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Understanding the Causes of Nerve Pain in Your Foot

Understanding the Causes of Nerve Pain in Your Foot

Individuals that experience nerve pain in the foot could be caused by a number of different conditions, can recognizing the most common causes help in developing an effective treatment plan?

Understanding the Causes of Nerve Pain in Your Foot

Nerve Pain In The Foot

These sensations can feel like a burning, shooting, electrical, or stabbing pain and can happen while in motion or at rest. It can occur on the top of the foot or through the arch. The area closest to the nerve may be sensitive to the touch. A number of different conditions can cause nerve pain in the foot, including:

  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Pinched nerve
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Diabetic peripheral neuropathy
  • Herniated disc

Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s neuroma involves the nerve that runs between the third and fourth toes, but can sometimes occur between the second and third toes becoming thicker. Typical symptoms include a burning or shooting pain in the area, usually while walking. (Nikolaos Gougoulias, et al., 2019) Another common symptom is the sensation of pressure beneath the toes like the sock is bunched up underneath. Treatments can include:

  • Arch supports
  • Cortisone injections to decrease swelling
  • Footwear modifications – can include lifts, orthotics combined with metatarsal pads, and rocker soles, to provide cushion where needed.

Things that increase the risk of developing the condition include:

  • Regularly wearing high-heels – the condition occurs more frequently in women.
  • Shoes that are too tight.
  • Participating in high-impact sports like running.
  • Having flat feet, high arches, bunions, or hammertoes.

Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve can feel like shooting or burning pain. Nerve entrapment can occur in various regions of the foot or the area on top of the foot may feel sensitive. Causes can be caused by: (Basavaraj Chari, Eugene McNally. 2018)

  • Trauma that causes swelling.
  • Blunt impact.
  • Tight shoes.

Treatment can include:

  • Massage
  • Physical therapy
  • Rest
  • Footwear modifications
  • Anti-inflammatories.

Things that increase the risk of developing a pinched nerve in the foot include:

  • Poor-fitting footwear.
  • Repetitive stress injury.
  • Trauma to the foot.
  • Obesity.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Another type of nerve entrapment is tarsal tunnel syndrome. Tarsal tunnel syndrome is “anything that produces compression on the posterior tibial nerve.” (American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. 2019) The tibial nerve is located near the heel. Symptoms include numbness and foot cramps, burning, tingling, or shooting sensations that often radiate from the instep/arch. Both can worsen while the foot is at rest, like when sitting or sleeping. Treatment can consist of:

  • Placing padding in the shoe where the foot is being compressed to relieve the pain.
  • Custom foot orthotics.
  • Cortisone shots or other anti-inflammatory treatments.
  • Surgery may be necessary to release the nerve.

Conditions that compress the tibial nerve and can lead to tarsal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Flat feet
  • Fallen arches
  • Ankle sprain
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Varicose veins
  • Bone spurs

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Long-term high blood sugar/glucose associated with diabetes can lead to a form of nerve damage known as peripheral neuropathy. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2022) Neuropathy pain feels like burning or shooting pain, or the sensation of walking on bubble wrap that usually shows up overnight. The pain can come and go as well as a gradual loss of feeling in the feet that begins in the toes and moves up the foot. It’s estimated that around half of individuals with diabetes will eventually develop neuropathy. (Eva L. Feldman, et al., 2019) Treatments can include:

  • Physical therapy massage to increase circulation.
  • Topical treatments with capsaicin.
  • Vitamin B.
  • Blood sugar management.
  • Alpha lipoic acid.
  • Medication.

Individuals with diabetes have an increased risk of developing peripheral neuropathy if:

  • Blood sugar is not well-controlled.
  • Diabetes has been present for many years.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Smoke.
  • Overweight or obese.

Herniated Disc

Nerve pain in the foot can be caused by spinal issues. A herniated disc in the lower back can irritate and compress the nerves, causing pain that radiates down the leg and foot. Additional symptoms usually include muscle weakness in the legs and/or numbness and tingling. Most herniated discs don’t require surgery and get better with conservative treatment. (Wai Weng Yoon, Jonathan Koch. 2021) If symptoms don’t improve or worsen, a healthcare provider may recommend surgery. Herniated discs are most common in young and middle-aged adults. Increased chances of developing a herniated disc can come from:

  • Degenerative changes in the spine from normal age wear and tear.
  • Physically demanding job.
  • Lifting incorrectly.
  • Overweight or obese.
  • Genetic predisposition – family history of herniated discs.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis occurs when the spaces in the spine begin to narrow, creating pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots. It is usually caused by wear and tear on the spine as the body ages. Stenosis in the lower back can cause burning pain in the buttocks and leg. As it progresses pain can radiate into the feet along with numbness and tingling. Conservative treatment consists of physical therapy exercises and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications/NSAIDs. (Jon Lurie, Christy Tomkins-Lane. 2016) Cortisone injections can be beneficial and if the condition worsens, surgery may be an option. Risk factors include:

  • Age 50 or older.
  • A narrow spinal canal.
  • Previous injury.
  • Previous spinal surgery.
  • Osteoarthritis that is affecting the back.

Other Possible Causes

Other conditions can result in nerve damage and pain symptoms and sensations. Examples include: (Nathan P. Staff, Anthony J. Windebank. 2014)

  • Vitamin deficiencies (Nathan P. Staff, Anthony J. Windebank. 2014)
  • Physical trauma – after surgery or an automobile or sports accident.
  • Certain cancer, antiviral medications, or antibiotics.
  • Complex regional pain syndrome.
  • Tumors that irritate and/or compress a nerve.
  • Liver or kidney disease.
  • Infectious diseases – Lyme disease complications or viral infections.

Nerve pain in the foot is definitely a reason to see a healthcare provider. Early diagnosis can help prevent symptom progression and future problems. Once the cause of the pain has been identified, the healthcare team can work together to develop a personalized treatment plan to release compressed nerves and restore mobility and function. See a healthcare provider right away if the pain and symptoms worsen, or if there are difficulties standing or walking.

Chiropractic After Accidents and Injuries


Gougoulias, N., Lampridis, V., & Sakellariou, A. (2019). Morton’s interdigital neuroma: instructional review. EFORT open reviews, 4(1), 14–24.

Chari, B., & McNally, E. (2018). Nerve Entrapment in Ankle and Foot: Ultrasound Imaging. Seminars in musculoskeletal radiology, 22(3), 354–363.

American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Tarsal tunnel syndrome.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diabetes and nerve damage.

Feldman, E. L., Callaghan, B. C., Pop-Busui, R., Zochodne, D. W., Wright, D. E., Bennett, D. L., Bril, V., Russell, J. W., & Viswanathan, V. (2019). Diabetic neuropathy. Nature reviews. Disease primers, 5(1), 42.

Yoon, W. W., & Koch, J. (2021). Herniated discs: when is surgery necessary?. EFORT open reviews, 6(6), 526–530.

Lurie, J., & Tomkins-Lane, C. (2016). Management of lumbar spinal stenosis. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 352, h6234.

Staff, N. P., & Windebank, A. J. (2014). Peripheral neuropathy due to vitamin deficiency, toxins, and medications. Continuum (Minneapolis, Minn.), 20(5 Peripheral Nervous System Disorders), 1293–1306.

Running Shoes | How To Choose The Right Type

Running Shoes | How To Choose The Right Type

Running Shoes: Feet are important. By the time the typical American reaches the age of 50, they will have walked 75,000 miles.

Runners put even more miles on their feet, and stress. Your feet are your foundation. A problem with your feet can throw your entire body out of balance. That is why when it comes to running shoes, it is important to find the right type. This guide will help you find the running shoes that are right for you.

Running Shoes

Before You Shop

Know the type of runner you are.

Different types of running require different features in shoes.

Some questions to consider:

  • Do you run or jog?
  • What surface do you run on � asphalt, treadmill, or trails?
  • How far do you run each week?
  • Are you training for a marathon?
  • Are you a competitive sprinter?

Know your body type.

A larger person will not move and run the same way a thin, wiry person does. An overweight person will put more stress on their feet � and shoes.

Know your running style.

The way you run, the motion of your stride and how your foot strikes the ground has great bearing on the type of running shoe you need. When your foot comes in contact with the ground, what hits first? Does the inside of your forefoot hit first? The center of your heel? The outside of your heel? Where your foot first hits is where you really want the cushion.

Know what injuries you may have sustained from running.

Plantar fasciitis, shin splints, tendonitis, and blisters are a few common injuries can be reversed or improved when you wear running shoes that fit properly.

Know the type of arch you have.

Whether you supinate (foot rolls to the outside) or pronate (foot rolls to the inside) is determined, at least in part, by the shape of your arch. While supinators are rare, quite a few people over pronate. This can be the source of injuries due to overuse.

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When You Shop

Give it the 360-degree test.

When people try on shoes they typically check for fit in the toe box, but look no further than that. When you try on running shoes, you do need to make sure you have adequate space in the toe box, but you also need to check that your entire foot fits on the shoe�s platform.

Give your foot enough space.

The upper should have enough room but should not be loose. It shouldn�t squeeze your foot either though. It should fit well with no pinching or binding.

Shop later in the day.

Throughout the day your feet swell. When you run they also swell so when you shop for shoes, going when your feet are the largest will help ensure that you get the most accurate and more comfortable fit possible.

Bring your old running shoes along when you shop.

Having your old shoes with you when you shop will help the sales person determine what kind of running shoe you need. They can look at the wear on the shoe to see your running patterns and help you find a shoe that works best for you.

Get your foot measured.

As you age your feet actually change; they can expand or flatten. Don�t every assume your shoe size, get your foot measured every time. A comfortable fit is dependent upon wearing the right size shoe. You also need to keep in mind that shoe sizes may differ from brand to brand.

Dress for the run.

When you are shopping for a new pair of running shoes, dress as you would when you run. Don�t show up wearing flip flops or when you are dressed for the office. Definitely don�t show up without socks.

Forget the latest trend or what�s fashionable; think functionality.

There are plenty of sharp looking shoes, but that doesn�t mean they are the right running shoe for you. Go for fit and functionality first and fashion second.

Take them for a test drive.

Once you have settled on a pair or two, try them both on and try them out. Many stores that specialize in running shoes have a treadmill or area where runners can try their shoes. That is the only way you can tell for shoe if the shoe is right for you.

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