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Back Clinic Treatments. There are various treatments for all types of injuries and conditions here at Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic. The main goal is to correct any misalignments in the spine through manual manipulation and placing misaligned vertebrae back in their proper place. Patients will be given a series of treatments, which are based on the diagnosis. This can include spinal manipulation, as well as other supportive treatments. And as chiropractic treatment has developed, so have its methods and techniques.

Why do chiropractors use one method/technique over another?

A common method of spinal adjustment is the toggle drop method. With this method, a chiropractor crosses their hands and pressed down firmly on an area of the spine. They will then adjust the area with a quick and precise thrust. This method has been used for years and is often used to help increase a patient’s mobility.

Another popular method takes place on a special drop table. The table has different sections, which can be moved up or down based on the body’s position. Patients lie face down on their back or side while the chiropractor applies quick thrusts throughout the spinal area as the table section drops. Many prefer this table adjustment, as this method is lighter and does not include twisting motions used in other methods.

Chiropractors also use specialized tools to assist in their adjustments, i.e., the activator. A chiropractor uses this spring-loaded tool to perform the adjustment/s instead of their hands. Many consider the activator method to be the most gentle of all.

Whichever adjustment method a chiropractor uses, they all offer great benefits to the spine and overall health and wellness. If there is a certain method that is preferred, talk to a chiropractor about it. If they do not perform a certain technique, they may recommend a colleague that does.

Try Spinal Decompression

Try Spinal Decompression

Individuals with chronic back and/or leg pain are encouraged to try spinal decompression. Non-surgical spinal decompression is a treatment option therapy that has been proven to be safe, gentle, and successful. This therapy is motorized traction that takes the pressure off the spinal discs and stretches out the spine to its correct position. It is highly effective, comfortable, affordable, and a safe alternative to surgery. At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, our spinal decompression team/tables effectively treat:

  • Neck pain
  • Chronic back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Bulging discs
  • Herniated discs
  • Degenerated discs
  • Whiplash

Try Spinal Decompression

The vertebral bones protect the spinal cord. Everyday wear-and-tear, improper posture and injury can cause parts of the vertebrae to compress the spinal cord’s nerves, leading to pain, numbness, or tingling. Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy is also known as NSSD or SDT/Spinal Decompression Therapy. The goal of the treatment is to restore optimal health to the spine. Pain-causing conditions can be reversed or healed, and discs can be normalized through the decompression process as it encourages spinal repositioning to promote optimal healing.

Decompression Table

  • The spinal decompression table may consist of a manually operated cable and pulley system or a computerized table segmented by the upper and lower body.
  • The angle and pressure applied depend on the type of injury and the individual’s needs.
  • Each procedure is carefully calculated to reposition the spinal discs and disc material to alleviate pain.

How It Works

Spinal decompression is a mechanized version of a chiropractic adjustment. By gently stretching and moving the spine, the vertebrae have proper alignment restored, restoring range of motion, decreasing or eliminating pain, and improving mobility and function.

  • The individual is strapped to the machine with a harness that helps position the back for optimal decompression.
  • Depending on the condition and severity, the therapist will choose from a list of decompression programs.
  • Slowly, the spine is stretched and lengthened, relieving pressure.
  • The spine’s stretching and repositioning are different from standard physical therapy and manual manipulation treatment.
  • It is a gradual process to prevent the body from muscle guarding as the natural response to avoid injury.

Treatment Benefits

An examination is required to see if an individual meets the criteria. Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy has been shown to:

  • Reduce or eliminate pain.
  • Rehydrate spinal discs.
  • Reduce disc bulging/herniation.
  • Improve functional abilities.
  • Decrease the need for surgery.

Try Spinal Decompression



Apfel, Christian C et al. “Restoration of disk height through non-surgical spinal decompression is associated with decreased discogenic low back pain: a retrospective cohort study.” BMC musculoskeletal disorders vol. 11 155. 8 Jul. 2010, doi:10.1186/1471-2474-11-155

Koçak, Fatmanur Aybala et al. “Comparison of the short-term effects of the conventional motorized traction with non-surgical spinal decompression performed with a DRX9000 device on pain, functionality, depression, and quality of life in patients with low back pain associated with lumbar disc herniation: A single-blind randomized controlled trial.” Turkish Journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation vol. 64,1 17-27. 16 Feb. 2017, doi:10.5606/tftrd.2017.154

Macario, Alex, and Joseph V Pergolizzi. “Systematic literature review of spinal decompression via motorized traction for chronic discogenic low back pain.” Pain practice: the Official Journal of World Institute of Pain vol. 6,3 (2006): 171-8. doi:10.1111/j.1533-2500.2006.00082.x

Vehicle Collision Injuries – Decompression Benefits

Vehicle Collision Injuries – Decompression Benefits

Any vehicle crash, collision, or accident can cause various injuries, with back pain issues as a primary injury or a side effect from other injuries. Usually, injury symptoms begin right after the collision, but in other cases, individuals may not start experiencing symptoms until hours, days, or even weeks later. This is from the adrenaline that rushes throughout the body during the collision/fight or flight response delaying the injury symptoms. There are reports of individuals who walk away from an accident unscathed but require urgent medical treatment a short while later. Chiropractic care can provide manual and spinal motorized decompression benefits.

Decompression Benefits

Vehicle Collision Injuries - Decompression Benefits

Head Injuries

  • Head injuries occur when drivers and/or passengers hit their heads on the steering wheel, windows, dashboard, metal frame, and sometimes each other.
  • A head injury is considered a severe condition that can cause concussions, skull fractures, comas, hearing loss, cognitive and memory issues, and vision problems.
  • A significant head injury can cause extensive and costly medical treatment with the possibility of long-term medical care.

Neck Injuries

  • Neck injuries are common in vehicle collisions.
  • The most common is whiplash, with the head and neck-snapping from indirect blunt force, like being rear-ended.
  • Whiplash can cause significant damage to the ligaments and muscles, like swelling and neck pain, and temporary paralysis of the vocal cords.
  • Injury patterns of whiplash can differ depending on the speed, force, and overall health of the individual involved.

Back Injuries

  • Back injuries can range in severity from sprains to significant damage involving the nerves and/or the spinal cord.
  • If the damage is severe, it can lead to loss of sensation in the body, loss of limb control, or permanent paralysis.
  • Disc herniation/s can lead to disability, muscle weakness, tingling and numbness in the limbs, and radiating body pain.

Chest and Torso Injuries

  • Vehicle collision forces can result in severe chest injuries that include broken ribs.
  • Broken ribs might not sound dangerous by themselves; they can puncture the lungs leading to other injuries and internal bleeding.
  • Traumatic cardiac arrest can occur from the force of the impact.
  • Other injuries include:
  • Abdominal injuries to internal organs.
  • Damage to the pelvis.

Broken Bones

  • The legs, feet, arms, and hands are frequently injured, broken, and sometimes dislocated.
  • Motorcyclists are also at a higher risk for significant injury that includes:
  • Multiple fractures, internal injury, head injuries, and severe ligament damage.
  • Pedestrians struck by a vehicle have an increased risk for a combination of all injuries at once.

Non-Surgical Decompression Benefits

  • Chiropractors are trained to identify and treat injuries from vehicle collisions.
  • Non-surgical spinal decompression gently stretches the spine using a motorized traction device to help reposition the spine and remove the pressure.
  • As the pressure is taken off, the spinal discs regain their natural height, relieving the pressure on the nerves and other spinal structures.
  • Optimal healing is promoted by an improved circulation of nutrients, water, and oxygen to the injury site.
  • Decompression helps to strengthen the muscles in the affected area.
  • It provides positive spinal structural changes.
  • Improves nervous system function.

Non-surgical decompression is a tool for correcting injuries and relieving pain, allowing optimal health for the individual.

DOC Decompression Table


Apfel, Christian C et al. “Restoration of disk height through non-surgical spinal decompression is associated with decreased discogenic low back pain: a retrospective cohort study.” BMC musculoskeletal disorders vol. 11 155. 8 Jul. 2010, doi:10.1186/1471-2474-11-155

Koçak, Fatmanur Aybala et al. “Comparison of the short-term effects of the conventional motorized traction with non-surgical spinal decompression performed with a DRX9000 device on pain, functionality, depression, and quality of life in patients with low back pain associated with lumbar disc herniation: A single-blind randomized controlled trial.” Turkish Journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation vol. 64,1 17-27. 16 Feb. 2017, doi:10.5606/tftrd.2017.154

Macario, Alex, and Joseph V Pergolizzi. “Systematic literature review of spinal decompression via motorized traction for chronic discogenic low back pain.” Pain practice: the Official Journal of World Institute of Pain vol. 6,3 (2006): 171-8. doi:10.1111/j.1533-2500.2006.00082.x

Stress Health

Stress Health

Stress health recognizes how stress affects the body, thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Stress that’s left untreated can contribute to various health problems. These include:

  • Anxiety
  • Decreased energy levels
  • Digestive dysfunction
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Abnormal heart rate
  • Heart disease
  • Mental problems

Chiropractic serves as a powerful intervention for anxiety-related symptoms.

Stress Health

Stress Health Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Balance

Chiropractic benefits cardiovascular health as it directly affects the nervous and other body systems that include the spinal system, the bones, joints, and muscular system, affecting the function of the cardiovascular system. Chiropractic regulates these system’s functions allowing for a moderate heart rate and blood pressure. Balanced blood pressure and heart rate can help minimize stress and anxiety, making it much easier to stay relaxed and focused. Individuals report experiencing decreased blood pressure and lower heart rate with long-term chiropractic treatment.

Mental Clarity

Cerebrospinal fluid/CSF is necessary for detoxifying the brain and helping to protect the brain. CSF transports oxygen and nutrients to the brain, helping to increase brain function efficiency. Chiropractic has been shown to increase the amount of cerebrospinal fluid delivered to the brain. This is because the spine is aligned correctly, allowing for a smooth flow of blood and nerve energy from the brain through the spine to the rest of the body. This provides:

  • Sustained mental alertness
  • Awareness
  • Mental Clarity

This helps to combat mental fog or anxiety hyperactivity.

Improve Energy Levels

Chiropractic can help increase energy levels in different ways for different individuals.

  • For some, this works by eliminating headaches, migraines, and other nerve dysfunction/s.
  • For others, this happens by decreasing or eliminating pain symptoms.

These conditions can contribute to lowered energy levels. Constant stress can change the body’s chemistry, leading to increased stress hormones like cortisol. Over time, these hormone releases can decrease energy, causing interference with the body/brain’s natural rejuvenating processes that reduce stress. With chiropractic, the therapeutic effects help correct body chemistry and improve energy levels.

Body Composition

Increase Immune Function

Lymphatic fluid has a vital role in stress health and the function of the immune system. Lymphatic fluid helps separate and release:

  • Toxins
  • Viruses
  • Fungus
  • Bacteria from the body.

When lymphatic fluid flows smoothly and is not impeded or trapped in tissues, joints, or muscles, the immune system operates at a high level. Chiropractic helps drive lymphatic fluid out of the tissues, joints, and muscles of the body, facilitating optimal immune function.


Dragoş, Dorin, and Maria Daniela Tănăsescu. “The effect of stress on the defense systems.” Journal of medicine and life vol. 3,1 (2010): 10-8.

Meier, Jacqueline Katharina et al. “Stress Alters the Neural Context for Building New Memories.” Journal of cognitive neuroscience vol. 32,12 (2020): 2226-2240. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_01613

Pickar, Joel G. “Neurophysiological effects of spinal manipulation.” The spine journal: official journal of the North American Spine Society vol. 2,5 (2002): 357-71. doi:10.1016/s1529-9430(02)00400-x

Elderly Sciatica

Elderly Sciatica

As individual bodies age, the nerves and muscles begin to degenerate, especially in the lower spinal region. This can cause sciatic pain and muscle weakness. Elderly sciatica is very common as the nerves and muscles have gone through a lot. Bending, lifting, carrying, reaching, twisting, and natural wearing and tearing make the sciatic nerve and surrounding muscles prone to injury. For overweight seniors, the risk of developing sciatica is higher.

Elderly Sciatica

Elderly Sciatica

The main reason for elderly sciatica is that as the body ages, the discs/cartilage between the vertebrae/bones in the spine dry out, losing their cushioning ability, which can lead to the bones shifting out of place more easily, rubbing against each other, and compressing nerves. On average, the body loses about 1 centimeter in height every ten years after 40.

Risk Factors


  • Diabetes affects the entire body.
  • Not keeping blood sugar in check can cause widespread symptoms that affect the nerves and organs.
  • Individuals with diabetes have an increased risk of developing sciatica and other nerve-damaging disorders.


  • If spinal conditions are part of family medical history, there is an increased risk of developing sciatica.
  • Many spinal disorders can cause sciatica, and many spinal diseases are genetic.
  • For example, degenerative disc disorder and spinal stenosis are genetic conditions that can cause sciatica.

Controllable Risk Factors

Physical Activity

  • Sedentary and highly active lifestyles can cause sciatica.
  • Individuals who are highly sedentary have a greater risk of developing elderly sciatica.
  • Individuals who are highly active and do heavy lifting are also at risk because the activity increases the risk for a back injury.


  • The more overweight an individual is, the more at risk for developing sciatica.
  • The extra weight pushes on the spine and causes it to compress.
  • As the spine compresses, it can rub against the nerves causing irritation or pinch the nerves causing numbness, tingling, stinging, and pain.


  • Menopause can lead to bone loss, causing nerve irritation and nerve damage.
  • If going or have gone through menopause, then it is essential to talk to a doctor about bone loss.
  • Individuals may need to start taking calcium or vitamin D supplements to keep their bones healthy.


  • With chiropractic, elderly individuals can attain better quality sleep, improved mood, and increased energy levels.
  • A chiropractic physical therapy team can develop a specialized/customized treatment plan for preventive and palliative care.

Body Composition


Sarcopenia affects the elderly population’s mortality, cognitive function, and quality of life. As the elderly population is living longer, preservation of lean mass becomes an integral part of maintaining an individual’s independence. Loss of muscle in the arms and legs is linked to decreased mobility, increased risk of falls, and prolonged hospital stays. Falls and fractures often result in a cycle of muscle deterioration. InBody can help track body composition changes and help to minimize muscle wasting and risk of impaired mobility.


Aggarwal, Sameer, and Nityanand. “Calcium and vitamin D in postmenopausal women.” Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism vol. 17,Suppl 3 (2013): S618-20. doi:10.4103/2230-8210.123549

Dougherty, Paul E et al. “The role of chiropractic care in older adults.” Chiropractic & manual therapies vol. 20,1 3. 21 Feb. 2012, doi:10.1186/2045-709X-20-3

Ferreira, Manuela L, and Andrew McLachlan. “The Challenges of Treating Sciatica Pain in Older Adults.” Drugs & aging vol. 33,11 (2016): 779-785. doi:10.1007/s40266-016-0404-z

Kherad, Mehrsa et al. “Risk factors for low back pain and sciatica in elderly men-the MrOS Sweden study.” Age and aging vol. 46,1 (2017): 64-71. doi:10.1093/ageing/afw152

Delayed Injury Symptoms

Delayed Injury Symptoms

Automobile accidents and crashes can cause all kinds of damage to the body even when the accident/crash is not severe. Physical symptoms might not present at all for several days, even weeks. This is known as having delayed injury symptoms. These can include:

  • Swelling.
  • Stiffness.
  • Aching.
  • Pain that radiates all over the body.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Headaches.
  • Brain fog.
  • Disorientation.
  • Memory problems.

Chiropractic and physical therapy rehabilitation can restore the body’s alignment, stop inflammation, loosen, stretch and strengthen the musculoskeletal system restoring optimal health.

Delayed Injury Symptoms


When the body is involved in a dangerous physical situation, it protects itself by releasing a surge of adrenaline. This hormone protects the body, causing the fight or flight response when in danger. Adrenaline causes several preservation responses that include:

  • Intense increase in energy.
  • Little or no pain.
  • Enlarged blood vessels and airways increase oxygen flow.
  • Increased strength from increased blood flow to the muscles.
  • Changes in vision and hearing that focus on sights and sounds all around.
  • Endorphins are released that make the body feel calm and in control.
  • Endorphins affect the way the body responds to pain and stress.

Individuals don’t start feeling aches and pains until the adrenaline and endorphins wear off. However, because everybody is different and the emergency response has turned off, the body still might not feel the injury symptoms. These are delayed injury symptoms.

Rate of Speed

When riding in a vehicle, the body moves at the same speed as the vehicle. During an impact, the vehicle stops, but the body continues moving until it stops, typically with a lot of force from the seatbelt, airbag, or other barriers. The intense momentum change can cause soft tissue damage and ligament or muscle strains from the stretching, pulling, contracting, and tearing. Also, the intervertebral discs can tear, bulge, or herniate over time, creating pressure on nerves and the surrounding tissues.

Delayed Injury Symptoms


  • Headaches that develop days after an accident/crash are common.
  • They can signal a possible injury to the neck or head, a blood clot on the brain, or a concussion.


  • Loss of feeling in arms and hands could indicate a whiplash-associated disorder.
  • The loss of feeling/sensation results from damage to the neck or spinal column.
  • Around 20 percent of individuals impacted by a rear-end crash develop some whiplash symptoms.

Neck or Shoulder Pain and/or Stiffness

  • Whiplash is a classic delayed symptom injury associated with accidents.
  • Most delayed whiplash injuries are caused by rear-end vehicle collisions at speeds of less than 14 miles an hour.
  • Whiplash injuries usually require x-rays, CT scans, or MRIs for proper diagnosis.

Abdominal Pain or Swelling

  • This could indicate internal bleeding.
  • Internal bleeding can remain undiscovered for hours or days.
  • This can be a life-threatening condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated by emergency medical personnel.
  • Other symptoms include:
  • Large areas of deep bruising.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fainting.

Back Aches and Pains

  • Back pain can be caused by injury to the muscles, ligaments, nerves, or damage to the vertebrae.
  • Low back pain occurs in more than half of rear-impact collisions and almost three-quarters of side-impact crashes.

Chiropractic Rehabilitation

After an accident, soft tissues can sustain minimal damage; however, the minimal damage left untreated can start to worsen and turn into a painful condition. Emergency room visits are to rule out major injuries like brain/nerve injuries, bleeding, punctures, lacerated organs, fractures that require emergency stabilization. Chiropractors look for other symptoms and mechanisms that indicate damage to the body’s soft tissues and nerves to see if they have been stretched or torn and dysfunction in the nervous system.

Body Composition

Calorie Counting

Counting calories can be a stepping stone to change behavior towards food. Tracking what foods are being taken into the body promotes mindfulness of dietary habits. Studies on the subject reveal a significant association between self-monitoring and weight loss. Takeaways include:


Burke, Lora E et al. “Self-monitoring in weight loss: a systematic review of the literature.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association vol. 111,1 (2011): 92-102. doi:10.1016/j.jada.2010.10.008

D’Elia, Michael A et al. “Motor vehicle collision with seatbelt sign and traumatic abdominal wall hernia should raise suspicion for hollow viscus injury.” Trauma case reports vol. 22 100206. 25 May. 2019, doi:10.1016/j.tcr.2019.100206

Kacprzynski, Gregory, and Joshua Bucher. “Delayed vertebral artery dissection after mild trauma in a motor vehicle collision.” The American Journal of emergency medicine vol. 45 (2021): 678.e1-678.e2. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2020.11.028

Olinger, Catherine, and Richard Bransford. “Upper Cervical Trauma.” The Orthopedic clinics of North America vol. 52,4 (2021): 451-479. doi:10.1016/j.ocl.2021.05.013

Sterling, Michele. “Whiplash-associated disorder: musculoskeletal pain and related clinical findings.” The Journal of manual & manipulative therapy vol. 19,4 (2011): 194-200. doi:10.1179/106698111X13129729551949

Tremors and Spinal Cord Compression

Tremors and Spinal Cord Compression

Tremors are extremely rare, but they can result from spinal compression and not necessarily a brain condition like Parkinson’s disease. Tremors are abnormal, involuntary body movements with various causes, most of which are connected to the brain and not the spine. A study reports that more than 75% of individuals with Parkinson’s experienced a resting tremor, and about 60% experience tremors while moving. Sometimes the spine is the contributor caused by compression of the spinal cord.

Tremors and Spinal Cord Compression

Spinal Compression Study

A 90-year-old man was hospitalized after having tremors, with Parkinson’s being the initial diagnosis. The tremors progressed to the point where the man could not feed himself or walk without support. The case became the focus of a medical report published by physicians in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Division of the Spine, Singapore Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Along with the tremors, symptoms progressed to:

  • Difficulty with fine motor skills like buttoning a shirt.
  • However, it was ruled out because the patient was not presenting with other Parkinson’s symptoms.
  • What was found from the symptoms was cervical spondylotic myelopathy, which is a spinal cord compression in the neck.
  • The compression was caused by a herniated disc impinging the spinal canal and compressing the spinal cord causing spinal stenosis.
  • The compression was resolved by having an ACDF surgical procedure.
  • An anterior cervical discectomy and fusion or ACDF procedure can help manage the condition.
  • An ACDF treats spinal cord compression by removing a degenerative or herniated disc in the neck.

Cervical Myelopathy

Causes of cervical spondylotic myelopathy include:

Common symptoms include:

  • Balance problems
  • Coordination problems
  • Tingling in the hands
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Impairment of fine motor skills

Tremors as a symptom are rare.

Cervical Myelopathy vs. Parkinson’s Disease

There are cases where cervical spondylotic myelopathy and Parkinson’s disease symptoms can overlap. Studies have shown difficulties between the two diagnoses, as well as, individuals with Parkinson’s may exhibit symptoms similar to cervical spondylotic myelopathy that can include:

  • Weakness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Bowel dysfunction
  • Bladder dysfunction

Treatment Cervical Myelopathy Tremors

For individuals with cervical spondylotic myelopathy tremors, surgery can be used to help the condition. However, with cervical myelopathy, there is often some permanent damage. Individuals have shown that post-surgery and decompression, symptoms still present, maybe not as much, but there will be a need for a symptom management plan.


The best way to prevent tremors associated with cervical spondylotic myelopathy is to minimize the strain on the spine that can lead to herniated discs and/or other spinal injuries. The discs in the spine degenerate, dry out and start cracking with age, increasing the risk of rupture. If a tremor develops, contact a doctor, spine specialist, or chiropractor to help diagnose the condition. These doctors can perform physical and neurological tests to determine the cause and treatment options.

Body Composition

Aging Health

Steady weight gain throughout life can lead to adult-onset diabetes. This is partly caused by having more body fat and progressive muscle loss. Loss of skeletal muscle mass is linked to insulin resistance that involves:

  • The less muscle is available, the less insulin sensitive the body becomes.
  • As insulin sensitivity decreases, the body becomes more resistant, increasing risk factors for type II diabetes.
  • This can lead to osteoporosis, where the old bone is reabsorbed more and less new bone is created.

Both men and women can experience decreased muscle mass that can lead to:

  • Thinner bones
  • Weaker bones
  • Increased risk of osteoporosis and severe injury from falls.

To help prevent these issues, it is recommended to:

  • Eat sufficient protein throughout the day.
  • It is recommended to space out protein intake across meals rather than consuming it all at once. This helps to ensure the proper amount is acquired.
  • Monitoring body composition regularly can help minimize muscle mass loss and fat mass gain as the body ages.
  • A regular strength training routine will help strengthen bones muscles and maintain optimal circulation.

Heusinkveld, Lauren E et al. “Impact of Tremor on Patients With Early Stage Parkinson’s Disease.” Frontiers in neurology vol. 9 628. 3 Aug. 2018, doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.00628

Jancso, Z et al. “Differences in weight gain in hypertensive and diabetic elderly patients primary care study.” The Journal of nutrition, health & aging vol. 16,6 (2012): 592-6. doi:10.1007/s12603-011-0360-6

Srikanthan, Preethi, and Arun S Karlamangla. “Relative muscle mass is inversely associated with insulin resistance and prediabetes. Findings from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.” The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism vol. 96,9 (2011): 2898-903. doi:10.1210/jc.2011-0435

Tapia Perez, Jorge Humberto et al. “Treatment of Spinal Myoclonus Due to Degenerative Compression Myelopathy with Cervical Spinal Cord Stimulation: A Report of 2 Cases.” World neurosurgery vol. 136 (2020): 44-48. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2019.12.170

Sports Chiropractic Athletes

Sports Chiropractic Athletes

Sports chiropractic athletes: A sports chiropractor is a specialist that works with athletes to improve their performance. These doctors specialize in assessing and treating sports injuries. Treatment also prevents future damage/injury by providing a customized rehabilitation, strengthening, flexibility, and mobility program, that includes:

  • Exercise prescription
  • Ergonomic recommendations
  • Health coaching/counseling
  • Therapeutic sports massage

Sports chiropractic deals with preventing, diagnosing, and treating sports-athletic-based injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Sports chiropractors have extensive training in evaluating muscular-skeletal problems related to sports participation overuse. Diagnosis is acquired through:

Sports Chiropractic Athletes

Sports Chiropractic Athletes

Chiropractors are masters of the human body and trained to use advanced diagnostics tools. A sports chiropractor evaluates individuals from all levels of sports and fitness, including:

  • Athletes – professional or recreational
  • Weekend warriors
  • Military personnel

The objective is to identify musculoskeletal problems related to sporting activity or overuse, alleviate pain, rehabilitate, and strengthen to prevent future injury. They can diagnose and treat sports-related injuries from common overuse injuries like:

  • Hip pain from frequently running on pavement.
  • Shoulder pain from damage caused by continued overhead throwing or hitting.
  • Low back and leg issues from twisting, bending, jumping, and reaching.


Athletes need a healthy balance of endurance, strength, and structure. Through biomechanics training, sports chiropractic restores the body’s natural balance and proper function. The goal is to get the athlete re-engaged and protected against further injury and play without any problems or limitations. Sports chiropractic athletes can return in a short amount of time from injuries that include:

  • Torn ACLs
  • MCL Sprain
  • Ankle Sprain
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Quadriceps Strains
  • Hamstrings Strains
  • Shin Splints
  • Sports Hernia
  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Spondylolisthesis

Prevention Regimen

They can recommend prevention programs to prevent potential problems before an athlete gets hurt. A chiropractor will detect developing muscle imbalances before they turn into a chronic condition that can lead to damage to the rest of the body. Additional therapies include:

  • Massage
  • Hot/cold treatments
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Low-level laser therapy

Adjustments, stretching, core training, therapeutic sports massage, health coaching, and nutritional counseling will strengthen the body, allowing for performing physical activities and sports at optimum levels.

Body Composition

Sports Performance

Working with sports chiropractic athletes means achieving a balance of lean mass to maintain sports performance and reduce the risk of injury. Athletes, doctors, and trainers monitor gains over time to maximize performance and watch for signs of potential injury. A method of monitoring for potential injury is the ECW/TBW Analysis. When training and engaging in sports, the body is under physical stress. The proper amount of rest and recovery are needed to allow muscles to recover and regrow. Inflammation is reflected in the ECW/TBW by monitoring changes over time. A steady increase can indicate a sign of overtraining or improper recovery. Monitoring this progression can alert doctors and trainers that an athlete needs a less intense workout or longer recovery to reduce the potential for overtraining injury.


Corcoran, Kelsey L et al. “Association Between Chiropractic Use and Opioid Receipt Among Patients with Spinal Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.) vol. 21,2 (2020): e139-e145. doi:10.1093/pm/pnz219

Naqvi U, Sherman Al. Muscle Strength Grading. [Updated 2021 Sep 2]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (F.L.): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:

Nelson, Luke et al. “A descriptive study of sports chiropractors with an International Chiropractic Sports Science Practitioner qualification: a cross-sectional survey.” Chiropractic & manual therapies vol. 29,1 51. 13 Dec. 2021, doi:10.1186/s12998-021-00405-1

Williams, Sean et al. “Kinesio taping in treatment and prevention of sports injuries: a meta-analysis of the evidence for its effectiveness.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 42,2 (2012): 153-64. doi:10.2165/11594960-000000000-00000