Back Clinic Conditions Treated. Chronic Pain, Auto Accident Care, Back Pain, Low Back Pain, Back Injuries, Sciatica, Neck Pain, Work Injuries, Personal Injuries, Sports Injuries, Migraine Headaches, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Wellness & Nutrition, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.
At El Paso’s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center, we are focused on treating patients after debilitating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.
If Dr. Alex Jimenez feels you need other treatment, then you will be referred to a clinic or Physician that is best suited for you. Dr. Jimenez has teamed with the top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and premiere rehabilitation providers to bring El Paso the top clinical treatments to our community. Providing the top non-invasive protocols is our priority. Clinical insight is what our patients demand in order to give them the appropriate care required. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900
Back Pain Management: Denise was involved in an auto accident which resulted in low back pain. When she realized she couldn’t sit, walk or sleep for extended periods of time without experiencing painful symptoms, Denise found chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez in El Paso, TX. Once she received treatment for her auto accident injuries, Denise experienced relief from her symptoms and she was able to perform her everyday activities once again. Thanks to the education and care Dr. Alex Jimenez provided, Denise regained her original health and wellness.
Back pain is common, with roughly nine out of ten adults experiencing it at some time in their life, and five from ten working adults developing it every year. Some estimate around 95 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some time in their lifetime. It’s by far the usual cause of chronic pain, as it is also a significant contributor of missed work and disability. In the United States alone, acute cases of lower back pain are the fifth most common reason for physician visits and causes 40 percent of missed days off work. Furthermore, it is the only leading cause of disability globally. Back pain management is possible through chiropractic treatment.�For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900
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Truide Torres, office manager, developed facet syndrome from participating in gymnastics at a young age. Due to the additional stress being placed on her spine, Mrs. Torres was forced to reduce her engagement in exercise and physical activities. In order to continue being involved in fitness, Truide Torres found facet syndrome pain treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C. in El Paso, TX. Mrs. Torres was well-informed and properly treated by Dr. Jimenez for her face syndrome and she was able to participate in her exercise and physical activities once again. Truide Torres recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez and his staff as the non-surgical choice for facet syndrome pain treatment, describing them as a caring, knowledgeable and qualified group of healthcare professionals.
Facet syndrome (also popularly known as facet joint disease, facet osteoarthritis, facet hypertrophy or aspect arthritis) is a syndrome where the facet joints (synovial diarthroses, from C2 to S1) degenerate to the purpose of causing debilitating symptoms. In conjunction with degenerative disk disease, a distinct but related illness, aspect syndrome is thought to be one of the most frequent causes of lower back pain. The signs of facet joint syndrome rely almost entirely about the location of this degenerated joint, the severity of the harm and the amount of pressure that is being put on the surrounding nerve roots. It is essential to note that the amount of pain a person experiences does not correlate well with the amount of degeneration that has occurred within the joint. A lot of men and women experience little or no pain while others, with the specific same amount of damage, experience chronic pain.
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Truide Torres, office manager, first received chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez during her pregnancy for her lower back pain. Mrs. Torres experienced aggravating symptoms throughout the progression of her pregnancy, which led her to seek a natural treatment approach for her own health as well as that of her own baby. Once Truide Torres started chiropractic treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez, she recovered her quality of life and was able to return to her original state of well-being. As an office manager, Truide Torres also receives regular chiropractic care for any lower back pain which may occur as a result of her job. Mrs. Truide expresses how important it is to continue her spinal maintenance and she highly recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for a variety of health issues.
Low back pain (LBP) is a frequent health issue involving the muscles, nerves, and bones of the spine. Pain may differ from a dull persistent pain to a sudden sharp sensation. Low back pain can be classified by length and severity (pain lasting less than 6 months), sub-chronic (6 to 12 months), or chronic (over 12 months). The status could be further categorized by the underlying cause as both bodily, non-mechanical, or referred pain. The symptoms of low back pain may generally improve in a couple weeks from the time they begin, however, some cases may require additional treatment. In the majority of episodes of lower back pain, a specific underlying cause isn’t identified or properly cared for, and healthcare professionals may attribute it to mechanical issues like joint or muscle strain.
Prenatal Yoga Exercises For Low Back Pain
Back Clinic News Extra: Migraine Pain Treatment With Chiropractic
Damaris Foreman suffered from migraines for about 23 years. After receiving traditional treatment for her migraine pain without much improvement, she was finally recommended to seek migraine pain treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX. Damaris greatly benefitted from chiropractic care and she experienced a tremendous sense of relief following her first spinal adjustment and manual manipulation. Damaris Foreman was able to confront many of her misconceptions and she learned very much about her migraine pain. Damaris describes Dr. Alex Jimenez’s migraine pain treatment as one of the best treatment she’s received and she highly recommends chiropractic care as the best non-surgical choice for improving and managing her migraines.
A migraine can be identified as a primary headache disorder characterized by recurrent headaches characterized from moderate to severe in intensity. Typically, the headaches affect one half of the head, are pulsating in nature, and can last from two to 72 hours. Associated symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, or smell. The pain may be aggravated by physical activity. Up to one-third of people who suffer from migraines experience migraine with aura: typically a brief period of visual disturbance that signals that the headache will soon happen. An aura can occur with little or no headache pain following it.
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George Lara, now retired, found relief with Dr. Alex Jimenez, back pain specialist and chiropractor, for his degenerative disk disease following two back injuries he experienced several years ago. After using drugs/medications and experiencing constant symptoms due to his DDD, Mr. Lara describes how Dr. Jimenez’s chiropractic treatment greatly helped restore his quality of life as well as promote his overall health and wellness. George Lara highly recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as a non-surgical treatment choice for degenerative disc disease, and praises his dedication for treating his patients.
Degenerative disk disease, or DDD, refers to the natural breakdown of an intervertebral disk of the spine. Despite its title, DDD isn’t regarded as a disorder, nor is it degenerative. To the contrary, disk degeneration is frequently the consequence of ordinary daily stresses and minor accidents that cause spinal disks to slowly eliminate water in the anulus fibrosus, or even through the stiff outer layer of a disk. As water content decreases, they start to collapse. This could lead to pressure being placed on the nerves causing weakness and pain. While not necessarily symptomatic, DDD may lead to acute or chronic low back or neck pain in addition to nerve pain based on the positioning of the affected disk and the amount of strain it puts around the surrounding nerve roots.
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Chiropractic Helps:Tendonitis is a condition that occurs when a tendon that connects bone to muscle is injured, overused, or used improperly. The result is inflammation, pain and sometimes swelling. In the case of an injury where the tendon is stressed to otherwise injured, soft tissue around the area may also become involved. Each year more than 4 million people in the U.S. seek medical treatment for symptoms of tendonitis.
Common types of tendonitis include runner�s knee, tennis elbow, and pitcher�s shoulder. However, other tendons in the body can also experience tendonitis symptoms. The Achilles tendon, ankle, wrist, and even fingers can all become inflamed from the condition.
Often a primary care physician diagnoses the injury, but once there is a definitive diagnosis, the best treatment is one that is natural and holistic. Chiropractic care is an outstanding choice for treatment.
Chiropractic Helps: Thorough Healing
Tendonitis often recurs in many people. This is due, at least in part to improper or incomplete healing. Many people will resume normal activities as soon as the pain subsides when they should continue caring for the injury so that it can heal completely. This leads to inflammation of the area again as the original injury is aggravated, but it can also lead to re-injury in that same area. Chiropractic care can help tendonitis heal completely and help prevent re-injury to the area.
Chiropractic Helps: Tendonitis
Since tendonitis symptoms can mimic other serious conditions, the first step in treatment is confirming the diagnosis. The doctor may use X-rays, MRIs, or CAT scans to make a positive diagnosis of tendonitis.
From there, the chiropractor will work with the patient to develop a treatment plan that is natural and effective, tailored to the patient�s unique needs. At the core of this treatment is a targeted plan that treats the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.
If there is a great deal of inflammation the chiropractor may employ inflammation reducing techniques such as bracing, rest, ice, electrical muscle stimulation, and other therapies. This helps to loosen the tendon and lessen the inflammation so that treatment can progress.
Once the inflammation is under control, the chiropractor may begin massage, physical therapy, joint manipulation, or strengthening exercises. If the patient has diminished or limited joint mobility then joint manipulation or adjustments may be the best option.
Chiropractic Helps: Length Of Treatment
The initial pain may subside or even disappear within the first two to three weeks. However, that does not mean that the patient is out of the woods. This is where many patients go wrong. They mistakenly believe that once the pain is gone the condition is healed.
This is not true. While the inflammation may indeed decrease over the first three weeks, the complete healing takes around six weeks and often longer. Scar tissue is formed during this time which helps the body repair the injury. Once the injury is repaired though, that scar tissue must be broken down in order for the area to regain its mobility and flexibility.
The chiropractor will use various techniques including massage and ultrasound to break down the scar tissue. Mild stretches may be incorporated into the treatment plan. Once the tissues are fully healed, exercise can aid in breaking down the scar tissue even more. These exercises will work the muscles but they won�t involve the tendons.
Chiropractic Helps: Healing Tendonitis For Good
Tendonitis can be healed completely and a good chiropractor can help. Most chiropractors take a whole body approach, including diet, specific supplements, and lifestyle choices that will help the healing process of tendonitis. Once chiropractic treatment is complete for tendonitis, the patient can usually return to normal activities without the risk of re-injury or re-inflammation.
Leg Length: One side of the human body doesn’t necessarily match the other perfectly. In fact, there is almost always a tiny disparity of size and length in a person’s hands, feet, arms, and legs.
Think about it, a ring may fit on one hand but be tight on the other, a shoe may feel loose on one foot but be comfortably worn on the other. Most of the time these slight discrepancies in size are normal and have no bearing on an individual’s well-being.
Leg Length Inequality, Unfortunately, Is The Exception
According to the American Chiropractic Association, a study found 75% of subjects who suffered from lower back pain had legs that were slightly different lengths (5 millimeters or more). This condition is called Short Leg Syndrome, and causes a variety of issues for its sufferers. The symptoms can be quite severe, depending on the degree of difference in the leg length.
The premise of this condition is that the leg length inequality disrupts the body’s entire balance, possibly resulting in issues in the knees, hips, and back. The spinal system is designed to bear weight evenly, and, when one leg is shorter than the other, this places additional weight and stress on one side.
According to The Back Pain Authority, common causes of Short Leg Syndrome are a past history of fractures, hip or knee issues, or the individual was simply born that way.
Unfortunately, the condition often brings about recurring and sometimes intense spells of lower back pain and mobility issues for the patient. The good news is that once it’s diagnosed, the patient who commits to consistent treatment measures can manage the condition and resulting lower back pain.
Patients can choose two vital options that help control and manage Short Leg Syndrome’s symptoms:
Chiropractic Care
Visiting an experienced chiropractor and mapping out a treatment plan for lower back pain caused by Short Leg Syndrome is a smart first step. Leg length inequality results in pain because it puts excess pressure and weight on one side of the body. Over time, this creates misalignment in the spine and stiff muscles and joints.
Chiropractic care including spinal adjustments re-align the spine, loosens up the body’s muscles and joints, and promotes healing. A series of visits helps the body gain its balance, and pain hopefully begins decreasing during this period.
However, depending on the degree of leg length inequality, chiropractic treatment alone may not be enough to manage the symptoms long-term. That’s where the second step presents itself as valuable.
Orthotic Heel Lifts
Chiropractic care does wonders for helping individuals regain their spinal alignment and loosen the joints and muscles affected by leg length inequality, but the underlying issue of Short Leg Syndrome remains. The goal of an orthotic heel lift is to balance out the legs, which in turn balances the hips and pelvis.
An orthotic equals out the weight, helping reduce the condition’s symptoms and resulting pain. A treatment of chiropractic care and orthotics gain great advantages over Short Leg Syndrome, and, when used together consistently, offer less pain and fewer recurrences.
An individual who suffers from recurring lower back pain should visit a chiropractor to pursue a diagnosis. If leg length inequality is the cause, patients must rest assured it is manageable in most cases.
Talk with your chiropractor about the recommended regimen of chiropractic adjustments, and the possibility of utilizing an orthotic heel lift. Together, these two steps can decrease pain and the chances of recurrence, and increase overall mobility.
If you or a loved one is suffering from this condition, please give us a call. Our Doctor of Chiropractic is here to help!
18 Wheeler Accident: Jesus Rabelo earns a living as a truck driver in El Paso, TX. After being involved in an accident, however, Mr. Rabelo sufferered from shoulder and back pain which affected his personal life and work, forcing him to have to start over again. In regards to a highly valued recommendation, Jesus Rabelo found Dr. Alex Jimenez, chiropractor in El Paso, TX. Mr. Rabelo describes receiving excellent service from the staff and he highly recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez.
In 2013, 54 million people sustained injuries from traffic collisions. This resulted in 1.4 million deaths in 2013, up from 1.1 million deaths in 1990. Auto accidents can be classified into different types, including head-on, road departure, rear-end, side collisions, and rollovers. Psychological issues may occur due to automobile accidents. A range of injuries and conditions can result from the blunt force trauma caused by a collision, including whiplash and back pain.
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