Back Clinic Neck Treatment Team. Dr. Alex Jimenezs collection of neck pain articles contain a selection of medical conditions and/or injuries regarding symptoms surrounding the cervical spine. The neck is made up of various complex structures; bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and other types of tissues. When these structures are damaged or injured as a result of improper posture, osteoarthritis, or even whiplash, among other complications, the pain and discomfort an individual experiences can be impairing. Through chiropractic care, Dr. Jimenez explains how the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations focuses on the cervical spine can greatly help relieve the painful symptoms associated with neck issues. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.
A cervicogenic headache begins in the cervical spine, or the neck. Sometimes these headaches mimic migraine headache symptoms. Initially, discomfort may start intermittently, spread to one side (unilateral) of the individual head, and become nearly continuous. Furthermore, pain can be exacerbated by neck movements or a particular neck place (eg, eyes centered on a pc monitor).
Possible Causes of Cervicogenic Headaches
The trigger of a headache is often associated to extreme tension to the neck. The headache may be a consequence of cervical osteoarthritis, a broken disc, or whiplash-type movements that irritates or compresses a cervical nerve. The neck’s bony structures (eg, aspect joints) and its delicate tissues (eg, muscles) can give rise to the improvement of a cervicogenic headache.
Nervous System Function
Certain nerves structures are involved in several cervicogenic headaches. Spinal nerves are signal transmitters that allow the body via the spinal cord and communication between the brain. At each level of the cervical spine is one on the right of the spine and a set of nerves; one on the left side. C1, C2 or C3 may be involved in development of cervicogenic headaches because these nerves permit function (motion) and feeling of the head and neck. Compression can cause pain and inflammation.
Cervicogenic Headache Symptoms
A cervicogenic headache provides in base and the back of the skull as a steady, non-throbbing pain, sometimes extending downward into the neck and between the shoulder-blades. Pain could be felt behind forehead and the brow, although the problem originates in the cervical spine.
Pain usually starts after a sudden neck movements, such as a sneeze. Along with head and neck discomfort, signs may include:
Stiff neck
Nausea and/or vomiting
Sensitivity to light or sound
Pain in both arms or one
Risk facets that will be engaged in headache on set or irritate cervicogenic headaches include:
Sleep difficulties
Disc problems
Current or neck injuries that are preceding
Poor posture
Muscular stress
Diagnosis of Cervicogenic Headaches
The analysis of a headache commences using a thorough medical background using a physical and neurological evaluation. Diagnostic testing may include:
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
CT Scans (rarely)
Nerve block injections to validate the diagnosis, cause
Treatment for Cervicogenic Headaches
Initially, your doctor may advise an over-the counter nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug (eg, aspirin, Aleve). If this is ineffective, then a prescription anti-irritation and pain reliever might be prescribed. Other treatment options, outlined in purchase of from non-invasive to invasive, include:
Spinal manipulation or alternative manual therapies
Behavioral methods (eg, bio feedback)
Trigger level injections
Facet joint blocks (a type of spinal joint injection)
Nerve blocks (this is generally of the medial branches of the nerves that provide you with the the facet joints)
Radiofrequency pulse ganglionotomy of the nerve root (eg, C 2, C-3)
Spine surgery to reduce nerve or vascular compression (this is rarely necessary)
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Cervicogenic Headache and Chiropractic
Neck pain associated with whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident are reportedly the most prevalent cause for discomfort along the cervical spine. The sheer force of an impact from a rear-end car crash or other traffic incident can cause injuries or aggravate a previously existing condition. While neck pain is commonly the result of damage to the complex structures of the neck, cervicogenic headaches may also result due to neck issues. Chiropractic care can help carefully restore the alignment of the cervical spine to relieve headaches and neck pain.
Manual manipulations and spinal adjustments have been demonstrated to be successful treatment alternatives for patient’s with headaches.
Chiropractic’s capability to correct bio-mechanical dysfunctions can help eliminate common factors which may lead to head and neck pain. A majority of headaches are associated with neck pain and other cervical spine issues, best known as cervicogenic headaches. These headaches are musculo-skeletal in nature and are related to tension headaches, which may also relate to migraines.
According to some research studies, there’s less risk of further injury or aggravation of a previous condition through chiropractic adjustments than with popular medical remedies. Additionally, newest research indicates that nine percent of men and 12 percent of women in the United States experience at least one to two headaches per month, with four percent of the population experiencing more regular headaches.
Prevalence of Head Pain & Neck Pain
Two-thirds of all adult males and greater than 80 percent of females in developed countries suffer from persistent headaches, according to the World Wellness Organization (WHO). Headaches are just as harmful in developing nations as well, primarily because such are not considered to be a symptom of disease. WHO estimates that about half of the individuals who experience headaches never receive any treatment for them.
People who suffer from chronic, everyday headaches amount to about four or five percent of the world’s population, surpassing the percentage of several other common illnesses. Experts genuinely believe the connection of headache victims to those with disabilities is approximately the same.
Headaches are so frequent that Americans pay more than one billion annually to get alleviation from them. Medical expenses plus lost-work time and productivity accounts for an estimated $50 billion in losses for American companies. Just as troubling: The discomfort associated with headaches and migraines might be so extreme, it’s often reported that mental illness follows soon after.
Approximately 95 percent of headaches are categorized as stress, migraine, or cervicogenic, originating in the neck. Symptoms include head pain on either side of the head or a stiff feeling in the neck, along with tightness and soreness. A small percentage of headaches is on the array that is more hazardous and it’s possible for these to need further referral to appropriate healthcare professionals to treat them as necessary.
Treatment for Headaches Associated with Neck Pain
By utilizing risk-free and beneficial treatment protocols, many doctors of chiropractic, or DCs, effortlessly help many individuals reduce the symptoms of headaches. A spinal adjustment can certainly help lessen the strain being placed on the spine and its surrounding structures, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels, diminishing the signs of a headache and allowing for better function.
Particularly as it relates to neck modifying, many people have worries about chiropractic manipulation. Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic is a different kind of chiropractic treatment which is performed without manipulation of the head or neck. The �snap,� �crack,� or �pop� sound usually associated with chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation is not necessary to move a vertebra, especially the atlas or upper cervical joint complex.
Chiropractors in general are perhaps not taught aggressive, forceful techniques; the type that’ll injure vessels or tissues. Chiropractors are taught to use speed and finesse as an alternative to pressure. When the physician performing the procedure compensates for slow-pace by increasing pressure in the manipulation, problems can occur.�Chiropractors provide by far the greatest number of manipulations to the spine than any other profession, but other healthcare professionals can also perform manipulation and mobilization techniques.
Chiropractic health practitioners have had the same simple coaching as any other primary care physician. The variation between DCs and MDs lies in their treatment protocols for certain types of injuries and/or conditions.
Conclusive Findings
The need to seek assistance in emergencies is essential, if all other choices happen to be explored. When seeking specific treatment for cervicogenic headaches as well as neck pain, it’s suggested to seek medical attention with Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic, followed closely by other actions that are less-invasive. Surgery is often suggested and recommended to be used as a last option unless otherwise necessary.
Most people that have had an Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic adjustment report feeling as either a puff of force or nothing at all. They hear a tiny tap and they describe feeling the neck’s tightness and soreness decrease. Some explain the experience as initially underwhelming.� Others report a wave like feeling rushing through the body, especially after various treatments. The healthcare professional�may determine substantial changes between his objective findings from before the adjustment and those he finds afterwards in the patients.
About the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique
Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic therapy could be an excellent instrument in the prevention of headaches, accidents and several other problems and includes a calming outcome for many individuals.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Cervicogenic Headache and Chiropractic
Neck pain associated with whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident are reportedly the most prevalent cause for discomfort along the cervical spine. The sheer force of an impact from a rear-end car crash or other traffic incident can cause injuries or aggravate a previously existing condition. While neck pain is commonly the result of damage to the complex structures of the neck, cervicogenic headaches may also result due to neck issues. Chiropractic care can help carefully restore the alignment of the cervical spine to relieve headaches and neck pain.
The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic therapy is a specialization within the field of chiropractic. It’s widely recognized as a safe and effective form of treatment which helps restore the natural integrity of the body. This technique aids to re-activate the body’s natural healing abilities.
The atlas is the top, upper vertebrae of the spine in which the head sits on, connecting the skull and the spine. Orthogonal means at right angles, or square. The atlas must be leveled, or square, on the cervical spine, or neck, and the head must be square, or leveled on the atlas.
If the atlas becomes misaligned, or subluxated, it can cause the head to tilt. As a result of the altered posture, the body will instinctively try to straighten the head up by compensating the posture of the spine while also trying to maintain the proper center of gravity on the body. This however, can create on the spine, adding stress throughout the shoulders, the pelvis, the hips, the knees, and the ankles.
Subluxations, or misalignments, can ultimately be deceiving. People often report experiencing symptoms of pain and discomfort along their back, shoulders, arms and legs while the source of their symptoms often originates along the cervical spine or neck.
The Atlas Vertebral Segment
Specialty of the Atlas Orthogonal
The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic therapy involves gentler adjustment techniques than traditional chiropractic adjustments, where no intense manipulations are required. The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic technique utilizes an adjusting instrument developed by Dr. Roy W. Sweat with the aid of engineers at Georgia Tech University. The precision of the Atlas Orthogonal Instrument allows for an adjustment with specifically gentle pressure, one which differs from general chiropractic manipulations.
Atlas Orthogonal recognizes the whole influence that the health of the upper cervical spine has on overall structure and function. It is now believed that input into the brain from the spinal buildings is the primary impact on health which chiropractic helps.
This input is what seems to balance specific manual pressure input, through high velocity. This impact is perhaps greatest at the occipito-atlanto-axial joint complex. That’s, the occiput, or base of the skull, on the atlas, which comes in contact with the second vertebra in the cervical spine, or the axis. When the atlas is subluxated, misaligned or shifted, adversely affecting the nerves, further complications may develop.
How the Atlas Orthogonal Instrument Works
Dr Sweat used traditional chiropractic adjustments and manual manipulations to treat patients for over 20 years. He then began using Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic techniques, specializing on correcting spinal issues with a precision adjustment instrument. Utilizing such an instrument eliminated many of the existing variables associated with hand contacts and thrust variation in treatment.
Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic therapy efficiently corrects issues which affect the normal range of motion of the vertebrae by producing a voluntary muscular contraction in comparison to manual manipulations which, by definition, take the joint, or several joints, beyond its present range of motion.
After several prototypes created throughout the years, the instrument nowadays is made from a metallic density, activated with a solenoid, or a magnetically influenced stylus which transfers to the conclusion in contact with all the skin’s surface. The pressure produced on the skin is as little as 3 pounds. The movement of the atlas bone has been verified through radiographic studies or X-rays.
Assorted Benefits of the Atlas Orthogonal
Recent studies demonstrate this phenomenon of leg duration inequality (LLI) might be engaged in spinal discomfort syndromes. The patient lies on their straight back, the healthcare professional’s contact with all the legs and feet is reserved to a minimum, while the variation in leg-length is measured. When the patient rests after each adjustment, this can be measured again, and also the chiropractor evaluates exactly what the change means.
The Atlas Orthogonal specialist contacts the soft-tissue overlying the factors of exit of the correct and left C 1 and C2 nerves and tissue compliance, irritation and tenderness. The four points are then rated from 0 to 3, with 3 being the most severe. There should be some instant improvement in the palpation after adjustment.
If more objectivity is needed, the more accepted method of algometry, or use of an epidermis pressure instrument, over the neck can elicit the same result. Instruments are being developed in the USA to supply goal measurement-based on tissue compliance.
Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic techniques ultimately can help relieve asthma, headaches, migraines, dizziness, arthritis, fibromyalgia, poor posture, trigeminal neuralgia, arm/leg pain, autism, allergies, neck/ back pain, carpel-tunnel, herniated disc, and stress, among others.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Cervicogenic Headache and Chiropractic
Neck pain associated with whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident are reportedly the most prevalent cause for discomfort along the cervical spine. The sheer force of an impact from a rear-end car crash or other traffic incident can cause injuries or aggravate a previously existing condition. While neck pain is commonly the result of damage to the complex structures of the neck, cervicogenic headaches may also result due to neck issues. Chiropractic care can help carefully restore the alignment of the cervical spine to relieve headaches and neck pain.
Chiropractic care is a non-conservative, alternative treatment option, preferred by many individuals who seek a more natural approach to treat their spinal complications. A chiropractor is a health care professional who focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of injuries and conditions associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, with a greater emphasis on the spine.
The goal of chiropractic treatment is to reduce painful symptoms and improve the function of the structures of the body as well as educating patients to maintain their overall health and wellness via the proper practice of ergonomics, stretches and exercises.
Chiropractic care is generally categorized as complementary medicine, stimulating the individual’s body to heal itself naturally, without the need of drugs, medications and/or surgery. This practice focuses to improve the relationship between the spine and the nervous system.
A structural misalignment of the spine and/or a bio-mechanical derangement of the vertebral bones can affect the complex network of nerves found throughout the body. In these cases, the goal of chiropractic is to reduce the pressure on the neurological tissue in order to restore the structural integrity of the spine and improve the function of the nervous system, ultimately restoring the well-being of the patient. The primary treatment of a chiropractor is to re-establish the original mobility of the spine, alleviating irritation and inflammation on the structures surrounding the spine.
While a chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic (DC), is qualified and experienced in the treatment of a variety of spinal conditions, other healthcare professionals within the field of chiropractic have special training in specific areas of the spine, utilizing different forms of treatment than the general chiropractor.
Atlas Orthogonal for the Cervical Spine
Atlas orthogonal is a specialized chiropractic technique which utilizes a precise adjusting instrument to treat complications along the cervical spine, or neck. This type of adjustment has been recognized for its precision and gentleness, in comparison with traditional chiropractic adjustments and manipulations, using only three ounces of pressure per procedure.
As a matter of fact, many patients find it hard to believe how such a light technique can provide them relief, at least until they begin to experience decreased pain and discomfort as well as improved function.
There are many different techniques to adjust the spine. The Atlas Orthogonal procedure is a system which helps balance the anatomical structure of the spine and its surrounding tissues, reducing neurological symptoms caused by spinal misalignment, or subluxation, without using manual manipulation. Atlas Orthogonal incorporates the use of a state of the art floor-based percussion adjusting instrument along with precision X-ray analysis, to properly diagnose, treat and prevent further complications within the cervical spine, particularly the atlas, the topmost vertebra of the spine in which the axis forms the joint that connects the skull and spine.
Most chiropractors, or doctors of chiropractic (DCs) use methods of adjusting where they feel the spine, followed by a manual manipulation or spinal adjustment performed by applying force along the affected structure until a “popping sound” is heard. With the Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic technique, the chiropractor uses specific X-rays to view the cervical spine and determine exactly where and how the vertebrae are misaligned or subluxated. The Atlas Orthogonal Percussion Instrument, utilized for the procedure, is then set with those specific vectors to accomplish the precise and gentle adjustment. The patient feels no force and hears no pops or cracks. Patients adjusted this way stay in adjustment longer than patients who receive treatment with other chiropractors. This means fewer adjustments and more cost-effective health care.
The Atlas Difference Summary
Gentle, effective approach ideal for children, elderly and osteoporotic patients
Modern equipment along with the latest techniques
Specific care that is specialized means fewer adjustments needed
About the Atlas Orthogonal Procedure
In conclusion, chiropractic care is a safe and effective treatment for both neck and back pain, as well as other spinal complications. According to the patient’s needs, some chiropractic adjustment techniques may be most beneficial to them than others. The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic technique is a gentle and precise form of adjustment which can benefit many patients with cervical spine issues. Despite the variety of treatment and care options available in the chiropractic field, it’s ultimately important for people to treat their spinal complications to achieve overall health and wellness.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Cervicogenic Headache and Chiropractic
Neck pain associated with whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident are reportedly the most prevalent cause for discomfort along the cervical spine. The sheer force of an impact from a rear-end car crash or other traffic incident can cause injuries or aggravate a previously existing condition. While neck pain is commonly the result of damage to the complex structures of the neck, cervicogenic headaches may also result due to neck issues. Chiropractic care can help carefully restore the alignment of the cervical spine to relieve headaches and neck pain.
Chiropractic treatment is based on the principle which allows the body to heal itself naturally through the use of basic techniques. This natural healing controlled by the nervous system. Nerve impulses flow down from the brain to the spinal cord and out through spinal nerves, known as the peripheral nervous system, which then flow into the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and vital organs.
A misalignment in the spine can potentially result in the compression or impingement of the central nervous system. Interference in the nervous system due to spinal complications may often lead to disease and other conditions. These can affect the optimal structure and function of the body.
What is the Atlas Orthogonal?
Atlas Orthogonal is a healthcare program for the spine, initially developed by Dr. Roy Sweat in the late 1960’s based on scientific and biomechanical procedures. Dr. Sweat is considered by many to be one of the world’s foremost authorities regarding injuries and conditions associated with the cervical spine. After years of extensive research and studies, Dr. Roy Sweat developed a non-invasive, precision instrument to restore the original structure of the vertebrae along the cervical spine. The percussion instrument achieves postural restoration without the use of manipulation or the practice of surgery. This precision treatment helps reduce symptoms caused by misalingments along the cervical spine.
The Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic technique has been described by many patients as a gentle, effective and proven treatment, many reporting a decrease in their discomfort and improved function after an adjustment has taken place. The Atlas supports the head and is the top vertebrae of the spine. Orthogonal means at right angle. When the Atlas is not square to the head and spine, or it’s subluxated or misaligned, subsequently, the alignment of the head and spine in relation to the Atlas may be improper. Essentially, the spine cannot be straight in the event the head isn’t on straight. The resulting stress from the misalignment, or subluxation, may cause discomfort to the back, shoulders, pelvis, hips, knees and ankles.
A normal Atlas is aligned with both the skull and the spine. A subluxated or misaligned Atlas is not square. The adjusting instrument is a safe, gentle, and precise method of correcting a misaligned (subluxated) Atlas vertebrae, without the need for physical manipulation. The instrument utilized for the Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic technique delivers a precise impulse to the exact area needed as determined by the patient’s X-rays.
As with chiropractic adjustments utilized to help ease neck pain, back pain and muscle aches, the Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic technique can help relieve many of the similar symptoms. The Atlas Orthogonal Spinal Correction can help the body naturally heal a variety of health problems. This misalignment can block the communication between your brain and body, causing pain, stress and tension. The tension, stress and pain associated with complications along the cervical spine can affect all, even mental and physical activity of the body. Correction of the Atlas may relieve many painful symptoms.
What is the Activator Method Technique?
The Activator Method technique utilizes specific procedures to detect body mechanics problems, analyze leg length inequality, detect spinal joint dysfunction and test neurological reflexes. With one of the unique analytical tools, healthcare professionals can restore your overall spinal balance. An instrument called the Activator is used by many chiropractors to address spinal joint dysfunction. This unique hand-held instrument was scientifically designed to give you a very specific, “low force” adjustment. The Activator instrument delivers a thrust that is fast, light and controlled, without causing undue strain. Activator adjustments are controlled and quick, allowing to get an exact and precise adjustment.
About the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Cervicogenic Headache and Chiropractic
Neck pain associated with whiplash-associated disorders resulting from an automobile accident are reportedly the most prevalent cause for discomfort along the cervical spine. The sheer force of an impact from a rear-end car crash or other traffic incident can cause injuries or aggravate a previously existing condition. While neck pain is commonly the result of damage to the complex structures of the neck, cervicogenic headaches may also result due to neck issues. Chiropractic care can help carefully restore the alignment of the cervical spine to relieve headaches and neck pain.
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at stretches for neck pain.
Your neck is one of the hardest working parts of your body.�It is serves us well as a source of strength and balance. When it�s out of whack, your neck can be a source of unending distress. �Let�s face it�today�s use of technology has our necks being put to use in ways it was never intended. �Did you know that looking down at your phone can sometimes exert as much pressure as the equivalent of a 40lb weight?
Unfortunately for the vast majority of people, neck pain will affect them at some point in their lives. Women are more prone to neck pain but men definitely have their fair share as well.
One Of The Reasons Our Necks Pay A Price… We Sit A Lot
Whether it is at home in front of the TV or electronics or at work in front of the computer, our necks get a work out! Distresses on the neck are felt in many ways, including but not limited to: low back pain, severe headache, migraines, or even facial aching and tenderness.
What are some of the gentle ways you can give your neck a break? Good question, we are glad you asked! Thankfully, stretching our neck muscles regularly is easy to do and it can help relieve and prevent neck pain.
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez investigates pain, the spine and its connection to internal organs.
Right after I had my first son, I suffered from headaches and some digestive issues. I had never had digestive issues before, but I passed it off as a side effect of giving birth to a living being. I also blamed the pressures of being in school and raising a small child.
My husband went to a chiropractor to treat some pain in his hands, and that is when I decided to try it as well. The chiropractor re-aligned my spine and, with weekly visits, I was feeling much better.
When my family and I moved to South Korea, I could not find a chiropractor. I did, however, find an excellent acupuncturist that had his office two blocks away from my front door. Instead of working on my spine, the acupuncturist worked on the muscles around my spine.
I feel the results of both were the same. I always felt much better when I took the time to take care of my spine and nervous system.
This is because all our organs receive messages from our brain via our spinal cord. The lungs know to breath in and out because of the messages they receive from the brain. The heart beats because of these messages as well. Every organ in our body is connected to the brain and blocking this connection�even a little�can cause serious health issues.
Some health problems are easily felt like numbness in the fingers or a headache. Some troubles are not so apparent like digestive issues or kidney problems. If the spine is out of order, the organs will feel it.
It Is Important To Take Care Of The Spine Every Day
If one takes a look at the image above, one can see how the nerves from the spinal cord connect to specific areas of the body. A chiropractor or acupuncturist will be able to spot spinal problems and fix them over time. This is what they are trained to do.
Here Are Some Tips To Take Care Of The Spine From Spine Health:
Sitting correctly or using an ergonomic chair while at work is a good way to take care of the spine.
Exercise abs and back daily to strengthen the muscles around the spine and keep it in place.
Take time to get a massage, see a chiropractor, or an acupuncturist. This will help the spine stay in the correct shape.
Wear shoes that support the feet and feel comfortable. Uncomfortable shoes, especially pumps, will injure the back and spine.
Sleep with the spine in mind. Choose a mattress and pillow that supports the spine and try to sleep in a natural position. Also, try sleeping on your arm to get a nice straight spine when lying on your side rather than using a pillow that can tilt your head up and kink your neck.
If one is suffering back pain, it is important to seek professional help. Spine problems, like a pinched nerve, if not taken care of, can become extremely severe. The spinal cord controls the body. In order to be in the best of health, the spine needs to be in good health.
Take care of�your spine and it will take care of you all the years of your life.
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