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Back Clinic Sciatica Chiropractic Team. Dr. Alex Jimenez organized a variety of article archives associated with sciatica, a common and frequently reported series of symptoms affecting a majority of the population. Sciatica pain can vary widely. It may feel like a mild tingling, dull ache, or burning sensation. In some cases, the pain is severe enough to make a person unable to move. The pain most often occurs on one side.

Sciatica occurs when there is pressure or damage to the sciatic nerve. This nerve starts in the lower back and runs down the back of each leg as it controls the muscles of the back of the knee and lower leg. It also provides sensation to the back of the thigh, part of the lower leg, and the sole of the foot. Dr. Jimenez explains how sciatica and its symptoms can be relieved through the use of chiropractic treatment. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Why Is Sciatica So Painful?

Why Is Sciatica So Painful?

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez examines why sciatica can be so painful.

Sciatica may be perceived as the worst form of nerve malady, but that�s more reputation than reality.

Nerve pain is one of the most extreme forms of pain. It elicits imagery of searing heat, electric shock, and lightning bolt -like shooting sensations. And, the most dreaded kind of spinal nerve damage is arguably the tell tale low back and leg pain of sciatica.

A question patients frequently ask is, � Why is sciatica so distressing?� That�s not the case, although they often consider there�s something exceptional about sciatica versus other kinds of spinal nerve malady.



Myth-busting Sciatica Pain

Many assume sciatic nerve compression delivers more pain than other pinched nerves through the body because sciatica requires the sciatic nerve, which can be the longest and largest nerve within the body. But in 99 percent of sciatica cases, it�s not the sciatic nerve that�s compressed�it�s the nerve roots in the lumbar spine (low back) that join as they leave the spinal column and form the sciatic nerve.

When most folks refer to sciatica, they describe pain that shoots down the leg after the path of the sciatic nerve, but it�s actually one or two nerve roots compromised (commonly, the L4 or L5 nerve root). Doctors ascertain the exact nerve roots which are compressed by the positioning of the pain, like if the pain goes down to the side of the foot or the big toe.

Other Sources Of The Sciatica Stigma

It Affects Your Legs

One of the reasons sciatica gets so much attention is since the sciatic nerve�s roots feed to the legs, and we use our legs a lot. Sciatica may be perceived by patients as being more painful when compared to a compressed root in a less active portion of the human body, for example in the torso. In case you compressed or irritated another nerve of prominence or identical use to your own leg, it will be equally as distressing as sciatic pain.

Muscle Spasms Are�The Actual Culprit

Another rationale sciatica is associated with intense pain isn’t related to nerve compression muscle spasms. A patient with sciatic symptoms is hunched over and can�t stand up straight when, that�s a signal the patient has had a back spasm due to the nerve irritation. As sciatica changes your lumbar spine, the muscles that could spasm following nerve damage will be the large, postural back muscles. You�ll feel them when they spasm, because these muscles are so large. On the other hand, if a neck nerve root is compressed by you, you won�t find a muscle spasm that is potential quite as much because the muscles near the cervical spinal column are much smaller. (But spasms of neck muscles can nevertheless be really painful!)

Sciatica Is A Standard Enemy

The lumbar spine is prone to wear and tear on the intervertebral discs. When this happens, materials that irritate the encompassing nerves are leaked by the discs. Discs can also herniate, and that may irritate the nerve. Sometimes, the commonality of sciatica helps it be a catch all diagnosis when a patient doesn�t even have nerve root problem. For example, tweaking your back from lifting is generally a muscular problem, not a nerve issue.

Nerve Pain Is Created Equal

There are various causes of back malady, and sciatica is merely one. As they are all equally hazardous, sciatica isn�t especially unique when you compare it to other types of nerve malady. It can be really intense and debilitating, when nerve pain happens everywhere in the body. Lives are turned upside down from nerve pain, so don�t hesitate to see a spine specialist to simply help alleviate nerve pain in your neck or back.

Mr. & Mrs. Dominguez Whiplash Car Crash Chiropractor

Mr. & Mrs. Dominguez Whiplash Car Crash Chiropractor

Mr. and Mrs. Dominguez share their wonderful story of health and recovery. After being injured in a car accident, Manuel Dominguez and his wife needed help healing their injuries. That’s when they found Push-as-Rx � and their path to recovery began. With the help of Dr. Jimenez, Mr. and Mrs. Dominguez started the therapies that changed their lives completely and together with the exercises given to them by the trainers at Push as Rx, little by little, they regained back their health. With great gratitude, Mr. and Mrs. Dominguez give their thanks for the magnificent service they received at Push-as-Rx �.

El Sr. y la Sra. Dominguez nos dieron a conocer su maravillosa historia de salud y recuperacion. Despues de salir lastimados en una accidente de auto, Manuel Dominguez y su esposa necesitaban ayuda para curar sus lesiones. Ahi fue cuando encontraron la clinica de Push-as-Rx � y empezaron su camino a la recuperacion. Con la ayuda del Dr. Jimenez, el Sr. y la Sra. Dominguez comenzaron a recibir terapias que cambiaron sus vidas por completo y junto con los ejercicios de los entrenadores de Push as Rx, poco a poco fueron recuperando su salud. Con mucho agradecimiento, el Sr. y la Sra. Dominguez dan las gracias por el magnifico servicio que recibieron en la clinica Push-as-Rx �.

PUSH-as-Rx � is leading the field with laser focus supporting our youth sport programs. The PUSH-as-Rx � System is a sport specific athletic program designed by a strength-agility coach and physiology doctor with a combined 40 years of experience working with extreme athletes. At its core, the program is the multidisciplinary study of reactive agility, body mechanics and extreme motion dynamics. Through continuous and detailed assessments of the athletes in motion and while under direct supervised stress loads, a clear quantitative picture of body dynamics emerges. Exposure to the biomechanical vulnerabilities are presented to our team. Immediately, we adjust our methods for our athletes in order to optimize performance. This highly adaptive system with continual dynamic adjustments has helped many of our athletes come back faster, stronger, and ready post injury while safely minimizing recovery times. Results demonstrate clear improved agility, speed, decreased reaction time with greatly improved postural-torque mechanics. PUSH-as-Rx � offers specialized extreme performance enhancements to our athletes no matter the age.

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Information:�Dr. Alex Jimenez � Chiropractor: 915-850-0900
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High Heels Can Cause Back, Knee & Hip Pain

High Heels Can Cause Back, Knee & Hip Pain

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez looks at high heels at what they do to the back.

Ladies, ever wonder why you suffer from regular bouts of lower back pain?� Achy hips?� How about crazy tight leg muscles?� Don�t blame it on your cycling class, or too many squats or, the trainer you only see once or twice a week.� Look down.� Are you wearing high heels?� Bingo!� You�ve heard high heels are bad for you.� But it�s not just because they cause all kinds of pain and trauma to your feet.� High heels are also messing up your physical fitness. �They throw you out of proper postural alignment causing your joints and spine to take on more�wear and tear, which means aches and pains.

Is it possible to still look rockin� and save your joints? �My suggestion is more Athleisure-wear. �I know some fashion hard-liners say, no way will I walk around in yoga pants on a weekday!� But we�ve come a long way since those flare-leg, fold-over yoga pants.

Let�s chat for a moment about the evils of high heels.

First there�s the obvious.� They make your feet hurt.� Blisters, calluses and swelling are par for the course.� And pointy toes, fuhgeddaboutit!� I�m sure they were invented by someone on the Marquis de Sade�s payroll.� Second, they can lead to foot injuries like plantar fasciitis (usually from a bone spur that makes your heels hurt), hammertoes, bunions, and neuromas.� �Then there�s the domino effect.

Not only do high heels make your feet hurt, but problems with the feet can travel up the leg and cause injuries in the back, knees and hips. �Your knees take on extra pressure from the weight being pushed forward onto the balls of the feet. �Walking in this position makes your hip flexors and calf muscles short and tight. �And it doesn�t stop there.� Back problems are incredibly common in women who don�t give up their high heels.



Back Problems are incredibly common in women who don�t give up their high heels

Here�s why:


  1. Postural changes:�The S-curve of your spine has cushiony discs in between the vertebrae that act as a shock absorbers to protect them from stress. Like when you�re bending or jumping. �Wearing heels causes the lower back to arch more than normal because the body weight is pushed forward.� To compensate, the upper body has to lean back to maintain balance.� This puts extra stress on the discs. ��Spending hours with your body in funky alignment can lead to muscle spasms and back pain. �Tight hamstring muscles, which�attach to back of the pelvis and lower back, can also make your back ache.
  2. Anatomical changes: Wearing high heels on a daily, or very regular basis, over years, can actually cause anatomical changes to your body.� In addition to the extra strain on your back and knees, the calf muscles can also shorten and the tendons can get tighter and thicker.

And It Can Get Even Nastier If You Get One Of These Spine Injuries:


  • Spondylolisthesis: it�s a mouthful, but is a common injury that can happen in the lower back from too much hyperextension (arching the back).� It�s when one vertebra slips forward over another.
  • Foraminal stenosis: I have this one congenitally and it sucks. This is a spine and nerve issue that occurs when anatomical abnormalities reduce the spaces the nerves travel through as they exit the spinal column.� The spaces are called foramina, and when they get blocked, the nerves get squeezed.� The pain can radiate through the buttocks and down the legs.� Symptoms are shooting pains, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, spasms and, or cramping.
  • Sciatica: The sciatic nerve is the longest one in the body. �It runs from the bottom of the lumbar spine all the ways down the legs. �When the sciatic nerve gets compressed it causes radiating pain, tingling, numbness and muscle weakness down the leg and can The pain can travel all the way to the bottom of the foot.

What Can You Do? �My Case for Athleisure-Wear To Combat Back Pain



It�s time for stuffy office attire to retire. �Comfy clothes and flat shoes can be very chic. �Have you seen the boards on Pinterest?� Thanks to this hopefully permanent fashion style, my jeans and heels spend more time in my closet than on my body.� Leggings and cute kicks are my go to�s.� Night out?� No prob.� I reach for my sleek workout leggings, a ruched top or off the shoulder top with some high heel sneaks (they�re wedges so not nearly as bad for you). �I also discovered these by Bluprint which I put to the test at 2 huge conventions where I walking and standing for hours on end.� The soles made of memory foam � like those beds!



My podiatrist friend, Steven Rosenberg, DPM has been preaching the need for comfy shoes to his female clients for years. �(Fortunately for his practice, not everyone listens!) �Dr. Steve says, wearing shoes designed more for comfort can help you live more pain-free. ��Because comfort shoes are made of�soft cushiony materials�with soft foam innersoles, those are what you should turn to for shopping, walking or standing for long periods of time to avoid�blisters, muscle spasms or arch cramps.� � He also says to check for arch support in your shoes. �If there�s none, you can buy ones to put inside.




Even after reading this, you may still not be willing to give up high heels for good. �Me either.� I still get glammed up once in a while.

Here Are Some Tips For When You Must:

  • Wear them for as little time as possible.
  • Try to opt for heels around 2� high
  • Steer clear of pointy toes.
  • Buy shoes with leather insoles to so your foot doesn�t slide.
  • Buy arch inserts or use orthotics to support your arches.
  • Vary your footwear so you�re not wearing high heels every day.
  • Gradual or lower slopes are a little better, go for platforms or wedges instead of stilettos
  • Thicker heels are better than spiky heels
  • Stretch and strengthen the overworked muscles.


Here�s How:

  • Stretch your leg muscles and hip flexors before and after wearing heels.� For the calves, stand on a step and let one heel hang down until you feel a stretch.


Try this convenient device, the foot rocker by Vive.� It stretches the calf and the sole of the foot relieving pain from plantar fasciitis.




Front of the hip and thigh stretch for before and after wearing high heels


Hamstring stretch for before and after wearing high heels


  • Massage and stretch the muscles in the soles of your feet.� Roll your foot on a golf ball before and after wearing heels and, get regular foot massages.
  • Strengthen and increase the range of motion in your ankles and feet.� Put a rag on the floor.� Using your foot, write the letters of the alphabet.� Also put a bunch of marbles on the floor.� Pick one or a few of them up using just your foot.� Put them down about 6 inches away without lifting your foot off the floor.� Try that 10 times.� If you don�t have marbles, you can do it with a hand towel.



So next time you�re shopping for shoes, think about your foot fitness first. �Look for fashion that keeps you closer to the ground and that will hopefully keep you farther away from the doctor.


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Can Sciatica Cause Pain In Arms?

Can Sciatica Cause Pain In Arms?

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez examines if sciatica can radiate to the arms.

Muscular pain that comes on suddenly in your lower back is indicative of a muscle spasm. Your muscles will feel as though they have locked up, and the pain can be unbearable.


Several lumbar spine (lower back) disorders can cause sciatica � Sometimes doctors call sciatica a radiculopathy. Radiculopathy is a medical term used to describe pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arms or legs caused �

No the sciatic nerve only affects the legs. No the sciatic nerve only affects the legs. Yes it can � a number of years ago i was in a car accident that left me with sever whiplash. as the years went on and i grew older the nerves between c6 �

Sciatica Information & Definition | Sciatic Nerve Pain �

Sciatica is defined as a severe pain in a leg along the course of the sciatic nerve. The pain is felt in the back of the leg running from the buttock down �

Another important stretch that I usually prescribe is a lumbar extension stretch. This one is especially important if the cause of your sciatic nerve pain is due to a �



Recovery Time For Back Surgery Bulging Disc

Recovery time after back surgery for a herniated disc can take several weeks to months as the muscles and ligaments in the back heal. Most people who undergo such a surgery will find relief from their previous � There is also a danger of damaging the nerves of the back and spine.

Relief, Washington

Many people suffer from sciatica, a painful lower back condition caused by a pinched nerve. Sciatica can cause severe mobility problems and debilitating pain. In serious cases, the condition can lead to progressive lower extremity �

You can�t help but notice the biting, shooting pain that comes with sciatica. This condition affects the sciatic nerve that runs across the buttock and down the �

It is a widely accepted theory that a pinched nerve cause chest pain. These pinched nerves occur when exceeding amounts of pressure applied to surrounding bones �

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How Healthcare Specialists Diagnose Sciatica

How Healthcare Specialists Diagnose Sciatica

Call your spine specialist in case you feel you may have developed sciatica. (Should you not already have a healthcare professional who specializes on spine health, you can ask a primary healthcare provider for recommendations).

You may have sciatica in the event that you’re experiencing symptoms,such as shooting pain down one or the two of your legs, or in case you have been experiencing weakness or tingling in your legs.

Through your medical visit, your physician or back specialist will ask you questions and perform some basic exams to try and identify the reason for your sciatica and create a treatment strategy for you�a method to control your pain as well as other symptoms also to help you recover. There are several spinal ailments which may lead to sciatic pain. Your treatment plan will be depending on the cause of your pain, so it’s vital that you get a precise diagnosis.

What to Expect During Sciatica Evaluations

First, your back specialist will ask about your present symptoms and remedies you’ve got already attempted. He or she will even ask some typical questions, like:

  • When did the sciatic nerve pain start?
  • Where would you sense pain? Is it all the way down your leg? Is it in both? Does it halt at your knee?
  • On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst pain imaginable, rate your pain.
  • Are you really experiencing tingling or weakness in your legs and/or feet?
  • What actions did you recently do?
  • Does walking downhill or uphill increase pain?
  • What have you ever done with this sciatic nerve pain? Maybe you have attempted exercises or special drugs?
  • Does anything reduce the pain or allow it to be worse?

Neurological and physical examinations will be also performed by your healthcare professional.

In the physical examination, your doctor will find your position, range of motion, and physical state, noticing any movement that causes you pain. Your physician feel for muscle spasm, note alignment and its curvature, and will feel your back.

During the neurological examination, your back specialist will test your reflexes, muscle strength, and other nerve changes.

You will need to have some imaging tests, to diagnose the cause of your sciatica. You could have an x ray or a computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan. When it’s possible you might have a herniated disc or spinal stenosis that is causing your sciatica, your physician may order a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluation.

Together, all these various assessments and evaluations will give your doctor a more complete picture of your sciatic nerve pain. Using this information, he or she will most likely be able to make a diagnosis of the underlying cause of your sciatica.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Whole Body Wellness

Following a balanced nutrition as well as engaging in regular physical activity and sleeping properly are all proper lifestyle habits which can help increase and maintain overall health and wellness. Many common complications associated with improper lifestyle habits, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, however, the risk of developing these can be prevented with a few lifestyle changes. In addition, visiting a chiropractor and receiving chiropractic care can help maintain and improve the overall health of the spine as well as its surrounding structures.


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Chiropractor On Local T.V. Show Explains Sciatica & Treatment

Chiropractor On Local T.V. Show Explains Sciatica & Treatment

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez listens in on how chiropractors can help with sciatica.

Dr. Joseph Licitra DC, a chiropractor that serves Clifton, NJ as well as Montclair, Bloomfield, and Passaic, recently discussed sciatica on a local cable show. Dr. Licitra says that chiropractors can help treat sciatic nerve pain.

Clifton, United States


Dr. Joseph Licitra DC, the owner of a chiropractic practice that serves Clifton, New Jersey and surrounding areas such as Montclair, Bloomfield, and Passaic, recently discussed sciatica on a local cable show called �Meet Clifton.� Those interested in learning more about the challenges of sciatica and how it can be treated can view an exclusive video clip for free on Dr. Licitra�s website:

In addition to speaking about the prevalence of sciatica in America, Dr. Licitra also touched upon the economic consequences of the debilitating condition. An interesting fact explored during his presentation brought to light the extent of which sciatica negatively affects employee attendance in the workplace. Dr. Licitra said: �People with sciatica have difficulty sitting and bending and therefore they can�t go to work. There is tremendous economic strain on the cities, on the companies, and on the families.�

The Causes Of Sciatica

Sciatic nerve pain can stem from many different things such as repetitive bending, direct trauma to the spine, as well as a sedentary lifestyle.

How chiropractors can help � There is hope for people who suffer from sciatica. Chiropractors can determine the origin of the sciatic condition and then focus on balancing out the spine to get the bones in correct alignment. Chiropractors like Dr. Licitra who specialize in kinesiology will also focus on the musculature to pinpoint the cause(s) of sciatic pain.

Dr. Licitra has been in practice for over 30 years and has worked on many professional athletes such as the New York Giants and the National Hockey League. His practice is now offering free consultations to new patients interested in receiving treatment for sciatica, as well as to patients suffering from other health conditions like neck or back pain, shoulder pain, and even migraines.

Struggling With Sciatica?

If you are experiencing pain that radiates from the back or buttocks all the way down the legs, you may have a common condition called sciatica. Many people in Clinton suffer with the pain of sciatica and may never achieve a long-term solution. An untreated sciatic condition can continue to worsen and make the daily tasks of living go from difficult to nearly impossible. Fortunately, chiropractic treatment can help you overcome this debilitating condition.

Sciatica In Clifton

Sciatica, also known as sciatic neuralgia, is a condition that causes pain in the lower back, down the back of the leg, and into the foot. It can make sitting and standing for long periods of time difficult and can lead to weakness, tingling, and numbness in the leg and foot. It will often come and go throughout a person’s lifetime, causing periods of varying degrees of pain and discomfort. If left untreated, sciatic pain will generally grow worse and the nerve can become permanently damaged.



The reason why the pain travels so far, radiating up and down the legs and back, is due to the compression of the sciatic nerve which is the longest nerve in the body. This nerve originates in the lumbar spine and extends into the buttocks before traveling down the leg to the ankle and foot. When the vertebrae in the lower back are compressed, the roots of the sciatic nerve can become pinched and irritated which is what causes the pain.

How Do You Develop Sciatica?

There are a number of factors that can lead to sciatica. It is most commonly caused by disc injuries and bulges. In this occurrence, the disc presses against the nerve root causing sciatic pain. Disc Injuries can occur because of poor posture, repetitive use injuries, and accidents. Sciatica is also common when there are subluxations (misalignments) in the spine due to postural issues, pregnancy, or trauma. Some patients report simply bending over to pick up a piece of paper and then being suddenly hit with extreme pain. The reality, however, is that the spinal condition was probably already developing for quite some time before the triggering incident occurred.

Chiropractic Treatment For Sciatica

Chiropractors in Clifton are highly trained to zero in on the source of the sciatica and to work with the patient in determining the most suitable approach to treatment. After a thorough assessment of the individual’s unique issue, gentle adjustments are made that will allow the body to recover its natural alignment.

Some people respond very quickly while others take more time to recover. It really depends on the condition of the disc or the joints that the chiropractor has to correct. In most cases, the longer the issue persists, the longer it will take to achieve correction. The great news is that it typically takes less time to fix an issue like this than it took to create it in the first place. Once the position of the spine and discs are corrected, patients often report improvements in their overall health. If you are experiencing symptoms of sciatica, please call our team at Joseph Licitra, DC today.


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For more information and access to the video, visit Dr. Licitra�s website at

For more information, please visit

Source: PressCable

Release ID: 185891

Treatment Options Available for Sciatica Symptoms

Treatment Options Available for Sciatica Symptoms

Sciatica, medically defined as a set of symptoms rather than a single disorder, is commonly characterized by pain in the lower back and buttocks. This pain can radiate down one or both legs to the thigh, calf, ankle and foot. True sciatica occurs when pain begins to travel below the knee.

Sciatic pain frequently results when the nerve roots surrounding the spinal column are compressed or when pressure has caused the impingement of the spinal roots of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve systems are found in in the sacral regions of the back and the lumbar spine. Sciatic pain or sciatica could be identified as sharp, dull, burning, tingly, numb, constant, or intermittent and usually affects only one side of the body. It may radiate throughout the whole length of the nerve, in certain cases, all the way to the toes.

Sciatic pain is usually the result of a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or in exceptionally rare instances, infection or tumour. The cause of your pain determines your treatment options to relieve sciatica.

Sciatica Treatment Options

Several of the most popular sciatica treatment options include: alternative treatments, such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, drugs, physical therapy, and surgical interventions.

Once a qualified and experienced healthcare professional has diagnosed you with symptoms of sciatica, many individuals with prevalent lower back pain are prescribed bed rest as a way to offer relief for aching bones and joints. Current research, however, has implied that bed rest alone cannot offer relief for those suffering from nerve pain due to sciatica.

Remaining active might be more beneficial for people who suffer with back pain. Not to say that you should be running marathons! Action means being mobile and active for periods of time which aren’t enough to cause additional pain and/or to aggravate other symptoms of sciatica. Specific exercises may be recommended by your healthcare professional or some may simply suggest walking.

Sciatica Pain Relief

Pain is best treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as ibuprofen or codeine (in acute cases).

In some instances, a cortisone-like drug may be injected to the epidural space enclosing the spinal column. This process is similar to the epidural used during childbirth, and it’s called an epidural steroid injection. A class of this sort of treatment may offer temporary relief, but it does not address the source of the issue.

Surgery for Sciatica Symptoms

Some patients with sciatica may discover significant relief from surgery. In the case of herniated discs, a surgical procedure called a laminectomy may be performed. In this process, a percentage of the posterior arch is removed to relieve pressure on pinched nerve tissues.

In cases of spinal stenosis, the part of bone that is putting pressure on the sciatic nerve system may be removed.

Operation is not for everyone. Nonetheless, for people who have shown no sign of improvement in 4 to 6 weeks and who have had CT scans (computed tomography) or MRI that show a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, surgery may offer considerable relief.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Chiropractic and Sciatica

Sciatica is a common group of symptoms reported by a majority of the population alongside symptoms of back and low back pain. Sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain, is frequently the result of compression or impingement of the sciatic nerve and its nerve roots, generally from a spinal misalignment or subluxation. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective form of alternative treatment utilized to restore the natural alignment of the spine, ultimately reducing the pressure being placed against the sciatic nerve and relieving symptoms of sciatica.


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