Back Clinic Pregnancy Chiropractic Team. Chiropractic care is the health maintenance of the spinal column, discs, related nerves, and bone geometry without medications or surgery. It combines the art and science of adjusting misaligned joints of the body, including, the spine, which reduces spinal nerve stress thus promoting optimal health throughout the body. All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant. Investing in the fertility and pregnancy wellness of women who are pregnant is routine care for most chiropractors.
Specialized chiropractors take a specific interest in prenatal and postnatal care and go through additional training. Chiropractors that have been trained to work with pregnant women may use tables that are made to adjust for pregnant women and will use techniques that avoid unnecessary pressure on the abdomen. A chiropractor who is trained to work with pregnant women will provide the patient with exercises and stretches that are safe to use during pregnancy.
Sleeping Position: During pregnancy, you may find yourself tossing and turning, as best as you can, trying to�get comfortable before falling asleep. Unfortunately, regular�sleeping positions may no longer work during pregnancy.
There�are a number of reasons for this new discomfort, but there�are some sleeping positions that may help you get that much needed rest. When pregnant the body goes through a variety of changes. These changes tend to disrupt the peaceful sleep.
Here are a few suggestions that may not sound or look very comfortable, especially if you have a favorite sleeping position. This is often on your back or stomach. But you may find that they work. Keep in mind that you may do not have to stay in one position all night, rotating positions is completely acceptable and even encouraged.
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Let�s chat about chiropractic and pregnancy. For those of you that didn�t read my last post, What I Wish I Would�ve Known the First Time Around, I am the daughter of a chiropractor. My dad, Dr. Robert J. Natusch, Jr, DC, recently retired after near 40 years with offices in Northern New Jersey. My brother and sister-in-law are both licensed chiropractors at their family owned and operated practice, Upper Valley Chiropractic in Lebanon, New Hampshire (you can find them on Facebook).
Chiropractic � a Lifestyle of Health
My two siblings and I grew up vaccine-free, drug-free, and antibiotic-free. We never took over-the-counter pain meds or pills, even for headaches. If we had an issue, my dad would give us an adjustment and my mom gave us an herbal or holistic remedy and sent us on our way. To me, that was normal!
I was born at home. Those in attendance for my birth aside from my mom and dad? My older brother (21 months older) and my aunt, to tend to my brother while my mom and dad labored with me. I was mere minutes old when I received my first adjustment. It was our way of life and continues to be for my husband, our two sons, and I. It is our weekly preventative healthcare maintenance. Dr. John Tenpenny is our �primary� care doctor and if you�re in Florida, I highly recommend him.
Why the Two Go Together
Since you�re reading this, I�m guessing you�re curious how chiropractic care and pregnancy can be in the same sentence. Some feel those two are taboo and many were shocked when I told them I�d continue to see my chiropractor weekly through my 9 months of pregnancy. The gasps came when I told them my chiropractor adjusted me while I was in labor with my childrenand he came to my house again after my children were born to give them their first adjustments, too! I�m sure I�m a smidge biased, but thankfully, this has become much more mainstream. And personally, I feel moms and babes are all the better for it!
I don�t have many official references for this post, except what I�ve heard my dad repeat in his lectures my entire life.
�It is vital for moms to get adjusted through their pregnancy and beyond. Since you�re gradually adding weight to your abdomen, that causes lower back stress. Your whole posture and skeletal structure slowly alters for the duration of the pregnancy. This can amplify current misalignments.�
But, let�s get a little more in depth as to why this is important while you�re growing another human being inside you.
(Please remember, I am not a licensed chiropractor. This post is not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease or health concern. This information is for educational purposes only.)
This image shows a few vertebrae within your spine. The vertebrae are your bones. The blue and red slivers are your sponge-like discs that cushion your vertebrae so your bones don�t rub on each other and cause pain. The yellow parts are the nerves nestled safely in between your vertebrae which send and receive signals to and from your brain to your organs. When that perfect structure is altered by things like bad posture, carrying your baby on your hip, sleeping on a pillow, crossing your legs, tripping, falling, carrying a purse on one shoulder, car accidents, sports, etc., etc. those messages are not able to be sent or received properly. It�s like a garden hose with the water on full blast, but there�s a kink in the line. The water won�t be at its fullest potential because there is a blockage.�
That�s the red nerve and disc within this picture. The organs which are connected to that nerve are not sending and receiving the complete message to and from the brain because the vertebra is putting pressure (a kink) in that nerve. That causes pain which may even be felt elsewhere in the body and not felt within the spine. You may treat the symptom of pain unsuccessfully until you get to the source which lies within the spine.
Just think for a moment, does that nerve have anything to do with the organ that helps grow your baby? Maybe it�s the one that represents your uterus. If left unadjusted, your body is not able to operate to its fullest potential and ability when growing your little one. Messages are not being sent or received fully. The consequences of not rectifying the issue may not reveal itself until delivery!
A simple adjustment (or series of adjustments depending on the severity and years of your life without chiropractic care) can aid in rectifying the issue and allowing your body to operate at its fullest potential and health while growing your baby.
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How The Pelvis Benefits From Chiropractic
Let�s take a moment to look at how God designed our birthing pelvis.
Our pelvis is designed with a cartilage substance to connect our pubic (pubis) bone. During pregnancy, labor, and birth, the body sends signals to control that cartilage. When it softens, it�s time for the baby to soon make his arrival! If there is a communication kink somewhere within the spine, those signals would not be clearly communicated. You�d be so much better off addressing the misalignment (know as a subluxation) now � well before delivery day � so your body can relax in its designed location.
When people ask me if it�s safe to be adjusted during pregnancy, the analogy of the kinked water hose comes to mind. Our female bodies are created and designed to grow and carry a baby. A chiropractor�s job is to keep my spine in the correct alignment so my body can function to its fullest potential. During the most spine-altering 9 months in my life, I would never think to neglect my weekly chiropractic adjustments! That�s like deciding to stay home from the grocery store when you need food.
Every parent can say they only want the best, optimal health for their child once they are born. Being under a chiropractor�s care allows you the ability to give your child the best, optimal health while they are in your womb.
Though the most visible kinesiology tape users might be professional athletes, Olympians, or weekend warriors � a much smaller clientele is also proving the advantages of this unique treatment. With a special line designed for sensitive skin and playful prints and colors that will speak to the sticker and Band-Aid loving child, it�s not surprising that kinesiology tape is quickly becoming more than an athlete�s aid.
While the uses and applications of kinesiology tape for pediatric treatment are growing daily, here is a quick run down of how kinesiology tape is being used in pediatric care today:
Pain &�Swelling Relief
� When kinesiology tape is applied to an injured or inflamed area, children can enjoy some relief without having to take pain medication or sit through icing and therapy treatments.
Orthopedic Treatment
� Children often don�t understand the purpose behind rehabilitation exercises, so kinesiology tape provides an additional or alternative treatment for children with orthopedic injuries, weak or underdeveloped muscles, gait abnormalities, paralysis � even poor posture.
Neuromuscular Disorders
� Kinesiology tape has proven effective to activate weak muscles and inhibit overactive muscles.� With a simple and safe taping application, children suffering from neuromuscular conditions like cerebral palsy, or muscular dystrophy could see improvements in symptoms and movement ability. It has also been shown to improve muscle tone in genetic disorders like Downs Syndrome and other conditions causing either spasticity, atrophy or poor muscle tone.
For children dealing with serious medical conditions, a colorful and painless treatment that can be worn for several days, even while playing and bathing, can make a big difference in their comfort level.
Interested in learning more about pediatric kinesiology taping? Dr. Kenzo Kaze, the creator of Kinesio Tape, provides step by step guidelines for taping infants and children in his manual, Kinesio Taping in Pediatrics available at
For a list of successful case studies where kinesiology tape has provided improvement for children, check out Theratape�s research compilation as well as this case report (pdf) from Novel Physiotherapies. Hopefully, as more and more case studies document positive results, the use of kinesiology tape in pediatric care will continue to expand and increase.
Chiropractic care is a natural treatment utilized to provide regular health maintenance to the spine, intervertebral discs, nerves and other tissues surrounding these structures, without the use of drugs or surgery. It focuses on the proper alignment of the joints in the body, particularly the spine, to reduce spinal nerve stress, promoting overall wellness.
Chiropractic is a well-known, alternative treatment option used to treat a variety of injuries and conditions, most commonly to improve symptoms of neck and back pain. From athletes to the general population, chiropractic treatment has been regarded as a safe and effective form of care, most recently, it�s even been utilized for women throughout pregnancy.
While it�s not commonly considered, chiropractic care can offer tremendous benefits for patients during their pregnancy and there have been no known contraindications to chiropractic treatment throughout this stage of a woman�s life.
Is Chiropractic Care Safe During Pregnancy?
All doctors of chiropractic, or chiropractors, are trained to work with women who are pregnant. Investing in the fertility and overall health and wellness of women throughout their pregnancy or those whom are trying to conceive is a routine care for a majority of chiropractors.
Many chiropractors take a specific interest in prenatal and postnatal care and they may pursue additional training to specialize in the treatment of pregnant women. The following represents designations of chiropractors who�ve taken advanced steps in working with infertility and pregnancy health and wellness.
DACCP � Diplomate with ICPA reflecting highest level of advanced training
CACCP � Certified with the ICPA reflecting advanced training
Member of ICPA reflecting special interest
Webster Certified � trained to work specifically with pelvic balance in pregnancy
Chiropractors which have acquired professional training to work with pregnant women commonly utilize special chiropractic tables that adjust to a woman�s pregnant body. They are also trained to utilize treatment methods and techniques which avoid the use of unnecessary pressure on the abdomen. In addition, a doctor of chiropractic will provide the patient with the most appropriate set of stretches and exercises that are safe to perform during pregnancy.
The Importance of Chiropractic During Pregnancy
Throughout the pregnancy process, a woman�s body will undergo a variety of physiological and endocrinological changes in preparation for creating the best environment for the development of the baby. Furthermore, the body will have to adjust to its new body mechanics, especially the normal structure and function of the spine. Several pregnancy body changes include: a protruding abdomen; increased back curve; pelvic alterations; and postural adaptations.
These new adjustments can challenge the structure and function of the body, to the point that a misalignment of the spine of other joints as well as the irritation and inflammation of the tissues can occur. Ultimately, restoring the original alignment of the spine and the balance of the pelvis in relation to the rest of the body is one of the main reasons why chiropractic care is essential throughout a woman�s pregnancy.
A misalignment of the spine or pelvis, also known as a subluxation, can reduce the amount of room available for the proper development of the baby. This restriction is medically referred to as an intrauterine constraint. Also, the misalignment of these specific structures can make it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery, affecting the mother�s ability to have a natural, non-invasive birth. Breech and posterior positions can interfere with the ease of labor, leading to the use of other medical interventions, such as c-sections.
Maintaining the spine�s natural alignment helps the entire body function effectively. Because the nervous system is the master communication system between the brain and the rest of the body, including the reproductive system, ensuring the connection between these is not interfered by a subluxation is fundamental to guarantee the well-being of the individual.
Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment Throughout Pregnancy
Chiropractic during pregnancy can provide a substantial amount of benefits for pregnant women. These benefits include: maintaining overall health and wellness throughout pregnancy; helps control symptoms of nausea; reduces labor and delivery time, relieved neck, back and joint pain; and it can help prevent a potential cesarean delivery.
Talking to a Health Care Provider
As the amount of women who seek to take advantage of the benefits chiropractic care can offer throughout their pregnancy increases, more healthcare providers have begun to seek the services of doctors of chiropractic who specialize in the treatment of pregnant women. When considering chiropractic to maintain overall health and wellness during pregnancy, or when searching for an alternative treatment option for an injury or condition while pregnant, make sure to discuss these options with your healthcare provider. Chiropractic care should not be utilized as a sole source of treatment and maintenance during pregnancy, however, chiropractic can be used in collaboration with other medical services to ensure the patient receives the best care throughout their pregnancy.
Kinesio Taping Can Benefit Pregnancy
Aside from chiropractic care, there are other treatment methods and techniques which can also benefit women throughout their pregnancy. Many individuals use kinesio tape, also known as elastic therapeutic tape, an elastic cotton strip with an acrylic adhesive that comes in a variety of colors. Kinesio tape is generally utilized in athletes to treat a variety of injuries or conditions, however, applying the elastic therapeutic tape on pregnant women can help relieve many pregnancy discomforts, providing other great benefits.
The elastic therapeutic tape, or kinesio tape, functions by treating as well as helping to recover from and prevent injuries. With its acrylic adhesive, it serves to lift the skin and promote better blood circulation. Used universally today by the growing population, kinesio tape has even been utilized by the elderly to treat normal home injuries. Apart from treating injuries, elastic therapeutic tape can help stabilize and correct posture.
When it�s applied properly by a professional, the natural elasticity of the tape will gently lift the skin to help relieve pressure from pain receptors. Once it�s applied, the individual�s circulation will improve, working immediately and continuing to provide relief 24/7 for approximately 3 to 5 days per application. In addition, kinesio taping helps ease the body�s natural healing process, allowing for the individual�s original range of motion to improve by also providing stability and support to the surrounding muscles, joints and other tissues, as well as reducing pain and discomfort, swelling and controlling inflammation as a result of the improved blood flow.
A variety of benefits kinesio tape can offer include: prevention of injury; treatment and rehabilitation; promotes blood circulation; posture correction; optimized performance; near immediate treatment; stays on up to 3 to 5 days throughout treatment; able to shower and sleep with it for continuous relief; no heavy bracing; and it offers no restrictions due to its elasticity.
How Kinesio Tape Helps Pregnant Women
During pregnancy, the use of elastic therapeutic tape can be a safe and effective treatment option for pregnancy discomfort as well as for other types of injuries and conditions. Low back pain and pelvic pain can be common issues that affect pregnant women.
Kinesio tape is a drug-free alternative, similar to chiropractic care, that can offer pregnant women additional relief from the well-known symptoms which develop during pregnancy, including back pain, swollen feet, sciatica, and carpal tunnel, among others. Because of this, elastic therapeutic taping can be one of the most ideal options for expecting mothers who seek natural relief from the common symptoms associated with pregnancy.
Kinesio tape can also function similarly to a support belt or belly band, with the proper placement of the colorful tape to either the back or abdomen. The most frequent postural pain and discomfort pregnant women experience can be relieved using the kinesio tape in this manner as it will help distribute the weight of the additional pounds. It can also greatly reduce fatigue as well. In comparison to purchasing support belts and belly bands, elastic therapeutic tape can be considerably more economic in the long run. For most pregnant women, symptoms of pain and discomfort while pregnant can make sleeping difficult. Nonetheless, because these tapes can be worn while sleeping, they can provide continuous relief and a much needed rest.
Many healthcare professionals are trained to apply elastic therapeutic tape, however, one can learn to apply them themselves. Using kinesio tape can be challenging and difficult to apply at first. It�s important to allow a primary care physician, chiropractor or other healthcare specialist to demonstrate the proper way to apply kinesio tape before attempting to apply it yourself. Some elastic therapeutic tape may need to be altered before being applied to achieve a specific function. Always make sure the skin is dry and clean before applying the tape to ensure it lasts longer. To remove the tape, use baby oil on the strips to gently loosen the adhesions.
Technique #1: Belly Belt
This first technique functions by lifting the lower belly to help relieve painful symptoms as a result of the increased amount of pressure being placed onto the pelvic flooring. Begin by attaching one strip of tape firmly at the middle of the lower belly. Then, follow by pulling both sides of the tape upward to lift the belly, attaching the ends securely. If you need to apply more strips, repeat the process using a second strip and check how it feels for you.
Technique #2: Front Sling
This technique is excellent for providing frontal support for pregnant women. Using two strips of kinesio tape, attach the ends firmly at the bottom, pulling each strip upwards and securing them under the breasts. Women with smaller and/or shorter torsos can cut the elastic therapeutic tapes in half and follow the same application process.
Technique #3: Baby Belt
This technique can be significantly helpful for pregnant women whose bellies are protruding outwards quite a bit. Using two strips of kinesio tape, you are going to form an �X� at your belly button, beginning from the bottom, just above the hip bones. While pulling the tape across the belly, make sure to pull firmly in order for the tape to hold your belly in place securely.
Technique #4: Maximum Support
This fourth technique is for pregnant women who experience full belly pain. If you have lower back pain as well as belly pain, you can combine this technique with the following technique (see next technique). Using 4 strips of elastic therapeutic tape, beginning at one hip, apply the tape and pull it diagonally across your belly button up to the opposite ribcage. With a second strip, follow the same procedure as before on the opposite side. Next, take a strip of kinesio tape and apply it from the bottom, up on each side of the navel. Make sure to firmly attach the elastic therapeutic tape at the bottom and then pull upwards to anchor it at the top above the diaphragm.
Technique #5: Lower Back & Belly Support
If you need both lower belly and back support, this one is good for you. You will need two strips.. Using one strip you will have someone attach one end to one side of your lower back and firmly stretch it across, anchoring on the other side. With your second strip, you will stretch only the middle by pulling at both ends, attaching the middle part of the tape first to your lower abdomen. Then, you will firmly pull each side upward to secure. It should feel as if you are �lifting� up your belly. The discomfort should go away immediately.
Technique #6: Frontal Belly Support
The next technique is perfect for pregnant women who�ve only experienced discomfort in the front and lower abdominal regions. Utilizing two strips of elastic therapeutic tape, with the first strip, begin by applying it at the pubic line then pull upward, attaching the end of the tape right under the diaphragm. With the second strip, begin by applying it at one end of the lower belly, above the pubic line, and stretch it across. With smaller women, it might be necessary to cut the strips in half and follow the same procedure.
Technique #7: Diaphragm Support
This final technique is considered fundamental for when the baby gets so big that they begin to push into the diaphragm and can make normal breathing difficult. For this procedure, only one strip of elastic therapeutic tape is necessary. Smaller pregnant women may have to cut the strip in half and follow the same procedure. Foremost, you will need to firmly attach and hold the strip at one end while pulling it across to the other side, focusing on pulling it downward. The point is to bring the top of the belly down to ease the diaphragm.
It�s important to consult your healthcare provider or chiropractor before attempting any of the following kinesio tape techniques by yourself to discuss whether kinesiology taping is appropriate for you. Furthermore, be sure to notify your healthcare practitioner if you have sensitive skin to ensure you do not react negatively from the tape adhesive. Once the kinesio tape is applied, a healthcare professional can provide careful instructions on how you can preserve the usefulness of the tape while showering, bathing and dressing.
The above information is by no means a replacement to a consultation with a licensed healthcare provider. Consultation with a chiropractor or other healthcare provider is recommended for any individual suffering from symptoms due to an injury or condition. If you are not experienced with using elastic therapeutic tape, allow a medical doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist or other experienced healthcare provider to demonstrate how to properly apply the tape for use at home.
Massage for Pregnant Women
Just as chiropractic treatment and various techniques using elastic therapeutic tape can benefit women throughout their pregnancy, massage can also be a helpful alternative to provide further relief to pregnant women. The goal of every pregnancy massage is to provide unique and special needs to expecting mothers.
Certified pregnancy massage therapists are qualified and experienced to perform the specially designed massage techniques on women to help relieve the most common pregnancy symptoms, making sure to protect both mother and child during the massage.
Pregnancy massage can differ greatly from others and it is often unique in its application. During the massage, the pregnant women is carefully supported using cushions and pillows to provide the expectant mother with superior comfort. This type of massage is above all very gentle and deep tissue techniques are never utilized as a safety precaution. In addition, many areas of the body are avoided to protect both mother and child, providing extra attention only to specific areas of the body which are particularly affected by pregnancy, such as the back and/or the feet. Regardless of these safety precautions, pregnancy massage is generally not advised during the first trimester.
The gentle pregnancy massage can tremendously help both physical and emotional pain and discomfort in pregnant women and the psychological benefit of itself can be greatly therapeutic. In addition to stress and anxiety reduction, a pregnancy massage can help reduce common symptoms associated with pregnancy, such as swollen ankles and lower back pain.
In conclusion, a woman�s overall health and wellness is fundamental throughout their pregnancy and alleviating painful symptoms along with those common discomforts associated with the stages of pregnancy can help provide comfort to expecting mothers. From chiropractic care and the application and use of elastic therapeutic tape to pregnancy massages, there are a variety of safe, efficient and beneficial alternative treatments and techniques that can help pregnant women throughout their pregnancy without the need of drugs. The above mentioned treatment options are natural alternative which have been considered by many women. If you are in need of relief or simply wish to enjoy the benefits of these procedures, make sure to discuss them with your healthcare provider before following through with these treatments.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
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