Back Clinic Conditions Treated. Chronic Pain, Auto Accident Care, Back Pain, Low Back Pain, Back Injuries, Sciatica, Neck Pain, Work Injuries, Personal Injuries, Sports Injuries, Migraine Headaches, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Wellness & Nutrition, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.
At El Paso’s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center, we are focused on treating patients after debilitating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility, and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.
If Dr. Alex Jimenez feels you need other treatment, then you will be referred to a clinic or Physician that is best suited for you. Dr. Jimenez has teamed with the top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and premiere rehabilitation providers to bring El Paso the top clinical treatments to our community. Providing the top non-invasive protocols is our priority. Clinical insight is what our patients demand in order to give them the appropriate care required. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900
An annular fissure is caused by age-related changes to the spine, which often do not cause symptoms but can cause back pain. Can understanding the causes help individuals manage lower back pain and help healthcare providers develop an effective treatment program?
Annular Fissure
An annular fissure is a discogenic condition that affects the spine and can cause lower back pain. Also called an annular tear, it’s usually a wear-and-tear condition that happens over time rather than a condition caused by trauma. It usually happens when the fibers that make up the annulus or the tough outer covering of the intervertebral disc break or separate. To manage it, healthcare providers may recommend:
Making lifestyle changes.
Staying aware of how you go about daily activities and take steps to make adjustments, such as being mindful of unhealthy posture.
Start doing exercises that help make the back stronger.
Medical care if pain and other symptoms need to be managed.
Lower back pain may be a sign of an annular fissure, or there may be no symptoms. Symptoms can include:
Electrical sensations travel down one leg or arm if a cervical/neck tear is present.
Numbness and weakness may be caused by the nerves getting irritated or compressed near an annular tear. (Stadnik, T. W. et al., 1998)
These symptoms can also be similar to a herniated disc, which can be a complication of an annular fissure.
However, studies have shown that annular tears and herniated discs often go unnoticed because they have few obvious symptoms. (Jarvik, J. G. et al., 2005)
Annulus Function
The annulus comprises several layers of tough fibers/fibrocartilage that surround, contain, and protect the soft, liquid nucleus inside the disc. The layers of the annulus fibrosus crisscross to provide support. The nucleus is a shock absorber cushions the body’s weight on the spinal joints when sitting, standing, or moving. Its strength also allows the disc to buffer the jolts and jars it experiences. It also helps maintain the integrity of the intervertebral joint by supporting the space between the two vertebrae. When an annular fissure occurs, the fibers separate or tear off from insertion on the nearby spinal bone. A fissure can also be a break in the fibers of one or more layers. (Jarvik, J. G. et al., 2005)
An annular tear is not the standard term medical professionals use to describe or diagnose a fissure because the word tear suggests that trauma has led to the separation or break in the fibers. While an injury can cause an annular fissure, it’s usually caused by long-term wear and tear. (Guterl, C. C. et al., 2013) The tears are typically caused by age-related degenerative changes in the disc, which can also lead to degeneration in other areas of the spine. Wear and tear are caused by annular fissures due to an individual’s daily living habits, such as sitting, standing, walking, climbing stairs, and performing other routine movements.
While a large annular fissure is not likely to improve without treatment, a small one could heal independently. However, once an area has torn, it becomes more likely to continue tearing. (Virginia Spine Institute, N.D.) Conservative treatment is usually enough to control pain and symptoms. Physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medication are the first line of treatment. (Cheng, J. et al., 2019) Medication can be over-the-counter or prescription. Physical therapy treatment includes exercises, traction, and other therapies. If these do not help with the symptoms, the provider may suggest a steroid injection to reduce inflammation and pain. It can take three to six months to recover from degenerative disc problems if doing a standard treatment plan that includes rest, low-impact therapy exercises, and anti-inflammatory treatments. (Cheng, J. et al., 2019)
In severe cases, surgery may be recommended, including disc replacement surgery. An annular tear is not a reason to have disc replacement surgery alone; it is only when there are degenerative changes in the vertebral disc that surgery might be necessary. (Yue, J. J. et al., 2012)
Improving Body Alignment
Not paying attention and being aware of how the body performs everyday activities can, over time, set the stage for an annular fissure and other musculoskeletal injuries. However, fixing daily movement and posture habits to prevent injuries can be done through simple adjustments. For example, strengthening the core and back muscles can reduce pressure on the spine and help prevent injuries. (Camp, C. L. et al., 2016) The idea is to improve joint and overall body alignment. Activities can include:
Strength training
Pilates classes
Tai chi
Somatic exercises
These activities help with muscle balance and joint alignment, which are recommended prevention strategies that physical therapists use when working with individuals who need help with spinal problems.
Visiting a chiropractic and physical therapy team can help treat injuries and chronic pain syndromes, relieve pain, resolve musculoskeletal issues, and prevent future symptoms. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop a personalized care program for each patient through an integrated approach to treating injuries, improving flexibility, mobility, and agility to help return to normal and optimal function. If other treatments are needed, Dr. Jimenez has teamed up with top surgeons, clinical specialists, medical researchers, and rehabilitation providers to provide the most effective treatments.
Back Pain Specialist
Stadnik, T. W., Lee, R. R., Coen, H. L., Neirynck, E. C., Buisseret, T. S., & Osteaux, M. J. (1998). Annular tears and disk herniation: prevalence and contrast enhancement on MR images in the absence of low back pain or sciatica. Radiology, 206(1), 49–55.
Jarvik, J. G., Hollingworth, W., Heagerty, P. J., Haynor, D. R., Boyko, E. J., & Deyo, R. A. (2005). Three-year incidence of low back pain in an initially asymptomatic cohort: clinical and imaging risk factors. Spine, 30(13), 1541–1549.
Guterl, C. C., See, E. Y., Blanquer, S. B., Pandit, A., Ferguson, S. J., Benneker, L. M., Grijpma, D. W., Sakai, D., Eglin, D., Alini, M., Iatridis, J. C., & Grad, S. (2013). Challenges and strategies in the repair of ruptured annulus fibrosus. European cells & materials, 25, 1–21.
Cheng, J., Santiago, K. A., Nguyen, J. T., Solomon, J. L., & Lutz, G. E. (2019). Treatment of symptomatic degenerative intervertebral discs with autologous platelet-rich plasma: follow-up at 5-9 years. Regenerative medicine, 14(9), 831–840.
Yue, J. J., Telles, C., Schlösser, T. P., Hermenau, S., Ramachandran, R., & Long, W. D., 3rd (2012). Do presence and location of annular tear influence clinical outcome after lumbar total disc arthroplasty? A prospective 1-year follow-up study. International journal of spine surgery, 6, 13–17.
Camp, C. L., Conti, M. S., Sgroi, T., Cammisa, F. P., & Dines, J. S. (2016). Epidemiology, Treatment, and Prevention of Lumbar Spine Injuries in Major League Baseball Players. American journal of orthopedics (Belle Mead, N.J.), 45(3), 137–143.
Competitive swimmers, recreational, and swimming enthusiasts who experience pinching and sharp shoulder pain while swimming may suffer from shoulder impingement. Can understanding symptoms can help healthcare providers develop an effective treatment program?
Swimmer’s Shoulder
Swimmer’s shoulder, medically known as rotator cuff impingement syndrome, is a common injury among swimmers. It can limit swimming ability and normal arm use for functional tasks. It is caused by persistent and abnormal rubbing and pinching of the structures in the shoulder, causing pain and irritation of the shoulder’s rotator cuff tendons and the bursa. The injury affects 40% to 90% of swimmers at some point. (Wanivenhaus F. et al., 2012) Self-care treatment involves rest, anti-inflammatory medication, and exercise to restore normal shoulder mobility. Most cases resolve within a few months, but physical therapy may be needed along with continued exercises and stretches to maintain pain relief.
The shoulder is a complex joint with extreme mobility. It is comprised of three bones:
The scapula or shoulder blade.
The clavicle or collar bone.
The humerus or upper arm bone.
These three bones combine at various places to make up the joint. Several muscles attach to and move the joint. (Kadi R. et al., 2017) The rotator cuff is one group of four muscles deep in the shoulder surrounding the joint. When lifting the arm, these muscles contract to hold the ball in the joint’s socket, allowing the arm to be raised in a fluid and smooth motion. Several ligaments hold the shoulder joint together and connect the various bones of the shoulder, giving the joint stability when moving. (Kadi R. et al., 2017)
Shoulder pain when bearing weight through the arm.
Symptoms tend to be worse during or immediately after swimming.
This is due to the position of the arms and upper extremities while swimming. (Wanivenhaus F. et al., 2012) Reaching overhead and turning the hand inward can cause the rotator cuff tendons or shoulder bursa to become pinched underneath the acromion process of the shoulder blade, similar to the motion that occurs during the crawl or freestyle stroke. When pinching/impingement occurs, the tendons or bursa can become inflamed, leading to pain and difficulty with normal arm use. (Struyf F. et al., 2017) The condition may also occur due to the laxity of the shoulder ligaments. (Wanivenhaus F. et al., 2012) It is theorized that the ligaments in swimmers become stretched and lax, leading to shoulder joint instability. This can cause the shoulder joint to become loose and compress the shoulder structures.
A clinical examination can diagnose cases of swimmer’s shoulder. (Wanivenhaus F. et al., 2012) The exam can include:
Strength test
Specialized tests
One shoulder test that is often used is called Neer’s test. A physician elevates the arm overhead to the maximum degree during this examination. If this results in pain, the rotator cuff tendons may be compressed, and the test is positive. Individuals may begin treatment after the examination, but a doctor may also refer them for diagnostic testing. An X-ray may be taken to examine the bone structures, and an MRI may be used to examine the soft tissue structures, such as the rotator cuff tendons and the bursa.
Appropriate treatment of swimmer’s shoulder involves managing pain and inflammation in your shoulder and improving the way your shoulder moves so you avoid pinching structures inside the joint. (Wanivenhaus F. et al., 2012) There are various treatments available and can include:
Physical therapy
Non-surgical decompression
Targeted exercises and stretches
Surgery for serious cases
Physical Therapy
A physical therapist can treat shoulder impingement. They can assess the condition and prescribe treatments and exercises to improve mobility and strength. (Cleveland Clinic, 2023) They may use various treatment modalities to decrease pain and improve circulation to facilitate and expedite healing. Physical therapy treatments can include:
Trigger point release
Joint mobilizations
Electrical stimulation
Medication may include over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicine to help decrease pain and inflammation. A physician may prescribe stronger medication to manage inflammation if the condition is severe. While taking medication, the shoulder will need rest, so avoiding swimming or other shoulder movements for a week or two may be necessary.
Cortisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory medicine. Individuals may benefit from cortisone injections into their shoulders. (Wanivenhaus F. et al., 2012) When injected, cortisone decreases pain, reduces swelling in the rotator cuff and bursa, and improves shoulder mobility.
If symptoms are persistent and fail to be alleviated with conservative treatments, surgery may be recommended. An arthroscopic procedure called subacromial decompression may be performed. (Cleveland Clinic, 2023) This type of surgery is done with small incisions, inserting a camera, and tiny tools. During this procedure, inflamed tissue and bone spurs are removed from the underside of the acromion process of the shoulder blade, allowing more space to the shoulder joint. Post-surgery, individuals can gradually return to swimming and all other activities in about eight weeks.
Most episodes last about eight to ten weeks, and severe cases last up to three months. (Struyf F. et al., 2017) Often, the symptoms slowly resolve with rest and gentle stretching. As symptoms improve, individuals can slowly return to normal activity and swimming. However, performing prescribed exercises two to three times a week may be necessary to maintain shoulder strength and mobility and help prevent future episodes of shoulder impingement. Individuals experiencing any of these symptoms should visit their physician for an accurate diagnosis of their condition to begin proper treatment. Discuss goals with a healthcare professional and physical therapist.
Sports Injuries Rehabilitation
Wanivenhaus, F., Fox, A. J., Chaudhury, S., & Rodeo, S. A. (2012). Epidemiology of injuries and prevention strategies in competitive swimmers. Sports health, 4(3), 246–251.
Kadi, R., Milants, A., & Shahabpour, M. (2017). Shoulder Anatomy and Normal Variants. Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology, 101(Suppl 2), 3.
Struyf, F., Tate, A., Kuppens, K., Feijen, S., & Michener, L. A. (2017). Musculoskeletal dysfunctions associated with swimmers’ shoulder. British journal of sports medicine, 51(10), 775–780.
How do healthcare professionals provide a clinical approach in the role of nursing to reducing pain in individuals?
The practice of Registered Nurses (RN), Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN), and Licensed Practical Nurses (L.P.N.) is governed by the Nurse Practice Act. Nurses working in the specializations above must keep up their practice skills and knowledge, which includes familiarity with the rules and regulations that pertain to their profession. Practicing practical nursing is authorized for Licensed Practical Nurses (L.P.N.s). Today’s article looks at the role of nursing. We discuss with certified associated medical providers who consolidate our patients’ information to assess any pain or discomfort they are experiencing. We also inform and guide patients while asking their associated medical provider intricate questions to integrate into their personalized treatment plan to manage the pain. Dr. Jimenez, DC, includes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
The Roles In Nursing
The Nurse Practice Act describes practical nursing as “the performance of selected various actions, including the administration of numerous treatments and medications, in the care of the ill, injured, and providing the promotion of wellness, health maintenance and prevention of illnesses while following under the direction of a registered nurse, a licensed physician, osteopathic physician, podiatric physician, or a licensed dentist.” It was revised in 2014 and now teaches broad health and wellness concepts to non-nursing students and the public. The main goal for an RN is to complement the access to health care for individuals in pain or who are dealing with chronic issues. (Cassiani & Silva, 2019)
Many individuals are under the supervision of a registered nurse, doctor, or dentist, individuals who have completed a prelicensure practical nursing education program approved by the Board, a professional nursing education program, and graduate practical nursing students qualifying as professional nursing students; however, licensed practical nurses who have not completed the specified course under Rule 64 B9-12.005, FAC, may perform a limited scope of intravenous therapy. This range consists of:
Intravenous Therapy Within the Scope of the Practical Nurse:
Calculate and adjust the flow rate of IV therapy.
Observe and report both subjective and objective signs of various reactions to IV administration to the patient.
Must inspect the insertion site, change the dressing, and remove the intravenous needle or catheter from the peripheral veins
Hanging bags or bottles of hydrating fluid.
Intravenous Therapy Outside the Scope of the Practical Nurse:
Initiation of blood and blood products
Initiation or administration of cancer chemotherapy
Initiation of plasma expanders
Initiation of administration of investigational drugs
Making IV solution
IV pushes, except for heparin flushes and saline flushes
It is appropriate for licensed practical nurses to provide treatment for patients undergoing such therapy, even though this rule restricts the practice of licensed practical nurses. 64B-12.005 Requirements for Competency and Knowledge required for the LPN to be qualified to give IV therapy. If the IV Therapy Course Guidelines published by the National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses Education Department are completed, an LPN may be certified to administer IV therapy. The LPN can take part in further training to provide IV therapy via central lines while supervised by an RN. “The Central Lines. The Board acknowledges that a Licensed Practical Nurse, as defined in subsection 64B9-12.002, FAC, may provide intravenous therapy via central lines under a registered professional nurse’s supervision with the necessary education and training. Four hours of instruction is the minimum required for appropriate education and training. The thirty hours of education for intravenous therapy needed for this rule’s subsection may include four hours of training. At the very least, didactic and clinical practicum instruction in the following areas must be included in the education and training mandated by this subsection:
Central venous anatomy and physiology
CVL site assessment
CVL dressing and cap changes
CVL flushing
CVL medication and fluid administration
CVL blood drawing
CVL complications and remedial measures
The Licensed Practical Nurse will be evaluated on clinical practice, competency, and theoretical knowledge and practice after completing the intravenous therapy course via central lines. A Registered Nurse must witness the clinical practice assessment and file a proficiency statement on a Licensed Practical Nurse. The Licensed Practical Nurse will be evaluated on clinical practice, competence, and theoretical knowledge and practice. A Registered Nurse who oversees the clinical practice assessment must sign a proficiency statement attesting to the Licensed Practical Nurse’s competence in administering intravenous treatment through central lines. The applicant’s Licensed Practical Nurse personnel file must contain the proficiency statement. 64B9-12.005 code.
Professional nursing is practiced by registered nurses (RNs). The Nurse Practice Act defines this as “the performance of those numerous acts requiring substantial specialized knowledge, judgment, and nursing skill based upon the applied principles of psychological, biological, physical, and social sciences.” Professional nursing goes beyond hands-on care to include nursing diagnosis, planning, supervision, and training other staff members in the theory and execution of any tasks mentioned above. Additionally, nurses must use numerous experiences to assist patients with an understanding of empathy to make them feel comfortable and safe. (Torres-Vigil et al., 2021)
Delegations & Certificates For Nursing
The delegation of responsibilities to another healthcare provider or a competent unlicensed individual is permitted by the Florida Nurse Practice Act. When assigning a task or activity, the registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (L.P.N.) must consider appropriateness. They had to consider the possibility of patient injury, the difficulty of the work, the outcome’s predictability or unpredictability, and the resources—including staff and equipment—available in the patient environment. The RN and the LPN may assign tasks outside the supervising or delegating nurse’s scope of practice. These tasks include determining the nursing diagnosis or interpreting nursing assessments, developing the plan of care, establishing the goals of nursing care, and assessing the progress of the care plan. The role of nursing is to promote advocacy and create a direct relationship with patients. (Ventura et al., 2020)
464.0205 Retired Volunteer Nurse Certificate
A retired practical or registered nurse may apply for a retired volunteer certificate from the Board of Nursing to work with underprivileged, impoverished, or critically ill populations. They are directly supervised by a physician, advanced practice registered nurse, registered nurse, director of a county health department, and:
Provides services under the certificate only in sponsored settings that the Board has approved
The scope of practice for a certified volunteer is limited to primary and preventive health care by the Board.
A retired volunteer nurse shall not:
Administer controlled substances
Supervise other nurses
Receive monetary compensation
464.012 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)
“The Barbara Lumpkin Prescribing Act” was proposed towards the end of 2018. This Act helps many practitioners convert a certificate to a license, and it takes effect on October 1, 2018. This Act established a transition timeline and process for practitioners certified as advanced registered nurse practitioners or clinical nurse specialists as of September 30, 2018, to practice as advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). Until the department and Board complete the transition from certification to licensure, established under this Act, an advanced registered nurse practitioner who is holding a certificate to practice on September 30, 2018, may continue to practice with all the rights, authorizations, and responsibilities under this licensure section as an advanced practice registered nurse. They may also use the applicable title under s.464.015 after this Act’s effective date.
The Board of Nursing requires the following to establish an APRN license:
A nurse who wants to become an advanced practice registered nurse must apply to the APRN department, provide documentation that they meet the requirements set out by the Board, and have a valid license to practice professional nursing or an active multistate license to practice professional nursing by s. 464.0095.
Accreditation by a relevant specialty board. To become a certified nurse in any nursing department and to renew your current state license, you must first obtain this certification. For a duration deemed suitable for preparing for and passing the national certification examination, the Board may, by rule, grant certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse practitioners, psychiatric nurses, and certified nurse midwives provisional state licensure.
Completing a master’s program in a clinical nursing specialty field and training in particular practitioner skills. For candidates who will graduate on or after October 1, 1998, paragraph (4)(a) requires completion of a master’s degree program to be eligible for initial certification as a certified nurse practitioner.
The Board of Nursing defines APRN’s role/duties:
Prescribe, dispense, administer, or order any medication; however, an advanced practice registered nurse is only permitted to prescribe or dispense the controlled substance as specified in s.893.03 if they have completed a master’s or doctoral program that provides training in specialized practitioner skills and leads to a master’s or doctoral degree in clinical nursing.
Initiate appropriate therapies for certain conditions.
Performed additional functions as may be determined by rule under s.464.003.
Order diagnostic tests and physical and occupational therapy.
Order any medication for administration to a patient in a facility.
Beyond the general duties mentioned in subsection (3), an APRN is qualified to carry out the following tasks within their area of expertise:
Within the confines of established protocol, the certified nurse practitioner may carry out any or all of the following actions:
Manage selected medical problems.
Order physical and occupational therapy.
Initiate, monitor, or alter therapies for certain acute illnesses.
To monitor and manage patients with stable chronic diseases.
Established behavioral problems and diagnoses and made treatment recommendations.
The Stature goes on to define the functions of anesthetists and nurse midwives. Refer to the Statue for more details.
Obtaining & Maintaining Nursing License
A license may be acquired through testing, endorsement, or the Nurse Licensure Compact’s enactment. Upon application and a non-refundable payment fee determined by the Board, the department will grant the necessary license by endorsement to engage in professional or practical nursing to the applicant who can provide proof to the Board that they:
Possesses a valid license to practice professional or practical nursing in another state or territory in the United States, provided that the requirements for licensure in that state were either more stringent or substantially equivalent to those in Florida when the applicant obtained their original license.
Fulfills the requirements outlined in s.464.008 for licensing and has passed a state, regional, or national exam that is at least as difficult as the one administered by the department.
Has spent two of the previous three years actively practicing nursing in a different state, territory, or jurisdiction within the United States without having any action taken against their license by any jurisdiction’s licensing body. Under this paragraph, applicants who obtain a permit must finish a board-approved Florida laws and rules course within six months of receiving their license. After reviewing the findings of the national criminal background check, the applicant will be granted the relevant license by endorsement as soon as the department determines that the applicant has no criminal history.
It will be assumed that any exams and requirements from other US states and territories are roughly the same or more demanding than those from this state. This assumption will materialize on January 1, 1980. The Board may, however, establish rules designating some states and territories, the qualifications and exams for which shall not be deemed to be substantially similar to those of this state.
When an individual submission of the appropriate application and fees, as well as the successful completion of the criminal background check that is required under subsection (4), an applicant for licensure by endorsement who is relocating to this state due to the official military orders of their spouse with a military connection and who is a member of the Nurse Licensure Compact in another state will have all the requirements satisfied.
The applicant must submit a set of fingerprints to the department on a form and per departmental rules. The applicant must also pay the department a sum equal to the expenses the Department of Health paid for the applicant’s criminal background check. For a statewide criminal history check, the Department of Health will send the applicant’s fingerprints to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement will forward the fingerprints to the FBI for a nationwide criminal history check. When an applicant satisfies all other requirements for licensure and has no criminal record, the Department of Health will review the results of the criminal history check, issue a license, and refer all other applicants who have a criminal history back to the Board for a decision on whether or not to issue a permit and under what circumstances.
Until the investigation is finished, at which point the requirements of s.464.018 will take effect, the department will not grant an endorsement license to any applicant who is being investigated in another state, jurisdiction, or territory of the United States for an act that would violate this part or chapter 456. After completing all necessary data collection and verification, the department will issue a license within 30 days. It will also develop an electronic applicant notification process and provide electronic notifications upon application receipt and completion of background checks. Suppose the applicant must appear before the Board because of information on their application or because of screening, data gathering, and verification procedures. In that case, the 30-day license issuance time will be extended. The qualifications for licensure by endorsement in this section do not apply to an individual with an active multistate license in another state under s. 464.0095.
Licensure By Examination
Anyone who wants to take the licensing exam to become a registered nurse must apply to the department. The department will assess each candidate who:
The applicant has fulfilled the requirements by filling out the application form and paying the $150 fee set by the Board. Additionally, they have paid the $75 examination fee set by the Board and the actual cost per applicant to the department for purchasing the exam from the NCSBN (National Council of State Boards of Nursing) or a comparable national organization.
Possesses enough information as of October 1, 1989, or later, which the department needs to provide to conduct a statewide criminal records correspondence check with the Department of Law Enforcement.
Possesses a high school diploma or its equivalent, is in good mental and physical health, and has fulfilled the prerequisites for:
Graduation from an approved program
Graduation from a pre-licensure nursing education program equivalent to an approved program determined by the Board.
Graduated on or after July 1, 2009, from an accredited program
Graduation before July 1, 2009, from a pre-licensure nursing education program whose graduates were eligible for examination.
Completing courses in a professional nursing education program may satisfy the educational criteria for licensing as a licensed practical nurse. Possesses the ability to communicate in English, as assessed by a department exam. Unless rejected by s.464.018, any applicant who passes the exam and has completed the educational requirements listed in subsection (1) is eligible to become a licensed practical nurse or registered professional nurse, as the case may be.
Regardless of the jurisdiction in which the examination is administered, any applicant who fails the test three times in a row will need to finish a remedial course approved by the Board to be eligible for reexamination. The candidate may be permitted to attempt the test up to three times after completing the remedial course before being forced to undertake remediation. After the remedial process, the applicant has six months to petition for a reexamination. By regulation, the Board will set requirements for remedial education.
An applicant who completes an approved program must be enrolled in and complete a board-approved licensure examination preparing course if they choose not to take the license examination within six months of graduation. The applicant cannot use federal or state financial aid to cover any course-related expenses; they are solely responsible for covering them. The Board will set rules for the preparatory courses for licensing exams. Section 464.0095 exempts an individual from the licensure requirements if they currently have an active multistate license in another state (2).
Licensure Upon Enactment of the Nurse Licensure Compact
Florida passed the Nurse Licensure Compact into law. This allows nurses to participate in 26 states’ licensing compacts. The call to remove the burdensome and redundant system of duplicate licensure and to advance public safety and health advantages led to the enactment of this law. The official statement is as follows:
“This agreement becomes operative and legally binding on December 31, 2018, whichever comes sooner, or on the day it is enacted into law by at least 26 states. Within six months following the implementation date of this compact, any member states that were also parties to the previous Nurse Licensure Compact (“prior compact”) that this compact replaced are considered to have withdrawn from the previous compact.”
Until a party state is withdrawn from the prior compact, each party state to this one shall respect a nurse’s multistate licensure privilege to practice in that party state granted under the preceding compact. Any party state may opt out of the compact by passing a law canceling it. A party state’s departure becomes effective six months after the repealing Act is passed. Any cooperative arrangement, including nurse licensure agreements, between a party state and a nonparty state that complies with the other conditions of this compact remains valid and unaffected by this compact. The party states may alter this contract. Only when it is incorporated into the laws of every party, state a modification to this compact is binding on the party states and becomes effective. Before all party states adopt this compact, representatives of nonparty states to the agreement will be invited to engage in commission activities without being able to vote.
Unlocking Vitality: Chiropractic Wisdom & The Science of Functional Healing-Video
Continuing Nursing Education Requirement
Licenses need to be renewed every biennium or every two years. One contact hour must be completed for each calendar month of the licensure cycle in a given year. The hours stipulated in subsection (1) at the designated times must include the following continuing education courses as a necessary component:
A 2-hour course in prevention of medical errors must be completed each biennium.
A 1-hour course in HIV/AIDS in the first biennium only
A 2-hour course in Florida laws and rules in each biennium
Effective August 1, 2017, a 2-hour course in recognizing impairment in clinical approach and every other biennium after that.
On or after January 1, 2019, a 2-hour course on human trafficking and each biennium after that.
A 2-hour course in domestic violence is required every third biennium.
In addition, the Florida Board of Nursing requires general hours of continuing education to fulfill the requirement of one contact hour for each calendar month of the licensure cycle. These hour requirements are updated on their website. In addition to the courses mentioned above, they currently demand 16 hours of continuing education in general nursing.
Nurse Licensee With Two Licenses & CE Requirements
A licensee with an RN and an LPN license may fulfill CE requirements by completing the necessary RN-specific continuing education. Visit the Board of Nursing website for further information regarding the rules, as mentioned earlier, and the exceptions.
Standards For Continuing Education
Learner Objectives: The objectives should outline the anticipated behavioral outcomes of the learners and be measurable, reachable, and pertinent to the state of nursing practice today. The goals will dictate the curriculum, mode of instruction, and assessment strategy.
Subject Matter: The content must be specifically created to satisfy the participants’ learning needs, levels, and objectives. The information will be arranged logically and incorporate advice from subject-matter experts. Appropriate subject matter for continuing education offerings should include information from one or more of the following. It should represent the learner’s professional educational needs to address the consumer’s health care demands:
Nursing areas and special health care problems.
Biological, physical, behavioral, and social sciences.
Legal aspects of healthcare
Management/administration of health care personnel and patient care
Teaching/ learning process of health care personnel and patients
Evaluation: It must be demonstrated in a way that satisfies the Board that participants are given the chance to assess the educational opportunities, delivery strategies, facilities, and resources utilized in the offering. At the end of the learning process, self-directed learning activities—such as computer programs, web-based courses, internet research, and home study—must be used to assess student knowledge. There must be ten questions or more in the assessment. For the learner to be eligible for the contact hours, they must receive an evaluation score of at least 70%. The provider is required to grade the assessment.
Cassiani, S. H. B., & Silva, F. (2019). Expanding the role of nurses in primary health care: the case of Brazil. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem, 27, e3245.
Torres-Vigil, I., Cohen, M. Z., Million, R. M., & Bruera, E. (2021). The role of empathic nursing telephone interventions with advanced cancer patients: A qualitative study. Eur J Oncol Nurs, 50, 101863.
Ventura, C. A. A., Fumincelli, L., Miwa, M. J., Souza, M. C., Wright, M., & Mendes, I. A. C. (2020). Health advocacy and primary health care: evidence for nursing. Rev Bras Enferm, 73(3), e20180987.
How can healthcare professionals recognize and establish protocols for individuals who are being trafficked and provide a safe place?
Today, we will look at part two of this series, which is about recognizing trafficking in a clinical setting. Today’s article in this two-part series of recognizing trafficking helps inform many healthcare professionals to understand the roles and protocols for identifying trafficking that is affecting their patients and help provide a safe, positive space for them. We discuss with certified associated medical providers who consolidate our patients’ information to assess and identify trafficking in the clinic while taking the proper protocols to ensure patient safety. We also inform and guide patients while asking their associated medical provider intricate questions to integrate and provide them with a safe and positive space. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., includes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
Health Care Professional’s Role in Identifying Trafficking
Even though they may come across victims of human trafficking and have the chance to step in, many healthcare professionals believe they lack the knowledge and self-assurance needed to recognize these victims and offer them the kind of aid they need. As an illustration:
Just 37% of social workers and medical professionals surveyed again had any training in recognizing and supporting victims of human trafficking (Beck et al., 2015).
It is extremely hard for processors to identify and aid victims because traffickers move their victims around a lot and employ various strategies to evade discovery. Frequently, it could be your final interaction with the victim (Macy & Graham, 2012).
There can be a companion who comes across as very domineering, who won’t let the patient spend time alone with you, or who insists on filling out paperwork or talking on the patient’s behalf.
It’s possible that neither the victim nor their friend will have identification or insurance paperwork and will just pay in cash.
The victim or their companion may refuse to answer questions.
The victim may decline additional testing and follow-up care.
The victim may have physical injuries, sexually transmitted diseases, and signs of psychosocial stress.
The victim may not know the city and state that they are in.
The victim may appear fearful when asked questions or in the presence of their companion.
The victim may exhibit feelings of shame, guilt, helplessness, or humiliation.
You may notice inconsistencies in basic information, such as age, name, address, work history, or information regarding living status and daily activities.
If the patient does not speak English, where are they from, and how did they arrive?
If the patient is a minor, who and where is the guardian?
The victim may have unusual tattoos to indicate that they are the “property” of their trafficker.
Recognizing the Signs of Trafficking
You can more easily spot possible victims and offer the right help if you are aware of the typical warning indicators of human trafficking. The following are typical signs that someone is being trafficked. Naturally, not all victims or forms of trafficking will exhibit all of the indicators. Work and Living Conditions (National Human Trafficking Hotline, n.d.):
The victim may not be able to come and go on their own or leave their current home or work situation.
Human trafficking victims are often minors who are forced to engage in commercial sex acts.
The individual may work in the commercial sex industry and be under the control of a pimp or manager.
The victim may be required to work unusual or excessively long hours.
The victim may receive little, if any, pay or may only receive tips.
The victim may be subjected to unusual or extreme restrictions at work or may not be allowed to take breaks.
The victim may owe a large debt to their “employer.”
The victim may have been lured to their current work or living situation through false promises about the nature of their work or living environment.
The victim’s home or work location may have unusually high security, such as opaque or boarded-up windows, bars on windows, high fences, and security cameras.
The victim may be required to live at their work location.
The victim may experience various signs of abuse at the hands of their employer.
The victim may not be paid directly. Instead, the money is directed to the supervisor or manager, who deducts a large percentage for living expenses and other debts.
The victim may be forced to meet unreasonable daily quotas.
The victim may be forced to work in unsafe work environments without the proper safety equipment.
Chiropractic Care for Healing After Trauma-Video
Best Practice Guidelines for Interviewing Trafficking Individuals
As a healthcare provider, you must continuously weigh the different courses of action at every interview process step. To establish trust and ensure safety, practitioners must, above all, put aside preconceived notions and assumptions about the victims and their behavior (Hodge, 2014; DeBoise, 2014; Hemmings, Jakobowitz, & Abas, 2016). Zimmerman and Watts (2003) suggest that the World Health Organization has produced rules for every phase of the interview process, which include the following recommendations:
It’s critical to keep in mind that every trafficking scenario and survivor is distinct, making it crucial to pay attention to and accept each person’s account.
It could take some time for victims to open up and be willing to talk about their experiences because it can be hard for them to build rapport and trust.
You should take precautions to protect both you and the victim because you should anticipate that the victim is at risk of psychological, bodily, social, and legal harm.
To prevent further upsetting the victim, you should consider the risks and advantages before beginning the interview process, as it can be a traumatic experience in itself.
While you should direct victims to available resources when necessary, you should avoid making unfulfilled promises or pledges.
The amount of time it takes for victims of human trafficking to be prepared to embrace change might vary greatly. Some victims can be eager to look for new possibilities and to improve their circumstances. Some people can be less likely to accept assistance because they haven’t developed enough trust issues or because they fear retaliation from their trafficker.
Depending on the situation, many service providers or interpreters must be present during the interview. Everyone taking part in the interview process ought to be reasonably knowledgeable about human trafficking, including how traffickers manipulate their victims and how to interact with them in a way that respects their cultural differences. To maintain anonymity and ensure the victim can communicate freely and honestly, you should refrain from using interpreters who are acquainted with the victim or who live in the same neighborhood.
Having an emergency safety plan in place is crucial to shielding the victim from harm—both from others and self-harm.
Consent must always be obtained voluntarily for all interventions, including interviews. For many victims who have never known autonomy or self-determination, this may be a foreign idea.
Avoid using legal or technical jargon.
Furthermore, it’s critical to remember that trauma survivors may suffer after treatment can have a lasting effect on all facets of their lives, making psychological, emotional, and physical safety a top priority. It is reasonable to presume that the person provides the most accurate account of their experience at that time. A person’s guarded, defensive, and belligerent behavior may be only their coping mechanism for their trauma. (V. Greenbaum, 2017)
How to Report Known or Suspected Trafficking
The best way to report suspected trafficking is by calling the National Human Trafficking Hotline or texting the number 711 if the patient responds affirmatively to the evaluation questions if your findings imply that they might be victims of human trafficking. Additionally, you can text 233733. Basic details about the case will be requested from you, such as (National Human Trafficking Hotline, n.d.):
the location of the suspected trafficking
the name of the alleged trafficker, if possible
your city and state
how you learned about the hotline
Health care providers who know or believe that a youngster is being abused, neglected, or abandoned should report their concerns to law enforcement or the relevant child welfare agency right away, as they are required reporters under child abuse and neglect statutes. You can report abuse online or by calling the Department of Children and Families Abuse Hotline in the state you are residing in.
Documenting Physical Findings
Physical findings should be meticulously and precisely recorded using written descriptions, freehand sketches that have been identified and annotated, and digital or film photos with the patient’s consent. Regarding photography, the picture should show the patient’s face and the lesion or injury measured using a coin, ruler, or other common object. The photo should include a piece of paper bearing the date the picture was taken. More photos can capture up close shots of every pertinent lesion or injury. Serial follow-up photos over seven to ten days can be used to record the healing or advancement of ecchymoses and other injury-related symptoms. A statement identifying the photographer and attesting to the accuracy and integrity of the images ought to be incorporated into the chart. Before any photos are taken, consent for the photographic documentation should be sought and recorded. Patients should be aware of their rights, which include the ability to decline all photographic documentation or limit it to a limited number of specified locations.
In addition to providing essential medical care, the healthcare professional should work to establish an environment where each patient feels respected, comfortable, cared for, validated, and empowered to reveal if they so choose. If the patient does not feel “ready” to demonstrate in the clinical environment, disclosure may happen later. As a result, for at-risk patients, every single clinical interaction should be seen as a step toward their eventual safety.
Laws & Policies for Human Trafficking
The United States has enacted a variety of laws and policies designed to prevent human trafficking, punish the perpetrators, and protect the survivors. One of these laws and policies is the Trafficking Victims Protection Act law or the TVPA (U.S. Congress).
This is the centerpiece of federal human trafficking legislation. The act focuses on three primary areas:
The TVPA seeks to prevent human trafficking through increased training and awareness.
The act seeks to protect trafficking victims by providing them access to services using federal funds similar to other refugees.
The act establishes trafficking and related crimes as federal offenses subject to stiff penalties.
One way that the legislation protects victims of human trafficking is that it absolves them of consequences for engaging in criminal activities that arise from their trafficking experience, such as entering the nation using fraudulent documents or working without the proper authorization. In addition, families of trafficking victims are qualified for T visas, which let them stay in the nation to support federal law enforcement in their pursuit of the offenders. After three years, victims can then apply to become permanent residents. Depending on the specific circumstances, many individuals may be entitled to assistance and benefits, such as access to the Witness Security Program and reparations. In addition, individuals between 16 and 24 could qualify for the Job Corp program and work permits.
Others criticize the TVPA. Usually, the onus is on the victim to prove their innocence or compulsion first. Second, the act emphasizes sex trafficking more than other types of human trafficking, which ignores how intricate human trafficking is. Only victims and survivors of “severe” types of trafficking who are prepared to cooperate with the investigation and prosecution of their offenders are eligible for the services provided under the act. This ignores the severity of the abuse the victims endured and the degree of mistrust and terror they might harbor toward both the abuser and others in positions of power.
Preventing Trafficking Through Awareness, Interventions, & Resources
In the shadows, human trafficking flourishes. We eradicate the shadows where human traffickers lurk by increasing public and health practitioner awareness of the problem (Hodge, 2008; Gozdziak & MacDonnell, 2007). For instance, putting up signs and pamphlets on human trafficking can not only help to enhance public awareness but also boost the chance that victims may come forward on their own. Brochures and posters are free from the Campaign to Rescue and Restore Victims of Trafficking.
When assisting victims of human trafficking, practitioners and service providers need to be able to engage with a variety of governmental, legal, medical, and social service organizations and institutions. Generally speaking, there are three main categories into which the care and services that a victim falls (Dell et al., 2019; Johnson, 2012; Oram & Domoney, 2018):
Immediate Services
Services Related to Recovery
Services About Reintegration
Resources for Providers
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center’s referral database can be consulted by providers looking to connect with local programs that assist victims of human trafficking or who need assistance for a victim or survivor. Many healthcare providers can check out the website to provide helpful resources in their local area.
Any human trafficking violates fundamental rights. Since human trafficking has many underlying roots, eradicating the issue would need different approaches on various fronts. When it comes to addressing racism, poverty, oppression, prejudice, and other factors that lead to human trafficking, healthcare professionals need to be dedicated to facing this issue both within their patient population and in partnership with colleagues from different disciplines. Physicians, social workers, counselors, and other health care professionals are required by their code of ethics to lead in addressing power abuses and advancing social justice. Practitioners can accomplish this, among other things, by teaching others and themselves about the intricate dynamics and international scope of human trafficking.
Beck, M. E., Lineer, M. M., Melzer-Lange, M., Simpson, P., Nugent, M., & Rabbitt, A. (2015). Medical providers’ understanding of sex trafficking and their experience with at-risk patients. Pediatrics, 135(4), e895-902.
DeBoise, C. (2014). Human Trafficking and Sex Work: Foundational Social-Work Principles. Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism, 12(1), 227–233.
Dell, N. A., Maynard, B. R., Born, K. R., Wagner, E., Atkins, B., & House, W. (2019). Helping Survivors of Human Trafficking: A Systematic Review of Exit and Postexit Interventions. Trauma Violence Abuse, 20(2), 183-196.
Gozdziak, E., & MacDonnell, M. (2013, March 4). Closing the Gaps: the Need to Improve Identification and Services to Child Victims of Trafficking by School of Foreign Service – Georgetown University – Issuu.
Greenbaum, V. J. (2017). Child sex trafficking in the United States: Challenges for the healthcare provider. PLoS Med, 14(11), e1002439.
Hemmings, S., Jakobowitz, S., Abas, M., Bick, D., Howard, L. M., Stanley, N., Zimmerman, C., & Oram, S. (2016). Responding to the health needs of survivors of human trafficking: a systematic review. BMC Health Serv Res, 16, 320.
Hodge, D. R. (2008). Sexual trafficking in the United States: a domestic problem with transnational dimensions. Soc Work, 53(2), 143-152.
Macy, R. J., & Graham, L. M. (2012). Identifying domestic and international sex-trafficking victims during human service provision. Trauma Violence Abuse, 13(2), 59-76.
Oram, S. (2021). Responding to the mental health needs of trafficked women. European Psychiatry, 64(S1), S12-S12.
Zimmerman, C., & Watts, C. (2003). Ethical and safety recommendations for intervention research on violence against women.
How do healthcare professionals provide a clinical approach to recognizing HIV for individuals in pain and providing relief?
The human body has dealt with various environmental factors, injuries, and pathogens that can cause issues to the body system. As many individuals are always on the go from one location to another, being healthy is extremely important. Making time to make an appointment for a person’s health and well-being is extremely important, as many people have experienced comorbidities and overlapping risk profiles that are causing them pain. When individuals experience onset issues of fatigue, muscle and joint pain, or immune disorders, many healthcare professionals must assess the situation and ask the individuals when they experienced these overlapping risk profiles and how they affect their daily activities. One of the overlapping risk profiles that seems to affect the body is a viral infection known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. This can get many healthcare professionals to come up with a personalized treatment plan to reduce these overlapping risk profiles and educate the individual on what to do to manage HIV symptoms. Today’s article looks at how HIV can impact a person, their symptoms, and non-surgical treatments to manage HIV. We discuss with certified associated medical providers who consolidate our patients’ information to assess the effects of HIV and its associated symptoms. We also inform and guide patients on how to be aware of the impact of HIV and ask their associated medical providers intricate questions to integrate a customized treatment plan to incorporate multiple non-surgical therapies to manage the symptoms. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., includes this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.
What Is HIV?
Do you constantly feel tired even after taking a good night’s rest? Do you feel your throat being sore without the flu symptoms? Or are you experiencing muscle and joint pain in different locations of your body? Worldwide, many individuals have often experienced these symptoms from a viral infection known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. HIV belongs to the retroviridae family, which targets the body’s immune system, especially the CD4+ T cells. The CD4+T cells play an important role in the body’s immune response, but when HIV starts to deplete the receptors and terminate the host cells. (Masenga et al., 2023) This causes individuals to have acute stages of HIV and, if not treated immediately, can lead to the progression of severe stages. However, how do individuals contract HIV? Well, the most common mode is through unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing needles, or through maternal-infant exposure, which diminishes the T-helper cell population and, over time, can increasingly weaken the immune system. (van Heuvel et al., 2022) This causes many individuals to develop various symptoms from HIV that can vary, depending on the severity and the progression stages of the virus.
The Symptoms
Now, for the progression of HIV to infect the body’s immune system and cause various symptoms to affect the individual, many healthcare professionals have to look at the process of the host’s exosomes and their correlation role with HIV. The generational process of exosomes causes overlapping risk profiles with the viral assembly of HIV as exosomes can transport the virus from the infected cells to the uninfected cells of the body by helping it regulate the host’s immune response to the virus infection. (Chen et al., 2021) To that point, it can lead to the progression of several stages of HIV and its associated symptoms. When a person is dealing with an HIV infection in its acute stages, the symptoms can be mild and easily mistaken for a common viral infection. Some of the symptoms can include:
Muscle aches
Joint pain
Difficulty falling asleep
Shortness of breath
Swollen glands
This is because the inflammatory cytokines from the immune system are heightened and influenced by HIV. When inflammatory cytokines become associated with HIV, symptoms have a huge impact on an individual’s life, causing them to be miserable. (Schnall et al., 2020) Additionally, when HIV is in a clinical latency stage, the virus is less active but can still replicate without exhibiting any symptoms in the body. However, when HIV progresses to its severe stage, it can lead to the development of AIDS. Luckily, treatment advancements to treat HIV from its acute stages can help manage the associated symptoms.
The Non-Surgical Approach To Wellness- Video
Non-Surgical Treatments For HIV
When it comes to treating HIV, non-surgical treatments can help manage its associated symptoms while dramatically improving the life expectancy and quality of life of the individual who is affected by the virus. For non-surgical treatments, the main goal is to diagnose HIV as early as possible and to assess the situation by coming up with new and innovative HIV testing initiatives to increase the frequency and prevention of HIV in both clinical and non-clinical settings. (Delaney & DiNenno, 2021) Below are some non-surgical treatments to manage HIV.
Antiretroviral Treatments
Now, some of the non-surgical treatments to manage HIV is by taking antiretroviral therapy. This allows the individual with HIV to be more mindful of taking antiretroviral medications daily, which then helps improve sustained viral suppression of HIV and provides effective strategies of therapeutic approaches to enhance antiretroviral activities. (Huerta, 2020) Additionally, the primary goal of antiretroviral therapy is to reduce the HIV load to an undetectable level, keep the immune system functioning, and prevent the progression development of AIDS.
Lifestyle Adjustments
While living with HIV today is vastly different from decades past, thanks to significant medical advancements. Many individuals can go to their healthcare providers for an early diagnosis and effective treatment to live long and healthy lives. Awareness, education, and staying proactive with health checks remain key in the fight against HIV and its progression. Additionally, proper nutrition, regular exercise, and mental health support are also crucial for people living with HIV, helping to boost the immune system and manage symptoms. At the same time, regular visits to a healthcare provider for blood tests are essential to monitor the effectiveness of ART and adjust the treatment regimen as needed to live a healthier life.
Chen, J., Li, C., Li, R., Chen, H., Chen, D., & Li, W. (2021). Exosomes in HIV infection. Curr Opin HIV AIDS, 16(5), 262-270.
Delaney, K. P., & DiNenno, E. A. (2021). HIV Testing Strategies for Health Departments to End the Epidemic in the U.S. Am J Prev Med, 61(5 Suppl 1), S6-S15.
Huerta, L. (2020). Editorial: Anti-infective 2020: HIV-From pathogenesis to treatment. Curr Opin Pharmacol, 54, x-xii.
Masenga, S. K., Mweene, B. C., Luwaya, E., Muchaili, L., Chona, M., & Kirabo, A. (2023). HIV-Host Cell Interactions. Cells, 12(10).
Schnall, R., Jia, H., & Reame, N. (2020). Association Between HIV Symptom Burden and Inflammatory Cytokines: An Analysis by Sex and Menopause Stage. J Womens Health (Larchmt), 29(1), 119-127.
van Heuvel, Y., Schatz, S., Rosengarten, J. F., & Stitz, J. (2022). Infectious RNA: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Biology, Therapeutic Intervention, and the Quest for a Vaccine. Toxins (Basel), 14(2).
Certain neurological disorders can cause acute episodes of peripheral neuropathy, and for individuals diagnosed with chronic peripheral neuropathy, can physical therapy help improve the ability to move around safely along with medications, procedures, and lifestyle adjustments to help control and manage symptoms?
Peripheral Neuropathy Treatments
Peripheral neuropathy treatment includes symptomatic therapies and medical management to help prevent worsening nerve damage.
For acute types of peripheral neuropathy, medical interventions and therapies can treat the underlying process, improving the condition.
For chronic types of peripheral neuropathy, medical interventions and lifestyle factors can help to prevent the condition’s progression.
Chronic peripheral neuropathy treatment focuses on controlling the pain symptoms and protecting areas of diminished sensation from damage or infection.
Self-Care and Lifestyle Adjustments
For individuals who have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy or are at risk of developing the condition, lifestyle factors play a significant role in managing symptoms and preventing nerve damage from worsening and can even prevent the condition from developing. (Jonathan Enders et al., 2023)
Pain Management
Individuals can try these self-care therapies and see if and which help reduce their discomfort and then develop a routine that they can work off of. Self-care for pain symptoms include:
Placing a warm heating pad on painful areas.
Placing a cooling pad (not ice) on painful areas.
Covering the area or leaving it uncovered, depending on comfort levels.
Wear loose-fitting clothes, socks, shoes, and/or gloves not made with material that can cause irritation.
Avoid using lotions or soaps that can cause irritation.
Use soothing creams or lotions.
Keeping the painful areas clean.
Injuries Prevention
Diminished sensation is one of the most common effects that can lead to problems like stumbling, difficulty getting around, and injuries. Preventing and regularly checking for injuries can help avoid complications like infected wounds. (Nadja Klafke et al., 2023) Lifestyle adjustments to manage and prevent injuries include:
Wear well-padded shoes and socks.
Inspect feet, toes, fingers, and hands regularly to look for cuts or bruises that may not have been felt.
Clean and cover cuts to avoid infections.
Use extra caution with sharp utensils like cooking and work or gardening tools.
Disease Management
Lifestyle factors can help prevent disease progression and are closely correlated with the risks and underlying causes. To help prevent peripheral neuropathy or its progression can be done by: (Jonathan Enders et al., 2023)
Maintain healthy glucose levels if you have diabetes.
Avoid alcohol for any peripheral neuropathy.
Maintain a well-balanced diet, which can include vitamin supplements, especially for vegetarians or vegans.
Over-the-Counter Therapies
A few over-the-counter therapies can help with painful symptoms and can be taken as needed. Over-the-counter pain therapies include: (Michael Überall et al., 2022)
Topical lidocaine spray, patch, or creams.
Capsaicin creams or patches.
Topical Icy Hot
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications – Advil/ibuprofen or Aleve/naproxen
These treatments can help relieve painful symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, but they do not help improve diminished sensation, weakness, or coordination problems. (Jonathan Enders et al., 2023)
Prescription Therapies
Prescription therapies for treating peripheral neuropathy include pain medications and anti-inflammatories. Chronic types of peripheral neuropathy include:
Alcoholic neuropathy
Diabetic neuropathy
Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy
The prescription treatments for chronic types differ from the treatments for acute types of peripheral neuropathy.
Pain Management
Prescription treatments can help manage the pain and discomfort. Medications include (Michael Überall et al., 2022)
Sometimes, a prescription strength supplement or vitamin B12 given through injection can help prevent progression when peripheral neuropathy is associated with a severe vitamin deficiency. Prescription treatment can help treat the underlying process in some types of acute peripheral neuropathy. Treatment for acute peripheral neuropathy, such as Miller-Fisher syndrome or Guillain-Barré syndrome, can include:
Immunoglobulins – immune system proteins
Plasmapheresis is a procedure that removes the liquid portion of blood, returning the blood cells, which modifies the overactivity of the immune system. (Sanja Horvat et al., 2022)
Researchers believe there is an association between these conditions and inflammatory nerve damage, and modifying the immune system is beneficial for treating symptoms and the underlying disease.
In some cases, surgical procedures can benefit individuals who have certain types of peripheral neuropathy. When another condition is exacerbating the symptoms or process of peripheral neuropathy, surgery may help relieve symptoms and prevent disease progression. This has proved effective when nerve entrapment or vascular insufficiency are factors. (Wenqiang Yang et al., 2016)
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Some complementary and alternative approaches can help individuals cope with the pain and discomfort. These treatments can serve as an ongoing option for those who have chronic peripheral neuropathy. Options can include: (Nadja Klafke et al., 2023)
Acupuncture involves the placement of needles in specific areas of the body to help reduce pain symptoms.
Acupressure involves applying pressure on specific areas of the body to help reduce pain symptoms.
Massage therapy can help relax muscle tension.
Meditation and relaxation therapies can help manage symptoms.
Physical therapy can also serve as an important component of living with chronic peripheral neuropathy and recovering from acute peripheral neuropathy.
Physical therapy can help strengthen weak muscles, improve coordination, and learn how to adapt to sensory and motor changes to get around safely.
Individuals considering complementary or alternative treatment are encouraged to speak with their primary healthcare provider to determine whether it is safe for their condition. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic will work with the individual’s healthcare provider and/or specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness treatment solution to provide pain relief and improve quality of life.
Peripheral Neuropathy: A Successful Recovery Story
Enders, J., Elliott, D., & Wright, D. E. (2023). Emerging Nonpharmacologic Interventions to Treat Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Antioxidants & redox signaling, 38(13-15), 989–1000.
Klafke, N., Bossert, J., Kröger, B., Neuberger, P., Heyder, U., Layer, M., Winkler, M., Idler, C., Kaschdailewitsch, E., Heine, R., John, H., Zielke, T., Schmeling, B., Joy, S., Mertens, I., Babadag-Savas, B., Kohler, S., Mahler, C., Witt, C. M., Steinmann, D., … Stolz, R. (2023). Prevention and Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) with Non-Pharmacological Interventions: Clinical Recommendations from a Systematic Scoping Review and an Expert Consensus Process. Medical sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 11(1), 15.
Überall, M., Bösl, I., Hollanders, E., Sabatschus, I., & Eerdekens, M. (2022). Painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: real-world comparison between topical treatment with lidocaine 700 mg medicated plaster and oral treatments. BMJ open diabetes research & care, 10(6), e003062.
Horvat, S., Staffhorst, B., & Cobben, J. M. G. (2022). Intravenous Lidocaine for Treatment of Chronic Pain: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of pain research, 15, 3459–3467.
Yang, W., Guo, Z., Yu, Y., Xu, J., & Zhang, L. (2016). Pain Relief and Health-Related Quality-of-Life Improvement After Microsurgical Decompression of Entrapped Peripheral Nerves in Patients With Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. The Journal of foot and ankle surgery: official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, 55(6), 1185–1189.
For individuals dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome, can incorporating acupuncture with other treatment protocols help regain functionality and improve quality of life?
Acupuncture For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Research is looking at how acupuncture can help manage symptoms of chronic fatigue. These studies focused on specific acupoints and techniques and how they affected certain symptoms or abnormalities linked to the condition. The researchers found that acupuncture may help manage and alleviate some symptoms (Qing Zhang et al., 2019). However, they were still unable to determine the mechanisms of how acupuncture exactly works.
Symptom Relief
Various studies showed that acupuncture could improve physical and mental fatigue symptoms, including:
One case study showed improvements in groups of athletes who were put through a series of exhaustive physical exercises and short-term rest. One group of athletes was treated with acupuncture on selected acupoints while the others were given an extended rest. Analysis was applied to the metabolic profiles of urine samples collected from the athletes at three points: before the exercises, before and after the acupuncture treatment, or taking extended rest. The results indicated that the recoveries of disturbed metabolites in the athletes treated with acupuncture were significantly faster than in those who only took extended rest. (Haifeng Ma et al., 2015)
Researchers said studies involving acupuncture alone or in combination with other treatments appear to show that it is effective at lessening fatigue. (Yu-Yi Wang et al., 2014) However, further studies are needed to confirm the benefits. This is a significant change from a review that found limited evidence for the effectiveness of alternative treatments for relieving chronic fatigue symptoms. (Terje Alraek et al., 2011)
Another review of alternative therapies found acupuncture and certain meditation techniques showed the most promise for future investigation. (Nicole S. Porter et al., 2010)
Another study compared prednisone, a steroid, with an acupuncture technique called coiling dragon and an additional treatment called cupping. It suggested that acupuncture and cupping treatments surpassed the steroid regarding fatigue. (Wei Xu et al., 2012)
Another study found that needling with heat application or moxibustion produced better results than standard acupuncture regarding physical and mental fatigue scores. (Chen Lu, Xiu-Juan Yang, Jie Hu 2014)
From Consultation to Transformation: Assessing Patients In A Chiropractic Setting
Zhang, Q., Gong, J., Dong, H., Xu, S., Wang, W., & Huang, G. (2019). Acupuncture for chronic fatigue syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acupuncture in medicine : journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society, 37(4), 211–222.
Frisk, J., Källström, A. C., Wall, N., Fredrikson, M., & Hammar, M. (2012). Acupuncture improves health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL) and sleep in women with breast cancer and hot flushes. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 20(4), 715–724.
Mandıroğlu, S., & Ozdilekcan, C. (2017). Impact of Acupuncture on Chronic Insomnia: A Report of Two Cases with Polysomnographic Evaluation. Journal of acupuncture and meridian studies, 10(2), 135–138.
Zhu, L., Ma, Y., Ye, S., & Shu, Z. (2018). Acupuncture for Diarrhoea-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Network Meta-Analysis. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2018, 2890465.
Ma, H., Liu, X., Wu, Y., & Zhang, N. (2015). The Intervention Effects of Acupuncture on Fatigue Induced by Exhaustive Physical Exercises: A Metabolomics Investigation. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2015, 508302.
Wang, Y. Y., Li, X. X., Liu, J. P., Luo, H., Ma, L. X., & Alraek, T. (2014). Traditional Chinese medicine for chronic fatigue syndrome: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Complementary therapies in medicine, 22(4), 826–833.
Alraek, T., Lee, M. S., Choi, T. Y., Cao, H., & Liu, J. (2011). Complementary and alternative medicine for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a systematic review. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 11, 87.
Porter, N. S., Jason, L. A., Boulton, A., Bothne, N., & Coleman, B. (2010). Alternative medical interventions used in the treatment and management of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.), 16(3), 235–249.
Lu, C., Yang, X. J., & Hu, J. (2014). Zhen ci yan jiu = Acupuncture research, 39(4), 313–317.
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