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Headaches & Treatments

Back Clinic Headaches & Treatment Team. The most common cause of headaches can relate to neck complications. From spending excessive time looking down at a laptop, desktop, iPad, and even from constant texting, an incorrect posture for extended periods of time can begin to place pressure on the neck and upper back, leading to problems that could cause headaches. The majority of these types of headaches occur due to tightness between the shoulder blades, which in turn causes the muscles on the top of the shoulders to tighten and radiating pain into the head.

If the source of the headaches is related to a complication of the cervical spine or other regions of the spine and muscles, chiropractic care, such as chiropractic adjustments, manual manipulation, and physical therapy, can be a good treatment option. Also, a chiropractor may often follow up chiropractic treatment with a series of exercises to improve posture and offer advice for future lifestyle improvements to avoid further complications.

Metabolic Syndrome: Home Solutions

Metabolic Syndrome: Home Solutions

Metabolic Syndrome affects many people. In fact, more than a quarter of the United States has it! Metabolic Syndrome is not a disease, but instead a cluster of disorders. These disorders on their own are not necessarily alarming but when you have more than one, the body starts to feel the repercussions.


Those with metabolic syndrome often suffer from frequent headaches, inflammation, nausea, fatigue, joint pain, and many more. On top of these symptoms, metabolic syndrome can put individuals at a higher risk for Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke, Obesity, Sleep Apnea, and Kidney Disease.

Risk Factors

Individuals who have an “apple or pear” body shape, are at an increased risk for developing metabolic syndrome. There are no “obvious” signs of metabolic syndrome, but rather one with metabolic syndrome has 3/5 of these risk factors.

  • A fasting blood glucose level of 100 mg/DL
  • High Blood Pressure, measuring 130/85
  • High Triglycerides
  • Low HDL (Good Cholesterol)� measuring <40mg/DL Men & <50mg/DL Women
  • Excess Waist Fat (>40in Men & >35in Women)

What Can You Do About It?

Of course, no one wants to be left feeling sick and stranded. There are ways to help prevent metabolic syndrome at home. Below there are five tips for each risk factor and how to prevent/reduce your symptoms.

A Fasting Blood Glucose Level Of 100 mg/DL

  • Ketogenic Diet
  • Increase Fiber
  • Control Portions
  • Set “Carb Goals”
  • Choose complex carbs over simple carbs

High Blood Pressure, measuring 130/85

  • Reduce Sodium
  • Lower caffeine
  • DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)
  • Boost Potassium
  • Read Food labels

High Triglycerides

  • Limit sugar intake
  • Increase fiber
  • Establish a regular eating pattern
  • Eat more “tree nuts” ( almonds, cashews, pecans)
  • Switch to unsaturated fats

Low HDL ( Good Cholesterol) measuring <40mg/DL Men & <50mg/DL Women

  • Reduce Alcohol
  • Do not smoke
  • Choose better fats
  • Purple Produce (antioxidants to help inflammation)
  • Increase fish consumption

Excess Waist Fat >40 in Men & >35 in Women

  • Ketogenic Diet
  • Exercise Daily
  • Walk after dinner
  • Grocery Shop without Aisles
  • Increase in Water Consumption


Aside from doing these tricks and tips at home, a doctor or health coach will be able to further assist one in healing. The main goal is to take these symptoms and disorders and correct them before they become a full-blown diagnosis.

Rather than just running a basic blood panel, they now have tests that allow us to see multiple different levels and numbers. these elaborate blood tests provide great insight to allow us to see the full picture. By completing these labs, it allows the doctor to evaluate the patients better and provide a more specific treatment plan.

In addition to detailed lab work, there are all-natural supplements that have been shown to help improve these symptoms along with proper diet and exercise. Some of these supplements include Vitamin D, Berberine, and Ashwagandha.

On top of these things, there is also an app that is available to download. This app is called, “Dr. J Today”. This app connects you directly to our clinic and allows us to monitor your diet, supplements, activity, BMI, water weight, muscle mass, and more! This app also gives you a direct portal to message Dr.Jimenez or myself.

As stated before, our main goal is to help you decrease your symptoms before they turn into a full-blown diagnosis. One thing we want to surround our patients with is knowledge and a team atmosphere. With the right team, anything is possible and better health is more attainable than you think!

Having Type 1 Diabetes, I have experienced metabolic syndrome before. It is one of my least favorite feelings that exist. I want our patients to know that they do not have to feel that way and there are treatment plans that can help! I will help to create a personalized plan that is tailed to you, so success is the only option. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach�

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.

Mayo Clinic Staff. �Metabolic Syndrome.� Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 14 Mar. 2019,
Sherling, Dawn Harris, et al. �Metabolic Syndrome.� Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, vol. 22, no. 4, 2017, pp. 365�367., doi:10.1177/1074248416686187.

Micronutrients and Health

Micronutrients and Health

Detailed lab testing is becoming more and more essential as integrative medicine is on the rise. Detailed lab testing goes more in-depth than the traditional blood levels usually taken. This allows physicians to understand more of the underlying issues that are causing the patients headaches, inflammation, pain, or overall discomfort.

There are multiple lab companies that utilize top of the line technology in order to obtain the best results for the patient. By running a detailed test, it allows more data to be collected and the physician to get a deeper look at what the patient might be lacking.


One test that is extremely detailed and allows an abundance of information is the Micronutrient test from SpectraCell. Micronutrients are essential for the body to function properly. The body requires macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are those obtained through the diet, such as protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that the body needs to achieve proper nutrition.

The Micronutrient test came from Dr. William Shive who was a biochemist that realized many serum (blood tests) do not adequately show the number of vitamins and minerals in an individual. In turn, the labs are not a true number of the patients health.

The Micronutrient test from Spectracell is unique because it is the only test on the market that obtains a history of 4-6 months from inside the cells. Thus, allowing practitioners and patients to see if their cells are truly healthy and what they are lacking in.

Who Should Be Tested?

Micronutrients are needed to perform almost all metabolic processes in the body. When these essential vitamins and minerals are lacking, the body is more prone to degenerative processes like arthritis.

Getting tested can provide an inside look at what is actually happening in your body. This can shine some light and possibly even explain some health symptoms you’ve been struggling with. Due to the fact that micronutrients are needed in the body and not having them does affect your health, getting tested could help prevent a compromised immune system.


As mentioned earlier, this test measures micronutrients, which are essential vitamins and minerals in the body. But, what else can this test really tell an individual besides the fact that they’re lacking in vitamin D?� This test can help provide measures for:



Mood Disorders



Sports Performance Optimization

SpectraCell is all about giving their patients high-end results that lead to real solutions. By creating a test that captures the functional level and the actual capability of the nutrients present in the white blood cells, it allows physicians to see a patient’s metabolism from a different standpoint. Getting tested could be the first step towards a healthier future.

SpectraCell is an amazing company, which is why we use them! This test is very detailed and provides us with a great deal of information. The science behind this test not only allows our patients to feel better by getting on the correct vitamin regimen for their body but also by allowing us to treat patients on an individualized level without the guesswork. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach

*All information for this article was found and is properly cited below
References :
SpectraCell. �Menu.� Search Tests,

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request.�

The Six Dimensions Of Wellness

The Six Dimensions Of Wellness

Part of understanding the body and treating symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, joint pain, and overall discomfort is realizing that the body is an intricate system that functions as one. In modern medicine, we have become used to seeing different specialists for different body systems ( i.e the endocrine system, the nervous system, etc.). However, in all reality, the body is made up of all these systems to work together to maintain homeostasis.

Wellness is best defined by the National Wellness Institute as, ” An active process through which people become aware of, and make a choice toward, a more successful existence (The Six Dimensions Of Wellness)”.

In general, wellness is applied in one’s life to incorporate all aspects of health. Similar to the systems in the body, wellness is not just isolated to one part. The National Wellness Institute has promoted and defined there to be six dimensions of wellness.







These dimensions dive deep to incorporate mental health and physical health. Mental and physical health are closely intertwined and often times relate to each other. By applying the six dimensions of wellness into your life, you are treating the body as a whole and allowing yourself to embrace the mind-body connection for optimal wellness.


The ability to be alone and have your own feelings and thoughts not overwhelm you, expressing emotions in a healthy way, and to be able to be compassionate towards others’ emotional state.


The work you put in every day and understanding that it has a purpose and point to fulfill not only the necessary job duties but also the soul.


The practice of regular physical activity, healthy eating/nutrition, and a regular healthy sleep schedule. These are essential elements to fuel life and heal the body.


To be able to regularly socialize and react with others. This includes interacting with people in all aspects of life and engaging in a healthy living environment.


Not only referring to education, but allowing the mind to open up and connect to the lively world around.� Intellectual wellness has a main focus of creativity while exploring problem-solving and critical thinking.


Knowing that there is a purpose in life that the life you are living is meaningful.

Essentially, by applying these six dimensions of wellness into everyday life, a person becomes more aware of how each dimension is connected to another and how they contribute to healthy living. Emotional health has a lot to do with mental health. By aligning emotional health with mental health, the physical health the body receives is less inflammation, a healthier gut, and more mental clarity.

Similarly speaking, occupational health has a lot to do with physical health. If the occupation one has is constantly exhausting them and causing high levels of stress, the hormones in their body will start to become off balance. This will affect their health in the way that they will not be sleeping as well, causing fatigue and the body to react with inflammation because it is not getting an adequate amount of rest to properly heal.

Physical health is important because by incorporating regular physical activity into one’s life, endorphins will be released more often. Physical activity is used to treat many mental health disorders as well as prevent many physical disabilities.

Often times, anxiety or stomach issues can be brought on by social events. Social wellness works on healthy communications with others around you while also being able to be comfortable and confident.

Intellectual wellness happens as individuals explore and connect with others. If one is not complete or working on the intellectual wellness side of things, this can cause depression and poor health due to not being stimulated and interactive.

The last dimension of wellness is spiritual.� Spiritual wellness does not mean that you believe in a specific thing, but rather that your life has a meaning and you have a purpose.

By incorporating these six dimensions, it allows the human body to connect with itself. by opening up the communication between the systems, a new level of wellness can be achieved.

The six dimensions of wellness is a more holistic approach to healthy living. These dimensions will help individuals reach their full potential while learning and acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to health. I highly recommend incorporating the six dimensions of wellness into everyone’s life as the healing benefits it can bring are remarkable. Treating the body as a whole and realizing that your gut health is related to your brain health is eye-opening and creates a lot of room for potential healing. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach�

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.�


Norris, Kevin M. �Finding Balance: 6 Dimensions of Wellness.� Washington Blade: Gay News, Politics, LGBT Rights, 1 Apr. 2013,
�The Six Dimensions Of Wellness.� The Six Dimensions of Wellness – National Wellness Institute,
The Top Tests Used for Integrative Medicine

The Top Tests Used for Integrative Medicine

Functional medicine is about taking the human body and treating it as a whole. The human body has many systems but they all work together to maintain homeostasis. In many cases with traditional medicine, a patient with headaches, joint pain, inflammation, and fatigue will be referred to many specialists to treat each individual symptom.� However, by looking at the entire body as a whole and digging into the root cause of the issue and not just the symptom itself, a lot can be revealed.

With functional medicine, often times a series of labs are run that look deeper than the typical basic blood panel. In traditional medicine, a glucose and AHb1c test will be done to assess diabetes. In functional medicine, a deeper test is ordered to rule out other possibilities and practitioners are able to view all components of diabetes including , Adiponectin, Insulin.� This allows a deeper understanding of what is happening inside the body and how to best treat it.�

With this being said, there are many labs that functional and integrative medicine practitioners utilize, each specializing in their own unique panels. The average integrative practice uses an average of 5-10 different lab companies for their patients to have the best care. Eight of the most utilized lab companies are:

  1. Diagnostic Solutions offer many tests but their specialty lies within their GI Map. This test measures the gastrointestinal microbiota DNA from a stool sample. This allows practitioners to see and detect the exact microbes that may be causing a disturbance in the gut or a factor contributing to illness.
  2. Vibrant Wellness has a wide variety of tests but one of the most frequently used is the food sensitivity panel. This allows practitioners to see what foods their patients are consuming that are creating havoc for their gut health.
  3. SpectraCellstarted as a nutritional testing company but has since evolved into a lab that tests cellular nutrition, cardiometabolic health, hormone balances, and genetic predisposition.
  4. Precision Analytical (the D.U.T.C.H test) the D.U.T.C.H test stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones and takes a look at adrenal and hormone imbalances.
  5. Genova Diagnostics has a wide variety of tests but one of the most common is the GI Effects Comprehensive Profile. This test takes a patient’s stool and detects an organism’s DNA as part of a comprehensive assessment.
  6. Doctors Data provides a wide array of functional testing to provide patients with the best outcomes. Some tests include Environmental Exposure and Detoxification, Toxic and Essential Elements, and Allergy and Immunity.
  7. Cyrex categories their tests as “arrays”. These arrays test for things like diabetes autoimmune reactivity,� The blood-brain barrier, Mucosal Immune Reactivity and more.
  8. Dunwoody Labs offers food sensitivity testing, adrenal, neurotransmitters and many more. Dunwoody can test for specific IgE and IgG4 molecules.

The patient’s health comes first, and getting down to the underlying issues sometimes requires one than one lab company. These companies use the top of the line technology to ensure their patients and physicians obtain the most accurate results for optimal healing.

It is important to make sure the patient gets the best possible care available. This usually means ordering different labs from different companies to obtain the best results. Each lab is great in its own way, but they often specialize in a certain area. This is key because it often allows the patient and the practitioner to get the highest quality of results. A practitioner who uses multiple labs is educated on the subject and truly cares for their patients. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach�

*The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request.�

Cyrex Laboratories. �Cyrex Laboratories > Home.� Cyrex Laboratories > Home,
�Doctor’s Data Specialty Testing Clinical Laboratory: Doctor’s Data.� Doctor’s Data Inc,
�Dunwoody Labs.� Dunwoody Labs,
�Dutch Complete�.� DUTCH Test,
�Food Sensitivity.� Vibrant Wellness,
Genova Diagnostics,
�GI-MAP: GI Microbial Assay Plus.� Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory, 13 Dec. 2019,
�Menu.� SpectraCell Laboratories, 13 Dec. 2019,

Autoimmune and Family History

Autoimmune and Family History

Have You Been Experiencing:

  • Fatigue?
  • Headaches?
  • Joint Pain?
  • Overall discomfort?

For most individuals experiencing symptoms,� health care providers will run a few tests. For the most part, these tests come back normal or inconclusive. The patient is usually relieved, but not satisfied as they are still experiencing symptoms. The truth of the matter is, most tests practitioners run on patients are basic.


What Does That Mean?

It means that they are checking your levels and ruling out issues based on standard testing, but they are not diving deep into the cause of the symptom itself. Most individuals have a family history of one or more autoimmune diseases. An autoimmune disease is when the body misidentifies its own cells as a foreign body leading them to attack. These diseases can be triggered at any point in one’s life.

So What Do I Do Now?

Due to family history,� an ANA test can be run. Most of the time for patients still experiencing symptoms after the standard tests came back negative, the ANA comes back positive. However, a positive test does not always mean answers. This test can provide useful information but does not include a definitive answer as to what kind of autoimmunity a patient may have.


Using A Functional Approach

In modern/traditional medicine, most practitioners will suggest the patient is fine and that there is nothing to treat until they have been diagnosed. However, by using a more naturopathic and holistic approach, integrative practitioners can take these symptoms and use them to the patient’s advantage to help avoid a full-blown diagnosis.� The main reason this is effective is due to the fact that individuals do not just wake up one day with a new disease, but rather there are steps progressing in the background that eventually build up to a diagnosis if not treated.

Uncovering the underlying issue and using this stage in someone’s life as an opportunity to improve their quality of living is what functional medicine revolves around. By combining symptoms, previous lab results, and the patients declining quality of life, testing that relates to triggers of autoimmunity can be conducted. These tests will provide insightful information allowing the practitioner to not only treat the symptom but more importantly, to treat the cause.


There are multiple factors, including environmental that cause an autoimmune response to start to express. There are certain markers in the body that will shift before the onset of the autoimmune disease in which the environmental triggers will be shown.

Many labs are equipt to test for these markers and use top of the line technology. Some tests that evaluate these triggers that contribute to the progression of autoimmunity are:

The Gut Zoomerfrom Vibrant Wellness:The Gut Zoomer provides information and patient potential risks for intestinal permeability, IBS & IBD, SIBO, celiac, MS, obesity, diabetes, nutrition, viruses, fungal or yeast species, worm species, bile acids, SCFAs and more

The Food Sensitivity Panel from Vibrant Wellness:This test from Vibrant Wellness recognizes the specific antibody-to-antigen responses in commonly ingested foods. This panel tests for IgG and IgA sensitivity to the food antigens. This test is beneficial so patients do not have to an elimination diet, but rather have the test remove the guesswork and let results tell them what foods cause their body inflammation.

Dietary Antigen Test Plus from Dunwoody Labs:��This specific test from Dunwoody Labs allows the health care provider to see if there is an increased antibody response to food. Often times, the antibodies this screens for attack the body’s tissue leading to more autoimmune symptoms. This test looks at 4 separate antibody types IgE, IgG4, Total IgG, IgA, and complement.

Oxidative Stress Test from Dunwoody Labs:If the body is under large amounts of stress, this will cause an increase in the activity of T-Cells, thus keeping the body out of balance.

GI Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP ) from Diagnostic Solutions: This is a stool test that not only analyzes but also evaluates the DNA of the actual organisms that are living in the gut. This allows the health care providers to see what is impacting health such as, mucus metabolism, methane production, T-Cells, and inflammatory LPS.�



Why Would I Want / Need This?

Preventative medicine provides the ability to keep up with, if not improve a patient’s quality of life while decreasing or avoiding the hard prescription medicine! By treating the underlying cause and not just masking the symptom, it allows individuals to truly feel better.


The number of individuals diagnosed with a disease that could have been prevented should earlier steps have been taken, is on the rise while their quality of life is declining. Feeling good should not be a delicacy, but rather a normal standard. With the use of integrative medicine, many grandparents will be able to play hide and seek and tag with their grandchildren, parents will be able to get through the day without as much fatigue and headaches, and children will be able to play, focus, and learn with fewer belly aches no matter the hour of the day. Integrative medicine not only utilizes tests to guide patients in the right direction but also gives patients tools and further educates them on exercise and nutrition components that will help prevent inflammation and stimulate good bacteria in their bodies to grow. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach


*The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.

�Basic Oxidative Stress.� Dunwoody Labs, 20 July 2018,
Burdette, Cheryl. �Is There Such Thing as Being Pre-Autoimmune.� 3 Dec. 2019.
�Food Sensitivity.� Vibrant Wellness,
�GI Microbial Assay Plus.� Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory, 8 Nov. 2019,
�Gut Zoomer.� Vibrant Wellness,
�588 Dietary Antigen A, G, E, and C.� Dunwoody Labs, 17 Jan. 2019,

Noninvasive Hormone Testing

Noninvasive Hormone Testing

The percentage of individuals that are affected by fatigue, headaches, and overall pain is continuously growing. For the most part, these symptoms can all be linked back to a hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalances are more common than individuals realize and can affect people of all ages. Originally, hormone testing was completed through a blood draw (serum testing). However, as science is improving, there are now better, more functional ways of testing.��

As more and more studies are done, it is becoming more clear that salivary testing is superior to serum (blood) testing for hormones. There are two forms in which hormones exist in the human body, free (5%) and protein-bound (95%). Due to the protein-bound hormones being bound, they become too large to pass through into the salivary glands. This meaning that they are not bio-available and can not be delivered to the receptors in the tissues of the body.� The unbound hormones, or free hormones, are the relevant hormones that are found in the saliva. Considering the fact that free hormones are not as abundant, the hormone levels found in saliva are significantly less than those found in serum. However, many patients who are treated with serum hormone results are often overdosed because of the lack of correlation between bio-availability.


Labrix by Doctor’s Data

Similar to the D.U.T.C.H�hormone testing previously discussed, this company Labrix offers a variety of hormone testing as well.







  • NeuroBasic: ideal for monitoring therapeutic interventions of neurotransmitter imbalances previously tested or when symptoms are indicating an imbalance. This test measures Serotonin, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, and Phenethylamine
  • Comprehensive Neurotransmitter: best when a comprehensive look at neurotransmitter secretion and metabolism of markers is needed. This test measures Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, and Phenethylamineand DOPAC, 3-MT, Normetanephrine, Metanephrine, 5-HIAA, Tryptamine, Tyrosine, Tyramine, and Taurine.


  • NeuroHormone Complete Plus:� provides insight on how the HPA axis function may be contributing to patients’ symptoms, such as mood swings, fatigue, and pain. In addition, this test is ideal for those who are at risk for breast cancer, PCOS, or a strong family history of autoimmune disease.�This test is recommended for women only.� This test measures�Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol x 4, Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, Phenethylamine
  • NeuroHormone Complete: useful for patients (men or women) who are experiencing any type of mood disorder, addiction, fatigue, chronic illness, confusion, weight issues, low libido, PMS, or chronic pain. This test measures Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol x 4, Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, Phenethylamine.�
  • NeuroAdrenal: Included in this test is a full diurnal cortisol pattern, DHEA, and 6 primary neurotransmitters to help those with symptoms such as depression, anxiety, addiction, chronic illness, and low libido. This test measures DHEA, Cortisol x 4, Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, Phenethylamine

Salivary Hormone:�

  • Comprehensive Plus: provides an assessment of breast cancer risk. This test is a consideration for women only who have an increased risk for developing breast cancer, other hormonally sensitive cancers, PCOS or a family history of autoimmune disease. This test measures estrone, estriol, and Estrogen Quotient.
  • Women’s Helth and breast Profile: includes two risk assessment ratios, the Estrogen Quotient and the Pg/E2 ratio
  • Comprehensive Hormone: �assessment of hormonal status and endocrine function and includes estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and four cortisols. This profile is useful with male and female patients because it looks at the full diurnal cortisol pattern; it is especially important in patients who are experiencing the full diurnal pattern ( weight gain, high blood sugar, elevated lipids, chronic fatigue)
  • Short Comprehensive: useful in men and women whose primary symptoms are related to sex hormone imbalances (elevated or depressed E2, P or T)
  • Basic Hormone: a basic evaluation of the sex hormones and a brief glimpse at the adrenal function with the AM cortisol level. Best for men who are experiencing decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, loss os stamina, decreased mental sharpness and metabolic syndrome. Best for women who are experiencing hot flashes, anxiety, night sweats, breast tenderness, irritability, forgetfulness, and acne.�
  • Comprehensive Adrenal Function: provides insight into the body�s stress response. This test measures sIgA
  • Adrenal Function: comprehensive view of adrenal function, DHEA, and cortisol levels. This is best for people who are fatigued, nervous, weak, crave sugar, have headaches, irritability, and depression
  • Diurnal Cortisol: Similar to the test above but for patients who do not need DHEA testing
  • Melatonin: Provides a snapshot of the sleep/wake cycle during a one day period

Salivary Hormone + CAR :

  • CAR: has the capability to test all the same markers as above but adds Cortisol Awakening Response “CAR” to all of them.�


For more information regarding testing and hormones tested, please visit��



Upon opening every box (no matter the labrix test) the patient will see a requisition form, a billable stamp, and a FedEx envelope. Under these two items, a styrofoam box (insulated cooler) with the imprint “” will be present. Once the patient lifts the lid off of the styrofoam box, they will see two more pieces of paper.� The first being a list of symptoms (patient survey) on a white sheet of paper that the patient is to fill out and place back in the styrofoam box and the second a small instruction manual.


Screenshot (51).png

Neurotransmitter Tests Breakdown

For the Neurotransmitter Tests, the patient is provided with the basic kit described above. The only sample type required for the neurotransmitter tests is urine.

The contents of the styrofoam box include a small plastic cup, a clear plastic bag consisting of a white tube, a dropper, an absorbent pad, and a Lab-Brix ice pack. The first step is to freeze the ice-pack and keep it frozen until ready to ship.�

In order for this test to have proper results, the patient should collect their sample with their first or second-morning urine upon waking. Then, select on the requisition form which urine ( first or second ) the sample was collected from. It is also important to note on the requisition form what time the patient woke and what time the sample was collected. The urine sample should be collected midstream. Patients will collect their sample in the plastic cup provided, not directly in the tube. Next, the patients will use the dropper provided to transfer 10 ml of the sample from the cup into the tube. Ensure the lid is screwed on tightly and gently rock the tube back and forth for 3-5 seconds to mix the urine with the preservative. The patients will then wrap the absorbent pad around the tube (not inside the tube), and place the sample tube back in the plastic bag. The bag is then to be placed in the freezer for 4-6 hours, and is to be kept frozen until ready to ship!�


Neurotransmitter + Hormone Tests Breakdown

The Neurotransmitter + Hormone analysis tests consist of urine and saliva samples. This basic test kit includes everything above. However, upon opening this styrofoam box the patient will find two plastic bags. The first being a plain plastic clear bag with a dropper, white test tube, and absorbent pad. The second plastic bag is a biohazard bag that has multiple colors on the outside and consists of 4 clear small straws, an absorbent pad, and 4 small saliva collection tubes of various colors.�

The urine sample is instructed to be taken the same way as the neurotransmitter test.

The patient should collect their sample with their first or second-morning urine upon waking. Then, select on the requisition form which urine ( first or second ) the sample was collected from. (Remember, the individual is� to note on the requisition form time they woke and what time the sample was collected). Patients will collect their sample mid-stream in the plastic cup provided, not directly in the tube. Next, use the dropper provided to transfer 10 ml of the sample from the cup into the tube. Be sure to check that the lid is screwed on tightly and gently rock the tube back and forth for 3-5 seconds to mix the urine with the preservative. The patients will then wrap the absorbent pad around the tube (not inside the tube), and place the sample tube back in the plastic bag. The bag is then to be placed in the freezer for 4-6 hours, and is to be kept frozen until ready to ship!��

The salivary collection has a few more steps considering it is 4 samples rather than one. The timing for the salivary testing is critical, so timers are encouraged. As the patient wakes up, a timer should be set for 30 minutes later. This is when the first salivary sample (the pink tube) is to be collected. Before this test, the patient should not eat, drink, brush or floss. The second collection (green tube) is to be taken right before lunch, around noon. The third (orange tube), is to be collected in the evening before dinner, and the final collection (blue tube) before bed at night.�

For all salivary collections, each tube needs to be 3/4 of the way full. The straws provided are the patient’s choice to be used. As soon as the tube is 3/4 of the way full, snap the saliva lid tightly, put into the bag in which it came, and freeze for 4-6 hours, until ready to ship. Patients are to record the date and times of the saliva collections on the bag and requisition form.�


Salivary Hormone

Considering the salivary hormone testing is done using 4 saliva samples, the instructions are the same as the saliva collection in the test mentioned above. However, to review them again,�the timing for the salivary testing is critical, so timers are highly encouraged.

As the patient wakes up, a timer should be set for 30 minutes later. This is when the first salivary sample (the pink tube) is to be collected. Before this test, the patient is not to eat, drink, brush or floss. For the second collection (green tube), it should be collected right before lunch, around noon. The third (orange tube), is to be obtained in the evening before dinner, and the final sample (blue tube) before bed at night.�

For all salivary collections, each tube needs to be 3/4 of the way full. The straws provided are to be used at the patient’s discretion. As soon as the tube is 3/4 of the way full, snap the saliva lid tightly, put into the bag in which it came, and freeze for 4-6 hours, until ready to ship. Patients are to record the date and times of the saliva collections on the bag and requisition form.�


Salivary Hormone + CAR Breakdown

Aside from the basic components, the styrofoam box includes 6 colored salvia collection tubes, 6 straws, and an absorbent pad. The tests that fall under this category require 6 samples throughout the day. It is important to remember to write down the time the samples were collected as well as the time when the patient first woke up. The first sample (yellow tube) is to be taken as soon as the patient is awake but has not gotten out of bed. In order to accomplish this properly, it is best the patient sets the tube next to their bed the night before. This makes it easy to collect first thing in the morning. It is very important that the patient sets an alarm for 30 minutes after they wake up ( second test, pink tube)and for 1 hour after they wake up (third test, lavender tube). These tests are all to be done prior to eating breakfast, brushing and flossing teeth. The fourth collection (green tube) is to be taken before lunch and the fifth (orange tube) before dinner. The sixth and final sample (blue tube) is to be collected at least one hour after dinner. Just as the other saliva samples mentioned above, these tubes are to be filled 3/4 of the way, tightly closed, placed back in the bag they came in and frozen for 4-6 hours, or until they are ready to ship.




Shipping should be done Monday-Friday as this will ensure the sample will be delivered to the lab on time. Make sure all paperwork is filled out properly and place contents back in the styrofoam box in the following order:�

  • sealed plastic bag with frozen specimen tubes
  • frozen ice pack�
  • requisition form, symptom sheet, and payment (if applicable)�

Next, place the lid back on the box and place the entire styrofoam box in the cardboard collection kit. Close the cardboard box and place it inside the FedEx shipping envelope provided. The patient will then write their name and address on the Billable Stamp and tear off the customer receipt for their records. Then, place on the FedEx envelope. The final step is to schedule a pick-up. In order to do this, the patient will call the FedEx toll-Free number at 1-800-463-3339 and select “schedule a pickup”. This MUST be a scheduled pick up from an address and NOT a dropbox.�

* It is important to note that patients should avoid eating avocados, eggplant, tomatoes, bananas, melons, pineapples, plums, nuts, nut butter, wine, cheese and chocolate 48 hours before and during the testing period as these could impact the results.

* Patients should keep in mind that strenuous exercise, alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco or any other product containing nicotine is to be avoided 24 hours before and during the collection period.


Labrix is a great company that allows patients a noninvasive way to have their hormone levels checked. Almost every patient who walks in the door can benefit from this test. I highly recommend this test because hormone levels can change based on age, PMS symptoms, fatigue, blood sugar issues, or stress! These results are accurate and have a decently quick turn around time. Gaining insight and taking control of your body is now easier than ever. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.

*All information and photos/video content for this article are directly sourced from labrix. Please see labrix for more information and credit.


Headache Sufferers And The Benefits Of Chiropractic El Paso, Texas

Headache Sufferers And The Benefits Of Chiropractic El Paso, Texas

The effectiveness of chiropractic care for headaches has been proven by many research studies, which is good news for the 90% of Americans who suffer. Chiropractic is not only excellent for treating headaches, but is gentle, non-invasive, does not require medications, and is known for being free of side effects.

Chiropractic A Gentle, Effective Treatment

Headaches can range from mild to debilitating, and all the stages in between. Some people suffer from headaches only occasionally, while others are constantly dealing with headaches. Unfortunately, standard medical care can only do so much to treat headaches � and the treatments often come with side effects, such as those caused by pain medications.

Chiropractic takes a different approach than traditional Western medicine. Instead of treating the symptoms, chiropractic attempts to get to the source of the problem. Using non-invasive treatments, chiropractic works to help the body heal itself � which it can do surprisingly well when the conditions are right. Chiropractic strives to create these ideal conditions.

Headache Types

The two most common types of headaches most people suffer from include:


Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. The pain of a tension headache can range from fairly mild to severe. Although some headache sufferers describe tension headaches as similar to having a painful band around their heads, the symptoms of tension headaches can vary significantly from individual to individual. Symptoms of tension headaches include:

  • Pain that is constant, not throbbing
  • A feeling of tightness in the temples, forehead, back of the head, side of head or combination of these
  • Neck pain and stiffness

Tension headaches, as the name indicates, are caused by tension in the body � often in the neck and upper back.


Migraine headaches, while less common than tension headaches, are still a major issue for a large portion of Americans. It is estimated that approximately 13 percent of the population suffers from migraines.

Symptoms of migraines include:

  • Throbbing pain
  • Pain is often on one side of the head
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Migraines are still not fully understood by the medical community. Research has shown what happens in the brain during migraines, and there are a number of triggers that are known, but research is ongoing to determine exactly what is happening and what causes these debilitating headaches.

headache sufferers benefit from chiropractic el paso tx.

How Chiropractic Helps

Research has shown that chiropractic can help headache sufferers, particularly those that suffer from tension headaches. There are a number of ways that chiropractic can improve symptoms, including:


The spine and the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that surround it are prone to injury and misalignment, which can cause significant tension, nerve pain, and associated health issues. Subluxations, also referred to as spinal misalignments, can put pressure on nerves and cause muscles to tighten and even spasm. All of this can lead to considerable tension. Tension can result in headaches.

Chiropractic adjustments realign the spine, relieving pressure on nerves and helping muscles to relax.


While chiropractic adjustments can do a great deal to help relieve tension headaches, migraines are often most effectively treated through lifestyle adjustments. Changes in diet and avoidance of known triggers are considered the best way to avoid migraines and minimize symptoms.

Chiropractic care includes lifestyle advice to help patients navigate their health issues effectively, including migraines.

We, Will, Get You Relief

If you are suffering from headaches, please contact us to schedule an appointment. Let our chiropractic team help you get much-needed relief from your headaches!

El Paso Back Clinic Migraine Pain Chiropractic Care El Paso, Tx