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Spine Care

Back Clinic Chiropractic Spine Care Team. The spine is designed with three natural curves; the neck curvature or cervical spine, the upper back curvature or thoracic spine, and the lower back curvature or lumbar spine, all of which come together to form a slight shape when viewed from the side. The spine is an essential structure as it helps support the upright posture of humans, it provides the body with the flexibility to move and it plays the crucial role of protecting the spinal cord. Spinal health is important in order to ensure the body is functioning to its fullest capacity. Dr. Alex Jimenez strongly indicates across his collection of articles on spine care, how to properly support a healthy spine. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Children, Chiropractic Care & Five Myths

Children, Chiropractic Care & Five Myths

Chiropractors who provide care for children � and families � can attest to the many benefits of a healthy spine to a growing child. However, this relatively new area of focus for chiropractic is susceptible to many misconceptions, among the public and the health-care community.

Many of the public perceptions about chiropractic care for children, however, are far from the truth. We explore these misconceptions and spoke to the experts to get the real facts about this thriving chiropractic focus area.

Myth #1 Chiropractic care of children is new.

When some individuals first learn that DCs treat children as well as adults, they may get the wrong idea that chiropractic for kids is new � which is to say untested, experimental and dangerous.

That isn�t the case. Sure, the modern era of this field dates only as far back as the 1980s. But the fact is, the practice actually has much older and stronger roots. �If you go back to 1910, [founder of chiropractic] D.D. Palmer indicated how important it is to check a child�s spine from birth and throughout life,� notes Jeanne Ohm, CEO of the International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association (ICPA), a non-profit organization in Philadelphia.�blog picture of naked baby being held by chiropractor

By the 1980s, many DCs had developed their practices to treat adults specifically. In 1986, Dr. Larry Webster in the U.S. helped re-establish chiropractic care for children as a legitimate area of focus. He started teaching his child-friendly techniques, and he created the ICPA to further help chiropractors treat children.

Webster passed away in 1997, but his legacy continues. The ICPA now has more than 4,000 members and hundreds of DCs are studying to become chiropractors with a special focus on kids.

Myth #2 Children don�t need chiropractic care.

DCs who treat kids often hear questions along these lines: Why in the world would a child need to see a chiropractor? What good does chiropractic do for a toddler, or even a newborn?

Chiropractors have a few good answers.

blog picture of lady chiropractor�We may see a one-week-old child who is already showing signs of favoring, turning her head to one side versus the other,� says Dr. Judy Forrester, owner of Synergea Family Health Centre, a multidisciplinary clinic in Calgary, Alta. �That may seem minimal� but if we can determine any imbalances or asymmetry with the muscular function or the joint alignment, and we address it early, it�s better. Once those postural patterns and habits develop as they grow, they can be much more difficult to change.�

Dr. Liz Anderson-Peacock is a Barrie, Ont., chiropractor who focuses on care for children. She notes the link between the central nervous systems and various childhood afflictions.

�Children may have symptoms like ear infections, difficulty breathing, colic, attention deficit. We do not treat those things per se. We see those as expressions of the body not interpreting the world properly,� explains Anderson-Peacock, who also serves in the editorial board for the Journal of Maternal, Pediatric and Family Health.

�The organizing system for us to respond to the world is the nervous system. The questions we ask are: if there is something going on with the nervous system, what is it, and can chiropractic care help?�

Anderson-Peacock now spends most of her time travelling around the world doing lectures and other speaking engagements. She also conducts seminars for the ICPA about chiropractic care for children and families.

Ohm from the ICPA links chiropractic to the very moment a child emerges from the womb. �Birth can be traumatic,� she says. The event could cause physical damage that leads to difficulties later. So if a baby develops breathing trouble, �the real cause may simply be a misalignment to the spine from the birth process. Parents who get that will stop at the clinic on the way home from the birth centre to make sure everything is OK.�

Chiropractic & Children

Myth #3 Chiropractors use the same techniques on children as adults.

�That�s what terrifies a lot of chiropractors about adjusting children, as well as parents,� Anderson-Peacock says. �They think we�re going to adjust them like an adult.�blog picture of lady chiropractor smiling

But DCs who treat children do not apply heavy pressure. �Often, it�s a matter of moving the child into a position of ease, holding that position and things will reset quite nicely on their own,� Anderson-Peacock says. Care, she points out, is nowhere near as forceful as it may be for adults.

�That�s why extra training is so crucial. These children are not like miniature adults. For example, spines are primarily cartilaginous until the age of six, and we know cartilage will deform when we have abnormal function. So we want to make sure that function is restored normally. And since the bones are immature, the alignment issues are different. We want to minimize rotations and traction, because children have different needs, due to the immaturity of their musculoskeletal and ligamentous structures.�

The ICPA aims to validate techniques for chiropractic care for children, particularly to help dispel the idea that DCs use the same pressure on kids as they do on adults, Ohm notes. The organization is working with Walter Herzog, co-director of the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Calgary, to study the pressure required when caring for children. The report should be out by the end of 2015.

Chiropractic & Children with Chronic Conditions

Myth #4 There are no real experts in chiropractic care for children.

In Canada, chiropractic care for children is not a recognized area of specialty, which leads some people to think there are no genuine experts in the field. But that isn�t true.

Many DCs follow accredited courses to develop child-specific skills. Anderson-Peacock spent three years studying at the International Chiropractors Association�s Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE)-accredited program in pediatric chiropractic. She achieved her Diplomate in Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics (DICCP) in picture of baby crawling with information on chiropractid

Dr. Stacey Hornick is owner of Market Mall Family Chiropractic in Saskatoon, Sask. She attended McTimoney College of Chiropractic, operated by BPP University � a post-secondary institution in London, England. Over three years, she took courses by correspondence and traveled to Thailand, Hong Kong and Australia to complete the residency portion of the program. Having succeeded in her studies last year, she was granted a master�s degree in Chiropractic Paediatrics.

Hundreds of DCs have taken the ICPA�s programs. The ICPA Diplomate Program involves a total of 400 hours of learning and achieved through the successful completion of two levels of study.

The first part � a 200-hour certification program � involves 14 classroom modules, participation in two ICPA Practice Based Research Network projects, and successful completion of the comprehensive certification� final exam.

The second part is a 200-hour advanced competency program. It requires 200 hours of work with more emphasis on research, including either a published research case study or a publishable thesis, as well as clinic work. Enrollment in the first level (200-hour certification program) is a prerequisite to enroll in part two.

Chiropractic care for kids may not be a recognized specialty in Canada, but chiropractic associations recognize it as a legitimate area of focus.

In a statement, the Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors (ACAC) has acknowledged, �chiropractic treatment is as beneficial to children as it is to adults and that the efficacy and benefits of the delivery of chiropractic care to individuals 18 years of age and under are well supported by a body of ongoing research and documented case histories.�

Chiropractic & Teens with Back Pain

blog picture of infographic about kids and the proper way to carry a back pack

Myth #5 Chiropractors don�t collaborate with pediatricians and medical doctors.

Hornick says this simply isn�t the case.

�I often refer pediatric patients to their medical doctors and to medical specialists, and we communicate clearly in the best interests of the child. I see our roles as complementary.�

Forrester also says she has good ties with medical doctors. �The majority of them are very much in favor of working together. Every once in a while you run into someone who thinks we�re all a bunch of quacks and they�re not up to date with the sorts of things we do. But by far the relationship with pediatricians is healthy and puts the patients� best interests first.�

Reality recap

Chiropractic care for kids is not new. Children benefit from chiropractic care. Techniques for children are safe and nowhere near as forceful as they may be for adults. Many DCs are qualified experts, and many child-focused chiropractors establish strong connections with medical doctors. The truth is, DCs can and do share the benefits of their profession with patients across the entire age spectrum.

Mastering pediatricsblog picture of chiropractor about to work on young child

Late last year, Dr. Stacey Hornick, a Saskatoon, Sask.-based DC focused on chiropractic care for children became one of the first Canadians to attain a Master�s of Science in Chiropractic Paediatrics.She studied at McTimoney College of Chiropractic, operated by BPP University, a post-secondary institution in London, England. The McTimoney program is the only pediatric chiropractic program that meets the academic requirements for entry into doctoral studies (PhD) in the specific content area of chiropractic pediatrics, an opportunity never before afforded the chiropractic profession, she says.
�For me, it was important to seek out a highly respected qualification in pediatric care,� Hornick says. �There were no university-accredited courses in pediatrics in North America that I was aware of at the time. I liked the idea of studying abroad and at the same time becoming an expert in pediatric-specific assessment, and adjusting techniques that were gentle yet neurologically precise.�

It takes stamina and smarts to get into and complete this tough three-year course. Read on for the requirements. Do you have what it takes?

To enter the program, a candidate must have: a professional qualification in chiropractic and registration with a relevant chiropractic governing body

In each of the first two years of the program, the student must complete:

Work at two residential schools � Hornick explains that usually, students complete their residencies at U.K. chiropractic facilities, but McTimoney also gives students the chance to practice outside of the U.K. For her part, Hornick completed her first-year residency in Thailand, which was memorable. �We stayed at the Children of the Golden Triangle Training Center. It�s a safe haven when kids can go to school and avoid the whole child-trafficking danger, which is a heart-wrenching reality in that part of the world. Many of the children at the facility were orphans � 450 of them. We got to stay with them, and between five chiropractors, we adjusted all of them in three days.�
Online course work � Subjects range from the fundamentals of chiropractic pediatrics to specific requisite topics. Hornick says first-year courses include substrates of chiropractic pediatrics, physical assessment in chiropractic skills and pediatric neurology. �The second year is more application of knowledge.� Courses include normal and variant radiology anatomy in pediatrics, clinical research methodology, and four clinical pediatrics programs.
Structured clinical education, directed and self-directed
Objective structured clinical exam
In the third year of the program, students must complete a research project, including project design, implementation and report at a publishable standard. Hornick�s dissertation: The Effect of Chiropractic on Cortisol Levels in Infants with Colic. The investigation aimed to help doctors understand why chiropractic adjustment has a positive influence on colicky infants. Hornick found that infants with colic who receive chiropractic care demonstrate salivary cortisol release patterns similar to those seen in infants with no colic.

Sourced through from: Dr. Alex Jimenez

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

PublicPerceptions about chiropractic care for children are far from the truth. Let’s�explore these misconceptions and speak to experts in order to get the real facts about chiropractic care for children.

Understanding Proper Posture: Awareness & Correction

Understanding Proper Posture: Awareness & Correction

It�s obvious that Posture has become the new buzzword surrounding physical health and wellbeing over the past few years. We don�t have to look very far to understand why. Though there are many potential causes for poor posture, there�s no doubt the most widespread cause of our current posture dilemma is a direct result of our obsession with and our dependence on mobile devices. Tablets, smartphones and other technologies are not only a luxury but a necessity in our day-to-day lives.

It�s nearly impossible to avoid the onslaught of news articles and video segments cautioning the public of the harmful effects of long-term mobile device use on spinal health. As a result, our patients (and potential patients) are becoming increasingly aware of this issue as well.

This is great awareness, right?

The media is doing the hard work for us by effectively and efficiently reaching millions of people currently affected �by this epidemic. Arming them with information and questions they need to ask their healthcare providers in order to work towards finding a solution to their problem.

Perfect. That�s us, right?

Now, all we have to do is deliver the correct treatment regimen and the patient walks out of our office with perfect posture, a smile and the quality of life they�ve always dreamed of. Well� Not so fast�

Where do I go from here? Spinal function or spinal structure?

Unfortunately, like most of you are probably thinking at this very moment, it�s not that simple. But, why not? Shouldn�t it be? At one point in our careers, likely as na�ve chiropractic students in our first few trimesters, fixing spines was the ideal we were all hoping to achieve when we became doctors. Then, something changed.

Let�s reflect for a moment on the core principle our great profession is built upon;

bone(s) out of place ? nerve interference ? dis-ease and dys-function

From a global spinal perspective, it looks like this;

cervical curve loss & forward head posture ? nerve interference

? dis-ease and dys-function

As a young student this principle offered our analytical minds an objective means of measuring our success as a future spine care specialist;

correct the abnormal structure ? improve nerve function ? maximize health potential

blog picture of teenage girls at a carnival looking down at their phones

Unfortunately, we were never taught how to correct abnormal structure and as we continued through the �clinical� trimesters in school we heard less and less about the importance of spinal structure and the overwhelming focus began to land on spinal function. Confused, conflicted, yet anxiously awaiting our release into the real world, we then began to put less and less importance on spinal structure as well and we carried that philosophy with us to our clinical practices. Likely thinking, structural spinal correction was merely for theoretical discussion and not practical application in a clinical setting.

Herein lies a major conflict. The very principle we were taught as the foundation of our careers is now something most of us have been encouraged to disregard because it�s too difficult to achieve, it�s too time consuming, it�s not possible, etc., etc.

Putting more focus towards structural spinal correction is the way forward.

Fortunately for our patients and ourselves, the structure dictates function principle is still very alive and well within us and I believe the latest advancements in traction technology will allow us to incorporate this principle with each of our patients like never before.

Throughout the next 10 months I, along with a few special guest contributors, will be engaging and challenging doctors around the world to take the lead in their communities to begin changing people�s lives by integrating cervical curve remodeling and posture correction into their existing treatment protocols.

blog picture of three x-rays of neck in pre treatment to post treatment

We will be using a variety of information disseminating platforms such as blogs, infographics and ebooks to share case studies. Also, treatment protocols and latest advancements in cervical spine remodeling devices will be put in place to demonstrate how quickly and easily cervical curve remodeling and posture correction can be integrated into your existing clinic(s).

We care about posture. We care about quality of life.

Our goal is to create a collaborative, productive discussion. We are taking the lead and fighting this posture epidemic in the communities we serve. I encourage you to reach out and share your questions and ideas with us.

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

blog picture of infographic of posture and tech neck from using various computer devices

Doctors of Chiropractic Offer Tips for Good Posture

Sourced through from: Dr. Alex Jimenez

Proper Posture has become a passing thing that is�no longer paid attention to. However, through proper posture people would not be in�pain or in some form of disablement. The time has come to bring proper posture awareness.

Back Pain Relief & General Fitness Through Foundation Training

Back Pain Relief & General Fitness Through Foundation Training



Dr. Eric Goodman is the creator of Foundation Training, a highly effective protocol. Foundation Training focuses on body weight exercises that integrate as many muscles as possible to strengthen and elongate your core and posterior chain � which includes all the muscles that connect to your pelvis, whether above or below it � thereby alleviating many chronic pain issues.

The protocol has evolved over the years, and I�ve interviewed Goodman twice before, in 2013 and the most recent two years ago in 2014, covering various updates.

In this interview, he delves into some of the details covered in his latest book, �True to Form: How to Use Foundation Training for Sustained Pain Relief and Everyday Fitness.�

Goodman, who is trained as a chiropractor, is a pioneer in the world of structural biomechanics. His program teaches you to optimize your posture, thereby decreasing bodily pain and your risk of exercise injury.

�The idea is really simple. Our body is made to help itself. As long as we can get the muscles to align it properly, our breathing patterns to align properly, our pelvic muscles to be more stabilized, our posture will involuntarily become stronger,� he explains.
�My education is in chiropractic. I�m licensed in Colorado and California, but I only really see patients if they need an adjustment for some reason that they can�t do the poses.�

Why Foundation Training?

While in chiropractic school, Goodman developed severe low back pain. His doctors suggested surgery, which he wisely rejected. Instead, his own pain set him on the path of discovering a long-term solution, which ultimately resulted in Foundation Training.

�My passive care was good. I was getting chiropractic care. I was being stretched. I was being massaged and worked on. But I wasn�t strengthening my spine myself. That�s the difference that I made,� he explains.

�I don�t think that I will ever negate chiropractic, because I love chiropractic. I love the ability and capacity to align the body, align the nervous system and create a very good environment for different process to occur.

[But] if you�re going to get your neck adjusted, I want your neck to stay long and strong afterwards, because that�s what�s going to stop you from having that same adjustment again a week later.�

While obsessively studying anatomy, alignment and exercise in an effort to resolve his back pain, Goodman began to notice that he, and many other people who were in pain, could not move the way the body was designed to move, and this was causing a degenerative effect � and those who were moving properly were able to regenerate and increase strength, while reducing injury and pain.

�I was in chiropractic school. I really understood the body well. I decided that this is going to become an obsession. I�m going to figure this out. I can�t become a doctor, have patients come to me that are asking for my advice on an injury that I have that I can�t fix. It�s not OK.

So, over the course of about four years, I did that. I became very obsessed. I used my anatomy knowledge. I used my understanding of exercise.

I was a personal trainer actually long before a chiropractor. Foundation Training is what I came up with. It�s what I do for myself every single day, and it�s what I�ve been extraordinarily fortunate to teach to thousands of people at this point.�

The secret to Foundation Training lies in its simplicity: no gyms, no specialized equipment and no complicated stretches. By incorporating a series of powerful movements into your daily routine, you can move better, breathe better and get back to using your body the way nature intended.

Addressing Back Pain

Low back pain is a very common problem, and the most common reason why people seek out Foundation Training. In the video below, Goodman demonstrates a back extension exercise that is particularly helpful for back pain relief.

The premise is simple. By strengthening the muscles in your back, they will keep your spine properly braced through all the movements you do as you go about your day-to-day life.

Overall, about 7 out of 10 people who learn Foundation Training do so to address back pain, 2 out of 10 seek to improve their sports performance and the remaining 10 percent typically seek to address knee pain, neck pain, jaw pain, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel and other chronic pain.

How to Get Started With Foundation Training

In addition to their latest book, �True to Form,� Foundation Training offers a variety of ways to get the benefits of their system, including their free videos on their website at

Foundation Training also offers certification for clinicians, practitioners, trainers and instructors who are looking to share this groundbreaking and highly effective protocol with their clients and patients.

�There are probably more people using our free videos to get well than using our DVDs and books,� he says. �That�s awesome. That�s why we have free videos.
Our latest book, �True to Form,� is our illustrative process of bringing Foundation Training into your everyday activities � brushing your teeth, waking up from bed, reaching into the refrigerator, whatever, how to apply very simple movement patterns that make you stronger while you do that.
Then if you want to really get into it, we have DVDs and we have a new streaming website. If you�re really into it � come to our workshop or certification. If you come to our workshop and you decide you want to go through a certification, we take the amount of money you paid on the workshop, 100 percent of it, off the cost of the certification.�
While millions of people have gotten started through the free Foundation Training videos, the optimal way to get the most out of Foundation Training is the comprehensive step-by-step program offered on their website or a certified Foundation Training instructor.

The Importance of Posture for Ease of Movement and Health

As noted by Goodman, �Posture is a beautiful thing, except when it�s messed up.� Indeed, while I see many people walking the beach during my daily walks, poor posture is the norm, with hunching being one of the most prevalent posture problems. Indeed, �standing tall� is so basic yet most have forgotten how to do it. When you stand tall, your muscles actually work more effectively.

�We naturally adapt towards our chosen method of absorbing gravity � �Our muscles absorb force � Whether they�re contracting or expanding, they are absorbing or providing force. If you take the opportunity of gravity � this ever-present weight of your own body � and simply provide 5 percent more energy in absorbing it, 5 percent more conscious effort throughout the day, it�s going to change your life forever. It�s going to have people reacting to you differently. It�s going to have you reacting to things like anxiety differently. You�re going to feel the difference of a closed airway and an open airway.
You�re going to feel the tightness of your jaw from the head traveling to forward, contracting the back of your neck when you�re in a bad posture � You start interacting with people like a confident human being interacts.�

Patience and Practice

Most people have poor posture these days. Besides chronic peering down on your smartphone or tablet and excessive sitting, which encourages poor posture unless you�re paying careful and active attention to your body at all times, we�ve also been taught certain posture strategies that actually worsen posture rather than improve it.

Pulling your shoulders back to straighten your posture is one example. As noted by Goodman, this is a �compartmentalized correction� at a place that�s not actually causing the problem. More than anything else, the places that cause the problems in posture are the upper and lower ends of your spine.

A very basic explanation is that your upper and lower spine should be pulling away from each other, not compressing or falling toward each other. So the back and top of your head needs to be pulling away from your tailbone, straight up and neither forward nor backward.

As for how long it might take to correct your posture, it clearly depends on your individual and specific circumstances: how long you�ve had poor posture, how much time you dedicate to corrective exercises and the extent of your postural problems.

�It may be a matter of weeks to months. I believe for some people it may be a year [to complete] the whole process. [But] they�re going to be feeling better along the way. They�re going to notice incremental changes. They�re going to see that their body is supporting itself better steadily. They�re thinking about it less. They�re feeling less pain. They�re feeling better posture. That�s when the real changes start to happen. But there�s no set timeline.�

Walking 101

Walking is foundational for optimal health, and walking with good posture can really maximize your benefits. Your choice of footwear can have a significant influence here. When walking in sneakers or heels, your heel is raised higher than your toes. This in turn makes your arch tighter, which completely alters your range of motion. So, to start, walk barefoot or find a pair of zero-drop shoes.

The rationale behind walking barefoot has to do with plantar flexion, the shortening of the muscles on the back of your ankle and the lengthening of the muscles at the front of your ankle and shin. When walking barefoot, you alter the way the back of your body absorbs force for the better.

Dorsiflexing is a tremendously important piece of walking. This is where you�re lifting the top of your foot toward your shin. When you�re walking with plantar flexion (due to wearing heels), you rarely dorsiflex, thereby contracting and shortening the muscles of your shin.

�That�s Step 1, making sure that there is good dorsiflexion in every step,� Goodman says. �Literally lift the top toes away from the ground. Lift the balls of the feet away from the ground and try to spread your feet a little bit. That will allow your hips to follow a much more natural range of motion. As your feet dorsiflex, it triggers these muscles of the inside and outside of your legs.
Those muscles have internal rotation capacity and external rotation capacity. Both of which are very important for walking � The ability of the adductors, the medial hamstring, the muscles of the inner part of the thigh, the inner upper part of the thigh, to contract during a walk, to spin that hip a little bit more neutral towards straight ahead �
Long story short, range of motion of the hips is so significant to walking. That range of motion is limited most frequently in people at the feet with plantar flexion, excessive plantar flexion or excessive external rotation.�

blog picture of infographic about postureHead Posture While Walking

The other piece of the puzzle is the location of your head. Most people walk as if they�re sniffing their way forward, head leading the rest of the body. A more natural posture is to lift your chest upward, which allows your shoulders to lift and your chin to retract more or less automatically. So think: �Chest up, chin back.� Initially, this may feel and even look a bit awkward, but you�ll notice it�s a significantly more powerful way to walk, allowing you to engage more muscles.

�If you simply focus on chin back, chest up, shoulders big, broad, not backing down but out � if you focus on that � you�re going to be walking very different. You�re going to experience this really rhythmic counterbalance in your walk. When the right foot comes forward, the shoulder comes forward on the opposite side.
It�s just these nice little muscular glutes, hamstrings, calves, adductors across the body to the opposite shoulder and pec � So many muscles involved. It�s the SCMs that are very important as well to keep that chin back, chest up function happen.�

Preventing iPhone Neck and Dowager�s Hump

The chest up, chin back posture will not only make you look better, but proper posture may also help prevent osteoporosis and significantly reduce your risk of developing a dowager�s hump, which tends to be quite common among the elderly, and women in particular.

This forward slumped posture tends to be related to chronic improper posturing that worsens over time, eventually leading to the development of rigid intractable calcifications. The beginning of the progression of the dowager�s hump is typically the loss of thoracic extension.

�I think the lack of movement and stagnation in bone leads to calcification and typical degenerative changes. Degenerative changes along with spine make it less mobile � It supports it because the muscles aren�t, the discs aren�t. It puts very rigid support structures in place.
Now, can you imagine 20, 50 years from now, when it�s 60 or 70 years after cellphones and iPads came around, the dowager�s humps, we can start calling them the iPad hump � The younger you are, the more capacity you have to be plastic, to engage your body�s natural tendency to respond to stimulus in such a fashion that will get better and better at doing the thing you�re asking it to do.
If you�re often asking it to look down at your phone, please often ask it to lift your chest up, to pull your chin back and to just stand very firm on the ground. Just look at your phone while keeping your chin back and chest up.�
According to Goodman, even if you�ve already started to develop a slight hump, chances are you�ll be able to significantly improve your alignment provided your spine has not yet calcified. Exceptions might be if you have ankylosing spondylitis (AS) or diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH). Naturally, the younger you are, the more room for improvement there is.

Decompression Breathing

One important aspect of Foundation Training is what Goodman refers to as compression breathing. With his breathing protocol, you literally re-educate the muscles surrounding your axial skeleton, the spine of your rib cage, teaching them to be in a state of expansion rather than contraction. You�ll find a demonstration of this technique in the video above, followed by another founder exercise.

�[This breathing technique] is something that�s always going to set our work aside from everything else. Not better. Not worse. Different. It�s an accessory,� Goodman says.
�Decompression breathing, which can be taken and applied to any movement, any exercise, any activity � will do more for your spine, more for your chest and neck, more for your dowager�s hump � than anything else I can possibly teach you. The unique thing about it is our specific protocol of learning how to engage the diaphragm more appropriately by drastically strengthening the muscles that surround the rib cage.�
Here�s a quick summary of the compression breathing exercise demonstrated above:

Position your feet so that the OUTSIDE of your feet are parallel. This will make it appear as though you�re standing slightly pigeon-toed
Pull your chin back and lift your chest
Place your thumbs at the bottom of your rib cage, and your pinkies on your pelvic bone
With each breath, your aim is to increase the distance between your thumb and pinky fingers, as well as increase the width of your upper back. This occurs as you elongate the back of your rib cage. Each inhalation expands your rib cage, and each exhalation will keep the abdomen extended and tight. So each in-breath fills up your rib cage, and each out-breath maintains the height and width of your rib cage
Repeat five to 10 rounds with three to four breaths per round

More Information

You have many options when it comes to learning Foundation Training. You can start by reading through or listening to my previous interviews with Goodman, �How Foundation Training Can Help You Maximize Strength and Freedom of Movement� and �New and Revised Foundation Training Exercises Add Even Greater Health Benefits.�

For free video demonstrations and tutorials, be sure to check out and the free videos they have available at their site. For even more in-depth information, pick up Goodman�s latest book, �True to Form: How to Use Foundation Training for Sustained Pain Relief and Everyday Fitness.� Join Foundation Training Connect or check out their free resources at

Just remember, the key is to actually DO the exercises. Just reading about them or watching a video will do you no good. The good news is, even if you�re wheel-chair bound, you can perform the compression breathing exercises, which will, at bare minimum, help you breathe better.

�I have a friend that is [in a wheelchair] and we do some of those workouts. He�s a very good guy from Oklahoma City, but had a very tragic accident. I really hope I get to spend some more time with that guy and see what we can do just based on breathing,� Goodman says.

Sourced through from: Dr. Alex Jimenez

Foundation Training is a�program that teaches you to optimize your posture. By getting the muscles, breathing patterns, and pelvic muscles to be aligned properly and more stabilized, our posture will involuntarily become stronger,� decreasing bodily pain and risk of injury.

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Should You Visit a Chiropractor for Back Pain?

Should You Visit a Chiropractor for Back Pain?

If you have persistent neck or back pain, you might be considering chiropractic manipulation, or realigning the spine by pressing on its joints, a therapy often touted to relieve such chronic discomfort. Chiropractic care is one of the most popular forms of complementary medicine. In 2012, one in 12 U.S. adults visited the chiropractor, according to an analysis of federal survey data published in January. And each year chiropractors (along with some osteopathic physicians and physical therapists) perform several million adjustments.

Does It Work?

The founder of modern chiropractic care, a 19th-century Iowan, believed that chiropractic manipulation could cure all manner of maladies. And some chiropractors still offer services for conditions such as asthma and high blood pressure, even though there�s no strong evidence that chiropractic treatment helps for those. But most chiropractors focus on skeletal and muscular problems�especially low back, neck, and shoulder pain, and related headaches.

And some studies suggest that spinal manipulations (�adjustments�) can help diminish such pain. A 2011 review of 26 studies found that for chronic low back pain, manipulation reduced pain in the short term at least as much as exercise and even pain relievers. Chiropractic care also improved participants� short-term physical functions, such as their ability to climb stairs or bend over.

�The bad news is that for chronic, persistent back pain, even the best therapies result in only mild to moderate relief,� says Roger Chou, M.D., a professor of medicine at Oregon Health & Science University who studies back pain. �The key is finding the treatment that works for you and seeing a therapist who cares about function�not just pain relief�and who will help you get back to the activities that matter most in your life.�

When it comes to neck pain, a study of 181 people published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that getting regular chiropractic care (about once per week for 12 weeks) could lessen discomfort better than acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some research also suggests that chiropractic manipulation might work as well as medication for migraine headaches.

�For chronic backache or neck pain that is not accompanied by symptoms requiring medical attention�such as urinary or intestinal problems or weakness, numbness, or tingling in an arm or leg�considering chiropractic manipulation seems reasonable,� says Consumer Reports� chief medical adviser, Marvin M. Lipman, M.D. But it isn�t risk-free. �It can cause temporary headaches and, rarely, serious problems such as worsening the pain of a slipped disk,� he notes.

What to Know If You Go

All states require chiropractors to earn a four-year doctor of chiropractic (D.C.) degree from a program accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE). Chiropractors are also required to pass an exam administered by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners to get licensed.

Treatments are often covered by insurance, including Medicare Part B, which pays 80 percent of the cost after your deductible.

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Back pain is one of the most common symptoms reported among the general population. While a majority of cases resolve on their own, some instances of back pain may be due to further injury or an aggravated condition. If the symptoms are persistent, it might be time to seek medical attention immediately. Chiropractic care focuses on musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, helping to restore the original health of the spine.Top provider

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Additional Topics: Headache After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. Whiplash is a common result of an auto collision, affecting the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues around it, causing symptoms such as head pain. Headaches are a common symptom after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.


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What is Chiropractic Wellness?

What is Chiropractic Wellness?

Chiropractic is a healthcare profession which focuses on injuries and conditions of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system as well as the effects of these on overall health. Chiropractic care is generally utilized to treat neuromusculoskeletal complications, including but not limited to: back pain, neck pain, joint pain and headaches.

What is a Doctor of Chiropractic?

Doctors of Chiropractic, abbreviated as DCs, also commonly known as chiropractors or chiropractic physicians, practice a hands-on, drug-free alternative treatment approach to healthcare, performing patient assessments, determining a diagnosis and following with an appropriate treatment. Chiropractors possess a wide variety of diagnostic skills and are also qualified to recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises to patients, providing them with nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling in the process.

Chiropractors commonly evaluate patients using clinical examinations, laboratory testing, diagnostic imaging and other diagnostic interventions to establish the most appropriate time to begin chiropractic treatment. Chiropractors may also readily refer patients to receive care from other healthcare providers when chiropractic treatment is not suitable to treat the patient�s condition or the condition warrants co-management in conjunction with other healthcare providers.

In many instances, such as with lower back pain, chiropractic treatment may be an individual�s primary form of treatment. In other cases where severe, complicated injuries or conditions are present, chiropractic may be utilized to complement or support medical treatment by healing the musculoskeletal issues associated with the existing injury or condition.

Similar to doctors of medicine, abbreviated as MDs, doctors of chiropractic are subject to the boundaries established in state practice acts and are regulated by state licensing boards. A DC�s education in four-year doctoral graduate school programs is nationally accredited through an agency which operates under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Education. After graduating, chiropractors are required to pass national board exams in order to acquire a license to practice, where they must then maintain their license annually by earning continuing education, or CE, credits through state-approved CE programs.

What is Spinal Manipulation?

A spinal manipulation, also referred to as a chiropractic adjustment, is one of the most recognized and common therapeutic procedures performed by chiropractors. Chiropractic adjustments help restore the mobility of the joints and other structures of the body by utilizing the application of manual and controlled force against the joints which have become restricted in their movement, or hypomobile, due to tissue damage or injury. Tissue injury can be the result of a single traumatic circumstance, such as through the improper lifting of a heavy object or through repetitive and constant stress from sitting in improper positions with poor posture for an extended period of time. In both cases, the affected structures of the body can become physically and chemically altered, resulting in pain, inflammation and limited function. A spinal manipulation of the affected joints and tissues can ultimately restore mobility, improving the symptoms of pain and muscle tightness, allowing the tissues to heal on their own.

Chiropractic adjustments infrequently cause discomfort. However, patients may occasionally report feeling mild soreness or aching following treatment, which generally resolve within 12 to 48 hours. In contrast to other common treatments for pain, such as over-the-counter and prescription pain medications, the conservative approach of chiropractic care offers individuals a safe and effective, alternative treatment option for their specific injuries or conditions.

Why Choose Chiropractic?



Annually, chiropractors care for more than 30 million Americans, adults and children alike. Doctors of chiropractic are licensed to practice in all 50 states, as well as in the District of Columbia, and in many nations around the world.

An increasing list of research studies and reviews has established that the treatment methods and techniques provided by chiropractic physicians are both safe and effective. The evidence strongly supports the natural, whole-body and cost-effective approach of chiropractic care for a variety of conditions.

Chiropractic treatment is included in most health insurance plans, including: major medical plans, worker�s compensation, Medicare, some Medicaid plans, and Blue Cross Blue Shield plans for federal employees, among others.

Chiropractic is used widely by young and professional athletes to help prevent and treat injuries and/or aggravated conditions as well as to aid them achieve optimal health and wellness. Also commonly utilized by the general population, chiropractic care can help restore an individual�s original well being, increasing their strength, flexibility and mobility as well as decreasing symptoms such as pain, inflammation and discomfort caused by spinal complications. Following up with the chiropractor�s treatment recommendations can also help speed up the individual�s recovery process, helping them return to their everyday lifestyles.

What to Expect on Your First Visit



Many new patients are unsure about what to expect during their first appointment with a chiropractor. Foremost, a doctor of chiropractic will begin the consultation by taking a patient�s history and then performing a physical examination in order to develop a working diagnosis. Imaging or lab tests, including MRI, CT scans and/or X-rays, may be used to confirm a diagnosis.

The combination of the history, exam, and diagnostic study results will ultimately allow the chiropractor to determine a proper diagnosis for the individual�s injury or condition, which will then allow the healthcare professional to follow up with the best treatment procedures according to their overall health and wellness. If your chiropractor determines you would be more appropriately managed or co-managed by another healthcare professional, he or she will make the proper referral.

Through a process of shared decision-making, you and your chiropractic physician can establish which treatment methods and techniques will be right for you. As part of this process, the chiropractor will explain your injury and/or condition, recommend an appropriate treatment plan and finally, they will review the risks and benefits of all procedures with you.

As with all forms of treatment, time and patience is required to heal an injury or condition and visiting your chiropractor regularly can ensure the process is smooth and effective. Following the healthcare professional�s treatment plan accordingly is the best, most recommended decision you can take as an individual to achieve overall health and wellness.

Dr. Alex Jimenez is an El Paso Chiropractor who has been helping people recover from their specific injuries or conditions through the use of chiropractic adjustments and manipulations. With over 25 years of experience, Dr. Jimenez can provide safe and effective care to those in need.

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Chiropractic treatment is a popular, alternative treatment option which is generally used to treat spinal complications, including back pain and neck pain. Commonly utilizing spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to restore the natural health of the spine, chiropractors can also recommend a variety of exercises and lifestyle changes to promote healing and speed up the recovery process for overall health and wellness.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


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Chiropractic Care Can Reverse Aging

Chiropractic Care Can Reverse Aging

Our body is adapted to withstand the constant struggles for survival. Researchers estimate that each individual cell is capable of enduring approximately 10,000 assaults from reactive oxygen species, abbreviated as ROS, or free radicals. The human body is equipped with an unbelievable self-healing system which can combat the attack of these intruders, repairing those which have been damaged. While our body is suited to protect itself from harm, there are methods available which can help increase the body�s natural defenses. Chiropractic care has been demonstrated to be a powerful method of stabilizing and enhancing this self-healing ability.

The central nervous system is the fundamental system that controls all the body�s functions and healing. The communication between the nerves from the brain to the body coordinates all 75 trillion cells to action. The brain then receives movement information from the skin, joints, & muscle receptors, known as proprioception. The brain depends on sufficient proprioception for optimal function.

Physical stress can begin to affect the nervous system, interrupting signals from the brain to the rest of the body when the vertebrae of the spine are misaligned or subluxated. This can result due to direct trauma or injury from falls, sporting activities and automobile accidents. Additionally, improper posture, repetitive movements, and poor sleeping habits can damage the spine and nervous system as well. Injury to the nerves can lead to a deficiency in healthy brain-body signaling and may increased the release of a stress hormone called cortisol, which can disrupt the body’s ability to heal itself.

Research studies have demonstrated that chiropractic adjustments can remove the unnecessary pressure being placed against the nerves due to compression or impingement, allowing the body to restore its function as it was naturally designed. Other studies have shown that chiropractic care can be a powerful form of anti-aging. In 2005, a landmark study published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation, or JVSR, found evidence that chiropractic treatment can reduce oxidative stress in the body.

Oxidative stress is the damage that occurs when free radicals outnumber the body’s antioxidants. Oxidative stress can damage all of the body�s cell components, including: proteins; lipids; and DNA. As a matter of fact, researchers established that one out of every three proteins can be rendered dysfunctional by unchecked free radical damages.

Thiols are sulfur containing compounds found in the body that act as antioxidants. They react with free radicals to neutralize them. Scientists from Biomedical Diagnostic Research, Inc, announced that serum levels of thiols may reflect the DNA’s capacity to repair itself, which can then be used to measure an individual�s disease and aging status. In a 2003 study published in the Journal of Anti Aging Medicine, low serum thiol levels were found in nine different categories of human sickness and disease.

The study published in JVSR consisted of 76 participants, where one group received temporary chiropractic care, a second group received prolonged, regular chiropractic care and the third group received no chiropractic care. The study categorized study participants by age, sex and the use of nutritional supplements. Healthy individuals which were provided with chiropractic treatment for 2 or more years experienced increased levels of serum thiol than those previously diagnosed with a sickness or disease. Several of the chiropractic patients had serum thiol levels higher than what is associated with normal wellness.

Chiropractor Dr. Christopher Kent stated, �Oxidative stress, metabolically generating free radicals, is now a broadly accepted theory of how we age and develop disease. Going through life”, he added, �we experience physical, chemical and emotional stress. These stresses can greatly affect the function of the nervous system. We hypothesized that these disturbances in nerve function could affect oxidative stress and DNA repair on a cellular level. Chiropractic care appears to improve the body�s ability to adapt to stress”, concluded Dr. Christopher Kent.

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Over time, the human body will experience natural degenerative changes which can often cause the development of conditions or disorders, such as osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis. However, research studies have demonstrated that chiropractic care can help reverse the effects of aging using treatments like spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to slow down the process.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Additional Topics: Headache After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. Whiplash is a common result of an auto collision, affecting the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues around it, causing symptoms such as head pain. Headaches are a common symptom after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.


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Chiropractic Care for General Back Pain

Chiropractic Care for General Back Pain

Back pain is a common symptom which affects a majority of the population, although for most individuals, the prevalent discomfort is often mild and temporary. Unfortunately, back pain can become a constant issue for some people. In several instances, these symptoms may even need immediate medical attention.

If you�ve experienced back pain sometime throughout your lifetime, especially if it�s new, recurring discomfort, causing the individual to lose control of their bowel or bladder, seeking a proper diagnosis as soon as possible is fundamental to determine the source of the symptoms and begin treatment. Listen to your body.

Seeking Help from a Healthcare Professional

Back pain, soreness and stiffness are generally frequent and can resolve on their own without the need of a medical evaluation. But, other symptoms could signal the development of a much more serious complication. The following symptoms may need further diagnosis as these could an indication of a spinal condition: pain which lasts for longer than six weeks; pain, weakness or numbness in the legs; difficulty sleeping due to back or neck pain; and/or a sudden onset of back pain without an obvious cause. If you�ve experienced any of the above mentioned symptoms, it�s essential to seek a proper diagnosis from a qualified healthcare professional.

Chiropractic care is a common alternative treatment option that is utilized to correct numerous spinal complications. Chiropractic primarily focuses on the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. When visiting a doctor of chiropractic, or chiropractor, the healthcare professional will first conduct an evaluation of the spine to diagnose whether a spinal misalignment, also referred to as a subluxation, or any other type of injury or condition is the cause of the symptoms.

Together with a review of the individual�s medical history, including any previous test results from prior appointments with other physicians, if any. To complete the spinal assessment, aside from a physical exam, the chiropractor may also need additional studies, such as an X-ray or MRI scan. This will help pinpoint the source of the symptoms. Whether the individual is diagnosed with a common injury or condition, such as sciatica, or a more complex and severe complication, the doctor of chiropractic will follow up with an up to date description of the individual�s cause of their symptoms before developing an appropriate treatment plan.

The healthcare professional should provide an overview of treatment options, including a detailed discussion of the benefits and possible risks of each. The most common chiropractic care techniques and therapy procedures include spinal adjustments and manual manipulations. Through the use of chiropractic adjustments and manipulations, a chiropractor will carefully realign the spine, helping to reduce the stress and pressure being placed against the structures surrounding the spine in order to improve function. By restoring the individual�s natural spinal alignment, any pain, inflammation and numbness, as well as other symptoms of back pain and discomfort, will be decreased, providing the individual with their original strength, mobility and flexibility, promoting their overall health and wellness.

Furthermore, a chiropractor may also recommend a series of stretches and exercises, as well as several lifestyle changes, to further improve an individual�s injury or condition and promote a faster recovery time. Physical therapy and spinal surgery are also possible treatment options for various types of back complications, However, spinal surgery is only recommended if conservative treatment options have failed before. Although back pain is a common complication among the population, seeking diagnosis and following through with treatment is important to ensure the individual lives with the proper health and wellness.

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Back pain symptoms can affect a wide number of individuals and, while a majority of cases resolve on their own, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to determine the cause of the symptoms, especially with chronic pain. Chiropractic treatment can help restore the original health of the spine.

Trending Topic: Vaccines Revealed Episode 6

Dr. Gentempo and others are bringing great awareness to our community regarding vaccinations and their dangers.

Vaccines Revealed and Exposed on Episode #6

As a healthcare provider, Dr. Patrick Gentempo has been searching for the truth behind the effects of vaccines on the general population. When making critical decisions about you and your children�s health, it�s essential to have the correct knowledge of all medical procedures you�re being involved in, including the administration of mandatory vaccines, among others.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Top provider

By Dr. Alex Jimenez