Back Clinic Nutrition Team. Food provides people with the necessary energy and nutrients to be healthy. By eating various foods, including good quality vegetables, fruits, whole-grain products, and lean meats, the body can replenish itself with the essential proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals to function effectively. Nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Healthy eating does not have to be hard.
The key is to eat various foods, including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. In addition, eat lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and low-fat dairy products and drink lots of water. Limit salt, sugar, alcohol, saturated fat, and trans fat. Saturated fats usually come from animals. Look for trans fat on the labels of processed foods, margarine, and shortenings.
Dr. Alex Jimenez offers nutritional examples and describes the importance of balanced nutrition, emphasizing how a proper diet combined with physical activity can help individuals reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases, and promote overall health and wellness.
Ketosis is a metabolic state where the liver takes proteins and fat and produces molecules to use for energy. Ketosis allows a starving person to survive for days (or even months). Some athletes see improvements while others feel miserable whenever they are in a condition that is ketogenic. Is a ketogenic diet right for you?
Ketogenic Diet and the Brain
Your brain is about 2 percent of your body mass, even though it requires approximately 20 percent of your basal metabolic rate, more if you are a thinker. Various parts of your brain use different amounts of glucose, and almost twice as much in the morning. You will need to fuel your mind more if you are using your mind working hard through the day and solving problems. If you’re working more on engine control, (state a skill involving precision or equilibrium), then you will use less glucose. Many people can attest to how much energy is used by the brain when challenged.
Although sugar is run off by our brains rather than fat, they are also able to run off of ketones as an alternate fuel source. People who market diets tend to be aware the simple fact that an increase in ketones improves repair and the healing of neurons and increases the neurotransmitter GABA. (GABA makes it possible to sleep. It’s also the main neurotransmitter that sleep drugs and antipsychotic drugs influence.) Due to the impact of ketones on the brain, a ketogenic diet can really help those with seizures. Of course, ketosis means you’re burning far more fat, (in the form of ketones), for energy compared to glucose, and also, for the most part, that’s usually great thing.
You won’t venture to some harmful diabetic ketosis amount as long as you are generating even only a tiny amount of insulin. So as long as you are not Type 2 or a Type 1, there is nothing to immediately worry about. However, to stay in a state of ketosis, you typically need to eat less than 50g of carbs per day if not less than that. In this state, the body’s functions are based on fat rather than glycogen, and the brain is based on ketones instead of glucose.
People wishing to achieve ketosis can not consume an excessive amount of protein. This means no more than 150g per day. Protein could be converted into glycogen and as it may have been mentioned before by professionals, this protein can also be used to make glucose and you would throw the body out of ketosis.
Ketones vs Glucose
So, should you attempt to achieve this ketogenic state? For many people, they need to do it at least to change their body from insulin resistance. Again, like most things, it is very individualized. If you’re severely resistant this might be your way out of it and about the road to health again.
Overall, most people could do much better, (significance become more fit and more healthy), eating less carbs. But when they don’t need to, some people have a tendency to go to the stress and extreme carbs. Many people also fear insulin because everything we read about obesity, cancer, and pretty much any disorder talks about insulin and inflammation. But remember it is all about making just the right amount. Insulin is not a bad guy, just too much of it is. If you don’t make insulin when you ought to be you’re really in a more dire situation than becoming insulin resistant.
It typically takes two to three weeks to really shift your body over to fat from using glucose as a main fuel source, which is with an extremely low carb, high fat diet plan. Merely tweaking your diet a little bit won’t do the job. You have to go to the more extreme for a few weeks, and after that you can add in some carbohydrates and determine how you react to them, mentally and physically. The nice thing about changing your body from sugar burning is that you also won’t convert back to being a sugar-burner if you consume too many carbs for a brief period of time.
Whether your want to be in ketosis or not is your choice, but you should be able to go days with no carbs (other than veggies) in your diet plan. Carbohydrates should generally only be consumed when you only want to eat them, like pizza, or anything you are into, or once you are training hard or extended.
Remember, even if you’re only eating about 2,000 calories per day then 100g of carbohydrates is only 20 percent of your diet plan. You’re getting the identical amount of protein and the fat is left by that around 60 percent, which is grams of fat. (Fat is 9 calories per gram; protein and carbohydrates are every 4 cals.) You are going to want some more carbs, if you are training hard. You’ll need some carbohydrates. If you’re trying to select a diet , training difficult or in any medium to high intensity for a period. Therefore, if you are going to try a diet do it in the off season when you are building a strong base or when you’re in a recovery interval in racing or training hard.
On a clinical note, many individuals perform well staying in ketosis for more than a month or two months, max. Health disorders and pain have been a result of being in a ketogenic condition for such a long time. The diet helps people progress mentally and physically, but it can turn on them, without proper understanding. Therefore, if you’re going to go keto, have a rest every few months or so, and see how you operate and feel in and out of ketosis.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Wellness
Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.
Since ketones are a preferred fuel for the heart and the diaphragm, and because a state of ketosis may provide extreme focus and cognitive performance during difficult mental activities, a ketogenic diet can be extremely useful for endurance athletes such as triathletes, distance swimmers, cyclists, marathoners, ultra-runners, etc..
Problem is, there are not a ton of tools out there about how highly active people can really get into a state of ketosis.
In this guide, author, triathlete, and ketogenic expert extraordinaire Patricia Daly explains how to do things the ideal way. Patricia just finished writing an amazing publication called “Practical Keto Meal Plans For Endurance Athletes: Tips, Tricks And How To’s For Optimizing Performance Using A High Fat, Low Carb Meal Plan”, and she has a wealth of information on this topic.�So in this article, you’re going to get the top 10 mistakes low-carb athletes make.
Mistake #1: Being Scared of Fat
The ketogenic diet is quite different from other typical diets. The objective of your lifestyle is to teach the body to utilize ketone bodies rather than glucose as the primary source of energy. That is why the quantity is about 75 to 85+ percent of daily caloric consumption.
Quite simply, if you operate out quite a bit you probably eat about 2,900 calories a day, of which about 2,300 will come from fat should you follow a ketogenic diet. Fat contains 9 calories per gram, and you will eat 256g of fat daily, based on how much you train of course. To simplify this further: all your intake will be approximately 18 tablespoons, one tablespoon of olive oil, for example, weighs approximately 14g.
Mistake #2: Eating Too Much Protein
Another mistake novices make is to substitute most of the carbs they used to consume with protein instead of fat. This happen all of the time. The problem is that excess protein intake can result in gluconeogenesis, which is the conversion of amino acids to glucose. This is not what we need on a ketogenic diet, to the contrary, promote the creation of ketone bodies from fatty acids to keep glucose levels low.
A lot of men and women are amazed when they start weighing their food according to the proper meal plans and realize how small protein they actually must consume on a ketogenic dietplan. But fat is protein sparing, meaning that a high fat consumption is decreased with by your need for protein.
Mistake #3: Carbs Creeping In
Carbohydrates can quickly add up if you’re eager to get your veggies, herbs and spices in. They can in fact be found in products that you’d never think contained carbs.
Good examples are any processed foods, shop bought salad dressings, milk replacements (many almond and coconut milks have added sugar), tomato sauce, a few meats, such as duck confit, starchy vegetables and even herbal tea, to name only a few. Eating out can be challenging because most restaurants prefer to use dressings, sauces and dips that have added alternative or honey sources of sugar. It tastes nice but is not keto-friendly. Having strong, reliable information is key to carb restriction, especially in the first stages when metabolic alterations occur.
Mistake #4: Giving Up Too Early
The faster you enter nutritional ketosis, the more side effects you could suffer from initially. The metabolic changes may be striking because every single cell in the body wants to do the change from glucose. Insulin is influenced: Amounts return because of reduced consumption. Insulin allows the kidneys to hold on to sodium. If insulin is at a lower level, the body starts getting rid of excess sodium and also water.
This is why it’s so important to guarantee you add sufficient sodium to your diet and keep well hydrated, especially in the first few days of beginning to reduce carbohydrates. This will make certain that you don’t suffer from some of the symptoms of the dreaded “keto flu”: shivers, foggy mind, headaches or nausea are some of the possible symptoms. It is probably more appropriate to call them “carbohydrate withdrawal symptoms” because of the effects on hormonal and electrolyte balance.
Things that help to get over these initial obstacles are strong bone broth with good quality salt, a great deal of rest, no extreme exercise and plenty of mineral-rich water, e.g. San Pellegrino. However, the best advice I could give is to take things slowly and not to give up when you are feeling a bit off in the initial phases, provided you’ve done all of the suggested blood tests to exclude any underlying health issues before starting a ketogenic diet.
Mistake #5: Scared of the New; Eating the Same
Many people feel overwhelmed from the first phases of executing a low carb and ketogenic diet. And because they have very little experience with certain new foods, they still keep eating the same “safe” low-carb stuff. For instance bacon and eggs for breakfast and nuts for snacks.
Of course this means that you’re eating low carbohydrate but its often a first priority to always improve their wellness. And this is only possible using a healthy diet. Eating the same things over and over again is dull, it may set you up for having deficiencies and growing food intolerances. This happens quite frequently especially if you’re somewhat worried, your gut function is not optimal or if you’re using medications.
Food intolerances may have an effect not only on your stomach health by causing nausea, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or other symptoms, but also in your immune system. The best advice is to continue experimenting with new foods, even if they seem completely strange to you, such as (for example) chicken liver, that is way easier to find and prepare than you’d think. There is a wonderful recipe for each and every food.
Mistake #6: Eating Processed Foods
This is particularly common for people who have read about the Atkins diet and noticed the products that are sold online and in stores. Yes, they keep you inside the limits that you select and may make life easier but they are also full of artificial flavors, polydextrose, odor, sucralose and other artificial sweeteners that can mess with your psychological and physical health.
A rule of thumb: if you wouldn’t have the ability to bake or cook a meal depending on the components list (because you don’t recognize half of them or wouldn’t know where to buy them), then you should stay away from it. Hopefully, with a growing amount of research to verify the advantages of low carb and ketogenic diets there will be plenty of incentives for companies to create snacks based on real foods.
Mistake #7: Deficiency Of Planning (And Obsessing)
Both absence of preparation and obsessing too much could be stumbling stone. If you don’t plan you’re much more likely to “fail” and give up in your lifestyle modifications. You see, the challenge is that if you realize you haven’t got all you might not find them.
Some of the goods that are staples on a low carb or ketogenic diet like olive oil, olives, fatty fish or ghee can only be bought in health stores or on the internet. More and more supermarkets start to inventory them but this depends where you live. Planning makes it more easy to cook in bulk and save cash and time.
Evidently, it’s a different story for somebody who follows a ketogenic diet for medical reasons, for instance in the case of epilepsy, no mistakes could be made without a consequence and where the diet has to be nicely calculated. But occasionally people become stressed out about dietary modifications that they wake in the middle of the night and can not go back to sleep. They fear what their next meal could look like ketones could be further increased by them or what to eat on a vacation In cases like this, it’s time to choose a (big) step back, relax, try some recipes without weighing and counting and possibly give it another go after a couple of weeks with a great deal of preparation and support. Stressing about meals can cancel the positive effects of good nutrition out.
Mistake #8: Ignoring the Body’s Warning Signs
Trainers who obsess over dietary modifications can get caught up in measuring blood sugar and ketones, weighing their meals all the time, producing exact meal programs and they are able to get really scared of eating out where items are out of their hands. In experience, they are also likely candidates to ignore the warning signs of their body.
Please remember that you just know your body best and that no meal or instruction program can conquer your innate wisdom and intuition. Take warning signs since you have it in your head to adhere to a specific regime, and do not override them. Low carb and ketogenic diets are not for everybody and if you are feeling worse than before, even after getting over the first symptoms talked about before, then it is probably time to stop and reconsider.
Mistake #9: Social Pressure
Even years into following a ketogenic diet, many people get opinions from close friends and family regarding this specific nutritional plan and it can sometimes be difficult for individuals to follow their keto diet close when social pressure pushes them to eat a variety of foods outside of their meal plan.
Ketogenic diets are still very poorly known even by the medical profession. People don’t understand where a few treats are allowed in moderate quantities, that you can not follow the famous 80/20 rule. You are either in ketosis or you’re not.
Mistake #10: Bad Timing
And lastly, lets discuss when to start lowering your carbs or attempting to go into ketosis. Please don’t do it a week before your competition of the season or during a period when you’re super busy at the office.
The best period of the year to make key adjustments to lifestyle and diet is when you are “off season”. Another fantastic time is before a few preparatory competitions to build towards the most important race. That’s when you see how your body responds to intensity and if the diet doesn’t suit you, you have loads of time to make changes.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Wellness
Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.
Only about 5 to 10 percent of cancer is hereditary, although most cancer scientists have thought that cancer was a disease, states Dr D’Agostino.
A metabolic disorder is one that interrupts normal metabolism, the process of converting food to energy on a cellular level. The mitochondria create the energy that our cells will need to perform their job, and these are usually known as the powerhouses of the cells.
When carbohydrates (composed of glucose) are consumed, they cause the blood glucose levels to rise. The hormone insulin, responsible for regulating energy use, is secreted by the pancreas because it damages the structure of all proteins, as a high blood sugar concentration is toxic for human tissues.
Based on Dr Fettke, we could simply metabolise about one teaspoon (4 grams) of glucose at once and the remainder is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen, or if this cannot happen, it’s stored as fat.
The longer carbs are ingested, the more glucose is produced, the more our body becomes resistant.
Insulin resistance occurs when the body does not respond to insulin properly. This results in increased blood glucose levels, which can not be saved in muscles or the liver must store it as fat, as discussed by Prof Noakes.
Relation of Insulin and Health
Insulin is consequently the fat storing hormone, which leads to an expanding waist. In case a high carb diet is followed, and if unchecked, it can cause obesity, metabolic syndrome (a combination of hypertension, obesity and hypertension) and to type 2 Diabetes.
The long-term impairment which occurs in Diabetes is because of the effect of always high blood glucose levels on a lot of different organs. If blood glucose levels are high, so too will insulin amounts be, and will consequently add to the damage.
“The more I read the more I’m convinced of the connection between diet and cancer. A lot hinges on stimulating factors involved in metabolism and cellular division, says Dr Gary Fettkesaid
In his study, Dr Elio Riboli notes the higher risk of late onset breast cancer, colon, rectum, endometrial, oesophageal and kidney disorders together with obesity. He explains the link between endometrial cancer and obesity: “Essentially, endometrial cancer is quite closely connected with oestrogen levels. So the tissue there is, the more oestrogens. So there are two outcomes. One is that in the obese, oestrogens are produced by the tissue, converts androgens to oestrogens. The second one is that down-regulating sex hormone binding globulin, insulin, makes oestrogen more bioavailable.
According to Dr Gary Fettke, in his lecture at the LCHF Convention before this season, cancer could be tied up with sugar metabolism. Cancer cells cannot use any additional fuel for growth, except for sugar. Without sugar they starve to death. This theory is based upon the Warburg effect, by Dr Otto Warburg, who won the 1931 Nobel Prize for discovering aerobic glycolysis – a flaw in subcutaneous sugar metabolism which diverts glucose away from energy production to cell development and causes fermentation of sugar. In other words, he discovered that cancer cells thrive on glucose and have mitochondria. Dr Gary Fettke also thinks that the problem with modern cancer treatment is that it ignores the glucose metabolism.
“We also haven’t fully recognised the institution of diet in the causation of cancer. The problem is sugar, especially fructose, refined fats and polyunsaturated seed oils. The modern diet is inflammatory and it generates masses of oxygen free radicals.”
Ketogenic Diet Health Benefits
A low carb, high fat Ketogenic diet (that is in nature the Banting diet, but with carb consumption below 25g per day) has successfully treated many different ailments like obesity, epilepsy, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease. Dr Seyfried requires it a single metabolic procedure for a profusion of ailments that are distinct.
By maintaining carbs below 25g a day, your system moves from a carb burning state to a fat burning state. Ketones are formed when the liver for energy breaks down fatty acids. Ketosis is reached when ketones are formed through withdrawal of carbs within the body. These compounds are generated throughout metabolism — and are a sign that your body is presently using fat for energy. This process forces the body. Prof Noakes explains this in more detail in the Beginner Banting Online Program, in which you may find the tools to stick to a way of life.
“Virtually all the wholesome cells in our body have the metabolic versatility to utilize glucose, fat and ketones to survive, but cancer cells lack this metabolic versatility and require large quantities of sugar and can’t survive on ketones. Therefore by limiting carbohydrates, we could reduce insulin and glucose, and thus limit the key fuel for cancer cell growth.” Says Dr Seyfried. Dr Gary Fettke has a vested interest in this study as he had brain cancer 15 decades ago. He switched to a diet plan and shattered the cancer.
Prof Noakes says, “When fighting cancer, just the finest will do. Grass-fed beef, pasture-reared chickens, organic vegetables, etc.. Since hormones and tainted foods have been fed to animals, pesticides sprayed on veg and genetically modified soya and corn is routinely fed to cows and livestock, one must be dedicated to quality in order to avoid the dangers of the substances, highly carcinogenic independently.”
What to eat and drink on a Ketogenic diet
Animal protein
Saturated fat
Olive oil
Above the ground vegetables
What to avoid on a Ketogenic diet
Processed food
Fizzy drinks
Toxic oils
Processed meat
Fast food
Cancer Fighting Foods
Tomatoes: cooking enhances cancer-fighting and anti inflammatory properties. Lycopene was found to prevent cancer cell growth in a study in Cancer and Nutrition.
Chilli: capsaicin that gives chillies their powerful, spicy personality is anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic and anti-diabetic.
Cruciferous vegetables: such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts and kale have powerful anti-carcinogens. Cabbage in particular contain anti-oxidants known to help protect against prostate, colon and breast cancers. Broccoli is the only one having a sizable quantity of sulforaphane, an especially potent chemical that boosts the body enzymes and flushes compounds out .
Mushrooms: include the amino acid ergothioneine, which is an anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory, it protects against free radicals and boosts the immune system.
Aubergine: that the epidermis is rich in anti-oxidants known as anthocyanins, which are believed to fight cancer, inflammation, aging and neurological diseases.
Turmeric: includes curcumin that’s a powerful anti-oxidant and anti inflammatory. According to Cancer Research UK, it seems to have the ability to kill cancer cells and stop more from growing. It’s the very best consequences on breast cancer, bowel cancer, stomach cancer and skin cancer cells.
Berries: the idea of berries as anticarcinogens began in the late 1980s, when it was discovered that berries, and specifically black peppers, comprised ellagic acid, which is believed to inhibited the genesis of tumours.
Garlic: belongs to the Allium class of bulb-shaped plants, which also includes onions, chives, leeks, and scallions. It’s an strong and excellent neutraliser of free radicals. It contains good levels of selenium and, in several studies, selenium has been shown to decrease cancers. Phytochemicals in garlic have been found to stop the formation of nitrosamines, carcinogens formed in the stomach.
In summary, from the evidence that we have collected from all of the various sources, it’s obvious to see that the link between diet and health is a serious one and that what we consume really has an impact in the long term. Dr D’Agostino goes as far as to state, “let food be thy medicine.”
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Wellness
Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.
The benefits that come from a ketogenic diet are much like those of any strict low-carb diet. The effect may be greater since protein is significantly more restricted. This raises ketones more, and reduces insulin (the fat-storing hormone).
Weight Loss
Turning your body to some fat-burning machine has clear benefits for weight loss. Fat burning is significantly increased while insulin, the hormone that focuses on fat-storing, drops considerably. This produces the perfect circumstances.
About 20 scientific research of the maximum category (RCTs) reveal that, compared to other diets, low-fat and ketogenic diets result in more effective weight reduction.
Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
A ketogenic diet is excellent for reversing type 2 diabetes, because it lowers blood-sugar levels as well as also helping to reverse the negative effect of elevated insulin levels from this condition.
Improved Mental Focus
Ketosis ends in a steady stream of gas (ketones) to the brain. And on a ketogenic diet you stay away from swings in blood glucose. This contributes to the experience of concentration and attention.
A lot of people use keto diets specifically for improved mental performance. Interestingly, there is a frequent misperception that eating a great deal of carbs6 is necessary for proper brain functioning. When ketones aren’t available but this is only true.
Following a couple of times (up to a week) of keto adaptation, through that people can experience some difficulty concentrating, have headaches and be easily irritated, both the human body and mind can run smoothly on ketones.
Inside this state, lots of men and women experience more energy and enhanced mental focus.
Increased physical endurance
Ketogenic diets may vastly increase your physical endurance, by giving you constant access to all of the energy of your own fat stores.
The body’s source of stored carbohydrates (glycogen) only lasts for a few hours of intense exercise, or less. But your fat stores hold sufficient energy to easily last for weeks or perhaps months.
When you’re accommodated to burning primarily carbs — like most individuals are now — that your fat stores aren’t readily accessible, and they can not fuel your brain. This results in needing to fill up by eating before, during and after exercise sessions that are longer. Or even simply to fuel your everyday activities and prevent “hanger” (hungry and irritable). On a ketogenic diet this dilemma is solved. As the body and brain can be fueled 24/7 from the stores that are powerful, you can keep going.
Whether you are competing in a bodily endurance event, or just trying to remain focused on reaching some other target, your body gets the fuel it needs to keep you going and going.
Two Problems
So how is it possible that the majority of people feel that carbohydrates are essential to do exercise? There are just two reasons. Not, and to unlock the power of ketogenic diets for bodily endurance rather suffer reduced performance, you’ll need:
Enough fluid and salt
Fourteen days of adaptation into burning fat — it does not happen immediately
Metabolic Syndrome
There are many studies demonstrating that low-carb diets improve markers of metabolic syndrome, such as blood lipids, insulin levels, HDL-cholesterol, LDL particle size and fasting blood sugar levels. Improvements have been demonstrated to be greater when carbs and protein are limited to some the point of becoming.
The ketogenic diet is a proven medical therapy for epilepsy that’s been utilized since the 1920s. Traditionally it has been used in children with uncontrolled epilepsy despite drugs.
More recently it has also been tested successfully by adults with epilepsy, with similar good results. There are randomized controlled trials that demonstrate the potency of the ketogenic diet in seizures in patients with epilepsy.
Employing a ketogenic diet in epilepsy is that usually enables people to take less anti-epileptic drugs, while staying seizure-free. It is not uncommon to even be in a position to completely stop taking these drugs.
As a number of medications have side effects, such as nausea, reduced concentration, personality changes or even reduced IQ — being able to shoot less or no medications can be enormously beneficial.
More Prevalent Advantages
The advantages will be the most frequent ones. However there are many others that are potentially even more unexpected and, at least for some people, lifechanging.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Wellness
Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.
A ketogenic diet, or keto diet, is a diet, which turns your system into a fat-burning machine. It has some initial side effects towards health and functionality, as well as many advantages for weight loss.
A ketogenic diet is comparable to other rigorous low-carb diets, like the Atkins diet plan or LCHF (low carb, higher fat). These diets wind up being ketogenic more or less by accident. The main difference between LCHF and keto is that protein is restricted in the latter.
A keto diet plan is made specifically to lead to ketosis. It’s possible to measure and adapt to achieve optimal ketone amounts for wellness or for bodily and psychological performance. Below, you can learn how to use keto to achieve your personal goals.
What is Ketosis?
The keto in a ketogenic diet stems in the fact that it leaves the body to create small fuel molecules known as ketones. This is an alternate fuel for your body, used when blood sugar (glucose) is in short supply.
Ketones are produced if you eat hardly any carbs (that are quickly broken down into blood sugar) and only moderate levels of protein (excess protein can also be converted to blood sugar). Ketones are produced in the liver, from fat. They are then used throughout the entire body as fuel. The brain is an organ which requires a lot of energy to function and fat can’t be used for energy by it. The brain can only run on glucose or ketones.
On a ketogenic diet your entire body switches its fuel source to operate almost entirely on fat. Insulin levels become very low and fat burning increases dramatically. It becomes easy to get into your fat stores to burn them off. If you are trying to drop weight, this is obviously excellent, but in addition, there are other benefits, such as less appetite and a continuous supply of energy.
Once the body produces ketones, it’s supposedly in ketosis. The quickest way to get there is by fasting, not eating anything, but obviously, it is not feasible to fast. A ketogenic diet, on the other hand, can be eaten forever and also results in ketosis. Without even having to fast, it has many of the benefits of fasting. including weight loss.
What to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet
Here are typical foods to enjoy on a ketogenic diet. The amounts are net carbs per 100 g. To remain in ketosis, lower is generally better:
The most essential thing to achieve ketosis is to stay away from eating most carbohydrates. You will need to keep intake ideally under 20 grams but under 50 grams per day of carbs is accepted. The fewer carbs the more successful.
Try to avoid
Here is what you shouldn’t eat on a keto diet, meals full of sugar and starch, including starchy foods such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes. These foods are much higher in carbohydrates, as you can see.
The amounts are g of digestible carbs per 100 g (3.5 oz), unless otherwise noticed.
This usually means you will want to completely prevent sweet sugary foods, also starchy foods such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. Basically follow the guidelines to get a diet that is low-carb that is rigorous, and remember it is assumed to be full of fat, not high in protein.
A rough guideline is under 10 percent energy from carbs (the fewer carbs, the more successful), 15 to 25 percent protein (the lower end is more successful), and 70 percent or more from fat.
What to Drink on a Ketogenic Diet
So what do you drink on a keto diet? Water is ideal, and so is tea or coffee. Use no additives. A small amount of milk or cream is OK (but beware of caffe latte!) . The glass of wine is fine.
How Low is Keto?
The fewer carbohydrates you consume, the larger the effects on fat and blood sugar will be. A keto diet is a strict low-carb diet, and consequently highly effective.
We recommend following the dietary advice as strictly as you can. When you are contented with your weight and health, you might carefully try eating more liberally (if you would like to).
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Wellness
Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.
There’s been a lot of discussion about the advantages of intermittent fasting (IF) in the community lately. Paul Jaminet mentions its role in the function of the metabolism as well as it’s role in boosting the immune system. In his novel, Health Diet, he discusses how IF may be helpful for those attempting to shed weight, among other benefits.
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between times of fasting and eating. It does not state anything about which foods to eat, but instead when they should be eaten by you. There are numerous different fasting methods, all of that which split the days and weeks to eating intervals and fasting intervals.
Most people fast; daily, while they sleep. Fasting is often as easy as stretching that. You can drink water, coffee, tea and other non-caloric drinks, although no food is permitted during the fasting period. Some forms of intermittent fasting allow small amounts of low-calorie foods . Taking supplements is generally allowed while fasting, as long as there are no calories in them.
From an evolutionary perspective, intermittent fasting has been likely the ordinary state of affairs. There were no restaurants, no grocery stores or convenience stores, and food was not nearly as readily accessible or easy to come by as it is today. Nor were there watches, lunch breaks, programs or the sort of construction and routine we have in today’s world. This means it is very likely that our paleo ancestors had days when they ate lightly or did not eat, and possibly did move 12-16 hours between meals on a regular basis.
Therefore, while intermittent fasting is a part of our legacy, and that it can be useful in certain situations, Its not believed to be a suitable strategy for everyone. Why? Because cortisol levels can be elevated due to fasting. One of cortisol’s effects is that it raises blood glucose. In someone with blood glucose regulation difficulties, fasting can make them worse.
This has been seen again and again with many patients. Many patients have blood sugar imbalances. And it is usually not as straightforward as “high blood sugar” or “low blood sugar”. They frequently have a combination of both (reactive hypoglycemia), or strange blood sugar patterns which, on the outside, do not make much sense. These folks are not currently eating a Standard American Diet. Most of them are on a paleo-type or low-carb dietplan. Yet they have blood sugar issues.
In these cases, cortisol dysregulation is almost always the culprit. Whenever these patients try fasting, their blood sugar management gets worse. Its been frequently observed that blood sugar readings in the 90s and even low 100s are recorded from fasting, in spite of the fact that they are eating a low-carb, paleo-type diet.
That’s why intermittent fasting is often not recommended for those who have blood sugar regulation issues. Instead, its suggested that they eat every 2-3 hours. This helps to maintain stable blood sugar during the day and prevents cortisol and other stress hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine from becoming involved. When patients that have been fasting and experiencing high blood sugar readings switch to eating this way, their blood sugar numbers almost always hastens.
There’s a controversial standpoint about how eating every 2-3 hours is “normal” in the evolutionary view. But neither is driving in traffic or staying up till 2:00am on Facebook. It’s not a set of rules, although the paleo template is there to direct us. This should also be a reminder that there’s no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to healthcare. Successful therapy depends on addressing them and identifying the underlying mechanisms.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Wellness
Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.
Intermittent fasting is not a diet, but a diet program that is supposed to accelerate fat loss and muscle development compared to traditional eating schedules. It is promoted primarily from the scientific community, however, there are no scientific research (as of February 2014) who have affirmed intermittent fasting to gaining muscle while losing weight.
With metabolic restriction, intermittent fasting may lead to weight reduction. In a recent review (Varady, 2011) and a recent randomized clinical trial (Harvie et al., 2011), many writers concluded that intermittent fasting and daily caloric restriction are equally effective at promoting weight loss in overweight and obese individuals. No research to date has been performed with athletes that require upkeep of strength, muscular size, and function.
Intermittent Fasting Approach & Scientific Support
There have been many suggested methods for intermittent fasting, from skipping a single meal daily to eating only every other day. The majority of these diets are encouraged through webpages, blogs, and books published by exercise and diet enthusiasts.
Up to now, regardless of the focused marketing of intermittent fasting into the athletic community, there are just a few well-controlled, scientific research exploring the effects of intermittent fasting on the body composition and performance in athletes. Currently, the majority of the scientific evidence for the health benefits of intermittent fasting has arrived from animal studies (Longo and Mattson, 2014) and the unwanted effects of intermittent fasting have originated from Muslim athletes throughout Ramadan (review: (Chaouachi et al., 2009), both with restricted ability to be translated into the overall athletic community. Even more and more human research have been conducted to confirm claims discovered in animals, many studies have been with patients with a certain illness or condition (ex. Rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, and obesity) rather than in healthy, energetic individuals.
Similarities Among Strategies
The different intermittent fasting approaches tend to emphasize their differences (and therefore purported superiority) however, there are also many similarities. Among the advantages of the form of caloric control is that it allows people. Instead of linking “appetite” with “panic” or even “want” (Ganley 1989), “hunger” can theoretically be newly associated with “achievement” or “pride”, or simply dismissed.
Really, with any method, there’s a critical transition period of approximately 3-6 weeks through which the human body and mind adapt to the new eating schedule (Longo and Mattson, 2014). This period can be extremely uncomfortable, as restricted eating was anecdotally associated with intense hunger, irritability, loss of stamina, loss of libido, along with other unwanted side effects (Dirks and Leeuwenburgh 2006; Johnstone 2007; Heilbronn, Smith, et al. 2005). When the body is accustomed, however, the hunger levels may decrease and disposition might become more favorable in contrast to prior to the program began. Elevated mood and diminished hunger on caloric restrictive diets are noted in some (Wing et al. 1991) although not all (ex. (Heilbronn, Smith, et al., 2005) research.
Intermittent fasting isn’t a weight loss program per se; only if calories are restricted will somebody lose weight. Although intermittent fasting is one way to limit intake of total calories to achieve weight loss (Varady et al., 2009; Varady, 2011; Harvie et al., 2011), there have not been any studies to date on athletes who prioritize maintenance of muscle size and strength. In actuality, there are conflicting views on whether intermittent caloric limitation. daily calorie restriction greatest maintain lean muscle mass (Varady, 2011; Johnstone, 2007).
All of these approaches emphasize the value of the nutritional quality of the meals that are consumed. Nutrients like fiber, fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals are crucial for good health and, because nutrients aren’t consumed while fasting, they are especially important when breaking the fast. Additionally, drinking a lot of water has been encouraged both to stay hydrated and to alleviate hunger. John Berardi of Precision Nutrition (see “More info”) allows green powders, green tea, and branched chain amino acids during his quick, but it’s unknown how these supplements influence appetite, energy levels, muscle synthesis/breakdown, or the general advantages of intermittent fasting.
Exercising and Intermittent Fasting
All intermittent fasting approaches can be damaging to athletic gains for several reasons. To begin with, meals in close proximity to your workout are essential for optimal performance, healing, and muscle gain (Aragon and Schoenfeld, 2013). Secondly, greater appetite sensations can hinder compliance in addition to increase the potential to over-consume meals when it becomes available (Hawks and Gas,t 1998). Despite the frequent belief that you will burn off more fat if you exercise while firming, performing aerobic exercise in the fasted state is not recommended (review: (Schoenfeld 2011)). Actually:
Performing aerobic exercise following consuming carbohydrates doesn’t hinder fat oxidation (Febbraio et al., 2000; p Bock et al., 2008),
Performing aerobic exercise fasted will also promote reduction of lean muscle mass, since muscle will be burned for fuel (Lemon and Mullin, 1980),
Exercising at a fasted state often does not result in an optimal exercise. In contrast, having readily available energy will allow optimal performance that will burn off more calories overall and lead to the Greatest gains (Loy et al., 1986; Schabort et al., 1999),
Exercising at the fasted condition, fed state reduces static and dynamic balance and can increase the risk of harm (Johnson and Leck, 2010).
There are fewer studies investing the effects of doing resistance training in the fasted vs. fed state, but it is anticipated that the same points hold true.
Intermittent fasting recommends consuming at least 5 grams BCAAs before a workout when exercising during your fasting period. There’s no proof substantiating that claim, although this bolus of BCAAs in your blood flow theoretically could help maintain muscle protein throughout the exercise. In one study, a BCAA infusion prior to a workout in the fasted state failed to enhance performance in one set of individuals onto a rated incremental exercise test (Varnier et al., 1994). So that you can enjoy a complete meal that is post-workout advocates also advise to program your schedule, but they tend to dismiss the importance for pre-workout nourishment.
As you can see, all diet programs share a frequent theme of compartmentalizing “fasting” and “eating” periods. Because there is no one method that’s best so many versions of those diets exist. Further, some individuals who attempt fasting use a hybrid of present approaches to discover a technique that is successful.
Most importantly, intermittent fasting isn’t suggested for pregnant women, women that are breastfeeding, people with diabetes, or other people who wish to closely regulate their blood sugar. In addition, there has not been a study on participants that are underweight, very old, or very young.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Wellness
Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.
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