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Weight Loss

Back Clinic Weight Loss. People who are overweight or obese and are suffering from back pain may not realize that their excess weight contributes to their back pain. It is a known fact that overweight people are at risk for back pain, joint pain, and muscle strain. Not only is back pain an issue, but other symptoms of obese or overweight people may include fatigue, difficulty breathing, and/or shortness of breath during short periods of physical activity. When this happens, people begin to avoid physical activity, which leads to pain and various other unhealthy conditions.

Dr. Jimenez brings the PUSH-as-Rx System, which is a program designed by a strength-agility coach and physiology doctor with a combined 40 years of experience. The program is the multidisciplinary study of reactive agility, body mechanics, and extreme motion dynamics at its core.

A clear quantitative picture of body dynamics emerges through continuous and detailed assessments of the clients in motion and under directly supervised stress loads. This system with continual dynamic adjustments has helped many of our patients in their weight loss. Plus, they become faster and stronger. Results demonstrate clear improved agility and speed no matter the age. Along with physical training, Dr. Jimenez and the trainers offer nutritional advice.

Do Sit-Stand Desks Help Burn Calories Without Causing Back Pain?

Do Sit-Stand Desks Help Burn Calories Without Causing Back Pain?

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez takes a look at sit/stand desks to see if they help with back pain and burn calories.

Regular utilization of sit-stand desks at work can help burn off calories and stop weight gain when coupled with other low-intensity tasks, according to findings from a current study in Occupational Medicine. The sit- stand desks did not increase pain or reduce productivity.

�In fact, other longer-term studies are demonstrating that using a sit-stand desk may actually reduce pain,� clarified lead writer Bethany Barone Gibbs, PhD, FAHA, Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Activity, Clinical, and Translational Science in the Physical Activity and Weight Management Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh.

For patients who have back pain or have lately experienced spinal surgery, the recommendation to stand on and off during the day is very important, commented A. Nick Shamie, MD, Chief of Orthopaedic Spine Surgery and Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Neurosurgery at UCLA School of Medicine.

�Sitting down puts significant pressure on disks and the backbone,� Dr. Shamie said. �In addition, the pressure on discs is extremely high when one is seated and bends forward to pick something off of the flooring,� he noted.

The Way The Study Was Performed

For the study, 18 people (9 men, 9 women) performed standardized deskwork at different positions for three independent one-hour sessions: 60 minutes sitting, 60 minutes standing, and 60 minutes spent alternating between sitting and standing for 30 minutes each. Standardized deskwork contained posts that were typing from a magazine, copying definitions from a dictionary, and math exercises. Areas completed experimental sessions in a haphazard order, at least and within four weeks.

All participants were between the ages of 22 and 57 years old, had earned at least a high school degree, and worked sedentary office occupations having an average daily sitting time of 8.8 hours.


Sit-Stand Desks May Burn Off 50-60 Calories Each Day

The research found that if your person stood for thirty minutes during each hour, they might burn 5.5 more calories than they’d have by sitting for the entire hour. Standing for the full hour burned an extra 8.2 calories. Changing evenly between sitting and standing on the course of an 8-hour day�4 hours sitting and 4 hours standing �could burn off as much as 56.9 calories for guys and 48.3 calories for girls.

While the number of calories is comparatively small, it may be sufficient to stop weight gain from working a sedentary job. In reality, the researchers pointed to other studies showing that modest increases in daily activity, the equivalent of burning 100 calories per day, prevents weight gain in most individuals. Routine usage of sit-stand desks could be one of many small tasks that would help weight is maintained by office workers, the researchers noted.

The Advantages Of Sit-Stand Desks

�Sit-stand desks are an easy way to get an increase in energy cost that matches into America�s present office culture. By combining the action of standing for part of the day with other occasional actions�say, electing to walk to the printer farthest away from your work space or selecting to make use of the restroom that�s found a few flights of stairs away�you can attain a significant amount of extra energy cost while at work which could help in weight control,� Dr. Barone Gibbs said.

�It’s essential that we understand standing at work isn�t going to burn off as many calories as choosing a brisk walk or a long term,� Dr. Barone Gibbs said. �However, our findings add to an increasing area of research that demonstrates the advantages of sit-stand desks, including increases in energy and productivity, blood sugar, and lower pain, and potentially blood pressure.�

Folks can certainly go online and also read reviews of the greatest sit-stand desks and how to incorporate them into work setting, Dr. Shamie said. He included that sit-stand desks are simply one part of back care. Eating a healthy diet, sleep, regular exercise, are all factors that play a job in an overall healthy lifestyle and back care, he explained.

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Why Am I Hungry? Bizarre Things Stoking Your Hunger

Why Am I Hungry? Bizarre Things Stoking Your Hunger

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez &�Athletic Fitness Trainer Daniel Alvarado take a look at why people trying to lose weight are always hungry.

Why Am I famished � like all of the time?� Is that a question you�re asking a lot lately? That�s because weight loss is a bit more complex than �calories in, calories out.� While that is certainly important, getting your hormones under control is essential to stifle an out of control hunger.

Fortunately, you�re not destined to get a life of counting calories (and feeling starved all the time). Eating well, exercising and moving more during the day are key methods to shed weight. However, you can find several other ways to begin chipping away at those last few pounds, too. Here are a few odd things which make you hungry. And how you can start taking steps to reverse overeating �

I Am�Hungry Because? 3 Odd Causes


1. Salt

Eating salt makes you thirsty? Nope. A team of researchers from Vanderbilt University found that while excessive salt consumption can cause you to be thirsty initially that the body really begins producing and keeping more of its own water. This forces the body to truly use lots of fuel to break down muscle mass, fueling your hunger. This breakthrough finding changes what we all know about salt and hunger and sheds new light on overeating and its dangerous side effects. (1)

Getting your salt intake under control is essential, if you�re appearing to lose weight quickly.

2. Air Conditioning

There a theory that our body is primed by air condition for overeating and weight gain. Individuals look to eat more in chilly temperatures. Why? The body�s trying to remain warm. I get using air conditioning in order to avoid extreme and dangerous heat, but I wouldn�t make air conditioning a habit if you�re attempting to slim down. (2, 3)

3. Particular Drugs

Certain drugs might be fueling your desire. Insulin, some allergy meds, steroids and even some blood pressure meds and anti depressants are proven to activate hunger and weight gain. While you shouldn�t only get from your meds without speaking to your own doctor, fixing leaky gut can go a ways in actually reversing a long listing of other symptoms and also allergies. (Rather than simply covering them up.) Working on bowel repair can start the process of fixing the main cause of several ailments.(4)

How to Get Your Hunger Under Control

It’s possible for you to take several approaches to get reset your food cravings � and finally Why I ‘m keen, involve some solutions on your �?� question. You might want to work with your doctor to ID any hormone imbalances. But regardless of that, here are other things it is possible to do:

  • Work natural appetite suppressants. These generally include green tea extract, foods that are hot, saffron extract and high-fiber foods.
  • Find out the way to work with grapefruit essential oil. Just the smell of grapefruit oil excites sympathetic nerves that supply the brown adipose tissue and adrenal glands, which might help stimulate fat loss.
  • Exercise consistently. Mix it up with other types of exercise and busted training you like.
  • Eat foods that balance your hormones naturally. Avocados are at the very top of that list.

Final Thoughts�On, �Why Am I Always Hungry?�

  • There really are several things that are surprising that may be causing you to overeat.
  • A lot of salt doesn�t make you thirsty, it really activates your body to generate and keep more water, which makes you even hungrier and takes bunch of energy.
  • Getting enough sleep, eating foods that balance your hormones and selecting appetite-suppressing foods and spices are able to help you avoid overeating.
  • Straightforward smelling grapefruit essential oil can in fact help boost weight loss and hunger amounts that are reduced.

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What Helped Me Get In Great Shape? Pasta, Curries, Chocolate & Red Wine

What Helped Me Get In Great Shape? Pasta, Curries, Chocolate & Red Wine

I eat a wide variety of delicious foods every day including pasta dishes, curries, cheese and chocolate. I also drink red wine most days. Yet I’m in the best shape of my life and I’ve never felt healthier.

What’s my secret? Actually it’s not a secret at all. You’ve no doubt heard many good things about the Mediterranean diet. You probably also know that Asian diets, such as the Japanese diet, are also extremely healthy. All I did was combine the best parts of these traditional and highly appetising diets into one ‘MediterrAsian’ diet — so I literally get the best of both worlds.

I didn’t come up with this concept alone. In fact it was an extraordinary set of circumstances that led me to follow a MediterrAsian way of eating in the first place.

My parents are both medical doctors, so I’ve always had a natural interest in health and healthy living. But it wasn’t until I was introduced to authentic Asian cuisine by my Chinese-Malaysian sister-in-law in my late teens that I discovered that healthy food and delicious food could be one in the same. This was a revelation to me, and I’ve been hooked on Asian food ever since.

Then, in my early twenties, I met and fell in love with Ric. Like me, Ric was very interested in health and healthy living. That was mainly because he’d lost his own health following a near-fatal motorcycle accident six years earlier. After lots of struggle and pain, he only fully regained his health by adopting a Mediterranean diet. When we met, I introduced Ric to Asian cooking and he introduced me to Mediterranean cooking. We ended up bonding over pad Thai and paella!



We also discovered there were so many benefits to eating a combined diet of Mediterranean and Asian foods. One of the biggest benefits was for our taste buds! So many of the world’s most mouth-watering foods originate from Mediterranean and Asian regions, including pasta, pizza, risotto, sushi, curries, and stir-fries. So we never felt deprived. And the health benefits were also extraordinary. From getting us in the best shape of our lives to improving our cholesterol and blood pressure, and giving us bucket loads of energy.

What Exactly Makes MediterrAsian Eating So Health Giving?



Actually, we’ve discovered there are a number of important reasons. Unlike modern Western diets that are full of highly processed foods, traditional Mediterranean and Asian diets are based on a foundation of minimally processed plant foods. These vegetables, fruits, grains and beans are bulky and filling but are generally low to moderate in calories. Fish and shellfish, which are also traditional Mediterranean and Asian staples, are also quite low in calories and are a good source of hunger-suppressing protein. So, these foods fill us up long before they fill us out. They also more than counter-balance the higher calorie foods we do eat, such as olive oil, nuts and cheese. This means we end up feeling comfortably full after a meal, without consuming more calories than our bodies need.

Traditional Mediterranean and Asian foods are also overflowing with health-promoting compounds including dietary fibre (which also happens to be one of nature�s best appetite suppressants), omega-3 fatty acids, phytochemicals and antioxidants.

But there’s another big reason why combining Mediterranean and Asian eating practices make so much sense. And it comes down to how the foods in these traditional diets affect our genes.

Scientific research in recent years has found that many foods common in Mediterranean and Asian diets (such as olive oil, red wine, turmeric, green tea, dark chocolate and soyfoods) are rich in natural plant compounds that activate a type of gene in the body called sirtuins. Studies have found that sirtuins play a fundamental role in extending cellular life and the repair of DNA. They also inhibit fat storage and increase fat metabolism.

That’s why a diet rich in sirtuin-activating foods, or “sirtfoods,” is being recommended by a growing number of health experts. In fact, Adele credits much of her dramatic weight loss with following a diet rich in sirtfoods.

So if you want to get healthy and in shape, reduce your risk of chronic disease and live longer — all while enjoying a wide range of delicious foods — we highly recommend you give a MediterrAsian way of eating a go.


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— Trudy Thelander is co-author of the acclaimed cookbook, The MediterrAsian Way, and co-creator of the newly-released mobile cooking app, The MediterrAsian Table.

Best Weight Loss Programs for People with Back Pain

Best Weight Loss Programs for People with Back Pain

Many people in the United States will experience back pain at some point in their lifetime, whether it’s a temporary or chronic issue. However, a great percentage of individuals with this debilitating complication are overweight or obese.

Fortunately, research has demonstrated that weight loss can have a considerable effect towards relieving symptoms of back pain. Weight loss programs can be very helpful for patients with weight problems and back pain. While there are a variety of programs available, not every program is the same and it may be difficult to find the best one for each individual. Some are commercialized and others are managed by a physician. Some weight loss programs recommend the use of supplements while others prescribe medications. Others may or may not be covered by insurance companies.

What to Look for in a Weight Loss Program

Considering all the differences in weight loss programs, it’s ultimately essential for Americans to first do some research in order to find the most appropriate program for them before signing up and spending any amount of money. Several weight loss programs may even provide practices that your healthcare professional may have advised you to avoid participating in if they would have been consulted first.

A recent study evaluated 191 different weight loss programs in the Maryland, Washington, DC and Virginia region of the country. From the wide array of programs, their websites provided little to no relevant information regarding they type of weight loss program. Important details, such as the type of diet, the amount of exercise and physical activity, types of behavioral therapies, and the use of medications, were all missing online, factors which were heavily considered for the study. Most websites had not been designed to offer details of each program, but rather offer contact information for clients.

Several of the weight loss programs also incorporated weight loss supplements and medications, an important piece of information which they also failed to mention on their websites. Individuals must be cautious of taking products which have not been approved by the FDA. There are U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved medications and supplements available to help treat excess weight and obesity, however, these must be prescribed by a licensed and qualified healthcare professional.

Three essential factors to an effective weight loss program, as recommended by the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology and the Obesity Society, which should be featured include:

  • a moderately reduced caloric meal plan;
  • a regimen for increased physical activity;
  • and a behavioral therapy strategy.

Seeking Professional Advice

Because many weight loss programs are commercialized products or services, these can most commonly offer practices which may not meet professional standards. According to Dr. J Michael Gonzalez Campoy, MD, PhD, FACE, a specialist in obesity medicine, people seeking a weight loss program to participate in should primarily seek advice and guidance from a healthcare professional who specialized in treating weight issues and obesity.

�With the epidemic of overweight and obesity in this country, two-thirds of Americans will seek help managing their weight. The point is well taken that there is too much commercialism, or selling products with a promise of unrealistic achievements. It is best for each patient to address weight management with their personal healthcare professional first,” stated Dr. Gonzalez Campoy.

When it comes to finding the best weight loss program for your own needs, speaking to a licensed and qualified expert can be the most suitable alternative, as this option can often be safer and more effective than other weight loss programs. Patients can find obesity medicine doctors through the website of The American Board of Obesity Medicine, abbreviated as ABOM.

When Back Pain is an Issue for Weight Loss

Although many people with excess weight and obesity seek weight loss program alternatives to lose weight, it can often be difficult for them to engage in the practices due to back pain. Studies have shown that back pain is most prevalent on individuals with weight issues and that can play a huge role on their inability to engage in a proper weight loss program. However, inactivity can also ultimately lead to muscle weakness and stiffness, particularly affecting core strength, which is necessary for supporting the spine and its surrounding structures.

Aquatic therapy, or physical activity in a pool, is a low-impact form of exercise that can be a good choice for people with back pain, helping them reduce weight and strengthen the muscles. Additionally, people with obesity and excess are more likely to experience muscle weakness and stiffness along their lower back, making it difficult for them to walk on a treatmill or step mill. Although overweight or obesity complications can contribute to back pain, consulting a healthcare professional is a good approach to learning the best possible way for them to stay active and avoid further injury.

If symptoms of back pain worsen and/or they are accompanied by tingling sensations, numbness and/or weakness, it may be advised to obtain a proper diagnosis to determine the source of the symptoms and adjust or stop physical activity and exercise immediately. Furthermore, regular physical activity and exercise can help prevent aggravating back pain during intense or prolonged workouts. Over time, regular exercise and physical activity will help increase the individual’s strength, flexibility and endurance, improving their overall health and wellness.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Weight Loss Eases Back Pain

Back pain and symptoms of sciatica can affect a majority of the population throughout their lifetime. Research studies have demonstrated that people who are overweight or obese experience more back complications than people with a healthy weight. A proper nutrition along with regular physical fitness can help with weight loss as well as help maintain a healthy weight to eliminate symptoms of back pain and sciatica. Chiropractic care is also another natural form of treatment which treats back pain and sciatica utilizing manual spinal adjustments and manipulations.


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Before A New Diet, Find Out What Your Ancestors Ate

Before A New Diet, Find Out What Your Ancestors Ate

Thinking About Going Vegan Or Paleo?

Proponents of specific food class-centric diets such as paleo, vegan, gluten-free, ketogenic, or the Mediterranean diet often but not always tend to prescribe their plans for everyone. Not so fast, says a group from the University of California, Berkeley. Biologists at UC Berkeley and other institutions around the world have published research that shows genetic differences from natural selection based on dietary changes in Europe, Ars Technica reports.

According to the research, for example, if you live in Europe, and particularly in southern Europe, your body is optimized to digest and process plant-based diets. Natives of Greenland, specifically the Inuit, are better at processing meat fat.

More:�Looking for a paleo or gluten-free meal kit? Sun Basket delivers the goods

The researchers compared genomes from hundreds of contemporary humans and 101 genome sequences from Bronze Age humans who lived in Europe 5,000 years ago. They found DNA changed significantly in the last 5,000 years.

The science behind the studies is based on examining two genes that regulate how fatty acids in foods are converted into the �long-chain� form used by humans for tissue health, including the brain and muscles. Plants such as wheat and vegetables�provide �short-chain� fatty acids and must be converted to the long-form type in order for the human body to use them.

In its genome studies, the researchers found that southern European genomes mutated to produce more long-chain fatty acids from the shorter variation. This change, they argue, is due to evolutionary �pressure��from a diet that changed to accommodate more plant-based foods.�The Inuit genome, however, had no such influence, which means Inuit genes�aren�t equipped to convert as great a quantity of long-chain fatty acids because they don�t as much need it.

The general take on this research: There is no one best diet or nutritional bias for all people. If your ancestors are all from the 10 countries that make up northern Europe, for example, the study indicates you could be more likely better equipped to thrive on a diet having a higher proportion of meat. People of southern European ancestry, however, might do better with diets that lean toward plant-based foods.

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Weight Loss: Back Pain & Obesity

Weight Loss: Back Pain & Obesity

A good attitude about weight loss will go a long way in helping you to achieve success. Whether your weight problem has resulted from eating the wrong foods, lack of routine physical exercise, using food to resist anxiety, age, or genetics �you can help defeat that by setting reasonable goals and expectations that are realistic.

The initial step to take would be to discuss your set for weight loss and general health by means of your physician. Your physician can assist you to make informed choices about treatments that contain weight loss plans and exercise suitable to your needs.

blog picture of weight scale, tape measure and vegetables

  • Therapies include dietary, behavioral, drug, and for some patients, surgical alteration of the digestive system to reduce the quantity of food consumed. A safe and realistic weight reduction plan may result in success.
  • Evaluating your body weight is more involved than stepping on the scale. This info is assessed to find out your risks due to extra weight (eg, high blood pressure).

Nutrition Means To Feed Your Body

In the event you haven’t detected, the ‘D’ word (Diet) hasn’t been used in this post as it relates to weight reduction. Granted, caloric reduction will be required by a weight loss program. Yet, for many overweight or obese folks, a weight loss program means exercising, handling anxiety, and making lifestyle changes, which might comprise relearning how to eat.

It’s vitally crucial that you feed your body the nutrients it needs to be healthy and live. No one food contains all the essential nutrients �it takes combining a wide variety of foods to help meet your body’s needs. If you have been heavy or obese for a long time, your body may really be starving for necessary nutrients!

Nutrients Their Food Sources & Activities In The Human Body

*Fats are essential in taking the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. There are just three types of fats:

  • Saturated Fat will raise blood cholesterol levels. These fats are found mostly in meat and diary products.
  • Polyunsaturated Fat tends to lower blood cholesterol levels. It’s mainly found in plant sources such as safflower, sunflower, soybean, corn, and cottonseed.
  • Monounsaturated Fat tends to lower the bad cholesterol or LDL (low density cholesterol). Examples include canola oil, olive oil, peanut oil, and avocados.

Although this amount is exceeded by most Americans, dietary ingestion of fat shouldn’t exceed 30% per day.

Remove the skin from poultry, trim visible fat from meat, an easy method to cut back fat consumption is to choose lean cuts of meat, choose water-packed tuna, and pick dairy products made from skim or low-fat milk.


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Scheduling Meals Can Improve Heart Health

Scheduling Meals Can Improve Heart Health

People who want a healthy heart should be mindful of not only what they eat, but when they eat, according to a new scientific statement from the American Heart Association (AHA).

The report is a response to the growing evidence that timing matters when it comes to heart disease risk, said Marie-Pierre St-Onge, the lead author of the statement. The various organs of the body have their own “clocks,” St-Onge explained, and that may affect how we handle food at different times of the day and night.

“For example, later in the evening, it’s harder for the body to process glucose [sugar], compared with earlier in the day,” said St-Onge, an associate professor of nutritional medicine at Columbia University in New York City.

The new statement highlights what’s known — and what’s not — about meal timing and heart health. The statement lacks specific rules, such as “Never eat after 8 p.m.,” or “Everyone should eat breakfast.”

It does, however, suggest that people spread out their calories over a “defined” period of the day — as opposed to either eating a lot over a short period, or grazing from morning until night. Based on the evidence, the AHA says, it’s probably a good idea to get a large share of your calories earlier in the day.

“A long fasting duration at night is better than a long fast during the day,” St-Onge said.

But there’s no declaration that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

The evidence, St-Onge said, is just not clear enough to make specific recommendations on breakfast.

A number of studies have found that breakfast eaters are generally healthier than breakfast skippers: They tend to weigh less, have better blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, and have lower risks of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, according to the AHA.

The problem is, those studies don’t prove that breakfast deserves the credit. And few trials have actually tested the effects of “assigning” people to eat breakfast, the AHA says.

Based on what studies have been done, adding breakfast doesn’t seem to aid weight loss, the report said. Of course, if breakfast skippers simply add an extra meal to their day, they’ll gain weight, St-Onge pointed out. A few small trials have, however, suggested that breakfast can help regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, according to the AHA.

Sonya Angelone is a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. And she was clear in her support of eating breakfast.

“I think it’s very important to eat breakfast every day,” Angelone said.

Just as important, she said, is to hydrate after a long liquid-free night. Coffee does “count,” she noted, but a glass of water is better. According to Angelone, breakfast is critical because it’s hard to get all the nutrients you need in just two meals a day — even if you snack.

That raises another question: Should people eat “three square meals,” or is it better to stick with small, but more-frequent meals?

That’s not clear, according to the AHA.

Studies that track people in the real world have found that those who eat more often during the day have a lower risk of obesity and better cholesterol levels. On the other hand, the AHA says, small trials that have tested the effects of altering meal frequency have mostly come up empty. When daily calories are kept constant, meal frequency may not affect people’s weight, levels of “good” HDL cholesterol or other factors that affect heart health.

Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to eating, St-Onge said.

Some people, she noted, do well with “grazing” throughout the day — as long as the food choices are healthy, and they do not keep grazing until midnight.

“If you’re someone with good control over your diet, maybe grazing is a good idea,” St-Onge said. “But if it’s difficult for you to stop eating once you start, it’s probably not a good idea.”

According to Angelone, frequent eating may not be wise for people with resistance to insulin — the hormone that regulates blood sugar. Insulin resistance is seen in people with type 2 diabetes or “pre-diabetes.” If those people eat often, Angelone explained, their insulin levels may never have a chance to drop. In general, St-Onge said, “mindfulness” is critical. Often, people eat not because they’re hungry, but to deal with emotions, she said.

“Ask yourself why you’re eating,” St-Onge said. “Is it because you’re stressed or sad or bored? Ask yourself whether you’re really hungry right now.”

The statement was published online Jan. 30 in the AHA journal Circulation.

SOURCES: Marie-Pierre St-Onge, Ph.D., associate professor, nutritional medicine, Columbia University, New York City; Sonya Angelone, M.S., R.D.N., spokesperson, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Chicago; Jan. 30, 2017, Circulation, online

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Additional Topics: Weight Loss Eases Back Pain

Back pain and symptoms of sciatica can affect a majority of the population throughout their lifetime. Research studies have demonstrated that people who are overweight or obese experience more back complications than people with a healthy weight. A proper nutrition along with regular physical fitness can help with weight loss as well as help maintain a healthy weight to eliminate symptoms of back pain and sciatica. Chiropractic care is also another natural form of treatment which treats back pain and sciatica utilizing manual spinal adjustments and manipulations.


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