particular attention given to the sequence of clinical events. (For example, do patients with back pain simultaneously develop autonomic symptoms? If so, how often? 52 Do the autonomic symptoms disappear upon recovery from the spinal pain?) The emphasis then, was on seeking a parallelism between the development and disappearance of back pain with the development and disappearance of visceral symptoms.

Inclusion/Exclusion and Data Gathering:

The following guidelines for data gathering were adhered to throughout the study:

1. Two hundred and fifty consecutive first-contact patients who presented with back pain (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) comprised the sample for analysis.

2. After a thorough case-history was obtained from each subject, careful notation was made of associated symptoms. The phrasing of this latter aspect of the interview was as follows: “Have you, since the onset of your back pain, developed any other seemingly unrelated symptoms for example, have you felt generally ill? Have you been constipated? Have you had to empty your bladder more frequently – or less frequently?” Usually, four or five examples of known vertebrogenic symptoms were mentioned. See Table 1. A systems review followed. As additional symptoms were uncovered, it was determined whether or not their onset in any way paralleled the onset of back pain.

3. The patient was not given a r6sume prior to the beginning of treatment for his back pain. No further comment was made regarding the subject’s visceral symptoms, if present. No mention was made of any relationship between the spinal pain and the visceral symptoms. A chart of the autonomic nervous system was removed from the office. The patient was not told that analytical data was being gathered. The attempt here was to limit, as much as possible, the introduction of accentuated placebogenic and/or Hawthorne effects (35) into the study.

4. The subjects who were accepted as chiropractic patients were treated with spinal manipulative therapy (primarily chiropractic high velocity, controlled amplitude adjustment). In some cases, ancillary physical therapeutic methods were utilized as indicated. Patients who were referred to other health disciplines for care (i.e. surgery) remained in the study providing that follow-up data were available. (This study was not designed to test the effectiveness of manipulative therapy its sole purpose was to investigate spinovisceral symptom parallelism see illustrative case 4.)

5. The subjects were re-evaluated when they became asymptomatic with respect to their back pain or were much improved (at least 80%o by mutual patient-examiner agreement). The patients were at this time questioned regarding the status of any associated visceral symptoms that had been previously reported. The observation that recovery from visceral symptoms paralleled recovery from the spinal pain was taken to be confirmatory evidence of vertebrogenic autonomic dysfunction in that subject.

Subjects were excluded from the study for the following reasons: non-acceptance as a patient because of organic pathology or other contraindications, non-compliance, self-discharge from care, unsatisfactory recovery from the spinal complaint and incomplete admission or follow-up records. When a patient was dropped from the study, the next consecutive patient history was admitted to the data pool so that the target number of 250 subjects could be met.

A survey of drug usage by patients in this study revealed the following: 52% of patients did not use drugs at all; 32% has self-administered approximately 1 to 6 non-prescription analgesic tablets (i.e. aspirin, codeine) and had subsequently sought professional care; 16% were on regular therapeutic dosages of physician prescribed or self-administered pharmaceuticals either for spinal pain or for other unrelated conditions. Most of the subjects who had used pharmaceuticals remained in the study. They were included or excluded after careful analysis of the individual data (see data analysis guidelines).

Vertebrogenic Data Analysis:

The presence or absence of vertebrogenic autonomic dysfunction (V.A.D.) was determined from the admission and follow-up records on each subject. The likelihood of vertebrogenicity was determined on the strength of the gathered data. The information on each case was then categorized as yielding probable, possible or negative evidence of vertebrogenic autonomic dysfunction. The guidelines for categorization were as follows:

1. Probable: Patients who exhibited an unequivocal parallelism between the onset and abatement of back pain with the onset and abatement of visceral symptoms were considered to have evidence of probable vertebrogenic autonomic dysfunction.

2. Possible: If there was any doubt regarding the accuracy of the gathered data (e.g. inconsistency of the subject’s responses to questions) the findings were categorized as “possible V.A.D.” If any discrepancies were noted in spinovisceral symptom parallelism, the data was considered to yield evidence of possible vertebrogenic autonomic dysfunction. For example, patients who fully recovered from spinal pains, but were left with vestiges of autonomic symptoms or patients who recovered from autonomic symptoms but were left with some spinal pain, were placed in the V.A.D. possible category.

3. Negative: Subjects who developed back pain but did not experience any symptoms attributable to autonomic dysfunction were classified as “V.A.D. negative”.

As stated in the previous section, data from patients who had used pharmaceuticals were individually scrutinized for inclusion or exclusion, and categorization. This analytical process would best be illustrated by the following examples:

Case 1: This patient developed acute lumbalgia. He self-administered four 222 tablets� (total 32 mgs. codeine) on day 1 and presented here the next morning. He reported constipation as an associated symptom. The constipation resolved on day 3 although the lumbalgia continued. He remained in the study and was classified as “negative V.A.D.”

Case 2: This patient developed cervicalgia and self-administered 6 aspirin over day 1. She presented on day 2 and reported dizziness, gastric upset and flatus as associated symptoms. She discontinued her aspirin, but the autonomic symptoms persisted throughout the course of her treatment. All spinal and associated symptoms abated during the 3rd week. She remained in the study and was classified as “possible V.A.D.”

Case 3: This patient developed a severe cervical-brachial neuralgia. Her family physician prescribed Tylenol� and diazepam. She presented on day 10. She reported anorexia, nausea, flatus, blurred vision, dizziness and mental fogging as associated symptoms. On day 24 her cervicalgia and all associated symptoms had cleared, yet she remained on the prescribed medication. She was classified as “probable V.A.D.”


Of the original 250 subjects who met the criteria for admission to the study, 22 were subsequently lost (20 with self-discharges and/or poor results, 2 with organic disease found on continuing examination) and replaced by next consecutive patients. Ninety-eight (39%) of all subjects exhibited “probable” and thirty-three (13%) exhibited “possible” autonomic dysfunction. Also noteworthy was the observation that four (2%) of the subjects experienced reactivation (relapse) of previously quiescent visceral disease during their back pain episodes (2 duodenal ulcers, 2 lower genitourinary infections).

The levels of spinal complaint fell into the following four categories:

1. cervicalgia with cephalalgia,

2. cervicalgia (with or without upper extremity pain),

3. thoracalgia, and

4. lumbalgia (with or without lower extremity pain).

The frequency of autonomic dysfunction for each category is given in Table 2. The frequency distributions of the various autonomic manifestations observed are given in Tables 3 – 6.

While Tables 3 – 6 give the frequency of symptoms observed in the present study, they do not give an accurate picture of vertebrogenic autonomic dysfunction as actually seen in clinical practice. Many of the subjects had multiple autonomic symptoms and these symptom complexes are not accurately portrayed by tables. The following case studies are instructive:

vertebrogenic El Paso, TXvertebrogenic El Paso, TX

Case 4: Mrs. F. presented with neck pain and headaches. She had sustained a whiplash injury 2 years previously and her symptoms had cleared with chiropractic therapy. Her present symptoms had recurred 2 months prior to her consultation here. She complained of a constant, moderate to severe upper cervical ache which radiated into the occipital-frontal regions. The cephalalgia occurred daily and intensified in the mid afternoon. She reported associated dizziness and difficulty in focusing her eyes. She could not clearly focus on close objects and stated that while driving, the windshield seemed to move back and forth in relation to her eyes. She was constantly squinting in an effort to see clearly. She had been seen by an optometrist 3 weeks previously with negative findings. On examination, cervical extension, right side-bending and left rotation were painful and limited. There was palpable paravertebral muscle spasm and restriction of motion in the upper cervical articulations. Trigger points were found here which reproduced the cephalalgia.

Cervicogenic autonomic dysfunction was objectivated with the following manoeuvres:

1. Triggers: Firm pressure over the right lamina of C2 precipitated an immediate bout of blurred vision and diplopia.

2. Resisted Motion: Resisted cervical extension (with the head fixed so as to exclude vestibular motion) resulted in an episode of “swooning” and vertigo.

3. Cervical Torsion: The patient’s head was fixed by an assistant (so as to exclude vestibular motion) and the torso was rotated, flexed, extended, side-bent and circumducted under the immobilized cranium. These maneuvers precipitated vertigo.

Cervicogenic autonomic dysfunction was further confirmed by the therapeutic test. The patient was treated with the manual adjustment of the upper cervical spine. The results were as follows:

1. The initial manipulation caused a transitory aggravation of the dizziness and the visual symptoms.

2.�This was quickly relieved by manual traction.

3.�The patient was fully recovered from all articular (pain) and non-articular (autonomic) symptoms by the tenth office visit. She remained asymptomatic over a 4 month follow-up period.

Case 5: Mrs. J. presented with low cervical, right scapular and right mid-thoracic pain of several months duration. There was associated dizziness, staggering and blurred vision. She had been referred to an ENT specialist who was non-commital in regards to a diagnosis. On examination, a trigger point was located on the antero-lateral aspect of C6-7 which reproduced her pain. The cervical torsion test was strongly positive the patient requiring support because of the precipitated vertigo. The lower cervical segments were adjusted and all symptoms abated after 5 visits. The patient has had several relapses over the ensuing months. Dysequilibrium has been a constant concomitant of each attack.

Case 6: Mr. R. Complained of a constant, dull mid-thoracic ache of 3 weeks duration. The symptoms had occurred after the patient spent several days working in the stooped forward position. The patient also complained of nausea and a feeling of a “lump” in the epigastric region. He stated that his food remained in his stomach for several hours after ingestion. He regurgitated frequently and was troubled with belching and flatus. He occasionally had crampy abdominal pains. On examination, the spinous processes and right costotransverse articulations of T4 to T7 were exquisitely tender. There was rhomboid. spasm on the right and mid-thoracic motion was�restricted. A single adjustment to this level was followed by immediate pain relief together with several minutes of massive gaseous eructation. All other symptoms cleared over the next few hours and did not recur over a 3 month follow-up period.

vertebrogenic El Paso, TXvertebrogenic El Paso, TXvertebrogenic El Paso, TXCase 7: Mr. V. presented with acute lumbo-sciatica of one week’s duration. The pain had occurred after a straight-legged lift. Mr. V. reported that since the occurrence of his injury he had been troubled with alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea, urinary frequency, nocturia, partial urinary retention, impotence and “retraction” of the testes. He exhibited sciatic kyphoscoliosis. All trunk movements were limited and painful. Straight-leg raising, foot dorsiflexion and Valsalva maneuvers were positive. Deep springing of the L4 vertebra aggravated his pain. Sphincter tone was normal. A trial of manipulation afforded only temporary (hours-days) relief. The left Achilles reflex became sluggish and the patient was referred for neurosurgery. An L4 discotomy resulted in complete recovery from all spinal and visceral symptoms.

Case 8: Mrs. R. presented with an acute lumbalgia which referred to the left groin. The pain had occurred 4 days previously and since that time she had been troubled with constipation, flatus, urinary frequency and a burning dysuria. Her urinalysis was negative for abnormality. Lower lumbar and left sacroiliac dysfunctions were corrected with manipulation. All symptoms had cleared by the fourth office visit.

At the time of discharge from care, Mrs. R. asked if her bowel and bladder symptoms could have anything to do with the lower back. She stated that every time she had a lower back episode she developed the same pelvic symptoms. She, had had several unremarkable bowel, gall bladder and urinary investigations in regards to these symptoms.

Discussion:�Vertebrogenic Autonomic Dysfunction

The exact mechanism of spinovisceral symptom production is not conclusively known. Several pathophysiologic hypotheses could be advanced to explain these clinical phenomena. It is also possible that different pathological processes are operant in different individuals. Postulated mechanisms of spinovisceral symptom production are summarized below:

Pain: The autonomic concomitants of severe pain are well known. They are due to mass sympathetic stimulation and include such symptoms as agitation, hyperhidrosis, pupillary dilation and vomiting.

Stress-Endocrine: Selye (36) has pointed out that many disease states are accompanied by two groups of symptoms – the symptoms produced by the stressor and another group of symptoms resulting from the body’s endocrinal defense responses to the stressor. Using the eosinophil count as a stress indicator, I presented evidence which would suggest that 54% of severe lumbalgic episodes are accompanied by an alarm-endocrine reaction (37). It is possible that some of the symptoms observed in this study have an endocrine-chemical basis.

Somato-Psycho-Visceral Reflexes: It is well known that certain patients look at their pains through a psychological magnifying glass and develop all manner of unrelated symptoms. Psychogenic symptom production, no doubt, introduces an artifact into this study. It is, however, very interesting to note that most of the symptoms observed here, bear a segmental relationship to the level of spinal lesion (only one patient in this series had any knowledge of the anatomy of the autonomic nervous system). These segmental spino-psycho-visceral relationships may be explained by osteopathic research. In a brilliant experiment, Korr et al have shown that when the psyche is stimulated, maximum sympathetic outflow occurs at hyperirritable cord levels which have been previously sensitized (facilitated) by proprioceptive input from preexisting spinal joint lesions (38).

Somato-Visceral Reflexes: Somato-autonomic reflexes in the laboratory animal are a physiologic fact. They are observed under certain conditions in man. The postulated modus operandi in spinal lesions is as follows: the lesioned spinal joints trigger an increased afferent input (pain, proprioception) into the related cord segments. The lateral horn cells are facilitated via the internuncial neurons and impulses spill over into the sympathetic efferents causing activation (motor, vasomotor, secretory) of the target 56 viscera. Such sustained pathophysiologic activity could well be responsible for spinovisceral symptoms observed in back pain subjects.

Nerve Compression: It is well known that discal lesions, vertebral exostoses and stenosis may compress nervous tissue and cause autonomic dysfunction or paresis. It is also possible that root compression may interfere with axoplasmic flow. If, for the purpose of survey, one considers paresthesia/anesthesia to be indicative of nerve-tissue compromise, then 30% of first-contact patients presenting at this office have nerve compression syndromes. This could be responsible for autonomic dysfunction in selected patients.

Vascular Compromise: Cervical degenerative lesions may compromise the vertebral arteries and cause cranial symptoms. This mechanism could have been operative in aged patients; however, the slowly progressive cerebral dysfunction (39), which allegedly occurs with sustained neck torsion in this condition, was not observed in any of the subjects.

Proprioceptive Cross-Talk: It is possible that unequal cervical muscle tensions might feed the central nervous system with confusing proprioceptive information so as to disturb normal righting reflexes. This mechanism could explain the high incidence of dysequilibrium in subjects with neck injuries.

Other: The constipation observed in severe lumbalgic patients may be antalgic or due to lack of exercise.

The spinovisceral syndromes described here are typical of the symptom complexes observed in the everyday clinical practices of all manipulative practitioners. Further studies, to more precisely explore these common clinical problems, are warranted. The present study represents a first-attempt prospective investigation and the presented statistics may be considered to be “ball-park” figures only. A much larger subject population is required. Analysis of the gathered data in a preliminary study such as this, almost invariably exposes deficiencies in the original prospective design which could be corrected to improve future investigations (40). The following recommendations should be considered:

Investigator Artifact: Solo investigators who study their own patient populations may be subject to impaired objectivity. Future studies should utilize a multi-disciplinary team of investigators to design and carry out the project.

Data Artifacts: All data gathering methods (verbal interviews and questionnaires) are subject to error (40,41). The interview method was used in the present study. Future studies should include both verbal interviews and written questionnaires to facilitate cross-checking of the accuracy of the gathered data.

Psychologic Artifacts: Clinical studies are frequently criticized for failing to establish psychological base-lines for the studied subjects. Written questionnaires could incorporate standard psychological testing proforma.

Pharmacologic Artifacts: Investigator judgement (bias) was used in categorizing data on drug users. Future studies should exclude these subjects, or at least analyze their data in a separate category.

Statistical Artifacts: A much larger study population is required in order to establish accurate prevalence rates for vertebrogenic autonomic dysfunction. Formal statistical analysis is also required.

Follow-Up: The foregoing study was designed to be an acute investigation of a common clinical syndrome. It asked simple, straight-forward questions regarding the sequence of events during back pain episodes. While many of the subjects were followed for months, and even years, it is debatable if long term follow-up would bring forth any additional answers to the questions asked. It is important to note, however, that historical chiropractic and osteopathic theory, in common with the psychosomatic school, hypothesizes that long standing functional disorders may eventually lead to organic pathology. Follow-up of patients with recurrent spinal lesions, over many years, might constitute one way of testing this hypothesis.

Conclusions:�Vertebrogenic Autonomic Dysfunction

The autonomic manifestations of back pain have been explored. This preliminary study indicates that 39%o of all back pain subjects have symptoms attributable to irritation of the- autonomic nervous system by spinal lesions. Further studies, which incorporate more rigid protocol, are required to accurately describe the nosographic features of these common clinical syndromes.


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38. Korr l, Thomas P, Wright R. Symposium on the functional implications
of segmental faciliation. JAOA 1955; 54: 173.
39. Houle J. Assessing hemodynamics of the vertebro-basilar complex
through angiothlipsis. JCCA 1972 June: 35-36, 41.
40. Friedman G. Primer of epidemiology. First edition. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1974.
41. Koran L. The reliability of clinical- methods, data and judgments.
New Engl J Med 1975; 293: 642-646.

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The Knee

The Knee

The Knee | MRI may be requested for:

  • Ligament injuries
  • Meniscal tears and degeneration
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteochondral fractures
  • Tendon disruptions

Bones & Cartilage Of The Knee

The knee joint is the largest, most complicated, and most vulnerable joint in the body, as it does not have a stable bony configuration. It consists of the tibiofemoral and patellofemoral articulations, which include the femur, tibia, and patella. The knee is a synovial joint that is enclosed by a ligament capsule. The capsule contains synovial fluid that keeps the joint lubricated (Figure 82). The knee provides flexible movement, but must also bear large weight and pressure loads. During walking, the knees support 1.5 times your body weight. When climbing stairs, they support 3-4 times your body weight. When squatting, your knees support 8 times your body weight.

the knee

Figure 82. Anatomy of the knee.

The tibiofemoral articulation is a modified hinge joint that allows bending and straightening, but also allows for slight rotation. This articulation consists of the lateral and medial condyles of the femur resting on the lateral and medial aspects of the tibial plateau. The femoral condyles make up the distal portion of the femur, which is expanded in order to assist with weight distribution at the knee joint. The medial femoral condyle is typically larger and rounder. The condyles are united anteriorly to provide the articular surface for the patella, but they are separated posteriorly by the intercondylar notch. This notch, or fossa, is the attachment site for the cruciate ligaments, the ligaments of Humphrey and Wrisberg, and the frenulum of the patellar fat pad. A large part of the posterior distal femur is called the popliteal surface. This area is covered by fat, which separates it from the popliteal artery. The medial and lateral edges of the popliteal surface are attachment sites for muscles. Superior to the femoral condyles are the epicondyles, which are the attachment sites for muscles, tendons, and capsular ligaments. The medial epicondyle is the attachment site for the medial (or tibial) collateral ligament (Figure 83). The lateral femoral epicondyle is the attachment site for the lateral (or fibular) collateral ligament, as well as the tendon of the popliteus muscle, fibers of the iliotibial tract, and the lateral capsular ligament. Superior and posterior to the epicondyles is the most distal extent of the linea aspera, the bony ridge of the femur.

The tibia is the distal portion of the tibiofemoral articulation at the knee. The tibia is the second longest bone in the body, ranked just behind the femur. Its proximal end is flattened and expanded to provide a larger surface for the body weight that is transmitted through the femur. Like the femur, the proximal tibia has medial and lateral condyles. The medial condyle is larger, and somewhat flattened where it contacts the medial meniscus. The lateral condyle has a circular look to its femoral articular surface. The lateral tibial condyle articulates with the head of the fibula posteriorly, which is as close as the fibula comes to any involvement in the knee joint. Both the medial and lateral condyles rise in the center of the superior aspect of the tibia to form the intercondylar eminence. Posterior to this eminence are the attachments sites for the posterior horns of the medial and lateral menisci, which will be discussed with the ligaments of the knee. The medial and lateral tibial condyles, and the area of the intercondylar eminence are often grouped together and referred to as the tibial plateau (Figure 84). This is a critical weight-bearing area, and greatly affects the stability of the knee joint. The tibial tuberosity (or tubercle) is located on the anterior surface of the proximal tibial shaft. It has a smooth upper portion, and a roughened lower portion, which is the insertion site for the patellar tendon. The lateral side of the tibial tuberosity has a ridge for the attachment of fibers from the iliotibial tract. This is the strongest direct attachment site for the iliotibial tract. The IT tract, or band, helps in limiting lateral movement of the knee.

the knee

Figure 84. Tibial plateau.

the knee

Figure 83. Tibiofemoral anatomy.











The patella is the third bone involved in the knee joint, specifically in the patellofemoral articulation. Patella means �little plate� in Latin, which describes the look and function of this sesamoid bone. The patella develops in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle (Figure 85). It moves when the leg moves, and protects the knee joint by relieving friction between the bones and muscles when the knee is bent or straightened. The patellofemoral joint is a saddle-type synovial joint, allowing the patella to glide along the bottom front surface of the femur between the femoral condyles in the patellofemoral groove. Ossification of the patella is typically completed in females by age 10, and in males between the ages of 13-16. If the patella has more than one ossification center, and the additional center does not fuse, it is termed a bipartite patella (Figure 86).

the knee

Figure 86. Bipartite patella.

the knee

Figure 85. Patella location.












Articular, or hyaline, cartilage covers the ends of the bones involved in any joint. In the knee joint, this includes the distal end of the femur, the proximal end of the tibia, and the posterior aspect of the patella (Figure 87). In larger joints, this cartilage is approximately �� thick. Articular cartilage is white, shiny, rubbery, and slippery, enabling surfaces to slide against one another without damage. Articular cartilage is very flexible, due in part to its high water content, which also makes it highly visible on MRI. In contrast to the bones that it covers, articular cartilage has almost no blood vessels, so it is not good at repairing itself. Bones, on the other hand, have numerous blood vessels, and are good at self-repair.

the knee

Figure 87. Articular cartilage.

Another type of cartilage is found between the femur and tibia- the fibrous cartilage that makes up the medial and lateral menisci. The menisci, also referred to as �articular disks�, wrap around the round ends of the femur to fill the space between the femur and tibia (Figure 88). Since the menisci are more fibrous in composition, they have tensile strength and can resist pressure. They can help spread the force from our body weight over a larger area. By helping with weight distribution, the menisci protect the articular cartilage on the ends of the bones from excessive forces. The menisci are fashioned to be thicker on their outsides, creating a shallow socket on the tibial surface. They act like a wedge on the rounded distal portion of the femur, improving the overall stability of the knee joint by preventing any �rolling� of the femur. Despite how strong they sound, the menisci can crack or tear when the knee is forcefully rotated or bent. The medial meniscus is fused with the medial collateral ligament, so it is less mobile than the lateral meniscus. It is often injured when the anterior or posterior cruciate ligaments are injured. The inner 2/3 of the medial meniscus receives a limited blood supply, so the entire meniscus is usually slow to heal. The lateral meniscus suffers from fewer injuries than the medial meniscus. Meniscal tears are one of the most common causes of knee pain, with suspected meniscal tears the most common indication for an MRI of the knee joint.

the knee

Figure 88. Superior view of menisci of right knee.

Symptoms that might indicate a problem with the bones of the knee joint include locking of the joint, the knee giving way, crackling or grinding felt in the joint, and pain and swelling. Locking of the joint can be indicative of a �loose body� (bone, cartilage, or foreign object) in the joint space, which can often be removed through arthroscopy (Figure 89). A knee that gives way can indicate that the patella is out of the patellofemoral groove, which leaves the knee unstable. Crackling and grinding at the joint can result from degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis, as well as from a dislocating patella. An increase in pain with activity can occur due to a stress fracture or bone fracture. One of the pathologic conditions that can affect the bones of the knee joint is osteochondritis dissecans, which can affect the distal femur, and was discussed previously with the femur anatomy. Various types of arthritis manifest in the bones of the knee joint, including osteoarthritis, infectious arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Chondromalacia patella, also known as patellofemoral syndrome or �runner�s knee� results from an irritation of the undersurface of the patella (Figure 91). If the patella is not tracking correctly in the patellofemoral groove, the articular cartilage may rub against the knee joint (Figure 90). The cartilage degenerates, and becomes irritated and painful. This condition is most common amongst young, healthy athletes, especially females and runners that are flat-footed. Treatment is typically rest and physical therapy to stretch and strengthen the quads and hamstrings. If surgery is required, it may be to perform a �lateral release�, as the abnormal tracking of the patella can cause a tightening of the lateral tissues of the knee. The lateral release procedure cuts the tight tissues, so the patella can return to its normal position and tracking. Osgood-Schlatter disease involves the anteriorly located tibial tuberosity, and the patellar tendon that inserts on that tuberosity (Figures 92, 93). This condition affects children during their growth spurts, and is typically found more in boys. During growth spurts, contractions of the quad muscle put additional stress on the patellar tendon at its attachment site on the tibial tuberosity. This can result in multiple subacute avulsion fractures and inflammation of the tendon. Excess bone growth occurs on the tuberosity, and a lump on the tuberosity can be seen and felt. This lump can become irritated and swollen, causing knee and leg pain. This condition is typically worsened with running, jumping, and climbing stairs. Osgood-Schlatter usually resolves with rest, ice, compression and elevation, as well as maturity of the youngster�s skeleton.

Figure 89. Intraarticular loose body.


Figure 90. Patellofemoral groove.

Figure 91. Patellofemoral syndrome or �runner�s knee�.









Figure 92. Xray displaying Osgood-Schlatter disease.


Figure 93. MRI displaying Osgood- Schlatter disease.


Ligaments Of The Knee

Ligaments are the tough bands of tissue that connect bones. They are considered to be �viscoelastic�, meaning they can gradually lengthen under tension, but return to their original shape when the tension is removed. However, if they are stretched for a prolonged period of time, or past a certain point, the ligaments cannot retain their original shape, and may eventually tear or snap. This is one of the reasons that a dislocated joint should be re-located as quickly as possible. If the ligaments lengthen, they leave the joint weakened and prone to future dislocations. Controlled stretching exercises to lengthen ligaments, and make the joints more supple, are part of the daily routines of athletes, gymnasts, dancers, etc. Damaged ligaments can lead to unstable joints, wearing of the cartilage, and eventually osteoarthritis. The numerous ligaments of the knee joint are the most important structures in controlling stability of the knee. Many of these ligaments were mentioned in the femur anatomy section, as they have attachments on the distal femur. The more important ligaments will be reviewed here in greater detail, in regards to their functions in the knee joint. The main intracapsular ligaments are the anterior and posterior cruciates (Figures 94, 95). Intracapsular ligaments are not very common in synovial joints. They provide stability, but permit a larger range of motion as compared to capsular or extracapsular ligaments. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) stretches from the lateral femoral condyle to the anterior intercondylar area of the tibia, preventing the tibia from being pushed too far anterior relative to the femur. It is the more commonly injured of the cruciate ligaments, and can be torn during twisting and bending of the knee. Women are at higher risk for ACL ruptures due to the facts that the maximum diameter of the intercondylar fossa is in its posterior aspect (the ACL attaches anteriorly), and the overall width of the intercondylar fossa is smaller in females. The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) stretches from the medial femoral condyle to the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia, preventing posterior displacement of the tibia relative to the femur. It is the stronger of the two cruciate ligaments, and is injured less frequently; however, it can be injured from direct force or trauma. The menisci are also considered to be intracapsular structures, with connections to ligaments inside and outside the joint capsule. Two of their intracapsular ligaments are the anterior and posterior transverse meniscomeniscal ligaments. They attach the medial and lateral menisci to each other at their anterior and posterior aspects. Posterior transverse meniscal ligaments are very rare- only 1-4% of knees will have them. Two additional intermeniscal ligaments are the medial and lateral oblique meniscomeniscal ligaments (Figure 96). Their names describe their anterior horn attachment sites; they attach on the posterior horn of the opposite meniscus (i.e. medial oblique meniscomeniscal attaches to the anterior horn of the medial meniscus and posterior horn of the lateral meniscus). The oblique meniscomeniscal ligaments both traverse the intercondylar notch, and pass between the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (Figure 97).

the knee

Figure 94. Cruciate ligaments and menisci.

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Figure 95. Posterior view of cruciate ligaments of left knee.

the knee

Figure 96. Axial fatsat T2 FSE image with arrow indicating
oblique meniscal ligament coursing from anterior horn of
medial meniscus to posterior horn of lateral meniscus.

the knee

Figure 97. Sagittal dual-echo T2 through the intercondylar notch at the level of the posterior cruciate ligament (curved arrow); thin linear structure of low signal intensity inferior to PCL represents the oblique meniscomeniscal ligament (straight arrow); sometimes misinterpreted as displaced meniscal fragment.


The medial (or tibial) collateral ligament is considered a capsular ligament, as it is part of the articular capsule surrounding the synovial knee joint. It acts as mechanical reinforcement for the joint, protecting the knee from valgus force, or being bent open medially due to stress on the lateral side of the knee. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is one of the most commonly injured of all knee ligaments, occurring in all sports, in all ages, and often times with medial meniscal tears (Figures 98-101). It has both superficial and deep components. Fibers from the superficial portion of the MCL attach to the medial epicondyle of the femur and the medial tibial condyle. Fibers from the deep medial collateral ligament attach to the medial meniscus. Proximal to the attachment point, this ligament is referred to as the meniscofemoral ligament, as it attaches the medial meniscus to the medial aspect of the femur. Distal to the meniscal attachment, the ligament is referred to as the meniscotibial (or coronary) ligament, as it attaches the medial meniscus to the medial aspect of the tibia. The meniscofemoral and meniscotibial are also referred to as the meniscocapsular or medial capsular ligaments, as they play an important role in anchoring peripheral parts of the medial meniscus in the medial side of the knee. The meniscotibial ligament is typically injured more often than the meniscofemoral ligament. The meniscotibial ligament attaches to the tibia several millimeters inferior to the articular cartilage. Its job is to stabilize and maintain the meniscus in its proper position on the tibial plateau. Disruption of the meniscotibial ligament can result in a floating meniscus or meniscal avulsion, while the meniscofemoral ligament may not be affected. The deep medial collateral ligament is short, and tightens quickly with rotation motions. It is often damaged, along with the ACL, when the mechanism of injury involves tibial rotation. Diagnosis and surgical repair of the deep medial collateral ligament can be challenging.

the knee

Figure 98. Normal MCL is linear,
has low signal intensity.

the knee

Figure 99. Grade 1 sprain shows adjacent edema, no change in signal intensity of MCL.

the knee

Figure 100. Grade 2 sprain or partial tear shows increased edema,
abnormal signal intensity,
thickening or thinning of ligament.

the knee

Figure 101. Grade 3 involves complete disruption of ligaments or attachments.


In addition to fibers of the medial collateral ligament, the deep portion of the capsular compartment of the medial knee is the location of the medial knee�s posterior support. The posterior oblique ligament is attached proximally to the medially located adductor tubercle of the femur, and distally to the tibia and the posterior aspect of the knee joint capsule. If the posterior oblique is injured, it is usually torn from its femoral origin. The posterior oblique ligament provides static resistance to valgus loads as the knee moves into full extension, as well as dynamic stabilization to valgus forces (stress from lateral side) as the knee moves into flexion. It acts as an important restraint to posterior tibial translation in cases of posterior cruciate ligament injury. The posterior oblique ligament has three �arms�. Its superior capsular �arm� becomes continuous with the posterior knee capsule, and the proximal portion of the oblique popliteal ligament. The oblique popliteal ligament is also an important posterior stabilizing structure for the knee joint Figure 102). It extends from the posteromedial aspect of the tibia, running obliquely and laterally upward to insert near the lateral epicondyle of the femur.

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Figure 102. Oblique popliteal ligament in posterior view of knee.

the knee

Figure 103. Medial (tibial) and lateral (fibular) collateral ligaments.


The lateral (or fibular) collateral ligament is considered an extracapsular ligament. It helps to provide joint stability and protects the lateral side of the knee from varus forces, or inside bending forces that are directed at the medial side of the knee. Injuries to the lateral collateral ligament are less common than injuries to the medial collateral, as the opposite leg can guard against medial forces that can lead to lateral collateral injuries. Injuries can occur in sports such as soccer and rugby, where the knee is extended and unprotected during running. The lateral, or fibular, collateral ligament stretches obliquely downward and backward, from the lateral epicondyle of the femur to the head of the fibula (Figure 103). It is not fused with the capsular ligament or with the lateral meniscus, so it has increased flexibility and decreased incidence of injury when compared to the medial collateral ligament. Similar to the medial meniscus, the lateral meniscus has a meniscotibial, or coronary, ligament. It connects the inferior edges of the lateral meniscus to the periphery of the tibial plateau. The lateral meniscus also has a meniscofemoral ligament that extends from the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus to the lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle. It is given two distinct names, based on its location in relation to the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). The ligament of Humphrey passes in front of the posterior cruciate ligament. It is less than 1/3 the diameter of the posterior cruciate ligament, but may be confused for the posterior cruciate during arthroscopy. The ligament of Wrisberg passes behind the posterior cruciate ligament, and is about � of the posterior cruciate�s diameter (Figure 104). Its femoral origin often merges with the posterior cruciate ligament. Both ligaments are present in only about 6% of knees. Approximately 70% of people have one or the other of these ligaments, with the majority possessing the more posterior ligament of Wrisberg (Figure 105). MRI is the preferred imaging modality for medial collateral or lateral collateral ligament injuries, as it can detect any associated internal knee derangements, cruciate-collateral ligament injuries, or cartilage deficiencies.

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Figure 104. Rendering of posterior knee, arrow indicates Ligament of Wrisberg; courses obliquely from lateral aspect of medial femoral condyle to posterior horn of lateral meniscus,
remains posterior to PCL.

the knee

Figure 105. Arrow indicates �Wrisberg pseudo-tear�; intermediate signal
intensity line at junction of
Ligament of Wrisberg and normal posterior horn of lateral meniscus; often mistaken for a meniscal tear.

The patellar ligament is the connection between the patella and the tibia, extending from the apex (inferior aspect) of the patella to the tibial tuberosity. Technically, it is connecting two bones, so it is a ligament. However, it is most often referred to as the patellar tendon, because the superficial fibers that cover the front of the patella and extend to the tibia are continuous with the central portion of the common tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle. The posterior surface of the patellar ligament is separated from the synovial membrane of the knee joint by a large infrapatellar pad of fat. Injuries to the patellar ligament can occur from overuse, such as sports that involve jumping and quick directional changes, as well as running-related sports. This is the ligament that is injured in jumper�s knee (or patellar tendonitis), which begins with inflammation, and can lead to degeneration or rupture of the patellar ligament and the tissue around it (Figure 106). Patients with patellar ligament injuries typically complain of pain in the area below the kneecap, which will increase with walking, running, squatting, etc. They can often be treated in the same manner as other soft tissue injuries- with rest, ice, compression and elevation. The patellar ligament attachment at the tibial tuberosity is the site of Osgood-Schlatter disease, which was discussed previously.

the knee

Figure 106. Patellar tendonitis (jumper�s knee).

Along the sides of the patella and the patellar ligament are the medial and lateral patellar retinacula (Figure 107). They are fibrous tissue stabilizers for the patella that form from the medial and lateral portions of the quad tendons as they pass down to insert on either side of the tibial tuberosity. The lateral retinaculum is the thicker of the two, but both have superficial and deep layers. Within the deep layers are various ligaments (whose names indicate the structures they connect) that help support the patella in its position, relative to the femur below it. The deep layer of the lateral patellar retinaculum is the location where the lateral patellofemoral ligament meets the iliopatellar band, which is a tract of fibers from the iliotibial (IT) band that connects to the patella. The deep layer of the medial patellar retinaculum has three focal capsular thickenings, referred to as the medial patellofemoral, medial patellomeniscal, and medial patellotibial ligaments. The medial patellofemoral ligament is strong enough to influence patellar tracking, and acts as a major medial restraint. Imbalances in the forces that control patellar tracking during flexion and extension of the knee can lead to patellofemoral pain syndrome (runner�s knee), one of the most common causes of knee pain. This can result from overuse, trauma, muscle dysfunction, patellar hypermobility, and poor quadriceps flexibility. Typical symptoms include pain behind or around the patella that is increased with running, and activities that involve knee flexion. MRI is typically not necessary for this diagnosis. Physical therapy has been found to be effective for the treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome.

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Figure 107. Lateral and medial retinaculum.

Muscles & Tendons Of The Knee

The flexor and extensor muscles of the knee have been discussed previously, as the majority of them are the anterior and posterior muscles of the thigh. We will review the thigh muscles involved in knee movement, and add two muscles of the lower leg that also affect the knee. The quadriceps femoris muscles of the anterior thigh are the main knee extensors (Figure 108). As these muscles contract, the knee joint straightens. The tendons of the vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and rectus femoris join at the superior aspect (base) of the patella to form the patellar tendon. This tendon continues over the patella and attaches it to the tibial tuberosity (since it is connecting bone to bone, it is sometimes called the patellar ligament). The quadriceps, along with the gluteal muscles, are responsible for the thrusting forces necessary for walking, running, and jumping. The quads also help control movement of the patella, as they are attached to it by the quadriceps tendons (Figure 109). The patella increases the force exerted by the quadriceps muscles as the knee is straightened.

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Figure 108. Anterior thigh muscles – knee extensors.

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Figure 109. Quadriceps controlling the patella.














The posterior thigh muscles, also known as the hamstrings, are the main knee flexors, with assistance from the sartorius, gracilis, gastrocnemius, and popliteus muscles. The knee bends when the hamstrings contract. The hamstring muscles give the knee joint the strength needed for propulsion in running and jumping. They also help to stabilize the knee by protecting the collateral and cruciate ligaments, especially when the knee twists. The three hamstring muscles have varying attachment sites around the knee joint (Figure 110). The biceps femoris attaches to the head of the fibula and the superolateral aspect of the tibia. The semitendinosus attaches on the anterior aspect of the tibia, medial to the tibial tuberosity, crossing over the medial collateral ligament. The tendon of the semitendinosus muscle is sometimes used for cruciate ligament reconstruction. The semimembranosus attaches at the posteriomedial aspect of the medial tibial condyle. The sartorius muscle is also a knee flexor, although it is an anterior thigh muscle. It inserts on the anterior medical aspect of the tibia. The gracilis muscle of the medial thigh is one of the hip adductors, but also plays a part in knee flexion. Like the semitendinosus tendon, the tendon of the gracilis is sometimes used for cruciate ligament reconstructions. The gracilis attaches to the medial aspect of the proximal tibia.

the knee

Figure 110. Posterior knee
muscles – knee flexors.

Additional flexors of the knee joint include some of the posterior muscles of the lower leg. The large superficial gastrocnemius muscle has a medial and a lateral head, which originate from the medial and lateral femoral condyles, respectively. It runs the length of the posterior lower leg, attaching to the calcaneus by the Achilles tendon. The gastrocnemius gives us the ability to flex our knee while our foot is flexed, as it connects to both joints. It is involved in standing, walking, running, and jumping. The popliteus is a deep posterior lower leg muscle that helps with knee flexion, and also rotates the tibia medially, which aids in knee stability. The popliteus originates from the outer margin of the lateral meniscus of the knee joint. It extends posteriorly and inserts on the medial aspect of the tibia, inferior to the medial tibial epicondyle.

The important tendons of the knee include the quadriceps, patellar, and hamstring tendons, and the iliotibial band (Figure 111). Tendons attach muscles to bones. These major knee tendons have all been discussed with either the bones or the muscles that they attach. The quadriceps tendon was mentioned with the quadriceps muscle as the muscle�s attachment to the patella. The quad tendon continues over the patella, then attaches the apex of the patella to the tibial tuberosity. It is then called the patellar tendon (or ligament). Hamstring tendons were discussed with the hamstring muscles, the posterior muscles that are flexors of the knee. Hamstring tendons are sometimes used for cruciate ligament reconstructions. Tendonitis, which is the inflammation of a tendon, is a common knee injury amongst athletes in a variety of sports. The iliotibial band (or IT tract) functions like a tendon, as it attaches the knee to the tensor fasciae latte muscle. The band is actually a fibrous reinforcement of the fascia lata, or deep tissue of the thigh. It runs from the ilium to the tibia. Proximally, it acts as a hip abductor, while distally it acts as lateral stabilization for the knee, and aids with medial rotation of the tibia. The IT band is in constant use during walking and running, which can lead to irritation at the point where it passes over the lateral femoral epicondyle. A �tight� IT band can cause inflammation and/or irritation at the femoral epicondyle, or at the point of insertion on the lateral tibial condyle. This condition is called IT band friction syndrome. It is common amongst runners, hikers, and cycling enthusiasts.

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Figure 111. Tendons of the knee.

Nerves Of The Knee

The main nerves to the knee that come from the sacral plexus of nerves are the tibial nerve and the common peroneal nerve (Figure 112). Both are branches of the sciatic nerve, and begin posteriorly, slightly above the actual knee joint. Both of these nerves, or their branches, continue through the lower leg and foot, providing sensation and muscle control. The tibial and common peroneal nerves are also both involved in cutaneous innervation, which is the supply of nerves to the skin of the knee. The tibial nerve remains posterior and more medial, branching at the medial ankle to innervate the foot. The common peroneal nerve begins posterolaterally, moving anteriorly near the neck of the fibula. It then branches into the superficial and deep peroneal nerves, which continue their anterior descent to the foot. The tibial and common peroneal nerves are the most commonly injured nerves when a knee is dislocated. Nerves can grow back, but they do so at a rate of approximately � inch per month.

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Figure 112. Sacral plexus nerves of knee.

Nerves from the lumbar plexus that affect the knee include the lateral femoral cutaneous, and the saphenous, which is a branch of the femoral nerve (Figure 113). The saphenous nerve travels more medially and gives off infrapatellar branches around the knee joint. Below the knee, the saphenous nerve sends branches to the skin of the anterior and medial lower leg. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve sends an anterior branch to the skin of the anterior and lateral thigh, down to the area of the knee. Terminal filaments of this nerve communicate with the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve, forming the peripatellar plexus.

the knee

Figure 113. Lumbar plexus nerves of knee.

Arteries & Veins Of The Knee

The popliteal artery, a branch of the superficial femoral artery, is the main arterial supply to the knee joint. It runs along the posterior aspect of the distal femur, behind the knee joint. At the supracondylar ridge, the popliteal artery gives off the blood supply to the knee, which consists of various genicular arteries (Figure 114). Inferior to the knee joint, the popliteal branches into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries, which supply the lower leg. The popliteal artery is a common site for both atherosclerosis and aneurysms, and is listed as the most common site for peripheral arterial aneurysms. Approximately 50% of these aneurysms are bilateral. Although they rarely rupture, popliteal aneurysms may serve as a focus for abrupt thrombotic occlusion of the involved popliteal artery, which can affect the foot on the same side. A thrombus within an aneurysm can also lead to a distal embolism. The genicular arteries are sources of continued blood flow to the knee and lower limb, in case of an obstructed popliteal artery. The descending genicular, also called the highest or supreme genicular, branches from the femoral artery, just superior to the popliteal branch. It supplies the adductor magnus and hamstring muscles, then joins with the network of genicular arteries around the knee joint. The middle genicular pierces the oblique popliteal ligament, and supplies the ligaments and synovial membrane inside the knee articulation (including the ACL and PCL). The sural artery joins the anastomoses of the genicular arteries, and also supplies muscles of the lower leg, including the large gastrocnemius muscle. The anastomotic pattern around the knee joint is supplied by the popliteal artery posteriorly, the descending genicular artery medially, and the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery laterally. The genicular arteries involved in the anastomosis are labeled as the medial and lateral superior geniculars, and the medial and lateral inferior geniculars.

the knee

Figure 114. Arteries of knee.

The major deep veins around the knee joint are the popliteal vein, and the anterior and posterior tibial veins (Figure 115). The popliteal vein begins at the junction of the tibial veins in the posterior aspect of the lower leg, just inferior to the knee joint. It ascends posteriorly, continuing as the femoral vein about halfway up the thigh. As deep veins typically follow the arteries, the genicular veins accompany the genicular arteries around the knee joint, then drain into the popliteal vein. The important superficial veins around the knee joint are the small and great saphenous veins. Superficial veins typically do not follow arteries, but rather travel with cutaneous nerves. The small saphenous ascends the lower leg posteriorly, angling from lateral to medial. It merges with the popliteal vein at a position slightly superior to the knee joint. The great saphenous vein, the longest vein in the body, has a medial and anterior course in the lower leg. It moves to a posterior position, but stays medial along the knee joint, moving alongside the medial epicondyle of the femur. The great saphenous then moves anteriorly again through the thigh.

the knee

Figure 115. Veins of knee.

Varicose and �spider� veins are often seen in the leg in the posterior aspect of the knee joint. As mentioned previously, in the femoral vein discussion, veins have valves to ensure the �one-way� uphill flow of blood back to the heart (Figure 116). Communicating vessels, also called perforating veins, exist between the deep and superficial veins to help compensate for valves that may be incompetent, and are allowing blood reflux. If venous walls are weakened or dilated, the cusps of the valves can no longer close properly, and the valves can become incompetent. This leads to an increase in the weight of the column of blood for the veins that are �downstream� from the bad valve. Blood can pool in these veins, causing them to become varicose, where the veins swell, become tortuous, and even bulge through the skin surface. Reticular veins, which are smaller varicose veins that do not bulge through the skin, as well as very small �spider� veins are both typically less severe conditions, but both still involve the backwards flow of blood. Removal of severe varicose veins will actually help blood flow, as the blood will no longer be stagnant in the pooled areas.

the knee

Figure 116. Varicose veins around knee.

Bursae Of The Knee

The synovial knee joint is home to a large number of bursae (Figure 117). These are fluid sacs and synovial pockets that surround and sometimes communicate with the joint cavity. They facilitate friction-free movement between the bones and moving structures (tendon, muscle). Fluid or debris can collect in the bursa, or fluid can extend into the bursa from the adjacent joint in situations such as excessive friction, infection or direct trauma. This type of pathological enlargement of the bursa is referred to as bursitis, which can mimic several peripheral joint and muscle abnormalities. Radiologists must be able to accurately identify bursal pathology, especially amongst the numerous knee bursae (14 reported in some literature). We will identify a few of the more common bursa, beginning with the suprapatellar bursa. This bursa lies between a quadriceps tendon and the femur, superior to the patella (Figure 118). Fluid is commonly found here when patients have a joint effusion. Bursitis of the prepatellar bursa is also known as �housemaid�s knee�. It occurs from repetitive trauma from kneeling, as seen with housemaids, wrestlers, and carpet-layers. This bursa is found between the patella and the skin (Figure 119). Inflammation of the superficial infrapatellar bursa may be called �Clergyman�s knee�, another bursitis that can occur from excessive kneeling. This bursa is located between the distal third of the patellar tendon and the overlying skin (Figure 120).

the knee

Figure 117. Bursae in the knee.

the knee

Figure 118. T2 gradient
displaying suprapatellar

the knee

Figure 119. T2
fatsat displaying
prepatellar bursa.

the knee

Figure 120. T2 fatsat
displaying infrapatellar


The synovial sac of the knee joint sometimes forms a posterior bulge, known as a Baker�s cyst or popliteal cyst (Figure 121). It typically forms between the tendons of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle and the semimembranosus muscle, posterior to the medial femoral condyle. Baker�s cysts are not true cysts, as they typically maintain open communication with the synovial sac. However, they can pinch off, and they can rupture. They are usually asymptomatic, but can be indicative of another problem of the knee, such as arthritis or a meniscal tear. Aspiration of the synovial fluid can be performed if the cyst becomes problematic. Treatment is usually necessary if a Baker�s cyst ruptures, as it can cause acute pain behind the knee, and swelling of the calf muscles. A ruptured cyst can also mimic a DVT or thrombophlebitis. Ultrasound and MRI can both be used for confirmation of a Baker�s cyst (Figure 122).

the knee

Figure 121. Lateral view of Baker�s cyst.

the knee

Figure 122. Sagittal image of Baker�s cyst on MRI.

Scan Setups

The following are HMSA suggestions for knee imaging. Knee protocols should be designed to yield diagnostic images of the menisci, bones, articular cartilage, and all ligamentous structures of the knee. While many radiologists may require additional imaging of the ACL, protocols that are designed for optimal imaging of the cartilage and menisci should also produce adequate images of the ACL. Always check with your radiologist for his/her imaging preferences.

Axial Scans

When positioning axial slices for the knee, sagittal and coronal images can be used to insure inclusion of all pertinent anatomy. The slices should extend superiorly to include the entire patella, and inferiorly to include the tibial tuberosity and patellar tendon insertion. A presat can be placed over the unaffected lower extremity to reduce the possibility of wrap-around artifact, as seen in the coronal image in Figure 139.

the knee

Figure 139. Axial slice setup using sagittal and coronal images.

Coronal Scans

Coronal slices of the knee should include the anatomy from the posterior femoral condyles to the anterior portion of the patella. Visualize a line connecting the lateral and medial condyles of the femur. Typically, the coronal slices are angled so that they are parallel to that line, as seen in the axial image in Figure 140.

the knee

Figure 140. Coronal slice setup using axial and sagittal images.

Sagittal Scans

Sagittal slices should include the anatomy from the medial condyle to the lateral condyle. The slice group may be angled per your radiologist�s preference, but should remain perpendicular to the coronal slices. Typically, the slice group is angled so that it is parallel to the medial border of the femoral condyle, as seen in the axial image in Figure 141.

the knee

Figure 141. Sagittal slice setup using axial and coronal images.

In addition to routine oblique sagittal images, some radiologists prefer an additional sagittal scan of the ACL with thin slices and high spatial resolution. Axial and coronal images can be used for slice setup. Referenced literature recommends that the angle of the slice group should not exceed 10� from a line drawn perpendicular to the bicondylar line (line that connects the posterior femoral condyles), as seen in Figure 142.

the knee

Figure 142. Sagittal ACL slice setup using axial and coronal images.



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References For Anatomy Pics:

Figures 1, 5, 6, 24-

Figures 2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 23, 25-

Figure 4-

Figures 7, 8, 9-

Figure 10-

Figure 13-

Figure 17-

Figure 19-

Figures 20-22-

Figure 43, 44-

Figure 45-

Figures 46-48-

Figure 49-

Figure 50-

Figures 51, 52-

Figures 53, 54-

Figure 55-

Figure 56-

Figure 57-

Figure 58-

Figure 59-

Figure 60-

Figure 61-

Figure 62-

Figure 63-

Figure 64-

Figure 82-

Figure 83-

Figure 84-

Figure 85-

Figure 86-

Figure 87-

Figure 88-

Figure 89-

Figure 90-

Figure 91-

Figure 92-

Figure 93-

Figure 94-

Figure 95-

Figures 96, 97-

Figures 98-101-–Ligaments.aspx

Figure 102-

Figure 103-

Figures 104, 105-

Figure 106-

Figure 107-

Figure 108-

Figure 109-

Figure 110-

Figure 111-

Figure 112-

Figures 113, 115, 157-159-

Figure 114-

Figure 116-

Figure 117-

Figures 118-120-

Figure 121-

Figure 122-

Figure 143-

Figure 144-

Figure 145-

Figure 146-

Figure 147-

Figure 148-

Figures 149, 152-

Figures 150, 151-

Figure 153-

Figure 154-

Figure 155-

Figure 156-

Figure 181-

Figure 182-

Figure 183-

Figures 184, 186-

Figure 185-

Figures 187, 227-

Figure 188-

Figures 189, 190-

Figure 191-

Figure 192-

Figure 193-

Figure 194-

Figure 195-

Figure 196-

Figure 216-

Figure 217-

Figure 218-

Figures 219, 220-

Figure 221-

Figure 222-

Figure 223-

Figure 224-

Figure 225-

Figure 226-

Figure 228-

Figure 229-

Figure 230-

Figure 231-

Figure 232-

Figures 233, 234-

Figure 235-

Figure 236-

Figure 237-

Figure 238-

Figure 239-

Figure 240-

Figure 241-

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Chiropractic Relieves Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Chiropractic Relieves Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Chiropractic Relieves: How can a body part you have probably never heard of hurt so BAD? This is a common question we hear from individuals suffering from sacroiliac joint pain.

The sacroiliac�joint is formed by the sacrum and the ilium where they meet on either side of the lower back, with the purpose of connecting the spine to the pelvis. This small joint is one of the most durable parts of the human body, and it is responsible for a big job.

chiropractic relieves

The unassuming little sacroiliac joint withstands the pressure of the upper body’s weight pushing down on it, as well as pressure from the pelvis. It’s basically the cushion between the torso and the legs. As such, it handles force from pretty much every angle.

While immensely strong and durable, this joint is not indestructible. Sacroiliac joint pain usually crops up as lower back pain, or pain in the legs or buttocks.

Weakness in these areas may also be present. The typical culprits in causing the sacroiliac joint to exhibit pain are traumatic injuries to the lower back, but more frequently develops over a longer period of time.

Sacroiliac joint pain is often misdiagnosed as soft tissue issues instead of the joint itself. Doctors may rule out other medical conditions before settling on a diagnosis that includes a sacroiliac joint problem.

If you have suffered an injury, a degenerative disease, or otherwise damaged the sacroiliac joint, there are treatments available to help manage pain, promote healing, and lessen the chances of recurrence. Here are a four helpful guidelines to assist in effectively handling sacroiliac joint pain.

chiropractic relieves

Chiropractic Relieves:

First, rest and ice the area. Avoid exaggerated movements of your lower back in order to relieve some of the body’s pressure on the sacroiliac joint. Also apply ice wrapped in a towel periodically to soothe the area and minimize the pain.

A second way to handle sacroiliac pain is with therapeutic massage. Tightness around the joint is a common cause of discomfort and pain. Professional massage serves to loosen and relax the lower back, buttocks, and leg areas, offering relief from pain.

Third, consider chiropractic and seeing a chiropractor. Chiropractic relieves pain, treatment known as adjustments, not only provides great options for pain relief but also helps promote the healing process of this joint.

A chiropractor is specifically trained to guide you through several phases of care. They don�t focus just on pain relief but are primarily interested in helping you fix the problem.

They�re also very well trained in rehabilitation of the spine. This approach will help loosen the muscles surrounding the joint as well as strengthen them. This will decrease the risk of pain returning down the road.

Finally, in very rare cases, doctors will choose to apply an injection to the area to alleviate pain and inflamed tissue. Obviously, the injection won�t fix the problem but may give the patient relief temporarily. Surgery is rarely a viable option.

If you show symptoms of sacroiliac pain, it’s important to see a Doctor of Chiropractic so he or she can perform tests to correctly diagnose your condition. It could very well be another type of lower back problem. Remember chiropractic relieves, so quit suffering and give us a call!

Pregnancy & Chiropractic Care

Ankle Injuries: Chiropractic Care Rehab

Ankle Injuries: Chiropractic Care Rehab

An ankle can be injured as glamorously as falling off a $400 platform stiletto heel, stepping off a Parisian curb, or as mundanely as tripping over a toy truck, or falling over a rock on your way to the mailbox. No matter the cause, ankle injuries are painful and problematic, and cause recurring problems if left untreated.

The poor ankle sure has it rough. It supports a person’s entire body weight, twists and turns many times a day, and maintains proper balance. This heavy responsibility takes its toll. Emergency rooms treat approximately one million patients ever year for ankle injuries.

Ankles are technically “the joint where the foot joins the leg.”� In reality, there are more moving parts involved than that simplified definition allows. Multiple bones and two separate joints actually converge in the ankle area, which increases the chance of an ankle injury.

Ankle Injuries:

ankle injuries


When you roll your ankle outward, the movement damages the ligaments on the outside of the ankle. This is a common sports injury and, unfortunately, once you have sprained your ankle it’s more likely to recur. Up to half of the people who suffer from a sprained ankle will sprain it again.


There are two tendons in the ankle that are commonly strained, usually over stretching from overuse or trauma.


This injury happens when one or more of the three bones in the ankle is injured. While less common than a sprain or strain, a fractured ankle may also involve damaged ligaments and require surgery.

Many instances of ankle injuries are avoidable. Be sure to wear proper shoes when exercising or participating in sports, avoid uneven walking surfaces, and keep stairways and floors in your home clear of clutter

And, ladies, avoid the really high heels. We know, we know, they are just so cute! 🙂

Even with ankle-protecting precautions, you still may end up on your rump in the grass nursing your swollen ankle. What should you do if you injure your ankle? There are several forms of treatment for an ankle injury depending on its severity.

Rest and ice: For mild injuries, stay off your ankle and use ice packs to reduce the swelling. Rest allows the injured area to heal faster.

Visit a doctor: If you experience severe pain, swelling, and are unable to put weight on your ankle, see a doctor, as some ankle injuries grow worse without treatment. Injuries may require a brace, cast, or even surgery.

See a chiropractor: Patients frequently see strongly positive results in ankle injuries from a series of chiropractic treatments. Chiropractors understand the way the ankle is built, and use chiropractic adjustments to reduce pain and inflammation and promote faster healing.

Exercise rehab: Once you are healed, it’s vital to build up the ankle’s strength to avoid re-injury. Your chiropractor can lay out an exercise routine that you can employ into your regular workouts that will improve your balance and increase mobility. Performing these moves helps dramatically decrease dealing with this again down the road.

Ankle injuries are common and, whether or not you maintain an active lifestyle, you may end up suffering from one. By visiting a chiropractor on the front end, you can better plan a course of treatment that will heal your ankle quickly, reduce the pain effectively, and minimize the chance of a recurrence.

Golf & Chiropractic Care

Fibromyalgia History And Definition

Fibromyalgia History And Definition

Fibromyalgia History

Fibromyalgia History: Historically, fibromyalgia � or conditions very like it � have been reported for hundreds of years, under many names, including the most unsatisfactory term �fibrositis�. The fascinating history of what we now call fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) has been catalogued by several modern clinicians working in the sphere of chronic muscle pain, from whose work the material summarized in Box 1.1 has been compiled. Thanks are due to these individuals (Peter Baldry, David Simons and Richard van Why in particular) for revealing so much about past studies into the phenomenon of chronic muscle pain. What we can learn from this information is just how long ago (well over 150 years) particular features were recognized, for example pain referral patterns and characteristics such as taut bands and �nodules�, as well as insights from many astute researchers and clinicians into the pathophysiology of these conditions.

American College Of Rheumatology Definition

Simply defined, fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) can be said to be a debilitating illness, characterized primarily by musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, depression and stiffness (Yunus & Inanici 2002). It was not until the 1980s that a redefining took place of what was by then a confused � and confusing � picture of a common condition. In 1987, the American Medical Association recognized fibromyalgia as a distinct syndrome (Starlanyl & Copeland 1996), although at that time detailed knowledge of what the syndrome comprised was not as clear as the current, generally accepted American College of Rheumatology (ACR) definition, which was produced in 1990 (see Box 1.2 and Fig. 1.1). Russell (in Mense & Simons 2001) notes that defining the condition had profound effects on the scientific and medical communities:

fibromyalgia historyfibromyalgia historyfibromyalgia historyfibromyalgia history

fibromyalgia history

In the wake of successful classification criteria, a surge of investigative energy in the early 1990s led to a number of important new observations. FMS was found to be universally common. It was present in approximately 2% of the adult population of the USA and exhibited a similar distribution in most other countries where valid epidemiological studies had been conducted. Adult women were affected five to seven times more commonly than were men. In children the gender distribution was about equal for boys or girls.

When psychosocial and physical/functional factors of people with FMS were compared with those six different, predominantly chronic pain syndromes (upper extremity pain, cervical pain, thoracic pain, lumbar pain, lower extremity pain and headache), it was found that the fibromyalgia group experienced the most difficulties, by a significant margin. In regard to gender distribution of these seven chronic pain conditions, it was noted that fibromyalgia (and headache) are experienced by more females than males (Porter-Mofitt et al 2006).

fibromyalgia history


What can be said with certainty about fibromyalgia syndrome is that:

� It is a non-deforming rheumatic condition, and, indeed, one of the commonest such conditions.

� It is an ancient condition, newly defined (controversially � see below) as a disease complex or syndrome.

� There is no single cause, or cure, for its widespread and persistent symptoms (however, as will become clear, there do seem to exist distinct subsets of individuals with different aetiologies to their conditions, such as thyroid imbalance and whiplash injuries).

� Its complex causation often seems to require more than one essential aetiological factor to be operating, and there are numerous theories as to what these might be (see Ch. 4).

� There has been an explosion of research into the subject over the past decade (one data search on the internet revealed over 20 000 papers which mention fibromyalgia as a key word).

Despite its earlier medical meaning, which suggested involvement of both articular and non-articular structures, the word rheumatic has, through common usage, come to mean �a painful but nondeforming soft tissue musculoskeletal condition�, as distinct from the word arthritic which suggests articular and/or deforming features (Block 1993).

The Fibromyalgia Controversy

For the purposes of practicality this book accepts that the current widely used ACR definition is a hypothesis that is evolving, but that it may be flawed (see below). The definition as presented in Box 1.2 allows for the categorization of individuals with chronic pain and associated symptoms into subgroups, and offers clinicians a chance to begin to decipher the confusing patterns of symptoms displayed and reported by people who have been so labelled. However, not all experts, including many of the contributors to this text, accept the ACR definition. Nevertheless, since it forms the foundation for much of the research reported on in the book, the current definition needs to be given due consideration.

What Are The Arguments Against The ACR Definition?

Schneider et al (2006) sum up one major alternative view:

Recent data tend to support the notion that FMS is a disorder of the central nervous system pain processing pathways, and not some type of primary auto-immune disorder of the peripheral tissues. It is quite possible that the term FMS is a poor choice of words, for it implies that patients with a variable symptom complex all have the same singular disease or disorder.

As will be clear in subsequent chapters, this is precisely the message that this book will promote � that there are numerous aetiological influences relating to the symptom cluster represented by people with a diagnosis of FMS, and that within that population subgroups can be identified that demand quite distinctive therapeutic handling, compared with other subgroup cohorts. A logical extension of this multicausal scenario is a model that offers a variety of potential therapeutic interventions, none of which would have universal applicability, and most of which would be most usefully employed in treatment of specific subgroups within the overall diagnosis of FMS. The chapters in this book that reflect a variety of therapeutic approaches include those that evaluate and explain the use of acupuncture, endocrine issues, psychological influences, myofascial trigger points/ dry needling, use of microcurrent, hydrotherapy, therapeutic touch, manipulation, massage, exercise, nutrition and various other clinical methods. The issues surrounding FMS subsets, and of possible over(or mis-)diagnosis of FMS, are explored more fully in Chapters 3, 4 and 5.

Problems Arising From The ACR Definition

Useful as the defining of this condition has been, there are distinct and obvious problems with a definition as precise as that offered by the ACR:

� If pressure varies only slightly, so that on a �good day� a patient may report sensitivity and tenderness rather than �pain� when tender points are being tested, the patient may therefore not �qualify�; this could have very real insurance benefit implications, as well as leaving distressed individuals still seeking a diagnosis which might help them understand their suffering.

� If all other criteria are present, and fewer than 11 of the 18 possible sites are reported as �painful� (say only 9 or 10), what diagnosis is appropriate?

� If there are 11 painful sites but the �widespread� nature of the pain is missing (as per the definition in Box 1.2), what diagnosis is appropriate? Clearly, what is being observed in people with widespread pain and who also demonstrate at least 11 of the 18 test points as being painful is a situation which represents the distant end of a spectrum of dysfunction. Others who do not quite meet the required (for a diagnosis of FMS) number of tender points may well be progressing towards that unhappy state.

As reported earlier, approximately 2% of the population meet all the ACR criteria (Wolfe et al 1993). A great many more people, however, are advancing in that direction, according to both British and American research, which shows that about 20% of the population suffer �widespread� pain that matches the ACR definition, with almost the same number, but not necessarily the same people, demonstrating 11 of the specified 18 tender points as being painful on appropriate testing, also in accordance with the ACR definition. Some people have the widespread pain and not enough painful points, while others have the points but their generalized pain distribution is not sufficiently widespread.

What Condition Do They Have If It Is Not FMS (Croft et al 1992)?

If all the criteria are not fully met, and people with, say, 9 or 10 points (rather than the 11 needed) are offered a diagnosis of FMS (and therefore become eligible for insurance reimbursement or disability benefits, or suitable for inclusion in research projects), what of the person with only 8 painful points who meets all the other criteria?

In human terms this is all far from an academic exercise, for pain of this degree is distressing and possibly disabling, whether or not 11 (or more) points are painful. Clinically, such patients should receive the same attention, wherever they happen to be in the spectrum of disability, and whatever the tender point score, if their pain is sufficient to require professional attention.

As will become clear as examination of FMS unfolds in this and subsequent chapters, the frustration of the patient is matched in large degree by that of health care providers attempting to understand and offer treatment for the patient with FMS. This is largely because no single aetiological pattern has emerged from research efforts to date. Russell (in Mense & Simons 2001) sums it up as follows:

The cause of FMS is unknown, but growing evidence indicates that its pathogenesis involves aberrant neurochemical processing of sensory�signals in the CNS. The symptomatic result is lowering of the pain thresholds and an amplification of normal sensory signals until the patient experiences near constant pain.

As will also become clear, the components of the pathogenesis of the condition commonly include biochemical, psychological and biomechanical features. Somewhere in the combination of causal elements and unique characteristics of the individual may lie opportunities for functional improvement and the easing of the often intractable pain and other symptoms associated with FMS.

Symptoms Other Than Pain

In 1992, at the Second World Congress on Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia in Copenhagen, a consensus document on fibromyalgia was produced and later published in The Lancet (Copenhagen Declaration 1992). This declaration accepted the ACR fibromyalgia definition as the basis for a diagnosis, and added a number of symptoms to that definition (apart from widespread pain and multiple tender points), including persistent fatigue, generalized morning stiffness and non-refreshing sleep.

The Copenhagen document recognized that people with FMS may indeed at times present with fewer than 11 painful points � which is clearly important if most of the other criteria for the diagnosis are met. In such a case, a diagnosis of �possible FMS� is thought appropriate, with a follow-up examination suggested to reassess the condition.

There are practical implications for a cut-off point (of symptoms or tender point numbers, for example) in making such a diagnosis: these relate directly to insurance reimbursement and/or disability benefits, as well as, possibly, to differential diagnosis.

The Copenhagen document adds that FMS is seen to be a part of a larger complex which includes symptoms such as headache, irritable bladder, dysmenorrhoea, extreme sensitivity to cold, restless legs, odd patterns of numbness and tingling, intolerance to exercise, and other symptoms.

Mind Issues

The Copenhagen Declaration (1992) of the symptoms associated with FMS (over and above pain, which is clearly the defining feature) also addresses the psychological patterns often related to FMS, namely anxiety and/or depression.

The possible psychological component in FMS is an area of study fraught with entrenched beliefs and defensive responses. A large body of medical opinion assigns the entire FMS phenomenon � as well as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) � to the arena of psychosomatic/psychosocial illness. An equally well-defined position, occupied by many health care professionals as well as most patients, holds that anxiety and depression symptoms are more commonly a result, rather than a cause, of the pain and disability being experienced in FMS (McIntyre 1993a).

A 1994 review paper analysed all British medical publications on the topic of CFS from 1980 onwards and found that 49% favoured a non-organic cause while only 31% favoured an organic cause. When the popular press was examined in the same way, between 70% (newspapers) and 80% (women�s magazines) favoured an organic explanation (McClean & Wesseley 1994).

Typical of the perspective which holds to a largely �psychological� aetiology is a multicentre study by Epstein and colleagues, which was published in 1999. It concluded: �In this multicenter study, the persons with FMS exhibited marked functional impairment, high levels of some lifetime and current psychiatric disorders, and significant current psychological distress.� The most common disorders noted were major depression, dysthymia, panic disorder and simple phobia.

Many leading researchers into FMS who hold to an organic � biochemical � neurological explanation for the main symptoms are, however, dismissive of psychological explanations for the condition. Dr Jay Goldstein, whose detailed and important research and clinical insights into the care of patients with CFS and FMS will be outlined later in this book, uses the term �neurosomatic� to describe what he sees as a disorder of central information processing. He makes clear his position regarding the non-organic, psychosocial school of thought (Goldstein 1996):

Many of the illnesses [CFS, FMS] treated using this model [neurosomatic] are still termed �psychosomatic� by the medical community and are treated psychodynamically by psychiatrists, neurologists and general physicians. Social anthropologists also have their theories describing CFS as the �neurasthenia� of the 1990s, and a �culture bound syndrome� that�displaces the repressed conflicts of patients unable to express their emotions (�alexithymics�) into a culturally acceptable viral illness or immune dysfunction. Cognitive�behavioural therapy is perhaps more appropriate, since coping with the vicissitudes of their illnesses, which wax and wane unpredictably, is a major problem for most of those afflicted. Few investigators in psychosomatic illness (except those researching panic disorders) have concerned themselves about the pathophysiology of the patients they study, seeming content to define this population in psychosocial phenomenological terms. This position becomes increasingly untenable as the mind�body duality disappears.

Goldstein says that he only refers patients for psychotherapy if they are suicidally depressed. He emphasizes the normalization (using a variety of medications) of the biochemical basis for neural network dysfunction, which he has satisfied himself is the underlying cause of these (and many other) conditions.

When Is A Cause Not A Cause?

Goldstein�s methods will be examined in later chapters; however, it might prove useful at this stage to make a slight diversion in order to clarify the importance of looking beyond apparent causes to attempt to uncover their origins.

As we progress through the saga which is FMS (and CFS) we will come across a number of welldefined positions which maintain that the dominant cause is X or Y � or more usually a combination of X and Y (and possibly others). The truth is that in some important instances these �causes� themselves have underlying causes, which might usefully be therapeutically addressed.

An example � which will emerge in more detail later � is the suggestion that many of the problems associated with FMS (and CFS) are allergy related (Tuncer 1997). This may well be so in the sense that particular foods or substances can be shown, in given cases, to provoke or exacerbate symptoms of pain and fatigue. But what produces this increased reactivity/sensitivity? Are there identifiable causes of the (usually food) intolerances (Ventura et al 2006)?

In some cases this can be shown to result from malabsorption of large molecules through the intestinal wall, possibly due to damage to the mucosal surfaces of the gut (Tagesson 1983, Zar 2005). In some cases the mucosal damage itself can be shown to have resulted from abnormal yeast or bacterial overgrowth, resulting from prior (possibly inappropriate) use of antibiotics and consequent disturbance of the normal flora, and their control over opportunistic organisms (Crissinger 1990). Or the disturbed gut mucosa may be associated with endotoxaemia involving disturbed beneficial bacteria status (McNaught et al 2005).

The layers of the onion can be peeled away one by one, revealing causes which lie ever further from the obvious. The pain is aggravated by allergy, which results from bowel mucosa damage, which results from yeast overgrowth, which results from excessive or inappropriate use of antibiotics… and so on. The allergy in this example is not a cause per se but an exacerbating factor, a link in a chain, and while treating it might satisfactorily reduce symptoms, it would not necessarily deal with causes. Neither would treating the bacterial or yeast overgrowth, although this too might well assist in reducing overall symptom distress.

Where does the cause lie in this particular individual�s FMS? Probably in a complex array of interlocking (often historical) features, which may be impossible to untangle. Therefore, approaches such as those which direct themselves at the allergy or at the increased permeability, while possibly (in this instance) valid and helpful, are not necessarily dealing with fundamental causes.

Does this matter? In Goldstein�s model of FMS and CFS aetiology we are faced with a neural network which is dysfunctional. He acknowledges that the evolution of such a state requires several interacting elements:

� a basic susceptibility which is probably genetically induced

� some developmental factors in childhood (physical, chemical or psychological abuse/ trauma, for example)

� probably a degree of viral encephalopathy (influenced by �situational perturbations of the immune response�)

� increased susceptibility to environmental stressors resulting from reduction in neural plasticity.

The possibility that early developmental trauma or abuse is a feature is supported by research. For example, Weissbecker et al (2006) report that:

Adults with fibromyalgia syndrome report high rates of childhood trauma. Neuroendocrine abnormalities have also been noted in this population. Findings suggest that severe traumatic experiences in childhood may be a factor of adult neuroendocrine dysregulation among fibromyalgia sufferers. Trauma history should be evaluated and psychosocial intervention may be indicated as a component of treatment for fibromyalgia.

The �causes� within this model can be seen to be widely spread. Goldstein�s (apparently successful) interventions deal with what is happening at the end of this complex sweep of events when the neural network has, as a result, become dysfunctional. By manipulating the biochemistry of that end-state, many (Goldstein says most) of his patients� symptoms apparently improve dramatically and rapidly.

Such improvement does not necessarily indicate that underlying causes have been addressed; if these are still operating, future health problems may be expected to eventually emerge. The schematic representation of a �stairway to ill-health� (Fig. 1.2) indicates some of the possible features ongoing in complicated dysfunctional patterns such as FMS, where adaptive resources have been stretched to their limits, and the �stage of exhaustion� in Selye�s general adaptation syndrome has been reached (Selye 1952). See also the discussion of allostasis in Chapter 3, particularly Table 3.2.

Dysfunctional patterns such as CFS and FMS seem to have three overlapping aetiological features interacting with the unique inborn and subsequently acquired characteristics of individuals to determine their particular degree of vulnerability and susceptibility (Fig. 1.3):

1. Biochemical factors. These can include toxicity, deficiency, infectious, endocrine, allergic and other characteristics (Wood 2006).

2. Biomechanical factors. These might include:

a. structural (congenital � i.e. short leg or hypermobility features � postural or traumatically induced characteristics) (Gedalia et al 1993, Goldman 1991)

b. functional (overuse patterns, hyperventilation stresses on respiratory mechanisms, etc.)

c. neurological (sensitization, hypersensitivity � �wind-up�) (Staud et al 2005).

3. Psychosocial factors. These might include depression and/or anxiety traits, poor stress coping abilities, post-traumatic stress disorders, etc. (Arguellesa et al 2006).

Let us briefly consider Dr Goldstein�s model of dysfunction, which suggests neural network dysfunction as the �cause� of FMS, itself being a result of a combination of features as outlined above (Goldstein 1996). If we utilize the clinical options suggested in Figure 1.2, we can see that it is possible to attempt to:

1. reduce the biochemical, biomechanical or psychogenic �stress� burden to which the person is responding

2. enhance the defense, repair, immune functions of the person so that they can handle these stressors more effectively

3. palliate the symptoms, hopefully without producing any increase in adaptive demands on an already overloaded system.

Which of these tactics are being employed in Goldstein�s treatment approach in which drug-induced biochemical manipulation is being carried out, and does this address causes or symptoms, and does this matter, as long as there is overall improvement?

The particular philosophical perspective adopted by the practitioner/therapist will determine his judgement on this question. Some may see the rapid symptom relief claimed for the majority of these patients as justifying Goldstein�s particular therapeutic approach. Others might see this as offering short term benefits, not addressing underlying causes, and leaving the likelihood of a return of the original symptoms, or of others evolving, a probability. These issues will be explored in relation to this and other approaches to treatment of FMS in later chapters.

Associated Conditions

A number of other complex conditions exist which have symptom patterns which mimic many of those observed in FMS, in particular:

� chronic myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) involving multiple active myofascial trigger points and their painful repercussions

� chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) which has among its assortment of symptoms almost all those ascribed to FMS, with greater emphasis on the fatigue elements, rather than the pain ones

� multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)

� post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). MPS, FMS, MCS (for example, in relation to what has become known as Gulf War syndrome) and CFS � their similarities, and the sometimes great degree of overlap in their symptom presentation, as well as their differences � will be examined in later chapters. One feature of all of these conditions which has been highlighted is based on a toxic/biochemical hypothesis, involving �elevated levels of nitric oxide and its potent oxidant product, peroxynitrite� (Pall 2001).


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Other Theories Of Causation

A variety of theories as to the causation of FMS have emerged, with many of these overlapping and some being essentially the same as others, with only slight differences in emphasis as to aetiology, cause and effect. FMS is variously thought to involve any of a combination of the following (as well as other) causative features, each of which raises questions as well as suggesting answers and therapeutic possibilities:

� FMS could be a neuroendocrine disturbance, particularly involving thyroid hormone imbalances (see Ch. 10) (Garrison & Breeding 2003, Honeyman 1997, Lowe 1997, Lowe & Honeyman-Lowe 2006) and/or hypophyseal growth hormone imbalances (possibly as a direct result of sleep disturbance � a key feature of FMS, and/or lack of physical exercise) (Moldofsky 1993). The question which then needs to be asked is, what produces the endocrine disturbance? Is it genetically determined as some believe, or is it the result of deficiency, toxicity, allergy, an autoimmune condition or infection?

� Duna & Wilke (1993) propose that disordered sleep leads to reduced serotonin production, and consequent reduction in the pain-modulating effects of endorphins and increased �substance P� levels, combined with sympathetic nervous system changes resulting in muscle ischaemia and increased sensitivity to pain (Duna & Wilke 1993). This hypothesis starts with a symptom, sleep disturbance, and the logical question is, what produces this?

� Dysautonomia, autonomic imbalance or dysfunction, characterized by �relentless sympathetic hyperactivity�, more prominent at night (Martinez-Lavin & Hermosillo 2005), have been proposed as foundational causes in a subgroup of individuals with FMS (and CFS). Many such patients have also been labelled with Gulf War-related illness (Geisser et al 2006, Haley et al 2004, van der Borne 2004).

� Muscle microtrauma may be the cause, possibly due to genetic predisposition (and/or growth hormone dysfunction), leading to calcium leakage, and so increasing muscle contraction and reducing oxygen supply. An associated decrease in mitochondrial energy production would lead to local fatigue and an inability for excess calcium to be pumped out of the cells, resulting in local hypertonia and pain (Wolfe et al 1992). The question as to why muscle microtrauma occurs more in some people than in others, or why repair is slower, requires investigation.

� FMS may be a pain modulation disorder resulting at least in part from brain (limbic system) dysfunction and involving mistranslation of sensory signals and consequent misreporting (Goldstein 1996). Why and how the limbic system and neural networks become dysfunctional is the key to this hypothesis (promoted by Goldstein, as discussed above).

� It has been suggested that what are termed idiopathic pain disorders (IPD) � such as temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJD), fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic headaches, interstitial cystitis, chronic pelvic pain, chronic tinnitus, whiplash-associated disorders and vulvar vestibulitis (VVS) � are mediated by an individual�s genetic variability, as well as by exposure to environmental events. The primary pathways of vulnerability that underlie the development of such conditions are seen to involve pain amplification and psychological distress, modified by gender and ethnicity (Diatchenko et al 2006) (Fig. 1.4).

� FMS may be a congenitally acquired disorder, possibly related to inadequate thyroid regulation of gene transcription, with an autosomal dominant feature (Lowe et al 1997, Pellegrino et al 1989). As will be outlined, some research studies have found evidence of a genetically linked predisposition towards FMS. Congenital structural abnormalities, such as extreme ligamentous laxity (i.e. hypermobility (Karaaslan et al 2000)), and Chiari malformations (see further discussion of this in Ch. 3 (Kesler & Mandizabal 1999, Thimineur et al 2002)), certainly seem to predispose toward FMS. The questions this raises include: which factors exacerbate these predispositions, and can anything be done about them?

� Hudson et al (2004) have proposed that fibromyalgia is one member of a group of 14 psychiatric and medical disorders (attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder, bulimia nervosa, dysthymic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress�disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder and social phobia � plus four medical conditions: fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, and cataplexy), collectively termed affective spectrum disorder (ASD), hypothesized to share possibly heritable pathophysiological features. Following detailed analysis of data from 800 individuals with and without fibromyalgia (and the additional conditions under assessment), Hudson et al concluded that the present information added to evidence that the psychiatric and medical disorders, grouped under the term ASD, run together in families, raising the possibility that these disorders might share a heritable physiological abnormality.

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� The underlying cause of FMS is seen by some to result from the (often combined) involvement of allergy, infection, toxicity and nutritional deficiency factors which themselves produce the major symptoms of FMS (and CFS), such as fatigue and pain, or which are associated with endocrine imbalances and the various consequences outlined above, such as thyroid hormone dysfunction and/or sleep disturbance (Abraham & Lubran 1981, Bland 1995, Cleveland et al 1992, Fibromyalgia Network Newsletters 1990�94, Pall 2001, Robinson 1981, Vorberg 1985). The list of possible interacting features such as these, which frequently seem to coexist in someone with FMS, offers the possibility of intervention strategies which seem to focus on causes rather than effects. For example, specific �excitotoxins� such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) have been identified as triggering FMS symptoms (Smith et al 2001). These and other examples will be examined in later chapters.

� A central sensitization hypothesis suggests that central mechanisms of FMS pain are dependent on abnormal peripheral input(s) for development�and maintenance of the condition (Vierck 2006). A substantial literature defines peripheral�CNS� peripheral interactions that seem integral to fibromyalgia pain. The generalized hypersensitivity associated with the condition has focused interest on central (CNS) mechanisms for the disorder. These include central sensitization, central disinhibition and a dysfunctional hypothalamic�pituitary�adrenal (HPA) axis. However, it is asserted that the central effects associated with fibromyalgia can be produced by peripheral sources of pain. In this model, chronic nociceptive input induces central sensitization, magnifying pain and activating the HPA axis and the sympathetic nervous system. Chronic sympathetic activation then indirectly sensitizes peripheral nociceptors, and sets up a vicious cycle. (See also notes on facilitation later in this chapter, as well as further discussion of central and peripheral sensitization in Ch. 4.)

� Use of MRI and other scanning/imaging technology suggests that the central sensitization concept has objective evidence to support it. This subject is discussed further in Chapter 3 (see �The polysymptomatic patient�) and Chapter 4 (see �Central sensitization hypothesis� and Fig. 3.1). Two examples of imaging evidence, relating to altered brain morphology and/or behaviour in relation to FMS, are summarized in Box 1.3.

� Within the framework of �allergy� and �intolerance� as triggers to FMS symptoms lies a hypothesis which remains controversial, but worthy of discussion. This relates to the concept of blood-type specific intolerances resulting from an interaction between food-derived lectins (protein molecules) and specific tissue markers related to the individual�s blood type. D�Adamo (2002), who has done most to promote this concept, states (in relation to FMS sufferers who happen to be type O):

It has become obvious that those who are type O and suffering from fibromyalgia can see quite dramatic responses if they can stick to the wheat-free component of the diet for a long enough duration. A recent study indicates that dietary lectins interacting with enterocytes (cells lining�the intestines) and lymphocytes may facilitate the transportation of both dietary and gutderived pathogenic antigens to peripheral tissues, which in turn causes persistent immune stimulation at the periphery of the body, such as the joints and muscles (Cordain et al 2000). This, despite the fact that many nutrition �authorities� still question whether lectins even get into the systemic circulation! In genetically susceptible individuals, this lectin stimulation may ultimately result in the expression of disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia via molecular mimicry, a process whereby foreign peptides, similar in structure to endogenous peptides, may cause antibodies or T-lymphocytes to cross-react and thereby break immunological tolerance. Thus by removing the general and type O specific lectins from the diet, we allow for the immune system to redevelop tolerance, the inflammation begins to ebb, and healing can begin.

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� Many FMS patients demonstrate low carbon dioxide levels when resting � an indication of possible hyperventilation involvement. The symptoms of hyperventilation closely mirror those of FMS and CFS, and the pattern of upper chest breathing which it involves severely stresses the muscles of the upper body which are most affected in FMS, as well as producing major oxygen deficits in the brain and so influencing its processing of information such as messages received from pain receptors (Chaitow et al 2002, Janda 1988, King 1988, Lum 1981). When hyperventilation tendencies are present, they can be seen in some instances to be a response to elevated acid levels (because of organ dysfunction perhaps) or they can be the result of pure habit. Breathing retraining can, in some FMS patients, offer a means of modifying symptoms rapidly (Readhead 1984).

� Psychogenic (or psychosomatic) rheumatism is the name ascribed to FMS (and other nonspecific chronic muscle pain problems) by those who are reluctant to see an organic origin for the syndrome. Until the 1960s it was suggested that such conditions be treated as �psychoneurosis� (Warner 1964). In FMS, as in all chronic forms of ill-health, there are undoubtedly elements of emotional involvement, whether as a cause or as an effect. These impact directly on pain perception and immune function, and, whether causative or not, benefit from appropriate attention, assisting both in recovery and rehabilitation (Melzack & Wall 1988, Solomon 1981).

� FMS is seen by some to be an extreme of the myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), where numerous active myofascial triggers produce pain both locally and at a distance (Thompson 1990). Others see FMS and MPS as distinctive, but recognize that �it is not uncommon for a patient with myofascial pain syndrome to progress with time to a clinical picture identical to that of FMS� (Bennett 1986a). Among the most important practical pain-relieving approaches to FMS will be the need to identify and deactivate myofascial trigger points which may be influencing the overall pain burden. A number of different approaches, ranging from electroacupuncture to manual methods, will be detailed (see Chs 6, 8 and 9 in particular).

� Trauma (e.g. whiplash) seems to be a key feature of the onset in many cases of FMS, and especially cervical injuries, particularly those involving the suboccipital musculature (Bennett 1986b, Curatolo et al 2001, Hallgren et al 1993). Recognition of mechanical, structural factors allows for interventions which address their repercussions, as well as the psychological effects of trauma. In Chapter 9 Carolyn McMakin presents compelling evidence for the use of microcurrents in treatment of FMS of traumatic (especially of the cervical region) origin.

� There is an �immune dysfunction� model for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) � that uniquely British name for what appears to be an amalgam of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. This proposes a viral or other (vaccination, trauma, etc.) initial trigger which may lead to persistent overactivity of the immune system (overproduction of cytokines). Associated with this there may be chemical and/or food allergies, hypothalamic disturbance, hormonal imbalance and specific areas of the brain (e.g. limbic system) �malfunctioning�. The primary feature of this model is the overactive immune function, with many of the other features, such as endocrine imbalance and brain dysfunction, secondary to this (Macintyre 1993b). In recent research, the presence of systemic bacterial, mycoplasmal and viral coinfections in many�patients with CFS and FMS has been a feature (Nicolson et al 2002).

The Musculoskeletal Terrain Of FMS

Current research and clinical consensus seem to indicate that FMS is not primarily a musculoskeletal problem, although it is in the tissues of this system that its major symptoms manifest: �Fibromyalgia is a chronic, painful, musculo-skeletal condition characterised by widespread aching and points of tenderness associated with: 1) changed perception of pain, abnormal sleep patterns and reduced brain serotonin; and 2) abnormalities of microcirculation and energy metabolism in muscle� (Eisinger et al 1994).

These characteristics, involving abnormal microcirculation and energy deficits, are the prerequisites for the evolution of localized areas of myofascial distress and neural hyper-reactivity (i.e. trigger points). As indicated, one of the key questions to be answered in any given case is the degree to which the person�s pain is deriving from myofascial trigger points, or other musculoskeletal sources, since these may well be more easily modified than the complex underlying imbalances which are producing, contributing to, or maintaining the primary FMS condition.

Fibromyalgia History: Early Research

A great deal of research into FMS (under different names � see Box 1.1), and of the physiological mechanisms that increase our understanding of the FMS phenomenon, has been conducted over the past century (and earlier) and is worthy of review. Additional research in parallel with that focused on chronic muscular pain may clarify processes at work in this complex condition.

Korr�s Work On Facilitation

Among the most important researchers in the area of musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain over the past half century has been Professor Irwin Korr, whose work in explaining the facilitation phenomenon offers important insights into some of the events occurring in FMS and, more specifically, in myofascial pain settings. Needless to say, these often overlap. As suggested above, in a clinical context it is vital to know what degree of the pain being experienced in FMS is the result of myofascial pain, since this part of the pain package can relatively easily be modified or eliminated (see Chs 8 and 9).

Neural structures can become hyper-reactive in either spinal and paraspinal tissues or almost any other soft tissue. When they are found close to the spine the phenomenon is known as segmental facilitation. When such changes occur in ligaments, tendons or periosteal tissues, they are called trigger points; if situated in muscles or in fascia they are termed �myofascial� trigger points. In early studies by the most important researcher into facilitation, Irwin Korr (1970, 1976), he demonstrated that a feature of unilateral segmental facilitation was that one side would test as having normal skin resistance to electricity compared with the contralateral side, the facilitated area, where a marked reduction in resistance was present. When �stress� � in the form of needling or heat � was applied elsewhere in the body, and the two areas of the spine were monitored, the area of facilitation showed a dramatic rise in electrical (i.e. neurological) activity. In one experiment volunteers had pins inserted into a calf muscle in order to gauge the effect on the paraspinal muscles, which were monitored for electrical activity. While almost no increase occurred in the normal region, the facilitated area showed greatly increased neurological activity after 60 seconds (Korr 1977) (Fig. 1.5). This and numerous similar studies have confirmed that any form of stress impacting the individual � be it climatic, toxic, emotional, physical or anything else � will produce an increase in neurological output from facilitated areas.

In Chapter 9, Carolyn McMakin describes how some forms of trauma, particularly those affecting cervical structures, can lead to chronic local facilitation, resulting in FMS-like pain. She reports that treatment utilizing microcurrent, manual modalities and nutritional support can frequently ease, or even remove, such symptoms.

Professor Michael Patterson (1976) explains the concept of segmental (spinal) facilitation as follows:

The concept of the facilitated segment states that because of abnormal afferent or sensory inputs to a particular area of the spinal cord, that area is kept in a state of constant increased excitation. This facilitation allows normally ineffectual or subliminal stimuli to become effective in producing efferent output from the facilitated segment, causing both skeletal and visceral organs innervated by the affected segment to be maintained in a state of�overactivity. It is probable that the somatic dysfunction with which a facilitated segment is associated, is the direct result of the abnormal segmental activity as well as being partially responsible for the facilitation.

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Wind-Up And Facilitation

The process known as wind-up (Fig. 1.6) supports the concepts of facilitation, in different terms. Staud (2006) has described the relationship between peripheral pain impulses that lead to central sensitization as follows:

Increasing evidence points towards peripheral tissues as relevant contributors of painful impulse input that might either initiate or maintain central sensitization, or both. It is well known that persistent or intense nociception can lead to neuroplastic changes in the spinal cord and brain, resulting in central sensitization and pain. This mechanism represents a hallmark of FM and many other chronic pain syndromes, including irritable bowel syndrome, temporomandibular disorder, migraine, and low back pain. Importantly, after central sensitization has been established only minimal nociceptive input is required for the maintenance of the chronic pain state. Additional factors, including pain related negative affect and poor sleep have been shown to significantly contribute to clinical FM pain.

The similarities between modern neurological observations and Korr�s original work are clear.

Arousal And Facilitation

Emotional arousal is also able to affect the susceptibility of neural pathways to sensitization. The increase in descending influences from the emotionally aroused subject would result in an increase in toxic excitement in the pathways and allow additional inputs to produce sensitization at lower intensities. This implies that highly emotional people, or those in a highly emotional situation, would be expected to show a higher incidence of facilitation of spinal pathways or local areas of myofascial distress (Baldry 1993).

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This has a particular relevance to fibromyalgia, where heightened arousal (for a variety of possible�reasons, as will become clear), in addition to possible limbic system dysfunction, leads to major influences from the higher centers (Goldstein 1996). Since the higher brain centers do influence the tonic levels of the spinal paths, it might be expected that physical training and mental attitudes would also tend to alter the tonic excitability, reducing the person�s susceptibility to sensitization from everyday stress. Thus the athlete would be expected to withstand a comparatively high level of afferent input prior to experiencing the self-perpetuating results of sensitization. This, too, has a relevance to fibromyalgia, where there exists ample evidence of beneficial influences of aerobic training programs (McCain 1986, Richards & Scott 2002).

Selective Motor Unit Recruitment

Researchers have shown that a small number of motor units, located in particular muscles, may display almost constant or repeated activity when influenced psychogenically. Low amplitude activity (using surface EMG) was evident even when the muscle was not being employed, if there was any degree of emotional arousal. �A small pool of lowthreshold motor units may be under considerable load for prolonged periods of time … motor units with Type 1 [postural] fibers are predominant among these. If the subject repeatedly recruits the same motor units, the overload may result in a metabolic crisis.� (Waersted et al 1993). The implications of this research are profound for they link even low grade degrees of emotional distress with almost constant sensitization of specific myofascial structures, with the implications associated with facilitation and pain generation. This aetiology parallels the proposed evolution of myofascial trigger points, as suggested by Simons et al (1999).

Not Only Myelinated Fibres

Research by Ronald Kramis has shown that, in chronic pain settings, non-nociceptive neurons can become sensitized to carry pain impulses (Kramis 1996). Hypersensitization of spinal neurons may actually involve non-nociceptive neurons altering their phenotype so that they commence releasing substance P. This, it is thought, may play a significant part in FMS pain perception, as increased levels of substance P in�the cerebrospinal fluid maintain heightened amplification of what would normally be registered as benign impulses. The research suggests that impulses from associated conditions such as ongoing viral activity, �muscular distress� or irritable bowel may be adequate to maintain the central pain perception.

Local Facilitation

Apart from paraspinal tissues, where segmental facilitation, as described above, manifests, localized areas of neural facilitation can occur in almost all soft tissues: these are called myofascial trigger points.

Much of the basic research and clinical work into this aspect of facilitation has been undertaken by doctors Janet Travell and David Simons (Simons et al 1999; Travell 1957; Travell & Simons 1986, 1992; see also Chs 6 and 8). Travell and Simons are on record as stating that if a pain is severe enough to cause a patient to seek professional advice (in the absence of organic disease), it usually involves referred pain, and therefore a trigger area is probably a factor. They remind us that patterns of referred pain are constant in distribution in all people, and that only the intensity of referred symptoms/pain will vary.

The implication for the fibromyalgia patient is the possibility (according to Travell and Simons this is a veritable certainty) that their pain has as part of its make-up the involvement of myofascial trigger points, which are themselves areas of facilitation (see Ch. 8 by Dommerholt & Issa). This suggests that trigger points, and the pain (and tingling, numbness, etc.) which they produce, will be exaggerated by all forms of stress influencing that individual patient. Travell has confirmed that her research indicates that the following factors can all help to maintain and enhance myofascial trigger point activity:

� nutritional deficiencies (especially vitamins C and B complex, and iron)

� hormonal imbalances (low thyroid hormone production, menopausal or premenstrual dysfunction)

� infections (bacteria, viruses or yeasts)

� allergies (wheat and dairy in particular)

� low oxygenation of tissues (aggravated by tension, stress, inactivity, poor respiration) (Simons et al 1999, Travell & Simons 1986, 1992).

This list corresponds closely with factors that are key aggravating agents for many (most) people with fibromyalgia, suggesting that the connection between facilitation (trigger point activity) and FMS is close (Starlanyl & Copeland 1996). Myofascial trigger points are, however, not the cause of fibromyalgia, and myofascial pain syndrome is not FMS, although they may coexist in the same person at the same time. Myofascial trigger points do undoubtedly frequently contribute to the painful aspect of FMS, and as such are deserving of special attention.

As will be explained in later chapters, there are a number of ways in which deactivation or modulation of myofascial trigger points can be achieved. Some practitioners opt for approaches that deal with them manually, while others prefer microcurrents or electro-acupuncture methods or variations on these themes, with yet others suggesting that reduction in the number and intensity of stress factors � of whatever type � offers a safer approach to reducing the influence of facilitation on pain.

Following this introduction to the concept of hyper-reactive, sensitized (facilitated) neural structures, it would be justifiable to enquire as to whether or not what is happening in the brain and in the neural network, as described by Goldstein, is not simply facilitation on a grand scale. The outline of some of the leading current hypotheses as to the aetiology of FMA in Chapter 4 may shed light on this possibility.

Additional Early Research Into FMS

Early FMS research has been presented in summary form in Box 1.1. Aspects of that research, and how some of it correlates with more recent findings, are outlined below.

R. Gutstein, a Polish physician who emigrated to the UK prior to the Second World War, was a remarkable researcher who published papers under different names (M. G. Good, for example) before, during and following the war. In them he clearly described the myofascial trigger point phenomenon, as well as what is now known as fibromyalgia, along with a great many of its predisposing and maintaining features.

Gutstein (1956) showed that conditions such as ametropia (an error in the eye�s refractive power occurring in myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism) may result from changes in the neuromuscular component of the craniocervical area, as well as more distant conditions involving the pelvis or shoulder girdle. He stated: �Myopia is the long-term effect of pressure of extra-ocular muscles in the convergence effort of accommodation involving spasm of the ciliary muscles, with resultant elongation of the eyeball. A sequential relationship has been shown between such a condition and muscular spasm of the neck.�

Gutstein termed reflex areas he identified �myodysneuria� and suggested that the reference phenomena of such spots or �triggers� would include pain, modifications of pain, itching, hypersensitivity to physiological stimuli, spasm, twitching, weakness and trembling of striated muscles, hyper- or hypotonus of smooth muscle of blood vessels and of internal organs, and/or hyper- or hyposecretion of visceral, sebaceous and sudatory glands. Somatic manifestations were also said to occur in response to visceral stimuli of corresponding spinal levels (Gutstein 1944). In all of these suggestions Gutstein seems to have been in parallel with the work of Korr.

Gutstein/Good�s method of treatment involved the injection of an anaesthetic solution into the trigger area. He indicated, however, that where accessible (e.g. muscular insertions in the cervical area) the chilling of these areas combined with pressure would yield good results.

In this and much of what he reported in the 1940s and 1950s Gutstein was largely in agreement with the research findings of John Mennell (1952) as well as with Travell & Simons, as expressed in their major texts on the subject (Travell & Simons 1986, 1992). He reported that obliteration of overt and latent triggers in the occipital, cervical, interscapular, sternal and epigastric regions was accompanied by years of alleviation of premenopausal, menopausal and late menopausal symptoms (Good 1951). He quotes a number of practitioners who had achieved success in treating gastrointestinal dysfunctions by deactivating trigger areas. Some of these were treated by procainization, others by pressure techniques and massage (Cornelius 1903). He also reported the wide range of classic fibromyalgia symptoms and features, suggesting the name myodysneuria for this syndrome, which he also termed �nonarticular rheumatism� (Gutstein 1955). In describing myodysneuria (FMS), Gutstein demonstrated localized functional sensory and/or motor abnormalities of musculoskeletal tissues and saw the causes of such changes as multiple (Gutstein 1955). Most of these findings have been validated subsequently, in particular by the work of Travell and Simons. They include:

� acute and chronic infections, which he postulated stimulated sympathetic nerve activity via their toxins

� excessive heat or cold, changes in atmospheric pressure and draughts

� mechanical injuries, both major and repeated minor microtraumas � now validated by the recent research of Professor Philip Greenman of Michigan State University (Hallgren et al 1993)

� postural strains, unaccustomed exercise, etc., which could predispose towards future changes by lowering the threshold for future stimuli (in this he was agreeing with facilitation mechanisms as described above)

� allergic and/or endocrine factors which could cause imbalances in the autonomic nervous system

� congenital factors which make adaptation to environmental stressors difficult

� arthritic changes which could impose particular demands on the musculoskeletal system�s adaptive capacity

� visceral diseases which could intensify and precipitate somatic symptoms in the distribution of their spinal and adjacent segments.

We can see from these examples of Gutstein�s thinking strong echoes of the facilitation hypothesis in osteopathic medicine.

Gutstein�s diagnosis of myodysneuria was made according to some of the following criteria:

� a varying degree of muscular tension and contraction is usually present, although sometimes adjacent, apparently unaffected tissue is more painful

� sensitivity to pressure or palpation of affected muscles and their adjuncts

� marked hypertonicity may require the application of deep pressure to demonstrate pain.

In 1947 Travell & Bigelow produced evidence supporting much of what Gutstein (1944) had reported. They indicated that high intensity stimuli from active trigger areas produce, by reflex, prolonged vasoconstriction with partial ischaemia in localized areas of the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerve structures.

A widespread pattern of dysfunction might then result, affecting almost any organ of the body. These�early research findings correlate well with modern fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue research and the hypothesis of �neural network disorders� as described by Goldstein (1996), and in British and American research utilizing SPECT scans, which show clearly that severe circulatory deficits occur in the brainstem and in other areas of the brain of most people with CFS and FMS (Costa 1992).

Gutstein�s Suggested Pathophysiology Of Fibromyalgia/ Fibrositis/Myodysneuria

The changes which occur in tissue involved in the onset of myodysneuria/fibromyalgia, according to Gutstein, are thought to be initiated by localized sympathetic predominance, associated with changes in the hydrogen ion concentration and calcium and sodium balance in the tissue fluids (Petersen 1934). This is associated with vasoconstriction and hypoxia/ischaemia. Pain resulted, he thought, by these alterations affecting the pain sensors and proprioceptors.

Muscle spasm and hard, nodular, localized tetanic contractions of muscle bundles, together with vasomotor and musculomotor stimulation, intensified each other, creating a vicious cycle of self-perpetuating impulses (Bayer 1950). Varied and complex patterns of referred symptoms might then result from such �trigger� areas, as well as local pain and minor disturbances. Sensations such as aching, soreness, tenderness, heaviness and tiredness may all be manifest, as may modification of muscular activity due to contraction, resulting in tightness, stiffness, swelling and so on.

It is clear from this summary of his work that Gutstein was describing fibromyalgia, and many of its possible causative features.

Chapter 2 examines what FMS is, as well as what it is not, with suggestions for differential diagnosis.


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Defeat Chronic Pain

Defeat Chronic Pain

Defeat Chronic Pain: If you are one of the estimated 50 to 100 million Americans who struggles with Chronic Pain, you are aware of just how miserable and life-altering it can be. There is not a single area of you life that remains unaffected. You no longer sleep well. Your SEX LIFE is non-existent. Everyday activities have become your own personal �Mount Everest �. You cannot concentrate because the pain IS ALWAYS ON YOUR MIND. It is wearing you out, physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s sapping your ability to think clearly or make decisions. In short we’re here to defeat chronic pain.

People can see the pain on your face and in your eyes. Chronic Pain and the inability to do the things you love, is making you feel DEPRESSED (not the other way around like your doctor may have suggested). Recent studies have even shown that brains of people suffering with Chronic Pain, show patterns of atrophy that are virtually indistinguishable from what is seen in patients with dementia or ALZHEIMER’S. In fact, a recent study from a prominent Canadian University showed that Chronic Pain causes the brain to degenerate at almost 10 times the rate of someone without pain!

Although Chronic Pain may seem hopeless, there are some things that you can do to help yourself � even though your doctor undoubtedly failed to educate you in this regard. Some of the most basic of these include eating only healthy foods (I recommend a PALEO DIET), taking only WHOLE FOOD SUPPLEMENTS, drinking more WATER, giving up the CIGARETTES, and EXERCISING to the degree that you can (difficult when suffering with Chronic Pain or FIBROMYALGIA).

Although DOING THESE SIMPLE THINGS will certainly help a large percentage who suffer and be able to defeat chronic pain; there is a significant percentage of you whose pain is not greatly diminished by these measures. It is for you that I created this website. But before we move on to treatment of Chronic Pain, you must first understand what Chronic Pain is and how it really works.

Defeat Chronic Pain: It Works Like This

For years, neuro-scientists have known that Chronic Pain can cause brain atrophy (shrinkage) that is indistinguishable from Alzheimer�s or Dementia. More recently, the prestigious Journal of Neuroscience reported research from McGill University showing that, “The longer the individual has had Fibromyalgia, the greater the gray matter loss, with each year of Fibromyalgia being equivalent to 9.5 times the loss in normal aging”. Think about this statement for a moment. Every single year you live with some sort of CHRONIC PAIN SYNDROME (or syndromes as the case may be) is the equivalent of nearly 10 times the brain loss seen in the normal aging process. Re-read this paragraph until the urgency of your situation sinks in!

Although there are several types of pain (the study of Chronic Pain can get extremely complex), we are going to try and keep this as simple as possible. For our purposes, there are two types of Chronic Pain. It has to do with where the pain comes from. Chronic Pain originates in one of the two following areas.

  • The Central Nervous System
  • The Body

As we will discuss shortly, Chronic Pain that arises in the CNS is frequently ‘learned’ pain. Let me explain. In order to learn how to SHOOT FREE THROWS, use chop sticks, PLAY THE PIANO, speak Swahili, you have to practice. Everyone remembers the old adage; Practice makes Perfect. If you stimulate pain pathways in the Brain & Nervous System long enough, or are exposed to enough stressors in your life (CHEMICAL, AUTOIMMUNE, EMOTIONAL, DIETARY, FOOD SENSITIVITIES, PHYSICAL, BACTERIAL, VIRAL, PARASITIC, FUNGAL, MOLD, ELECTROMAGNETIC, etc), you can alter the way your Brain and Central Nervous System function.

Hopefully your pain, even though severe, is still Type II (THE THREE TYPES OF PAIN). As people start losing control of numerous areas of physiology (DIGESTION, HORMONAL, IMMUNITY, BLOOD SUGAR REGULATION, HYPERSENSITIVITY, DYSBIOSIS, etc), the problems ramp up. Over time this pain can (will) become locked into the brain. Although pathological Pain Syndromes arising from a malfunctioning CNS are not the most common causes of Chronic Pain, if this is where you are at, you are going to have to find a way to deal with these underlying issues (FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGY can be a fantastic starting point). Although I provide information that helps many people help themselves with the severe metabolic and neurological problems, this website is chiefly devoted to defeat chronic Pain that is not locked into the Brain, but is instead originating from the body (Type II Pain).

Defeat Chronic Pain: Nociception

“Simple Nociception” is the most basic type of pain. If someone steps on your toe, it hurts. This is normal, and means that your nervous system is functioning properly. Get the person off your toe, and the pain goes away — almost immediately. Simple. There are several different types of Nociceptive Pain, but the one that we are most concerned about on this website is the one that has to do with ‘deep’ musculoskeletal pain, otherwise known as Deep Somatic Pain (Greek �Soma� = body). Deep Somatic Pain is pain that originates in tissues that are considered to be ‘deep’ in the body. Although we do not always think of many of these tissue types as being deep, this category includes things like LIGAMENTS, TENDONS, MUSCLES, FASCIA, blood vessels, and bones. There are two main types of Nociceptors, chemical and mechanical.

I. Chemical Nociception

The Chemical Nociceptors are stimulated by noxious chemicals. The chief of these are the chemicals we collectively refer to as INFLAMMATION (bear in mind that once Inflammation is involved, we begin moving away from Type I pain and into Type II pain — Nociception is still involved, but so is the Inflammatory Cascade). Inflammation is actually made up of a large group of chemicals manufactured within your body as part of the normal Immune System response. They have names like prostaglandins, leukotrienes, histamines, cytokines, kinins, etc, etc, etc. When these chemicals are out of increased beyond what’s needed for normal tissue repair, the result will be a whole host of health problems —- and Chronic Pain.

Although “SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION” is at the root of the vast majority of America’s health problems (DIABETES, CANCER, FIBROMYALGIA, THYROID PROBLEMS, ARTHRITIS, HEART DISEASE, and numerous others), you will soon see that even though Inflammation is always involved with the tissues of the “Deep Soma,” it sometimes gets more credit than it deserves. However, you also have to be aware that exposing MICROSCOPIC SCAR TISSUE to chronic inflammation can potentially hyper-sensitize nerves. This hypersensitization makes the nerves within Scar Tissue as much as 1,000 times more pain sensitive than normal (the work of the famous neurologist, DR. CHAN GUNN).

INCREASED TISSUE ACIDITY (usually caused by hypoxia — diminished tissue oxygen levels) is another common form of Chemical Nociception. This frequently occurs as the result of a JUNKY DIET, but is also caused by relentless Mechanical / Neurological / Immune System Dysfunction. It is a big reason that my Decompression Protocols utilize OXYGEN THERAPY extensively.

II. Mechanical Nociception

As you can imagine, Mechanical Dysfunction stimulates the Mechanical Nociceptors. This group of nociceptors (pain receptors) is stimulated by constant mechanical stress in the tissues of the Deep Soma — particularly ligaments, tendons, and fascia. Mechanical tension, mechanical deformation, mechanical pressure, etc are the things that cause Mechanical Nociception, which can in turn, cause pain — chronic, unrelenting, pain. Remove the offending mechanical stressor, and you can oftentimes remove the pain. Sounds simple, doesn�t it? Unfortunately, nothing is ever quite as simple as it initially appears.

Be aware that Nociceptive Pain can actually become Brain-Based over time. This is called ‘Supersensitivity’ and is caused by alterations in the Brain and Central Nervous System that perpetuate the pain cycle (many in the medical community are calling it CENTRALIZATION OR CENTRAL SENSITIZATION. In Mechanical Nociception, even though the injured tissue has, according to all of the medical tests, HEALED, it has healed improperly; i.e. microscopic scar tissue and tissue adhesion — particularly in the FASCIA. I probably do not need to tell you that this can be really really bad news — particularly because it is a significant feature of what I call “CHRONIC PAIN’S PERFECT STORM“.

As nerve function and PROPRIOCEPTION become increasingly fouled up, degenerative arthritis and joint deterioration begin to set in (HERE). Because of involvement in the Brain or Central Nervous System, this kind of pain is often referred to as Neuropathic Pain or Neruogenic Pain. Sometimes people end up with HYPERALGIA (Extreme sensitivity to pain. Stimulus that should cause a little pain, causes extraordinary amounts of pain). Or they end up with ALLODYNIA (Stimulus which do not normally elicit any pain at all, now causes pain). Sometimes these two overlap. Stay with me and you will begin to understand why.

Defeat Chronic Pain: Hypersensitized Nerves Relationship To Injured Or Damaged Fascia

Think of nerve endings as the twigs at the very end of a tree limb. Nerves (just like a tree) begin with a large trunk, which splits / divides into smaller and smaller branches until eventually you arrive at the end � the tiny twig (or nerve ending) at the end of the very smallest branches.

If you have ever seen a �topped� tree, you can understand what happens to nerve endings that are found in microscopic scar tissue. Professional Tree Trimmers cut (or �top�) the largest branches just above where the trunk splits into two or three limbs. What happens to these stubs? Instead of having limbs that continue to branch out and divide into ever-smaller limbs in a normal fashion, you get a stub or stump, that in a short matter of time, swells up and has hundreds of tiny twig-like limbs growing from it. �Topping� stimulates the growth of twigs from the stump. The injured nerves found in microscopic scar tissue act in much the same way.

As the larger nerves that are found in soft tissues are injured, you end up with an inordinate number of immature nerve endings (twigs) growing out of an inflamed nerve �stump�. As you might imagine, extra pain receptors are never a good thing! And because there in Inflammation present, this often leads to Microscopic Scar Tissue, which, even though it is up to 1,000 times more pain-sensitive than normal tissue, cannot be seen with even the most technologically advance imaging techniques such as CT / MRI (HERE). This is a commonly seen phenomenon in Facial Adhesions, and is why even though the people living this nightmare believe that because their pain is so severe that it should make their MRI “Glow Red”, it shows nothing. This tends to lead to deer-in-the-headlight looks when you ask your doctor what might be causing your pain, not to mention accusations of malingering, drug seeking, or attempting to get on Disability.

Defeat Chronic Pain: Nerves Are Like Tree Branches

Uninjured Nerves

defeat chronic pain

Photo by Stephen McCulloch

Injured Nerves

defeat chronic pain

Photo by Linda Bailey


Defeat Chronic Pain: Fascial Adhesions

Microscopic Scar Tissue & Chronic Pain

One of the biggest revelations for many people suffering with Chronic Pain is the absurd numbers of CHRONIC PAIN SYNDROMES brought on by microscopic scarring of the FASCIA. It gets even worse once you realize that this Fascia is the most pain-sensitive tissue in the body —- yet it does not show up on even the most technologically advanced imaging techniques, including MRI. Simply read our “Fascia” page to see why microscopic scarring of this specific “Connective Tissue” is at the root of all sorts of Chronic Pain Cases — not to mention ILL HEALTH.

Destroy Chronic Pain / Doctor Russell Schierling

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