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Clinic Wellness Team. A key factor to spine or back pain conditions is staying healthy. Overall wellness involves a balanced diet, appropriate exercise, physical activity, restful sleep, and a healthy lifestyle. The term has been applied in many ways. But overall, the definition is as follows.

It is a conscious, self-directed, and evolving process of achieving full potential. It is multidimensional, bringing together lifestyles both mental/spiritual and the environment in which one lives. It is positive and affirms that what we do is, in fact, correct.

It is an active process where people become aware and make choices towards a more successful lifestyle. This includes how a person contributes to their environment/community. They aim to build healthier living spaces and social networks. It helps in creating a person’s belief systems, values, and a positive world perspective.

Along with this comes the benefits of regular exercise, a healthy diet, personal self-care, and knowing when to seek medical attention. Dr. Jimenez’s message is to work towards being fit, being healthy, and staying aware of our collection of articles, blogs, and videos.

Assessment and Treatment of Upper Trapezius

Assessment and Treatment of Upper Trapezius

These assessment and treatment recommendations represent a synthesis of information derived from personal clinical experience and from the numerous sources which are cited, or are based on the work of researchers, clinicians and therapists who are named (Basmajian 1974, Cailliet 1962, Dvorak & Dvorak 1984, Fryette 1954, Greenman 1989, 1996, Janda 1983, Lewit 1992, 1999, Mennell 1964, Rolf 1977, Williams 1965).


Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques: Upper Trapezius


Lewit (1999) simplifies the need to assess for shortness by stating, �The upper trapezius should be treated if tender and taut.� Since this is an almost universal state in modern life, it seems that everyone requires MET application to this muscle. Lewit also notes that a characteristic mounding of the muscle can often be observed when it is very short, producing the effect of �Gothic shoulders�, similar to the architectural supports of a Gothic church tower (see Fig. 2.13).


Assessment for Shortness of Upper Trapezius (13) (Fig. 4.30)


Figure 4 30 Assessment of the Relative Shortness of the Right Side Upper Trapezius Image 1


Figure 4.30 Assessment of the relative shortness of the right side upper trapezius. One side is compared with the other (for both the range of unforced motion and the nature of the end-feel of motion) to ascertain the side most in need of MET attention.


Test for upper trapezius for shortness (a) See scapulohumeral rhythm test (Ch. 5) which helps identify excessive activity or inappropriate tone in levator scapula and upper trapezius, which, because they are postural muscles, indicates shortness (Fig 5.13A, B). Greenman (1996) describes a functional �firing sequence� assessment which identifies general imbalance and dysfunction involving the upper and lower fixators of the shoulder (Fig. 4.31).


Figure 4 31 Palpation Assessment for Upper and Lower Fixators of the Shoulder Image 2


Figure 4.31 Palpation assessment for upper and lower fixators of the shoulder, including upper trapezius (Greenman 1996).


The patient is seated and the practitioner stands behind. The practitioner rests his right hand over the right shoulder area to assess firing sequence of muscles. The other hand can be placed either on the mid-thoracic region, mainly on the side being assessed, or spanning the lower back to palpate quadratus firing. The assessment should be performed at least twice so that various hand positions are used for different muscles (as in Fig. 4.31).


Greenman bases his description on Janda (1983), who notes the �correct� sequence for shoulder abduction, when seated, as involving: supraspinatus, deltoid, infraspinatus, middle and lower trapezius and finally contralateral quadratus. In dysfunctional states the most common substitutions are said to involve: shoulder elevation by levator scapulae and upper trapezius, as well as early firing by quadratus lumborum, ipsilateral and contralateral.


Inappropriate activity of the upper fixators results in shortness, and of the lower fixators in weakness and possible lengthening (see Ch. 2 for discussion of postural/phasic, etc. muscle characteristics).


Test for upper trapezius for shortness (b) The patient is seated and the practitioner stands behind with one hand resting on the shoulder of the side to be tested and stabilising it. The other hand is placed on the ipsilateral side of the head and the head/neck is taken into contralateral sidebending without force while the shoulder is stabilised (see Fig. 4.30).


The same procedure is performed on the other side with the opposite shoulder stabilised. A comparison is made as to which sidebending manoeuvre produced the greater range and whether the neck can easily reach 45� of side-flexion in each direction, which it should. If neither side can achieve this degree of sidebend, then both trapezius muscles may be short. The relative shortness of one, compared with the other, is evaluated.


Test for upper trapezius for shortness (c) The patient is seated and the practitioner stands behind with a hand resting over the muscle on the side to be assessed. The patient is asked to extend the arm at the shoulder joint, bringing the flexed arm/elbow backwards. If the upper trapezius is stressed on that side it will inappropriately activate during this movement. Since it is a postural muscle, shortness in it can then be assumed (see discussion of postural muscle characteristics in Ch. 3).


Test of upper trapezius for shortness (d) The patient is supine with the neck fully (but not forcefully) sidebent contralaterally (away from the side being assessed). The practitioner is standing at the head of the table and uses a cupped hand contact on the ipsilateral shoulder (i.e. on the side being tested) to assess the ease with which it can be depressed (moved caudally) (Fig. 4.32).


Figure 4 32 MET Treatment of Right Side Upper Trapezius Muscle Image 3


Figure 4.32 MET treatment of right side upper trapezius muscle. A Posterior fibres, B middle fibres, C anterior fibres. Note that stretching in this (or any of the alternative positions which access the middle and posterior fibres) is achieved following the isometric contraction by means of an easing of the shoulder away from the stabilised head, with no force being applied to the neck and head itself.


There should be an easy �springing� sensation as the practitioner pushes the shoulder towards the feet, with a soft end-feel to the movement. If depression of the shoulder is difficult or if there is a harsh, sudden end-point, upper trapezius shortness is confirmed.


This same assessment (always with full lateral flexion) should be performed with the head fully rotated away from the side being treated, half turned away from the side being treated, and slightly turned towards the side being treated, in order to respectively assess the relative shortness and functional efficiency of posterior, middle and anterior subdivisions of the upper portion of trapezius.


MET Treatment of Chronically Shortened Upper Trapezius


MET treatment of upper trapezius, method (a) (Fig. 4.32) In order to treat all the fibres of upper trapezius, MET needs to be applied sequentially. The upper trapezius is subdivided here into anterior, middle and posterior fibres. The neck should be placed into different positions of rotation, coupled with the sidebending as described in the assessment description above, for precise treatment of the various fibres.


The patient lies supine, arm on the side to be treated lying alongside the trunk, head/neck sidebent away from the side being treated to just short of the restriction barrier, while the practitioner stabilises the shoulder with one hand and cups the ear/mastoid area of the same side of the head with the other:


  • With the neck fully sidebent and fully rotated contralaterally, the posterior fibres of upper trapezius are involved in the contraction (see below). This will facilitate subsequent stretching of this aspect of the muscle.
  • With the neck fully sidebent and half rotated, the middle fibres are involved in the contraction.
  • With the neck fully sidebent and slightly rotated towards the side being treated the anterior fibres of upper trapezius are being treated.


The various contractions and subsequent stretches can be performed with practitioner�s arms crossed, hands stabilising the mastoid area and shoulder.


The patient introduces a light resisted effort (20% of available strength) to take the stabilised shoulder towards the ear (a shrug movement) and the ear towards the shoulder. The double movement (or effort towards movement) is important in order to introduce a contraction of the muscle from both ends simultaneously. The degree of effort should be mild and no pain should be felt. The contraction is sustained for 10 seconds (or so) and, upon complete relaxation of effort, the practitioner gently eases the head/neck into an increased degree of sidebending and rotation, where it is stabilised, as the shoulder is stretched caudally.


When stretching is introduced the patient can usefully assist in this phase of the treatment by initiating, on instruction, the stretch of the muscle (�as you breathe out please slide your hand towards your feet�). This reduces the chances of a stretch reflex being initiated. Once the muscle is being stretched, the patient relaxes and the stretch is held for 10�30 seconds.


CAUTION: No stretch should be introduced from the cranial end of the muscle as this could stress the neck. The head is stabilised at its side-flexion and rotation barrier.




There is some disagreement as to the head/neck rotation position as described in the treatment method above, which calls (for posterior and middle fibres) for sidebending and rotation away from the affected side.


Liebenson (1996), suggests that the patient �lies supine with the head supported in anteflexion and laterally flexed away and rotated towards the side of involvement�.


Lewit (1985b) suggests: �The patient is supine � the therapist fixes the shoulder from above with one hand, sidebending the head and neck with the other hand so as to take up the slack. He then asks the patient to look towards the side away from which the head is bent, resisting the patient�s automatic tendency to move towards the side of the lesion.� (This method is described below.)


The author has used the methods described above with good effect and urges readers to try these approaches as well as those of Liebenson and Lewit, and to evaluate results for themselves.


MET treatment of acutely shortened upper trapezius, method (b) Lewit suggests the use of eye movements to facilitate initiation of PIR before stretching, an ideal method for acute problems in this region.


The patient is supine, while the practitioner fixes the shoulder and the sidebent (away from the treated side) head and neck at the restriction barrier and asks the patient to look, with the eyes only (i.e. not to turn the head), towards the side away from which the neck is bent.


This eye movement is maintained, as is a held breath, while the practitioner resists the slight isometric contraction that these two factors (eye movement and breath) will have created.


On exhalation and complete relaxation, the head/neck is taken to a new barrier and the process repeated. If the shoulder is brought into the equation, this is firmly held as it attempts to lightly push into a shrug. After this 10 second contraction the muscle will have released somewhat and slack can again be taken out as the head is repositioned before a repetition of the procedure commences.


Dr. Alex Jimenez offers an additional assessment and treatment of the hip flexors as a part of a referenced clinical application of neuromuscular techniques by Leon Chaitow and Judith Walker DeLany. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez




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Research Studies on SIBO in Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Research Studies on SIBO in Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a prevalent condition characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, connected to altered stool form (such as diarrhea and constipation) as well as passage. Approximately 4 percent to 30 percent of individuals world-wide suffer from IBS. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO, which was clinically demonstrated in patients with structural abnormalities in the gut, such as ileo-transverse anastomosis, stricture, fistula, slow motility and reduced gut defense, may also be characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, flatulence and loose motion. It’s been recognized that SIBO may occur in the absence of structural abnormalities. These patients may be incorrectly diagnosed with IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome.


How common is SIBO diagnosed in IBS?


Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth has been described as the excessive presence of bacteria, forming 105 units per milliliter on culture of their intestine aspirate. As this is an invasive test, lots of noninvasive techniques like lactulose and glucose hydrogen breath tests (LHBT and GHBT) are broadly used to diagnose SIBO. This issue has been recognized among people with IBS. In a variety of research studies, frequency of SIBO among patients presenting IBS varied from 4 percent to 78 percent, according to Table ?1, more so among patients with diarrhea-predominant IBS. Not only quantitative increase (SIBO) but qualitative change from the gut bacteria (dysbiosis) was reported among patients with IBS. Research studies utilizing antibiotics and probiotics have caused disagreement to care for this disease with lately transplantation which led to a paradigm shift. Nonetheless, it’s essential to understand the wide-variability in frequency of SIBO among people with IBS. A wide-variability in frequency may indicate it is vital to evaluate the evidence carefully to determine whether the association between IBS and SIBO is under-projected in previous research studies.


Table 1 Summary of Prevalence of SIBO in IBS Image 1


The research studies are examined by people on discordance with the connection between IBS and SIBO as well as their strength and weakness, such as evidence on exploitation of gut flora on indications of IBS and other issues.


Assessment of Studies on SIBO in IBS


Table ?1 summarizes the outcomes among patients with IBS from research studies on individuals with SIBO. As can be noted in the table, the frequency of people with IBS and SIBO varied from 4 percent to 78 percent and from 1 percent and 40 percent among controls. Frequency of individuals with SIBO and IBS was greater than among controls. It might be concluded that SIBO is correlated with IBS. It’s essential to assess the explanations in various research studies.


Critical Evaluation of Studies on SIBO in IBS


Can IBS phenotype determine frequency of SIBO?


IBS is a state that’s heterogeneous. The sub-types may be diarrhea or constipation-predominant or may be alternating. Patients with diarrhea-predominant IBS have organic cause including SIBO compared to other types of IBS. In a study on 129 patients with non-diarrheal IBS, 73 with long-term diarrhea, for example diarrhea-predominant IBS, and 51 healthy controls, frequency of SIBO with GHBT was 11 (8.5 percent), 16 (22 percent) and 1 (2%), respectively. Similar findings are reported in various studies. Diarrheal IBS needs to be evaluated in comparison to other sorts of IBS for SIBO. Research studies that contained percentage of individuals are extremely likely to reveal frequency of SIBO.


Bloating is a symptom commonly reported among patients with IBS. Frequency of bloating has been reported to vary from Asia by 26 percent to 83 percent in research studies on IBS. The pathogenesis of bloating may be correlated with increased quantity of gas in the gut, its abnormal source and improved gut sense in response to distension of the gut. Patients with SIBO may have increased amount of gas inside the gut, so it’s plausible to believe IBS patients with bloating that is noticeable are expected to have SIBO. There is limited data with this specific circumstance. Evidence also demonstrated that both fasting along with post-substrate (e.g., sugar, lactulose) breath hydrogen is considerably higher compared to individuals with IBS compared to controls. Probiotics and antibiotics, which are demonstrated to reduce gas, are demonstrated to ease bloating. It has been noted that treatment can revert hydrogen breath tests back to normal. Patients with IBS, flatulence and bloating should be evaluated for SIBO. More data is involved with this issue.


Can techniques used to diagnose SIBO determine its frequency?


Several techniques are used to diagnose SIBO; including GHBT LHBT,14C breath test, and culture of aspirate. The principle of hydrogen breath tests is summarized in Figure 1. Dietary carbohydrates produce hydrogen in the gut. In patients with SIBO, the bacteria in the small bowel ferment these carbohydrates, producing hydrogen, which gets absorbed and is exhaled in the breath.


Figure 1 Outline of Principle of Method and Interpretation of Glucose and Lactulose Hydrogen Breath Tests Image 2

Figure 1


Hydrogen breath test involves giving patients a load of carbohydrate (generally in the sort of glucose and lactulose) and measuring expired hydrogen concentrations in a period of time. Identification of SIBO using hydrogen breath test depends upon the bodily principle of patients with SIBO, glucose may be fermented by bacteria in the intestine resulting in production of hydrogen gas that is consumed and exhaled in expired air (Figure ?1, A1). By contrast, lactulose, which may function as a non-absorbable disaccharide, will produce an early summit due to fermentation in the small intestine (normally within 90-min) or two summit (as a consequence of small intestine fermentation and minute from colon), if SIBO is present (Figure ?1, B2 and B3). There are limits in hydrogen breath test for identification of SIBO. There may be similarities in patients with problems and SIBO employing rapid transit making differentiation difficult. An ancient summit can be positive in people with gut transit time. By way of instance, in a study from India, median oro-cecal transit interval was 65 minutes (variety 40-110 moments) in healthy subjects. In another study from Taiwan, mean transit interval was 85 min. It’s been substantiated in Western individuals recently by simultaneously using LHBT and radio-nuclide method to gauge gut transport. Double summit standards for evaluation of SIBO using LHBT is quite insensitive. Sensitivity of GHBT to diagnose SIBO is 44 percent contemplating the culture of gut aspirate as a regular standard. As a result, it’s estimated that the researchers who used a historic summit standards in LHBT could discover a greater frequency of SIBO among people with IBS along with controls. In contrast, those who would use either GHBT or double summit benchmark in LHBT might locate a minimum frequency of SIBO alike in patients with IBS and controls. It is well worth noting from Table ?1 that the frequency of SIBO among people with IBS and controls on LHBT (early summit standards) varied from 34.5 percent to 78 percent and 7 percent to 40 percent, respectively; in contrast with the frequency GHBT varied from 8.5 percent to 46 percent and 2 percent to 18percent.


Fifteen percent of people might have methanogenic flora in the gut. Methanobrevibacter smithii, Methanobrevibacter stadmanae and perhaps several of those coliform bacteria are methanogens. In these areas, only hydrogen breath tests may not diagnose SIBO, estimation of methane may also be demanded (Figure ?1). Table ?1 shows that 8.5 percent to 26 percent of IBS sufferers and 0 percent to 25 percent of controls exhaled methane inside their breath. Whether methane was not expected in them, SIBO could not have been diagnosed. Methane was not estimated, which could have resulted in underestimation of frequency of SIBO as outlined in a proportion of the research study. Methane production in excess is connected to constipation. Consequently, methane estimation in breath, which is inaccessible in several commercially available hydrogen breath test machines, is particularly vital in patients employing constipation-predominant IBS. Some could have slow transit through the small intestine making prolonged testing as a lot of hours required and many people may not want to undergo such testing. However, a period of testing for them may overlook SIBO’s identification.


The jejunal aspirate culture has traditionally been used as the gold standard to diagnose SIBO, according to Figure ?2. On the other hand, the limitations of this test include invasiveness in addition to the challenges posed by attempting to civilization all strains and species. In fact, usage of air during endoscopy might lead to a false negative impact as anaerobes do not rise when these are exposed to oxygen. Furthermore, a massive percentage of germs are not cultured. By contrast, single lumen catheter passed through the nose or through the biopsy channel of endoscope, may lead to contamination with oro-pharyngeal flora supplying false positive result. Therefore, we left a double-lumen catheter to prevent these oro-pharyngeal contamination (Figure ?2). Studies on SIBO one of patients with IBS using qualitative civilization of small bowel aspirate are scanty (Table ?1). A study by Posserud et al reported that a frequency of SIBO of 4 percent among people with IBS. Taking the result of study using GHBT, the sensitivity of 44 percent to diagnose the intestine aspirate appears to have the incidence of SIBO . More studies are essential on this issue.


Figure 2 Outline of Method of Culturing Bacteria and Counting the Colonies Image 3

Figure 2


Figure 3 Bile Acid Breath Test Involving Bile Acid and Glycocholic Acid Image 4

Figure 3


13C and�14C based tests have also been developed based on the bacterial metabolism of D-xylose (Figure ?3). Of acids containing13C and�14C may be used to diagnose SIBO. The glycocholic acid breath test contains the managing of the bile acid14C glycocholic acid, as well as the discovery of14CO2, which may be increased in SIBO (Figure 3), according to the clinical and experimental data from the various research studies on SIBO associated with IBS. While evidence may appear conclusive, further research studies may be required to properly determine the results.


Information referenced from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and the National University of Health Sciences. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez




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Prostate Cancer, Nutrition And Dietary Interventions

Prostate Cancer, Nutrition And Dietary Interventions

Prostate Cancer: Abstract

Prostate cancer (PCa) remains a leading cause of mortality in US men and the prevalence continues to rise world-wide especially in countries where men consume a �Western-style� diet. Epidemiologic, preclinical and clinical studies suggest a potential role for dietary intake on the incidence and progression of PCa. ‘This minireview provides an overview of recent published literature with regard to nutrients, dietary factors, dietary patterns and PCa incidence and progression. Low carbohydrates intake, soy protein, omega-3 (w-3) fat, green teas, tomatoes and tomato products and zyflamend showed promise in reducing PCa risk or progression. A higher saturated fat intake and a higher ?-carotene status may increase risk. A �U� shape relationship may exist between folate, vitamin C, vitamin D and calcium with PCa risk. Despite the inconsistent and inconclusive findings, the potential for a role of dietary intake for the prevention and treatment of PCa is promising. The combination of all the beneficial factors for PCa risk reduction in a healthy dietary pattern may be the best dietary advice. This pattern includes rich fruits and vegetables, reduced refined carbohydrates, total and saturated fats, and reduced cooked meats. Further carefully designed prospective trials are warranted.

Keywords: Diet, Prostate cancer, Nutrients, Dietary pattern, Lifestyle, Prevention, Treatment, Nutrition, Dietary intervention, Review

Introduction: Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common cancer in men, with nearly a million new cases diagnosed worldwide per year [1], with approximately a six-fold higher incidence in Western than in non-Western countries. Diet, lifestyle, environmental and genetic factors are hypothesized to play a role in these differences. This review focuses on the latest evidence of the potential role of dietary factors on PCa and includes epidemiologic and clinical trial evidence for the impact of protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, phytochemicals, other food components, whole foods and dietary patterns on PCa incidence, development and/or progression. Data from meta-analyses or well-designed randomized trials and prospective studies are emphasized in this review. It should be noted that studies of dietary intake or nutrition and cancer are often subject to various limitations and thus complicate interpretation of results. For example, when a study is designed to examine the effect of the amount of fat intake, alteration in fat intake inevitably will change intake of protein and/or carbohydrate, and may change the intake of other nutrients as well. As a result, it is difficult to attribute the effect to change in fat intake alone. In addition, the impact of macronutrients potentially involves aspects of both absolute quantity and the type of macronutrients consumed. Both aspects may potentially affect cancer initiation and/or development independently, but they are not always distinguishable in research designs. Though this topic was recently reviewed [2], given the extensive new literature on the topic, an updated review is presented herein and a summary table is provided for a quick reference (Table 1).

Nutrients Carbohydrates Given the hypothesis that insulin is a growth factor for PCa, it has been hypothesized that reducing carbohydrates and thus lowering serum insulin may slow PCa growth [3]. Indeed, in animal models, either a no-carbohydrate ketogenic diet (NCKD) [4,5] or a low-carbohydrate diet (20% kcal as carbohydrate) has favorable effects on slowing prostate tumor growth [6,7]. In human studies, one�study found that high intake of refined carbohydrates was associated with increased risk of PCa [7]. In addition to the amount of carbohydrates, type of carbohydrates may impact on PCa but research has been inconclusive. The potential to reduce PCa risk and progression via impacting carbohydrate metabolism is actively being investigated with Metformin. Metformin reduced PCa cell proliferation and delayed progression in vitro and in vivo, respectively [8-10] and reduced incident risk and mortality in humans [11-13]. Two single arm clinical trials also showed a positive effect of metformin in affecting markers of PCa proliferation and progression [14,15]. However, other retrospective cohort studies have not supported an effect of metformin on recurrence or incident risk of PCa [16-22]. Despite the potential for reducing either total or simple carbohydrates in benefiting PCa control, evidence is lacking from randomized controlled trials (RCT). Two randomized trials are on-going examining the impact of a low-carbohydrate diet (approximately 5% kcal) on the PSA doubling time among PCa patients post radical prostatectomy (NCT01763944) and on glycemic response among patients initiating androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) (NCT00932672 ). Findings from these trials will shed light on the effect of carbohydrate intake on markers of PCa progression and the role of reduced carbohydrate intake on offsetting the side effects of ADT.


The ideal level of protein intake for optimal overall health or prostate health is unclear. Despite the popularity of low carbohydrate diets that are high in protein, recent human studies reported that low protein intake was associated with lower risk for cancer and overall mortality among men 65 and younger. Among men older than 65, low protein intake was associated with a higher risk for cancer and overall mortality [23]. In animal models the ratio between protein and carbohydrate impacted on cardiometabolic health, aging and longevity [24]. The role of dietary protein and the protein to carbohydrate ratio on PCa development and progression requires further study.

Animal-Based Proteins

Studying protein intake, like all aspects of nutritional science, can be challenging. For example, animal meat, which is a source of protein in Western diets, is composed not only of protein, but also of fat, cholesterol, minerals and other nutrients. The amount of these nutrients including fatty acids may vary from one animal meat to the other. Previous studies in human have shown that consumption of skinless poultry, which is lower in cholesterol and saturated fat than many red meats, was not associated with the recurrence or progression of PCa [25]. However, consumption of baked poultry was inversely associated with advanced PCa [26,27], while cooked red meat was associated with increased advanced PCa risk [26,27]. Thus, how the food is prepared may modify its impact on PCa risk and progression. Overall, fish consumption may be associated with reduced PCa mortality, but high temperature cooked fish may contribute to PCa carcinogenesis [28]. Thus, it may be advisable to consume fish regularly but cooking temperature should be kept moderate.

Dairy-Based Protein

Another common protein source is dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt. Previous studies have shown that dairy increased overall PCa risk but not with aggressive or lethal PCa [29,30]. In addition, both whole milk and low-fat milk consumption were reported to either promote or delay PCa progression [29,31]. In the Physicians Health follow up cohort with 21,660 men, total dairy consumption was found to be associated with increased PCa incidence [32]. In particular, low fat or skim milk increased low grade PCa, whereas whole milk increased fatal PCa risk. Though the exact component(s) of dairy products driving these associations is unknown, the high concentrations of saturated fat and calcium may be involved. A cross-sectional study of 1798 men showed that dairy protein was positively associated with serum IGF-1 [33] levels which may stimulate initiation or progression of PCa. Thus, further research is needed to clarify the relationship between dairy intake and PCa. There is insufficient data to provide recommendations specifically related to dairy or dairy protein and PCa risk or progression.

Plant-Based Proteins

Soy and soy-based products are rich in protein and phytoestrogens that may facilitate PCa prevention, but its role on PCa is unclear. In a study in mice, intake of soy products was associated with decreased hepatic aromatase, 5?-reductase, expression of androgen receptor and its regulated genes, FOXA1, urogenital tract weight and PCa tumor progression [34]. A recent randomized trial of 177 men with high-risk disease after radical prostatectomy found that soy protein supplementation for two years had no effect on risk of PCa recurrence [35]. Although epidemiological and pre-clinical studies [36,37] support a potential role for soy/soy isoflavones in PCa risk reduction or progression, a meta-analysis did not find significant impact of soy intake in PSA levels, sex hormone-binding globulin, testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol or dihydrotestosterone [38]. Another RCT in patients before prostatectomy also did not find any effect of soy isoflavone supplement up to six weeks on PSA, serum total testosterone, free testosterone, total estrogen, estradiol or total cholesterol [39]. Since most RCTs�conducted have been small and of short duration, further examination is needed.

Many studies have continued to examine the primary isoflavone in soy, genistein, and its effect on PCa. The potential for genistein to inihibit PCa cell detachment, invasion and metastasis is reported [40]. Genistein may modify glucose update and glucose transporter (GLUT) expression in PCa cells [41], or exert its anti-tumor effect by down regulating several microRNAs [42]. Studies using tumor cells and animal models suggest genistein may compete with and block endogenous estrogens from binding to the estrogen receptor, thereby inhibiting cellular proliferation, growth, and inducing differentiation and, specifically, genistein may inhibit cell detachment, protease production, cell invasion and thus prevent metastasis [36,40,43]. However, neither plasma nor urinary genistein levels were associated with PCa risk in case control studies [44,45]. In a phase 2 placebo-controlled RCT with 47 men, supplementation of 30 mg genistein for three to six weeks significantly reduced androgen-related markers of PCa progression [46]. In addition, genistein may be beneficial in improving cabazitaxel chemotherapy in metastatic castration-resistant PCa [37]. Clinical studies are warranted to further examine the role of soy and soy isoflavones for PCa prevention or treatment. A definitive recommendation regarding protein intake for PCa prevention or treatment is not available yet.


Research findings examining fat consumption with PCa risk or progression are conflicting. Both the total absolute intake [47] of dietary fat and the relative fatty acid composition may independently relate to PCa initiation and/or progression. While animal studies repeatedly show that reducing dietary fat intake slows tumor growth [48-50] and high fat diets, especially animal fat and corn oil increase PCa progression [51], human data are less consistent. Case�control studies and cohort studies have shown either no association between total fat consumption and PCa risk [52-55] or an inverse association between fat intake and PCa survival, particularly among men with localized PCa [47]. In addition, a cross-sectional study showed that fat intake expressed as percent of total calorie intake was positively associated with PSA levels in 13,594 men without PCa [56]. Given these conflicting data, it is possible that the type of fatty acid [56] rather than total amount may play an important role in PCa development and progression. A study found plasma saturated fatty acids to be positively associated with PCa risk in a prospective cohort of 14,514 men of the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study [57]. In addition, another study found that eating more plant-based fat was associated with reduced PCa risk [58]. These studies support the current dietary guideline of eating less animal-based fat and more plant-based fat.

The data regarding omega-6 (w-6) and omega-3 (w-3) polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) consumption and PCa risk are also conflicting. While there are data to support a link between increased w-6 PUFA intake (mainly derived from corn oil) and risk of overall and high-grade PCa [57,59], not all data support such a link [60]. In fact, a greater polyunsaturated fat intake was associated with a lower all cause mortality among men with nonmetastatic PCa in the Health Professionals Follow-up study [58]. The postulated mechanism linking w-6 PUFAs and PCa risk is the conversion of arachidonic acid (w-6 PUFA) to eicosanoids (prostaglandin E-2, hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids and epoxyeicosatrienoic acids) leading to inflammation and cellular growth [61]. Conversely, w-3 PUFAs, which are found primarily in cold water oily fish, may slow growth of PCa through a number of mechanisms [61-63]. In a study of 48 men with low risk PCa under active surveillance, repeat biopsy in six months showed that prostate tissue w-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), may protect against PCa progression [64]. In vitro and animal studies suggest that w-3 PUFAs induce anti-inflammatory, pro-apoptotic, antiproliferative and anti-angiogenic pathways [65,66]. Moreover, a mouse study comparing various types of fat found that only the fish oil diet (that is, omega-3 based diet) slowed PCa growth relative to other dietary fats [67]. In regards to human data, a phase II randomized trial showed that a low-fat diet with w-3 supplementation four to six weeks prior to radical prostatectomy decreased PCa proliferation and cell cycle progression (CCP) score [62,68]. A low-fat fish oil diet resulted in decreased 15(S)- hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid levels and lowered CCP score relative to a Western diet [69]. The potential benefits of omega-3 fatty acids from fish are supported by epidemiological literature showing that w-3 fatty acid intake was inversely associated with fatal PCa risk [70,71]. Despite the promise of omega-3 fatty acids, not all studies agree. Supplementing 2 g alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) per day for 40 months in 1,622 men with PSA <4 ng/ml did not change their PSA [72]. However, another study found that a high blood serum n-3 PUFA and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) was associated with reduced total PCa risk while high serum EPA and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was possibly associated with increased high-grade PCa risk [73]. Further research is required to understand better the role of omega-3 PUFAs in PCa prevention or treatment.


Many pre-clinical studies have shown that the accumulation of cholesterol contributes to the progression of PCa [74-76]. It was suggested that a high cholesterol in Lin et al. BMC Medicine (2015) 13:3 Page 5 of 15 circulation may be a risk factor for solid tumors, primarily through the upregulation of cholesterol synthesis, inflammatory pathways [77] and intratumoral steroidogenesis [78]. According to a recent study with 2,408 men scheduled for biopsy, serum cholesterol was independently associated with prediction of PCa risk [79]. Consistent with the cholesterol findings, usage of the cholesterol lowering drug statin post radical prostatectomy (RP) was significantly associated with reduced risk of biochemical recurrence in 1,146 radical prostatectomy patients [80]. Another study also showed that statins may reduce PCa risk by lowering progression [81]. Although the mechanism has not been established, more recent studies also showed that a low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level was associated with a higher risk for PCa and, thus, a higher HDL was protective [81-84]. These findings support the notion that a heart-healthy dietary intervention that lowers cholesterol may benefit prostate health also.

Vitamins & Minerals

Herein we will review the recent data on vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, and K and selenium. In the two large clinical trials: the Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET; PCa was a secondary outcome) and the National Institutes of Health-American Association of Retired Persons (NIH-AARP) Diet and Health prospective cohort study, excessive multivitamin supplementation was associated with a higher risk of developing aggressive PCa, particularly among those taking individual ?-carotene supplements [85,86]. Similarly, high serum ?-carotene levels were associated with a higher risk for PCa among 997 Finnish men in the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor cohort [87]. However, ?-carotene supplement was not found to affect risk for lethal PCa during therapy [88], or in the Danish prospective cohort study of 26,856 men [89]. Circulating retinol also was not associated with PCa risk in a large case�control study [90]. Thus, the association between vitamin A and PCa is still unclear.

Preclinical evidence suggests folate depletion may slow tumor growth, while supplementation has no effect on growth or progression, but may directly lead to epigenetic changes via increases in DNA methylation [91]. Two meta-analyses also showed that circulating folate levels were positively associated with an increased risk of PCa [92,93], while dietary or supplemental folate had no effect on PCa risk [94] in a cohort study with 58,279 men in the Netherlands [95] and a case�control study in Italy and Switzerland [96]. In fact, one study of a cohort of men undergoing radical prostatectomy at several Veterans Administration facilities across the US even showed that higher serum folate levels were associated with lower PSA and, thus, lower risk for biochemical failure [97]. Another study using data from the 2007 to 2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey showed that a higher folate status may be protective against elevated PSA levels among 3,293 men, 40-years old and older, without diagnosed PCa [98]. It was suggested that folate may play a dual role in prostate carcinogenesis and, thus, the complex relationship between folate and PCa awaits further investigation [99].

Despite the potential role of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) as an antioxidant in anticancer therapy, trials examining dietary intake or supplementation of vitamin C are few. A RCT showed no effect of vitamin C intake on PCa risk [89]. Furthermore, vitamin C at high doses may act more as a pro-oxidant than antioxidant, complicating the research design and interpretation.

The primary active form of vitamin D, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol) aids in proper bone formation, induces differentiation of some immune cells, and inhibits pro-tumor pathways, such as proliferation and angiogenesis, and has been suggested to benefit PCa risk [100]; however, findings continue to be inconclusive. More recent studies found that increased serum vitamin D levels were associated with decreased PCa risk [101,102]. Further, supplementing vitamin D may slow PCa progression or induce apoptosis in PCa cells [103-105]. Other studies, however, reported either no impact of vitamin D supplement on PSA [106] or no effect of vitamin D status on PCa risk [107,108]. Some studies contrarily reported that a lower vitamin D status was associated with a lower PCa risk in older men [109], or a higher serum vitamin D was associated with a higher PCa risk [110,111]. A study even suggested that a �U� shaped relationship may exist between vitamin D status and PCa and the optimal range of circulating vitamin D for PCa prevention may be narrow [112]. This is consistent with the findings for other nutrients that a greater intake of a favorable nutrient may not always be better.

A recent study showed that the association between vitamin D and PCa was modulated by vitamin D-binding protein [113] which may have partially explained the previous inconsistent findings. Further, a meta-analysis investigating the association between Vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms (BsmI and FokI) and PCa risk reported no relationship with PCa risk [114]. Thus, the role of vitamin D in PCa remains unclear.

In a large randomized trial with a total of 14,641 US male physicians ?50-years old, participants randomly received 400 IU of vitamin E every other day for an overall mean of 10.3 (13.8) years. Vitamin E supplementation had no immediate or long-term effects on the risk of total cancers or PCa [115]. However, a moderate dose of vitamin E supplement (50 mg or about 75 IU) resulted in lower PCa risk among 29,133 Finnish male smokers [116]. Multiple preclinical studies suggest vitamin E slows tumor growth, partly due to inhibiting DNA synthesis and inducing�apoptotic pathways [117]. Unfortunately, human studies have been less than supportive. Two observational studies (the Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort and the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study) both showed no association between vitamin E supplementation and PCa risk [118,119]. However, a higher serum ?-tocopherol but not the ?-tocopherol level was associated with decreased risk of PCa [120,121] and the association may be modified by genetic variations in vitamin E related genes [122]. On the contrary, a prospective randomized trial, the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT), showed vitamin E supplementation significantly increased PCa risk [123] and that a higher plasma ?-tocopherol level may interact with selenium supplements to increase high grade PCa risk [124]. This finding is consistent with a case-cohort study of 1,739 cases and 3,117 controls that showed vitamin E increased PCa risk among those with low selenium status but not those with high selenium status [125]. Thus, more research is needed to examine the association between vitamin E and PCa and the dose effect and interaction with other nutrients should be considered.

Vitamin K has been hypothesized to help prevent PCa by reducing bioavailable calcium. Preclinical studies show the combination of vitamins C and K have potent antitumor activity in vitro and act as chemo- and radiosensitizers in vivo [126]. To date, few studies have investigated this, although one study using the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Heidelberg cohort found an inverse relationship between vitamin K (as menaquinones) intake and PCa incidence [127]. Little to no preclinical studies have been conducted to examine the role of calcium with PCa. Retrospective and meta-analyses suggest increased or reduced PCa risk with increased calcium intake, while others suggest no association [128,129]. Another study suggests a �U�-shaped association, where very low calcium levels or supplementation are both associated with PCa [130].

Selenium, on the other hand, has been hypothesized to prevent PCa. While in vitro studies suggested that selenium inhibited angiogenesis and proliferation while inducing apoptosis [131], results from SELECT showed no benefit of selenium alone or in combination with vitamin E for PCa chemoprevention [123]. Further, selenium supplementation did not benefit men with low selenium status but increased the risk of high-grade PCa among men with high selenium status in a randomly selected cohort of 1,739 cases with high-grade (Gleason 7�10) PCa and 3,117 controls [125]. A prospective Netherlands Cohort Study, which included 58,279 men, 55- to 69-years old, also showed that toenail selenium was associated with a reduced risk of advanced PCa [132]. Further research is needed to clarify the role of selenium with PCa.


Along with vitamins and minerals [2], plants contain phytochemicals with potential anti-cancer effects. Typically not considered essential compounds, phytochemicals have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Silibinin is a polyphenolic flavonoid found in the seeds of milk thistle. It has been shown in vitro and in vivo to inhihit PCa growth by targeting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R), and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) pathways [133,134]. A recent study showed that silibinin may be useful in PCa prevention by inhibiting TGF?2 expression and cancerassociated fibroblast (CAF)-like biomarkers in the human prostate stromal cells [135]. Thus, silibinin is a promising candidate as a PCa chemopreventive agent that awaits further research.

Curcumin is used as food additive in Asia and as an herbal medicine for inflammation [136]. In vitro, curcumin inhibits the pro-inflammatory protein NF-?B while inducing apoptosis through increased expression of proapoptotic genes [137]. In vivo, curcumin slows PCa growth in mice while sensitizing tumors to chemo- and radiotherapies [136]; however, no human trial has examined its impact on PCa.


The peel and fruit of pomegranates and walnuts are rich in ellagitannins (punicalagins). These phytochemicals are readily metabolized to the active form ellagic acid by gut flora [138]. Preclinical experiments show ellagitannins inhibit PCa proliferation and angiogenesis under hypoxic conditions and induce apoptosis [137,138]. In prospective trials in men with a rising PSA after primary treatment, pomegranate juice or POMx, a commercially available pomegranate extract, increased the PSA doubling time relative to baseline [139,140], although no trials included a placebo group. Results are pending from a prospective placebo RCT using pomegranate extract in men with a rising PSA. However, in a placebo controlled trial, two pills of POMx daily for up to four weeks prior to radical prostatectomy had no impact on tumor pathology or oxidative stress or any other tumor measures [141].

Green Tea

Green tea contains a number of antioxidant polyphenols including catechins, such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin (EGC), (?)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG) and (?)-epicatechin. Preclinical studies suggest EGCG inhibits PCa growth, induces intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways and decreases inflammation by inhibiting NFkB [137]. Furthermore, the antioxidant properties of EGCG are 25 to 100 times more potent than vitamins C and E [131]. In a prospective randomized preprostatectomy trial, men consuming brewed green tea Lin et al. BMC Medicine (2015) 13:3 Page 7 of 15 prior to surgery had increased levels of green tea polyphenols in their prostate tissue [142]. In a small proof-ofprinciple trial with 60 men, daily supplementation of 600 mg green tea catechin extract reduced PCa incidence by 90% (3% versus 30% in the placebo group) [143]. Another small trial also showed that EGCG supplement resulted in a significant reduction in PSA, hepatocyte growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor in men with PCa [144]. These studies suggest green tea polyphenols may lower PCa incidence and reduce PCa progression but more research is needed to confirm and clarify its mechanism [137,143,145].


While most in vitro studies suggest resveratrol inhibits PCa growth [146-148], resveratrol suppresses tumor growth in some [137] but not all animal models [149], possibly due to limited bioavailability [150,151]. To date, there are no clinical trials investigating the preventive or therapeutic effects of resveratrol on PCa.


Zyflamend is an anti-inflammatory mixture of herbs that has been shown to reduce PCa progression by lowering the expression of markers including pAKT, PSA, histone deacetylases and androgen receptor in animal models and PCa cell line [152-154]. Despite its anti-cancer potential [155], very few studies have been conducted in humans [156,157]. In an open-label Phase I trial of 23 patients with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, Zyflamend alone or in conjunction with other dietary supplements for 18 months reduced the risk for developing PCa [156]. More RCTs in humans are needed to confirm the efficacy and clinical application of this herbal supplement.

Other Whole Foods Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Several epidemiologic studies found inverse relationships between total fruit and vegetable intake [158], and cruciferous vegetable intake and PCa risk [159,160]. Allium vegetables, such as garlic, leeks, chives, and shallots, contain multiple sulfurous phytochemicals that were suggested to enhance the immune system, inhibit cell growth, modulate expression of androgen-responsive genes and induce apoptosis [161]. Although the number of published studies is limited, both preclinical and epidemiologic data suggest allium vegetable intake may be protective against PCa, particularly localized disease [162]. A randomized trial with 199 men also found that a blend supplement of pomegranate, green tea, broccoli and turmeric significantly reduced the rate of rise in PSA in men with PCa [163].

Tomatoes & Tomato Products

A number of studies have examined the association between tomatoes and tomato products with PCa but the findings are inconclusive. The antioxidant lycopene, which is rich in tomatoes, has also been studied specifically for its impact on PCa. In vitro, lycopene halts the cell cycle in several PCa cell lines and decreases IGF-1 signaling by inducing IGF-1 binding proteins [131]. While some animal studies found lycopene specifically slows PCa growth [164] or reduces PCa epithelial cells at stages of initiation, promotion and progression [165], two studies found conflicting findings between tomato paste and lycopene [166,167]. Prospective human studies found higher lycopene consumption [168,169] or higher serum levels were associated with lower PCa risk [170], but others have not [171,172]. Prostatic lycopene concentration below a 1 ng/mg threshold was associated with PCa at six-month follow-up biopsy (P = 0.003) [173]. Two short-term preprostatectomy trials using tomato sauce or lycopene supplementation demonstrated lycopene uptake in prostate tissue and antioxidant and potential anticancer effects [174,175]. While several clinical trials suggested an inverse relationship between lycopene supplementation, PSA levels and decreases in cancerrelated symptoms [171,176], no large-scale randomized trials have tested the role of lycopene or tomato products on PCa prevention or treatment.


Coffee contains caffeine and several unidentified phenolic compounds that may serve as antioxidants. Epidemiological studies suggest an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and PCa risk, mainly for advanced or lethal stage disease, and the findings were independent of caffeine content [177,178]. Although several epidemiological studies [179-182] found no association between coffee consumption and PCa risk, a recent meta-analysis of prospective studies concluded that coffee consumption may reduce PCa risk [183]. The potential mechanism(s) and pathway(s) involved are unknown but may include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects, glucose and insulin metabolism, and potential impact on IGF-I and circulating sex hormones.

Dietary Patterns

Even though many single nutrients or food factors have been examined for their impact or association with PCa risk or progression, the results have largely been inconclusive. A potential reason for the inconsistency is the fact that the impact of single nutrient or food factor may be too small to be detected. In addition, nutrients naturally existing in foods often are highly correlated and may interact with each other and, thus, affect the impact on PCa. Thus, dietary pattern analysis has received an increasing Lin et al. BMC Medicine (2015) 13:3 Page 8 of 15 interest but research has been limited and the existing results have been inconclusive. In a cohort of 293,464 men, a high dietary quality, as indicated by the Healthy Eating Index (HEI) score, was associated with a lower risk of total PCa risk [70]. The Mediterranean diet, which is high in vegetables, olive oil, complex carbohydrates, lean meats and antioxidants, is consistently recommended to patients for prevention of cardiovascular disease and obesity [184], and may show promise in PCa prevention [185]. Fish and omega-3 fatty acid consumption in the Mediterranean pattern were significantly and inversely associated with fatal PCa risk. In addition, adherence to the Mediterranean diet after diagnosis of non-metastatic PCa was associated with lower overall mortality [186]. Whereas, a Western pattern with high intakes of red meats, processed meats, fried fish, chips, high-fat milk and white bread, was associated with a higher risk for PCa [187].

Furthermore, Asian countries with high consumption of omega-3 PUFAs, soy and green tea-based phytochemicals, have lower PCa incidences versus countries consuming a �Western-style� diet [188]. However, not all studies [189-191] supported an association between certain dietary pattern and risk of PCa. It is possible that the methodology used in identifying dietary patterns may not have captured all the dietary factors associated with PCa risk. Alternatively, each dietary pattern may contain both beneficial and harmful components resulting in an overall null association. More research is needed to continue searching for dietary patterns that combine most of the beneficial nutrients/food factors for PCa and limit most of the negative nutrients/ food factors.

Future Direction For Clinical Trials

Based on the multitude of epidemiologic, preclinical and clinical trials described in this review, dietary interventions for the prevention and treatment of PCa hold great promise. In addition, several dietary factors and vitamins/supplements may be associated with PCa risk and/ or progression of disease. Prospective randomized trials are clearly indicated to identify specific nutrients or combination therapies for the prevention and treatment of PCa.

Recently, active surveillance (AS) has emerged as a viable option for men with lower risk PCa. Men on AS are motivated to adhere to diet and lifestyle modifications [192], making this subset a good target for dietary intervention and quality of life trials [193]. PCa survivors who are more active and report �healthy� eating habits (that is, consuming low-fat, low-refined carbohydrate diets rich in fruits and vegetables) have better overall quality of life versus their inactive, unhealthy counterparts [194]. Thus, more randomized trials are warranted to determine the overall long-term effects of dietary intervention in this population. Specifically, key questions to address in future trials are: 1) Can dietary interventions delay the need for treatment in men on AS; 2) Can dietary interventions prevent recurrence for men after treatment; 3) Can dietary interventions delay progression among men with recurrent disease and, thus, delay the need for hormonal therapy; 4) Can dietary interventions reduce the side effects of PCa treatments including hormonal therapy and newer targeted therapies; and 5) Is there any role for dietary interventions alone or combined with targeted therapies in men on hormonal therapy to prevent castrate-resistance or after the emergence of castrate resistance disease? Because increasing evidence shows that metabolic abnormalities increase risk for PCa, lifestyle intervention that improves metabolic profile is a win-win option for PCa prevention and treatment [195,196].

Conclusions: Prostate Cancer

Future research is required to determine the ideal diet for PCa prevention or treatment. However, several dietary factors and some dietary patterns hold promise in reducing PCa risk or progression and are consistent with current dietary guidelines for Americans [197]. For counseling patients on diet for primary and secondary PCa prevention, many believe �heart healthy equals prostate healthy.� Thus, given the current inconclusive results, the best dietary advice for PCa prevention or management seems to include: increasing fruits and vegetables, replacing refined carbohydrates with whole grains, reducing total and saturated fat, reducing overcooked meats and consuming a moderate amount of calories or reducing carbohydrates with a primary goal of obtaining and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors� contributions P-HL and SF conducted the review, P-HL drafted the manuscript and SF and WA edited and provided critical input. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Acknowledgements Funding was provided by grants 1K24CA160653 (Freedland), NIH P50CA92131 (W. Aronson). This manuscript is the result of work supported with resources and the use of facilities at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, West Los Angeles (W. Aronson).

Author details 1 Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Duke University Medical Center, Box 3487, Durham, NC 27710, USA. 2 Urology Section, Department of Surgery, Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 3 Department of Urology, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 4 Urology Section, Department of Surgery, Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Division of Urology, Durham, NC, USA. 5 Duke Prostate Center, Departments of Surgery and Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA.



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prostate cancer in U.S. men. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006,
192. Daubenmier JJ, Weidner G, Marlin R, Crutchfield L, Dunn-Emke S, Chi C,
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195. Bhindi B, Locke J, Alibhai SM, Kulkarni GS, Margel DS, Hamilton RJ, Finelli A,
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196. Esposito K, Chiodini P, Capuano A, Bellastella G, Maiorino MI, Parretta E,
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197. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and
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Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, December, 2010.

Close Accordion
Assessment and Treatment of the Pectoralis Major and Latissimus Dorsi

Assessment and Treatment of the Pectoralis Major and Latissimus Dorsi

These assessment and treatment recommendations represent a synthesis of information derived from personal clinical experience and from the numerous sources which are cited, or are based on the work of researchers, clinicians and therapists who are named (Basmajian 1974, Cailliet 1962, Dvorak & Dvorak 1984, Fryette 1954, Greenman 1989, 1996, Janda 1983, Lewit 1992, 1999, Mennell 1964, Rolf 1977, Williams 1965).


Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques: Pectoralis Major and Latissimus Dorsi


Assessment of Shortened Pectoralis Major and Latissimus Dorsi


Latissimus and pectoral test (a) Observation is as accurate as most palpation for evidence of pectoralis major shortening. The patient will have a rounded shoulder posture � especially if the clavicular aspect is involved.




The patient lies supine with upper arms on the table, hands resting palm down on the lower abdomen. The practitioner observes from the head and notes whether either shoulder is held in an anterior position in relation to the thoracic cage. If one or both shoulders are forward of the thorax, pectoralis muscles are short (Fig. 4.24).


Figure 4 24 Observation Assessment for Pectoral Shortness Image 1


Figure 4.24 Observation assessment in which pectoral shortness on the right is suggested by the inability of the shoulder to rest on the table.


Latissimus and pectoral test (b) The patient lies supine with the head several feet from the top edge of the table, and is asked to rest the arms, extended above the head, on the treatment surface, palms upwards (Fig. 4.25).


Figure 4 25 Assessment of Shortness in Pectoralis Major and Latissimus Dorsi Image 2


Figure 4.25 Assessment of shortness in pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi. Visual assessment is used: if the arm on the tested side is unable to rest along its full length, shortness of pectoralis major is probable; if there is obvious deviation of the elbow laterally, probable latissimus shortening is indicated.


If these muscles are normal, the arms should be able to easily reach the horizontal when directly above the shoulders, and also to be in contact with the surface for almost all of the length of the upper arms, with no arching of the back or twisting of the thorax.


If either arm cannot reach the vertical above the shoulder, but is held laterally, elbow pulled outwards, then latissimus dorsi is probably short on that side. If an arm cannot rest with the dorsum of the upper arm in contact with the table surface without effort, then pectoral fibres are almost certainly short.


Pectoralis major test. Assessment of shortness in pectoralis major (Fig. 4.26) Assessment of the subclavicular portion of pectoralis major involves abduction of the arm to 90� (Lewit 1985b). In this position the tendon of pectoralis major at the sternum should not be found to be unduly tense, even with maximum abduction of the arm, unless the muscle is short.


Figure 4 26 Palpation Assessment for Shortness of Subclavicular Portion of Pectoralis Major Image 3


Figure 4.26 Palpation assessment for shortness of subclavicular portion of pectoralis major.


For assessment of sternal attachment the arm is brought into elevation and abduction as the muscle, as well as the tendon on the greater tubercle of the humerus, is palpated. If the sternal fibres have shortened, tautness will be visible and tenderness of the tissues under palpation will be reported.


Pectoralis Major Test: Assessment for Strength of Pectoralis Major


Patient is supine with arm in abduction at the shoulder joint and medially rotated (palm is facing down) with the elbow extended. The practitioner stands at the head and secures the opposite shoulder with one hand to prevent any trunk torsion and contacts the dorsum of the distal humerus, on the tested side, with the other.


The patient attempts to lift the arm and to adduct it across the chest, against resistance, as strength is assessed in the sternal fibres.


Different arm positions can be used to assess clavicular and costal fibres: for example with an angle of abduction/elevation of 135� costal and abdominal fibres will be involved; with abduction/elevation of 45� the clavicular fibres will be assessed. The practitioner should palpate to ensure that the �correct� fibres contract when assessments are being made.


If this postural muscle tests as weak it may be useful to use Norris�s (1999) approach of strengthening it by means of a slowly applied isotonic eccentric (isolytic) contraction, before proceeding to an MET stretching procedure.


MET Treatment of Short Pectoralis Major


Pectoralis major MET method (a) (Fig. 4.27A, B) The patient lies supine with the arm abducted in a direction which produces the most marked evidence of pectoral shortness (assessed by palpation and visual evidence of the particular fibres involved as described in tests above). The more elevated the arm (i.e. the closer to the head), the more focus there will be on costal and abdominal fibres. With a lesser degree of abduction (to around 45�), the focus is more on the clavicular fibres. Between these two extremes lies the position which influences the sternal fibres most directly.


Figure 4 27A MET Treatment of Pectoral Muscle Abdominal Attachment Image 4


Figure 4.27A MET treatment of pectoral muscle � abdominal attachment. Note that the fibres being treated are those which lie in line with the long axis of the humerus.



Figure 4.27B An alternative hold for application of MET to pectoral muscle � sternal attachment. Note that the patient needs to be close to the edge of the table in order to allow the arm to be taken towards the floor once the slack has been removed, during the stretching phase after the isometric contraction.


The patient lies as close to the side of the table as possible so that the abducted arm can be brought below the horizontal level in order to apply gravitational pull and passive stretch to the fibres, as appropriate. The practitioner stands on the side to be treated and grasps the humerus.


A useful arm hold, which depends upon the relative size of the patient and the practitioner, involves the practitioner grasping the anterior aspect of the patient�s flexed upper arm just above the elbow, while the patient cups the practitioner�s elbow and holds this contact throughout the procedure (see Fig. 4.27B).


The patient�s hand is placed on the contact (attachments of shortened fibres) area on the thorax so that the hand acts as a �cushion�. This is both more physically comfortable and also prevents physical contact with emotionally sensitive areas such as breast tissue. The practitioner�s thenar or hyperthenar eminence is placed over the patient�s �cushion� hand in order to stabilise the area during the contraction and stretch, preventing movement of it.


Commencing with the patient�s arm in a position which takes the affected fibres to just short of their restriction barrier (for a chronic problem), the patient introduces a light contraction (20% of strength) involving adduction against resistance from the practitioner, for 7�10 seconds.


As a rule the long axis of the patient�s upper arm should be in a straight line with the fibres being treated. If a trigger point has previously been identified in pectoralis, the practitioner should ensure � by means of palpation if necessary, or by observation � that the fibres housing the triggers are involved in the contraction.


As the patient exhales following complete relaxation of the area, a stretch through the new barrier is activated by the patient and maintained by the practitioner. Stretch is achieved via the positioning and leverage of the arm as the contact hand on the thorax acts as a stabilising point only.


The stretch needs to be one in which the arm is first pulled away (distracted) from the thorax, with the patient�s assistance (�ease your arm away from your shoulder�), before the stretch is introduced which involves the humerus being taken below the horizontal (�ease your arm towards the floor�).


During the stretching phase it is important for the entire thorax to be stabilised. No rolling or twisting of the thorax in the direction of the stretch should be permitted. The stretching procedure should be thought of as having two phases: first the slack being removed by distracting the arm away from the contact/stabilising hand on the thorax; second, movement of the arm towards the floor, initiated by the practitioner bending his knees.


Stretching (after an isometric contraction) should be repeated two or three times in each position. All attachments should be treated, which calls for the use of different arm positions, as discussed above, each with different stabilising (�cushion�) contacts as the various fibre directions and attachments are isolated.


Pectoralis major MET method (b) (Fig. 4.28) The patient is prone with face in a face hole or cradle. Her right arm is abducted to 90� and the elbow flexed to 90� palm towards the floor, with the upper arm supported by the table. The practitioner stands at waist level, facing cephalad, and places his non-table-side hand palm to palm with the patient�s so that the patient�s forearm is in contact with the ventral surface of the practitioner�s forearm. The practitioner�s table-side hand rests on the patient�s right scapula area, ensuring that no trunk rotation occurs.


Figure 4 28 MET for Pectoralis Major in Prone Position Image 6


Figure 4.28 MET for pectoralis major in prone position.


The practitioner eases the patient�s arm into extension at the shoulder until he senses the first sign of resistance from pectoralis. It is important when extending the arm in this way to ensure that no trunk rotation occurs and that the anterior surface of the shoulder remains in contact with the table throughout.


The patient is asked, using no more than 20% of strength, to bring her arm towards the floor and across her chest, with the elbow taking the lead in this attempted movement, which is completely resisted by the practitioner. The practitioner ensures that the patient�s arm remains parallel with the floor throughout the isometric contraction.


Following release of the contraction effort, and on an exhalation, the arm is taken into greater extension, with the patient�s assistance, and held at stretch for not less than 20 seconds.


This procedure is repeated two or three times, slackening the muscle slightly from its end-range before each subsequent contraction to reduce discomfort and for ease of application of the contraction.


Variations in pectoralis fibre involvement can be achieved by altering the angle of abduction � with a more superior angle (around 140�) the lower sternal and costal fibres, and with a lesser angle (around 45�) the clavicular fibres will be committed.


Pectoralis major MET method (c) Bilateral MET stretching of pectoralis major (sternocostal aspects) involves having the patient supine, knees and hips flexed, in order to provide stability to the spinal regions, preventing lumbar lordosis. A shallow but firm cushion should be placed between the scapulae, allowing a better excursion of the shoulders during this stretch. The chin should be tucked in and, if more comfortable, a small cushion placed under the neck. Ideally a strap/belt should be used to fix the thorax to the table, but this is not essential.


The practitioner stands at the head of the table and grasps the patient�s elbows or forearms, which are flexed, laterally rotated and held in a position to induce the most taut aspects of the muscles to become prominent.


Starting from such a barrier or short of it (acute/chronic), the patient is asked to contract the muscles by bringing the arms upwards and towards the table for 10 seconds or so during a held breath.


Following the contraction and complete relaxation, the arms are taken to a new or through the restriction barrier, as appropriate, during an exhalation. Repeat as necessary several times more.


Pectoralis major MET method (d) By adopting the same positions � but with the arms of the patient more laterally placed so that they are laterally rotated and in 90� abduction from the shoulder (upper arms are straight out sideways from the shoulder) and there is 90� flexion at the elbows, with the practitioner contacting the area just proximal to the flexed elbows � a more direct stretch of the clavicular insertions of the muscle can be achieved, using all the same contraction and stretch elements as in (b) above.


Latissimus Dorsi Test for Shortness


To screen latissimus dorsi (12), the standing patient is asked to bend forwards and allow the arms to hang freely from the shoulders as she holds a half-bend position, trunk parallel with the floor.


If the arms are hanging other than perpendicular to the floor there is probably some muscular restriction involved, and if this involves latissimus the arms will be held closer to the legs than perpendicular (if they hang markedly forward of such a position then trapezius shortening is probable, see below).


To screen latissimus in this position, one side at a time, the practitioner stands in front of the patient (who remains in this half-bend position) and, stabilising the scapula area with one hand, grasps the arm at elbow level and gently draws the tested side (straight) arm forwards. It should, without undue effort or excessive bind in the tissues being held, allow itself to be taken to a position where the elbow is higher than the level of the back of the head. If this is not possible, then latissimus is short.


MET Treatment of Short Latissimus Dorsi


Short latissimus dorsi MET method (a) The patient lies supine with the feet crossed (the side to be treated crossed under the non-treated side leg at the ankle). The patient is arranged in a light sidebend away from the side to be treated so that the pelvis is towards that side, and the feet and head away from that side. The heels are placed just off the edge of the table, so anchoring the lower extremities.


The patient places her arm on the side to be treated behind her neck, as the practitioner, standing on the side opposite that to be treated, slides his cephalad hand under the patient�s shoulders to grasp the treated side axilla. The patient grasps the practitioner�s cephalad arm at the elbow, making this contact more secure. The patients treated side elbow should point superiorly. The practitioner�s caudad hand is placed on the anterior superior iliac spine on the side being treated.


The patient is instructed to very lightly take the pointed elbow towards the sacrum and also to lightly try to bend backwards and towards the treated side. This should produce a light isometric contraction in latissimus dorsi on the side to be treated. After 7 seconds they are asked to relax completely as the practitioner transfers his body weight from the cephalad leg to the caudad leg, to sidebend the patient. Simultaneously the practitioner stands more erect and leans in a caudad direction.


This effectively lifts the patient�s thorax from the table surface and introduces a stretch into latissimus (especially if the patient has maintained a grasp on the practitioner�s elbow and the practitioner has a firm hold on the patient�s axilla).


This stretch is held for 15�30 seconds allowing a lengthening of shortened musculature in the region. (Note: starting position is as for Fig. 4.22.) Repeat as necessary.


Short latissimus dorsi MET method (b) The patient is side-lying, affected side up. The arm is taken into abduction to the point of resistance, so that it is possible to visualise, or palpate, the insertion of the shortened fibres on the lateral chest wall.


The condition is treated in either the acute or chronic mode of MET, at or short of the barrier, as appropriate.


As shown in Figure 4.29, the practitioner stands near the head of the patient, slightly behind, and holds the upper arm in the chosen position while applying the other hand to stabilise the posterior thorax area, or the pelvic crest, from where the stretch will be made.


Figure 4 29 Treatment of Latissimus Dorsi Image 7


Figure 4.29 Treatment of latissimus dorsi. A variety of different positions are required for the stabilising hand (on the chest wall as well as on the crest of the pelvis) to allow for precise application of stretches of fibres with different attachments, following the sequence of isometric contractions.


A build-up of tension should be palpated under the stabilising hand as the patient introduces an isometric contraction by attempting to bring the arm towards the ceiling, backwards and down (towards their own lower spine) against firm resistance, using only a modest amount of effort (20%) and holding the breath if appropriate (see notes on breathing, Box 4.2).


After 7�10 seconds, both the effort and breath are released and the patient relaxes completely, at which time the practitioner introduces stretch to or through the barrier (acute/chronic), bringing the humerus into greater adduction while applying a stretching/stabilising contact on the trunk (with separate contractions and stretches for each contact) anywhere between the lateral chest wall and the crest of the pelvis.


A downward movement of the humerus, towards the floor, assists the stretch following a separation of the practitioner�s two contact hands to remove all slack. As in the stretch of pectoralis major, there should be two phases � a distraction, taking out the slack, and a movement towards the floor of the practitioner, by flexing the knees � to induce a safe stretch. Repeat as necessary.


Ultimately, it should be possible to achieve complete elevation of the arm without stress or obvious shortness in latissimus fibres so that the upper arm can rest alongside the ear of the supine patient.


Dr. Alex Jimenez offers an additional assessment and treatment of the hip flexors as a part of a referenced clinical application of neuromuscular techniques by Leon Chaitow and Judith Walker DeLany. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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WELLNESS TOPIC: EXTRA EXTRA: Managing Workplace Stress



Regulation of Gene Expression by Fatty Acids for IBD

Regulation of Gene Expression by Fatty Acids for IBD

Dietary fat has several essential functions in the human body. First, it functions as a supply of energy and structural components for the cells and second, it functions as a regulator of gene expression, which influences lipid, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism, along with cell growth and differentiation. The effects of fatty acids on gene expression are cell-specific and influenced by structure and metabolism. Fatty acids interact with the genome. They regulate PPAR, and the activity or nuclear abundance like SREBP. Fatty acids bind directly with one another to regulate gene expression.


What’s the role of fatty acids towards disease pathogenesis?


Alternately, fatty acids behave on gene expression through their effects on specific enzyme-mediated pathways, such as cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase, protein kinase C, or sphingomyelinase signal transduction pathways, or through pathways that require changes in tissue lipid to lipid raft composition which affect G-protein receptor or tyrosine kinase-linked receptor signaling. Additional definition of these fatty acid-regulated pathways can offer insight into the role dietary fat plays in human health as well as the beginning and growth of many chronic diseases, such as coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia and inflammation, obesity and diabetes, cancer, major depressive disorders, and schizophrenia. The effects of fatty acids on gene expression, however, have been widely described on inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD.


Fatty Acids and Gene Expression


The effect of fatty acids on gene expression was previously determined to result mainly from changes in tissue phospholipids or eicosanoid production. More recently, the discovery of nuclear receptors; such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, or PPARs, and their regulation by fatty acids, has significantly altered this view. PPARs are ligand activated transcription factors that upon heterodimerization with the retinoic X receptor, or RXR, comprehend PPAR response elements in the promoter regions of different genes, that have an impact on gene transcription. PPARs bind various ligands, including nonsteroidal anti inflammatory medications, or NSAIDS, thiazolidinediones (antidiabetic agents) along with PUFAs and their metabolites. Several subtypes of the receptor are recognized (?,?,?) and are expressed in several different cells. PPAR? is extracted from the adrenal gland, with most of its numbers observed in the colon.


PPAR? has been implicated in the regulation of inflammation, and it has become a potential therapeutic goal in treating inflammatory diseases, such as IBD. It has been suggested that people with ulcerative colitis, or UC, have a mucosal deficit in PPAR? that could bring about the development of their own disease. Analysis of the mRNA and proteins within colonic biopsies demonstrated decreased levels of PPAR? in UC patients in comparison with Crohn’s patients or healthy subjects.


Using colon cancer lines, it has been demonstrated that PPAR ligands attenuate cytokine gene expression by inhibiting NF-?B via an I?B determined mechanism. Further research studies imply that PPAR activators inhibit COX2 by interruption with NF-?B. PPARs impair interactions with STAT and other signaling pathways as well as the AP-1 signaling pathway.


Animal studies support using PPAR for autoimmune inflammation. Inflammation decreased by ligands for PPAR. The direction of PPAR and RXR agonists synergistically reduced TNBS-induced colitis, together with improved macroscopic and histologic scores, reductions in TNF? and IL-1? mRNA, and diminished NF-?B DNA binding actions. Though clinical evidence is limited, the results of an open source research study with rosiglitazone, a PPAR? ligand as therapy for UC, demonstrated that 27 percent of patients achieved remission after 12 weeks of therapy. Thus, PPAR? ligands may represent a cure for UC, where double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trials have been warranted.


Of substantial curiosity, the capability to regulate PPAR nutritionally has been examined. Dietary PUFA demonstrated an impact during the regulation of transcription factors on gene expression. Fatty acid regulation of PPAR was originally detected by Gottlicher et al.. A choice of fatty acids, like eicosanoids, and metabolites are proven to activate PPAR. Both PPAR? and PPAR? bind mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Thus, the anti inflammatory effects of n3 PUFA may entail PPAR and its interruption with NF?B, rather than only changes in eicosanoid synthesis.




Fatty acids regulate gene expression involved in lipid and energy metabolism. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, or PUFA, though not saturated or polyunsaturated FA, suppress the induction of lipogenic genes by inhibiting their expression and processing of SREBP-1c. This impact of PUFA suggests that SREBP-1c may regulate the synthesis of fatty acids to glycerolipids, among others. PPARalpha has a role in the adaptation to fasting by inducing ketogenesis in mitochondria. During fasting, fatty acids are considered as ligands of PPARalpha. Dietary PUFA, except for 18:2 n-6, are extremely prone to induce fatty acid oxidation enzymes through PPARalpha because of specific mechanisms. Signaling functions of PPARalpha pPARalpha is needed for controlling the synthesis of fatty acids. Further research is needed to conclude the full effects of fatty acids in relation to the regulation of transcription factors for gene expression in inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD.


Information referenced from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and the National University of Health Sciences. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


blog picture of cartoon paperboy big news


WELLNESS TOPIC: EXTRA EXTRA: Managing Workplace Stress



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Close Accordion
Assessment and Treatment of Quadratus Lumborum

Assessment and Treatment of Quadratus Lumborum

These assessment and treatment recommendations represent a synthesis of information derived from personal clinical experience and from the numerous sources which are cited, or are based on the work of researchers, clinicians and therapists who are named (Basmajian 1974, Cailliet 1962, Dvorak & Dvorak 1984, Fryette 1954, Greenman 1989, 1996, Janda 1983, Lewit 1992, 1999, Mennell 1964, Rolf 1977, Williams 1965).


Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques: Quadratus Lumborum


Assessment of Shortness in Quadratus Lumborum (Figure 4.21)


Figure 4 21 Palpation Assessment for Quadratus Lumborum Overactivity Image 1


Figure 4.21 Palpation assessment for quadratus lumborum overactivity. The muscle is palpated, as is gluteus medius, during abduction of the leg. The correct firing sequence should be gluteus, followed at around 25� elevation by quadratus. If there is an immediate �grabbing� action by quadratus it indicates overactivity, and therefore stress, so shortness can be assumed (see details of similar functional assessments in Ch. 5).


Review Lewit�s functional palpation test described under the heading assessment and treatment of tensor fascia lata.


When the leg of the side-lying patient is abducted, and the practitioner�s palpating hand senses that quadratus becomes involved in this process before the leg has reached at least 25� of elevation, then it is clear that quadratus is overactive. If it has been overactive for any length of time then it is almost certainly hypertonic and short, and a need for MET can be assumed.


Quadratus lumborum test (a) (See also Fig. 5.11A, B.) The patient is side-lying and is asked to take the upper arm over the head to grasp the top edge of the table, �opening out� the lumbar area. The practitioner stands facing the back of the patient, and has easy access for palpation of quadratus lumborum�s lateral border � a major trigger point site (Travell & Simons 1992) � with the cephalad hand.


Activity of quadratus is tested (palpated for) with the cephalad hand as the leg is abducted, while also palpating gluteus medius with the caudad hand. If the muscles act simultaneously, or if quadratus fires first, then it is stressed, probably short, and will benefit from stretching.


Quadratus lumborum test (b) The patient stands, back towards crouching practitioner. Any leg length disparity (based on pelvic crest height) is equalised by using a book or pad under the short leg side heel. With the patient�s feet shoulder-width apart, a pure sidebending is requested, so that the patient runs a hand down the lateral thigh/calf. (Normal level of sidebending excursion allows the fingertips to reach to just below the knee.) (See Fig. 3.2A, B, C.)


The side to which the fingertips travel furthest is assessed. If sidebending to one side is limited then quadratus on the opposite side is probably short. Combined evidence from palpation (test a) and this sidebending test indicate whether or not it is necessary to treat quadratus.


Box 4.8 Notes on Quadratus Lumborum


  • Norris (2000) describes the divided roles in which quadratus is involved: The quadratus lumborum has been shown to be significant as a stabiliser in lumbar spine movements (McGill et al 1996) while tightening has also been described (Janda 1983). It seems likely that the muscle may act functionally differently in its medial and lateral portions, with the medial portion being more active as a stabiliser of the lumbar spine, and the lateral more active as a mobiliser [see stabiliser/mobiliser discussion Ch. 2]. Such subdivision is seen in a number of other muscles for example the gluteus medius where the posterior fibres are more posturally involved (Jull 1994) the internal oblique where the posterior fibres attaching to the lateral raphe are considered stabilisers (Bergmark 1989) the external oblique where the lateral fibres work during flexion in parallel with the rectus abdominis (Kendall et al 1993).
  • Janda (1983) observes that, when the patient is sidebending (as in method (b)) �when the lumbar spine appears straight, with compensatory motion occurring only from the thoracolumbar region upwards, tightness of quadratus lumborum may be suspected�. This �whole lumbar spine� involvement differs from a segmental restriction which would probably involve only a part of the lumbar spine.
  • Quadratus fibres merge with the diaphragm (as do those of psoas), which makes involvement in respiratory dysfunction a possibility since it plays a role in exhalation, both via this merging and by its attachment to the 12th rib.
  • Shortness of quadratus, or the presence of trigger points, can result in pain in the lower ribs and along the iliac crest if the lateral fibres are affected. Shortness of the medial fibres, or the presence of trigger points, can produce pain in the sacroiliac joint and the buttock.
  • Bilateral contraction produces extension and unilateral contraction produces extension and sidebending to the same side.
  • The important transition region, the lumbodorsal junction (LDJ), is the only one in the spine in which two mobile structures meet, and dysfunction results in alteration of the quality of motion between these structures (upper and lower trunk/dorsal and lumbar spines). In dysfunction there is often a degree of spasm or tightness in the muscles which stabilise the region, notably: psoas and erector spinae of the thoracolumbar region, as well as quadratus lumborum and rectus abdominis.
  • Symptomatic differential diagnosis of muscle involvement at the LDJ is possible as follows: psoas involvement usually triggers abdominal pain if severe and produces flexion of the hip and the typical antalgesic posture of lumbago; erector spinae involvement produces low back pain at its caudad end of attachment and interscapular pain at its thoracic attachment (as far up as the mid-thoracic level); quadratus lumborum involvement causes lumbar pain and pain at the attachment of the iliac crest and lower ribs; and rectus abdominis contraction may mimic abdominal pain and result in pain at the attachments at the pubic symphysis and the xiphoid process, as well as forwardbending of the trunk and restricted ability to extend the spine.


There is seldom pain at the site of the lesion in LDJ dysfunction. Lewit (1992) points out that even if a number of these muscles are implicated, it is seldom necessary, using PIR methods, to treat them all since, as the muscles most involved (discovered by tests for shortness, overactivity, sensitivity and direct palpation) are stretched and normalised, so will others begin automatically to normalise.


MET for Shortness in Quadratus Lumborum (�banana�)


Quadratus lumborum MET method (a) (Fig. 4.22) The patient lies supine with the feet crossed (the side to be treated crossed under the non-treated side leg) at the ankle. The patient is arranged in a light sidebend, away from the side to be treated, so that the pelvis is towards that side, and the feet and head away from that side (�banana shaped�). As this sidebend is being achieved the affected quadratus can be palpated for bind so that the barrier is correctly identified.


Figure 4 22 MET Treatment of Quadratus Lumborum Utilizing Banana Position Image 2


Figure 4.22 MET treatment of quadratus lumborum utilising �banana� position.


The patient�s heels are placed just off the side of the table, anchoring the lower extremities and pelvis. The patient places the arm of the side to be treated behind her neck as the practitioner, standing on the side opposite that to be treated, slides his cephalad hand under the patient�s shoulders to grasp the treated side axilla. The patient grasps the practitioner�s cephalad arm at the elbow, with the treated side hand, making the contact more secure.


The patient�s treated side elbow should, at this stage, be pointing superiorly. The practitioner�s caudad hand is placed firmly but carefully on the anterior superior iliac spine, on the side to be treated. The patient is instructed to very lightly sidebend towards the treated side. This should produce an isometric contraction in quadratus lumborum on the side to be treated.


After 7 seconds the patient is asked to relax completely, and then to sidebend towards the nontreated side, as the practitioner simultaneously transfers his bodyweight from the cephalad leg to the caudad leg and leans backwards slightly, in order to sidebend the patient. This effectively stretches quadratus lumborum. The stretch is held for 15�20 seconds, allowing a lengthening of shortened musculature in the region. Repeat as necessary.


Quadratus lumborum MET method (b) (Fig 4.23) The practitioner stands behind the side-lying patient, at waist level. The patient has the uppermost arm extended over the head to firmly grasp the top end of the table and, on an inhalation, abducts the uppermost leg until the practitioner palpates strong quadratus activity (elevation of around 30� usually).


Figure 4 23 MET Treatment of Quadratus Lumborum Image 3


Figure 4.23 MET treatment of quadratus lumborum. Note that it is important after the isometric contraction (sustained raised/abducted leg) that the muscle be eased into stretch, avoiding any defensive or protective resistance which sudden movement might produce. For this reason, body weight rather than arm strength should be used to apply traction.


The patient holds the leg (and, if appropriate, the breath, see Box 4.2) isometrically in this manner, allowing gravity to provide resistance. After the 10-second (or so) contraction, the patient allows the leg to hang slightly behind him over the back of the table. The practitioner straddles this and, cradling the pelvis with both hands (fingers interlocked over crest of pelvis), leans back to take out all slack and to �ease the pelvis away from the lower ribs� during an exhalation.


The stretch should be held for between 10 and 30 seconds. (The method will only be successful if the patient is grasping the top edge of the table, so providing a fixed point from which the practitioner can induce stretch.)


Contraction followed by stretch is repeated once or twice more with raised leg in front of, and once or twice with raised leg behind the trunk in order to activate different fibres. The direction of stretch should be varied so that it is always in the same direction as the long axis of the abducted leg. This calls for the practitioner changing from the back to the front of the table for the best results. When the leg hangs to the back of the trunk the long fibres of the muscle are mainly affected; and when the leg hangs forward of the body the diagonal fibres are mainly involved.


Quadratus lumborum MET method (c) Gravity-induced postisometric relaxation of quadratus lumborum � self-treatment (See Fig. 3.2A�C and captions) The patient stands, legs apart, bending sideways. The patient inhales and slightly raises the trunk (a few centimetres) at the same time as looking (with the eyes only) away from the side to which side-flexion is taking place. On exhalation, the sidebend is allowed to slowly go further to its elastic limit, while the patient looks towards the floor, in the direction of the side-flexion. (Care is needed that very little, if any, forward or backward bending is taking place at this time.) This sequence is repeated a number of times.


Eye positions influence the tendency to flex and sidebend (eyes look down) and extend (eyes look up) (Lewit 1999). Gravity-induced stretches of this sort require holding the stretch position for at least as long as the contraction, and ideally longer. More repetitions may be needed with a large muscle such as quadratus, and home stretches should be advised several times daily. Quadratus lumborum MET method (d) The side-lying treatment of latissimus dorsi described below also provides an effective quadratus stretch when the stabilising hand rests on the pelvic crest (see Fig. 4.29).


Dr. Alex Jimenez offers an additional assessment and treatment of the hip flexors as a part of a referenced clinical application of neuromuscular techniques by Leon Chaitow and Judith Walker DeLany. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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WELLNESS TOPIC: EXTRA EXTRA: Managing Workplace Stress



Glutamine, Fiber & Fatty Acid Intake for IBD

Glutamine, Fiber & Fatty Acid Intake for IBD

Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, is a term used to describe inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa of unknown etiology. There are a selection of hypotheses associated to the development and perpetuation of IBD. Three main theories emerge from the literature. The first implicates a persistent intestinal infection; the second demonstrates that the upcoming signs of IBD are due to a defective mucosal barrier to luminal antigens; and the next suggests a dysregulated host immune response to ubiquitous antigens.


What are the nutritional components, if any, behind inflammatory bowel disease?


It is believed that IBD has both genetic and environmental components, therefore it’s immunologically mediated. Information gathered from IBD patients showing cytokine profiles, permeability defects, response to treatment and natural history of disease, may indicate a heterogeneous group of disorders that fall under the headings of ulcerative colitis, or UC, and Crohn’s disease, or CD. Previous epidemiological data on diet in UC and CD are conflicting, partly as a result of the heterogeneity of those diseases, making it difficult to get reliable statistics and publication bias, such as in the case of negative structures from breastfeeding.


Glutamine, Fiber and Fatty Acids


Diets high in glutamine, a significant source of energy for enterocytes, in addition to being the preferred fuel of the small intestine, are used with varying success. Glutamine is bekieved to exert its trophic effects on the small intestine by increasing protein synthesis and producing alanine for enteric gluconeogenesis. There is proof that glutamine protects the small intestinal mucosa during acute disease. However, oral glutamine supplements do not restore to normal the increased intestinal permeability discovered in patients with CD and these supplements do not beneficially affect the sufferers’ CDAI or C-reactive protein, also abbreviated as CRP, levels. Similarly, a randomized controlled trial demonstrated no benefit was connected to the usage of glutamine-enriched polymeric formulas in children with CD.


In animal research studies, dietary fiber has been implicated in keeping the integrity of the intestine, as well as in preventing bacterial translocation from the gut to the mesenteric lymph nodes. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA, C1 to C6 natural fatty acids), are created by the fermentation of dietary polysaccharides in the common anaerobic bacteria in the colon. These SCFA are a source of energy for the colonocytes, which together improve sodium and water absorption, and promote blood circulation. Decreased quantities of SCFA, particularly butyrate, and a defect in the oxidation of butyrate from colonocytes, are indicated as a mechanism in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. Evidence to support that concept requires the observation of the oxidation of C-labelled butyrate, demonstrated to decrease in patients with active UC in comparison with healthy controls. However, researchers have failed to reveal the differences between UC patients and controls in the oxidation of rectally administered C-labelled butyrate.


TPN supplemented with SCFA improved function adaptation to intestinal resection in rats. It remains to be discovered when patients with short bowel syndrome may make the most of SCFA.


Butyrate (C4 fatty acid) administered to UC patients contributed to remission levels like corticosteroids and mesalamine. In patients with CD, both intestinal biopsies and lamina propria cells packaged with butyrate had substantially decreased levels of inflammatory cytokines (TNF), possibly due to a reduction in NF?B stimulation and I?B degradation.


Eicosanoids are inflammatory mediators, which have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory damage in the intestine. Specimens from patients with IBD show enhanced eicosanoid formation. High dietary intake of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, abbreviated as PUFAs, which reduces omega-3 intake, and may contribute to IBD development. The benefits of fish oil, which contain n3 fatty acids, that were shown in certain inflammatory disorders, such as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Epidemiological observations of this very low prevalence of IBD in Japanese and Inuit populations consuming substantial n3 fatty acid fish provided a justification for utilizing n3 fatty acids in IBD. The n3 fatty acids are considered to compete with n6 fatty acids as precursors of eicosanoid synthesis. The n3 products reveal a series of 5 leukotrienes, which have considerably less physiological activity when compared with the arachidonate established series 4 counterparts. In addition, fish oil might have an anti inflammatory effect.


Rats fed with fish oil that had TNBS-induced inflammatory lesions in the intestine showed less prostaglandin- and leukotriene-mediated resistant response. Parenteral lipid emulsions enhanced with n3 fatty acids reduce diarrhea, weaken morphological changes and decreased colonic concentrations of inflammatory mediators in an animal model of acetic acid induced colitis.


Loeschke et al conducted a placebo-controlled trial of n3 fatty acids in preventing relapse in UC. Patients in remission who got n3 fatty acids experienced fewer relapses than did those receiving placebo. Unfortunately, the favorable results of this research study did not last throughout the total amount of the two year research, possibly due to diminished compliance punctually. In a multicenter placebo controlled relapse prevention trial, Belluzzi et al found a significant drop in the relapse rate in CD patients given an exceptional formula designed to allow postponed ileal release of n3 fatty acids. A fish oil diet has been shown to increase eicosapentanoic and docosahexanoic acids in the intestinal mucosal lipids of IBD sufferers, also demonstrating a reduction in arachadonic acid. A gain in the synthesis of leukotriene B5 along with a 53 percent decrease of leukotriene B4 was shown in UC patients, whereas the fish oil treatment revealed a nonsignificant trend to faster remission. Fish oil supplementation results in clinical improvement of active mild to moderate disease, but was not associated with a significant reduction in leukotriene B4 production. Consequently, fish oil supplementation of the diet may provide some short-term benefit to people with CD or UC. Using probiotics and prebiotics has received much attention; the interested reader is referred to recent reviews in this area.


Clinical Implications


It is widely known that nutritional deficiencies are common in people with CD and UC, and people have to be expected, diagnosed and treated. There are no special diets which may be recommended for all patients with IBD; dietary therapy needs to be individualized. TPN or TEN may be necessary to restore nutrient equilibrium in selected IBD patients with malnutrition, but in adults these interventions do not provide an essential decision to modify disease activity. The omega-3 PUFAs in fish oil may reduce disease activity in UC and CD when used at the short term together with regular medical therapy. Their mechanism of action is to enhance the activity of the amino acids PPAR, or peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, in the intestine, inhibiting the AP-1 signaling pathway and NF-?B, weakening pro-inflammatory cytokine receptor expression. Future research will focus on the identification and use of certain dietary lipids to reduce intestinal inflammatory activity and also to maintain long-term disease remission.


Information referenced from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and the National University of Health Sciences. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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WELLNESS TOPIC: EXTRA EXTRA: Managing Workplace Stress



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