Back Clinic Sports Injury Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Team. Sports injuries occur when an athlete’s participation associated with a specific sport or physical activity leads to an injury or causes an underlying condition. Frequent types of sports injuries include sprains and strains, knee injuries, shoulder injuries, Achilles tendonitis, and bone fractures.
Chiropractic can help with injury prevention. Athletes from all sports can benefit from chiropractic treatment. Adjustments can help treat injuries from high-impact sports i.e. wrestling, football, and hockey. Athletes that get routine adjustments may notice improved athletic performance, improved range of motion along with flexibility, and increased blood flow.
Because spinal adjustments will reduce the irritation of the nerve roots between the vertebrae, the healing time from minor injuries can be shortened, which improves performance. Both high-impact and low-impact athletes can benefit from routine spinal adjustments. For high-impact athletes, it increases performance and flexibility and lowers the risk for injury for low-impact athletes i.e. tennis players, bowlers, and golfers.
Chiropractic is a natural way to treat and prevent different injuries and conditions that impact athletes. According to Dr. Jimenez, excessive training or improper gear, among other factors, are common causes of injury. Dr. Jimenez summarizes the various causes and effects of sports injuries on the athlete as well as explaining the types of treatments and rehabilitation methods that can help improve an athlete’s condition. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.
Bicycle riding is a form of transportation and a popular leisure and exercise activity. It helps with brain, heart, and whole body health. Whether recreational or pro cyclist, road or mountain biking, injuries are most often caused by overuse, repetitive strain, or a traumatic fall. If not treated properly by a medical professional, bicycle riding injuries can develop into long-term problems. Chiropractic care, sports massage, and decompression therapy combined with functional medicine can alleviate symptoms, rehabilitate the muscles, release compressed nerves, and restore mobility and function.
Bicycle Riding Injuries
Long-term cycling can cause muscle fatigue, leading to various injuries.
Overuse injuries occur when performing the same motion over and over again.
Musculoskeletal injuries range from sprains, torn ligaments, and tendons to fractures from crashes and falls.
Bicycle Setup
Not having the correct bike setup for the individual affects posture.
A seat that is too high causes the hips to rotate, leading to hip, back, and knee pain.
A seat that is too low causes over-flexion of the knees and pain.
Improper footwear not set in the right position can lead to pain in the calves and feet.
Handlebars that are too far forward can cause neck, shoulder, and back problems.
If any discomfort symptoms result from cycling, it’s recommended to get checked by a medical professional as soon as possible. After a correct diagnosis, resolving the issue/s could involve altering the bike setup to reduce the strain on certain body parts. Conversely, a condition could be developing that needs a personalized treatment program consisting of chiropractic care, physical therapy, steroid injections, or, if necessary, surgery.
Tightness develops at the front of the hip/hip flexors from prolonged sitting and can lead to decreased flexibility and cause irritation of the bursa (fluid-filled sacs between the muscle and bone to reduce friction) at the front of the hip.
Symptoms at the front and outer side of the hip can travel down the thigh toward the knees.
Checking that the saddle height is correct can help.
The knee is the most common site for overuse injuries. Common knee overuse injuries include:
Patellofemoral syndrome
Patella and quadriceps tendinitis
Medial plica syndrome
Iliotibial band friction syndrome
The first four involve discomfort and pain around the kneecap. The last condition results in outer knee pain. Shoe insoles, wedges, and positioning can help prevent some of these injuries.
Foot tingling, numbness, burning sensations, or pain on the underside of the foot are common.
This occurs from pressure on the nerves that travel through the ball of the foot and toward the toes.
Shoes that are poorly fitted, too tight, or narrow are often the cause.
This comes from increased pressure in the lower leg and results in compressed nerves.
Neck and Back
Discomfort and pain in the neck result from staying in one riding position for too long.
Usually, if the handlebars are too low, the rider has to round their back, adding strain to the neck and back.
Tight hamstrings and/or hip flexor muscles can also cause riders to round/arch the back, causing the neck to be hyperextended.
Doing shoulder shrugs and neck stretches will help relieve neck tension. Regular stretching will create flexibility and make it easier to maintain proper form.
Shoulder overuse injuries cause muscle weakness, stiffness, swelling, tingling or numbness in the fingers, and pain. Treatments depend on the severity of the condition.
Shoulder impingement/pinching
Swelling of soft tissues
Rotator cuff tears
Injuries to the ball-and-socket joint tend to be labral tears of the socket lining cartilage or damage to other structures. Damage to the cartilage can lead to arthritis if not treated effectively.
Falls can cause:
Minor fractures or dislocation.
Fractured collarbone/clavicle – must be immobilized for four to six weeks before rehabilitation exercises are started.
Damage to the joint on the top of the shoulder/acromioclavicular joint or ACJ.
Many of these impact-related injuries can be treated with chiropractic and targeted physical therapy to strengthen the muscles and improve mobility. However, some cases, like severely displaced fractures, require surgical reconstruction or repair.
Intense aching in the forearm can make gripping and ungripping the hands difficult and painful.
These can be prevented by changing hand positions and alternating the pressure from the inside to the outsides of the palms ensuring the wrists don’t drop below the handlebars.
Cyclists are recommended to ride with their elbows slightly bent, not with their arms locked or straight. Bent elbows act as shock absorbers when riding over bumps or rough terrain.
Using padded gloves and stretching the hands and wrists before riding can help. Changing the grip on the handlebars takes the stress off of over-used muscles and redistributes pressure to different nerves.
Head Injuries
Head injuries can range from scrapes, contusions, concussions, or traumatic brain injury.
Wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent.
Chiropractic Treatment
Chiropractic for cyclists can relieve symptoms, rehabilitate and strengthen muscles, improve posture, and prevent future injuries. Cyclists have also reported enhanced:
Range of motion
Heart rate variability
Muscle strength
Athletic ability
Neurocognitive functions such as reaction time and information processing.
Common Bicycle Riding Injuries
Mellion, M B. “Common cycling injuries. Management and prevention.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 11,1 (1991): 52-70. doi:10.2165/00007256-199111010-00004
Olivier, Jake, and Prudence Creighton. “Bicycle injuries and helmet use: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” International journal of epidemiology vol. 46,1 (2017): 278-292. doi:10.1093/ije/dyw153
Silberman, Marc R. “Bicycling injuries.” Current sports medicine reports vol. 12,5 (2013): 337-45. doi:10.1249/JSR.0b013e3182a4bab7
Cue sports use a cue stick to strike billiard balls off and around a pool or equivalent table. The most common game is pool. Although these are not contact sports, various musculoskeletal injuries can manifest. Therefore, it is recommended to know the common injuries so that they can be self-treated or treatment can be sought before the condition worsens. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can relieve symptoms, rehabilitate the body, and restore mobility and function.
Cue Sports Injuries
Sports medicine doctors say cue sports players suffer from sprains, strains, and fractures, among other injuries. Cue sports players are constantly:
Stretching their arms
Using their hands and wrists
Performing these constant movements and motions for extended periods increases the risk of sustaining injuries. Common symptoms include:
Warmth or heat in affected areas
Tightness in the affected areas
Decreased range of motion
Back and Waist
The posturing can cause individuals to tense their muscles, increasing the likelihood of injury. With all the bending, waist and back injuries are common. Back issues include:
Pinched nerves
Herniated discs
Individuals with existing spine conditions or osteoarthritis have an increased risk of injury.
Shoulder, Arm, Wrist, Hand, and Finger
The shoulders, hands, wrists, and fingers are in constant use.
This can lead to overuse injuries affecting the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and bones.
Consistent stress can lead to sprains, strains, or bursitis.
Tendonitis occurs when too much pressure is applied, causing tendons to inflame.
This could lead to swelling and pain and could lead to long-term damage.
Foot and Ankle
The feet can slip when stretching too far while setting up and taking a shot.
This injury usually happens when trying to balance on one foot.
Slipping can lead to a sprained ankle or something worse, like a torn ligament or fractured foot.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic adjustments combined with massage therapy and functional medicine can treat these injuries and conditions, relieving symptoms and restoring mobility and function. When the tendons, muscles, ligaments, and bones are properly aligned, recovery and rehabilitation progress faster. A chiropractor will also recommend stretching and exercise programs to help maintain the adjustments and prevent injuries.
Physical Therapy and Exercises
Garner, Michael J et al. “Chiropractic care of musculoskeletal disorders in a unique population within Canadian community health centers.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 30,3 (2007): 165-70. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2007.01.009
Hestbaek, Lise, and Mette Jensen Stochkendahl. “The evidence base for chiropractic treatment of musculoskeletal conditions in children and adolescents: The emperor’s new suit?.” Chiropractic & osteopathy vol. 18 15. 2 Jun. 2010, doi:10.1186/1746-1340-18-15
Orloff, A S, and D Resnick. “Fatigue fracture of the distal part of the radius in a pool player.” Injury vol. 17,6 (1986): 418-9. doi:10.1016/0020-1383(86)90088-4
When exercising, it is very important to warm each muscle group to prevent injuries from occurring when working out. Stretching the arms, legs, and back can loosen up stiff muscles and increase blood flow to allow each muscle fiber to warm up and allow maximum power when each set is performed. One of the best ways to reduce muscle fatigue or stiffness before working out is to foam roll each muscle group for at least 1-2 minutes max to provide optimal functionality. Foam rolling allows the muscles to warm up before an extensive workout session. Still, it can also offer many benefits when combined with other therapies to reduce pain-like symptoms like trigger point pain from causing further injuries from reoccurring in the body. Today’s article focuses on the benefits of foam rolling, how it reduces trigger point pain, and how it is combined with chiropractic care to achieve optimal health and wellness. We refer patients to certified providers incorporating techniques and therapies for individuals dealing with trigger point pain affecting different body areas. By locating where the trigger points are coming from, many pain specialists utilize a treatment plan to reduce the effects that trigger points are causing on the body while suggesting different tools, like using a foam roller to reduce pain in the other muscle groups. We encourage and appreciate each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a terrific way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
The Benefits Of Foam Rolling
Have you been dealing with pain-like symptoms in different parts of your body? Do you feel stiffness in your muscles? Or have you been feeling exhausted throughout the entire day? Many people often feel stressed, overworked, and exhausted after a long day and need to find different ways to relieve stress. Whether going to the gym to work out or yoga class, many people should warm up for about 5-10 minutes to work out each muscle group to reduce muscle fatigue and stiffness. One of the tools that people should utilize is using a foam roller. Studies reveal that foam rolling before working out can improve muscle performance and flexibility and, at the same time, alleviate muscle fatigue and soreness.
Incorporating foam rolling as part of your warm-up can prevent issues like trigger point pain from causing more problems in the affected muscle group and causing more harm. Foam rolling has been known as a self-myofascial release (SMR) tool for many athletic people to relieve delay-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and can help the recovery process for muscular performance. Studies show that when athletes have DOMS, their muscles are tender and stiff that which causes restricted movement. By foam rolling, each sore muscle group can get rolled out on a dense foam roll from the person’s body weight to apply pressure on the soft tissue. When performed correctly, the body’s range of motion will increase, and soft tissue restriction is prevented.
Foam Rolling To Reduce Trigger Point Pain
When the body has been overworked, the muscle fibers will start to overstretch and cause various issues in different body parts. When this happens, tiny, hard nodules form over time and cause referred pain to other body locations in each muscle group. This is known as myofascial pain syndrome or trigger points. Studies reveal that trigger point pain is when the affected muscles are either acute or chronic and cause pain in the surrounding connective tissues. Dr. Travell, M.D.’s book, “Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction,” mentioned that myofascial pain could cause somato-visceral dysfunction in the body as the affected muscles and nerves are correlated with the corresponding vital organs. This means that if someone is dealing with back pain, it could be an issue with their gut system. Now how does foam rolling help prevent trigger point pain? As mentioned earlier, foam rolling each muscle group can alleviate muscle soreness and improve blood circulation. Studies reveal that foam rolling on the muscle group affected by trigger point pain can increase blood flow to the affected muscle and reduce fascial inflammation in the body.
What Foam Rolling Does To The Body- Video
Have you been dealing with muscle soreness? Do you feel like you are constantly bending over or shuffling your feet? Or have you been experiencing constant aches and pains when stretching? If you have been dealing with these musculoskeletal issues, why not incorporate foam rolling as part of your routine? Many individuals have some pain that is affecting their muscles that is causing them pain. Regarding reducing pain, incorporating foam rolling on the affected muscles can increase blood flow to the muscle and reduce any symptoms associated with chronic conditions. Studies reveal that the combination of foam rolling and stretching before working out can provide these amazing benefits, which include the following:
Ease muscle pain
Increase range of motion
Reduce cellulite
Relieve back pain
Relive trigger points in muscles
The video above gives an excellent explanation of what foam rolling does to the body and why it provides relief to those different muscle groups. When people merge foam rolling with other treatments, it can benefit their health and wellness.
Foam Rolling & Chiropractic Care
As stated earlier, other various treatments can combine foam rolling to promote a healthy body. One of the treatments is chiropractic care. Chiropractic care incorporates mechanical and manual manipulation of the spine, especially in subluxation or spinal misalignment. When the spine is misaligned, it can cause muscle strain and mobility issues that can affect the body over time. So how does foam rolling play a part in chiropractic care? Well, a chiropractor or doctor of chiropractic can develop a plan to help manage the pain while treating the condition affecting the body. Since foam rolling is utilized in a warm-up session in association with physical therapy, many individuals who work with a personal trainer can incorporate foam rolling as part of their warm-up to loosen up stiff muscles and go to regular chiropractic treatments to improve muscle strength, mobility, and flexibility.
There are many beneficial properties that foam rolling can provide to the body. Foam rolling can allow blood circulation to the muscles while reducing muscle fatigue and soreness. Incorporating foam rolling as part of a daily warm-up can also prevent trigger points from forming in the muscle groups and can work out the tight knots that the muscle has occurred. At the same time, treatments like chiropractic care and physical therapy can combine foam rolling to promote health and wellness in the body and prevent muscle pain.
Konrad A, Nakamura M, Bernsteiner D, Tilp M. The Accumulated Effects of Foam Rolling Combined with Stretching on Range of Motion and Physical Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Sports Sci Med. 2021 Jul 1;20(3):535-545. doi: 10.52082/jssm.2021.535. PMID: 34267594; PMCID: PMC8256518.
Pagaduan, Jeffrey Cayaban, et al. “Chronic Effects of Foam Rolling on Flexibility and Performance: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 4 Apr. 2022,
Pearcey, Gregory E P, et al. “Foam Rolling for Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness and Recovery of Dynamic Performance Measures.” Journal of Athletic Training, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Jan. 2015,
Shah, Jay P, et al. “Myofascial Trigger Points Then and Now: A Historical and Scientific Perspective.” PM & R : the Journal of Injury, Function, and Rehabilitation, U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2015,
Travell, J. G., et al. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Vol. 2:the Lower Extremities. Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
Wiewelhove, Thimo, et al. “A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Foam Rolling on Performance and Recovery.” Frontiers in Physiology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 9 Apr. 2019,
Sports Chiropractor: To figure out what these professionals dont want you to do before making an appointment, Runners World asked two chiropractors who specialize in running about what common training flaws are leading to patients ending up in their offices over and over again.
While studies go back and forth on whether or not specific types of running shoes lead to injury, it’s still a good idea to opt for a proper fit over a pair of kicks that look cool or that you got for cheap. Ian Nurse, D.C., founder of Wellness in Motion Boston and a sub-2:30 marathoner, believes that many running injuries can start from not having the right shoes on your feet.
The nurse recommends going to a run specialty store and having someone watch your gait outside or on the treadmill. This will allow someone at the store to find a range of shoes that might work best for your specific running/walking mechanics. (You can find a nearby running store by checking out our Store Finder.) From there, you can go by what feels the best when running.
The nurse said he also asked his patients if there had been a change in running shoes from one style to another. For example, switching to a zero-drop shoe from a normal shoe, without easing into them, may increase your risk of injury. Like a fitter at a running store, a sports chiropractor like a Nurse may even look at your running gait in the office to diagnose imbalances in your foot’s motion mechanics.
The whole biomechanics starts in your foot, Nurse said. We all have different foot strikes. If it hits the ground in a certain way, the shoe has to support that. If you are a forefoot striker, rearfoot striker, overpronator, or under pronator, all of those foot strikes can lend themselves to various running injuries.
DONT Do Static Stretching Before A Run
Holding a static stretch for longer than 10 seconds can take away from your explosive muscular power before a run, according to Derek Vinge, D.C. at Fit Chiropractic & Sports Therapy in Courtenay, British Columbia. One study even showed that stretching cold muscles before a tough 3K left individuals starting their runs slower and at a greater perceived effort. And when your muscles aren’t signaling properly, it can lead to small injuries turning into larger problems over time.
You are better off with a series of dynamic stretches like lunges and squats to get the blood flowing in the body. (This 2-minute warmup should do the trick.) The benefits will be noticeable if you add five to 10 minutes of dynamic stretching before hitting the roads or trails.
If you do some activation and dynamic warmups, you will be a stronger, faster runner. I also forget to do a busy stretch, and I think maybe it is a time thing where you tell yourself I’ll do this later. I’ll deal with it later, Vinge said.
DONT Overdo It On Foam Rollers
Foam rolling and other ways to work out a knot or refresh your legs can be a good thing in moderation. But less sometimes is more, according to Nurses.
I see a lot of people who tend to go overboard on that, Nurse said. They do so much foam rolling on their IT band and quads and are even more in pain. It’s more like a finesse, where you are trying to get blood flow into the area, but you aren’t trying to beat up the room so badly that you are causing more damage.
Stop if you’re working out on a foam roller and something continues to hurt or gets worse. Overdoing a problem spot may inflame it more. If you’re feeling relatively good, the Nurse suggests doing light work on the foam roller after a run to hit any problem areas for one to two minutes.
DONT Clam Up When You Get Into The Office
It would be best if you didn’t arrive at an office visit with pages and notes from WebMD. But you shouldn’t be silent and think a sports chiropractor has all the answers just by looking at you.
Going into an appointment, think about what has been consistently driving you crazy on a stiff run neck, a cranky left ankles that will allow a dog to focus on what’s bothering you.
Runners know their bodies a lot better than a lot of people, Nurse said. As we run, we are constantly checking in on different body parts, and people can recognize what is wrong, and they can tell if their gait is altered and what is hanging them up. The information I get from my patients helps me a lot.
DONT Forget To See Someone If You Need It & Listen To Your Sports Chiropractor
With training goals and miles to complete, runners often dont admit when there is something wrong. It’s almost a badge of honor to stay off the table for long periods.
But Vinge thinks there’s more to what he does than fixing injuries. Once an underlying issue is taken care of, you can teach your body to perform at a higher level than you thought was possible.
After they start to get better, then we can work on other issues to get some more performance out of them, said Vinge. If you’ve never been looked at, you have no idea what’s going wrong.
Various muscles help support the lower legs in the body and allow movement to the host. The lower extremities include the hips, pelvis, thighs, legs, knees, and feet. At the same time, the various muscles help provide support and stability to the upper body’s weight and incorporate mobility and movement for the entire body to go from one location to another. The legs have two sections connected with the knees; the upper portion has the hips and thigh muscles, while the lower legs have the calve muscles, shin muscles, and the Achilles tendon. The calve muscles have two groups of muscles, and when the calve intense exercises, or normal factors have overused muscles may potentially lead to muscle cramps associated with trigger points. Today’s article examines one of the calve muscles known as the gastrocnemius, how the calves are affected by trigger points and corrective actions to prevent muscle cramps in the calves. We refer patients to certified providers that incorporate various techniques in the lower body extremities, like lower leg and calve pain therapies correlating to trigger points, to aid many people dealing with pain symptoms along the gastrocnemius muscles, causing muscle cramps. We encourage and appreciate each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is an excellent way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
What Are The Gastrocnemius Muscles?
Have you been dealing with walking from one place to another? Do your calves feel hard or tense with the slightest touch or movement? Or are you feeling excruciating pain in your calves that make it hard to move? These pain-like symptoms are indicators of trigger points associated with the calves affecting the gastrocnemius muscles. The calves are mostly referred to as the posterior portion of the lower legs responsible for the foot and ankle plantarflexion while also engaging in activities like running or jumping. The two muscles that make up the calves are the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The gastrocnemius is a complex, superficial muscle fundamental to good posture or walking. This muscle has a casual relationship with the lower body as it affects hip movement and the lumbar area of the spine. The gastrocnemius provides a round shape for the calves to form and narrows down to the ankles, where it forms a tendon.
How Are The Calves Affected By Trigger Point Pain?
Since the gastrocnemius provides the round shape to form the calves when the muscles have become overused or injured in a sports activity, it can cause the individual to have limited mobility. Studies reveal that a tear in the gastrocnemius muscles can implicate lower leg trauma and affect the muscle function to plantar flex the foot at the ankle joint and reduce flexion on the leg to the leg knee joint. When it comes to the development of trigger points along the gastrocnemius muscles that are affecting the calves, according to “Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction,” written by Dr. Janet Travell, M.D., the book states that latent trigger points along the gastrocnemius may cause individuals to complain about calf cramps on the legs, however, when the trigger points are active, the individual is aware of the calf pain and would complain about experiencing pain in the back of their knees. The book also mentioned that trigger points associated with the gastrocnemius muscle could be mistaken for other conditions like plantar foot pain or radiculopathy in the sacroiliac joints. When trigger points affect the calf muscles, it can lead to mobility issues and causes people to be unstable when walking.
Trigger Point Of The Week: Gastrocnemius Muscle- Video
Have you been dealing with calf pain when walking for a short distance? Do your calf muscles ache or tense up when you put slight pressure when stepping down? Or do you feel that your calf muscles are hard when resting? Many of these issues affecting the calves are associated with trigger points affecting the gastrocnemius muscles. The gastrocnemius muscle is one of the muscles that make up the calves in the lower legs. This complex, superficial muscle provides a round shape to the calves and can become overused in various activities that can cause a person to have limited mobility. When the gastrocnemius muscle is overused, it can develop tiny nodules in the muscle fibers known as trigger points that mimic other conditions affecting leg mobility. The video above shows where this complex muscle is in the calves and where the trigger points are located in the muscle fibers. Trigger points along the affected muscle can cause referred pain while mimicking other conditions that can often confuse people about what they are feeling. All is not lost, however, as trigger points are treatable and can be managed through various treatments.
Corrective Actions To Prevent Muscle Cramps On The Calves
When the calf muscles like the gastrocnemius are causing symptoms of pain and muscle cramps due to trigger points, there are various treatments and corrective actions that can prevent muscle cramps from causing more issues in the legs and even help manage trigger points from re-forming in the muscle fibers. Some corrective actions that can help improve calve function are gently flexing the foot at the ankle joint to allow the calf muscles to tract and retract to reduce swelling and pain. Other correction actions that people should incorporate to prevent muscle cramping in the calves when they are sitting is to gently rock in a chair to reduce prolonged immobility to the calves and increase blood flow. Studies reveal that dry needling and other various treatments can help reduce muscle stiffness in the gastrocnemius and improve muscle strength in the calves.
The calves are part of the legs that allow plantarflexion at the ankle joint. Known as the gastrocnemius muscle, it makes up the calves’ round shape. The gastrocnemius muscle is complex and superficial as it forms a rounded shape at the calves and narrows down at the ankles. However, when the muscle has been through various activities and is constantly overstretched, it can affect a person’s walking mobility and develop tiny nodules known as trigger points. Trigger points in the gastrocnemius muscle can cause referred pain in the calve muscles and mimic conditions like plantar foot pain to the feet. Fortunately, various treatments and corrective actions can prevent referred pain from re-occurring in the calves and bring mobility back to the legs so a person can continue to their destination.
Albin, S R, et al. “The Effect of Dry Needling on Gastrocnemius Muscle Stiffness and Strength in Participants with Latent Trigger Points.” Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology : Official Journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 9 Oct. 2020,
Binstead, Justin T, et al. “Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Calf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 29 May 2022,
Bordoni, Bruno, and Matthew Varacallo. “Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Gastrocnemius Muscle.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 26 Apr. 2022,
Nsitem, Virginia. “Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Gastrocnemius Muscle Tear: A Case Report.” The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Dec. 2013,
Travell, J. G., et al. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Vol. 2:the Lower Extremities. Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
Nerves control muscle fibers. Muscle twitching is an involuntary contraction of the muscle fibers. When individuals play sports/work out vigorously or for a long time, they may experience muscle twitching and can often see and/or feel the twitches happening. The most worked-out muscles are likely to twitch, which includes the biceps, thighs, and calves, but twitches can occur in any muscle. Chiropractic care, massage therapy, and functional medicine can help relax the muscles, improve circulation, restore function, and train individuals to prevent future episodes.
Muscle Twitching
A muscle twitch often occurs after intense physical activity or a hard workout because the muscle or muscles have been overworked, and there is hyper-excitability of the nerve/s that makes the muscle/s continue to contract.
A muscle twitch that can be seen is called fasciculation.
A muscle twitch that cannot be seen is called fibrillation.
If there is pain or the twitching is prolonged, it is a muscle spasm.
The most common causes include the following:
Intense exercise and rigorous physical activity build up lactic acid in the muscles.
Dehydration is a very common factor for shaky muscles.
Vitamin D and calcium deficiencies could cause muscle spasms in the hand, calves, and eyelids.
Using caffeinated products to increase physical performance.
Not enough or a lack of healthy sleep.
Anxiety or stress.
Certain medications like estrogen and corticosteroids.
Nicotine and tobacco use.
Physical Activity/Exercise
Intense exercise and physical activity can cause muscle fatigue.
Muscle fatigue triggers twitching and cramping in overworked muscle fibers.
Electrolytes play a role in muscle contraction.
Electrolyte loss and imbalances within muscle fibers through sweating can lead to twitching.
Muscle mass comprises 75% water.
Water carries nutrients and minerals to muscles to support function.
Not being properly hydrated can cause twitching and cramping.
Vitamin D Deficiency
Nerves need vitamin D to relay messages to and from the brain to the body’s muscles.
A vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle weakness and twitching.
Lack of sleep can affect neurotransmitter function.
A common site of fasciculation tiredness occurs in the eyelids.
Anxiety and Stress
Experiencing psychological stress or high anxiety levels can cause excess muscle tension.
This can lead to muscle twitching.
Muscle fasciculation caused by stress can occur anywhere in the body.
Certain Medications
Certain medications can lead to involuntary muscle twitching.
The reaction can be a side effect due to interactions with other medications.
Individuals should discuss side effects and medication interactions with their doctor when taking a new medication.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractors are experts on the musculoskeletal system and have many techniques to treat muscle fasciculation and spasms. It often depends on the cause/s, and specific treatment varies on a case-by-case basis. Common chiropractic treatments include:
Massage therapy
Heat and ice therapy
Manual manipulation
Joint adjustments
Stretches to keep the muscles flexible
Exercises to strengthen the muscles
Nutritional recommendations
Bergeron, Michael F.. Muscle Cramps during Exercise-Is It Fatigue or Electrolyte Deficit?. Current Sports Medicine Reports July 2008 – Volume 7 – Issue 4 – p S50-S55 doi: 10.1249/JSR.0b013e31817f476a
Gragossian A, Bashir K, Friede R. Hypomagnesemia. [Updated 2022 May 15]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (F.L.): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:
Küçükali, Cem Ismail, et al. “Peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndromes.” Reviews in the neurosciences vol. 26,2 (2015): 239-51. doi:10.1515/revneuro-2014-0066
Maughan, Ronald J, and Susan M Shirreffs. “Muscle Cramping During Exercise: Causes, Solutions, and Questions Remaining.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 49, Suppl 2 (2019): 115-124. doi:10.1007/s40279-019-01162-1
Miller, Kevin C et al. “Exercise-associated muscle cramps: causes, treatment, and prevention.” Sports health vol. 2,4 (2010): 279-83. doi:10.1177/1941738109357299
Riebl, Shaun K, and Brenda M Davy. “The Hydration Equation: Update on Water Balance and Cognitive Performance.” ACSM’s health & fitness journal vol. 17,6 (2013): 21-28. doi:10.1249/FIT.0b013e3182a9570f
The low back is a common source of discomfort and soreness among volleyball players because of repetitive jumping, bending, and rotating of the trunk. Adolescents have an increased risk of this injury because their vertebral bones are still developing, which increases the risk for stress fractures. Chiropractic care, massage therapy, decompression, rest, and athletic training can help expedite pain relief and heal the injury.
Volley Back Pain
Muscle or ligament strains are the most common injury from repetitive jumping, bending, rotating movements, and hyperextension during serving, hitting and setting. This can lead to excessive compression forces on the discs and joints, causing reduced blood circulation, increasing the risk of overload injuries. One study reported that low back pain is experienced in 63% of players. However, if low-back pain is accompanied by pain that runs down the leg along with numbness or weakness in the foot or ankle, the issue could be a herniated disc.
One common reason is endurance imbalances in the muscles that stabilize the low back. The core muscles provide stability to the low back and spine for all movements. If imbalances are present, a player may spike or serve the ball with intense turning and arching. The added actions cause increased pressure in the joints and hip, gluteal, and leg muscles, affecting the spine’s stability.
The gluteals run from the back of the pelvis/hip bones down to the outside of the thigh.
The gluteal muscles prevent the trunk and hips from overbending forward when landing.
If the gluteal muscles do not have the strength and endurance to perform this motion, the upper body will bend too far forward, causing poor landing posture and decreased spine stability.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Studies have shown that players with low back pain tend to stand and land with an anterior pelvic tilt. This is an unhealthy posture when the front of the pelvis tilts forward, and the back of the pelvis raises. Landing hard with an anterior pelvic tilt causes increased arching and increases the pressure in the joints.
Chronic back pain
Warning signs of a more serious back problem include:
Pain that has lasted for more than 1 week and is not improving or getting worse.
Pain that prevents sleep or causes the individual to constantly wake up.
Difficulty sitting.
Back soreness when performing basic tasks and chores.
Significant pain on the court when jumping, landing, or rotating.
Chronic pain ranges from aches to shooting or throbbing pain that can run down the buttocks and legs.
Chiropractic Care
A chiropractor can alleviate volleyball back pain, rule out a more severe injury, such as a stress fracture or herniated disc, and provide a healthier and faster recovery. According to a study, athletes who received chiropractic care showed better speed and mobility. Quick reflexes and hand-eye coordination depend on an optimal functioning nervous system. 90% of the central nervous system travels through the spine. When one or more spinal segments are misaligned, the effect on the nervous system can seriously impact and disrupt nerve circulation, affecting speed, mobility, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination. Chiropractic adjustments will:
Relax and reset the back muscles.
Realign and decompress the spine.
Remove the pressure around the nerve roots.
Strengthen the core.
Improve and increase range of motion, strength, and overall endurance.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Haddas R, Sawyer SF, Sizer PS, Brooks T, Chyu MC, James CR. “Effects of Volitional Spine Stabilization and Lower-Extremity Fatigue on the Knee and Ankle During Landing Performance in a Population With Recurrent Low Back Pain.” J Sport Rehabil. 2017 Sep;26(5):329-338. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2015-0171.
Hangai M. et al., Relationship Between Low Back Pain and Competitive Sports Activities During Youth, Am J Sports Med 2010; 38: 791-796; published online before print January 5, 2010, doi:10.1177/0363546509350297.
Jadhav, K.G., Deshmukh, P.N., Tuppekar, R.P., Sinku, S.K.. A Survey of Injuries Prevalence in Varsity Volleyball Players. Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy, Vol. 6, No. 2: 102-105, 2010 102
Mizoguchi, Yasuaki, et al. “Factors associated with low back pain in elite high school volleyball players.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 31,8 (2019): 675-681. doi:10.1589/jpts.31.675
Movahed,Marziehet al. (2019). “Single leg landing kinematics in volleyball athletes: A comparison between athletes with and without active extension low back pain.”
Sheikhhoseiniet al. (2018). “Altered Lower Limb Kinematics during Jumping among Athletes with Persistent Low Back Pain”
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