Back Clinic Health Team. The level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological, and social changes in an environment. Dr.Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T, a clinical pain doctor who uses cutting-edge therapies and rehabilitation procedures focused on total health, strength training, and complete conditioning. We take a global functional fitness treatment approach to regain complete functional health.
Dr. Jimenez presents articles both from his own experience and from a variety of sources that pertain to a healthy lifestyle or general health issues. I have spent over 30+ years researching and testing methods with thousands of patients and understand what truly works. We strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total health programs.
These programs and methods are natural and use the body’s own ability to achieve improvement goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs. As a result, individuals live a fulfilled life with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight, and education on maintaining this way of life.
Early birds may have a leg up over night owls when it comes to health and weight, new research suggests.
Investigators in Finland found that morning people tend to eat better and earlier in the day than late-to-bed types. The result: a higher risk of obesity for the night owls, said study lead author Mirkka Maukonen, of the National Institute for Health and Welfare in Helsinki.
“We found that night owls had postponed timing of food intake, and less favorable eating patterns with higher intakes of sucrose, fat and saturated fat in the evening hours than early birds,” said Maukonen, a doctoral candidate in the department of public health solutions. Sucrose is a type of sugar.
Registered dietitian Lona Sandon, of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, wasn’t surprised by the findings. She said physiology and biology likely play a role.
“Past research has shown that hormones that impact appetite and metabolism — the way our body uses or stores energy — are produced at different levels throughout the day and night,” said Sandon, who wasn’t involved in the study. “The amount of sleep and time period of sleep may affect the production of these hormones, and therefore drive differences in appetite or food choices as well as body composition and weight,” she explained.
What Can Night Owls Do?
“Changing sleep habits, just like changing dietary habits, is tough for many people,” said Sandon. “But it just may be worthwhile for people to try for one’s health.”
The researchers found that night owls also engaged in less routine physical activity, had more difficulty sleeping, and were more likely to smoke. And fewer night owls ranked themselves as being in good overall health or shape, relative to morning people. The study team focused on nearly 1,900 Finnish adults ages 25 to 74 who had participated in a national nutritional study or a national heart disease study in 2007.
For the nutrition study, participants completed 48-hour food diaries that tallied daily caloric intake and consumption of carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, protein, fat and saturated fatty acids, and alcohol. Weekday and weekend meal times were also recorded.
The other study looked at total hours slept daily and routine wake-up time. The time of day participants worked and/or performed hard physical tasks was also evaluated. Nearly half the participants were deemed to be morning people, while just 12 percent qualified as night owls. About 39 percent fell somewhere in between, the researchers said.
Total daily caloric consumption was similar for early and late risers. But night owls consumed 4 percent fewer calories before 10 a.m. each day and had less energy in the morning, a pattern that continued throughout the earlier daylight hours.
“It could be that this lighter eating generates increased feelings of hunger during the late afternoon and evening hours and thus leads to less healthy food choices with more sugar and fat,” Maukonen said.
Night owls tended to consume fewer carbohydrates, proteins and fats throughout the day, with one exception: sugar. They took in significantly more sugar in the morning and after 8 p.m. than early birds. They also gravitated toward more fat and saturated fatty acids at night. On weekends, the nutritional gap widened, the study found.
This doesn’t mean that late nights will doom you to obesity, however. The study only found an association between night owl habits and risk for poorer health, not a direct cause-and-effect relationship.
Still, tweaking your schedule can’t hurt, suggested Maukonen.
“Whether you are an early bird or a night owl, it is influenced half and half by your genes and by your daily timetables you want to adopt,” Maukonen said. “Therefore, one thing that could benefit night owls is a greater flexibility in working time schedules, so that night owls may live more according to their internal biological time and not against it.”
The study results were published recently in the journal Obesity.
SOURCES: Mirkka Maukonen, MSc, Ph.D. candidate, department of public health solutions, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland; Lona Sandon, R.D., program director, and assistant professor, clinical nutrition, School of Health Professions, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas; Feb. 23, 2017, Obesity
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
Additional Topics: Whole Body Wellness
Following a balanced nutrition as well as engaging in regular physical activity and sleeping properly are all proper lifestyle habits which can help increase and maintain overall health and wellness. Many common complications associated with improper lifestyle habits, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, however, the risk of developing these can be prevented with a few lifestyle changes. In addition, visiting a chiropractor and receiving chiropractic care can help maintain and improve the overall health of the spine as well as its surrounding structures.
Ashley Graham is definitely about that gym life. And we know this because the 29-year-old model has been posting her sweat sessions on Instagram as of late. Her workout of choice: hitting it hard with Dawin Peña, co-founder and trainer at The DogPound, a boutique training studio in NYC.
Thanks to a recent Instagram story posted by the America’s Next Top Model judge, we happened to get a glimpse into one of Graham’s evening exercise routines. Let me tell you, it is a killer upper-body circuit that hit the triceps, biceps, chest, and back. And she finished off with some core work.
The best part: it only took Graham 2 minutes and 48 seconds to get through these moves. (Yep, I timed her). Granted, you have to take into account that she probably rested here and there, and did a few more sets and reps than she let us in on, but even with those considerations, this is still a great workout option for when you are short on time.
Our suggestion: Cycle through this 11-move circuit 3 times. If you do that, you are looking at about a 10- to 12-minute upper body blaster that you can knock out the next time you are in the gym. Oh, and you also might want to download the playlist Graham was rocking too—Sean Paul’s “Gimme The Light,” Mr. Probz’s “Waves,” Kid Cudi’s “The Pursuit of Happiness,” Eddie Money’s “Take Me Home Tonight” and Future’s “Real Sisters”—because it was kind of fire!
Now get that upper body (and those abs) in shape…because summer is coming!
Rope Triceps Extension
Stand with feet hip-width apart, hinge forward slightly and grab each end of the cable ropes; palms face in. Keeping upper arms straight and close to body, pull down using forearms, lowering the rope until arms are fully extended and at either side of legs. Pause and then slowly return back to start. (Graham did 10 reps.)
Overhead Triceps Extension
Stand with back to cable machine, feet staggered, one foot in front of the other, and knees slightly bent; hinge forward. With arms overhead and bent backwards to about 90-degrees, hold cable rope in each hand; palms face in. Keeping elbows close to ears, pull ropes down until arms are fully extended. Pause and then return to start. (Graham did 9 reps.)
Rope Biceps Curl
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, legs bent slightly and end of cable ropes grasped between hands; palms face in. Pull ropes up toward shoulders using forearms; upper arms stay fixed. Lower back down to start, and then repeat. (Graham did 9 reps.)
Start seated on a bench with legs wider than hip-width apart, feet planted, and arms extended up on a diagonal with ends of cable ropes grasped between hands; palms face in. Squeezing back, pull ropes down towards torso; keep arms close to body. Pause and then slowly return to start. (Graham did 8 reps.)
Seated One Arm Row
Start seated on a bench with legs wider than hip-width apart and feet planted. Place left hand on hip while right arm is extended up on a diagonal with cable handle grasped in hand; palm face down. Squeezing back, pull rope down towards torso, twisting hand out so that palm faces in; keep arm close to body. Hold, and then slowly return back to start. Repeat on opposite side. (Graham did 7 reps.)
Seated Lat Pulldown
Start seated with back straight, knees under knee pad and bar in hands (overhand grip) slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Without moving torso, pull bar down to chest while squeezing shoulder blades together. Pause, and then slowly return to start. (Graham did 7 reps.)
Lie faceup on a bench with feet planted on floor and a dumbbell in each hand. Extend arms straight up over chest; palms face in. Keeping a slight bend in elbows, slowly open arms out until they are in line with chest and hands are parallel to floor. Pause and then raise arms back up to start. (Graham did 6 reps.)
Standing Biceps Curls
Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of body; palms face up. Bend elbows and curl the right hand up toward the right shoulder. As you slowly lower the right hand back down, begin repeating the motion with the left hand. Continue alternating. (Graham did 4 reps per arm.)
In & Out
Start seated with arms behind you and hands on floor; fingers facing feet. Lean back, raise legs and bend knees. With abs tight, extend legs straight out as you lower back down slightly. Pull legs back in and lift torso back up. Continue repeating. (Graham did 17 reps.)
Lie faceup with arms and legs extended straight out. Simultaneously raise your right leg and left arm as you crunch up, bringing the two together over the stomach. Lower back to start. After desired number of reps, repeat with opposite arm and leg. (Graham did 10 reps.)
Lie faceup with legs extended straight up, a light bend in knees, feet crossed at the ankles (left over right) and hands lightly on back of head. Crunch up and then lower back to start. Repeat. (Graham did 15 reps.)
A stomach ache can strike for all kinds of reasons, from contaminated food to chronic disease. It passes, sure, but the pain, headache, diarrhea, vomiting and other classic symptoms of stomach flu ensure a crummy couple of days
It can be tough to know what to put in your body when you’re dealing with an upset stomach, but there are a few surefire foods. Ginger, scientifically, is a good place to start. �Ginger and also turmeric, which is a member of the ginger family, seem to be anti-inflammatory,� says Dr. Emeran Mayer, a professor of digestive diseases at UCLA. Both ginger and turmeric are roots, he says, and may have developed special antibacterial properties in order to withstand contamination from microorganisms in soil. Skip the sugary commercial ginger ales, which contain little real ginger, and sip water infused with ginger or turmeric instead, he advises.
You won�t want to eat in the throes of vomiting, but starting to sip water and other beverages right away is a good idea, says Dr. Joseph Murray, a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic. Because you�re getting rid of essential vitamins and nutrients with every trip to the bathroom, it�s important to replenish your body�s electrolytes�namely salt, but also potassium and glucose (sugar), he says. If the word �electrolytes� makes you think of Gatorade, you�re not far off. But Gatorade and other sports drinks may not contain enough salt to replenish your depleted stores. �Diluted tomato juice is pretty good, mostly because it�s salty,� Murray says.
Once you�ve stopped vomiting and your stomach feels a bit better, you will want to eat. But don’t sit down for a big meal; nibble food throughout the day instead, Murray explains.
Research from Penn State University�s Hershey Medical Center recommends what every parent knows as the BRAT foods: bananas, white rice, applesauce and toast. Eating only these four foods may be too restrictive (and could lead to malnourishment, especially among kids). But foods like these are good choices, because the harder your inflamed stomach has to work to digest something, the more likely it is to act up, Murray says. Foods that are easy for the body to break down�simple, minimally seasoned carbohydrates like saltine crackers, as opposed to hardier fare like whole grains and leafy greens�are less likely to trigger stabs of pain or a dash to the toilet.
There are plenty of foods you should avoid. Pass on dairy foods, because an upset stomach is likely to have problems digesting and absorbing lactose, Murray explains. �Even in the days or weeks after you�ve recovered, you may experience a temporary bout of lactose intolerance while your gut recovers,� he says. Also, skip high-fat foods (like nuts, oils and avocado), spicy dishes, alcohol and coffee, which may all aggravate a recovering stomach, says Dr. Joel Mason, a gastroenterologist and professor of medicine and nutrition at Tufts University.
What about probiotics? While Mason and other experts say there�s promising research on probiotics for relief of gut-related conditions, there�s still not good evidence to support swallowing probiotic-rich foods to cure a stomach ache. One problem with probiotics is that the micro-organic makeup of your gut is different from everyone else�s. �There are also hundreds of probiotic strains, and the effect each has may be determined by your [gut�s] microbiome composition,� UCLA�s Mayer explains. �In the future, we may be able to map your microbiome simply and inexpensively, and make appropriate probiotic recommendations.� But we�re just not there yet.
Another issue is that nearly all the research linking probiotics to relief of gut-related issues has looked at freeze-dried probiotics in capsules or tablets, Mason says. �Eating yogurt or Kefir or other probiotic foods to relieve symptoms may be effective, but that hasn�t yet been shown.�
While probiotic supplements are likely safe for most people, Mason says ingesting probiotics could in some cases be risky. �When you consume a probiotic, you�re consuming billions of bacterial or fungal spores,� he explains. In �the vast majority of instances,� that won�t hurt you. �But if you have an impaired immune system, there�s pretty good documentation that ingesting these organisms can set off very serious infections�even life-threatening infections,� he explains.
If you want to roll the dice with probiotics, you�re best off sticking to those found in traditional food sources like sauerkraut, kefir, and kombucha. �Eat those three, and you�ll get a wide range of probiotics,� Mayer says. There may not be strong evidence yet to show they can relieve an achy stomach, “but they�re what I would give to my own family,� he says.
Thanks to the Google’s�many clever features, we no longer get lost (as often), bungle dates and double-book, or choose mediocre restaurants. And now�Google is back at it again, with yet another way to simplify your life:�Reserve with Google�is a new platform that makes it super easy�to discover and book fitness classes.
The site�allows you to search your area for upcoming classes, and reserve�and pay for�a spot instantly. If you’re signed into your Google account, some of your info (like your name, email, and phone number) will pre-load to make booking even faster. The service�kicked off in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, and is now available across�the�country, thanks to partnerships with booking services you may already know and love, such as Mindbody,�Genbook, and MyTime.
Reserve with Google�also makes recommendations to help you discover new ways to get your sweat on, complete with�class descriptions, pricing, and reviews�so you know exactly what you’re signing up for. And the �Discover more around you� section groups suggestions into categories like��Yoga this evening� and �Pilates before work.� Really want to mix it up? You can choose Google’s�notorious �I�m feeling lucky” option.
To help you fit your workouts into your schedule,�the service works with Google Maps (so you get a�visual of the closest gyms and studios)�and Google�Calendar (so you can block off precious time).
Whether�you’re looking to try a new activity, or schedule out a full week of exercise, this platform can help you do so seamlessly. And once you’re sufficiently sore, it’ll help�you search�for massage appointments (and other spa services) nearby to help your body bounce back.
Ingesting high-concentration hydrogen peroxide as a “natural cure” or cleansing agent may land you in the emergency room, health experts caution.
Of particular concern are alternative drinking “therapies” that proactively promote the health benefits of potent peroxide. These so-called “super water” cures are anything but curative, researchers said, with ingestion leading to heart attack, stroke, and in some cases, death.
“Alternative medicine practices are not always safe,” said study lead author Dr. Benjamin Hatten. He’s currently an assistant professor in the department of emergency medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
“In addition to the lack of scientific evidence of benefit, ingestion of high-concentration peroxide can be life-threatening. This product is much more dangerous than the household hydrogen peroxide that comes in a brown bottle and is used by the public to clean wounds,” Hatten said. He conducted this research while at Oregon Health & Science University.
The current investigation looked at both the accidental and intentional consumption of industrial-concentration peroxide in formulations of 10 percent or more. That’s different from the low-concentration (3 to 5 percent) hydrogen peroxide liquid that people find in drug stores to safely treat external wounds and for cosmetic purposes.
The study included 10 years of information from 2001 and 2011. The information was from the U.S. National Poison Data System and the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC).
Nearly 300 cases of high-concentration peroxide poisoning were identified
Just under 14 percent of the patients experienced a partial or total blockage of blood flow to the heart (an embolism). Almost 7 percent either died following peroxide ingestion or suffered long-term disability. Both figures, said Hatten, were “much higher than anyone expected.”
Problems Occurred As Long As 25 Hours Following Peroxide Ingestion
What’s more, significant injury — ranging from seizures, respiratory distress, strokes, heart attacks and altered mental states — wasn’t always immediately apparent.
And phony medicine aside, Hatten emphasized the dangers of accidental risk.
“Many of these cases occur when patients store undiluted or minimally diluted high-concentration peroxide in unlabeled containers or fill an old beverage bottle,” he explained. This raises the risk of someone confusing peroxide for water.
“If a consumer insists on consuming high-concentration peroxide for its purported health benefits,” Hatten said, “please keep it locked away in a clearly marked bottle to prevent accidental injury or death.”
And he added that anyone finding someone in distress after possibly ingesting high concentration peroxide should contact emergency services (EMS), find a health care provider, or reach out to their local poison center at 1-800-222-1222.
Dr. Eric Lavonas, a spokesman for the American College of Emergency Physicians, said that “tragically, cases of people who suffer strokes and other severe injuries from drinking high-concentration hydrogen peroxide are not rare.”
“When you consider that drinking a tablespoon of 35 percent ‘food grade’ [industrial] hydrogen peroxide suddenly releases more than 1.5 quarts of gas into the stomach, it’s not surprising that there are going to be some serious injuries,” Lavonas said.
That sudden release of a large amount of gas makes the stomach stretch. Eventually, the stomach can’t stretch anymore and the person who ingested the peroxide can’t belch fast enough, but the gas has to go somewhere. Sometimes the stomach ruptures. More commonly, the gas enters the arteries and veins, he said.
“Gas bubbles in a liquid rise, and when they get to a small blood vessel, the vessel gets blocked. Because of gravity, this means the most common place to see damage is the brain. The bubbles themselves don’t last very long, but the stroke can be permanent,” Lavonas explained.
Lavonas’ bottom line: “I’m not sure there is any proven health benefit to consuming hydrogen peroxide.”
The study was published recently in Annals of Emergency Medicine.
SOURCES: Benjamin W. Hatten, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor, section of medical toxicology, department of emergency medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora; Eric Lavonas, M.D., emergency medicine physician and medical toxicologist, Denver Health, Denver, Colo., and spokesman, American College of Emergency Physicians; Jan. 30, 2017, Annals of Emergency Medicine, online
News stories are written and provided by HealthDay and do not reflect federal policy, the views of MedlinePlus, the National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
All marathon runners eventually slow down. But, a new study finds that whether a runner is average or elite, or whether they are a man or a woman, may determine at what age and how much their pace will decline.
The researchers reviewed 2001-2016 data from three of the largest U.S. marathons — Boston, Chicago and New York City.
“We found that marathon performance decline begins at about 35 years old,” said study lead author Dr. Gerald Zavorsky, of Georgia State University. “For top runners, we determined the slowdown is about 2 minutes per year beginning at age 35 for men. And for women, it’s actually a little bit statistically faster of a slowdown, around 2 minutes and 30 seconds per year beginning at the age of 35,” Zavorsky said in a university news release.
He is an associate professor in the university’s department of respiratory therapy. The researchers also found that marathoners aged 25 to 34 had the fastest times, with overall champion males at 28.3 years old and overall champion females at 30.8 years of age.
However, people with “average” marathon times don’t see a big impact on their performance until later in life, the findings showed.
“If you’re an average runner finishing in the middle of your age group, statistically the slowdown starts at age 50. It’s similar if you’re a man or woman. The decline with aging in average runners is around 2 minutes and 45 seconds per year beginning at age 50,” Zavorsky said.
The researchers suspect the reason that average runners see a decline later in life is that they likely started running later in life.
“Elite athletes realize their potential when they’re young, and they’re able to maximize that potential when they’re young. But average runners might not realize their potential until they’re a lot older and by that time physiological aging comes in. They try to reach their maximum potential, but they’re trying to reach it at a much older age and their ceiling for improvement is not as high,” Zavorsky suggested.
The rate of marathon performance decline between ages 35 and 74 is fairly steady, and female age-group winners have a 27 second per year larger decline than male age-group winners, according to the study. Although you might never reach elite status if you start running in your 50s, the researchers don’t want to discourage older people from getting involved in marathons.
“If you’re an older person and you want to pick up marathon running, yes you can still improve because you’ve just now begun running. There’s always room for improvement, but physiologically, you were probably at your prime somewhere between 25 and 34 years old,” Zavorsky said.
“But people who are older can still train to achieve personal goals and get the health benefits of exercise, such as lower blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol and enhanced psychological well-being,” he added.
The study was published online recently in the journal PLoS ONE.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
Additional Topics: Preventing Sports Injuries
Many athletes largely depend on chiropractic care to enhance their physical performance. New research studies have determined that aside from maintaining overall health and wellness, chiropractic can also help prevent sports injuries. Chiropractic is an alternative treatment option utilized by athletes to improve their strength, mobility and flexibility. Spinal adjustments and manual manipulations performed by a chiropractor can also help correct spinal issues, speeding up an athlete’s recovery process to help them return-to-play as soon as possible.
Your schedule is jam-packed, and you’ve lost all hope of making it to the gym. But here’s some good news: You can still fit in a serious workout�even when you have almost zero�time. Really!
Research suggests that a 10-minute sweat session with�1 minute of high-intensity exercise (think�sprints, on foot�or a stationary bike) can lead to the same benefits�including�improved cardiovascular�health,�increased endurance, and fat percentage loss�as exercising at a moderate pace for 45 minutes.
If you’re wondering how that could possibly be, it’s all explained in the new book�The One-Minute Workout:�Science Shows a Way to Get Fit That’s Smarter, Faster, Shorter�($27; Author Martin Gibala, PhD, is the chair of the kinesiology�department at McMaster University and�the pioneering researcher behind�ultralow-volume exercise.
“We have this notion that it takes at least an hour to get in a good workout�more if you factor in the time required to get to and from the gym,” he writes. “My studies show that idea is nonsense.” Below, Gibala�shares two routines from his book that deliver maximum results in minimal time.
The One-Minute Workout
“[T]his protocol can be used by almost anyone who wishes to improve or maintain cardiovascular fitness in the most time-efficient manner science has yet discovered,” Gibala writes.
Peak Intensity:�10+
Duration:�10 minutes, with just 1 minute of hard exercise
1. Warm up with some light physical activity for 3 minutes at an easy pace.
2. Blast through a 20-second sprint at an all-out pace.
3. Rest with some light activity at intensity 1 for 2 minutes.
4. Blast through another 20-second sprint.
5. Repeat the cycle until you�ve completed 3 sprints.
6. End with a 2-minute cool-down for a total duration of 10 minutes.
Feel free to customize the sprint activity to any full-body movement that significantly elevates your heart rate.
“If I could only do one type of workout, it would be this one,” Gibala says in his book. “It includes some of the best elements of the most time-efficient workouts in this book, including body-weight training for upper- and lower-body strength and active recovery periods that keep the heart rate elevated for cardiovascular training.”
Peak Intensity � 10
Duration � 10 minutes
1. As a warm-up, perform 30 seconds of jumping jacks.
2. Alternate bodyweight resistance-training exercises with some type of cardiovascular exercise in repeating 30-second intervals. The bodyweight exercises should be performed hard, at an intensity of 10, such that you �fail� or are unable to perform any additional repetitions at the end of the 30-second period. Reduce the intensity somewhat during the cardio intervals in between, but the pace should remain vigorous, perhaps starting out at an exertion of 5 and progressing to an 8. So while these are �recovery� intervals in between the bodyweight exercises, your heart rate remains high throughout the entire 10-minute workout, providing an effective cardiovascular training stimulus.
3. The bodyweight intervals should incorporate upper- and lower-body exercises. One great combination is push-ups, pull-ups, and air squats. If you�re unable to conduct the exercise for the whole 30-second interval, just do as many as you can. Also, feel free to work in such other exercises as mountain climbers, burpees, or lunges.
4. The cardiovascular exercise could be cycling, climbing stairs, or running a predetermined �lap� around a park or even briskly in place. You could stick with one type of exercise or vary this throughout the workout.
And you�re done! Congratulations�you�ve just employed a variety of the most potent, scientifically proven fitness and strength-boosting techniques to improve health, in only 10 minutes!
Reprinted from The One Minute Workout by arrangement with Avery, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, A Penguin Random House Company. Copyright�2017, Martin Gibala, PhD
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