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Complex Injuries

Back Clinic Complex Injuries Chiropractic Team. Complex injuries happen when people experience severe or catastrophic injuries, or whose cases are more complex due to multiple trauma, psychological effects, and pre-existing medical histories. Complex injuries can be serial injuries of the upper extremity, severe soft tissue trauma, and concomitant (naturally accompanying or associated), injuries to vessels or nerves. These injuries go beyond the common sprain and strain and require a deeper level of assessment that may not be easily apparent.

El Paso, TX’s Injury specialist, chiropractor, Dr. Alexander Jimenez discusses treatment options, as well as rehabilitation, muscle/strength training, nutrition, and getting back to normal body functions. Our programs are natural and use the body’s ability to achieve specific measured goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, unwanted surgeries, or addictive drugs. We want you to live a functional life that is fulfilled with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, and less pain. Our goal is to ultimately empower our patients to maintain the healthiest way of living.

Foot Pain Caused By Back Problems | El Paso, TX.

Foot Pain Caused By Back Problems | El Paso, TX.

Experiencing foot pain, there’s no doubt you checked out your foot to make sure it’s not injured or hurting from�improper fitting shoes, corns, plantar fasciitis, etc. This may seem counterintuitive, but you may want to check the condition of the�lumbar spine (lower back)?� Most foot problems are caused from issues with the foot itself, but you might be surprised to find that pressure on the sciatic nerve can cause intense foot pain.

foot pain el paso tx.Sciatic Nerve Pain

foot pain el paso tx.

foot pain el paso tx.The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and consists of five nerves that come together at the lower spine and then extend all the way down the back of the legs into the toes. If the lumbar spine is compressed, it presses on the sciatic nerve, thus causing radiating pain down the leg and sometimes all the way into the big toe. Foot pain without leg pain is often due to an issue located within the foot. However, it is possible that the foot pain could be the only symptom of sciatica.

Sciatica can be caused by lumbar spine disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. There are various types of sciatica, which present differently according to which spinal disc is affected. If the L5 disc is compressed, Foot Drop can occur. This refers to the heavy, weak feeling that makes flexing the foot almost impossible. Foot Drop usually results in pain radiating down along the outside of the leg, crossing over the foot and into the big toe. If the S1 nerve root is affected, the pain is likely on the sole of the foot. An accurate diagnosis is first priority in order to address the pain correctly and properly.

What To Do About The Foot Pain

foot pain el paso tx.

Addressing the root of the problem is most important. Nearly three million people a year suffer from sciatic pain along with other dysfunctions. An experienced chiropractor or physician will demonstrate exercises to help lengthen and stretch the spine. This along with massage, acupuncture, and medication are all helpful in the management of sciatic pain. The foot pain will be addressed by a doctor or chiropractor who will to tell which treatment is most effective for the situation.

Treatment for foot pain varies depending on the condition/injury. Treatment can go from rest and ice to physical therapy, chiropractic and in severe cases surgery. Reflexology can provide relief, as well as, stretching exercises. Over the counter pain medication is often used. If the pain is too intense that it prevents sleep, a physician may prescribe non-addictive pain medication. Wear shoes with good arch supports, and if pain persists, see a podiatrist for special orthotic shoe inserts. Insurance often covers orthotics.

Further Considerations


Don�t forget that most pain in the body is caused from inflammation and can be helped with anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle stressors. Concentrate on eating whole, unprocessed foods. Stay away from sugar, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and white flour. Make sure to drink enough water every day, and get eight hours of sleep. This is one of the most effective ways to address inflammation. Bring the body back into balance.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Chronic Pain & Treatments

Maignes Syndrome: 4 Ways Chiropractic Treatment Can Help In El Paso, TX.

Maignes Syndrome: 4 Ways Chiropractic Treatment Can Help In El Paso, TX.

Back pain is a daily issue for millions of Americans, with a variety of medial issues being the culprit. The results of lower back pain on the economy as a whole are far reaching, from tons of lost work time to enormous medical costs. Maignes Syndrome is estimated to be the cause of a great deal of the instances of lower back pain.

Never heard of it? Lucky you because those who are diagnosed with Maignes Syndrome suffer pain that sometimes lasts for weeks or even months, and can become quite severe. Discomfort is increased sometimes when the patient twists his torso, or lifts a heavy object.

What Is Maignes Syndrome?

Also called Thoracolumbar Junction Syndrome, Maignes Syndrome is a spinal disorder that is located in the nerves in the upper lumbar region of the back, causing pain to radiate along the nerves from the site. This spinal condition creates difficult to diagnose symptoms, since it often results in pain in a different part of the body than the actual source. It is believed this “condition exists because of the facet joint issues at the junction between the middle spine and lower spine.”. The pain from Maignes Syndrome usually shows up in the hip, lower back, or groin.

If you are experiencing lower back pain, you may suffer from Maignes Syndrome. Schedule a chiropractic visit as soon as possible, because a chiropractor benefits Maignes Syndrome sufferers in four important ways.

Chiropractors Can�

�Help Correctly Diagnose It

Unfortunately, the nature of the pain and location of the condition frequently cause Maignes Syndrome to be misdiagnosed. Sacroiliac joint pain is sometimes the diagnosis they receive, which hinders proper treatment. For this reason, the patient needs to make certain they are working with an experienced chiropractor who understands the subtle differences of the two conditions.

�Adjust The Area Where The Issue Originates

In order to minimize the symptoms of the condition, a chiropractor can administer adjustments on and around the area causing the issue, the thoracolumbar facet joints. Aligning this area correctly, and loosening the area that may have become tight from overcompensation, assists in relieving pain from Maignes Syndrome.

�Offer At Home Exercises To Help With Healing

Fortunately, there are exercises that can aid Maignes Syndrome, both in loosening the tightness of the afflicted area, and building up the surrounding muscle strength so the body can compensate for the issue. A chiropractor who understands this spinal condition can walk you through a step-by-step exercise regimen of the types of exercises that will help your body adapt to and heal from Maignes Syndrome.

�Promote Your Body’s Ability To Heal Itself

Chiropractic care is a broad-based approach to the body’s inner function and balance. Experienced chiropractors understand that all parts fit together for overall health. A patient with Maignes Syndrome benefits from chiropractic care because of this.

Your chiropractor will make a series of adjustments that help the nervous system work at optimum capacity, which promotes healing to the entire body. Attacking Maignes Syndrome directly at the site and through the body as a whole promotes faster healing and increased mobility.

Individuals with Maignes Syndrome unfortunately face an uphill battle that begins with being correctly diagnosed. The complexity of the spinal condition is the primary reason to seek a professional chiropractor’s opinion at the first sign of ongoing lower back pain. Once Maignes Syndrome is correctly pinpointed, the chiropractor will be able to design an in-house and at-home blend of treatment options to minimize your healing time and achieve a pain-free, fully functioning back.

Chiropractic Treatment Helps�Avoid Back Surgery

Dance Injuries: Chiropractic Treatment Can Help | El Paso, TX.

Dance Injuries: Chiropractic Treatment Can Help | El Paso, TX.

Do You Want To Dance?

Most people love hearing these words, and wholeheartedly jump to the dance floor to twist and shout with the best of them. Some even take classes to learn to swing, tap, or ballroom dance. Others even train and compete. It’s big fun, and provides social interaction and exercise.

And Sometimes Pain:

While some don’t view it this way, dancing is a sport. As such, dance moves can put pressure on your body that causes injury.

Common dancing injuries include foot and ankle sprains, pulled knees, and stress fractures. If you have shimmied your back out, or do-si-do’d your knee into a stiff, painful mess, it’s time to call the best dance partner you have ever had: your chiropractor!

Chiropractic care helps dancers prevent and cope with injuries in a variety of ways.


Dancing requires coordination and balance that comes from strong muscles, bones, and ligaments. If your body is tight and ill-prepared for exercise, you could end up busting a move in the wrong way on the dance floor.

Chiropractic care can, over time, help strengthen your muscles and align your spine so your body is in prime condition for physical activity, with minimal risk of injury. Chiropractic visits work wonders from the neck to the feet in putting the body back in its top performing form. In addition, your chiropractor can offer an at-home regimen of stretching exercises that serves to further promote healthy joints, tendons and muscles.

dance el paso tx


For those who dance regularly, painful feet, ankles and knees may be viewed as part of the package of doing something they love. This doesn’t have to be the case. By committing to regular chiropractic care, dancers improve their range of motion, and keep muscles and joints loose and functioning correctly. Chiropractic care during a regular routine of dancing plays into staying healthy and mobile.


Dancing requires a body to move, turn, and stretch in ways that it may not be accustomed. If you ignored proper preparation, or ended up taking precautions and suffered an injury anyway, you may experience pain and loss of mobility. Make an appointment with your chiropractor as soon as possible.

Many common bodily injuries can be dramatically improved by a regimen of chiropractic care. From sprains to strains to misalignment, a few visits to your chiropractor offers multiple benefits.

The first is pain management, often without drugs. The second is injury improvement by performing manual manipulations, known as adjustments, that stretch the injured area and promote healing. The third is increased mobility. Finally, chiropractic care assists the body in knitting itself back together so well that it minimizes the chances of future injury.

If you have been dancing on and off or regularly for years, or if you are thinking about taking up dancing, know there are many great benefits from incorporating it into your routine. However, you need to take proper precautions to reduce the risk of suffering an injury as you move.

Make sure to choose a nutritious diet and stay hydrated while you dance, and wear properly fitting clothing and shoes. Strive to practice the moves correctly, as well as maintain correct posture. Don’t overdo it, because pushing your body past its limits is a surefire way to cause an injury. Also remember to always stretch out and warm up before dancing.

By following these simple suggestions, you can hit the floor when the music starts and dance until you wear out, enjoying the health benefits dancing brings, while avoiding the injuries.

Chiropractic Treatment Helps With Stress

Orthotics: What Chiropractic Patients Ought To Know

Orthotics: What Chiropractic Patients Ought To Know

Orthotics: It’s good to have options.

Individuals who suffer from a recurring medical condition, as well as those who experience an injury of one form or another, maintain the same overall goals; manage the pain, find a successful treatment option, and heal as quickly as possible. Fortunately, chiropractic care helps promote healing and strengthen the body by working on it in its entirety.

Experienced chiropractors understand there are some other treatments in addition to chiropractic care that help aid pain management, increase mobility, and decrease healing time. Depending on the condition, individuals may experience a wide array of benefits from blending these treatments into their chiropractic treatment.

One such treatment is orthotics or inserts. If life were a sandbox, chiropractic care and orthotics would be the best of friends. They treat muscle and skeletal conditions, as does chiropractic treatment. Some of the key benefits of utilizing orthotics as treatment include:

Greater Support: Orthotics

Orthotics created to “brace” the body part that is not at full performance strength allows it to heal faster.

Success In Keeping Certain Areas Immobile

Sometimes a person’s injury requires little or no movement, and orthotics serve this scenario well.

Decreasing Weight Bearing On The Particular Body Part

Feet, for example, bear a great deal of the body’s weight, making them one of the more difficult parts of the body to achieve healing. Inserts provide the weight bearing assistance needed to give the body time to repair and heal itself.

Body Stabilization

If a part of the body is not functioning adequately, the entire body may be unstable. This is an unsafe situation that can actually cause other injuries. Orthotics are tools that stabilize the body by providing extra support.

Body Alignment Correction

A variety of injuries and other health conditions cause misalignment of the spine. Certain orthotics assist the body in achieving alignment over the course of time, especially when combined with chiropractic adjustments.

Used in the course of chiropractic treatment, orthotics provide a valuable factor in the person’s recovery. Marrying the regimens of chiropractic care and orthotics supercharge the healing and recovery time.

Here’s how:

Helps eliminate painful symptoms. With chiropractic visits working on the body as a whole, and orthotics offering support and stabilization, patients often show a decrease in painful symptoms faster than employing one or the other.

Increases the chance of returning to normal activity. Utilizing orthotics gives the area that is underperforming stabilization and support. This allows a person to more likely return to work and other daily activities faster than chiropractic treatment alone.

Minimizes reliance on medication. A chronically painful medical issue is quite difficult to manage without medication. Long-term use of certain medications can create health and addiction issues, leaving a person with one more problem to handle. The combination of chiropractic care and inserts empowers many individuals to lessen their dependence on drugs.

Maximizes quality of life. While being treated by a chiropractor, a patient�s body may take weeks or longer to stabilize before it completely heals. When inserts are coupled with chiropractic care, these same people are able to achieve a greater feeling of stability, and consequently, independence. This effect is perhaps the most significant benefit of employing the two practices, as quality of life is immeasurable.

No matter the injury or condition, an experienced chiropractor can determine the best regimen for each individual patient’s needs. By consulting with chiropractors who also utilize inserts in their practices, most health issues can be tackled more effectively which, in return, provides even greater results.

Michael Strahan Shares Athletic TIPS

4 Benefits Plantar Fasciitis Sufferers Gain By Chiropractic Treatment

4 Benefits Plantar Fasciitis Sufferers Gain By Chiropractic Treatment

One of the most difficult medical conditions to spell is also one of the most common. Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. A person is afflicted with this medical condition when the tissue tears in the long ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot, called the plantar fascia ligament. The resulting symptoms include pain and inflammation that can be acute and often ongoing.

Plantar Fasciitis

It’s estimated that 2 million Americans suffer from plantar fasciitis. However, many different factors cause the condition.

A foot trauma from an injury such as a fall can bring about the condition. Other causes are wearing ill-fitting or non-supporting footwear, prolonged standing, and arthritis. Once afflicted with plantar fasciitis, the sufferer often changes their gait to avoid foot pain, bringing on secondary issues such as misalignment and joint stress.

While there are several modes of treatment options, chiropractic care offers multiple unique benefits to those who suffer from plantar fasciitis. Here are four specific ways chiropractic care effectively treats plantar fasciitis.

Chiropractic Adjustments Can Reduce Stress In The Plantar fascia

When the ligament is stressed, it can cause tiny tears that brings on plantar fasciitis. Sufferers who don’t take measures to repair this damage often experience ongoing pain and inflammation. A chiropractor, over a series of visits, is able to adjust the foot and heel so the ligament starts to relax, which in return, promotes healing and diminishes the instances of dealing with the condition again down the road.

Chiropractic Care Helps Minimize Secondary Bodily Injury Due To Compensation

As mentioned above, individuals dealing with the pain of plantar fasciitis frequently adapt their gait to avoid painful steps, causing stress and weight to fall on other parts of the feet, ankles, and joints. This may eventually cause issues with strained muscles and sore joints.

Chiropractic treatment not only deals with the symptoms, but treats the root of the problem. Patients who commit to chiropractic care see the plantar fasciitis decrease in severity. In addition, the chiropractor helps re-train them to walk and stand correctly, taking care of the secondary issues.

Additional At Home Exercises Promote Healing

Patients can help their situations in addition to visiting their chiropractor by taking advantage of regular home therapy exercises. Part of chiropractic care for plantar fasciitis includes a regular recommendation of exercises that stretches and heals the plantar fascia as well as secondary affected areas. For maximum results, patients need to make sure they perform the exercises correctly and diligently stick to the rehabilitation plan.

Chiropractic Works Well In Conjunction With Other Treatments

Chiropractic treatment for plantar fasciitis complements other treatments. Chiropractic visits paired with massage, physical therapy, and more invasive treatment such as injections to offer pain management, increased mobility, and faster healing. Talk with your chiropractor to see what other treatments may complement your current care.

The not so great news is plantar fasciitis’s typical recovery time is several months. The great news is that committing to a combination of chiropractic visits and therapy exercises heals 9 out of 10 cases.

Plantar fasciitis is a common issue that millions of people face, but it doesn’t have to control your activity level or hinder your lifestyle. Consult a chiropractor and work together to lay out a plan of chiropractic adjustments, at-home rehab, and possibly other complementary forms of treatments. It may take time, but plantar fasciitis sufferers can eventually reach a point where they are pain free and their mobility is unhindered!

Jerry Rice Credits Chiropractic Treatment

The Knee

The Knee

The Knee | MRI may be requested for:

  • Ligament injuries
  • Meniscal tears and degeneration
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteochondral fractures
  • Tendon disruptions

Bones & Cartilage Of The Knee

The knee joint is the largest, most complicated, and most vulnerable joint in the body, as it does not have a stable bony configuration. It consists of the tibiofemoral and patellofemoral articulations, which include the femur, tibia, and patella. The knee is a synovial joint that is enclosed by a ligament capsule. The capsule contains synovial fluid that keeps the joint lubricated (Figure 82). The knee provides flexible movement, but must also bear large weight and pressure loads. During walking, the knees support 1.5 times your body weight. When climbing stairs, they support 3-4 times your body weight. When squatting, your knees support 8 times your body weight.

the knee

Figure 82. Anatomy of the knee.

The tibiofemoral articulation is a modified hinge joint that allows bending and straightening, but also allows for slight rotation. This articulation consists of the lateral and medial condyles of the femur resting on the lateral and medial aspects of the tibial plateau. The femoral condyles make up the distal portion of the femur, which is expanded in order to assist with weight distribution at the knee joint. The medial femoral condyle is typically larger and rounder. The condyles are united anteriorly to provide the articular surface for the patella, but they are separated posteriorly by the intercondylar notch. This notch, or fossa, is the attachment site for the cruciate ligaments, the ligaments of Humphrey and Wrisberg, and the frenulum of the patellar fat pad. A large part of the posterior distal femur is called the popliteal surface. This area is covered by fat, which separates it from the popliteal artery. The medial and lateral edges of the popliteal surface are attachment sites for muscles. Superior to the femoral condyles are the epicondyles, which are the attachment sites for muscles, tendons, and capsular ligaments. The medial epicondyle is the attachment site for the medial (or tibial) collateral ligament (Figure 83). The lateral femoral epicondyle is the attachment site for the lateral (or fibular) collateral ligament, as well as the tendon of the popliteus muscle, fibers of the iliotibial tract, and the lateral capsular ligament. Superior and posterior to the epicondyles is the most distal extent of the linea aspera, the bony ridge of the femur.

The tibia is the distal portion of the tibiofemoral articulation at the knee. The tibia is the second longest bone in the body, ranked just behind the femur. Its proximal end is flattened and expanded to provide a larger surface for the body weight that is transmitted through the femur. Like the femur, the proximal tibia has medial and lateral condyles. The medial condyle is larger, and somewhat flattened where it contacts the medial meniscus. The lateral condyle has a circular look to its femoral articular surface. The lateral tibial condyle articulates with the head of the fibula posteriorly, which is as close as the fibula comes to any involvement in the knee joint. Both the medial and lateral condyles rise in the center of the superior aspect of the tibia to form the intercondylar eminence. Posterior to this eminence are the attachments sites for the posterior horns of the medial and lateral menisci, which will be discussed with the ligaments of the knee. The medial and lateral tibial condyles, and the area of the intercondylar eminence are often grouped together and referred to as the tibial plateau (Figure 84). This is a critical weight-bearing area, and greatly affects the stability of the knee joint. The tibial tuberosity (or tubercle) is located on the anterior surface of the proximal tibial shaft. It has a smooth upper portion, and a roughened lower portion, which is the insertion site for the patellar tendon. The lateral side of the tibial tuberosity has a ridge for the attachment of fibers from the iliotibial tract. This is the strongest direct attachment site for the iliotibial tract. The IT tract, or band, helps in limiting lateral movement of the knee.

the knee

Figure 84. Tibial plateau.

the knee

Figure 83. Tibiofemoral anatomy.











The patella is the third bone involved in the knee joint, specifically in the patellofemoral articulation. Patella means �little plate� in Latin, which describes the look and function of this sesamoid bone. The patella develops in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle (Figure 85). It moves when the leg moves, and protects the knee joint by relieving friction between the bones and muscles when the knee is bent or straightened. The patellofemoral joint is a saddle-type synovial joint, allowing the patella to glide along the bottom front surface of the femur between the femoral condyles in the patellofemoral groove. Ossification of the patella is typically completed in females by age 10, and in males between the ages of 13-16. If the patella has more than one ossification center, and the additional center does not fuse, it is termed a bipartite patella (Figure 86).

the knee

Figure 86. Bipartite patella.

the knee

Figure 85. Patella location.












Articular, or hyaline, cartilage covers the ends of the bones involved in any joint. In the knee joint, this includes the distal end of the femur, the proximal end of the tibia, and the posterior aspect of the patella (Figure 87). In larger joints, this cartilage is approximately �� thick. Articular cartilage is white, shiny, rubbery, and slippery, enabling surfaces to slide against one another without damage. Articular cartilage is very flexible, due in part to its high water content, which also makes it highly visible on MRI. In contrast to the bones that it covers, articular cartilage has almost no blood vessels, so it is not good at repairing itself. Bones, on the other hand, have numerous blood vessels, and are good at self-repair.

the knee

Figure 87. Articular cartilage.

Another type of cartilage is found between the femur and tibia- the fibrous cartilage that makes up the medial and lateral menisci. The menisci, also referred to as �articular disks�, wrap around the round ends of the femur to fill the space between the femur and tibia (Figure 88). Since the menisci are more fibrous in composition, they have tensile strength and can resist pressure. They can help spread the force from our body weight over a larger area. By helping with weight distribution, the menisci protect the articular cartilage on the ends of the bones from excessive forces. The menisci are fashioned to be thicker on their outsides, creating a shallow socket on the tibial surface. They act like a wedge on the rounded distal portion of the femur, improving the overall stability of the knee joint by preventing any �rolling� of the femur. Despite how strong they sound, the menisci can crack or tear when the knee is forcefully rotated or bent. The medial meniscus is fused with the medial collateral ligament, so it is less mobile than the lateral meniscus. It is often injured when the anterior or posterior cruciate ligaments are injured. The inner 2/3 of the medial meniscus receives a limited blood supply, so the entire meniscus is usually slow to heal. The lateral meniscus suffers from fewer injuries than the medial meniscus. Meniscal tears are one of the most common causes of knee pain, with suspected meniscal tears the most common indication for an MRI of the knee joint.

the knee

Figure 88. Superior view of menisci of right knee.

Symptoms that might indicate a problem with the bones of the knee joint include locking of the joint, the knee giving way, crackling or grinding felt in the joint, and pain and swelling. Locking of the joint can be indicative of a �loose body� (bone, cartilage, or foreign object) in the joint space, which can often be removed through arthroscopy (Figure 89). A knee that gives way can indicate that the patella is out of the patellofemoral groove, which leaves the knee unstable. Crackling and grinding at the joint can result from degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis, as well as from a dislocating patella. An increase in pain with activity can occur due to a stress fracture or bone fracture. One of the pathologic conditions that can affect the bones of the knee joint is osteochondritis dissecans, which can affect the distal femur, and was discussed previously with the femur anatomy. Various types of arthritis manifest in the bones of the knee joint, including osteoarthritis, infectious arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Chondromalacia patella, also known as patellofemoral syndrome or �runner�s knee� results from an irritation of the undersurface of the patella (Figure 91). If the patella is not tracking correctly in the patellofemoral groove, the articular cartilage may rub against the knee joint (Figure 90). The cartilage degenerates, and becomes irritated and painful. This condition is most common amongst young, healthy athletes, especially females and runners that are flat-footed. Treatment is typically rest and physical therapy to stretch and strengthen the quads and hamstrings. If surgery is required, it may be to perform a �lateral release�, as the abnormal tracking of the patella can cause a tightening of the lateral tissues of the knee. The lateral release procedure cuts the tight tissues, so the patella can return to its normal position and tracking. Osgood-Schlatter disease involves the anteriorly located tibial tuberosity, and the patellar tendon that inserts on that tuberosity (Figures 92, 93). This condition affects children during their growth spurts, and is typically found more in boys. During growth spurts, contractions of the quad muscle put additional stress on the patellar tendon at its attachment site on the tibial tuberosity. This can result in multiple subacute avulsion fractures and inflammation of the tendon. Excess bone growth occurs on the tuberosity, and a lump on the tuberosity can be seen and felt. This lump can become irritated and swollen, causing knee and leg pain. This condition is typically worsened with running, jumping, and climbing stairs. Osgood-Schlatter usually resolves with rest, ice, compression and elevation, as well as maturity of the youngster�s skeleton.

Figure 89. Intraarticular loose body.


Figure 90. Patellofemoral groove.

Figure 91. Patellofemoral syndrome or �runner�s knee�.









Figure 92. Xray displaying Osgood-Schlatter disease.


Figure 93. MRI displaying Osgood- Schlatter disease.


Ligaments Of The Knee

Ligaments are the tough bands of tissue that connect bones. They are considered to be �viscoelastic�, meaning they can gradually lengthen under tension, but return to their original shape when the tension is removed. However, if they are stretched for a prolonged period of time, or past a certain point, the ligaments cannot retain their original shape, and may eventually tear or snap. This is one of the reasons that a dislocated joint should be re-located as quickly as possible. If the ligaments lengthen, they leave the joint weakened and prone to future dislocations. Controlled stretching exercises to lengthen ligaments, and make the joints more supple, are part of the daily routines of athletes, gymnasts, dancers, etc. Damaged ligaments can lead to unstable joints, wearing of the cartilage, and eventually osteoarthritis. The numerous ligaments of the knee joint are the most important structures in controlling stability of the knee. Many of these ligaments were mentioned in the femur anatomy section, as they have attachments on the distal femur. The more important ligaments will be reviewed here in greater detail, in regards to their functions in the knee joint. The main intracapsular ligaments are the anterior and posterior cruciates (Figures 94, 95). Intracapsular ligaments are not very common in synovial joints. They provide stability, but permit a larger range of motion as compared to capsular or extracapsular ligaments. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) stretches from the lateral femoral condyle to the anterior intercondylar area of the tibia, preventing the tibia from being pushed too far anterior relative to the femur. It is the more commonly injured of the cruciate ligaments, and can be torn during twisting and bending of the knee. Women are at higher risk for ACL ruptures due to the facts that the maximum diameter of the intercondylar fossa is in its posterior aspect (the ACL attaches anteriorly), and the overall width of the intercondylar fossa is smaller in females. The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) stretches from the medial femoral condyle to the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia, preventing posterior displacement of the tibia relative to the femur. It is the stronger of the two cruciate ligaments, and is injured less frequently; however, it can be injured from direct force or trauma. The menisci are also considered to be intracapsular structures, with connections to ligaments inside and outside the joint capsule. Two of their intracapsular ligaments are the anterior and posterior transverse meniscomeniscal ligaments. They attach the medial and lateral menisci to each other at their anterior and posterior aspects. Posterior transverse meniscal ligaments are very rare- only 1-4% of knees will have them. Two additional intermeniscal ligaments are the medial and lateral oblique meniscomeniscal ligaments (Figure 96). Their names describe their anterior horn attachment sites; they attach on the posterior horn of the opposite meniscus (i.e. medial oblique meniscomeniscal attaches to the anterior horn of the medial meniscus and posterior horn of the lateral meniscus). The oblique meniscomeniscal ligaments both traverse the intercondylar notch, and pass between the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (Figure 97).

the knee

Figure 94. Cruciate ligaments and menisci.

the knee

Figure 95. Posterior view of cruciate ligaments of left knee.

the knee

Figure 96. Axial fatsat T2 FSE image with arrow indicating
oblique meniscal ligament coursing from anterior horn of
medial meniscus to posterior horn of lateral meniscus.

the knee

Figure 97. Sagittal dual-echo T2 through the intercondylar notch at the level of the posterior cruciate ligament (curved arrow); thin linear structure of low signal intensity inferior to PCL represents the oblique meniscomeniscal ligament (straight arrow); sometimes misinterpreted as displaced meniscal fragment.


The medial (or tibial) collateral ligament is considered a capsular ligament, as it is part of the articular capsule surrounding the synovial knee joint. It acts as mechanical reinforcement for the joint, protecting the knee from valgus force, or being bent open medially due to stress on the lateral side of the knee. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is one of the most commonly injured of all knee ligaments, occurring in all sports, in all ages, and often times with medial meniscal tears (Figures 98-101). It has both superficial and deep components. Fibers from the superficial portion of the MCL attach to the medial epicondyle of the femur and the medial tibial condyle. Fibers from the deep medial collateral ligament attach to the medial meniscus. Proximal to the attachment point, this ligament is referred to as the meniscofemoral ligament, as it attaches the medial meniscus to the medial aspect of the femur. Distal to the meniscal attachment, the ligament is referred to as the meniscotibial (or coronary) ligament, as it attaches the medial meniscus to the medial aspect of the tibia. The meniscofemoral and meniscotibial are also referred to as the meniscocapsular or medial capsular ligaments, as they play an important role in anchoring peripheral parts of the medial meniscus in the medial side of the knee. The meniscotibial ligament is typically injured more often than the meniscofemoral ligament. The meniscotibial ligament attaches to the tibia several millimeters inferior to the articular cartilage. Its job is to stabilize and maintain the meniscus in its proper position on the tibial plateau. Disruption of the meniscotibial ligament can result in a floating meniscus or meniscal avulsion, while the meniscofemoral ligament may not be affected. The deep medial collateral ligament is short, and tightens quickly with rotation motions. It is often damaged, along with the ACL, when the mechanism of injury involves tibial rotation. Diagnosis and surgical repair of the deep medial collateral ligament can be challenging.

the knee

Figure 98. Normal MCL is linear,
has low signal intensity.

the knee

Figure 99. Grade 1 sprain shows adjacent edema, no change in signal intensity of MCL.

the knee

Figure 100. Grade 2 sprain or partial tear shows increased edema,
abnormal signal intensity,
thickening or thinning of ligament.

the knee

Figure 101. Grade 3 involves complete disruption of ligaments or attachments.


In addition to fibers of the medial collateral ligament, the deep portion of the capsular compartment of the medial knee is the location of the medial knee�s posterior support. The posterior oblique ligament is attached proximally to the medially located adductor tubercle of the femur, and distally to the tibia and the posterior aspect of the knee joint capsule. If the posterior oblique is injured, it is usually torn from its femoral origin. The posterior oblique ligament provides static resistance to valgus loads as the knee moves into full extension, as well as dynamic stabilization to valgus forces (stress from lateral side) as the knee moves into flexion. It acts as an important restraint to posterior tibial translation in cases of posterior cruciate ligament injury. The posterior oblique ligament has three �arms�. Its superior capsular �arm� becomes continuous with the posterior knee capsule, and the proximal portion of the oblique popliteal ligament. The oblique popliteal ligament is also an important posterior stabilizing structure for the knee joint Figure 102). It extends from the posteromedial aspect of the tibia, running obliquely and laterally upward to insert near the lateral epicondyle of the femur.

the knee

Figure 102. Oblique popliteal ligament in posterior view of knee.

the knee

Figure 103. Medial (tibial) and lateral (fibular) collateral ligaments.


The lateral (or fibular) collateral ligament is considered an extracapsular ligament. It helps to provide joint stability and protects the lateral side of the knee from varus forces, or inside bending forces that are directed at the medial side of the knee. Injuries to the lateral collateral ligament are less common than injuries to the medial collateral, as the opposite leg can guard against medial forces that can lead to lateral collateral injuries. Injuries can occur in sports such as soccer and rugby, where the knee is extended and unprotected during running. The lateral, or fibular, collateral ligament stretches obliquely downward and backward, from the lateral epicondyle of the femur to the head of the fibula (Figure 103). It is not fused with the capsular ligament or with the lateral meniscus, so it has increased flexibility and decreased incidence of injury when compared to the medial collateral ligament. Similar to the medial meniscus, the lateral meniscus has a meniscotibial, or coronary, ligament. It connects the inferior edges of the lateral meniscus to the periphery of the tibial plateau. The lateral meniscus also has a meniscofemoral ligament that extends from the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus to the lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle. It is given two distinct names, based on its location in relation to the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). The ligament of Humphrey passes in front of the posterior cruciate ligament. It is less than 1/3 the diameter of the posterior cruciate ligament, but may be confused for the posterior cruciate during arthroscopy. The ligament of Wrisberg passes behind the posterior cruciate ligament, and is about � of the posterior cruciate�s diameter (Figure 104). Its femoral origin often merges with the posterior cruciate ligament. Both ligaments are present in only about 6% of knees. Approximately 70% of people have one or the other of these ligaments, with the majority possessing the more posterior ligament of Wrisberg (Figure 105). MRI is the preferred imaging modality for medial collateral or lateral collateral ligament injuries, as it can detect any associated internal knee derangements, cruciate-collateral ligament injuries, or cartilage deficiencies.

the knee

Figure 104. Rendering of posterior knee, arrow indicates Ligament of Wrisberg; courses obliquely from lateral aspect of medial femoral condyle to posterior horn of lateral meniscus,
remains posterior to PCL.

the knee

Figure 105. Arrow indicates �Wrisberg pseudo-tear�; intermediate signal
intensity line at junction of
Ligament of Wrisberg and normal posterior horn of lateral meniscus; often mistaken for a meniscal tear.

The patellar ligament is the connection between the patella and the tibia, extending from the apex (inferior aspect) of the patella to the tibial tuberosity. Technically, it is connecting two bones, so it is a ligament. However, it is most often referred to as the patellar tendon, because the superficial fibers that cover the front of the patella and extend to the tibia are continuous with the central portion of the common tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle. The posterior surface of the patellar ligament is separated from the synovial membrane of the knee joint by a large infrapatellar pad of fat. Injuries to the patellar ligament can occur from overuse, such as sports that involve jumping and quick directional changes, as well as running-related sports. This is the ligament that is injured in jumper�s knee (or patellar tendonitis), which begins with inflammation, and can lead to degeneration or rupture of the patellar ligament and the tissue around it (Figure 106). Patients with patellar ligament injuries typically complain of pain in the area below the kneecap, which will increase with walking, running, squatting, etc. They can often be treated in the same manner as other soft tissue injuries- with rest, ice, compression and elevation. The patellar ligament attachment at the tibial tuberosity is the site of Osgood-Schlatter disease, which was discussed previously.

the knee

Figure 106. Patellar tendonitis (jumper�s knee).

Along the sides of the patella and the patellar ligament are the medial and lateral patellar retinacula (Figure 107). They are fibrous tissue stabilizers for the patella that form from the medial and lateral portions of the quad tendons as they pass down to insert on either side of the tibial tuberosity. The lateral retinaculum is the thicker of the two, but both have superficial and deep layers. Within the deep layers are various ligaments (whose names indicate the structures they connect) that help support the patella in its position, relative to the femur below it. The deep layer of the lateral patellar retinaculum is the location where the lateral patellofemoral ligament meets the iliopatellar band, which is a tract of fibers from the iliotibial (IT) band that connects to the patella. The deep layer of the medial patellar retinaculum has three focal capsular thickenings, referred to as the medial patellofemoral, medial patellomeniscal, and medial patellotibial ligaments. The medial patellofemoral ligament is strong enough to influence patellar tracking, and acts as a major medial restraint. Imbalances in the forces that control patellar tracking during flexion and extension of the knee can lead to patellofemoral pain syndrome (runner�s knee), one of the most common causes of knee pain. This can result from overuse, trauma, muscle dysfunction, patellar hypermobility, and poor quadriceps flexibility. Typical symptoms include pain behind or around the patella that is increased with running, and activities that involve knee flexion. MRI is typically not necessary for this diagnosis. Physical therapy has been found to be effective for the treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome.

the knee

Figure 107. Lateral and medial retinaculum.

Muscles & Tendons Of The Knee

The flexor and extensor muscles of the knee have been discussed previously, as the majority of them are the anterior and posterior muscles of the thigh. We will review the thigh muscles involved in knee movement, and add two muscles of the lower leg that also affect the knee. The quadriceps femoris muscles of the anterior thigh are the main knee extensors (Figure 108). As these muscles contract, the knee joint straightens. The tendons of the vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and rectus femoris join at the superior aspect (base) of the patella to form the patellar tendon. This tendon continues over the patella and attaches it to the tibial tuberosity (since it is connecting bone to bone, it is sometimes called the patellar ligament). The quadriceps, along with the gluteal muscles, are responsible for the thrusting forces necessary for walking, running, and jumping. The quads also help control movement of the patella, as they are attached to it by the quadriceps tendons (Figure 109). The patella increases the force exerted by the quadriceps muscles as the knee is straightened.

the knee

Figure 108. Anterior thigh muscles – knee extensors.

the knee

Figure 109. Quadriceps controlling the patella.














The posterior thigh muscles, also known as the hamstrings, are the main knee flexors, with assistance from the sartorius, gracilis, gastrocnemius, and popliteus muscles. The knee bends when the hamstrings contract. The hamstring muscles give the knee joint the strength needed for propulsion in running and jumping. They also help to stabilize the knee by protecting the collateral and cruciate ligaments, especially when the knee twists. The three hamstring muscles have varying attachment sites around the knee joint (Figure 110). The biceps femoris attaches to the head of the fibula and the superolateral aspect of the tibia. The semitendinosus attaches on the anterior aspect of the tibia, medial to the tibial tuberosity, crossing over the medial collateral ligament. The tendon of the semitendinosus muscle is sometimes used for cruciate ligament reconstruction. The semimembranosus attaches at the posteriomedial aspect of the medial tibial condyle. The sartorius muscle is also a knee flexor, although it is an anterior thigh muscle. It inserts on the anterior medical aspect of the tibia. The gracilis muscle of the medial thigh is one of the hip adductors, but also plays a part in knee flexion. Like the semitendinosus tendon, the tendon of the gracilis is sometimes used for cruciate ligament reconstructions. The gracilis attaches to the medial aspect of the proximal tibia.

the knee

Figure 110. Posterior knee
muscles – knee flexors.

Additional flexors of the knee joint include some of the posterior muscles of the lower leg. The large superficial gastrocnemius muscle has a medial and a lateral head, which originate from the medial and lateral femoral condyles, respectively. It runs the length of the posterior lower leg, attaching to the calcaneus by the Achilles tendon. The gastrocnemius gives us the ability to flex our knee while our foot is flexed, as it connects to both joints. It is involved in standing, walking, running, and jumping. The popliteus is a deep posterior lower leg muscle that helps with knee flexion, and also rotates the tibia medially, which aids in knee stability. The popliteus originates from the outer margin of the lateral meniscus of the knee joint. It extends posteriorly and inserts on the medial aspect of the tibia, inferior to the medial tibial epicondyle.

The important tendons of the knee include the quadriceps, patellar, and hamstring tendons, and the iliotibial band (Figure 111). Tendons attach muscles to bones. These major knee tendons have all been discussed with either the bones or the muscles that they attach. The quadriceps tendon was mentioned with the quadriceps muscle as the muscle�s attachment to the patella. The quad tendon continues over the patella, then attaches the apex of the patella to the tibial tuberosity. It is then called the patellar tendon (or ligament). Hamstring tendons were discussed with the hamstring muscles, the posterior muscles that are flexors of the knee. Hamstring tendons are sometimes used for cruciate ligament reconstructions. Tendonitis, which is the inflammation of a tendon, is a common knee injury amongst athletes in a variety of sports. The iliotibial band (or IT tract) functions like a tendon, as it attaches the knee to the tensor fasciae latte muscle. The band is actually a fibrous reinforcement of the fascia lata, or deep tissue of the thigh. It runs from the ilium to the tibia. Proximally, it acts as a hip abductor, while distally it acts as lateral stabilization for the knee, and aids with medial rotation of the tibia. The IT band is in constant use during walking and running, which can lead to irritation at the point where it passes over the lateral femoral epicondyle. A �tight� IT band can cause inflammation and/or irritation at the femoral epicondyle, or at the point of insertion on the lateral tibial condyle. This condition is called IT band friction syndrome. It is common amongst runners, hikers, and cycling enthusiasts.

the knee

Figure 111. Tendons of the knee.

Nerves Of The Knee

The main nerves to the knee that come from the sacral plexus of nerves are the tibial nerve and the common peroneal nerve (Figure 112). Both are branches of the sciatic nerve, and begin posteriorly, slightly above the actual knee joint. Both of these nerves, or their branches, continue through the lower leg and foot, providing sensation and muscle control. The tibial and common peroneal nerves are also both involved in cutaneous innervation, which is the supply of nerves to the skin of the knee. The tibial nerve remains posterior and more medial, branching at the medial ankle to innervate the foot. The common peroneal nerve begins posterolaterally, moving anteriorly near the neck of the fibula. It then branches into the superficial and deep peroneal nerves, which continue their anterior descent to the foot. The tibial and common peroneal nerves are the most commonly injured nerves when a knee is dislocated. Nerves can grow back, but they do so at a rate of approximately � inch per month.

the knee

Figure 112. Sacral plexus nerves of knee.

Nerves from the lumbar plexus that affect the knee include the lateral femoral cutaneous, and the saphenous, which is a branch of the femoral nerve (Figure 113). The saphenous nerve travels more medially and gives off infrapatellar branches around the knee joint. Below the knee, the saphenous nerve sends branches to the skin of the anterior and medial lower leg. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve sends an anterior branch to the skin of the anterior and lateral thigh, down to the area of the knee. Terminal filaments of this nerve communicate with the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve, forming the peripatellar plexus.

the knee

Figure 113. Lumbar plexus nerves of knee.

Arteries & Veins Of The Knee

The popliteal artery, a branch of the superficial femoral artery, is the main arterial supply to the knee joint. It runs along the posterior aspect of the distal femur, behind the knee joint. At the supracondylar ridge, the popliteal artery gives off the blood supply to the knee, which consists of various genicular arteries (Figure 114). Inferior to the knee joint, the popliteal branches into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries, which supply the lower leg. The popliteal artery is a common site for both atherosclerosis and aneurysms, and is listed as the most common site for peripheral arterial aneurysms. Approximately 50% of these aneurysms are bilateral. Although they rarely rupture, popliteal aneurysms may serve as a focus for abrupt thrombotic occlusion of the involved popliteal artery, which can affect the foot on the same side. A thrombus within an aneurysm can also lead to a distal embolism. The genicular arteries are sources of continued blood flow to the knee and lower limb, in case of an obstructed popliteal artery. The descending genicular, also called the highest or supreme genicular, branches from the femoral artery, just superior to the popliteal branch. It supplies the adductor magnus and hamstring muscles, then joins with the network of genicular arteries around the knee joint. The middle genicular pierces the oblique popliteal ligament, and supplies the ligaments and synovial membrane inside the knee articulation (including the ACL and PCL). The sural artery joins the anastomoses of the genicular arteries, and also supplies muscles of the lower leg, including the large gastrocnemius muscle. The anastomotic pattern around the knee joint is supplied by the popliteal artery posteriorly, the descending genicular artery medially, and the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery laterally. The genicular arteries involved in the anastomosis are labeled as the medial and lateral superior geniculars, and the medial and lateral inferior geniculars.

the knee

Figure 114. Arteries of knee.

The major deep veins around the knee joint are the popliteal vein, and the anterior and posterior tibial veins (Figure 115). The popliteal vein begins at the junction of the tibial veins in the posterior aspect of the lower leg, just inferior to the knee joint. It ascends posteriorly, continuing as the femoral vein about halfway up the thigh. As deep veins typically follow the arteries, the genicular veins accompany the genicular arteries around the knee joint, then drain into the popliteal vein. The important superficial veins around the knee joint are the small and great saphenous veins. Superficial veins typically do not follow arteries, but rather travel with cutaneous nerves. The small saphenous ascends the lower leg posteriorly, angling from lateral to medial. It merges with the popliteal vein at a position slightly superior to the knee joint. The great saphenous vein, the longest vein in the body, has a medial and anterior course in the lower leg. It moves to a posterior position, but stays medial along the knee joint, moving alongside the medial epicondyle of the femur. The great saphenous then moves anteriorly again through the thigh.

the knee

Figure 115. Veins of knee.

Varicose and �spider� veins are often seen in the leg in the posterior aspect of the knee joint. As mentioned previously, in the femoral vein discussion, veins have valves to ensure the �one-way� uphill flow of blood back to the heart (Figure 116). Communicating vessels, also called perforating veins, exist between the deep and superficial veins to help compensate for valves that may be incompetent, and are allowing blood reflux. If venous walls are weakened or dilated, the cusps of the valves can no longer close properly, and the valves can become incompetent. This leads to an increase in the weight of the column of blood for the veins that are �downstream� from the bad valve. Blood can pool in these veins, causing them to become varicose, where the veins swell, become tortuous, and even bulge through the skin surface. Reticular veins, which are smaller varicose veins that do not bulge through the skin, as well as very small �spider� veins are both typically less severe conditions, but both still involve the backwards flow of blood. Removal of severe varicose veins will actually help blood flow, as the blood will no longer be stagnant in the pooled areas.

the knee

Figure 116. Varicose veins around knee.

Bursae Of The Knee

The synovial knee joint is home to a large number of bursae (Figure 117). These are fluid sacs and synovial pockets that surround and sometimes communicate with the joint cavity. They facilitate friction-free movement between the bones and moving structures (tendon, muscle). Fluid or debris can collect in the bursa, or fluid can extend into the bursa from the adjacent joint in situations such as excessive friction, infection or direct trauma. This type of pathological enlargement of the bursa is referred to as bursitis, which can mimic several peripheral joint and muscle abnormalities. Radiologists must be able to accurately identify bursal pathology, especially amongst the numerous knee bursae (14 reported in some literature). We will identify a few of the more common bursa, beginning with the suprapatellar bursa. This bursa lies between a quadriceps tendon and the femur, superior to the patella (Figure 118). Fluid is commonly found here when patients have a joint effusion. Bursitis of the prepatellar bursa is also known as �housemaid�s knee�. It occurs from repetitive trauma from kneeling, as seen with housemaids, wrestlers, and carpet-layers. This bursa is found between the patella and the skin (Figure 119). Inflammation of the superficial infrapatellar bursa may be called �Clergyman�s knee�, another bursitis that can occur from excessive kneeling. This bursa is located between the distal third of the patellar tendon and the overlying skin (Figure 120).

the knee

Figure 117. Bursae in the knee.

the knee

Figure 118. T2 gradient
displaying suprapatellar

the knee

Figure 119. T2
fatsat displaying
prepatellar bursa.

the knee

Figure 120. T2 fatsat
displaying infrapatellar


The synovial sac of the knee joint sometimes forms a posterior bulge, known as a Baker�s cyst or popliteal cyst (Figure 121). It typically forms between the tendons of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle and the semimembranosus muscle, posterior to the medial femoral condyle. Baker�s cysts are not true cysts, as they typically maintain open communication with the synovial sac. However, they can pinch off, and they can rupture. They are usually asymptomatic, but can be indicative of another problem of the knee, such as arthritis or a meniscal tear. Aspiration of the synovial fluid can be performed if the cyst becomes problematic. Treatment is usually necessary if a Baker�s cyst ruptures, as it can cause acute pain behind the knee, and swelling of the calf muscles. A ruptured cyst can also mimic a DVT or thrombophlebitis. Ultrasound and MRI can both be used for confirmation of a Baker�s cyst (Figure 122).

the knee

Figure 121. Lateral view of Baker�s cyst.

the knee

Figure 122. Sagittal image of Baker�s cyst on MRI.

Scan Setups

The following are HMSA suggestions for knee imaging. Knee protocols should be designed to yield diagnostic images of the menisci, bones, articular cartilage, and all ligamentous structures of the knee. While many radiologists may require additional imaging of the ACL, protocols that are designed for optimal imaging of the cartilage and menisci should also produce adequate images of the ACL. Always check with your radiologist for his/her imaging preferences.

Axial Scans

When positioning axial slices for the knee, sagittal and coronal images can be used to insure inclusion of all pertinent anatomy. The slices should extend superiorly to include the entire patella, and inferiorly to include the tibial tuberosity and patellar tendon insertion. A presat can be placed over the unaffected lower extremity to reduce the possibility of wrap-around artifact, as seen in the coronal image in Figure 139.

the knee

Figure 139. Axial slice setup using sagittal and coronal images.

Coronal Scans

Coronal slices of the knee should include the anatomy from the posterior femoral condyles to the anterior portion of the patella. Visualize a line connecting the lateral and medial condyles of the femur. Typically, the coronal slices are angled so that they are parallel to that line, as seen in the axial image in Figure 140.

the knee

Figure 140. Coronal slice setup using axial and sagittal images.

Sagittal Scans

Sagittal slices should include the anatomy from the medial condyle to the lateral condyle. The slice group may be angled per your radiologist�s preference, but should remain perpendicular to the coronal slices. Typically, the slice group is angled so that it is parallel to the medial border of the femoral condyle, as seen in the axial image in Figure 141.

the knee

Figure 141. Sagittal slice setup using axial and coronal images.

In addition to routine oblique sagittal images, some radiologists prefer an additional sagittal scan of the ACL with thin slices and high spatial resolution. Axial and coronal images can be used for slice setup. Referenced literature recommends that the angle of the slice group should not exceed 10� from a line drawn perpendicular to the bicondylar line (line that connects the posterior femoral condyles), as seen in Figure 142.

the knee

Figure 142. Sagittal ACL slice setup using axial and coronal images.



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References For Anatomy Pics:

Figures 1, 5, 6, 24-

Figures 2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 23, 25-

Figure 4-

Figures 7, 8, 9-

Figure 10-

Figure 13-

Figure 17-

Figure 19-

Figures 20-22-

Figure 43, 44-

Figure 45-

Figures 46-48-

Figure 49-

Figure 50-

Figures 51, 52-

Figures 53, 54-

Figure 55-

Figure 56-

Figure 57-

Figure 58-

Figure 59-

Figure 60-

Figure 61-

Figure 62-

Figure 63-

Figure 64-

Figure 82-

Figure 83-

Figure 84-

Figure 85-

Figure 86-

Figure 87-

Figure 88-

Figure 89-

Figure 90-

Figure 91-

Figure 92-

Figure 93-

Figure 94-

Figure 95-

Figures 96, 97-

Figures 98-101-–Ligaments.aspx

Figure 102-

Figure 103-

Figures 104, 105-

Figure 106-

Figure 107-

Figure 108-

Figure 109-

Figure 110-

Figure 111-

Figure 112-

Figures 113, 115, 157-159-

Figure 114-

Figure 116-

Figure 117-

Figures 118-120-

Figure 121-

Figure 122-

Figure 143-

Figure 144-

Figure 145-

Figure 146-

Figure 147-

Figure 148-

Figures 149, 152-

Figures 150, 151-

Figure 153-

Figure 154-

Figure 155-

Figure 156-

Figure 181-

Figure 182-

Figure 183-

Figures 184, 186-

Figure 185-

Figures 187, 227-

Figure 188-

Figures 189, 190-

Figure 191-

Figure 192-

Figure 193-

Figure 194-

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Sports Injury Treatment | Turf Toe | Video

Sports Injury Treatment | Turf Toe | Video

Sports Injury Treatment: PUSH-as-Rx ��: 915-203-8122 | Dr. Alex Jimenez � Chiropractor: 915-850-0900 PUSH-as-Rx ���is leading the field with laser focus supporting our youth sport programs.� The�PUSH-as-Rx ���System is a sport specific athletic program designed by a strength-agility coach and physiology doctor with a combined 40 years of experience working with extreme athletes. At its core, the program is the multidisciplinary study of reactive agility, body mechanics and extreme motion dynamics. Through continuous and detailed assessments of the athletes in motion and while under direct supervised stress loads, a clear quantitative picture of body dynamics emerges. Exposure to the biomechanical vulnerabilities are presented to our team. �Immediately,�we adjust our methods for our athletes in order to optimize performance.� This highly adaptive system with continual�dynamic adjustments has helped many of our athletes come back faster, stronger, and ready post injury while safely minimizing recovery times. Results demonstrate clear improved agility, speed, decreased reaction time with greatly improved postural-torque mechanics.��PUSH-as-Rx ���offers specialized extreme performance enhancements to our athletes no matter the age.

Sports Injury Treatment

sports injury treatment

Vincent Garcia, an athlete training in mixed martial arts, or MMA, suffered a knee injury and developed turf toe, but that hasn’t stopped him from participating in his regular training regimen. In order to return to as well as improve his original physical performance, Vincent Garcia found treatment with Dr. Alex Jimenez, doctor of chiropractic. Now recovering from his sports injuries, Vincent Garcia looks forward to regaining his strength, flexibility and mobility to return to sport.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C. – Treats Vince Garcia MMA Fighter for Sports Injuries, including knee pain and turf toe. Dr. Jimenez D.C can be reached at (915) 850-0900 or visit our website at

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