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Conditions Treated

Back Clinic Conditions Treated. Chronic Pain, Auto Accident Care, Back Pain, Low Back Pain, Back Injuries, Sciatica, Neck Pain, Work Injuries, Personal Injuries, Sports Injuries, Migraine Headaches, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Wellness & Nutrition, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

At El Paso’s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center, we are focused on treating patients after debilitating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

If Dr. Alex Jimenez feels you need other treatment, then you will be referred to a clinic or Physician that is best suited for you. Dr. Jimenez has teamed with the top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and premiere rehabilitation providers to bring El Paso the top clinical treatments to our community. Providing the top non-invasive protocols is our priority. Clinical insight is what our patients demand in order to give them the appropriate care required. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Leg Length Discrepancy/Inequality (LLD) El Paso, Texas

Leg Length Discrepancy/Inequality (LLD) El Paso, Texas

Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD) has profound effects on the body’s biomechanics, which can result in back pain and a number of other debilitating conditions.


Also known as Leg length inequality leg length discrepancy affects as many as 60 to 90% of the population.

It is categorized as functional or structural, but both have profound effects on the body’s biomechanics and result in back pain.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Leg Length Discrepancy/Inequality (LLD) El Paso, Texas


Other conditions include:

  • Arthritis of the knee
  • Psoasitis
  • Arthritis of the hip
  • Patellar tendinitis
  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Medial tibial stress syndrome
  • Iliotibial band syndrome
  • Lateral knee pain
  • Trochanteric bursitis
  • Sacroiliac discomfort
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Cuboid syndrome


Functional Short Leg: Alignmentdifference of the supporting structures between the ground and the top of the femur or thigh bone.

This is caused by excessive pronation or the natural rolling in of the foot as someone walks.

Anatomical Short Leg: A difference in the size or length of the thigh bone (femur).

This is most often caused by growth asymmetry that can be inherited/genetic condition�but can sometimes come from a fracture or surgery.

  • Our body can work with leg inequality for short a period but over time, biomechanical problems throughout the body can begin to happen.
  • Our body’s ability to adapt to abnormal stress eventually takes its toll and the surrounding soft tissues can’t take it anymore.
  • Even the simplest movements begin to require much more muscular effort and energy, which reduces endurance.

Excessive stress gets transmitted to the ligaments, which then creates:

  • Misalignment
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Ligamentous stress


A Chiropractor will use a combination of techniques to help your condition, but treatment is dependent on the cause and symptoms.

The first goal of treatment is to improve alignment and restore symmetry.

This can be accomplished with:

  • Spinal adjustments focus on providing better spinal column alignment
  • Exercises to help the affected muscles
  • Proper orthotics with a pronation wedge under the heel for long-term correction

Sometimes LLI causes a profound gait (walk) disfunction, which means physical therapy might be necessary.


  • Keep your bones and tissues strong and healthy with exercise and diet can help.
  • Avoid tobacco and excessive alcohol use, which weaken bones and can cause problems with the blood supply in the legs.
  • Reduce your risk of injury by adhering to safety measures (like wearing a seatbelt).
  • Custom orthotics provide support, stability, and shock absorption.


The body�s foundation can be made level with custom orthotics, but it does take some time to adjust to proper and healthier alignment/posture.

Talk to your doctor or chiropractor to learn more.


  • Back pain
  • Leg pain
  • Pelvic obliquity
  • Scoliotic deviations of the lumbar spine
  • Increased risk of injury, especially in athletes

Chiropractic care does wonders for helping individuals regain their spinal alignment and loosen the joints and muscles affected by leg length inequality, and the orthotic heel lifts balance out the legs, which balances the hips and pelvis.

Reduce *PLANTAR FASCIITIS PAIN* with Custom Foot Orthotics | El Paso, TX (2019)



Foot problems can affect the overall well-being of the human body. Many health issues which affect the foot can result in poor posture, low back pain, and sciatica. These imbalances can ultimately result in a variety of other health issues. Custom-made foot orthotics can help promote and support overall well-being by relieving foot problems. The following video discusses how many health issues which affect the foot can cause a variety of foot problems, including poor posture, low back pain, and sciatica. Dr. Alex Jimenez is the non-surgical choice for foot problems and other health issues. Dr. Alex Jimenez can help promote and support overall well-being with the use of custom-made foot orthotics and other treatments approaches.


What’s Afoot

According to the�American Chiropractic Association, a study found 75% of subjects who suffered from lower back pain had legs that were slightly different lengths (5 millimeters or more). This condition is called�Short Leg Syndrome�and causes a variety of issues for its sufferers. The symptoms can be quite severe, depending on the degree of difference in the leg length.



NCBI Resources

The premise of this condition is that the leg length inequality disrupts the�body�s entire balance, possibly resulting in issues in the knees, hips, and back. The spinal system is designed to bear weight evenly, and, when one leg is shorter than the other, this places additional weight and stress on one side. According to�The Back Pain Authority, common causes of Short Leg Syndrome are a past history of fractures, hip or knee issues, or the individual was simply born that way.


How Chiropractic Care Helps With Kyphosis

How Chiropractic Care Helps With Kyphosis

Kyphosis is a condition that is most typically identified by a humped mid to upper back. It can be frustrating to find yourself diagnosed with kyphosis, both due to the unusual appearance it causes and the physical discomfort that can come with the condition. Fortunately, chiropractic offers a variety of treatment options for kyphosis that are non-invasive, drug-free and quite effective. With the right approach, it should be possible to get significant relief for your symptoms through chiropractic care.


Many times kyphosis is caused by poor posture. Years of hunching your back can cause the body to change the way the vertebrae sit atop one another�leading to stretching of soft tissues and a resting position that is hunched instead of upright.

Not all cases of kyphosis are the result of poor posture, however. There are some people who are born with kyphosis. There are also those that develop kyphosis following trauma or due to disease. One of the most common diseases that result in kyphosis is Scheuermann’s disease.

Chiropractic can often help resolve kyphosis that is caused by poor posture. If your kyphosis is due to trauma or other issues, chiropractic can still provide a much-needed relief from many of your symptoms�including pain and stiffness.

How Chiropractic Helps With Kyphosis


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 How Chiropractic Care Helps With Kyphosis El Paso, TX.



Diagnosing the Cause

Your first visit to the chiropractor will begin with a comprehensive examination to determine the cause of your condition. An accurate diagnosis is key to developing an effective treatment plan. The examination will most likely include imaging tests like an x-ray or MRI. It may also include a physical examination to figure out how your body currently moves, where you are tender and/or in pain, etc.

Treatment Plan

Your chiropractor will never move forward with treatment until he or she has explained your options and gotten your permission to begin. The treatment plan you are offered may include:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Massage therapy
  • Spinal decompression
  • Targeted physical therapy exercises
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Ultrasound

Alignment Improvement

The joint in the human body, particularly the spinal joints, have an ideal alignment where everything fits together best. The more you can achieve and maintain this alignment, the less pain, stiffness and other disruptions you can expect to experience. Chiropractic adjustments aim to bring your body back into alignment.

Regular adjustments should help to improve your spinal alignment and straighten your back. In the case of poor posture, adjustments can aid you in learning how to improve your posture and keep those improvements over the long term.

Mobility Increased

The curving of the back typical of kyphosis can lead to a lot of stiffness in the spine and surrounding soft tissues. Lack of mobility makes everything you do more difficult, so it makes sense to try and increase your mobility when possible.

Chiropractic adjustments and complementary therapies are ideal for relaxing the soft tissues that may have become stiff as the kyphosis developed. One of the great things about improving the mobility of the spine is that it allows you to improve your posture. Over time, it should become easier to keep your back in a more healthy alignment.

Pain Lessened

Pain is common with kyphosis. The spine is not meant to hump as it does with kyphosis, which explains why pain is so typical with the condition. Chiropractic is very useful for decreasing pain related to spinal issues. Many patients get relief immediately following their first adjustment.

Schedule an Appointment With Us Today

If you are suffering from kyphosis, please contact us to schedule an appointment. Our chiropractic team is standing by to answer your questions and help you get treatment for your condition.


What is a Pronated Foot & What Can Custom Orthotics Do?


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 How Chiropractic Care Helps With Kyphosis El Paso, TX.


When a foot is pronated, it means its arches have fallen and the foot is flat. Flat feet do not absorb shock as well and make for a less stable base for�the bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. They can also:

Shift the body’s alignment out of order

  • Cause aches and pains in the feet, knees, hips, neck and/or spine
  • Lead to injury and problems like shin splints, Achilles tendinitis, and plantar fasciitis
  • Up to a third of people suffer from flat feet


The connective tissue, called the plantar fascia, on the underside of the foot is what maintains the foot�s healthy arch shape. Injury and health conditions can cause the fascia to stretch out and flatten. But so can everyday walking and standing. Once the fascia stretches out, it is unable to spring back. When the foot structure becomes flattened, the body�s foundation is prone to injury and health conditions.


  • Chiropractic adjusting to ensure proper positioning of bones and joints
  • Custom orthotics in every pair of shoes for pronation control, support, and comfort

Get Rid of *Foot Pronation* with *FOOT ORTHOTICS* | El Paso, Tx (2019)




Pronation describes the way that the foot rolls inward during its normal motion. The foot turns inward, flattening out, as the heel�s outer edge strikes the ground. For the foot to function correctly, there must be a significant degree of pronation. However, excessive pronation, or overpronation, can cause injury and damage to the foot and ankle. It creates the arch in the foot to flatten, and the ligaments, tendons, and muscles under the foot overstretch. For instance, overpronation of the foot causes a series of internal changes that extend up through the leg. The femur may rotate causing hip pain and inflammation of the sacroiliac joint which leads to back pain. Other misalignments in the body that are caused by foot problems can also lead to chronic lower back pain as well.




NCBI Resources

Sometimes there are abnormalities of the spine and it causes a misalignment of the natural curvatures or some curvatures may be exaggerated. These unnatural curvatures of the spine are characterized by three health conditions called�lordosis, kyphosis, and scoliosis. They gently curve, sloping slightly inward at the small of the back, and again slightly at the neck. The pull of gravity, combined with body movement, can put a great deal of stress on the spine and these slight curves help absorb some of the impact. Spinal manipulations for spinal curvature disorders�have been shown to be very effective. Chiropractic helps restore the spine�s natural balance even if the patient has one of these types of conditions.



How Chiropractic Helps Those That Suffer From Anxiety

How Chiropractic Helps Those That Suffer From Anxiety

When you struggle with anxiety, it can make living your day-to-day life more difficult. Anxiety comes in a variety of forms and varies by individual. The treatments that are most effective for one person may not be as effective for another, but there is some general guideline for dealing with anxiety that most sufferers can benefit from. Regular chiropractic care, including a focus on improving overall health, can serve as a foundation for navigating the difficulties of anxiety.


Ways Chiropractic Can Help


1. Keeping track of triggers.

Chiropractors are big fans of keeping diaries surrounding any type of health issue you are dealing with�and anxiety is no exception. Just like keeping a food diary can help you identify a food allergy, keeping an anxiety diary can help you see what things in your life are triggering your anxiety. Triggers for anxiety can include a wide range of things, not all of them related to human interactions. Some of these triggers can include:

  • Allergies to certain foods
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Consumption of caffeine
  • Vitamin deficiencies, particularly B vitamins, calcium, and magnesium
  • Consumption of sugar

Your chiropractor can tell you how to keep a diary that will help you see what you do in your day-to-day life, and how those actions relate to your anxiety.

2. Keeping your body in Top Form.

The relationship between the body and the mind is still far from being fully understood. However, there is no denying the significant connection between our physical health and our mental health. When your body is healthier, your mood is more level and positive.

Chiropractic care is focused on treatments that improve your health. These can include chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, spinal decompression, ultrasound and more. Which treatments are right for you will depend on the results of your physical examination with the chiropractor. What you can be sure of is that your chiropractor will do everything possible to ensure your body is healthy and functioning at an optimal level.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 How Chiropractic Helps Those That Suffer From Anxiety El Paso, TX.


3. Maintaining Spinal Alignment.

There are many ways that the nervous system affects the body and the brain�and the full effects are not totally clear as of yet. What we do know is that many chiropractic patients report improvements in their health seemingly unrelated to the pain in their back or neck. A few adjustments into a treatment plan and patients discover that some other health issue gets resolved.

Adjustments are designed to put your vertebrae back into proper alignment. With proper alignment, your nervous system can function optimally. The results may or may not improve your anxiety directly, but they will make you feel better and keep your body running the way it was intended to.

4. Improving Your Diet.

What you eat plays a huge role in your overall health. Improving your diet could lead to an improvement in your anxiety symptoms, which is why your chiropractor will try to help you make healthy changes to what you eat. Chiropractors are trained in the latest research in nutrition and are well-versed in the benefits of various approaches to a healthy diet. You can work with your chiropractor to shift your diet from its current state to one that includes more healthy options.

Other Healthcare Providers & Your Chiropractor

If you are seeing a mental healthcare professional for your anxiety, your chiropractor will strive to work with your provider to ensure the best possible outcomes. Sometimes the best way to improve your health is to take a multi-pronged approach�which your chiropractor can help you with!

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 How Chiropractic Helps Those That Suffer From Anxiety El Paso, TX.

Please contact us today to schedule an appointment with our chiropractic team. We look forward to seeing you.


Depression & Chronic pain | El Paso, Tx



Chronic pain caused by accidents and/or aggravated conditions can often be one of the primary reasons for depression in patients. When painful symptoms induce patients to struggle with their everyday physical activities, their mental health can be tremendously influenced. Chiropractic care utilizes spinal adjustments and manual manipulations which could help restore the initial integrity of the backbone. Patients describe how chiropractic care has helped them recover their well-being and they highly recommend Dr. Alex Jimenez, doctor of chiropractic, as the non-surgical choice for chronic pain and depression, one of a variety of other common health issues.


Gait Related Low Back Pain

Currently, more than 2 million Americans are dependent on opioids. For many, their addiction comes from seeking pain management for an injury or chronic condition. Opioids are a convenient and fast remedy, but only provide pain relief and not actual treatment of the cause. Therefore, opioids should be a last resort when experiencing pain and discomfort. Starting at the foundation (feet) of the body with orthotics can help the rest of the body stay aligned.



NCBI Resources

If you are suffering from depression or anxiety, you may feel hopeless and helpless. You may be less apt to seek or follow treatment, believing there is nothing you can do to make it better. When you have a chronic medical condition, it doesn�t just impact your health. Often you can�t work or miss time at work, you may have financial problems. Relationships frequently suffer when one partner is sick. While these can be true for all chronic conditions, when you add in depression or anxiety, coping is even more difficult.


Why Osteoarthritis And Chiropractic Go Hand In Hand El Paso, TX.

Why Osteoarthritis And Chiropractic Go Hand In Hand El Paso, TX.

Osteoarthritis is often called �wear and tear� arthritis. It results from the natural�and sometimes excessive�use of your body. While you cannot do anything to completely prevent wear and tear on your spine, knees, hips, ankles and other joints, you can help to slow the process through regular chiropractic care. You can also get some significant relief from the pain and stiffness that comes from osteoarthritis by getting your back and other joints adjusted.

Osteoarthritis is a condition that responds quite well to chiropractic. If you are currently suffering from osteoarthritis, or know someone who is, please consider chiropractic to relieve pain and improve mobility.

What is Osteoarthritis?

The term �arthritis� refers to the inflammation of a joint. There are actually several hundred types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis�the most common type of arthritis�is a degenerative joint disease that many, many people are affected by, especially older adults. It is one of the main conditions that lead to the ongoing pain and loss of mobility that is so often associated with old age.

Osteoarthritis is so common because wear and tear on the human body are inevitable. Your body wears down as you use it. In your younger years much of this wear is repaired, only to be worn down again, and then repaired again. But when you get older, your body slows down on the repairs. Cartilage starts to disappear as we get older as well. When the cartilage no longer protects your bones from one another, bone rubs on bone, inflammation occurs, spurs often result and pain is inevitable.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Why Osteoarthritis And Chiropractic Go Hand In Hand El Paso, TX.

Render illustration of Osteoarthritis title on Medical Documents

How Chiropractic Helps

The specialties of chiropractic�reducing inflammation, decreasing pain and increasing joint mobility�are an ideal fit for treating osteoarthritis. All of the symptoms that you experience with osteoarthritis are made better through regular chiropractic adjustments and associated therapies. You also get the added benefit of improving your movement patterns, which can help avoid further damage to your joints.

Some of the benefits of chiropractic for osteoarthritis include:

Inflammation is Reduced

Inflammation is one of the big enemies of your joints. It is your body�s response to a stimulus and can be helpful from time to time�but not hour after hour, day after day, week after week. Ongoing inflammation causes damage that you want to avoid and makes everything more painful.

Chiropractic can help your body reduce inflammation by returning your joints to their proper alignment. Properly aligned joints experience improved circulation, which aids in healing. The joints are less likely to become inflamed as well as long as they are in proper alignment.

Pain is Decreased

Often the pain you experience in your joints is due to pressure being put on nerves. For instance, when your spine is misaligned the vertebrae can press on spinal nerves, leading to extreme discomfort, shooting pains, burning sensations, numbness, tingling, and other symptoms. Some patients are surprised at how much less pain they experience after just a single adjustment. Once the pressure is removed from the nerve pain is reduced significantly.

Joint Mobility is Increased

Stiffness is a well-known problem with osteoarthritis. The stiffness is caused by several factors, including the loss of cartilage in the joint and the lack of movement that results from pain in the joint. The less you move, the harder it becomes to start moving again.

Adjustments gently increase the range of motion in your joint. Over time, these adjustments can cause significant increases in your range of motion and comfort with movement.

Get Relief & Call Today

If you are suffering from osteoarthritis, please contact us. Our chiropractic team is ready to get you the relief you deserve.


*REDUCE BODY PAIN* & Imbalance with Custom Foot Orthotics | El Paso, TX (2019)



Foot pronation is a natural movement during standing, walking, or running, however, excessive foot pronation can cause postural imbalances which can result in chronic pain, including low back pain and sciatica. Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, can help diagnose and treat a variety of health issues associated with foot problems through the utilization of functional custom foot orthotics.

Functional custom foot orthotics are specially designed to accommodate every person’s unique foot anatomy. Excessive foot pronation can ultimately lead to poor posture, which can add unnecessary pressure to the spine and it’s surrounding structures. Dr. Alex Jimenez is the non-surgical choice for foot problems and other health issues through the use of functional custom foot orthotics.


Custom Orthotic Flip-Flops


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Why Osteoarthritis And Chiropractic Go Hand In Hand El Paso, TX.


Experience comfort and support all summer.

The first of their kind, custom orthotic flip flops are designed to offer casual footwear. Regular over-the-counter flip-flops can do serious damage to the feet and to the body.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Why Osteoarthritis And Chiropractic Go Hand In Hand El Paso, TX.


All orthotics are hand-made flip-flops and come with supports for all 3 arches of the foot. They also include high-quality mid-layer that provides shock absorption on heel-strike and is softer and more comfortable than over-the-counter flip-flops.




Foot Orthotics

If you are considering custom orthotics, a health care professional such as Doctor Jimenez and Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic can perform a foot scan to show you what imbalances in the feet can lead to. The foot scan will show how the orthotics can help. Following the foot scan, a report will provide the caregiver a�Pronation/Stability Index, Foot Assessment, and Body Assessment.



Orthotics are not just for the feet

Foot Dysfunction can very easily cause a domino effect that extends all the way to the back. The feet are the foundation of the body and when there is a problem with the way they function it can cause the entire body to shift out of alignment. For instance, overpronation of the foot causes a series of internal changes that extend up through the leg. The femur may rotate causing hip pain and inflammation of the sacroiliac joint which leads to back pain. Other misalignments in the body that are caused by foot problems can also lead to chronic lower back pain as well.



NCBI Resources

About half of people diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA) have difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night. As a matter of fact, studies show that individuals with hip and knee osteoarthritis have a higher chance of experiencing insomnia as well as daytime fatigue than those without OA.� The connection between people with OA and their ability to sleep is indisputable. The arthritis pain, common with the condition, can make getting a good night�s rest challenging for anyone.


How Chiropractic Care Helps With Crohn’s Disease | El Paso, TX

How Chiropractic Care Helps With Crohn’s Disease | El Paso, TX

If you or someone you love is suffering from Crohn�s disease, you know how unpleasant it can be. A chronic inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn�s can make it difficult to lead a normal life. Even when you are able to work, play and relax the way you want, the disease can still cause painful, uncomfortable symptoms that you certainly can do without.

Fortunately, chiropractic care has been helpful for a number of patients with Crohn�s disease. You may be able to get some much-needed relief for your symptoms through regular chiropractic visits.

The Symptoms of Crohn�s Disease?

In most cases, Crohn�s disease causes parts of the small bowel and colon to become inflamed. The inflammation can result in several symptoms that are nothing you want to experience if you do not have to, including regular diarrhea, malnutrition, weight loss, abdominal pain, and fatigue.

Crohn�s Disease Is Usually Treated How?

It is an unfortunate reality that Crohn�s disease has no current cure. Standard treatments include using prescription medications and sometimes surgery to eliminate symptoms. Of course, these treatments may result in unwanted side effects which can sometimes be equal to or worse than the original symptoms. That is why chiropractors prefer to use treatments that are less invasive, like adjustments and complementary therapies.

Can Chiropractic Help with Crohn�s Disease?

There have been a variety of small studies conducted to determine the effects of chiropractic on Crohn�s disease. The results of these studies have been promising. Many have shown that chiropractic adjustments have helped those with Crohn�s to feel better than they did before the adjustments. They experienced a reduction in their symptoms, with some experiencing a significant reduction.

11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 How Chiropractic Care Helps With Crohn's Disease | El Paso, TX

A young man suffering from severe belly pain, being overwhelmed by the debilitating condition of celiac disease/Crohn’s disease/strong anxiety

Why Choose Chiropractic?

The best thing about using chiropractic to treat Crohn�s symptoms is that it is so gentle and free of side effects. You can try chiropractic at very little risk to yourself or the danger of experiencing an increase in your symptoms. When you consider how likely side effects are from prescription medications�you only have to watch a commercial for pharmaceuticals to see the long list of possible side effects�and the risks of surgery, it is easy to see why so many Crohn�s sufferers look to chiropractic for relief.

What is a Chiropractic Visit like when You Have Crohn�s Disease?

Chiropractors are experienced in treating a wide variety of diseases and conditions. They also know how important it is to make you feel comfortable with your experience�from start to finish.

The first thing the chiropractor will do is conduct a thorough physical examination. He or she will also ask you a number of questions to find out exactly how you feel, and what your thoughts are on your condition.

After the examination the chiropractor will design a treatment plan that may include a variety of treatments:

  • Chiropractic adjustments. Adjustments focus on helping your spine and body achieve optimal alignment. The chiropractor will only apply enough pressure to achieve the desired result.
  • Massage therapy. Massage is an excellent complementary therapy that goes hand in hand with chiropractic care. By relaxing your muscles and releasing adhesions, massage can help your adjustments stay in place and lead to improved movement and less pain.
  • Spinal decompression. Using a specially designed machine, your chiropractor can increase the space between your vertebrae�space that leads to increased blood flow lowers pain levels and often results in faster healing.

If you would like more information about what chiropractic can do for your Crohn�s, please contact us. We are standing by to answer your questions and help you schedule an appointment.


Reduce *LOW BACK PAIN* with Foot Orthotics | El Paso, Tx



Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience some type of back pain sometime throughout their lifetime. Low back pain and sciatica are several of the most common complaints frequently reported in a doctor office setting. But, did you know that low back pain and sciatica can be caused due to foot problems?

Custom-made functional foot orthotics can help support and promote the natural alignment of the spine. Poor posture associated with foot problems and other health issues can be corrected through the utilization of custom-made functional foot orthotics. Because every individual has unique foot anatomy, custom-made foot orthotics can be beneficial for a variety of people with foot problems and other health issues. Dr. Alex Jimenez is the non-surgical choice for foot problems.


Foot Orthotics

Experiencing foot pain, there�s no doubt you checked out your foot to make sure it�s not�injured�or hurting from�improper fitting shoes, corns, plantar fasciitis, etc. This may seem counterintuitive, but you may want to check the condition of the�lumbar spine (lower back)?� Most foot problems are caused by issues with the foot itself, but you might be surprised to find that pressure on the sciatic nerve can cause intense foot pain.

Before taking an opioid for pain control, give Chiropractic care and orthotics a try. The combination of Chiropractic and orthotics have been proven in clinical studies.




Pain & Opioid Prescription Usage

Researchers estimate that as many as 36 million people worldwide abuse opioids. Estimates in the U.S. alone reached�2.1 million people�in 2012. In 2014, six out of ten�drug overdose deaths involved an opioid � including prescription opioids for pain relief. Every day, 78 Americans die from an opioid overdose. As the Opioid drug problem continues to spiral further out of control, claiming more lives, people are looking for safer, drug-free ways to relieve their pain. Chiropractic offers such an option.


11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 How Chiropractic Care Helps With Crohn's Disease | El Paso, TX

11860 Vista Del Sol Ste. 128 How Chiropractic Care Helps With Crohn's Disease | El Paso, TX


Gait Style & Chronic Postural Pain


The way a person walks, their gait, can be very telling. It can reveal problems in the feet, ankles, knees, and hips � even in�spinal alignment. A problem with gait can indicate pain in a patient as well as serious conditions like diabetes and arthritis. It, is a diagnostic tool for many conditions, injuries, and syndromes including autism.

When it comes to chiropractic care, a patient�s gait can offer critical clues regarding the root of their complaints, allowing for a more well-rounded, whole-body approach to treatment. If you think that the way you walk or moves doesn�t matter, think again. It most certainly does matter.




�NCBI Resources


Most people don�t think of chiropractic to treat conditions that do not involve the spine, but study after study shows it is effective in treating a wide variety of health issues.�Ulcerative colitis seems to have no real connection with the spine, yet patients and researches alike are touting the effectiveness of chiropractic care to treat the condition. This is due, in part to chiropractic�s approach to whole-body wellness, but�spinal alignments�are incorporated into the care as well. Bottom line, chiropractic care is extremely effective in treating uncreative colitis, and many patients are finding relief from their symptoms and discomfort.


Chiropractic Help for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Chiropractic Help for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Chiropractic care focuses not only on the skeletal system and joints but also on the treatment of muscle pain. The muscles are interwoven with fascia, a type of tissue that allows muscles to glide smoothly over one another. Both muscles and fascia can develop painful adhesions, often recognized by their hard or knot like texture under the skin.

Muscle pain can be quite uncomfortable and even debilitating in certain cases. When you are suffering from muscle pain, your chiropractor can provide some much-needed relief using a variety of effective treatment options.

What is it?

The word �myofascial� is a mouthful, but there is a reason it is used by chiropractors. The first part of the word, �myo�, generally refers to your muscles. The second part of the word, �fascia�, refers to the connective tissue that is found all throughout your body. Myofascial pain syndrome is used to indicate muscle pain in its various forms. This may include issues with your fascia, muscle tissue, or both.

Myofascial pain can vary considerably, ranging from mild and frustrating to completely debilitating. Fortunately, whatever the intensity of the discomfort, chiropractic treatment can provide a solution that lessens and often eliminates the pain.

Trigger Points

The knots you have probably felt in your muscles or had others identify are also known as trigger points. These tight spots are often sensitive to the touch and can be found in any muscle in your body. As they develop, they may produce symptoms like numbness, burning, weakness, pain, and tingling.

Trigger points are caused by trauma to the body, such as an accident in a car or during athletics. They can also be caused by more mild, long-term trauma, such as working at a desk without proper ergonomics or making a repetitive motion over a long period of time.

Trigger points are challenging to identify sometimes because they occur at different spots in different people. They also produce something called �referred pain�, a pain that is felt somewhere else besides where the actual trigger point is. Chiropractors are trained to track down trigger points, though, so even if they are somewhat hidden by referred pain, they can be found eventually.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Chiropractic Help for Myofascial Pain Syndrome El Paso, TX.

Chiropractor massaging a cute woman in a room

How Chiropractic Helps with Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Chiropractors are not only good at finding trigger points, but they are also good at treating them. They accomplish this using a variety of techniques. Some of the benefits of chiropractic for myofascial pain include:

Adhesion Break Up

Trauma in the muscles can cause adhesions to form. Adhesions are when muscle fibers and/or fascia bond together into a form of scar tissue. The adhesions cause the muscles to catch instead of slide smoothly, which can have a cascading effect on the body. Not only does the adhesion hurt, but it also causes joints to become misaligned and further problems to develop.

Trigger Point Pressure

Sometimes the most effective way to treat a trigger point is to apply pressure to smooth out the muscle and fascia. Chiropractors can do this with their hands or specific tools.

Alignment Improved

The cause of trigger points and muscle pain is often trauma, but sometimes the trauma is not as obvious as an accident or a trauma directly to the affected area. Misalignment in the spine or the extremities can cause the body to move incorrectly. Over time, the incorrect movement patterns can put extra strain on the muscles. Chiropractic focuses on helping your whole body become aligned, which can ease muscle pain and prevent further issues from developing.

Muscle Pain

Please contact our office to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor. Let us help alleviate your muscle pain and get you back on your feet again!

The Difference of Using *CHIROPRACTIC ORTHOTICS* | El Paso, Tx



Support for the 3 Arches

The feet are the foundation of the body. They provide the stability to perform activities by supporting the weight of the entire body using the 3-arched bond called the plantar vault.

The plantar vault provides numerous benefits:

  • Balances the body
  • Propels us forward
  • Absorbs heel-strike shock
  • Walking and running stresses adaptation

The Plantar Vault

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Chiropractic Help for Myofascial Pain Syndrome El Paso, TX.


The foot is made up of 3 arches. These arches are what keep the body balanced:

  • Medial longitudinal arch (A�C)
  • Lateral longitudinal arch (B�C)
  • Anterior transverse (metatarsal) arch (A�B)

Together, these 3 arches form an extremely strong, supportive �plantar vault� that distributes weight evenly throughout the entire body.

Arch Collapse

Over time, one or more of the arches will weaken due to pressure and wear and tear. This process is completely natural but injuries, a short leg, improper posture, and naturally weak ligaments and tendons can cause the collapse.

Custom-made orthotics are designed to provide the best possible support for all 3 arches:

  • Individually crafted from 3D scans to bolster the arches in your feet
  • Prescribed through Chiropractors to ensure you get the best possible orthotic
  • Available in a variety of styles and builds to suit your lifestyle and needs

Custom orthotics are designed to provide both the instant �ah� factor that over-the-counter orthotics like to market, and the actual needed support for your arches that will relieve pain now and prevent pain later by compensating for any and all of your weakened arches to correct your posture.

Orthotics For All Occasions

Typically, overpronation and oversupination, are caused by muscle imbalances in the foot, ankle, and lower leg. Improper shoes, misalignment in the body, and other issues can cause these muscle imbalances. The chiropractor will work with the patient to find the cause of the foot problem so that can be corrected, then work to the damage or injury done.


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Whole Body Help with Orthotics

Overpronation and oversupination can cause a variety of injuries and conditions that affect not only the feet and ankles, but also the knees,�hips, and back as well.


NCBI Resources

The human body is an intricate machine, and everything is connected so when something goes wrong in one area, it can cause problems in other areas. The back carries a lot of the stress in the body so when there is a problem with the hips, knees, or a foot dysfunction, the spine can bear at least some of the brunt of the pain and other effects.


Ankle Sprain Injury Degree & How Chiropractic Can Help

Ankle Sprain Injury Degree & How Chiropractic Can Help

An ankle sprain is always inconvenient, and often painful. But not all ankle sprains are equal in their severity. When diagnosing an ankle sprain, your doctor or chiropractor will classify the injury in one of three ways�first degree, second degree, and third degree. Knowing what each classification means can help you understand the nature of your injury and how careful you need to be with it. For you and your chiropractor, the classification of the ankle sprain degrees will help to direct the best treatment options.

Ankle Sprain Degrees and What They Mean

A sprain is an injury involving the stretching and/or tearing of your ligaments. With the ankle, it is possible to suffer an injury to either side of the joint, the interior or the exterior. You may have an inversion sprain or an eversion sprain. Whichever type you suffer from, it will fall into one of three categories:

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Ankle Sprain Injury Degree & How Chiropractic Can Help

Grades of ankle sprains

First Degree

A first-degree sprain is one where the ligaments have not torn, only stretched further than normal. Symptoms of a first-degree sprain include discomfort when jumping, jogging or sometimes walking. Pain is usually mild and swelling is minimal. The joint may be a little stiff and slightly less stable than normal.

Second Degree

A second-degree sprain is the most common type of sprain people seek medical care for. The ligament is partially torn, which can lead to several uncomfortable symptoms. The sprain will make walking difficult, be moderately painful and make it hard to use the ankle. The injury will result in noticeable swelling and often bruising.

Third Degree

A third-degree sprain is the most severe and involves a full tear of the ligament. Pain is often severe and swelling is significant. The torn ligament makes the joint unstable, so it is not only painful but also very hard to use.

How Chiropractic Can Help

Whether you are walking, running, jumping or just standing, the ankle plays a vital role in how you move and use your body. That is why it can be so frustrating when you find yourself with an ankle injury. Fortunately, ankle sprains do heal with enough rest and the right treatment.

Your chiropractor can help you recover from an ankle injury, both reducing pain and speeding up recovery time. There is research to support the use of chiropractic for ankle sprains.�One study showed that patients with ankle sprains experienced less pain when chiropractic was added to their treatment program. Chiropractic also focuses on improving mobility and range of motion, which can be quite beneficial when trying to recover from a sprain and get back to your normal life.

Some of the most common chiropractic treatments for ankle sprains include:


Adjustments can be made to more than just the spine. The bones, ligaments, and tendons in the ankle are designed to work in a certain way. A sprain can knock the ankle out of alignment, something that most traditional doctors and rehabs do not consider. An ankle adjustment will work to put things back into their proper places.

Strengthen Exercises

There are a variety of useful exercises that your chiropractor can take you through to improve strength and mobility in the ankle. Things like a wobble board, where you stabilize yourself on a wobbly platform and drawing on a board with a market held in your toes can be surprisingly effective at strengthening your ankle.

Call Us Today

Please contact us today to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor for your sprained ankle. Let us help you get stronger and heal faster!

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Ankle Sprain Injury Degree & How Chiropractic Can Help

El Paso Back Clinic