Back Clinic Health Team. The level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological, and social changes in an environment. Dr.Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T, a clinical pain doctor who uses cutting-edge therapies and rehabilitation procedures focused on total health, strength training, and complete conditioning. We take a global functional fitness treatment approach to regain complete functional health.
Dr. Jimenez presents articles both from his own experience and from a variety of sources that pertain to a healthy lifestyle or general health issues. I have spent over 30+ years researching and testing methods with thousands of patients and understand what truly works. We strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total health programs.
These programs and methods are natural and use the body’s own ability to achieve improvement goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs. As a result, individuals live a fulfilled life with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight, and education on maintaining this way of life.
Plantar fasciitis is a common affliction affecting many athletes, in particular runners. Adam Smith has written a great piece in the September issue of Sports Injury Bulletin outlining the relevant anatomy, how the injury occurs, how to differentiate from other similar pathologies, such as neural irritation in the tarsal tunnel, and finally how to manage it.
Speaking from experience as a former sufferer of plantar fasciitis, it can be a frustratingly recalcitrant condition and I have heard of some extreme measures to manage it. Read on for a story on the drastic measures an AFL player took to overcome the problem, and to understand more about the condition.
Many years ago an elite level AFL player had suffered a 2 year history of plantar fasciitis with no relief from any form of treatment. In the end the sports doctor at the club involved injected the plantar fascia origin with a corticosteroid injection the day before a game.
The hope was that as the plantar fascia weakened due to the steroid injection, the player would rupture it, go through the standard week rehab protocol, and then be pain free for ever more.
And yes, the player did rupture the plantar fascia during during the game and was consequently placed in a boot for about 10 days. He soon was walking, then running, and was playing again within four weeks with no more problems. The podiatrist made an orthotic to control the dropped arch and all the problems went away.
What has happened to that player now is anyone’s guess. He may now suffer from long term issues due to a poorly controlled arch that have caused other issues such as achilles tendon, knee pain and/or hip pain.
So do we really need the plantar fascia and why is it such a problem when it is injured?
Being bipedal (walking on two leg) animals, the plantar fascia gives the natural plantar arch support in weight bearing positions. It is a passive structure that acts like a high tension wire to keep the arch bones supinated as we push off.
Without a plantar fascia in place, we would need a better active system to create the arch support, such as the intrinsic plantar arch muscles, and also the extrinsic long arch support muscles such as the tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus (FHL) and the flexor digitorum longus (FDL). These muscles would need extra work to improve their arch control abilities. Alternatively, we could use a passive support mechanism in the form of an orthotic to control the arch position.
The majority of plantar fascia problems stem from a build up of tensile and compressive forces that degenerate the plantar fascia origin against the heel bone. The combination of tensile (stretch) force due to overpronation and the added compressive force as the plantar fascia is pushed against the heel bone leads to a pathological state whereby the plantar fascia degenerates and creates dysfunction and pain.
Therefore like other degenerative tendon issues (such as Achilles tendons) once the patient starts to feel pain often the injury has been building for months to years. Which explains why it then becomes so problematic to deal with.
Proper management takes time to not only correct the muscle imbalances that cause it � such as tight calves, poor hip control, poor pronation control � but due to its degenerative nature it requires a huge amount of time to even slightly change the existing pathology.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
Additional Topics: What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic care is an well-known, alternative treatment option utilized to prevent, diagnose and treat a variety of injuries and conditions associated with the spine, primarily subluxations or spinal misalignments. Chiropractic focuses on restoring and maintaining the overall health and wellness of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic, can carefully re-align the spine, improving a patient�s strength, mobility and flexibility.
The talk in soccer circles this week is the imminent return to action of Theo Walcott, the Arsenal and England star who damaged his knee back at the start of 2014. After 286 days of rehab, Walcott made a return to Arsenal’s Under 21 team last week. This has left journalists salivating at finding out when he will be returning to the main team.
For a young professional sports person, nine months is a long time out of the game. For Walcott, missing out on this Summer’s soccer World Cup in Brazil was perhaps more than just rubbing salt into the wound.
In issue 139 of Sports Injury Bulletin, I present a case study of a similar problem in a rugby player of identical age. This big lump of a kid ruptured his lateral meniscus in the knee — a bit different to Walcott’s ACL injury. However, this player also missed a big chunk of the season (17 weeks) and I had to live with his personal frustrations, and the yo-yo of daily emotions.
The piece shows the knee anatomy, details the types, clinical features and management of meniscus tears, and the required post-surgical rehabilitation.
On a recent Rehab Trainer course, one of the participants asked me what she should do about the small lateral meniscal tear in her knee. This is a bit like answering “how long is a piece of string?”, as it depends on so many things.
But to wrap it up in a nutshell, the surgeon will use a set of criteria to determine if a meniscal tear needs repairing, removing, or to be left well alone.
Criteria for Surgery
1. Age
The younger the patient, the more comfortable surgeons are about operating. Often the small degeneration tears in older patients are just a precursor to a knee that is about to become arthritic. With older patients, many surgeons will try for rehab first.
2. Function
This depends on what the knee has to do. If the patient does nothing but collect stamps all day and the knee does not bother them, then clearly the surgeon will want to leave it alone. But if the patient is an athlete with a repetitive catching and locking knee due to a meniscal tear, they will be more comfortable about operating.
3. Type of tear
Issue 139 of Sports Injury Bulletin details the types of tears we see in meniscus. In short, tears such as bucket handle tears do not do well without surgery, while small longitudinal tears can do well without surgery.
4. Location of tear
The outer portion of the meniscus has a nice, rich blood supply (hence, called the “red-red zone”). These areas can do well if left alone. Inner third zone tears (the “white zone”) with no blood supply don’t heal, so they need repairing or removing.
So, if the patient is lucky and fits the criteria for conservative management, or let’s say they simply don’t want surgery, then what options do we have to prevent the injury from getting worse?
Suggestions to Avoid Further Meniscus Injuries
Avoid positions that catch the meniscus. For example, full squatting may catch the posterior horn of the meniscus and flare it up, so the patient has to learn to avoid these positions if possible.
Keep the quadriceps working. If the quads remain strong and active then the shearing effect of the tibia moving across the femur is reduced. This will limit the stress to the meniscus.
Watch for swelling. Regular assessments for a knee effusion (called a “fluctuation test”) may need to be done a few times a week to make sure the knee stays dry. The knee’s biggest enemy is an effusion as it shuts off the quads straight away.
Intervene if the knee has an effusion. Donut felt compression, regular icing, NSAIDS if indicated, needle aspiration if indicated. Avoiding an effusion at all costs is pretty important for any knee injury.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
Preventing Sports Injuries
Many athletes largely depend on chiropractic care to enhance their physical performance. New research studies have determined that aside from maintaining overall health and wellness, chiropractic can also help prevent sports injuries. Chiropractic is an alternative treatment option utilized by athletes to improve their strength, mobility and flexibility. Spinal adjustments and manual manipulations performed by a chiropractor can also help correct spinal issues, speeding up an athlete’s recovery process to help them return-to-play as soon as possible.
The truth: How much water you should drink each day really, truly depends on the person, Robert A. Huggins, PhD, of the University of Connecticut explained to Health. �Fluid needs are dynamic and need to be individualized from person to person. Factors such as sex, environmental conditions, level of heat acclimatization, exercise or work intensity, age, and even diet need to be considered.�
What this means is that simply listening to your thirst is the best way to gauge when to drink. Another way to monitor hydration is to look at your pee before you flush. You want it to look like lemonade; if it’s darker than that, you should down a glass.
Drinking Water and Exercise
To gauge how much water you specifically should take in during exercise, Huggins recommends doing a small experiment on yourself.
First, before you work out weigh yourself wearing with little to no clothing. �If you can, [make sure you’re hydrated beforehand] and avoid drinking while you exercise to make the math easy,” Huggins says. But if you get thirsty, don’t ignore it: drink some and make sure to measure the amount.
After you’re done exercising, weigh yourself again. Then, take your first weight and subtract the second weight, and you�ll end up with how much fluid you lost. Convert this to kilograms (if you search it, Google will return the number for you or try a metric converter), then drink that amount in liters. (If you drank some water during exercise, subtract the amount of water you drank from your final total.)
This is your “sweat rate,” Huggins says. It’s the amount of water you should drink during or after your next workout to replace what you’ve lost. (You can also use an online calculator for sweat rate; just plug in your numbers.)
Complicated much? We agree. Huggins estimates that most people lose between one to two liters of sweat for each hour of moderate intensity exercise. But ultimately thirst should still be your guide.
Why It’s Essential to Drink the Right Amount
You already know that dehydration can be dangerous, but over-hydrating may actually be just as bad.
In fact, a new consensus report in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that many athletes are at risk of exercise-associated hyponatremia, which is an electrolyte imbalance that can be caused by drinking too much liquid. This can lead to nausea and vomiting, headaches, fatigue, and in serious cases, coma and even death.
While it was previously thought to only be a concern for long-distance athletes competing in events like marathons and Ironmans, the paper (which was funded by CrossFit, Inc.) concluded that many athletes are actually dangerously over-drinking during events as short as 10K races and even bikram yoga classes, Tamara Hew-Butler, PhD, lead author of the paper, explained to Health.
Because “it is impossible to recommend a generalized range especially during exercise when conditions are dynamic and changing, there is not one size that fits all!” she adds.
So the best method to keep you in that sweet spot between over- and under-hydrated is, as with many things, to listen to your body.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
Additional Topics: Whole Body Wellness
Chiropractic care is well-known as a safe and effective alternative treatment option utilized to improve as well as maintain whole body health and wellness. Common chiropractic treatment methods and techniques, such as spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, can be used to treat a variety of injuries and/or conditions, including neck pain and back pain. Regular chiropractic care along with a balanced nutrition and physical exercise is a natural approach to ensure the body’s overall health and wellness, restoring the individual’s original well-being.
Wondering exactly how much protein you should be consuming each day? The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), which is the minimum amount you need to be healthy, is 0.8 grams per kilogram (0.36 grams per pound) of body weight per day�46 grams for an average woman. That equals as little as 10% of daily calories. If you’re not super active, that’s likely adequate, and you’ll hit the target effortlessly if you follow a typical Western diet.
To get your personal protein “RDA,” multiple the number 0.36 by your weight in pounds. (For a sedentary 150-pound woman, that would be 54 grams.) Double it if you’re very active or aiming for “optimal protein,” which can help you maintain muscle as you age and support weight loss.
American women already eat about 68 grams a day, according to the latest data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. “There’s no reason to go out of your way to get protein,” says Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, dean of the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy. “Just eat a variety of fish, nuts, beans, seeds, and dairy, including yogurt.” However, increasing your protein well above the RDA may make sense if…
That means getting at least 35 to 40 minutes of moderate exercise four or five days a week, including resistance training two or more times a week. Consider eating 1.2 to 2 grams of dietary protein per kilogram (or about 0.5 to 0.9 grams per pound) of body weight each day, says Nancy Rodriguez, PhD, professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Connecticut. That amount is best for rebuilding muscle tissue, especially if you do a lot of high-intensity workouts, research suggests.
Protein takes longer to digest than carbs, helping you feel full, and also pushes your body to secrete the gut hormone peptide YY, which reduces hunger. “When you bring protein to about 30% of your daily calories, you’ll naturally eat less,” says Lauren Slayton, RD, founder of Foodtrainers, a nutrition practice in New York City, and author of The Little Book of Thin. “Protein decreases appetite and also, in my experience, helps you manage cravings.”
While studies are mixed about whether consuming more protein leads to weight loss, research is pretty clear that protein can help you retain more of your lean muscle as you lose fat. One 2011 study suggests amping up protein to as much as 1.8 to 2 grams per kilogram (roughly 0.8 to 0.9 grams per pound) of body weight per day to stave off muscle loss when restricting calories. Cut back on refined carbs to balance out the extra calories from adding protein.
Eating more protein as you get older may help you maintain muscle and ward off osteoporosis, “so you can stay stronger and more functional,” says Rodriguez. In a 2015 study, adults over the age of 50 who roughly doubled the RDA (eating 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram, or 0.68 grams per pound, of body weight) were better able to rebuild and retain muscle after only four days, compared with control groups eating the RDA.
Doubling the RDA gives you “optimal protein,” a concept that Rodriguez and more than 40 nutrition scientists advanced at a recent Protein Summit, the findings from which were published in 2015 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Optimal protein works out to be about 15% to 25% of your daily calories, still below the level recommended by many popular high-protein diets. Over a day, that could look like 20-30 grams per meal and 12 to 15 grams per snack, for a total of 90 to 105 grams daily.
Be sure to consult your healthcare provider on the proper nutrition and diet according to your specific needs.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915 850-0900 .
Additional Topics: What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic care is an well-known, alternative treatment option utilized to prevent, diagnose and treat a variety of injuries and conditions associated with the spine, primarily subluxations or spinal misalignments. Chiropractic focuses on restoring and maintaining the overall health and wellness of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic, can carefully re-align the spine, improving a patient�s strength, mobility and flexibility.
We all know to go easy on the sweet stuff, but what actually happens to your system when you indulge? Here are eight ways sugar affects the body.
Brain Issues
Fructose�the sugar that naturally occurs in fruit and is a component, with glucose, of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and table sugar�lights up the brain’s reward center, says pediatric endocrinologist Robert Lustig, MD, of UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in San Francisco. But over time, a diet packed with fructose (especially from HFCS) can make it tougher to learn and remember, animal research suggests. To stay in peak mental shape, try sticking with savory snacks.
Increased Appetite
By revving the brain’s reward and appetite center, fructose can interfere with feelings of satiety, research reveals. Translation: That extra cookie may not curb your craving after all.
Faster Aging
Too much sugar can hinder the repair of collagen, the buzzed-about protein that keeps skin looking plump, studies show. A steady diet of sugary treats can result in reduced elasticity and premature wrinkles. Indulge your sweet tooth with fruit instead. Experts say it’s A-OK to eat two to four servings of the natural sugar source each day.
Pause before you slip that additional packet into your a.m. coffee. The liver has an innate capacity to metabolize sugar and use it for energy�but only to an extent, explains Dr. Lustig. The fructose that’s left over is converted into fat in the liver, raising your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Cell Damage
Fructose accelerates the usual oxidation process in our cells, says Dr. Lustig. The result? Proteins, tissues, and organs can become damaged, and our risk of health conditions, including liver disease, kidney failure, and cataracts, rises.
Addiction to Sugar
Eating sugar leads to the release of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that makes us like something and want more of it. “As dopamine receptor neurons get overstimulated, the number of receptors to bind to decreases, so you’ll need a bigger hit of dopamine to get the same rush,” explains Dr. Lustig.
Sweets can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the near term, research shows. But continue OD’ing on sugary refined carbs and your risk of insulin resistance, which stresses the body from the inside, goes up. To find your calm, sweat instead: “Exercise is the best treatment for stress. It makes you feel good and reduces cortisol,” says Dr. Lustig.
Ineffective for Energy Production
Refined carbs, like those in white bread and pasta, quickly cause a rise in glucose in the bloodstream, so you might feel extra energized�for a while. But this short-term fix can actually leave you more sluggish later on (when you eventually crash). Instead, opt for protein-rich snacks between meals, such as Greek yogurt with fresh berries or fresh veggies and hummus. They help stabilize blood sugar and keep you going longer.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
Additional Topics: What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic care is an well-known, alternative treatment option utilized to prevent, diagnose and treat a variety of injuries and conditions associated with the spine, primarily subluxations or spinal misalignments. Chiropractic focuses on restoring and maintaining the overall health and wellness of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic, can carefully re-align the spine, improving a patient�s strength, mobility and flexibility.
Throughout the United States, U.K., and Australia, more and more cases of liver disease are arising in the absence of alcohol abuse. Decades ago, we only saw conditions like Fatty Liver Disease and cirrhosis occur as a direct result of excessive alcohol indulgence, however, this trend has changed in the current day. Today, more and more adults and children are being diagnosed with NON-ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE (NAFLD).
NAFLD is a medical condition that is characterized by an excessive accumulation of fats, within liver cells. This means normal, healthy liver tissue becomes partly replaced with fatty tissue. The fat starts to invade the liver, gradually infiltrating the healthy liver areas, decreasing the amount of healthy active liver tissue.
While it�s normal for your liver to contain some fat, accumulations of more than 5 percent to 10 percent of your liver�s weight are problematic.
70 million Americans have fatty liver disease and don�t even know it.
Anatomy & Function of the Liver
The liver is one of the hardest-working organs in the body, working tirelessly day in and day out. So here�s what your liver does, in a nutshell. Your liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes bile. Bile is necessary to break down fats. All of the blood leaving the stomach and intestines must pass through the liver for filtering. It�s the liver�s responsibility to detoxify this blood. Here are several other important functions of the liver:
Detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes (breaks down) drugs.
Manufactures proteins important for the regulation of blood clotting
Breaks down excess hormones circulating in bloodstream
Produces cholesterol (necessary for vitamin D and hormone production and for healthy nerves)
Stores and releases glucose, as needed
Stores iron
Converts harmful ammonia to urea (urea is an end product of protein metabolism that gets excreted in the urine)
Clears the blood of alcohol, medications, drugs and other harmful chemicals
Produces immune factors and removes bacteria from the bloodstream
Clears and removes bilirubin (excessive buildup causes jaundice -yellowing of skin and eyes)
It�s the liver�s responsibility to process (store) nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and iron, so they�re more efficiently absorbed.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) has become increasingly common in the United States and Western Europe as weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes and metabolic syndrome have risen in epidemic proportions. It is now the most common cause of liver disorders in the United States and other Western industrialized countries, such as Australia and the United Kingdom. It�s estimated that 1 in 5 people (25%) throughout these regions have NAFLD.
Although research has shown that NAFLD is most commonly caused by excess weight & obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes, studies have also revealed that the excessive use of prescribed medications and pain killers (or the toxicity of these) can lead to fatty liver disease, as well.
Symptoms of Liver Disease
A non-alcoholic fatty liver is often referred to as a �Silent Disease�. Initially there may be no symptoms, meaning, you can live with the condition for many years, even decades, and not realize it. Over time, however, some signs may begin to surface. These symptoms include:
feeling tired
weight loss
loss of appetite
trouble concentrating
pain in the center or right upper part of belly
enlarged liver
bloating and gas
dark urine
bruising easily
sweating, excessively
dry and dark patches on neck and under arms
Over time, fatty liver disease can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. This occurs when scar tissue develops in the liver, preventing the liver from functioning properly. The scar tissue blocks the flow of blood through the liver and slows the processing of nutrients, hormones, drugs and naturally produced toxins, as well as the production of proteins and other substances made by the liver. Symptoms of cirrhosis are severe and include the buildup of fluid in the body (especially the abdominal cavity called ascites), muscle weakness, internal bleeding, yellowing of the skin and eyes, and liver failure.
Fatty Liver Diagnosis
The best way to diagnose a fatty liver is with an abdominal ultrasound or a biopsy, although an ultrasound is far less invasive. Often, people with NAFLD will not have elevated liver enzymes, so the blood tests may look normal. Elevated liver enzymes however, do indicate that you have inflammation of the liver which may be do to NAFLD or a more serious condition called NASH.
Root Causes & Risk Factors of Liver Disease
There are a number of risk factors that increase your chances of having NAFLD:
Gastric bypass surgery
High cholesterol
High levels of triglycerides in the blood
Type 2 diabetes
Metabolic syndrome
Sleep apnea
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
Underactive pituitary gland (hypopituitarism)
Hemachromatosis (excess iron accumulation)
A 2006 review published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology states that NAFLD is a common finding among patients undergoing bariatric surgery, with an occurrence ranging between 84 percent to 96 percent. The review also noted that the disease seems to be most common among men, and it increases with menopause in women.
Foods That Can Lead to Fatty Liver Disease
High-Carbohydrate & Refined Foods
Foods such as bread, rice, and corn should be avoided. All white bread and carbs should be eliminated or significantly, reduced from your diet, and even whole grains should be consumed in moderation (because grains convert to sugar). All refined When we consume too many refined carbohydrates, insulin levels spike, and insulin sensitivity is a major factor in the cause of liver disease.
Sugary Drinks
Sports drinks (Gatorade/powerade), soda, energy drinks and fruit juices are full of sugar and artificial sweeteners. This sugar that enters your body causes fatty liver disease. The average 12-ounce can of soda, for example, has 10 teaspoons of sugar! Your body isn�t able to break down the amount of sugar that most Americans consume every day, and it�s impacting the liver, big time.
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends no more than 6 tsp (25g) of sugar per day for women and 9 tsp (38g) per day for men. A child�s sugar intake should not exceed 3 tsp per day.
The average person consumes 20 tsp or more of sugar per day � equating to 66 pounds and more of sugar per year.
According to a study conducted at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, sugars, particularly fructose, are suspected to contribute to the development of NAFLD and its progression. Fructose has been shown in research to do extensive damage to liver cells. There have also been substantial links between increased fructose consumption and obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance.
Processed Foods
Hydrogenated oils, refined sugar, convenience foods and lunch meats are notoriously toxic to your system. Nitrates and nitrites, for example, are commonly found in processed foods and lunch meat, and they have been linked to serious conditions, including cancer. The high fructose corn syrup found in our processed foods is the single biggest cause of fatty liver; you must stay away from these products in order to heal liver disease.
Foods That Improve Fatty Liver Disease
A review published in the European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry states that natural enzymes found in vegetables, as well as fruits, plant extracts and herbs, have been traditionally used for treating liver diseases. It�s incredibly important to add vegetables to your everyday diet.
An easy way to do this is by juicing vegetables for near-perfect health. With impaired liver function, juicing vegetables has the added benefit of making the vegetables easier to digest and more readily available for absorption. Vegetables ideal for a liver detox include kale, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, beets and celery.
Beets naturally cleanse and purify the blood, which boosts liver function and nutrient production in your body. Beets are also high in antioxidants, folate, iron, fiber and betaine (a natural digestive enzyme). Beets go great in juicing recipes and thrown into smoothies (a little goes a long way). Shred some beets and throw on your salads, daily.
Broccoli and other members of the cruciferous family (brussel sprouts, cauliflower, arugula, cabbage, collard greens, kale, bok choy) are high in fiber and glucosinolates, which help the liver naturally cleanse the body of carcinogens and other toxins.
Ginger Root
Ginger has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, especially necessary with a dysfunctional liver due to NAFLD. Ginger has also been found to drastically lower blood sugar levels. Elevated glucose and insulin resistance are 2 key factors in the development of a fatty liver. Make ginger tea by boiling ginger slices in green tea or water. You can also add ginger to a stir-fry, salad or smoothie.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes, along with carrots, butternut squash and pumpkin) are rich in beta-carotene, a natural anti-inflammatory. A deficiency of potassium can disrupt liver function. Sweet potatoes, naturally high in potassium, are beneficial because they help support liver function. One sweet potato contains nearly 700 milligrams of potassium! It�s also rich with vitamins B6, C, D, magnesium and iron. Sweet potatoes are easy to eat because they�re naturally sweet, and the sugars are slowly released into the bloodstream through the liver, so it won�t cause a spike in blood sugar.
Lemons are great for your liver. They provide a wealth of antioxidants and help your liver produce more enzymes giving you more energy and help with digestion.. Lemons are also naturally high in electrolytes. Although lemons are acidic, once they enter the body they become alkalinizing, which helps neutralize toxins, excrete wastes. Juice 1 fresh lemon, daily and drink-undiluted on an empty stomach every morning.
Containing 470 milligrams of potassium, banana nutrition is also great for cleansing the liver and overcominglow potassium levels; plus, bananas assist in digestion and help release toxins and heavy metals from the body. A great way to decrease the liver�s burden.
Garlic, Whole Cloves
Garlic is rich in allicin and selenium, two powerhouse nutrients for your liver. They act in cleansing and in nourishing the entire body, especially the blood. Selenium is a naturally detoxifying mineral and allicin helps ward off immune system invaders, which helps lighten the load on your liver. Garlic also activates enzymes in the liver which help with overall digestion and flushing out toxins. Use whole garlic cloves as the best option, instead of processed minced garlic or powder.
Leafy Greens
The nutritional all-star ingredients for just about every health issue are leafy greens. Spinach, kale, chard, romaine, arugula, and collards are all some of the most nutrient dense leafy greens to enjoy. They�re packed with chlorophyll, which assists in liver function by purifying the blood, alleviating toxins, decreasing inflammation and promotes wound healing. Chlorophyll is also amazing at neutralizing heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and even pesticides that burden the liver.
Supplements That Improve Fatty Liver Disease
Dandelion Root
The vitamins and nutrients present in dandelions help cleanse our livers and keep them working properly. Dandelions also aid our digestive system by maintaining the proper flow of bile. They�re natural diuretics and allow the liver to eliminate toxins quickly. Dandelion tea or stems are also high in vitamin C, which helps with mineral absorption, reduces inflammation and prevents the development of disease.
Milk Thistle
As a liver support and aid, milk thistle is a powerful detoxifier. It helps rebuild liver cells while removing toxins from the body that are processed through the liver. According to a study published in Digestive Diseases and Sciences, milk thistle has the power to improve mortality in patients with liver failure; it�s able to naturally reverse the harmful effects of alcohol consumption, pesticides in our food supply, heavy metals in our water supply, pollution in the air that we breathe in and even poisons. According to a 2010 study, milk thistle benefitshelp treat alcoholic liver disease, acute and chronic viral hepatitis, and toxin-induced liver diseases.
Vitamin D
Recent studies have indicated that deficiencies in vitamin D can result in Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Vitamin D deficiency was shown to cause severe degrees of NAFLD along with liver inflammation and liver fibrosis (hardening). This research also revealed that vitamin D deficiencies also resulted in insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. All of these factors play a significant role in the development of peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage). Optimum vitamin D levels should be between 70-100 ng/ml.
Curcumin, the active component of turmeric is arguably the most powerful herb on the planet at fighting and potentially reversing disease. Currently there have been over 6,000 peer-reviewed published articles proving the health benefits. Studies have also shown that curcumin may prevent the progression of fatty liver disease and reduces inflammation of the liver and body.
Black Seed Oil
This amazing oil can greatly speed the healing process for people with fatty liver disease. A study published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciencesmeasured black seed oil�s ability to inhibit liver oxidative stress markers. The results of the study indicated that black seed oil benefitsliver disease patients because it�s able to reduce the complications and progression of fatty liver disease.
The best thing you can do to treat fatty liver disease is maintain a healthy diet. Many people with fatty liver disease are overweight and malnourished. A healthy diet that provides the vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to function is very important.
The number one treatment of fatty liver disease is weight loss and a healthy diet. It�s essential that you eat a well-balanced diet that is predominately plant-based; plus, you should exercise regularly � shoot for doing physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day, even if it�s taking a walk.
Bedogni G, Miglioli L, Masutti F, Tiribelli C, Marchesini G, Bellentani S. Prevalence of and risk factors for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: the Dionysos nutrition and liver study. Hepatology. 2005;42:44�52. [PubMed]
Adams LA, Lymp JF, Sauver J, St, et al. The natural history of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a population-based cohort study. Gastroenterology. 2005;129:113�121. [PubMed]
Peripheral Neuropathy and Fatty Liver Disease
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered the most common liver disorder in the Western world. It�s recognized as one of the most common forms of chronic liver disease across the globe.
A study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2003) reported a link between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and peripheral neuropathy. The research revealed that 73% of people with NAFLD would develop peripheral nerve damage leading to the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.
As if the development of peripheral neuropathy isn�t bad enough, science shows that the longer you have NAFLD, the more likely it is to progress into liver fibrosis (accumulation of abnormal fibrous tissue), cirrhosis (accumulation of scar tissue in the liver) and NASH (severe liver inflammation and cell damage).
Although, NAFLD is most likely to happen in people who are overweight with metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes, recently there are more and more cases of children with NAFLD. This is a direct result of the standard American diet. Pediatric NAFLD have been reported in children as young as 3 years old.
If you have been diagnosed with NAFLD or are overweight, suffer from metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance or diabetes, it�s important to take action. The good news is � The liver is the only organ capable of fully regenerating itself. As long as you have at least 15% of your liver that is working and functional, your body can repair and regenerate your liver.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
Whole Body Wellness
Following a balanced nutrition, participating in regular physical activity and getting plenty of rest are fundamental factors for maintaining whole body wellness. While all of these can make you look and feel healthy, its also essential to address the health of your spine in order to maintain the proper function of all the body�s structures. Chiropractic care is a well-known alternative treatment option utilized by many individual�s to restore the health of the spine as well as maintain it. Chiropractic can also help prevent complications related to spinal injuries and conditions.
You add it to your morning cup of coffee or tea. You bake it into pastries, cakes, and cookies. You even sprinkle it all over your breakfast cereal or your oatmeal.
But that�s not all. It�s also hidden in many of our favorite �treats� that people consume on a daily basis, such as sodas, fruit juices, candies, ice cream, almost all processed foods, and even condiments like ketchup.
But how exactly does sugar work in our body, how much sugar is acceptable and what are the side effects of eating too much sugar on people�s health?
How Excessive Sugar Affects Your Health
Today, an average American consumes about 32 teaspoons (126 grams) of sugar per day or 134 pounds per year, based on the latest research released in February 2015.
What�s even more disturbing is that people are consuming excessive sugar in the form of fructose or high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This highly processed form of sugar is cheaper yet 20 percent sweeter than regular table sugar, which is why many food and beverage manufacturers decided to use it for their products, as it would allow them to save money in the long run.
The bad news is that the human body is not made to consume excessive amounts of sugar, especially in the form of fructose. In fact, your body metabolizes fructose differently than sugar. Fructose is actually a hepatotoxin (toxic to the liver) and is metabolized directly into fat � factors that can cause a whole host of problems that can have far-reaching effects on your health.
Effects of Consuming Too Much Sugar
Dr. Robert Lustig, a professor of Clinical Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology in the University of California and a pioneer in decoding sugar metabolism, says that your body can safely metabolize at least six teaspoons of added sugar per day. But since most Americans are consuming over three times that amount, the majority of the excess sugar becomes metabolized into body fat � leading to all the debilitating chronic metabolic diseases many people are struggling with.
Here are some of the effects that consuming too much sugar has on your health:
It overloads and damages your liver. The effects of too much sugar or fructose can be likened to the effects of alcohol. All the fructose you eat gets shuttled to the only organ that has the transporter for it: your liver. This severely taxes and overloads the organ, leading to potential liver damage.
It tricks your body into gaining weight and affects your insulin and leptin signaling.Fructose fools your metabolism by turning off your body�s appetite-control system. It fails to stimulate insulin, which in turn fails to suppress ghrelin, or �the hunger hormone,� which then fails to stimulate leptin or �the satiety hormone.� This causes you to eat more and develop insulin resistance
It causes metabolic dysfunction. Eating too much sugar causes a barrage of symptoms known as classic metabolic syndrome. These include weight gain, abdominal obesity, decreased HDL and increased LDL, elevated blood sugar, elevated triglycerides, and high blood pressure.
It increases your uric acid levels. High uric acid levels are a risk factor for heart and kidney disease and also the cause of Gout. In fact, the connection between fructose, metabolic syndrome, and your uric acid is now so clear that your uric acid level can now be used as a marker for fructose toxicity. According to the latest research, the safest range of uric acid is between 3 to 5.5 milligrams per deciliter. If your uric acid level is higher than this, then it�s clear that you are at risk to the negative health impacts of fructose.
Sugar Can Increase the Risk of Disease
One of the most severe effects of eating too much sugar is its potential to wreak havoc on your liver, leading to a condition known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
Yes, the same disease that you can get from excessive alcohol intake can also be caused by excessive sugar (fructose) intake. Dr. Lustig explained the three similarities between alcohol and fructose:
Your liver metabolizes alcohol the same way as sugar, as both serve as substrates for converting dietary carbohydrate into fat. This promotes insulin resistance, fatty liver, and dyslipidemia (abnormal fat levels in your blood)
Fructose causes superoxide free radicals to form, resulting in inflammation � a condition that can be also caused by acetaldehyde, a metabolite of ethanol
Fructose can directly and indirectly stimulate the brain�s �hedonic pathway,�(addiction pathway) creating habituation and dependence, the same way that ethanol does
But if you think that�s the only way eating too much sugar wreaks havoc on your body, you�re dead wrong. Research from some of America�s most respected institutions now confirms that sugar is a primary dietary factor that drives obesity and chronic disease development.
One study found that fructose is readily used by cancer cells to increase their proliferation � it �feeds� the cancer cells, promoting cell division and speeding their growth, which allow the cancer to spread faster.
Alzheimer�s disease is another deadly illness that can arise from too much sugar consumption. A growing body of research found a powerful connection between a high-fructose diet and your risk of developing Alzheimer�s disease, through the same pathway that causes type 2 diabetes. According to some experts, Alzheimer�s and other brain disorders may be caused by the constant burning of glucose for fuel by your brain.
Other diseases that are linked to metabolic syndrome and may potentially arise because of too much sugar consumption include:
Type 2 Diabetes
Heart Disease
Peripheral Neuropathy
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Lipid (cholesterol) problems
Dementia (Alzheimer�s disease)
Reducing Your Sugar Consumption
Sugar, in its natural form, is not inherently bad, as long as it�s consumed in moderation. This means avoiding all sources of fructose, particularly processed foods and beverages like soda. According to, 74 percent of processed foods contain added sugar stealthily hidden under more than 60 different names. Ideally, you should spend 90 percent of your food budget on whole foods, and only 10 percent or less on processed foods.
I also advise you to severely limit your consumption of refined carbohydrates (waffles, cereals, bagels, etc.) and grains, as they actually break down to sugar in your body, which increases your insulin levels and causes insulin resistance.
As a general recommendation, I advise you to keep your total fructose consumption below 25 grams per day, including that from whole fruit. Keep in mind that although fruits are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, they also naturally contain fructose, and if consumed in high amounts may actually worsen your insulin sensitivity and raise your uric acid levels.
Remember that artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose are also a no-no, as they actually come with a whole new set of health problems that are much worse than what sugar or corn syrup can bring.
We continue to see emerging evidence in the literature (research) that obesity, pre-diabetes and diabetes are driving factors not only for chronic conditions like Peripheral Neuropathy, but also for a slew of other chronic diseases, including cancer. It�s important to realize that you don�t have to give up sugar completely but you must reduce it substantially in your diet. Research has shown that no one should be consuming more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day, and this includes fruit sugar, as well.
In order to get healthy and fight off chronic illness, here are some additional dietary tips to remember:
Increase your consumptionof healthy fats, such asomega-3, saturated, and monounsaturated fats. Your body needs health-promoting fats from animal and vegetable sources for optimal functioning. In fact, emerging evidence suggests that healthy fats should make up at least 70 percent of your diet. Some of the best sources include organic butter from raw milk, (unheated) virgin olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, raw nuts like pecans and macadamia, free-range eggs, avocado, and wild Alaskan salmon.
Drink pure, clean water. Simply swapping out all the sweetened beverages like sodas and fruit juices for pure water can go a long way toward improving your health. The best way to gauge your water needs is to observe the color of your urine (it should be light pale yellow) and the frequency of your bathroom visits (ideally, this is around seven to eight times per day).
Add fermented foods to your meals. The beneficial bacteria in these healthful foods can support your digestion and provide detoxification support, which helps lessen the fructose burden on your liver. Some of the best choices include kimchi, natto, organic yogurt and kefir made from grass-fed milk, and fermented vegetables.
How to Get Rid of Your Sugar Cravings
Sugar is highly addictive and affects depency centers in the brain but it can also have an emotional component, as well. In order to squelch sugar cravings, it�s important to detox. Here at our clinic we utilize a 21 day Jump Start program. This is a great program for detoxing your body from unwanted chemicals and sugar addiction and for decreasing inflammation.
The temptation to eat or indulge in sugary foods will always be there, especially with the abundance of processed foods and fast foods everywhere. However, most sugar cravings arise because of an emotional challenge. If this is what causes you to crave sugar, the best solution I could recommend is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This technique is a simple and effective strategy to help control your emotional food cravings.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
Whole Body Wellness
Following a balanced nutrition, participating in regular physical activity and getting plenty of rest are fundamental factors for maintaining whole body wellness. While all of these can make you look and feel healthy, its also essential to address the health of your spine in order to maintain the proper function of all the body�s structures. Chiropractic care is a well-known alternative treatment option utilized by many individual�s to restore the health of the spine as well as maintain it. Chiropractic can also help prevent complications related to spinal injuries and conditions.
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