Back Clinic Posture Team. Posture is the position in which an individual holds their body upright against gravity while standing, sitting, or lying down. A proper posture visually reflects an individual’s health, ensuring the joints and muscles, as well as other structures of the body, are working properly. Throughout a collection of articles, Dr. Alex Jimenez identifies the most common effects of improper posture as he specifies the recommended actions an individual should take to improve their stance as well as enhance their overall health and wellness. Sitting or standing incorrectly can happen unconsciously, but recognizing the issue and correcting it can ultimately help many individuals develop healthier lifestyles. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 850-0900.
Postural dysfunction happens when unhealthy postures are practiced and maintained for prolonged periods. This can occur in any sitting, standing, or lying down position and is a major factor in musculoskeletal injuries. Injuries related to poor posture are normally caused by overuse that builds up over time. When the body starts to go out of alignment, the muscles must work harder to compensate, which further strains the body. This stress can lead to soft tissue injury and excess joint wear and tear. These injuries start as minor aches and pains in the short term. However, if left untreated, they can lead to chronic conditions. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can rehabilitate the body to optimal function and provide postural training.
Postural Dysfunction
Posture is how the skeleton and muscles hold the body in a healthy position while standing or sitting, affecting breathing, muscle growth, and mobility. Practicing healthy posture means:
The bones are properly aligned.
The muscles, joints, and ligaments function correctly.
The organs, like the stomach, kidneys, and GI tract, are in the right position and can work efficiently.
The nervous system can operate at its full potential.
This allows the body to have:
More energy.
More room for the lungs to expand.
Experience less stress.
Alleviate muscle fatigue.
Achieve physical fitness.
Imbalance Causes
Unhealthy body positioning causes imbalances in muscle strength that pull the body out of alignment. This leads to muscles becoming tight/shortened and others becoming weak/lengthened, and it can also cause internal organ problems. For example, individuals that slump excessively cause the abdomen to compress, crowding the stomach and intestines, which leads to digestive issues. Postural dysfunction can be caused by the following:
Stress and strain from day-to-day activities.
Job responsibilities that involve sitting/standing for long periods and/or repetitive tasks like bending, lifting, reaching, twisting, etc.
Unhealthy driving position.
Non-supportive footwear.
Joint stiffness usually of the neck, upper and lower back, and hips.
Sedentary habits.
Lack of physical activity and exercise.
Muscle tightness.
Muscle weakness.
Weakened core stability.
Inadequate or failed post-surgical recovery.
Decreased blood circulation resulting in fatigue.
Overuse Injuries.
Breathing difficulties.
Balance issues.
Knee pain.
Joint misalignment.
Increased strain on the spine.
Compression of discs and joints.
Neck pain.
Lower back pain.
Less space for nerves to move due to compression.
Nerve problems.
Piriformis syndrome.
Shoulder impingement.
Chiropractic Rehabilitation
Chiropractic treatment for postural dysfunction provides adjustments, massage and decompression therapy, targeted stretching and exercises, retraining movement patterns, and nutritional and health coaching. Personalized treatment plans can include the following:
Targeted stretches and exercises to maintain posture correction.
Fix Posture
Korakakis, Vasileios, et al. “Physiotherapist perceptions of optimal sitting and standing posture.” Musculoskeletal science & practice vol. 39 (2019): 24-31. doi:10.1016/j.msksp.2018.11.004
Lee, Yongwoo, and Ki Bum Jung. “Effect of Physiotherapy to Correct Rounded Shoulder Posture in 30 Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Korea Using a Telerehabilitation Exercise Program to Improve Posture, Physical Function, and Reduced Pain, with Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction.” Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research vol. 28 e938926. 27 Dec. 2022, doi:10.12659/MSM.938926
Shih, Hsu-Sheng, et al. “Effects of Kinesio taping and exercise on forward head posture.” Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation vol. 30,4 (2017): 725-733. doi:10.3233/BMR-150346
Snodgrass, Suzanne J et al. “Relationship between Posture and Non-Contact Lower Limb Injury in Young Male Amateur Football Players: A Prospective Cohort Study.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 18,12 6424. 14 Jun. 2021, doi:10.3390/ijerph18126424
Zhao, Mingming, et al. “Driver posture monitoring in highly automated vehicles using pressure measurement.” Traffic injury prevention vol. 22,4 (2021): 278-283. doi:10.1080/15389588.2021.1892087
Unhealthy posture and slouching incorrectly position the body unnaturally, adding chronic strain on the muscles and ligaments. For example, when sitting or standing at a workstation, individuals start to relax by slumping forward because it feels comfortable; however, they don’t realize that their shoulders are hunching over, and their neck is in an awkward forward position. For every inch the head moves forward, its weight on the neck and upper back muscles increases by 10 pounds. Individuals that stay in this position for a long time often experience neck soreness, tension in the shoulder muscles, and low back discomfort. Chiropractic care, massage, and decompression therapy can realign the spine to its natural position and train individuals to maintain a healthy posture.
Posture is the body’s position in space, the relationship of the body’s parts, head, torso, and limbs to each other. Maintaining the natural lumbar curve in the low back is essential to preventing posture-related discomfort symptoms. This natural curve works as a shock absorber, helping to distribute weight along the length of the spine. The most common causes for slouching posture are:
Repetitive motions or tasks can cause physical and mental fatigue, causing individuals to relax their core muscles.
Combined with the repetitiveness, individuals also begin implementing unhealthy movements because it makes the job easier.
Often individuals want to finish their work tasks, and even though they can feel their muscles and body stiffening and tightening up, they continue to work through the discomfort and don’t take a quick break to move around and stretch.
Stressful situations can cause muscle tension.
Carrying heavy bags, purses, backpacks, etc.
Weight fluctuation.
Muscles move the skeletal system and provide resistance against movement.
The musculoskeletal system comprises soft tissue structures that provide active and passive spinal stabilization.
The spine has natural curves to distribute weight/loads evenly.
The cervical and lumbar spine have a lordosis or forward curve.
The thoracic spine and sacrum have a kyphosis or backward curve.
They help to mitigate the forces exerted on passive stabilizing structures like the ligaments, joint capsules, and intervertebral discs.
A prolonged seated or standing position fatigues the muscles that stabilize the spine from the forces of gravity and body weight. When the tired muscles no longer provide stability, the spine must rely on the passive structures of the musculoskeletal system for support. Without the support, the spine gradually loses its natural cervical and lumbar curves and becomes more kyphotic or slouched. Slouching can provide relaxation and relief to the fatigued muscles; however, repetitive or prolonged stress to the passive structures can result in discomfort and injury to those tissues. This is how nerve compression, ligament inflammation, and disc herniations start.
Symptoms of Unhealthy Posture
Head that leans forward or backward.
Jaw pain.
Poor circulation.
Rounded shoulders.
A decline in breathing efficiency.
Muscle fatigue – Certain muscles can change in length, becoming short and tense or long and weak.
The advantages of practicing healthy posture include the following:
Prevents abnormal wear on the joints.
Lessens stress on the ligaments.
Prevents muscle strain and fatigue.
Prevents the spine from becoming misaligned.
Prevents back aches and soreness.
Reduces the risk of chronic diseases or conditions.
Helps maintain fitness and overall health.
Chiropractic Realignment
Our approach starts by correcting the physical problems caused by slouching, which involves chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic massage, and non-surgical decompression therapy. The objective is to fix the root cause to ensure that the treatment lasts and maintains neuromusculoskeletal health.
The initial assessment looks at an individual’s posture and a physical evaluation to identify the root cause.
When muscles become weak, over or underused, or suffer injury, others tighten or tense up.
A chiropractor looks at how an individual stands from behind and from the sides, noting issues like uneven shoulders, arched back, twisted pelvis, or other symmetry issues.
Massage will increase circulation and reduce tension.
Muscle release and relaxation for any overactive muscles.
A chiropractor will perform slow joint movements.
Targeted stretches and strength exercises will correct imbalances, maintain flexibility, and strengthen the core muscles.
Postural training will help individuals learn to use proper body mechanics and to listen to their bodies.
Impact of Stress
Defloor, T, and M H Grypdonck. “Sitting posture and prevention of pressure ulcers.” Applied nursing research: ANR vol. 12,3 (1999): 136-42. doi:10.1016/s0897-1897(99)80045-7
Fortner, Miles O et al. “Treating ‘slouchy’ (hyperkyphosis) posture with chiropractic biophysics®: a case report utilizing a multimodal mirror image® rehabilitation program.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 29,8 (2017): 1475-1480. doi:10.1589/jpts.29.1475
Katzman, Wendy B et al. “Age-related hyperkyphosis: its causes, consequences, and management.” The Journal of orthopedic and sports physical therapy vol. 40,6 (2010): 352-60. doi:10.2519/jospt.2010.3099
Korakakis, Vasileios, et al. “Physiotherapist perceptions of optimal sitting and standing posture.” Musculoskeletal science & practice vol. 39 (2019): 24-31. doi:10.1016/j.msksp.2018.11.004
Snijders, Chris J et al. “Effects of slouching and muscle contraction on the strain of the iliolumbar ligament.” Manual therapy vol. 13,4 (2008): 325-33. doi:10.1016/j.math.2007.03.001
Yoong, Nicole Kah Mun et al. “Commercial Postural Devices: A Review.” Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 19,23 5128. 23 Nov. 2019, doi:10.3390/s19235128
Making healthy posture adjustments is a process, especially for individuals that have been practicing unhealthy postures for years. Not only does the body have to relearn how to position itself correctly, but the muscles, especially those that haven’t been working, also have to adjust. This takes time and is usually at the beginning of postural training that individuals want to give up. This is because of the discomfort and soreness that goes with reactivating the core muscles. This is why it is recommended to go through the process with chiropractic care. A chiropractic therapy team can relieve sore muscles, strengthen the body, and help individuals gradually develop and maintain a healthy posture.
Posture Adjustments
Unhealthy postures shift the body out of balance, straining and stressing the muscles, especially those that have to work overtime every day. This causes the muscles to stiffen and tighten up to the point that they begin to pull the skeletal system in different directions, causing various symptoms that can lead to chronic conditions. Muscles can stay tight for years, with individuals getting used to the feeling. Individuals stretch out, thinking the muscles are loose but don’t realize that they return to their tight position because of the unhealthy muscle memory that developed.
Muscle Imbalance
Muscle imbalances usually progress over time and are typically caused by daily habitual physical routines.
This causes premature and advanced wear and tear on the body.
Postural Dysfunction
Individuals all have positions they spend a lot of time in.
Postural dysfunction begins with unhealthy positioning that shifts the spine and other joints out of balance and alignment.
The muscles become compromised, which leads to various neuromusculoskeletal symptoms.
Muscle fatigue and weakness occur from being overworked.
Headaches can present throughout the day.
Chiropractic Realignment
The muscles have become like tough meat, and the underlying imbalances are straining the neuromusculoskeletal system. The muscle tissues need to be broken up/tenderized and loosened up. Then they can be thoroughly stretched and strengthened to optimal health. Chiropractic care will identify and correct the underlying imbalance, and massage therapy will break up and release the compacted muscle tissue. A personalized treatment plan will consist of the following:
Mobilizing the joints and stretching/releasing shortened tight muscles and soft tissues.
Strengthening the elongated, weaker muscles to correct the body’s alignment and movement control.
Health coaching to identify and recommend lifestyle and nutritional adjustments.
This will restore the bio-mechanical systems, ensuring that equal muscle length and strength on both sides of the system joint or motion segment are maintained.
Posture Adjustments and Foot Orthotics
Aino, Masaki, et al. “Comparison of spinal column alignment and autonomic nervous activity using the intersegmental tenderness test in the segment above.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 33,8 (2021): 570-575. doi:10.1589/jpts.33.570
Creze, Maud, et al. “Posture-related stiffness mapping of paraspinal muscles.” Journal of anatomy vol. 234,6 (2019): 787-799. doi:10.1111/joa.12978
Joshi, Reema, and Nishita Poojary. “The Effect of Muscle Energy Technique and Posture Correction Exercises on Pain and Function in Patients with Non-specific Chronic Neck Pain Having Forward Head Posture-a Randomized Controlled Trail.” International journal of therapeutic massage & bodywork vol. 15,2 14-21. 1 Jun. 2022, doi:10.3822/ijtmb.v15i2.673
Langford, M L. “Poor posture subjects a worker’s body to muscle imbalance, nerve compression.” Occupational health & safety (Waco, Tex.) vol. 63,9 (1994): 38-40, 42.
McLean, Linda. “The effect of postural correction on muscle activation amplitudes recorded from the cervicobrachial region.” Journal of electromyography and kinesiology: official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology vol. 15,6 (2005): 527-35. doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2005.06.003
Szczygieł, Elżbieta et al. “The Impact of Deep Muscle Training on the Quality of Posture and Breathing.” Journal of motor behavior vol. 50,2 (2018): 219-227. doi:10.1080/00222895.2017.1327413
The various muscles and tendons surrounding the foot play an important role as they provide stability to the lower parts of the body and allow the individual to move and flex their feet. These various muscles and tendons help support the ankles and allow leg movement. Many people will be on their feet constantly as the world moves and sometimes have to deal with various issues affecting their walking ability. As the body naturally ages, many people will shuffle their feet around, which causes strain on the foot muscles and can affect the calves and legs over time. To that point, it can lead to foot pain and other conditions that can affect the individual. Other issues that can affect the feet and their muscles could be incorrect footwear, how they are standing, or how they walk. When this happens, conditions like plantar fasciitis and trigger point pain can affect the feet differently. Today’s article focuses on the superficial intrinsic foot muscles, how trigger points and plantar fasciitis correlate with foot pain, and how to strengthen the foot muscles. We refer patients to certified providers incorporating techniques and therapies in the lower body extremities of trigger points affecting the feet. This helps many people with trigger point pain symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis along the intrinsic foot muscles. We encourage and appreciate each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a terrific way to ask our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer
The Superficial Intrinsic Foot Muscles
As stated earlier, the foot has various muscles and tendons that allow stability to the ankles and allow movement when a person is walking. The foot has two muscle groups: the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles. Today, we will look at the intrinsic foot muscles and their importance to the foot. Studies reveal that the intrinsic foot muscles are highly important as they are contained to the foot and contribute to supporting the medial longitudinal arch. The intrinsic foot muscles are superficial and help keep the toes straight while providing flexion and extension when in motion. The foot has about 29 muscles, including 10 surrounding the foot and ankle, while the other 19 are intrinsic and provide the roles for gait and posture. The 19 intrinsic muscles have the following:
Abductor Hallucis
Quadratus Plantae
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Flexor Digiti Minimi
The Interossei Muscles
The Lumbricals
These muscles allow individuals to walk, run, or jog without pain. However, when the intrinsic muscles become impaired, studies reveal that intrinsic foot muscle function could be linked to various foot conditions that affect a person’s walking ability.
How Does Foot Pain Correlate With Plantar Fasciitis & Trigger Points?
Studies reveal that foot pain can cause an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience. Many factors can affect how a person walks, leading to various issues affecting the mobility of the lower extremities. When multiple problems affect a person’s walking, the intrinsic muscle and other muscles surrounding the ankle and foot could become strained and overlap with other foot conditions. Coexisting muscle impairments could affect the alignment, motion, load distribution, and muscle performance that involves the legs when foot pain affects the intrinsic foot muscles. When these impairments cause foot pain, it can correlate with trigger points and conditions like plantar fasciitis, affecting a person’s walking ability. But how does foot pain connect with plantar fasciitis and trigger points?
According to Dr. Travell, M.D.’s book “Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction,” when tension starts to overload the foot, the intrinsic muscles develop tiny nodules in the muscle fibers and reduce the muscle strength of the medial arch. To that point, it can collapse and cause the foot to create inflammation associated with repetitive actions that cause plantar fasciitis in the feet. When this happens, it can affect a person’s ability to walk, run, and stand and affect the lower extremities’ mobility. If not treated right away, it can cause muscle and joint pain in the hips, legs, knees, and lower back.
An Overview Of The Intrinsic Foot Muscles-Video
Have you been dealing with issues on your feet? Do you find it difficult to step down or walk? Or have you been rubbing your feet constantly to reduce the soreness in your feet? Many of these issues correlate with trigger points affecting the intrinsic foot muscles that could cause foot issues like plantar fasciitis. The foot has various muscles, like the intrinsic muscles, that allow gait and stability to the body. Multiple factors affecting the intrinsic foot muscles can lead to instability, muscle strain, tendon stress, and muscle and joint pain. This can affect how a person moves throughout the day and their quality of life. The video above explains where each muscle is, which ones are extrinsic and intrinsic, and how each muscle helps with foot function. When various issues begin to affect the foot and cause mobility issues, multiple techniques are available to help strengthen the foot muscles and prevent future problems from affecting the feet.
Strengthening The Foot Muscles
Regarding trigger point pain affecting the intrinsic foot muscles, various techniques can reduce the pain-like symptoms of trigger points and prevent foot issues like plantar fasciitis from re-occurring. Studies reveal that light, non-weight-bearing exercises like cycling and swimming can minimize muscle overload on the foot. Other ways to strengthen the intrinsic foot muscles are by stretching the toe flexors to help improve stability and prevent hypermobility in the foot. Different techniques to reduce trigger points in the foot’s muscle fibers include using a cylindrical or spherical object and rolling under the arches to massage and loosen stiff muscles. Many of these techniques could help restore foot functionality and stability while reducing future issues like plantar fasciitis in the feet. To that point, people should be allowed to walk pain-free again.
The foot has 29 muscles, including ten extrinsic muscles surrounding the foot and ankle and 29 intrinsic muscles on the foot. The intrinsic muscles are highly important for foot functionality as they are superficial and contribute to supporting the medial longitudinal arch. The intrinsic foot muscles also help keep the toes straight and allow flexion and extension when in motion. These muscles also help a person walk and stabilize the ankle. When various factors affect a person’s walking ability, it can lead to muscle strain and tendon stress to the foot, developing trigger points in the intrinsic muscle fibers and causing pain. This could cause foot conditions like plantar fasciitis and other co-existing muscle impairments that can affect the lower extremities’ mobility while causing muscle and joint pain in the hips, legs, knees, and lower back. Luckily, available techniques can help massage, stretch, and strengthen the intrinsic foot muscles while reducing trigger points and preventing their associated symptoms from recurring. To that point, these techniques can allow many individuals to walk without feeling pain.
Card, Ryan K, and Bruno Bordoni. “Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Foot Muscles.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 27 Feb. 2022,
Gooding, Thomas M, et al. “Intrinsic Foot Muscle Activation during Specific Exercises: A T2 Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.” Journal of Athletic Training, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Aug. 2016,
Hawke, Fiona, and Joshua Burns. “Understanding the Nature and Mechanism of Foot Pain.” Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 14 Jan. 2009,
Lim, Ang Tee, et al. “Management of Plantar Fasciitis in the Outpatient Setting.” Singapore Medical Journal, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2016,
Soysa, Achini, et al. “Importance and Challenges of Measuring Intrinsic Foot Muscle Strength.” Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 26 Nov. 2012,
Travell, J. G., et al. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Vol. 2:the Lower Extremities. Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
Healthy Posture Guidelines: Posture is how an individual holds their body. Healthy posture is when minimal stress is applied to the joints. Maintaining and holding your body correctly can prevent pain, injuries, and other health problems. Faulty postures and musculoskeletal imbalances often precipitate painful conditions in the spine and extremities. However, unhealthy postures do not always present with discomfort and pain symptoms that can go unnoticed for years. This leads to chronic stress and advanced wear of the joints. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can realign the spine, relieve symptoms, and restore flexibility, mobility, and function.
Healthy Posture Guidelines
There are two types of posture:
Dynamic Posture
This posture is when the body moves, like walking, running, or bending to pick up something.
Static Posture
This posture is when the body is not moving, like sitting, standing, or sleeping.
Both are important, and the key is the spine’s position. The spine has three natural curves: neck, mid, and low back. Correct posture maintains the curves with the head above the shoulders, and the top of the shoulder should be over the hips.
Unhealthy Positioning
Postural faults include:
Forward head positioning
Rounded shoulders
Loss of the normal lordosis curve in the lower back.
Early warning signs of postural problems may include:
The inability to sit or stand for a prolonged period.
Stiffness when getting up from a chair after sitting.
Feeling of physical exhaustion at the end of the day.
Muscle imbalances.
Loss of normal flexibility.
Symptoms of discomfort.
Affected Health
Unhealthy posture can affect overall health and includes:
Misaligned musculoskeletal system.
Decreased flexibility.
Neck, shoulder, and back pain.
The advanced wearing down of the spine making it more fragile and susceptible to injury.
Affected joint movement.
Affected balance.
Increased risk of falling.
Digestion problems.
Potential breathing problems.
Be mindful of your posture during everyday activities, like walking, watching tv, washing dishes, etc.
Maintain Physical Activity
Certain exercises like yoga, tai chi, and other classes focusing on body awareness can help develop healthy posture habits.
Exercises that strengthen the core muscles around the back, abdomen, and pelvis.
Maintain Healthy Weight
Extra weight can weaken the abdominal muscles, cause problems for the pelvis and spine, and contribute to back pain.
Wear Comfortable Shoes
High heels, for example, can throw off the body’s balance and force unhealthy walking movements.
This puts added stress on the muscles and affects posture.
Proper Height
Make sure workstations are at a comfortable height, whether sitting in front of a computer, making dinner, or eating.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractors and physical massage therapists specialize in evaluating and treating musculoskeletal dysfunction and identifying and screening for postural dysfunction. Healthy posture can have an immediate effect on health that include:
Proper alignment of bones and joints.
Reduced wear on the muscles and joints.
Reduced stress on ligaments.
Decreased risk of back injury.
Increased energy.
Improved digestion.
A chiropractic team will massage and relax the muscles reducing tension, adjust and realign the spine, increase joint movement, and ease the individual into a healthy posture. The team will also provide careful rehabilitation exercises and nutritional recommendations to maintain a healthy posture.
Custom Foot Orthotics
Carini, Francesco, et al. “posture and posturology, anatomical and physiological profiles: overview and current state of the art.”Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis vol. 88,1 11-16. 28 Apr. 2017, doi:10.23750/abm.v88i1.5309
Creze, Maud, et al. “posture-related stiffness mapping of paraspinal muscles.”Journal of anatomy vol. 234,6 (2019): 787-799. doi:10.1111/joa.12978
Korakakis, Vasileios, et al. “physiotherapist perceptions of optimal sitting and standing posture.”Musculoskeletal science & practice vol. 39 (2019): 24-31. doi:10.1016/j.msksp.2018.11.004
The 0blique muscles support and aid in side-to-side movement, helping maintain back strength and healthy posture. There are two oblique muscle sets, the internal and external obliques. Maintaining a strong core is one recommended way to protect the body and spine. However, many forget to train and strengthen all of the oblique muscles. Individuals tend to focus on the superficial core muscle, or rectus abdominis, and not enough or any attention goes to the lateral stabilizers or the internal and external obliques. Chiropractic and functional medicine can restore musculoskeletal flexibility, mobility, and function.
Oblique Muscles
The external obliques make up a large part of the trunk area. There are two external obliques on either side of the body, located on the lateral sides of the abdominal region. These muscles have an essential role in daily movements.
External obliques help with trunk rotation and support spine rotation.
They assist with pulling the chest down to compress the abdominal cavity.
They help with bending from side to side.
Any strain or injury to these muscles can lead to abdominal, hip, and back issues.
Maximizing external oblique strength is important to maintain a strong core.
The internal oblique is a muscle deep within the lateral side of the abdomen.
The internal oblique muscle is one of the main stabilizers and functions to flex the trunk and compress the chest.
Its positioning makes it invisible, but it still has an essential role in body movement.
This muscle can function bilaterally, meaning both sides can operate at the same time.
These muscles provide spinal and posture support.
Strain or injury in this area can cause posture problems and abdominal, hip, and back issues.
Rotation and Mobility
The internal and external obliques are the primary rotators of the spine and provide thoracic spine mobility.
The internal obliques work with the external obliques and the rectus abdominis for lateral spine flexion of the quadratus lumborum and lumbar paraspinals.
They attach to the diaphragm, transverse abdominis, and thoracolumbar fascia, contributing to core stabilization.
A quadratus lumborum muscle spasm can result from muscle inhibition in the obliques.
If the internal obliques are inhibited, compensation can cause an alteration in the sequence patterns of the posterior oblique subsystem.
When this system is not functioning correctly, individuals usually complain of discomfort in the hips and shoulders.
A common sign of oblique inhibition is individuals holding their breath during basic movement patterns to gain stability, indicating dysfunction in the intrinsic stabilization subsystem.
Simple movements include walking gait, single-leg stance, flexion, extension, etc.
If you are experiencing waistline, hip, and low back stiffness or tightness and pain, consult our professional chiropractic team. We’re ready to help!
Oblique Anatomy and Movement
Calais-Germain, Blandine, and Stephen Anderson. Anatomy of Movement. Seattle: Eastland, 1993.
Cook G. Movement: Functional Movement Systems: Screening, Assessment, and Corrective Strategies. Aptos, CA: On Target Publications, 2010.
Elphinston J. Stability, Sport and Performance Movement: Practical Biomechanics and Systematic Training for Movement Efficacy and Injury Prevention. Lotus Publishing, 2013.
Huxel Bliven, Kellie C, and Barton E Anderson. “Core stability training for injury prevention.” Sports health vol. 5,6 (2013): 514-22. doi:10.1177/1941738113481200
Myers TW. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2001.
Neumann DA. Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Physical Rehabilitation. St. Louis: Mosby, 2002.
Starrett K, Cordoza G. Becoming a Supple Leopard: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance. Las Vegas: Victory Belt Pub., 2013.
Weinstock D. NeuroKinetic Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Manual Muscle Testing. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic, 2010.
The lower body extremities help provide stability to the various body parts, including the hips, thighs, pelvis, legs, knees, and feet. The hips and thighs comprise multiple muscles and nerves that provide mobility to the lower half and allow the host to move around in different locations. While the hip muscles act on the thigh muscles at the hip joint and stabilize the pelvis, the thigh muscles allow the lower body to bend, flex and rotate while bearing most of the upper body’s weight and keeping alignment with the hips and legs. One of the thigh muscles is the sartorius muscle, and if it becomes overused and injured can lead to complications in the form of myofascial pain syndrome. Today’s article post examines the sartorius muscle, how myofascial trigger pain is associated with the sartorius, and the effectiveness of myofascial pain treatment on the thighs. We refer patients to certified providers who incorporate multiple methods in the lower body extremities, like thigh pain treatments correlating to myofascial pain syndrome, to aid individuals dealing with pain symptoms along the sartorius muscle. We encourage and appreciate patients by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis, especially when appropriate. We understand that education is an excellent solution to asking our providers complex questions at the patient’s request. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., utilizes this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
What Is The Sartorius Muscle?
Are you experiencing pain in the upper, mid, or lower parts of your thighs? Do you have difficulty walking for long periods? Or do your knees hurt more than usual? Most of these issues correlate with myofascial trigger pain associated with the sartorius muscle. As the longest muscle that spans from the hips to the knee joints, the sartorius muscle, or the “tailor muscle,” serves as both a hip and knee flexor while working with other muscles that allow hip mobility. The sartorius shares its origin location with the TFL (tensor fascia latae) muscle at the anterior superior iliac spine and is responsible for internal rotation at the hips. In the book, “Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction,” the author Dr. Janet G. Travell, M.D., mentioned that the sartorius muscle assists the iliacus and the TFL muscles in hip flexion while assisting the short head of the bicep femoris in the knees for knee flexion, allowing the individual to walk for long distances. Even though this long muscle assists in hip and knee flexion, it can succumb to injuries and create issues with the hips and knees in the lower body.
Myofascial Trigger Pain Associated With The Sartorius Muscle
When traumatic forces or normal factors begin to affect the sartorius muscle, the surrounding muscles on the thighs and hips are also affected. The sartorius muscle allows the individual to move around and allows flexion to the hips and knees when injuries or the muscle is being overused; it can cause pain-like symptoms that correlate with hip and knee issues associated with myofascial trigger pain. Myofascial trigger pain along the sartorius muscle doesn’t usually occur in the muscle but can occur in conjunction with trigger point involvement in the surrounding muscles. Studies reveal that myofascial trigger pain is found in the hip muscles and can cause issues in the lumbopelvic-hip muscles of the lower body. This causes referred pain on the sartorius to be more diffused and superficial to the knees. When myofascial trigger pain is associated with the sartorius, many individuals often mistake it for knee pain. To that point, myofascial trigger pain could affect how a person walks and bends at the knees.
Anatomy & Palpation Of The Sartorius Muscle- Video
Are you experiencing issues when you are walking? Do your knees hurt constantly? Or are you experiencing tenderness or pain in your thighs? Most of these issues correlate with myofascial trigger pain associated with the sartorius muscle. The sartorius is a long muscle that connects the hips and spans to the knee joints to provide hip and knee flexion. The sartorius muscle works with the other muscles in the thighs and hips, allowing hip mobility and motor function to the legs. When multiple issues affect the sartorius and the surrounding muscles, it can develop into myofascial trigger pain and cause overlapping risk profiles to the knees and hips. To that point, it causes referred pain issues in the hips and knees, making the individual have difficulty walking from place to place. However, there are available treatments to reduce the pain in the hips and knees and manage the myofascial trigger pain from affecting the sartorius muscle on the thighs. The video above explains the anatomy of the sartorius muscle location and how palpation is used to locate the muscle to see if it is tight or could be affected by trigger points along the muscle fibers. This is one of the techniques that is used when a person is dealing with myofascial trigger pain associated with the sartorius muscle.
The Effectiveness Of Myofascial Pain Treatment On The Thighs
When a person is dealing with myofascial trigger pain in their thighs, and it is affecting the sartorius, many will often try to find available treatments to alleviate the pain. Treatments like dry needling are one of the various myofascial pain treatments that can reduce pain and related disability on the thighs, hips, and knees. Studies reveal that dry needling treatments can help manage knee pain syndrome associated with trigger points on the thighs. However, treatment alone can not be the only solution to reduce myofascial trigger pain in the thighs. Various hip stretches can loosen up tight hip flexors and help elongate the sartorius muscles to break up the nodules and improve mobility function to the hips and knees. People can even utilize self-ischemic compression to allow a more effective stretch on the sartorius muscle.
As the longest muscle in the thighs, the sartorius helps provide a service to hip and knee flexion while working with various muscles to keep the legs moving. When the sartorius muscles become overused and start to cause referred pain to the hips and knees, it can develop into myofascial trigger pain along the sartorius muscle. This can make many individuals believe they are suffering from knee pain when it’s their thigh muscle. However, myofascial trigger pain is treatable through treatments and corrective actions that people can incorporate into their daily activities to prevent pain from escalating and manage trigger points along the sartorius muscle. This can allow people to get back their mobility in their legs.
Rahou-El-Bachiri, Youssef, et al. “Effects of Trigger Point Dry Needling for the Management of Knee Pain Syndromes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Clinical Medicine, MDPI, 29 June 2020,
Samani, Mahbobeh, et al. “Prevalence and Sensitivity of Trigger Points in Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Muscles in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 15 Oct. 2019,
Simons, D. G., and L. S. Simons. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Vol. 2:the Lower Extremities. Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
Walters, Benjamin B, and Matthew Varacallo. “Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Thigh Sartorius Muscle.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 29 Aug. 2022,
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