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More About the Schroth Method for Scoliosis

More About the Schroth Method for Scoliosis

The Schroth Method is a non-surgical principle utilized as a scoliosis treatment which consists of scoliosis-specific exercises depending to curve-pattern.

The scoliosis exercises used in this form of treatment do not resemble conventional exercises and also, the Schroth method focuses on a proprietary corrective breathing technique called rotational breathing, or rotational angular breathing (RAB). Each patient with scoliosis has a curve pattern that is unique. The aim of the Schroth method is to correct the torso, allowing it to restore its original physiological structure.

The term scoliosis exercise leads people to think it�s simple to handle scoliosis via exercise. However, it is important that an experienced and qualified healthcare professional whom specialized in Schroth methodology conducts the training. With proper education on the Schroth method of exercises for scoliosis, it’s possible for patients to integrate them into daily life and understand the abilities required for lifetime management. For individuals who choose to understand the Schroth method, the benefits are endless.

More About the Schroth Method

Special Schroth method exercises for scoliosis target the trunk and the core, but they truly start in the feet or pelvis. The exercises are accustomed to correct the backbone in three-dimensions and contain special instructions, based on curve pattern, prior to starting the exercise which will incorporate the rotational respiration. Creator Katharina Schroth developed the technique in Germany more than ninety years back.

Simply stated, the aim of the Schroth method is to correct the spine in the frontal, sagittal and transverse planes. That is achieved through de-flexion, de- rotation and elongation of the spine and rib cage. The patient learns to reinforce the musculature surrounding the spine, focusing primarily on creating overall stability and spinal balance to provide overall health and wellness.

Working to correct the backbone in this mode is a key to successful scoliosis direction. Possible advantages for many who learn and practice the Schroth method approach for scoliosis are:

  • Stopped or potentially reduced progression in teenagers
  • Spinal de-rotation
  • Improved lung function
  • Chest expansion that is improved
  • Enhanced postural appearance
  • A more balanced posture
  • Decrease or removal of pain, if present
  • A component of empowerment over scoliosis (the value of this cannot be underestimated) and the chance for control over what’s frequently presumed to be a condition that’s uncontrollable from the patient

The Schroth method exercises should be unique to every individual. Because of this, it’s essential for healthcare professionals to work on a one-on-one basis with their patients, rather than in groups. There are lots of Schroth scoliosis exercises. A chiropractor, physical therapist, or other specialist can determine which exercises are best for every single patient and on the basis of the curve pattern effectiveness of every exercise for the individual. On a side note, not every exercise may function the same for each person.

Patients must focus physically and mentally as well as work at internalizing the concepts of re-establishing their body’s balance. Patients are additionally instructed awareness and optimal postural control during everyday activities to prevent the progression of scoliosis.

Individuals with scoliosis experience imbalances along the muscles in their back on opposing sides. Schroth method exercises lengthen the muscles on the concave side of the spine while the patient learns to shorten the muscles on the convex side of the back. Schroth method rotatory respiration teaches patients to breathe to the concave side of the torso. This inhalation period is followed by the exhalation phase, generally known as stabilization. Stabilization helps re-establish a more stable three-dimensional spinal alignment, helping the patient be able to understand how the spine is corrected.

Patience is the key to effective results from the Schroth method exercises.

The Schroth Method – Exercises for Scoliosis

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Neck Pain and Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can often cause whiplash, a common type of neck injury resulting from the sudden, back-and-forth motion of the head against the body due to a car wreck, or other incident. Because of this, many of the complex structures found within the neck, including the spine, ligaments and muscles, can be stretched beyond their normal range, causing injury and painful symptoms.


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Vitamin D During Pregnancy May Help Prevent Childhood Asthma

Vitamin D During Pregnancy May Help Prevent Childhood Asthma

Taking vitamin D supplements while pregnant may protect a mom’s baby from developing asthma, says a study published in the journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The study found that the supplements could positively modify the immune system of the fetus and could protect it against asthma and respiratory infections.

Researchers from the U.K.’s King’s College London looked at the effect that taking a supplement of 4,400 IU vitamin D3 per day during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy versus the recommended daily intake (RDI) of 400 IU/day, had on the immune system of the newborn.

Volunteers were randomized at 10 to 18 weeks of pregnancy and given either a high or low dose of Vitamin D. At birth, blood was taken from the newborns’ umbilical cords and tested to gauge their innate immune system, which is the baby’s first line of defense to infection, and their T lymphocyte responses, which provide longer-lasting protection.

They discovered that blood samples from babies born to mothers supplemented with higher doses of vitamin D3 had stronger immune responses that protect newborns from infection. Since strong immune responses are associated with a decrease in the risk of developing asthma, researchers believe the babies will have better respiratory health during childhood.  

“The majority of all asthma cases are diagnosed in early childhood implying that the origin of the disease stems in fetal and early life,” said lead researcher, Professor Catherine Hawrylowicz of King’s College London.

“Studies to date that have investigated links between vitamin D and immunity in the baby have been observational,” she said. “For the first time, we have shown that higher Vitamin D levels in pregnancy can effectively alter the immune response of the newborn baby, which could help to protect the child from developing asthma.”

Other recent studies have also found that nutritional substances can affect asthma. Scientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center found that omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy oils found in cold water fish and fish oil supplements, can help fight asthma. In addition, a New England Journal of Medicine study in late 2016 showed that pregnant women who ate fish or took fish oil supplements reduced the risk of asthma in their children.

Vitamin D during pregnancy has also been found to influence the risk of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) as toddlers. Danish researchers studied the umbilical cords of infants, and asked moms to complete surveys noting their children’s behavior when they were two-and-a-half years old. Moms who had taken vitamin D when pregnant, and whose umbilical cords contained high levels, reported significantly fewer symptoms of ADHD in their children.

How Good Are Activity Trackers at Counting Calories Burned?

How Good Are Activity Trackers at Counting Calories Burned?

People who wear activity trackers to count the calories they’re burning are probably not getting accurate estimates, suggests a new study.

Researchers who tested seven popular activity trackers found that while heart rate measurements were generally accurate, none of the devices provided a reliable calorie count.

“At this point with this level of error, I would be wary of using that estimate to alter a calorie-controlled diet,” said senior author Dr. Euan Ashley, of Stanford University in California.

Patients “have been bringing data from these devices to us and some of us were using these devices ourselves,” Ashley told Reuters Health.

Because so little is known about the data’s accuracy, “We realized that we had to do our own study,” he said.

Ashley’s team recruited 60 healthy adults to test seven popular wrist-worn activity trackers: the Apple Watch, Basis Peak, Fitbit Surge, Microsoft Band, MIO Alpha 2, PulseOn and Samsung Gear S2.

Participants wore up to four devices at a time, and they also wore laboratory devices to measure heart rate and calories burned while sitting, walking, running and cycling.

All of the devices but one had an average heart rate error rate below 5 percent. The exception was the Samsung Gear S2, which had an error rate of 5.1 percent.

But for calculating energy expenditure – or calories burned – all of the devices had error rates above 25 percent. The Fitbit Surge had the lowest average error rate for calories burned at about 27 percent. The PulseOn had the highest at about 93 percent, according to a report in the Journal of Personalized Medicine.

Overall, the Apple Watch had the lowest error rates while the Samsung Gear S2 had the highest.

The researchers were surprised at the unreliability of the calorie counts.

The devices “were literally all over the map with error rates,” Ashley said.

Data tended to be less accurate for men, people with higher body weights and darker skin tones, and while walking.

Ashley’s team hopes the devices’ calorie counting technology will improve. “I think we’re all hopeful that as we move forward they will get better,” he said.

In a statement to Reuters Health, Fitbit said its trackers show an estimated total number of calories. “Fitbit uses a scientifically validated estimate of (basal metabolic rate) based on height, weight, age, and gender information that users provide when setting up their Fitbit account,” said the statement, which added that the measure also takes into account people’s heart rates.

“While the Mio ALPHA 2 was designed for the individuals focused on heart rate zone training, and not for all-day activity tracking, we agree that more accurate calorie estimation is important for the industry as a whole, since most individuals are monitoring calorie deficits for weight loss,” said Mark Gorelick, chief science officer at Mio Global, in a statement.

Markku Lankinen, who is head of operations for PulseOn Oy, said in an email that the researchers may not have adjusted the device specifically for each participant. “With PulseOn device, you would need to apply these user parameters in the application before exercising, and this seems not to have been done,” said Lankinen. “This causes the (energy expenditure) estimates to be badly off.”

Apple, Microsoft and Samsung did not provide comments for publication. All Basis Peak watches were recalled in 2016 due to overheating, according to its website.

Ashley’s team is currently conducting a study to test the accuracy of devices in the real world.

The Effectiveness of the Schroth Method for Scoliosis

The Effectiveness of the Schroth Method for Scoliosis

A very few number of research studies have been conducted to examine how effective the Schroth method is towards the management of scoliosis, particularly in countries such as the United States, where the duration of therapy programs are generally constrained to an average of 1 to 3 sessions.

Researchers conducted a study on a 26 year old female with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in order to examine the effects of Schroth therapy. The physical therapy regimen included a 1-hour Schroth method session of exercises, twice per week for four weeks, followed by one session of the Schroth therapy each week for 20 additional weeks. Furthermore, the research study also included a home exercise program which consisted of 30-minute sessions, five days per week. All evaluation measurements and results were recorded before and after the treatment.

After a 6-month treatment period, the patient had experienced a significant and measurable improvement of symptoms as well as the overall condition. Additionally, the patient was satisfied with their results, reporting improved bodily strength and she felt more comfortable with her appearance.

The findings of the research study suggest that scoliosis treatment utilizing the Schroth method and it’s specific exercises may be an effective treatment option for the spinal condition to the traditional methods of treatment and rehabilitation.

Researchers also conducted another study to compare the effectiveness of Schroth method exercises in other patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Designed as a randomized-controlled study in an outpatient exercise-unit and in a home setting, the research study consisted of fifty-one patients who were diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis or AIS. Forty-five of the patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis whom met the inclusion criteria were divided into three groups. The Schroth method exercises were applied to the first group in the clinic, which were also given to the second group as a home regimen and the third group was the control group.

The findings of the research study demonstrated an improvement of the condition and its symptoms in the clinic Schroth method exercise group compared to the other groups. According to the results, the waist asymmetry improved only in the clinic exercise group where the results of the other groups worsened. In conclusion, the Schroth exercise program was effective towards improving scoliosis and its symptoms.

How to Treat Scoliosis – About the Schroth Method


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Neck Pain and Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can often cause whiplash, a common type of neck injury resulting from the sudden, back-and-forth motion of the head against the body due to a car wreck, or other incident. Because of this, many of the complex structures found within the neck, including the spine, ligaments and muscles, can be stretched beyond their normal range, causing injury and painful symptoms.


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Active or Passive Recovery: Which is Better?

Active or Passive Recovery: Which is Better?

Training doesn�t make us fitter � recovery from training does. So, how do we recover? An easy jog or spin, or a lazy day on the sofa, asks Beate Stindt, chartered physiotherapist at Six Physio.

?Recovery can be either active or passive. Passive recovery is just that; total rest. A passive recovery day should not include any training. On these days you should rest and recover, which means no spring cleaning and no walking around the shops for the whole day.

An active recovery session usually involves your usual sport, be it running, swimming, cycling or yoga, but at an easy to moderate intensity. Active recovery has been likened to a short nap � the aim is to feel better at the end of your workout than you did at the beginning. Training for an event places a huge amount of stress on your body and hard sessions result in the hormone cortisol being released. Cortisol is a natural anti-inflammatory but, left to hang around in the blood for too long, can negatively interfere with muscle regeneration.

Active vs Passive Recovery

One aim of active recovery is to clear the metabolic waste resulting from exercise, as well as providing a higher level of blood flow to muscles in need of nutrients, allowing them to repair themselves.

While there is not yet conclusive evidence showing whether or not this really does result in quicker recovery, if you are going to try it, it�s important that it�s done correctly so as not to contribute to fatigue. Many athletes will use an active recovery session as a technical workout and focus on form and technique, something they might not be able to do during sessions with a higher intensity where technique work can be drowned out.

Some athletes will have a recovery workout in between two hard workouts while others may include a recovery week in their training programme. A general rule of thumb for a recovery week/session would be to reduce the volume of your training by approximately 30 per cent. If you train according to heart rate, make sure you complete your session at less than 60 per cent of your maximum heart rate. If you need a break from all technology, as a general rule you should make sure you can still continue a conversation. You should be able to speak in full sentences and not only the odd word or grunt.

Another way to make sure that you are not working too hard is to make sure you are comfortable breathing through your nose (make sure all nasal passages are clear!).

So which is best? The jury is still out. Like so many things in training, everyone has their own personal preference and it is important to find your own and do it correctly. If you�re going to include active recovery sessions as a part of your training, resign yourself to the fact that you might not get admiring looks from passers by or that you might be overtaken by your elderly neighbor on her bicycle with a fully laden basket. But remember: that�s okay!

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

Additional Topics: Chiropractic and Athletic Performance

Although warm-up stretches, exercise and plenty of training activities are practiced on a regular basis to prevent injuries, many athletes frequently experience sports injuries during their specific physical activity and/or sport. Fortunately, chiropractic care can help treat and rehabilitate athletes, in order for them to return to the field as soon as possible. Chiropractic has also been demonstrated to help increase athletic performance.


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Calcium Supplements: Are You Getting What You Pay For?

Calcium Supplements: Are You Getting What You Pay For?

Calcium is an essential mineral found in foods and dietary supplements. Its best-known benefit is building and maintaining strong bones, and slowing bone loss. But it plays a critical role in heart health, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction.

Which calcium supplements are the best, most effective, and budget-friendly?

A new review published by — a leading provider of consumer information and independent evaluations of products that affect health and nutrition — aims to answer those questions by ranking the best available supplements on the market.

The organization’s Calcium Supplements Review rates 27 products evaluated by the group.

Among the findings:

  • All 27 products contained the listed amount of calcium. But one product was not approved because it did not contain the listed amount of magnesium and also was contaminated with lead. A second product – labeled as “fast dissolving” – was not approved because it did not dissolve quickly enough.
  • The other 25 products all had consistently high quality.
  • Prices varied widely, ranging from 4-80 cents for a 500 mg dose of calcium.

Based on the organization’s research findings, the review’s authors identified a Top Pick for each of nine categories. To be a Top Pick, a supplement had to pass ConsumerLab’s tests of quality, provide calcium at a reasonable price, contain a reasonable dose, and offer a convenient formulation.

The nine Top Picks are:

Overall Top Pick. GNC Calcium Citrate, which provides 500 mg of calcium per two-caplet serving at a cost of 9 cents. This supplement is also the Top Pick in the “Calcium Only” category.

Calcium and Vitamin D. Bayer Citracal Petites, which provide 400 mg of calcium and 500 IU of vitamin D per two-capsule serving for 11 cents.

Children’s Calcium and Vitamin D. L’il Critters Calcium and D3, which provides 200 mg of calcium and 220 IU of vitamin D in two gummies for 10 cents.

Calcium and Magnesium. Finest Nutrition (Walgreens) Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc, which provides 999 mg of calcium and 399 mg of magnesium in three tablets for 17 cents.

Calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin K. Viactiv Calcium Plus D, which provides 500 mg of calcium, 500 IU of vitamin D, and 40 mcg of vitamin K in one soft-chew pill for 10 cents.

Calcium, Vitamin D and Magnesium. Kirkland Signature (Costco) Calcium Citrate Magnesium and Zinc, which provides 500 mg of calcium, 800 IU of vitamin D, and 80 mg of magnesium in two tablets for 5 cents.

Children’s Products Containing Calcium, Vitamin D and Magnesium. ChildLife Liquid Calcium With Magnesium – Natural Flavor, which provides 252 mg of calcium, 100 IU of vitamin D, and 115 mg of magnesium per tablespoon for 34 cents.

Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Magnesium. Jarrow Formulas Bone-Up, which provides 1,000 mg of calcium, 1,000 IU of vitamin D, and 350 mg of magnesium in three capsules for 47 cents. (Note: Because this supplement may contain unnecessarily high amounts of calcium and vitamin D, the report’s authors recommend taking a two-capsule dose instead.)

Most adults need 1,000-1,200 mg of calcium per day, from all sources. These include food, supplements, and an often overlooked source: calcium-containing antacids.

Because you may already be getting that amount from food alone, supplementation may be unnecessary. Rich dietary sources of calcium include dairy products, beans, and green-leafy vegetables. For example, just one cup of milk or yogurt provides a whopping 300-400 mg of calcium.

If you’re not getting the recommended amount of calcium from your diet, supplements can help. Multiple studies show that 1,000-2,000 mg per day of calcium (usually as calcium citrate) in combination with 400-800 IU per of vitamin D can slow bone loss in postmenopausal women. Research shows that supplementation may be especially useful in in postmenopausal women who have been prescribed hormonal therapy after undergoing a hysterectomy.

The official tolerable upper limits for calcium are 2,500 mg per day for children ages 1-8, 3,000 mg for those ages 8-18, which falls to 2,000 mg for those over 50. But much lower amounts, usually from supplements, have been associated with risks for adults.

It’s rare to get toxic amounts of calcium from food alone. In fact, a high dietary intake of calcium is associated with many good effects. But excess calcium from supplements is associated with a wide range of ill effects.

“Be careful!” the authors write. “Calcium from supplements may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease if you get too much from supplements [over 1,000 mg per day] or if you already get enough calcium from your diet.”

A high calcium intake from supplements also may increase the risk of:

  • Prostate cancer.
  • Kidney stones.
  • Dementia.

Calcium supplements also may impair the absorption of thyroid hormone and antibiotics in the fluoroquinolone class.

If you take calcium supplements, the researchers offer these tips.

  • Since your body can’t absorb more than 500 mg of calcium at a time, it’s best to take only a few hundred milligrams at a time, and no more than 1,000 mg total per day.
  • If your supplement includes vitamin D and/or vitamin K, taking it with the meal that includes the most fats and oils may enhance absorption.
  • Avoid taking calcium supplements and other mineral supplements together because the calcium may reduce their absorption.
Grill Safety: 15 BBQ Hazards That Could Spoil Your Memorial Day Holiday

Grill Safety: 15 BBQ Hazards That Could Spoil Your Memorial Day Holiday

It’s time to bring out the outdoor grill, clean it up, and start preparing memorable meals this weekend. But experts warn that grilling can be dangerous to your health if you don’t take some basic precautions.

“I love how food tastes when it’s prepared on a grill,” says renowned chef Gerard Viverito, an associate professor in culinary arts at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY.

“It’s so much fun to create a meal outdoors with family and friends nearby. But while outdoor cooking is an American tradition, common mistakes, such as marinating with the wrong oil, and improper preparation and storing of food, can lead to disaster.”

Gerard, a well-known radio and television figure whose culinary emphasis is using nutritional ingredients to gain healthful results, tells Newsmax Health the key to a happy, and healthy holiday meal, involves careful planning. Here are his tips:

Before you grill:

  • Thaw meat in the refrigerator. Defrosting food on the counter encourages the growth of disease causing pathogens such as listeria and salmonella.
  • Thaw proteins completely before grilling. “That’s the best way to ensure your food cooks evenly,” says Gerard. “Use a meat thermometer in the thicket part to ensure doneness.” Healthy internal temperatures are: poultry, 180 degrees; burgers, 160 degrees; pork 160 degrees; and steaks, 145 for medium rare and 160 degrees for medium.
  • If you are marinating, avoid using olive oil which can break down at high temperatures into dangerous carcinogens. Gerard prefers using Malaysian sustainable palm oil that can stand up to high heat.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before transferring food to the grill.

Cooking with charcoal or propane:

  • To avoid inhaling smoke and help prevent accidental fire, position the grill away from your house, and out from under eaves and tree branches. Each year, home grilling is responsible for thousands of home fires and burns that require hospital care.
  • Start with a clean grill. A buildup of extra grease and fat can cause a flash fire, in addition to contaminating your food with potential carcinogens.
  • Only use charcoal starter fluid with a charcoal grill. Stay safe by never adding flammable fluid once a fire has started. And if your grill does catch fire, the safest way to extinguish the flame is to close the top of the grill and turn off the gas.
  • Keep meat and vegetables separate on a grill. You want to keep meat drippings from falling on your vegetables. “That’s because vegetables don’t cook long enough to destroy any bacteria present in the drippings,” says Gerard.

Serving your food:

  • Always transfer cooked food onto a clean latter. Don’t use the same plate that you just used for the raw food.
  • Keep food hot until it’s served. Move it off the fire but keep it on the warm grill or use a hot plate. Hot Logic, a Michigan-based company, produces a series of low-cost covered hot plates and mini ovens that can keep food warm until it’s ready to be eaten. “Very hot food and very cold food is the safest, but since most people like to eat foods somewhere in the middle, this can be a problem,” says Gerard. “We call it the temperature danger zone where bacteria multiply exponentially.”
  • Throw away any burned or charred portions before eating. The char and soot may contain dangerous chemicals or carcinogens.
  • Keep flies away from food. Use food covers to keep insects from sharing your meal and spreading germs.

Treat leftovers with care:

  • Refrigerate leftovers as soon as possible to reduce the risk of food spoilage and poisoning.
  • Discard food that’s been sitting out for two hours or more. “I go crazy when I see people eating potato salad made with mayonnaise that’s been left outside for hours,” says Dr. Kevin Rodgers, president of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine. “Don’t take a chance if food safety is questionable. Food poisoning can cause serious dehydration through vomiting and diarrhea.”
  • Don’t eat unwashed fruits or veggies. “It’s also important to wash all produce, like those tasty tomatoes you are serving over the burgers or the salad greens,” warns Gerard. “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that salad greens caused 8,838 cases of food borne illness between 1998 and 2008, so always be diligent in washing lettuce, escarole, spinach, cabbage, kale and arugula before serving.”

“Grilling is fun and delicious,” says Gerard. “With a few precautions, you can keep food-borne pathogens, fires, and exposure to carcinogens from spoiling one of best warm weather pastimes.”

Surgical Options for Whiplash Associated Disorders

Surgical Options for Whiplash Associated Disorders

Surgery is rarely required for whiplash treatment. Nevertheless, surgery is appropriate in instances that are severe if you have persistent neck or shoulder pain. If your state has not improved after extensive non-operative treatment, a surgery may be your best option.

Your spine surgeon will recommend the most effective surgical procedure for the harm. Make sure to ask lots of questions about the procedure so that you completely understand the way that it is done, exactly what the result will undoubtedly be, how long the recovery time is, etc. When it comes down to it, surgery is the choice alone: the surgeon can advocate it, but you possess the final say.

The type of operation is dependent upon what parts of your cervical spine happen to be injured.

Herniated or Ruptured Discs in the Neck

Throughout your injury, you may have ruptured or herniated an intervertebral disc, which is found between the vertebrae. This could create persistent arm pain, numbness, or weakness. In this case, disk removal may also be required. The surgeon removes all or a part of the damaged disc in a process called a discectomy.

After the discectomy, your physician may need to stabilize the region. Discectomies typically lead to an unstable spine, meaning that it goes in abnormal ways. That makes you more at risk for neurological harm that is serious. Then when surgeons do a discectomy, the spine often restabilizes.

The surgeon may use, to stabilize the spine:

Artificial Cervical Disc: It is a new� quite exciting and �development in spine surgery. Recently, surgeons have begun planting an artificial cervical disc following the discectomy. They’re using this instead of fusion and spinal instrumentation. The bonus is that a patient to keep normal neck motion after surgery is enabled by an artificial disk. Previously, in the event the patient had two or even more vertebrae fused, neck movement would be considerably reduced. Cervical discs are a fairly new technology; nonetheless, early results are encouraging.

Fusion and Spinal Instrumentation: This sort of back stabilization operation has been has been common for a long time. It can be performed alone or at the same time as a decompression operation. In spine stabilization, the surgeon creates an environment where the bones in your back will fuse together over time (generally over several months or longer). The surgeon uses a bone graft (generally using bone from a donor) or a biological substance (that’ll stimulate bone growth). Your surgeon may use spinal instrumentation�wires, cables, screws, rods, and plates�to increase stability and help fuse the bones. The fusion will cease motion involving the vertebrae, providing long term stability.

Spinal Stenosis in the Neck

Operation can also be needed in the event the injury causes a narrowing of the spinal canal in your neck. In this instance, a cervical corpectomy might be performed to remove a portion of the intervertebral disc and also the vertebra to reduce the pressure on nerves and the spinal cord. Your surgeon may do a laminectomy or a laminoplasty. The lamina, the bony plate that’s in the back of each vertebra is focused on by the two of those surgeries. It safeguards your spinal cord and spinal canal. The lamina may be pressing on your spinal cord, so the surgeon may make more room for the cord by removing section or all of the lamina�that’s a laminectomy.

The surgeon will re shape the lamina to form more room for your spinal cord. Plasty means “to shape.”

A cervical foraminotomy may be performed, if there is a narrowing of the space where the nerve exits the spinal canal. In this process, the foramen (the area where the nerve roots leave the spinal canal) is removed to increase the size of the nerve pathway. A A pathway that is larger causes it to be not as likely the nerve will soon be pinched or compressed.

Surgical Complications on the Neck

As with absolutely any operation, there are dangers involved with cervical spine surgery to treat whiplash symptoms. Your doctor will discuss potential risks along with you before asking you to sign a surgical consent form. Potential complications include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Injury to nerves, your spinal cord, esophagus, carotid artery or vocal cords
  • non-healing of the bony fusion (pseudoarthrosis)
  • failure to improve
  • instrumentation breakage/failure
  • Disease and/or bone graft site pain
  • pain and swelling in your leg veins (phlebitis)
  • blood clots in your lung
  • urinary problems
  • Really rare complications: paralysis and possibly death

Complications could cause more surgery, so again �make sure you completely understand the risks along with your operation before proceeding. The decision for surgery is yours and yours alone.

Recovering from Whiplash Surgery

Following your surgery, you’re not going to be immediately better. You will most likely be out of bed within 24 hours, and you’ll be on pain medications for 2 to 4 weeks. Subsequent to the surgery, you’ll receive instructions on how to attentively sit, rise, and stand. It is crucial that you give your body time to recover, so your physician will most likely advise that you confine your actions: in general, don’t do anything that moves your neck. While you recover, you ought to avoid heavy lifting, twisting, or contact sports.

After surgery, be watchful. Report any problems�such as increased pain, temperature, or infection�to your physician without delay.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Neck Pain and Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can often cause whiplash, a common type of neck injury resulting from the sudden, back-and-forth motion of the head against the body due to a car wreck, or other incident. Because of this, many of the complex structures found within the neck, including the spine, ligaments and muscles, can be stretched beyond their normal range, causing injury and painful symptoms.


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Chiropractic for Whiplash Associated Disorders

Chiropractic for Whiplash Associated Disorders

Whiplash is an injury to the neck muscles from rapid forward and backward movement of the neck caused by a trauma (eg, an automobile accident). It can cause acute (short term) neck pain together with restricted movement in your neck.

Diagnosing a Whiplash Injury

Your spine is evaluated by the chiropractor as a whole� even if you proceed to the chiropractor complaining of neck pain following an injury. She or he will examine the complete spine because other areas of the spine could be affected (not only your neck).

The chiropractor identifies any areas of intervertebral disc injury, restricted joint movement, muscle spasm, and ligament injury. She or he may use a technique called movement and static palpation�diagnostic techniques that involve contact. Your chiropractor may also feel for tenderness, tightness, and just how well your spinal joints move.

She or he will even examine the way you walk, and take note of your posture and spinal alignment. These details will assist your back works, helping with the diagnosis process and the chiropractor understand the body’s mechanisms.

Along with the chiropractor�s assessment of your spine, he/she may order an x-ray or an MRI of your spine to evaluate any degenerative changes that may have existed before your whiplash injury. The diagnostic images and results of your neurological and physical assessment are compared to develop the best treatment plan.

Stages of Whiplash Treatment

Shortly after whiplash occurs�in the acute phase�the chiropractor will work on reducing neck inflammation using various therapy modalities (eg, ultrasound). He/she might also use gentle stretching and manual treatment techniques (eg, muscle energy therapy, a kind of extending).

The chiropractor may also recommend you apply an ice pack on your neck and/or a light neck support to make use of for a short span of time. The pain falls and also as your neck becomes inflamed, your chiropractor will perform gentle spinal manipulation or other methods to restore normal movement to the your neck’s spinal joints.

Chiropractic Care for Whiplash

Your treatment plan rides on the severity of your whiplash injury. The chiropractic technique that is most common is spinal manipulation. Some spinal manipulation techniques normally used are:

Flexion-distraction technique: This hands-on technique is a mild, non-thrusting type of spinal manipulation to help treat herniated discs with or without. Your whiplash injury may have aggravated a bulging or herniated disc. The chiropractor runs on the slow pumping action on the disk in place of direct force to the back.

Instrument-assisted manipulation: This technique is another non-throwing technique chiropractors often use. Using a specialized handheld instrument, force is applied by the chiropractor without thrusting into the backbone. This type of exploitation is useful for older patients that have a degenerative joint syndrome.

Unique spinal manipulation: The chiropractor identifies spinal joints which can be restricted or show unusual movement (called subluxations). Applying this technique, he or she will help restore movement to the joint using a gentle technique that is thrusting. This thrusting that is mild stretches soft tissue and stimulates the nervous system to restore normal movement to the spinal column.

In addition to spinal manipulation, the chiropractor could also use manual treatment to treat injured soft tissues (eg, ligaments and muscles). Some instances of manual therapies your chiropractor may use are:

Instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy: Your chiropractor may use the Graston technique, which is an instrument-assisted technique used to treat soft tissues that are injured. She or he will perform gentle continued blows utilizing the instrument over the injured area.

Manual joint stretching and resistance techniques: A good example of a manual therapy that is joint is muscle energy therapy.

Therapeutic massage: The chiropractor may perform remedial massage to relieve muscle tension.

Trigger point therapy: Your chiropractor will identify particular hypertonic (tight), agonizing points of a muscle by getting direct pressure (using her or his fingers) on these specific points to relieve muscle tension.

Your chiropractor may also use other treatments to reduce neck inflammation caused by whiplash. Examples of other treatments your chiropractor may use are:

Interferential electrical stimulation: This technique uses a low frequency electric current to simply help stimulate muscles, which may finally reduce inflammation.

Ultrasound: By raising blood circulation, ultrasound can help decrease muscle spasms, stiffness, and pain in your neck. Ultrasound does this by sending sound waves deep into muscle tissues. This creates a mild heat that increases circulation.

Treating Whiplash with Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors look at the full individual�not just the distressing difficulty. They view neck pain as unique to every patient, so they really don�t just focus on your neck pain. They highlight prevention as the key to long term health. In addition to these treatments, your chiropractor might also prescribe healing exercises to greatly help restore normal motion in your spine and reduce whiplash symptoms.

Using these chiropractic techniques, a chiropractor will help you increase your daily activities. She or he will work challenging to address any mechanical (how the back moves) or neurological (nerve-related) causes of your whiplash.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Neck Pain and Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can often cause whiplash, a common type of neck injury resulting from the sudden, back-and-forth motion of the head against the body due to a car wreck, or other incident. Because of this, many of the complex structures found within the neck, including the spine, ligaments and muscles, can be stretched beyond their normal range, causing injury and painful symptoms.


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For Healthier Arteries, Eat More Fruits and Veggies

For Healthier Arteries, Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Eating more fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of peripheral artery disease, according to a study of more than 3.6 million individuals in the U.S.

“We hope that studies like this can be an important reminder of the role we as consumers have on heart disease and stroke,” Dr. Jeffrey S. Berger from New York University School of Medicine told Reuters Health. “We often remember to take our medication, yet studies like this should remind us to eat our fruits and veggies every day. Moreover, we should continue reminding our young generation of this importance now before disease develops.”

Past research has linked fruit and vegetable consumption to a lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, but there has been little research into the effects of fruits and vegetables on arteries in the legs and arms, Berger’s team writes in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.

Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, usually arises as a narrowing of arteries to the legs that causes cramping, pain or tiredness in the muscles while walking or climbing stairs. It affects at least 8 to 12 million Americans.

Risk for PAD increases with age, and with a history of smoking, diabetes or high blood pressure.

To investigate whether fruit and vegetable consumption influences risk for PAD, Berger’s team analyzed dietary data on 3,696,778 men and women with an average age of about 65, around 234,000 of whom had PAD.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture/U.S. Health and Human Services Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend at least two servings of fruit and at least three servings of vegetables each day, but only 29 percent of participants in the study said they ate even three servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Nearly half said they consumed at least three servings of fruit and vegetables on fewer than half the days of the week.

Older white women were most likely to consume fruits and vegetables regularly, and younger black men were least likely to eat at least three servings daily.

Fruit and vegetable consumption also varied by region, with those living in the Pacific states reporting the most regular consumption and those living in the South Central states reporting the least regular consumption.

After adjusting for age, sex, race and other risk factors, the more fruits and vegetables the participants ate, the lower their likelihood of having PAD.

When researchers divided participants according to their smoking status, they found the relationship between fruit and vegetable intake and PAD was strongest among current smokers, less significant among former smokers and not significant among people who never smoked.

“Unfortunately, fruit and vegetable intake is quite low across the entire United States,” Berger said by email.

“Something as simple as eating fruits and vegetables could have a major impact on the prevalence of a life-altering disease, such as peripheral artery disease,” he said.

“Watch what you eat,” Berger advised. “And pay careful attention to eat fruits and vegetables every single day.”

“Increasing fruit and vegetable intake is important and can have far reaching health benefits,” said Dr. Michelle L. Redmond from University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita, who wasn’t involved in the study.

To get people to up their intake of greens, she said by email, “First, one must take into consideration factors that influence behaviors such as access and affordability of fresh fruits and vegetables (how do you change or lessen certain barriers to fruit/vegetable intake). Then design interventions or campaigns that are tailored to specific audiences to motivate and increase fruit/vegetable consumption. Finally, there is also a need to increase nutrition literacy.”

Getting people to eat more fruits and vegetables is a challenge in other countries, too, noted Dr. Miguel A. Martinez-Gonzalez from University of Navarra Medical School in Spain, who wasn’t involved in the study. He acknowledged the special importance of fruit and vegetable consumption for smokers but, he told Reuters Health, “This advice should be given to everybody.”