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Chronic Back Pain

Back Clinic Chronic Back Pain Team. Chronic back pain has a far-reaching effect on many physiological processes. Dr. Jimenez reveals topics and issues affecting his patients. Understanding the pain is critical to its treatment. So here we begin the process for our patients in the journey of recovery.

Just about everyone feels pain from time to time. When you cut your finger or pull a muscle, pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Once the injury heals, you stop hurting.

Chronic pain is different. Your body keeps hurting weeks, months, or even years after the injury. Doctors often define chronic pain as any pain that lasts for 3 to 6 months or more.

Chronic back pain can have real effects on your day-to-day life and your mental health. But you and your doctor can work together to treat it.

Do call upon us to help you. We do understand the problem that should never be taken lightly.

El Paso Chiropractic Care For Back Pain

El Paso Chiropractic Care For Back Pain

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez discusses chiropractic care for back pain.

Back pain, especially lower back pain, is a constant for many people in El Paso and around the world. Chiropractors have always been known as �back pain doctors� to a certain degree, and while they can treat a much wider range of ailments, this moniker is certainly true. El Paso chiropractic care for back pain includes a range of individualized treatments designed to remove the pain permanently.

Some Facts About Back Pain

  • One estimate places the number of back pain sufferers in America at roughly 31 million.

Here are some other interesting facts that illustrate just how serious the problem is:

  • A 2010 report entitled Global Burden of Disease placed lower back pain as the leading cause of disability around the world.
  • Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work days and the second-leading reason for doctor�s visits behind infections in the upper-respiratory tract.
  • 50 percent of all working Americans say they experience back pain symptoms each year.
  • Mechanical issues cause the majority of back pain cases, meaning they are not the result of an underlying health condition.
  • Conservatively, Americans spend about $50 billion on back pain.
  • Some experts say that as much as 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives.

Why Do I Have Back Pain?

The causes of back pain can vary quite a bit. With so many muscles, bones, ligaments, and joints all working together in a complex structure, strains and other injuries leading to back pain are common. You may be experiencing back pain due to improper lifting, poor posture, stress, being overweight, a past sports injury, or a car accident. Conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis also cause back pain, as does disease that originates in certain internal organs.


Chiropractic To The Rescue

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to treat many types of back pain. With proper chiropractic care for back pain, you will have greater mobility and fewer flare ups. For many patients eliminating the side effects of prescription pain medication is a welcomed benefit they never even considered. Chiropractic treatment focuses on the underlying cause of the back pain while most conventional treatments focus on the symptoms. When only treating the symptom or the pain you may experience relief, but whatever is causing that pain will still be there.

Reputable chiropractors will also suggest lifestyle changes you can make to help prevent back pain from returning. These include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding prolonged sitting, staying active throughout your life, staying hydrated, wearing low-heel shoes, stretching your body, and using proper body posture. By helping yourself and receiving high quality chiropractic care, back pain should be a thing of the past.


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4 Steps To Reducing Back Pain

4 Steps To Reducing Back Pain

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez looks at four ways of reducing back pain.

1. Understand The Way Your Spine Works

The best approach to take care of your spine and prevent back pain is to begin with a superb understanding of how the spine works. By understanding how your backbone works when you’re performing jobs that are day-to-day or moving during your day, you may be able to take care of your spine and keep it working for a long time with fewer problems and less back pain.

2. Incorporate Safe Body Mechanics Into Activities

Use good body mechanics during day-to-day jobs at home and work. What does that mean? Good body mechanics means while you go, keeping your back in a safe posture that is balanced. You can help to prevent back pain and injury, by remembering several easy notions. You should employ your leg and arm muscles when lifting and stooping �not your back muscles. Second, keep your back straight when bending and lifting. And last but not the very least, be sure to bend at your hips and knees, not at your waist.

An example of correctly bending at the hips and knees

3. Exercise On A Regular Basis

Regular care of stuff we possess helps to keep them working efficiently, with less effort and safely. Exactly the same is true of the back.

  • Exercising on a regular basis really helps to keep up long term to a healthy back.
  • Regular exercise helps to increase endurance and reduces fatigue.

But Don’t I Get Enough Exercise At Work?

Many people believe their occupations provide enough exercise�specially occupations which are physical and could include manual labor. Regrettably this really isn’t accurate. Individuals need daily exercise to state and strengthen their muscles to perform job tasks safely and efficiently.

Exercise could be fun! There are lots of types of exercise. One method when selecting to start a workout program to ensure success would be to pick some form of exercise that fits into your lifestyle. If exercise is accessible and convenient, you’ll be prone to continue exercising on a longterm basis. As an example, determining to swim daily or do water aerobics without easy use of a pool year round would make success less likely and consistency difficult.

A typical exercise that a lot of people start successfully with is walking. Walking just takes a superb pair of walking shoes, may be done any day of the year, and is usually simple to fit right into a daily program.

Remember, whatever type of exercise you decide on, always start out small (10 minutes vs 60 minutes), and slowly increase your own exercise time. This may help to make sure your success at getting started and sticking with a fitness plan. Add two or one stretching exercises, like a calf stretch, for your routine for one more benefit.

An example of a calf stretch

4. Fuel Your Body With Proper Nutrition

Eating a healthy diet supplies the fuel your body has to make energy. And energy must do work, meaning the jobs we do throughout the day, like work tasks and exercise. Appropriate nutrition also helps to maintain your ideal body weight. Weight management is a great way to restrain stress on the joints in your body, including the spine.

Unsure where to start to understand about proper nutrition and establishing a healthier diet for you personally as well as your lifestyle? Then take a look at Introduction to Nutrition. By integrating these suggestions into your everyday life, you’ll be able to promote a healthier back�and lifestyle�for a long time.


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Tai Chi: Harnessing The Power Of Body & Mind To Battle Back Pain

Tai Chi: Harnessing The Power Of Body & Mind To Battle Back Pain

Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez looks into Tai Chi for back pain.

Q&A with Tai Chi Specialist Dr. Paul Lam

While lots of people take a �no pain, no increase� approach to work out, that�s for handling back and neck pain not always safe or effective. That�s where tai chi comes in. This low-impact, slow moving form of exercise delivers results without the sweat and soreness. Though it�s tender and meditative tai chi promotes strength, flexibility, and balance�the trifecta to get a healthier spine.

In case you have back or neck pain�or you�re looking for methods to prevent it in the first place �tai chi may be worth investigating. To help answer common questions and shed light on lesser-known facts relating to this ancient Chinese mind and body practice, we reached out to Dr. Paul Lam, manager of the Tai Chi for Health Institute in Australia.


Tai Chi Can Help

Q: During your research, what has become the most insightful finding you�ve found about tai chi as it relates to back pain?

A: The most insightful finding in my research concerning tai chi involved the mental impact and the deep stabilizer muscles to back pain.

Ninety percent of men and women have back pain at some period in their own lives, and more than 60 percent of that is continual. I discovered that nearly all individuals with back pain, no matter what the cause, have poor stabilizer muscles. Research has shown that strong stabilizers will prevent back pain and hasten healing.

Reinforcing the stabilizer muscles that are back is quite similar to tai chi training. The main element is an erect pose, exercising the stabilizers through the pelvic floor along with the transverse abdominus muscles, and using abdominal breathing. This really is among the important reasons why tai chi works so well for back pain.

One other insight I�ve discovered involves your head. Anxiety makes pain worse. Oftentimes with the continuing and persistent back pain, the cause of the pain might have gone, but the pain continues. Like a phantom pain, the thoughts�s ingrained custom proceeds to provide pain signals to the brain. Tai chi trains body and the mind, making both integrated and more powerful. It is but one of the utmost effective tools to greatly help with the mental aspects of back pain.

Q: What�s your best advice for somebody who’s apprehensive about beginning tai chi?

A: The reason why they are apprehensive about beginning tai chi, it depends. I can guarantee them it is safe, simple to understand, and proven effective, if people believe tai chi is a martial art and might be overly hard to learn. Millions of people around the globe have learned and profited from it, although the other consideration is the fact that individuals might believe tai chi is too tough to learn.

Q: How do individuals get the most?

A: I advocate people to practice tai chi for 30�40 minutes daily (it may be performed in separate sittings) most days each week. You will gain significant improvement in your quality of life and relief from back pain.

Q: Do you have some success stories that are personal which you can share regarding the benefits of tai chi for back pain?

A: Thousands! But to pick on only one, I�ve comprised a letter below written by a woman named Amatullah from Saudi Arabia.

“In 2009, I ‘d back pain for quite a while. Nothing worked, although I attempted many types of therapy. My friend said, �Try tai chi, it’s a gentle exercise.� Because my back was sore, I refused at first, but I attempted it. It was really surprising to me how people from 35 to 80 years old could do the movements, when I couldn�t. I found to be able to steadfastly keep up their health, some of them had been practicing for up to 35 years. I understood they were much fitter and much more flexible than my parents, therefore I decided to learn it. I practiced in all weather, in the park every day. My back pain vanished and has never return.”

Q: Are there tai chi resources you can recommend?

A: Yes, the Tai Chi for Health Institute web site has many resources, including a summary of accredited educators around the planet.


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Position Yourself For Sound Sleep With Back Pain

Position Yourself For Sound Sleep With Back Pain

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at sleep posture for back pain.

Whether you got back, neck, or pregnancy pain, your slumber posture makes a big difference in the way you feel each morning.

Great posture is a key to a healthier spine, but posture isn�t just about sitting or standing straight. Your sleep bearing has a significant effect on neck and your back. While some postures allow you to feel refreshed morning, come, others can leave you stiff, sore, and in pain.

Believe neutral, as it pertains to locating the very best sleep pose to your back and neck. Postures that put your spine in a neutral, or direct, alignment place the smallest amount of pressure on your own back and neck. Learn which postures set your back in a neutral state and those who must be prevented below.

The Very Best Sleep Posture For The Back: On Your Own Back

Sleeping in your back is for putting your spine in a neutral alignment, the very best, but only 8% of people sleep in this pose.

A few strategically placed pillows can boost the advantages of back sleep. A little pillow underneath your head and neck (but not your shoulders) will help to keep your back straight. Including a pillow under your knees will provide comfort and much more support, as it encourages your back to preserve its natural curve.

It’s a few drawbacks, though back sleeping is the best on your spine:

  1. It�s not best for individuals with sleep apnea. Back sleeping may create the tongue to obstruct the breathing tube, so those with sleep apnea must not sleep on their backs. Instead, they ought to sleep on their side with legs right.
  2. It�s not best for snorers. Back sleeping can worsen snoring. People who snore should sleep on their side with legs right.
  3. It’s not best for women that are pregnant. Pregnant women who sleep on their backs danger growing a multitude of health issues, from back pain to low blood pressure. Plus, the on-the-back position decreases blood flow to the baby and also the heart. The very best sleep position during pregnancy is sleeping on the side with legs bent.


The Next Best Choice: On Your Side With Legs�Straight

For those that snore or have sleep apnea�or in the event you just discover sleeping on your back uncomfortable�side sleeping with your torso and legs is a fantastic choice. That is the perfect sleeping pose for people and snorers with sleep apnea because it keeps your airways open. Adding a tiny pillow between your legs will also help in keeping your back neutral.

In Third: On Your Side With Legs Bent Upwards

Sleeping on your side together with your legs bent upwards�also generally known as the fetal position�is the most typical sleep pose (41% of adults sleep this manner). This posture keeps your neck and upper back, though it�s a popular alternative. The fetal position also promotes an uneven distribution of weight, which can cause tender joints and back pain. You can help reduce your odds of waking up by pulling your knees and maintaining your turning angle up as high as they can go.

While this is the third-best slumber pose for most, sleeping on your side with bent legs is the best sleeping position for women that are pregnant. It supplies the most comfort and safety for a growing abdomen, and sleeping on the left side adds the additional benefits of boosting blood and nutrients to the baby. For additional support, pregnant women may put in a pillow between their bent legs and knees.

The One Sleep Position Everyone Should�Avoid

No matter the sort of pain you might have, whether it�s neck, low back, joint, or related to pregnancy, sleeping on your stomach just isn’t recommended. This posture places the most pressure on joints and your back�s muscles as it flattens the natural curve of your back. Sleeping on your stomach also compels you to turn your neck, which may cause neck and upper back pain.

Getting the sleep you need is much more important while stomach sleeping is better prevented. You are able to calm some pressure off your back by placing a pillow under your pelvis and lower abdomen, and another pillow under your head if stomach sleeping is the sole way you can snooze soundly. In the event the pillow under your head causes pain, remove.

Still Feeling Sleepy?

You struggling to get a great night�s rest, although when you yourself have sleep bearing that is healthful, factors outside your sleep position may be the offender. As an example, environmental disruptions (for example bright lights in your bedroom) or dietary customs (like eating a substantial meal before bed) could be interfering together with your slumber. Learn about some common sleep burglars and how you can combat them in Sensible Sleep Advice to get a Wholesome Spine.



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The Real Reason Behind Pain: How The Spine Is Connected To Internal Organs!

The Real Reason Behind Pain: How The Spine Is Connected To Internal Organs!

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez investigates pain, the spine and its connection to internal organs.
Right after I had my first son, I suffered from headaches and some digestive issues. I had never had digestive issues before, but I passed it off as a side effect of giving birth to a living being. I also blamed the pressures of being in school and raising a small child.

My husband went to a chiropractor to treat some pain in his hands, and that is when I decided to try it as well. The chiropractor re-aligned my spine and, with weekly visits, I was feeling much better.

When my family and I moved to South Korea, I could not find a chiropractor. I did, however, find an excellent acupuncturist that had his office two blocks away from my front door. Instead of working on my spine, the acupuncturist worked on the muscles around my spine.




I feel the results of both were the same. I always felt much better when I took the time to take care of my spine and nervous system.

This is because all our organs receive messages from our brain via our spinal cord. The lungs know to breath in and out because of the messages they receive from the brain. The heart beats because of these messages as well. Every organ in our body is connected to the brain and blocking this connection�even a little�can cause serious health issues.

Some health problems are easily felt like numbness in the fingers or a headache. Some troubles are not so apparent like digestive issues or kidney problems. If the spine is out of order, the organs will feel it.



It Is Important To Take Care Of The Spine Every Day




If one takes a look at the image above, one can see how the nerves from the spinal cord connect to specific areas of the body. A chiropractor or acupuncturist will be able to spot spinal problems and fix them over time. This is what they are trained to do.

Here Are Some Tips To Take Care Of The Spine From Spine Health:

  • Sitting correctly or using an ergonomic chair while at work is a good way to take care of the spine.
  • Exercise abs and back daily to strengthen the muscles around the spine and keep it in place.
  • Take time to get a massage, see a chiropractor, or an acupuncturist. This will help the spine stay in the correct shape.
  • Wear shoes that support the feet and feel comfortable. Uncomfortable shoes, especially pumps, will injure the back and spine.
  • Sleep with the spine in mind. Choose a mattress and pillow that supports the spine and try to sleep in a natural position. Also, try sleeping on your arm to get a nice straight spine when lying on your side rather than using a pillow that can tilt your head up and kink your neck.

If one is suffering back pain, it is important to seek professional help. Spine problems, like a pinched nerve, if not taken care of, can become extremely severe. The spinal cord controls the body. In order to be in the best of health, the spine needs to be in good health.

Take care of�your spine and it will take care of you all the years of your life.

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Source: David Wolfe

Chiropractic: Exercise Best Medicine For Back Injuries

Chiropractic: Exercise Best Medicine For Back Injuries


El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at exercise as treatment for back injuries.

Since 1992 Opioid Prescriptions Rose From 112 Million To More Than 249 Million As Of 2015

In 2004, there were enough written opioid prescriptions to ensure every American could have their own bottle. According to studies, a written prescription of a pain-killer should not be used for a back related injury; but rather, exercise is the most effective tool for recovery.



The First &�Foremost Way To Heal & Prevent Further Injury To The Back Is By Simply Moving Around

Vidan Family Chiropractic explains that �what made the body-heals the body.” They suggest exercise such as walking, stretching and yoga instead of requesting an opioid prescription.



Dr. Alex Vidan from Vidan Family Chiropractic joins us more information on the excessive use and prescription of opioids for injuries.


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Driving & Back Care

Driving & Back Care

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez takes a look at driving and how it effects the spine.

Daily, nearly 90% of journeys and 92% of miles traveled are made in autos or ground transportation (buses, trucks). On average, guys drive 44 miles as well as girls drive 34 miles each day. For many Americans, driving a motorized road vehicle is their job: truck drivers, bus drivers, ambulance and fire trucks, police, taxis etc.

Modern car and truck layouts have come a long way in their own design over the past 20 years, with better fuel efficiency, better features, better styling and better relaxation. But is there any signs that the look of contemporary bus, car or truck seats and driving might play a part in causing a few of the back injuries that plague�Americans each year?


Exactly Why Is Driving Different To Ordinary Sitting?

In case your own car is not moving, then sitting in a driving seat probably isn’t substantially different to sitting in a chair that is cushioned, but as soon as the vehicle begins moving things change. Additionally, when driving the feet are actively being used, the right foot on the gas (accelerator) pedal, the left on the brake, and in a stick-shift also on the clutch. When the feet are active they can’t be utilized to support and stabilize the reduced body when they’re put on the floor during regular sitting in a chair, as usually occurs. There is evidence the blend of those variables, coupled with the look of the car seat itself, can increase the possibility of back problems for many people.

Is Driving Linked With Back Problems?

Lab studies have examined the effects of whole-body vibration when a person is sitting in a car seat. The lumbar spine has a natural resonant frequency of 4-5 Hz , and results show that this natural frequency can be excited by lab simulated vehicle driving, and this may result in high spinal loadings in the lower back, and also this in turn could result in greater postural distress and an increased hazard of low back pain and injury.

Quite a few research studies have investigated potential associations between back and driving problems, and usually these studies have found significant consequences.

Drivers in the USA and in Sweden found that in each country 50% of those questioned reported low back pain.�

Investigation of the potential reasons for this revealed that long term vibration exposure from driving was among the greatest risk factors for neck, back and low back problems.

Gender generally seems to play an important part in the possibility of developing driving-related back problems. A survey of over 7000 Parisians found that even though severity and the prevalence of low back pain was higher in women, driving was just connected with back problems in guys. The need for driving as a risk factor improved with driving time, and was especially important for guys who drove 4 hours or more each day.

A survey of over 1400 urban transportation system motorists showed that issues using the capacity to accurately adjust the seat that was driving have significant effects on the prevalence of low back problems.

Nevertheless, it appears that driving need not consistently raise the chance of back problems.

Is There An Ideal Car Seat Layout?

Based on a comprehensive evaluation of advice from peer-reviewed scientific journals and texts, automotive engineering reports, and also the National Library of Medicine a string of requirements for the best car seat layout have been developed. Ideally, the optimal car seat should have:

1. Adjustable seat back incline (100 degrees from horizontal is ideal)

2. Changeable seat bottom depth (from seat back to front edge)

3. Adjustable seat height

4. Flexible seat bottom incline

5. Seat bottom cushion with solid (dense) foam

6. Adjustable lumbar support (horizontally and vertically adjustable)

7. Depth pulsating lumbar support to lessen static load

8. Flexible bilateral arm rests

9. Flexible seat back incline (100-degrees from horizontal is optimal

10. Flexible head restraint with pad that is lordosis

11. Frequencies between 1- 20 Hz to dampen

12. Linear front-back seat traveling to allow otherwise sized drivers to reach the pedals

13. Seat back damped to reduce bouncing of the torso in rear end impacts

Driving Safety

What To Check For In A Great Car Seat Layout When You Buy The Next Car

It is likely that most automobiles available on the market today won’t have the features listed above that are desirable in the optimal car seat all, but some will have more than others pick wisely. Pay close focus on the subsequent 5 guidelines which should help you to protect your back when you drive.

1) Car Seat Comfort

You’ve fixed this to suit your body and when you sit in the car seat does it feel comfortable. Otherwise, you will be most likely caused by then the car seat rear discomfort issues should you drive for any length of time. Rebound up and down in the seat to find out the way that it adapts vibration. Take the automobile on a test drive.

2) Car Seat Adjustments

Can you correct each of the features of the car seat you want to adjust? At a minimum you need to have the ability to adapt:

  • Seat space to accommodate different leg lengths
  • Seat height to accommodate different leg lengths
  • Backrest angle to sit down in either an upright or more reclined posture

You Should�Look For Other Adjustments That Are Useful:

  • Seat tilt to angle the front of the seat down or up so that this does not press against the back of your knees
  • Look for a car seat that supplies you with great low back support that can be corrected for depth (frequently the seat has an inflatable cushion) and is height adjustable
  • Headrest for neck support
  • Arms rests which are broad, cushioned and comfortable, and preferably height flexible

3) Shift Your Position

Remember to go your position from time to time. Wait until driving conditions are right to enable you to wriggle in the seat to relieve postural fatigue.

4) Take Breaks

Driving is exhausting work and to prevent driver fatigue and minimize postural discomfort it is good move around and take to pretty frequent rest breaks that enable you to stand up.

You can select a number of car seat accessories that will enhance seat comfort for you personally, from fleece covers to soften the seat to bead backrests to provide for some type of back massage while you drive. Select anything you find adds to your driving comfort.

5) Seat Accessories

You’re able to pick a number of car seat accessories which will improve seat comfort for you personally, from fleece covers to soften the seat to bead backrests to provide for some sort of back massage while you drive. Choose anything you locate adds to your driving comfort.

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