Clinic Wellness Team. A key factor to spine or back pain conditions is staying healthy. Overall wellness involves a balanced diet, appropriate exercise, physical activity, restful sleep, and a healthy lifestyle. The term has been applied in many ways. But overall, the definition is as follows.
It is a conscious, self-directed, and evolving process of achieving full potential. It is multidimensional, bringing together lifestyles both mental/spiritual and the environment in which one lives. It is positive and affirms that what we do is, in fact, correct.
It is an active process where people become aware and make choices towards a more successful lifestyle. This includes how a person contributes to their environment/community. They aim to build healthier living spaces and social networks. It helps in creating a person’s belief systems, values, and a positive world perspective.
Along with this comes the benefits of regular exercise, a healthy diet, personal self-care, and knowing when to seek medical attention. Dr. Jimenez’s message is to work towards being fit, being healthy, and staying aware of our collection of articles, blogs, and videos.
For individuals looking to increase their antioxidant, fiber, and vitamin intake, can adding pomegranates to their diet help?
Pomegranates can amplify various dishes, from breakfasts to sides to dinners, with their balanced blend of mild sweetness, tartness, and crunch from their seeds.
Health Benefits
The fruit has been found to be a healthy source of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. A medium-sized fruit contains:
FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2019) Pomegranates, raw.
Zarfeshany, A., Asgary, S., & Javanmard, S. H. (2014). Potent health effects of pomegranate. Advanced biomedical research, 3, 100.
For individuals with digestive and other health issues, could resistant starch provide health benefits?
Resistant Starch
Typical starchy foods are simple starches that are rapidly digested. This sends their sugars into the bloodstream, contributing to weight gain and increasing the risk of diabetes and heart disease. (Erik E. J. G. Aller, et al., 2011) Resistant starch is a food component that is a type resistant to digestion. This means that it passes into the large intestine and interacts with the gut flora. Foods that contain resistant starch pass through the stomach and small intestine without being absorbed. In the large intestine, they are fermented by the gut bacteria which releases substances that are beneficial to health.
Health Benefits
Studies on the health benefits are ongoing. Scientists are researching how it can help with weight management and colon health:
Weight Management
Research is beginning to show indications that foods with resistant starch can help with weight loss and the ability to help offset the diseases associated with weight gain that include: (Janine A. Higgins. 2014)
High cholesterol
Metabolic syndrome
Cardiovascular disease
Colon Health
In addition, researchers are finding preliminary evidence indicating that resistant starch might possibly help with: (Diane F. Birt, et al., 2013)
A prebiotic that encourages a healthy balance of gut flora.
Inflammatory bowel disease symptom improvement.
Prevention of colon cancer.
Protection against diverticulitis.
However, more research is needed.
Consumption Amount
Estimates on how much should be consumed range from a minimum of 6 grams to a maximum of 30 grams. It is estimated that most individuals consume less than 5 grams per day, (Mary M. Murphy, et al., 2008). As individuals increase their intake, it is recommended to do so slowly, to minimize unwanted gas and bloating.
Bananas are a healthy source of resistant starch.
They have the maximum amount when they are unripe.
The resistant starch content reduces as the banana ripens.
If green/unripe bananas are not appealing, making a smoothie can help with the taste.
Potatoes have their highest level of resistant starch when raw.
However, individuals can maximize their intake by allowing the potatoes to cool before eating.
Levels of resistant starch depend on whether the rice is white or brown.
Similar to potatoes, intake can be maximized from rice by allowing the rice to cool.
Cooking oats in water, as most are accustomed to making oatmeal, diminishes the resistant starch content.
Rolled or steel-cut oats are recommended as dependable sources of resistant starch.
Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are nutritional powerhouses.
They are a healthy source of dietary fiber, along with many vitamins and minerals, and resistant starch.
Cooked and/or canned chickpeas contain high levels of resistant starch.
They go with salads or as a side dish or snack.
For individuals with IBS, well-rinsed canned chickpeas are considered to be low in FODMAPs or carbohydrates that can contribute to symptoms. (Anamaria Cozma-Petruţ, et al., 2017)
It is recommended to keep the serving size to a 1/4 cup.
Lentils serve as a healthy source of plant-based protein.
Cooked they can provide resistant starch.
They can be prepared in soups or side dishes.
From a can, they can be IBS-friendly by being well-rinsed and limited to a 1/2 cup serving.
Various breads offer varying levels of resistant starch.
Pumpernickel bread contains high levels.
Breadsticks and pizza crusts have high levels.
Individuals with IBS may be reactive to the FODMAP fructan or the gluten protein.
Other recommended high-resistant starch options are corn tortillas or artisanal sourdough bread that is traditionally prepared.
Green Peas
Green peas, even when cooked, are a healthy source of resistant starch.
They can be prepared in soups or as a side dish.
However, green peas have been found to be high in the FODMAP GOS and could be problematic for individuals with IBS. (Anamaria Cozma-Petruţ, et al., 2017)
Most types of cooked and/or canned beans are recommended sources of resistant starch.
The highest levels are found in white and kidney beans.
They can be served in soups, as a side dish, or mixed with rice.
Beans are a high-FODMAP food and could contribute to digestive symptoms in individuals with IBS.
Body In Balance: Chiropractic Fitness and Nutrition
Aller, E. E., Abete, I., Astrup, A., Martinez, J. A., & van Baak, M. A. (2011). Starches, sugars and obesity. Nutrients, 3(3), 341–369.
Higgins J. A. (2014). Resistant starch and energy balance: impact on weight loss and maintenance. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 54(9), 1158–1166.
Birt, D. F., Boylston, T., Hendrich, S., Jane, J. L., Hollis, J., Li, L., McClelland, J., Moore, S., Phillips, G. J., Rowling, M., Schalinske, K., Scott, M. P., & Whitley, E. M. (2013). Resistant starch: promise for improving human health. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 4(6), 587–601.
Murphy, M. M., Douglass, J. S., & Birkett, A. (2008). Resistant starch intakes in the United States. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 108(1), 67–78.
Cozma-Petruţ, A., Loghin, F., Miere, D., & Dumitraşcu, D. L. (2017). Diet in irritable bowel syndrome: What to recommend, not what to forbid to patients!. World journal of gastroenterology, 23(21), 3771–3783.
It can be difficult for individuals and athletes to stay motivated, manage stress and prevent becoming overwhelmed. Can mental toughness and a positive attitude help increase potential and performance levels?
Mental Toughness
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts work on conditioning, skills training, and perfecting techniques. Physical training can take individuals far but another necessary part of maximizing athletic potential is building mental toughness and having the right attitude. Like anything, mental training takes time, effort, and regular adjustments to find ways to shift a losing or bad attitude into a positive one that can bring out the best.
Attitude Is Important
If negativity begins to set in like dealing with an injury, getting rid of self-limiting beliefs can be difficult, as well as generate optimism to rise up and succeed. For athletes or individuals who enjoy competitive sports, developing a positive mental attitude will help with:
Emotions that can affect cognitive functioning strategies.
Energy levels.
Other aspects of physical performance.
Mental Strategies
Mood Improvement
Individuals frustrated by a pessimistic perspective tend to dwell on problems or issues. To shift into a positive mood do something to lift your spirits, even if you don’t think it will help.
Listen to your favorite or uplifting music.
Watch an inspirational movie.
Read a sports psychology book.
Get together or call a teammate or friend that are cheerful and upbeat.
Play different games just for fun.
Take a break, go to the park, walk around, and meditate.
Get into hobbies.
Relax with a therapeutic massage.
Positive Self Talk
Continuing sports psychology research shows that practicing positive self-talk can improve athletic performance. (Nadja Walter, et al., 2019) Sports psychologists describe this through the idea that thoughts create beliefs, that drive actions.
Positive self-talk can take different forms.
For some reciting a specific phrase, sentence, or a single word can effectively manage thoughts, push out the negativity, and focus on taking care of business. Anything that inspires can include:
Remember the fundamentals!
You know what to do!
You can do it!
You got this!
Research shows that positive self-talk reduces anxiety and increases self-confidence, optimization, efficacy, and performance. (Nadja Walter, et al., 2019) However, self-talk needs to be practiced and part of a regular routine to be effective.
Another strategy is using visualization exercises.
This could be using all the senses to imagine the venue where the tournament is taking place, the sound of the crowd, the smells, how the ground or court feels, and/or how the ball or specific sports object feels.
The wisdom is if you can think it, you can do it, once that is determined apply strategies to get there.
Sports Injury Rehabilitation
Walter, N., Nikoleizig, L., & Alfermann, D. (2019). Effects of Self-Talk Training on Competitive Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, Volitional Skills, and Performance: An Intervention Study with Junior Sub-Elite Athletes. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 7(6), 148.
Reiser, M., Büsch, D., & Munzert, J. (2011). Strength gains by motor imagery with different ratios of physical to mental practice. Frontiers in psychology, 2, 194.
For individuals looking to maintain wellness or begin their wellness journey like increasing antioxidants, protection against cancer, immune system support and other health benefits, can adding onions be a nutritious way to improve overall health?
Onions are nutritious vegetables like garlic, chives, leeks, and shallots. The most common types are red, white, yellow, and Spanish onions. They have antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and other healthful properties.
Whichever way they are prepared they do lose some of their nutritional value when cooked.
They contain flavonoids, glutathione, selenium compounds, vitamin E, and vitamin C.
When selecting onions, look for those without blemishes or discoloration, that are firm, and have dry, papery skins.
They contain phytochemicals – compounds plants produce to fight off harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. These phytochemicals provide health benefits when consumed and provide the following properties: (Xin-Xin Zhao, et al., 2021)
Protect the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and neurological systems.
Protect against liver disease.
Support a healthy immune system.
Types and Varieties
They belong to the Allium plant genus which includes plants like garlic, leeks, and chives. (Oregon State University. 2022)
They vary in flavor and can be sweet, tangy, and sour.
Different varieties combined with farming practices contribute to the flavor profile of onions.
There are many varieties of onions.
The most common and widely available are red, white, yellow, and Spanish.
Other types include cipollini, pearl, and Vidalia.
Raw or Cooked
They are beneficial whether eaten raw or cooked, cooking them reduces the number of thiosulfinates – compounds that provide antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibiotic properties.
Boiling and frying onions has been shown to cause the most significant loss in nutritious value.
Other preparation methods that decrease health benefits include sautéing, steaming, and microwaving.
Baking onions is shown to increase flavonoid levels.
Consuming dried, powdered onions can also provide nutritious value to foods, especially if the powder is freeze-dried. (Damini Kothari, et al., 2020)
Nutrition Facts
Onions can contribute to a healthy diet. The flavonoids, glutathione, selenium compounds, vitamin E, and vitamin C, contribute to the antioxidant properties of the vegetable. (Holly L. Nicastro, et al., 2015) The nutrition information for one medium onion: (U.S. Department of Agriculture. N.D.)
Total calories: 44
Total fat: 0 grams
Cholesterol: 0 milligrams
Carbohydrates: 10 grams
Dietary fiber: 2 grams
Total sugars: 5 grams
Protein: 1 grams
Calcium: 2 milligrams
Sodium: 4 milligrams
Iron: 1 milligrams
Vitamin D: 0 micrograms
When Selecting
Onions can contain pesticide residue, heavy metals, microbial contamination, and nitrate accumulation. Knowing where the onions come from can help ensure there was no incorrect use of pesticides or that the soil they were grown in was not enriched with heavy metals. When possible, purchase from reputable sources with transparent farming practices, like the farmers markets. (Xin-Xin Zhao, et al., 2021)
Onions found in environments that have not been effectively sterilized have an increased risk of growing harmful bacteria.
To avoid contamination of Escherichia. coli or E. coli, salmonella, and mold, it’s safest to purchase whole onions and cut them at home rather than purchasing pre-chopped onions. (Xin-Xin Zhao, et al., 2021)
Select those that feel firm, have little to no bruises or discolored spots, and have dry papery skin.
Avoid those that show evidence of mold, like white or black spots on the surface or inside the layers, and those with green shoots, which means the onion is still edible but won’t last that long.
Hypertension Diet
Zhao, X. X., Lin, F. J., Li, H., Li, H. B., Wu, D. T., Geng, F., Ma, W., Wang, Y., Miao, B. H., & Gan, R. Y. (2021). Recent Advances in Bioactive Compounds, Health Functions, and Safety Concerns of Onion (Allium cepa L.). Frontiers in nutrition, 8, 669805.
Nicastro, H. L., Ross, S. A., & Milner, J. A. (2015). Garlic and onions: their cancer prevention properties. Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.), 8(3), 181–189.
Kothari, D., Lee, W. D., & Kim, S. K. (2020). Allium Flavonols: Health Benefits, Molecular Targets, and Bioavailability. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 9(9), 888.
Individuals need to eat more fiber for optimal gut health. Can adding avocado to their diet help improve the gut microbe diversity?
Avocado Gut Support
A diverse gut microbiome is beneficial to overall health. According to a recent study, eating one avocado a day can help maintain the gut microbes healthy, diverse, and balanced. (Sharon V. Thompson, et al., 2021) The researchers observed positive changes in gut bacteria and increased bacterial diversity in individuals who consumed an avocado every day for 12 weeks. (Susanne M Henning, et al., 2019)
Gut Diversity
The gut microbiome refers to the microorganisms living in the intestines. There are around 100 trillion microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and more, exist in the gastrointestinal tract. (Ana M. Valdes, et al., 2018) Having a diverse microbiome means that the body has a range of different organisms that offer various health benefits. Not having enough bacterial diversity has been linked to: (Ana M. Valdes, et al., 2018)
Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Inflammatory bowel disease
Celiac disease
Arterial stiffness
Atopic eczema
Why Avocados?
The Institute of Medicine recommends a daily fiber intake ranging from 19 grams to 38 grams per day, depending on various factors like age. (Diane Quagliani, Patricia Felt-Gunderson. 2016)
Including foods like avocados in a healthy diet can help meet daily fiber requirements.
Fruit fiber like pectin, has been shown to promote a healthy gut microbiome as well. (Beukema M, et al., 2020)
Researchers suggest this could be because of pectin’s positive effect on beneficial probiotics.(Nadja Larsen, et al., 2018)
Although further research is needed fiber is believed to help protect the lining of the colon by increasing the bulk and weight of stool and expediting elimination.
Fiber also adds bulk to an individual’s diet and slows the speed of digestion, which makes the body feel fuller longer.
Improved Gut
Individuals can support a healthy microbiota by making small adjustments in their diet, including:
Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables with the skin, as this is where a majority of the nutrition is.
Fermented foods like yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir.
Limiting consumption of processed foods, sugar, and artificial sweeteners.
If there are more avocados that can be eaten before they overripen, they can be frozen.
Peel and slice them first, then place them in freezer bags to have year-round.
They are rich in healthy fat, however, in moderation, they are not likely to contribute to weight gain.
Individuals can work toward having a diverse gut microbiome by paying attention to the foods they eat. Specific foods and dietary patterns can influence the different types of bacterial diversity which can support health.
Smart Choices, Better Health
Thompson, S. V., Bailey, M. A., Taylor, A. M., Kaczmarek, J. L., Mysonhimer, A. R., Edwards, C. G., Reeser, G. E., Burd, N. A., Khan, N. A., & Holscher, H. D. (2021). Avocado Consumption Alters Gastrointestinal Bacteria Abundance and Microbial Metabolite Concentrations among Adults with Overweight or Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of nutrition, 151(4), 753–762.
Henning, S. M., Yang, J., Woo, S. L., Lee, R. P., Huang, J., Rasmusen, A., Carpenter, C. L., Thames, G., Gilbuena, I., Tseng, C. H., Heber, D., & Li, Z. (2019). Hass Avocado Inclusion in a Weight-Loss Diet Supported Weight Loss and Altered Gut Microbiota: A 12-Week Randomized, Parallel-Controlled Trial. Current developments in nutrition, 3(8), nzz068.
Valdes, A. M., Walter, J., Segal, E., & Spector, T. D. (2018). Role of the gut microbiota in nutrition and health. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 361, k2179.
Quagliani, D., & Felt-Gunderson, P. (2016). Closing America’s Fiber Intake Gap: Communication Strategies From a Food and Fiber Summit. American journal of lifestyle medicine, 11(1), 80–85.
Beukema, M., Faas, M. M., & de Vos, P. (2020). The effects of different dietary fiber pectin structures on the gastrointestinal immune barrier: impact via gut microbiota and direct effects on immune cells. Experimental & molecular medicine, 52(9), 1364–1376.
Larsen, N., Cahú, T. B., Isay Saad, S. M., Blennow, A., & Jespersen, L. (2018). The effect of pectins on survival of probiotic Lactobacillus spp. in gastrointestinal juices is related to their structure and physical properties. Food microbiology, 74, 11–20.
As research increases in regenerative medicine with the potential of being able to regrow thyroid tissue, could regeneration therapy eliminate the need for patients to take thyroid replacement hormones?
Thyroid Regenerative Therapy
A great hope for regenerative therapy is the ability to grow healthy organs. One of the organs being looked at is the thyroid gland. The goal is to re-grow thyroid tissue in:
Individuals who had to have the gland removed because of thyroid cancer.
Individuals who were born without a fully developed gland.
As science advances and research has expanded from laboratory and animal experiments to test tube human thyroid cell studies, the use of stem cell therapy for this purpose is not there yet, as more extensive research is needed for human consideration.
Human Research
Research on the use of thyroid regenerative therapy for thyroid disease has not published studies in which stem cell therapy has been attempted in human thyroid patients.
The studies that have been done were conducted in mice, and any findings of this research cannot automatically be applied to humans. (H. P. Gaide Chevronnay, et al., 2016)
In human thyroid tissue in test tube studies, the stimulation of cells was achieved in a way that raised the question of making cancerous transformations more likely if it were to be attempted in humans. (Davies T.F., et al., 2011)
Recent Studies
Current research involves advances in embryonic stem cell – ESC and induced pluripotent stem cell – iPSC. (Will Sewell, Reigh-Yi Lin. 2014)
ESCs, also known as pluripotent stem cells, can increase any type of cell in the body.
They are harvested from embryos that were produced, but not implanted, during IVF procedures.
iPSCs are pluripotent cells that have been developed using a reprogramming process of adult cells.
Follicular cells are thyroid cells that make thyroid hormones – T4 and T3 and have been produced from the embryonic stem cells of mice.
In a study published in the journal Cell Stem Cell in 2015, these cells had the ability to grow and were also able to start making thyroid hormone within two weeks. (Anita A. Kurmann, et al., 2015)
After eight weeks, cells that were transplanted into mice that did not have thyroid glands had normal amounts of thyroid hormone.
New Thyroid Gland
Investigators at Mount Sinai Hospital induced human embryonic stem cells into thyroid cells.
They were looking at the possibility of creating a new-like thyroid gland in individuals who have had their thyroid surgically removed.
The future looks promising for the ability to regrow thyroid tissue and eliminate thyroid replacement hormone. However, far more research is needed for this to even be considered a possibility.
Cracking the Low Thyroid Code Assessment Guide
Gaide Chevronnay, H. P., Janssens, V., Van Der Smissen, P., Rocca, C. J., Liao, X. H., Refetoff, S., Pierreux, C. E., Cherqui, S., & Courtoy, P. J. (2016). Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation Can Normalize Thyroid Function in a Cystinosis Mouse Model. Endocrinology, 157(4), 1363–1371.
Davies, T. F., Latif, R., Minsky, N. C., & Ma, R. (2011). Clinical review: The emerging cell biology of thyroid stem cells. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 96(9), 2692–2702.
Sewell, W., & Lin, R. Y. (2014). Generation of thyroid follicular cells from pluripotent stem cells: potential for regenerative medicine. Frontiers in endocrinology, 5, 96.
Kurmann, A. A., Serra, M., Hawkins, F., Rankin, S. A., Mori, M., Astapova, I., Ullas, S., Lin, S., Bilodeau, M., Rossant, J., Jean, J. C., Ikonomou, L., Deterding, R. R., Shannon, J. M., Zorn, A. M., Hollenberg, A. N., & Kotton, D. N. (2015). Regeneration of Thyroid Function by Transplantation of Differentiated Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell stem cell, 17(5), 527–542.
Tuttle, R. M., & Wondisford, F. E. (2014). Welcome to the 84th annual meeting of the American Thyroid Association. Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association, 24(10), 1439–1440.
Tomatoes are low-calorie and nutrient-dense, what health benefits can individuals gain from their consumption?
Tomato Benefits
All varieties of tomatoes offer nutrients, including potassium and vitamin C, making them part of a balanced diet.
Raw tomatoes contain vitamin C, which brightens skin and fights inflammation.
Cooking tomatoes releases more antioxidants which are vital in small quantities such as lycopene, for maintaining heart health and preventing certain cancers.
Other benefits contribute to heart, prostate, and cognitive/brain health.
Various tomato recipes and products can offer a balance of nutrients. Variety is key and this applies to all fruits and vegetables. Try them raw, cooked, and steamed, as the different methods can offer different benefits.
Cooked and Raw Tomatoes
Tomatoes are low in calories and rich in nutrients. A raw, medium-sized tomato contains roughly 22 calories and less than 1 gram of fat. It is low sodium and low glycemic, with just 6 milligrams of sodium and 3 grams of sugar. They are an excellent source of hydration as a raw tomato contains about half a cup of water.
Tomatoes contain several essential vitamins and minerals that support the immune system and the bones and blood.
Antioxidants help combat free radicals and unstable molecules that damage the body’s cells. (Edward J. Collins, et al., 2022)
Antioxidants like lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, are better absorbed with cooked tomatoes.
Raw tomatoes contain small amounts of vitamins A and K, fluoride, folate, and beta-carotene.
Heart Health
Tomatoes provide a healthy serving of potassium.
Potassium and sodium are both vital for heart function.
Potassium is essential for relaxing the blood vessels.
One medium tomato contains around the same amount as a banana.
The heart needs these electrolytes to contract and expand.
Most individuals with high blood pressure can benefit from high potassium, fiber, and lycopene levels.
Studies have linked lycopene to lower heart disease risk and mortality. (Bo Song, et al., 2017)
Exercise Recovery
Electrolytes are essential for basic cell function.
Potassium, sodium, magnesium, and fluoride can help decrease muscle soreness and exercise fatigue after physical activity or workouts.
The anti-inflammatory properties come from the vitamin C.
Eating tomatoes before or after physical activity can help replenish magnesium which is essential for muscle contraction. (Edward J. Collins, et al., 2022)
Protection Against Dementia
Potassium provides power to the heart and has a role in body nerve function.
One recent study found that individuals who consumed more potassium and less sodium had improved cognitive function. (Xiaona Na, et al., 2022)
Another study analyzed how carotenoids/antioxidants that affect the color of vegetables affect long-term brain health.
Researchers found that individuals with increased blood levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are both present in cooked tomatoes had a lower rate of dementia. (May A. Beydoun, et al., 2022)
Lutein and zeaxanthin are also known for protecting eye health as the body ages.
Help Prevent Prostate Cancer
Cooking tomatoes compromises the vitamin C content, but increases the availability of several antioxidants that can protect against cancer growth.
Especially for men, lycopene is beneficial to help reduce prostate-related issues.
Studies have found that men who eat tomatoes, including raw, sauce, and on pizza have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer due to the total amount of lycopene absorbed, which is optimized in cooked tomatoes. (Joe L. Rowles 3rd, et al., 2018)
Lycopene and other plant pigments/carotenoids are believed to protect against cancer because of their antioxidant properties. (Edward J. Collins, et al., 2022)
Lycopene and other antioxidants in tomatoes can also benefit male fertility by improving sperm count and sperm motility. (Yu Yamamoto, et al., 2017)
Balance Blood Sugar
Tomatoes can help manage blood sugar in individuals with diabetes.
They have fiber that helps regulate blood sugar and bowel movements.
Fiber naturally slows digestion to keep the body fuller and longer and does not negatively impact blood sugar levels.
Collins, E. J., Bowyer, C., Tsouza, A., & Chopra, M. (2022). Tomatoes: An Extensive Review of the Associated Health Impacts of Tomatoes and Factors That Can Affect Their Cultivation. Biology, 11(2), 239.
Song, B., Liu, K., Gao, Y., Zhao, L., Fang, H., Li, Y., Pei, L., & Xu, Y. (2017). Lycopene and risk of cardiovascular diseases: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Molecular nutrition & food research, 61(9), 10.1002/mnfr.201601009.
Na X, Xi M, Zhou Y, et al. Association of dietary sodium, potassium, sodium/potassium, and salt with objective and subjective cognitive function among the elderly in China: a prospective cohort study. (2022). Glob Transit. 4:28-39. doi:10.1016/j.glt.2022.10.002
Beydoun, M. A., Beydoun, H. A., Fanelli-Kuczmarski, M. T., Weiss, J., Hossain, S., Canas, J. A., Evans, M. K., & Zonderman, A. B. (2022). Association of Serum Antioxidant Vitamins and Carotenoids With Incident Alzheimer Disease and All-Cause Dementia Among US Adults. Neurology, 98(21), e2150–e2162.
Rowles, J. L., 3rd, Ranard, K. M., Applegate, C. C., Jeon, S., An, R., & Erdman, J. W., Jr (2018). Processed and raw tomato consumption and risk of prostate cancer: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases, 21(3), 319–336.
Yamamoto, Y., Aizawa, K., Mieno, M., Karamatsu, M., Hirano, Y., Furui, K., Miyashita, T., Yamazaki, K., Inakuma, T., Sato, I., Suganuma, H., & Iwamoto, T. (2017). The effects of tomato juice on male infertility. Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition, 26(1), 65–71.
Quagliani, D., & Felt-Gunderson, P. (2016). Closing America’s Fiber Intake Gap: Communication Strategies From a Food and Fiber Summit. American journal of lifestyle medicine, 11(1), 80–85.
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