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Back Clinic was founded in 2007 as Goojet, a widget platform for mobile phones, by Guillaume Decugis and Marc Rougier. Following the rapid rise of the Apple App Store which made its widget technology redundant, the company changed its strategy to focus on content marketing and rebranded as The company launched its current content curation service in private beta at the end of 2010. Before opening to all users as a free service in November 2011.

The website enables its users to discover content on their topics of interest that they can curate and publish to their own web page and share to their social networks. received attention from influential bloggers who had identified a need for web content curation. The website rapidly grew in popularity, being ranked by Alexa among the top 1,000 websites globally in 2012, and as of July 2013, it had been visited by more than 75 million people according to VentureBeat. also ranked among the top 50 marketing technology companies in the world. Dr. Jimenez utilizes this platform to further his mission to help those in pain. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Pursuing a Spinal Evaluation After a Car Accident

Pursuing a Spinal Evaluation After a Car Accident

Spinal Evaluation: Every year, approximately 400 million drivers and their passengers are at a potential risk of being involved in an unfortunate automobile accident. An estimated 10 percent of these individuals will experience injuries and property damages from a car wreck every 10 years.

Fortunately, a large majority of these auto accidents only result in minimal property damages and minor injuries. However, a considerable amount of individuals who�ve suffered an affliction to their personal health and wellness may require medical involvement to determine if they�ve experienced underlying injuries or developed any possible conditions as a result of the auto collision. In fact, anyone who has been in a moderate or high velocity automobile accident should be evaluated by a spine specialist, such as a chiropractor or even an orthopedic surgeon.

Spinal Injuries from Auto Collisions

Almost half of all spinal injuries occur due to an auto accident. High speed automobile collisions can have devastating consequences on the overall health of the spine and its surrounding structures. If the spinal cord becomes damaged, it can cause irreparable damage, even paralysis. Spinal vertebrae displacement or fractures can cause impingement or compression against the spinal cord, which may lead to focal weakness or numbness. Spinal cord contusions from a vertebral bone dislocation or fragment may cause injury to the delicate blood vessels surrounding the spine, often resulting in permanent disability.

Direct trauma to the spine caused after an individual is involved in an auto accident can result in long-term disability or paralysis if not managed effectively. If you have been in a major car accident, receiving a spinal evaluation is urgently important. While most common symptoms, including neck and back pain, can take up to 24 hours, even days and weeks to manifest, if no noticeable symptoms develop, it�s still important to seek an immediate evaluation from a qualified healthcare professional who specializes in spine care.

How Minor Accidents Can Cause Spinal Injury

Symptoms from trauma during a car wreck may not show up for hours, even days after the accident. For instance, a concussion can develop symptoms as many as 24 to 48 hours after the initial incident. Whiplash functions in the same manner. Even if you do not feel symptoms immediately after a car accident, symptoms of whiplash may eventually develop several hours to various days after the motor vehicle accident, commonly characterized by neck pain and headaches.

Whiplash is caused by a sudden, back-and-forth jerk of the head, in any direction, often caused by rear end or front end collisions. Unfortunately, half of all people who experience whiplash may have neck pain symptoms for at least one year after the accident, if not treated immediately or accordingly by a healthcare professional.

If you have symptoms such as neck pain, muscle tightness, muscle spasms, headaches focused in the back area of the head, or any difficulty moving your neck or turning your head, you may have suffered whiplash syndrome. It is fundamental to have an evaluation by a spine specialist, often referred to as a car accident doctor, a physician who is experienced in evaluating car accident injuries. Be sure to seek care from a locally experienced and qualified spine specialist, such as Dr. Dean Smith, orthopedic surgeon, to achieve the best possible care for your automobile injuries.

Dr. Dean Smith is a highly regarded, local, orthopedic surgeon who performs minimally invasive spinal surgeries for those whose option for recovery lies in this procedure. Minimally invasive spinal surgeries use a very small incision which reduces damage to surrounding tissues and muscles as compared to traditional surgical techniques. Additionally, this type of procedure can reduce pain and recovery time after the surgery. It’s important to seek the proper care for your specific needs.

Minimally Invasive Spine Seminar


Spine Surgeons for Car Accident Injury

Spine surgery is not always needed after an accident, chiropractic care and physical therapy can effectively help restore an individual�s spinal health after experiencing injury or aggravating a previous condition, however, until you are evaluated by a spine specialist, one can often not be certain. Correspondingly, not every healthcare professional has the necessary experience and qualifications to properly diagnose and treat the injuries or conditions associated with motor vehicle accidents, such as whiplash or more serious spine damages.

When seeking the most appropriate spine care after suffering an automobile accident, it�s essential to find a provider who�s had years of practice evaluating and treating those who�ve been harmed in a traffic collision. While only a small number of these patients may eventually need the services of a spinal surgeon, seeking the knowledge of the right orthopedic surgeon who can provide a comprehensive spinal evaluation to formulate an appropriate treatment plan can help provide the individual with the proper peace of mind they deserve.

Early Intervention After an Auto Injury

Being involved in an automobile accident can result in property damages and injuries, such as whiplash, which can challenge an individual’s lifestyle. Although symptoms may not immediately develop, it’s fundamental for people to receive a spinal evaluation after a traffic collision to determine the presence of any possible health complications and follow through with the proper treatment.

For more information, please feel free to contact us at�915-850-0900�.�Top provider

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By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Heart Health: Treating Inflammation Over Cholesterol

Heart Health: Treating Inflammation Over Cholesterol

According to Dr. Dwight Lundell, former Chief of Staff and Chief of Surgery at Banner Heart Hospital in Arizona, people shouldn�t be taking statin drugs. �We physicians, with all our training, knowledge and authority, often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult for us to admit when we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years of experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific facts�, quoted Dr. Dwight Lundell.

His statement directly targeted the field of cardiology, disassociating the practice of prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet which severely restricted fat intake. A wide number of doctors in the field of cardiology have become exposed to the teachings of numerous scientific literatures, frequently attending education seminars, all of which have persisted that elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood will generally lead to heart disease. However, this notion appears to be inaccurate.

Debating publically on the issue, Dr. David Brownstein, and others, have recognized how badly mistaken the field of cardiology can actually be. As a matter of fact, inflammation in the artery�s walls is the real cause of heart disease. In other words, if there�s no inflammation present in the body, cholesterol shouldn�t be able to accumulate in the wall of the blood vessels, which can potentially cause heart disease and strokes. If there�s not enough magnesium in the body, inflammation can occur and it�s this inflammation which can then cause cholesterol to become trapped.

Instead of statin drugs, magnesium should be the foundation drug for the prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes and arteriosclerosis; functioning as a natural calcium antagonist to regulate blood pressure and irregular heartbeats.

Chronic inflammation has been recorded to result after the overload of simple, highly processed carbohydrates, such as sugar, flour and all products made from them, as well as the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils, such as soybean, corn and sunflower, which can be found in many processed foods. Low magnesium, however, and excessive irregular breathing, may reduce the levels of CO2 and O2 found within the body, both of which can lead to systemic inflammation.

Many healthcare professionals utilize calcium channel blockers, statin drugs and other controversial substances to lower cholesterol but their side effects can include suppressing already low levels of magnesium within the body. Magnesium is the absolute medicine for cardiologists and its pharmaceutical properties cannot compare to any other allopathic drug.

Although magnesium is readily available for its immediate use in emergency departments, its potential is rarely appreciated or harnessed. Magnesium chloride and magnesium bicarbonate are two of the most recommended forms of the substance. Magnesium chloride can be found in the form of oit and it can be used both orally and typically and magnesium bicarbonate is for oral use with all of an individual�s water.

Low Levels of Magnesium Can Harden Arteries

Dr. Russell Blaylock stated, �There is evidence that magnesium deficiencies may play an important role in atherosclerosis, also referred to as the hardening of the arteries. A research study conducted on experimental animals determined that magnesium supplementation prevented the deposit of lipids in the walls of the aorta, restricting the formation of plaque, which is a major factor in atherosclerosis.

Blocked Arteries Diagram - El Paso Chiropractor

The researchers of the study examined 29 men with an average age of 72.5 years, who experienced impaired insulin sensitivity, to conclude whether there was any relation between ionized magnesium and lipids in the blood, such as cholesterol. Conclusively, they found that the level of blood-ionized magnesium, but not total blood magnesium, corresponded closely with levels of LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol, both of which could be potentially harmful. Magnesium is a powerful anti-inflammatory component which has been expected to help prevent cholesterol from oxidizing, which is why it has been demonstrated to reduce atherosclerotic plaque in experimental animals.

Dr. Blaylock continued his research by explaining how he came across a study from 1959 that displayed several extraordinary findings regarding the interrelationship between calcium, magnesium and atherosclerosis.

Researchers acknowledged from earlier studies that feeding animals large doses of magnesium considerably reduced the amounts of lipids deposited into the valves of the left side of the heart and in the aorta. This research study not only considered the lipid deposits in the wall and valves of the heart, but also, it looked into the calcium deposits found within the kidneys, which are common in people with kidney disease associated with atherosclerosis.

More Nutrition Facts

Dr. Dwight Lundell further identified that consuming excessive amounts of omega-6 can cause the membrane of the cells to produce chemicals known as cytokines, which can directly cause inflammation in the body. The average American diet is composed of an extreme imbalance of omega-6 versus omega-3. The disproportion ratio ranges from 15:1 to as high as 30:1, in favor of omega-6. That�s an overwhelmingly large amount of cytokines which can have the potential to cause inflammation within the body. In today�s food environment, a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 versus omega-3 would be optimal and healthy as well as ideal.

There is no denying the unavoidable truth that the more prepared and processed foods we consume, the more inflammation we cause in the body. The human body was neither designed to consume nor process foods loaded with sugars and saturated in omega-6 oils. One tablespoon of corn oil can contain up to 7,280 mg of omega-6 while soybean can contain up to 6,940 mg. As an alternative, olive oil or butter from grass-fed beef may be utilized to improve an individual�s intake of these substances, helping to promote overall health and wellness.

Inflammation is a process caused when the white blood cells release a substance as an attempt to protect the body of harmful bacteria and viruses. In some instances however, inflammation can be induced by consuming unhealthy foods, which may lead to various types of complications. In fact, research studies have concluded that issues caused by increased levels of cholesterol within the body can be sourced from inflammation within the arteries.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

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By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Find a Doctor or Hospital | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas

Find a Doctor or Hospital | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas

Dr. Alex Jimenez, El Paso chiropractor, has helped hundreds of his patients recover from injuries and/or conditions after being involved in an automobile accident or other unfortunate incident. From the first step of treatment to recommending and guiding people to the most suitable and qualified healthcare providers and legal representatives, Dr. Jimenez has supported many patients into recovery.

Find a doctor or hospital in Texas quickly and easily using the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Provider Finder. Search for a doctor by name, location or specialty to find a doctor in your area to meet your health care needs.

When you need to find a doctor, take the time to research your options. Follow the steps to help find the doctor that meets your needs.

  1. Make a List of Potential Doctors
    • Start with the network. Health plans like HMOs and PPOs use a certain group of doctors and health care professionals. This is called a provider network. Before you see a doctor, search Provider Finder for doctors in your provider network. Register or log in to Blue Access for Members, our secure member website, for a personalized search experience based on your health plan and network.
    • Ask your family and friends for doctor references.
    • Check local resources. Check with local hospitals to see if they have a referral service. If you’re moving to a new area, ask your current doctor to help you find a qualified doctor near your new home.
  2. Research and Narrow Your List
    • Ask questions. Contact the doctors on your list and ask for information about their background. Some of these questions might include:
      • What is the doctor’s training and education?
      • How long has he or she been in practice?
      • What is the doctor’s age and gender? (If important to you)
      • Is the doctor board-certified? (This requires specialty training.)
    • Check for complaints. Contact your state’s department of insurance and see if the doctors you are considering have had complaints filed against them.
    • Go online. Search online for articles and reports about the doctors you are considering.
  3. Meet Your Doctor(s)
    • Meet and greet. Once you’ve narrowed your list to a handful of doctors, set up appointments so you can get to know the candidates. Bring a list of questions and be prepared to discuss any concerns. Some offices charge a small fee for a meet and greet, but it could be well worth it.
    • Make your choice. By now you should have a pretty good idea of your prime candidate. Save your research, just in case you decide to switch doctors later. But, if you’ve done everything outlined here, chances are you’ve found the right doctor for you!

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After being involved in an unfortunate accident which causes injury or aggravates a previous condition, finding the best health provider in the region is important. Blue Cross Blue Shield has made every effort to effectively appoint individuals to the best, most appropriate doctors and hospitals, to ensure the patient finds the finest care they deserve and restore their health.

For more information on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

5 Effective Ways to Increase Vitamin C Levels

5 Effective Ways to Increase Vitamin C Levels

According to Dr. Alex Jimenez, doctor of chiropractic, aside from regularly visiting a chiropractor to ensure the spine and it’s surrounding structures are functioning accordingly, a balanced nutrition consisting of vitamin C rich food sources is essential to promote the overall health of the cells. Vitamin C supplements can also be used to help increase the levels of vitamin C in the body.

Vitamin C is naturally produced in a majority of living organisms, with the exception of guinea pigs, primates and humans. Even dogs and cats can produce their own vitamin C from the food they�ve ingested which is then metabolized into glucose.

Most animals and plants are capable of synthesizing their own vitamin C through a biochemical pathway which is dependent on 4 different types of enzymes that function to convert glucose to vitamin C. �In mammals, the glucose is extracted from stored sugar, known as glycogen. The transformation into vitamin C is produced in the liver.

Humans, on the other hand, need to consume vitamin C rich food sources to make up for what the body can�t produce on its own, otherwise, people may be at risk of developing severe health complications. In fact, glucose and vitamin C share a connection between the body�s immunity and overall cellular health. Consuming the proper levels of vitamin C is ultimately essential. The following 5 key points can help individuals effectively increase their vitamin C intake levels.

Increasing Vitamin C Levels - El Paso Chiropractor

Glutathione Recycles Vitamin C

Humans lack the L-gulonolactone oxidase enzyme which is fundamental for the last step of vitamin C synthesis. For humans, a sufficient amount of vitamin C is required in order to build healthy tissue collagen and promote strong immune functions.

In the case low levels of vitamin C are reached, the body will function by recycling the oxidized version of vitamin C. This redox cycling is carried out by the master antioxidant glutathione. The vitamin C redox cycle will continue as long as there�s enough glutathione present in the body.

The Nobel prize winning chemist Linus Pauling discovered that white blood cells need very high doses of vitamin C in order to function effectively. In the late 1960�s, he developed the understanding of using high doses of vitamin C to combat the common cold. �This technique has worked effectively for many individuals; however, there is more to the story when it comes to vitamin C.

Dr. Linus Pauling

The GAA Theory

The glucose-ascorbate-antagonism, or GAA, theory was discovered in the 1970�s by Dr. John Ely, which proposed that elevated levels of glucose compete and effectively restrict vitamin C from entering cells because both of these share very similar chemical makeups. Glucose and vitamin C are dependant of the pancreatic hormone insulin and its signaling effects to enter into the cells.

The Glut-1 receptor activates in response to the production of insulin which is an important element to allow both glucose and vitamin C to enter the cell. However, because glucose is believed to have a greater affinity for the insulin receptor, the greater the content of sugar circulating the blood allows for less vitamin C to enter the cell.

White Blood Cells and Insulin Pumps - El Paso Chiropractor

White Blood Cells and Insulin Pumps

From all the other cells found within the body, white blood cells contain the most number of insulin pumps, containing up to 20 times the amount of vitamin C as any other cell. As a result, they need 50 times more vitamin C to be present inside itself than in the blood plasma to handle the oxidative stress that occurs when they encounter a pathogenic substance.

When white blood cells encounter pathogenic bacteria and viruses, they must ingest or phagocytize these organisms in order to neutralize them. �The phagocytic index measures how effective a particular white blood cell is at destroying viruses, bacteria & cancer cells. �Elevated levels of sugar in the blood can impair this phagocytic index. �As a matter of fact, a blood sugar of 120 reduces the phagocytic index by 75%.

Vitamin C and the HMP Shunt - El Paso Chiropractor

Vitamin C and the HMP Shunt

Glucose and vitamin C, otherwise known as ascorbic acid, are also fundamental to function on the hexose monophosphate, or HMP, shunt. The HMP is a biochemical pathway that produces NADPH, a necessary substance for white blood cells utilized to create superoxide and other reactive oxygen species which oxidize and destroy pathogens.

Vitamin C activates this important shunt while glucose inhibits it. This HMP shunt also produces ribose and deoxyribose which provide important raw materials for the formation of new white blood cell RNA/DNA.

Vitamin C is ultimately essential in this process because not only does it help produce NADPH but it also regulates the quantities so the white blood cell does not create excessive oxidative stress in its attempt to protect the body.

When the immune system is under attack, it often requires a rapid production of new immune cells. If the levels of sugar in the blood are high enough to where it turns off the HMP shunt, it will subsequently reduce the quantity of RNA/DNA and the amount of new immune cells formed.

Proper Vitamin C Level Food Sources:

The current adult RDA for vitamin C is 60 mg, however, it is recommended to intake at least 200 mg from food and ideally supplement with another 500mg -1 gram daily. �In cases of chronic disease, higher dosages can be recommended by a healthcare professional.

Best Food Sources of Vitamin C - El Paso Chiropractor

5 Ways to Increase Your Vitamin C Levels

1) �Avoid Sugar: For the reasons mentioned above, avoid consuming sugar as much as possible by following a nutrition plan that contains lower amounts of carbohydrates.

2)Use Vitamin C: �Load up on high quality vitamin C that also contains bioflavonoids with it to prevent illness � Approximately 1-2 grams per day is great for supplementation.

3) �Vitamin C Rich Foods: �Consume low sugar whole food forms of vitamin C such as bell peppers, broccoli, lemon, lime, & green leafy veggies as much as possible.

4) �Intermittent Fasting: �Combining intermittent fasting with vitamin C supplementation and lemon water can be of great benefit for improving blood sugar regulation and immunity.

5) �Boost Glutathione: Natural strategies and key supplements such as super glutathione, can help boost glutathione levels in the body. �Glutathione helps to recycle vitamin C and it may be more fundamental as a supplement than vitamin C, although vitamin C can be of great benefit.

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Vitamin C is a fundamental substance for optimal body health and, because human�s can�t produce it on their own, consuming vitamin C rich food sources and/or adding supplements to a balanced diet can help keep this vitamin on a healthy level. Aside from being a well-known remedy to relieve the common cold and boost immunity, vitamin C is essential towards cell health.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

The Anti-Aging Effects of Chiropractic Care

The Anti-Aging Effects of Chiropractic Care

Many people have the common misconception that chiropractic treatment is only used to treat issues like back and neck pain, however, Dr. Billy DeMoss, doctor of chiropractic and expert in anti-aging, natural techniques, has helped hundreds of his own patients understand the true essence of chiropractic care and what it can really do to help an individual�s overall health and wellness, promoting longevity.

The connection between the brain, spinal cord and the nervous system is fundamental to control every function of the body which provides life and it�s important for each individual to understand how nurturing these structures through proper nutrition, exercise and good sleeping habits can extend our well-being. Additionally, just like functional and external health is important, taking care of the spine and the nervous system is essential towards overall health and wellness.

Chiropractic Care for Longevity

Dr. Billy DeMoss emphasizes that longevity can be achieved through the daily basis practice of good habits which contribute to a whole improvement of lifestyle. According to Dr. DeMoss, that is the exact function of chiropractic. When a person visits a chiropractor�s office due to symptoms of pain and discomfort, foremost, the doctor of chiropractic will assess the individual�s spine to determine whether they have any subluxations, or spinal misalignments, which could be the source of their symptoms. When there�s a misalignment in the spine, a point along the spine where the vertebrae aren�t moving or functioning properly can cause irritation and inflammation to the surrounding structures, resulting in a compression of the nerves which can create an interference between the brain, spinal cord, nerves and ultimately, the internal organs of the body. A chiropractor�s job is to remove these interferences and restore the normal function of the spine and its surrounding structures.

In an average visit to the chiropractor�s office, a chiropractor will evaluate an individual�s condition to diagnose a subluxation, as well as other possible complications, through palpation, feeling the spine and checking their range of motion. Occasionally, these healthcare providers will utilize X-rays and thermographic scans, if available, to determine the area where an individual needs to be adjusted, to remove their spinal misalignments and allow greater communication through the circuitry of the brain, spinal cord and nerves, to the organs and back.

According to research studies, approximately 85 percent of disease is caused by being in a constant state of stress. When the spine is out of alignment, not only does it interfere with the natural transmission of nerve signals from the brain to the rest of the body, it also causes tension to build up on the spinal cord, creating irritation of the nerves, which can then push an individual to enter a constant state of stress, triggering the sympathetic system, best known as the fight or flight response.

The human body is designed to enter the sympathetic state periodically in the case of a stressful situation or during instances of extreme danger. In a sympathetic state, the body reacts by increasing heart rate and pressure, along with other physical changes, to exponentially increase the function of the structures of the body, however, many individuals are found to constantly be in this state of stress, something which research studies have concluded could lead to heart disease and other complications if the issue is not corrected over a prolonged period of time.

Fortunately, these same research studies support the fact that if a person�s spinal subluxations, or misalignments, are corrected as well as their posture, the individual�s overall health and wellness can be restored, improving their longevity.

What is Chiropractic?

How Chiropractic Treatment Heals the Body

Chiropractic is referred to as one of the most powerful tools for removing stress. Chiropractic care helps correct subluxations through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, along with the participation in a specific set of exercises, changes in nutrition and sleeping habits, as well as the correction of posture. Compression on the nerves caused by a spinal misalignment can restrict the proper flow of life. Chiropractic treatment can help remove tension from the spinal cord and help shift a person from the sympathetic system into the parasympathetic state, where the body is able to rest, properly undergo digestion and nutrient absorption, ultimately repairing itself to promote a healthier state to prevent disease by building healthy cells to prolong life. Dr. Billy DeMoss describes how his patients have claimed they have more energy, sleep better and experience improved digestion and symptoms. A proper alignment of the spine can slow down the process of degeneration in the body, preventing the development of degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis.

When it comes to correcting posture, chiropractic treatment can also help. The spine is placed under the stress of gravity on a daily basis. Additionally, due to the increased popularity of devices such as smart phones and tablets, or simply sitting in front of a computer screen for an extended period of time has created an epidemic of forward head posture cases in the population. With regular spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, chiropractic can restore an individual�s original alignment of their spine, reducing the amount of stress being placed on its surrounding structures to decrease irritation and inflammation, helping to strengthen the muscles and other tissues around the spine to improve posture.

In conclusion, Dr. Billy DeMoss, like many other doctors of chiropractic, understands the importance of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to help restore the body�s natural well-being to promote longevity. Overall health and wellness doesn�t only involve following nutritional, physical activity and sleep habits. Whole body wellness also includes the health of the spine and its surrounding structures. As an individual interested in living a longer, healthier life, make sure to consult your primary health provider or visit a chiropractic office to receive a diagnosis of your current spinal condition to begin treatment, if needed, as soon as possible and improve your overall lifestyle.

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Chiropractic care is a well-known, alternative treatment option utilized to naturally relieve symptoms of neck and back pain, among others. Recent studies have demonstrated however, that chiropractic can also have tremendous anti-aging effects on the body, helping to prevent the rapid degeneration of the spine to avoid developing diseases like osteoarthritis.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Team Rudy Ledesma | Allstate Insurance Agency

Team Rudy Ledesma | Allstate Insurance Agency

Rudy Ledesma joined Allstate as an agent shortly after serving in the Air Force for nine years. He spent time raising his family, hoping to make a difference in his kid’s lives, hoping they would someday do the same for someone else.


At his west side office, the focus is to provide great customer service that is tailored to the individual’s needs. Getting to know customers is what he loves the most about his job and he appreciates having the privilege of establishing connections with a variety of families. Rudy Ledesma truly enjoys being a trusted Allstate advisor to them, where he loves working with his team. 


Once, Rudy Ledesma assisted a man with the purchase of life insurance. A couple years later, that purchase enabled his wife and daughter to keep their home after he passed away. Moments like these have reaffirmed him why he became an insurance agent and he is thrilled to be able to represent Allstate.

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Working to provide better customer service to those who need and deserve it, Rudy Ledesma and his team at the Allstate Insurance Agency offer their knowledge and expertise to cover and protect an individual’s life and property. Rudy Ledesma is a trusted advisor who recommends the most appropriate insurance packages for many situations. For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at (915) 850-0900. 

Chiropractic: The True Rejuvenating Cocoon Approach

Chiropractic: The True Rejuvenating Cocoon Approach

Cocoon is a 1985 American science fiction, comedy-drama film directed by Ron Howard, which tells the story of a group of elderly individuals who are rejuvenated by aliens. In the film, the Antareans, a civilization of ancient, peaceful beings, had set up an outpost on planet Earth, on an island that later became known to mankind as Atlantis. But, when the mysterious island of Atlantis sank, several Antareans were left behind, staying alive by confining themselves inside large, rock like cocoons in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Then, a group of these aliens returned to Earth to collect the cocoons left behind, charging the water of a pool next to a retirement home with a special type of life force to give those Antareans that stayed behind the strength to survive the trip back home. And, when a group of seniors become exposed to these waters, they begin to absorb the alien life force, making them feel younger and stronger than ever before.


Chiropractic: The True Rejuvenating Cocoon Approach


Cocoon was a popular film at its time which filled people with the desire and wonder of being able to regain their youthful state of being. While this notion may seem to lean more towards the side of fantasy and science fiction, current medical research has demonstrated that there is one true approach which, much like the movie cocoon, can rejuvenate people and help relieve them of many injuries and conditions which may be affecting them: chiropractic care.

Chiropractic is a natural, alternative form of medicine which focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of injuries and/or conditions of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, primarily the spine. After an initial diagnosis of the patient, a doctor of chiropractic, best known as a chiropractor, will utilize a series of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to correct any misalignments, or subluxations, which may be causing the body to function less effectively than its originally intended plan through creation, resulting in other complications if left untreated.

Chiropractic treatment focuses on the body as a whole, concentrating on the relationship of all the body�s main structures to provide overall health and wellness. Chiropractors believe that an individual�s well-being can be improved and preserved through manual adjustments, particularly to the spinal column, without the need to prescribe drugs or perform surgical procedures.

The human body was created with numerous complex bones, joints and muscles, as well as other fundamental structures which grants us the ability of motion and flexibility. Life can be tied in with movement and creation has demonstrated the purpose and importance of motion towards an individual�s complete well-being.

As we age, the body begins to change naturally, resulting in the degeneration of bones, joints and other tissues. Along with these wear and tear alterations, without the proper care, the body can become stiff, greatly restricting an older adult�s ability to move properly. This can then cause the misalignment of the spine and its surrounding structures, resulting in the frequently described symptoms of back pain and neck pain in the general population, among other symptoms, which usually indicate the possible development of other issues resulting from the degeneration of the structures of the body, such as osteoarthritis. In addition, a misalignment or subluxation of the spine, even the degeneration of the spinal discs found between each vertebrae, can eventually lead to the impingement of the nerves, causing a whole new array of symptoms and complications in the elderly, including inflammation and pain.

Similar to Ron Howard�s 1985 film Cocoon, chiropractic care can naturally slow down the body�s degeneration process and it can help heal symptoms of pain, inflammation and stiffness, associated with aging restoring their original mobility, flexibility and strength. Furthermore, chiropractic can also be beneficial as a treatment for other types of injuries or conditions, including automobile injuries. Through the use of chiropractic adjustments and manipulations, a chiropractor will carefully realign the affected areas of the spine to eliminate any symptoms which may be inhibiting the individual to move properly. Then, by following up with physical therapy and by recommending several lifestyle changes to the patient, such as the inclusion of exercise and even guiding them on a proper nutrition plan, the individual can regain their flexibility and strength, achieving overall health and wellness.

Chiropractic has become a well-recognized and highly respected health field because of its amazing benefits on the elderly and the general population alike. This alternative, treatment option can ultimately heal a person, restoring their original lifestyles. While the idea of being exposed to an alien life force to achieve feeling youthful and strong may be solely an aspect of science fiction, chiropractic treatment is a true, earthly option which can provide people with the same benefits so many desired at the time of Cocoon�s release.

Whole Body Wellness

Ron Howard’s 1985 film Cocoon, portrayed the existence of a rejuvenating and healing life force which could be believed to only be possible through the stories of science fiction. However, chiropractic care has been demonstrated to offer the same results, restoring an individual’s original state of mobility, flexibility and strength.

For more information on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

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