Back Clinic Sciatica Chiropractic Team. Dr. Alex Jimenez organized a variety of article archives associated with sciatica, a common and frequently reported series of symptoms affecting a majority of the population. Sciatica pain can vary widely. It may feel like a mild tingling, dull ache, or burning sensation. In some cases, the pain is severe enough to make a person unable to move. The pain most often occurs on one side.
Sciatica occurs when there is pressure or damage to the sciatic nerve. This nerve starts in the lower back and runs down the back of each leg as it controls the muscles of the back of the knee and lower leg. It also provides sensation to the back of the thigh, part of the lower leg, and the sole of the foot. Dr. Jimenez explains how sciatica and its symptoms can be relieved through the use of chiropractic treatment. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.
Chiropractic, Massages & Spinal Injections Are Your Papal Prescription For Low Back & Leg Pain.
Should you suffer from the low back and leg symptoms of sciatica, the pope feels your pain. Reports reveal that Pope Francis has spent part of his 2017 summer undergoing spinal shots and massage therapy to help manage his sciatica.
Sciatica is intense low back and leg pain which runs along the course of the sciatic nerve, that is the longest and largest nerve in the human system. The sciatic nerve extends from your low back all the way down to a foot. Several spinal ailments can irritate the sciatic nerve and cause sciatica, including a herniated disc, lumbar spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, and trauma (you can read more in common sciatica causes). The root reason for Pope Francis’ sciatica is unclear.
The 80-year-old pope has suffered from sciatica for many years, having first remarked on his struggle with it in a 2013 through a media conference when he said, “Sciatica is very painful, very painful! I don’t wish it on anyone!”
More recently, the pope has received epidural steroid shots and massages twice a week to handle his back pain pain, according to the Italian news magazine Famiglia Cristiana.
Sciatica PSA
How Spinal Injections & Massage Can Help Relieve Sciatica
Pope Francis’ routine of epidural steroid injections and massages underscores the fact that while the pain of sciatica can be extreme–almost indescribable–spine operation isn’t always the answer. The pope’s non-surgical approach to sciatica pain management is one that many individuals suffering from the illness adopt.
With epidural steroid shots, strong anti-inflammatory drugs known as corticosteroids are injected near the spinal nerve roots. The therapy works with varying success, but some people experience decreased pain for months following an injection.
With massage, a therapist can target the muscle tension that may be compressing the sciatic nerve or associated nerve roots. Deep tissue massage treatment may be type of massage used, since it utilizes direct pressure and friction to release the pressure in the soft tissues (ligaments, tendons, muscles) surrounding the sciatic nerve.
Several lumbar spine (lower back) disorders can cause sciatica. Sciatica is often described as moderate to intense pain at the left or right leg. Sciatica is caused by compression of at least one of the 5 places of nerve roots in the lower spine. Sometimes physicians call a radiculopathy sciatica. Radiculopathy is a term used to refer to pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arms or legs brought on by a nerve root issue. If the nerve problem is in the neck, then it is called a cervical radiculopathy. However, because the low back is affected by sciatica, it is called a lumbar radiculopathy.
Pathways to Reduce Nerve Pain
Five sets of nerve roots at the lumbar spine combine to produce the sciatic nerve. Beginning at the back of the pelvis (sacrum), the sciatic nerve runs from the trunk, beneath the buttocks, and downward through the hip place into every leg. Nerve roots aren’t “solitary” structures but are a part of the body’s entire nervous system capable of transmitting pain and sensation to other areas of the human body. Radiculopathy occurs when compression of a nerve due to a disc rupture (herniated disc) or bone spur (osteophyte) occurs in the lumbar spine prior to it joining the sciatic nerve.
What Causes Sciatic Nerve Compression?
Several spinal disorders can lead to nerve compression or lumbar radiculopathy. The 5 are:
a bulging or herniated disc
lumbar spinal stenosis
piriformis syndrome
Lumbar Bulging Disc or Herniated Disc
A bulging disc is also called a contained disc disorder. This usually means the gel-like center (nucleus pulposus) remains “contained” inside the tire-like outer wall (annulus fibrosus) of the disc.
A herniated disc occurs when the nucleus breaks throughout the annulus fibrosus. It’s known as a “non-contained” disc disease. Whether a disc herniates or bulges, disc material can press against an adjacent nerve root and compress lead to sciatica and nerve tissue.
A disc’s consequences are somewhat worse. Not only does the herniated disc cause direct compression of the nerve root from the interior of the bony spinal canal, but also the disc material itself also contains an acidic, chemical irritant (hyaluronic acid) which causes nerve inflammation. In both situations, nerve wracking and irritation cause pain and swelling, muscle weakness, tingling, and often leading to extremity numbness.
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is a neural compression disease. Leg pain may happen as a result of lumbar spinal stenosis. The pain is usually positional, frequently brought on by activities such as walking or standing and relieved by sitting down.
Spinal nerve roots branch out in the spinal cord called foramina comprised of bone and ligaments. Between each set of vertebral bodies, situated on the right and left sides, is a foramen. Nerve roots pass through these openings and extend outward beyond the spinal column to innervate different parts of the human body. Whenever these passageways become obstructed causing nerve compression or lean, the expression foraminal stenosis is utilized.
Spondylolisthesis is a disorder that most often affects the lumbar spinal column. It’s characterized by a single vertebra slipping forward over an adjacent vertebra. A vertebra slips and is displaced, when, spinal nerve root compression often triggers sciatic leg pain and happens. Spondylolisthesis is categorized as developmental (found at birth, develops during childhood) or acquired from spinal degeneration, injury or physical strain (eg, lifting weights).
Trauma and Injury
Sciatica can result from nerve compression brought on by external forces to the lumbar or sacral nerve roots. Examples include motor vehicle accidents. The impact may injure the nerves or, sometimes, the nerves may be compressed by fragments of bone.
Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis syndrome is named after the muscle and the pain caused when the sciatic nerve irritates. The piriformis muscle and the thighbone is located in the lower portion of the spine, connect, and aids in cool rotation. The sciatic nerve runs beneath the piriformis muscle. When muscle aches grow in the muscle compressing the nerve, Piriformis syndrome develops. It may be difficult to diagnose and treat due to the deficiency of x ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Sciatica
Lower back pain is one of the most commonly reported symptoms among the general population. Sciatica, is well-known group of symptoms, including lower back pain, numbness and tingling sensations, which often describe the source of an individual’s lumbar spine issues. Sciatica can be due to a variety of injuries and/or conditions, such as spinal misalignment, or subluxation, disc herniation and even spinal degeneration.
Herniated lumbar discs, although considered common, can be very debilitating and disabling. While it may be impossible to prevent disc herniations, understanding the mechanism of injury and implementing that knowledge can cut the odds of developing this unpleasant injury. A range of factors may promote lumbar disc damage or injury. The mechanism of injury for herniated discs often involves flexion, compression and twisting of the lumbar spine.
Mechanism of Injury: Herniated Discs
The lumbar spine’s discs are specialized connective tissue structures which function as shock absorbers between the spinal bones or vertebrae of the spine. Intervertebral discs are springy in nature due to a moist, jelly-like center portion known as the nucleus pulposus. The nucleus pulposus is contained and surrounded by a more layered, fibrous tissue that makes up what is known as the annulus fibrosis. Herniated discs or ruptured discs occur when harm to the annulus fibrosis causes the nucleus pulposus material to escape its boundaries and protrude outward in the disc.
Where lumbar disc herniations occur regularly in a normal setting, these aren’t easily reproduced in a research setting. It is notable that in scientific research studies, where disc herniations were created in animal or human lumbar spine specimens, most demanded a small amount of spine flexion. Because of this, Stuart McGill, Ph.D., author of the book “Low Back Disorders,” concludes that repeated or prolonged spine flexion will be the primary mechanism leading to lumbar disc herniation. In a lab setting, McGill and other scientific doctors found that the way they could produce herniated disc injuries was to place weight, or a weight, onto the spine while bending into flexion. These circumstances are consistent with what could happen with repetitive lifting activities where the spine is flexed forward.
A research presented in 2001 in the journal “Clinical Biomechanics” demonstrated a link between compression of the spinal joints, technically known as vertical loading, and disc herniation. Even though the analysis used spinal sections taken from the necks of pigs, the researchers tried to replicate loading patterns common to the lumbar spines of humans. In the scientific study, severe and more frequent cases of herniated discs resulted when compression forces on the spinal bones had been increased. However, compression forces were essential to cause damage or injury such as disc herniations, that were subjected to repetitions of forward and backward bending. The authors reasoned that flexion and extension moves likely play a larger part than compression alone in inducing disc herniations. To put it differently, the spine can resist compression forces, such as lifting, when in a vertical position. Including a load whilst bending forward and backward though, may quickly spell difficulty for the individual.
Another study published in 2010 in “Cinical Biomechanics” analyzed the role of axial torque, or twisting, in disc herniation. Using an animal model, the researchers discovered that disc herniation was not caused by twisting that was isolated. However, twisting did damage the annulus fibrosis. With damage to the annulus, the discs were more vulnerable to rupture or herniation when subjected to flexion movements. This implies that if the mechanism of injury of a disc herniation is flexion, these may be contributed to by damage brought on by twisting weakened discs.
Occupational Factors
A study published in 1987 in the “Journal of Chronic Diseases” examined the risk of lumbar herniated discs associated with occupation. The researchers noted that the risk for this condition is greater among men in blue-collar jobs in contrast to those in white collar jobs. This relates to increased lifting and bending activities among blue-collar workers when compared with white-collar employees. The writers noted less variation by occupational groups among women. The risk of lumbar disc herniations, however, was greater among women who described their work as strenuous. An additional finding that may relate to the spinal flexion mechanism of injury is that the risk of lumbar disc herniations is high among individuals whose work entails driving an automobile. Sitting while driving places the lumbar spine in a sustained posture of slight flexion.
Diagnosis for Herniated Discs
Lower back pain and symptoms associated with sciatica, are common manifestations resulting from lumbar spine disc herniation. Healthcare professionals, including chiropractors who specialize in sciatica, can help diagnose herniated discs as well as help determine the source of the individual’s symptoms. A spine specialist may provide the patient with or direct them to a clinic to have x-rays, MRI’s or CT scans to properly determine the presence of a herniated disc. Seeking immediate medical attention is essential towards the patient’s recovery.
MRI of a Lumbar Herniated Disc
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Sciatica
Lower back pain is one of the most commonly reported symptoms among the general population. Sciatica, is well-known group of symptoms, including lower back pain, numbness and tingling sensations, which often describe the source of an individual’s lumbar spine issues. Sciatica can be due to a variety of injuries and/or conditions, such as spinal misalignment, or subluxation, disc herniation and even spinal degeneration.
Sometimes called a ruptured or slipped disc, your lower back pain often occurs due to a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. In fact, it’s one of the most common causes of low back pain, in addition to sciatica.
Between 60 and 80 percent of people will experience back pain at least once throughout their lifetime. A high proportion of these individuals will have low back and leg pain brought on by a herniated disc.
Most people feel better with just a few weeks or months of non-surgical treatment though a disc can sometimes be very debilitating. Surgical therapy can also help alleviate discomfort and disc pain if symptoms are not resolved.
Nonsurgical Treatment of Herniated Discs
After the first injury, the doctor may recommend cold treatment and drugs.
During the first 24 to 48 hours, cold treatment helps to reduce pain by decreasing blood flow, muscle soreness, and swelling. Never use ice or cold directly to skin; instead wrap item or the ice pack in a towel and then apply for more than 15 minutes.
Medications may include an anti-inflammatory to lessen swelling, a muscle relaxant to calm anxiety, and a pain-killer to relieve intense but alleviate pain (severe pain).
Mild to moderate pain may be treated with anti inflammatory anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These work by relieving pain and swelling.
Please discuss use with your physician.
Usually heat treatment can be applied. Blood circulation increases to heat and relax soft tissues. Higher blood flow will help to flush out toxins that may accumulate in tissues as a consequence of muscle spasm and intervertebral disc injury. Never use heat directly to skin ( just like chilly); rather, wrap the heat source in a thick towel for no longer than 20 minutes.
Spinal Injection
Leg weakness is developing, or if leg pain is intense, the doctor may prescribe an anabolic steroid injection. Anti-inflammatory medication is put by an epidural steroid injection into the space near the nerves on your lumbar spine. Before beginning this therapy you need to discuss this option with your doctor and ask.
Physical Therapy
The doctor may recommend physical therapy. The doctor’s orders are transmitted to the physical therapist by prescription. Physical treatment includes a mixture of treatments to reduce pain and improve flexibility. Heat and ice therapy stretching, and grip are a few examples, but your therapist may work together to develop the best treatment plan for the pain and symptoms.
Surgical Treatment of a Lumbar Herniated Disc
If symptoms does not relieve spine surgery is known as. Persistent pain, leg fatigue, or lack of function requires additional evaluation. Rarely, does a lumbar herniated disc cause bowel/bladder incontinence or groin/genital numbness, which demands immediate medical attention.
In case surgery is recommended, constantly ask what outcomes you can expect and the goal of the surgery. You have to understand all details of what’s being advocated, and do not hesitate to get a second opinion. Surgery is a big decision, so you odn’t wish to rush in to it.
To alleviate nerve pressure and leg pain, surgery generally involves a discectomy (elimination of all or part of the intervertebral disc).
In addition, by removing some of the bone covering the nerve the surgeon may need to access the herniated disc. This procedure is called a laminotomy.
These processes can be done using minimally invasive methods. Minimally invasive spine surgery doesn’t require large incisions, but instead uses apparatus like endoscope and a microscope during the surgery and tiny specialized instruments and cuts.
Can You Prevent a Lumbar Herniated Disc?
Earlier we advised you that a cause of a lumbar disc is aging, and that can’t be avoided by us. Does that mean that you can not do anything to prevent a lumbar herniated disc?
Of course not. There are numerous factors which are also to take care of your spine, and within your hands, observe your posture, do not smoke, make healthy food choices, exercise, and use body mechanics, especially whenever you’re lifting something.
They’re usually healthy actions you can take to try and prevent lower back pain, although doing all of those things won’t ensure that you never get a lumbar herniated disc.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Sciatica
Lower back pain is one of the most commonly reported symptoms among the general population. Sciatica, is well-known group of symptoms, including lower back pain, numbness and tingling sensations, which often describe the source of an individual’s lumbar spine issues. Sciatica can be due to a variety of injuries and/or conditions, such as spinal misalignment, or subluxation, disc herniation and even spinal degeneration.
A common cause of lower leg and back pain is a ruptured disc or herniated disc. Symptoms of a herniated disc may include muscle spasm or cramping sharp or dull pain, sciatica, and leg weakness or loss of leg work. Sneezing, coughing, or bending intensify the pain.
Rarely, bowel or bladder control is lost, and when this happens, seek medical attention at once.
Sciatica is a symptom often associated with a lumbar herniated disc. Stress on one or several nerves that contribute to the sciatic nerve can lead to pain, burning, tingling, and numbness that extends from the buttocks into the leg and into the foot. Normally one side (left or right) is affected.
Anatomy of Lumbar Spine Discs
First, a brief overview of spinal anatomy so that you can better understand the way the lumbar herniated disc may lead to lower back pain and leg pain.
In between each of the 5 lumbar vertebrae (bones) is a disc, a tough, fibrous shock-absorbing pad. Endplates line the endings of every vertebra and help hold discs in place. Every disc includes a tire-like outer ring (annulus fibrosus) that encases a gel-like material (nucleus pulposus).
Disc herniation occurs when the annulus fibrous breaks open or cracks, permitting the nucleus pulposus to escape. Though you may have heard it be called a ruptured disc or even a bulging disc, this is called a herniated nucleus pulposus or herniated disc.
When a disc herniates, it can press on the spinal cord or spinal nerves. All along your spine, nerves are branching off from the spinal cord and travelling to various parts of your body. The nerves pass through small passageways between the vertebrae and discs, so if a herniated disc presses into that passageway, it can compress (or “pinch”) the nerve. This can result in the pain associated with herniated discs. (In the case below, you can observe a close-up look at a herniated disc pressing on a spinal nerve.)
Lumbar Herniated Disc Risk Factors
Many factors can increase the risk for disc herniation, including:
Lifestyle choices like tobacco use, lack of regular exercise, and insufficient nourishment significantly contribute to inadequate disc health.
As the body ages, natural chemical modifications cause discs to slowly dry out, which can impact disc strength and resiliency. To put it differently, the aging process can make your discs less capable of absorbing the shock from the body’s movements, which is one of their most important jobs.
Poor posture combined with the habitual use of incorrect body mechanics stresses the lumbar spine and influences its usual ability to take the bulk of the body’s weight.
Combine these factors with the eeffects from daily wear and tear, injury, incorrect lifting, or twisting and it is simple to comprehend why a disc may herniate. For example, lifting something incorrectly may lead to disc pressure.
Disc Herniation Phases
A herniation may develop suddenly or slowly over weeks or months. The four phases to a herniated disc are:
1) Disc Degeneration: Chemical modifications related to aging causes discs to weaken, but with no herniation.
2) Prolapse: The form or position of the disc changes with a few small impingement into the spinal canal and/or spinal nerves. This stage is also referred to as a bulging disc or a disc that was protruding.
3) Extrusion: The gel-like nucleus pulposus breaks through the tire-like wall (annulus fibrosus) but remains within the disc.
4) Sequestration or Sequestered Disc: The nucleus pulposus fractures throughout the annulus fibrosus and can then go outside the intervertebral disc.
Lumbar Herniated Disc Diagnosis
Lately, not every herniated disc causes symptoms. Some people discover they have a ruptured disc or herniated disc after an x-ray for an unrelated reason.
Most of the time, the symptoms, notably the pain, prompt the patient to seek medical attention. The trip with the doctor includes a physical exam and neurological exam. He or she will examine your medical history, and inquire about what remedies you have tried for pain relief and what symptoms you’ve experienced.
An x-ray may be needed to rule out other causes of back pain like osteoarthritis (spondylosis) or spondylolisthesis. A CT or MRI scan verifies the extent and location of disc damage.These imaging tests can show the soft tissues (including the disc).
Sometimes a myelogram is essential. In that evaluation, you will receive an injection of a dye; the dye will appear on a CT scan, so allowing your physician to readily see problem areas.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Sciatica
Lower back pain is one of the most commonly reported symptoms among the general population. Sciatica, is well-known group of symptoms, including lower back pain, numbness and tingling sensations, which often describe the source of an individual’s lumbar spine issues. Sciatica can be due to a variety of injuries and/or conditions, such as spinal misalignment, or subluxation, disc herniation and even spinal degeneration.
After ruling out a herniated disc is not causing your sciatic nerve problems, you should look to the pelvis and many times the culprit is the piriformis muscle.
When the piriformis becomes tight or inflamed, it can put pressure on the sciatic nerve and you can get the sensations going down the leg. �Symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and sharp shooting pain.
A common mistake I�ve seen on YouTube videos and at different gyms and clinics, is people using a tennis ball, lacrosse ball, or foam rollers to apply pressure to the piriformis muscle in order to relax it.
If your sciatica is caused by piriformis syndrome, applying pressure to an area that�s already compressed will only add more pressure to the sciatic nerve and cause more pain.
What you should do instead, is stretch the muscle causing the problem so that it relaxes and takes pressure off the sciatic nerve. In this video you�ll learn an easy stretch you can do on the floor.
You simply lay on your back with both legs bent. Then cross the painful leg over the good one. And pull the affected leg towards the opposite shoulder and hold that stretch for 30 seconds.
Repeat the stretch as needed.
This will help to relieve the sciatic pain associated with piriformis syndrome.
As with any conditions, there is no quick fix. You have to consistently perform sciatica stretches and exercises to achieve the best results.
Individuals with persistent low back pain can choose from a variety of proven nonsurgical treatments, including: medications, physical therapy, and exercise, to name a few. A 2017 study discussed another therapy for chronic low back pain and sciatica: massage.
In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers used a real world� strategy that was � compared to running the study in a managed setting.
More than 50 percent of the research participants reported, �clinically purposeful development� in their low back pain after their massage therapy plan, composed co-first authors William G. Elder, PhD, Family and Community Medicine at the University of Kentucky, and Niki Munk, PhD, LMT, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
�Clinical massage therapy appears to be effective for low back pain, and patients should discuss with their provider and consider clinical massage therapy before attempting highly debatable opioid drugs,� says Dr. Elder, who was the lead researcher of the study.
A Closer Look in the Study
The research team collaborated with primary care providers in Kentucky who referred patients for 10 massage sessions with licensed massage therapists in the community over a 12-week interval. The massage therapists crafted exceptional massage therapy recommendations on the foundation of the specific patient�s requirements.
The participants were measured before they began their massage program, in the close of the 12-week program, then at 24 weeks after the onset of system. At 12 weeks, 54.1 percent shown clinically significant development in their long-term low back pain. At 24 weeks, their development was kept by 75 percent of patients who demonstrated improvement at 12 weeks.
Some crucial insights related to drug regimen, and patients� age, weight were found by the researchers: Adults age 50 and over were more prone to possess significant progress inside their particular long-term low back pain as an outcome of massage therapy. The advantage didn�t hold, although heavy patients had great results from massage.
Patients who reported taking opioid pain drugs did report reduced pain as a result of the massage treatment, but they were two times not likely to have clinically significant change in comparison to patients not taking opioids.
While Dr. Munk, who is a licensed massage therapist, says she expected the patients to have favorable results from the course of massage treatment, some facets of the study results surprised her.
�I was a bit surprised the baby boomer generation was more likely to have better results,� Dr. Munk says.
Dr. Munk hypothesizes that old people may have a distinct perspective on pain tolerance. Since elderly individuals likely have had more time including every one of the state she also wonders if folks that are older might be more accustomed to living with pain and had heightened perceptions of pain alleviation.
Massage Drawbacks and Expectations
While the study suggests that massage could offer individuals with chronic low back pain with pain relief that is purposeful, it truly is not a fast repair. Dr. Munk says people should level-confirm their expectations by taking into consideration how long they�ve lived with their state when they go to their first massage.
�If you�ve had a state for 10-15 years, the chance that a one-hour session will fix it is probably not realistic,� Dr. Munk says.
Dr. Munk notes that massage, given its foundation as a muscle treatment, should be viewed as a care therapy�not a short term strategy.
The body goes back to routines its used to and has, and also �Muscle patterns grow to be retrained she says. � you also must take another dose for alleviation, and Like a pill that wears off after a couple of hours, it could take several sessions to get the job to �hold.��
Another consideration patients must understand is the cost of massage, as the treatment isn’t covered by most health insurance plans. Investing in massage is an individual decision that requires weighing pros and cons. If massage therapy can help you manage your chronic back pain without the significance of spinal column surgery or other treatments which can be more significant, you might find it’s worth the out of pocket price.
Tips on Making Massage Effective
In case your doctor recommends massage therapy, building a trusting and comfortable therapeutic relationship is significant. Request your doctor if he or she recommend a massage therapist in the locality.
Dr. Elder and Dr. Munk additionally propose asking the following questions to any prospective massage therapist before your first session:
Have you ever been a licensed massage therapist?
What kind of training and education have you ever received?
How long are you now practicing?
Would you work with other healthcare professionals?
Have you had further education in other illness-specific areas (like back and neck pain)?
Do you remain current on any specific medical conditions you focus on and improvement in the massage therapy field?
Persistent low back pain can take a crucial cost on your own own life. By good fortune, many nonsurgical treatments can help you manage the pain. The results with this particular study suggest massage is a legitimate decision to lessen pain while you could possibly believe massage is only a relaxing indulgence. Request your doctor if massage is a treatment worth investigating for the specified state.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Lower Back Pain After Auto Injury
After being involved in an automobile accident, neck injuries and aggravated conditions, such as whiplash, are some of the most commonly reported types of injuries, due to the force of the impact. A study discovered, however, that the seat of a vehicle can often lead to injuries as well, causing lower back pain and other symptoms. Lower back pain is also among one of the most common types of automobile accident injuries in the U.S. alone.
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